Mya Obedience Training Short Story A Spring Tradition

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An erotic interlude with the characters of




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This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered
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* * * * *

This book contains explicit sexual content and graphic language (homoerotic sexual


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A Spring Tradition


This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or
existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Published by
Loose Id LLC
1802 N Carson Street, Suite 212-2924
Carson City NV 89701-1215

Copyright © March 2007 by Mya

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of
this e-book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing,
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ISBN 978-1-59632-431-2
Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader

Printed in the United States of America

Editor: Jana J. Hanson
Cover Artist: April Martinez

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It had rained the day before, a heavy, nourishing rain the grass and trees had not

forgotten. Ian McAllistor noted a few spots of yellow in the grass -- dandelions, he assumed,

trying to signal the change of seasons from winter to spring. Global warming or no, he

doubted they would last long. There was still a slight chill in the air and the scent of an

approaching cold spell in the wind.

There was at least one streak of winter left before any

true change for warmth

. Real flowers wouldn’t have the opportunity for growth for several

more weeks.

Luckily, his sister had ordered the wedding bouquets from a hothouse florist.

As the pack alpha of his clan, Ian had given permission for Craig Beven to mate Jenna,

Ian’s sister. A husky, corn-fed werewolf, Craig had sandy blond hair and the sort of doe-

brown eyes that indicated a gentle nature. Ian thought that his jet-set sister would have

chosen someone more comfortable in a three-piece suit than overalls.

Craig didn’t have a lot of money, but he had something that Ian valued far more: he

had land. For a pack of werewolves, that was priceless.

On Craig’s farmland, tents and blankets littered an uncultivated field. Relatives and

members of the McAllistor family mixed with those of the Beven clan in celebration of an

event Ian couldn’t remember celebrating for any female in his family.

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Standing with his own mate, Khalid Diya al Din, Ian smiled at the tall golem with

fantasies of a formal declaration of their relationship. Instead of flowers, there would be

candles. Instead of walking around and greeting guests as his sister and her fiancé did, Ian

would be leashed and on his knees. Instead of formal clothing, Ian would be dressed in

nothing but his fur.

Khalid cast his almond-eyed gaze on Ian as if he could read the filthy thoughts straight

out of his mind. “Don’t forget that you’re on punishment, cur. You really don’t want to make

things any worse.”

The smile on Ian’s face faded. Despite being the alpha of his clan, Ian was immediately

reminded of his position as a submissive to Khalid. Most of the time, it was a stimulating and

intriguing position to be in. Most of the time. “What could be worse than a week of celibacy,

a cock cage, and no alcohol?” Ian growled.

“Two weeks.”

Standing near a table filled with gallon jugs of liquor and surrounded by coolers of

beer, Ian observed the jovial swarm of people drinking. “It’s my sister’s mating. I should be



one drinking and celebrating.”

“Because of the rather laidback atmosphere of the celebration, you want to be released

from your obligation, eh?”

At times, Ian did not have to be reminded of Khalid’s profession as a psychiatrist. The

very nature of Khalid’s tone spoke of analyzing. “Not released. I did the crime, and I should

suffer. Just later. One beer, a glass of wine, something…”

Khalid shrugged. “You are alpha here. Do as you wish.”

“An alpha with blue fucking balls…” Even with permission, Ian couldn’t bring himself

to go to the table. Khalid’s control over him was such that Ian knew it would be like sand in

an oyster if he so much as sniffed a glass of liquor.

To add insult to injury, Ian saw his father, heading straight toward him.

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A Spring Tradition


Ian could smell the alcohol before he noticed the skinny redhead raising a glass of

whiskey. His father nodded to both Ian and Khalid. “Doing your high and mighty over here,

eh, son?”

“Nah, Mom has that covered.” Ian gestured to the stately, auburn-haired woman

holding court by the gift table. Smiling more than he could ever recall, Ian also realized that

his mother wore a very nice dress. He thought to ask his father if she had ever looked so

good, but as his father drained the tumbler of liquor, Ian simply licked his lips.

