The Nik of Time (Assassin Shifters) Gasq Dion, Sandrine

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~The Nik of Time~

Sandrine Gasq-Dion

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To my family

Jenjo and Kim

Cheryl Burns Caldwell for the title

Jennifer F. Photography

My cover model for his wonderful sense of humor

Kenneth Carter for the cover

For Nikoli

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© Copyright 2013
This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business

establishments, events or locales is coincidental. All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be
used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission. WARNING: This book
contains material that maybe offensive to some: Violence, graphic language, homosexual relations,
and adult situations.

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Andrei Panchenko-Markov grinned at the sight of all the men huddled in the nursery. They were

gathered at his and Vince’s house, putting together their fifth crib in several days. Jake and Dante
were lounging by the bedroom door with Jason and Jay, drinking beers and watching the rest of them
try to figure out how to assemble the small bed. Naturally, each crib had been different. Vince took in
their smug smiles and shot them a look.

“You know, it would be nice if you guys actually came over here and helped, seeing as how

you’ve already put your cribs together.” Vince glared at his friends.

“Yes we have,” Jake smiled. “And it was quite the learning experience for all of us.”
“Yes, it was,” Jason chuckled. “I thought for sure Josh would throw it out the window.”
“When the last one was done and we still had a screw left, I thought he was going to scream,”

Jay snickered.

“Oh, you mean like this one?” Vince held a screw up and looked at Andrei. “Where the fuck

does this one go?”

“I do not know…” Andrei looked at the instructions. “Maybe it is an extra one?”
Dante chuckled and sipped his beer. “Maybe.”
“Oh, fuck off, Russo.” Chris looked over at him, laughing.
“How did your crib go?” Kyle crossed his arms and looked at Alex.
“It went…out back in the tool shed,” Dylan laughed.
“I bought the floor model,” Alex grinned.
Andrei looked up; their surrogate, Wendy, had blood trickling down her leg.
“Oh my God!”
“We have to go - and NOW.” Reece glared at the men just standing there. “Move it!” he barked.
“Keys…where are the keys?” Vince was mumbling to himself, fumbling around on the kitchen


“Just come with us,” Lorenzo snapped, dragging Vince out the door.
Andrei went with Wendy in Mark and Paul’s car and held her hand; she was screaming at the

top of her lungs and Andrei winced.

“What can I do?” Andrei palmed her face.
“I want to scream at you, but you’re so damned gorgeous I can’t,” Wendy smiled weakly and

then let out another wailing howl.

They all made it to the hospital and found Stefan and Jordan Youngblood waiting for them.

Wendy was taken straight into the delivery room with Vince and Andrei following. The screaming
was so loud that it reached the waiting room. Alex tensed up and looked at the rest of the group.

“She’s early.”
“We’ll have to wait and see if the baby’s lungs are mature enough to survive.” Reece ran his

hands through his hair. As a doctor, he was acutely aware of the potential problems.

Paul crouched down to his son’s eye level. “What is it, buddy?”
“Is the baby going to be OK?” Colin asked nervously.
“We can pray.” Paul held him tightly.

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The doctor was looking at the ultrasound and shaking his head. Vince was giving him the evil

eye as Andrei took Vince’s hand and squeezed.

“The umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby’s neck, Wendy; we need to get him out now.”
“Then do it, doc,” Vince fairly snarled as the doctor moved quickly toward the bed.
“You two have to leave now.” The nurse eyed Vince and Andrei nervously.
“Not a chance. Do it.” Vince crossed his arms and fixed the doctor with his most dangerous


The emergency C-section was performed quickly, with a minimum of talk, and Vince watched

them take the baby out - his face was blue and he wasn’t breathing, much less crying. The nurses
rushed him over to the table and began CPR. The doctor looked over his shoulder at Vince.

“I’m sorry.”
“Fuck you!” Vince pulled out his gun. “That boy is a Markov; he will live. Now keep going!”
“Mr. Markov…”
“Vince…” Andrei pleaded with his husband. “We must do something!”
“Get the fuck out of my way.” Vince shoved them all aside and began trying to resuscitate his

son. When they finally heard a faint cry, Vince picked up his son and smiled.

“I knew you could do it, Nikolai.” Vince wrapped him up and handed him to Andrei. “Say hello

to our son,” he said softly.

Andrei took the baby and smiled down into his face. “He is so beautiful, Vince.” He touched the

baby’s fingers gently, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Vince turned on the medical staff. “Get out. Right. The. Fuck. Now.”
He followed them out into the hall and called in Jordan. Jordan checked on Wendy and moved

everyone back so a replacement doctor could finish the surgery and different nurses could clean up

“You didn’t give up.” Jordan clapped Vince on the back, smiling broadly.
“I will never give up on my son.” Vince smiled and looked at Andrei, who was reluctantly

handing the baby to the nurses.

When everything had calmed down, and Wendy was settled in her room, Vince brought

everyone in to see their new son.

“Can I see?” Colin was climbing up on a chair.
Andrei crouched down with the baby and Colin gazed at Nikolai; he took his little fingers and

kissed his soft forehead. “Hello, Nikolai. I’m Colin.”

The baby squeezed his fingers and Colin smiled at him. Andrei looked at Vince and felt the

tears coming.

“You saved him.”
“He is our son, Andrei….I would do anything for him.” Vince took Andrei in his arms and they

both admired their baby boy.

Stefan shot a look at his husband, who also happened to be the hospital’s chief of staff. “You’d

better go take care of the doc before he gets security in here.”

“Not the first time there’s been a gun in this hospital,” Jordan laughed, looking at Josh and


“Whatever,” Justin laughed. “That asshole had it coming.”
“No shit,” Josh cracked up.

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“Vince…” Jordan made his way over. “We’re going to have to put Nikolai in the NICU just for

a bit, Okay?”

Vince held his son tightly to his chest. He wasn’t ready to let go. “All right, but Andrei and I go

with him, all right?”

“Whatever you want,” Jordan smiled and hugged them.
“Can I go, too?” Colin looked up at Vince.
“Oh, Colin,” Paul began.
“If it is okay with your father, I would love for you to come with us. Nikolai needs a friendly

face.” Vince winked at Colin.

“You sure?” Paul looked at Vince.
“I think his sister wants to see him, too.” Dante brought Katiana in; she giggled and kissed

Nikolai’s forehead.

Andrei watched as Nikolai’s half-sister, Katiana, smiled and hugged him. He and Vince had

decided to use the same surrogate as Dante and Kyle. She was a good person - trustworthy,
intelligent, and had taken wonderful care of herself and the baby. After seeing how well she had done
with Kyle and Dante’s child, Andrei and Vince had asked her to carry their child as well. Wendy had
been a saint.

A nurse came in and put her arms out for the baby, rolling her eyes when Vince growled at her.
“This one I trust.” Jordan motioned to the nurse. “She’s not an incompetent crybaby. Just


“Oh, go to hell, Jordan,” the nurse winked.
“See?” Jordan laughed.
Vince handed Nikolai over and eyed the nurse. “Lead the way.”


During the first two weeks at home with Nikolai, Andrei slept peacefully for eight hours every

night. Whenever he tried to get up with the baby, Vince would already be there, taking care of
everything. Instead of arguing with Vince, Andrei bided his time and waited. He knew that sooner or
later Vince would run out of energy and be so sleep-deprived that Andrei could finally spend some
time with his son.

Two weeks and two days in, Vince collapsed and Andrei got his wish. He relaxed on the couch,

feeding the baby. Nikolai was smiling gummily at him and Andrei played with his little fingers. He
heard a short knock and then Mark and Paul walked in with the kids. Andrei had no idea why they
still knocked. Being as close as they all were, it wasn’t unusual to have any of the group just walk in
at any time.

Paul headed for the kitchen as Mark came in with Phoebe, Conner and Colin.
“Beer in the fridge?” Paul looked around the corner.
“Yes, Paul,” Andrei smiled.
“Vince?” Mark looked around.
“He has been asleep for 12 hours,” Andrei chuckled.
“Finally collapsed, huh?” Mark smiled. He looked down at Conner, sleeping peacefully with

his pacifier.

“How are you coping with your own crazy?” Andrei snickered.
“Well he’s a lot like Vince in that respect — baby-proofing the hell out of the house and doing

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everything on his own.”

“I let you change him yesterday.” Paul came in with a beer, smiling.
“Oh yes, thank you so much for that.” Mark rolled his eyes.
“I’m trying,” Paul grinned, placing a kiss on Mark’s head.
Andrei laughed and put Nikolai over his shoulder; he ran his hand around in circles and Nikolai

let out a loud burp.

“Wow,” Andrei smiled at his son. “That was a good one.”
“He’s so cute,” Colin giggled, leaning over the back of the couch.
“Come sit down, Colin.” Andrei patted the couch.
Colin sat down next to them and Nikolai reached for him; Andrei smiled and put Nikolai in

Colin’s arms.

“He’s very tiny,” Colin smiled, kissing Nikolai’s smooth cheek.
“Well, he surprised us by coming early,” Andrei smiled. “But he is putting weight on.”
Nikolai let out a loud sigh and everyone heard Vince come to life in the bedroom.
“Where is he? I hear him!”
“We are out here, my love,” Andrei called out with a smile.
Vince came out in disarray and skidded to a stop when he noticed the guests in his living room.
“Wow. You look like hell, Vince,” Mark said, barely stifling a laugh.
“Very funny.” Vince smiled down at his son. “I need to feed him.”
“It has been done,” Andrei said, somewhat smugly.
“Done, but I am sure he will leave you a present soon.” Andrei smiled wide.
“I’m sorry, babe.” Vince sat next to Andrei on the couch and stroked his hair. “I know I haven’t

been easy to live with.”

“Pffft,” Mark laughed.
“I know, I know, I’m nuts.” Vince rolled his eyes.
“Admitting it is the first step,” Colin piped up.
They all laughed loudly and Vince looked at Colin. “You have been hanging out with Uncle

Chris again, haven’t you?”

“Maybe,” Colin hedged slyly.
“Well, pretty soon he’s going to have his own child and then we will see what he’s like.” Vince

grinned maniacally.

“Oh, it won’t be Chris that’s nuts, it will be Dimitri,” Mark stated emphatically.
“Five bucks?” Vince smiled.
Mark snorted. “You’re on.”


As Nikolai grew, so did the love Colin had for him. Andrei watched affectionately as Colin

doted on his son at every opportunity. When Nikolai turned one, they threw a huge party for him. The
cake had been served and the adults were sitting around the living room with coffee.

Colin had taken Nikolai and now sat on the couch with him, playing with his cheeks. Nikolai

just smiled and let out little noises, throwing in a spit bubble now and then. Andrei smiled at the two
of them.

“He likes you very much.” Andrei stroked Colin’s face with the back of his hand.

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“You think he can see me, Uncle Andrei? I know babies can’t see very well.”
“You are very smart, Colin; I think he sees you just fine.” Andrei smiled as his son put his hand

out to Colin.

Colin held Nikolai close and whispered in his ear. “I’ll always protect you.”
Vince smiled as he watched Colin with his son, and took Andrei’s hand; he pulled him up and

stroked his face.

“Looks like we have an extra bodyguard.”
“Lin.” Nikolai put his arms out to Colin.
Colin smiled and picked him up, holding him close. “What’s up, little man?”
“Luv.” Nikolai patted Colin’s face and gave him a wet, open-mouthed kiss.
“Wow…” Vince cracked up.
“He is very forward,” Andrei chuckled.
“It’s OK.” Colin smiled, holding Nikolai tightly. “I love him, too.”
Colin walked off with Nikolai cuddled in his arms, and Vince looked at Paul and smiled.
“You are paying for that wedding.”


When the terrible twos hit, Vince almost went bald. The only one who could calm his son down

was Colin, so he spent a lot of time at Vince and Andrei’s. Today was no different. They were all
gathered around, hanging out with the kids, and Nikolai was pulling the DVDs off of the shelf.

“Nikolai, Daddy has said no.” Andrei cocked an eyebrow at him.
Nikolai pulled another one down and looked at his father with a wide smile. “No,” Nikolai

giggled as it hit the floor.

“Nikolai, that’s not nice,” Colin frowned.
Nikolai pouted and put the movies back on the shelf. Granted they were upside down, but

Andrei didn’t care. The look on his son’s face was priceless.

“Better?” Nikolai smiled.
“Much.” Colin put his arms out and Nikolai went into his embrace.
“I am thinking we will have to hire you fulltime, Colin,” Andrei smiled at him.
“He’s just like Uncle Vince, that’s all,” Colin snickered.
Vince laughed. “I’d argue but it’s true.”


When Nikolai was five years old, he and Colin became inseparable. Each and every time they

were near each other, Nikolai would run and pounce on Colin, knocking him down. Colin had begun
calling him ‘Tigger.’

As the gang was gathered at Jordan and Stefan’s to watch a football game, the kids decided to

spend the day outside. Colin had fallen asleep in a lounge chair and Nikolai was palming his face and
smiling. Colin was his best friend in the whole world and he always watched out for him. Nikolai
glanced up to see his fathers and uncles looking at him, and he blushed.

Vince smiled and mussed his hair. “You like him.”
“I love him, Daddy.” Nikolai blushed crimson.
“Oh, really?” Andrei raised an eyebrow.
“He’s my bestest friend,” Nikolai giggled.

