Wanting 1 1 Giving In Piper Vaughn

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It's Jonah and Laurie's first Valentine's Day. What could be a better way to celebrate than with a

little kinky superhero roleplay? According to Laurie, pretty much anything. Bummed, but unwilling to
pressure his boyfriend into something he doesn't want to do, Jonah resigns himself to celebrating a
more traditional Valentine's Day. But Jonah isn't the only one who hates to see his boyfriend

Kiss Me Quick is a collection of short and sweet stories from authors familiar and new,

celebrating the season of love. Come and enjoy these tales of misunderstandings, lonely singles,
pining lovers, and so much more! Because if there is one thing that is never in doubt, it’s that LT3
knows the way to your heart, and these stories are a straight shot.
By Piper Vaughn
Published by Less Than Three Press LLC

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without

written permission of the publisher, except for the purpose of reviews.
Edited by Courtney Davidson Cover designed by M.J. O'Shea

This book is a work of fiction and as such all characters and situations are fictitious. Any

resemblance to actual people, places, or events is coincidental.

First Edition February 2012

Copyright © 2012 by Piper Vaughn Printed in the United States of America
ISBN 9781620041178 To Izzie, for many reasons, but these three most of all:

1) Your encouragement and support. 2) Being one of my very first fans. 3) Loving Jonah and

Laurie as much as I do.

Kiss Me Quick

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Piper Vaughn

"I want you to be the Batman to my Superman."

Laurie swallowed his mouthful of udon noodles and just barely managed to stop himself from

choking. "You want me to be the who to your what?"

Jonah looked at him seriously from across the table. "The Batman to my Superman."

Laurie put his chopsticks down and took a bemused sip of his green tea. "Don't you mean the Batman
to your Robin?" he asked.
Jonah snorted. "Laur, no one actually cares about Robin."
"Ohh-kay …" Laurie blinked and drank some more of his tea. Well, that was news to him. He'd file it
in the back of his mind with all of the other random superhero stuff he'd learned since he and Jonah
had gotten together. "Don't you think it's a little bit early to start talking about Halloween costumes,
though? It's still eight months away."
Jonah shook his head as he tried to fish some of the slippery noodles out of his bowl with his
chopsticks. He wasn't very good at using them—a fact that Laurie secretly found adorable—but he
always stubbornly refused to ask for a fork instead. "I'm not talking about Halloween. I'm talking
about Valentine's Day."
Laurie's forehead wrinkled. He set his empty cup down and leaned back against his chair.
"Valentine's Day? Why do we need costumes for that?"
Jonah just grinned at him. Laurie's stomach fluttered in response. Oh, man … he knew exactly what
that smile meant. Capital T trouble.
He and Jonah were sitting in their favorite Japanese restaurant, in the lull between the lunch and
dinner crowds, trying to ease the ache of a deep Madison winter chill from their bones over steaming
bowls of shrimp tempura udon. After waking up to a nice and balmy high of seven below zero and
navigating the icy sidewalks and walkways of the University of Wisconsin campus all afternoon,
something belly-filling and delicious, and most of all, hot, had sounded like the perfect reprieve from
a miserable late winter day. Now Laurie thought that maybe they should have just picked something
up on their way home instead.
What was it with Jonah and bringing up the most awkward conversational topics when they were out
in public anyway? Laurie couldn't understand why Jonah didn't save them for somewhere more
private, like, say, their bedroom in the apartment they shared with Jonah's older brother, Marc, who
also happened to be Laurie's best friend.
"I want to role-play," Jonah said after swallowing his bite of shrimp tempura. "Marc and Jennie are
going down to Chicago for the night. We'll have the apartment all to ourselves."
"Role-play?" Laurie repeated. He glanced around to make sure no one was close enough to overhear.
Aside from a middleaged couple in one of the booths across the aisle, there wasn't anyone else
nearby. He lowered his voice and leaned closer anyway. "You mean you want to spend Valentine's
Day dressed up in capes and tights pretending to be superheroes?"
Jonah nodded and grinned again. "Only the world's finest."
Laurie stared at him for a few seconds. Then, out of nowhere, he started laughing. He sat back in his
chair again and shook his head. Oh, God, for a second there, Jonah'd really had him. Role-playing as
Batman and Superman on Valentine's Day? Yeah, right. Not even superhero-obsessed Jonah would
ever seriously consider doing something that cheesy.
It took Laurie a few seconds to realize Jonah wasn't laughing along with him. In fact, Jo looked kind
of … hurt?

