Tomb of the Ancients

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Tomb of the Ancients

By Stuart Lloyd

How to fight the creatures of the Flatlands

You are a young noble from Salamonis forced into a life a travel and adventure. You
might be able to find a powerful relic of your ancestors, but you will have to overcome
many tribulations in order to do so. First you must determine your strengths and

Skill, stamina and luck

Roll one die and divide the result by 2, rounding fractions up. Add 4 to this number and
enter this to the skill box in your adventure sheet.

Roll one die. Add 6 to this number and enter this to the stamina box in your adventure

Roll one die. Add 4 to this number and enter this to the luck box in your adventure sheet.


You will often come across situations in the book where you are instructed to fight a
creature of some sort. An option to flee may be given, but if not – or if you choose to
fight the creature anyway – you must resolve the battle as set out below.

First, record the creature’s skill and stamina scores in the first vacant encounter box on
your adventure sheet. The scores for each creature are given in the book each time you
have an encounter. The sequence of the combat is then:

1. Roll both dice once for the creature. Add its skill score. This total is the

creature’s attack strength.

2. Roll both dice once for yourself. Add the number rolled to your skill score. This

total is your attack strength.

3. If your attack strength is higher than your opponent, you have wounded it:

proceed to step 4. If the creature’s attack strength is higher than yours, it has
wounded you: proceed to step 5. If both attack strength totals are the same, you
have avoided each other’s blows – start the next combat round from step 1, above.

4. You have wounded the creature, so subtract 2 from its stamina score. You may

use luck to inflict additional damage (see below). Now proceed to step 6.

5. The creature has wounded you, so subtract 2 from your own stamina score.

Again, you may use luck at this stage (see below).

6. Make the appropriate adjustments to the stamina score of either the creature or

yourself (and to your luck score if you used luck – see below).

7. Begin the next attack round by repeating steps 1 to 6.

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This sequence continues until the stamina score of either the creature you are fighting or
yourself has been reduced to 0 (death). If you die, you must start your adventure again
from the start.


On some pages you may be given the option of running away from battle should things
be going badly for you. However, if you do run away, the creature automatically gets in
one wound on you (subtract 2 stamina points) as you flee. Such is the price of cowardice.
Note that you may use luck on this wound in the normal way (see below). You may only
escape if that option is specifically given to you on the page.

Fighting more than one opponent

Sometimes you will have to fight more than a single opponent. If you are told to take
them on one at a time, proceed by fighting them individually in the order in which they
are listed. If you are instructed to fight them all together, at the start of each combat
round, you must design which one you are attacking. Next roll both dice for each of your
opponents to determine their individual attack strengths. Resolve your personal combat
against your chosen adversary in the usual way for that combat round. Then compare
your combat strengths for that round with the attack strengths of all your other
Any creature with a higher attack strength than yours has scored a hit against
you, and you must subtract 2 points from their stamina. If you have a higher attack
strength than an opponent you haven’t chosen to attack then you do not wound it.


At various times during your adventure, either in battles or when you find yourself in a
situation in which you could either be lucky or unlucky (details are given on the relevant
pages), you may call on your luck to make the outcome more favourable. But beware!
Using luck is a risky business and if you are unlucky, the results could be disastrous.

The procedure for using luck is as follows: roll two dice. If the number rolled is less
than or equal to your current luck score, then you have been lucky and the result will go
in your favour. If the number rolled is higher than your current luck score, then you have
been unlucky and you will be penalized.

The procedure is known as testing your luck. Each time you test your luck, after you
have tested your luck, subtract 1 from your current luck score. Thus you will realise that
the more you rely on luck, the more risky this will become.

Using luck in combat

On certain pages, you will be told to test your luck and will be informed as to the
consequences of your being lucky or unlucky. However, in battles, you have the option

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of using your luck, either to inflict a more serious wound on a creature you have just
wounded or to minimize the effects of a wound a creature has just inflicted on you.