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“Well, we know he loves you,” Mark smiled at the little boy.
“Really?” Nikolai’s eyes widened.
“Oh, definitely,” Paul assured him.

As the sun set, the kids ran around the pond, chasing each other. Most of the adults were inside

getting dinner started. Colin had woken up in the lounge chair alone and panicked. It wasn’t like
Nikolai to leave his side. He cursed himself for taking a nap. He looked everywhere for Nikolai and
couldn’t find him. Suddenly, he heard a loud cracking noise and looked up; Nikolai was in the tree

“Nikolai…get out of there now. It’s not strong anymore and the boards are rotted.”
“I thought they fixed it?” Nikolai felt a board give way and tried to hang on to anything he could


“Colin!” he shouted in panic.
“Oh God!” Colin watched in horror as the board was breaking. “Get out of there!”
Nikolai was trying to crawl out the window of the tree house and Colin was underneath it, with

his arms out.

“I’m scared, Colin!”
“I’ll catch you, I promise!” Colin positioned himself.
All the kids had turned around when they heard the shouting and Jordan flew out of the house

with Vince right on his heels. Nikolai leapt from the window and Colin caught him, knocking them
both to the ground. They watched in horror as the tree house gave way and landed on the boys.

“Fuck!” Vince ran and tried to find both children.
“Get out here guys!” Jordan shouted.
Everyone ran over and started pulling boards off; Nikolai was found first. There was a deep

gash in his forehead and his leg was obviously broken. He had landed right on top of Colin, who had
broken most of his fall.

“Oh God!” Andrei cried.
“Hang on, Colin, we’ll get you out!”
“Oh, God, Paul!” Mark held Phoebe tightly to him.
“My brother!” Conner was trying to pull off more wood and they were finally able to reach

Colin; he was unconscious and bleeding badly.

When Vince and Paul rushed to pick up their sons, Jordan stopped them as Stefan called 911.
“What the fuck?” Vince snarled, trying to push past Jordan to reach Nikolai.
“Vince, stop! We can’t move them until I assess their injuries to see –” he was cut off as Vince

and Paul shoved him aside. “Dammit, listen to me! If there is spinal damage and you move them you
could make it worse, including paralysis or even death – do you want that?”

Without waiting for an answer, Jordan grabbed his medical bag from an out-of-breath Reece

and they began triage.

Stefan faced the angry men. “Paramedics are on the way. Look, Jordan is the best neurosurgeon

in the country – if he says he needs to stabilize them, then that’s what we’ll do.”

Vince dragged his hands down his face and turned to take Andrei in his arms as Mark and Paul

sought to comfort each other and their other children. Minutes later, there was a blur of activity as the
paramedics arrived and departed with their small patients.

Stefan pulled the SUV around and everyone piled in to make their way to the hospital.

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Stefan was pacing the floor and Jordan took his hand and looked into his eyes.
“I should have fixed it sooner.” Stefan looked at Jordan. “Why didn’t I?”
“They hardly ever played in it before….it wasn’t a high priority, Stefan.”
“I should have fixed it!” Stefan shouted.
“Dad…” Paul took his hand. “Stop it.”
“I’m so sorry, Paul.” Stefan sobbed as Paul held him.
“Don’t do this, Dad.”
“Mr. Greystone?”
Paul and Mark looked at the doctor. “Yes?”
“Your son is going to be all right. We suspected he had some internal injuries, but the surgery

revealed nothing alarming and his brain scans are normal. He’s bruised, of course, and we had to
stitch up several deep gashes. He’s sedated now, but you can see him.”

“Thank you.” Paul hugged Stefan to him. “See?”
“It could have been worse,” Stefan sniffled.
Vince had to be restrained when no one would come out and update them on Nikolai’s

condition, but the doctor was finally talking to Andrei. He nodded and returned to the group.

“Nikolai will be all right; the surgeon has set his leg and sutured his wounds. His brain scans,

too, are normal. He is sleeping now.”

“Good, can I fucking see my son now?” Vince snapped at the doctor.
“Mr. Markov…”
Vince lunged at him and he took off down the hallway. Andrei took Vince’s hand and they went

into Nikolai’s room. Half the group went to Colin’s room and the other to Nikolai’s; they agreed to
switch out every half hour.

Jordan hugged his husband and moved toward the hallway. “I’m going to double-check those

brain scans myself.” He stopped suddenly and turned around. “The world,” he called out to Stefan.
“I’m the best neurosurgeon in the world.” And with a crooked grin he was off.

Colin woke up slowly, looking at his fathers. They both had red eyes and he knew they had been


“Where’s Nikolai?” Colin sat straight up in bed and let out a cry.
“Don’t move.” Mark eased him back down. “He’s next door.”
“Is he OK?” Colin looked at them pleadingly. “Please tell me he’s OK.”
“His leg is broken and he has some other minor injuries but he’s all right.” Paul smoothed back

his son’s hair.

“I want to see him right now.” Colin sat up again and winced.
“Let me see what I can do, OK?” Paul looked at him. “You saved his life. If he had hit the

ground, there’s no telling what would have happened. You broke his fall.”

Vince and Andrei moved Nikolai’s bed into Colin’s room. They all cleared out to get food,

assuring Colin that they would be back very soon. Colin climbed carefully out of his bed and into
Nikolai’s, holding him tightly. He was still unconscious and Colin kissed his cheek softly.

“Nothing can ever happen to you,” Colin whispered. “Because I love you.”
When the guys got back, they found Nikolai nestled into Colin, and smiled at the sleeping boys.

Vince held Andrei’s hand and they looked at Mark and Paul.

“Things could have been worse.”
“But they weren’t…” Mark smiled. “Thank God.”

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Colin improved over the next few days and spent all his time with Nikolai, playing games.

When he had finally woken up, Colin had cried for an hour straight and Nikolai had cried with him,
repeatedly saying how sorry he was. Paul was watching his son thread his fingers through Nikolai’s
hair when he felt Mark come up beside him.

“I think it’s safe to assume he likes him as more than a friend,” Mark smiled.
“And we will help him along, but he has to come to us first,” Paul smiled at Mark, pulling him

into a hug.

“I agree.”
Nikolai looked up at Colin and smiled; he kissed his cheek and held him close.
“I love you, Colin.”
“I love you, too.”
Colin was caressing Nikolai’s face; he was so beautiful and Colin kissed his forehead.
“Will you always be with me?” Nikolai spoke into Colin’s neck.
“Whenever I can be, Nikolai, I promise you that.”
“Really? Because you love me, huh?” Nikolai looked up at him.
“Yes…I love you.” Colin smiled feeling Nikolai snuggle into his chest. “Now go to sleep.”
“You go to sleep,” Nikolai giggled.
“Nite, Nik.”

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~*Chapter One*~

Fort Worth, Texas

Paul stood on the deck of his and Mark’s house and watched the sun climb for the clouds. The

lake was still except for the occasional duck crossing. The air was crisp and clean this morning and
he could faintly hear the traffic of Fort Worth. People were going about their lives even at six in the
morning. Paul sipped his coffee and smiled as the sliding glass door whispered open, then shut. Arms
snaked around his waist and he gripped Mark’s hand. “Morning, babe.”

“Why are you up so early?” Mark leaned his head against Paul’s back and inhaled his husband’s


“I don’t know; I got a bad feeling in my gut.”
Mark came around to face him. “That’s never good.”
Paul looked down at his husband and tried to smile. “I’m sure it’s nothing.”
“Maybe we should take a trip to see the kids? Would that make you feel better? I know you hate

when they go back to school.”

“They were just here; they’ll complain that we hover,” Paul chuckled.
“We do, and we make no excuses for our hovering.” Mark stood on his tiptoes and lightly

kissed Paul. “We could always go back to bed.”

Paul looked into Mark’s eyes and saw the mischief in them. How he survived sex with Mark

was a mystery. When they’d first met, Mark had been a virgin and Paul was - well, so not. He’d been
a bastard to Mark in the beginning, but Mark, unlike anyone else he’d ever known, had put him in his
place. Firmly. Paul opened his mouth to respond when the phone rang inside the house.

“I’ll get it,” Mark said, jogging inside.
Paul leaned against the deck railing and looked around. The house was in need of repair again.

He’d had it built from the ground up for Mark, who’d always wanted a log home. Over the years it
had seen rough times, including an explosion that took out half the house. Mark came back out and
handed him the phone. His face was pale.

“What?” Paul took the phone.
“It’s Stefan,” Mark whispered.
“Paul, look, I’m going to tell you the same thing I told Mark. We have a problem. Carmine

Rizzo was poking around the orphanage in Sicily where you adopted Colin. He got possession of the
blood tests that were run on Colin. You remember those?”

“Yes, the nuns thought Colin might have a learning disability along with other issues and ran a

wide variety of tests on him.”

“He not only got Colin’s tests, but he found the name of the woman who put Colin up for

adoption. It’s one of Rizzo’s mistresses, Paul.”

Paul took a deep breath. “Just say it, Stefan.”
“We ran our own tests on blood we had from Rizzo from a long time ago. Colin is Carmine

Rizzo’s son, Paul.”

Paul gripped the railing. Carmine Rizzo was one of the most despicable criminals they had run

across. “Where is Rizzo now?”

“We lost him in Rome. You need to alert Colin and we need to send people to retrieve him right

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“He won’t go; you know Colin.”
“Then what do we do? Any ideas?”
Mark could hear the whole conversation and he snapped his fingers at Paul.
“Hang on, Mark’s got an idea.” Paul covered the mouthpiece on the phone. “What?”
“Nikolai,” Mark said.
Paul’s eyes widened. “You want to send Nikolai to Washington? With this kind of info?”
Mark crossed his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes at Paul. “Tell me one other person

who cares as much about our son, is ruthless enough to not only watch his back, but to kill Carmine
Rizzo in fun and unique ways.”

Paul nodded and got back on the phone with Stefan. “What are the odds Nikolai’s available?”
“For Colin?” Stefan smiled. “Pretty damn good.”
Mark took the phone from Paul. “We have to play this just right. You know Colin; he’s going to

bitch that he can take care of himself. He’s not going to like having a babysitter.”

“Do we tell him who his biological father is?” Stefan asked.
“That’s a good question.” Mark furrowed his brows. “He needs to know the danger he’s facing;

if we keep this from him, he’ll be pissed off.”

“Okay, here’s the deal then,” Stefan sat back in his chair. “We send Nikolai in as a student. It’s

not a stretch, he’s been thinking of going to Washington anyway.”

“And then what? We put Nik in the same room as Colin? He doesn’t have a roommate right

now. He’s going to know we’re interfering and get pissed.” Mark sighed in frustration. Even though
Colin was adopted, he took after Paul so much you’d think they were related by blood. Discovering
that Rizzo was Colin’s biological father changed nothing. Colin was their son.

Stefan laughed. “Well, I’ll have to explain it to Colin, now won’t I?”
“I’m glad you’re doing it,” Mark cracked up.
“Colin still carries his gun, right?” Stefan asked.
“Yes, he’s a Greystone. He has to. It’s in his room, though, locked up.”
“I’ll make sure he’s aware of the danger coming his way. In the meantime, I’ll get a hold of

Nikolai. I think he’s in Turkey right now with Hayden and Ross.”

“So soon? I thought he got shot on the last mission?”
Stefan chuckled. “Since when does that slow Nikolai down? Besides, it was a nine millimeter.”
Mark snickered. “They never learn, do they?”
“Nope,” Stefan laughed. “I’ll give you a heads up as soon as I hear from him, but you and I both

know Nikolai will jump on this.”

“Yes, if there is one thing I know about Nikolai Markov,” Mark looked at his husband. “He

would give his life for Colin.”


Nikolai ducked out of the way of another hit and grinned. He, Hayden and Ross were dealing

with rogue werewolves again. They’d come upon this nest on a tip from Roy, the rogue who still
helped out now and then because he wanted to keep his head. Nikolai couldn’t blame him. When
Wayne Maccon got angry, people scattered. Nikolai rolled over Hayden’s back and sliced through
another rogue. The caves in Turkey were well protected, and it had been a bitch to infiltrate. They’d
come in under the cover of darkness and ran into rogue guards almost immediately. If Nik thought he

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was tall, Hayden Cox made him feel short. The guy was huge, as was Ross Collins. The last rogue
head rolled across the dirt floor and Nikolai wiped his forehead. Ross swung his swords in front of

“Is it just me, or are they getting slower?” Nikolai grinned, flipping his swords and putting them

back in their sheaths.

“Well, that was fun.” Ross blew out a sigh.
Hayden pulled the explosives from his pack. “Well, let’s set the charges. Drinks on me.”
The three of them sat on top of a military Hummer sipping beers as the explosives tore through a

chunk of mountain. They were a good five miles away and could still hear debris falling.

“C4?” Nikolai raised a brow.
“Yup,” Hayden nodded. “We special ops guys do love our explosives.”
Ross cracked up. “Yes, we do.”
Nikolai took a long draw of his beer and glanced at Hayden. “How are you? I mean, really?”
Hayden sighed and ran his hands over his face. “I’m doing okay, I guess. Jude still won’t talk to


“Well, at least you get to see him every once in a while.” Ross clapped Hayden on the back.
Nikolai sat back and regarded Hayden. He’d heard the story from Chance. Hayden and Jude had

gone to school together. Hayden had had a crush on Jude from the moment he laid eyes on him, but
instead of coming clean to Jude, he bullied him because he was confused by his feelings. Jude still
wouldn’t speak to Hayden and Hayden was slowly going crazy. Hayden hadn’t been a werewolf back
then; he’d been human until rogues had attacked his family. In an attempt to save his son, Hayden’s
father had bitten him, changing him into a werewolf and giving him a fighting chance.

