Lynn Hagen Christian's Coven 01 Christian's Menace

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Christian’s Coven 1


Christian’s Menace

Minsheng and Yasuko are wary of strangers, especially those who
have fangs. Kidnapped from their home country, the two try

desperately to find their place in their new lives. Minsheng is
angry and bitter over the ordeal he has suffered through. Yasuko
is still so naïve.

Christian finally meets his mates in Pride Pack Valley, but the two
may be more than what he’s bargained for. They reluctantly agree

to come home with him. Christian has his hands full when he
takes them to his club, The Manacle.

Can Christian stop Yasuko from continually venturing into the back
rooms where he’s already been mistakenly collared, and can he

convince Minsheng that loving a man can be a beautiful thing
when it’s him and Yasuko showing Minsheng the way?

Trouble finds them when someone is out to take over as prince,

and Christian must protect his mates from the evil that lurks just
outside The Manacle.

Genre: Alternative M/M or F/F, Ménage a Trois/Quatre,
Length: 35,945 words


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Christian’s Coven 1

Lynn Hagen



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting ManLove

Copyright © 2011 by Lynn Hagen
E-book ISBN: 1-61034-828-1

First E-book Publication: October 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Christian’s Coven 1


Copyright © 2011

Chapter One

“Kill them.” Prince Christian walked away as Christo, his second

in command, followed his orders. He was getting sick of these damn
rogues. Although their race wasn’t dying out, they didn’t have that
many vampires to spare.

Too many were going rogue and coming to his city or the

surrounding towns. It was a problem he needed to address, and soon.
They were starting to outnumber his coven, and that was something
he couldn’t have.

Christian prided himself on his coven. They were loyal and

honorable. They didn’t kill when they fed, something he had taught
them from adolescence. He taught them the importance of preserving
their food. If his coven killed, then their food source would be hard to

Humans would hide at night, making the job of feeding that much

harder. His coven respected that and only killed when their lives were
threatened. This was why he created The Manacle, his nightclub. It
was a place where donors voluntarily came, someplace safe his coven
could feed and the donors could party unharmed.

“Alpha Zeus called. He wants a meeting with you,” Isla said as he

joined Christian at his side. His third in command stood there

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watching the crowd as he waited on a reply from Christian. Isla was a
very strong and very proud vampire, handsome as hell, too.

But he was too alpha-male for Christian’s taste. Besides, Christian

already knew who his mates were.

Christian nodded as he watched one of his young ones feeding on

the dance floor. It was an erotic move that made it seem as though the
couple were only dancing intimately. His coven had feeding down to
a science. “When?”

“He said as soon as you’re available, prince.”
Christian wasn’t going to Zeus’s for the meeting, though that was

what everyone would assume. The meeting wasn’t the whole reason
for his visit. His interests lay with the two short men he had seen there
on his countless meetings with the shifters.

Even though he hadn’t met the two yet, Christian always looked

out for them when attending any of the meetings in the Eastern pack.

He wasn’t agreeing to go right away because Zeus wanted him

there. Christian was agreeing to leave now so he could hopefully
catch a glimpse of the two beauties again. Even though they were his
mates, he wasn’t going to force them to his side. They had to come
willingly. Being as old as he was, Christian had patience. Although he
had to admit that the waiting was starting to wear on him.

“Bring the car around,” Christian ordered Isla as he turned to

Christo who had just joined him. “Toss them behind the club. Let the
sun take care of them.” Even though the sun didn’t make vampires
instantly combust as the movies portrayed, Christian would help the
process along when the sun rose tomorrow morning.

Being who he was, he had that gift, and he would gladly share it

with those damn rogues.

Christian slipped from the back entrance of the club, avoiding the

fanfare some of the young ones felt necessary to press upon him.
Christian couldn’t cross the room without a half dozen vampires
throwing themselves at him. Normally Christian wouldn’t mind, but
now that he was aware of his mates, he would no longer indulge.

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Christian’s Menace


Christian could bend their minds to his will to make them leave

him alone, but he believed in free will. And it was a belief that gave
him a solid headache by dawn.

Christian slid into the backseat of the car as Isla raised the privacy

glass. With the partition in place, Christian sat back and sighed. Isla
pulled away just as Christo came out of the back door, tossing the
bodies as instructed. Christian ran his fingers over his chin as he
watched the club fade away.

Christian sat back as he thought about his coven. Christo and Isla

were the only two men he thoroughly trusted. They had served him
well over the past few centuries. The two had fought by his side and
had pledged their loyalty to him four centuries ago. Christian trusted
them without question.

He remembered when the young mates of the Brac pack came to

his club to party and Christo encroached on one of the mates.

It was unintended. They had no clue shifters were in the area. To

show respect to the alpha, he had tossed Christo across the club—an
act that didn’t even harm his second in command. But it had appeased
the wolf-shifter that had taken offense.

Christian rolled his eyes, like he cared about appeasing anyone.

He didn’t give a shit, but he did want to keep the peace. They’d just
moved into the territory, and starting a war wasn’t high on his agenda.

He smiled when Isla turned, driving up to the large home of the

Eastern wolves a few hours later. One of Zeus’s soldiers appeared at
the front door as Isla parked the car and opened the back door,
allowing Christian to slide out.

“Do you need me to join you?” Isla asked as he closed the back

door, his head turning toward the soldier.

“No. I won’t be long.” Christian smiled at the vampire and his

concern. The thought was well appreciated even though it was
unnecessary. Christian walked up the sidewalk, taking in the soldier
standing there to greet him.

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It was Torem, Zeus’s Beta. “Good evening.” Christian gave a

slight bow of his head.

“Prince,” Torem acknowledged. “Zeus is in his office.”
“Thank you.” It was on the tip of his tongue to ask about the two

young humans, but Christian suppressed the urge. He didn’t need
anyone knowing about the two and his connection to them. Living as
long as he had, Christian had many enemies.

If one of them found out about the two inside, his life would

become hellish at best. The secret must be kept for now. When he
finally met the two and took them home, then things would change.
While they resided under this roof, Christian wanted them safe.

All in due time, he thought as he followed the Beta.
Torem walked him to the alpha’s office, stepping aside as Torem

opened the door to allow Christian entrance. He mentally rolled his
eyes when he saw Alpha Maverick sitting there with Zeus.

It wasn’t that he didn’t like the Timber wolf. Maverick was just

annoying as hell in Christian’s opinion. The man didn’t seem to take
his job as seriously as Christian thought he should. Every time he
turned around, the alpha was calling him about this or that. It became
annoying at times.

Though he had to give Maverick his proper respect. The shifter

did handle his household fairly well with as many people that
inhabited it.

“’Sup, Christian.” Maverick nodded at him as he walked in. The

large alpha sat back in one of the leather chairs in Zeus’s office,
looking as though he owned the place. Maverick’s arm was draped
over the back of the chair, and his legs were laid out in front of him,
his ankles crossed. For as large as the man was, Christian would have
thought he would sit up straighter.

“Hello, Maverick, Zeus.”
Once the pleasantries were made, they got down to business.

Christian was only half-listening to the alphas. His mind was

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Christian’s Menace


elsewhere in the mansion. He almost tuned out the two sitting by him
as he listened to the noises of the house.

There were the usual ramblings of the other occupants, but

Christian was only after two voices—voices that had visited him in
his dreams since hearing them.

“Christian?” Zeus stared at him with concern. “Did you hear me?”
“I think it’s his old age.” Maverick chuckled.
Christian shot him a peeved glance. Only a handful of people

knew his real age. Christian could have sworn he asked Maverick for
his discretion on the matter. He should have known a shifter couldn’t
be trusted. They gossiped worse than old women in a knitting circle.

Maverick gave him a devilish wink before turning his attention

back to Zeus. Living with all those people must have corroded
Maverick’s brain. Christian ignored him as he looked over to Zeus.
“Could you repeat that?”

Zeus raised a brow as he stared at Christian. “You okay?”
Christian wanted to growl. He’d never been caught daydreaming

before. Zeus must have realized his occupied state. “I’m fine.”

Zeus started to speak when his office door flew open, one of the

men Christian had been dying to see strolling in.

“Minsheng. How many times have I told you to knock when the

door is closed?” Zeus asked in exasperation.

Christian growled low before he could catch it. The alphas turned

to stare at him as the short man huffed. “I knock, you not hear. It not
my fault you deaf.”

Christian was fascinated beyond belief. Minsheng. His mate’s

name was Minsheng. This was the first time he had heard the musical
voice this close, and the man had spunk. He was turned the hell on
just sitting there listening to his mate give Zeus hell. Christian wanted
to cheer him on.

Glancing behind his mate, Christian wondered where the other

man was. The few times he was privileged enough to see them, the

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two had always been together. Before the thought cleared his mind,
the other man came rushing into the office.

“Minsheng.” The softly spoken word barely reached his ears as

his other mate tried to pull Minsheng away. Christian sat there
transfixed. They were stunning up close.

“No, Yasuko,” Minsheng said tenderly to the other man. It was

obvious to Christian how much Minsheng cared for Yasuko. Yasuko.
Yet another beautiful name. Christian sat forward when the redheaded
wolf, Jasper, came in to retrieve the two.

“Sorry, babe,” he said to Zeus before he glared at the two. “I told

you I would handle it,” Jasper said to Christian’s mates as he looked
down at them. “There’s no need to run to Zeus.”

Christian didn’t know what to think. The hairs on his neck rose as

he stared between the two. Did they need his help? Was someone
bothering them? The thought had him ready to kill whoever was the
cause of Yasuko’s strained features.

The man was breathtakingly beautiful. Yasuko’s features were

delicate and refined. Christian’s fingers itched to run them through
Yasuko’s hair to see if was as soft as it looked. He glanced over at
Minsheng when his other little mate growled.

Minsheng was the very opposite. His features were manly, strong.

Christian winced when he saw Minsheng’s hair. The last time he was
here, it was long and flowing. Now it was short and stylishly cut. It
looked handsome on him, but Christian missed the length it had once

“I no make appointment to see Zeus. I see him when I want,”

Minsheng huffed as his leg swung out and narrowly missed Jasper’s
shin. Christian had to bite back a laugh at his mate’s fiery personality.
He absolutely loved it.

“I didn’t say you had to make a damn appointment, brat. All I said

was I could handle it myself. You didn’t need to come running in
here,” Jasper pointed out. “Now get your skinny behind out of here
and let these men have their meeting.”

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Christian’s Menace


“Wait.” The word slipped from Christian’s mouth before he

realized it was at his lips. Everyone in the room turned to look at him.
Christian could see a knowing smile pull at Maverick’s lips as he
gave him a slight nod.

“What is it, little one?” Christian asked Minsheng as Jasper rolled

his eyes and shook his head.

“Now you’ve done it,” Jasper warned. “Watch your shins.”
Christian glanced at Minsheng, but instead of angry, the man

looked confused. Their eyes locked and Christian could see fear and
curiosity in them. Christian quickly glanced over at Yasuko to see
him looking the exact same way.

Minsheng shook his head as if to clear it and then growled at

Christian. “I not little one. I grown man.” His leg swung out but
Christian’s reflexes were quicker, avoiding the harsh contact.
Christian reached out and grabbed Minsheng’s hands, stopping him
from trying to kick at him again with a light, no-nonsense squeeze to
his wrists.

Yasuko placed a timid hand on Christian’s arm as he looked over

at his more fragile mate. “He is…” Yasuko looked as though he was
searching for the right word. “Handful.”

Christian had to force his eyes to stay open. He luxuriated in the

feel of having contact with both of his mates. Minsheng stopped
struggling and stared at him with those big, black curious eyes of his.
“Who you?”

Christian smiled at him. “Prince Christian LeAnthony


“Holy shit. That’s a melting pot of names. Say it three times fast.”

Maverick chuckled deeply.

Christian knew it was a mouthful, so he didn’t blame Maverick

for his outburst. He noticed that Minsheng hadn’t pulled away and
that Yasuko’s hand was still resting on his arm. Christian’s thumbs
began to caress the soft skin of Minsheng’s hands as he gave his mate
his attention.

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“What is wrong, little one?”
Minsheng’s eyes darted from him to Yasuko, then came back to

rest on Christian’s face. “You stranger. Why I tell you?”

Minsheng had a point. The human hadn’t a clue who Christian

was or what they were to each other. He also had no idea that
Christian was the one he could trust with his life.

“Is he?” Zeus asked Christian as he nodded at Minsheng.
“They.” He nodded his confirmation. Zeus’s eyes grew wide as

Maverick smiled. Somehow the rough biker alpha had known.

“Well, damn,” Zeus said in astonishment. Zeus sat back in his

chair, staring at Christian’s mates. “I need to talk to you about them
since…you know.”

“You say to my face.” Minsheng looked over at Zeus. “I know

you talk about me.”

He was intelligent as well. Christian gave a very slight tug to

Minsheng’s hands, trying to bring him closer. The little human
followed at first, then stopped as if realizing what he was doing.

Minsheng stared down at their hands for a long moment and then

up at Christian before tugging them free. Christian let them go,
feeling the loss immediately. “You man.”

“I am,” Christian admitted. “So are you.” He smiled. He didn’t

make any movements with his left arm. Yasuko’s hand still rested
there. Christian could feel his fragile mate’s fingers applying the
slightest pressure.

He wasn’t sure if it was to tell him to give Minsheng some

patience or if he was feeling a connection. Christian hoped it was the
latter. Somehow he knew he would have to be very careful with these

As spunky and strong willed as Minsheng was, Christian could

see the loneliness in his eyes and it broke his heart. This little pistol
was going to need careful handling. Yasuko was going to need
cultivating. The human seemed like a skittish doe ready to bolt at the
first sign of confrontation.

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Christian’s Menace


Yasuko’s hand slowly inched down until his fingers were resting

in Christian’s palm. His mate’s lashes lowered as his cheeks turned a
delightful shade of pink. Christian’s heart swelled at Yasuko’s
acceptance. When he curled his fingers around Yasuko’s, giving a
slight tug, Yasuko came willingly, his legs touching Christian’s outer

He couldn’t stop staring at the beautiful young man. Yasuko stole

a glance at him and then quickly looked down at their hands.
Christian smiled at the shyness of the man.

“No.” Minsheng tore Yasuko away from Christian, his fragile

mate yelping. Christian had an urge to place the willful mate over his
knee and give him a good spanking. “You no touch him, ever.”

Christian noticed the fire in Minsheng’s eyes, the wildness in

them that told him to back off. Christian heeded him. Only his mates
could have that effect on him. If Minsheng were not, the little man
would be picking pieces of himself up from the floor for taking his
fragile mate from him.

But he was, so Christian backed off. He could see the confusion in

Yasuko’s eyes as Minsheng held him with a death grip. There was
longing there that made Christian want to reach out and steal him
back. The only thing stopping him was the fierce look on Minsheng’s

For now he would allow Minsheng the upper hand.
“Um, wow,” Jasper said. “I think these two need to come with me

before the nice vampire eats Minsheng.”

“Vampire?” Minsheng looked at him in confusion, Yasuko in

open wonder. “You know Trevor?”

“I do.” Christian nodded. Trevor may have come from another

coven, but Christian was fully aware of the resident vampire in Zeus’s

Minsheng scoffed. “I knew you not good.”

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Okay, maybe admitting that he knew the young one wasn’t such a

good idea. Christian thought it had been, but apparently his mate
didn’t like Trevor. Just great. He walked right into that one face-first.

Christian noticed Zeus stand from the corner of his eye, jerking

his head for Maverick and Jasper to follow him. The door quietly
closed as the three exited, leaving him alone with his mates.

“Why don’t you like Trevor?” Christian asked. If that vampire had

committed any misdeeds toward his mates, Christian was going to
have a real up close and personal conversation with him.

“He mean,” Minsheng spat.
Christian could see Yasuko frowning and giving a slight shake to

his head.

So Minsheng was lying. He would have to teach his mate that

lying was unacceptable. For now he would try to get to know them.
But once they were under his roof, his willful mate would learn the
value of telling the truth.

Minsheng’s hands slowly loosened on Yasuko, his fragile mate

stepping an inch closer to Christian. Yasuko shot a glance at
Minsheng, seeing that he wasn’t being watched, and then took another

Christian could see adoration in Yasuko’s eyes and wondered why

he would look at Christian that way. They’d just met. Even if the
young man knew who he was, it should take a while before feelings

There wouldn’t be a bond between them until they consummated

their mating. Christian lowered his arm to his side as he sat there, his
index finger curling in slightly to indicate he wanted Yasuko to come
to him.

His eyes stayed locked on Minsheng, watching his fierce mate as

Yasuko took yet another step.

“What trouble brought you into Zeus’s office?” Christian went

back to his original question.

“Sidney,” Minsheng answered.

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Christian’s Menace


“And who is Sidney?” he asked as Yasuko took another step

closer. He had to fight the smile on his face at the way Yasuko’s eyes
darted from his to Minsheng.

“You ask a lot of question for stranger.” Minsheng’s right eye

closed slightly, staring at Christian suspiciously. “You cop?”

Christian did laugh this time. His mate was very strong willed.

These two were night and day, but that only meant that they balanced
each other out. He couldn’t wait for Christo and Isla to meet
Minsheng. The prince had a feeling they would bump heads at every

Good. The two were starting to act their ages and were no fun at

all. His two trusted vampires could use a little shaking up, and
Minsheng was exactly the person to do the shaking.

For the first time in centuries, Christian became excited. He

wanted to whisk his mates home and show them off with pride to his

“I see you, Yasuko,” Minsheng said in a slow and songlike voice.

“Back away.”

Christian wanted to growl when Yasuko listened to Minsheng. He

was getting tired of having to wait to hold either or both of them.

“Why won’t you let him decide?” he asked Minsheng. Christian

was curious about his bolder mate’s reaction. He had never seen
anyone act so possessive, unless Minsheng and Yasuko were lovers

Christian wanted to pout at being left out of the games. He wanted

to be their lover as well. He could tell Yasuko would be easier to
convince than Minsheng.

What was their story? What was it that Zeus wanted to tell him?

He’d rather hear it from these two but had a feeling that it would be
like trying to pull a lion’s tooth when it came to getting it out of them.

Maybe Zeus would be the better alternative. Christian wanted to

know what that haunted look was in Minsheng’s eyes. As badly as he

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wanted to ask the alpha, Christian knew he would wait for his mates
to tell him.

“He not decide. I do. I say you not touch him or I kick your ass.”
Visions of him and Minsheng rolling around struggling, naked

and wet, had Christian’s cock growing extremely hard. Maybe he
could get Yasuko to referee it, naked of course. He hadn’t been this
fucking horny in a very long time.

“Yasuko?” Christian turned to his fragile mate with a lift to his

brow. “What do you want?”

Yasuko looked at Minsheng and then back at Christian. The

young man’s eyes told it all. He wanted Christian. “Please.” Yasuko
shook his head as he looked away.

Okay. So his mate didn’t like making decisions for himself.

Christian felt a strong surge of protectiveness for the young man, even
if it was Minsheng who was trying to dominate the frightened doe.

He didn’t like the way Yasuko was slightly shaking as he stood

next to Minsheng. It didn’t sit well with him at all, and he was ready
to give Minsheng that spanking. Christian knew he was a stranger to
them, knew they would be leery around him. What didn’t make sense
to him was the hostility Minsheng was showing.

Christian had a deep, soul-itching urge to probe Minsheng’s mind

and look through his memories to find the root of his anger. But he
wouldn’t invade his mate’s mind without his permission.

He hadn’t gained his trust yet. To go poking around was a sure

way to lose it before he gained it.

“Tell me, Minsheng,” Christian sighed as he turned to his fierce

mate. “Tell me why you are so angry.”

Minsheng fisted his hands at his sides as he growled at Christian,

a look of pure rage on his face.

“No.” Yasuko tugged at Minsheng.
Christian wasn’t sure if the word was meant to stop Minsheng’s

advance or to silence him. He watched the two, studying them.

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Yasuko had tears decorating his thick lashes as he tugged again on
Minsheng. “Please.”

Minsheng’s head snapped around to Yasuko, his features falling

as he, too, saw the tears. “Yasuko.” His voice was strained,
apologetic. His hand cupped Yasuko’s face tenderly. “Do not cry,

Minsheng looked like his heart was being torn into pieces as a tear

escaped Yasuko’s eye. His hands came up and wiped away the doe’s
tear as he turned and looked at Christian. Hell if Christian wasn’t
fascinated by the scene playing out before him. It was a puzzle he
wanted to solve, and he had to tamp down the urge to grab his doe
and comfort him.

He had never seen so many conflicting emotions in one man’s

eyes before. It was heartbreaking as he stared at Minsheng. “We used
for sex and hurt. You cannot have us.”

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Chapter Two

Yasuko chastised his tears for falling. He hated his weakness.

Why couldn’t he be fierce like Minsheng, the man he loved? He’d
never been the strong type, and he hated that fact. No matter how hard
he tried, the tears always came with stressful situations.

“Please,” he whispered to Minsheng. He did not want this

handsome man to know his shame. He would be devastated if
Minsheng told him. He had fought the demons that haunted him over
the past four years and didn’t want them to resurface.

Everyone in this house accepted them. They never spoke of what

happened so long ago. Yasuko wanted to forget, to put it behind him,
but Minsheng was on the verge of confessing it.

Yasuko couldn’t bear to see the disgust in the handsome man’s

face. He liked him. Something deep down told Yasuko that he could
trust Christian. That the one seated in front of him would keep them

But to share his shame was something he was not willing to do.

He breathed a sigh of relief when Minsheng nodded, telling Yasuko
that he wouldn’t say another word.

Yasuko gulped when the handsome man’s eyes began to glow a

scary red. He saw two sharp points resting against the gentleman’s
lower lip.

“Who hurt you?” He growled. “Who did this to you?” His eyes

darted from Minsheng to Yasuko.

“No one,” Yasuko choked out. Christian’s eyes softened as he

stared at him. Yasuko once again felt a sense of protection coming off

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Christian’s Menace


of him in waves—the same feeling he got when Minsheng looked at

He was torn between running away and crawling onto the dark

stranger’s lap. The second choice scared him to death. He hadn’t felt
this way toward anyone except Minsheng, but his friend would never
hold Yasuko the way he craved.

Minsheng always made excuses when things seemed to become

intimate. Yasuko craved the touch of someone who cared about him.
The last sexual touch that Yasuko had felt was from the ugly
Americans who had kidnapped him and used him for prostitution, and
he wanted desperately to erase that vile feeling.