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"You're joking, right?" Laurie asked in surprise. "You can't honestly want to …"
Jonah didn't answer, just dropped his gaze to his udon and poked at it with his chopsticks.
"You are serious." Laurie's eyes widened. For a moment it felt like they might actually pop right out
of their sockets and land in his soup. "Jo, I'm sorry, but … no. I'd feel ridiculous doing that."
"Why?" Jonah grumbled without looking up. He pushed his bowl away. "No one would be there but
Laurie shrugged. "It doesn't matter who would be there. What would be the point? It's stupid."
Jonah's head jerked up at that. "It's not stupid. It's supposed to be fun. People do that kind of stuff all
the time. It keeps things interesting."
Laurie's eyebrows lifted. "So, what," he said, "you're bored already?"
He had to ask, even if the idea itself was almost laughable. Laurie didn't have a single complaint
about their relationship, and he doubted that Jonah could come up with one either. And if Laurie had
somehow been blind to some deep-seated problem, sex would be the very last thing he ever
considered. He and Jonah hadn't even been together for a year yet, and the sex was just as hot as it'd
always been. Maybe even hotter now that they knew each other's bodies so well, knew the meaning
behind every cry and moan, knew every little secret place sure to drive the other absolutely crazy
when touched … or licked.
Well, it felt that way to him at least.
But what if it's not like that for Jo?
A little worm of doubt wiggled its way into Laurie's consciousness and settled in to tickle at the back
of his mind. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. So far, Laurie was Jonah's first and only lover.
What if Jo was starting to get the telltale itch to try out something—or someone—new?
That thought brought a sudden bolt of nausea along with it.
No. Laurie couldn't think about that. He and Jonah were happy. Aside from the drama with Travis
back when they'd first hooked up the previous summer, their relationship had been smooth-sailing.
Maybe … too smooth?
Laurie moved his own bowl of soup aside, abruptly sickened by the smell, and reached for the pot of
tea with fingers that he tried to pretend were only trembling because of the cold that radiated from the
windowpane beside their table.
Jonah watched him pour himself a refill and extended his own cup in a silent request. Laurie poured
him some too and set the pot back down.
"I didn't say that," Jonah finally answered. "But I didn't think there'd be any harm in … mixing things
"So let's get some new toys," Laurie suggested in as close to a whisper as possible. To his ears, it
still sounded like a shout. He gave another paranoid glance around their table. "Or we'll try out that
lube you saw online. What was it? Gun Oil?"
Jonah nodded.
"Okay," Laurie said, but even knowing no one was close enough to hear them, his cheeks warmed at
the idea of discussing something so personal in such a public setting. "So we can look into it. Just …
can we drop it for now? I'd rather talk about it at home."
"Yeah, okay." Jonah glanced at his watch and sighed. "I gotta get to work." He stood and dug into his
pocket for his wallet, but Laurie reached out a hand to stop him.
"Don't worry about it. I've got it."
Jonah gave him a tight little smile, which looked strangely out of place on his cute, oval face. It wasn't
anything like the normal, sunny grin Laurie was used to seeing. "Thanks. I'll get it next time. See ya."