“Dude,” Nikolai reclined back on the Hummer. “Just grab him and kiss him.”
Hayden sighed with a smile. “I tried that. Look where it got me.”
“It was entertaining when he threw you into Devin and Andrei’s wedding cake, though,” Ross


“Chicken shit,” Nikolai sighed.
Hayden turned to look at Nikolai with raised brows. “Oh, really? Why aren’t you with Colin?”
Nikolai cursed under his breath. “See? This is why I never tell anyone shit.”
Ross laughed. “Uh huh - answer the question, Markov.”
Nikolai’s cell phone rang, rescuing him. He smirked at Hayden and Ross. “Saved by the bell.”

Nikolai hit ‘talk.’ “Markov.”

“Nikolai, it’s Stefan.”
“What’s up?”
“We have a problem. We just found out that Carmine Rizzo is Colin’s biological father;

unfortunately the bastard found that out, too. We lost him in Rome and we think he will make a play
for Colin. He knows he can get whatever he wants if he gets his hands on Paul and Mark’s son.”

Nikolai felt his blood boiling. Son of a bitch Carmine Rizzo was Colin’s father? Nikolai took a

deep breath.

“What do you need from me?”
“So you’re on board?”
“Did you really just ask me that question with a straight face?”
Stefan chuckled. “No, not really. I was smirking.”
“What’s the plan?”
“I need you on a plane to Washington. You’re going to college.”

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“I’m on it.” Nikolai put his phone back in his pocket and chugged his beer. “Well, I’m off to

Washington. I get to go to college.”

“Yay?” Ross and Hayden both clapped softly.
“Carmine Rizzo is Colin’s biological father. He just found out and we’re afraid he’ll go after


Hayden let out a low whistle. “Ouch. That guy is a complete and utter fuckwad.”
“Well, he’s about to get Markov’d,” Nikolai grinned.
Ross shivered. “Dude, I’m a werewolf and Delta Force, but sometimes? You scare the shit out

of me.”

Nikolai winked.


Colin sighed and read the same sentence for the fiftieth time. It was no use, he couldn’t

concentrate. The whole experience with Nikolai at Camp Pride over the summer had bothered him
and he couldn’t stop thinking about it. He hadn’t heard from Nikolai since. Like, at all. Their mutual
friend Sebastian said that Nikolai had recovered from the injuries he got when he saved Colin’s life
during an earthquake, but that was the extent of what he knew.

Colin sighed and banged his head on his desk. The worst part was that his feelings for Nikolai

had only gotten stronger since then. Knowing that Nik had slept with - well, everyone - hurt him more
than he could possibly say.

When they’d come back from camp he’d gone home for a few weeks. Talking to Phoebe and

Conner about Nikolai had helped. Telling them how…betrayed he felt by Nikolai’s sleeping around
and apparent amnesia about their childhood closeness was something of a relief. His sister
understood, but then again she always had. Conner had been supportive as well. They’d both told him
to confront Nikolai about their relationship.

Colin threw his pencil on his book and stood up from his desk. He crossed the room to the

window and looked out into the dorm parking lot. How could he possibly tell Nikolai what they had
shared? He didn’t even have the vocabulary to put it into words.

Nikolai had been his, from the minute he’d held him as a baby. What had happened to his

‘Tigger’? It didn’t bother him that Nikolai was a killer. Hell, his whole family and all his friends
were, including himself, when they needed to be. What really bothered him was the fact that Nikolai
was sleeping with pretty much anyone and everyone. Colin sighed and leaned his forehead against the
window. He hadn’t even had sex yet. He’d been kissed plenty of times but they weren’t Earth-
shattering. He only wanted one person. Colin looked at the time and sighed. He had to get down to the
football field for practice. He passed by the clunky mandatory dorm-room phone and noticed the
blinking red light. He had three voicemails. Colin reached for the button and then stopped. He wasn’t
in the mood to talk to anyone, hadn’t been for almost a week. He’d even turned off his cell.

Twenty minutes later he was on the football field, stretching his calves with Brock Holloway’s

ass in his face. Great. Another guy who had been fucked by his Nikolai. Sebastian, the quarterback,
shot him a look and tilted his head. Colin waved him off and bent over to touch his toes.

“It is entirely too quiet out here.” Wyatt broke the silence and they moved on to another


“Says who?” Jordy cracked up. “I like the silence.”
“Hot damn, check out the new freshman,” Brock whistled.
“Another year of unsuspecting conquests, Brock?” Colin drawled.
Brock turned around and eyed Colin. He crept across the grass on his hands and knees until he

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was over Colin, looking down into his face.

“You know I still want you, baby,” Brock grinned, sliding his knee between Colin’s thighs.
So not a good idea.” Sebastian cocked an eyebrow.
“Do you remember my last name?” Colin lifted his kneecap and connected it with Brock’s

balls. “It’s Greystone.” Colin laughed as Brock fell over on his side, cradling his nuts.

“Oh, for the love of God!” Brock howled.
Colin crawled over to Brock and straddled him. “When are you going to get it through your sex-

obsessed brain? I’m not going to sleep with you.”

Brock pulled Colin down by his uniform. “I’m still going to try.”
“Hey,” Sebastian stood up and stretched his arms out. “We going to the club tonight?”
“Yeah, I guess.” Colin got up and elbowed Wyatt. “You bringing your man?”
“Of course! I love watching him dance.” Wyatt waggled his eyebrows.
“Damn, I just love that one fireman - what’s his name again?” Brock furrowed his brows.
“Which one?” Sebastian raised a brow.
“The dark-haired one with those clear blue eyes.” Brock shivered. “I’d love a piece of that.”
Sebastian laughed. “Cole? Oh, he’d tear you in half!” Sebastian had to laugh at the dreamy look

on Brock’s face. “Dude, seriously.”

“Can we just practice?” Jordy sighed. “All this gayness is making me horny.”
Travis cracked up. “Said the straight guy.”
“I’m straight, I’m just open-minded.” Jordy smacked Travis’ ass.
“See? That was gay.” Travis pushed his ass out. “Do it again.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Wyatt exhaled.
Colin put his hand on Wyatt’s shoulder. “They’re just jealous that they’re straight. We can’t all

be perfect.”

“Heads up!” Sebastian twirled the football in his hands. “Let’s go.”
Colin looked up at the sky. It was going to rain today. Great.


Nikolai pulled into a parking lot at the University of Washington by ten in the morning. He

parked his hog in a nice spot far, far away from the rest of the vehicles. He loved his Harley and
didn’t want one scratch on the paint job he’d just paid a pretty penny for. He made his way into the
building and found the dean’s office pretty quickly. Most of the people who saw him in the hall
crossed to the other side. He was used to it. Besides, Nikolai was sure he looked the part of killer
biker. He was wearing his leather jacket and pants with biker boots. The dean’s outer office had a
frosted glass door and the name “Mrs. Forbes” etched in black. Nikolai walked in and the secretary’s
head popped up from her paperwork. Her eyes went wide at seeing him. Nikolai looked at the
nameplate on the desk.

“Mrs. Forbes?”
Nikolai gave her his best seductive smile. It worked like a charm. Her face went pink and she

licked her lips nervously. Lord, he’d seen that look on hundreds of faces.

“I’m Nikolai Markov. I have an appointment with the dean?”
“Oh yes, sure.”
Nikolai covered his mouth as Mrs. Forbes almost tripped over herself trying to get out from

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behind the desk. She came around and walked to a filing cabinet. He watched her as she looked over
her shoulder at him more than once while rifling through the cabinet.

“Here you are.”
Nikolai extended his hand waiting for the folder. He swore a dab of drool dropped from Mrs.

Forbes’ bottom lip. Nikolai coughed quietly. That seemed to wake her up. She handed him the file
and then walked back around to her desk, lifting the phone.

“Thank you.”
“Dean Smith? Mr. Markov is here,” she said with a smile.
Nikolai winked.
“He says go right on in.”
“Thank you very much.” Nikolai gave her a smile and walked through the dean’s door. The

baseball that he, Sebastian and Wyatt had stolen once as a prank sat on the desk in a clear glass box.
What a stupid stunt that had been. Wyatt had paid for it, even though it had been Bastian’s dumb idea.
Nikolai stood at the front of the desk and Dean Smith rose, extending his hand.

“Well, well.” Dean Smith shook Nikolai’s hand. “Nikolai Markov has chosen the University of

Washington. I have to say I’m surprised.”

“Oh? Why is that?” Nikolai sat down in the chair Dean Smith indicated.
“Well, I’ve seen your scores. And you’ve already got enough College Level Examination

Program Credits to enroll as a junior. You are extremely smart, Mr. Markov. You could go to any
school you wanted.”

“I like Seattle; it’s gay friendly.” Nikolai sat back in the chair.
“I see. Well, I had Mrs. Forbes get you all set up. Everything you need is in that folder.”
“I’m in McCarty Hall, right?”
Dean Smith clasped his hands and leaned over the desk. “Yes, you are rooming with Colin

Greystone.” Dean Smith smiled at Nikolai’s startled look. “Don’t look so surprised. When Stefan
Youngblood calls, I listen.”

“Excuse me?”
“I know everything. The Youngbloods give this university tons of money. I only ask that you try

to keep the bloodshed to a minimum and don’t blow the dorm up.”

Nikolai grinned.
“Can’t promise.” He sobered. “I’ll try to keep the kill count to a minimum, but if these guys get

too bold, I’ll take Colin out of here.”

“Colin’s a good kid, a smart kid.” Dean Smith stood up and extended his hand again. “He must

be in a lot of danger if they sent you to watch over him.”

“You have no idea,” Nikolai sighed.

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~*Chapter Two*~

Colin rinsed the shampoo from his hair. His body was sore as all hell, but it felt good, too. He

hadn’t had time to go the gym lately and he really needed to. He tilted his head and listened; someone
was banging on his door. He stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist.

“I’m coming!” Colin grabbed another towel and wiped his face and hands off. As soon as he

turned the handle, a body flew into the room and Colin was immediately in defense mode. He was
startled to see his lab partner out of breath and sweating.

“What the hell, Drew? You scared the shit out of me!”
“I was in the registrar’s office and I saw this guy! Oh holy hell and shit! He had to have been at

least six-foot-four and packed! That basket was scrumptious!”

Colin cracked up.
“I’m serious! Dark hair and eyes to match and he wore leather pants.” Drew grabbed Colin’s

chair and took a deep breath. “He was every fantasy I’ve ever had!”

“Did this fantasy have a name?” Colin grabbed his boxers and put them on under his towel.
“I didn’t get that far. I think I almost passed out! Every single female eye was on him; hell, even

the straight guys stopped and drooled! I’ve never seen anyone that fucking sexy!”

Colin smiled and crossed the room to his dresser. The door to his room opened again; he turned

and all ability to speak left him.

“Well hello roo—” Nikolai stopped mid-sentence. Colin was half naked and another guy was in

his room. The anger rose so fast Nikolai didn’t have a chance to stop it. He let out a menacing growl
and lunged at the guy. He found Colin in his way.

“Nik!” Colin shouted.
“What the fuck?” Nikolai snapped. “Who the fuck is this guy?”
“That’s him!” Drew shouted. “Holy hell! You know him?”
Colin stood with his hand on Nikolai’s chest. “Back off, Nikolai.”
“Who. Is. He?” Nikolai growled staring at the other guy’s face.
Drew shivered. “Oh hell. That is so fucking hot.”
Colin sighed, pushing Nikolai away from Drew. “Drew Treadman, meet Nikolai Markov.

Nikolai, this is my lab partner, Drew.”

“Why is he in here while you’re naked?” Nikolai narrowed his eyes at Drew. “Are you fucking

my boyfriend?”

“I am not your boyfriend!” Colin shouted. “What are you doing here?”
“Markov?” Drew cocked an eyebrow. “As in Vince Markov? That Nikolai?”
“Yes, that one,” Colin sighed. “Can I see you later, Drew? I have to have a talk with Nik.”
“Uh huh, sure, talk,” Drew winked. “Got ya.”
Colin closed the door behind Drew and banged his head on it. Taking a deep breath, he turned

to find Nikolai right in his face.

“Could you please back up?”
“Are you fucking him?” Nikolai leaned in. “Are you?”
“That’s none of your business. Now what are you doing here?”
Nikolai balled his hands into fists, trying to control his anger. “I’m your roommate.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re in danger, Colin.”

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“When am I not? I’m a Greystone.”
“This is different. Didn’t Stefan call you?”
“I haven’t been taking calls.” Colin walked back over to his dresser and pulled some jeans out.
“Carmine Rizzo is your father, Colin. He’s going to come for you eventually.”
Colin turned slowly. “What did you just say?”
Nikolai walked to the phone and pushed the blinking light. Stefan’s voice floated into the room.
Colin, look, I need you to call me as soon as you can, all right? It’s important.”
The phone beeped and another message floated over, than another.
“Colin, look this can’t wait. Carmine Rizzo is your biological father. He’s going to come for

you. Don’t get angry, but your fathers and I agree that you need a little extra protection. We’re
sending Nikolai to watch out for you.”

