The Wretched Tales 2 2 The Need to Possess

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The Wretched Tales 2.2

The Need to Possess


Copyright © 2013 by Sharita Lira writing as BLMorticia

Published by Smashwords

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The Wretched Tales 2.2

The Need to Possess



Cover Art Erika Kristen

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: No part of this book may be reproduced,

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Disclaimer: This book may contain explicit sexual content, graphic, adult

language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable which might

include: male/male sexual practices and multiple partner sexual practices.

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, businesses, and incidents are

from the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual places, people, or events

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BL would like to dedicate this book to all the metal heads out there who

needed a voice. Regardless of what gender, race, or sexual orientation, we all

bleed red! Mosh for equality!

Sharita thanks her loving husband Adam, beautiful kids, Jordan and

Nadia, friends, especially Erika Kristen for the lovely covers and listening to her

ramble as well as Adriana D’Apolito and Kym Reed for being awesome betas.

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Wretched 2.2

The Need to Possess

“Nicolai…fuck! Nicolai, what the hell, babe!”

Renee slapped my ass hard with her dick, waking me from my lust filled

haze. Hell, I’d been doing this the last couple of hours since we got back in the

room but I couldn’t fucking help myself. Fucking Corey was in the bed with us,

still fast asleep, too drunk and high to wake his ass up to join our after party. I was

pissed than a motherfucker too but that didn’t stop me from getting some ass from

my girl; giving and receiving. Shit, if I couldn’t have my stud, at least I had my girl

who I didn’t mind playing the role of bitch for from time to time.

Yeah I’m a little whipped.

Got a problem with that? Yeah I know you don’t.

“Nico? What the hell's wrong, babe? You alright? Too tired to be taking this

big fat dick up your ass like you should be?” Renee had me bent over in front of

her, a ten inch dick with harness attached to her waist. Hell, I’d been enjoying the

shit but looking at Corey’s pretty face kind of made me lose focus and it was

taking me a lot longer to come than usual.

“Nico?” Renee ran the head of the cock along my balls and pressed the tip

into my hole.


I shuddered and nibbled on my bottom lip. What the hell would I say to

Renee right now? She wanted to fuck me but since I fucked her I was good for the

night. Honestly, I didn’t want anything more than to get into Corey’s ass or vice

versa. And although I was pleased Renee was able to make the special trip up for

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Wayne’s party, a part of me wanted to be alone with Corey. “Babe, take five,

alright? I’m sorry, the liquor might be setting in. My cock just ain’t cooperating no

more sweets.”

Renee smacked my buttocks with her hand and I felt her weight leave the

bed. “All right then, stud. I’m gonna take a shower. You wanna join me? Hell, at

least I got mine before your dick decided to take a fucking nap,” she laughed.

“Hmm, Nico, you comin’? Maybe if you get in with me, we can get all lathered


“Naw babe, I’m just gonna relax.” I lifted the leather dress over my head and

wiped the lipstick off my mouth. “Don’t take long either so I can wash all this shit

off my face cause as much as I like dressing in women’s clothing, I ain’t fond of

the makeup or heels aspect of the deal.” I tossed my clothing in the corner along

with Corey’s and lay back on the headboard with a face full of smeared war paint

and a deflated dick.

Damn I’m mad as hell right now!

This was not how I wanted the night to end after Wayne’s party.

“All right then babe. I’ll leave the door open if you change your mind.”

Renee unhooked the strap-on, letting it fall to the floor. Once she stepped out of

her stilettos, she came over and planted a swift kiss on my lips. “No worries, right?

I know little Willy…”

Big Willy!” I rolled my eyes and took some of the cover from sleeping

beauty on my right.

“Okay then, Big Willy needs a fucking rest too. Like I said, maybe you

should look into that erectile dysfunction stuff, hmm?”

I chuckled at that asinine statement and cocked an eyebrow. “Babe, you

weren’t saying that when I had you howling my fucking name a little over an hour

ago. Hell woman, I fucked your ass and your pussy. Stayed hard for like thirty

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minutes. My shit’s probably tired but, more than that, my body might be ready for

sleep. Shit, I can’t keep up with your oversexed ass most of the time you know?”

And I couldn’t. Hell, I loved Renee to death but when we’re together, this woman

likes sex multiple times a day. And heck, I do too but we men can’t get it up

quickly all the time especially when we got something else on our mind and well,

you know what I’m thinking about.

Corey motherfuckin' Patrick.

Mhmm, when I finally do get his ass up I’m gonna dick him down like

there’s no fucking tomorrow.