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He grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair and took off before Laurie could reply. No hug. No
kiss. No "I love you." Jonah had never left without saying "I love you," not once since they'd started
living together.
Laurie groaned and shut his eyes briefly. Dammit. He'd messed that up. But, still, there wasn't any
way he was prancing around their apartment as The Caped Crusader, Valentine's Day or not. He'd
figure out some other way to make it up to Jonah. Some way that didn't involve tights or a cape or,
heaven forbid, a mask with pointy bat ears.
Shaking his head, Laurie signaled to their waiter for the check. No way …
"So, what are your and Laurie's plans for Valentine's Day?"
Jonah looked up from his register at his co-worker, Reggie's, voice. She was eyeing him with avid
interest, one pierced, crimson-dyed eyebrow arched in question.
"No idea," Jonah said with a shrug. He'd been hoping for some kinky role-playing followed by some
even kinkier sex, but it didn't look like that would be happening. He'd known that Laurie might be a
bit hesitant, but he hadn't expected an outright refusal. Laurie liked his underoos, after all. What
would it hurt to move away from the underoos to something a little bit more serious?
"But this is your first Valentine's Day together, isn't it?" Reggie asked. "You have to do something."
"What about you and Brian?" Jonah said, hoping to distract her. He really wasn't in the mood to talk
about his lack of Valentine's Day plans … or his love life in general. Not that he wasn't happy with
Laurie. He just wanted Laurie and his admittedly quirky superhero fantasies to come together
somewhere other than just his head. It wasn't as if they'd be hurting anyone. If Laurie's Batman and his
Superman liked to get a little freaky every now and again, who would ever know? He didn't see any
reason for Laurie to be embarrassed about it.
"Ugh, Brian." Reggie gave a long-suffering sigh. "Don't even get me started. Do you know that
yesterday he …"
Jonah bit back a grin as Reggie started ranting about how her boyfriend had refused to unload the
dishwasher the night before and how a 2AM screaming match had ensued as a result. He knew it was
probably wrong to be amused, but when Reggie told him that Brian finally caved after she threatened
to toss his PlayStation 3 off the balcony, Jonah couldn't help but laugh. Reggie's boyfriend was the
one subject guaranteed to send her off on a tangent no matter what the circumstances.
Distraction: accomplished.
Two hours later, Jonah almost regretted bringing up the Brian topic. Almost. Maybe he should've
taken the opportunity to talk about the Valentine's Day situation when Reggie had asked. She might
have been able to give him some advice on how to get Laurie to agree. But, still, if he talked to
anyone about it, it should technically be Laurie himself. They hadn't come across a problem yet that
they couldn't talk their way out of. And, besides, judging by Laurie's reaction at the restaurant earlier,
Jonah doubted Laurie would want him discussing it at all, let alone with a co-worker he saw on a
regular basis.
Jonah brushed the memory of their conversation aside and instead focused on helping to close up the
store. Once his manager had given the employees the okay to leave, he donned his jacket and headed
out into the frigid winter night, already dreading the trip home. That day had been one of the coldest
of the year so far, and he wasn't really looking forward to standing around at the bus stop for fifteen
minutes while he tried not to freeze to death. But it was either that or walk. Even if the buses usually
smelled like sweat and week-old dirty socks, the plus side was that they had heat and would cut his
travel time by more than half.
Jonah lifted his hood and huddled further into his jacket. He turned right on instinct, automatically