Nikolai hit the button again, silencing the answering machine. Colin sat down on the end of his

bed and stared at the wall.

“Carmine Rizzo,” he whispered.
Nikolai knelt in front of Colin and took his hands. “Just because he’s your biological father

doesn’t make him your dad. Uncle Mark and Uncle Paul are your fathers. You were raised by them,
not by that piece of shit.”

Colin nodded absentmindedly. “I’m a Greystone.”
“Yes, you are.”
Colin blinked and realized Nikolai was holding his hands. He yanked them away and stood up.
“That’s great and all, but I don’t need a babysitter. I can take care of myself.”
Nikolai shook his head slowly and smiled. “Colin, I’m staying. You can’t get rid of me. I’m like

herpes - you can calm me, but I’ll never really go away.”

“Isn’t that a fitting description,” Colin drawled.
Nikolai ignored Colin’s tone and pulled out his schedule. “So, let’s see which classes I have

with you. Oh, look at that - all of them.” Nikolai grinned as Colin fumed.

“Are you planning on joining the football team as well?”
“I sure am. Coach told me I have to wear a jersey that says ‘Nik,’ though. Something about my

last name invoking fear in people. I wonder why that is?” Nikolai tapped his chin with his forefinger
in mock deep thought.

“Gee, I wonder.” Colin rolled his eyes.
“So, is this my side of the room?” Nikolai walked to the far side and looked at the bed. “This is

way too small; we may have to push them together and make one bed.”

“Nice try.” Colin grabbed a T-shirt and pulled it over his head. Nikolai was walking around the

room checking things out. He removed his leather jacket and Colin bit his bottom lip to stop himself
from groaning. Nikolai’s biceps had gotten even bigger. How was that even possible? Colin
narrowed his eyes and then gasped. “You were shot?”

Nik looked down at his bicep.
“Oh, yeah. Some asshole thought a 9 mil would slow me down,” Nikolai chuckled as he looked

over all the contents of Colin’s dresser.

“Do you mind? Just because we share a room doesn’t mean you can touch all my stuff.”
“Can I touch that stuff?” Nikolai pointed to Colin’s crotch.
“No, that is off limits.” Colin grew serious and crossed the room to Nikolai. “Look, I want to

thank you, you know, for saving my life at camp.” Colin looked up into Nikolai’s eyes and
immediately regretted it. Nik had smoldering eyes that made his dick rock hard in seconds flat. He

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backed up and Nik took a step forward.

“I would do it again. You have to know how I feel about you, Colin.” Nikolai took Colin’s hand

in his.

“No, I don’t. All I know is that you want in my pants.” Colin tried to back away further and was

pulled forward.

“That’s not true. And I haven’t been with anyone in months, Colin.”
“I’m supposed to believe that?” Colin scoffed.
“Believe what you want.” Nikolai looked at the time. “We have to get to class.”
“Just how did you get into this college anyway? Stefan bribe someone?”
Nikolai bristled at the comment. “You’d be surprised, Colin. Stefan didn’t have to bribe


“Yeah? Well you can’t fake your way through classes.”
“Well then, let’s go.”

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The lecture hall was packed and Nikolai followed Colin down to the front row. The professor

was at the large blackboard writing down equations. Nikolai took his paperwork to the professor’s
desk and set it down before making his way back to his seat. He sat down between Colin and another
guy. Whispers had already started behind him and he turned in the seat.

“Shh!” Nikolai winked at them and then sat back and looked over Colin’s notes as the professor

started handing out papers. The kid at the end of their row handed the papers to the guy next to him
and so on. Colin got his and groaned. Nikolai looked at his grade. It was a B-minus.

“Shit,” Colin whispered. “I swear Professor Davis has it out for me.” Colin sat up straight as

Professor Davis cleared his throat.

“So, as always, I see that some of you didn’t prepare for our little pop quiz. Maybe some of you

were sleeping during my lecture?”

Nikolai watched the professor go back to his desk and frown at the paperwork sitting on top of

it. A sneer crossed his face.

“Lovely, another child of money coming to school on mommy and daddy’s dime. Too bad

brains can’t be bought.”

Nikolai stiffened and Colin patted his arm.
“Please don’t go all ape shit,” Colin whispered.
Nikolai directed his attention to Colin’s work and scanned the paper.
“So, today I have a new problem for you—”
“Excuse me,” Nikolai stood up with Colin’s test paper.
“Nik! Don’t!” Colin tried futilely to pull him back down.
“Ah, Mr. Markov,” Professor Davis smirked. “Please enlighten me on what you find so

important that you have to disrupt my class on your very first day.”

“Well, this is.” Nikolai pointed to Colin’s test sheet. “This answer is correct.”
“Oh is it now?” Professor Davis sat on the edge of his desk and crossed his arms. “And you

know this how?”

“Well, he did the long and short form like you asked. The answer is correct.”
“I can assure you it is not. So, if that is all—”
“No, it’s not all.”
“Nikolai,” Colin beseeched quietly. “Stop it.”
“Well then, by all means.” Professor Davis motioned to the chalkboard. “Show me where I am

mistaken.” He narrowed his eyes. “If you can.”

Colin covered his face with his hands. “Crap.”
Nikolai took Colin’s test sheet with him and walked up to the chalkboard. The entire class was

so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. Colin sat fascinated as Nikolai scribbled out the entire
problem without even looking at his sheet. He stopped a few times, tilting his head, and then began
again. Whispers and murmurs behind him met his ears and Colin couldn’t help but smile at Nikolai
scribbling away like a madman. It became very obvious very quickly that Nikolai knew exactly what
he was doing. He stepped back from the board and turned to face the class.

“How many of you got this answer?” Nikolai asked. Quite a few hands went up and Nikolai

smiled. “How many of you got an A?” Those hands stayed up. “Amazing.” He turned to the professor

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with a smirk. “I’ll just go take my seat now. Please,” Nikolai motioned to the class. “Resume.”

Professor Davis was quiet for the rest of the class. He put the new equation up on the board and

sat down at his desk for the remaining ninety minutes. Colin had to smile at Nikolai. He was scanning
the book like it held the secret to life. Once class was over, Nikolai waited for the classroom to clear
before making his way up to the professor’s desk. Colin hung back, just listening.

“I didn’t want to embarrass you in front of the class.”
Professor Davis snorted.
“Unlike you, I do have some couth,” Nikolai drawled.
Professor Davis opened his mouth and then closed it as Nikolai glared at him.
Nikolai pressed on.
“So, let me see if I can figure this out. You didn’t have a lot of money growing up so, of course,

those of us who did already have a strike against us. Also, we must all be stupid, correct? I read your
book by the way; I have a copy of it in my bag if you’d like to read my notes. Next time, give me
something harder. In the future, grade papers on the work, not on your opinion of someone or Dean
Smith will hear from me. I’m here to learn - that is, if you have something new for me.”

Nikolai walked to the door and looked over his shoulder. “Oh, and by the way, if you know

who I am you also know there is no ‘mommy’ - only daddies,” Nikolai smirked.

Colin waited for the professor to speak, but his face had gone so red, he wondered if he had

stopped breathing. Finally he spoke, but his demeanor was quite different.

“I’ll take that under advisement.”
“See that you do.” Nikolai walked out of the classroom.


Colin ran to catch up with Nikolai after their third class. He felt like shit for telling Nikolai he

didn’t think he was smart enough to have gotten into the college legitimately. It had become quite
obvious just how smart Nik really was during the next two classes. He engaged in debates with the
professors and they loved it! Colin had been smiling so much that his cheeks hurt. Okay, so he had
also judged Nik and now he knew he had to apologize.

“Nikolai, wait!”
Nik stopped and waited for Colin to catch up. “I’m hungry, where can we get food around


“Well, our next class isn’t until four. What do you feel like eating?”
“I don’t care,” Nikolai’s stomach rumbled. “I just need something before my stomach eats


“Um, burgers?”
“Sounds good.” Nikolai started walking again.
“Slow down! I’m not as tall as you.” Colin almost ran into Nik’s back when he stopped. He

looked up at him and smiled. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”
“Thinking you were stupid. I shouldn’t have judged you.”
“It’s cool. Most people think I’m just some brainless killer.”
“I’m not most people, and I should have known better.” Colin took Nikolai’s hand. “I really am


Nikolai looked down at their joined hands and felt a fluttering in his stomach. Whoa. What the

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fuck was that? “So, um, burgers, right? Should we go on my bike?”

“You have an extra helmet?” Colin grinned.
“Yes, I do.”
“Well, let’s go then.”

Colin felt the wind caress his face. His arms were wrapped around Nikolai’s waist and he

could feel Nik’s abdominal muscles tensing beneath his fingers. He felt free on Nikolai’s Harley. The
bike was loud as hell, but a very smooth ride. They flew down University Avenue and Nikolai turned
his head to the side. Colin strained to hear him.

“Nothing vegan!” Nikolai shouted.
Colin chuckled. “I know a burger place!”
Colin pointed down the street and they pulled up to the curb. Nikolai flipped the kick stand out

and rested on the seat.

“It’s actually called that?” Nikolai smiled at the sign, which read ‘A Burger Place’.
“Yep.” Colin got off the bike and set the helmet down. People actually stopped and stared as

Nik slid off his bike. He couldn’t blame them. Nik hadn’t changed and was still wearing his leather
pants. Lord, but it mapped out every line of Nikolai’s strong thighs and — from what Colin could tell
— large dick. Colin shook his head clear and gave Nikolai a smile. “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.” Nikolai put the helmets in the saddlebag and followed Colin into the


“You can build your own burger.” Colin looked over what he wanted.
Nikolai took in the restaurant. It was clean and a few people milled around talking quietly.
“We can get it to go? Maybe sit on the beach?” Nikolai asked.
“Um, sure.” Colin’s hands immediately began sweating. He didn’t know if he was ready to be

alone with Nikolai. Even worse was the realization that he’d be in the same room with him all night.
Colin almost groaned.

“You okay? You look pale.” Nikolai gently lifted Colin’s face with his fingers. Chocolate pools

gazed at him and Nikolai’s heart raced in his chest. He’d never felt like this with anyone else, which
just proved he felt something more than lust for Colin.

“I’m okay,” Colin sighed. He could get lost in those ebony eyes. “So,” Colin straightened up

and coughed quietly. “What will you have?”

“A bleeding burger with everything, and curly fries.”
“Sounds artery-clogging.”
“Just how I like it,” Nikolai winked.
“I think I’ll have the same.”
After getting their burgers, they headed down to Sakuma Viewpoint. Colin sat down on the

bench and unwrapped his burger. The smell wafted up his nostrils and he moaned as he bit into it.
Nikolai had ordered three burgers — geez, the guy could eat.

“So, what position will you play?” Colin popped a curly fry into his mouth.
“Huh?” Nikolai almost dropped his burger.
Colin chuckled. “Football?”
“Oh! Left tackle,” Nikolai muffled, chewing. “Or right, doesn’t matter. I’m used to protecting

Sebastian’s ass.”

Colin chewed thoughtfully. “Oh, that’s right. You guys played in middle school right?”
“Yup, undefeated.”

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“Wonder why that is?” Colin chuckled, taking another bite.
“Believe it or not, I was a lot calmer back then.”
Colin swallowed and looked at Nikolai. He’d been there when Nikolai had come home after his

abduction by Yuri Borkosky. He just didn’t think Nik remembered that part. Nikolai had been ten and
Colin, fourteen, had held him all night while he cried. Nikolai hadn’t cried in front of anyone else, but
when they’d been alone…

“I was kinda like my pops for a long time. I had so much rage. I finally took Mark

Montgomery’s advice and saw a shrink.”

Colin choked on his fry. “What?”
Nikolai smiled shyly. “Yeah, I know, Nikolai Markov saw a shrink. It’s just weird not being

able to remember parts of my life. Dr. Forrester thinks I’ve repressed stuff.”

“Maybe you did, just so you could deal with it?”
“Maybe I’ve been dropped too many times on my head,” Nikolai chuckled, starting on his third


“Not by me,” Colin mumbled.
“Nothing.” Colin popped another curly fry into his mouth. “So what’s this shrink like?”
“He’s cool. Talks to me like an equal, which is another reason I like him.”
Colin sighed and stared at his fry. He wished Nikolai would talk to him like he used to. He’d

always been Nikolai’s confidant as a child; now that role had gone to someone else. It still hurt not to
be remembered by the person you had given your heart to at four.

“Hey, are you okay?” Nikolai caressed Colin’s cheek. He looked like he was in another world.

“Am I boring you?” Nikolai arched a brow.

Colin snapped back to attention. He looked into Nik’s questioning eyes. “I don’t think you know

how to be boring, Nik.”

Nikolai studied Colin’s beautiful face. He wanted to ask about the two of them as kids. Since

his dad had told him that Colin had been a part of his life since he was born, he had a lot of questions.
He just wished he could remember the two of them together. He had bits and pieces, thanks to Doc
Forrester, but he wanted it all. He wanted to remember everything about Colin.