Dougie nudged his brooding son. “Well, you’re the alpha male, and without your

consent, we wouldn’t even be having this shindig.”

“As if Mom wouldn’t have given


permission. Craig is a damn good match for Jen,

for the family as well. He’s got a lot of land and lots of livestock.” Glancing over at the grill,

Ian made note of a wonderful slab of livestock being brushed with barbeque sauce. “What

more could we hope for?”

Dougie followed his son’s gaze. “Mmm. Yeah. Livestock.”

Both men turned at the sound of low moan beside them. Khalid was staring at the grill

as well. “It all smells so divine.”

Bursting out in laughter, Dougie leaned in and chuckled. “Sure does, Khalid. You going

to have some?”

It seemed to take Khalid a long time to consider the question. “No…” His answer didn’t

seem sure.

“Come on. It’s the equinox, celebration of spring and new life!”

“It’s also your daughter’s wedding day,” Ian sighed to his father. “Probably her

conception day as well --”

“Don’t be so blunt about your sister, about my little girl.” Dougie’s Scottish accent was

heightened by his sincerity.

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“What?” Ian didn’t feel as if he was being blunt. “Craig asked me. We discussed this

tradition of his, and I agreed with a stipulation. It was that simple.”

“No way is my girl going to stand for that. Out in the open --”

The idea of watching his sister and her mate consummating their relationship was far

too bizarre, even for him. It hadn’t been for Craig. The were had chided Ian for adopting

human concepts of shame. Explaining to his future brother-in-law that it had less to do with

shame and more to do with seeing his sister naked, Ian had managed a compromise. “Dad, do

you see that tent? She will have some privacy.” Ian directed his father’s attention to a large

canopied tent, surrounded by flowers.

Dougie beamed. “Now, that was good thinking, son. Back in my day, there was no such

thing. Luckily, I didn’t have to go through that with your mother. When we first met, I

suggested a bit of moss and moonlight, but she insisted that we have four walls and a bed.

She was not into the natural stuff, if you get my drift.”

Ian didn’t want to hear another word. He looked at Khalid, hoping that his lover would

change his mind about alcohol. “Right. I’m going to get a refill…of sparkling water. Khal,

would you like anything?”

Eyes still fixated on the barbeque, Khalid answered blankly, “A glass of red wine.”

Ian waited, hoping that Khalid would give him a nod of permission…


. There

had been more than one time when Khalid had eased up on a punishment, set him free from

restraints, let Ian have his way…

Khalid gave Ian nothing more than one of his wicked smiles. The kind that gave him

hope, damnation, and arousal all at once. It always did. And it always kept him obedient.

“Don’t forget your ol’ man, son. Bourbon and ice, two inches…” His father shoved the

empty tumbler against Ian’s arm, catching him before he could instinctively bow his head to


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A Spring Tradition


Wondering why he even bothered with the title of alpha, Ian headed off to the liquor


* * * * *

Khalid allowed him one glass of red wine, but before Ian could even enjoy it, he was

pulled away by his mother to discuss the formal mating. Joined by his aunt and his other two

very opinionated sisters, Ian was bombarded with recommendations, advice, and warnings.

As there hadn’t been a formal marriage or joining in their pack, Ian had the responsibility of

setting a benchmark.

Ian tried to listen to his mother talk about keeping it short and sweet, his aunt talk

about honor and lineage, his sisters talk about well-wishing. He tried to remain focused and

attentive, but there were several distractions: Khalid standing with his father and his father’s

buddies next to the liquor table, a group of cubs playing chase, and the beginning of the line

near the barbeque area.

“Ian, are you paying attention? Did you hear what I said?”

Ian looked at his mother. He hadn’t heard a thing, certainly not the last thing that she

said. “Look, Ma. I will say what I feel is right, and that’s that.” It was as generic a response as

Ian could muster.

