Surface characterization of collagen elastin based biomaterials for tissue

Applied Surface Science 255 (2009) 8286 8292
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Surface characterization of collagen/elastin based biomaterials for tissue
a, a a b b b
J. Skopinska-Wisniewska , A. Sionkowska , A. Kaminska , A. Kaznica , R. Jachimiak , T. Drewa
Faculty of Chemistry, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Gagarin 7, 87-100 Torun, Poland
Collegium Medicum, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Karlowicz 24, 85-092 Bydgoszcz, Poland
Article history:
Collagen and elastin are the main proteins of extracellular matrix. Collagen plays a crucial role in tensile
Received 21 November 2008
strength of tissues, whereas elastin provides resilience to many organs. Both biopolymers are readily
Received in revised form 28 May 2009
available and biocompatible. These properties point out that collagen and elastin are good components
Accepted 28 May 2009
of materials for many potential medical applications. The surface properties of biomaterials play an
Available online 6 June 2009
important role in biomedicine as the majority of biological reactions occur on the surface of implanted
materials. One of the methods of surface modification is UV-irradiation. The exposition of the
biomaterial on ultraviolet light can alterate surface properties of the materials, their chemical stability,
swelling properties and mechanical properties as well.
The aim of our work was to study the surface properties and biocompatibility of new collagen/elastin
Surface modification
based biomaterials and consideration of the influence of ultraviolet light on these properties.
The surface properties of collagen/elastin based biomaterials modified by UV-irradiation were
studied using the technique of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and contact angle measurements. On the
basis of the results the surface free energy and its polar component was calculated using Owens Wendt
method. To assess the biological performance of films based on collagen, elastin and their blends, the
response of 3T3 cell was investigated.
It was found that the surface of collagen/elastin film is enriched in less polar component  collagen.
Exposition on UV light increases polarity of collagen/elastin based films, due to photooxidation process.
The AFM images have shown that topography and roughness of the materials had been also affected by
UV-irradiation. The changes in surface properties influence on interaction between the material s surface
and cells. The investigation of 3T3 cells grown on films based on collagen, elastin and their blends, leads
to the conclusion that higher content of elastin in biomaterial promotes the cell adhesion and their
viability on the surface. Also the suitable dose of UV light (1, 2 h) improves the biocompatibility of the
ß 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction proteins undergo changes and ageing during the life. These
processes affect the functionality and properties of tissues and
Connective tissue is one of the most important tissues of organs. Sometimes it is necessary to replace the tissue that has
vertebrate s. It ensures a support of most organs. It is also been destroyed. The perfect material for this purpose is imitation
responsible for connection and protection of different tissues. of tissue, with similar mechanical, chemical and biological
There are many different types of connective tissue, which have properties. For this reason it is very important to find a method
diverse properties and play different roles in bodies. However, they of using parts of ECM, e.g. collagen and elastin, as components of
always consist of different types of cells and extracellular matrix biomaterials.
(ECM). The main components of ECM are fibrous proteins  Nowadays collagen is considered as one of the most useful
collagen and elastin [1,2]. Their mechanical properties are biomaterial. It is hydrophilic, exhibits low antigenicity, low
complementary and give the tissues strength and elasticity. The inflammatory and cytotoxic responses, good hemostatic properties
and controllable biodegradability. It could be shaped in various
forms, e.g. films, discs, sponges, hydrogels and powder [3]. This
multitude of easily available collagen materials makes possible its
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +48 056 611 49 38; fax: +48 056 654 24 77.
E-mail address: (J. Skopinska-Wisniewska). use as a drug and gene delivery systems [4 6], wound dressings
0169-4332/$  see front matter ß 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Skopinska-Wisniewska et al. / Applied Surface Science 255 (2009) 8286 8292 8287
and skin substitutes [7 11], membranes [12], scaffolds for tissue which modifies the properties and sterilizes the surface of the
engineering [13 19]. Also intensive study on bone substitutes material, was also investigated.