But Minsheng wouldn’t erase it. He kept his distance sexually,

putting up high walls that Yasuko couldn’t climb.

“I can help you,” Christian said as he looked between the two. “If

you let me,” he added.

“How?” Minsheng asked hesitantly. “How you help us?”
Yasuko loved the protective way Minsheng always spoke about

him. It was always us instead of me. He loved that about his friend.

“Do you like it here?” Christian asked as he waved his hand to

encompass the large house.

“It okay.” Minsheng shrugged. Yasuko wasn’t sure where this

conversation was going. He was lost. The only thing he did follow
was the look of pure compassion in Christian’s onyx-black eyes, eyes
that matched his and Minsheng’s.

“I have a home that is large.” Christian smiled at them. “You’re

welcome to come there.”

Minsheng snorted. “Why should we go with you? We not know


“True, but we could get to know each other,” Christian offered.
Yasuko took a step back, sitting down on the couch behind him.

Minsheng held his stance, as if blocking him from Christian. “What if
I not want to get to know you?” Minsheng challenged.

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Yasuko rolled his eyes. He’d seen Minsheng do this before. It was

a game to him now. He would challenge Christian until the man gave
up and left. So far, no one had outwitted Minsheng.

“I think you do,” he said playfully. Yasuko leaned around

Minsheng, seeing the sparkle of laughter in Christian’s eyes. He
looked very good when he smiled. Yasuko gulped and leaned back.

“I say not. Now run away and leave us,” Minsheng said smugly,

like he had just gotten the upper hand. Yasuko tensed, wondering
what Christian would do. He knew the men who lived here, knew
they wouldn’t do any harm to his loud-mouthed-ass friend. But
Christian, he didn’t know him.

Neither of them did.
“Really?” Christian stated just as smugly as Minsheng did.

Yasuko leaned around Minsheng once more as the man’s voice grew
serious. “I don’t play games, Minsheng. Never have. I shoot straight
from the hip. There are things I want to tell you, but you’re not ready
for them. Just know this, I would never hurt you or Yasuko. With me,
you two are the safest.”

Yasuko believed Christian with every cell in his body. His words

were made of stone as he spoke them. Solid and unyielding.

“What we do if we go to your fancy house? Play Scrabble?”
Yasuko’s eyes darted to Christian. He was curious as well. What

would they do? He wasn’t going to lie, the thought of this protective
man holding him did appeal to him. Christian seemed like he
genuinely cared about them. Why? He wasn’t sure yet. But he wanted
to find out.

“I will go,” Yasuko said from the couch. Minsheng whipped

around, a growl ripping from his throat.

“No you not!”
Yasuko slid from the couch, sidestepping Minsheng’s hand that

had snapped out to grab him and hurried to Christian’s side. The man
reached up and placed his hand on the small of Yasuko’s back,
making him shiver with want.

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Christian’s Menace


“Why?” Minsheng asked.
“I want to go somewhere. I am tired of sitting in this house every

day. Tell me you want to stay here. Tell me you do not want to go out
for once,” Yasuko pleaded.

He could see Minsheng wavering. Just when he thought his friend

was going to give in…

“No.” Minsheng spun on his heels and headed toward the office

door, his walk indicating how angry he was. “Come, Yasuko.” He
snatched the door open, the wood smacking into the wall behind it as
Minsheng stormed out.

“I am sorry.” Yasuko backed away from Christian. “I must go

calm him down.”

Christian was on his feet quicker than Yasuko had ever seen

anyone move. Christian cupped his face, leaned forward, and placed a
kiss on his forehead. “I’ll be back,” the vampire said as he took a step

Yasuko nodded before running after Minsheng. He wanted to

strangle his stubborn friend. He didn’t see the harm in going with
Christian. The man oozed protection and safety.

He found Minsheng pacing in his bedroom. He looked so mad that

Yasuko was surprised steam wasn’t coming out of his ears.

This wasn’t going to be fun.

* * * *

Minsheng was so angry that he wanted to kick everyone in the

damn house. Yes, he was pissed that this stranger came in here and
intrigued Yasuko, the man he loved more than anyone in the world.

But what had him so angry he could chew nails was the fact that

he had wanted to go. His experience since coming to this country had
shown him that men could not be trusted, except Yasuko.

Sure, the men in this house were kind. They never hurt him or his

friend. But that didn’t mean they wouldn’t. Minsheng wasn’t going to

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trust any of them. That was why he stayed prickly. He wouldn’t allow
them past his defenses.

“Minsheng.” Yasuko approached him slowly. He was relieved to

see that he hadn’t gone with Christian. Then he became angry.

“Why?” He couldn’t seem to form any more words past that

single one. It hurt. Yasuko was his. He had fallen in love with him
since their horrific experience. He was sweet, kind, soft-spoken, but
too damn naïve for his own good.

He cursed when Yasuko took a step back, uncertainty in his eyes.

Minsheng didn’t mean to frighten him. It wasn’t his fault Christian
came in here like the handsome man that he was and tried to take
them away.

“I am sorry,” Yasuko said as tears glistened in his eyes. He

immediately crossed the room and pulled his friend into his arms,
holding him close and never wanting to let him go.

“It’s okay.” Minsheng held onto Yasuko as he felt the shoulder of

his shirt become wet. “Don’t cry, precious.” He felt like a monster.
Yasuko sniffed and pulled away.

“He is nice.”
Minsheng reached up and wiped the tears away as he clenched his

jaw. “So was the man who tricked each and every one of us, baby. We
can’t trust anyone. Remember that.” He kissed each wet cheek.

“I am tired of living like this, Minsheng. There has to be

something better.”

“Fate will find a way for us, Yasuko. Trust in it. We won’t be here

forever. We stay because the wolves offer us protection.”

“So does Christian.”
Minsheng growled at the name. “He offers us protection, but at

what price, Yasuko? I saw, as well as you, the hunger in his eyes. I
remember that look. It isn’t something I care to remember, either.”

“No,” Yasuko argued. The man was quiet most of the time. But

when he felt strongly about something, watch out. “He is different.
You can feel it. I know you can.”

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Christian’s Menace


“He is no different from the rest of those hungry men. All they

wanted was sex. And that’s all Christian wants. He’s trying to lure us
to his home as if we had no brains.”

Yasuko snorted. “You are the one who talks like you have no

brain, pretending to speak broken English. Everyone here thinks you
are dimwitted.”

“And I plan on keeping it that way. If they think I’m naïve, then

they won’t expect anything from me.”

Yasuko crossed the room and climbed onto Minsheng’s bed. His

heart ached every time Yasuko did that. He wanted him with every
fiber in his being. But after the horrendous events they had been
through, Minsheng would not use him that way. He respected Yasuko
too much to do that to him.

“That is wrong, Minsheng, to fool them that way. They care for


Yasuko had reached out to him countless times, but that was only

because of what happened to him. His friend didn’t know any better,
and Minsheng wasn’t going to take advantage of that.

He walked to the window, putting space between them before

answering. Sometimes the temptation was just too much. Yasuko was
so beautiful. He was delicate and slim. His features reminded
Minsheng of a porcelain doll. “No one cares for us. We only care for
each other.”

“I am tired of this, Minsheng. I want to go out in the world and

explore. Do you like living in a bedroom, in a house where we are not
allowed to go outside for fear of being attacked? That is no way to
live, Minsheng. Life has too much to offer. I want to live.”

Minsheng was torn. He wanted Yasuko to be happy. Now he was

telling him that he wasn’t? He’d give his friend the world if he could,
but Christian? He didn’t trust him. He stared at the ceiling as he
answered his friend. “Fine, see if he is still here. But you better
remember to use your broken English. And don’t get to close to him.
I’d hate to have to cut his balls off.”

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Yasuko’s eyes lit up as he scooted from the bed and ran for the

door. He stopped before opening it to look over at Minsheng. “Thank

“Yeah, yeah. Just go.” He waved him off. Crossing the room,

Minsheng braced himself. This was going to be an interesting evening
at best. He should have known he was going to give into Yasuko.
He’d do anything to see the man smile.

Too many nights he lay in Minsheng’s arms and cried when the

American men were done using them. It might have been four years
since it had happened. But it still felt like yesterday to him.

Yasuko burst into the room, his cheeks flushed with excitement.

“He is still here. He said he will wait for us by the front door.”

Minsheng couldn’t help but smile at the excitement bubbling all

around his friend. “Then let us go.” He shooed his exuberant friend
from the room. His face immediately went back to its usual scowl as
he descended the steps, seeing Zeus, Maverick, and Christian waiting
by the front door. He was so not looking forward to this.

He didn’t care what Yasuko said, he wasn’t going to trust

Christian. The only reason they were going was because Yasuko
seemed so distraught over it. He couldn’t have his friend feeling that
way. Yasuko must always remain happy.

Yasuko stood mere inches from Christian, an excited puppy-dog

look on his face as he stared up at the vampire. Minsheng wanted to
knock Christian flat on his handsome ass. He might be full of anger
and mistrustful of everyone around him—except Yasuko—but he
knew a good-looking guy when he saw one. And aside from his
friend, Christian was downright gorgeous.

His smile lit up his face as he stared at Minsheng. “I’m glad you

decided to come.”

Minsheng flipped him off as he walked out the door. He may be

going along for the ride, but it didn’t mean he had to like it. They
could all kiss his pale ass. He was not going to enjoy this.

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Christian’s Menace


Yasuko quickly caught up to him, beaming like a ray of sunshine

as he walked next to him. He gave his friend a small smile as they
approached the black car with tinted windows. If Christian tried
anything, he was going to lower every window in that damn car.

His friend ran ahead of him, opening the door and jumping in.

Minsheng rolled his eyes at his friend’s trustful ways. Even after what
had happened to them, Yasuko was the epitome of trust. Foolish man.

Minsheng slid in next, keeping his body between Yasuko’s and

Christian’s. There were going to be no free feels today. He stiffened
when Christian slid in, his thigh touching Minsheng’s. He scooted
over, but then he was too close to Yasuko.

Minsheng started feeling trapped. He was between two men that

wanted to have sex with him, and he was about to have a meltdown
because of it. His breathing became irregular, his heart thundering
behind his ribs as his hands became moist with sweat.

The car pulled away and Minsheng had the urge to jump out. He

needed air. His head lowered as he tried to steady his breathing, but it
wasn’t helping. His head became dizzy as the bile rose to the back of
his throat.

He couldn’t do this.
“Calm,” Christian said in a low voice, and everything that was

going bonkers inside of Minsheng stilled. He was shocked that one
little word had such a powerful impact on him. How did he do that?
“You are safe, little one.”

Minsheng didn’t know what to think, so he just nodded. He

glanced over at Yasuko, but his friend had missed the whole event,
staring out of the window with excitement dancing in his eyes. For a
moment, Minsheng wished he could feel that way, too. He wished
that he wasn’t so bitter after all these years.

What would it be like to let it go? To go to sleep and not see those

vile men humping him? He’d give anything to not see those images
when he closed his eyes. Minsheng wanted them gone.

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Those images were the very thing that kept reminding him every

day of what took place in his life to change him forever. It was what
made him hold onto his hatred for far too long.

The car pulled into a parking lot, the noise level around them

growing. Minsheng leaned forward, looking out of Yasuko’s window
at the people who had formed in a line from a doorway. They wore all
black. Even their makeup was black. A lot of them had piercings
coming from their eyebrows and lips.

Before Minsheng could stop Yasuko, his friend was out of the car

and entering the building. Minsheng groaned. He was going to have
one hell of a time keeping up with his friend.

“He is safe.”
Minsheng’s head whipped around to look at Christian, anger

filling his every pore.

“And before you go in, I want you to know that the broken

English act is fine to use around whomever you chose, but when we
are alone, drop it.”

Minsheng was surprised that Christian saw through it but quickly

recovered. “Fine.” His voice dropped to a low growl. “Then I guess I
don’t have to fucking worry, do I? We’ll never be alone.” He jumped
out of the car, running after Yasuko’s naïve ass.

* * * *

Yasuko couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Never in his life had

he witnessed anything like this. There were people dressed in black,
some with chains hanging from them, some with piercings all over
their faces.

Woman and men wore black lipstick and some of the people had

their hair standing straight up in spikes. He was in awe. Yasuko
walked up to one man with a glowing piece of plastic around his

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Christian’s Menace


How did he get it to glow? Yasuko’s attention was quickly pulled

away as another man walked by with a dog collar around his neck.
His fingers lifted, feeling how bare his own neck was. He wanted one
of those glowing plastic pieces.

Yasuko followed behind a man who had a dog collar and a chain

hanging from it. Was he expecting someone to walk him? His vision
caught the flashing red and white lines of light cutting across the
interior. They bounced from wall to wall, splashing everyone in their

The music was heavy, making Yasuko want to slowly sway his

hips. Since being here in America, he’d only seen the inside of the
building he was whored out in, and then the inside of Zeus’s home
after that. He visited the town, but they didn’t have anything like this.

Not even back home in Japan had he witnessed something like

this. It was a whole new world to Yasuko, one he intended to
thoroughly explore. A man grabbed his wrist, pulling him into the
dance area.

Yasuko looked around, watching how everyone danced and then

began to mirror them. His body felt alive for the very first time. He
felt like a prisoner who had just been freed. Yasuko’s hands skimmed
his body, imitating the man in front of him.

“You dance lovely, pretty little one,” the man said as he circled

around Yasuko. “I may just keep you. You’re too pretty to have just
one drink.”

Yasuko had no clue what he was talking about. All he knew was

that he felt like his body was on fire. His hands came up as they ran
through his hair, his lips parting.

“Damn, baby.” The man’s eyes slowly scanned Yasuko’s body

from head to toe, and then back up again. That was when he noticed
the glowing red eyes.

“You’re a vampire,” he stated.
“Intelligent to boot.” The man chuckled. “Why don’t you come

with me? I can take really good care of you.”

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“Because,” a deep voice sounded behind him, “he’s with me.”
“Prince.” The man backed away as his eyes lowered. “Forgive me.

I did not know.”

Yasuko looked up at Christian. The man was so damn handsome.

“I want to dance.” He jumped slightly when the entire room turned to
look at him. It was an eerie thing to witness. Christian stood there
motionless, looking over the crowd. All at once, everyone’s head
bowed and then looked away from him.

“Then dance, my doe. No one is going to bother you again,”

Christian whispered into Yasuko’s ear. “I’ll be over at the bar with
Minsheng, trying to make him smile.” He pointed behind him as
Yasuko’s gaze followed.

Minsheng was sitting on a stool glaring at them. He was surprised

the man wasn’t over here pulling him away.

“He won’t.” Christian smiled at him. The vampire took one step to

his side, blocking Minsheng from his view. Christian straightened,
using his index finger to lift Yasuko’s chin. His eyes glanced up at the
handsome man standing before him. “You are very beautiful,

He could feel his cheeks heating under Christian’s compliment.

Yasuko desperately wanted Christian to lean down again and kiss
him, but not on the forehead this time. “Thank you.” Just one kiss.

“Soon.” Christian smiled down at him. “Very soon, little doe.”

When Christian’s thumb ran over his bottom lip, Yasuko began to
pant. Small intakes of breath were all he could manage. His tongue
darted out to taste the salty tip of the Christian thumb.

The vampire’s nostrils flared as his gaze turned heated. “You

tempt me, little minx. Dance for now. Have fun.”

Yasuko watched Christian’s back as he walked through the crowd,

his flowing black hair touching his shoulders. He felt paralyzed for a
moment. His cock was hard as steel, and his body itched to be

Dance, little doe. Dance for me.

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Christian’s Menace


Yasuko blinked and then looked around. He had heard Christian,

but he was nowhere in sight.

I can still see you, Yasuko.
Yasuko giggled. Whatever it was that made him hear the

handsome man, he liked it. His body once again took up the dance he
had previously abandoned. His hips swayed to the music, but this
time, no one approached him.

He became lost as his body followed its own beat. His mind

opened up as his hands rose above his head. His eyes closed as
Yasuko danced.

He was alive.
Alive for the very first time.

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Chapter Three

Christian watched his little doe dance like a seductress. When he

entered the club and saw Nija trying to lure Yasuko away, it took
every ounce of control not to kill the vampire.

He sent a mental warning out to his coven, letting them know that

Minsheng and Yasuko were his mates and that they were off-limits.
Now that it was public knowledge, the two would have to be guarded.

If they went home tonight, and that was a humungous if, then

Christo, his second in command, would go with them to watch over
the two.

“I don’t like the way he’s dancing,” Minsheng complained.
“He’s expressing himself. There is nothing wrong with that, little

one.” Christian pulled Minsheng from the stool and took him up to his
private booth above the dance floor where he could keep an eye on his
other mate down below.

He just couldn’t rip his eyes away as Yasuko danced for him. It

was a masterpiece to watch. His small body flowed like silk in the
wind as he writhed to the music, his hands exploring every part of his
small and slim body. Christian could feel his fangs itching to taste the
sweet man.

“I still don’t like it. Look at how the other men are staring at him.

Like they want to eat him alive,” Minsheng snapped as he pointed
down to the crowd.

“They do. But not one of them will touch him. I can assure you of

that.” You look beautiful, little doe.

Yasuko glanced around and then up, smiling sweetly when he

spotted Christian.

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Christian’s Menace


“He should be up here with us.” Minsheng was like a dog with a

bone when it came to Yasuko. He was as fierce as a pit bull.

“Are you two lovers?” Christian tore his eyes away from the little

minx below to look at Minsheng. He hoped to get a straight answer,
but Christian wasn’t going to hold his breath. Minsheng was proving
to be a very stubborn man.

Minsheng’s eyes darkened with anger as he glowered at Christian,

proving Christian’s point. “That is none of your damn business.”

So they weren’t. Interesting.
From the way Minsheng protected Yasuko, he would have

thought they were. He hoped to change that soon. Christian wanted all
three of them to become better acquainted—naked of course. They
were mates, after all.

“Why do you protect him so fiercely?” Christian would protect

those he cherished, but Minsheng went beyond that. It was almost like
an obsession from what he had witnessed. It made him envy Yasuko
to have such loyalties from a man that loved him so fiercely. He
wanted that.

“Again, none of your business,” Minsheng bit out as he looked

back down at Yasuko.

Christian sighed and looked down to see Yasuko following behind

some man, pointing at his collar. He watched them closely. The man
was human, so he wouldn’t know about the warning to stay away. A
smile tugged at his lips as one of his coven members walked over, had
a word with the human, and then he watched the vampire and human
male walk away.

Well done.
Yasuko ran back to the dance floor, looked up at Christian, and

smiled, then began to dance for him once again.

Are you okay, little doe?
Yasuko glanced up and nodded at him, his body moving

hypnotically with the music. He turned back to a scowling Minsheng,
wondering if he should even ask. “Would you care to dance?”

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Minsheng shook his head, his eyes locked on the way Yasuko was

dancing. Christian could see longing in Minsheng’s eyes, a separation
that seemed to own the other man. He couldn’t understand why the
two had never explored their obvious feelings for one another.

“Would you mind if I went down there?”
Minsheng shrugged, never looking Christian’s way. “I’m a grown

man. Go, I can take care of myself.”

Christian had no doubt about that. Even in a club full of vampires,

he had a feeling Minsheng would give them hell. He seemed the take
no prisoner
type, like he’d kick each and every one of their asses.

Too bad his height made him less menacing. But Christian knew

the truth. He could tell Minsheng was a warrior at heart. The man was
very proud, and unfortunately, very angry. Once again Christian
wanted to know the full details of what was going on inside of
Minsheng’s head and heart.

Minsheng had given very little information, and when Zeus tried

to fill him in when they were standing in the foyer, Christian had
refused to hear it. If his mates couldn’t tell him, then he didn’t want to
be told.

The only two people he wanted to hear it from were the two

gorgeous men making his cock hard as steel with every breath they
took. He felt like a bastard for letting his lust give him wicked
thoughts. Minsheng said they had been used for sex and hurt.

If he guessed correctly, then they were whored out. The idea of

someone harming them and forcing them into something they didn’t
want made Christian feel on the verge of a killing spree. He wanted to
see the ones responsible for harming his mates laying in their own

As much as his body wanted theirs, he needed to back the hell

away. If he was to gain their trust, showing them his hard cock wasn’t
the way.

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Christian’s Menace


He knew when he first met them that he would have to handle

them carefully. He just didn’t have a clue how much that would hold

Christian sent a mental message to Isla to come watch over his

mate so he could go to his doe. Christian didn’t care what Minsheng
said about being able to take care of himself. He was Christian’s
mate. He was going to be protected whether he liked it or not.

Isla appeared behind the booth, standing there with his hands

clasped in front of him, his feet planted firmly on the floor as his eyes
took on a don’t fuck with me look.

He knew Minsheng was in good hands. No one was going to come

near him with Isla guarding him. His coven wouldn’t bother
Minsheng, but there were humans here, and he did have enemies that
would jump at the chance to use his mates against him.

“I’ll be back, little one.” He kept the chuckle back when

Minsheng shot a menacing glare at him. It was fierce in its intent, but
comical to Christian. His mate was hot as hell when he was feisty.

Christian made his way down the stairs leading to the lower level.

He spotted his smaller mate chatting it up with one of his young ones.
When he approached, Shelby quickly moved away. It wasn’t
necessary. He knew the young vampire was just trying to make

Shelby was a contradiction to most myths surrounding vampires.

He was chatty, gullible, and a people pleaser. “I said he was off-limits
as far as drinking from him goes. I said nothing about becoming his
friend,” Christian said to Shelby. “I don’t have a problem with you
talking with him.”

“Yes, prince.” Shelby’s eyes darted from Christian to Yasuko.

“He’s nice.”

“I’m glad you think so.” Christian watched Shelby take another

step back as he smiled tightly at them.

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“I’m gonna go find something to do.” He spun around and

practically ran through the crowd. Yasuko stared after Shelby for a
moment and then turned his attention to Christian.

“Is it time to go?” The saddened look on Yasuko’s face made

Christian want to bring him comfort, pull him into his arms, and keep
him safe from the world.

Christian bent at the waist, leaned in, and kissed Yasuko on his

cheek. “No, little doe. I came down here to dance with you.” The
smile that lit up Yasuko’s face was dazzling.

Yasuko grabbed Christian’s hand and pulled him toward the dance

floor. He followed his mate as Yasuko turned around and started
shaking his slender hips. It was truly a beautiful sight. Christian had
to fight to keep his hands to himself.

Vampires could glamour a person into submission, but it seemed

Yasuko was glamouring him just by the way he was dancing. It was a
stunning sight to behold.