They both sat back and ate silently, watching the water. It was comforting.
“So, are you okay and stuff?” Nikolai asked quietly.
“You mean about Carmine Rizzo?” Colin shrugged his shoulders. “It is what it is. I can’t change

it. I knew I was adopted, I just never thought I would ever meet my birth parents. Now I really don’t
want to. I can’t believe that sicko’s blood runs through my veins.”

“Hey.” Nikolai took Colin’s hands. “Don’t think like that. You are your own man and you were

raised by wonderful people. You are a Greystone, Colin, through and through.” Nikolai was
interrupted by his cell phone and he looked at the caller ID. “I have to take this, sorry.” Nikolai hit
‘talk’ and grinned. “Well, hello sweetie pie.”

Chance sighed on his end. “I heard the news. You with Colin?”
“Yep, he’s sitting right here.” Colin raised his brows at him and Nikolai covered the

mouthpiece. “A friend of mine, Chance Christianson.”

Colin scowled. “Yeah, sure. Friend.”
Nikolai narrowed his eyes and removed his hand from the mouth piece. “As always, I have to

defend myself to Colin.”

“Oh? Why?”

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Nikolai almost flew off the bench. As it was Colin fell off, hitting the ground with a thud. He

looked up and his eyes widened. He pointed.

“W-w-what the hell is that?” he stammered.
Chance grinned. “Dude! I totally learned how to astral project! Isn’t that awesome!
Nikolai took a deep breath to calm his nerves. “You should have warned me! Jesus, Chance!”
Chance pouted.
“Oh come on, don’t do that,” Nikolai laughed and went to hug Chance. He ended up going right

through him. “That is freaky. How did you do it?”

“I just thought about you and here I am!” Chance looked down at Colin, still on the ground.

“Sorry, dude. So you’re Colin, huh? I can see why Nikolai’s so smitten.”

“Chance,” Nikolai growled a warning.
“What? Oh come on! You have to know how this big guy feels about you.”
Colin opened his mouth then closed it. Was he dreaming? What the fuck had they put in his


Chance squatted in front of Colin and grinned. “I’m real. I’m a warlock.”
“Warlock?” Colin said slowly.
“Yeah, a dude witch,” Nikolai chuckled.
“It’s too much, huh? Sorry about that, but when I got word where Nik was going I just had to

come see for myself. I’ve heard a lot about you, Colin. I’d shake your hand, but, you know…” Chance
grinned and winked.

“A warlock…” Colin said again slowly.
“I think you broke him.” Nikolai tilted his head, looking at Colin. “Maybe you should fly up

from Arizona and visit?”

Chance nodded, still looking at Colin. “I can see why you’ve got it bad for him.”
“Dammit, Chance,” Nikolai sighed in frustration. “Will you stop?”
“Nope,” Chance grinned. “He’s got a beautiful face - strong and rugged but soft and inviting,

and those eyes.” Chance turned to look up at Nikolai. “Don’t get me wrong, my Logan’s eyes are
just…” Chance shivered. “But I can see why you’ve got the hots for young Greystone here.”

“Are you guys about done?” Colin finally snapped out of his daze. “I am sitting right here.”

Colin stood up and brushed the dirt off of his ass. He looked at the see-through man. “So, you’re not
fucking Nik?”

Chance cracked up and ended up coughing because he was laughing so hard.
“Gee, thanks, Chance.” Nikolai crossed his arms over his chest.
Chance finally settled down and smiled at Colin. “No, I’ve found the love of my life. Nikolai

and I are just real close friends. Besides, there will never be anyone for Nikolai except you.”

“Okay, that’s enough. Take your see-through ass back home and fly up here if you want to hang


“Big baby.” Chance stuck his tongue out at Nikolai. He turned his attention back to Colin and

grinned. “I hope to see you soon.”

“Uh huh.” Colin nodded slowly. “Me, too. Like all of you, right?”
“Yep! See ya soon hot stuff!” Chance chuckled at Nikolai’s glare and disappeared.
“Well, that was…” Colin’s brows pinched in thought.
“Something like that. Care to explain it further?”
Nikolai looked at his watch. “How about after class? We have to go.”

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“Shit!” Colin looked at his own watch. “Where did the time go?”
“Time flies when you’re having fun.” Nik winked and trudged back up to the parking lot.
Colin grabbed Nikolai’s hand and stopped him. “Why did Chance show up? I mean, that’s a

pretty big secret to reveal to someone he barely knows.”

“Because.” Nikolai looked into Colin’s eyes. “I trust you.”
Colin couldn’t help the smile that rose to his lips. Nikolai’s fingers trailed down his cheek and

Colin’s eyes closed instinctively. A warm breath tickled his lips then lips touched his cheek instead.
Colin opened his eyes as Nikolai was easing back.

“Come on, let’s go.” Nikolai tugged gently on Colin’s hand.

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~*Chapter Three*~

By the end of their last class, things were getting entirely too comfortable. Colin found himself

easing back from Nikolai as much as possible. The feelings he’d had so long ago were starting to
resurface and intensify with a vengeance. Colin had gone straight to the shower when they’d gotten
back to the room, making sure the door was locked. He had to get out for a while. He had to get away
from Nikolai. Once he’d dried off and gotten dressed, he entered the room to find Nikolai gone. A
note was propped up on his desk and Colin picked it up.

Got hungry, I’ll bring back enough for both of us.
Colin grabbed his phone and sent off a text message to his friend Clark. They’d gone out a few

times; it wasn’t serious, but Clark was good company and Colin was in a bind. He needed to be gone
when Nikolai came back. His phone beeped and Colin sighed in relief as he read the text.

Cuffs and Stuff, half hour.
Colin grabbed his wallet and keys. He looked at the gun in his drawer and contemplated taking

it with him. He’d been trained by some of Stefan Youngblood’s best assassins. If he had to, he could
kill without a gun. Colin shut the drawer and headed out of his room. He ran into Sebastian in the hall
and stopped. Sebastian lived off campus with his husband, so it was odd to see him in the dorms.

“Hey, what are you doing here?”
“I had to get some extra credit assignments so I figured I’d stop in and say hey. Nikolai’s living

with you now, right?”

“Wow, word travels fast. Yes, he does, but he’s out getting food.”
“And where are you off to?” Sebastian eyed Colin’s attire. He had tight jeans on with a

stretched-to-the-limits black V-neck T-shirt. “Those are clubbing clothes.”

“Cuffs and Stuff with Clark,” Colin mumbled.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” Sebastian put his hand to his ear. “I could have sworn you said you

were going out to the club with Clark.”

“Because I did.” Colin raised his chin and met Sebastian’s eyes. “I’m not going to change my

life around just because Nikolai is living with me. I’ll see you later.”

Sebastian shook his head as Colin practically ran down the hall. “Well, this isn’t going to go

over well.” Sebastian grinned. “But he didn’t say not to tell Nik where he was going.”

“Tell me where who went?”
Sebastian jumped at the voice and turned to look at Nikolai with a frown. “Jesus!”
Nik grinned. “Aren’t you supposed to smell me coming, super wolf?”
“All I smell is charred meat. Whatcha got in there?” Sebastian sniffed the bag.
Nik clutched the bag closer to him. “It’s food that’s not for you.”
Sebastian pouted.
Nik laughed and pulled the keys from his pocket. He unlocked the door and strode into the room

— which was empty. Nikolai frowned and put the bag of food down on Colin’s desk.

“Where’s Colin?” Nikolai looked around the room for a note.
Sebastian grinned.
Nikolai narrowed his eyes.
“What?” Sebastian feigned innocence.
“Spit it out, Bas.”
“Um, he kinda went out.”

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Nikolai balled his fists. “Excuse me?”
Sebastian put his hands up. “Don’t shoot the messenger. He went out to the club.”
“Which club?”
“Cuffs and Stuff, gay bar on the hill.”
Nikolai walked to the door.
“What are you doing?” Sebastian followed him.
“I’m going out to the club. I’m in charge of Colin’s safety. He’s going to learn very quickly what

that means.”

Sebastian ran to catch up as Nikolai stalked down the dorm hall.
“You know, it wouldn’t hurt for you to join the land of denim.” Sebastian ran right into

Nikolai’s back when he abruptly stopped.

“I’ll wear jeans when I’m done kicking Colin’s ass for leaving.”
“I’ll drive; you’re too pissed off.”
“No, I’m taking my bike. Just follow me if you want to see the fireworks.”


The building was vibrating with music as Nikolai roared into the parking lot. Sebastian pulled

in right next to him in his Jeep. Sebastian got out and looked around the parking lot. Most of the
football players were there already. Brock’s Dodge Viper was parked at the very end. The man loved
his car. Nikolai was already stomping to the entrance and Sebastian caught up with him.

“Don’t say it,” Nikolai growled. “Paul and Mark are counting on me. If I can’t keep Colin safe

and alive, I’ve failed.”

“It’s not like he’s helpless! You know this, Nik! You’re risking pushing him away even further

if you treat him like an invalid. He may not be as vicious as you, but he’s badass nonetheless.”

Nikolai flashed his ID at the bouncer and got a nod. He passed a group of men and barely heard

the whistles over the music. His eyes scanned the club. Wyatt and his husband were at the bar with
two other men. Men in leather with nipple rings eyed him from head to toe and he frowned at them.
Nikolai walked further into the club, letting his eyes adjust. Sebastian came up next to him and
elbowed him in the side.

“Over there, in the booth,” Sebastian shouted.
Nikolai narrowed his eyes and zeroed in on Colin and a dark-haired man. From where he was

standing, they either had their foreheads pressed together or they were kissing. Nikolai’s blood boiled
and he let loose a growl.

“Oh shit.” Sebastian grabbed Nikolai’s bicep. “Nik, don’t.”
Sebastian was practically dragged across the room as Nikolai made a beeline for Colin’s

booth. Brock, Jordy, Lance and Travis came into view as they got closer. They were on the other side
of the curved booth, laughing and sipping their beers. The laughter died as Nikolai approached the

“What the fuck is this?” Nikolai shouted.
Sebastian sighed as half the people in the bar turned to look in their direction. He pulled up a

chair and sat back, waiting for the fireworks.

“Nik,” Colin sighed.
“Were you kissing this asshole?” Nikolai shouted again.

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Colin looked around the club. Most of the people had stopped dancing and were now watching

the whole scene at the booth.

“You’re making a scene, Nikolai,” Colin hissed.
“I’m making a scene?” Nikolai growled. “I’m making a scene?”
“Listen—” Clark started.
“Oh Clark, just…no.” Sebastian shook his head at Clark.
“You don’t get to speak.” Nikolai leaned into Clark’s face. He turned his attention back to

Colin. “You want to see a scene? I’ll give you one.”

“Oh fuck,” Sebastian sighed and leaned back in his chair as Nikolai left for the DJ booth.
“What’s he doing?” Brock sipped his beer.
“I’m pretty sure I know,” Sebastian sighed.
Loud music pumped from the speaker system, shaking the floor and Travis looked over at Colin.
“Do you have any idea?”
Colin shook his head. Screaming erupted in the club and Colin’s head jerked to the bar. Nikolai

had jumped up on it and was now pumping his hips to Ginuwine’s ‘Pony.’ Colin’s jaw dropped as
Nikolai took off his muscle shirt and slid it between his legs.

“Oh. My. God,” Brock said slowly.
“Yeah, I made the mistake of introducing him to ‘Magic Mike’.” Sebastian grinned as his best

friend slid across the bar on his stomach, fucking it.

“What’s ‘Magic Mike’?” Travis asked.
“A movie only gay men or women watch,” Lance said with a smirk.
“I’ve seen it,” Jordy said. He glanced to the side at all his friends staring at him. “What? My

mom had it on.”

“Uh huh,” Lance winked.
Brock tilted his head to the side. “How does he move like that? He should be a stripper.”
“I’m straight, but that should be illegal,” Jordy chuckled.
Colin’s eyes met Nikolai’s and he saw the smirk on Nik’s face. He tried to avert his eyes, but

dammit, it was like an accident. He just couldn’t drag his eyes away. Nikolai slid halfway down the
bar and shoved a guy’s face into his crotch, then proceeded to fuck the guy’s face.

Colin fumed.
Nikolai was standing in the middle of the bar. His hand slid down his abs slowly and the

screaming got louder as he stopped at the button of his leather pants. Nikolai raised his eyebrows and
he unbuttoned his pants. Colin gripped the wooden table, his nails leaving marks in it. Nikolai’s hand
slid inside his pants and gripped the steel rod inside. In the next second, Nikolai’s finger was running
back up his abs and circled one of his nipples. Colin licked his lips, as Nikolai stuck his finger in his
mouth and sucked on it suggestively, all while slowly undulating his hips. It was so…seductive.

“Jesus, that is hot!” Jordy slammed his hand down on the table. He looked over at Brock—who

was recording the event.

“Seriously?” Jordy raised his brows.
“Are you kidding me?!” Brock shouted over the music. “I want to rewind, rewind, and rewind!”
Colin smacked Brock’s hand. “Stop that!”
Colin felt a poke to his ribs and looked over at his date.
“What?” Colin spat.
“Seems to me you have a thing for this guy.”
“Don’t be stupid.” The music finally stopped and Colin let out a sigh of relief. Until another

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song came on.

“Ah hell,” Sebastian laughed as LMFAO’s “I’m Sexy and I Know It” started playing. The

crowd went crazy in front of the bar as Nikolai walked back and forth across it shaking his ass.

