j.angielski, MEL INSIDE, The other(s) = the rest `Only those books are mine; the others are from the library


The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics - Warsaw University of Technology

Student's name : ………………………………………. Date: ……………………..

Marks ……………….. Grade: ……………


Listen to three people talking about the most exciting holidays they have ever had. Decide if the following sentences are: True (T) or False (F).

1. During the swimming trip they had to use special equipment.

2. During the swimming trip they were attacked by sharks.

3. The submarine trip lasted a week.

4. The submarine trip was dark and it was hard to see.

5. The Russian jet trip was painful.

6. The Russian jet trip was filmed for TV.


Read the article below. 7 sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A - H the one which fits each gap (1 - 7). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

A. He is one meter 85, tall, dark and handsome.

B. My first thought when I saw him was,

C. I did not manage to arrange a meeting with him.

D. But then I got involved in the excitement of university life and lost touch with them.

E. “Guess what ….. Eddie's got a job in London for three years.”

F. So he's both sporty and extremely intelligent.

G. Believe it or not, this didn't make me feel any better.

H. When my girlfriend's mother met him, she liked him so much that she decided he was the ideal husband for her daughter.

A boyfriend's worst nightmare

My girlfriend has had a Canadian penpal called Eddie since she was in her early teens. That's OK. I also exchanged letters with Monique from France and Shauna from Australia until I went to university. (1) …………………………………………………… .

But my girlfriend is more loyal to hers. Or maybe her little penpal has a special place in her heart.

As they got older, their lives changed but they still continued writing to one another. She's a successful jounalist now and he's got a very good job at the University of Vancouver. (2) ……………………………………………………………………………..

I am not one metre 85. Or dark. And I'm not particularly handsome. I know what he looks like because my girlfriend talks about him …. A lot.

I also know that he's 27, he's an academic and he plays ice hockey. (3) ………………….. . And tall, dark and handsome as I said before.

Several years ago, before I got together with my girlfriend, he was passing through London and stopped for a visit. (4) ………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………… .

So, bearing in mind, when my girlfriend ran towards me the other week with a letter from him in her hand and said, (5) ……………………………………………… .

I wasn't exactly over the moon.

As the day of his arrival got nearer, I got more and more jealous. My girlfriend asked me, “Why are you getting so stressed out about him? Yes, he's good-looking, interesting, intelligent and sporty. But it's you I'm with”. ( 6) …………………………. .

Finally, the day arrived when I was to meet the famous penpal. (7) …………… .

“Tall, yes. Dark, yes. Handsome, yes. Intelligent, definitely. Charming, probably. It can't get any worse than this”.


For questions 1-20, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. (20 points)

It all started (1) ………. evening after another typical nine to five day. I was sitting (2) ………. home thinking, `There has to be (3) ………. to life than this,' when an ad came

(4) ………. the television:'Try skydiving,' it said.

The next day, I called my local skydiving centre and (5) ………. my first jump.

I spent a day training and then I was (6) ………. for my first jump. Or almost. First, I

(7) ………. to sign (8) ……….. document to say that I understood that I was taking

(9) ………. in an activity that could end (10) ……….. serious injury. At that moment I realised that I was (11) ………. to do something voluntarily that would put my life (12) ………. risk and as I signed, I wondered (13) ………. I was completely mad.

I will never forget my first jump. Five of (14) ………. walked to the runway and got

(15) ………. a plane barely big (16) ………. to hold three people. I was beginning to feel nervous, but the (17) ………. were chatting and joking and I started to feel more relaxed. It was a beautiful, cloudless day and the sun was just going (18) ………… . It

(19) ………. us about 20 minutes to get to 11,000 feet and then the trainer opened the plane door - the view took my (20) ………. away.

Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form of the Simple Past or the Present Perfect.

(10 points)

Pete: How long (1) ________ you ___________ (know) Aunt Veronica, Uncle Tim?

Tim: A long time. We (2) ________________ (meet) at secondary school.

Pete: (3) ________________ (be) it love at first sight?

Tim: Ha, ha …… No, not really. We (4) _____________ (be) friends first. Then, one

day , I (5) ________________ (ask) her out.

Pete: And (6) ________________ you _______________ (be) together since then?

Tim: Well, no actually. After school, we (7) _________________ (have) a big fight and

(8) ______________ (stop) seeing each other for a long time. We (9) ___________

(get) back together after university. And today is our silver anniversary. We (10)

_________________ (be) married for twenty five years.

Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form of the Simple Past or the Past Continuous.

(9 points)

Helen and I (1( _____________ (meet) each other one day on a Norfolk beach. When I

(2)_______________ (see) her, she (3) ______________ (watch) some friends on a boat 150 feet or so from the shore. They (4) _______________ (dive) into the water and swimming around the boat. I told Helen that she (5) _____________ (seem) very sad. She

(6) _______________ (laugh). `Yesterday I (7) _________________ (injure) my foot so I can't join them. But there will be other days,' she (8) ______________ (say) and (9) ____________ (smile).

Complete the dialogues below, using an appropriate absolute(non-gradable) adjective.