“Are you having fun?” Christian asked as Yasuko panted, his skin

glistening with sweat. The aroma of his sweet smell wafted past
Christian nose and he was hard-pressed not to take a small sample of
the sweet scent.

“Yes. Thank you, prince.” He smiled that sweet little smile, his

pearly white teeth flashing with brilliance, making Christian want
forever with him.

After two thousand years, he had finally found not one, but both

of his mates. And the screwed up thing about it? He couldn’t even
claim them. Not with a past that still haunted them. Or at least one of

The kick in the pants was that Christian didn’t even know what

was in their past to help them heal from it. Yasuko seemed a little
more outgoing than Minsheng. The guy dancing his heart out in front
of him looked as though he was fighting to regain some semblance of
his former self back.

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Christian’s Menace


Christian applauded him for that. He had a feeling there was more

to Yasuko then the guy was letting on. And the thought of being the
one to peel back those layers had him growing hard. His hands
reached out and brushed his mate’s hair from his shoulder as Christian
danced so close to Yasuko that they were teasing one another.

He could see the spark in the little doe’s eyes, the want and the

hunger. It was killing him not to give his mate what he wanted. His
fingers glided through the silk of Yasuko’s hair, feeling the desire
pouring off of his mate.

Yasuko stopped dancing and tilted his head up, his black irises

sparkling as he stared up at Christian. “Make me forget.”

Christian’s fangs slid down a little further from their sheaths at the

request. He leaned forward, the back of his knuckles grazing across
Yasuko’s cheek. “In due time, my love.” He tucked a stray hair
behind Yasuko’s ear and then whispered his lips across his mate’s
before straightening.

He could see the rejection in Yasuko’s eyes, the hurt of being

shunned. Christian was at a loss of what to do. He was older, wiser,
and had patience to spare. But that one little look was crumbling his

He brought his lips to Yasuko’s ear, inhaling that oh-so-sweet

scent before whispering, “I want you. Do not think that I don’t. Your
body, your scent, your eyes, they call to me.”

“Then why?” Yasuko whispered back, the hurt still apparent in his


“It is not time yet, my love.” Christian fisted his hands when

Yasuko’s body shuddered, clearly aroused. Christian’s eyes locked
onto the beating pulse in Yasuko’s neck, watching it pick up pace as
the vein thrummed harder, telling Christian of Yasuko’s desire.

“Yes, little doe. Soon.” Christian took a step away, an action that

was harder to perform than he would have thought. He glanced up to
see Minsheng watching them absorbedly, a look of want apparent on

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his face until he saw Christian looking at him. The expression turned
to a scowl as Minsheng sat back.

He sighed. One mate wanted Christian, was practically begging to

be fucked, while the other was going to be one tough nut to crack. No
one said his life was easy. Christian reached down and took Yasuko’s
hand in his, the small man watching him closely as Christian nicked
one of his fingertips, lapping the small drop of blood that surfaced.

The tension in the room rose as the sweet scent of Yasuko drifted

their way. Christian growled, making it clear that he would kill
anyone who came near his mate. His coven watched, but no one came
near them.

“Now I can track you anywhere you go.” He expected Yasuko to

balk at what he had done, but the man beamed a bright and adoring
smile at him.

He cupped Yasuko’s face, taking in the sexy sight. The man was

temptation incarnate. The urge to claim him was strong. Instead,
Christian grabbed his hand and guided him back to the booth. That
small taste of his doe wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy the hunger in
him. The nectar was still on his tongue as they climbed the stairs.

Now he had to figure out how to get Minsheng to donate a drop of

his blood. This was going to be near to impossible. Christian slid into
the booth, bringing Yasuko in beside him. With a mate on each side
of him, he watched the partiers below and worked out in his head how
to approach tasting Minsheng.

The man was anything but receptive. The coolness coming off of

him was enough to freeze-dry anyone on the spot. Christian leaned
back, tossing his arms behind him to rest on the back of the
horseshoe-shaped booth.

Yasuko scooted a little closer, his body barely touching

Christian’s, but enough to make his presence known. Minsheng, on
the other hand, scooted away an inch. He had a feeling that he would
have to tackle these two one-on-one to get anywhere.

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Christian’s Menace


When they were near each other, the tension was thick enough to

cut with a knife. Minsheng’s aura was practically begging to be near
Yasuko. Too bad his head was stopping it. He smiled when Yasuko’s
shoulder brushed into his side, the small human smiling shyly at him.

“Your wine, prince.” A young one sat the glass down filled with

the crimson essence his species needed to survive. The vampire
smiled at Christian’s mates. “Would they care for anything to drink,

Christian looked down at Yasuko. “If they wish.”
“Do you have milk?” Yasuko asked.
The vampire stared at his mate strangely, quickly masking it when

he saw Christian glaring at him, daring him to laugh. “Yes, young
prince. I can get that for you.”

“Ice water, please,” Minsheng said from the other side of him.

Christian was pleased that Minsheng had manners. He may be gruff,
prickly, and stubborn, but at least he had manners.

The young one rushed off to gather their drinks. He knew getting

the milk was going to take some doing. He’d have to have it stocked
now that he knew his mate preferred it.

Christo came to his booth, sliding in but keeping a distance from

Minsheng. “I just wanted to remind you of the job we have to take
care of outside.”

Ah yes, the rogue bodies. He had forgotten about those. “When

my mates are otherwise occupied.”

Christo gave him a knowing nod. Christian would keep that side

of being who he was as far away from his mates as possible. He may
be a vampire, but he didn’t want his mates looking at him like he was
a monster.

“What job?” Minsheng asked, blowing all hope out of the water

that Christian could be discreet about it. Lying wasn’t an option he
wanted to participate in. These two were his mates, and nothing
should be held secret from them. But he could downplay it.

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“Rogues invaded my club tonight. I have to deal with them in a

little while.”

“Kill them,” Minsheng said matter-of-factly. Christian was

stunned. Christo wore the same look on his face was well.

“Kill them?” he asked his prickly mate. “Why not talk with them,

reason with the vampires?” He was curious about his mate’s way of
thinking. Was he coldhearted? Was there no hope for Minsheng?
Even as the prince of the vampires, Christian only killed when it was

“I learn from Zeus. No talk to them. They not listen. Best to kill

them.” Minsheng had reverted back to his broken English while
Christo was among them. It was a pity. His mate was extremely
intelligent, and he hated to see him hide it.

“And you, Yasuko?” He turned to his doe.
Yasuko shook his head, looking at everyone at the table before

lowering his eyes. He was clearly telling Christian that he didn’t like
making life-and-death decisions, and from what he learned, his doe
didn’t like making decisions period.

Christo cleared his throat, looking from one mate to the other.

Christian smiled and then gave the introductions. “Christo, this is
Minsheng and Yasuko. Gentlemen, this is Christo, my second in
command. If you ever need me and I am not around, he is the one you
seek out along with my third, Isla, no one else.”

Christo smiled at the two.
“Hi,” Yasuko said in a friendly voice.
“Hello.” Christo chuckled.
Minsheng gave a curt nod toward Christo. A tough case indeed.

The young one brought his mates’ drinks, setting a tall glass of milk
in front of Yasuko and handing the ice water to Christo to pass to his
other mate.

Yasuko took a long drink, licking his lips and wiping his mouth

with the back of his hand when he sat the glass down. “How old are
you, Yasuko?” Christian inquired.

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Christian’s Menace


“Twenty-five,” he answered.
“You?” He turned to Minsheng.
His mates hid their ages well. He would have put them both at


“You?” Yasuko asked as he stared up at Christian from under his

lashes. He could see Christo curling his lips in to hide his smile. He
was one of the few who knew.

“Too old, I’m afraid.” Christian dodged answering straight out.

This was neither the time nor place to reveal any of his secrets.

* * * *

Christo slid from the booth and walked down the stairs, going in

search of Isla. Shocked couldn’t even begin to describe how he had
felt when the prince walked in with the two human men.

In the four hundred years he had served the prince, he had seen

Christian take many lovers, male and female. And when he said seen,
that was exactly what he meant. They’d even shared a few.

But Christo had never seen the look Christian held in his eyes

when looking at the pair. Utter devotion and love swam in the dark
murky depths. With his jaw set, he pushed through the crowd until he
found the third trying to convince some male to join him in the back
room. “We need to talk.”

Isla immediately abandoned the male and followed him. The

human stood there with his mouth hanging open and an irritated look
on his face.

“I know you drove him to that meeting.”
Isla nodded.
“Why didn’t you tell me he was bringing his mates back with

him?” It was one thing to wonder why the prince hadn’t told him.
Point blank, the prince answered to no one. But his trusting friend
here could have given him a heads-up.

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“I had no clue who they were when I brought them here. You

found out the same time all of us did.”

Yeah, when the prince sent out a mental warning to stay the fuck

away from his mates. Christo ran his tongue over his bottom lip as he
stared up at the second level where Christian and his two mates sat.
The one on the left was drop-dead gorgeous. He had the most fragile
features Christo had ever seen.

The one on his right, though... The guy looked like he was ready

to kick everyone’s ass and then some. He eyed everyone who walked
by his table like an enemy and out to do him harm. His features were
masculine, strong, and fierce. A warrior at heart.

“You know we have to step up security around here. With those

two running around, I don’t think we’ll have enough to protect them,”
Christo said as he watched the prince look at his fragile mate with
such love in his eyes.

He was glad the prince had finally mated. He deserved it. But now

their worries had only just begun. There was word spreading around
that the coven leader over in Medina, the Northern coven, was
growing restless, looking to expand. That was never a good thing.
With the prince so close to their territory, it made matters worse.

There was only one prince of the vampires, and Christian was it.

He could handle himself, no doubt. But with two mates to occupy his
time, he would be less vigilant. Hell, Christo couldn’t blame him one
bit. That was why he had his second and third. It was their job to
watch his back and the backs of his mates.

It was a job Christo planned on doing very well. “We need to beef

up security. Add a few more on.”

Isla nodded. “I know a couple of guys. The thing is, they’re a little


Christo shook his head as his eyes scanned the crowd. Ever since

they opened their doors a decade ago, business had been booming
every single night. Their club was the only one that was open on
Sundays around here.

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Christian’s Menace


The gothic crowd was drawn here, the masochists as well. A few

college kids stumbled in once in a while, but soon learned that this
wasn’t a place for the meek. A lot of hardcore people frequented The
Manacle. A few rented out the back rooms to play some scenes.

This was not a place for those two innocents up there. But what

could he do? It would be the entire coven’s job to keep them safe.
“Call them.”

“Okay. But when they use their methods to keep the peace, don’t

point the finger at me. I like where my balls hang,” Isla said as he
pulled his cell phone out.

This was an unusual circumstance, so Christian shouldn’t mind

unusual methods. The prince usually didn’t sweat the small stuff
anyway. He had mellowed over the years.

Christo had a feeling that would change with his mates at the club.

He knew the vampires here would lay down their lives to protect the
little princes. This was Christian’s coven. To be in the coven that the
prince resided over was a privilege none of them wanted to lose.

Isla slid his phone back into his pocket, smiling at Christo.

“They’re on their way. Give them a day for travel.”

Christo wanted to be relieved. But with Minsheng and Yasuko in

the prince’s coven now, that breath of exhale would be a long time

* * * *

Isla prayed he made the right call. Inviting Jersey and Buck here

was asking for trouble. But they were the best at what they did. The
two would keep The Manacle safe, no doubt. But would it still be
standing if shit went down? Isla sighed. Who knew?

They were as unpredictable as a tornado, but effective. If shit went

down and the prince wanted heads, he was pointing his fucking finger
at Christo.

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There was no way he was getting his ass handed to him by the

prince. He’d seen him pissed before, and it wasn’t pretty.

He glanced up at the second level, hoping those two humans were

worth all this trouble.

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Christian’s Menace


Chapter Four

Yasuko lay in his bed thinking about how much fun he had

tonight. His fingers reached up and traced along the green-glowing
necklace around his neck. Christian had made sure Yasuko had one
before they left.

His thoughts wandered to the handsome man. Yasuko didn’t want

to leave, but Minsheng had insisted they go. He turned over in the
bed, wondering what Christian was doing at this very moment. He’d
give anything to be with the man right now. He had such mesmerizing
eyes that sparkled when he smiled. They were kind as well. His hair
looked so soft. Yasuko had been dying to touch it.

His fingers left the necklace and traced his lips. It had been a

fleeting kiss, but a kiss he had wanted to go deeper. The prince’s lips
had been so soft, even if it had been brief. He wanted those lips on his
neck. Yasuko’s cock began to fill as images of Christian drinking
from him filled his mind. He knew how vampires fed. Trevor had
explained it all to him.

Yasuko’s hand caressed his chest, wondering what it would feel

like to have Christian’s mouth sucking at his nipples. He could feel
them drawing tight as he imagined those gorgeous lips on his body.

A moan escaped his lips as Yasuko’s hand trailed down to his

abdomen. His fingers drew small circles around his skin, wishing it
were the prince’s lips instead. He thought of the way Christian had
stared at him while they danced. The man’s eyes had told Yasuko that
the prince wanted him.

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And he wanted the prince. Even though he knew it was foolish

thinking, he could still dream about it when alone in his bedroom with
nothing but darkness and his loneliness to witness his yearnings.

Yasuko slid his hand below the sheet that pooled at his waist,

feeling how hard he had gotten thinking of the tall and strikingly
handsome man. His other hand tweaked at his nipple as he spread the
moisture from the tip of his cock around.

His body was begging for release, desperate for it. His eyes began

to slowly close as his body began to burn. Yasuko saw it then. He saw
Christian standing in a shadowed corner. His eyes were glowing red
as he studied Yasuko.

His hand began to move away, ashamed that he had been caught

pleasuring himself.

“Don’t stop, little doe.” He stepped forward, his eyes locked onto

Yasuko’s. They looked heated and possessive as Christian came to
stand over Yasuko’s bed, watching him fixedly. “Pleasure yourself.”

Yasuko’s hand began to move again, nervous that he was being

watched. The prince didn’t make a move toward him, but his eyes
lowered to Yasuko’s hand. Yasuko groaned when he fisted his cock,
slowly stroking it as he watched Christian watch him.

The sheet slowly lowered, unseeing hands gently pulling it away

for the prince to feast his eyes on what Yasuko was doing. He could
feel his cheeks burning red hot, but Yasuko couldn’t stop.

The need to give the prince what he wanted fueled his efforts as

his hand stroked his cock harder, red eyes transfixed on his
ministrations. Yasuko’s hips left the bed when Christian’s fangs grew
longer, his eyes glowing darker.

Yasuko’s fingers pinched his nipple as his hips fucked the air, his

cock pulsing in his hand. He wanted relief, needed it desperately.

As intently as Christian was watching him, Yasuko couldn’t find

shame in what he was doing. All he wanted was relief. Deep down, in
his heart, he knew he was looking for release from more than just his
quickly building orgasm. He wanted release from the life he was in.

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Christian’s Menace


Freedom was what he was chasing as he stared at those glowing

red eyes. Freedom to be with who he wanted to be with. Not because
he was being forced, but because he had chosen to lie with them.

“You have that freedom, Yasuko. I offer it to you,” Christian said

as he knelt at the side of Yasuko’s bed. “I give you that choice.”

Yasuko softly cried out, his seed hitting his belly as his orgasm

took over, making his back arch from the bed. Christian leaned
forward, Yasuko’s eyes following him as he gasped for breath, and
watched Christian sink his fangs into Yasuko’s upper thigh.

His orgasm hit him again, only this time it was stronger, racking

his body as the prince drank from him. His legs spread wider, his
hand had a death grip on his straining cock as Christian curled his
fingers around Yasuko’s thigh.

His head swam, his mind raced, and his heart beat out of control

as the prince took what he needed. Those soft lips on his skin were
driving him mad. Yasuko moaned when he felt the sharp blades leave
his body and felt the prince’s tongue gliding over the wound.

Christian slid into Yasuko’s bed, stretching out next to him as he

took Yasuko’s mouth in a demanding kiss. It had ownership written
all over it. Yasuko opened his mouth as Christian’s tongue plunged in,
sharing the taste of his own blood as he whimpered, desperate to
climb into Christian’s arms, to be encased with those strong biceps.

He had to have fallen asleep because this could only be a dream.

None of this could be real. If it were, then Yasuko had a chance with
the prince.

Christian pulled back, his hands pushing the hair from Yasuko’s

eyes. “This is very real, my love.”

Yasuko’s body shivered at the strong tone of Christian’s words. “I

don’t want to be here. Take me with you.”

“What about Minsheng? Would you leave without telling him,

asking him to come with us?” Christian asked as his hand settled on
Yasuko’s chest. It was warm and strong. Yasuko wanted to wrap his
whole body in that strength.

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Lynn Hagen

Yasuko’s heart hurt when he thought of the man he loved.

Minsheng meant everything to him, and he would do anything for his
friend. The attraction he had for the prince confused him. How could
he want two men at the same time? How could he want the love of
two men to wrap him in a cocoon?

“I want him with us.” Yasuko confessed to Christian’s chest.

Would telling the prince his deepest desires make him seem greedy,

“Never.” Christian placed his palm on Yasuko’s face, running his

tongue over Yasuko’s bottom lip. This time the kiss was slow, soft,
nothing demanding, but still mind-numbing. His toes curled as
Christian shifted around, hovering slightly over Yasuko.

He needed to feel skin. Yasuko felt as though he would die if he

didn’t feel the prince’s skin under his palm. His fingers reached up
and began to unbutton Christian’s silk shirt. They shook so badly that
his fingers were fumbling. The prince didn’t smack his hand away
and insist that he do it. No, Christian stayed still, looking at him with
such love in his eyes that Yasuko had to look away.

He concentrated on his task, focusing on the small buttons

attached to the silk shirt. Yasuko’s mouth became dry as the creamy,
pale flesh was slowly revealed. He licked his lips, his eyes darting up
to look at Christian.

The prince’s hand ran through Yasuko’s hair as he smiled down at

him. His eyes went back to the buttons, slowly pushing them through
the eyelets in Christian’s shirt. Once the shirt fell open, Yasuko’s
hands went for the prince’s slacks.

Christian curled his fingers around Yasuko’s wrists as he said,

“Slow down, little doe.”

Yasuko licked his dry lips and nodded, his eyes locked onto

Christian’s chest. He could feel his cheeks heating from
embarrassment. He wasn’t a skilled lover, not by far. In his dark days
following his kidnapping, sex had been rushed, executed swiftly, and
finished before Yasuko had a chance to think about it.

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Christian’s Menace


“Stay with me. Don’t think about it,” Christian said as he lifted

Yasuko’s chin. “I’m here. No harm will ever come to you again.”

This was different. He wanted to go slow with Christian. He

wanted it to last beyond mere minutes. Yasuko craved for it to last
forever. He felt the tears prickle behind his eyes, unsure of what to do.

Christian placed Yasuko’s hands on his chest as he wrapped his

arms around Yasuko’s body. “We have plenty of time. No need to
hurry things.”

Yasuko sighed in the prince’s arms. This was what he wanted.

This was what he had craved for so long. Christian just lay there,
holding Yasuko as if he mattered.

* * * *

Minsheng sat back in the booth, wondering what the hell he was

doing back at the club again. He couldn’t believe he had agreed to
come here a second time. Minsheng had to admit that he did have a
good time just getting out of the house the night before.

He leaned to his right, looking down at the crowded dance floor

were Yasuko seemed to be having the time of his life. For the second
night in a row, his friend was down there dancing too seductively in
Minsheng’s opinion.

You could go down there and cut in. I’d like to see you dance for


“Will you stop talking in my head? It’s creeping me out.”

Minsheng growled at Christian. There was no venom behind his
words, more of an irritated tone. He was fighting his attraction to the
prince of vampires. It seemed the more he was in the man’s presence,
the stronger his cock was leading him.

And that ticked him off. He wasn’t supposed to be attracted to this

handsome man. He loved Yasuko.

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“There’s nothing wrong with wanting two men. Yasuko and I

could love you unconditionally. We could show you what it is like to
be truly wanted.”

Minsheng felt a tightening in his chest. He wanted that, too. He

just didn’t know how to let the anger go and lower his guard.
Minsheng was terrified to give either of them the trust they would
need to fulfill this dream of his. To be loved, wanted, and accepted
was something he only dared dream of.

“Whatever.” He turned, looking down at the crowd once more. He

cursed himself for his reply, but didn’t know how to answer Christian.
He wanted to say yes, craved it deep down, but again…how?

Minsheng cut his eyes to Christian when the vampire moved

closer, lifting Minsheng’s hand from the table. His eyes locked onto
his hand as it was lifted to Christian’s mouth. Minsheng watched in
utter fascination as Christian nicked his finger and then sucked it into
his mouth.

The drawing sensation had his cock filling and straining as those

soft lips suckled on his index finger. His lips parted, a light pant
escaping his lips as Christian’s tongue swirled around his finger.

Minsheng had to fight the urge to take Christian down and fuck

him through the booth. The need was strong. It was blocking out
everything around him as his balls drew tight to his body.

You can have me. All you have to do is nod and then you can have


Minsheng felt his head fighting desperately to take that dip

forward, to confirm his deepest desire. He felt as though the air in his
lungs was frozen. His throat was closing up and his mouth had gone
dry from the endless panting. His skin was itchy and his cock was so
hard he could feel a wet spot in his jeans.

He was five seconds from coming, and he couldn’t stop it. Even if

the club began to burn down around them, he wouldn’t be able to pull

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Christian’s Menace


I want to feel you in my mouth, Minsheng. I want to taste your

seed pulsing down my throat.

Minsheng’s eyes smashed shut as his cock exploded. An orgasm

of epic proportions slammed into him as his body convulsed with
pleasure. He could still feel Christian sucking his finger, his tongue
lapping at his skin.

No words could form in his head. No sound came out of his

mouth as the aftermath swept him away. His eyes slowly peeled open
to see his hand back on the table and the vampire resting his head on
the back of the booth. His fangs were gleaming in the low light, and
his chest was pumping in and out as he took ragged breaths.

Minsheng’s eyes dropped to Christian’s lap to see a large wet

mark on the front of the vampire’s pants. It dawned on him slowly
that Christian had come as well.

Christian’s eyes lazily opened, looking at him with hunger. He

didn’t make any moves, just sat there staring intently at Minsheng.

Minsheng opened his mouth to speak when Yasuko came

barreling at them, a wide grin on his face. “Look!”

Minsheng scooted away from Christian, guilt making him feel like

a piece of shit as Yasuko smiled at them. His eyes snapped up when
Christian growled.