based on collagen or collagen/hydroxyapatites composites are
carried out by different research groups [20 22]. Collagen, due to 2. Materials and methods
triple helical structure, plays a crucial role in tensile strength of
tissues, whereas elastin provides resilience to many organs, e.g. 2.1. Collagen
arteries, lungs, skin, cartilage and ligaments. Elastin goes million
times into stress-relaxation cycle without negative influence to its Collagen was obtained in our laboratory from tail tendons of
mechanical properties. These properties and also extremely low young albinos rats (Medical Academy, Poznan, Poland). Tendons
platelet adhesion and aggregation activity make elastin a very were washed in deionized water and placed in 0.1 M acetic acid for
attractive biopolymer for biomaterial engineering. However, the 72 h at 8 8C. The impurities and insoluble parts were separated by
extreme insolubility of the protein, due to high amount of covalent centrifugation at 10,000 rpm in an Eppendorf centrifuge. The
cross-linking, leads to limitation for investigations on elastin based method used was the same as previously employed in our
biomaterials. For this reason elastin can be used in insoluble form laboratory [59].
as a component of autografts, allografts, xenografts, decellularized
extracellular matrix and purified elastin material. Soluble elastin 2.2. Purification of elastin
can be obtained by destruction of unique elastomeric structure by
acid, alkaline or enzymatic hydrolysis. Tropoelastin (immature not Elastin from porcine aorta was purified by Lansing s method as
cross-linked form of elastin) and synthetic repeated elastin-like it was described previously [60 62]. Pig aortas were obtained from
sequences are also used [23 33]. Both collagen and elastin, are local butcher. Aorta was cleaned from adhering tissues using a
readily available and promote cell growth. These properties point scalpel and cut into small pieces (about 0.5 cm wide rings).
out that collagen and elastin are good components of materials for Remaining fat was removed by sequential extractions in ethanol
many potential medical applications. Many products based on (twice), mixture of ethanol/ether (50/50) (twice) and ether (also
collagen are commercially applied, however, elastin is rarely used twice). The de-fatted tissue was placed in double amount of 0.1 M
in bioimplants. NaOH. Magnetic stirrer was placed into the flask and the mixture
Materials composed of the both proteins, collagen and elastin, was heated to 95 8C for 50 min in a water bath. After cooling at
are mostly obtained by harvesting of extracellular matrix of room temperature samples were washed twice with cold 0.1 M
different tissues, such as urinary bladder, heart valves, blood NaOH in a Buchner funnel and then with deionised water. Dry
vessels, skin, nerves, skeletal muscle, ligaments, tendons, etc. material was minced in liquid nitrogen.
These materials can contain, besides collagen and elastin, also
another component of ECM, e.g. glycosaminoglycans, arranged in 2.3. Hydrolysis of elastin
three-dimensional structure. A few scaffolds obtained in such a
way are commercially available, however, we have to remember Elastin powder (1 g) was suspended in a mixture of 50 ml of
that these animal-derived materials may be the cause of tert-butanol and 50 ml of 1 M KOH and was stirred for 48 h at room
undesirable host response [2,34 43]. Some research groups work temperature. After this procedure 50 ml of water was added and
also on collagen/elastin mixtures. The scaffolds are created by the resulting solution was neutralized with acetic acid. The
blending of the both proteins solutions in appropriate weight solution of elastin hydrolysates was then dialyzed four times
ratios and then lyophilized or proceed by electrospinning method against deionised water.
[44 49]. Molecular weight of elastin hydrolysates has been character-
All kinds of these materials, based on collagen, elastin and their ized by SDS-Page electrophoresis. It was estimated that elastin-
blends, very often possess not adequate mechanical properties. So, derived peptides are in the range 27 61 kDa.
for improving these parameters different cross-linking methods
have been used. Many chemical cross-linking agents can be 2.4. Elastin/collagen mixtures
applied, but 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide
(EDC) and N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) are the most common The mixtures of elastin/collagen in different weight ratios (1:19,
nowadays [37,40,42,46 50]. Also some physical factors can initiate 1:3) were prepared by mixing of appropriate volumes of elastin
the creation of cross-linking bonds in proteins. The photochemical hydrolysates and collagen in acetic acid solution. Series of
cross-linking techniques have been investigated too. It is known solutions were prepared in duplicate containing different percen-
that not only mechanical properties of protein based biomaterials tage of elastin and collagen.
are dramatically alterate after UV-irradiation. The exposition of the
biomaterial on ultraviolet light changes also chemical stability, 2.5. Collagen/elastin films preparation
swelling properties and especially surface properties of the
materials [5,13,51 53]. Protein films were obtained by solvent evaporation from
It is known, that biomaterials have to fulfil many conditions. solutions poured onto glass plates covered by polypropylene
However, the surface quality is one of the most important property sheets. The obtained films were 0.015 0.030 mm thick. One from
of biomaterial, which limits its applications. It is so important the set of our films is presented in Fig. 1.
