Alluring Raven
Jessica Sorensen
All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2018 by Jessica Sorensen
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to
actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The
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Cover design by MaeIdesign
he Land of Moonlight is a frigid,
cold place, at least from what I’ve
seen so far. And considering I’m a vampire, part of
the undead species that always runs cold, that’s
saying a lot. Perhaps, though, the constant blizzard
of snow pouring down on us is simply starting to
wear on me. We’ve been in it for so long now, that
tiny, crystallized icicles have formed on my
eyelashes, my lips are numb, and my skin has a
bluish purple tint to it. I even have on Rhyland’s
shirt over my own and still, I’ve never been this
cold in my undead life.
I’m uncertain if I should be worried, especially
since Rhyland, Kingsley, Dex, and even Harper, the
half faerie, half pixie that’s leading us further into
this seemingly endless blizzard, don’t appear to be
bothered by the cold. Sure, they look a bit chilly,
shivering ever so slightly and frost glazes their skin,
but I’m the only creature chattering like a sprite
that’s had a taste of sugar. And trust me, don’t ever
give sprites sugar unless you want to be up all night
listening to them chatter your ear off about flowers
and curses and spying on people. Which, yes,
actually happened to me once. Accidentally, of
All sugar crazy sprites aside, I’m silently
begging for the storm to let up or for us to reach our
destination so the aching chill in my body can thaw.
So far, though, our journey ending soon seems
pretty damn bleak.
All I can see in front of me is snow covered
mountains and that massive, silvery white sign that
Welcome to the Land of Moonlight.
Please enjoy your time here, but as a precaution,
stay within the walls of the mountains unless you
want to die a torturous death. Thank you.
I swear to all the Eternal Readers we’re
somehow getting further away from the sign, even
though we’ve been walking toward it for over a
night without taking any breaks. My feet are
actually starting to ache, but that might be the
heeled, thigh-high boots I’m wearing. I’d ask
everyone to slow down a bit, but considering an
army of created vampires might be headed our way
to hunt me down and take me the Faraelee, the
Queen of the fey, I’m thinking my feet could fall
off and I’d find a way to hobble feetless at this
Part of me wishes I could just turn back, but
only to search for my parents and the missing
guards. Kingsley and Rhyland keep assuring me
that if the queen hurt them, she would’ve left the
bodies behind for me to see. But I wonder if they’re
telling me what they need to in order to keep me
fleeing with them. Maybe the queen didn’t hurt my
parents and the guards at all. Perhaps Nadine did
something to them with her Wicca powers the
queen gave her. I hate to believe it, hate to believe
my own sister would harm my parents, but after
what Nadine did and said to me in the tent, it seems
possible. Plus, lets face it, in every single memory I
have of Nadine, even the ones belonging to my
original life, she was always a cruel hearted,
straight up bitch, who once threatened to behead
and punish anyone, even her very own sister. It was
why I was so afraid to love Rhyland in my original
“You doing okay over there, sweetheart?”
Kingsley calls out over the howling of the wind and
snow flurries.
He’s stomping through the snow beside me with
a sword clutched in his hand. The sleeves of his
shirt are rolled up, and his short, dark hair is dotted
with snowflakes and some of the strands are glazed
with ice, yet he isn’t shivering at all. Not even a
little bit, despite the snowstorm hailing down on us.
“I’m fine.” I chatter while wrapping my arms
tighter around myself. Aeribella, my lilywolf tiger
pounces through the snow just in front of me,
unbothered by the snow too. That might be because
of her thick coat of bluish blue fur and the bit of
magic inside her. “How can you stand this storm,
though? I feel like I’m freezing to the undead and
you don’t even have your sleeves rolled down.”
The corners of his lips kick up into a cocky
smile. “Because I’m absurdly strong. If you want,
though, you can come over here and I’ll keep you
warm with my body. It’s my duty as your Blood
Protector to make sure you’re safe, even if it’s just
from a storm.”
“Seriously, you’re as bad of a flirt as a faerie,” I
mutter and he grins. Shaking my head, I arch a
brow. “And how do you even plan to keep me
warm? Your body temperature is probably as cold
as the ice frozen to my eyelashes.”
His gaze skims across my face and for a
flickering moment, concern flashes across his
expression. But then he returns to his normal, blasé
self, plastering on a smug smile.
“Well, I guess you won’t know until you try it.”
He spreads his arms open with a daring glint in his
Even though I’ve remembered some of my old
life and know that him and I were once good
vampire besties, it feels strange for him to be joking
around with me. Sadly, this life is where my
emotions are connected to, to the painful memories
of him torturing me with Nadine and Rhyland, all
the teasing and mocking they directed at me. I want
to let it go, but it’s difficult to when I’m not even
certain why they treated me so poorly. Sure, we
were all living the same damn cursed lives over and
over again, but why did they have to treat me like a
goblin, one of the most despised species in all of the
In my gut, though, part of me believes I can
trust Kingsley and Rhyland; otherwise, I wouldn’t
be out in the middle of one of the worst snowstorms
I’ve ever endured, wandering around in a land full
of powerful, dangerous creatures that are at war
with each other.
My lips part with a snarky comeback for
Kingsley when a set of cold fingers thread through
mine. I glance to my other side and find Rhyland
hiking in the snow, closer than he was moments
ago. Wisps of his chin-length blonde hair dance in
the wind and his facial piercings are glazed with
ice. He doesn’t have a shirt on since he gave his to
me, so the tattoos inking his lean arms are on full
display, along with the faint markings of bite marks,
remnants from when I drank from his vein and
dragged my teeth down his chest. It’s something
I’m trying not to think too much about, because it
freaks me out if I overanalyze it and also because
remembering about the way his blood tasted makes
my fangs ache to taste him again. The only reason I
even drank from his vein to begin with was that I
thought it might break the curse, but apparently it
was only the first step. And who knows what the
rest of the steps are. That is if I even get to
complete the steps. Since the queen is trying to end
the curse by killing me and everyone else, I may
never even get that far.
“How are you holding up?” Rhyland plucks a
few icicles from my hair. “Are you doing okay?”
His hand falls to his side, near where his sword is
tucked into the leather holster around his waist.
Like Kingsley and Rhyland, I have a weapon
too; a knife that’s tucked in my thigh holster.
Honestly, I doubt I’d even be able to use it if I had
to. I haven’t been trained at all in the art of
fighting. I was supposed to be trained by Rhyland,
but we never made it that far due to the curse
trying to end and us having to flee to the Land of
Moonlight. And considering I barely became
capable of moving as swiftly as a badass vampire,
I’m pretty sure my knife fighting skills will be at the
level of a bat swinging around a… Well, bat.
“I’m just vampire peachy,” I lie with a shrug,
not wanting to seem weak.
In reality, I shouldn’t be weak. That is, if I
really am the new vampire queen, like Fate and the
Eternal Reader declared. Finding out I’m
supposedly royalty changed everything, when I
went from living my average life I was perfectly
okay with to being thrown into a world of lies and
danger. I’m not totally convinced I’m supposed to
be the queen and wonder if maybe it simply has to
do with the curse. I mean, first of all, I’m far
nowhere near powerful, even after drinking
Rhyland’s blood from his vein. And then, from
what little I can recall of my original life, right
before the curse started, Fate chose Nadine as
queen. It was the catalyst to this curse, from what I
understand anyway. I don’t know, though, a part of
me believes there may be more to the curse than
any of us realize. But only time will tell. That is, if I
continue to remember my past memories and live
that long. So far, I have no control over
remembering—it just randomly happens. And as for
living that long… Well, I’m hoping I do. Hope that
this cursed life isn’t all I ever am.
Rhyland frowns at me. “Sweetheart, I can tell
when you’re lying.”
“That’s not true.” And I’m pretty sure I’m right
about that. He may have lived decades of lives with
me, but I don’t think we’ve gotten to know each
other in any of them, except for the very first life.
“And what is with you two calling me sweetheart? I
mean, I know you’re twins and everything, but why
do you insist on using the same silly pet name for
“I didn’t realize we both did.” His gaze briefly
travels to Kingsley. I don’t know what Kingsley is
doing, but Rhyland’s jaw ticks before his gaze
welds with mine again. “You’re right. Sweetheart is
a silly name. I’ll think of something better.”
“You could always just call me by my real
name,” My teeth clank together as I shiver. “I’ve
never been a fan of nicknames…” My lips spread
to a wicked grin. “Rhy Rhy.”
His eyes narrow, but it’s a teasing move. “Not
even funny. I’ve always hated your sister’s
nickname for me. Just like I’ve always despised
your sister.”
“I know you did in the first life,” I utter softly,
my voice nearly getting carried away in the wind.
“But all the others… You seemed to like her.”
His throat muscles work as he swallows.
“That’s not true.” He inches closer to me and
lowers his voice. “I understand why you’re having
a hard time believing me, but I wasn’t lying about
hating Nadine. What you saw over the years…
Nothing about that was real.”
“And yet you haven’t explained why,” I say.
Our shoulders brush as he moves closer, the snow
crunching underneath our boots. “All I’ve been told
is that it has to do with the curse, yet no one will
explain the reason.”
“Because we can’t,” he whispers remorsefully,
his hand tightening around mine. “It’s against the
rules of the curse.”
“Why, though?” I huff, well past frustrated. “I
mean, you’ve told me some things about the curse,
so why can’t you just tell me everything.”
He shakes his head and shrugs. “I’m not sure,
but trust me, I’ve tried.” He shrugs again, a frown
dipping at his lips. “Some rules we just can’t seem
to break.”
“Well, maybe you should just try harder,” I
suggest. “I mean, from what I remember, you used
to be quite the rule breaker. Maybe if you try hard
enough, you’ll figure out a way.”
He rubs his blue tinted lips together, struggling
not to smile.
Fog laces from my lips as I pinch his arm and
demand, “What’s so funny?”
He chuckles, his eyes crinkling around the
corners. “It’s nothing. It’s just that it’s so nice to
hear you say things like ‘from what I remember.’”
Guilt haunts his eyes. “It’s been a very, very long
time since that’s happened.”
“Yeah, I know.” I sigh heavily. “I just wish I
could remember everything.” I cast him a sidelong
glance. “Maybe if you tried to tell me stuff now,
it’d work.”
“Trust me, I’m always trying. All the time. For
decades and decades.” He huffs an exasperated
breath. “The original curse might not be in play but
the queen still has a lot of control over us
My teeth clank together as a spurt of shivers
overcomes me. “How much control exactly.”
“A lot.” He sets his free hand on my shoulder
and chants something underneath his breath.
Sparks of warmth abruptly rove across my
body, melting the ice coating my skin. A soft gasp
fumbles from my lips.
“You still have your magic,” I whisper as water
drips from my eyelashes.
He nods, tracing the pad of his thumb across my
cheeks to wipe away the water. “And since the
queen’s the one who gave me these powers, I know
she still has a lot of control over me. I have a
feeling that once she loses control over me—over
us—I won’t have them anymore.”
I smash my lips together as the warmth of his
magic evaporates from my body and a chill spreads
through my veins. “So how can you talk about her
now? You never could say her name before—say
she was the one who created the curse—yet now
you can. But still, you can’t tell me about my past
very much or what steps need to be done for me to
break the curse?”
“I…” He struggles to form words then
grimaces. “I have no idea. I really don’t. And that’s
not her controlling me.”
“I have a theory,” Kingsley interrupts. “That
maybe it has something to do with her not being
able to enter the Land of Moonlight. Perhaps our
distance and us being here is limiting her powers
just enough that she can’t control us completely.”
“That’s a possibility.” Rhyland wavers, rubbing
his jawline. “What I’d really like to know is why
she’s so dead set on getting ahold of Raven if she’s
ending the curse? I know Nadine said it’s because
the queen wanted to end the curse by killing all
who are a part of it, but there’s been plenty of times
where the queen could’ve just killed Raven, like at
dinner the other night. It seems strange she waited
until now when Raven came into a world where the
queen isn’t permitted to enter. Why not just do it
before we could take off?”
In one of my memories the queen called me a
moonlight abomination. It was right after the curse
started and she said that the more I suffered, the
more her powers grew. Nadine had called me an
abomination too. I wish I knew why. What made
me an abomination? Because from what I can tell,
I’ve only ever been an average vampire.
I haven’t told anyone about being an
abomination yet. I’m not sure why, other than I’m
afraid how they’ll react. Afraid of what I could be.
One thing I do need to tell them is what really
happened that night of the curse, the real reason
Kingsley and I kissed each other and why I almost
bit him, which led to Rhyland running into the
woods and making some sort of deal with the
queen. But I want to wait until we can have that
conversation in private without Harper and Dex
around. Sure, I trust them for the most part, but I’m
not sure how much they know about the curse. And
Kingsley seems a little guarded around them. Plus,
Harper is half faerie.
“There’s probably more to what’s going on than
we know yet,” Kingsley states while examining the
blade of his sword. “There always seems to be with
the fey queen and this fucked up curse. And I’m
sure there’s more to why she’s building an army of
created vampires than her just wanting to start a
war. Nothing’s ever what it seems. We know that.”
“Why else would she need an army besides to
start a war?” I ask with a shiver. When both their
eyes dance with amusement, I add, somewhat
offended, “That’s usually how it works in books
and movies—the bad guy or girl wants to start a
war so they build an army.”
Their amusement magnifies, their smiles
breaking through.
“I forgot how entertaining she could be,”
Kingsley remarks, brushing some snow off the top
of my head.
“Adorably entertaining,” Rhyland agrees with a
I scowl at both of them, but a smile nearly
emerges at my lips.
This—the laughing and the teasing—is how
they were before the curse started. And I was
happy back then—that much I know. But I don’t
understand what happiness is anymore. Not truly,
anyway, and that revelation makes me as sad as a
witch with no magic abilities.
“What’s with all the frowning, beautiful?”
Rhyland’s warm breath dusts against my ear.
Normally, I’d lean away from his nearness, but
I’ll take warmth from wherever I can get it.
“Oh for the love of all stupid bats, please don’t
tell me you’re going to start calling me that,” I
groan, bobbing my head back.
Rhyland’s eyes sparkle with delight. “I think it’s
a fitting name.”
“No, it’s not. At all.” I turn my head to look
away from him, because he’s doing that intense, I-
seriously-might-kiss-you thing with his eyes, but he
fixes his finger underneath my chin and forces me
to carry his gaze.
“You’re beautiful, Raven, inside and out,” he
promises. “You always have been and I’ve always
thought so.” I start to snort, but he cuts me off. “Do
you know how much it killed me inside to do and
say all those horrible things I’ve done to you? I just
wish you could understand that it wasn’t me. Not
the real me anyway.” His gaze sears into mine,
begging me to understand.
I swallow hard, unsure what to say. My hands
and legs feel a bit shaky and my lungs are feeling a
bit breathless. At first, I think the reaction is from
the words he just uttered, even though getting all
swoony over a few sentences a cute vampire
uttered to me isn’t really my style, but then the
shakiness begins to spread, crackling through my
body like ice. When it reaches my chest, I yelp out
in pain, my legs buckling from underneath me.
Rhyland constricts his hold on my hand and his
other arm swings out to catch me from falling. Then
he draws me back to him and crouches down,
holding me in his arms.
“What’s wrong?” he asks. When I only cry out
in response, he scans me over with worry flooding
his eyes. “Kingsley.”
“I’m right here.” Kingsley sets his sword down
in the snow and kneels down beside us. “Where
does it hurt, sweetheart.”
“Everywhere?” I manage to gasp, my back
bowing upward as another crackling sensation
bursts through my limbs again.
The pain is unlike anything I’ve felt before, as if
my body has become an ice sculpture and is
splintering apart. And the chilling, deadly, coldness
sweeping through my insides only adds to the pain,
multiplies the pain times ten.
“What’s happening to her?” Rhyland’s voice
From the horror on his face, I can tell
something is terribly wrong. When I lift my hand, I
realize why. My once pale, smooth skin is now
tinted a deep blue and is cracking and uneven, like
raised cliffs.
“My skin…” I gasp. “I’m breaking apart…”
“No, you’re not!” Rhyland growls, settting me
into Kingsley’s arms and then jumping to his feet.
He tips his head toward the iridescent clouds.
“Why are you doing this! Why can’t you just move
on, you fucking crazed, batshit, goblin of a faerie!”
The mountains quake against the echo of his
“Rhyland,” Kingsley says calmly while
examining me over. “As much as I agree with you
that Faraelee is a crazed batshit of a goblin, I don’t
think this is the way to help Raven. And if the
queen hears you and she is doing this to Raven,
she’s only going to make it worse. The best thing
we can do right now is calm down and try to figure
out what’s causing this.”
“Fuck,” Rhyland grits out then turns around, his
sorrowful gaze landing on me. “What do you think
it is? Part of the curse or something else?”
“I’m not sure.” Kingsley’s brows furrow as he
glances at Rhyland. “Can you still hear her in your
head? Faraelee, I mean?”
“You can hear Faraelee in your head?” I rasp as
another spout of pain tears through me. “Since
when?” Sweat drips down my brow as my body
tightens and cracks—I can’t even recall the last
time I sweat. Maybe never.
Rhyland drops to his knees, his face pained.
“Ever since the curse started, she occasionally
intrudes my mind. And I’ve always hated it.” He
places a shaky hand on my cheek. “Talking in each
other’s minds is supposed to be our thing.” He
offers me a small smile, but his eyes reveal his
I want to ask him if we’ve always been able to
do it—if he’s always been able to speak to me
through my mind—or if the curse did that to us, but
pain rips through my body again and I scream out.
“What in the bats from hell is going on over
here?” Dex marches up, along with Harper.
Aeribella is just behind them and she runs up to me,
nuzzling my face, a glittering teardrop falling from
her eye. Before Rhyland or Kingsley can answer
him, Dex’s gaze finds mine and his face pales.
“What happened to her?”
“We’re not sure yet,” Kingsley traces his
fingers along the uneven edges of my face. “Raven,
is there anything that you can tell us that might help
us figure this out? Like maybe how you feel? Or
how you felt before this started happening?”
“Cold,” I manage to whisper. “I’ve felt—feel
very cold… There’s also pain… A lot…”
“I can help you with the pain,” Rhyland skims
his fingers along my cheekbones and jawline. “Try
to relax, okay?”
I bob my head up and down. "Okay.”
Rhyland carries my gaze as his lips move,
muttering a soft chant that I assume is a spell.
Usually I hate it when he puts spells on me, sleepy
spells seeming to be his favorite, but this time I’m
perfectly okay with it.
A few witches’ chants later, the pain slowly
dissipates from my body and warmth coils through
my icy veins. The sensation is so relaxing I nearly
drift to sleep. Well, either that or Rhyland did put a
sleepy spell on me.
“I’ve never felt this warm in my life,” I
whisper, my eyelashes fluttering against the
snowflakes falling from the sky. “Do you think it’s
okay for a vampire to be this warm? Maybe I’ll
melt or something.” My eyes widen. “Do I look
Rhyland’s lips quirk into the saddest smile I’ve
ever seen. “You look beautiful.”
I roll my eyes. “You’re so full of pig’s blood. I
saw my hand. I know I’m cracky.”
“Well, you’re definitely cracky in the head,”
Kingsley teases with a smirk.
I’m not surprised he’s joking. From my
memories, he seemed like the kind of vampire to
crack a joke even during the uneasiness of times.
I smack his arm. “Not funny.” When he smiles
for reals, I shake my head and look at Rhyland.
“Can you maybe use magic to make me uncracky?”
I ask with hope.
He shakes his head. “I’m so sorry, but if my
magic could’ve healed you, the spell I just cast
“Oh.” I crinkle my nose. “How bad is my
crackiness? I mean, like on a scale of one to ten.
One being like as smooth as all this snow and ten
being like… Like a Tree demon’s face.”
“You definitely don’t look like a tree demon,”
Kingsley assures me. “But we do need to get to this
hiding place so we can figure out a way to fixed
you before the cracks get bigger and you…”
“Crumble into dust,” I finish for him, knowing
if we can’t solve what’s going on soon, there’s
going to be nothing left of me to save.
fter I utter the painful truth, everyone gets
a second vampire blood boost of energy
and scrambles to get moving again.
Kingsley tries to carry me, but Rhyland insists he
needs to do it.
His reason: “I may have to put another spell on
her if this one wears off. Besides, you’re a better
fighter than me so you need to be armed. Plus,
she’s my queen.”
“Actually, I’m nobodies queen but myself…” I
replay the stupidity of my own words. “Well and an
entire kingdom, but whatever. I don’t technically
belong to anyone, including the king.” Instead of
getting my point across, they’re amused. I start to
sit up to climb out of Kingsley’s arms, convinced
I’ll just walk, but the edges of my skin grate
together and dust scatters across the air.
“Easy,” Kingsley warns, securing me against his
chest. “Don’t move quickly or else we’re going to
lose some pieces of you. And personally, I’m a fan
of all of those pieces.”
I stare at him, unimpressed, but hold still
because, yeah, I’m kind of a fan of all of my pieces
too, the imperfect ones and all.
As Kingsley slowly straightens to his feet,
Rhyland stands up too.
“Carefully give her to me,” he says, extending
his arms out.
Strangely, Kingsley hesitates. My guess, he’s
worried the transfer will cause pieces of me to
break off. But then he sighs and carefully hands me
to Rhyland.
Once I’m situated in Rhyland’s arms, Kingsley
steps back, meets my gaze for a melting snowdrop
of a second, then bends down to scoop up his
sword. Dusting the snow off the handle, he
approaches Harper with swift, determined strides.
“The quicker you can get us there the better,”
he tells her. “I’m serious, Harper. No messing
around, okay?”
Harper blinks, her eyes wide. “You think I’m
messing around?”
“I’m hoping you aren’t,” Kingsley says lowly.
“But sometimes you do it without even trying. Like
how you’ve been skipping for the last hour.”
Her lip curls, her liquid silver eyes swirling with
irritation, a foreign look since usually she’s all
rainbows, sunshine, and unicorns. “Just because I
like to skip doesn’t mean I’m messing around. And
skipping is faster than your brooding vampire
walk.” She whirls around, her flowing white hair
whipping him in the face.
“Wow, she’s feisty,” I remark with a small
“You two should get along just great then,”
Rhyland teases as he follows after Harper and Dex.
Kingsley hangs back near us with Aeribella
trotting at his side, her wings flittering against the
snow flurries. Kingsley’s body is stiff, his eyes
skimming the land, in full Blood Protector mode.
“Are you saying I’m feisty?” I question,
cocking a brow at Rhyland.
He wavers. “In the first life, yes. Most, though,
you weren’t.” He grits out and then huffs a strained
exhale. “Holy shit, I can’t believe I actually got
those words to leave my lips.”
“Maybe that means we’re progressing in
completely breaking the curse?” I suggest as
snowflakes flutter from the sky and splatter against
my face.
I’d reach up to wipe them off but fear even the
slightest movement will make me lose a finger or
He offers me a fake smile and I grimace.
Great. He’s back to not being able to tell me
things again.
And on top of that, running from the queen and
her army, finding my parents, and breaking the
curse, I need to figure out a way to get rid of this
cracking taking over my body… my neck starts to
itch…. Oh yeah, and I also need to get this stupid
dragon’s fire burn off my neck before it spreads.
“Rhyland,” I say quietly. “How are we
supposed to do everything without me falling apart
His gaze drops to me. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, we’re running from the queen and an
army of created vampires, we need to find my
parents and the guards, and maybe break what’s
left of the curse all while trying to figure out what’s
cracking me apart and train a dragon to get rid of
these damn burns on my neck. That’s a lot of stuff
and I can’t even move right now without losing
pieces of my body.”