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heading toward the bus stop down the block, but a honk from one of the cars parked in front of the
store drew his attention. Jonah peered at it through the snow-obscured darkness and realized it was
his brother's old Dodge Intrepid. Surprised, he crossed the sidewalk and pulled open the passenger
door. Laurie sat behind the wheel, and the interior was pine-scented and blessedly warm. Jonah slid
inside and put his hands up to the vents with a sigh of relief. He'd forgotten his gloves that morning
and even in the minute or two he'd been outside, the wind had already made his fingers feel stiff and
"Hey," Laurie said.
Jonah glanced at him quickly. In the dim green glow from the radio clock, he could make out bits and
pieces of Laurie's features: patrician nose, rounded jaw, dark brows like two straight brushstrokes
over his eyes. The shadows hid their color, a pretty hazel that had always fascinated Jonah, that
leaned toward gold and green in turns, and sometimes managed to be both at once. "Hey. Thanks for
coming to pick me up. It's freezing."
"I know. I didn't want you to have to wait for the bus."
Jonah couldn't help but smile. He reached over and squeezed Laurie's hand briefly. He hadn't
expected to be picked up, but he wasn't really surprised that Laurie was there. Laurie just did things
like that sometimes. It was as if he somehow knew just when Jonah needed him most. "Is Marc
"No. He's spending the night at Jennie's."
"Cool." Jonah played with the dials on the dashboard until the heat was coming from both the top and
lower vents. After a few moments, he realized the car still wasn't moving. He turned to look at Laurie
in surprise. "What's wrong?"
"I'm waiting for my kiss."
The words startled a laugh out of Jonah. He remembered then that their last kiss had been that
morning, right before leaving the apartment, which was more than a little unusual for them. Normally
they kissed at every available opportunity. Bedroom, bathroom, stairwell, elevator, it didn't matter
where they were, as long as they were alone. He'd been miffed after dinner and left without kissing
Laurie goodbye, and he knew now he'd been wrong. Annoyed or not, it was childish and, more than
that, unfair to them both.
Jonah cupped the back of Laurie's neck in one hand and drew him forward until their lips met. At first
it was just a soft brush, almost hesitant. Then Laurie's lips parted and his tongue traced the seam of
Jonah's mouth, and Jonah opened up for him with a helpless little moan. Oh, God. It was always so
good. Even months and months after their first kiss, it was like everything was brand new again.
Every time they kissed it all came back—that heady rush of excitement, that anticipatory flutter low in
his belly, the warm flush of arousal over his skin. Laurie's lips were soft, and he tasted amazing, like
mint and chocolate with a hint of coffee underneath.
"Mmm," Jonah murmured against Laurie's mouth. "Were you drinking a mocha?"
He felt Laurie's smile. "Yeah. Peppermint. Want some? I picked it up on my way here."
"In a minute. Kiss me again."
Laurie's smile widened. His tongue flicked out, seeking entrance, and Jonah gave it willingly, his
fingers threading into the soft hair at Laurie's nape. Another couple minutes of those deep, slow kisses
had Jonah squirming in his seat. The hand that wasn't buried in Laurie's hair trailed down to press
against the bulge under his fly. Laurie's hips flexed as he pressed up into Jonah's touch, but he broke
the kiss after a few more seconds and shook his head.
"No, baby. Home. I don't want anyone from your work to see."

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Jonah nodded dazedly. Oh, fuck. Work. He'd been so wrapped up in Laurie's kisses, he'd totally
forgotten where they were. He took a quick look around, but the street was deserted. No surprise
there. It was too effing cold for anyone but the most determined of voyeurs to be spying on them
anyway, and the darkness and snow probably obscured the view into the car. Still, Laurie was right.
Better cautious than jobless the next day because he got caught jerking his boyfriend off on company
"Yeah, let's go."
*~*~* "Laurie."

Jonah trembled, his teeth digging into his lower lip, back arching instinctively as wave after wave

of pleasure pulsed through him. He felt the sting of a bite on his nape and shuddered, the fingers of his
left hand tightening around Laurie's. The other hand reached up to tangle in Laurie's sweatdamp hair.
Jonah needed the contact, needed something to center himself so it wouldn't feel like he was shaking
apart. As always, Laurie was there, gripping his hand tightly, brushing a path of kisses along his neck
and up to his ear.

"I love how you say my name when I'm inside you." Laurie's voice was low in the dark.