“Who put that collar on you?” Christian was out of the booth in

under a second. Minsheng noticed that the wet spot was gone. There
was no trace of the vampire’s spilt seed anywhere.

Minsheng on the other hand? He had a big wet spot bull’s-eyeing

his crotch, making anyone who would look zero in on it.

“But I like it.” Yasuko took a step back, his eyes darting to


“Do you know what it means, little doe?” Christian’s voice

softened as he stared down at Yasuko. Minsheng knew what it meant,
and it pissed him off to see the black leather around Yasuko’s neck.

“No,” Yasuko admitted.

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Christian reached behind Yasuko’s neck and released the clasp,

tossing the collar on the table. “It means that whoever put that on you
owns you.”

Yasuko’s eye grew wide as Minsheng picked the soft leather up.

He pushed away from the booth, not caring who saw his indiscretion.
He wanted to find the fucker who had tried to claim what he knew to
be his.

“Ours.” Christian corrected Minsheng’s thoughts out loud. He

ignored the vampire and flew down the stairs, heading for the back
rooms. The prince had explained to him what went on here, and he
had a feeling the culprit was going to be somewhere in these back

Minsheng was going to have to sit Yasuko down and explain to

him that the back rooms were off-limits.

It occurred to him that he was contemplating coming back to the

club. Minsheng pushed the thought from his mind as he slammed
open the first door he came to. He held the collar high in the air for all
to see. “Does this belong to anyone here?”

When the two shook their heads, Minsheng closed the door and

went on to the next room. By the fourth room, he was getting
downright enraged. He pushed the door open, holding the collar up
and asking the same question.

“Yeah, it’s mine. Where’s my sub?”
Minsheng stood there blinking. There was no way this fucker was

a Dom. Not only did he lack the strong aura Minsheng thought a
dominant should have, but the guy was puny as hell. “He’s not your
sub. He belongs to no one.”

“The hell he doesn’t. He agreed to take my collar. Bring him to


Minsheng fists curled as his anger escalated. He threw the black

piece of leather at the man, watching it hit the floor. “Stay the fuck
away from him.”

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Christian’s Menace


Within the span of maybe five seconds, Minsheng had the man on

the floor, incapacitated. He felt strong arms wrap around him and pull
him from the man’s body. Minsheng struggled, but the arms were

“Calm yourself, little one,” Christian whispered in his ear as he

pulled Minsheng from the room. He wanted to knock the vampire on
his ass for interfering. “We can wrestle naked later.” Christian spun
Minsheng around, his eyes glowing red. “Let me handle this.”

“No. He tried to—”
“Hush. I will handle this.” Christian’s eyes brooked no argument.

Minsheng was seething, but he stayed in the hallway. He watched
Christian pick the guy up and speak to him softly.

He walked away, unable to stand there without going back into

the room and taking the man down again. He stomped up the stairs
and headed for the booth. Christo and Isla were standing by Yasuko,
keeping him safe.

“You cannot go into those back rooms, Yasuko. It isn’t safe for


“I know. Christo explained to me what they are used for and why

I should not wander back there.”

Minsheng nodded his thanks to the vampire as he took a seat,

trying his best to calm down. Christian joined them a moment later,
sliding in.

“Everything okay?” Christo asked as he took a seat.
“It is now. I gave him one of the young ones who was eager to

play and explained to him that Yasuko and Minsheng were off-limits
to everyone.”

“You don’t have to tell him about me. I can handle myself. And

why would you try to appease him after what he did?” Minsheng bit

“There are rules, little one. He was unaware of my warning to stay

away from you two. You can’t blame him. Yasuko had agreed.”

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Christian looked down at Yasuko and frowned. “No back rooms, little

Minsheng growled.
“You were quite impressive, Minsheng. Where did you learn how

to fight?” Christian asked as he moved over an inch, getting closer to

Minsheng noticed Christo and Isla’s ears perk up. He looked

down at his hands as he shrugged. “Boarding school.”

“It seems there is more to you than meets the eye.” Christian

chuckled. “I was serious about later, though.”

Visions of Minsheng taking the prince down and fucking him into

a coma ran through his head. The idea was making his cock grow
hard again. He shifted in his seat, not giving the guy an answer. It was
ironic how he was being given the opportunity on a silver platter and
he was too big a wuss to take what was being offered to him.

As bad as he wanted Christian, and he stopped denying that he

did, he couldn’t bring himself to accept the invitation. The vampire’s
hand landed on Minsheng’s shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze as
he told his men about how swiftly and efficiently Minsheng had taken
that man down.

Was it reassurance? Minsheng was getting a damn headache

trying to figure it out. His head snapped around when Yasuko grabbed
his hand, pulling him from the booth. “I want to dance.”

Crap. He didn’t know the first thing about dancing. Say hello to

two left feet. “I…” He wasn’t sure what he was going to say to get out
of this. Making a fool of himself on the dance floor wasn’t on his
agenda tonight.

“It’s easy. I’ll show you,” Christian whispered to him as he joined

them and then guided the two downstairs. He could feel his body
breaking out in a sweat as Yasuko let go of his hand and began to
dance like he was born on a dance floor.

Christian pulled Minsheng’s back to his chest, using his strong

thighs, making Minsheng’s move as they butted up against his. The

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Christian’s Menace


vampire circled his hands around Minsheng’s wrists, bringing his
arms up to lock around the vampire’s neck.

The prince’s hands roamed over Minsheng’s body as his own

began to move to the music. His eyes darted around, wanting to know
how big a fool he was making of himself. No one paid attention to
them, everyone lost in their own self-expression.

Minsheng began to loosen up, his body’s rhythm following

Christian’s. Yasuko moved in front of him, sandwiching him in.
Minsheng was dying to kiss Yasuko. He looked so good dancing in
front of him. He looked edible.

He felt his resolve to never touch Yasuko start to crumble as his

friend’s hand splayed across his chest. Minsheng tried to lower his
arms, tried to stop Yasuko, but Christian locked his arms in place.

He loves you, Minsheng. He wants to be with you. Show him that

love between two people doesn’t have to hurt.

“But—” Minsheng cut his own words off, unsure how to tell

Christian his fears.

I can hear you. Talk to me.
They used him. I won’t be like them. I won’t use him for sex. He

deserves to be loved, to be cherished. I refuse to hurt him.

You are hurting him by rejecting him. He craves your touch.
Minsheng looked into Yasuko’s eyes. The love pouring off of

them took his breath away. Fear gripped his heart like an ice-cold fist.
What if he hurt him? What if making love to Yasuko took him back to
the depravity of four years ago? Minsheng couldn’t bear the thought
of hurting his friend in such a way.

“Give him a chance,” Christian whispered as Yasuko’s fingers

explored Minsheng’s body.

“I’ll–I’ll think about it.”
Christian nodded as they danced to the music.

* * * *

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Christo stood there rubbing his chin as he stared at Jersey and

Buck. What the hell had Isla been thinking? These were two of the
biggest fucking vampires he’d ever laid eyes on. It would take a crane
to subdue them if they got out of hand.

The only person who would be able to handle these two would be

Christian. Damn it. Why did he always let Isla talk him into doing
stupid shit?

His best friend needed his head examined.
“Well?” Isla asked as Christo stared at the men who were the size

of the fucking Chrysler Building.

“How did they get so damn big?” Christo leaned over and asked

as he eyed the two.

“Eating whole cows? How the hell should I know? They can do

the job, that’s all that matters.”

Christo sure hoped so. The two small princes were counting on

these two massive vampires. Yasuko being collared proved that. “You
have one job only,” he said to the two men lounging on the black
leather sofa in Christian’s office.

“And that is?” Jersey asked, his voice booming off the walls.
Holy hell. Christo wasn’t a pussy, but these two men made him

want to run and make sure his will was in order. They were huge.

“Guard the prince’s mates.”
“Mates?” Buck quirked a brow at Christo.
“Yes, plural. Two. He has found his mates, and the men need to

be guarded when not with the prince.”

“Men?” Jersey asked.
Great. Just fucking great.

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Chapter Five

Christian appeared in Minsheng’s room this time. He knew the

only way to unite all three was to tackle each man individually. When
Minsheng whimpered, Christian walked over to his bed. He brushed
his hand over the short hair as Minsheng’s face twisted in agony in his

Christian slid into the bed and stretched out beside him, pulling

his little one into his arms. The man was so fierce, so brave, that it
broke his heart to see him like this. He wished Minsheng would allow
him to take the pain away.

The man seemed too proud to ask for help, which was a shame.

Christian wanted desperately to help him with his demons. These two
men had no clue how they affected Christian. His heart actually hurt
to be away from them.

The bond was forming. He had tasted them both. The only thing

left now was to consummate their mating and then nothing would
ever take them from him. He would know what they were feeling,
thinking, hoping, and dreaming. Now that he had tasted them, he
could track them anywhere on the planet.

Just by tasting their blood, they could communicate with him

now, both ways, instead of Christian being the only one with the

Minsheng seemed to settle into a peaceful sleep as he slumped

into Christian’s chest. His mate’s facial features relaxed, making him
the gorgeous man Christian was falling in love with.

“Why are you here?”

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Christian had thought his mate was asleep, apparently not. “To see

you.” He turned slightly, allowing Minsheng to fall deeper into the
groove of his body. Christian couldn’t deny how good it felt to have
his feisty mate in his arms.

Yasuko was like holding a gentle lamb, but Minsheng was like

holding a porcupine, waiting for his prickles to stab him. But it did
feel good.

“We would have seen each other at the club,” Minsheng said as

his back scooted closer to Christian’s chest. He gloried in the fact that
Minsheng wanted to be held as much as Christian wanted to hold him.
He traced the shell of Minsheng’s ear, loving the way the soft skin felt
underneath his finger.

“So you want to come back?”
Minsheng shrugged but remained silent. He should have known

his fierce mate wouldn’t want to talk about feelings. It wasn’t high on
Christian’s list either, but they needed to find common ground.

“I’d like you to come back,” Christian said as he skimmed a hand

down Minsheng’s side. He could feel Minsheng tense at the touch. “I
won’t do anything you don’t want to do. Just say the word and I

When Minsheng didn’t say anything, Christian rolled to his back,

his clothes disappearing into thin air. “Fuck me, Minsheng.”

His mate’s head whipped around, and his eyes held a questioning

look as they dropped from his face to his cock. Christian could see the
want and longing in his mate’s eyes. Minsheng turned over, his hands
tightly fisted as he stared at Christian’s naked form.

His pink tongue slid out, running along his lower lip as his eyes

devoured Christian’s body. He waited patiently, watching Minsheng
to see what he was going to do.

His mate needed a jump-start. Christian reached down and palmed

his erection, giving it slow and measured strokes. He rolled to his
hands and knees, his hair falling in the way, blocking out his view of
his mate.

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Minsheng reached a hesitant hand up, brushing Christian’s hair

out of the way. His eyes locked with Christian’s as the prince reached
a hand behind him and began to stretch his own hole.

Minsheng moved slowly, tentatively, as he crawled down the bed

to watch what Christian was doing. He glanced back up at Christian,
then back down at his backside. “You’ll let me?” he asked in a
whispered and astonished voice.

“Only if it is what you really want.”
Minsheng growled, yanking his pajama bottoms off and settling

between Christian’s legs. He could see the fire in Minsheng’s eyes as
he lined his cock up and plunged deep and hard. Christian’s breath
caught. It had been so long since he had a rough lover. And he loved

“Punish me,” he commanded as Minsheng dug his fingers into

Christian’s hips, his nails biting into flesh. Christian moaned as the
stinging flesh made his cock throb harder. Minsheng thrust deeper,
small growls escaping his lips.

Christian was shocked when Minsheng leaned forward and bit his

back. “Harder,” he demanded as Minsheng pounded his flesh.

His fangs grew longer as his eyes glowed red. He wanted to bite

something, anything right about now. Christian grabbed the
headboard, curling his fingers around it as the wood splintered in his

He tore it away, digging into the drywall as Minsheng stiffened

and then shouted behind him. Christian was on the very edge, his own
orgasm ready to explode. He felt Minsheng reach under him and grab
his rock solid cock and begin to jerk it with force.

Minsheng slammed his pelvis into Christian’s ass a few more

times before Christian roared, his head snapping from side to side as
his release spilt onto the covers. He lost focus, needing to feed as he
felt a hand rubbing up and down his back.

Christian flipped over, trapping Minsheng below him as he sniffed

at the appetizing scent. He whimpered as he licked along the spicy

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flesh, wanting horribly to taste it. Something in his mind told him he
wasn’t allowed to attack his prey.

Christian continued to lick as the fog began to dissipate. He knew

that scent. It was very familiar to him. Christian kissed the neck,
scraping his fang along the flesh.

“Bite me.”
His mate.
Christian leaned back and looked down at his little one. Minsheng

was staring at him with reserved eyes. “If you need it, take it.”

He was amazed that his soldier would offer. Minsheng had been

prickly from the start. “You gave to me freely. I shall repay the

Christian sank his teeth in, drinking from his mate until the need

passed. He sealed the wound, kissing his way up Minsheng’s neck.
“Thank you, little one.”

“I told you not to call me that.” Minsheng growled.
“So strong, so proud.” Christian smiled as his tongue lapped at

Minsheng’s ear. When he felt Minsheng tense in his arms, Christian
added, “It was perfect, Minsheng.”

His mate’s body relaxed. He knew his mate wasn’t out to hurt

him. The soldier was out to take back some of the control he had lost.
The way Minsheng fucked, he’d let him anytime the need arose.

He was a beast.
Christian continued to bathe Minsheng with his tongue. His skin

was so spicy, so intoxicating. He nipped his neck before settling his
body next to Minsheng’s.

“Will I be one of you now?” Minsheng asked as Christian

wrapped an arm around him.

“Do you want to be?”
“Do not answer a question with a question, Christian.”
The prince closed his eyes. The sound of his name on his mate’s

lips was pure magic. “No, you will not.”

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Minsheng settled next to him, his body relaxing as his breathing

became steady. “Did I hurt you?” Minsheng asked quietly.

The care and concern his mate was showing made Christian’s

heart tightened in his chest. “No.”

“Good.” Minsheng nodded as he drifted off to sleep.
Christian lay there for a long while, keeping Minsheng’s demons

at bay. As long as he was near the fierce man, he would make sure
Minsheng did not dream of years past.

* * * *

Christo scanned the club, watching anyone and everyone. The

little princes were going to be here tonight, and he didn’t want any
trouble. He was still steaming over the collaring incident.

Yasuko didn’t know any better, but that Dom had. Yasuko didn’t

behave in a sub way, he was just excited to have something everyone
else was wearing. The fucker better be lucky he was still walking

“Are they here yet?” Isla asked as he joined him by the bar.
“Not yet. Where are Jersey and Buck?”
“Scouting the place and waiting on their charges,” Isla said as

Winston, the bartender, slid Isla a glass of crimson. That was the
beauty of this club. The prince had set it up to where you could either
drink fresh from somebody’s vein or from a glass. The blood was kept
in units in the fridge, easily heated.

This was good for some vampires who were still a little shaky

about talking someone to the back rooms, like Shelby. The small
vampire was like a puppy yapping at everyone’s feet, but afraid to
invite any human to the back room to feed.

The prince always left everyone with choices.
“Who’s driving the prince tonight?” He hated that Christian

changed drivers from time to time. Isla should be his only choice. He

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trusted everyone in the coven, to a point. The only vampires he had
one hundred percent faith in were himself and Isla.

“Harley,” Isla answered as he drank his crimson.
Christo nodded as he watched a couple arguing on the dance floor.

Before he could get up to see what the hell was going on, Jersey was
there, growling at both of them to take their personal shit outside.

The couple nodded quickly and ran for the door. He smiled as

Jersey rolled his shoulders and then went back to guarding the place.

Isla clucked his tongue as he leaned back against the bar. “I told

you they would work out.”

“It’s their first night. I’d rather play the wait-and-see game before

I start bragging about what a fine choice you made. And
remember”—Christo turned and eyed Isla and then pulled the side of
his mouth back in a smile—“they were your choice.”

“You won’t be saying that when Christian goes all ‘I want to

thank whoever hired these two.’ Mark my words,” Isla said smugly as
he sipped from his glass.

“We’ll see. Don’t get fucking cocky yet.”
They straightened when the prince walked in with the little

princes by his side. Yasuko had the usual excitement in his eyes as he
ran toward the dance floor, Jersey immediately closing in on him.
Christo flinched when Christian was in the vampire’s face in under a

“You better hopes he approves,” Christo said as he made his way

through the crowd and approached the two. Isla was glued to his side
as they stopped right next to the prince.

“Is this your choice, Christo?” Christian turned to face him.
Damn it. Talk about being put on the spot. Fucking Isla. “Yes,

prince. He is Jersey, here to protect Yasuko.”

“And Minsheng?”
Christo wondered where in the hell Buck was. He didn’t have to

wonder long. “Buck.” He nodded at Minsheng, a large vampire
standing behind the little prince.

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“These are my mates. I don’t think I have to say anything more.”

Christian nodded at Jersey and then at Buck. They gave a slight bow
to Christian before the prince and Minsheng moved to the second

“Told you it would work out.” Isla chuckled. “Un-wad your

panties. They’re fine.”

Christo rolled his eyes. This was going to be a long night. He

watched the little prince who had followed Christian upstairs. He still
seemed prickly, but there was something different about him. He was
more relaxed around the prince tonight. The man didn’t seem so

Whatever it was, he hoped it continued. He really liked the two

short men.

* * * *

Minsheng followed Christian upstairs. He wondered what would

happen now that they had had sex. Would the prince still treat him as
a fragile male? That was fine for Yasuko. He needed coddling and
care. Minsheng did not.

He couldn’t deny that it had felt good to take back some power, to

feel as though he were in control for once. It was like a drug to him
now. He wanted more. The pack that he lived with treated him kindly,
but not like the man that he was.

Of course, pretending to be naïve didn’t help. But none of them

saw past that, only Christian had. He wouldn’t admit it to the prince,
but he held respect for the man for seeing past his façade to the man
he truly was.

“Would you care for anything to drink?” the bartender asked as

they took a seat.

“Crimson,” Christian stated and then looked over at Minsheng.
“Ice water.”

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Once the bartender left, Minsheng leaned toward the prince and

asked in a low voice, “What is this crimson you order?”

Christian smiled as he looked at him. “Blood.”
Minsheng shivered at the thought of drinking blood from a glass,

drinking blood period. The thought made him grimace.

“It is common for my kind.” Christian chuckled when he saw the

look on Minsheng’s face.

“If you say so.” He thought of the time they shared together in his

bedroom. “But didn’t you just drink from me?” Minsheng had to
admit, the experience had rocked his world. He wouldn’t mind
donating again.

“And what an aphrodisiac that was. But I would never take from

you what I truly need. I am older than anyone here and require more
than just a once-a-week feeding. The older a vampire becomes, the
more he needs. It’s the same when you are a young one.”

“It’s confusing,” Minsheng admitted.
Christian smiled at him. “You’ll understand once you have been

around the coven for a while.”

Christo and Isla scooted into the booth. Minsheng watched them

both. He wasn’t sure how to take them yet. Would they treat him with
kid gloves like the wolves did?

“We got word that Maurice is causing trouble,” Christo said as he

sat his glass down. From the looks of it, he, too, was drinking the
crimson stuff.

“Ah, I was wondering when Gabby’s father would show his true

colors. He’s still pissed that I know who Gabby is now. He fears I will
retaliate for the deception.”

“I was told he is working with the rogue.”
Minsheng was amazed that they were talking coven business in

front of him. Zeus never allowed that. He and Yasuko were always
dismissed when a meeting was called in his office. He went from
amazement to shock when Christian included him in on what they
were discussing.

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Christian’s Menace


“I have children, Minsheng. Gabby is my son. He lives with the

Timber wolves and is mated to one of them. The man who raised him,
who he thought was his father, wasn’t. This man, Maurice, killed
Gabby’s mother when he was in his last gestational period to keep the
news that Gabby was my son from Gabby himself. Maurice now fears
that I will retaliate for the heinous way he treated my son.”

Minsheng looked from Isla to Christo and then to Christian.

“What is he doing now?”

“From what information I have gathered, he is trying to build his

coven to a large number. We aren’t sure why. He’s working with the
rogues for some reason. My source didn’t have any answers for that.”

Minsheng thought about it for a moment. “Send in a mole.

Someone that can get close to Maurice and can gather the information
you really need. It may take some time for him to trust the mole, but if
you have time, it could work.”

The three stared at him for a moment. Minsheng wasn’t sure what

to think. It sounded plausible to him. It could work if the right person
was sent in.

“Like an undercover vampire?” Christo asked.
“Yeah, why not?”
“What happened to your broken English?” Isla asked.
Minsheng ignored him. It felt good not only to be able to sit in on

a meeting, but to be a part of it. He like the feeling of having his voice

“I like it,” Christian said as he looked from Minsheng to Christo.

“Do you have anyone in mind?”

“We could send Emilio. He’s very good at deception,” Christo


“I think he would be a good choice as well.” Christian picked his

glass up and took a sip of the crimson. “Bring him over here and fill
him in. I want him to leave tonight.”

For the first time in his life, Minsheng felt like he was going to

burst with pride. He grew up in a wealthy family, but was always

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ignored. His parents shipped him off to boarding school where he
learned fighting and had the best education, but it wasn’t fulfilling to

He could have gone home once rescued from his kidnappers, but

what did he have to go home to? His parents only held the title. They
never truly acted like parents should. He had no support system there.
Besides, Yasuko needed him.

The pack had treated him as one of the mates. They never

included him in on important decisions though, not even when it
concerned him. Here with Christian, here he had some say, even when
it didn’t concern him. Minsheng loved this feeling.

“Very smart thinking.” Christian winked at him as Christo and

Isla left the table. “I knew you were intelligent.”

For the first time in many years, Minsheng smiled. Maybe this

would work out after all. He glanced over the rail to see Yasuko
talking to another vampire. “Is he safe?”

“Yes,” Christian answered. “That’s Shelby. He’s harmless and

very friendly. Those two should get along great. “

“And who is that large man watching Yasuko?”
“Jersey. He’s what you would call Yasuko’s bodyguard.”
Minsheng turned to Christian, eyeing him for a moment. “We are

your mates, aren’t we?”

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Christian’s Menace


Chapter Six

Yasuko danced with Shelby. He was having the time of his life.

There was no one there to tell him he couldn’t do something. And the
strange thing was, even Minsheng seemed more relaxed when they
were here.