If you have wounded a creature, you may test your luck as described above. If you are
lucky, you have inflicted a severe wound and may subtract an extra 2 points from the
creature’s stamina score. However, if you are unlucky, the wound was a mere graze and
you must restore 1 point to the creature’s stamina score (i.e. instead of scoring the normal
2 points of damage, you have now scored only 1).

If the creature has just wounded you, you may test your luck to try to minimize the
wound. If you are lucky you have managed to avoid the full damage of the blow.
Restore 1 point of stamina (i.e. instead of doing 2 points of damage, it has done only 1).
If you are lucky, you have received a more serious blow. Subtract 1 extra stamina point
(i.e. instead of doing 2 points of damage, it has done 3).

Remember that you must subtract 1 point from your own luck score each time you test
your luck

Testing your skill

In some situations in the adventure, you may be called upon to test your skill. The
procedure for testing your skill is similar to testing your luck. Roll two dice. If the
number rolled is equal to or less than your skill score then you have succeeded the test of
skill. If it is higher, you have failed. Unlike testing your luck, your skill score remains
the same after testing your skill. Do not deduct any skill points after testing your skill.

Restoring skill, stamina and luck


Your skill will not change much during your adventure. Occasionally, a paragraph may
give you instructions to increase or decrease your skill score. Your skill score can never
exceed its initial value unless otherwise stated in the text.


Your stamina score will change a lot during your adventure as you battle enemies and
undertake arduous task. As you near your goal, your stamina score may be dangerously
low and battles may be particularly risky, so be careful.

During your adventure, you may be lucky enough to find healing herbs. You may use
one bundle of herbs in any paragraph that does not have a combat on it. They will restore
4 stamina points.

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Additions to your luck score are awarded during your adventure after you have been
particularly lucky; details are given in the appropriate paragraphs of the book.
Remember that as with skill and stamina, your luck score may never exceed its initial
value, unless you are specifically instructed otherwise in the paragraph.


You will start this adventure with a bare minimum of equipment, but you may acquire
other items on your travels. You have a bag of gold pieces and a map of the Flatlands,
but you are going to buy the correct equipment to adventure in Allansia.

You have no weapon, so it is important to find one. If you ever fight an opponent
unarmed, you must deduct 2 from your attack strength.

At the beginning of your adventure, you have no provisions, so you should find some
quickly. Your backpack can hold a maximum of four meals. Eating provisions does not
restore stamina, but it will prevent stamina being lost at certain points.

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Your mother is sobbing. Again. Today is the day you have decided to leave home. The
last five years of your life have been terrible. You were once part of a well respected
noble house of Salamonis, the house of Holas. Your abode in the city used to be a warm
welcoming place, bustling with servants and guests. That was before your father decided
to seek the tomb of your ancestors. Now it is cold and empty. Your father rarely appears
from the cellar and when he does, he just shouts at you and your mother.
It is rumoured that every Royal house of Salamonis has a silver medallion going back to
the days of the city’s founding. These medallions hold the spirits of the royal families so
the living head of the family can draw upon the wisdom of the ancestors. Five years ago,
your father, the great and noble Sir Galros Holas decided to find your family’s medallion.
Your father was a hero to the city. He was a great and generous leader and had earned
many medals in battle. You used to go hunting and jousting with him. So when he went
on this expedition, many soldiers volunteered to join him. He took half a dozen men with
him and a court sorcerer, known as Zaphos. Zaphos had used scrying on the area around
Salamonis and in one of his visions, he discovered the location of the tomb. With much
cheering and optimism, the party went to find the house of your ancestors.
Two weeks past and your father did not return. Your mother started to worry. After a
month, a sense of despair had fallen upon the house. Your mother had given up hope.
But then one day, he returned. Your father, cut and bruised, staggered through the gates
of Salamonis. He was barely alive.
His expedition had been attacked by a tribe of orcs. He had slain many orcs, but many
more came. The rest of his companions were killed. After this, your father told you
never to speak of the medallion again.
But this was not the end of it. The old hero of Salamonis started to become withdrawn.
He never went hunting or jousting and just spent all his time in the cellar. He became
cold towards your mother and barely spoke to you. He started striking servants and
screaming at them for the tiniest mistakes. After time, no one was left to care for your
house. Your mother had to slave all day to cook the meals and clean the place. You
were learning soldiery at the Salamonis academy. Your father didn’t care. He only
commented on how worthless you were.
So after five years, you tell your parents that you are leaving to be an adventurer and have
a better life. Your mother is distraught, but your father barely bats an eyelid. ‘Good
riddance!’ is all he can say while reading a huge tome. You then tell him that you are
going to seek the medallion of his ancestors. At the mention of it, he becomes livid
‘Listen you worm! If you go looking for that, you’d better never come back, because I
swear I will kill you!’ You feel terrible at these words, but you are determined to restore
things as they used to be. You grab a bag of gold pieces you have been saving and a map
of the Flatlands and leave the house hoping to make the world better.