Crossing her arms, his sister Skye shot him a warning glare. “Don’t get above yourself,

Ian. Ma is an alpha, too, and she was an alpha well before you. You need to remember that.”

Ian rolled his eyes. He’d learned that he could not show any sign of weakness where

his mother and sisters were concerned. His beta and eldest sister, Jada, sat silently at his side,

but Ian knew he would get no help from her in the matter.

He met his mother’s gaze and smiled the way he had when he’d been a pup nipping at

her heels. “Ma, I’ll do right by you, I swear.”

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Lips pressed together, Anna McAllistor showed the same stern posture as she had when

he was younger. It faded to a warm smile like it always did.

At the setting of the sun, Ian gave his own speech. It was one influenced more by his

distractions than anything his council had suggested.

With a series of piercing howls, Ian summoned everyone’s attention to him. He

ordered the cubs to be taken away, and then in a low rumble he summoned Jen and Craig to

the tent.

“Welcome, friends, family, supernaturals, and naturals,” Ian began. “On this special

day, the day of the spring equinox, what better way is there to celebrate the rejuvenation of

our mother, the earth, than with a wedding? Jenna Marie McAllistor of the McAllistor pack

and Craig Beven of the Beven pack have chosen one another. I have accepted that union.

Anyone who doesn’t is welcome to put their challenge to me.” Scanning the faces of all who

listened, Ian found no jealous suitors or prejudiced kin, no one who even dared.

Ian continued. “With their union, our ties grow stronger, our numbers increase, and

our validity is made known. We are not in dens, but this land of the Beven pack will serve us

as we witness and acknowledge the love of a mated pair.

“Some of us have never seen the ceremony of a wolf mating before. I haven’t, but we

are just as happy for the gathering as we are for the wedding. For that, I demand an annual

celebration, not just for our pairings, but also for our cubs, our ties, and our pride. Tonight,

we bind Jenna and Craig and we celebrate them. Next year, maybe we’ll celebrate another’s

mating, maybe we won’t, but this day will be significant for all of us. This night, we honor

Jenna and Craig. This night we celebrate with and through them. Understood?”

The crowd erupted with howls and cheers.

Ian asked his sister, “Is he yours?”

Jenna turned her gaze upon the burly blond and smiled. “He is.”

“Craig, is she yours?”

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A Spring Tradition


Craig took Jenna by the waist and pulled her to his chest. “She is and she will be.”

Bubbles of laughter sprang from the crowd at the were’s response. Ian even grinned at

the bold statement.

Ian opened the flap of the tent and exposed the fragrant bed of moss and rose petals,

the table laden with food and drink, and the large steel basin with water and cloths for

cleansing. Ushering the giddy pair inside, Ian closed the flaps and stepped away from the


He caught sight of his mate amidst the rapt crowd, Khalid’s eyes a fiery brown. The

change in the golem was as evident to Ian as it was mysterious, and it affected him from head

to toe. Punishment or no, he was too charged with adrenaline to suppress his streak of

dominance. Ian demanded, “Howl! Howl for them!”

Even those who were not werewolves did as Ian commanded.

Ian moved through the crowd with a demeanor that demanded room. Amongst the

melodic howls, he headed straight for his lover. He grasped Khalid by the front of his shirt

and tugged the powerful male away from his father’s gang. He guided Khalid to a tall shade

tree, where he sat down in the grass.

Khalid sat down next to him and embraced Ian’s bristling body.

Ian didn’t want to be held. He wanted to hold. He wanted to lock Khalid in his

embrace, strip him of his clothing, and make love to him right there in the grass. The rush of

giving a command, of leadership, had his adrenaline up, and Ian didn’t want to be still.

Khalid held him until he did.

He whispered in Ian’s ear. “Your speech was magnificent, my alpha. You yield power

well and purer than most.”