If he’s worried, he doesn’t reveal it. “Well,
we’re going to get you fixed first—that’s our top
“But you don’t even know what’s causing the
“Yes, but we’re in a land full of very powerful
creatures, so if we can’t figure it out, some creature
should be able to. Although, I’m not sure if it’s wise
to involve an unknown creature.”
“We might have to.” Kingsley slows down to
hike beside us.
“It could be dangerous,” Rhyland warns. “We
don’t even know how far the queen’s power has
spread. What if she has created vampires here in
the Land of Moonlight?”
“But if she did, wouldn’t she have sent them
after me to begin with instead of sending Nadine
after me?” I point out.
“Maybe,” Rhyland says, but worry creases his
“What we need is a Magical Reader.” Kingsley
spins his sword in his hand as he stares ahead at the
mountains, his face set in deep thought. “They
could figure out what sort of magic is doing this to
“But are we even sure it’s magic?” Rhyland
questions, adjusting me in his arms.
Kingsley glances at him with his brow arched.
“What else could it be?”
“I’m not sure,” Rhyland mutters. “But when I
used the spell on her, there was no traces of magic
in her besides mine.”
“You can tell that sort of shit?” Kingsley bows
his head as the wind picks up. “Since when?”
“Since this life,” Rhyland grimaces. “I think it’s
linked to my powers or something—”
An abrupt gust of wind sweeps across the land,
kicking up snow and nearly blowing us backwards.
As Rhyland ducks his head, little particles of my
skin begin to flake off and get carried away. I try to
curl inward, but as the wind hits my back and
pieces of it threaten to break apart.
“Shit. We need to get her shielded somehow,”
Rhyland hollers over the wind. “Kingsley, give me
your shirt.”
A few wind howls later, a shirt is draped over
my head. But my body continues to struggle to
remain put together, the pressure of the wind
against my clothes too much. Finally, Rhyland
crouches down.
“What’re you doing?” Kingsley shouts. “We
need to keep moving.”
“I’m putting a freezing spell on her,” Rhyland
yells back, his fingers gently folding around my
arm. “It should hold her together until we can get
her to shelter.”
“You’re going to what?” I try to shout, but my
voice is nothing but a hoarse whisper as my lips
crack apart.
“Are you sure you’re strong enough?” Kingsley
asks. “You’re starting to look a bit weak. And I
know you haven’t fed in a while…”
“Neither have you and you’re fine,” Rhyland
says as warmth begins to spread through my body.
“But I’m not the one casting spells,” Kingsley
points out, sounding close.
“Do you really not want me to do this?”
Rhyland asks. When Kingsley doesn’t answer,
Rhyland says, “Yeah, that’s what I thought. So stop
arguing. I’ll be fine. I just need her to be fine. And
so do you.”
“I know,” Kingsley whispers.
I feel fingers brush across the shirt covering my
face, right across my cheek. Then the effervescent
warmth consumes my body, my mind, my
everything freezes.
Whatever is happening, I feel exhausted. I let
my eyelids slip shut, allow the magic to pull me
under, hoping when I open my eyes again, they’ll
actually still be on my face.
hat last spell took a lot out of me,
more than likely because I haven’t
fed in a while. I’m weakening. But that doesn’t
mean I’m going to stop trying to protect Raven.
Back before the curse, it used to be mine and
Kingsley’s job to protect her. Raven was always
doing things that’d get her into trouble—all of us
did—but when it all came down to it, Kingsley and
I did everything to make sure that, at the end of the
night, she was okay, even if we had to suffer for it.
Countless times Kingsley and I took the fall for
something the three of us did. Raven being her
sweet, kind, and caring self, tried to take the blame.
But it was two against one so she rarely got her
way, at least when it came to that. Everything else,
though—everything she wanted—we tried to give
her. Except on that final night when the curse was
created. That night Kingsley and I were selfish.
That night not only did we not think about what
Raven wanted, we took away everything we’d ever
given her.
And to this night, I hate myself for it. Which is
why I’ll do—and keep doing—everything I can to
protect her. I just wish all of my choices were mine
so I could protect her better, but I can feel that the
queen still has a bit of control over me.
Blood drips down my nose as I finish the
freezing spell. I move to hurry and wipe it away
with my hand before Kingsley notices, but
apparently being weak means moving slower than I
normally do.
“You need to take it easy on the spells.” He
eyeballs the blood on my hand. “Well, either that or
“Feed on who exactly?” I question as I scoop
Raven’s frozen body up in my arms. “Because we
don’t have any blood supply on us and Harper isn’t
an option unless I want to go mad.” Yeah,
unfortunately, when a vampire drinks faerie blood
there’s a risk that they could go mad due to the
type of magic flowing in feys' veins. That only
leaves Dex since vampires can’t feed off a vampire
from their own bloodlines, but…” I lower my
voice. “Dex won’t do much for me—as the king,
you know I need more powerful blood. And Dex
is… well, Dex. He’s never been very powerful.
Does he have a good eye for style? Absolutely. But
that’s about it.” I wipe the rest of the blood off my
nose then carefully stand up with Raven in my
“Yeah, I know. And honestly, what you need
is…” he trails off, glancing toward Raven.
I quickly shake my head. “There’s no way I
could ever feed off of her without her permission.
Plus, she’s weak right now. Drinking from her could
finish her off.”
“I know. And I’d rather you not drink from her
while she’s like this, but…” He pauses as we start
hiking through the snow again, which is now so
deep it reaches the tops of my knees. “Eventually,
you’re going to have to either find a way to get her
to let you feed off her or find someone to feed off
of like an Empress or another creature that’s
powerful, or else you’re never going to rebuild your
strength. And you need to be strong if we want to
keep on fighting the queen. And with how things
are looking, we’re probably going to also have to
fight a damn army of Created as well.”
“What else are we going to call them? No one
has ever taken the time to officially name them.”
“True.” I squint against the snow to keep my
gaze on Dex and Harper up ahead. “I guess Created
“Glad I have your approval, my king.” He bows
his head and shoots me a smirk.
“You should be glad,” I quip, adjusting my body
to the side to block the wind from directly hitting
“Always am.”
We grow quiet after that, focusing on moving
forward, fighting our way against the blizzard.
Every so often, I peer behind us to see if we’re
being followed, but I can barely see and honestly, if
anything is behind us, I won’t realize it until right
before we’re attacked. Usually, I can rely on my
other senses, like my hearing and sense of smell, to
detect when other creatures are nearby. But the
wind is howling too loudly and the smell of dust
and snow engulfs my nostrils. We’re basically
walking around blind and completely vulnerable,
not just to the Created but to the moonlight
creatures as well.
Sure, not every creature in this world is evil, but
an extremely high abundance of them have gone
insane from their power. And somewhere in the
land, and I’m sure eventually we’ll discover where,
a war is occurring. I’m not sure what’ll happen
when we run into any of the creatures, good or evil.
Kingsley seems convinced Raven will be able to
persuade them to fight for us, that her blood tie to
this world will be enough to convince some of the
creatures to help us fight the queen. I hope so, but
I’m worried. Not only could any creature be
working for the queen, but Raven’s father is also
banished from the Land of Moonlight for reasons
that are unknown to almost everyone except his
wife and my parents. The fact that they won’t tell
us probably means it’s bad.
That is, unless Kingsley knows more than he’s
telling me, which wouldn’t be the first time.
surveying the stretch of snowy field in front of us.
“I think I see something.”
I tense, reaching for my sword. “What?”
“I think I see…” He relaxes, straightening, his
grip on his sword loosening. “A forest.”
I track his gaze and sure enough, just ahead of
Harper and Dex, the snowy field fizzles out into
towering trees that rise toward the stormy sky.
“And that’s a good thing because?”
“Because it’s not the same damn field we’ve
been staring at for over a night now.” He quickens
his pace, taking long strides.
“But we don’t know what’s in there,” I warn as
I rush after him. “You know as well as I do that
anything can be hiding in a forest.” It’s where the
fey queen first discovered that Raven and I, the
soon-to-be king, were more than friends. And
where the curse happened. Where Raven forgot
Where I betrayed everyone I love.
“We’ll be on guard,” Kingsley poises his sword
in front of him. “But it’ll also give us shelter from
the storm and from being spotted.” He slows down
as he nears the line of the forest, while Harper and
Dex stroll right on in. “I hate that we’ve been out in
the open yet we can’t see a damn thing. For all we
know, we could be being watched right now.”
“I know. But that still doesn’t mean I’m thrilled
to be going into an unknown forest.” I pause. “Too
much bad shit has happened in forests.”
“Yeah, I know.” He throws a glance at me and
then at Raven. “A lot of good stuff has happened
there too, though.”
True. Back before the curse, Raven, Kingsley,
and I spent a lot of time in the forest near our
houses, hanging out, getting into trouble, and
making plans of our futures. Teasing Raven was
one of mine and Kingsley's favorite things to do.
Kingsley was usually the instigator, but I’d play
along too. Fortunately, Raven would too. She was
good at that—dealing with us, our occasional
moodiness, and our constant joking around. It’s
why we both fell in love with her, even though
Kingsley will never admit it. But I know he loves
her, has for a while, since before the curse.
“Are you guys coming in or what?” Harper calls
out from the trees. “Seriously, vampires are as slow
as fungus demons. And about as attractive as them
Kingsley’s lip curls. “Okay, I know it was my
idea to bring her into this mess, but she’s really
starting to get on my nerves.”
“Well, you did make fun of her skipping,” I
remind him. “Pixies pride themselves on their
skipping abilities. You should know better than to
go there.”
“She was moving too slow,” Kingsley grits
through his teeth. “Skipping is slow.”
“Skipping is awesome,” Harper snarls. “It’s
vampires who are slow… In the head.”
“That’s it.” He storms forward with his sword
positioned in front of him.
I bite back a laugh as I follow him into the
trees, my gaze scanning the area as snow falls from
the branches and onto my head. Nothing about this
is really funny, but Kingsley rarely gets pissed off.
Usually, he’s cheery even during times he shouldn’t
be, so seeing him like this, all because a half faerie,
half pixie called him slow in the head, is pretty
fucking amusing. It makes me wonder why she’s
able to get under Kingsley’s skin. Harper has been
part of the curse since the beginning, and for the
most part, she’s been extremely friendly. So where
is this animosity suddenly coming from? From
Kingsley insulting her skipping? Or is there more to
Shit, did he fuck her?
Fuck, I hope not, but that does kind of sound
like something my brother would do.
“Oh good, you managed to find your way
through the trees,” Harper sneers as Kingsley and I
approach her. Dex is off to the side, leaning against
a tree, his eyes half shut, as if he’s about to pass out
from exhaustion. “I was worried that maybe your
stupid vampire brains weren’t going to be able to
figure it out.”
Kingsley stalks up to her, only stopping when
he’s right in her face. “What’s your deal? Because
you’re starting to act as bitchy as Nadine.”
“My deal is you’re completely ungrateful.” She
pokes him in the chest then reels around and
marches further into the trees, muttering, “Insulting
my skipping, saying it’s slow, when I’m busting my
ass and risking my life to help you out. How dare
you, Kingsley, you ungrateful… Ogre.”
“Oh, she so did not go there.” Kingsley chases
after her, throwing down his sword.
That’s when it hits me, the realization that their
fighting might not be under their own freewill.
Because if there’s one thing I can be certain of, it’s
that Kingsley would never abandon his weapon if it
meant risking Raven getting hurt. And since we’re
currently being hunted by the Created…
Shit, something is going on.
Something I’m betting has to do with the queen.
arper is pissing me off. Like really, if I
could, I’d shapeshift into an ogre and
eat her, I would, kind of pissed off.
I’m not even positive why I’m so furious with her. I
know she insulted me, but typically when that
happens, I joke it off. Being calm is what I’m good
at. Joking in serious times is what I’m known for.
So why the hell demons has this little
pixie/faerie got me all worked up to the point where
I’m considering biting her and not in a pleasant,
drink-her-blood sort of way. No, I want to bite her
and devour her blood until there’s nothing left.
Vampire Rage is the proper term. It rarely occurs
unless a vampire has drunk too much blood and
become blood crazed, or if they’re starved and
hunger consumes them, neither of which has ever
happened to me. Sure, I haven’t tasted the
sweetness of blood on my tongue for a few nights
now, but it takes at least a week before that kind of
hunger takes over.
Besides, Harper isn’t acting like her normal
bouncy self either. If I didn’t know any better, I’d
think her body had been possessed by Nadine’s
Wait just a fucking second…
I slow to a stop. Or well, try to. But my legs
have other ideas and I keep trampling through the
snow after Harper as she races farther into the
shadows of the trees and further away from
Rhyland, Raven, and Dex.
Shit, something or someone has control over my
I reach for my holster and surprisingly, my
fingers cooperate. But I painfully realize why when
I find my holster empty. I must have dropped my
sword somewhere, something I’m not sure I’ve
ever done before, even during a duel.
“Harper!” The echo of my voice causes the
piles of snow that have been building on tree
branches to fall to the ground. I dodge out of the
way as one just about lands on my head, but my
movements are more sluggish than normal.
“Harper,” I warn as I endeavor farther into the
forest, the only direction I can seem to move in. “If
you’re messing around with me, you need to stop
now. I need to go back.” When my only answer is
snow piles hitting the ground, I curse underneath
my breath. “Look, I’m sorry for saying your
skipping was slowing us down. You actually have a
very nice skip.” I resist an eye roll. “It’s beautiful,
in fact.” I manage to halt, but my feet won’t let me
backtrack. “So can you please, please just forgive
me and continue showing us the way to this safe
“For the love of all pathetic vampires, you must
be desperate.” Harper steps out from behind a tree
I immediately sense something’s off by the lack
of shimmer on her skin, the dimness in her eyes,
and the most obvious, the cruel smirk twisting at
her lips. Harper is normally about as bubbly as a
witch riding a magic high and never looks or acts
“My skip is beautiful? Seriously, that’s the best
you can come up with?” She struts toward me, yet
another warning something isn't right.
Harper doesn’t strut. She skips just about
“Who are you?” My fingers twitch at my sides,
longing to be wrapped around the handle of my
“Why Harper, of course.” Her smile magnifies.
“Did you hit your head or something? You seem
“Don’t try to fuck with my mind,” I growl. “I
know you’re not Harper, so fess up and tell me who
you are.”
“Why? So you can shout to your little friends
and warn them?” She stops close enough that she
can touch me and splays her fingers across my
I want nothing more than to swat her hand
away, but until I can regain control over my body,
I’m doomed to endure the touch of this unknown
creature. Every muscle in my body winds tightly
with my repulsion. I’m not a fan of being touched
by a creature I don’t know. I’m not a fan of being
touched at all, except for maybe by Raven. But
even then, I struggle and I hate that I do—hate the
reason I do. No one knows this about me, though.
Knows that whenever I get close to someone, I
numb myself and turn my mind off. And everyone
thinks I’m a fucking vampire slut. But that isn’t
even close to the truth.
I’m cursed in more ways than one.
“Are you thinking about it?” Harper whispers
as her fingers trace a path up and down my chest,
her gaze tracking the movement.
“Thinking about what?” I grit out, managing to
fold my fingertips inward.
When my fingernails pierce my palms, the pain
wipes away the panic and sweet relief bites through
my veins.
Focus on the pain. Not her touching you.
There’s only pain. Physical pain. And you can
handle that, Kingsley. Don’t lose your shit right
now. Numb yourself. You’re good at it.
Don’t let her see it inside you. The darkness.
She might want a taste if she does.
“Don’t play dumb with me.” She stands on her
tiptoes until her lips are a sliver of an inch away
from mine. “I was there, remember?”
I play dumb. “I don’t know what you’re talking
“You don’t, huh? I guess I need to remind you.”
Her lips move toward my ear, her teeth grazing my
earlobe as she whispers, “Darkness lies where most
believe there is light.”
Vomit burns at the back of my throat as her
words pierce my chest. “Where did you hear that
“Think about it really hard,” she purrs. “I think
you should be able to figure it out.”
Flashes of those awful nights that forever
branded me scorch through my mind like searing
embers and reality gradually starts to crush down
on me. There was only one other creature that
knows about those nights, knows what happened to
me the few nights everyone thinks I took off
because I was upset with my parents. When I
returned, I let them believe that was the truth, but it
was far from it.
“Nadine,” I say in a flat tone. “So you’ve
learned how to possess bodies now, have you?
What a cute little trick.”
She slants back with a wicked grin playing on
her lips—or Harper’s lips anyway. “Took you long
enough to figure it out. I’m not sure why since only
a few creatures know what those words mean.”
“I’ve tried to block that time of my life out of
my mind,” I tell her calmly. But on the inside, I’m a
mess. Nadine is here. Nadine is fucking here and
Raven is just over there and there’s nothing I can
do about it. “In fact, I barely remember anything
about it.”
“Believe what you want, but it’s true.”
“Is that so.” The evil glint in her eye makes the
muscle in my jaw spasm. She scratches her
fingernails up and down my arm. “If that’s true,
then why do you cringe when I touch you?”
“Because you’re you,” I reply, loathing her
touch, how it makes my bones feel as if they’re
grinding together. It reminds me of those nights, of
when I was a prisoner…
No, stop thinking about that. What is wrong
with you? You’ve been doing so well at forgetting.
I must be fucking tired.
“There you go, lying again.” She increases the
pressure of the scratching until her nails split open
my flesh and the scent of rust and salt floods the
air. “You cringe when everyone touches you. No
one ever seems to notice, though. Or maybe they
just don’t care.”
“That’s not true at all.” I dig my fingernails
deeper into my palms. “I don’t cringe when your
sister touches me.”
My words elicit a roar from her lips and she
jerks back to strike me across the face. Not the
reaction I was aiming for, but at least she stopped
scratching the blood out of me.
“You know as well as I do that despite how you
and Rhy Rhy act once Raven,” she spits out her
name, “is chosen as queen, you do have feelings for
“Yeah, feelings of hatred.”
Her fingers curl into fists. “I know you’re lying.
There’s no way you can pretend to like me for all
those years and it not be true.”
“You do realize everything about our lives is
nothing but pretending and lying, right? Nothing
about this is real and you know that. Just like I
know you sided with the fey queen. Just like I
know you’re a bitch. Just like we both know that all
that light and darkness crap didn’t bond us—it
broke us. So why are we even here talking about
any of this?”
She leans in, her eyes darkening. “Not
everything was a lie or pretend, no matter how hard
you try to pretend it was. And what happened those
nights to us… you won’t be able to forget them—
there will always be a creature who comes along,
sees, and reminds you. But the control, or lack of it,
can be gone with some help.”
I want to jerk back, but I can’t budge. “What in
the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“It means I found a way to get help—to free
myself from those nights and the burden of the
mark.” A deliberate, malicious smile carves her
face as her hands ignite with sparkly light—magic.
Realization dawns on me. “You made a deal
with the queen to help hide your mark.”
“That’s part of why I made the deal.” She
shrugs. “Honestly, though, I knew you all were
eventually going to lose this curse so I decided I
wanted to be on the winning side and I got some
benefits out of it.” She waggles her magic kissed
I shake my head in disgust. “You’re such a
piece of work.” A pleased smile touches her lips
until I add, “That’s not a compliment. No matter
what you’ve suffered through, what you’ve done
and what you’re doing isn’t okay. And honestly,
even before all those nights happened, you were
still a backstabbing bitch.”
Her smile falters. “You’re going to pay for
A tiny part of me wants to let her—let her
destroy me. But my need to protect Raven is much
greater than my self-inflicting misery. “What’re you
going to do? Curse me to death while I stand here
unable to move? Because I’ve got to say, that’s low,
even for you.”
She lifts a shoulder. “Like I really care.”
“You should.” Rhyland’s voice sails over my
shoulder. “But if you need more persuading, try to
think about if the roles were reversed. If we
attacked you when you were vulnerable.”
Her narrowed gaze zeroes in on something
behind me—Rhyland, I’m sure. I want to twist
around to see if he has Raven, hoping to all the
vampire Gods he doesn’t, but my body won’t
“That will never happen, though.” Her palms
spark with magic, her skin hissing and sizzling.
“Because I’m more powerful than you and
Kingsley and my stupidly pathetic sister—I’m more
powerful than almost any creature anymore.”
“Yeah, see here’s the thing,” Rhyland says as
the sound of boots crunching against the snow rises
from just behind me. “Most evil villains who say
that sort of shit are usually more fangs than bite.”
Her brows lift, along with the corners of her
mouth. “You want to find out?”
“Not really.” Rhyland sighs exhaustedly when
Nadine smirks. “You’re in Harper’s body and I’d
rather not hurt her.”
“Well, we don’t always get what we want, do
we?” She sidesteps away from me and turns to the
side, elevating her hands in front of her. “Some
come on, Rhy Rhy, lets see how much you’re
willing to do to protect your precious Raven,”
Rhyland appears in my peripheral vision as he
steps forward. Relief sweeps through me when I
see that he’s not holding Raven and that silver
sparks of magic hiss from his palms.
Rhyland’s gaze briefly flickers to me. “You
know, Raven was right. That nickname is fucking
A smile tugs at my lips and the movement
makes hope rise inside me. If I can smile at
Rhyland insulting Nadine, it means Nadine is losing
control over my body.
I try to move my hand and with a lot of effort,
manage to make a fist. After some more wiggling of
my muscles, I rotate toward my brother and the evil
bitch, whose back is turned toward me.
Rhyland returns his gaze to Nadine. “You know
I’ll do anything to protect Raven, so if you’re here
to hurt her, I’ll hurt you, no matter whose body
you’re in.”
“Then hurt me, Rhy Rhy,” she sneers. “Or
should I say hurt Harper.”
Rhyland grinds his teeth as he lifts his hand up,
his palm facing Nadine. “I will if I have to.”
Nadine raises her hand with her palm aimed
toward Rhyland. “You can try, but I’m more
powerful than you.”
The more Rhyland distracts her, the more the
possession leaves my body. As I regain control, I
inch toward Nadine, taking measured steps.
“That might be true,” Rhyland says with a
shrug. “But you’re forgetting one thing.”
“I never forget anything.” Nadine grins
haughtily. “I’m the most brilliant witch that’s ever
walked this world—it’s what I requested when I
made the deal with the queen.”
Rhyland’s lips spasms and then he busts up
laughing, hunching over and clutching his side. I
have to bite my lip hard to keep my own laughter
“Oh my stupid fucking vampires, are you really
that stupid,” Rhyland says, howling with laughter.
“Shut up,” she seethes, her hands balling into
fists, sparks cracking from her skin. “It’s true and
you should be very afraid of me right now.”
Rhyland shakes his head, laughter still biting at
his tongue. “You seriously think because you made
a deal with the fey queen to be the most powerful
witch in the worlds that it actually happened?”
“Yes,” Nadine says, but her confidence is
faltering, as she dazes off, as if her mind is
wandering back to a memory.
“Then you’re stupider than I thought.” Rhyland
takes a step toward her. “Considering you know
what happened when I made a deal with the fey
queen, you should know that she twists deals
around so in the end, nothing works out as she
originally said or how you wanted.”
“She didn’t… She wouldn’t do that to me
again… She promised she wouldn’t,” Nadine
growls, stomping her feet. “Shut up, Rhy Rhy! Just
shut up or I’m going to…” She elevates her hands
in front of her, flames bursting from her skin. “I’m
going to curse you even worse—”
I lunge at her, grabbing her by the shoulders and
twirling her around. Her magic sizzles against my
skin, burning my flesh, but I fight the pain as I wrap
my fingers around her neck.