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You feel angry and rejected, but you are still determined to show your true worth. You
stride down to the city centre to equip yourself for your journey. The first shop you enter
is the weaponsmiths where you buy and fine sword. You then buy a suit of leather
armour from the tanner. From several other shops you buy warm clothing, a cloak, a
backpack, a waterskin and some strong leather walking boots. The crypt of your
ancestors is underground, so you also buy a lantern to light your way. You are now ready
for adventuring and still have a little money left for other supplies. Add the sword,
leather armour, lantern, backpack and waterskin to your equipment list. Make a note
that you have 10 gold pieces left.
You spend hours poring over other goods that you
think could come in useful on your journey. Eventually, you narrow your choices down
to the following items. You may only buy one of each item, except for provisions. You
may buy a maximum of 4 provisions.


1gp per meal

Healing herbs


Skin of lantern oil




You may use the healing herbs at any time except for a paragraph where there is a
combat. They will restore 4 stamina points.

Once you have finished in the shops, you head towards the city gate. You finally get
there. Taking one look back at your beloved city, you steel yourself and set out to the
Flatlands. Turn to 25.


The sun beats down upon you as you trek across the plains. Eventually, it is covered up
by dark grey clouds. By the time you espy the stone circle, a light drizzle is falling and a
breeze is blowing. You can see the holy sight about a mile away now. The stones seem
unremarkable. There are seven large rocks arranged into a circle. However, far more
disturbing is a black cloaked figure standing in the centre of the circle. When you get to
the circle, you see that this figure is covered head to toe in black robes. The face is
covered by a large hood. As you approach the figure, it does not speak or move. What
will you do? If you greet the figure, turn to 15. If you draw your sword and attack the
figure, turn to 36.


A huge pile of bones stands before you. It is as tall as you are. All of the bones have
been picked clean. You feel a chill run up your spine. Then the pile starts to move. A

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skull pops its head out from the side of the pile and turns to look at you with glowing red
eyes. Two skeletal arms start to stick out from the pile and grab some grass to pull out
the rest of the skeleton. Eventually, a fully formed human skeleton is standing before
you, piercing your soul with its red eyes and mocking you with its fleshless grin. If you
attack it, turn to 26. If you flee, turn to 48. If you wait for the skeleton to do something,
turn to 19.


With unnatural speed, the witch grabs your wrist and holds it over a bowl. Slowly, she
draws the blade across your wrist. As you watch your blood drip into the bowl, you feel
a sense of weakness as the grasp of the witch seems to get stronger. She starts to smile.
You are almost unconscious when she lets your arm go. ‘Thankyou, my friend.’ She
purrs. You feel cold and drained. Lose 2 stamina points and 1 luck point. However, the
witch is true to her word. ‘The place you seek is north east of here.’ When you are given
the option of choosing a location to explore, you may turn to paragraph 23 to explore the
crypt of your ancestors.
If you leave, turn to 48. If you ask the witch why she wants the
blood, turn to 16.