because most of biological reactions occur on surfaces and at
interfaces. Among other things the hydrophilicity, chemical 2.6. Sample irradiation
structure, topography and roughness of surface create the response
of the host tissues to presence of implant. The adhesion and Collagen and collagen/elastin hydrolysates films were irra-
proliferation of cells is also determined by surfaces properties. diated in air at room temperature using a Philips TUV-30 mercury
They play a significant role in biocompatibility as well as for tissue lamp which emits light at a wavelength of 254 nm. The intensity of
engineering [37,54 58]. radiation was 0.26 J/cm2 min. The dose of incident radiation during
The aim o this work was to study the surface properties and the 1 h exposure was 16 J cm 2. The intensity of the incident light
biocompatibility of new biomaterials performed on collagen and was measured using an IL 1400A Radiometer (International Light,
elastin hydrolysates. The influence of ultraviolet light, as a factor USA).
8288 J. Skopinska-Wisniewska et al. / Applied Surface Science 255 (2009) 8286 8292
elastin/collagen materials has been carried out. Only few reports
are available in the literature and they mainly concern the
interaction of UV-irradiation with collagen films [5,13,51 53].
The surface free energy (gs) is one of the parameters which
determine quality of material s surface and its possible applica-
tions. It characterises the disruption of intermolecular bonds that
occur during the formation of the surface. The surface free energy
can be calculated on the basis of the contact angle (Q) which
measures the non-covalent forces between a liquid and the first
monolayer of material. Owens Wendt method is one of the most
commonly used calculating way for polymeric materials. The
method allows to estimate the dispersive ðgdÞ and polar ðgpÞ
components of surface free energy, which provides more detailed
information on the studied surfaces. In order to calculate the
surface free energy of collagen, elastin and its blends two
measuring liquids were used  glycerol (G) and diiodomethane
The results of the surface free energy for films made of elastin,
collagen and the blend of these two biopolymers have been
Fig. 1. The film based on collagen and elastin hydrolysates.
presented in Table 1. The value of surface free energy is lower for
non-irradiated elastin films than for collagen film before irradia-
2.7. Contact angle measurements tion. Also the surface free energy for the elastin/collagen blends is
bigger than for elastin films. However, the differences between
The contact angles of two liquids: glycerol (G) and diiodo- surface free energy for collagen film and the blend made of elastin
methane (D) on collagen, elastin and collagen/elastin films were and collagen are not significant. After UV treatment we observed
measured at constant temperature (22 8C) using a goniometer increase of surface free energy for all samples studied. This change
equipped with the system of drop-shape analysis (DSA produced of the surface free energy may lead to the improvement of
by Kruss). Each contact angle is the average of minimum 10 adhesion ability of the material. As one can see in Table 1 the
measurements. The surface free energy was calculated by Owens surface of elastin film is modified by ultraviolet light to a small
Wendt method, as this method is commonly used for polymers extent. UV-irradiation much more alterates surfaces of collagen
[52]. films as well as elastin/collagen mixtures. It may suggest that
collagen is concentrated in the top layer of the blends. Never-
2.8. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) theless, the significant differences in the surface free energy are
observed only after 12 and 24 h of irradiation.
The surface imaging of biomaterials were performed by Polarity of biomaterial s surface plays a crucial role in the
Nanoscope IIIa (Digital Instruments/Veeco). Atomic force micro- interaction of the material with tissues. For this reason the polar
scopy images were taken in air, in tapping mode. The scan area was component of the surface free energy was calculated. The values of
10 mm 10 mm. Images obtained were reproducible, showing polar component of surface free energy have been presented in
minimal perturbation only from the probe tip. Table 2. The results prove that elastin is more polar than collagen in
spite of the presence of hydrophobic domains in the structure of
2.9. Biological properties the first one. It could be caused by relatively short length elastin
hydrolysates chains and, as an effect, large content of polar
3T3 cell line was used in experiment. Cells were grown in sterile terminal groups. The presence of collagen in the blended films
tissue culture plastics from Greiner (Germany) with growth causes the drop of the value gp. The polar component of the surface
surface 25 cm2 or 12-well plates. Cells were cultured in medium free energy for all kinds of studied samples increases after UV-
which contained Dulbecco s Modification of Eagle s Medium irradiation. Such results indicate that efficient photochemical
(DMEM) and Ham s F12 Medium (3:1). DMEM/Ham s F12 medium reactions take place on the surface of biopolymeric films. Free
was supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), amfotericin radicals created during UV-irradiation may react with atmospheric
B (5 mg/ml), penicillin/streptomycin + L-glutamine (100 U/ml/ oxygen and new oxidized compounds can be formed. Such
100 mg/ml). DMEM/Ham s F12 medium, fetal bovine serum photooxidation caused that new groups containing oxygen e.g.
(FBS) and antibiotics solution were obtained from PAA (Austria). carbonyl, hydroxyl or hydroperoxide groups, have been found
Cells were cultured at 37 8C in a humidified atmosphere [51,52,59,61,62]. For collagen and collagen/elastin mixtures we
comprising of 5% CO2 and 95% air. observed bigger alterations of polar component of the surface free
To investigate the viability and proliferation 3T3 cells on
collagen/elastin matrices cells were seeded on 12-well plates at a
Table 1
density of 2.5 104 per well. Cells have been growing in complete
The surface free energy (gs) of elastin, collagen and elastin/collagen films before and
medium for seven days. Then culture medium was removed and
after UV-irradiation (calculated by Owens Wendt method).
MTT assay was performed.
Time of Elastin Elastin/collagen Collagen
irradiation (h)
3. Results and discussion 1:3 1:19
0 32.3 0.4 37.5 0.8 36.6 0.4 36.8 0.9
UV-irradiation can be chosen as a dry method to modify the
1 36.9 0.6 36.6 0.2 37.1 0.3 37.2 0.6
mechanical and the surface properties of biomaterials. The 2 37.1 0.7 37.0 0.2 37.9 0.1 36.9 0.7
4 37.3 0.9 37.4 0.5 39.9 0.2 38.6 0.4
appropriate application of UV-irradiation can lead to a compatible
12 37.1 0.6 41.1 0.5 42.7 0.4 43.8 0.6
surface for further cell adhesion and growth. To the best of our
24 37.8 0.5 46.9 0.6 47.2 0.5 48.5 0.6
knowledge, no complete studies regarding surface modification of
J. Skopinska-Wisniewska et al. / Applied Surface Science 255 (2009) 8286 8292 8289
Table 2
hydrophobic properties caused by photooxidation. The increase of
The polar component of the surface free energy gp of elastin, collagen and elastin/
the amount of polar groups leads to reduction of characteristic
collagen films before and after UV-irradiation (calculated by Owens Wendt
hydrophobic globular domains. The surface morphology and
roughness of collagen and collagen/elastin blends have been also
Time of irradiation (h) Elastin Elastin/collagen Collagen
changed after long exposition to UV-radiation. However, in the
1:3 1:19 case of pure elastin film the alterations are not so significant, Fig. 2,
Table 3.
08.4 0.1 5.8 0.5 4.9 0.1 3.8 0.4
To assess the biological performance of films based on
1 13.6 0.3 6.0 0.1 6.6 0.2 7.0 0.3
2 11.87 0.4 6.4 0.1 7.7 0.4 6.27 0.3 collagen, elastin and their blends, the response of 3T3 cell
4 15.6 0.5 7.2 0.2 8.9 0.1 8.1 0.2
growth was investigated. After one week, cells seeded on non-
12 11.8 0.3 11.8 0.2 12.8 0.2 13.6 0.2
irradiated samples showed a rounded morphology, Fig. 3a. It
24 13.8 0.2 18.0 0.2 18.0 0.2 18.9 0.2
points out that the surface is inadequate for the cell growth. The
UV-irradiation of biopolymeric films caused the improvement of
cell adhesion: after seven days of culture, cells were well spread
on the investigated surfaces and showed numerous filopodia
energy than for elastin films. However, it is worthy to notice that which shows proper cell adhesion, Fig. 3b. The cells seeded onto
the dose of irradiation which is necessary for the modification of elastin and collagen/elastin (1:3) films irradiated by 1 and 2 h
elastin is smaller, than for other films. The example of photo- show almost confluent monolayer with spindle-shaped mor-
oxidation reaction one can see in Scheme 1. phology. In order to quantitative estimation of biological
Surface topography and roughness are important factors in properties the MTT test was performed. Obtained results have
determining the response of cells to a foreign material. Surface been presented in Fig. 4. Cells seeded on non-irradiated
with irregularity can influence the interaction between the cells materials were considered as non-viable. After 1 h of UV
and the material. Several works have shown, that the direction of treatment of the samples a significant increase of viability of
cell movement is affected by the morphology of the surface. The 3T3 cells was observed. The films composed of 100% and 95% of
surface patterns, topographically and chemically, on different collagen revealed similar biological properties, while the higher
length scales generate different responses of the biological content of elastin in film promoted cells growth. The growing of
systems. Very useful and sensitive tool for the investigation of cells seeded on pure elastin films irradiated by 1 h of UV was so
surface properties of polymeric materials is atomic force micro- intensive that it made impossible to perform MTT test and
scopy [51]. quantitative assessment. However, we may conclude, that these
The AFM images of collagen, elastin and collagen/elastin films films can be very promising as surfaces for tissue engineering.