“Release your possession of Harper,” I demand,
gripping her neck.
“Never,” she chokes out as she slams her palm
against my chest, right above my heart. Her lips
part and a magical chant starts to spill from her lips,
Rhyland rushes up behind her, muttering
something under his breath, then a flaming ball of
light shoots from his palm and hits Nadine in the
She gasps out, her face contorted in pain, and I
squeeze her neck tighter.
Come on, come on, come on, let go of your
possession over Harper. Please don’t make me do
this. Please don’t make me hurt someone again.
“Kingsley,” Nadine gasps as I lift her from the
ground. “If you hurt me, you hurt your precious
little disgusting half faerie/pixie abomination.”
“She’s not an abomination,” I growl out. “And
I’m not going to hurt Harper because you’re going
to let her go. If you don’t, you’ll end up getting hurt
“No, I won’t...” she gasps, stabbing her
fingernails into the backs of my hands. “I’m
stronger than that—”
Rhyland hits her with another ball of fire and
she screams out in pain. He moves to do it again,
but staggers to the side, blood dripping from his
nose as he collapses to the ground.
Shit, he’s too weak for this kind of magic. I
need to get Nadine to let go of Harper’s body. Need
to weaken her mind.
“Do you remember those nights we were
prisoners, Nadine?” I whisper lowly, hoping
Rhyland can’t hear me. “Do you remember what
they did to us? Do you remember how we bled? Do
you remember how they broke us, body, minds, and
souls? Do remember how since we’ve returned,
we’ve never really been free?”
“You said you didn’t remember,” she wheezes,
her face tinting red. “I knew you were lying.”
“Yes, I was.” I lean closer. “I remember
everything. Remember how they broke you…
What they did to you. And while you may say that
you found a way to get past it, I know you’re lying.
Because we’ll never get past it. Our souls and
minds are damned for all of eternity and maybe
even after that. We’re marked forever.”
“No, we’re not…” She struggles to speak, her
eyelids drifting shut.
Please just let go.
Her body goes slack and I quickly release my
grip, sliding my hands down Harper’s arms to hold
her up.
“Come on, Harper, open your eyes,” I beg.
“Don’t do this to me. Don’t give up—”
Her eyelids pop open and her skin shimmers
with light as she sucks in a huge breath. “Holy
crazy trolls, that was intense.”
I let out a relieved exhale. “Yeah, you could say
that again.”
“Holy crazy trolls, that was intense,” she
repeats, a small smile touching her lips.
I shake my head, on the verge of smiling. “Only
you would smile right after you almost died.”
“Well, what else am I supposed to do?” She
shrugs. “Besides, you saved my life.”
“That’s not what happened.”
“Um, yeah it was.”
“I just strangled you,” I remind her, guilt
clutching at my chest.
“But only to get that crazy witch out of my
head,” she says as I slowly release ahold of her
arms. “And just so you know, she wasn’t ever going
to let me go. She was going to possess my body
until she stole Raven and took her to the queen.
Then she was going to release possession of me and
have me killed.”
My brows pull together. “How do you know all
of that?”
Her smile is as shimmery as the iridescent
clouds. “Because while she was in my mind, I saw
some of her thoughts.”
My confusion only deepens. “But that’s not
how possession works.”
“Maybe for you vampires.” Her eyes glitter
with amusement as she pats my shoulder. “But I’m
a strange breed of faerie/pixie and magic usually
works a bit wonky on me. I’m surprised she was
even able to possess me at all.”
I scratch my head. “About when did that
“When you insulted my skipping.” She sets her
hands on her hips. “Which for your vampire
information, I’m still mad about, so make sure to
make that up to me.”
My smile just about breaks through, but I fight
it back. “I’ll see what I can do.” I move toward
Rhyland, grab ahold of his arm, and help him to his
feet. “Where’s Raven?”
“I left her with Dex.” Even his voice sounds
weak, his is skin pale, and dark circles have formed
under his eyes. “We should hurry back. I don’t like
her being so unprotected.”
“We’ll head back now.” Worry claws inside me,
but my tone is even and composed. As he struggles
to stand upright, I shake my head. “So how bad are
is it? And don’t try to bullshit me. You just about
passed out.”
He wipes the blood from his nose. “I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not. You need to feed.” So do I.
“We already talked about this.” He jerks his
arms from my grip and staggers toward the stretch
of forest behind me, calling over his shoulder,
“There’s no one around for me to feed on.”
I jog after him. “Well, we need to figure
something out, especially if you keep insisting on
using your magic.”
“I can get you some blood if you need me to,”
Harper says as she skips up beside me. “Once I get
us settled into this place, I can get it. It won’t be
fancy or anything—I know how you vampires love
your powerful blood,” she teases, skipping
backwards in front of me, “But it can help him
recharge a bit until we can find some better blood.”
Rhyland and I trade a look and he shakes his
“Eventually you’re going to have to drink some
blood, unless you want to black out,” I tell him. “So
it might as well be sooner than later. At least that
way, you’ll be around to help with Raven.” If that
won’t persuade him, I don’t know what will.
“Fine,” he utters then quickens his pace,
stumbling through the snow.
“What are we going to do about Nadine?” I call
out after him. “She knows where we are now and
she can possess. That means no one and no place is
“We can put up some anti-possession spells on
us,” Harper chimes in. “It’ll take quite a bit of
magic, but if we can succeed with the spell, it
should make it so the five of us are safe from any
creature taking over our bodies. And as for Nadine
knowing where we’re going, that’s not going to be a
I glance at her. “Why?”
She beams, her skin glimmering as she winks at
me. “You’ll see.”
I hope she’s right. About everything. But
there’s still one more problem. Well, one more
problem on top of a seemingly ever-growing list.
“Even after drinking blood, Rhyland’s not going
to be powerful enough to cast that big of a spell,” I
tell her, swatting tree branches out of my way. “He
needs to feed off Raven’s blood in order to get
back to full strength, but he can’t do that until
Raven is better and has her strength back and
The fucking curse. It’s taking hold of me again.
Not completely, but a little bit.
“I know how the curse works, Kingsley,”
Harper assures me. “I know what needs to be
I nod, relieved she understands what I’m getting
at. “Then you know it’s probably not going to
happen anytime soon, which means Rhyland won’t
have his full strength back for a while.”
“I know. And I wasn’t planning on him doing
the spell. I have a friend that could help. A witch
doctor of sorts, and she’s very powerful.”
“Is she trustworthy, though, because that’s
where we run into problems.”
She nods, growing serious, which is a rarity with
Harper. “She’s a bit different, but I would—and
have—trust her with my life.” I open my mouth to
ask more questions, but she places a finger against
my lips, shushing me. “You’ll just have to trust me
on this, okay?”
“I hardly trust anyone.”
“I know.” She offers me a comforting smile
then twirls around and skips ahead of me, calling
over her shoulder, “I can do a blood oath if you
need me to.”
That helps alleviate the tension from my
muscles a bit. But only when I spot Dex and Raven
through the trees do I relax.
From what I can tell, Raven appears in the
same condition as when we left her and is lying on
the snow in her frozen state, her raven black hair
contrasting with the snow. When I get closer to her,
though, I notice that a few more cracks have
webbed across her face.
“I hope we can fix it soon,” I mutter to myself.
“Or she’s going to fall apart.” The idea of that, of
losing her, makes my chest feel like it’s splintering
“I may have an idea for that too.” Harper pops
up beside me, startling the living bats out of me.
I press my hand to my chest. “For the love of
fucking bouncing pixies, you really do have a habit
of popping up out of nowhere, don’t you?’
She's all smiles and pride. “It’s a gift.”
“That it is.” I tug on a strand of her hair and her
smile broadens. “Are you sure you’re okay?” My
gaze travels to her neck. No marks are visible on
her skin, but with how hard I grabbed her neck, I
worry I may have hurt her.
A grin breaks across her face. “Aw, does the
moody vampire have a soft spot for the faerie
Instead of answering with the truth—that I do
—I throw her sarcasm back at her. “Did you just
refer to yourself in the third person?”
“Not quite.” She pats my cheek. “Relax
vampire. You didn’t hurt me. But you did hurt
Nadine, so that’s good.”
My head tilts to the side. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, before she left my body, I could tell
she was going to have a hard time recovering from
what you and Rhyland did to her.” She gives me yet
another reassuring smile.
It dawns on me then, like a stake to the chest,
that if Harper was mentally present while Nadine
and I were chatting, she heard everything we said.
If she did, she could very well take advantage of
that information.
I swallow down the vile burning in my throat.
“What else did you hear while she had control of
“Not too much.” Then, for the third damn time
in the last few minutes, a smile graces her lips.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone your secret. My
pixie side is very good at that.” Then she skips
away, as cheery as can be, leaving me no choice
but to trust her, something I haven’t done with
anyone in a very long time.
In fact, the last time I fully and completely
trusted someone, led to what started the secret to
begin with.
’m beyond weak, and everyone knows
it. I can’t even carry Raven anymore—
Kingsley had to do it. Watching him
hug her against his chest like she’s the most
precious thing in the worlds—which she is, but still
—is nearly shredding me up from the inside out.
It’s also weakening me even more, my witch
powers barely a dim light inside my chest.
While I hate that my magic abilities came from
the queen, right now, I need them, especially if
we’re ambushed again. Although Harper insists that
won’t happen, that even though Nadine knows our
general location, no creature wishing any harm to
us will be able to find us. I don’t know, though. I
like Harper and everything, but she’s a little out
there in la la, what-the-hell-is-she-talking-about
land. And so far this safe place she’s leading us too
seems to be nonexistent as we journey further and
further into the trees.
“How much farther is it?” I brace my hand
against a frosted tree trunk to give my legs a rest.
“Only a few more steps actually,” Harper
replies, taking a few more skips before coming to a
halt. Then she turns in a circle, staring at the ground
while tapping her finger against her lip. “Let me
see… Where is it… Come on, don’t be shy.”
Okay then… I arch a brow at Kingsley.
He grimaces, warily eyeballing the pixie faerie
that I’m worried may have lost her marbles because
of the possession. It’s been known to happen
“Um, Harper,” Kingsley starts, but she shushes
“Don’t talk or you’re going to scare it away,”
she hisses, holding up a finger. “And then we’ll
have to wait for another moon cycle before it
Kingsley elevates his brows, like okay.
Sighing, Dex sinks to the ground and Aeribella
climbs onto his lap. “I have a feeling we might be
stuck here for a while.”
“That makes two of us,” Kingsley mumbles,
moving to sit down.
Harper raises a finger. ‘Would you three shut up
and be patient. These things take time.”
“We might be able to be more patient if we
knew what was going on,” Kingsley tells her,
standing back up again.
Rolling her eyes, she continues to turn in circles
with her eyes glued to the ground. “I’m getting us
to a safe place, like I promised.”
Then she keeps spinning and spinning,
searching for something in the snow. I’m about to
give up and tell Kingsley we should just keep
moving when something pops out from the ground.
“Greetings Land of Moonlight visitors.” A
shimmering blob of what appears to be a faceless,
iridescent, six-inch tall winged faerie announces
while throwing glitter into the air. Then it rubs its
chin and glances toward Raven. “And moonlight
creatures, apparently.”
“Yes, she’s of moonlight decent,” Harper
declares with a nod of her head.
“But she’s not the same creature you came here
with last time,” The blob says. It’s not a question.
Just a mere statement.
“Oh, Sparkles? Yeah, he went off the deep end
again,” Harper explains with a dismissive flick of
her wrist. “So we’re taking a little break from each
other. I mean, I like him and everything, but there’s
only so much crazy I can deal with, you know.”
The blob bobs its head up and down. “I
completely understand, sweetheart. Sometimes you
gotta focus on your own crazy, right?”
“Yep.” A smile lights up Harper’s face. “I do
need to still come in there, though. And we’re very
pressed for time so if you could make this a speedy
transport, that’d be super great.”
“Anything for you, beautiful,” the blob winks at
her. “One speedy transport coming right up.” Then
the blob dives back into the snow.
Silence stretches between us.
“Okay, then,” Dex finally says, jumping to his
feet and brushing the snow off his jeans. “Did
anyone else see a shimmering blob of goo hitting on
“Oh, Shiny wasn’t hitting on me. Trust me.”
Harper dismisses him with a wave of her hand.
“Shimmer Blobs are just natural flirts. They don’t
even mean to do it most of the time.”
“Shimmer blobs?” The snow crunches under
my thick boots as I step toward her. “What the hell
is that? Because I’ve been around for a really long
time and I’ve never heard of such a thing.”
“That’s because you’re knowledge has mostly
been limited to the creatures of Mystic Willow Bay
and Shimmer blobs originally came from the Land
of Reflective Light. But when their government
started to collapse because the king got a little too
handsy with all the wives and even some husbands,
a lot of them relocated here,” Harper explains,
plopping down on a chunk of ice. “It’s not your
fault, though, that you don’t know this. The curse
has sort of limited your traveling abilities and
distracted you from a lot of what’s going on in the
True. But that still doesn’t mean I’m on board
with some odd sparkling, flirty by nature blob of
goo knowing Raven’s location.
“How do we know we can trust it?” I question.
“And what the hell does it even do?”
“It’s going to transport us to the safe place,”
she states matter of factly.
“I know, but how?” I bite back my annoyance
the best that I can, but she keeps talking in circles.
“And where are we even going? Because you’ve
never clarified that either.”
“You’ll see when we get there, because telling
you before we get there would mean that we might
not be able to go there.” She’s starting to speak in
riddles, a pixie trait.
I give up, turning to Kingsley. “What do you
think we should do?” I lower my voice. “I mean,
I’ve never heard of a shimmer blob before and this
whole thing seems weird.”
“I know.” Kingsley flicks a glance in Harper’s
direction. “But I think I trust her.”
“Really?” Doubt rings in my tone. “Because
usually you don’t trust anyone, except for her.” I
graze my fingers along the shirt covering Raven’s
“I know.” That’s all he’s says before sinking
into silence.
Something’s bothering him—I can tell. I’m
about to press when the ground begins to rumble
and shake, the icicles dangling on the tree branches
above us clinking together. I reach for my sword,
but before I can withdraw, the ground lights up, and
a large iridescent puddle bleeds through the snow
beneath our feet.
“What the hell is that?” I shout as I struggle to
keep balance.
Harper grins from ear to ear. “That, my friends,
is our speedy transportation.”
Before anyone can say anything else, the
ground opens up and I’m swallowed by iridescent
hate school. I really do. Not because I
don’t like learning, but because all the
other vampires make fun of me.
They’re always saying I’m such a clumsy and slow
vampire, which I guess I sort of am. My older
sister Nadine seems to be the main instigator of
the ridicule. She must be as charming as a siren
because she’s managed to get the entire school to
call me Spazzy Raven. Honestly, it’s not a very
clever name, but Nadine isn’t very clever either.
Still, as stupid as the name is, hearing it makes me
feel terrible. I even spent yesterday during lunch
crying in the bathroom. I wish I could just be done
with school already, but since it’s my first year, I
have a long ways to go.
I probably should’ve eaten lunch in the
bathroom today too, but I was trying to be brave.
Now I’m stuck sitting at a table all alone while the
rest of the vampires in my school throw food at my
back and chant, “Spazzy Raven. Spazzy Raven.
She’s such a spazz.”
I want to get up and leave—go hide somewhere
—but I’m too scared to lift my head and look at all
of their faces that I’m sure are filled with hate.
“Well, what do we have here?” Someone plops
down on the bench beside me.
I don’t dare look up, too afraid of what’s
coming next.
“Easy, Kingsley, she’s probably scared to the
I know that voice. It belongs to my parents’
friends’ son Rhyland. Kingsley is his twin brother,
although they don’t really look alike. While
sometimes they talk to me when our parents hang
out, they’ve never really paid too much attention
to me before. They mostly just go outside whenever
our families have get-togethers and mess around,
playing pranks on people and getting into trouble.
They rarely spend time with other vampires, living
in their own bubble.
I’ve heard Nadine talk about them, how she
thinks they’re cute and has all sorts of plans on
how she’s going to be friends with them. So far,
though, they pretty much just ignore her, which
makes me like them, even if we’ve barely spoken.
“I’m not scared,” I lie, staring at my mushy
sandwich. It wasn’t mushy when I first took it out of
my lunchbox, but then someone dumped blood on it
and now the bread is all red and gooey.
“Then why are you talking to your mushy
sandwich?” Kingsley teases from beside me.
I’m so sick of being teased. And now they’re
joining in on it. I can’t take this anymore.
“I’m not.” I lift my gaze and glare at him. “I
was talking to you. Well, unless you’re a mushy
sandwich. But maybe you are. Your face does look
sort of mushy.”
Oh my vampires, did I seriously just say that!
His brow pops up with intrigue then his gaze
darts to Rhyland, who’s sitting across the table
from us. “Did you hear that, Rhyland? She just
said I have a mushy face.”
“I think she might be on to something,”
Rhyland remarks, smiling at me.
I don’t know what to do with that smile,
whether to run away or return it. Usually when
another vampire smiles at me, it’s right before they
call me Spazzy Raven. But his smile doesn’t look
mean. It just looks like a smile.
So I decide to smile back. “Of course I am. I’m
super clever and an expert on mushy faces, seeing
as how my sister has one.”
Rhyland glances at Kingsley. The two of them
trade an indecipherable look before Kingsley
presses his hand to his chest.
“The queen has wounded me so,” he teases
with a grin.
“Yes, she has,” Rhyland agrees. “Now all you
can do is beg for her to take it back. But you better
beg really good. She seems like a hard one to win
“I’ll do my best.” He stands up, drops down on
one knee in front of me, and takes my hand. It
might be the first time another vampire aside from
my parents has ever touched me without the intent
to hurt me. “Raven, fairest queen of all, will you
please take back your cruel words about my mushy
face and fix the deep wound you instilled in my
I press my lips together, stifling a laugh. “I
don’t know. I’m not sure if your begging won me
over or not. I might need a little bit more.”
He ponders the idea with a clever smile. “How
about my hand in marriage? When we’re old
enough, of course.”
“Hmmm…” I thrum my fingers against my lips.
“I’m not sure if I can ever see myself getting
“Then how about I promise to be your sworn
Blood Protector.”
“Doesn’t only the queen have those?”
“But you are the queen,” he reminds me with a
I can’t help but laugh, partly because I sort of
think he’s funny and partly because, please, like I
could ever become queen. Still, it’s kinda of fun
joking around with him.
“Fine.” I pat his head. “You don’t have a
mushy face. In fact, your face is as hard as a
“Thank you, my queen.” Grinning, he jumps to
his feet and moves to sit down beside me.
I’m still completely confused why they’re even
talking to me to begin with unless maybe my
parents found out about how badly I get teased at
school and asked them to make friends with me. If
they did, I kind of feel pathetic, but at the same
time, feel sort of grateful because I get really
lonely sometimes.
But me being me, I need to know the answer.
“Why are you guys talking to me?” I glance at
the two of them.
“Why not?” Kingsley quips, stealing a carrot
from my lunchbox.
“Um, because I’m Spazzy Raven,” I tell him.
“And you guys are far from spazzy.”
“You’re not spazzy,” Rhyland insists, stretching
his arms across the table to steal a carrot from my
“And even if you were,” Kingsley says, stuffing
the carrot into his mouth. “We happen to like
“Yeah, you say that now until I’m constantly
tripping over your feet, stomping on your toes,
slowing you down, getting you made fun of—” A
hamburger bun hits me in the back then falls off
and lands on Kingsley’s lap. “And getting you hit
by food.”
Kingsley’s lip twitches as he picks up the
hamburger bun. “First of all, no one ever dares
make fun of us. And second of all, soon they won’t
dare make fun of you.”
“Um, yeah, I don’t think…” I trail off as he
gets up and strides across the cafeteria toward my
sister’s table.
Worry whips through me. “He better be
careful. He’s walking right in to the witches’ den.”
“Relax. Kingsley can handle it.” Rhyland
reaches across the table, takes my hand, and tugs
me to my feet. “Now come sit down by me and
watch the show. I think you’re going to enjoy this.”
Nervously, I round the table, highly aware that
he continues to hold my hand even when I sit down.
I wonder how he can be okay with holding my hand
in public. Isn’t he embarrassed? He sure doesn’t
look like it.
As if he feels me staring at him, he meets my
gaze and smiles in amusement. Then he fixes his
finger underneath my chin and steers my attention
back toward Kingsley.
“You don’t want to miss the best part, do you?”
he asks.
I shake my head and focus on Kingsley as he
strolls across the cafeteria with the soggy
hamburger bun in his hand. Even though he’s only
ten years old, he looks scary as a demon as he
stops by Nadine’s table.
“All right, I’m going to ask this one time and
one time only.” He holds up the hamburger bun.
“Which one of you evil wenches threw this?”
“Hey,” a male vampire with blond hair and
blue eyes, who’s sitting next to Nadine, starts to
protest. “Male vampires aren’t wenches—”
Kingsley reaches across the table and stuffs the
hamburger bun into the vampire's mouth. Then he
props his boot up onto the bench and rests his arms
on his knees. “Now, like I was saying before I was
so rudely interrupted, which one of you evil
wenches threw the bun at my lovely little Raven
over there.”
“Hey,” I start to gripe. “I don’t belong to
Rhyland quiets me by placing his finger
against my lips. “Shh… Don’t worry, we can
belong to you too.”
I dramatically roll my eyes. “Who says I want
you to?”
His brow bows up. “You’re saying you don’t?”
“Um…” Part of me wants to nod, but the other
part really, really likes not being alone. Plus, they
seem nice and everything.
Rhyland grins at my silence. “That’s what I
thought.” When he withdraws his finger from my
lips, I stick out my tongue. He laughs, then nods in
the direction of Kingsley. “Now watch your new
friend and future Blood Protector defend your
“Oh fine.” I pretend to grimace as I return my
attention to Kingsley, but secretly, I smile to
myself. “So, if Kingsley is my future sworn Blood
Protector,” I say as I watch Kingsley continue to
toy with Nadine and her friends like a vampire
playing with his dinner, “Then what does that make
you? Because all you’re pretty much doing is
sitting here beside me, watching the show.”
“Doesn’t that make the answer obvious?” he
whispers in my ear. “I’m your king.”
“So gross,” I gag, eliciting a chuckle from him.
“You know what?” he says. “I think the three
of us are going to be really good friends.”
I don’t want to get my hopes up, but I’ve never
had a friend before and I can’t help but get
excited. And the excitement only grows as
Kingsley’s voice rises across the cafeteria.
“And if you or any of your little minion
wenches even so much as look at Raven again,
this’ll be mild in comparison to what’ll happen to
you.” Then he dumps a cup of blood all over
Nadine’s head.
She screeches like a wild banshee as she jumps
to her feet. “You’re going to pay for that,
Kingsley!” she screams with her hands balled at
her sides. “One day, you and your stupid brother
are going to get cursed and there’s nothing you’ll
be able to do about it!” Then she spins around and
stomps out of the cafeteria.
Kingsley turns around and strolls back to our
table, grinning. “Did you hear that? She’s going to
curse me.”
A beat of silence trickles by and then the two of
them erupt in laughter.
I, however, don’t find it very funny. “Maybe
you guys shouldn’t have upset her like that.”