You spend half an hour going deeper into the cave. You are beginning to think that there
is nothing here that will help you in your quest, but then you turn a corner and come to a
magnificent sight. You are in a small cavern where all the walls are covered in paintings.
There are depictions of wars, priests, festivals and rulers. After a few more minutes of
studying the paintings, you find a script, written in ancient Allansian. Through your
studies as a noble, you are able to decipher it. The script talks of a crypt for all the noble
sons of Salamonis only a few miles from your current location. Above the script is a map
which you memorise. When you are given the option of choosing a location to explore,
you may turn to paragraph 23 to explore the crypt of your ancestors.
There is a small exit
to this cavern, leading deeper into the cave. If you go deeper into the cave, turn to 49. If
you leave the cave, turn to 33.


You begin your tale. At first you find it hard to talk to this still, silent creature but
whenever you fall silent, it starts to nod. Taking this silent encouragement you tell it
everything about your father’s journey, about your banishment and about how you wish
to return glory to your house. When you have finished, the figure talks in a low rasping
voice. ‘You are of true blood. The place you seek is north west of here. You may find
what you are looking for there, but you must be prepared to make an offering.’ When
you are given the option of choosing a location to explore, you may turn to paragraph 23
to explore the crypt of your ancestors.
The figure extends a hand. If you place some
gold in his hand, deduct the number of gold pieces you wish to offer from your adventure
sheet and turn to 21. If not, the cloak collapses, leaving nothing else behind. You ponder
the nature of your mysterious encounter as you head northwest as the spirit told you.
Sukh is starting up his chorus of gales. You make camp for the night. Turn to 33.

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Deduct 1 gold piece from your adventure sheet. The innkeeper continues the
conversation. ‘Yer I remember that party. The leader was tall and regal like. Not like
the types we usually get round these parts. There was another one too. Gave me the
shivers. ‘e was dressed in a black robe and had an intense stare, like. Glad I saw the
back o’ that one. Kept on talking about a blood offering. Apparently ye ‘ave to prove ye
are a noble by offering your blood. ‘e put my other customers off their dinner that night.’
This is also important information. If ever you are asked to make an offering at an
altar, you may offer some of your blood by subtracting 15 from the paragraph you are on
and turning to that new paragraph.
You thank the innkeeper for the information. Turn
to 18.


As you light the lantern, you find yourself looking at a blank expressionless face. Flies
crawl out of the eye sockets. The undead figure reaches for you slowly. You step back
and draw your sword to fight the ZOMBIE.


If you win, turn to 43


After a couple of hours of walking, you come to the Flying horse, large inn on the edge of
the trade route. You enter the bar. It is empty save the rotund, jolly innkeeper.
‘Afternoon, squire!’ he shouts. ‘Ye be needin’ a room? Or a good drink?’ If you have
1gp, you can buy some ale for the innkeeper and ask him about the area. Turn to 40. If
you have no money, the innkeeper is not interested. You leave to 48.


You tie the rope around the headstone and slowly climb down into the crypt. You are
now surrounded by darkness. If you have a lantern, turn to 8. If not, turn to 27.


You awake with the dawn and decide what you will do today. Will you explore the cave
(turn to 30?), head towards the stone circle (turn to 2?) or hunt for more food (turn to 17)


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As the sword slashes your arm, blood flies across the cavern. Some drops hit the altar.
As they do, a strange glow appears in the wall by one of the stone slabs. A secret door
grinds open. Return to 34 to fight the skeleton, but if you win, turn to 42 rather than 45.


You walk for an hour until you come across a rotting, stinking shack which must be the
witches hut. The ground around it is like ash. Not a single living plant grows within the
vicinity of the hut. As you approach the door, it flies open. You see the witch. She is a
beautiful woman in her early twenties. She wears a black silk dress. Her black hair goes
down to her waist. She look at you with her piercing red eyes. ‘Come in.’ She says in
an alluring voice. The inside of the witch’s hut is packed with various magical arcane –
skulls, jars containing organs, Y shaped sticks, gems. A large table is in the centre of the
room where the witch motions you to sit at.
‘I know why you’re here. I know what you seek. I can tell what you need to know and
more. But I demand a price in blood.’ She picks up a jeweled dagger. ‘Do you agree?’
If you agree to this, turn to 4. If not, you flee from the hut and put as many miles
between you and the witch as you can. Turn to 48.