He glanced up at the booth, watching Minsheng and Christian

talk. Yasuko wondered if he could talk to Christian the same way the
prince had spoken with him. Watch me.

He was surprised when Christian’s head turned and his eyes

locked onto Yasuko. Show me. A smile formed on Christian’s face.

Yasuko had been watching the way the other people danced. He

began to swivel his hips as his body came alive. His hands skimmed
through his hair, lifting it and then letting it fall slowly as he tried his
best to dance seductively for the prince.

Why couldn’t he and Minsheng be like the wolves? Yasuko was

envious that the pack found their mates. Did he have two? If he did,
he prayed it was Christian and Minsheng. It wouldn’t be fair if he
couldn’t have them both.

Dance for me, little doe.
Yasuko’s lips parted as his eyelids closed until only a slit in them

remained. I’m dancing for you. He could feel the pulse of the music
vibrating in him, through him. It was as if the music was inside of
him, making his body move in a rhythm meant only for the two men
watching him from the second level.

And Minsheng was watching. His eyes were burning with lust.

Yasuko wondered if Minsheng would ever do anything about the
desire he felt for him.

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“I’ve never danced with a prince before,” Shelby said as he

danced around Yasuko. “It makes me feel special.”

Yasuko tore his eyes away from the men above him to the man

next to him. “What are you talking about?”

“You, silly. You’re a prince.”
Yasuko stopped dancing and looked at the guy. He liked Shelby.

The man was fun to be around, but it seemed he was crazy as well.
“I’m no prince.”

Shelby stopped dancing as well and cocked his head. “But Prince

Christian announced to everyone that you were his mate and we
weren’t allowed to drink from you.”

Yasuko whipped his head up to the two men sitting up on the

second floor. Could it be true? Were Christian and Minsheng his
mates? Why wouldn’t they tell him this?

“You didn’t know?” Shelby asked quietly from beside him. “Oh

hell. I’m in big trouble now.”

Yasuko was vaguely aware of Shelby running off. He ignored the

departure as he stared up at the two men. Christian’s head slowly
turned toward him, and his eyes glowed with enjoyment as he stared
down at Yasuko.

Is it true?
Is what true, little doe?
Am I your mate?
Come up here, Yasuko. We need to talk.
He should feel happy. Isn’t that what he had just wished for? A

thought struck him and he began to panic. What if he was the only
one? What if Minsheng wasn’t a mate and Christian was just stringing
him along? That would devastate his friend. Minsheng had been
through enough already.

Yasuko couldn’t bear the thought of Minsheng not being a part of

this. Yasuko turned at the last second. Instead of going up the stairs,
he took off toward the back rooms. He couldn’t face his friend if the
prince told him he was his mate and Minsheng wasn’t.

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He quickly opened a door and then ran inside one of the rooms.

He slammed the door shut and leaned back. When he looked around
him, Yasuko gulped. His mind was so jumbled that he had forgotten
that he wasn’t supposed to come back here.

A man was hanging in the middle of the room with a black mask

on his head…and totally naked. Yasuko wasn’t sure what was going
on, but he didn’t want to stick around to find out either.

He snatched the handle, running from the room and into a brick


“Whoa, little prince. What’s going on?”
It was Jersey. Christian had told him that this very muscular

vampire was going to keep an eye on him so he could enjoy himself
without anyone bothering him. “Nothing.”

“I don’t think you should be back here. Why don’t we go back up

front?” Jersey reached out behind Yasuko and apologized to the men
in the room before closing the door.

Yasuko hadn’t noticed that there was more than one man in there.

He should have remembered from the last time when someone tried to
own him.

“What’s going on?”
Yasuko looked over his shoulder to see the prince heading his

way, Minsheng right at his side. They both looked grim as they
approached. Why did Minsheng look different? As though he was in

“He just lost his way, no harm, prince,” Jersey reassured


Yasuko closed his eyes when he heard Minsheng’s voice. Would

he have to give his friend up? It hurt his heart to think that he would.
They had been very close friends since coming to Zeus’s. He didn’t
want to lose his friend. He had fallen in love with the man and
couldn’t imagine a day without him.

Is Minsheng my mate also?

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There was a faint glint of humor in Christian’s eyes when he

looked at Yasuko. “Is that what you are worried about?”

He nodded, looking desperately from Christian to Minsheng.
“He is.”
Yasuko’s heart burst with joy at the news. He wasn’t going to

have to give Minsheng up. He was slammed with visions of all three
of them making love together and grew instantly hard as he stood
there. The thought of being with both of them at the same time
thrilled him to death, and scared the hell out of him as well.

Minsheng stepped forward and took Yasuko’s hand, walking him

back up front and into the crowd. “I thought we discussed you not
going back there.”

Yasuko wasn’t sure how to answer Minsheng. It was true. He had

been warned. But when he thought he would have to give his friend
up, he was devastated and wasn’t thinking. “I’m sorry, Minsheng.”

Minsheng stopped and spun around, cupping Yasuko’s face. “I

don’t want anything to happen to you. If one of those men had hurt
you…” Minsheng’s eyes closed briefly before he opened them and
concentrated on Yasuko. His eyes were compelling and magnetic.
Yasuko couldn’t look away. “Please do not go back there again.”

“I won’t,” Yasuko promised as they stared at one another. His

heart beat out of his chest. He wanted Minsheng to close the distance
and kiss him so badly that his body hummed with pent-up excitement.
His mouth twitched, wanting desperately for Minsheng to close the

When Minsheng started to back away, Yasuko wanted to cry out

in frustration. This was it. He was tired of waiting. Yasuko grabbed
Minsheng by the collar of his shirt and yanked him forward,
devouring his mouth like a starved man.

Minsheng stood stiff for a moment and then he latched onto

Yasuko, his fingers burying into his hair. Yasuko gave himself freely
to the passion of the kiss. Minsheng’s body rocked into his, and he
could feel his friend’s erection.

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Yasuko opened wide, sucking Minsheng’s tongue in. His fingers

released Minsheng’s shirt as he wrapped his arms around Minsheng’s

He whimpered into Minsheng’s mouth, praying his friend didn’t

pull away. Yasuko had dreamt of this moment. So many nights he had
lay in his bed and imagined Minsheng slipping in and taking him.

“Make love to me,” Yasuko begged into Minsheng’s open mouth.

“Please,” he cried.

Yasuko gasped when the club disappeared and a bedroom

surrounded them. The room was dark, lit only by blood red candles.
There was a large four-poster bed in the center with black satin sheets.

Minsheng walked him backwards until his knees hit the bed.


Minsheng shook his head. “Doesn’t matter.”
“Don’t let me go. Please. Show me how much you care for me,”

Yasuko said as he laid back onto the bed, shoving his jeans down his
legs and toeing his shoes off, then kicking his jeans the rest of the way

“I can’t use you like those men did.” Minsheng stood above him,

his eyes pleading with Yasuko. “I won’t do that to you.”

“Be gentle. That’s all I need from you.” Yasuko reached up and

grabbed Minsheng with desperate fingers, pulling the strong man on
top of him. “I want you.” He ground his exposed cock into Minsheng.

“Yasuko,” Minsheng whispered as he cupped Yasuko’s face, his

eyes searching Yasuko’s.

He wasn’t taking any chances that Minsheng would change his

mind. Yasuko reclaimed Minsheng’s lips, feeling the velvety softness
as Minsheng gave him slow and drugging kisses.

Yasuko reached between them and palmed Minsheng’s cock in his

hands, rubbing his hand up and down the hardened shaft.

Minsheng groaned as his hips rocked into Yasuko’s hand. “You

are so beautiful, Yasuko.”

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“Then show me,” he begged. His heart clenched when Minsheng

pulled away. Yasuko feared that Minsheng would refuse. His throat
went dry when Minsheng started to undress. He quickly pulled his
shirt over his head, tossing it aside as his eyes locked onto what
Minsheng was doing.

When he pulled his pants down, Yasuko groaned. His cock was

perfect. Yasuko leapt forward, opening his mouth, and wrapped his
lips around the dripping head. The taste of Minsheng burst in his
mouth as he sucked at the pre-cum leaking from the slit.

“Yasuko,” Minsheng shouted as his hands clamped onto Yasuko’s

head. He tried to pull away, but Yasuko wasn’t going to allow that.
He’d waited too long for this moment to have Minsheng pull away.

He heard a growl and then Minsheng’s hips snapped back,

yanking his cock from between Yasuko’s lips. Minsheng pulled
Yasuko to the middle of the bed and threw his legs back, diving in to
taste his hole.

“Minsheng,” he cried out as a maelstrom of sensations coursed

through him. “Yes,” he mewled when he felt a finger slip inside of
him. Yasuko had to be dreaming. This was a fantasy come true.

Minsheng continued to bathe his ass with his tongue as he inserted

another finger. Yasuko was losing his mind. He grabbed his cock, his
hand snapping as he tried to come. The feeling breathing through him
was pure love.

He loved Minsheng and wanted his friend to bring him back to

life. Yasuko believed Minsheng could erase his last experience and
save him. That was what Minsheng was about to do for him. Save him
from the last sexual experience he unwillingly participated in.

Yasuko impaled himself as Minsheng inserted a third finger. He

wanted his soon-to-be lover inside of him desperately. “Please.”

Minsheng nipped at his inner thighs, his tongue trailing behind the

sting. Minsheng rose, staring down at Yasuko with so much love in
his eyes. “Are you sure?”

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“Yes, please.” He grabbed at Minsheng, hitching his hips up, his

body begging to be filled. His eyes closed as Minsheng slowly
entered him. Yasuko wanted to cry because it felt so good, so right.

Minsheng blanketed his body over Yasuko, his hands ghosting

over Yasuko as he stilled his hips. Yasuko breathed through the sting,
waiting for his body to adjust to the invasion. “I love you, Minsheng,”
he whispered as he opened his eyes. “I’ve loved you forever.”

Minsheng closed his eyes this time. Yasuko could feel a shudder

rack Minsheng’s body. “I love you so much, Yasuko, that it hurts

“Love me.”
Minsheng took possession of his lips as his hips began a slow,

rocking, rhythmic motion. Yasuko arched his back, bringing his lower
half up so Minsheng could go deeper. Yasuko lifted his legs and
wrapped then around Minsheng, his hands running over Minsheng’s

He was where he had dreamt to be. In Minsheng’s arms as his

friend made sweet love to him. Gone was the last cruel act he had
experienced, replaced by the tender touch of the man he loved.

Minsheng’s hand slid down his side with a featherlight touch.

Yasuko’s head fell back as Minsheng began to kiss him down his
neck. “You taste so good, Yasuko.” He hips jerked when Minsheng
began to suck on his Adam’s apple.

Yasuko stared up into mystified eyes as Minsheng rose up onto

his hands and began to thrust just a little harder. Yasuko cried out as
his body writhed under Minsheng. “That’s it, Yasuko, enjoy this.
Take pleasure in it.”

Yasuko felt raw and exposed, lying under Minsheng and feeling

so loved. He was no virgin when he was kidnapped, but none of his
experiences combined added up to what Minsheng was doing to his
heart and body right at this moment.

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Minsheng’s hands slid under Yasuko’s ass, lifting him higher as

he plunged deeper. Yasuko dug his fingers into the satin sheets as he
moaned. He grabbed his cock, stroking it to Minsheng’s rhythm.

“Come for me, Yasuko.”
He body went rigid as ropes of pearly white cum shot out of his

cock. Yasuko cried out Minsheng’s name as his body exploded.

“That’s it, Yasuko.” Minsheng shouted as he filled Yasuko with

his hot seed. His lover grabbed Yasuko, pulling him into his embrace.
“I am not a monster.”

“No.” Yasuko ran his hands over Minsheng’s back. “You are my


* * * *

Christian smiled from the corner of the bedroom. They had finally

joined together. He knew it was a long time coming for the two. The
three were slowly coming together.

He hadn’t taken Yasuko the night he visited him because he

wanted Minsheng to be with him first. They needed to bond. He knew

Christian faded from the room and reappeared outside his

doorway. Jersey and Buck were standing on either side of the door.
“No one gets in there, and the little princes are not to be disturbed.”
The two guards bowed, looking straight ahead.

Christian was pleased with Christo’s choice of guards, although

he knew it was Isla’s suggestion. The two men behind the door
needed time to enjoy the afterglow of sex, time to cuddle, and time to
strengthen their bond.

Christian returned to the club, knowing his mates would be

undisturbed and safe. He spotted his second and third over by the bar.
He was relieved to see that no one approached him, offering
themselves to him.

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His entire coven knew he was off-limits now. They weren’t happy

about it, but pleased that he had found his mates.

“I dispatched Emilio,” Christo said as he sipped at his drink. “I

hope this works.”

“It will. My mate is very intelligent.”
“That he is,” Isla agreed. “Have you thought of making him your


Christian had. This was something he wasn’t going to share with

his men right now though. To be made an equal meant that his men
would defer to Minsheng in Christian’s absence. They would include
him in all meetings and listen to any command Minsheng gave. He
would truly become Christian’s equal.

His mate was fierce, intelligent, and capable of making on-the-

spot decisions. Fate had done well when pairing the two. And Yasuko
was their reward from fate, someone to balance the two Alpha males.

His little doe gave what they lacked, and in return they gave

Yasuko their protection and fierce loyalty in return.

“I have thought about it,” Christian said as he accepted the glass

of crimson from Winston.

“Shelby is trying to play it off, but he’s been searching for

Yasuko.” Isla chuckled. “I think your mate has a fan.”

Christian softly laughed. “Those two are perfect for each other as

friends. Maybe it will bring Shelby out of his shell.”

“One could only hope.” Isla smiled.
Christian hoped Shelby found a mate with a lot of patience. The

young one was a handful. Some of his coven members were mated,
but most weren’t. It was hard to find one’s other half when they lived
in the darkness and the rest of the world lived in the light.

“Is Yasuko going to be back tonight?” Isla asked.
“Probably not, why?”
His third grinned as he pulled out a handful of glow-in-the-dark

necklaces in an assortment of colors. “I thought he would like these.
Some guy was selling them outside the club.”

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“Keep them for him. He’ll be back tomorrow night.” Christian

planned on talking to them, moving them into his home by the week’s
end. It killed him to be separated from them, and he was less able to
protect them in the daylight hours.

Although he was the original vampire, the oldest, the sun still

weakened him. It would be better if he had his mates under his roof.
They were in his bed right now, and he planned on letting them sleep
there for as long as they needed tonight.

“What the hell is Nija doing?” Christo jerked his head toward the

vampire. It seemed he was in a heated debate with the Dom who had
unsuccessfully collared Yasuko.

The three watched as Nija bared his fangs at the human. The

vampire could show his true form in front of the humans. Harley
guarded the only exit, scrubbing minds as the humans exited. They
would remember their night at the club, but they wouldn’t remember
that it was vampire owned and operated.

“Oh shit.” Isla and Christo took off across the room as one

grabbed Nija and the other grabbed the human. Christian sighed as he
joined them.

“What is going on here?”
Nija hissed at the human. “He wants his sub back. He says he’s

going to bring trouble here if he doesn’t get him back.”

“And who is your sub?” Christian questioned.
Nija scowled as he snapped his fangs at the human. “Yasuko.”
Christian’s anger shot through the roof. He had barely caught his

hand from swiping out and killing the human. He clamped his hand
onto the human’s head and scrubbed all memories of Yasuko and his
club from the man’s memory. “Get him the fuck out of here.”

Nija was released as he grabbed the human and hauled him to the

door. Christian didn’t care what Nija did with him once outside the
walls. No one laid claim to what was his.

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He quickly vanished from the club and materialized in his

bedroom, checking on his mates. Both were fast asleep in each other’s

* * * *

Nija tossed the dumbass human on the side of the club. “Don’t

bring your ass back here.”

The man stumbled around as he made his way down the alley. He

would never understand some people’s stupidity. The prince of
vampires tells him to back off and the man was suicidal enough to
come back? Even he made the mistake of approaching Yasuko. The
man was utterly breathtaking…but off-limits as he quickly learned.

Okay, so the human’s brain was scrubbed from that night, but

still. His head snapped around when he heard noises coming from
behind the dumpster. They had problems with humans coming back
here and doing drugs.

None of them stood for it. This may be a feeding club, but they

made sure their donors were safe. Just like they made sure all subs
that played here were safe as well.

Nija walked along, keeping silent as he investigated the noise. If it

was a drug user, he would make them go somewhere else. He didn’t
want to harm them, or take whatever they were using away. It wasn’t
his business if they wanted to kill themselves with street drugs.

It was his business to keep the surrounding area of the club safe. It

was the entire coven’s job. If people were afraid to come around, then
their food would become scarce.

It was in their best interest to make sure the humans left as they

came, just a little scrubbed as they left.

Nija loved his coven and would do whatever it took to protect

them along with the prince, and now the little princes.

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His anger boiled over when he got close enough to see that it was

rogues and not a user. He would have preferred a junky to deal with.
There were two of them with a male limp in their arms.

“Drop him,” Nija commanded.
“Make us.” One of them laughed and began to approach him.

They had big-ass balls to be feeding so close to the prince. He swung
his arm out at the first one dumb enough to walk his way.

Rogues were truly stupid. They worked independent of a coven

and had no qualms about killing their donors. They disgusted Nija.

The vampire dropped, grabbing his throat as blood spewed from

his jugular. He was bleeding out too fast for it to be replaced.

Nija turned his attention to the one holding the human. “Let him


“Come get him,” the vampire taunted.
Nija snap-grabbed the fucker, choking the shit out of the other

vampire. “I said to let him go.”

The limp body dropped as Nija killed the second one. He was

going to have to get Harley or one of other vampires to take care of
these two.

He knelt down and felt a strong pulse beating in the human’s

neck. Nija checked the wound the vampires had so cruelly inflicted
and saw that they had only just begun. The man hadn’t even lost his
coloring yet.

Nija leaned forward and licked the wound closed, staying with the

man until he gained consciousness.

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Chapter Seven

Minsheng woke with a start. He wasn’t used to waking in

someone else’s bed. And he was definitely not used to feeling
someone in his arms.

He cracked his eyes open to see Yasuko fast asleep, curled into

him. Minsheng never thought he would see this day. He couldn’t say
he wasn’t happy about it, because he was ecstatic. Minsheng just
worried that Yasuko would look at him differently now.

Minsheng just wanted to hold Yasuko in his arms for as long as he

could. Like forever. He was the sweetest lover Minsheng had ever
taken to bed. He held his breath when Yasuko finally opened his eyes.

They were shining with pleasure. “Good morning.”
Minsheng let out his breath as he ran his hands over Yasuko’s

silky hair, feeling his heart racing out of control at the ethereal sight.

Yasuko smiled and stretched, and then slid out of bed. Minsheng

watched his naked form walk to the bathroom. He’d done it. He’d
finally had Yasuko. He wanted to laugh, shout, and air-pump his arm
at the glory of it.

Yasuko wasn’t upset that it had happened as Minsheng had feared

for so long.

“Do you require breakfast?”
Minsheng looked over his shoulder to see Christian standing in

the shadows. He remembered two nights ago and how he had taken
Christian roughly. Guilt began to creep into his conscience at the way
he had treated the prince.

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“Don’t. I enjoyed every minute of it,” Christian assured him as he

crossed the room. Minsheng couldn’t help but feel guilty. After the
way he was treated those many years ago, how could he not?

“I’ll have breakfast brought in for you two.” Christian leaned

down and took Minsheng’s lips in a sultry kiss before disappearing
right before Minsheng’s eyes. Okay, this paranormal stuff was bizarre
as hell to him. Thank goodness he was used to it.

Minsheng’s eyes darted over to the bathroom when Yasuko

emerged, looking stunningly gorgeous. His cock wanted to play
again, but he suppressed the urge. His lover would be sore from last

“Christian is having breakfast brought to us,” Minsheng said as

Yasuko climbed into the bed. Minsheng held his arms out and his
lover immediately came to him.

“Good, I’m starving.” Yasuko cuddled next to Minsheng, making

him feel like he was the king of the world.

* * * *

Yasuko sought out Shelby as soon as they made it to the club. He

liked the vampire and wanted to dance with him tonight. He spotted
the man over by the bar, but before he took a step toward him, Isla
stopped him.

“I have something for you, little prince.”
Yasuko wasn’t too sure about this. The last time someone said

that, a black leather collar was slapped around his neck. He eyed Isla
as he asked, “What would that be?” If a leather strip came out, he was
so out of there.

To his surprise and delight, Isla produced an assortment of

colorful, glowing necklaces. He giggled as he accepted them. “Thank
you.” He smiled as he looked through the many colors.

“Ah, it’s nothing. I know how much you like them.” Isla actually

blushed. Can vampires do that? Apparently so. Yasuko had an urge to

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hug the man, but knew Minsheng and Christian would have a fit if he
did. So he settled for a handshake.

He ran across the room, showing his bounty off to Shelby. “Look

what Isla gave me.” He held the collection up proudly. “Do you want
to wear one?”

“Sure.” Shelby grinned. “You pick the color.”
Yasuko looked through his bounty when he noticed Jersey moving

closer to him. He looked up at the second level, but Christian and
Minsheng weren’t in the booth. Yasuko looked down at the glowing
necklaces, handed a few off to Shelby, and then turned to face Jersey.

Somehow he knew his approaching bodyguard was not a good

sign. Maybe it was the look on his face, or the I’ll kill you way his
body flexed with every step. He had to be the biggest vampire Yasuko
had seen thus far.

“Little prince, follow me.” Jersey walked away, Yasuko following

close behind. What did he know about Jersey? His name? That the
man was his bodyguard? Other than those facts, Yasuko didn’t know
anything about him. Christian trusted him, so he must be on the up-

When they headed toward the back rooms, Yasuko’s step faltered.

He was told time and again not to go back there. Why would Jersey
purposely take him in that direction? “Jersey?”

The large vampire twisted his upper body around, stopping in his

progress when he saw that Yasuko wasn’t moving. “It’s okay, little
prince. We have to go this way.”

Yasuko looked past Jersey, down the hall that was forbidden to

him. It didn’t feel right to him, but Christian trusted Jersey. Yasuko
gave a nod as he took a step closer to his bodyguard. Where were
Minsheng and Christian?

Yasuko stayed close to Jersey, not wanting a repeat performance

of what happened the first time he wandered these halls. A few men
passed by him, openly checking him out. Yasuko felt his skin crawl at
the raw lust in their eyes.