Kingsley lifts a brow as he steals another
carrot from my lunchbox. “Do you feel sorry for
“No.” I feel bad for saying so, but Nadine has
done way worse to me over the years, everything
from getting a witch to cast a wart spell on me to
tricking me into drinking troll blood. I was sick for
over a month after that and temporarily sprouted
horns from my head. “But Nadine can be really
cruel, and I’m worried she might come after you.”
Kingsley and Rhyland exchange another
unreadable look.
“We can handle Nadine,” Kingsley assures me
with a smirk. “And if you stick with us, from now
on, you’ll be completely protected from her.”
Again, I want to ask them why they’re suddenly
being friends with me. But then I decide that
maybe I don’t want to know the truth. That maybe
it’s better if I just accept their friendship.
“All right, I guess we can hang out or
whatever,” I say with a shrug.
Again, they assess me with amusement. I’m
unsure why, so I flash them a smirk and they grin.
I start to grin too but then the strangest feeling
someone is watching me trickles up the back of my
When I peer around, I spot a figure lurking in
one of the alcoves, their face hidden in the
shadows. For a faltering moment, they’re eyes
flicker and for some odd reason, Nadine’s words
echo in my head:
One day, you and your stupid brother are going
to get cursed and there’s nothing you’ll be able to
But when I blink, the figure is gone. Still,
worry crawls through me.
“What if she really does try to curse you,” I
whisper, chewing on my thumbnail.
“There’s no way she could,” Kingsley
promises. “Curses take too much power—more
power than anyone in Mystic Willow Bay has.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” But my stomach remains
raveling in knots.
“Quit worrying,” Rhyland nudges me with his
elbow. “We’re gonna take care of you from now
I raise my chin defiantly. “I want to take care
of myself.”
“You can do that too.” Kingsley winks at me.
“Just as long as we get to help.”
I can’t help but smile, my worries momentarily
drifting away…
y eyelids flutter open, my body
aching like it’s been split in two. As
the events of what occurred before
I passed out emerge, I start to worry that’s exactly
what’s going on. That the cracking overtook my
body until it split me apart.
“Oh my vampires, please don’t say I’m like two
halves now,” I groan as light stings my eyeballs.
“How am I supposed to walk if that happens? Or
eat? Or wear clothes… Wait, please say I’m not
like naked right now.” I cringe at the idea,
especially since I have no freakin’ clue where I am
or if I’m alone.
A soft chuckle touches my eardrums as a finger
lightly grazes my hairline, brushing my hair away
from my face. “I think you might be okay.”
I cringe again. “Great, you’re here. Please don’t
tell me I’m naked.”
“Now, now, sweetheart, don’t pretend like you
don’t want me here while you’re naked.”
Kingsley’s smirk is evident in his tone.
I roll my eyes, my mind briefly flickering back
to the memory I had right before I woke up. If I had
to guess, it was a real memory from my first life,
back when Kingsley and Rhyland first became
friends with me. Our relationship had felt so light,
so real. It felt—still does—sort of nice. But then
my mind floats back to the memories of this life
when we were the same age, only Kingsley and
Rhyland were sitting beside Nadine in the cafeteria,
mocking and tormenting me right along beside her.
My emotions get all wonky, dancing between
liking Kingsley and loathing him.
Seriously, all these contradicting memories are
so confusing.
And what’s even more confusing was the whole
scene in the cafeteria, when Kingsley swore he was
going to be my Blood Protector and how Rhyland
said we were going to be king and queen. Then
Nadine said they’d end up cursed. And somehow it
all actually happened, yet that memory was from
my first life. So how did we know what we would
end up becoming? And what was that thing hiding
in the alcove?
“What’s the matter?” Kingsley’s face comes
into focus. Worry is creasing his brow as he slants
forward in the chair he’s sitting in that’s beside the
bed I’m lying in. “You look upset.”
My gaze drags across his face. His hair is askew
and he has a strange red handprint shaped mark on
his cheek. He’s also shirtless, but I think I
remember him taking that off to give to me.
“What happened to your face?” I lift my hand
and graze my fingers along his red tinted cheek.
“It’s red and feels puffy.” My lips quirk. “And
His eyes light up. “Did someone remember
“Yeah, how mushy your face is.” I pat his
cheek then gasp. “My hand! It’s not cracky!” I bolt
upright so swiftly, I smack my forehead against his.
“But apparently my spazziness still exists.” I wince
as I press my hand to my throbbing forehead. “I’m
so sorry. Is your head okay?”
“Maybe. You may have cracked my skull a bit.
Might have to kiss it better,” he says with a wink.
I lower my hand to my neck to check to see if
perhaps the dragon fire burns are gone too, but
nope, my skin is still all flakey. “Not funny.”
He tugs on a strand of my hair. “Then why’re
you smiling?”
I roll my tongue in my mouth, the edge scraping
against my fangs. “That’s what my evil villain smile
looks like.”
His lips threaten to turn upward. “And why
exactly do you have on your an evil villain smile?”
“Because…” I search my mind for an excuse
and then decide to just pinch his chest. “Because of
A laugh bursts from his lips. “That’s the best
you can come up with?” He shakes his head. “You
just might be the most adorable vampire I’ve ever
seen, even when you’re trying to be an evil villain.”
I pinch his chest again, this time a bit harder,
but all he does is laugh again. Giving up, I take a
look around at the room and discover that we’re
not in a room at all. “Are we inside a tree?” I line
my palm to the rough edged wall beside me.
“Because this looks an awful lot like bark.”
“Actually, we are.” His laughter fizzles, the
glitteriness in his eyes dimming. “How much do
you remember about after we left camp?”
“Well, I remember walking for a while. A lot of
snow. I remember getting really cold and my feet
hurting. Then I started cracking apart so Rhyland
put a freezing spell on me.” I rest back against the
headboard of the bed that’s made of bark. “After
that, everything becomes hazy.”
He rests his arms on the bed. “I figured you
probably wouldn’t remember much. Freezing spells
have a tendency to freeze the mind as well.”
I scrunch my nose. “Well that sounds lovely.”
“Don’t worry, I’m sure it’s thawed by now,” he
says, brushing his fingertip along my temple.
“Is everything always a joke to you?”
“You tell me. You’re the one remembering
things. So tell me sweetheart, am I always the
lovely jokester I am now?”
“No. From what I can remember, you’re usually
cruel, at least to me.”
“Raven,” he starts, his eyes softening.
I dazzle him with a sassy smirk. “And there you
go. You’re not joking now.”
“Well, aren’t you just a little brat.” He dives
forward, his fingers finding my sides.
I let out a squeal as he starts tickling me. I’m
not even sure I’ve ever been tickled before, at least
in this life. And here I am in a tree bed, inside a
freakin’ tree, getting tickled by, of all vampires,
Seriously, what the crazy trolls is happening?
How did I go from hating him and his brother to
letting them carry me around and tickle me? It
almost feels wrong, yet at the same time, right. I
blame the latter on the surfacing memories. They’re
confusing me.
“Kingsley, stop!” I beg through my laughter as I
roll to my side. “You’re going to make me crack
apart again.”
“Actually, that won’t happen for a while.” He
slides onto the bed as he continues to torture my
sides with his fingertips. “And, with the help of the
witch doctor, we might be able to put a stop to it
“A witch doctor,” I manage to say as I curl onto
my side. “But I thought Rhyland said it wasn’t
magic causing it?”
“Witch doctor’s don’t just deal with magic.” He
ceases the tickling, but his fingers remain on my
sides. His chest is pressed against my back, his
breaths coming out uneven, which is super weird
since technically, he doesn’t need oxygen. “They
deal with strange, foreign diseases as well, along
with a lot of other things.”
“You guys think I have a disease?” I shudder.
“If you did, it’d be a lot better than it being
from magic,” he promises. “Diseases are way more
“True…” I tense as his fingers gently trace
circles on my side. “Um, is this part of your Blood
Protector duties?”
“Is what?” Puzzlement etches his tone.
“Tickling me. Tracing circles on my side.”
His fingers pause then he sketches another
circle on my hip. “Didn’t realize I was doing it.” He
pushes away from me. “Sorry about that, my
I roll onto my side and give him a dirty look.
“Please don’t call me that.”
He retaliates with an innocent look. “Call you
“My queen. I mean, first of all, from what I’ve
seen, I’m not even sure I’m supposed to be the real
queen. And second of all, at the rate I’m going,
even if I am the real queen, I’m probably going to
fall apart before the crown ever makes it on my
Any of his humor evaporates as he cups my
face between the palms of his hands. “No one’s
going to let that pretty head of yours fall apart. As
your Blood Protector, I can promise you that.”
My Blood Protector, just like he vowed all
those decades ago.
“How did you know?” I whisper, shaking my
head, so, so confused. “How did you know you
were going to be my Blood Protector? And that
Rhyland and I were going to be king and queen?"
“I didn’t.” A pucker forms between his brows.
“I know why you asked that, though. I remember.
And Rhyland and I have discussed it before, but we
haven’t…” He growls in frustration, withdrawing
his hands from my face and rolling onto his back.
I roll to my side and prop up onto my arm. “You
look upset.”
He rakes his fingers through his hair. “That’s
because I am.” His gaze skates to mine, his lips
tugging into a forced smile. “I guess you’re right.
I’m not always a jokester.”
“But why are you upset now?” I wonder. “Is it
because you know something you can’t tell me?”
“Not really. What I was trying to say… about
that night in the cafeteria… It’s not really
absentmindedly drifting toward my hair and his
fingers start playing with the strands. “Our words
constantly being censored just gets frustrating. I
thought maybe because things were different this
time around, that the curse seemed to be breaking
—or at least changing—that maybe for the first
time since our first life, we’d be able to have a
normal conversation.” His gaze finds mine and a
drop of sadness resides in his eyes. It’s a strange,
unfamiliar look for him and makes me swallow
hard. “You know, like how we used to.”
“I don’t remember everything yet,” I remind
him. “But yeah, I guess from what I’ve seen, the
time we spent together wasn’t too awful.”
A smile quirks at his lips. “Too awful? Try not
awful at all.”
“Maybe that’s not how I felt,” I say with a
straight face. But deep down in my cold vampire
heart, I’m only messing with him. Deep down, I
know Kingsley, Rhyland, and I used to be besties,
kind of like how Effie, Anders, and I are in this life,
although Kingsley, Rhyland, and mine’s connection
was much deeper. I can feel the link between them
and me every time I recall something about my
original life. If only that were the case in this life.
Maybe things would be easier, not just between us,
but with figuring out what I need to do to make
everything go back to the way it was.
That is, if that even happens when the curse is
completely broken.
“What happens when I break the curse?” I ask,
even though he probably can’t answer me. “Does
everything just go back to the way it was?”
“If I could tell you, I would. But unfortunately,
I can’t.” He ravels a strand of my hair around his
finger. “I’d tell you a lot of things if I could.”
“Maybe you should just try—”
A door carved into the tree wall just across
from the bed swings open and Rhyland steps
through the doorway, looking a bit pale, and
shadows reside underneath his eyes. He takes one
look at Kingsley and I lying side by side on the bed
with Kingsley’s fingers tangled in my hair, and he
Kingsley stiffens. Then just as quickly, he
shakes off his tension, untangles his fingers from
my hair, and sits up on the bed, lowering his feet to
the floor.
“I was wondering when you were going to show
up.” He stands up, stretching his arms above his
“I’m sure you were.” Rhyland’s gaze is cold,
his body rigid.
Tension grasps the air, which seems odd at first
—I mean, they’ve always seemed close, even in
“Um, guys.” I scoot to the side of the bed,
planting my feet onto the hardwood floor that’s
webbed with leafy vines. The ceiling is weaved of
tree branches mapped with leaves and blooming
midnight flowers. Who would’ve thought that the
inside of a tree could be so pretty? Then again,
maybe this is all a magical illusion. “I have to tell
you something important.”
Kingsley and Rhyland tear their gazes off each
other and focus on me.
I elevate my hands in front of me. “Okay, that
was some really weird twin in sync thingy there.”
Kingsley grins. “Is it freaking you out?”
I shrug. “It was a little weird.”
His gaze skates to Rhyland and Rhyland cracks
a tiny smile.
“Okay, can you guys talk telepathically or
something?” My gaze bounces between the two
smiling idiot vampires. All right, they’re not really
idiots, but they’re driving me mad with their secret
looks. “Or is those cryptic looks you’re always
giving each other something else?”
“What cryptic looks?” Kingsley asks then gives
Rhyland the exact look I was just talking about.
“Oh fine, whatever. Keep teasing me, because
apparently, that’s what you guys do.” I stand up.
“But just so you know, you when you give each
other those cryptic looks, it makes you look super
Rhyland slants back, his brows rising in shock
while Kingsley gives me an unimpressed stare.
I smile innocently. “What? You can hand it out
but you can’t take it?”
“Oh, we can take it,” Kingsley assures me. “It’s
just been a while since you handed it out.” As a
wicked smile tugs at his lips, I brace myself for his
comeback. “And just so you know, our little Raven,
when you try to tease us, you’re utterly adorable.”
I scrunch my nose. “What sort of comeback is
He gives a half shrug. “Who said I was trying to
get you back?”
I shrug, sinking back onto the bed. “No one, I
guess. But you sure looked like you were going to.
You had on your playfully mean face.”
“Playfully mean face.” He rubs his scruffy
jawline. “Didn’t realize I had one of those.”
“Oh, you do,” I tell him. “And you wear it a
Rhyland unexpectedly lets out a sharp cough as
he enters the room and shuts the door behind him.
“You said you had something to tell us,” he
interrupts, crossing the room and taking a seat
beside me on the bed.
“Oh yeah, I was going to say before Kingsley so
rudely interrupted me,” I toss him a smirk and he
retaliates with a grin. “That…” I suddenly grow
nervous. After all, that kiss between Kingsley and I
played a huge part in the curse. And now I have to
tell them that the queen was behind that too. “Well,
the thing is that…” I scratch the back of my neck.
“Remember how Kingsley and I… kissed that night
the curse happened?”
Kingsley smashes his lips together forcefully
while Rhyland’s eyes widen.
“You remember that?” Rhyland asks.
I nod, rubbing my neck, right on the spot where
he bit me that night on the balcony. “I do… I
remember a lot about that night.”
Rhyland’s gaze strays to where my hand is
resting and then he rubs his pierced lips together,
his gaze searching mine. “Just how much?”
“Well, the memory starts of us on the
balcony…” I quickly clear my throat as desire
flashes in his eyes. “And it ends with me walking
into the forest and the queen saying some stuff to
me. Then my mind goes blank.”
A crease forms between his brows. “The queen
said something to you then?”
I nod. “She did.”
“What was it?” they both ask, Kingsley
plopping down on the bed on the other side of me.
Memories press at the back of my mind.
“You’re cursed,” the queen whispers in my ear.
“And no matter what your lover thinks, you’ll
never get close to breaking it. Because the moment
you do, I’ll kill you.”
I stare down at my hands. “That no matter what
my lover thinks, I’ll never get close to breaking the
curse. Because the moment I do, she’ll kill me…
And I guess she wasn’t lying since she’s trying to
do that right now.”
Silence encases us for a sluggish vampire of a
minute. Then Rhyland breaks the silence, quietly
asking, “Did she say anything else?”
I lift a shoulder. “Maybe.”
The queen’s words replay through my head:
“Because the more you suffer, the more my powers
grow, my little moonlight abomination.”
I swallow back the words, too afraid to say
them aloud.
“Raven.” Rhyland places a hand over mine. “If
you tell us, it could help us figure out what’s going
on with you. Why everything’s different this time
around. Why you were cracking apart.”
“Why am I not cracking apart anymore
anyway?” I purposefully change the subject.
“Because the transport to here pulled us all
apart and then put us back together again. And
when it put you back together, the cracks healed,”
Rhyland explains, softly stroking the back of my
hand. “But we’re all pretty certain it’s going to
happen again, so we need to figure out what’s
causing it.”
“Kingsley said it might be a disease?” I glance
up at Rhyland and find him staring at our
interlocked hands as he traces the folds between
my fingers.
“Maybe.” Rhyland sucks on his lip ring,
contemplating something. “Honestly, it could be a
lot of things so hopefully the witch doctor can give
us some answers. I just hope we’re making the right
decision in trusting her.”
“It’ll be fine,” Kingsley mutters. “Harper has
assured me that this witch doctor is completely
trustworthy and I trust her, so…”
When I look at him, he’s staring down at mine
and Rhyland’s interlocked hands with a pained
“I hope you’re right.” Rhyland glances at
Kingsley, his expression hardening. “Because a lot
is riding on it.”
Kingsley mimics Rhyland’s hard look. “I
understand that, my king.” His tone is carved with
an edge.
“Where are we even?” I interrupt before they
end up throwing fists at each other and snapping
their fangs. Seriously, it’s so tense inside this tree
that even I feel wound up as tightly as the vines
above my head and below my feet.
“I already told you, in a tree.” In the snap of a
vampire fang, Kingsley goes from uptight to
playful, tugging on a strand of my hair. “Maybe we
should check your head again if you’ve already
I roll my eyes. “I meant where is this tree
exactly? And are we safe?”
He nods, serious once again. “Of course we’re
safe. We wouldn’t settle for anything less.”
“So then where’s the tree?” I ask again and
when they don’t answer right away, uneasiness stirs
inside me. “All right, what’re you two not telling
“A lot of things?” Kingsley shrugs when I scowl
at him. “What? You already knew that.”
“I know, but I meant about where we are right
now,” I say. “And that you can tell me.”
“We know that.” Rhyland laces his fingers
through mine, drawing my attention to him. “But
we don’t want to freak you out.”
I glance between the both of them. “Why
would it freak me out?”
“Because it freaked us out when we first found
out,” Rhyland replies warily. “It’s a little hard to
take in.”
“But you’re going to have to tell me
eventually,” I point out. “And since you guys have
spent a lot of time not telling me a lot of things, I’m
hoping you’ll just tell me instead of dragging it out.
In fact, you kind of owe it to me.”
Rhyland’s lips pull to a small smile then he
glances at Kingsley. “We do sort of owe it to her,
don’t we?”
“I think we do.” Kingsley stands up and crosses
the small tree room to where a sheer green curtain
is hanging. “Don’t say we didn’t try to warn you,
though.” He tosses me a smirk before drawing back
the curtain.
Blinding colorful light pierces the room and I
immediately lift my hands to shield my eyes.
“What the shimmering pixies is that?” I squint
to find out the answer, but I can’t see past the light.
“That is a shimmer blob,” Rhyland places a
hand on my cheek and angles my head toward him
as I shut my eyes.
“A shimmer blob?” I crack open one eye and
lift a brow. “I’ve never heard of such a thing. Are
you sure you aren’t making up words to confuse
me? I know it’s one of your guys’ favorite past
times.” I give him an accusing look.
Rhyland appears positively pleased for who the
hell bats knows why. “That might be true, but I
promise we’re not making this up. Kingsley and I
didn’t know what one was either until a couple of
nights ago—”
“Wait, I’ve been out for a couple of nights?”
My jaw drops as he reluctantly nods. “Why?
Because of the spell you put on me?”
Rhyland shakes his head. “Coming here took a
lot out of all of us and it took us some time to
recover. Since you were already weakened by the
cracking, it took you a little bit longer.”
My lips form an o, the light fizzling out as
Kingsley lets the curtain go. “So then what is this
shimmer blob thingy that made me lose a couple of
days just so I could get here?”
“It’s…” Rhyland wavers. “Kind of like a faerie,
I guess.”
“We’re inside a faerie?” I pull a disgusted face.
“First of all, ew. And second of all, how is that
“Well, we’re not really in a faerie.” Rhyland
looks to Kingsley for help.
“It’s a type of pixie, not faerie, made entirely of
light. In it’s forced form, it looks like a six-inch
blob of shimmer. But in it’s natural form, it’s an
entire world created of light that can travel
anywhere and also carry passengers. It’s practically
one of the safest places we can be since no one can
just walk in. You have to be permitted.” Kingsley
shrugs when Rhyland gives him a strange look.
“What? That’s how Harper explained it.”
“That was very detailed,” Rhyland says
suspiciously. “You must have been paying very
close attention to Harper.”
“I always pay close attention to everyone,”
Kingsley insists, reclining against the wall and
crossing his arms.
A blood drop of a beat drips by and then they
both bust up laughing.
“I take it Kingsley doesn’t always pay
attention,” I say, strangely feeling left out.
When Kingsley’s gaze lands on me, his laughter
fades into a smile. “Aw, does someone feel left out?
“No,” I lie, crossing my arms. “Because that’d
mean I’d want to be included in your silly joking
world and I don’t.”
“Liar,” he accuses, crossing the room toward
me, his gaze growing intense. “You want to be part
of our world. Now that you can remember some of
it, you miss it. Admit it.”
My eyes narrow to slits. “I may be able to
remember some of our original lives, but that
doesn’t mean I’ve forgot this life. And I never want
to be part of that.”
He stops in front of me and I angle my head
back to look at him, keeping my scowl in place
despite the intensity blazing from his eyes.
“Deep down, you know nothing about this life
is real.” His low tone causes a shiver to coil down
my spine, not necessarily in a bad way. “You know
the truth, Raven, of how we used to be and you
want to be part of it again.”
A wave of frustration rolls over me. Sure, most
of what I’ve seen from our original life is all laughs
and jokes and smiles. But towards the end, there
was so much distrust; me distrusting Rhyland and
questioning if he wanted to be with Nadine,
Rhyland distrusting Kingsley and I about the kiss.
Then Rhyland stabbed us all in the back by making
a deal with the queen, at least from what I’ve seen.
“Want to be part of what exactly?” I question,
rising to my feet and completely invading his
personal space, but he doesn’t step back. “The
distrust. The backstabbing. The hurting each other.”
I poke him in the chest and surprisingly, he winces.
“Because toward the end, that’s all we really
“Raven.” Rhyland’s voice is soft as he stands
up and guides my hand away before I can poke
Kingsley again. “That’s not all we were. We were
way more than that. We just made some bad
“Made some bad choices.” I look at him,
shaking my head. “Tell me this then, if we were
such great, trusting friends then how the hell did the
queen manage to turn us all against each other in a
single night?” I wiggle my hand out of his and walk
away from them. “Because that’s what she did. She
played us all against each other, from interrupting
us on the balcony to making Kingsley and I kiss.” I
yank my fingers through my hair as my head begins
to spin. I feel dizzy, like I’m spinning out of control,
like nothing makes sense.
“Making you and Kingsley kiss,” Rhyland
mumbles. Then a hand touches my shoulder and
Rhyland steers me toward him, his eyes wild with
uncertainty. “What did you mean by that?”
I shrug, my hands falling to my side. “It’s what
I was going to tell you.” My gaze flits to Kingsley,
who’s staring at me with an unreadable expression.
I wonder if he has an idea of what I’m about to
say. I mean, at some point he had to wonder why
him and I had a sudden desire to kiss each other,
especially right after he found out that Rhyland and
I had kissed and bit each other that night.
Ripping my gaze off Kingsley, I focus on
Rhyland. “After you walked in on Kingsley and I…
Well, you know... But anyway,” I clear my throat.
“Kingsley immediately took off to find you and I
headed to find you too, but then I noticed this
wing-shaped barrette right beside the blood
Kingsley and I drank minutes earlier. It was the
barrette the fey queen tried to give me when you
left me on the balcony and I ran into her. Only
when she tried to give it to me, it had this vial
attached to it that was filled with pale purple,
glittering liquid.”
“Euphoric faerie dust,” Rhyland mumbles.
I can see the wheels in his head turning, the
truth starting to click.