Jonah moaned softly. Laurie was still moving inside him, stirring his hips in lazy circles. Despite the
added sensitivity from his orgasm, Jonah relished the feeling. There were few things he loved more
than Laurie's weight on top of him, pushing him down into the mattress. It was his favorite position—
flat on his stomach, hands braced against the headboard, thighs pressed tightly together. He loved the
added pressure, the sensation of fullness, the idea that he could feel every single inch of Laurie buried
deep inside.
"I love you, Laur."
Laurie dropped a kiss on his ear, then nuzzled the delicate skin behind it with the tip of his nose. "Me,
too, Jo."
Jonah shivered as Laurie carefully withdrew and settled onto the bed beside him. His body felt loose
and satiated, his muscles pleasantly sore, but certain parts of him were just a little bit … sticky. A
shower was most definitely in order. Later. For the moment all he wanted to do was lay there cuddled
up against Laurie's side and just listen to his heartbeat.
The very last thing he'd expected was to finish the night with a round of hot, rough sex, but it was
exactly what he hadn't known he needed. Laurie, too, it seemed. The moment they'd stepped into the
apartment, Laurie had grabbed him, slammed him back against the door, and kissed him as if the
world was falling down around their shoulders.
Jonah wouldn't have been able to resist that kiss, even if he'd wanted to. They'd almost wound up
going at it on the couch, kissing and fondling and groping, frantically stripping off clothes and tossing
them aside without any care as to where they landed. It was only when Jonah was kneeling on the
floor with his pants around his ankles and his mouth on Laurie's cock that he thought maybe they'd
better move things into the bedroom. Just in case. He could only imagine how Marc would react if he
came home early and walked in on a scene like that. The thought almost made him laugh.
"What are you thinking about?" Laurie asked.
"Tonight," Jonah answered. "Us." He tossed an arm around Laurie's waist and squeezed him tight.
"I'm sorry for the way I acted at dinner. We don't have to do anything you don't want, okay?"
"It's not a big deal," Laurie said, his lips brushing against Jonah's temple. "You don't have to
"No." Jonah pulled his head back a little so he could look at Laurie's face. Not that he could see very
much in the darkness. "I really do. I should have learned from the first time I nagged you into doing

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something you weren't comfortable with."
Laurie's hand cupped his jaw and drew him close for a quick kiss. "This isn't the same thing."
"Still, forget I said anything. We can just go out for dinner or something. Maybe even splurge on one
of those hotels with a hot tub in the room."
"We can, if you're really okay with that. But, Jo, I—"
Jonah cut Laurie off with another kiss. "I'm gonna take a shower, okay? I'll be out in a few minutes."
Laurie seemed like he might want to say more, but after a moment, Jonah felt him nod slowly. "Sure,
"I can't believe he agreed to go into work!"

Jonah gave a miserable nod, not even slightly appeased by the outrage in Reggie's voice on his

behalf. It was Valentine's Day and Laurie had just texted him to say that he'd gotten called in to work
and wouldn't be home until after ten. So much for their dinner plans. They'd probably wind up getting
fast food or ordering a pizza and then vegging out on the couch for the rest of the night. And that was
fine—any other day—but definitely not the way he'd wanted their first Valentine's Day to go.

"I'm sorry, hon." Reggie rested a hand on his shoulder and squeezed lightly. "But, hey, you guys

can still do something, right? Ten o'clock is early for the college crowd."

Jonah shrugged. "Yeah." Not that he and Laurie were really into the partying scene. Occasionally

they went out to keggers with his brother or to the bars that never actually checked their IDs, but
whenever their schedules worked out so that they could spend some time alone together, more often
than not they spent it just hanging out at the apartment, or going off and doing something by
themselves. He didn't need anything fancy as long as Laurie was there and he wasn't a very big
drinker besides. But this wasn't just any night. It was Valentine's Day. And who cared if it was
probably an overly commercialized, made up holiday anyway? He wanted to do something special
with his boyfriend. His first ever boyfriend. That couldn't be too much to ask.

Reggie squeezed his shoulder again, and then wandered off to her register to ring up the customer

who'd just appeared at the counter. Jonah pasted a fake smile on his face and waved for the next
customer to come down to his. He only had an hour left of his shift, but suddenly he wasn't excited
about getting off anymore. What was the point of being excited when all he had to go home to was an
empty apartment?

An hour and a half later Jonah was still asking himself the same question. If it'd been summer, he

would have gone fishing or maybe kayaking on the lake to distract himself for a few hours. But it was
winter in Wisconsin and the weather outside was totally abysmal: dark, snowy, cold as all hell. He
had homework to do, of course. There was always homework. But his head just wasn't in it, and he
knew he'd probably wind up staring at his books and not getting anything done anyway.