“Damn, look at the size of his biceps,” Brock said, standing up and clapping as Nikolai pumped

his hips.

Travis narrowed his eyes. “Colin, is that your name on his right pectoral muscle?”
“What?!” Colin spluttered.
“Dude! It totally is!” Brock looked down at Colin in the chair. “You holding out on me,


Nikolai had tattooed his name on his chest? What the hell? Colin tried to get a better look at

Nikolai on the bar. Sure enough, when Nikolai spread his arms out and pumped his hips, Colin caught
sight of his name.

“Could be any Colin.” Colin crossed his arms over his chest.
“And we both know that’s a load of shit, Greystone.” Sebastian elbowed Colin. “Nik’s got it

bad for you. Resistance is futile.”

“He’s such a ...a...” Colin stammered for words.
“Sexy as all hell badass motherfucker?” Brock provided helpfully.
“Yeah, that you fucked.” Colin got up and grabbed his coat. “I’m out.”
Nikolai’s eyes landed on Colin getting up and grabbing his coat. He looked for a way down

from the bar and realized he’d have to go another route because of the crowd. Standing at the end, he
did a backflip off of it and landed perfectly. Taking a quick bow, he ran after Colin who had just
walked out the door. Colin was crossing the parking lot and Nikolai ran to catch up.

“Colin, wait!”
“What for? I think you made your point, Nik! Everyone wants you! Congratulations.”
“You think I care what anyone in there thinks? The only guy I care about is you. Why won’t you

give me a chance?”

“You’re so fucking childish, Nikolai! Grow the fuck up!”
“What are you afraid of, Colin?”
“I’m not afraid of anything!”
Nikolai grabbed Colin’s bicep and turned him around. “You are so full of shit! I can see you

want me, why do you fight me on this? Are you that afraid to see if we might work?”

“No, Nikolai. I’m that afraid that you’ll get bored with me and go fuck some random guy

because I won’t put out for you!”

“Jesus! This is so not about sex!” Nikolai shouted. “I couldn’t care less about that! I just want to

be with you! When are you going to get that through your thick, Irish skull?”

“I’m Sicilian, remember? My father’s a fucking murderer!”
“No, your fathers are great men who have raised you from six months old. I know you, Colin

Greystone! You are nothing like Rizzo!” Nikolai took Colin by his shoulders. “Look at me! You are
nothing like that piece of shit.”

The door to the club slammed shut and Colin saw Clark making his way over. This was not

going to go over well.

“I’ll call you tomorrow, Clark, okay?” Colin called out.
“Are you sure? I don’t mind taking you back to your room,” Clark answered.
Our room,” Nikolai snarled.
Nikolai’s fingers gripped Colin’s shoulders tighter and the air became thick with anger. Colin

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could see Nikolai was almost over the edge, ready to snap.

“Um, just go, Clark. I’ll be fine.” Colin nodded to him.
“Are you sure?”
“Are you fucking deaf? Or just that stupid?” Nikolai turned to face ‘Clark’.
“I know who you are,” Clark smirked. “I’m not afraid of you.”
Colin sighed.
“You are that stupid,” Nikolai grinned. “Good, I need to let loose some energy.”
“Clark, go.” Colin grabbed Nikolai’s bicep. “And I mean, like, now.” Colin pulled Nikolai

down to his face. “Don’t. You’ll kill him before you can stop yourself.”

“Can I give you a ride back then?” Nikolai searched Colin’s eyes.
“Yes. If you promise to behave.”
“I always behave,” Nikolai grinned.
Colin rolled his eyes. “Where’s your bike?”
“I’ll get it. Stay right here.”
Colin watched as Nikolai strode off into the darkened parking lot. He had to admit; watching

Nikolai get all territorial was fucking hotter than hell. And the striptease? Colin pulled his T-shirt
away from his damp skin and aired his sweating chest. Lord, the way Nikolai moved gave him an
insight into how the man would be in bed. Squealing tires and bright headlights startled him and he
turned to see a car bearing down on him. Nikolai’s Harley slid in between them and Colin
instinctively jumped on the back, wrapping his arms around Nik’s waist.

“Hang on!” Nikolai shouted.
The Harley reared up, almost doing a wheelie, and surged forward. The car’s headlights turned

off and the car sped out of the parking lot. Nikolai came to a sliding stop at the edge of the street.

“Get off!”
“No!” Colin shouted. “Follow him!”
“Get the fuck off, Colin!”
“You’re wasting time! Now fucking move!”
“Goddammit!” Nikolai grabbed the extra helmet form the saddlebag. “Put this on and hold


“We’re going to lose him!” Colin shouted. Nikolai kicked the bike into gear and Colin hung on

for dear life. They flew out onto the street right in between two cars. They flew onto Pine Street and
Colin tightened his grip.

“Do you see the car?” Nikolai shouted over his shoulder.
Even at midnight, there were more than a few cars on Pine Street. Colin scanned the many cars

on the road and sighed in frustration.

“He must have put his headlights back on and blended in!”
“Fuck, fuck, FUCK!” Nikolai pulled over. He let the bike idle and turned half way around to

look at Colin. “That’s it; from now on you stay by me. Got it?”

“No! No arguments! I’m going to be on you like a bitch in heat.”
Colin had to grin. “Interesting analogy.”
“Shut up,” Nikolai grumbled.
“I’m fine,” Colin turned Nik’s face to his. “Look at me.” Colin looked into Nik’s eyes and saw

the worry there. “I’m fine. Let’s go home, okay?”

“Yeah,” Nik agreed grudgingly. “Okay.”

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Carmine sat behind his desk, sifting through all the information he had gathered on his son.

Colin Greystone was an exact replica of his mother, Gabriella. He had jet black hair and dark
chocolate eyes. Carmine scowled. How stupid she was to think he would never find out. She had paid
dearly for her betrayal.

Carmine sat back in his chair and smiled to himself. Soon he would have his son and they

would take down the Youngbloods and Santornos together. He knew it would not be easy. Colin had
grown up in the company of the mobster and his family. No matter. It would take time, but it was
doable. Vladimir Borkosky had kidnapped Tanner McKinley and brainwashed him into becoming
Devin Lyons, proof that anything was possible if you wanted it badly enough. The phone on his desk
shrilled and Carmine looked at the caller ID. Blocked. He smiled and picked it up.

“How are we doing?”
“He has Nikolai Markov with him.”
Carmine chuckled. “Kill two birds with one stone. I want Colin alive. Double the men and

make your move.”

“We had a problem—”
Carmine growled. “Do not make a mistake. I said alive, not dead.”
“And Markov?”
Carmine closed his eyes and thought of the looks on Andrei Panchenko and Vince Markov’s

faces if their son were to die.

“If you can kill him, do so.” There was a hiss on the other end and then a growl.
“You will lose many men if you attempt to kill Nikolai Markov!”
“My men are expendable; you should know that. One way or another, I will have my son back.

Call me when you have him.”

Carmine hung up the phone and looked at the picture of his son on the desk. He was a Rizzo, and

he would be back in the folds of the family if it was the last thing he did.

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~*Chapter Four*~

“No.” Colin crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Nikolai.
“Excuse me?”
“I’m not leaving school. We don’t even know if that was an actual attempt on my life.” They had

gotten back to the dorms and Nikolai had been pacing for a good half hour now.

“I’m sorry,” Nikolai blinked. “A speeding car coming straight at you, blinding you with bright

headlights in a dark parking lot is not an attempt on your life?”

“We can’t know for sure. Maybe the guy or girl was drunk.”
Nikolai raised his brows. “Do you hear yourself?”
Colin walked to his nightstand and pulled out his .45. He turned around and faced Nikolai.
“You see this? Besides my hands, this is my preferred weapon. I’m not defenseless. You seem

to think you are the only one trained in lethal combat, Nik. You left. I stayed and was trained by the

Nikolai snorted. “No offense, but my pops and I are the best.”
“True, but I had Dimitri.”
Nik’s brows shot up. “Voronova trained you?”
“Along with the rest of the guys. I had some good quality time with Lorenzo, too.”
Nikolai eyed Colin’s frame. He was maybe five foot ten, but he had quite a few muscles under

his shirt. A broad chest was obvious under Colin’s tight black T-shirt. “You don’t want to leave, fine.
Training starts in the morning.”

Nikolai narrowed his eyes at Colin. “Just like that?”
“Just like that.” Colin nodded. “I think it will be interesting to see the look on your face when

you find out just how not weak I am.”

“Fine. Are you finished packing?”
“Yep,” Colin swung his duffle bag over his shoulder. They were going to Preston and Wyatt’s

apartment for the night. From there, they would move from place to place until Nikolai knew Colin
was safe. He hadn’t seen the need to argue. It was procedure.

Nikolai checked the hallway as they left and took the back stairs out of the dorms. Colin

climbed on the back of the bike and put his helmet on. Nikolai slid on and Colin gripped Nik’s hips.

“Mmm, I like that,” Nikolai chuckled.
Colin sighed in frustration. “Can we just go?”
Nikolai chuckled again and they left the parking lot. Even at two in the morning, the streets were

busy. They took back streets and alleys all the way to Wyatt’s and Colin found himself lulled by the
Harley’s engine. His eyes closed briefly and then they came to a stop in a darkened garage. Colin slid
off the bike and lugged his pack over his shoulder.

“Where are we?” Colin took in his surroundings.
“A place I found last time I was here.” Nikolai grabbed his own bag and started walking.
Colin could see the apartments in the distance. Wyatt and Preston’s unit was on the second

floor; the light was on inside. They made their way up the stairs and Nikolai knocked three times.
Wyatt opened the door with a grin.

“What? No secret knock?”
“That was secret,” Nikolai grinned and walked past Wyatt into the apartment.

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“Hey, Colin,” Wyatt patted Colin on his back. “How’s life with your shadow?”
“Annoying?” Colin lifted his brows. “Can I use your shower?”
“Sure, last door on the left.” Wyatt waited for Colin to be down the hall before turning his

attention to Nikolai. “So, here tonight, Scott and Tristan’s tomorrow?”

“Yes, it’s better if we stay with werewolves. You know, that keen sense of smell you guys

have.” Nikolai plopped down on the chair at the breakfast bar.

“How bad was it?” Preston came in and went for the cupboards.
“I didn’t see the car’s color or plates. Fucker had his brights on, but he made a direct go at


“You think it’s Rizzo?”
“That sorry ass would never make a move on Colin himself.” Nikolai snorted. “He’ll use his

lackeys to do his dirty work.” Nik rubbed his face with his hands. “Thanks for putting us up. Where
do I stash my shit?”

“Guest room. One bed.” Wyatt waggled his eyebrows.
“I’ll sleep on the floor. Just need a pillow.” Nikolai dragged his ass up from the chair. “Thanks

for this, guys.”

“Hey, no problem. Sebastian has you on Monday,” Wyatt smiled.
“Night, Nik.” Preston nodded.
Nikolai jerked his chin and made his way down the hall. The guest bedroom was covered in

Native American art. Nik grabbed a pillow off the bed and settled on the floor. He stared at the
ceiling and closed his eyes.

“What are you doing?”
Nik opened one eye and looked at Colin, wet from the shower.
“I’m trying to sleep.”
“On the floor?”
“Well I figured you wouldn’t want me in the bed with you.”
Colin laughed and grabbed his duffle. “You mean you’re not going to pull a ‘Vince’ on me?”
“Meaning what?” Nik sat up.
“You know, put pillows down the center of the bed?”
“Wouldn’t that be a ‘Keegan’?”
“So you heard the story,” Colin snickered.
“Well, yeah. Keegan’s my stepdad.”
“So you’re not going to try to woo me into the same bed as you like your dad did to Keegan?”
“My pops doesn’t woo, he irritates until you give in.”
“Like father, like son?” Colin laughed and crawled into bed.
“Maybe before, but not now,” Nik sighed and closed his eyes.
“Hey, Nik?”
“Tell me a story,” Colin chuckled.
Nik smiled to himself. “Shut up.”
“I need a nightlight,” Colin whispered.
“And a Teddy?”
“Yes.” Colin rolled over to the side of the bed and looked down at Nikolai. “Nik, thanks for


“Any time.”

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The sun’s morning rays crossed Colin’s features and he opened his eyes. He forgot where he

was for a minute, only remembering when he saw a painting on the wall of wolves sitting together in
the snow. Wyatt and Preston’s apartment. Colin rolled to his side and smiled at the sleeping form of
Nikolai Markov on the floor. He was shirtless, his many tattoos visible. Colin ached to reach out and
run his fingertips over his name on Nikolai’s chest. Why had he done that? Did Nikolai really care
about him like that? Other than his own name, Colin couldn’t see any other names except for Nik’s

Muscles tensed and Nikolai’s chest moved up and down slowly. Lord, the man was perfection.

Colin sighed and let his eyes wander down Nikolai’s smooth stomach. Eight pack abs carved out a
trail to his belly button and a soft line of black hair trailed below his boxers. Colin licked his lips
thinking about the bulge he’d seen the day before. Nik was not small in the dick department. Colin
closed his eyes. The dick that had seen many a hole in the past few years. Colin wondered how long
Nik had been a virgin before he started fucking anything with a pulse.

His stomach jolted with jealousy. Brock had had the pleasure of Nik’s company. It wasn’t fair.