“That’s what it was—I sniffed the vial to be
sure,” I tell him. “But the vial was empty when I
found it, which means—”
“Someone put it into the blood that you and
Kingsley drank.” Rhyland drags his fingers through
his hair and breathes out, “Holy fucking shit.”
“Yep, that about summed up my thoughts when
I saw the memory,” I say.
Rhyland lowers his arm to his side. “When did
you remember this?”
“Back in the tent, when I…” My gaze skims
around his neck and his chest and the memory of
the taste of his blood floods my body, causing
hunger to burn inside me. It’s been so long since
I’ve had any blood… “Well, you know. And then
Nadine knocked me out. That’s when I
remembered.” I yank my gaze off his neck and
stare at the space of wall just over his shoulder, too
afraid to look at him, too afraid that I’ll lose control
of my hunger. “I would’ve told you guys sooner,
but we haven’t been alone since it happened, and
I’m not sure how much Harper and Dex know
about all of this, so I thought it’d be better to wait
until we were alone.”
“It’s good that you did,” Rhyland says. I can
feel his gaze burning into me, but I refuse to look at
him. “Dex and Harper know a lot about the curse,
but it’s good to keep some of the information
between just the three of us. When we tell others,
we risk it getting back to the queen.”
“That makes sense.” I dare return my gaze to
Rhyland, but he’s no longer looking at me.
No, he’s staring at Kingsley, his face contorted
in perplexity.
“Why didn’t you tell me that maybe you two
were drugged when you kissed?” Accusation
simmers in Rhyland’s voice. “I know you might not
have known about the vial itself, but you did know
what getting high of euphoric faerie dust felt like.
You had to know something wasn’t right.”
“Maybe I did.” Kingsley’s calculated gaze is
fastened on Rhyland. “Maybe I just never wanted
to say it.”
My walls instantly go up. “Is there something
you guys aren’t telling me about this? Is there more
to it than I remember?”
“Not that I know of.” Rhyland stares his
brother down hard. “But maybe you should direct
your question to my brother, because I’m quite
curious about the answer myself.”
“Even if I knew more, who says I can even tell
you.” He pushes to his feet. “Now, if you’ll excuse
me, I’m going to go do my duty as the queen’s
Blood Protector and make sure everything is okay
in the outside perimeters.” He strides past me
without so much as making eye contact and slips
out the door, leaving me to wonder if perhaps he
knows more.
If perhaps in knew the vial was there all along.
hyland and I silently stare at the door
that Kingsley stormed out of for a
lengthy amount of time until finally I
can’t take the maddening silence anymore.
“He’s acting offish,” I comment confusedly.
Between him and Rhyland, Rhyland always seemed
like the offish of the two. Kingsley seemed more
blunt, even in past memories. “Kingsley, I mean.”
“Yes, he is,” Rhyland mumbles, his gaze
practically burrowing a hole into the door.
“Do you want to go check on him?” I brush
strands of my hair out of my face, noting how
tangled my hair is. How long has it been since I
The fact that I have to ask myself that question
makes me cringe.
He shakes his head. “It won’t do any good.” He
finally looks at me. “I’m not sure how much you
remember about my brother, but he’s not the kind
of vampire to tell you stuff unless he wants to.”
“So then what? We just wait around until he
feels like telling us whatever he knows about that
night? Because what if it’s something important?
That could maybe even help me figure how to
break the curse completely before the queen
decides to end it by killing me? Because personally,
I don’t want that to happen”
“That won’t happen,” he vows fiercely. “And if
what Kingsley knew would help you break the
curse, he’d tell you if he could.” He looks away.
“He cares about you too much.”
“If you say so.” But lack of not knowing
everything unsettles me and has me question just
how much I even know about the curse and my
relationship between Rhyland and Kingsley.
I thought because my memories were returning
that it meant I wasn’t in the dark anymore. But now
I feel like I’m drifting in an unknown sea of
darkness, which I guess doesn’t make any sense
since, according to Rhyland and Kingsley, I’m
currently floating around in a creature made of
“Am I really inside a creature?” I ask as reality
washes over me.
Rhyland offers me a tiny smile but worry
haunts his eyes. “Yeah, I guess you sort of are.”
“It seems sort of disgusting, although its light is
very pretty.” I sink down on the bed with a sigh.
“How long do we have to stay in here?”
He sits down beside me, so close that the sides
of our legs touch. Instinctively, I start to scoot
away, like I would’ve only weeks ago, but my body
doesn’t seem to want to cooperate anymore.
Damn traitor body.
“We haven’t decided yet.” He tucks a strand of
my hair behind my ear, and I sort of feel sorry for
him, since my hair is like a bats’ nest and has got to
be pretty yucky. “I’m not sure how much Kingsley
told you about what happened before we came into
the shimmer blob or how much you remember…”
“I remember up until you put the freezing spell
was put me. And Kingsley didn’t tell me much
about what happened after that.”
“Then what were you guys doing in here after
you woke up?” He shakes his head, his jaw set
tight. “Never mind. I’d rather not know.”
I start to tell him we weren’t doing much of
anything except talking, not that I owe him an
explanation, but he speaks first.
“Nadine possessed Harper’s body for a bit and
got control over Kingsley’s too,” he says with a
weighted sigh.
“What?” Tension ravels through my body as my
gaze zips to the door. “Is everyone unpossessed
“Of course and we had a witch doctor do a
spell that will protect everyone here from getting
possessed again.” He takes my hands in his. “If
everyone wasn’t safe from possession, they
wouldn’t be near you right now.”
I chill down a blood drop. “It’s still so unsettling
that Nadine can do that… Has she always been
able to do that?” I don’t expect him to be able to
answer, so when he nods, a bit of shock whips
through me.
His eyes enlarge. “I didn’t think I was going to
be able to tell you that.”
“Maybe you should try to tell me some more,” I
suggest. “Maybe something’s happening that’s
making it so you can tell me stuff now.”
“I….” He shakes his head in discouragement.
“No, I don’t think so.” He absentmindedly combs a
strand of my hair out my face. “Although, the curse
must be weakening since certain things keep
slipping out.”
“That’s good, right? I mean, it’s got to mean
that we can break it completely?”
“I would say yes, but….” His face shadows
with pain. “I’ve known the queen for decades now
and there’s no way she’s going to just let this curse
break without a fight. Not if she gets something out
of it.”
“Which she does,” I mumble unintentionally.
When I realize my mistake, I want to slap my
hand over my mouth, but that will only make me
appear more suspicious.
“What do you mean by that?” he asks. When
my lips remain sealed and my gaze on my lap, he
fixes his finger under my chin and forces me to
look at him. “Sweetheart, you need to tell me
everything you know. It might be able to help me
figure out what’s going on—why the curse is
suddenly changing when we’ve been stuck on
repeat for so long.”
I hesitate. Can I do it? Can I trust him? I’m not
sure. I’m never sure about anything. But at this
point, what choice do I have, other than to keep
walking through all of this and just hoping that my
next memory will reveal more of the truth. I’m
starting to painfully realize that. That I don’t have
any choice but to trust Rhyland and Kingsley, like
my mom told me to, or just hope that I can figure
everything out on my own. Considering I’ve been
stuck in this curse for a very, very long time and as
far as I know have never trusted anyone to help
me, I’m wondering if it’s time. Time to try
something different.
“She called me an abomination,” I mumble.
“The fey queen, I mean. She called me it right
before the curse wiped out my memories.”
His brows dip. “Do you remember her exact
“ ‘Because the more you suffer, the more my
powers grow, my little moonlight abomination.’ ” I
hold my breath, waiting for him to… Well, I’m not
sure. But it’s going to be bad. After all, nothing
about being a moonlight abomination can be good,
“Moonlight abomination,” he finally mumbles.
“I’ve never heard of such a thing.”
“But you’ve heard of abominations before,” I
say quietly. “And that’s not a good thing. And if
what the queen said has some truth to it—about my
suffering giving her power—it means she’s gained a
lot of power.”
“I don’t want you to worry.” His palm molds
around my cheek, his gaze boring into mine. “No
one’s going to let anything happen to you.”
“I’m not worried about me. I’m worried about
everyone else out there who doesn’t have a weird
shimmer blob to hide in. I’m worried about the
people in Mystic Willow Bay. About Anders and
Effie. About my parents. About your parents.” My
tone trembles as my eyes burn with tears. “We
don’t even know where they are.”
His thumb skims my cheekbone. “I know.”
“And Nadine is evil. Or well, more evil than
anyone realizes.” I flop down on the bed and drape
my arm across my forehead. “My head feels
“Spinny… You and your words.” He slants over
me, resting his elbow beside my head and using his
free hand to direct my arm away from my forehead.
“I know you’re freaking out and I know it’s got to
be pretty damn frustrating knowing stuff yet not
knowing everything. And I know I can’t tell you
much—I wish I could—but I promise you that this
time around we’re going to get through this. We’re
going to break the curse and free ourselves from
the queen’s grasp—we’re going to free all of us”
“That seems like an awfully big promise,” I
grumble with a sigh.
“And it’s a promise I intend to keep.” He leans
closer, the chill of his body seeping into me. “I may
have had little control in the past, but this time is
different. We’ve never been able to flee from the
queen before. And I’m going to latch onto that
leeway and get us out of this mess.”
“But how are you supposed to when you don’t
even know what this mess is?” I question. “Well,
unless you knew I’m an abomination and that the
queen has been gaining power over my suffering.”
“No matter what you are, you’re not an
abomination,” he states firmly. “And as for the
queen gaining power from the curse, we already
sort of assumed that. We just weren’t exactly sure
“We still aren’t exactly sure how. You guys
assumed it had something to do with the Created,
but you weren’t positive.”
“I still think it does have something to do with
“But it also has something to do with me.” I
chew on my bottom lip as I mentally go over
everything I’ve learned from my memories. “You
know, it doesn’t make sense why the fey queen was
even spying on us to begin with. Like that day in
the forest, right after Nadine and you were chosen
as king and queen. Why was she even there? And
why did she show up at the castle the night of the
crowning ceremony? And how did she know
exactly how to make us all turn on each other? She
had to be watching us for a while and learning our
weaknesses. But again, why? Why was a fey queen
interested in what a bunch of teenage vampires
were doing?”
“Kingsley and I figured out a while ago that
she’d been watching us for a while. We just never
knew why. Maybe if we can figure out why she
referred to you as an abomination, we can learn
more about the true purpose of the curse—because
we still don’t know that. I mean, in the beginning, I
thought it was for my benefit but…” He sighs,
brushing his thumb along my cheek. “I’m thinking
that maybe we can ask the witch doctor to look into
what you are. That is, if you’re okay with that.”
I nod, even though I’m not. But it’s not about
what I want anymore. It never really has been, I
guess. Everything about my life has been planned
and controlled, maybe even from my first life,
depending on how long the queen was watching
“There is one more thing… I’ve already sort of
talked to Kingsley this and he didn’t seem to know
the answer. Or he just couldn’t tell me—maybe a
bit if both. But I’m hoping maybe you can tell me
about it. Maybe fight past the curse or something…
It’s about that day in the cafeteria, when we first
sort of became friends…”
The most genuine smile illuminates across his
face. “You remember that day?” he asks and I nod.
He sketches his fingertip along my jawline. “I’m so
“Why?” My eyelashes flutter against his touch,
despite my internal protest. “Is it important?”
He nods. “It was one of the most genuine times
in our lives. You should hold onto that. What we
really were once. What we should’ve been.”
Sadness overtakes his happiness and it makes my
cold heart ache in the strangest way.
“I’ll try to remember that,” I promise him. “But
that’s not the reason I mentioned the memory. It’s
what was said that day that I want to know more
“I know what you’re referring to and… We…
We… Don’t really know what that was…” He
curses in frustration.
“Did you know I saw a shadowy figure standing
in the alcove right after Nadine threatened us?” I
ask and when his brows rise to his hairline, I have
my answer. “It had glowing eyes and I could sense
that it was watching me. But it was gone before I
even took my next blink.”
“But you never said anything about it.” His
expression is a mask of confusion.
“I probably thought I was just seeing things. I
was so young and edgy all the time. I think I may
have thought either I didn’t really see it or if I said
anything, you guys would make fun of me.”
His confusion morphs into sincerity. “We never
would’ve made fun of you back then. If we could,
we would’ve never made fun of you ever.” The pad
of his thumb traces along my lip. “You meant, and
still do, mean the worlds to me.” His features
harden ever so slightly. “And my brother.”
The urge to tell him that he once meant the
worlds to me bites at my tongue. I’m not even sure
where the compulsion is stemming from and part of
me is having a silent battle not to give in to it.
But then my lips part. “You guys meant—”
The tree abruptly jolts, launching us sideways.
Luckily, we’re on the bed so when we roll to a stop,
the landing is soft. However, Rhyland ends up lying
on top of me, our legs a tangled mess, our chest
pressed together, and my lips end up smashed
against the side of his neck, right beside his pulse.
My mouth salivates as I breathe in the scent of
him, of the blood underneath his skin, and my fangs
twitch to be released.
Get control over yourself, Raven. You’ve been
fine without his blood before. The only reason you
ever tasted it was to see if it broke the curse and it
“You can if you want to,” Rhyland groans out,
his lips moving against my forehead, his fingers
tangling through my hair.
“I’m fine,” I whisper, squeezing my eyes shut.
He breathes in and out, not moving back, as if
silently begging me to do it, which might be exactly
what he’s doing. But that doesn’t mean I’m just
going to get into the habit of drinking from his vein.
As I start to lean back, though, my hunger takes
over and I slant forward, sinking my veins into his
Rhyland moans, tugging on the roots of my hair.
“Gods, that feels so good.”
I suck harder, basking in the taste of his blood
as it spills down my throat, feeding my hunger,
feeding my power. Powerful. I can feel it, a surge
of energy flickering deep within in. And the more I
drink, the more the energy ignites until a fire of
desire bursts through me.
Before I can even process what I’m doing, I
shove Rhyland back onto the bed, kind of roughly.
Then I sit up and climb on top of him, straddling his
waist. Blood is dripping from his neck and his eyes
are wide in surprise.
“I’m sorry… That was probably too rough,
right?” Blood trickles from my lips.
A soft laugh escapes him then he cups the back
of my head and guides my mouth toward his. “Not
even close.”
Our lips crash together, his tongue parting my
lips and grazing my fangs. The potent, powerful
taste of his blood floods my mouth, making me
crave more. I jerk back, completely out of control
and tear open his shirt. Not waiting to see his
reaction, I dip my head and graze my teeth along
his chest, down his stomach, then back upward.
When I reach his neck, I prepare to devour his
blood again. But then pause, realizing he’s gone
very still.
When I lift my head, worry overpowers my
hunger as I catch sight of him; his eyes shut, his lips
parted, his skin pale.
“Rhyland?” I place my palm to his cheek and
his eyelids weakly open. “What’s wrong?”
He shakes his head from side to side, strands of
his hair falling across his forehead. “It’s nothing…
Keep feeding… Take as much blood as you need.”
“You look sick. Do you have an ice fever or
something?” I line my palm to his forehead. “You
don’t feel cold, but… Maybe I should go get
Kingsley.” I start to get up, but his hands find my
waist, securing me in place.
“Raven.” He chuckles weakly. “I promise I’m
okay. I’m just a little weaker than I normally am
because I’ve been using my magic a lot lately.”
I remember him and Kingsley arguing about
that, but still… “You seem extra tired all of a
“I know.” His thumbs slip underneath the hem
of my shirt, brushing my sides, and it takes all of
my self-control not to shiver. “When you feed on
me, you take some of my energy, which normally is
fine, but since I haven’t had much in the line of
blood for quite a while and with my magic draining
so much energy from me…” He wavers. “It just
makes things a bit more complicated. But I’m fine.
I swear I am and I want you to feed from me.” He
skims his thumb along my hipbone, a smile playing
at his lips. “In case you haven’t noticed, I do enjoy
it. A lot.”
I’m more than aware of that, by the way he
groans every time my fangs graze his skin, how he
begs for more, and how his hardness is currently
pressing against me.
“Maybe I should just drink normal blood until
you can regain your strength.”
He swiftly shakes his head. “No, please don’t
do that. You don’t know how long I’ve waited…
How much…” He grimaces. “Besides, the blood
Harper can get here sucks. It’s why it’s taking me
forever to regain my strength.”
“Oh.” I bite down on my bottom lip. Don’t ask.
Don’t you dare ask. “Who have you been drinking
from?” Why can’t I just keep my mouth shut.
“I’m not. I’m drinking from the bottle.” He
bites back an arrogant smile. “It’s nice to know you
care, though.”
I glower at him, but my lips itch to turn upward.
“I don’t care. I was just curious.”
He chuckles, his grip on my hips loosening, his
eyelids drifting shut again. He’s so weak and it’s
partly my fault for not being okay with him
drinking from my vein. And with everything going
on, he definitely needs his strength.
But I don’t think I can go there with him yet—
allow him to bite me. Even thinking about it makes
my stomach coil with nervousness. And there’s so
much I’m in the dark about still. But maybe there’s
a way for me to help…
“If…” I start, chewing on my bottom lip.
When his eyes roll open, his gaze meeting mine,
I look away, my cheeks flushing. Gods, if I can’t
even look at him when I say this, how am I
supposed to go through with it?
Sucking in a breath, I force myself to carry his
gaze. “If I let you drink my blood—not from the
vein,” I quickly add. “But just drink it like how I
used to do with you… Will it help you?”
He twirls a strand of my hair around his
fingertip. “It will, but I don’t want you to do that
unless you want to.”
“I want to help you. And I know you need your
His pierced lips tilt into a sad smile. “I
appreciate the offer, but I could never ask that of
you until you’re ready.”
His words make a growl tickle at the back of
my throat. All this tiptoeing around the truth is
getting on my nerves. Kingsley was right. Them
being censored is beyond irritating.
“Well, you’re not really asking me, are you?
I’m offering.” Then before I can scaredy cat out, I
bring my forearm to my fangs and cut the skin
open, just like Rhyland has done to his own arm
almost every time I fed off him without drinking
from his vein.
His nostrils flare as I position my wrist above
his mouth, blood trickling from the wound. I’m
putting a lot of trust in him right now not to lose
control and sink his fangs into my flesh, which
might be a stupid thing to do, considering he’s spent
decades and decades lying to me. But I’m not
backing out. He needs this. And we—I need him,
no matter how hard that is to admit.
As the first blood droplet drips from the wound
and falls onto his lips, he lets out the most needy
whimper. Then his lips part and he licks the blood
from his lip, his eyes shutting as he releases a
savoring moan.
“You taste so good… It’s been so long… I’ve
forgotten how amazing you taste.” With his eyes
remaining shut, he elevates his head, seals his lips
to my forearm, and slowly starts sucking out the
blood while gently holding onto my wrist.
His tastes are gentle, calculated, careful, and I
might like him a little bit in that moment, for not
taking advantage of my trust.
I allow him to drink for a while, wanting him to
get all the power he needs, until I become so
relaxed, I decide I need to lie down.
Lowering my head to his chest, I keep my arm
above my head so he can feed more. Keeping one
hand on my wrist, he places his other hand on my
back and traces a path up and down my spine. My
eyelids grow heavy, my muscles unwinding to the
point where I feel blood high. I just about fall
asleep, and may have, if Rhyland didn’t remove his
lips from my arm.
“Are you okay?” He brushes his knuckles
across my cheek.
I bob my head up and down. “I’m okay… I just
feel like…” I raise my head to look at him. “Well,
like when I had that blood boost.” My brows knit.
“Gods, that feels like ages ago, doesn’t it?”
“Not for me, but probably because I think
about it often.” He licks a drop of blood from his
“Why? Because of that whole I-was-supposed-
to-feed-off-of-you-first-thing? Because I’ve fed off
you now so it doesn’t seem like it should bother
you that much anymore.”
He takes hold of my hand, turns my palm up,
and traces the lines with his fingertip, his gaze
tracking his finger. “I wish I could say all the
reasons why, but I can’t. Just know that you
drinking that blood boost will forever bother me.
But it’s my own damn fault….” He sighs.
“I’m sorry.” No other words come to me, and
he seems so miserable right now that I decide a
subject change might be good. “On a more positive
note, though, you do look better.”
“Just better?” He pretends to be deeply
I hold up my hand, my thumb and my finger a
sliver apart. “Yep, just a tiny bit.”
“You’re a tease.” He places a savoring kiss to
my palm. “That’s okay, though. I like you this
“Like what way?”
“Like how you used to be.”
“Hey, you managed to say something about our
“I know.” A pucker forms between his brows as
he strokes my palm. “Sometimes it’s easier to do it
and sometimes it’s completely impossible.”
“I wonder why that—” A sharp pain sears up
my throat and I cough, blood splattering across
Rhyland’s face.
He jolts up, gripping onto me, his skin paling
again. “Raven, sweetheart, tell me what…”
His lips continue to move, but I can’t hear him
over the ringing in my ears. I reach to touch his
face, to grab onto something, but everything bleeds
It’s all I see.
Blood. Blood. Everywhere. Splattered all over
him, all over me, all over the Land of Moonlight.
All over every single world and creature.
anic is whipping through me as I scoop
Raven up in my arms and hurry out of
the room. While blood has stopped
spewing from her mouth, she’s unconscious and her
skin is ice cold. Again, like with the cracking, I’m
unsure what’s going on with her.
I seriously can’t take this anymore. It’s as if the
moment things get slightly calm between us,
another obstacle is thrown our way and every damn
one affects Raven.
“Kingsley!” I call out as I rush outside the
When we were transported into the shimmer
blob, we had each been assigned a tree room, but
I’ve spent most of my time sleeping in the hallway
just outside of Raven’s room. I nearly trip over the
makeshift bed I set up there, but catch my balance
and rush down the hollowed out hallway. I’m
usually not clumsy at all, but I’m distracted and
panicking. I need to calm the fuck down because
losing my shit isn’t going to help anyone. But every
time my gaze drops to Raven, slack in my arms, my
anxiety soars through the roof.
“Kingsley.” When I reach his shut door, I storm
into his room, the door hitting the wall so hard the
bark cracks.
He’s lying in his bed , staring up at the ceiling,
which seems odd—usually he’s always doing
something. What’s even more fucking weird is that
his eyes are red, as if he’s been crying.
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him cry before.
“What the hell?” Kingsley grumbles, bolting
upright, his bloodshot eyes narrow on me. But then
he takes one look at Raven, limp in my arms, blood
staining her face and shirt, and he springs to his
feet. “What the fuck happened?”
“I’m not sure.” I kick the door shut, then gently
set Raven down on the bed. “One minute we were
talking and the next, she started spitting out blood.”
I trace my finger across her cheek. “She’s so cold
and still and I can’t wake her up.”
Kingsley nudges me out of the way, then leans
in to examine Raven, his fingers tracing a path
along the healing cut on her forearm, the spot I
drank her blood from. “What’s the cut from?”
Part of me doesn’t want to tell him, not because
I’m ashamed—no, I’m not even close—but
because he’ll get distracted.
“If you don’t tell me everything, I might not be
able to figure out what’s going on.” He doesn’t look
at me, his gaze fixed on her.
He’s right and I know it.
“Fine. It’s from where I fed from her.”
His head snaps in my direction, jealousy
simmering in his eyes. For a demon of a moment, I
want him to feel it, so he’ll know what it felt like
that night I saw him kiss Raven. But Raven was
right. Our distrust, backstabbing, and hurting each
other is what gave the queen an opening to curse
us. If we want to win against her, we need to ban
together and get over the petty shit that keeps
pushing us apart, even though I do question if
Kingsley knew about the vial of euphoric dust that
night. But that’s not important right now. Raven is
—she always is.
