Zestawy podstawowy, ZESTAW VIII



Przeczytaj uważnie listę programów telewizyjnych, które oznaczono literami A-l. Następnie, odpowiedz na pytania 4.1-4.7. W kratkę, obok każdego pytania, wpisz odpowied­nią literę. Jeden program nie pasuje do żadnej odpowiedzi. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz 1 pkt.

(7 punktów)


10.05p.m. In the Line of Fire (Film) 1993 An old

Secret Service agent Clint Eastwood, who failed to

save the life of John F Kennedy in 1963, plays a

battle of wits with an expert CIA-trained assassin

out to kill the current president. Wolfgang

Petersen's blockbusting thriller, co-starring John

Malkovich, Rene Russo and Dylan McDermott.

Continued after the news (888) (Stereo)


12.30p.m. CD UK Fast-moving music show,

featuring chart previews and studio performances

by Blue, The Corrs, Gabrielle, Liberty and

Placebo (888) (Stereo)


1.30p.m. International Motor Racing Dave

Beckett introduces highlights from the final round

of the 2001 Formula 3000 season in Italy, where

Justin Wilson will be determined to end his cham-

pion-ship-winning season in style with another vic-

tory. Simon Taylor commentates (Stereo)


2.55p.m. Anatomy of Disaster A view of the power

of forest fires, featuring film of the heart of a

woodland fire and showing how Californian and

Australian firefighters tackle these devastating

phenomena (Stereo)




4.20p.m. The Goal Rush Up-to-the-minute foot-

ball results service, complete with news of late

goals as they go in across Britain. Presented by

Angus Scott, with expert analysis of the day's main

stories from Ron Atkinson (888)


6.00p.m. Pop Idol Teenagers continue to follow

their dream of pleasing the judges with their

singing talent. Is the next Robbie Williams or Kylie

Minogue among them? A postman, student and

policeman are among tonight's contestants (888)



7.00p.m. The Premiership Desmond Lynam pres-

ents highlights of this afternoon's games, featuring

action from Old Trafford where champions

Manchester United entertain Bolton Wanderers,

and from Highbury as Arsenal take on Blackburn

Rovers. Plus coverage from Filbert Street where

struggling Leicester City have the task of playing a

Liverpool side who could go top of the league.

With Terry Venables and Ally McCoist (888)


9.10p.m. Who Wants To Be a Millionaire? Chris

Tarrant hosts the big-prize game show, challenging

contestants to answer 15 questions in order to win

the top prize - a cool Llmillion. But the higher

they go, the more they risk losing (888)

Which programme would interest someone who:


likes documentaries.



needs to know the latest football results.


likes films about secret service agents.


is keen on pop music.


is interested in young talents.


loves sport.


would like to know whether somebody will win a fortune this week.


is interested in dangerous sports.


Przeczytaj uważnie rozmowę pomiędzy przyjaciółmi,
órych oznaczono literami A-C. Następnie odpowiedz na
pytania 5.1-5.9. W miejsce obok ka
żdego pytania wpisz
ą literę. W przypadku, gdy pytanie wymaga
podania dw
óch odpowiedzi, kolejność wpisywania liter
jest dowolna.
Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz
1 pkt. (9 punktów)

Terry: Nothing can justify the deaths of innocent peo­ple blown up in a street or in an office block. I believe in the basic human right of feeling safe and living in peace.

Sue: I agree with you. Therefore, I'm not shocked when terrorists are called killers by those whose relatives died in a campaign of terror. My brother-in-law got injured in a bomb attack three years ago. Before it happened, I had thought this problem would never affect me. But it does so much now, really. And not only me if you see what I mean.

Terry: I wonder what we, here and now, can do to stop terrorism...

John: May I come in here? 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.'

Sue: Oh, come on. You don't believe in what you're say­ing. Peace by definition must include personal secu­rity for everybody. If we use the same weapon as ter­rorists, we might cause unwanted deaths of thou­sands of innocent people, let alone solve the prob­lem.

Terry: I couldn't agree more. What we need now is to stop the death cycle.

John: Easier said than done.

Sue: But we must face the fact that the terrorists are complaining about something, maybe we should look at the root of the problem, what someone sees as so bad that they feel like taking another life in order to change something is justified...

John: Sorry, but that's rubbish. I know lots of people who don't like something, but they don't kill people because of it.

Sue: Well, you're right in a way. But the more I think about it, the more pessimistic I become. I don't think one can eradicate terrorism whose history is as long as the history of human race.

Terry: We can, however, predict global problems and take some preventative measures to minimize their effects. There is one condition, though. This can never be achieved by a single country.