Jonah tried to think of someone he could call as he trudged up the stairs to his apartment, but he

kept drawing a blank. Marc had already left for Chicago earlier that afternoon. All of his other friends
were either at work, class, or out with their boyfriends (or girlfriends). There really wasn't any
choice but to wait for Laurie. Maybe the night could still be saved somehow. Jonah could only hope.

When he got to the apartment and unlocked the door, he was more than a little surprised to find it

pitch black inside. They usually left one of the kitchen lights on, and sometimes even the hall light,
too, but the entire place was dark and almost eerily still.

Jonah reached over and blindly felt along the wall until he found the switch for the light in the

entryway, but when he flipped it up nothing happened. Frowning, he stepped into the apartment and
pulled the door shut behind him. For a second he thought maybe the power had gone out, but that

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didn't make any sense. The apartment was still warm, and he could see the glow of numbers on the
stove clock from where he stood.

Weird. Well, maybe the bulb had just gone out. No biggie. They had plenty of spares in the closet.

Jonah slipped off his shoes and made his way into the apartment, keeping his fingers on the wall until
they brushed across the light switch for the living room. He flipped that one, too, but nothing
happened then either. Okay. Well, that's even weirder. He hesitated there for a moment, chewing
thoughtfully on his lower lip.
It was then that he noticed it—a dim white light coming from down the hall where the bedrooms
What the hell?
Jonah took a step back and pressed closer to the wall. He was starting to get a little freaked out.
Maybe someone else was in the apartment. A robber. Maybe he'd hidden in one of the rooms when he
heard Jonah unlock the door.
Jonah shook his head and inwardly berated himself. Don't be stupid. We're broke college students.
Why would anyone rob us?
But, then, they did have that nice LCD television Jonah's parents have given them all as a Christmas
present the year before. And there was always the PS3 and the laptops and Laurie's old XBOX 360.
People had gotten killed for way less.
Jonah swallowed thickly. He debated going out into the hallway and calling the cops, but how idiotic
would he look if there was no one in the apartment and the light was just coming from the bathroom or
He shook his head again and straightened his shoulders. Marc would laugh for days if he could see
Jonah cowering in the corner like a scared rabbit from what was probably nothing at all. He made his
way down the hall one tentative step at a time. When he got to the end, the sight that greeted him left
him too shocked to do anything more than stare for a few moments with his mouth hanging open.
It was … the Bat-Symbol, shining on the door to his and Laurie's room. He looked down, searching
the floor for its source, and saw a flashlight propped up on a pile of books with a little bat cutout
stuck on the lens.
Someone had actually made a Bat-Symbol for him … and there was only one person who could've—
would've—done it.
Jonah grinned to himself. Beneath the Bat-Symbol, a piece of paper had been taped to the door with
an arrow pointing down.
"Put these on," he read aloud.
At the base of the door was a pile of clothing and a pair of dark red boots. Jonah couldn't help but
laugh as he picked them up. Other than the boots, there was a red cape and a pair of tiny red briefs
with the Superman emblem on the crotch.
Jonah laughed again and rushed to strip off his clothes, giddy and breathless with sudden anticipation.
As he shimmied into the briefs and fastened on the cape, he was grinning so wide his cheeks almost
hurt. The boots smelled like real leather and they had some pretty badass buckles going up and down
the sides. He'd have to find an excuse to actually wear them out sometime, but he was too impatient to
see what waited for him on the other side of the door to think about that for too long.
He twisted the knob and shoved the door open. The bedroom was lit by the wavering light of at least
a dozen candles. Danny Elfman's Batman theme—Jonah's personal favorite—played softly in the
background. And lying in the middle of their bed was Laurie. He was half-reclined against the

