Lower Case Letters (Upper Case in brackets):
a = alpha (ALPHA)
b = beta (BETA)
c = chi (CHI)
d = delta (DELTA)
e = epsilon (EPSILON)
f = phi (PHI)
g = gamma (GAMMA)
h = eta (ETA)
i = iota (IOTA)
j = iota subscript
k = kappa (KAPPA)
l = lamda (LAMDA)
m = mu (MU)
n = nu (NU)
o = omicron (OMICRON)
p = pi (PI)
q = psi (PSI)
r = rho (RHO)
s = sigma (SIGMA)
t = tau (TAU)
u = upsilon (UPSILON)
v = final sigma
w = omega (OMEGA)
x = xi (XI)
y = theta (THETA)
z = zeta (ZETA)
& = digamma
Accents and Marks:
= (equal key) = hard breathing + acute accent
` (grave key immediately left of numeric key 1 on standard Windows keyboard) = hard breathing + grave accent
[ = hard breathing
] = soft breathing
; (semi-colon) = acute accent
' (single quote) = grave accent
# (hash or number) = circumflex accent
/ (forward slash) = soft breathing + acute accent
\ (back slash) = soft breathing + grave accent
{ (left brace or SHIFT + [ ) = hard breathing + circumflex accent
} (right brace or SHIFT + ] ) = soft breathing + circumflex accent
: (colon, or SHIFT + ;) = diaeresis + acute accent
@ (at) = diaeresis + grave accent
~ (tilde) = diaeresis
. (full stop) = full stop
> (greater than or SHIFT + full stop) = stop or break within a sentence
, (comma) = comma
? (question mark) = Greek question mark (semi-colon type)
! (exclamation mark or SHIFT + numeric 1) = left fish-tail double quotes
" (double quotes or SHIFT + numeric 2) = right fish-tail double quotes
( (left bracket or SHIFT + 9) = left rounded bracket
) (right bracket or SHIFT + 0) = right rounded bracket
- (hyphen) = hyphen
_ (underscore) = dash
0-9 (numeric keys 0 to 9) = 0-9