Every time he looked at Brock, all he could see was him writhing in pleasure as Nik fucked him.
Colin swallowed the bile rising in his throat. Nikolai had been his.

He swallowed the urge to cry and settled his gaze on Nik’s face again. Long black lashes

caressed high cheekbones. Colin followed the curve of them to a strong, square jaw peppered with
stubble. Nikolai’s lips were perfect, too: bottom lip plump and juicy-looking with a thinner top lip.
Those lips curved up into a smile and Colin eased back from the side of the bed.

“Don’t stop now.” Nikolai stretched his arms out, his voice gravelly with sleep.
“Stop what?” Colin cursed himself.
“Looking at me.” Nik propped himself up on his hands and let his eyes wander over Colin’s fit

and firm physique. Not one hair on that smooth chest. Pert rounded nipples begged to be licked and
Nikolai wet his lips thinking about them.

“I wasn’t.” Colin rolled back over. In two seconds he realized his mistake. Nikolai was on him

in seconds. “Hey!”

“What’s this?” Nikolai pulled Colin’s boxers low on his hip. There, in black ink, was his name.

‘Nikolai’ was tattooed in calligraphy on Colin’s hip.

“Get off of me!” Colin swung his arm back and caught Nikolai in the gut. Unfortunately, it had

no effect.

“This is my name.” Nikolai ran his fingertips over the tattoo softly. “How long have you had


“Years, okay? Now get off.”
“Goddammit, Colin. Talk to me! I find my name tattooed on your body and you still refuse to

admit we have something?”

“That was a long time ago.” Colin got out of bed and grabbed his jeans. “You are not the same


“And you are?”
“We need to get going.”
Nikolai took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “Fine. This discussion is far from over, Colin.

We have history, you know it and so do I.”

“Do you?” Colin spat. “Because it seems to me—” Colin bit his lip. He would not get into this

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“What? It seems to you what?”
“Nothing. Come on.”
They drove out towards the forest. Colin’s arms were wrapped around Nikolai’s waist as the

wind blew across his face. He’d been on a motorcycle before, but had forgotten how freeing it was.
The bike roared through the forests of Cougar Mountain and then came to a stop. Colin slid off the
back of the bike and took his helmet off. He cracked his neck from side to side and bounced on the
balls of his feet. Nikolai put his helmet on the seat and turned to face Colin.

The muscles twitched and jumped in anticipation. Colin couldn’t stop looking at Nik’s chest

wrapped in a muscle tee. It was disgusting. The man was so muscular it made Colin feel small. That’s
what made Nik so damned intimidating, though. The fact that he could take a life without even
blinking. Of course the lives that Nikolai took belonged to the vilest type of predators and killers,
men who managed to evade legal authorities as they destroyed innocentlives. Colin stretched his
arms out to the side and smiled.

“Hand-to-hand? Or you have something better in mind?”
Nik’s dick pulsed in his sweats. Getting to spar with Colin was a turn on. Not too many men

could hold their own with him. He couldn’t wait to see what Colin was capable of.

“I’ve got some shit stashed around here, but I think hand-to-hand will be good for now.”
Colin brought his hands together and looked right into Nik’s eyes. “Say when.”
Nik’s brows shot up. “Really?”
“Scared?” Colin grinned wickedly.
Nikolai eyed Colin slowly from head to toe. He had a calmness about him that made Nik

respect him even more. That was one of the rules of combat. Never let them see your fear. Nikolai got
into his fighting stance and motioned to Colin with his fingers. They circled each other slowly, both of
them watching the other’s body language. Nik looked for any sign of fear in Colin and saw none. The
first blow from Colin missed him by inches and he dove out of the way of another one.

“Playing for keeps?” Nik sprang back up and blocked another blow from Colin.
“Come on, Nik. Don’t go easy on me.” Colin faked left, then moved to the right where he caught

Nik’s legs and knocked him on his ass. He crouched down by Nik and moved a stray strand of hair
from Nik’s brow. “You look good on the ground.”

“You really want me to go all out?” Nik stood back up and cracked his back.
Colin leaned into Nikolai’s face. “Let the blood flow.”
And it did.
After a half hour of fighting each other, Colin had a busted lip and a black eye. Nikolai hadn’t

remained untouched, and he wasn’t loving life either at the moment. Colin was good; he could
definitely hold his own against an opponent. Lorenzo and the rest of the assassins on Stefan and
Jordan’s team had taught him well. Nik took a long drink of bottled water and handed it to Colin. A
hiss escaped him as his lip touched the rim of the bottle.

“You okay?” Nik turned Colin’s face to his gently.
“I’m fine,” Colin pushed Nikolai’s hand away.
“Are you mad at me?”
“No, why?” Colin poured some of the water over his head. Damn, it was hot outside.
Nikolai opened his mouth to speak when a noise off to the right had his skin tingling. They were

being watched. Nik moved slowly to the bike and grabbed his gun from the saddlebag. The feeling
became more pronounced as the trees swayed in the slight breeze and his senses caught an odor. Nik

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grabbed Colin’s bicep and hauled him up. A low growl floated on the wind and Nik pushed Colin
behind him.

Colin peeked around Nik’s massive form. It seemed as if a small tornado was forming right in

front of them. Leaves and dirt were pulled into the vortex and then the vortex became a man. Colin
recognized him right away. It was the see-through guy.

“Jesus, Chance!” Nik sighed. “There is such a thing as a cell phone!”
“Oh, I know, but this is WAY more fun. Hi, Colin.” Chance’s brows furrowed. “Why do you

look like you just went ten rounds with Nikolai?”

“Because he did.” Nikolai stepped up to Chance and lowered his voice. “Is Logan with you?”
“Yes. He’s running around with the guys a few miles away.” Chance eyed Nikolai. “Looks like

you didn’t escape without injury either.”

Colin chuckled.
“So, I see you came for a visit. Where are you staying?”
“Cole’s house. He invited us to stay with him.” Chance smiled at Colin. “I can fix that you


“Fix what?” Colin walked over to Chance and Nikolai.
“Split lip.” Chance pulled Colin’s face up gently.
Colin snickered. “Oh can you?”
Chance smiled and waved his hand in front of Colin’s face. The busted lip and black eye


Colin gasped as the pain left him. It wasn’t just his face either. All the pain was gone. Colin

touched his lip gently.

“Okay, that’s, like, freaky.”
“I learned something else, too.” Chance turned his attention to Nikolai. “Can I?”
“When haven’t you?” Nikolai laughed.
Chance frowned, but placed his hands on either side of Nikolai’s head at his temples.
“Close your eyes,” Chance whispered.
Chance closed his own eyes, and recited the incantation he’d learned. The visions came slowly,

like on an old projector. The picture skipped and bounced, but then Chance saw it clearly. Nikolai’s
memories were flowing through him. The first one came into view. It was blurry, and dark brown
eyes were looking at him with concern. The face was of a four year old. Chance knew it was Colin
Greystone. The visions bounced again and Chance went with them. Always seeing through Nik’s
eyes, he watched as Colin read to him, held him and kissed his forehead. The happy memories were
soon replaced with darkness and fear. Chance shivered from the cold seeping into his body from
Nikolai’s memory. This one was locked deep. Chance pushed harder. A black-haired man with blue
eyes was in his face, snarling. Then the pain came. Chance cried out and shot backwards onto his ass.
His breathing was erratic and he was sweating.

“What is it?” Nikolai flew to Chance’s side.
“You’ve locked it so far—so deep,” Chance whispered. “It must have been horrible for you.”
Nikolai tensed. “You saw Yuri.” Nikolai’s heart raced in his chest. He’d put that memory aside

for a reason. The things Yuri had done to him. The things he had done to Yuri. Nikolai felt a hand
slide into his and then Colin pressed into his back. Peace swept over him and he took a deep breath.
Colin was his foothold, the one who brought him back from the darkness. The thought took him by
surprise and a memory of Colin holding him came to the forefront. He turned to face Colin.

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“You were there.”
Colin nodded slowly. “Yes.”
“You came to me when I was brought back.”
Again, Colin nodded. “Yes.”
Chance shook his head clear. “Geez, I need a drink.”
Nikolai looked up at the sky. It was going to get dark soon. He hadn’t realized how long they

had been out there. “We need to get going anyway. How long will you be here?”

Chance stood up and smiled. “Couple of days. Logan wants to hang out with the boys.”
“Logan?” Colin asked.
“Yep, the man of my dreams,” Chance winked.
“Maybe we’ll hit the club? “Nikolai hugged Chance. “Do some witchy recon?”
“I can do that.” Chance turned to Colin. “It was good to see you again.” He shook Colin’s hand.

“Take care of Nik for me, will ya?”

“I think Nikolai’s good at taking care of himself.” Colin walked back to the Harley.
Nikolai watched him go.
“He’ll come around, Nik. Just give it time,” Chance smiled, taking his friend’s hand.
“What if he doesn’t? I don’t know how else to prove to him that’s he’s it for me.”
“Patience,” Chance said with a smile. “I know you can do it.”
Nik snorted.

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The ride to Scott and Tristan’s was quiet. Not that Colin could hear anything over the roar of

Nik’s bike anyway. Things were strained again and Colin didn’t know if that was a curse or a
blessing. Damn the tattoo. He’d put it there when he turned eighteen — a reminder of the person who
had captured his heart when he was four years old. That little boy had grown into one hell of a mighty
fine man. Colin closed his eyes and rested his head against Nik’s back. Nikolai stiffened against his
cheek and Colin tightened his grip around the younger man’s waist. How was he supposed to tell Nik
how he felt? The man fucked everyone. Colin sighed. The bike slowed and pulled up to the curb.
Nikolai killed the engine and removed his helmet. Colin unwrapped himself and slid off. Nikolai did
a quick check of their surroundings before leading Colin up the stairs to the apartment. Scott opened
the door.

“Well, if it isn’t the fugitives.”
Nik grinned and stuck his hand out. “Delange.”
“Markov.” Scott shook Nik’s hand and then turned his attention to the man at his side. “Colin


“That would be me.” Colin put his hand out and Scott shook it.
“Well, come on in.” Scott backed away from the door, letting the two men inside.
“Where’s Tristan?” Nik checked out the apartment. It screamed alpha males. Rustic furniture all

done in browns and blacks.

“Went to the store. I told him Nikolai Markov was gracing us with his presence.”
“So, steaks?” Nik grinned.
“Yep, T-bones.” Scott walked into the kitchen. “You guys want a drink?”
“Um, water please?” Colin looked around the apartment. “So, how long have you two been


Scott closed the fridge door and came back into the living room. “Almost a year now.”
“They hated each other.” Nikolai took the proffered water bottle and sat down on the couch.
“Hate is such a strong word,” Scott chuckled, motioning to Colin to go ahead and sit. “We just


“That’s a mild way of putting it.” Nikolai chugged his water.
“So,” Scott sat back on the couch. “How are your father and Devin?”
“They’re both still alive, so it’s a plus,” Nik laughed.
Colin furrowed his brows. “You mean Uncle Tanner?”
“Yes, but he hasn’t decided whether he’s going to use his birth name or the one he’s answered

to for the last 20 years,” Nik said.

“So he’s still Devin Tanner Lyons McKinley Panchenko?” Scott stifled a snicker.
“Yep,” Nik laughed.
The front door banged open and rustling sounds came from the foyer.
“Babe?” Scott tilted his head, listening.
“Yup, it’s me.” Tristan juggled the shopping bags.
“I’m coming to help.” Scott got up and smiled when Nik and Colin rose as well. “You guys are

guests, you don’t have to help.”

“Pfft, yeah right,” Nik grinned and walked towards the front door. Tristan had more than five

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bags and was trying to shut the door. “Hey, Tristan, this is Colin Greystone.”

Tristan handed a bag to Scott and put his hand out to Colin. “Good to meet you, Colin.”
“Likewise, thanks for putting us up.” Colin shook Tristan’s hand. The guy was tall, and built.

The way he looked at Scott spoke volumes for his feelings toward the dark-haired, dark-eyed man.

“No problem,” Tristan grinned. “Scott will just have to suffer without me for one night.”
“Whatever,” Scott waved his hand in the air. “You just stay on your side of the bed.”
“I’ve got headphones,” Nikolai winked. “Have at it.”
“So anyway…” Scott glared at Nik. “Grill time?”
“Yep,” Tristan nodded.

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The steaks were cooked so perfectly Colin almost moaned when he bit into it. Baked potatoes

with all the fixings were served as well. Colin took a spoonful of broccoli salad and handed the bowl
to Nik.

“So, I hear you had some problems?” Tristan poured A1 sauce on the corner of his plate.
“I wouldn’t—” Colin started.
“Yes, we did.” Nik narrowed his eyes at Colin. “When someone drives straight at you in a dark

parking lot with their high beams on, I consider that an attempt on your life.”

“Or if they shove a needle in you.” Scott shivered at the memory of his own close call.
Tristan took Scott’s hand and kissed the palm.
Nikolai cleared his throat. “So, Colin met Chance.”
Scott smiled and winked. “How did that go?”
“He astral projected,” Nikolai grinned. “Then he showed up in the forest while Colin and I

were sparring. I guess he’s taken to the vortex way of traveling.”

Colin choked on his potato and Nikolai clapped him on the back.
“Do you just come out and tell everyone?” Colin spluttered.
Scott sat back in his chair and smiled at Colin. “Oh, we know all about Chance. He’s a

warlock, among other things.”

