u12 defending

Author: Karl Dewazian National Youth Certificate Course Topic: Defending
Lesson Plan Age: U12
Activity Name Description Diagram Purpose/Coaching
1 Begin the Practice:
" Explanation that the "  Read the game by looking around and "  Ready Position . Use a "  Reject Advancement by
main objective of seeing positions of teammates and more definitive body poking at the ball and not
this practice is to opponents. position (Sideways-on) allowing 1st Attacker to  Read
have 1st and 2nd o Sideways-on the Game.
"  Run to Defend by first blocking your goal.
defenders work Stance is visual
"  Regain Possession of the
"  Run to Defend by then getting to within
together. cue to your intent
ball when reasonably sure of
two yards of the ball.
of where to force
" Explanation and success, otherwise delay.
"  Run to Defend by angling the approach
1st Attacker.
demonstration of
using a curved run.
o Sideways-on
the 1st defender s "  Ready Position . Glide into the Ready or
Stance helps in
Defensive Stance.
making your
(Areas that could be
o -The Head  eyes on the ball
o -Upper body- half turned and
predictable to
slightly inclined forward
o -Arms  away from sides for
o Sideways-on
better balance
Stance allows
o -Legs  one in front of the other
the application
and knees bent
of the
o -Back leg support body weight
" Front leg  pokes at the ball
"  Reject Advancement by
forces 1st Attacker where
you want him/her to go.
2 Warm-up
" Have players go " At appropriate moments ask the players to
through Figure 8 stretch/loosen:
Stretch Routine in o Ankles, Calves, Groin, Quads,
the  Ready Stance Hams, Back, Stomach, Upper
body and Neck.
Author: Karl Dewazian National Youth Certificate Course Topic: Defending
Lesson Plan Age: U12
3 One + One (Cooperative)
 Server goes through " Coach  Remember
" As Cooperative 1st Attacker apply the
 the SERVE pattern (PLUS) stands
appropriate Stage of Play:
and become for& Players Learn
" Beginning Stage  Allow 1st Defender to work
Cooperative 1st Using Stoppages.
on techniques by walking with the ball.
" Intermediate Stage  Allow 1st Defender to
work on techniques by jogging with the
" Advanced Stage  Challenge 1st Defender
to work together by sprinting through the
" 1st Attacker Cooperate and Guarantee 1st
Defender success in individual Defending
4 One vs. One (Competitive)
Players experiment with " Coach observes and
their newly acquired takes notes on
techniques in Defending weaknesses to be
improved at future
" Coach  Remember (vs.)
stands for you being
& Verbally Silent.
Author: Karl Dewazian National Youth Certificate Course Topic: Defending
Lesson Plan Age: U12
5 Half-time
" Gather the team Explanation and Demonstration of 2nd
in a defined, Defenders role: COVER
Your goal is to limit verbiage&
" Go through  the SERVE pattern with
For example: "RIGHT, tells it
shaded area.
SERVER and intend to become 2nd
all. No need to say "force-right".
Hearing 2nd Defenders voice
" Encourage and
" As 2nd Defender: means&
have players
" Make proper recovery run. Remember, There is "cover" and ball position
curved runs are best! dictates the 1st Defenders next
" Take (ideal) covering position at 2-4 yd.
behind 1st Defender.
" Check for
" At a distance where becoming 1st Defender
is immediately possible.
" Begin verbal communication to inform 1st
" Have players
Defender of your covering position.
relax and
" Give 1st Defender  specific verbal
instructions - for example:
with each other
" "Tighten" -get closer to 1st Attacker
about the
" "Force out" -make 1st Attacker go
toward touchline
" "Force in" -make 1st Attacker go away
" Review 1st
from touchline
Defenders role
" "Poke" -fake attempts at the ball
 if necessary.
" "Tackle" -make attempts at the ball
Give encouragement or other advice such as
 get closer ;  watch the ball . Etc.
Author: Karl Dewazian National Youth Certificate Course Topic: Defending
Lesson Plan Age: U12
"  Server goes through  the SERVE pattern " Coach  Remember (PLUS)
Small Sided
and become Cooperative 1st Attacker. stands for& Players Learn
Using Stoppages.
" As Cooperative 1st Attacker apply the
(2 + 1 Cooperative
appropriate Stage of Play:
" Beginning Stage  Allow 1st and 2nd
Defenders to work on Defending by
walking with the ball.
" Intermediate Stage  Allow 1st and 2nd
Defenders to work on Defending by jogging
with the ball.
" Advanced Stage  Challenge 1st and 2nd
Defenders to work together by sprinting
through the action.
" 1st Attacker Cooperate and Guarantee 1st
and 2nd Defenders success in Working
1st and 2nd Defenders experiment with their
" Coach observes and takes
Small Sided
newly acquired techniques in Defending
notes on weaknesses to be
improved at future
(2 vs. 1 Competitive
" Coach  Remember that
(vs.) stand for you being
Verbally Silent)
Author: Karl Dewazian National Youth Certificate Course Topic: Defending
Lesson Plan Age: U12
Opposing team becomes Cooperative in
" As Cooperative Attackers " Coach  Remember (PLUS)
apply the appropriate Stage stand for& Players Learn
of Play: Using Stoppages.
" Beginning Stage  Allow
Defenders to work on 1st and
2nd Defender Working
Together by walking with
the ball.
" Intermediate Stage  Allow
Defenders to work on 1st and
2nd Defender Working
Together by jogging with the
" Advanced Stage  Challenge
Defenders to work together
as 1st and 2nd Defenders by
sprinting through the action.
" Attackers Cooperate and
Guarantee Defending Team
success in Working
Defenders experiment with their newly acquired " Coach observes and
techniques in Defending in pairs. takes notes on
weaknesses to be
improved at future
" Coach  remember that
(vs.) stand for you
being& Verbally Silent.
Author: Karl Dewazian National Youth Certificate Course Topic: Defending
Lesson Plan Age: U12
To prevent soreness and injuries stretching " -Summarize practice
Cool-down End of Practice
Ankles, Calves, Groin, Quads, Hams, Back, session and theme of 1st
Stomach, Upper body and Neck should take and 2 Defenders roles.
place after every game and practice. If you are " -Briefly
going to stretch only once, afterwards, is the analyze/compliment the
most important time. strong/weak points of
their performance.
" -End with a positive
statement, which lets
them, know they
" -Give them homework
assignment related to 1st
and 2nd Defenders roles.


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