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It had been four years, but he remembered that look, and it never

boded well for him. His hands became sweaty, his heart thumping out
a staccato beat as he followed the large vampire. Jersey hit a push bar
on the back door, holding it open for Yasuko to follow.

When he glanced past Jersey’s large frame, he saw that the door

led to the outside. When Yasuko hesitated, taking a step back, Jersey
reached out and grabbed him, forcing him through the door.

* * * *

Christian bared his fangs as he faced the group of rogues that had

invaded his club. He worried about Minsheng standing by his side,
but knew his coven, bodyguard, second in command, and the prince
himself would die to protect the little prince.

He rushed the first vampire that leapt at him, taking him down to

the floor and ripping his throat out. Christian swung his body around
and got to his feet in one smooth motion, looking to make sure
Minsheng was still safe.

Isla informed him that Jersey had seen to Yasuko’s safety. It

didn’t set well with him that his little doe wasn’t in his sights, but
Christian had to deal with the problem at hand first. He fought hand-
to-hand with what he assumed was the leader of these rogues.

The idea was asinine in itself considering rogues were loners that

didn’t follow any rules set down by any coven. Christian moved with
inhuman speed, quickly overtaking his opponent and killing him right
there on the dance floor.

When he set his sights back on his fierce mate, Minsheng was

fighting one of the rogues. Christian’s instinct had him crossing the
room, ready to defend his mate when Minsheng swiped his leg out,
catching the rogue by surprise and taking him down.

Christian was on the rogue with swiftness, killing him where he

lay. “Don’t do that again.”

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Minsheng ignored him and ran toward another rogue. Christian

growled and followed his willful mate. Before Minsheng could
engage in combat, Christo was there, killing the vampire.

Harley began the process of scrubbing minds as his coven began

to take the rogues’ bodies out back. “Where is Yasuko?” Christian’s
eyes scanned the club, but his little doe was nowhere to be seen.

“I saw Jersey taking him away,” Isla informed him.
Christian would hunt and kill the bastard if any harm had come to

his mate. He closed his eyes, opening his senses to Yasuko’s blood. It
called to him like a beacon in the night. An overwhelming need to
protect and be near his mate tightened Christian’s chest.

He dematerialized, his molecules chasing after what was his. The

thought of Yasuko in any danger had Christian pushing to get to his
mate. He rematerialized in his bedroom, Yasuko sitting on his bed.
Jersey spun, baring his fangs as Christian appeared.

It seemed to take a moment for the large vampire to realize it was

Christian who stood before him. He could tell the bodyguard was
running off of instincts. “Stand down,” Christian commanded.

Jersey nodded. “I’ll be outside if you need anything.”
“Thank you for getting him to safety.”
Jersey bowed. “It’s my job.”
Christian still appreciated it. He was able to fight tonight without

worrying about his little doe. Minsheng was another issue that he was
going to take care of as soon as his mate arrived. Christian sent out a
mental message, telling Christo to bring Minsheng to him.

“Are you okay, little doe?” Christian asked as he approached the

bed. Yasuko didn’t look any worse for the wear, but he wanted a
verbal conformation.

“I am fine.” Yasuko nodded at Christian. “Where is Minsheng?”
“He’ll be here shortly. Thank you for following Jersey without


Yasuko shrugged as his fingers played with the sheets. Christian

could tell something was on his mind. “What is bothering you?”

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Yasuko crossed his legs as he let the fabric slip from his fingers.

“I was scared because I didn’t know what was going on. I thought
Jersey was taking me away.”

Christian crawled onto the bed, pulling Yasuko into his arms.

“Remember, Yasuko. I can follow you anywhere. I will always be
able to find you. Jersey could have taken you to another country, and I
would have found you.”

“I like that.” Yasuko smiled. “I like feeling safe with you.”‘
Christian brushed the long strands of silky hair from his mate’s

face. “You’re always safe.” He leaned down, running his fingers over
Yasuko’s soft cheeks as he whispered his lips across Yasuko’s.

Yasuko’s breath hitched as his hands covered Christian’s. “Make

love to me.”

Christian couldn’t deny such a request. He had wanted Yasuko

from the moment he had laid eyes on him. The man was an irresistible

Christian kissed Yasuko, bending him backwards until Yasuko’s

shoulders touched satin and Christian was hovering over him. His
clothes disappeared, along with Yasuko’s. He had always loved that
little trick of his. But more so now that he had his mate under him.
Christian hissed when Yasuko moved down the bed until he was
kissing Christian’s cock.

His sharp fangs lengthened as soft and moist lips wrapped around

his cock. Christian turned to the side, giving his mate room to rock his
fucking world, and that was exactly what Yasuko was doing.

Christian ran his hands through Yasuko’s hair, gently tugging as

his hips snapped in short bursts. Christian reached down and flipped
Yasuko around, taking his cock into his mouth. The pleasure of
sucking and being sucked made Christian feel alive. He had to be
careful though. His fangs were at full length, able to do much damage.

He lapped at the mushroomed head, licking the pre-cum that was

leaking out like a river of ambrosia. Yasuko had to be made just for

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him. He tasted too damn good. Christian traced the vein running down
the side of Yasuko’s cock, his teeth aching to sink into it.

Christian lapped down to Yasuko’s sac, drawing each orb into his

mouth. When he parted Yasuko’s cheeks and saw the beautiful star,
he knew he had to be buried deep inside of it when he came.

He lapped at it, getting it good and wet before inserting a finger.

Yasuko jerked and moaned. Christian went back to sucking Yasuko’s
cock as he inserted one finger after another. When three fingers fit, he
knew he couldn’t wait any longer.

“On your back, love.”
Yasuko released Christian’s cock, lying down and spreading his

legs wide. Damn if that wasn’t an inviting invitation. Christian
grabbed the lube from under his pillow and prepared Yasuko’s tight
ass for his length.

Christian lubed his cock and then lined it up, his eyes rolling back

as he breached his mate. He grabbed Yasuko’s legs, tossing them over
his shoulders as he grabbed his mate’s hips. The tight fisted feeling
had him breathing raggedly.

He looked down into Yasuko’s eyes, seeing the trust his mate was

giving him. Christian rocked in and out of Yasuko, turning his head
and kissing Yasuko’s calf.

Christian heard the bedroom door open and close, and knew

Minsheng had arrived. He continued to thrust inside of Yasuko,
waiting to see what his short soldier was going to do. Surprise
couldn’t even begin to describe how he felt when Minsheng climbed
onto the bed naked, taking Yasuko’s lips with his.

“Does it feel good?” Minsheng murmured to Yasuko.
“Yes,” Yasuko hissed as he lifted his hips higher. Christian’s

senses left him when he felt Minsheng’s fingers breach him. He
leaned forward, kissing Yasuko down his neck as Minsheng prepared

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He’d had more than one lover in his bed over the centuries, but

the thought of these two being his mates made Christian’s head spin.
“Your body feels so good,” Christian crooned into Yasuko’s ear.

“Drink from me,” Yasuko begged as Minsheng’s hands stilled


Christian ran the tip of his fang over Yasuko’s delicate skin and

then sank into his neck, drinking deeply at the same moment
Minsheng breached him.

Christian and Minsheng found a rhythm as his cock slid in and out

of Yasuko. His arms circled Yasuko, pulling him tight as his lips
sealed around the bite. He drank deeply before sealing the wound, his
taste buds protesting the loss.

Yasuko was the first to cry out, his seed bathing their chests as

Minsheng hammered into Christian.

He couldn’t hold out, Yasuko’s body milking his orgasm from

him. Christian roared as he came, completing the bond between him
and Yasuko. He could feel the love and trust coming off of his little
doe in waves.

Christian devoured his mouth in a hungry frenzy as Minsheng

stiffened and cried out behind him. He petted Yasuko, smiling down
at him as Minsheng pulled free, stretching out beside the two.

Now all Christian had to do was win Minsheng’s trust. A trust he

would need to breach his little soldier and complete the mating.

Somehow he knew it wasn’t going to be easy.

* * * *

Minsheng watched Christo and Isla talk over by the bar. He

wondered if they would become quiet if he approached. It happened a
lot at Zeus’s. Just because they listened to him once, that didn’t mean
he was a part of the vampires’ clique.

He walked over and took a seat on a stool at the bar and ordered

an ice water from Winston as he waited to see what the two would do.

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Christo was the first to turn and see him sitting there. “Hey,

Minsheng. I was just telling Isla that your idea worked,” he said in a
low and conspiratorial voice. “Nice play, I might add.”

Minsheng nodded. “Will he be safe?” Just because he was the one

who came up with the idea didn’t mean he wanted harm to come to

“He’ll be fine. He knows how to handle himself,” Christo said.
Minsheng caught on to Christo’s meaning. They didn’t want

anyone to know who was sent to spy on the other coven.

“There’s a game of poker going on in the back, and we were just

headed that way. You want to join us?” Isla asked as he grabbed his
glass from the counter.

Minsheng was in shock. “Uh, sure.” He grabbed his ice water and

followed the two, Buck trailing close behind. Minsheng wasn’t too
sure how he felt about a bodyguard, but with all the strange people
and creatures in this place, it couldn’t hurt to have one.

Minsheng followed them to the back rooms, wondering why they

were coming back here. Isla opened one of the doors on the left as the
four filtered into the room. To his surprise, there really was a game
being played.

“We have a new player,” Isla announced as he took a seat at the

round table. Minsheng sat opposite as he looked at everyone around
him. Buck stood behind Minsheng, not saying a word.

“Hey, you’re the little prince,” one of the men said.
“I am not little.” Minsheng growled. He was so tired of the

nicknames forced on him just because he was shorter than the average
height of a typical male. The names were offensive to him, and he
was downright pissed when someone used one of them.

“Chill out, dude. I didn’t mean anything by it,” the vampire said,

shaking his head as he dealt the cards.

Minsheng soon forgot his anger and started to really enjoy the

game. The men around the table were treating him as an equal and for
the first time Minsheng felt as though he was making friends.

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After a few hours the game broke up, Minsheng walking away a

little bit richer.

“Same time next week, Minsheng,” the vampire who had called

previously called him little reminded him.

“You got it, Vaughn.” They tapped knuckles as Minsheng

followed Christo and Isla out of the room, Buck following close

Minsheng turned to his bodyguard and eyed him. “Don’t you get

bored with following me around?”

Buck just shrugged. “Normally I get pretty damn bored when on

assignment, but you’re proving to be an interesting human.”

Minsheng wasn’t too sure he would call himself interesting.

“What do you want to get into tonight?”

Buck looked a little surprised that Minsheng would ask. “The

decision isn’t up to me. My job is to guard you.”

“I didn’t ask you what your job was. I asked you what you wanted

to do,” Minsheng said as he leaned against the wall. “You name it,
we’ll do it. It’s my way of saying thank you for mindlessly following
me around.”

Buck snorted as he crossed his massive arms over his broad chest.

“I wouldn’t go so far as to say mindlessly, prince.”

Minsheng pushed from the wall as he walked back toward the

front of the club. “Call me Minsheng. Prince sounds too formal.”

“I know something we can do, but it requires you leaving the club.

Are you up for it?”

Minsheng smiled to himself as he turned around. “Lead the way.”

* * * *

“What are they doing?” Yasuko whispered to Shelby as they

snuck a peek into one of the back rooms.

“It’s called adficio venatus. The draining game. The two vampires

take turns giving the human small bites, draining a small amount of

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blood from him. The object of the game is to see whose bite makes
the human have an orgasm.”

Yasuko watched in fascination as one of the vampires bit into the

human’s neck. The human’s body jerked and then the vampire moved
away, the next one taking his turn. He knew what it was like to be
bitten. Christian had bitten him, but Yasuko wasn’t too sure he could
play this game. Didn’t you have to care about the person biting?

“Watch, watch, watch.” Shelby smacked at his arm as Yasuko

leaned closer. The vampire on the left struck, making the human cry
out. His cock jerked as his seed exploded over his chest.

“You shouldn’t be watching something so intimate.”
Shelby fell on his ass trying to get away from the door. Yasuko

spun around to see Christian standing behind him. He was busted with
no excuse to give. Christian reached past them and quietly closed the
door to the room they had been spying into.

“Go to our booth, Yasuko,” Christian commanded quietly.
Yasuko glanced at Shelby, praying the vampire wasn’t about to be

in a shitload of trouble. They had been curious. What was the harm in
being curious?

He didn’t wait around to ask. Yasuko took off down the hallway.

By the time he made it to the booth on the second level, his heart was
racing. He watched Christian slowly walk up the steps, his face stoic.

Yasuko wasn’t so sure he wanted Christian to join him. He was

pretty damn certain he didn’t. The prince slid into the booth, clasping
his hands on the table in front of him.

“Why were you by the back rooms? Haven’t I warned you that no

good can come from you venturing back there?”

Yasuko played with his hands in his lap as he stared at Christian’s

hands. Would the prince make him go back to Zeus’s for being
disobedient once again? Yasuko wasn’t trying to be, but this world of
vampires fascinated him. He wanted to explore it, not be restricted by

“Yes,” he answered.

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“Can you tell me why you were back there this time?”
Shelby. Yasuko said the word in his mind, but he wasn’t about to

rat his friend out. He shrugged his shoulders, not really sure what he
should say. His friend may have suggested going back there, but it
was his curiosity that followed the vampire.

“Curiosity isn’t always a good thing, little doe. Adficio venatus is

a very private game. It’s the equivalent of someone watching us make

Yasuko gasped as he looked up at the prince. “I didn’t know.

Please believe me.”

Christian nodded as his hand came up to brush the hair from

Yasuko’s shoulder. “I do. The back rooms are for privacy. I don’t
think anyone should invade that privacy.”

“I won’t. I promise not to go back there again.”
The back of Christian’s index finger skimmed up and down

Yasuko’s cheek. He wanted to lean into it but was afraid the prince
was too upset with him right now for Yasuko to take pleasure in the

Christian smiled at him. “I won’t hold you to that promise. I see

now that you are as curious as a cat.”

They both turned when Christo approached the table. He could see

darkness fall over the prince’s eyes. “I am having a private
conversation with my mate. Can this wait?” Christian growled at

The vampire visibly gulped as he shook his head. “Minsheng is

missing, along with his bodyguard.”

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Christian’s Menace


Chapter Eight

Buck smiled as Minsheng groaned. He knew the human would be

the perfect person to indulge with. Jersey usually did this with him,
but his brother had grown used to it and never had the look of
pleasure on his face as Minsheng wore now.

Maybe being the little prince’s bodyguard wasn’t so bad.
“I thought you couldn’t eat food,” Minsheng stated as he licked

the tartar sauce from his fingers.

Buck took another bite of his fish sandwich and then shoved a few

fries into his mouth. He held up his fingers as he chewed and then
grabbed his soft drink, washing his food down with the carbonated
drink. “Half vampire. And don’t go telling everyone that little tidbit of
info either. My brother and I don’t go around broadcasting it.”

Minsheng’s right eye closed slightly as he looked Buck over. “So

why trust me? You don’t even know me.”

Buck wiped his mouth before taking another bite. Damn, this fish

was off the hook. It had been a while since he was able to get ahold of
one of Papa Dock’s sandwiches. He swallowed and then answered
Minsheng. “I figured if you’re trusting me with your life, the least I
could do was trust you with something of mine. It makes trusting each
other a little easier.”

“I guess,” Minsheng said as he ate his food.
Buck could tell the guy was paranoid when it came to trusting

someone. He didn’t know Minsheng’s background story and wasn’t
going to pry, but if he was in charge of the little prince’s life, they had
to have a common ground to work off of. They needed to trust one

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another. Buck needed Minsheng to follow without question when the
situation called for it.

“My mom is vampire and my dad was a used car salesman. Hell

of a combination, I know. But it worked for them.”

Was a used car salesman?” Minsheng asked.
“He wasn’t happy at it so he changed careers. He now owns Papa

Dock’s fish franchise,” Buck said proudly as he held his almost-
finished sandwich up.

“At least he’s doing something he likes. My dad owns Chen’s

International. I never really saw him growing up. He was always at
work, too busy for the family he had created.”

Buck heard the hurt in Minsheng’s voice and didn’t like it. His

dad may have started his own franchise, but he was a big part of his
sons’ lives. He never thought about that until now, feeling grateful
that his father had had a hand in raising him and Jersey. “Sorry to hear

Minsheng just shrugged and finished his sandwich. “Where to


Minsheng’s head snapped around as Buck closed his eyes. They

were in a shitload of trouble now. He thought he could get the little
prince back in time before anyone noticed they were gone. Apparently

Buck pulled his legs from under the table where they had been

sitting outside and stood in front of Prince Christian. There wasn’t
anything he could say, so he kept quiet and waited for further

Minsheng took his tray over to the trashcan and emptied it, setting

the plastic tray on top before turning to face them. The prince didn’t
say a word as he grabbed Minsheng and dematerialized.

Fuck. He wasn’t sure if he should go back to the club. Did he even

have a job now? Buck emptied his tray before heading back to the

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club to find Jersey. His brother was going to kick his fucking ass for
this screwup.

* * * *

Minsheng sat in Christian’s office, watching the vampire pace. He

may be strong-willed and stubborn, but he knew when to shut the hell
up and let someone cool off. He didn’t like the darkness
encompassing Christian’s face right now.

“Did it not occur to you to tell someone you were leaving? You

just sat in on a meeting where we discussed Maurice and the rogues,
and then you and your bodyguard walk out of here like it’s no more
than a leisurely stroll on a Sunday night?”

Minsheng couldn’t think of one single defense. That was exactly

what he and Jersey had done. Of course he’d never admit that he had
a good time doing it. That wasn’t something the prince would want to
hear right now.

“No, it’s not.” Christian growled as he began to pace again. “You

are a prince. You have responsibilities to me and to this coven, not to
mention Yasuko. What if something happened to you, where would
that leave us? Do you think I would skip on my fucking way thinking
I still had another mate?”

Minsheng could hear the anger in Christian’s voice and knew part

of that anger was from fear. “I am sorry.”

“While I appreciate the apology, I’m a little too angry right now

for it.”

Minsheng blinked when he found himself sitting on Christian’s

bed. He looked around to make sure he was seeing things correctly.
Did the prince just dismiss him and send him away? The prick!

How dare he do something like that? Yeah, he fucked up, but that

wasn’t a cause for Christian to send his molecules to the manor. Wait
until he saw his mate. He was getting an earful from Minsheng and
maybe even a good swift kick in the shin.

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Minsheng scooted from the bed and stormed to the bedroom door,

snatching it open and then walked down the hallway. There was no
way he was being sent away. Even if Christian didn’t want him, there
was still Yasuko to think about. If they were separating, he was
keeping Yasuko.

Minsheng walked to the front door, angry as hell. The small butler

ran up to him, his hands held in up in stop gesture. “Young prince,
you cannot leave the manor without an escort,” he said worriedly.

“Just try and stop me.” Minsheng growled as he opened the front

door and walked out. He knew the direction the club was in, so that
was the way he headed. It might take him until dawn to get there, but
he was determined to give Christian a piece of his mind and take back
custody of Yasuko.

After what felt like hours, Minsheng’s legs began to tire. Maybe

his plan of going to retrieve Yasuko could have waited until everyone
returned home. It sounded rational now that he thought about it, but
he had been too angry to think clearly after the stunt Christian had

He began to wonder if he shouldn’t just turn around and head

back when he heard heavy footsteps behind him. Who would be out in
the dead of night? Duh, someone as angry as him.

The hairs on the back of his neck stood as Minsheng quickened

his pace. The heavy footsteps sped up as well. He growled when
hands clamped down on his shoulder, pulling him roughly to the

Christian! Minsheng shouted in his mind, flashbacks of four years

ago making him panic. He was being pulled to a van, the same kind of
van that he had been kidnapped in while visiting the sights of Japan.

Minsheng fought for his life as Christian’s voice sounded in his

mind. Minsheng, what’s wrong?

They are taking me away. Help me! He hated the desperation in

his voice. Minsheng thought the helplessness was behind him now.

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Christian made him feel like a true man again with some control back
in his life.

Cut yourself, it will help me find you faster.
Did the prince just tell him to cut himself? Minsheng was in a

state of panic, not caring what the prince suggested right now. He did
the only thing he could think of at the moment. Minsheng bit into his
own skin, his teeth puncturing the flesh. Fresh blood welled up as he
struggled to get free.

“Fuck,” one of his abductors growled. “Fresh blood.”
They are vampires. They can smell my blood.
Minsheng heard the roar inside his head. Christian was going

crazy, and Minsheng could hear it. Too bad he didn’t have a mental
volume button. He thought he’d go deaf from the sound.

Minsheng kicked out when one of his abductors jumped on him

and began to lick at his wound. Any more bright ideas? He’s trying to
eat me now.
He waited for Christian to reply, but his head remained

Minsheng was on his own now. The van door slammed shut as

Minsheng rolled to his belly, keeping his bleeding arm between his
body and the van floor. The vampire was pulling at Minsheng, lifting
him up to get at his wound. He twisted sideways every time the
vampire lunged for his arm.

Fuck, this was like four years ago when the perverts who

kidnapped him tried to rape him in the van. Minsheng was once again
fighting. They may have succeeded four years ago, but he was not
about to become a victim again.

Everyone in the back of the van fell to the front as the van skidded

to a stop. The side doors flew open as Christian stood there seething.
His fangs were at the longest Minsheng had ever witnessed as his hair
veiled around the prince’s face. “Release him now!”

Minsheng scrambled to his knees as he jumped out of the van. He

stood there in a daze as one by one, the men were forced from the van

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with an unseen hand. The three kidnappers landed at Christian’s feet
with a thud.

With blinding rage, Minsheng lunged at the one who had attacked

him in the van, punching him until the man’s face was covered in
blood. He may have broken the guy’s nose, but Minsheng was past
giving a shit.

Memories were assaulting his mind, and since he couldn’t take

revenge on his old kidnappers, the new ones would do.

“Enough,” Christian said gently as he reached down and pulled

Minsheng away. “Enough, little one.” Minsheng was numb. He
nodded absently as a black car pulled up behind the van.

Christian guided him over to the car and helped Minsheng into the

back seat. He watched Jersey and Buck, along with Christo and Isla,
pick the bodies up and bring them around to the back of the car. Isla
got into the driver’s seat of the van and pulled away, the car following
close behind.

The prince pulled Minsheng onto his lap, and for once, Minsheng

didn’t protest being treated like less of a man. He needed the comfort
right now, the sense of safety wrapped around him.

“How did this happen?” Christian asked.