Renee giggled. “You right babe but heck, I love sex, okay? I mean, you said

you don’t get any from Janie.”

“Yeah I don’t sweets and I really don’t want to. Just go take your shower

and hurry back so we can get some rest. Perhaps Prince Charming will finally open

his pretty brown eyes and have some breakfast with us.” I played with his fingers

and slapped his face trying to wake him. Still no response.

“Okay.” Renee pecked me again and headed for the bathroom, swishing that

fine ass as she walked. Damn if only I could get my shit up again I’d fuck her some

more just to prove I didn’t need no freaking Viagra.

Slightly worried, I checked his pulse and his neck to make sure the cat

wasn’t dead. Hell, I knew the kid could sleep but I didn’t think he could doze

through everything.

Perhaps he had more drugs than just the weed at the party which was

entirely possible since several of our fellow metal cohorts came in with small bags,

needles, vials, and just about everything under the sun to share with everyone.

And I had to wonder who gave Corey something so strong that he wouldn’t

wake up after being chained to a bed, slapped around, stripped, and fucked around


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Had to be Bryan Taylor.

Motherfucker. “I’m gonna kick his ass!” I punched the bed and folded my

arms over my chest, pouting like a child. “And when I do, I’m gonna make him

fucking like it.”

* * * *


“Shh.” I turned around when I felt a fist connect with my noggin. Once I

figured out who hit me, I drew up my lips and sighed looking at Corey, finally

waking from his dead like sleep. “What’s up man?”

“Shit.” Corey shook his head and yawned, stretching his arms over his head.

When Renee and I stopped prodding the kid to try waking him, we unlocked

the cuffs and let him sleep comfortable in between us. By the way, speaking of…

“Renee?” Just then, I looked behind Corey where I saw Renee last,

wondering where my fine woman ran off to. “Renee?”

“Damnit, Nicolai, that was some fuckin party, I tell ya.” Corey rubbed the

fuzz on his chin and got up from the bed, letting the sheet fall away from that hard


Fuck me.

Damn that ass wasn’t like Renee’s but it was hella nice. I tilted my head to

get a closer look at the crease between his ass cheeks. Had he bottomed? Was he a

virgin? In all reality it didn’t matter but I was still curious. Back to the business at

hand. I wanted to find out what Corey took to sleep like the dead for the last few

hours. “Corey, what the fuck did you take, hmm? We tried waking your ass up


“Oh damn, I took some pills Bryan gave me. He swore they’d make me feel

good and forget my fucking name before the night was over. And hell, he was sure

right.” Corey laughed and pulled his blondish brown hair behind him. “Damn,

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Nicolai, I really don’t remember last night after I took the pills with some vodka. I

mean, I had a joint, a couple of shots of tequila before that…” Corey scratched his

balls. “I swear man…”

“Well that was part of your fuck up right there.”

I’m gonna kill Bryan when I see him. He ruined my after party and most

likely did it on purpose because he knew I’d try to be alone with Corey. “Oh and

by the way, while you were up here snoring, your girl, you know sweet little

Deborah spent some quality time with Wayne.” Yeah I know it was mean to throw

that in but I wanted to make sure he forgot about Miss Meyer.

Corey sighed and shook his head, seemingly a little more distraught.

“Really? Well, fine then. I guess that little kiss you and I had made her mad.”

Corey threw his hands up and plopped on the bed. “Damn you Nicolai. You ruined

it for me.”

I frowned at that statement. “The fuck I did, Corey. She shouldn’t come in

anywhere un-fucking-announced!”

“Damnit, Nicolai, it don’t matter, now right? You’re a fucking asshole, you

know? As long as you get your way to hell with everybody else. You’re holding

the fuck with that asswipe Jake over my head, you wanna fuck me, and you ruined

any chance I had at a lasting relationship with someone I could actually care


Oh brother. Let me get the fucking violin to play a sad tune.

Hearing him whine, I had to laugh. I seriously couldn’t believe he was

blaming me ‘cause that pretty bitch got insecurities. “Look Corey, I like you…a

fucking lot and even if I didn’t I’d tell you you’re wasting your time. She can’t

handle being with any man in metal and I’m sure once she finds out about some of

Wayne’s activities when we were abroad, she’ll drop his ass too.”

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Corey glared at me. His face turned two shades of pink and his brows fused

together on his forehead. “Well why even tell me, Nicolai? Just to turn the knife a

little more, hmm? Make me hate her so it can open the door to be in this third

wheel shit with Renee? I swear, Nicolai, I do like you but I won’t be your part time

butt boy, okay? I fucking won’t, not now, not ever!”