“Not from her vein,” I clarify.
He gazes skims across my torn shirt and the
fresh bite marks on my chest and neck. “And then
she fed off of you?”
I shake my head. “She did that first, then let me
drink some blood from her.” I kneel down on the
floor beside the bed and brush my fingers across
her forehead. “She seemed a little tired after she let
me do it, but coherent. Then one minute we were
talking and the next…” I swallow hard. “She was
spitting out blood and couldn’t talk. Then she
passed out and I can’t get her to wake up.” I glance
at him. “What do you think is wrong with her?”
Kingsley shrugs, his brows pulling together.
“The only thing that matches her symptoms is that
she might’ve had a bad reaction to you drinking her
blood. Or it could just be from the cracking.”
“How can it be a ad reaction? We’re king and
queen. That’s what we’re supposed to do.”
“Are you? Because in reality, you—she—
wasn’t supposed to be.”
I grind my teeth. “We don’t know that for sure.
We’ve always known that perhaps Fate choosing
Nadine was a mistake.”
“But that doesn’t mean that Raven was
supposed to take her place. It only ever happened
because of the curse. And she’s never made it to
the part where she actually gets crowned as the
queen.” He studies Raven with his brows furrowed.
“Maybe there’s a reason for that.”
“That still wouldn’t explain why she had a bad
reaction to me drinking her blood,” I bite out. “I’ve
drank it before, in our first life. From the vein.”
“I know.” He casts me a sidelong glance. “I ran
into her right after you did it—right after you left
her with the fey queen to go dance with Nadine.”
“Don’t say it like that—like I did it on purpose.
I didn’t know the fey queen was there. And I had to
dance with Nadine or else everyone would’ve
grown suspicious.” I push to my feet, rage burning
underneath my skin. “And why are you even
bringing this up? We’ve had this stupid
conversation a hundred times and it never gets us
anywhere.” I start pacing the room. “Right now we
should be focusing on her.” I give a pressing look at
“I am.” Kingsley returns his gaze to Raven. “I
always am. Because it’s my job as her Blood
“Is that the only reason?” I accuse.
“Of course.” He won’t meet my gaze.
I swallow down my anger the best that I can
and focus on Raven. “You remember in the tent
when I said that perhaps this curse wasn’t supposed
to end with me and her.”
“Yeah, but I don’t think you’re right.”
“Even when this happened right after I drank
from her?” I give an insinuating look in Raven’s
He drags his teeth across his lip. “It could have
nothing to do with you feeding from her. I already
saidit might be the same thing as what caused her to
crack apart.”
“Maybe. Maybe not.” I sketch my finger along
Raven’s temple. Only moments ago, things had
been perfect. Well, as perfect as things can be when
you’re hiding in a shimmer blob from an army of
Created. Now everything feels broken and painful
and confusing. I want to go back, want to taste her
blood, want to feel her fangs in my skin. But deep
down, I know Kingsley might be right. That
Raven’s current condition might be because of a
bad reaction from me drinking her blood. “How do
we find out for sure what’s going on with her?”
“We wait until—”
Knocking at the door cuts him off.
Confused, he crosses the room and throws the
door open, his fingers hovering near his holster.
When he sees it’s just Harper, he visibly unstiffens.
“What’s up?” he asks her.
“I have some good news.” Her gaze glides to
Raven and she frowns. “And it might be just in
time.” She grows quiet, mulling over something.
Kingsley motions for her to spit it out. “So what
is it?”
“Oh.” She blinks back at him. “The witch
doctor is ready to examine Raven.”
“Thank the fucking vampires.” Kingsley moves
back to the bed and scoops Raven up in his arms.
I start to protest, but then hesitate. If my
feeding from her hurt her, then I need to back off.
Even though it nearly re-kills me, I let him carry
her out of the room, hoping to all the vampire Gods
that the witch doctor can help her.
That whatever happened to her won’t be
permitted. Because even if I can’t feed off her
blood, I can never lose her.
Kingsley slips out the door and I start to follow
him when an eerie rumble in my chest suddenly
My chest tautens. “What the hell is that?”
The most potent rage starts to burn in my veins
and for a brief instant, I see red.
After a few breaths, though, I get the rumble
under control. But the feel of it has me unsettled.
What if the queen is doing something else to me?
Something terrible?
It’s hard to say for sure, but with everything
else happening, I’m worried that yet another
obstacle might be coming our way.
hyland seems a bit off as we make our
way down the hallway toward the main
floor located in the trunk of the tree.
He’s probably freaking out about Raven. He even
let me carry her without an argument, so yeah, he’s
got to be pretty damn distracted.
As he trails at my heels, he remains silent as we
weave back and forth down hallways. This tree is
one of the most strangest places I’ve ever been in,
which is saying a lot since I once got stuck inside
an ogre—it’s a long story.
The tree is located in the center of the shimmer
blob and has different floors built inside it. The
bedrooms are located in the branches while the
kitchen and living room are on the main floor in the
trunk. Slanted hallways create paths to and from
each room and branches, vines, and leafs cover just
about everything. Most of the furniture is made of
wood, along with the doors and walls. And outside?
Well, from what I’ve seen, there’s nothing but a
world of light, but Harper assures me that just
beyond the light are fields, trees, mountains,
waterfalls, and a sparkly sky. But I’ll have to take
her word for it since I haven’t had a chance to
scope out the land yet.
“Where is she?” I ask Harper as we turn down
yet another hallway. “Because I feel like we’ve
done a full circle through this tree by now.”
“Well, technically you can’t do a full circle in
the inside of a tree since it’s shaped like a tree. But
you can do a full tree.” She tosses me a grin from
then quickens her skipping. “And as for the witch
doctor, she’s waiting in the basement.”
“There’s a basement in this place?” I ask
astounded. “Wouldn’t that be in the roots?”
“Yep. All the best tree homes have them. And
magic lacing the dirt wall makes the room
soundproof and also so that no magic can penetrate
“So if we do get ambushed while we’re here we
should go there.” I make a mental note of that.
She nods. “But we won’t get ambushed. Shiny
would never allow anyone else in here without
talking to me about it first.”
I hope so or else we might not be as safe as we
thought. My gaze descends to Raven, lying limply
in my arms. Then again, are we even safe now?
Because it seems like every time we eliminate one
problem another rises, as if the queen’s magic can
reach us here. Maybe that’s exactly what’s
happening too. I’m not positive, though. And I
wasn’t lying when I said that Raven’s current
condition might have been caused by a bad reaction
to Rhyland drinking her blood. But I have no idea
why. I’m hoping the witch doctor can give us some
insight to that.
“Here we go,” Harper announces, coming to a
stop in front of a set of wooden doors. Then,
clearing her throat, she lifts her hand and knocks.
“Breezy, are you decent?”
“Why would she not be decent?” I ask, trading
a questioning look with Rhyland.
But he’s staring in the opposite direction,
frowning, and the dark circles underneath his eyes
have become more prominent.
“You okay over there?” I ask, shifting Raven’s
weight in my arms.
He blinks at me, his eyes glazed over. “Huh?”
My lips plummet to a frown. He’s acting very
“Maybe you should take a walk and let me
handle this,” I suggest. “You’re getting a weird look
in your eyes and I’m worried you’re… Well, I’m
not sure.”
“I’m fine.” He blinks a couple of times and the
dazed look fades. “I’m just stressed out about her.”
He glances at Raven and swallows hard. “I want to
be in there for this. I actually need to ask some
questions for Raven, if she doesn’t wake up in
“What questions?” I ask. When his worried
gaze flicks to Harper, I inch closer and lower my
voice. “You might as well tell me now so I’m not
surprised when we get in there. And Harper’s going
to hear anyway.”
He dithers, appearing torn. “Raven mentioned
just a bit earlier that right before the curse was put
on us, the queen told her that the more Raven
suffers, the more she gains power.” He gives a
hesitant pause. “Then she referred to Raven as a
moonlight abomination.”
“Really? I wonder why?” I sound about as
surprised as a vampire when they walk into their
surprise birthday party, which isn’t very surprised
at all—vampires get very unenthusiastic when it
comes to surprise parties.
He narrows his eyes accusingly. “Did you
already know that?”
I shrug. “Don’t we all already know some
things that most of us don’t know?”
Frustration bites at his tongue as he says, “So
the queen told you already?”
I shake my head. Then, glancing over my
shoulder to make sure Harper isn’t paying
attention, I lean in and lower my voice. “Actually,
Raven’s father did. A long, long time ago, back
before all of this happened. He didn’t use the term
abomination, though. Just told me that she was a
very powerful and unique moonlight creature.”
“Then why in the hell didn’t you tell me?” he
“Because her father made me take a Blood
Oath to keep it a secret.”
“But that was life cycles ago.”
“I know, but the Blood Oath still held. Now that
you’ve figured it out on your own, though, we
should be able to talk about it.”
“But why didn’t her dad want anyone to find
out?” His jaw ticks. “Well, except for you
I roll my eyes. “Don’t get your panties in a
bunch. It was completely by accident that I found
out. I was actually spying on him and dad one day
when they went back to have a drink in the office,
like you and I did sometimes, and they said
something about her being this unique and powerful
moonlight creature and that no one could ever find
that out or else her life could be in danger and
maybe even all the worlds if her power was used in
the wrong way. I gasped when I heard and they
realized I had been spying and made me take a
blood oath never to talk about it with anyone who
didn’t know what Raven is.”
He shakes his head in disbelief. “I can’t believe
all this time I didn’t know.”
“I’m sorry. If I could’ve told you, I would’ve.”
He stares down at Raven worriedly. “If the
queen called her an abomination back when the
curse first started, then it means she’s known all
along that Raven is powerful. Which means the
curse was probably a set up.”
“Yeah, but we already knew that.”
“But what we don’t know is how the queen has
been channeling power from Raven’s suffering and
what she plans on doing with it.”
“Maybe it’s how she’s making the Created,”
Harper suggests, popping up at my side and
startling the shit out of Rhyland me.
I throw a quick, skeptical look at Harper. Yeah,
I trust her with my secrets, but this isn’t my secret.
It’s Raven’s, the one creature in this world beside
my brother that I’d do anything to protect.
“I’m sorry,” Harper quickly apologizes when
she notes my uneasiness. “I know you guys were
trying to have a private conversation, but I couldn’t
help but accidentally overhear while I was
eavesdropping and I thought I’d tell you my
“Okay.” Wariness laces my tone.
“Well,” she starts, tucking a strand of her hair
behind her ear. “I can’t help but wonder if perhaps
the queen is channeling Raven’s power and making
it her own so she can create the Created from the
energy by transferring the powers of one creature
into another.”
“But I thought the Created were created from
mixing different species blood. I mean, how else
are faeries getting Wicca powers and vampires
possessing dragon fire? They’d have to possess the
blood of a witch and a faerie.”
Harper shakes her head. “That’d make them
more like me, and I’m not the same as the
“True,” Rhyland agrees, reclining against the
wall behind us. “And the Created, they’re not
really half of something and half of something else.
Like Nadine. She doesn’t have witch blood inside
her—that much I could tell when I blasted her with
a curse. She can just channel Wicca energy.”
I can feel a blood headache coming on. “But
how is that possible when she doesn’t have witch
blood running in her veins?”
“Maybe because the queen’s extra power she’s
stealing from Raven has somehow given her the
ability to siphon powers from one creature and put
them into another,” Harper suggests with a casually
Nothing about what she said is casual, though.
In fact, it’s fucking terrifying.
“Siphoning? But that’d mean that she could
actually create any creature she wanted, even rare,
nearly impossible ones to find,” I say. “And she
could create them whenever she wanted. Well,
unless she can’t always channel Raven’s power.”
“Do you know how dangerous it could be if she
created certain creatures,” Rhyland whispers. “I
mean, think about if she put a giant and a dragon
together. Then there’d be a damn giant dragon
flying around big enough to probably wipe out an
entire land.”
“There’s even worse creatures hiding in our
worlds than dragons and giants,” Harper utters
worriedly. “A lot, lot worse. And who knows what
she’s created already. And how many.”
“I know. And every time the curse resets, the
population of the Created grows,” I remind all of
“But then why is she trying to kill Raven now?”
Rhyland pushes away from the wall and brushes
the back of his hand across Raven’s cheek. “If she
gains power from Raven through the curse—
through her suffering—then why try to end it?”
“That’s another thing we need to figure out,” I
mumble, staring down at Raven passed out in my
arms, the fire burns flaking at her skin on the base
of her neck. “Our To Do List is getting pretty
fucking long. We really need to start working on
getting stuff scratched off.”
“After we talk to the witch doctor, I’ll set out to
find a dragon,” Rhyland offers, his fingers linger on
Raven’s cheek. “That is, if everything turns out
okay with her. I can’t leave until I know she’s safe
and healthy.”
“And I can go gather everything we need to do
an anti-possession spell,” Harper offers. “I’ll
probably have to transport to another shimmer
blob, but that usually isn’t too complicated.”
“And I can go scope out the Land of
Moonlight,” I say. “See if I can find the army of the
Created. Maybe spy on the queen a bit. I’ve always
been good at that.”
Rhyland swiftly shakes his head. “No, you need
to stay here.”
“Like I’m just going to sit here and do nothing,”
I argue. “Do you not know me at all?”
“I know that you’re her Blood Protector and
I’m not going to just leave her here alone
unprotected.” His gaze is firm, his voice stern. “I
also know that despite all this madness going on,
I’m still the king, which means you take orders
from me.”
“Fine,” I say flatly. “My king. But you’ll have
to leave us some of your blood for her to drink.”
He nods, looking dazed again. “Good idea.”
Honestly, I’m unsure if I’m pissed off or
impressed with him offering to leave and making
me stay here. Doesn’t really matter, though. In the
end, I want to protect Raven, so I’ll do what I have
“Oh, I think she’s ready,” Harper announces
with a clap of her hands as the set of doors finally
creak open. “Is everyone ready?” She doesn’t wait
for us to answer, skipping inside the room.
“Why does she act like we’re going to a party
or something?” Rhyland whispers as we inch
toward the doorway.
“Who the hell knows,” I mutter. “But I wish I
could share her enthusiasm.”
“Me too,” he agrees, sounding as worried as
While Harper may be able to bounce around
and be cheery, Rhyland and I understand that a lot
is riding on if this witch doctor can help us.
Lives are riding on it, in fact.
Maybe even all of the worlds.
’m worried. Not just about what
Kingsley and I discussed, but because
something is stirring inside me. It’s part
of why I suggested I go search for a dragon to cure
Raven’s burns once we were finished with the
witch doctor. That will get me out of this
shimmering blob for a while and far away from
Raven until I can figure out what hell is going on
with me.
I hate the idea of leaving Raven, but I’ll do
anything to protect her, even leave her. I need to
make sure I leave some of my blood behind,
though, for her to drink. I’m unsure whose blood
I’m supposed to drink, though, if it turns out she’s
having a bad reaction to me drinking her blood.
I swallow hard at the idea that maybe I won’t
ever be able to feed from her.
Before I enter the room, I discard my torn shirt
and hurry and clean some of the blood off my
chest, trying to make my appearance as less
alarming as I can.
“Good evening Harper.” The witch doctor
greets as the three of us enter the room.
She’s sitting in the center of the dark room
made up of dirt and mud. Large, winding roots of
the tree snake around the area and faint flickers of
light creep in from somewhere.
“I know we’re creatures of the undead,” I
whisper under my breath to Kingsley. “But this
place gives me the creeps.”
“That makes two of us.” He shifts Raven in his
arms as he surveys the area.
“Gentlemen, have a seat,” the witch doctor
instructs, patting the spot on the ground beside her
and offering us a smile.
I eye her over warily. She’s probably only a
couple of years older than Kingsley and I with
blood red hair that matches her lips. Her eyes are
like liquid fire, her skin inked with tattoos, and
she’s wearing a white, flow length dress that has to
be getting stains from sitting in the dirt. She’s in no
way, shape, or shapeshifter form, what I expected a
witch doctor to look like. I expected someone much
older and dressed in rags. I’m not sure why.
Kingsley casts a glance in my direction. Sensing
what he wants, I take a seat beside the witch
doctor. Then he sits down beside me while
continuing to hold Raven in his arms. Harper
lowers herself to the ground on the other side of the
witch doctor.
As silence takes over the room, I decide to ask
the witch doctor if she knows what’s wrong with
Raven, but she holds up her hand before I can even
get my lips parted.
“The girl is very sick,” the witch doctor
mumbles, her tattooed brows pulling together as she
assesses Raven. “But, she is curable.”
“What’s wrong with her?” Kingsley asks,
shifting so Raven’s head is resting in the crook of
his arm.
The witch doctor—I think Harper called her
Breezy—slants forward to get a better look at
Raven. “Many things are eating the girl from the
inside.” She closes her eyes and places the heel of
her hand against Raven’s forehead. Then her face
instantly bunches in pain. “There’s so many cracks
inside. So much pain eating her away. Little webs
of poison gnawing at her insides and her mind.”
I force down the lump welling in my throat.
“How much pain is she in?”
“Surprisingly not much,” Breezy answers with
her eyes shut. “She will be when she wakes up,
though, unless we can find a temporary fix.”
“Can you do it?” I ask, hoping to the Gods she
can. “Heal whatever’s making her like this?”
Breezy smiles, but it’s not the kind of smile that
leads to a cheerful answer. No, I’ve seen this kind
of smile before.
She wants to make a deal.
“Heal her from what exactly, though?” Kingsley
demands, growing impatient. “Because you haven’t
even told us what was wrong yet. Just that she has
cracks inside, which we already knew, and that you
want us to give you something to heal her, but how
do we know you know what you’re talking about.
Maybe you’re just fucking with us.”
I shoot him a look. Calm down, I mouth.
The last thing we need is for him to lose his
temper and piss her off before she helps us.
Breezy’s eyes pop open, her gaze locking on
Kingsley. “Such impatience.”
“Vampires aren’t known for their patience,”
Kingsley states unapologetically. “We are known
for our ability to kill with a single bite, if we need
Her brow meticulously arches. “Is that a
“Not at all.” Kingsley holds her gaze. “Just a
simple reminder.”
“I see.” She studies him with a curious
expression, her tongue slipping out to wet her lips.
“Fine. I’ll tell you what’s wrong with her. But just
know that I have the only temporary cure and that
comes with a price.”
“What about a permanent cure?” I ask. “Do
you have one of those?”
She shakes her head. “But I do know of one.
Only she can get it, though.” She nods her head at
Raven. Then she slants forward, the liquid fire in
her eyes flickering. “To break the poison feeding
off the girl’s body, she has to break the curse.”
“Why is everything always caused by the
fucking curse?” Kingsley growls, a vein in his neck
“Don’t misunderstand me, vampire,” Breezy’s
tells him. “The curse isn’t causing the girls illness.
The illness is the curse, running inside her, like a
web. And the more the curse is broken, the more
the illness grows and breaks the girl. If one
crumbles, they both do.”
So does that mean she’s not having a bad
reaction to me feeding her? I’m not sure and she’s
really not making much sense.
Pain throbs against my temple. “So let me get
this straight, if Raven breaks the curse, then the
curse breaks her? Yet the cure for the poison inside
her is to break the curse?” I ask and Breezy nods.
My fingers curl inward—I’m on the verge of
exploding. “So that fucking means that she never
could’ve broken the curse. That all this time, all
these stupid lifecycles of trying to free Raven—to
free all of us from this hell—was for nothing. That
she’s going to die no matter what.”
I realize that’s exactly what Nadine told Raven,
that her—that all of us who were part of the curse
—were going to die.
“Not quite.” Breezy rises to her feet, the
beaded bracelets on her wrists clanking together as
she turns around and walks toward the back wall of
the room. “The curse she has inside her is made up
of a very ancient magic. Even more ancient than
me and I’m older than the trees themselves.”
“Really?” I question. “You sure as hell don’t
look like it.”
She grins at me from over her shoulder.
“Coming from an old vampire, I’ll take that as a
I should probably be polite and smile back,
considering she might have knowledge that will
save Raven, but I’m too pissed off and frustrated to
do so.
“Always so sad,” she remarks. “I guess that
makes sense, though. You did curse your love to
this painful demise.”
“You said she wasn’t in pain,’ I grit out,
clenching my fists.
Kingsley shoots me the same look I gave him
earlier, warning me to chill the hell out.
“I meant she wasn’t in any physical pain,” she
elaborates. “Her emotional and mental pain,
however, is so heavy even I can feel the weight of
enduring it.” She twists around, facing us again.
“But the pain to come will be so heavy none of us
may be able to breathe through it.”
“Okay, now you’re starting to sound like
Harper, talking in riddles,” Kingsley snaps then
glances at Harper. “Sorry, no offense.”
“None taken,” Harper smiles at him. “To say
that the witch doctor is like me is a great
compliment, although, completely not true. I’ll
never be anything like Breezy, unfortunately.”
Yeah, I’m not so sure I agree with Harper. Sure,
the half pixie, half faerie, might be skipping to the
beat of her own drum, but at least she wouldn’t
demand a fee to save a creature’s life.
“So how do we get rid of the pain?” I ask. “And
how do we save her? Because I’m not accepting
the answer you gave me.”
“But I never gave you an answer.” The smile
playing at Breezy’s lips makes me question if she’s
toying with us.
Maybe Harper was wrong about her being
“Then what’s the answer?” Kingsley asks, his
voice controlled, even, but firm. “How do we cure
her without killing her?”
He may appear composed on the inside, but I
know him almost as well as I know myself and
inside, he’s struggling to remain calm.
“I already told you, by breaking the curse.”
Breezy turns her back to us again and I start to
jump to my feet, any amount of my patience gone,
but she holds up a hand. “Be patient. I’m not done
yet.” She waits for me to finish sitting down before
continuing. “There is a creature that is older than
any magic. If you want to save the girl without
killing her, you need to go to it. It should be able to
help you.”
“Okay, what is this creature?” I cross my arms.
“And how do we find it?”
She spins around, the same unsettling smile she
had on when we entered the room emerging on her
lips. “Before I tell you what it is and how to find it,
I want something in return.”
Kingsley glares at her. “Of course you do.”
“Oh Kingsley Midnitegale, one day that fanged
mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble.”
She pauses, squinting at him, and her eyes light up.
“Or maybe it already has. Tell me vampire, have
you tasted the darkness that lies in the light?”
I confusedly glance at Kingsley. “What is she
talking about?”
His blazing gaze sears into Breezy. “I have no
Breezy smirks. “So he doesn’t know?”
“There’s nothing to know,” Kingsley bites out,
his fangs twitching in his mouth. “So why don’t you
shut the hell up and tell us your price before I
decide to let my hunger take over.”
I tense and hiss, “Easy. She might be our only
way to save Raven.”
“She’s going to help us,” Kingsley says, his gaze
never wavering from Breezy. “Because whatever
she’s about to ask for, she wants it too much.”
Breezy steadily holds Kingsley’s gaze. “You’re
right. I do.”
“Then just ask for it,” he challenges. “Or are
you too afraid?”
“Not at all.” She steps toward him. “I think you
already know what I want, though.”
“Nope. You’re going to have to clarify it.” His
tone is like ice, his body stiff, but anger burns from
his eyes.
“Fine.” She moves in front of him then
crouches down, slanting so close that, at first, I
think she’s going to kiss him. “I want to borrow you
for a little bit.”