* * * *

Christian wasn’t sure how he was talking so calmly when

everything in him wanted blood. He recognized the men lying at his
feet as belonging to Maurice’s coven. So the games have begun,
Christian thought as he stared down at his mate.

He lifted Minsheng’s arm, licking his wound closed. The jagged

teeth marks puckered to a pinkish color and then disappeared
altogether. Pleased, Christian sat back and waited for his mate to
answer him.

“They grabbed me while on my way to you,” Minsheng said


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Christian’s Menace


Christian closed his eyes and exhaled a long breath, trying his best

to get his anger under control. “Why were you out on the streets by
yourself, little one?”

“Because you voodooed my ass back to the manor,” Minsheng

said angrily as he tried to climb from Christian’s lap. He gripped his
mate, letting him know he wasn’t going anywhere. He didn’t care
how angry Minsheng was. He had put himself in danger.

“You could have called me,” he reminded his mate.
“Like I was going to do that after what you did. I’m a grown man,

and so are you. But from the way you acted, one would think you
were five years old.”

“I was pissed.”
“So was I.”
“What did you have to be pissed about?” Christian asked with a

bit of incredulousness.

“Why can’t I hang out with my bodyguard? He is there to guard

me. We weren’t doing anything wrong. And by the way, what did you
do to Buck?”

Christian sighed. He knew Minsheng was a warrior and stubborn,

but he didn’t think he was careless. He wasn’t sure why his mate
wasn’t seeing the inherent danger in what he had done. “I haven’t
done anything to Buck, yet, and I didn’t say you were doing anything
wrong. Do you realize how many enemies are on the hunt for you
now? Word has gotten out that you and Yasuko are my mates. There
are people who will stop at nothing to get their hands on you.”

Minsheng ignored him as his mate stared out of the window.

Christian was at a loss of what to do. He was used to his coven
obeying his every command, and now he had a very willful mate.

They pulled to the back of the club as Minsheng shot from his lap

and leapt out of the back door. Christian shook his head, wondering if
he and Minsheng were ever going to click. One moment they seemed
to be hitting it off perfectly, the next they were at odds again.
Christian was getting a massive headache from all of this.

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Christian climbed out of the car and headed into the club. Yasuko

ran right to him, a frown marring his beautiful features. “Why is
Minsheng so angry, prince?”

He cupped his little doe’s face, wondering if he’d ever get it right

with the three of them. “He’s pissed at me. It’s nothing you need to
worry about.”

Yasuko nodded and headed toward the second floor. Christian had

a feeling that if he followed Yasuko, he’d find Minsheng.

* * * *

Minsheng sat on the side of the bed, unsure if he should lie down.

It had been a week since he and Yasuko had moved in, and he still
hadn’t spoken to Christian. They’d go to sleep every night, but
Minsheng stayed as far away from the prince as he could.

Tonight was no different. Although, the thing that did change was

the fact that Minsheng was tired of being angry. He wanted to patch
things up but wasn’t sure how to go about it. Groveling wasn’t his

As he lay down, he moved closer to the prince, hoping he took the

hint, and started talking to Minsheng. It was very draining staying
angry all the time, and Minsheng wasn’t getting much rest as it was.

“Come here.” Christian wrapped his arm around Minsheng and

pulled him close to his chest. Yasuko lay on the other side of the
prince, fast asleep.

“Me, too.” Christian nuzzled his neck as his hands skimmed over

Minsheng’s chest. “Can we forget about our anger?”

“Yes,” Minsheng agreed. “I would like that.”
“Good.” Christian growled as he rolled over and hovered over

Minsheng. “Now we can have make-up sex.” He wiggled his brows,
making Minsheng laugh.

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Christian’s Menace


“Can you, uh…” Minsheng wasn’t sure what he wanted. Maybe

he really was losing his mind. He’d never asked another man to fuck
him and wasn’t sure how to go about asking.

“You don’t have to ask,” Christian murmured as their clothes

disappeared. Minsheng usually loved that little trick when he was
about to top, but it made him nervous as hell when asking to bottom.

“Then you should know that we are both nervous,” Christian said

as he licked at Minsheng’s neck.

“How can you be nervous?” he asked with a moan.
Christian pulled back and stared down at Minsheng. “Because I

am with my mate. You don’t think I am self-assured all of the time,
do you?”

“Well, duh, yeah. You’re a prince.”
Christian chuckled softly. “The title isn’t who I am. It’s just a title.

The real me has the same emotions as anyone else. Fear, joy, sadness,
curiosity,” he said the last word as his cock poked Minsheng in his
side. “And I’m curious as hell to see how you feel wrapped around
my cock.”

Minsheng swallowed and spread his legs just a little wider, trying

to rationalize his request in his mind.

“Stop thinking so hard.” Christian blanketed his body over

Minsheng’s, his lips covering Minsheng’s as if they were old lovers.
Minsheng opened, accepting Christian’s tongue as his body shook. He
couldn’t help the nervousness that was making his muscles spasm.

“Relax,” Christian whispered against his lips. The prince took his

lips once again, making Minsheng forget what he had just been
thinking. His body came alive at the prince’s gentle touch. His head
swam when he felt fingers breach him. He tensed and then forced his
body to relax.

He wanted this, needed it, but he wasn’t sure how to handle it.

Minsheng snaked his hands into Christian’s hair as he pulled him
closer, spreading his legs wider. His mate’s lips traveled down his

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neck, and then his fangs sank into Minsheng’s vein. He cried out
when Christian entered him at the same time.

The prince stilled as he drank deeply. Minsheng felt fingers twine

with his and opened his eyes, Yasuko staring at him with worry.
When Christian pulled back, sealing the wound with his teeth,
Minsheng pulled Yasuko on top of him, situating his love in the sixty-
nine position.

His hands ran over Yasuko’s back as he swallowed his cock,

pulling his legs back so Christian could take him. Minsheng knew
why he had waited so long for the prince to take him, but he wasn’t
going to refuse if his mate wanted to top him again.

It felt fantastic!
Christian pulled out and then slammed back in, making Minsheng

whimper for more. Yasuko wiggled his ass, swallowing Minsheng’s
cock. Minsheng closed his lips around Yasuko’s cock, creating a
vacuum-tight seal as he tried his best to please his lover and mate.

“You two look so damn good,” Christian groaned from above

him. Slide your fingers in his ass. Christian begged in Minsheng’s
mind. Minsheng smiled wickedly around Yasuko’s cock as a finger
maneuvered its way in.

Yasuko groaned and doubled his efforts, making Minsheng’s balls

draw up tight. Christian panted as he thrust harder, Minsheng feeling
like he’d died and gone to heaven from the dual sensations.

Christian reached down and gave Minsheng’s balls a gentle twist.

Minsheng shouted around Yasuko’s cock as he came down his lover’s
throat. Yasuko and Christian cried out at the same time as Minsheng
swallowed seed and felt hot spurts of come fill his ass.

Christian lifted Yasuko off of Minsheng and laid him down beside

him as he pulled free and landed on Minsheng’s other side.

“Thank you,” Minsheng whispered as he curled into Christian’s

side. He wasn’t sure why he was thanking the prince as his body
hummed with satiation.

“Anytime, little one.”

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Minsheng reached behind him and laid his hand on Yasuko’s hip,

giving it a light squeeze. Yasuko burrowed into his back as Minsheng
drifted off to sleep.

* * * *

Yasuko woke with a start. He looked around the bedroom but

didn’t see anything out of place. Christian and Minsheng were fast
asleep, and he knew Jersey and Buck were outside of the door
guarding it.

He slipped from the bed and found his pajama pants. Yasuko

pulled them on and then padded across the room. He was hungry and
wondered if there were any leftovers. He chuckled at the thought. He
and Minsheng were the only ones who ate food in this place. Why
wouldn’t there be any leftovers?

“Hanging out late?” Jersey asked Yasuko as he closed the door

quietly behind him.

“I am hungry.”
“Then let’s go to the kitchen to eat.” Jersey smiled at him as they

walked to the kitchen. Yasuko was amazed Christian had one,
considering he was a vampire. Everything did look brand new. He
grabbed a plate from the cupboard and the loaf of bread.

“What are you making?” Jersey asked as he took a seat at that


“A ham sandwich.”
“I’ll take one, too.”
Yasuko’s hands stilled as he stared at the large vampire. “I

thought you couldn’t eat food.”

Jersey wiggled his brows as he got up and grabbed the ham from

the fridge. “Family secret.”

Yasuko shrugged. “Okay, if you insist.” He wasn’t sure what the

vampire was up to, but if he was hungry, then who was Yasuko to
deny him a sandwich? These vampires really were a strange bunch,

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but Yasuko wouldn’t trade his experience here for anything in the
world. It was better than the lonely life he had been living.

For once in his life, Yasuko finally felt like he was home.

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Christian’s Menace


Chapter Nine

Christian listened as Christo filled him in on what Emilio had

reported. It was as he suspected. Maurice was working with the
rogues and plotting against Christian. It was an offense that Christian
could rightly have him killed for.

The problem was, Maurice was a coven leader. He’d need

substantial proof if he didn’t want the elders breathing down his neck.
It was true that Christian was the original vampire, but if he wanted
his coven to live peacefully, Christian had to try to live by the rules.

He was able to mask his scent of being an elder, and he was able

to fool people into thinking he was younger. His features resembled a
thirty-year-old human male. The reason he was dubbed prince was
from the line he had faked being born into. His son was announced as
royalty when he was born. This was before the elders came about, and
Christian had waited ten generations before he claimed to be the
great-grandson of his firstborn instead of his father.

It worked out well for him, dodging the circle of elders. He hated

politics and didn’t want any part of it. Christian would rather oversee
his coven and have his time used for other matters than constantly
being called away for vampirism business.

“Tell Emilio to get solid proof of what Maurice is doing before I

move in for the kill,” Christian advised Christo. “I don’t want any
backlash from killing the prick.”

“I still don’t understand why you just don’t announce your status

as original and tell everyone to go to hell,” Christo complained for the
millionth time. “Then you wouldn’t have to worry about proof, and
you could just dust that bastard off.”

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“If only it were that simple, my friend.” It sounded simple

enough, but Christian knew otherwise. The elders would be hounding
him to join their circle, and as much as he would like to make them
disappear from sight, they were needed for the covens across the

“Just tell him to get the proof,” Christian said irritably. “I don’t

like this either, but to avoid repercussions we have to do this the
correct way.”

“I still don’t like it.” Christo mumbled his complaint again before

sliding out of the booth. Christian didn’t like it much either, but his
hands were tied.

He smiled when Yasuko raced up the steps and bounced toward

him. His little doe always brightened up his mood. “Having fun?”

“Can I ask you something, prince?” Yasuko looked serious,

making Christian sit up straighter.

“You know you can ask me anything, precious.”
Yasuko looked around before leaning in, pressing the palms of his

hands on Christian’s thighs. The slight weight made Christian moan,
but he tamped down the need to take his mate right there in the booth.

“Is it true you can change me?”
“Change you how, little doe?”
“Into you?” Yasuko blinked up at him, his eyes wide with

suspense. Christian had to take a moment to school his features. He
damn near grabbed Yasuko and converted him on the spot. It was
something he had wanted to do since laying eyes on the two, but he
wasn’t going to force them. His plan had been to wait for them to
come to him about it. And now one of them had.

He gave one slight nod of his head. “It is true.”
Yasuko’s hand came up to cover his mouth as his eyes began to

shine with excitement. “Change me,” he said pleadingly from behind
his fingers.

“This is something I want you to think long and hard—”

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Christian’s Menace


“Change me,” Yasuko said with a little more conviction in his


“Don’t you think Minsheng should have a say in this? We are

mates, after all. What one of us decides affects us all.”

“It’s my body. I should be able to make that decision on my own,”

Yasuko said with a pout. God, he was stunning when his bottom lip
was jutting out. Christian had an urge to lean down and nip it. Yasuko
was truly a breathtaking creature, and Christian’s cock became hard
thinking of his mate feeding from him.

“This is true, but I still think we should run it by our mate.”

Christian tapped the end of Yasuko’s nose as his mate’s lip stuck out
a little further.

“What if he doesn’t like the idea? I want to be like you, prince.”

Yasuko continued to plead his case. Christian wanted to give his little
doe anything he asked for, but he knew Minsheng needed to be
included in on this life-altering decision. They were mates, so that
meant consulting with one another about major decisions.

“One more night won’t change my decision. I want to talk to our

mate first.” Christian chuckled when Yasuko crossed his arms over
his narrow chest, sitting there with a big pout on his face.

“Don’t tempt me with those plump lips,” Christian teased him

with a gentle warning. Yasuko’s eyes hooded as he turned to
Christian, poking his lip out a little further. The little minx was doing
it on purpose! “Slide over here so I can show you just what you can
do with those lips.”

Yasuko readily slid over to Christian, nearly crawling in his lap as

his big black eyes stared up at the prince. “Give me a kiss, Yasuko.”
Christian tapped his lips.

A wide grin crossed Yasuko’s face before leaning forward and

opening up for Christian’s exploration. The kiss was sweet and gentle,
just like Yasuko. Christian brushed a hand through long, soft strands
as he nipped at Yasuko’s pouting lip. When the kiss broke, both
Christian and Yasuko were panting.

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Yasuko blushed as he sat back, his eyes glazed. Christian cleared

his throat as he tried his best to gain some sort of composure, but it
wasn’t easy. His little doe had a way of making Christian’s lust
skyrocket in under a second.

Christian readjusted his slacks, wishing he wasn’t sitting in his

club with a raging hard-on. Maybe a quickie in his office wouldn’t
hurt. “Go to my office, little doe, and wait for me.”

Yasuko wasted no time in jumping from the booth and racing

down the steps. Christian chuckled as he slid free. Being around
Yasuko was like a breath of fresh air in old lungs.

Christian took his time, allowing time for his mate to get naked

and additional time for the anticipation. He had no doubt that Yasuko
didn’t misinterpret his meaning. His little minx was probably naked
right this moment. This made Christian pick up his pace.

He snarled when he saw Jersey heading toward his office. “That

won’t be necessary.” Christian waved him off. No one was seeing his
little doe naked but him and Minsheng. Speaking of which, where in
the dickens had his mate wandered off to?

Christian closed his eyes for a moment and concentrated on his

mate. Minsheng was still in the club. Minsheng, where are you?

Playing poker in one of the back rooms. Do you need me?
Christian could hear the hesitation in his mate’s voice and knew

Minsheng must be having a good time if he didn’t want to be pulled
away. And Christian could tell by the tone that his mate was content
right where he was.

No, little one. Continue. Christian chuckled when he heard a low

growl. Whether his mate liked it or not, he was stuck with the
endearment. He proceeded to his office, suppressing a chuckle as
Christian cracked the door open. He damn near swallowed his tongue
when he saw Yasuko stark naked and on his knees in the middle of
the room, his head down in a submissive gesture.

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Christian’s Menace


Christian quickly closed the door and locked it as he crossed the

room and circled his mate. “Are you aware of what you are offering
me, little doe?”

“Yes, sir.” Christian could hear the slight shake in Yasuko’s voice

and see the tremor in his mate’s body.

Christian smiled as he ran his hand over Yasuko’s hair. “And are

you also aware that you have to do exactly as I tell you?”

“Yes, sir.” Yasuko’s hands curled on his upper thighs, but his

head remained lowered.

“Then I want you to tell me the truth, little doe.”
“Yes, sir.”
Christian bit back the chuckle. Yasuko was trying so hard. He

gave his mate points for his sincerity. “You’ve been peeking into the
back rooms again, haven’t you?”

Christian could see Yasuko swallowing rapidly. His fingers

stretched out and then lay gently onto his thighs. “Yasuko?”

“Yes, sir.”
Christian walked around to stand in front of Yasuko, squatting

down in front of him. He tucked a knuckle under his mate’s chin,
lifting it so their eyes could meet. Yasuko averted his eyes. “Look at

Yasuko slowly raised his eyes. Christian could see the fear in

them, but he could also see the desire. “Why do you keep going back
there, little doe?”

Yasuko averted his eyes again, only giving Christian a slight

shrug of his shoulders.

“Do the scenes interest you?”
Again, he only received a shrug. “Answer me.”
“Maybe,” he whispered.
Christian nodded. “Put your hands behind your back.” He had no

intention of becoming Yasuko’s master, but if his mate was curious,
Christian would play a light scene out with him.


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“You may speak.” Christian wondered what Yasuko would ask

for. Many different scenes played out in the back rooms. He
wondered which scene his mate had witnessed.

“Do you wish me to suck your cock?”
For some strange reason, Christian didn’t like his mate speaking

that way. It wasn’t that is wasn’t a big turn-on—because it was.
Christian didn’t like it because it wasn’t Yasuko speaking his mind,
but something he had overheard.

“When I want you to do that, I’ll tell you,” Christian said as he

stood behind his mate. He could see Yasuko’s head nodding.
Christian wanted to chuckle. His little mate couldn’t seem to stay still.
Apparently he hadn’t witnessed the whole scene.

“I want you to walk to my desk and then bend over.”
Christian growled when Yasuko got down on his hands and knees

and began to crawl toward his desk. He wasn’t sure who Yasuko had
spied on, but the Dom needed his ass kicked. “Get up and walk
properly, little doe.”

Christian knew different Doms and subs liked different things, but

he never enjoyed someone being made into an animal. Yasuko looked
over his shoulder, his eyes questioning before he realized his mistake
and dropped his eyes, getting up and walking to the desk.

The prince moaned when Yasuko bent over as commanded,

showing Christian such a pretty little ass. Christian fought for control,
wanting to give his mate his scene, but also wanting to free his cock
and plunge deep into that tight little hole being presented to him.

He crossed the room, running his long fingers over Yasuko’s pale

ass. The little moan that escaped Yasuko’s lips made Christian’s
blood sing. Christian reached over his desk and snagged the bottle of
lube from his drawer, squirting a small amount onto his fingers.

Yasuko’s knees began to shake as he obediently lay there. “Put

your hands above your head and leave them there.”

Yasuko obeyed.

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Christian reached down with his dry hand and separated Yasuko’s

cheeks, licking his lips at the sight. His wet fingers gently rimmed
Yasuko’s whole, feeling his mate’s tight entrance quiver. Christian
slowly pushed a finger in, careful not to hurt his little doe.

Yasuko moaned again. His mate was a noisy little sub. Christian

smiled at that fact as he moved his finger around, grazing Yasuko’s

“More,” Yasuko begged.
Christian’s smile widened. Yasuko was definitely not a

submissive, but again, Christian would give him his scene. He didn’t
want his mate to be a sub. Christian liked Yasuko’s innocence and
didn’t want to control it.

He remained quiet as he prepared Yasuko, not uttering a sound.

His mate squirmed around, his ass trying to follow Christian’s finger.
The prince gave a light tap to Yasuko’s bottom. “Hold still.”

Yasuko’s hand immediately left the desk and rubbed his backside.

Christian only shook his head. His mate must have realized what he’d
done because his hand raced up to lay on the desk. Christian bent at
the waist and kissed Yasuko’s bottom. There wasn’t even a mark to

“Please,” Yasuko begged.
“Did I give you permission to speak?”
“No, but I want to be fucked.”
Christian did chuckle this time. His mate was hopeless as a sub,

but Christian was still going to have fun with him. He separated the
fabric by his zipper, freeing his cock. Drips of pre-cum were running
down the side of his shaft as Christian lubed his cock and lined it up
to Yasuko’s hole.

He pushed in inch by slow inch. He closed his eyes to stave off his

orgasm. Christian placed his hands on Yasuko’s sides, pulling his
mate up a little higher. Christian panted when he watched his cock
slide in and out of Yasuko’s hole. It was a sight he would never tire

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“Harder,” Yasuko whined.
Christian stilled and tapped Yasuko’s bottom again. “I still

haven’t given you permission to talk.”

“I’m sorry, prince.” Yasuko raised his ass higher as if offering

such a wonderful thing would get him out of trouble. It worked.
Christian forgot all about what they were talking about and began to
thrust harder, his cock assaulting Yasuko’s ass in the most delicious
manner. His balls drew up tight to his body as Yasuko tried to climb
onto the desk.

Christian struck, sinking his teeth into Yasuko’s soft skin. His

mate mewled as he undulated his hips. The prince drank deeply as
Yasuko arched his back and cried out, desperate noises falling from
his lips. Christian held on a little longer before he sealed the wound
and joined Yasuko over the edge. He dropped to his forearms, laying
them on either side of Yasuko’s head, keeping his weight from
crushing his mate.

“How did I do?” Yasuko leaned high on the desk and looked over

his shoulder, batting his eyelashes at Christian.

Christian chuckled as he nipped Yasuko’s shoulder, running his

hands over Yasuko’s creamy skin. “Stay out of the back rooms, little

His mate pouted then rolled his eyes, propping his stubborn chin

onto his hands. “Fine. I could not seem to stay quiet anyway.”

* * * *

Minsheng sat at the poker table, but this time Buck was sitting

next to him instead of behind him. “I see your ten and raise you five.”
Minsheng tossed some chips in. Buck grunted and laid his cards

“Too rich for my blood.”
Minsheng smiled triumphantly, splaying his cards on the table as

he erupted into a victorious little laugh.

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“You little shit. You didn’t have a damn thing.” Buck growled,

tossing his hands up into the air and leaning back in his chair. “You
have a damn good poker face, Minsheng. I’ll give you that.”

Minsheng grinned widely as he pulled his money toward him in a

slow and taunting manner. He picked a few dollars and tossed them at
Buck, his expression changing from smugness to all business. “Can
you get us some more of those fish sandwiches? Do they deliver?”

“I’ll see what I can scrounge up for us, buddy. First, I need to get

you back to the prince.” Buck stood, making Minsheng feel like a
damn dwarf with the vampire’s massive size. He towered over
Minsheng as the vampire waited for him to get out of his seat.
Minsheng quickly rose, trying to fill the gap between their sizes.

It frustrated Minsheng to be at the bottom of the food chain. For

once he’d like to be on top of it. He knew no one in their right mind
would bother him at Christian’s club, but that was only because
Minsheng was mated to the prince, nothing to do with his own name’s

“I’ll leave you with the prince and go get us two big jumbo fish

sandwiches and hush puppies.” Buck winked down at him as he
escorted Minsheng up the stairs and to Christian’s booth.

Minsheng saw Christian and Yasuko sitting there looking like two

pleased cats that had just licked the cream bowl clean. Once
Minsheng took a seat, Yasuko cuddled up next to him, a happy little
grin on his face. “And what has my lover smiling so prettily?”