Before you stands your father! He is not corporeal though, but a spirit. ‘Greetings, my
flesh and blood. You are truly one of our house to have found the amulet of our
ancestors. I must tell you the truth. The day I sought the amulet was the day I died. We
left an inn on the trade route and arrived here. I offered my blood and watched the door
open, but before I could grasp the amulet, Zaphos, my trusted advisor, stabbed me in the
back. He tried to take the treasures for himself, but our ancestors stopped him. He slew
my guards and, using my blood, cast an illusion spell upon himself so that he would
always take my form. He returned to the house pretending that all had been slain but me.
He has been using his wealth and power to advance his art and in doing so, he hs almost
bought ruin on our house. Take the amulet, return to Salamonis and slay him.’ Your
blood boils at the decade of deception that Zaphos has inflicted upon you and you storm
out of the cavern wearing the amulet and intent on revenge. Turn to 47.


‘Greetings, friend!’ you say in the jolliest voice you can muster for this creepy humanoid.
The cloaked figure does not respond or move a muscle. You start to feel cold. If you
attack the figure, turn to 36. If you tell it your story, turn to 6.


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‘Aren’t you curious.’ Smiles the witch. It makes you shiver. ‘I will tell you my secret if
you offer me just a little more blood.’ If you can stand to put yourself through the ritual
again, turn to 29. If you wish to flee this place, turn to 48.


You spend your day making traps for animals and foraging for fruits and other plants
which may aid you. Roll one die and divide the result by 2, rounding fractions up. This
is how many meals of provisions you find. Remember, you may only carry a maximum of
4 meals.
Roll 1 die a second time. If you roll a 6, you find some healing herbs. You may use these
herbs at any time except on paragraphs where there is a combat. When you do, restore 4
stamina points.
Glatanka is getting low in the sky as Sukh, the god of winds is starting a
chorus of gales so you decide to make camp for the night. Turn to 33.


The door flies open. Standing there is a soldier of Salamonis, wearing the coat of arms of
your family. He looks at you with complete surprise and then draws his sword. ‘Meet
your end, outcast!’ he screams. You barely have time to defend yourself.


If you win, turn to 46.


The skeleton’s mouth opens and it speaks ‘You are afoolish young noble to have come to
seek the resting place of my kind! We do not give up our secrets easily, but my mistress
Yarasha will tell you of the crypt of Salamonis! Her abode is west of here. Heed my
words to find what you seek!’ The skeleton collapses. You are unnerved from what you
have heard. Is this witch who dabbles with the magic of the dead to be trusted? If you
wish to seek her out, turn to 13. If you make camp for the night, turn to 48.


Climbing up the rope, you easily exit the crypt. Determined, you begin your journey
back to Salamonis. Turn to 41.


You place your offering in the creature’s palm. Deduct the gold pieces you have given
away from your adventure sheet.
‘Thankyou.’ Rasps the figure. ‘But the offering you
must make is one of blood. For only those who can prove their noble blood can be
blessed in the crypt of the anscestors’ If ever you are asked to make an offering at an
altar, you may offer some of your blood by subtracting 15 from the paragraph you are on

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and turning to that new paragraph. The cloak collapses, leaving nothing else behind.
You ponder the nature of your mysterious encounter as you head northwest as the spirit
told you. Sukh is starting up his chorus of gales. You make camp for the night. Turn to


You land on a hard stone floor. Lose 1 stamina point. You are surrounded by darkness.
If you have a lantern, turn to 8. If not, turn to 27.


