File Manager

File Manager

File Manager is a full featured and very easy to
use file administrator. To be able to use it, please be
sure all your directories are chmoded to 777 and all
your files are chmoded 666. This is to write the files, be able
to create new files and directories without troubles.

File Manager is a self explanatory module, so this manual page
is just to describe the icons.

Files type
(Most of the icons are clickable)

Indicates that the object is a folder.
Click to change to this directory

File is a Apache Webserver security file (.httaccess).
Click to view source

File is an audiofile

File is either an HTML or HTM file. Vievable directory in you browser.
Click to view source code

File is either an PHP, PHPS, PHP2, PHP3, PHP4, ASP, ASA, CGI,
PL or SHTML file. The file needs to be processed server-side before
viewable in browser. For example; admin.php is an PHP file.
Click to view source code

File is either a GIF or a JPG file. Viewable
image in any browser.
Click to view.

Description of actions

Go to parent directory.

Delete the file or directory. You will be prompted for confirmation.

Browse the file in browser.

Edit the file in plain text.

Will move the file or directory to a location you specify.

Will create a new timestamp on the object.

Note: Use the File Manager at your own risk. This module, like all
vbPortal code comes without any warranty!


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fileman html?it
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