Yasuko giggled and darted his eyes over to Christian, the prince

giving Minsheng a knowing look. He chuckled as his arm wrapped
around Yasuko. “I see. Our mate has taken care of your needs.”
Minsheng kissed Yasuko on his temple.

The prince gave Minsheng a very seductive look, telling

Minsheng without words that he’d happily let Minsheng take care of
his needs as well. Minsheng’s cock hardened at the lustful way
Christian was appraising him.

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“Minsheng?” Yasuko turned his face to look into those big doe


“I want to be a vampire.” Yasuko’s words didn’t quite penetrate

his brain. Minsheng sat there for a moment, his hard cock forgotten as
his lover’s words poured over him. Minsheng could feel a tick starting
in his jaw but managed to keep the anger from his face.

He couldn’t imagine his little lover a vampire. What was wrong

with being human? Minsheng wasn’t sure what the process was for
converting a human, but he knew he couldn’t and wouldn’t watch his
smaller lover go through any pain. It couldn’t be allowed.

Minsheng pushed away from the booth, needing some air to clear

his mind. He knew he was being selfish in telling Yasuko what he
could and couldn’t do, but it was Minsheng’s job to protect him. It
had been for the past four years.

And Minsheng wasn’t planning on giving that mantle of

responsibility up anytime soon.

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Chapter Ten

Christian went after Minsheng. He followed him as Minsheng

walked to the bar, ordering a drink.

“Since when do you drink, little one?” Christian asked as he took

a seat next to Minsheng. He wasn’t in the mood to be placated right
now. Minsheng wanted to drown in his misery. He didn’t want
Yasuko to change and that was what would happen if Christian did
his voodoo crap.

“Go away.” Minsheng lifted the glass to his lips, taking a large

gulp. Big mistake. It burned going down, making Minsheng choke.

“Do you want another one?” Christian asked, but Minsheng could

tell there was some anger in the vampire’s voice. It bothered him that
Christian was upset with him, but he just couldn’t see Yasuko going
through the pain of conversion. He wouldn’t allow it.

“Did you put him up to asking me?” Minsheng took another drink.

This time he sipped it. The alcohol wasn’t to his liking, but Minsheng
refused to set the glass down. It gave him something to do while he
stewed about the situation.

“No. Yasuko came to me about it. I told him that it would have to

be discussed with you. We are mates. No decision that life-altering
should be considered without all of us discussing it first.”

Minsheng was surprised Christian had turned Yasuko down. It

wasn’t what he was expecting. He thought for sure Christian would be
the one wanting them both to be like everyone else. This gave him
something else to consider. “What are the pros and cons? Will it hurt

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“No, little one, it will not hurt him. The pro is that he will be

stronger, more able to take care of himself. Although he is accepted as
the little prince, everyone will be more accepting of someone of their
own kind.”

Minsheng nodded. “And the con?”
“Typical vampirism. Drinks blood, no sunlight, and I honestly

can’t think of anything else.”

Minsheng could tell Christian was holding out by the guilty look

on his face. “What else?”

“Nothing really. Just maybe, um, he may be able to reproduce.”

Christian almost whispered the last part.

“What!” Minsheng’s glass dropped from his hand and tumbled on

the counter, spilling his drink everywhere. Had he heard the prince
correctly? Minsheng was feeling a bit woozy.

“Calm down. There is a way to prevent it. The only reason he will

be capable is because I am the only one able to convert. Since you
both are my mates, you won’t be considered my sons. Which is a
damn good thing.”

“Yeah, damn good,” Minsheng said as he swallowed hard,

fighting back the wave of dizziness that threatened to make him pass
out. He grabbed the glass and threw back his head, only to realize the
damn tumbler was empty.

“I am asking you to at least consider it. Yasuko has his heart set

on it, and if you say no, I want you to have a good reason behind your
answer.” Christian got up and left Minsheng to his thoughts.

The prince said it wouldn’t hurt. He said Yasuko really wouldn’t

change. The part Minsheng was grasping onto was the strength that
could be gained if he himself were to be converted. He looked around
the club, watching the vampires dance and mingle. Would it be so

“Here we go.” Buck sat down on the stool next to Minsheng, a

large take-out bag in his hand. The smell of fish wafted from the bag,
making Minsheng inhale deeply.

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“We should go to Christian’s office.” Minsheng got down from

the stool, leading the way. None of the other vampires knew Buck and
Jersey ate real food and he wasn’t about to out them. Minsheng closed
the door once Buck entered the office.

“I bought a couple extra just in case Jersey or Yasuko wanted

any,” the vampire said as he pulled the wrapped sandwiches from the

Is everything okay? Christian’s voice sounded in his head.
Yes, just eating. Would you tell Yasuko along with Jersey that

there is plenty here to eat?

I will.
Minsheng opened his wrapper and took a bite, his eyes rolling into

the back of his head. “Your father makes very good sandwiches.”

Buck grinned as he shoved a few fries in his mouth. They both

jumped when the office door swung open and crashed against the
frame, Yasuko stomping through the office in a huff and grabbing one
of the sandwiches. He wouldn’t look at Minsheng as he walked across
the room and sat on the couch. Christian and Jersey came through the
door next, Jersey closing it shut.

Christian shrugged at Minsheng as he looked at Yasuko.

Minsheng knew his lover was upset, but he hadn’t realized just how
upset until Yasuko sat across from him with a scowl on his precious

Minsheng wasn’t any good at expressing his feelings, saying his

fears out loud, and bearing his soul. Apologies were something
foreign to him. He grew up in a household where love was never
expressed. Anger he knew like a constant companion, but love?
Expressing his feelings? Those were things Minsheng knew nothing

He wanted to run to Yasuko and ask his lover to forgive him, but

how? Minsheng was no longer hungry. He sat his sandwich down and
felt like the weight of the world was on his shoulders, a pressure

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sitting on his chest. Minsheng had never let his guard down, until he
met Yasuko.

“You don’t want that?” Buck asked as he pointed to Minsheng’s

sandwich. Minsheng shook his head as he gazed across the room at
the most beautiful man he had ever known. It wasn’t Yasuko’s looks
that made him beautiful, but his heart.

“Why don’t you two go finish eating that outside?” Christian

suggested to Buck and Jersey.

“Sure thing.” Jersey grabbed the bag as the brothers left the room.
“Just tell him,” Christian spoke softly to Minsheng. He stared

down at his hands, wondering what to say. Minsheng rubbed the back
of his neck, looking at Yasuko’s saddened face from under his lashes.
Damn this was hard.

“I’m, uh, sorry for not hearing you out.” Minsheng said that

holding his breath, waiting for the rejection. He felt exposed under
Christian and Yasuko’s eyes.

To his surprise, Yasuko jumped up and ran across the room,

throwing his arms around Minsheng’s waist. Minsheng slowly
wrapped his arms around Yasuko and let out a worried breath.

Minsheng moaned when Yasuko began to lay small kisses down

his neck. His lover’s soft lips were making his brain scatter. Minsheng
reached his hand out, wanting to feel Christian next to him. He
needed both his mates at the moment. The vulnerability was
something Minsheng was not used to and it scared him.

“I have you,” Christian whispered into Minsheng’s ear. A shiver

ran down Minsheng’s spine at Christian’s words.

“Me, too.” Yasuko pulled Minsheng’s shirt over his head and then

dropped to his knees, taking Minsheng’s pants with him. Minsheng’s
cock smacked his belly as Christian pressed his chest into Minsheng’s
back, making his already sensitized skin tingle with delight.

Minsheng’s legs wobbled when Yasuko took him down his throat.

He grabbed Yasuko’s hair, twisting it around his hand as Yasuko’s
tongue swirled around the head of Minsheng’s cock.

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“Does it feel good, little one?” Christian asked as his hands ran up

and down Minsheng’s body.

“Yes,” Minsheng answered, his head rolling back onto Christian’s

chest. Christian pulled back, lifting Minsheng up and laying him out
on his desk. Yasuko protested, but was quieted when Christian began
to remove his clothes.

“Climb on top of Minsheng, little doe.”
Yasuko was quick to obey, straddling Minsheng’s hips as he

smiled down at Minsheng. Yasuko wiggled his hips, laughing as their
two cocks bounced together. Minsheng reached up and enveloped
both cocks in his hand, making Yasuko moan.

Minsheng glanced at Christian, watching his mate move behind

Yasuko. He winked down at Minsheng as Yasuko’s mouth fell open,
a groan escaping. Christian was preparing Yasuko. Minsheng wished
he could watch but didn’t want to make Yasuko give up his perch on
Minsheng’s groin.

Minsheng braced his feet on the edge of the desk as Yasuko raised

up and then slowly lowered onto his cock. Minsheng’s eyes closed as
the feeling of heaven washed over him. Yasuko placed his hands on
Minsheng’s chest as he began to move forward and back on
Minsheng’s cock.

Christian slid his fingers inside Minsheng next, making Minsheng

grit his teeth in order not to come, the dual sensation driving
Minsheng close to the edge fast. His bit his bottom lip as Christian’s
cock entered his body, making Minsheng groan.

“Love me, Minsheng,” Yasuko begged as he found a rhythm with

Christian, driving Minsheng mad.

“I do, Yasuko. From the first moment I saw you.” Minsheng

reached up and cupped Yasuko’s cheek. He glanced over Yasuko’s
shoulder and smiled at Christian. “And you just snuck up on me. I
never saw it coming. I love you, Christian.”

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Christian’s cock began to thrust harder at Minsheng’s words, his

eyes turning a sultry red. “I love both my little princes.” He winked as
Christian lowered his head and sank his fangs into Yasuko’s neck.

Yasuko cried out as ribbons of seed shot out of his cock, landing

on Minsheng’s chest. Christian thrust rapidly into Minsheng before
releasing Yasuko’s neck and roaring his release, the hot spurt of seed
bathing Minsheng’s channel.

Minsheng was the last to chase after his pleasure, feeling

Yasuko’s hole throbbing all around his cock, and Christian’s cock
pulsing in his ass threw him over the edge. Minsheng cried out as he
came inside Yasuko.

Yasuko fell onto his chest as Christian pulled free, stumbled

around the desk, and fell into his chair. “You two are starting to make
me feel my age,” he teased.

“Well, you are a million years old.” Minsheng laughed as

Christian growled. When his laughter subsided, Minsheng looked at
Yasuko lying on his chest, a contented look stealing across his face.

He reached out and brushed the sweaty strands from his lover’s

face. “We will be converted together.”

Yasuko’s head popped up as a wide grin spread across his face.

“Really? You mean it?”

How could he deny a look that made angels sigh? Minsheng

pulled Yasuko down as he kissed him on his beautiful lips. “Yes.”

“Do it!” Yasuko yelled at Christian with uncontained excitement.

Christian chuckled as he shook his head.

“I planned a ceremony if you two agreed. You are not just being

converted, but becoming my true prince mates.” Christian ran his
hand over Minsheng’s hair, smiling down at him with love in his
eyes. “I would also like to make you my Consorapagno.”

“What is that?” Minsheng asked as he turned his head, trying to

get a better look at Christian.

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“It means that you will be my equal in all aspects. You will have

the same responsibilities as I do, and the coven will look upon you for
guidance and support.”

“I do not want that responsibility, prince,” Yasuko confessed.
Christian chuckled as he leaned forward and kissed Yasuko.

“Then you shall not have it.”

Minsheng sighed. How could his life get any better than this?

* * * *

Christo stood up straight when Emilio walked into the club. The

vampire was supposed to be infiltrating Maurice’s coven. Emilio was
good, but not that good. Seeing him here meant everything they had
set up had been uncovered. Christo had a feeling Emilio brought bad

“Is the prince around?” Emilio asked as he joined Christo and Isla

at the bar. He had a haggard look about him, not his usual swagger
that brought many men to Emilio’s side.

“He’s in the library with his mates.” Christo waved in the

direction of Christian’s office. He could see the exhaustion on
Emilio’s face and decided he’d do his one good deed for the year.
“I’ll go get him.”

Christo walked down the back hallway to Christian’s office. This

hallway was a private one, only housing Christian’s office. Everyone
knew that it was forbidden to enter this hallway unless it was Christo,
Isla, or the little princes’ bodyguards. Christian wasn’t too forgiving if
a body wandered down this way.

Christo’s mind began to wander as he approached the office door.

Whatever Emilio had to say couldn’t be good. Christo sighed and
knocked, waiting for the prince to answer and hating to intrude.

“Yes?” Christian’s voice carried through the door. Christo really

hated to disturb them. He hadn’t heard the prince sound this pleased
in a very long time and felt like shit bringing him bad news.

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“It’s Christo. Emilio needs to speak with you.” Christo raised his

voice, but still tried to keep it low enough so that no one else heard.

“Transfer the call to my office.” Yeah, right. If only it were that


“Prince, he is here, in the club.”
The door swung open minutes later, Christian glaring at Christo,

his eyes glowed red. “Why is he here?”

Next time Emilio could take his chances and deliver the bad news.

“He hasn’t said. I came to get you as soon as he showed up.”

Christian glanced over his shoulder. Christo could tell the prince

was speaking to his mates through their bond.

The prince turned back to him and nodded. “I’ll be out in a few

moments.” The door was closed in Christo’s face. Well, that went
well. It went better than how Christian used to respond to bad news a
few hundred years ago. The prince would have been out of his office
and tearing assholes apart, asking questions after the guilty man was
pulling his body parts from the floor. The prince had mellowed out
over the years.

“Thank fuck,” Christo mumbled as he headed back to the bar. The

night was still early, partiers all around as Christo pushed his way to
Isla’s side.

“Well?” Isla smirked.
“He’ll be out in a few minutes. Next time you can go get him.”
Isla snorted as he shook his head. “Hell no. I’m not stupid enough

to intrude on his mate time.”

But Christo was. So much for gaining wisdom as he aged.

Winston slid him a glass of the red crimson as Christo leaned one arm
on the bar and waited for the prince. Emilio was sitting on the other
side of Isla, sulking. Christo gave a salute in Emilio’s direction as he
took a drink.

“Heads up,” Isla whispered as Christian and his mates walked out

into the club. Shelby grabbed Yasuko right away as Christian and

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Minsheng joined them. Christian reached over the bar and grabbed a
bottle of water, handing it to Minsheng as he looked over at Emilio.

“My booth.” Christian spun on his heel, walking with Minsheng

up the stairs to the second floor. Christo, Isla, and Emilio followed,
none of them saying a word as Christian and then his mate slid in.
“What happened?”

Christo slid in on Minsheng’s side while Isla and Emilio stood

behind him. “Somehow Maurice found out. I recognized one of his
coven members. They must have tipped Maurice off.”

Christian rubbed his hand over his chin as he stared at the three

vampires. “Did you learn anything while you were there?”

Emilio was quick with his answer. “I did. They plan to attack our

coven, using rogues to assist them. The only thing I didn’t manage to
find out was when. Maurice has a super inflated ego and feels he
should be prince.” Emilio finished with a sound of distaste in his
mouth. As if the words were bitter on his tongue.

“I want everyone warned and on alert. Inform Buck and Jersey of

the situation. If anyone comes near my coven or my mates, I’ll kill
them and ask questions later.” Christian bared his fangs as his eyes
narrowed to slits, giving him a look that would scare Satan.

Now there was the old Christian Christo remembered.

* * * *

Yasuko paced the bedroom nervously. They were having the

ceremony right here in the manor. He had assumed that Christian
would do whatever it was he did to convert someone and that would
be the end of it. Yasuko had no clue when he asked that the prince
would make such a show of it.

“Calm down, Yasuko. This is what you wanted, right?” Minsheng

asked as he pushed from the bed and pulled Yasuko into his arms.
Yasuko did not know what he would do without Minsheng’s strength

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and comfort over the years. But it sure did not settle the butterflies in
his stomach right now.

“I’m nervous, Minsheng. I feel like I will be sick.” Yasuko laid

his head on Minsheng’s shoulder, borrowing some of his strength.

“I’m nervous as well, Yasuko. But we must remember that

Christian won’t let anything happen to us.” Minsheng rubbed a
reassuring hand up and down Yasuko’s back.

“Why do we have to wear these silly robes?” Yasuko asked as he

tugged on the ceremonial garment. He was so short that the robe went
past his feet. He had to lift it just to walk.

“Christian says it is tradition. It’s not every day the prince takes a

mate, and he has two,” Minsheng teased. Yasuko could tell Minsheng
was trying to relax him, but it wasn’t working. Yasuko jumped when
someone rapped on the bedroom door.

Minsheng crossed the room, having to hold the robe up as he

answered the door.

“It’s showtime, fellas.” Jersey winked as he stepped aside,

allowing Minsheng and Yasuko to pass him. He led the two down the
corridor, up the stairs, and into the large foyer. There were many
candles lit, everyone in a black ceremonial robe. Yasuko’s and
Minsheng’s were a deep blood red.

Yasuko smiled as soon as he spotted Christian. His prince looked

proud as he stood between the two tables that were covered in black
and red silk. Yasuko’s eyes darted around, seeing that the entire coven
was present. Okay, he was really nervous now.

Christian waved his hand at one table and then the other. Yasuko

bumped into Minsheng, not knowing which table he was supposed to
get on. Christian winked at him as Yasuko felt his face heat up. He
nodded slightly to his right, Yasuko holding a thumb up at his side.

Once Minsheng and Yasuko were lying on their separate tables,

Christian began to speak.

“As prince of your coven and your race, it gives me great honor to

bring forth my mates and present them to you as your princes.

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Tonight we shall celebrate their chosen destiny by converting
Minsheng and Yasuko, giving them a new life among us.” Christian
ran his hand over Yasuko’s hair when he noticed how badly Yasuko
was shaking as he laid there.

“I have chosen to make Minsheng my Consorapagno.” Gasps

rang out as Yasuko stared at the ceiling. If Christian didn’t hurry up,
he was going to be sick. His nerves in his stomach were causing quite
a racket.

We will begin in just one second, little doe.
Thank you.
“If there is anyone here who objects to their conversion or

Minsheng’s new station, speak now.” Yasuko waited, his body
shaking like a leaf. When no one said a word, Christian moved closer
to his table.

“Let the conversion begin.”

* * * *

Christian leaned over Yasuko, giving his mate a wink as he ran his

hands over Yasuko’s eyes, putting him into a hypnotic sleep. Once
Yasuko’s eyes closed, Christian moved over to Minsheng, giving him
a nod as he did the same.

Christian started with Yasuko. He lifted his mate’s shoulder,

baring his neck as Christian’s fangs sank deeply into Yasuko’s tender
flesh. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he drank deeply. His
cock was getting hard as a rock as he drained Yasuko. Christian didn’t
have to completely drain his mate, just enough to allow the
conversion. Once he took enough, Christian lay Yasuko back down,
sealing the wound, and then bit into his wrist. The rivulet of blood
cascaded into Yasuko’s open mouth. Christian spanned a hand over
Yasuko, making him drink. Once the drained blood had been
replaced, Christian leaned forward and laid a kiss to Yasuko’s lips. He
turned to Minsheng, repeating the process.

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Lynn Hagen

Soon they would awaken with a hunger Christian would gladly

quench. He was looking forward to that part of the ceremony. Of
course, his coven would have to leave the foyer as sex would be a
large part of it.

Christian spun around and hissed when a loud crash came from

the front of the house. Before he could lift his mates and take them to
safety, the room was filled with vampires that were not from his

“Take them to my room!” Christian shouted to Buck and Jersey.

“But leave them in peace, and guard their door.”

The two large bodyguards ran to the tables, but before they

couldn’t get Minsheng and Yasuko, they were attacked. Christian
roared as his fangs elongated until the tips were resting against his
chin and black claws erupted from his fingernails. His skin began to
take on a purplish hue, his height growing until he was two feet taller,
showing that he was indeed the original vampire.

He cut through the stunned enemy as he made his way to Maurice.

The bastard had the nerve to stand his ground. Fool. Christian swung
his arms out, subduing the battle in his home. “You dare challenge
me?” Christian’s voice took on his native hiss. His true form hadn’t
been shown since Christian was born two thousand years ago. But his
mates were present and in danger. No one threatened Minsheng and

“Y–You are the original.” Maurice paled as he backed away.
“What gave it away?” Christian asked as he circled around the

arrogant bastard. “Have you come to kill my mates?”

“N–No, prince,” Maurice answered in a cowardly voice, shaking

where he stood. Christian swung out at the same time Maurice spun
around and jabbed a small knife at his throat. The coven’s leaders
head separated from his body as Christian roared his triumph in battle.
He was running on instinct now, sniffing the air for his mates.

The entire room had backed away as Christian sniffed the beds

and then followed the scent down the stairs and to his bedroom. Buck

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Christian’s Menace


and Jersey jumped out of the way, scrambling to put some distance
between them and Christian as he opened his bedroom door.

His mates were laid on the bed, still going through the conversion

when Christian entered. He walked across the room, sniffing at his
mates, pulling back their robes to see their creamy flesh.

His original form was appeased, allowing Christian to slowly

transform to his former self. He watched his mates as he wondered
what would happen now that the secret had been revealed. The elders
would be visiting soon. Of this Christian had no doubt.

He’d worry about that later. Now was a time to celebrate. His

mates were now vampires, and soon they would each awaken to a
whole new life. Christian sat on the bed and waited for them to open
their eyes, wondering if his life would ever be the same now that he
had Minsheng and Yasuko to share his world with.

Yasuko was the first to open his eyes, and the irises glowed a

beautiful red. His perfect lips parted, showing off his new fangs. “You
are so sexy as a vampire,” Christian teased.

Minsheng’s eyes shot open, and he immediately sat up. He hissed

at Christian, showing off his beautiful fangs. They both leapt, taking
the prince down as Yasuko and Minsheng began to feed from him.

Yes, this was the part he had been waiting for.






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Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but

lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to
find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a

cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

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Also by Lynn Hagen

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 1: Maverick’s Mate

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 2: Hawk’s Pretty Baby

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 3: Sunshine’s Savior

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 4: Remi’s Pup

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 5: Stormy Eyes

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 6: Oliver’s Heart

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 7: Keata’s Promise

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 8: George’s Turn

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 9: Loco’s Love

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 10: Lewis’s Dream

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 11: Mark’s Not Gay

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 12: Nutter Nero

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 13: Heaven’s Hell

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 14: Nicholas’s Wolf

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 15: Murphy’s Madness

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 16: Montana’s Vamp

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 17: Carter’s Tryck

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 18: Joshua’s Law
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 19: Dagon’s Ride

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 20: Steven’s Journey

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 21: Alex’s Secret

For all other titles, please visit:

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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