1v4 sport and free time sample

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Level: Elementary

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As you can imagine he’s quite tired by now, so to relax a little he
plays Monopoly with his sister’s children. Poor things – they never
win because Carlton is just too competitive!
After a very big dinner, usually roast meat and vegetables, he
goes back to the gym to do karate for an hour. He loves karate
and has lots of trophies and medals for all the competitions he
Finally he goes to the sports center to meet his friends and play
soccer for an hour. What a busy day!

Carlton De Groot is crazy about sports and games. He is very competitive
and loves winning, even if it’s just playing cards with his grandmother!
Every morning he gets up at six thirty and goes swimming at the local pool
and after that he lifts weights in the gym next door. Then he goes home and
has a big breakfast of cereal, toast, fruit juice and bacon and eggs. At ten
thirty he does an hour of yoga and then before lunch he goes running for
half an hour. After lunch he plays tennis with one of his brothers and then
goes cycling until about four o’clock.

Sport and Free Time


L e a d I n

●Work with a partner. Write as many sports and games as you can in each

●Now put these sports and games into the correct column

With a ball

Usually indoors

Usually alone

None of these




R e a d i n g

Read about what Carlton does in his free time. Does he do any of the sports
from the previous exercise?











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Level: Elementary

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R e a d i n g

Underline all the games and sports. Which verb is before each sport or game?

Write the sport in the correct box.




With ball games (Soccer), board games (Monopoly), we use the verb _______
With sports and games which finish with –ING (Sailing), we use _______
With all other sports and games (Aerobics), we use _____

Now put the sports and games from the lead-in into the correct box.


C l a s s a c t i v i t y

Find somebody in your class who regularly plays\goes\does the following
activities: Write their name next to each activity.

◊ soccer _____ ◊ jogging _____ ◊ swimming _____ ◊ yoga _____ ◊ a

martial art _____ ◊ card games _____ ◊ board games _____ ◊ sailing _____

◊ horseback riding _____ ◊ aerobics _____ ◊ surfing _____ ◊ tennis _____

◊ climbing _____ ◊ athletics _____ ◊ baseball _____ ◊ a motor sport _____


I n f o r m a t i o n e x c h a n g e

Your partner has different information. Ask and answer questions to complete
the chart about the tennis player.

Bill Williams

Red Hills Tennis Club

17:00 – 18:00

His brother, Mal

Every Friday

White t-shirt, blue shorts



What time start?

What time finish?

Who with?

How often?

What wear?

Usually win?

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Level: Elementary

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© 2005 esl-lounge.com


R e a d i n g

Write the sport in the correct box.




With ball games (Soccer), board games (Monopoly), we use the verb _______
With sports and games which finish with –ING (Sailing), we use _______
With all other sports and games (Aerobics), we use _____

Now put the sports and games from the lead-in into the correct box.


C l a s s a c t i v i t y

Find somebody in your class who regularly plays\goes\does the following
activities: Write their name next to each activity.

◊ soccer _____ ◊ jogging _____ ◊ swimming _____ ◊ yoga _____ ◊ a

martial art _____ ◊ card games _____ ◊ board games _____ ◊ sailing _____

◊ horseback riding _____ ◊ aerobics _____ ◊ surfing _____ ◊ tennis _____

◊ climbing _____ ◊ athletics _____ ◊ baseball _____ ◊ a motor sport _____


I n f o r m a t i o n e x c h a n g e

Your partner has different information. Ask and answer questions to complete
the chart about the tennis player.


What time start?

What time finish?

Who with?

How often?

What wear?

Usually win?

Ted Edwards

City Tennis Club

10:00 – 12:00

His friend, Tommy

Every Tuesday and


Blue t-shirt, red shorts

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Level: Elementary

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© 2005 esl-lounge.com

Teacher Notes

Target Language:

Play/go/do vocabulary


60 minutes


S t r u c t u r e a n d t i m i n g

A. Lead In

(10 minutes)

B. Reading

(20 minutes)

C. Class activity

(20 minutes)

D. Info exchange

(10 minutes)

Total 60 minutes


P r o c e d u r e

A. Lead In

This is to elicit as many sports and games as possible for use later on in the lesson
and to set the context. ‘O’ is a really difficult one, so tell them not to worry too much
if they can’t think of anything.

The second activity serves as a comprehension check for the reading activity.

B. Reading

The reading introduces the verbs used with different types of sports. First students
read and identify any sports they wrote in the previous activity. The others they can
put in the second table in the lead-in.

Then they identify the different verbs used with each sport and put the sport in the
correct box. Then complete the rules. Now add sports they wrote in the first part of
the lead-in.

C. Class activity

This is a ‘find someone who’ activity. Make sure you elicit the correct question form
and point out to the students that they then have to add the correct verb according to
the activity in question.

E.g. Do you play soccer?, Do you go jogging? etc.

Feedback in open class if the class isn’t too big, alternatively they can write the results
as affirmative 3


person sentences for practice of 3


person ‘S’.

D. Information exchange

Extended question practice. Still with the same present simple structure but with a
question word added.

E.g. Where does Ted play tennis?

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Level: Elementary

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© 2005 esl-lounge.com

Make sure the students give full answers at this stage; it’s good practice. They can
use the empty box to write notes in.

Note that because of this activity page 2 should be given to half your
students and page 3 to the other half.


E x t r a i d e a s

Draw 3 circles on the board and label them A B C. In circle A write play go and do. In
circle B write + - ? and in circle C write some subjects e.g. John, we, they, Bill and
Steve, I etc.


Now put the class in teams. They take turns to choose one element form each circle
and then the opponent has to make a grammatically correct sentence e.g. Play - I “I
don’t play rugby”
Check the correct activity is used with each verb, 3


person s, doesn’t for 3



negatives etc.

Students conduct a class survey about free time activities and then write up a
report for homework.


S u b s c r i b e T o d a y

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Play go


+ - ?

John, Bill and
Steve, we, I,
The Queen


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