GMDSS - ang. test1, TRANSLATE:


1.Ile łodzi ratunkowych i tratw potrzebujecie?

How many life boats and life rafts do you need?

2.Czy jest ktoś ranny?

Is there somebody hurt?

3.Z mojego statku wycieka łatwopalny ładunek. Trzymajcie się z dala.

Keep clear, my vessel is leaking inflammable cargo.

4.Mam niebezpieczny przechył na lewą burtę.

I have dangerous list on port side.

5.Jakie jest wasze zanurzenie? Niebezpieczna przeszkoda nawigacyjna przed wami.

What is your draught? There is a dangerous obstruction ahead of you.

6.Mam ciężko chorego mężczyznę w wieku 50 lat. Jego stan pogarsza się. Potrzebuję pomocy medycznej natychmiast.

I have seriously sick man on board. He is 50. I need medical help immediately.

7.Musicie zachować ciszę radiową w tym akwenie, chuba że macie do nadania wiadomość o wypadku.

You must keep radio silence in this area unless you have messages about the casualty.

8.Idę ze zmiejszoną szybkością. Moja zdolność manewrowania jest ograniczona.

I am proceeding at reduced speed. I am a hampered vessel.

9.Czy spodziewana jest zmiana stanu morza w ciągu następnych 12 godzin?

Are sea conditions expected to change within the next 12 hours?

10. Rozpoczynam akcję poszukiwawczo-ratowniczą.

I begin search and rescue operation.

Make questions:

1.The ship will be ready for a helicopter soon.

When will the ship be ready for a helicopter?

2.Two compartments are flooded.

How many compartments are flooded?

3.I require collision mats.

What do you require?

4.The damage was repaired two hours ago.

When was the damage repaired?

5. Five members of the crew stayed on board.

How many crew members did stay on board?

6. We collided with a submerged wreck.

What did we collide with?

Change into passive:

1. Some ships have polluted this area.

This area has been polluted.

2. They will take the injured man to hospital.

The injured man will be taken to hospital.

3. Do they inform you about all warnings?

Are you informed about all warnings?

4. They suspended tug services.

Tug services were suspended.


1.Proszę objąć kierownictwo nad poszukiwaniem i ratowaniem.

Take command of search and rescue.

2.Nastąpiło zderzenie na pozycji..Mam pożar w ładowni i pomieszczeniach dla załogi. Mam kilku ciężko rannych. Potrzebuję pomocy w zwalczaniu pożaru oraz pomocy medycznej.

There has been a collision in position. I am on fire in the hold and in the accommodation. I need fire fighting and medical assistance.

3.Wysyłam do was łodzie ratunkowe i tratwy.

I am sending rescue boats and rafts.

4. Czy spodziewana jest zmiana stanu morza w ciągu następnych 12 godzin?

Are sea conditions expected to change within the next 12 hours?

5.Czy macie lekarza na pokładzie? Potrzebuję porady lekarskiej.

Do you have doctor on board? I need medical advice.

6.Nie stosujecie się do przepisów ruchu statków.

You are not complying with traffic regulations.

7.Statki muszą nawigować zachowując ostrożność w tym akwenie.

Vessels must navigate with caution in this area.

8.Chory ma wysoką gorączkę. Jest nieprzytomny. Musi być zabrany do szpitala natychmiast.

He has high temperature. He is unconscious. He must be send to hospital immediately.

9.Statki muszą trzymać się z dala od tego akwenu. Prowadzone są prace nad usuwaniem zanieczyszczenia olejami.

Vessels must keep clear of this area. There are oil clearance operations.

10.Bądzcie gotowi udzielić pomocy.

Be ready to give help (assistance).

Make questions:

1.This ship carries noxious cargo.

What cargo does this ship carry?

2.They will send us 4 tugs.

How many tugs will they send us?

3.The captain gave us new orders.

What did the captain give us?

4.The patient must be treated in hospital.

Where must be the patient treated in?

Change into passive:

1.They have informed us about the approaching storm.

We have been informed about the approaching storm.

2.We should commence the salvage operation now.

The salvage operation should be commenced.

3.Did they call for the doctor?

Was the doctor called?

4.They are discussing the details of the operation.

The details of the operation are being discussed.


1.Mam niebezpieczny przechył na lewą burtę. Potrzebuję pomocy holowników natychmiast.

I have dangerous list on port side. I need tugs immediately.

2.Wybuchł ogień w maszynowni. Rozprzestrzenia się. Kilka osób jest poparzonych. Potrzebuję pomocy w zwalczaniu pożaru i pomocy lekarskiej.

I am on fire in the engine room. Fire is spreading.

A few persons are burned. I need fire fighting and medical assistance.

3.Możecie wyprzedzać z naszej prawej burty, zachowując bezpieczną odległość.

You may overtake on my starboard, please keep safe distance.

4.Będziemy w pogotowiu na kanale 7, czekamy na dalsze instrukcje.

We will be on stand by on channel 7, we are awaiting for further instructions.

5.W tym miejscu sa trzy zatopione wraki oznaczone pławami.

There are three submerged wrecks marked by buoys.

6.Nie mogę przystąpić do akcji ratowniczej ponieważ mam łatwopalny ładunek.

I can not start search and rescue because I have inflammable cargo on board.

7.Proszę o przekazanie wiadomości statkowi X, że statek Y idzie mu an pomoc.

Pass information to vessel X, that Vessel Y is coming to his assistance.

8.Uwaga, rozpoczynamy akcję ratowniczą

Attention, We start search and rescue operation.

Change into passive:

1.They sent for a helicopter.

Helicopter was sent for.

2.They are carrying out pipe-line operations in this area.

Pipe-line operations are being carried out in this area.

3.We no longer require assistance.

Assistance is not longer required.

4.Do you understand this instruction?

Is this instruction understood?

5.They will ask the nearest hospital to arrange admission for the injured person.

The nearest hospital will be asked to arrange admission for the injured person.

Make questions:

1.They sent an urgent message.

What did they send?

2.We have assisted in the search and rescue operation for ten hours.

How long have we assisted in the search and rescue operation?

3.The pilot will be available at 14.00

What time will be the pilot available?

4.The visibility is reduced by thick fog.

What is the reason that the visibility is reduced?

5.This passenger vessel took command of search and rescue.

Who took command of search and rescue?