“Of course you do.” Kingsley slides Raven onto
my lap without removing his gaze from Breezy.
“Wait here. I’ll be right back.” Then he stands up
and follows Breezy out of the room, leaving me and
Harper alone with our jaws hanging to our knees.
“What was that about?” I ask when the door
Harper gives a shrug, frowning as she picks at
her fingernails. “I think maybe they went to have
“No, I don’t think that’s it.” That’s a lie. That
could be exactly what they’re doing. When the lie
leaves my lips, though, she perks up a little bit. The
realization that Harper might like Kingsley as more
than a friend dawns on me. Considering Kingsley is
in love with Raven, that might lead to a lot of
drama in the future, but I’ll worry about that later,
when I don’t have an endless list of other problems
to deal with. “What do you think all that light and
darkness stuff was about?”
“I’m not sure.” Harper tilts her head to the side
contemplatively. “It reminds me of an old nursery
rhyme my mother used to tell me.”
“A pixie nursery rhyme?” I ask, examining
Raven over, trying to tell if her condition is getting
worse or better. She appears the same, still pale and
unconscious. “Or was your mom a faerie?”
“She was a faerie,” Harper says. “But it’s not a
pixie nursery rhyme. It’s the Hell Gods’.”
My gaze darts up to her. “Your mother use to
tell you a Hell Gods’ nursery rhyme?” Why would
Breezy quote that to Kingsley? And better yet, why
did it make Kingsley so tense?
She nods with a heart-wrenching smile on her
face. “She wasn’t always a kind mother, but I think
in a way, she thought she was helping me.”
“By scaring the shit out of you before you went
to sleep?”
“By making me stronger.” She shrugs, smiling
sadly. “Pixies aren’t always the bravest creatures
and from what I understand, my father was a
coward. I think by making me frightened she
believed eventually she’d make me less easy to
scare. Unfortunately, I think I have more pixie
blood they fey blood in my veins.”
I feel sorry for her. While I’ve had to deal with
torture every night of my life for several decades,
my parents have always been kind to me, helping
me even after I sealed us to this doomed fate.
“You’re not weak or afraid, Harper,” I assure
her, but she shakes her head in doubt. “I mean it.
You don’t need to be here, but you are. Even when
we found out a whole army of Created were after
us. Even when Nadine possessed your body.
Through all of that, every lifecycle, you’ve always
been here to help.”
“Well, what else am I going to do?” A tiny smile
turns at her lips. “If I run away, eventually I’ll just
end up right back where I started.”
“Don’t sell yourself short. The only reason
you’re part of this curse is because you were at the
crowning ceremony that night. And most of the
creatures that attended the party pretend like the
curse doesn’t happen over and over again. You’re
one of the few creatures that has stuck around to
“Well, it’s not like I could ever walk away.”
The playful glint in her eyes returns. “You guys
would be lost without me.”
“That we would,” I agree, meaning my words.
Her gaze travels to the door. “Do you think one
of us should go check on Kingsley and make sure
he’s okay?”
I shake my head. After just rebuilding her
confidence, the last thing I need is for her to walk
in and see Kingsley fucking her witch doctor friend.
“We should probably just wait,” I say. “I’m sure
they’ll be back soon.”
Because the longer they’re gone, the more time
we waste and the more Raven wastes away too.
But maybe that’s what you really want. A voice
whispers through my mind.
Fear lashes through me so potently I nearly fall
Who the hell are you?
Laughter echoes inside my head.
I panic, trying to move, but my body won’t
There’s no running from me, it says. I’m going
to stay right where I am after I take you over.
o what is it you want, witch?” I say
after Breezy leads me to a room on the
lower floor.
Inside is a made bed, a dresser, and a curtained
window. Nothing else. The word empty comes to
Empty like my soul and heart.
“Is this really about what I want?” She circles
me, tracing her fingernails along my arm, leaving
red marks across my flesh. “Because if I’m correct
about what you are, then you should want what I
want too.”
Great, she’s a Hell groupie. I’ve occasionally
ran into them when certain creatures are able to see
the real me; the hidden, tainted, shadow inside me.
The mark of Hell is what some refer to it as. I call it
missing a soul, because that’s how I see it. Soulless.
My soul was ruined the day I was taken to Hell and
tortured until I could scream no more, until I could
bleed no more. It’ll never be the same again—I’ll
never be the same again.
“I never do,” I utter numbly. “And you should
know before you go there that when I was taken to
Hell, it was against my will. I didn’t want to go.”
Her fingernails scratch the back of my neck and
my fingers fold inward, my nails cutting open the
flesh on my palms.
“But you still went there?” she asks, her fingers
traveling down my back.
“Obviously, you can tell that,” I snap rigidly. “I
don’t know how, but I can tell you do.”
“It’s part of my gift—to see the light and the
darkness in everyone and everything—which also
lets me see the mark of Hell.” She stops in front of
me and cups my face between her hands, her
fingernails biting into my flesh. “You have darkness
webbed into you and it’s shadowing the light, but
the mark is still there. It means only half of your
soul was left in Hell. Did you know that?”
I smash my lips together so forcefully my jaw
aches. I’ve often wondered after I returned if my
soul was completely destroyed. From what I
understand about the creatures who step foot into
Hell, my soul should be long gone by now.
She lowers her hands, studying me with her
head angled to the side. “You didn’t know that, did
you? That you still have a soul.”
“Is this your price?” I ask, not wanting to talk
about this with her—with anyone. “To hear me talk
about my broken soul.”
“Oh, it’s not broken. Just shadowed.” Her lips
span to a smirk as the muscle in my jaw pulsates.
“You don’t know what that means, do you?”
I shove back the vomit burning at the back of
my throat. “What does it matter if I do or don’t?
We’ll still be standing here and you’ll still want
what we both know you want. Me talking about
what I think I am and how I feel isn’t going to
change that.”
“But it could be liberating to let it all out. To
talk about what happened to you while you were in
I lean forward and whisper snidely, “Not with
“Fine.” She shoves me back and I stumble,
falling onto the bed. “I guess I’ll just have to get
something out of this deal another way.”
“I guess you will.” I stare up at the ceiling,
allowing my self-made numbness to wash over me
as she straddles my waist.
Even if Raven’s life wasn’t on the line, I
couldn’t stop her. I can’t stop any creature who
figures out I’m marked by Hell. It’s part of the
curse that the Hell demons put on me. If a creature
has the will and desire to see the mark, they can
gain control over me for an entire day and I have to
do what they command. Only when they twenty-
four hours are up am I freed. Well, that is until the
next creature spots the darkness in me. But that
doesn’t even matter. I’ll never truly be free
anyway. Not when I’m haunted by everything that
has ever been done to me.
“Relax, I’m not going to bite.” Breezy lines her
body over mine, but when our gazes lock, she
pauses. “You don’t have a demon inside you.”
“Why would I?” I choke out, wishing she’d just
get this over with instead of dragging it out.
She slants back, her hands resting on my chest.
“Every creature that has been marked by Hell and
returns to the upper worlds has a demon living
inside them. There’s no exception to this. It’s a
form of transportation for demons and Hell makes
no exceptions.”
“There’s never an exception until there is one.”
She shakes her head, strands of her red hair
brushing against my face. “Not with Hell. Hell
makes no mistakes.” She scrutinizes me while
nibbling on her bottom lip. “I wonder…” She twists
around, glancing at the door, then back at me. “You
and Rhyland are twins.”
“Yeah, so what?” I shrug with indifference, but
the curious look on her face has me on edge. “How
did you know that anyway?”
“Harper told me about you a long time ago.”
The flames in her eyes dance with amusement.
“She actually talks about you often.”
“Okay… Why does that matter?”
She rolls her eyes. “You’re completely clueless,
aren’t you?”
I flash her a smirk, but it’s all bravado.
“Actually, I’ve been told the opposite.”
“Well, you were lied to. You’re clueless about a
lot of things.” She places her hands on my
shoulders, pinning me down. “I guess I could let
you in on one little secret. An interesting fact about
your brother.” She dips her head, putting her lips
beside my ear. “Did you know that when a demon
comes back from Hell inside a creature’s body, they
sometimes transfer bodies when they reach the
upper worlds. It doesn’t happen very often because
the creatures that the demon transfers to and from
have to have very similar blood types and
structures. In fact, they have to be so similar that it
rarely happens except occasionally with twins.”
I laugh darkly. “Do you think I’m stupid?
Rhyland doesn’t have a demon living inside him.”
She pushes back with her brows lifted. “Are
you sure about that?”
“Yes.” There’s no way Rhyland could be
carrying a demon around inside him. I’d know.
“All right, believe what you want. Doubt the
powerful witch doctor trying to help you.”
“Help me?” I gape at her. “All you’ve done so
far is blackmail me.”
“And save your girl.”
“She’s not my girl.”
“But you want her to be.” It’s not a question.
“She’s not mine to want,” I say dismissively,
but my blood burns under my skin, longing to be
tasted by Raven’s fangs.
“But that doesn’t make you want her any less.”
She strokes my cheek with her fingertip and smiles
when I flinch. “Such a sad thing to be in love with a
creature who loves another. I feel sorry for you
Kingsley. I really do.”
I laugh hollowly. “I highly doubt that.”
“I’m not as cruel as you think.”
“Yeah, that’s why you brought me in here so
you could control me for the next twenty-four
“I wasn’t planning on controlling you,” she
clarifies. “I was planning on liberating you. You just
didn’t want it.”
“All I want is for whatever this is,” I gesture
between us, “To be over.”
The flames in her eyes flame wildly. “Fine. If
that’s what you want then you’re debt is paid to
“Just like that?” I question with doubt.
She shrugs. “I already told you I just wanted to
liberate you, but since you don’t want my help,
we’ll move on.”
“Yeah, I’m not buying into that.” I prop up on
my elbows. “Is it because I don’t have a demon in
“No.” Her words are thick though and I have to
question if she’s lying.
She wanted the demon she thought was inside
me, but why?
“Are you still planning on helping Raven?” I
ask, assessing her reaction carefully.
“Of course. I said your debt was paid, didn’t I?”
She sits back, rubbing her lips together. “I should
probably tell you, though, that one of my many
gifts includes being able to smell the scent of an
unleashed demon. It’s sort of like a mixture of
sewer water and sugar plum. I know, it’s
contradicting, but it’s how they smell. And I smell it
right now.”
I instinctively sniff then my gut churns at the
disgusting yet sweet aroma dousing the air. “You’re
“Am I?”
“Fuck.” I shove her off and race out of the
Not that I fully believe her, but I’m not about to
risk the small chance that perhaps she’s telling the
“Rhyland,” I call out as I jog down the narrow
hallway toward the basement.
When silence is my only response, I quicken
the pace.
“Rhyland!” I shout, my boots thudding against
the floor as I sprint toward the double doors.
“Please be okay. Please be okay.” I shove the doors
open and barrel inside the basement.
Then my stomach plummets.
Harper is kneeling in the middle of the room
with her head bowed over Raven, who’s sprawled
out on the floor with her eyes shut, just like she was
when I left.
“What happened?” I scan the area, searching
for a sign of my brother, my hand hovering near the
handle of my sword.
Harper blinks up at me, her eyes huge. “Did
you know about it?”
I sink to my knees beside Raven and frantically
examine her over for injuries. “Did I know about
“That your brother has a demon inside him,”
she asks, her tone a bit shaky. “I’m not sure what
kind it is, but it was awful and said such mean
things to me.”
I draw my sword. “I didn’t know until just
barely. Breezy just informed me.”
Gods, I can’t believe this is happening. How did
I not realize this… All this time he has been
carrying around a demon inside him.
And I did it to him.
“How did it happen? I mean, I thought a
creature had to touch the fire pits of Hell for a
demon to latch onto them. But Rhyland’s never
been to Hell.” She glances at me. “Has he?”
I shake my head, guilt gripping at my chest, my
heart, my soul. “No, he hasn’t.”
“Then how did he get one inside him?”
“I have no idea.” The lie singes against my
tongue, but my scars aren’t ready for the world to
see them yet. I’m not ready for the world to see me
yet. The real me. “Where did my brother—the
demon go?”
Harper points to the door. “He ran out there
after he asked me how to get out of the shimmer
blob. Or well, demanded. He was pretty upset, but I
think Rhyland was still partly himself when he took
“Wait? He left the shimmer blob?” Worry whips
through me. If Rhyland took off suddenly, that
means things were really bad. And he didn’t leave
any blood behind for Raven to drink.
She nods. “When the demon started possessing
him, he said he had to leave or else no one would
be safe. I kind of agree with him. It’s probably for
the best until he can regain control. And I already
told Shiny not to let Rhyland back in unless he was
him again.”
“That’s good.” I slant back as shock and guilt
weighs down on my shoulders. How can this be
real? How can my brother have suffered all this
time and I never knew it?
Then again, I was sort of suffering too in my
own way and he never knew it.
How did we become this distant? We used to be
so close. But even before the curse, we started
drifting apart.
My gaze descends to Raven.
When we both started falling in love with the
same girl. It’s when our relationship started to
crumble. When lies formed between us. When I
stabbed him in the back.
“Don’t worry, the demon will eventually release
him from the possession.” Breezy strolls into the
room, not appearing bitter at all.
If I didn’t know any better, I’d guess that
somehow she got exactly what she wanted. I just
hope that’s not a bad thing…
Something dawns on me then. Nadine was with
me in Hell.
Does Nadine have a demon inside her?
I shake the though of Nadine out of my head.
I’ve got bigger problems to worry about right now.
“So now what do we do?” Harper looks to
Breezy for help with complete trust in her eyes.
I, however, greatly distrust the witch doctor and
vow to keep my eye on her. If at any time she
shows any signs of hurting any of us, I’ll kill her. I
don’t care if that taints my soul more. Up until a
few minutes ago, I thought I was soulless anyway.
Breezy gathers her dress and drops to her knees
in the dirt. “Now, we temporarily fix the girl and
then send her on her journey to Fate.”
My head whips in her direction. “Send her to
Fate? Are you fucking kidding me? That’s too
dangerous. And only Eternal Readers are supposed
to communicate with Fate. Plus, that seems like it
might take a lot of time and we don’t have time. In
fact, we’ve been running on borrowed time for a
“I never said any of this would be easy.”
Breezy unclasps her necklace and removes it. “If
the girl wants to break the curse and live, she’s
going to have to be willing to risk losing everything.
And the journey to Fate isn’t hard or long. It’s just
risky because if Fate doesn’t accept her visit, she
won’t return.”
My chest tightens, my fists clenching.
Why does everything have to involve Raven?
“But she’s already lost so much.” I smooth my
hand over the top of Raven’s head. “How much
more can this curse take from her?”
“Let’s hope you never have to find that out,”
Breezy says. Attached to the end of the necklace is
a vial filled with a powdery silver substance. “Now,
I’m going to need everyone to be quiet for this. One
wrong word or movement and the girl could remain
like this forever.”
I gulp down a shaky breath. “Will she become
conscious before you send her to Fate?”
Breezy nods. “But just long enough for her to
agree to go. You’ll only have seconds to explain it
to her. If she doesn’t agree in time, the chance will
be gone. And we only have one chance.”
I swallow shakily. I used to be so strong. So
stable. But the last few days I feel as though I’m
walking on a frayed tightrope. A part of me just
wants to fall, for this to be over with. But I vowed a
long, long time ago that I’d protect Raven—that I’d
be her sworn Blood Protector. And if there’s one
thing in these lives that I’ll get right, it will be that. I
owe her that.
I owe her so much more.
Not just because I love her, but for accepting
that damn vial the queen gave to me the night of
the curse. And for dumping it in Raven’s drink. If I
could, I’d take the decision back. Make the right
one. But back then I was naively stupid and truly
believed that if I could kiss Raven, she’d realize she
was in love with me and the whole thing with
Rhyland and her wouldn’t be a problem anymore.
That because I wasn’t king, things could work out
between us. That she could’ve been with me
without risking getting beheaded. That she could
love me like I love her.
But I never should’ve done what I did. It was
beyond wrong and stupid and the worst sort of
betrayal. I took so much away from her that night.
And one day, when we make it out of this and I can
speak freely again, I’m going to confess the truth to
In the end, I know she’ll hate me.
But it’s what I deserve.
lood weeps from the field, the trees in
the distance withering. The sky is a
shadow of darkness, not cloudy, but
tainted with smog. Despite the unfamiliar eeriness,
I somehow know that this was once the Land of
“Why is there so much blood everywhere?” I
whisper as I make a path across the land, my bare
feet sinking into the blood.
The ground feels lumpy and uneven and the
stench of the air is foul, even more potent than the
rusty scent of blood kissing the air. Normally, this
place would be a vampire’s dream—so much blood
to feast on. But the air feels rotten and tainted.
What happened here? What happened to the
once sparkling world? Is this from the war that’s
supposedly going on?
I’m not sure. I’m not even sure why I’m here or
how I got here. All I can do is keep moving forward
until I find a creature who may be able to answer
that for me. But so far, I haven’t seen another
creature anywhere.
The clouds in the sky begin to rain down,
raindrop splattering against the ground and
washing away some of the blood. That’s when I see
them—the bodies. They’re everywhere, covering
almost every speck of the field. I open my mouth to
scream, but no sound leaves my lips. I want to run,
but there’s a body in every direction I turn in.
“Help me,” I whisper. “I don’t want to see
this…” My gaze falls to the bodies below my feet
and tears drip from my eyes.
The pain they must of felt before they died has
been frozen onto their faces.
So much pain. I can feel it. Feel myself
I don’t want to see this anymore.
I open and shut my eyes, trying to make the
images fade, but instead they become more
“Look closer.” The wind picks up, carrying a
whisper with it.
“Who’s there?” I whisper, goose bumps
sprouting across my flesh.
“Look closer, my child,” the wind whispers to
me again. “You need to see it. See the Fate of the
I stare up at the sky, refusing to look at the
bodies again. “I don’t want to see it—I can’t look
at it.”
“You must. It’s what you are. It’s part of you.”
“I did this?” I whisper in horror.
“No, you misunderstand me.” The wind blows
my hair out of my face. “These images, this place,
they're part of you. The gift of seeing this—it’s
what you are.”
Icy tears roll down my cheeks. “You’re not
making any sense.”
“In time, I will.” Then just as quickly as the
wind picked up, it fades, the rotten air returning.
Swallowing hard, I force my gaze down to look
for… Well, I’m unsure.
As my gaze collides with the ground, the blood
begins to drain from the land, giving me a good
view of the faces of the bodies. And what I see
makes me vomit all over the ground. Because
amongst the bodies, are my parents, Rhyland’s and
Kingsley’s parents, and Rhyland and Kingsley.
“No!” A scream tears from my lips, tears
pouring from my eyes. “This can’t be happening.
They’re not dead! Tell me they’re not dead!”
My only response is the echoing of my own
voice. Panicking, I turn in a circle and scan the
field, searching for an answer to why I’m here.
That’s when I spot a figure standing near a cluster
of trees in the distance. It’s far enough away that I
can’t tell who it is, but every part of me shouts to
go to it. I obey, moving forward and carefully
stepping over the bodies. I try not to look at their
faces, but every so often my gaze lowers. And each
time, the pain in my chest increases. But I keep
going, keep moving toward the figure who seems to
be waiting for me near the trees.
It feels like I walk for hours, pass hundreds of
bodies, the stench of death biting at my senses.
Finally, when I think I can’t take it anymore, the
bodies covering the ground begin to thin out until
all I can feel underneath my feet is grass. By then,
I’ve arrived at the trees and the figure is there.
Now that I’m closer, I can see it better, see that
it has no face or skin, just light.
“What are you?” I whisper as I dare another
step closer.
“Patience, my child.” The figure’s voice
encompasses me. “Answers will come in time.” It
offers me its hand and with reluctance, I take it.
Its fingers are surprisingly warm and solid and
calmness sweeps over me.
“See, no need to be afraid.” the figure says as
it guides me into the trees.
“I’m not afraid anymore. Why is that? Because
it seems like I’m always afraid.”
“Those that are cursed with the gift usually
are.” It steers us further into the forest.
“Why is it always about the curse?” I ask,
glancing up as light flickers through the tree
“Again, you misunderstand me.” It comes to a
stop near a massive oak tree, the branches spun of
leafy vines and black and silver-tipped roses. “I’m
not talking about the curse of the fey queen. I’m
talking about the curse of your existence.”
“Gee thanks.” I eye the tree, feeling drawn to
“It’s nothing to be upset about,” it calmly
explains to me. “All of our kind have to go through
“Our kind.” An abomination. “Do you know
what I am?”
Before it can answer, I’m jerked back.
Then everything goes black.
hen my eyes pop open, Kingsley is
leaning over me and he instantly lets
out a breath of relief.
“You’re okay.” Panic rushes across his face.
“Raven, you need to listen to me because we don’t
have a lot of time.” He threads his fingers through
mine and I realize I’m lying on his lap, which is odd
since the last thing I can recall is straddling
Rhyland’s waist. “We found out what’s wrong with
you and I’m not going to lie. It’s bad. Really, really
fucking bad.”
“I figured as much,” I whisper, clutching onto
his hand. “Am I going to die?”
Is everyone going to die?
What I saw before I awoke pierces through my
mind and I suck in a sharp breath. What was that
place? And why do I feel as if part of me is still
“No, you’re not going to die,” he swears with
intensity flaming in his eyes. “I won’t let that
happen. But you need to agree to something
quickly. That’s the only way you’ll be okay.”
“Tell me what it is then,” I demand in a rush.
He squeezes my hand. “In order to save you
from the curse’s poison that’s eating you from the
inside, you need to talk to Fate and find out how to
save yourself.”
“But only Eternal Readers can communicate
with Fate,” I point out, so damn confused.
“That’s mostly true, but Breezy—the witch
doctor—knows another way. You have to agree to
do it, though, right now. And you need to
understand that it’s dangerous, especially if Fate
rejects your visit.”
I smash my lips together as his words sink in. “I
worry it might. I mean, I’m me and…” I shrug
because… Well, I don’t even know what I am.
Nervousness creeps into Kingsley’s expression.
“I know you’re scared—I am too—but this might
be the only way to stop you from… from dying.”
I’m going to die.
Everyone is going to die.
The images rush back to me again; how the
Land of Moonlight was stained with blood and the
bodies of everyone I care about.
“Did you just admit you’re scared?” I crack a
joke. “The world really must be coming to an end.”
He smiles nervously and it looks all sorts of
wrong. “I’m a little off my game right now, but I
promise once you’re better, I’ll go back to how I
Better? Will I ever be better?
I guess there’s only one way to find out.
“All right, I’ll go to Fate.” I start to sit up.
“How do I get there?”
He gently pushes on my shoulders, guiding me
back to his lap. “You just need to drink this.” Then
he hands me a vial filled with a powdery silver
I glance around the room to see who gave him
the vial, but all of my surroundings, besides him,
are blurry.
I take the vial from him and eye the substance
inside. “Where did you get this? And what is it?”
“All explain all of that when we have more
time,” he promises. “But right now, you need to
drink it before it’s too late.”
I remember the last time I drank something
from a vial. Unintentionally of course, but I still did
it. Then Kingsley and I kissed and the curse soon
Kingsley must sense my distrust because he
whispers, “I promise I won’t ever hurt you again.
You can trust me.”
Can I?
Do I?
I’m not fully certain, but a part of me must trust
him enough because I put the vial to my lips and
drink the powder.
“It tastes like glitter from a faerie’s ass,” I crack
a joke as the foul taste of whatever I just drank
burns at my throat.