In high spirits, you walk in the direction of your ancestors’ tomb. The sky is blue and the
sun is high in the sky as you continue your journey. Eventually, you come to a simple
headstone, showing the entrance to the crypt of the nobles of Salamonis. You start to
scour the area, looking for the entrance. Test your luck. If you are lucky, turn to 31. If
you are unlucky, turn to 38


Eventually, you return to your home city. You stride through the streets until you reach
your large noble house. You bang on the door. Your mother opens it. Tears fill her eyes
as she sees you. She embraces you and welcomes you in. Then you hear the harsh voice
of your father. ‘Is that my worthless son? Give me a sword so I will strike him down!’
He comes to the door, his face contorted with rage, but when he sees the amulet around
your neck, the look on his face changes to fear. There is a flash of light and the spirit of
your father appears. He touches Zaphos and the illusion vanishes. Your mother, seeing
the court magician launches at him in anger, but he shoves her aside. She falls, banging
her head and does not get up. ‘I am not finished yet, you impudent whelp!’ screams
Zaphos. He grabs a staff and spits some arcane words. The staff starts to glow. He then
points it towards you…turn to 35.


You trek along the Flatlands for many hours, enjoying the sunshine, the birdsong and the
splendid panorama. It feels as if you are free for the first time. You start to feel fatigue
when Glatanka is low in the sky and decide to stop and set up camp. You must eat a
meal or lose 2 stamina points.
As you watch the sunset, you look at the old map that
Henrich gave you and begin to make plans. There appears to be two locations of interest
to you. One is a cave a few miles west of where you are. Another is a small stone circle,
east of your location. You think about the monsters and treasures that these places may
hold as you drift off to sleep. Turn to 11.


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You draw your sword and strike the skeleton before it can act. In response, it screams
and attacks you by striking you with its bony fists. Since you are using an edged weapon
against the skeleton, whenever you win an attack round, the damage you deal the
skeleton is reduced by 1.


If you win, you flee this place. Turn to 48.


You cannot go further without a source of light. You turn to pull yourself out of the hole.
As you climb upwards, a strong, cold hand grabs your ankle. You struggle against your
unseen assailant, but it drags you into the darkness and pounds your head until you
struggle no more. Your adventure ends here.


You prick your finger on the tip of your sword and let the drop of blood fall upon the
altar. As it does, a glow appears in the wall and a secret door grinds open. Turn to 42.


Once again the witch grasps your wrist and draws the blade across it. She does not take
as much blood this time, but you feel a bit weaker. Lose 1 stamina point. Once again,
she smiles. ‘Blood is life.’ She begins. ‘It is the vessel for the nature of its owner. For
example, your blood is noble and so very valuable to me. It will be valuable to you too,
if you get to the crypt of your ancestors for it is said that only those of noble blood may
enter. They must prove this by making an offering of their blood.’ This is valuable
information. If ever you are asked to make an offering at an altar, you may offer some of
your blood by subtracting 15 from the paragraph you are on and turning to that new
You flee the unnerving house. Turn to 48.


A light drizzle falls and a gentle wind blows as you walk across the plains. The sky is
grey and brings a sense of gloom to the day. It is past noon when you arrive at the small
mouth of a cave, cut into a small hillock. The mouth of the cave is dark, so you light
your lantern and enter. The walls of the cave are damp and covered in a green slime.
You hear tinkle of hundreds of drops of water dripping from the stalactites in the ceiling.
As you go down the cave, there is less green slime at the walls, making it easier for you
to notice the patterns in the rock. Your reverie is disturbed by a high pitched squeak from
above, followed by another squeak. Soon there is a cacophony of high pitched squeaks
coming from above. Looking up, you notice a flock of BATS on the ceiling. With
furious flapping of their leathery wings, some bats are starting to fly towards the exit of

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the cave. Some bats fly into you and get tangled in your cloak. If you draw your sword
and attack the bats, turn to 44. If you run on down the cave, turn to 5.