“Damnit keep your fucking voice down, Corey.” I got up from the bed and

slapped him on the back of the head. “You will be my third, babe, or else pics of

you and Jake will magically appear on the net for the masses to see. Corey, you

should be happy I like your ass so much, you know? I handpicked you from that

shitty ass band back in Boston once Randy left. I took you away from a dead end

job with no future, and I’m giving you the opportunity of a lifetime to be with me

and my hot girl. I mean if I were you, I’d jump at that shit.” And I would,

especially knowing I might not get another gig in metal once people found out

about my faggativities.

Corey just looked at me as if I'd lost my fuckin' mind. “Well hell Nicolai, I

guess I should be so lucky. You keep telling me about being with Renee and

honestly it’ll only be a few months before both of you are ready to quit me. Sure,

it’ll feel great but it won’t sustain me, Nicolai. It won’t do shit for my soul, you

know? The body will feel hella good though.”

Again, oh brother.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed those massive shoulders, kneading his skin.

“Look here, stud. You don’t know what will happen in the near future, okay? I

mean, like I said, I like ya’ a lot, you know? I don’t wanna put that shit out there to

ruin your career. I want you to stay in The Wretched and in metal, dude. You’re a

badass guitarist and bass player. Hell, Del Vanz told me to get rid of Allen and let

Eric play bass and you do the lead. When he jammed with you he said he was

blown away.”

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“Yeah, I’m so sure.” Corey shrugged me off and got up from the bed. “I’m

going back to my room.” He walked to the corner and gathered up his clothing in a

bundle. “Shit! I can’t walk around with this garb on!”

I smirked and patted the spot next to me. “Then you don’t have a reason to

leave then, right? I mean, once I find out where my girl went we could enjoy

ourselves as I’d planned.”

Corey sighed and pulled his clothes up over his crotch. “Naw, I’ll go on and

wear the shit. I’m not in the mood right now, Nicolai. We’ll have to pick up this

shit later on or somethin’.”

“What?” I couldn’t believe what he was saying. Later? Who the hell is

running this show? “Um, dude, I’m the one who says this should go on or not. You

ain’t got that kind of pull to tell me you’re not in the mood, stud. You’re in my

room and let me remind you who's the man in charge?” I pointed to myself and

flashed him a smug smile. “Now, sit your little pretty ass down here so I can call

my woman. Gotta find out where she headed out to.”

“Do what you have to, Nicolai. I’m tired of playing your games already and

we haven’t even fucking started.” Corey pulled his trousers up to his waist and

didn’t bother looking at me while he dressed. “The more you say you like me, I’m

questioning just how fucking sincere you really are.”

“Corey, you don’t have to question shit. You just need to get over here and

ride my cock.” Getting comfortable, I leaned back, gave Big Willy a tug, and

massaged the head with my fingertips. My morning wood was spurting pre-cum,

ready for some damn man action. Shit, had been for at least the past couple of

hours. Yeah I cared about where Renee was but right now I needed Corey’s ass

swallowing my shit.

Corey sighed and moistened his lips, staring at me with hungry eyes. I could

tell he wanted me. “You are so damn…”

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“So damn horny, man. Come on stud. Let’s enjoy the morning before

mofo’s come a lookin for us, right? You know you been thinking about me all

throughout this fucking tour too.” About ready to explode, I jerked myself off,

causing more pre-cum to spill out over the head. My nipples tensed on my chest

and my fucking midsection burned from being so full. I wanted to come right

fucking now and only Corey would satisfy that need. Hell, I’d been waiting months

to feel him around me and I’ll be damned if he made me wait another fucking day.

“Shi…” Corey swore aloud and shoved his pants back down to his ankles,

nearly tripping over them to get back to the bed. “You fuckin asshole! I fucking

hate that I’m even attracted to your ass!” Corey bounced on the bed, slapping my

chest a couple of times. He glared at me, gnashing his teeth while he grabbed a

condom from the nightstand.


Normally I’d be upset about someone hitting me as hard as he did but not

now, not when I had him right where I wanted him. Mad, horny, and craving some

hot angry sex. “Yeah you’re gonna ride this cock, aren’t ya?” I licked my lips,

watching him slip the latex over my hard dick. I gulped hard and my breath caught

in my chest. Fuck I wanted this kid so bad and I was finally about to get him, on

my cock like I’d been wanting for what seemed like forever. “The lube’s in the

drawer, stud.”