He chuckles, but pain crams his eyes. “I’m so
sorry you have to do this.”
“Why? It’s not your fault.” I can feel myself
“But it is,” he chokes out.
I’m not sure what overcomes me, whether the
fear that I might die soon scares my rationality
away, or if I’m just a little out of it. But whatever
the reason, I find myself reaching up and stroking
his cheek.
“It’s going to be okay,” I say.
He leans into my touch. “I’m supposed to be
the one reassuring you.”
“You always do,” I utter. “Now it’s my turn…”
My eyelids slip shut as I get dragged away.
hen I thought I was going to visit
Fate, I didn’t expect to end up right
back in the bleeding Land of Moonlight standing
beside the massive oak tree. The glowing figure is
still standing beneath the branches, patiently
waiting for my return.
“How did I end up back here?” I peer around at
the trees. “I was supposed to go to Fate.”
Great. Was I wrong to trust Kingsley and drink
that powder?
No, my gut tells me. You weren’t.
“Then you’ve come to the right place,” the
figure says. “Although, you’ve come in your true
form. That was a bit unexpected, but we’ll have to
make it work.”
“Wait… my true form…” I glance down at my
hands. “But I look the same as I always do.”
“Do you?” The figure stretches out its arm
toward me and its fingers curl around my shoulder.
A flash of blinding light pierces through the
forest and my skin illuminates.
I jerk back. “What did you do to me?”
The figure steps closer. “I put you in your true
“My true form isn’t light. I’m a vampire,” I
protest, stepping back. “What is this place? What
did you do to me?”
“Calm down, my child. All will be explained in
time.” It plucks a rose from one of the oak trees
branches. “If you wish to see the truth about
yourself, your past, and what you need to do to
become who you truly are, a sacrifice must be
made.” It hands me the flower.
I take the flower. “How is this a sacrifice?”
“Because it is life.” It gestures around at the
blooming trees, the flourishing bushes, and the
grass sprouting from the dirt. “Everything is.”
“So you want me to kill a flower and then
you’ll give me the answers?” I twirl the rose in my
hand, my brows knitting. “Kingsley said if I talked
to Fate, I wouldn’t die. That’s where I’m supposed
to be—with Fate.”
“And like I’ve said before, you’ve come to the
right place.”
I peer up at the figure and it clicks. “Wait…
You’re Fate?”
The figure nods, glowing brighter. “Indeed, I
“I’m so sorry I was so disrespectful.” I bow my
head, unsure what else to do.
But seriously, I’m standing in front of Fate.
Have been for a while. In fact, I came here before I
drank the powder.
“Can I ask a question?” I ask, my gaze fastened
to the ground.
“You may, just as long as you look at me,” Fate
says. “There’s no need to bow.”
“Sorry.” I raise my head. “How is it I came here
before I drank the powder?”
“You weren’t really here then,” Fate replies.
“Your spirit was.”
I hold the rose delicately in my hand, unsure
what I’m supposed to do with it. “So I was dead.
Well, more dead than I already am?”
“No, creatures like you—like us—can never
truly be dead.” Fate gestures at itself. “We just
have different forms.”
“So what form are you in right now?”
“My true form.” Fate takes my hand, the one
holding the flower. “I know you have a lot of
questions and while I can answer some, it’s better if
I show you most.”
“Okay, what do I need to do?”
“Eat the petals from the flower.” She urges the
rose toward my lips.
I stare down at the black and silver rose.
“That’s it?”
“Don’t take the death of nature lightly, my
child,” Fate warns. “You will feel it—the flower’s
Just how much pain can a flower feel?
When I stuff the petals of the rose into my
mouth, I quickly discover that even a flower can
experience great agony, pain and heartache
shredding at my throat and chest as I swallow it
“It hurts so much,” I whisper, tears dripping
from my eyes. “Why did you make me do that?
“Because you need to learn that with
everything you see, there is a price, but you will
still have to see it.” Fate places a hand on top of my
head. “Seeing is your gift, Raven.”
As if a light switch flips on in my mind, I
suddenly see.
I see everything…
The day I was born, my mother holding me,
staring down at me with such love in her eyes.
“She’s special,” my father whispers as he stands
beside the bed.
“That she is,” my mother agrees, rocking me
back and forth.
The images shift, zipping forward a couple of
years to me standing on a hill amongst a crowd of
vampires, who are all laughing, dancing, and
drinking. At first I don’t know why. Why would I
need to see myself at a party? But then my skin
begins to glow as I turn around and stare at a tree.
My mother rushes up to me, scoops me up in
her arms, and zooms off somewhere.
The images change again, but only to a handful
of minutes later. We’re at the house I grew up in—
in my first life. My mom and dad are talking in
hushed whispers, huddled together, while I sit in
the corner in a chair.
Moments later, a vampire strolls into the room,
wearing a long, black dress, her cheek branded
with a star—the mark of an Eternal Reader.
“You better not be wrong about this,” she
warns my parents. “Fate will be upset if I disturb it
for no reason.”
“We’re sure,” my dad says. “We just want
Nodding, the Eternal Reader lowers to her
knees in front of me and stares into my eyes. Then
she gasps.
“She has the light,” she whispers. “She has the
light of Fate.”
“What does that mean?” My mom hugs her
arms around herself, tears shining in her eyes.
The Eternal Reader rises to her feet and faces
my mom. “I’m not sure.” She glances at me.
“Usually new Fate isn’t born as a child, especially
a vampire child. It’s unheard of. An abomination, if
you ask me. And the risk of her existing here in our
worlds where any creature can get ahold of her
and change the fate of everything…” She trails
off, rushing for the door. “I need to discuss this
with the other Eternal Readers. She might need to
be sent somewhere. Or destroyed.”
In the blink of an eye, my dad dashes toward
her and grabs her by the throat. “You will do no
such a thing.” He growls. “No one must know.”
“That’s not your call to make,” the Eternal
Reader chokes out, her face turning red.
“It’s not yours either,” my dad snaps, his grip
My mom rushes up to me and shields my eyes.
“Don’t look, sweetheart, okay?”
I nod and look away, my gaze traveling to the
window where a tiny water faerie is flying near the
glass. I’ve never seen one before, but I’ve always
wanted to. It’s so pretty.
I wave and smile and she waves back, a smile
twisting at her purple lips. Then she flutters off
toward the sky…
The scene shifts again, only this time I’m not
sure I’m me, just a spirit hovering in the corner of
a large room with columns and a wooden throne.
Perched in the seat of the throne is a woman
wearing a dress spun of gold, and a glittering,
jewel encrusted crown is balanced on her head.
Fluttering in front of her is the water fey I waved
to earlier.
“And you say you found it. That Fate is a
vampire child?” The queen’s eyes shine bright with
wicked delight. “And that she’s here in our
The water fey bobs her head up and down.
“She has great power, though, and others are
protecting her.”
“Still, she’s just a child and children are easy
to manipulate.” She drums her finger against her
lips. “Imagine what I could do if I manipulated her
power. I could change the Fate of the entire world
—I could control everything…”
The images swirl into the day Rhyland and
Kingsley made friends with me, only now I’m near
the alcove where I saw the figure with glowing
eyes. I can see it has wings and shimmering silver
skin—a faerie.
It’s watching Nadine just as closely as it’s
observing me. Well, the me that’s sitting in the
After Nadine rushes out of the cafeteria, the
faerie hurries after her, cutting her off near the
“What do you want, faerie,” Nadine spits out,
the blood Kingsley dumped on her earlier still
soaking her dress.
“I want to make all your wishes come true,”
the faerie purrs. “Starting with making you the
new queen.”
Nadine sneers. “Stupid faerie. Only Fate can
do that.” She starts to swing around the faerie, but
it sidesteps, cutting her off.
“Fate is weak right now,” the faerie explains
with a sinister grin. “And with the right amount of
magic, the fey queen can give you what your heart
truly desires—a crown on your head and your
sister’s suffering.”
“How do you know I want that?” Nadine
questions, peering around the empty hallway. “And
why are you even here?”
“I’m here to give you what you want,” the
faerie purrs. “And I know what you want because I
have the gift of seeing other’s desires.”
“You’re a Desire Faerie?” Nadine asks, more
interested than she was before.
The faerie nods. “That I am. And I want to
make all of your desires come true.”
Nadine eyes over the faerie. “And what do I
have to do in return?”
“Nothing at all,” the faerie moves toward her,
its wings curling out. “Just simply accept the gift
and become friends with the fey queen.”
Nadine considers her offer then a grin spreads
across her face. “All right, make me queen and
make it so my sister suffers. That’s what I want.
For her to feel how I’ve felt for years. To know
what it’s like to have parents who barely
acknowledge your existence. Ever since she was
born, it’s been Raven this and Raven that. And now
Kingsley and Rhyland are doing it too.” Her lip
twitches, her eyes flowing with anger. “She always
gets what I want, so I want to take everything from
“And you will in time. I promise.” The faerie
places a kiss on her forehead and vanishes into a
cloud of smoke…
After that, the images move swiftly, showing me
how the queen had her minions watch me for years
to learn my weaknesses. Nadine helped her too,
spying on us and reporting back to the queen. Then
the images alter again, replaying the night of the
curse, most of the stuff I’ve already seen. But when
it arrives at the end, when the curse is about to be
set, I manage to move up to where Rhyland is. In
his hand is a contract, along with a list of the
things I must do in order to break the curse and
what will happen when the curse is broken. But the
words are blurry and unreadable. I reach for the
piece of paper, but I’m jerked back—
I gasp as the scene fades, and I’m pushed back
to the forest where Fate is waiting for me.
“No!” I cry out. “I need to see it! Need to know
what to do to break this awful curse!” Pain and
anguish claw at my chest as I crumble to my knees,
tears streaming from my eyes.
Nadine was part of it. Part of the curse because
she was jealous of me. It’s hard to take in. I mean, I
know we never had a good relationship and she
didn’t fully understand what she was getting into,
but she handed over my suffering to the fey queen
so easily.
“Relax, my child, in time, it will all come to
you.” Fate pats my head.
I straighten, glaring up at her. “How can that be
possible when I’m dying?”
“You won’t die.” Its hand lowers to her side.
“But saving yourself isn’t going to be easy. Nothing
about what you face is going to be easy.”
“Because I’m… I’m Fate.” I can’t believe this
is happening, can’t believe what I saw.
“Believe it,” Fate says as if reading my mind
and maybe it can. “Fate never sees anything that
doesn’t carry some partial truth to it.”
“But…” I peer over my shoulder at the
bleeding land just outside the trees. “But what
about that? Because I’m seeing that and if I’m
Fate…” I look to her for a answer, but her light is
“I don’t have much time.” She sets her hand on
my head again. “Just know that after you break the
curse—after you’ve completed all the tasks—there
is one final sacrifice you must make to survive. You
must kill a creature that was part of the original
curse, a creature who was there that night, a
creature that you love. If you don’t, the curse will
win—it will consume you--which means the queen
will gain all the power she’s ever craved. And that
power will channel to the Created. Then no
creature or worlds will be safe from bloodshed.”
“What?” I cry out, shaking my head. “No, I
could never do that. I could never kill anyone.”
“You must. Or else you’ll die… Taking another
life is the only other exception to the end of the
curse, which was supposed to be your death. And
the worlds need you, Raven. You’re the next Fate
and without your existence, no one will be there to
guide the creatures, and Chaos will take over.
Blood will weep across the land, just like the field
behind you.”
“But I can’t kill anyone,” I whisper hoarsely.
“I’m sorry, my child. But it’s the only way to
put the balance back into the worlds.”
“That doesn’t even make sense.”
“It will in time.”
“And then what happens?” Tears cascade from
my eyes. “I mean, if I manage to do everything?
Will my parents be okay? Where are they even?
Will I end up queen? Will Rhyland end up king?”
Questions rush from my lips.
“Then everything goes back to what it was
supposed to be,” Fate simply says.
“But I’m not even sure how things were
supposed to be…” An image sears through my
mind, branding my soul.
It’s the first task I must complete in order to
break the curse. And it’s more awful than I ever
could’ve imagined.
“And Raven?” Fate whispers some final words.
“You are one of the most powerful Fates to ever
step foot in the worlds. You need to be careful and
only trust those who are truly trustworthy. The fey
queen isn’t the only creature who wishes to steal
your power. And while she may not currently be
able to step foot into the Land of Moonlight where
our powers flow from, there are plenty of other
creatures who can—and will, if they get the chance
—to kill you or use your powers for their own
“If it’s such a risk of me being in the worlds
then why can’t I just stay here...” I’m dragged back
before Fate can answer, but I have a feeling it
wouldn’t have anyway.
hen I open my eyes again, I’m lying
in a wooden bed inside a tree room,
just like the time I woke up from Rhyland’s
freezing spell. Kingsley is sitting beside the bed
with his head lowered, his clothes are a little
wrinkled, and his shoulders are hunched over. The
only difference this time is that Aeribella is curled
up in a ball, sleeping beside my feet.
For a hopeful moment, I wonder if all that stuff
with Fate was just a dream. But the final image I
saw before I left Fate flickers in my mind and I
It’s real.
All of this is real.
I’m the next Fate and I’m cursed. And if I want
to uncurse myself, I’m going to have to complete
an awful task and probably even more than one.
And then I’m going to have to kill someone.
I don’t understand why, what the purpose of the
death is, and the idea of doing it, of taking
someone’s life, makes me feel ill and disgusted
I groan and Kingsley’s head jerks up.
“You’re awake?” He blinks his bloodshot eyes.
“I am.” My voice sounds hollow. “Why are
your eyes red?”
“Don’t worry about that.” He rests his arms on
the bed. “How are you feeling?”
I shrug. “Not cracky.”
“That’s good, right?” Hope reflects from his
eyes. “It means Fate healed you?”
I shake my head. “Not exactly.”
A crease forms between his brows as he
examines me over. “You look fine.” He brushes his
fingers along the base of my throat. “Even the
dragon fire burns aren’t as bad as they were.”
I scratch at my neck. “That’s probably because
I drank some of Rhyland’s blood earlier.”
A flash of pain crosses his expression when I
mention Rhyland.
“Something happened,” I say, eyeing him over
closely. “Where’s Rhyland?”
Guilt takes over his expression. “Something
happened while you were out… Another obstacle.”
I sit up and slide to the edge of the bed. “Tell
me what it is.”
He stares down at his hands. “Apparently, my
brother has been… Has been unknowingly
harboring a demon in him. And it took over his
Fear lashes through me. “Is he okay?”
He shrugs, elevating his gaze to mine. “I’m not
sure… He took off before I could talk to him.”
“So how do you know he’s being controlled by
a demon?”
“Harper saw him before he left the shimmer
I shake my head in shock. “I bet the queen had
something to do with this.”
“Maybe…” He rubs his lips together, dazing
“Is it something else?” I question, because he’s
acting like a squirrely vampire right now.
“I’m not sure,” he mumbles.
“Well, shouldn’t we be out searching for him.” I
start to get to my feet.
He blinks the dazed look away and snags hold
of my hand. “You can’t leave the shimmer blob,
sweetheart. You know this.”
“But Rhyland could be hurt.” I try to jerk my
hand from his, but he only constricts his grip.
“I know you’re worried, but you can’t go
looking for him.” He tugs on my hand, his eyes
silently begging for me to sit back down. “Harper
and Dex have offered to go search for him. I think,
while they might not be the best option, it’s our
only option right now.”
“But I can’t just sit here.” Shock seeps through
me as I sink back onto the bed. So much is
happening and so much still needs to be done. “We
need to help him… And I… I need to break the
He promptly shakes his head. “No, Breezy—
the witch doctor—said that would kill you.”
“It won’t if I do it the right way.” If I listen to
Fate and kill someone at the end.
Someone I love.
Tears well in my eyes as I think about what I’m
going to have to do.
“Hey.” Kingsley wraps his arms around me and
pulls me against his chest. “Don’t cry, sweetheart.
We’re going to get through this.”
“It’s not really a we thing.” My tears soak his
He smooths his hand up and down my back. “I
don’t give a shit. I’ll make it a we thing.”
My lips begin to turn upward, but then I
remember what I’m going to have to face.
“I have to steal a soul,” I whisper, clutching
onto the bottom of his shirt. “That’s the first task I
have to complete.” As I utter the words aloud,
reality crashes against me, about what I must do,
about what’s been done to me, about what I am.
I break, a sob tearing from my chest. I may
have cracked apart completely and shattered to the
floor if Kingsley didn’t wrap his arms tighter
around me and held me up, protecting me like he
vowed all those decades ago.
I just hope I can trust him. But maybe it’s time.
Time to let go of the past, move on from the
distrust, and focus on the future.
Focus on freeing me and everyone else from
this curse.
I just hope I can do it—complete every task.
Because if I don’t, Chaos is going to take over the
world and the land will bleed. I’ve seen it with my
very own eyes. And what about my parents? And
Rhyland? Gods, it hurts deep inside my chest to
know he’s out there, wandering around somewhere,
being controlled by a demon.
I’ll be fine, sweetheart. Rhyland’s voice rises in
my mind so suddenly I gasp.
Kingsley pulls back. “What’s wrong?”
I blink confusedly. “I think I just heard Rhyland
inside my head.”
Kingsley goes rigid. “Are you sure it’s him and
not the demon?”
I hold up a finger. “Just a second.”
If this is really you, I think, Prove it.
It’s me, sweetheart. We were best friends up
until I cursed you. Up until then, I knew everything
about you, like your fear of being made fun of, like
how you secretly think bats are creepy. I know
you’re blood taste like sugar and magic and power.
And I know how much it hurt when I betrayed you
that night of the curse… Guilt creeps into his tone
—it has to be him.
“It’s him,” I tell Kingsley. “I can tell.”
Kingsley slides forward in the chair. “Ask him
where he is?”
Where are you? When Rhyland doesn’t
respond, I ask again, Where are you? Please tell
me so we can help you.
Raven, you need to listen to me. You need to
get out of the shimmer blob right now. Go
somewhere else that’s safe because you’re not safe
there anymore.
No answer. I try again. And again. And again.
But all I receive is silence.
“He says we need to leave the shimmer blob,” I
inform Kingsley. “He wouldn’t say why and I can’t
reach him again. But he said we’re not safe here.”
Silence trickles by as Kingsley considers
something then he quickly pulls me to my feet.
“Then we’ll leave,” he says, towing me toward
the door.
I stumble after him. “Where will we go?”
“I’m not sure yet, but we’ll figure something
out.” He yanks open the door and Aeribella lets out
a yap as she leaps off the bed and chases after us.
“We need to grab some supplies first.” He pulls me
out the door and I struggle to keep up with him as
we rush down the hallway, tears pooling in my
Kingsley slows to a stop when he notices my
waterworks. Then he sets his hands on my
shoulders, leveling his gaze with mine. “Sweetheart,
I told you we’ll get through this and I meant it.”
“But is everyone else going to get through
this?” I whisper as icy tears flow down my cheeks.
He nods, but I can see it in his eyes—the doubt.
He doesn’t believe we’re all going to survive and if
I do what Fate told me to do, I know for certain
someone won’t.
he vampire’s body that I gained
control of is a bit weaker than I’d
hoped, but his mind is filled with delicious secrets.
Secrets I’m feeding off of. Secrets I’d like to use to
my advantage.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” The fey
queen’s shimmery lips tilt upward into a delighted
smile as I enter her garden just outside of her
palace. “You’re definitely one of the last vampires I
expected to show up here.” She plucks a rose from
a bush and twirls it between her fingers, spinning it
to ash. “Tell me, Rhyland, what in the worlds made
you so stupid as to believe you could walk into my
garden and walk away alive?”
I circle her, bearing my fangs. “Maybe you’re
the one who’s not going to walk out of here alive.”
She tracks my movements, the ash from the
rose falling from her fingertips. “You’re different.”
I stop in front of her. “Am I?”
She nods, gathering her dress and stepping
closer. “You’re eyes are shadowed over.”
“Are they now?” I’m toying with her. It’s been
a long time since I’ve been this free and I have no
plans of giving up my freedom anytime soon, even
if the vampire’s soul is fighting to take over his
body again. But I’m going to fight it. I’m going to
win. It’s part of why I came to the fey queen.
She reaches up and scratches the side of my
face with her fingernail. I hiss, ready to strangle her
when she wipes up a drop of my blood and licks it
off her fingertip.
Her eyes radiate with glee. “You’re not
Rhyland at all, are you?”
I smile wickedly. “I’m not. But I know all of his
secrets, including where that vampire is that you so
desperately want.” I inch toward her. “How about
we make a deal? You let me keep this body and I’ll
tell you everything the vampire knows.”
Her lips broaden into a devious smile. “All
right, demon, you have yourself a deal with the fey
About the Author
Jessica Sorensen is a New York Times and USA Today
bestselling author who lives in the snowy mountains of
Wyoming. When she’s not writing, she spends her time reading
and hanging out with her family.
Other books by Jessica Sorensen:
Curse of the Vampire Queen:
Tempting Raven
Enchanting Raven
Alluring Raven
Untitled (coming soon)
Chasing the Harlyton Sister:
Chasing Hadley (coming soon)
Falling for Hadley (coming soon)
Capturing Magic:
Chasing Magic
Untitled (coming soon)
Tangled Realms:
Forever Violet
Untitled (coming soon)
Unraveling You Series:
Unraveling You
Raveling You
Awakening You
Inspiring You
Fated by Darkness
Untitled (coming soon)
Unexpected Series:
The Unexpected Way of Falling
The Unpredictable Way of Falling
Untitled (coming soon)
Shadow Cove Series:
What Lies in the Darkness
What Lies in the Dark (coming soon)
Mystic Willow Bay Series:
The Secret Life of a Witch
Broken Magic
Untitled (coming soon)
The Forgotten Girl
Honeyton Series:
The Illusion of Annabella
Rebels & Misfits:
Confessions of a Kleptomaniac
Rules of a Rebel and a Shy Girl
The Secrets We Carry (coming soon)
The Heartbreaker Series:
The Opposite of Ordinary
Broken City Series:
Forbidden (coming soon)
Guardian Academy Series:
Entice (coming soon)
Sunnyvale Series:
The Year I Became Isabella Anders
The Year of Falling in Love
The Year of Second Chances
The Year of Us (coming soon)
The Coincidence Series:
The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden
The Redemption of Callie and Kayden
The Destiny of Violet and Luke
The Probability of Violet and Luke
The Certainty of Violet and Luke
The Resolution of Callie and Kayden
Seth & Greyson
The Evermore of Callie & Kayden (coming soon)
The Secret Series:
The Prelude of Ella and Micha
The Secret of Ella and Micha
The Forever of Ella and Micha
The Temptation of Lila and Ethan
The Ever After of Ella and Micha
Lila and Ethan: Forever and Always
Ella and Micha: Infinitely and Always
The Shattered Promises Series:
Shattered Promises
Fractured Souls
Broken Visions
Scattered Ashes
Breaking Nova Series:
Breaking Nova
Saving Quinton
Delilah: The Making of Red
Nova and Quinton: No Regrets
Tristan: Finding Hope
Wreck Me
Ruin Me
The Fallen Star Series:
The Fallen Star
The Underworld
The Vision
The Promise
The Fallen Souls Series (spin-off from The Fallen Star):
The Lost Soul
The Evanescence
The Darkness Falls Series:
Darkness Falls
Darkness Breaks
Darkness Fades
The Death Collectors Series (NA and YA):
Ember X and Ember
Cinder X and Cinder
Spark X and Spark
Unbeautiful Series: