Read the directions completely before beginning. All things you need to be aware of are in red.
To set up your MySQL Database you will need to consult your hosting service. They have different protocols for setting it up. Once you get it setup follow the instructions below. If you would like to view instruction videos...
First - Create a folder and name it "catalogimages" and set the permissions for this folder to "777" This folder will hold the catalog items.
If you know how to use sql.txt you can set up your database tables by clicking SQL at the top of the database page. Once the page loads, go down to "Or Location of the textfile :" and click browse. Here you will upload sql-doc.txt and click Go. Your Database table should set up. Check to see that the first field in each row is all in lower case letters. If the tables are set and checked scroll down this page to the instructions on "config.php"
----------------------------------------------------------------- Config.php Set Up
To set up your php script. This script is already conformed to work with most Databases. But depending on the hosting company this part of the script could be different. Email the tech support of your hosting company and ask "What is the connection string protocol for the MySQL database?"
1. Right-click "config.php" and go to "open with..." and then "notepad".
$conf['paypal_email'] = "your_PayPal_email"; << Edit to your PayPal Email
$conf['paypal_currency_code'] = "USD"; << Edit to your PayPal Currency Code. Check you paypal account for yours.
$conf['image_size_in_bytes'] = 300000; << Image Size limit in bytes
$conf['absolute_image_directory_location'] = "catalogimages/"; << Catalog image directory Remember set folder to "777"
1. Right-click "CCatalog.php" and go to "open with..." and then "notepad". Locate the info below. (If your note pad has a line index it's around line 50.)
// Database Info $this->paypalemail = ""; << Edit to your PayPal Email $this->currencycode = "USD"; << Edit to your PayPal Currency Code. Check you paypal account for yours.
$this->host = "localhost"; << Edit to your Database Server host. Usually "localhost" $this->db = "database_name"; << Edit to your Database Name $this->user = "user_name"; << Edit to your Database User Name $this->pass = "password"; << Edit to your Database Password
Save CCatalog
Adding Google Ads And Buttons to your script.
You can ad buttons and Google ads to your storefront by opening index.php and blank-template.php and search for the space between:
<!-- Google or Button Ads Begin Here -->
<!-- Google or Button Ads End Here -->
The main body is between:
<!-- Main Body Begins -->
<!-- Main Body Ends -->
To edit the links and Website name/Logo in the top portion of the page in header.php To edit the greeting open welcome.php
Admin Page
The image below is the page view for editing the catalog links that appear on the left panel of the page.
The image below is the page view for editing the catalog items that appear on the main panel of the page.
Managing Catalog Items 1. Click Manage Catalog Items 2. Select a Catalog and then click Change Catalog.
3. Then click on New and input Item info. Finally click Add. 4 If need to Edit or Delete an Item, indicate the item by clicking the Radio button and then Edit or Delete. Remember: Gif or Jpegs images Only