before and after UV-irradiation have been shown in Fig. 2. The top Our another study showed negative influence of high content of
layer of elastin film (Fig. 2a) is composed of a large smooth bulge, elastin hydrolysates on mechanical properties of the collagen/
around 3 4 mm long and 1.5 2.3 mm wide. The presence of these elastin blends (data not showed). The above information
forms is caused by the occurrence of hydrophobic domains of determines the addition of elastin hydrolysates as less than
elastin chains in aqueous solution, which can be held in the dry 30%. Mechanical properties of collagen/elastin blends will be
film. It is also known that elastin polypeptides may form considered in our next paper. Also 2 h of irradiation favours the
aggregates in special conditions [29,60]. However, the investiga- cell growing on elastin-rich samples. Longer than 2 h exposition
tion of this phenomenon was not the aim of our study. Collagen on UV and higher content of collagen cause a decrease of cell
molecules have a helical, rod-like structures, so the surface of viability.
collagen films (Fig. 2g) is organized in characteristic long, folded To summarize, properly selected dose of UV-radiation and
pattern. The morphology of collagen/elastin (19:1) blend (Fig. 2e) appropriate addition of elastin hydrolysates to collagen may lead
is similar to collagen itself. On the surfaces of mixtures containing to highly biocompatible material for tissue engineering. It is
more than 5% of elastin (Fig. 2c) bulges appear, but their size is commonly known that chemical structure and the surface
smaller (1 2 mm) and they are not so smooth as on pure elastin properties of polymeric materials influence their biocompatibility.
surface. The AFM images confirm that collagen is predominant in In the aspect of biocompatibility several parameters should be
top layer of the blends. They also suggest that the mixing of considered, like: surface free energy; balance between the
collagen and elastin slows down the process of elastin aggregation. hydrophilicity and the hydrophobicity on the surface; the chemical
The roughness of elastin films is rather big, while collagen and structure of functional groups; the type and the density of surface
collagen/elastin blends are relatively flat, Table 3. UV-irradiation charges; the molecular weight of the polymer; and finally surface
causes significant drop of surface roughness of elastin and big topography and roughness. All the above parameters can be
bulges became smaller and finally, after long exposition (12, 24 h) modified by UV-irradiation. We believe that the understanding of
disappeared, Fig. 2b. It may be an effect of conformational changes the influence of UV light on those phenomena will result in the
due to a loss of water in film as well as modification of hydrophilic/
Scheme 1. The example of reaction photooxidation of protein chain.
8290 J. Skopinska-Wisniewska et al. / Applied Surface Science 255 (2009) 8286 8292
Fig. 2. AFM images of (a) non-irradiated elastin film, (b) elastin film after 24 h of irradiation, c) non-irradiated elastin25/75collagen film, (d) elastin25/75collagen film after
24 h of irradiation, (e) non-irradiated elastin5/95collagen film, (f) elastin5/95collagen film after 24 h of irradiation, (g) non-irradiated collagen film and (h) collagen film after
24 h of irradiation.
J. Skopinska-Wisniewska et al. / Applied Surface Science 255 (2009) 8286 8292 8291
Fig. 3. Images of 3T3 cells growing on (a) non-irradiated collagen film and (b) elastin5/95collagen film after 1 h of irradiation.
biomaterial promotes the cell adhesion and their viability on
the surface. Also the suitable dose of UV light (1, 2 h) improves the
biocompatibility of the materials.
Financial support from the Ministry of Science (MNII, Poland)
Grant no. N N507 3495325 is gratefully acknowledged.
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