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pillows with his ankles crossed, wearing nothing more than a pair of black boots, black Batman
briefs, a yellow belt … and an honest to goodness Batman mask, complete with the black make-up
around his eyes to make them blend in.
Jonah's grin widened even further as he crossed the room to stand beside the bed. "I can't believe you
did this."
Laurie gave him a hesitant smile and reached out to grab his hand. "I know it isn't exactly what you
wanted, but—"
"Are you kidding me?" Jonah pounced on top of him and scattered kisses across Laurie's jaw. "It's
"Yeah?" Laurie asked. "I didn't know how far you wanted to go with the costumes, but I … I wanted
to make it up to you for how I reacted when you first asked."
He sounded so unsure that Jonah couldn't resist kissing him again. "It's perfect," he repeated. Then he
hit Laurie lightly on the shoulder. "But you're a jerk! Do you know how mad I was when I got your
Laurie laughed. "I can guess."
Jonah rubbed the tips of their noses together and grinned. "But you more than made up for it. The Bat-
Symbol was a nice touch."
"I'm glad," Laurie said. "I love you, Jo. I want you to be happy. I can deal with a little bit of
embarrassment if that's what it takes."
Jonah leaned back and looked down the length of Laurie's body. When he met Laurie's eyes again, it
was with a naughty little smile that he hoped showed Laurie exactly how much he was enjoying the
view. "You have no reason to be embarrassed. It's just me. And, besides, you look hot. I like the
boots." He kissed Laurie again and nibbled on his lower lip. "And the mask … and the underoos."
Laurie smiled against his mouth. "I kind of like them, too, actually."
"So maybe you'll switch over from boxers?" Jonah asked. He trailed his fingers from Laurie's
sternum, down over the hard ridges of his abdomen, to the waistband of the black briefs. There he
paused to run his fingertips just below the band, from one hip to the other.
Laurie shivered. "I don't know about that."
Jonah chuckled and dipped his fingers a bit lower. "I think I can convince you."
Laurie gave a half-laugh, half-moan. He slid down on the bed and pulled Jonah along with him until
only their heads rested on the pillows. "Maybe you can."
"Hmm …" Jonah nuzzled his nose against Laurie's throat and pressed a kiss to the pulse point at the
base. "Got any more surprises for me?" he asked. The words were whispered into Laurie's ear and
followed by a nip on the lobe.
Laurie chuckled breathlessly. "Just this," he murmured, reaching down to rub the outline of his
erection through the material of his briefs.
Jonah watched for a moment, his mouth gone suddenly dry. "This?"
"Yeah." Laurie kissed him, a slow, deep kiss that made Jonah whimper and press as close as he could
get. "This looks like a job for Superman," he said, his lips brushing Jonah's as he spoke. "Don’t you
Jonah wanted to laugh. God, he was so happy. This really was everything he could have asked for. He
wanted to kiss Laurie senseless and tell him he loved him and give him the gift that had been burning
a hole in his pocket all day long.
But Laurie had planned this for him, and the least he could do was play along.
So all he said was: "Hey, that's my line."

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Fin About the Author

Piper Vaughn wrote her first love story at eleven and never looked back. Since then, she’s known

that writing in some form was exactly what she wanted to do. A reader at the core, Piper loves
nothing more than getting lost in a great book—fantasy, young adult, romance, she loves them all (and
has a thousand book library to prove it!). She grew up in Chicago, in an ethnically diverse
neighborhood, and loves to put faces and characters of every ethnicity in her stories, so her fictional
worlds are as colorful as the real one. Above all, she believes that everyone needs a little true love in
their life…even if it’s only in a book.

If you have any comments, questions, or other feedback, you can contact Piper at

piper.vaughn7@gmail.com. You can also visit Piper’s website at




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giving instructions in english Nieznany
H Beam Piper Federation ss When in the Course
#0207 – Giving Birth in a Hospital
Piper Michael Collins The New Jerusalem Zionist Power In America
H Beam Piper Oomphel In The Sky
#0220 – Giving Opinions in a Meeting
H Beam Piper Federation ss Oomphel in the Sky
H Beam Piper Murder in the Gunroom
Piper, H Beam Future History 08 Oomphel in the Sky
H Beam Piper & J J McGuire Null ABC (Crisis in 2140)
Giving Forensic Evidence in Court
Wilson Clay, Gift giving and books in the letters
Education in Poland
Participation in international trade
in w4

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