John: Oh, boy. Sounds like the beginning of a quick career in diplomacy.

Sue: Don't listen to John. He's had a bad day at uni­versity. Professor Adams asked him to prepare a speech about Shakespeare's sonnets. And Shakespeare isn't his cup of tea ...

Terry: Well, we are in the same boat. I will have to have my essay finished by Friday. Frankly speaking, I prefer essays to speeches.

A Terry

B Sue

C John


was surprised to see that terrorism is everybody's prob­
lem? Przykład C

would like everyone to live in peace? 5.1.


doesn't like the other person's opinion? 5.3.


thinks many nations must work together to combat terror­
ism? 5.5.

thinks that finding a solution is very difficult?

is fairly optimistic? 5.7

is sure someone could work in diplomacy? 5.8.

isn't fond of making speeches? 5.9.


Przeczytaj uważnie tekst. W pytaniach 6.1-6.4 wybierz
właściwe - zgodne z tekstem - zakończenie zdań.
Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę a,
b, c lub d. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz
1 pkt. (4 punkty)

Maps & Taps

It was a beautiful sunny day. Becky was somehow reluctant to go to the amusement park but we all man­aged to persuade her to go there with us. Apparently, her associations with such places were simply negative.

The weather was fantastic so we all thought good fun was guaranteed. On a Saturday morning, in high spirits and with our packed lunches, we dashed for the main entrance of the park. We saw there all sorts of peo-

ple. I must say I was a bit shocked when I saw an eld­erly lady queuing, paying the admission fee. Of course, there were hundreds of teenagers and even toddlers with their parents. Literally, it was a park for everybody with a suitable ride to cater for even the most refined tastes. For a start we decided to choose something sim­ple and innocent-looking. Mark suggested trying the boats. He was the unquestionable leader of our group so we accepted his proposal without any complaint. The ride was called 'River Boats', too trivial a name if you want to hear my opinion. However, it turned out to be the hit of our visit.

I now need to give you a short description of the ride. Imagine a river winding up in the hilly area. The boats sail up one of those hills until they reach a point where the real adventure begins and ends a few seconds later. There is a gigantic waterfall, and, as you must have deduced by now, all the boats go down the water­fall at a neck breaking speed, making the riders laugh or scream in horror.

Only three people could be in one boat so we had to split into three groups. Becky, Ralph and John were in the first boat. Sue, David and Claire in the second one. The third one was left for Daniel and me. In next to no time we were all sitting in our boats. Needless to say, the distance between the two boats was some 10 metres or even more.

Everything would have been fine if not for Daniel who suddenly wanted to check if Becky had our maps with her. He stood up and shouted 'Maps!'. We could all see Becky and the rest looking for something inside the boat. But a few seconds later, Becky stood up to send a signal that no maps were found. She looked a bit horri­fied, though. Daniel got a bit angry because he was sure he had given Becky all the maps. So he shouted again 'Maps!'. Becky's crew was looking intensely for some­thing inside the boat. And again, Becky stood up to use some body language to signal they were unable to locate Daniel's maps. We could all say that she didn't look good. She was petrified with fear.

Then I remember that the first boat disappeared. Twenty seconds later the second boat vanished and finally ours went down the waterfall. It was great! As soon as Daniel and I got out of the boat, we heard Becky's voice. She kept saying the same thing over and over again: 'Daniel, I'll kill you. Because of your stupid maps, I'm a bundle of nerves.'

We found out later that Becky's boat had had more water inside than ours. When Daniel had shouted 'Maps!', she had thought he was trying to instruct them how to turn off some taps in the first boat to stop water from coming into the boat. She thought that if they weren't able to switch off the taps, the boat would sink because of too much water.

Apparently, there were no taps in any of the three boats. And Becky gave the maps back to Daniel on the same day saying she needed to get rid of the objects that reminded her of the traumatic experience. She went to bed earlier than usual that day.

6.1. Becky

  1. didn't feel like going to the park.

  2. felt old.

  3. liked the idea of going to the park.

  4. has never been to the amusement park before.

6.2. The whole party went on the 'River Boats' ride

  1. they all liked water.

  2. they haven't sailed a boat before.

  3. they were excited by the size of the waterfall.

  4. they thought it would be OK.

6.3. The boats were

  1. ten metres long.

  2. too small for the whole group to be in one boat.

  3. leaking.

  4. equipped with special taps.

6.4. Becky got worried because

  1. her boat was leaking.

  2. she couldn't hear Daniel well.

  3. she couldn't find any taps.

  4. she couldn't find Daniel's maps.

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