“It’s because I’m humble.” Ian sighed, laid his head back against Khalid’s shoulder.


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Ian felt Khalid’s wet tongue penetrate his ear and shuddered from the inside out. His

head swam as the muscle twisted and twirled. It wasn’t like fucking, but it was just as

intimate. He howled in pleasure, adding his voice to the music of werewolves.

Khalid rimmed his ear, and Ian shuddered at the intimately wet sensation.

Please don’t


, Ian prayed before closing his eyes. His prayers were answered as one of Khalid’s hands

dropped between his legs. Ian’s cock swelled with arousal despite its cage. It caused the

sweetest ache. Parting his thighs, Ian didn’t want to beg. He had been begging in one form or

the other all day. Instead, he commanded, “Khal. Take this thing off of me. I’ll deal with the

repercussions later, I swear.”

“You wish me to open your trousers and handle your cock?”

“Yes,” Ian hissed, more than pleased with the idea. He placed his hand on top of

Khalid’s, guiding the golem’s fingers to his zipper. “Free me.”

“Despite your punishment?”

Ian tensed against Khalid’s chest. His nerves were already singed by the flames of

arousal, and he considered begging again. All around him couples were finding trees or

patches of grass on which to frolic. His eldest sister stood beside the food table, accepting a

morsel of food from her mate. His aunt, in full wolf form, enjoyed a leisurely tongue bath

from one of her gammas. Intimacy was all around them, and Ian wanted intimacy as well.

“Khal…I don’t…I can’t --” Words failed him, but Khalid seemed to understand his


Khalid took hold of Ian’s zipper and tugged. He revealed his second set of arms to hold

Ian’s agitated form. While he made quick work of releasing Ian’s cock, Khalid tried to coax

and calm. “It’s okay, Ian. Perhaps, I was being unreasonable.”

Arching against Khalid’s chest as his cock was freed, Ian inhaled sharply. Khalid’s cool

fingers surrounding his shaft were a shock to his needy system. “You weren’t,” he sighed as

soon as he remembered speech. “I shouldn’t have tried to break that vampire’s neck for

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A Spring Tradition


coming on to you. I shouldn’t have…I should have allowed you to handle it. To be honest,

though,” he confessed, “I’d probably do it again…but I am sorry, Khal. It doesn’t mean that I

don’t trust you --”

“It’s okay,” Khalid interrupted. Gliding his fist around Ian’s sex, he kissed a path along

Ian’s exposed throat. “Easy, cur…”

Ian wished that he could take it easy, but after having his cock trapped inside a cage for

most of the day, Ian’s nerves were too short to withstand the intimacy of Khalid’s touch. Just

as surely as Khalid fisted him, Ian thrust within the golem’s hold, providing two rhythms of

friction. Writhing, trying his best to scoot back into Khalid’s lap, Ian chose to concentrate on

anything other than his undoing. “Fuck. It’s a beautiful night for a wedding…beautiful night

for mating…”

“Oh, it is indeed. Look at your father and mother…”

One of Khalid’s four hands rose to Ian’s jaw, directing his sight to a couple leaning

against a tree. Ian’s usually dominant mother was allowing his father to do more than just

cop a feel; she was allowing him to push up the hem of her skirt. Ian didn’t want to see what

came next.

“Damn. I did


need to see that.” Ian turned back to Khalid and kissed the satin

smoothness of his jaw. “Hmm…tighter…”

“Tighter? How about better?”

Better was a good word

. Ian answered Khalid’s response with his lips. Exploring

Khalid’s mouth with impatience and dominance, Ian bruised and bit, suckled and sought


It was Khalid who broke away first.

Ian stared at his lover and was amazed by what he saw. He would love no one the way

he loved the golem, his friend and, most importantly, his master. They were bound together,

not by ceremony, but just as surely as if they had been. “Khal…”

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Khalid nodded, and Ian knew that he understood. What he didn’t understand was the

sudden loss of Khalid’s body next to his, those powerful arms, even that glorious palm around

his cock.