(7 points)

1. A. Was the film funny? B. Yeah, it was absolutely _______________ .

2. A. Was she angry? B. Angry? She was _____________________ .

3. A. Are you tired? B. Yes, I'm totally ______________________ .

4. A. Is the book good? B. It's absolutely _______________________ .

5. A. Were you frightened? B. Frightened? I was utterly _____________ .

6. A. Did you have a good time? B. It was great - absolutely ______________ .

7. A. What's the pizza like? B. It's ________________ . I can't eat it.

IV. WRITING (14 points)

Choose ONE of the following writing tasks. Write between 80 - 100 words.

1. Write a short description of your best friend.

2. Write an e-mail to a friend with news about yourself.

3. Write about your attitude to sport.


Environmental Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology

7th May 2005

Student's name …………………………………………….. Group ………..

Marks …………………… Grade ……………………..


Listen to what happened to Mr Lucky when he was crossing the Atlantic. Decide which of the statements below are True (T) and which are False (F).

(1) For Mr Lucky crossing the Atlantic is always a fascinating adventure. T / F

(2) Mr Lucky was pleasantly surprised that he was to have a companion

in his cabin. T / F

(3) His companion was very well dressed. T / F

(4) They immediately made friends and talked for a few hours. T / F

(5) They went to sleep only in the middle of the night. T / F

(6) Mr Lucky woke up because it was very cold. T / F

(7) The door of the cabin was wide open. T / F


Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words given.

8) What's your weight?

How much ………………………………………………?

9) There were only a few people at the party.

There were not …………………………………………. .

10) I didn't get much sleep last night.

I didn't get a …………………………………………….. .

11) She has known him for two years.

She …………………………………………two years ago.

12. What clothes did you have on yesterday?

What were ………………………………………………. ?

13. Michael isn't as attractive as Raul.

Raul is …………………………………………………….. .

14. There isn't a golfer in the world who is better than Tiger Woods.

Tiger Woods is ……………………………………………………… .

Correct the mistakes.

15. Two customs officers wanted to look at my luggages.

16. The students in the class had a lot of homeworks.

17. There was a lot of informations on the TV news.

18. You do not see many traffic in the city centre.

19 Exercise is important, but not important as a healthy diet.

20. Your spelling is worst than mine.

Complete the sentences with have or get.

21. I'm afraid I ………….. no idea what you're talking about.

22. If you ever …………. an affair with someone , I will never speak to you again.

23. Let's not …………… a row about this; let's discuss it calmly.

24. More and more couples in Europe do not want to ……… children

25. On their first evening together, they decided to …….. married.

26. One day, I'm going to …………. tired of all your questions.

27. They couldn't ……….. divorced because of their religious beliefs.

Ask questions about the underlined parts of the following sentences.

28. Mother said “No” .

………………………………………………………… ?

29. My brother showed me this trick.


30. Sir George is kissing a young girl.


31. There are only ten chairs in this room.


32. He plays bridge every evening.



Read the following article on taking a holiday and mark sentences 33 to 39 T (True) or F (False).

We all look forward to our holiday. It's a chance to forget about the stress of the office or the factory and relax for a week ot two. We can then return, feeling healthy and ready to face the challenge of work once again. Recent research, however, suggests that for some people going on holiday might cause more stress than staying at work.

It's a particular problem for those people who find it impossible to relax. For a few weeks they are living in a different country or town, with different accommodation and different people around them. They miss their home, their friends, their food. And they worry about things: how much work will I have when I get back to the office? What's happening to the house? Are the family enjoying themselves?

There are also problems caused by spending twenty-four hours a day with the family. During the rest of the year, individual members of the family can get away from each other; they go to school or work; they see their friends. But on holiday, they can't do that; there is no escape. It's not surprising, then, that there is tension, disagreement, arguing.

Also, the theory that most of us return from a holiday fresh and ready to start work seems to be largely untrue. Many people feel depressed about walking back into the office; it often takes them up to a week to get back to normal. Some can't stand the thought of work at all, and call the office to say they are sick.

But if all this is true, why do we all think that holidays are such wonderful things? The answer is that we lie to ourselves and our friends. We have spent so much time and money planning the holiday that we are scared to admit it was disappointing. `We had a great time,' we say, even if the weather was lousy and the hotel a dump.

(33) Holidays are relaxing for everyone. T / F

(34) Some people don't like being in a new place. T / F

(35) Everybody usually forgets about work. T / F

(36) Families on holiday have fewer arguments. T / F

(37) People usually find it difficult to return to work

after a holiday. T / F

(38) Some can't return to work after their holiday

because they are sick. T / F

(39) People often don't tell the truth about their holiday. T / F

SECTION 4 : WRITING (10 points)

Choose ONE of the two topics.

1 .You are on holiday. Write a letter to your friend. Describe the place, the people and the weather. Say how you feel about the place and what you are doing there.

(60 -80 words)

2. Write an e-mail with information about yourself to your new friend in England.

(60 -80 words)

Translate into English

1. Why is she ……………………… (na diecie)?

2. Are you ready to …………………….. (złożyć zamówienie)?

3. Could I have a bottle of ………………………… (gazowanej wody mineralnej)?

4. I always have wine ………………………… (do obiadu).

5. There aren't any ………………………….. (dań wegetariańskich).

6. Is there anything interesting ……………………….. (w karcie dań)?

7. I will have ……………………….. (średnio wysmażony stek).

8. I will be back to ………………………………….. (przyjąć pana zamówienie) in a


9. Please don't ………………………. (rozlać wino) onto this white tablecloth.

10. I am afraid we do not have any ……………………. (sałaty).