As you kneel down besides the stone, you put your hand on the ground. However, it goes
through the grass. Pulling the grass up, you see a simple hole going underground. If you
have a rope, you can tie it around the headstone and lower yourself into the hole (turn to
10.) If you do not, you will have to jump. Turn to 22.


You try to haul yourself up out of the crypt. Test your skill. If you are successful, you
climb out of the hole. Turn to 41. If you fail, you fall and hit the stone floor. Lose 1
stamina point and repeat the process.


The wind has picked up now and howls across the plains. You spend an uncomfortable
night, wrapped in your cloak, getting whatever sleep you can get. By sunrise, the
weather has calmed down and the sight of blue sky with only small wispy clouds floating
above you fills you with renewed hope. Before you begin your journeys again, you
realize that you are famished. You must eat a meal or lose 2 stamina points. You look at
your map for a new location to explore. You notice that you are near a trade route and on
that route is an inn. If you head towards the inn to look for rumours, turn to 9. If you
spend the day hunting, turn to 39.


Cross the chosen item off your equipment list. Nothing happens. You turn away and then
notice that one of the skeletons is rising up off the stone slab. It holds an ancient sword
and strides towards you. Whenever you win a combat round, reduce the damage dealt by
1. If you are unarmed, reduce your attack strength by 2. The first time you are wounded,
test your luck. If you are lucky, turn to 12. If you are unlucky, fight to the death.


If you win, turn to 45.


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…But nothing happens. Your father’s spirit touches the staff and dispels the sorcerer’s
magic. Screaming in rage, he charges towards you. You meet him with your sword.


If you win, turn to 37.


The figure does not move an inch as you draw your sword. As you plunge your weapon
into the robed creature’s chest, the robe collapses, leaving nothing else behind. There is
no body. Not a drop of blood. You feel a chill going up your spine. Lose 1 luck point.
Wanting to put as much distance between you and the stone circle, you stride away from
the place until sunset. Turn to 33.


Before the body of the evil wizard has hit the floor, you run over to your mother. She
wakes up feeling a little confused, but she is fine. Your father’s spirit looks on smiling
before he vanishes.
With the dark influence of Zaphos removed, you begin to restore your house to its former
glory. You earn much respect as an officer of the army and earn a knighthood for your
service. Money starts to flow into your house and you hire a new set of servants. In
time, you will have a child of your own to continue to bloodline. You can hold your head
up high as a great and wise noble of Salamonis.


As you walk towards the stone, your foot hits thin air and you fall into a dark hole. You
barely have time to think before you hit the hard stone floor. Lose 2 stamina points.
Dazed and bruised, you pick yourself up to find yourself surrounded by darkness. If you
have a lantern, turn to 8. If not, turn to 27.


You spend your day making traps for animals and foraging for fruits and other plants
which may aid you. Roll one die and divide the result by 2, rounding fractions up. This
is how many meals of provisions you find. Remember, you may only carry a maximum of
4 meals.
Roll 1 die a second time. If you roll a 6, you find some healing herbs. You may use these
herbs at any time except on paragraphs where there is a combat. When you do, restore 4
stamina points.
Dusk is approaching across the plains so you are looking for a sheltered
place to sleep. However, what you find makes your blood run cold. Turn to 3.

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Deduct 1 gold piece from your adventure sheet. The innkeeper pours a pint of frothing
ale. ‘So what’s yer business then?’ he asks. You tell him that you are an adventurer and
you are searching for a crypt of the nobles of Salamonis. ‘Oh yea. I be an adventurer
once. Almost died at an orc’s hand and went into retirement. I remember another one
who looked for that crypt what ye be talking about. Came ‘ere 10 years ago.’ Your heart
leaps as you realize that the innkeeper is talking about your father. ‘Yea, they said they
were going north. The entrance is by a ‘eadstone.’ You thank the innkeeper for this
information. When you are given the option of choosing a location to explore, you may
turn to paragraph 23 to explore the crypt of your ancestors.
If you have another gold
piece, you may buy some more ale and continue the conversation. If you do that, turn to
7. If you leave, turn to 18.