Ian’s mouth dropped open, ready to beg and plead. He didn’t have to.

Khalid moved over him and lowered his head into Ian’s lap. Before Ian could stem his

surprise, Khalid sank down to the base of Ian’s sex. Ian couldn’t believe how bold his lover

was or how good it felt.

Khalid used three hands to keep Ian still. The other hand held Ian’s cock for Khalid’s

tongue to worship, and he worshiped him so well. So tight, so deep that it was hard for Ian to

wish for more. He cupped Khalid’s head, wove his fingers through the intricate loops that

kept the golem’s waist-length hair orderly. Driving up Khalid’s throat and for all of his

enthusiasm, Ian had to deal with the pace given to him. Slow and tight.

Ian opened his eyes, unaware he had ever closed them. With Khalid drawing on him,

Ian had very little control. He could barely keep from moaning. Every time Khalid’s tongue

pressed against the sensitive underside of his shaft, each time Khalid flicked his tongue into

Ian’s slit, Ian wanted to cry out. As his seed weighed heavy in his balls, Ian banged his head

against the tree. It wouldn’t do for an alpha to cry out the way his body suggested he should.

Khalid backed off, whispered low enough for only Ian to hear. “Raise your head and

bear it strongly. Come into my mouth, lover. Let me have you.”

Ian nodded. Because he had been told how to behave in that moment, Ian placed his

hand on the back of Khalid’s head and guided him back to task. Gritting his teeth, Ian

withheld a minute longer before he released.

Going limp against the tree, Ian found himself gazing up at the stars.

Khalid gently tucked his softened prick away, then Khalid slipped his two right arms

around Ian’s shoulders and his waist. It really was a beautiful night.

Ian sighed. “Does this mean that I’m off of punishment?”

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A Spring Tradition


“You don’t know that when you are on punishment, I am as well?”

Ian grinned at the comment. He looked at the white tent, the silhouettes of his sister

and brother-in-law mating. He listened to his kin, some howling softly, some whispering,

and some yelping with sounds of pleasure. All interspersed with the melody of crickets and

woodland creatures. Ian believed that there was a time for everything, even punishments.

This, however, was not one. “And?” he asked.

Taking Ian’s hand in his, Khalid moved it to the bulge between his legs. “Touch me,


Ian didn’t have to be told twice. “Yes, M.”

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Heeding her own muses rather than those that belonged to other writers and

filmmakers, Mya enjoys crafting erotica and welcomes the opportunity to use her English
degree for something other than covering a hole in the wall. She is an avid fan of Godzilla,
werewolves and dragons. Mya also enjoys watching the Sci Fi channel while she writes about
naughty things, paints, crafts, and plays video games.

Visit Mya on the Web at

or email her at


To read more about the characters and their world, check out

Obedience Training



Ian McAllistor has always thought of himself as an Alpha

werewolf. Born last in a pack of dominant females, he always
felt as if he had something to prove. A chance encounter with a
very special couple opened his eyes to his own submissive
nature. As his desire for supplication grew, Ian needed a lover of
his own, someone he could submit to.

When he first laid eyes on Khalid Diya al Din, Ian knew that

the golem was just the one to bring him to his knees. One of the
ancient races, Khalid had nearly everything necessary to make
Ian tame: smoldering eyes, massive chest and four arms!

Yet just when Ian thought that things couldn’t get any better,

his mother and sisters appear. They don’t like the idea of Ian
being submissive, especially not when a power-hungry Alpha
wants the McAllistor sisters for his own and is more than they
can handle. They need a male Alpha. They need their brother.

Left with little choice, Ian has to make peace with his past,

accept his present and learn that sometimes submission is the
heart of strength.

Publisher’s Note:

Obedience Training

contains elements that

may be offensive to some readers: bdsm practices, ménage,
male/male sexual contact.

Obedience Training

is available at Loose Id®


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