“Fuck that, I don’t want none!” Corey crawled over me, positioning his ass

right over my cock. “Lube is for lovers, Nicolai. We ain’t lovers. At this point

we’re fucking enemies and I want this shit over with so I can finally get you out of

my system.” With a snarl Corey fully impaled himself on my dick.

“Fucking hell!" Holy shit, his ass felt so goddamn good around me, nice and

tight like a fucking glove. “Aw hell, Corey, ride that shit, babe!” I grabbed his

waist and guided him into the same rhythm with me.

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“Ugh!” Corey threw his head back, clawing my chest, holding on for dear

life. Like a demon possessed, he sped up the pace, riding me like a fucking bronco.

Much like when he was onstage, he swung his hair around causing his blond locks

to fly. He groaned and sucked in air with every movement.

Fuck yeah man!

As if in tune, the bed thumped against the wall and sounds of the handcuffs

rattled against the headboard. Smells of sex, weed, along with sweat and stale

liquor infiltrated my nostrils and I swear I was in heaven. The man I wanted more

than anything riding my cock at the crack of Clyde with the only thing between us

being a latex raincoat.

Yeah I missed Renee… a little, but this is what I ultimately desired. I grit

my teeth, clawing the sheets with my freehand while the other continued to hang

on to my overzealous metal cowboy giving me everything he had. I had closed my

eyes for a couple of minutes but now I opened them to watch Corey, bouncing up

and down on my dick, and with no lube which proved he was no ass-virgin. I

hoped I could catch that sex face just like the one he put on with Jake. Excited, I

swallowed hard and huffed out several breaths. “Come on, stud. Come for me,


“Fuck you, Nicolai!” Corey screamed at the top of his lungs, grabbed his

own dick. He tugged once and then again before streams of white liquid spurted

onto my stomach and his. While shaking his hair, I spotted a couple of tears from

his eyelids.

What the fuck?

Was my lover to be getting all sentimental on me, or did I hurt him? I shook

my head and grabbed his shoulders to bring him close. The fucker wouldn’t budge

so I got up to meet him and pushed inside even harder. I’ll be damned if this

moment didn’t end up with our lips locked together after I came. No way now how

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would I not allow that to happen. “My turn, Corey and I want your fucking mouth,

man. Just like you told Jake, I want a kiss and I don’t care how you feel about it.”

“Erghuu...ghh!” Corey struggled with my grip, pushing me away while he

turned his head.

Instead of giving in, I fought to hold my ground. I held on tightly, forcing all

my weight in his direction, pushing him off me until I was the one over him.

Without warning, I shoved my dick back in his ass, howling like a wolf when I felt

his tight hole suck me in. I grabbed his wrists and held them over his head,

repeatedly pressing my cock into that tight ass. Feeling myself about to come, I

licked his lips and lightly bit the bottom one, sucking it into my mouth. I was

exhausted from using so much strength to contain him but I had him under me with

our lips close as I wanted. “You’re fucking mine Corey Patrick.” I didn’t holler too

loudly for everyone to hear but I did want to make a point. This kid was mine.

Hell, I bought him from Psychotica, brought him into this band despite Allen’s

misgivings about the move. After all that, I’ll be damned if I didn’t get what I

wanted from him. In my mind he owed me.

When I finished, I crushed my mouth on top of his while I filled the condom

to the brim with my spunk. I grunted into his mouth, not bothering to pull out

while the tremors overtook my body. The only thing more satisfying would’ve

been to have shot my load down his throat as his mouth was vacuum-sealed to my

dick, but I’d settle for us being glued together this time.

Yeah but you best believe I’d get everything I want next go round, and I do

mean everything cause like I said, I own this boy.

I own Corey Patrick.

He is my bitch.

And he’s gonna like it no matter what.

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is currently a published writer with Naughty Nights Press and Rebel

Ink Press. She entertains her readers with hot and smexy sex, humor, and lots of
swear words.

She attempts to incorporate metal music or the military in most of

her works. Nothin’ sexier than metalheads or military servicemen and women! She
also writes a monthly column on

Blak Rayne Books

and blogs on the First

Thursday of the month at

NNP Blog

. For more info, please visit,

Erotica With



My Lieutenant

Something Fresh Served Hot

My Lieutenant 2: In His Arms

Christmas With My Grinch Triad Literary


The Wretched Tales Triad Literary

Irish Kiss Triad Literary

Our Christmas Triad Literary

My Lieutenant Three Before We Say I Do


A Wicked Wanton Hallows Eve “Dream of Dalian”

The Boys Club “Panties in a Bunch”

Bad Girl’s Sweet Kiss “Cocksucker’s Complaint”

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