You push yourself harder and harder, determined to get back to Salamonis and wreak
revenge on the treacherous mage. You even push yourself through the night, your body
yearning for rest and food. You must eat a meal or lose 2 stamina points. Turn to 24.


You enter the chamber of your ancestors. Ancient weapons and shields adorn the walls.
A chest, brimming with gold and jewels lies open in the centre of the room. Books line a
stone shelf. But the object that catches your eye is a simple silver medallion. On it is the
symbol of your house. When you reach forward to touch it, you feel overwhelmed with
energy and see a flash of light. Restore your stamina and luck to its initial level. Turn to


You step over the undead creature and start your journey down the cold tunnel. After
walking for half an hour through the winding tunnels, deeper into the earth, you finally
walk into a huge cavern. Stone slabs are around the outside of the cavern. On each one
rests a skeleton, holding a sword. In the centre of the cavern is a rectangular stone block.
On top of it is a gold statue of King Salamon I, the founder of Salamonis. You have
entered the hall of your ancestors, but you do not know where the treasures of your
ancestors are. Your attention turns to the altar. On it is the inscription ‘Make a sacrifice
you prove your worth.’ Choose an item that you wish to place on the altar and turn to 34.


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You swing your sword at a bat and chop it in half as it flies towards you. The entire flock
starts to panic and with a deafening high pitched battle cry, they fly towards you, each bat
bearing its fangs. Fight the flock as one creature. When you have reduced its stamina to
0, you have not killed all the bats, but the surviving bats fly away.


If you win, you continue down the tunnel. Turn to 5.


The other skeletons are also rising up off their slabs. You sprint to the exit. You beat the
undead kings to the hole and climb out into the daylight. The skeletons do not pursue
you to the surface. You contemplate your failure before you turn away completely from
your old life as a noble of Salamonis. You begin the journey to Silverton to get a job
guarding a caravan. Your life as an adventurer has begun.


‘What ye be doin, bringing trouble ‘ere?’ yells the innkeeper. ‘Get outta my inn!’ you
run before any other soldiers appear. It seems that your father has put a price on your
head. You try not to think about how your family has turned its back on you and instead
trek through the flatlands. Turn to 48.


You return to the entrance. If you lowered yourself down on a rope, turn to 20. If not,
turn to 32.


You climb a tree and spend the night in the branches. Rain falls heavily that night, and
by the time dawn comes, you are cold, wet, stiff and hungry. You must eat a meal or lose
2 stamina points.
You think about your future. If you know of the location of the crypt,
turn to the paragraph you need to.
If you do not know the location of the crypt, turn to


You spend another few minutes walking down a tunnel, covered in paintings.
Eventually, you come to a dead end where the picture shows something which stops you
dead. Your great grandfather’s face looks back at you. You know this since it is exactly
the same as the portrait from home. He is in a huge cavern, kneeling in front of an altar,
surrounded by smiling ghosts. In his right hand is a jeweled dagger. He is using it to cut
his wrist. Blood is dripping from his wrist onto the altar. The inscription beneath the
picture reads ‘The spirits of Salamonis will only grant the wishes of those of noble
blood.’ This is an important clue for your quest. If ever you are asked to make an

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offering at an altar, you may offer some of your blood by subtracting 15 from the
paragraph you are on and turning to that new paragraph.
You start to make your way
back to the exit. On your way back, your lantern starts to grow dimmer. Just as you
leave the cave, it goes out. If you have some spare oil, you can refill your lantern.
Otherwise it is now useless. If you have a skin of lantern oil, cross the oil from your
equipment list. Otherwise, cross the lantern off your equipment list.
Turn to 33.


You do not know where your ancestors are resting, but you do know that you cannot
survive forever wandering the Flatlands. You decide to head to Silverton to get a job
guarding a caravan. Maybe from there, you can adventure in Port Blacksand. You pick
yourself up, turn your back on your old life and think about the potential of your new



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