“Other things?” Colin furrowed his brow.
Tristan eyed Nikolai. “Paul knows; I don’t see why Colin can’t.”
“My dad? What does my dad know?” Colin’s eyes bounced from Nikolai to the other two men.
“Well,” Nikolai sat back and folded his hands in front of him. “Your father was let in on a little

secret in Ireland. Since he took it pretty well, I’m sure you will too. I don’t have to tell you to keep it
to yourself though, do I?”

“Keep what to myself?” Colin narrowed his eyes at Nik.
Scott sat forward. “Tristan and I - how shall I put this?”
“We’re werewolves,” Tristan jumped in.
Colin’s brows shot up to his hairline. “Werewolves? Like, you change into a wolf?”
“Yep, pretty big ones too,” Nikolai supplied. “Their alpha, Wayne Maccon, is a created

werewolf. Every werewolf in his line is ten times bigger than a normal werewolf,” Nikolai chuckled.
“Normal, yeah right.”

Scott studied Colin’s face. “You don’t seem too surprised.”
“Well, I just met a warlock so,” Colin shrugged. “I’ve always believed in stuff like that


“You have?” Nikolai turned in his chair to look at Colin closely.
“Well, yeah, sure,” Colin grinned. He turned his attention back to Scott and Tristan. “Can I


“I think not,” Nikolai growled.
“Why not?” Colin swung around to Nikolai.
Tristan chuckled. “We have to get naked. Kind of ruins our clothes if we shift with them on.”
Colin chuckled. “I’ll keep my eyes on your face.”

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Scott stood up and backed away from the table. He removed his shirt and went for the button on

his jeans. Nikolai’s grunt stopped him and he smiled at the younger Markov.

“Nik, come on. It’s just nakedness.”
“It’s your nakedness.” Nikolai put his hand over Colin’s eyes.
Colin swatted Nik’s hand away and smiled at Scott. “Go ahead.”
Colin watched in fascination as Scott Delange removed the rest of his clothing. The guy was

built. He had a fantastic chest. Colin’s eyes widened as Scott’s canines elongated and claws sprouted
from his fingertips. It was over in seconds. Scott sat on the kitchen floor as a wolf. A very large wolf.

“Holy shit, that is so cool!”
Tristan grinned at his mate and patted his head, scratching behind his ears. “He’s beautiful, isn’t


“And you’re one, too?” Colin eyed Tristan.
“Yes, there are quite a few of us actually.”
Nik took Colin’s hand. “Sebastian and Wyatt, Colin.”
Colin’s eyes widened. “They’re werewolves, too?”
“Yes, and so are their husbands. You can see the need for secrecy, can’t you?”
“Of course I can.” Colin smiled at Scott, who had made his way around the table and was now

sniffing him out. He ran his fingers through Scott’s soft, black coat. “Wow, he’s so beautiful.” Colin
got a soft whine and a lick up his cheek.

“Dude?” Nikolai glared at Scott. “Really?”
Scott huffed and pushed into Nik’s side, almost knocking him over. Nikolai laughed and

grabbed Scott’s face, looking into his eyes.

“Just because you’re big now, doesn’t mean I can’t kick your ass in human form.”
Scott raised a brow.
Tristan chuckled.
“So, you guys need help cleaning up?” Colin stood with his plate.
“I can get it.” Tristan stood up and threw his bone to Scott — who swallowed it whole.
The kitchen had gotten much smaller due to Scott’s size and Colin squeezed around him to get to

the sink. He rinsed his plate off and handed it to Tristan. “So, have you guys always been

“Pretty much,” Tristan nodded. “You seem to be taking it in stride.”
“Yeah well, I’m kind of a sci-fi nerd. Like I said, I’ve always believed in stuff like that.”
“It’s good you’re so open-minded. You and Nik make a good couple.”
“Oh, we’re not—”
“No, we’re not.” Nikolai broke in. “Although it’s not from my lack of trying.” Nikolai put his

plate in the sink. “I’m going to go shower. Goodnight guys.”

Tristan watched Nikolai’s back as he left. He turned his attention back to Colin and smiled.
“Trouble in paradise?”
Colin snorted.
“Oh, just like us in the beginning,” Scott sighed.
Colin jumped at the new voice and turned to see Scott back in his human form.
“Jesus!” Colin held a hand to his chest.
“Sorry,” Scott smiled. “I know it’s none of our business, but Nikolai Markov doesn’t act like

that over someone he just wants to screw.”

Colin looked from Scott to Tristan. “I just… I don’t know,” Colin sighed in frustration.

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“Give the guy a shot.” Tristan patted Colin on the back. “You’re open-minded - well, apply that

to Nik. He cares; I can see it.”

“We put your stuff in Jude’s old room.” Scott mussed Colin’s hair. “You seem like a good kid.

Give Nik a chance.”

“I’ll think about it. Thanks for dinner, guys,” Colin smiled.
Tristan sighed as Colin made his way down the hall to Jude’s old room. He hoped that Colin

would finally see that Nikolai truly wanted him, and not as a conquest. The kid showed it in every
move he made.

“I hope those two give in soon. The furniture is melting,” Tristan chuckled.
Scott rubbed up against Tristan and smiled wickedly. The heat from Tristan’s skin seeped into

his own. Just being close to his mate set his dick throbbing.

“Scott…” Tristan growled softly.
“Yes?” Scott ran a hand over Tristan’s erection. Scott was gripped in strong arms and pushed

against the counter. He gasped as Tristan’s hand slipped inside his sweats.

“I hope you can be quiet.” Tristan bit Scott’s bottom lip, letting it slide slowly between his


“Fuck,” Scott breathed.
“Oh yeah.”

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~*Chapter Five*~

Colin spread out on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Nikolai was in the shower and, God help

him, all he could envision was Nik’s strong hands gripping his cock. Colin’s own prick was rising in
his boxers and he rolled onto to his stomach to hide his growing desire. Dammit, this was such a bad
idea. He could strangle his fathers for putting Nik back into his orbit. It had taken him so long to put
Nikolai in the back of his mind just so he could function. And years spent away from the man hadn’t
lessened his feelings for him.

Colin buried his face in the pillow and tried not to think about Nikolai’s habit of fucking

anything that moved. Just having to deal with Brock on a regular basis pissed him off. It was a
constant reminder that Brock had gotten to kiss Nik, touch Nik and be fucked by Nik. It wasn’t fair.
Colin squeezed his eyes shut as the jealousy reared its ugly head.

The bed dipped and Colin froze. Nikolai’s warm skin touched his arm and he fought the urge to

shiver from the contact.

“Colin?” Nikolai whispered.
“What?” Colin barely choked out. Dammit, he wasn’t hiding his feelings very well. How he

wished he could feel nothing. Be like Uncle Vince and never feel anything for anyone. Well, how his
Uncle Vince used to be, before falling for Keegan. There was something to be said for being cold and
unfeeling. Fingers trailed down his bicep and Colin held his breath.

“Are you okay? I’m sorry I’ve been an ass, but when Stefan called and they asked me to protect

you, I knew I couldn’t fail.” Nikolai leaned in a bit, trying to smell Colin’s skin. He smelled so good,
almost like lavender and vanilla, or something like that.

“Fine.” Colin moved towards the edge of the bed.
“I promise I won’t try anything, but could I…just hold you in my arms?”
Colin rolled over to face Nik. “Why?”
Nik could see the pain in Colin’s eyes, even in the dark. God how he wished he could take it

away. This was his Colin, the one who had read him stories, had saved his life. Now that he knew
more from his father about his childhood with Colin, he wanted to know it all. Nikolai reached out to
touch Colin’s face. He stopped before his fingers touched his skin.

“I just need to feel your heartbeat,” Nik whispered.
Heat caressed his cheek and Colin realized he’d leaned into Nikolai’s hand.
“No funny stuff?”
“I promise,” Nik nodded.
Colin scooted closer and waited for Nikolai. Strong arms enveloped him and then he was

against Nikolai’s chest. He smelled like fresh soap and something uniquely Nik. Colin fought the sigh
rising inside him and laid his head on the broad chest. The loud thumping of Nikolai’s heart was
beating in his ear. It was calming. Colin closed his eyes and a hand splayed out across his chest.
Colin stiffened.

“I’m just putting my hand over your heart,” Nik whispered. “I promised no funny stuff.”
“Okay,” Colin whispered back. The events of the last two days swirled in his head and

curiosity got the best of him. “Nik?”

“How long have you known, you know, about the werewolf stuff?”
“I found out when I was in Seattle, when Sebastian was going through all that shit with his dad.

He ended up in the hospital and Detective Stevens — now he’s Bastian’s husband — kind of let his

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canines slip when he got angry.” Nikolai chuckled. “Shocked the shit out of me, that’s for sure. They
sort of had to tell me their secret; Pops already knew, anyway.”

“No wonder they play football so well,” Colin laughed quietly.
“Nah, they don’t use their abilities on the playing field. Wyatt refuses to cheat.”
“So, Wyatt is a werewolf. Is his husband?”
Nik nodded in the dark. “Yes, they were actually mated when Wyatt was seven and Preston was


“Mated? Like wolf mates?”
“Yep. The problem was that Preston felt Wyatt was too young to deal with the mate concept, so

he stayed clear until Wyatt turned eighteen and could fall in love with him without knowing they were

“But Bas was dating Wyatt then, right?”
“Yeah. Sebastian didn’t know then that he was a werewolf, something about the gene lying

dormant, and he was acting like a complete asshole toward Wyatt. Even I thought so and well, I’m
me, so that’s saying a lot. Wyatt found out the truth about being mated to Preston for so long, and got a
little pissed at Preston. You’ve seen them now, though; they’re very much in love.”

“And Chance? Where did you meet him?”
Nik smiled in the dark. “I met Chance in Ireland. Conner O’Rourke had been kidnapped and

was being held there. It just so happened that Conner was Wayne Maccon’s mate.”

“And Wayne Maccon is…?”
“Wayne is the alpha of the pack and he’s a created werewolf. You know how you see in the

movies that a werewolf is made by a bite of another werewolf?”

“Yeah, I’ve seen enough movies about werewolves.”
“Well the fates and gods created Wayne’s line - he was the first one. That makes him the

ultimate authority, the alpha. He’s the size of a freakin’ horse when he’s in wolf form.”

“Bigger than Scott was?”
Nikolai nodded. “Oh, hell yeah. I’ve never seen anything that big before.”
“That’s what she said,” Colin snickered.
“Oh shut up,” Nikolai laughed. “So anyway, I’m helping Chance with research one day when I

realize he’s not just into witchcraft, he is a witch - only he’s just learning how to use it. He’s also a

“Ouch,” Colin whispered. “That’s like, double the fun, huh?”
“Yeah, I kinda said the same thing when he told me. He had a thing for Logan MacLeod —”
“There can be only one,” Colin intoned.
Nikolai laughed.
“Well, we got Conner back for Wayne. In the process, we found out that a boyfriend who

Chance thought was dead – Pierce was his name – wasn’t. He was actually a rogue werewolf, and
their leader.”

Colin’s brows pinched. “Rogues? Like lone wolves?”
“No, rogues are yellow-eyed assholes who kill innocent people. Their saliva turns werewolves

and humans into amoral assholes. They don’t care about anything or anyone. Chance’s old boyfriend
had staged his death because he was tired of Chance and wanted to just disappear and be done with
him. When he found out that Chance was about to inherit his entire ancestral line’s powers when he
turned 21, he suddenly wanted Chance back; he knew that Chance would be so much more powerful.
Pierce didn’t give a rat’s ass about Chance; he just wanted him for what he could do for him. So he

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made sure Chance knew he was alive and then tried to rekindle their relationship. Chance is so sweet
that he thought Pierce was sincere and that we shouldn’t kill him. He found out the hard way that
Pierce was a rogue, and only wanted one thing - power.

“Damn. That had to be hard on Chance, huh?” Colin shook his head sadly.
“Yeah, it was. Chance ended up killing Pierce in the mines of Arizona after Pierce kidnapped


“He killed him? He seems so…gentle.”
“He is. Trust me, Chance did what he had to do. Pierce was about to kill Logan, whom Chance

had fallen in love with. In that moment, Chance lost control of his powers and caused an explosion
that sunk half the mines.”

Colin rose up on his elbow. “He’s that powerful?”
“You have no idea,” Nikolai sighed. “I thought I’d lost him that day. I hadn’t realized just how

much I’d come to care about him until I thought he was gone.” Nikolai took a deep breath and
continued. “Logan stayed with him in the cave, even though he knew he was going to die. He stayed
with Chance.”

“Now that’s love,” Colin sighed.
“Yeah, it is. Luckily, Chance was able to conjure a protection spell and they were safe. They

weren’t even mated at the time, but the fates decided they should be and slammed the mate bond
whammy on them.”

“Chance actually saw it, so did Logan. They said it was this big, bright ball of light and then it

slammed into them both. I knew they belonged together. Guess the fates realized it, too. Who knows,
though? Maybe the fates play the wait and see game with their werewolves. I have always said that
everything happens for a reason. Look at Devin; he turned out to be Tanner. He lost his memory, was
put on a case with Keegan to run surveillance on my fathers and the Youngbloods. Keegan ends up
marrying my pops and Devin ends up being part of our group and marrying my dad.” Nikolai shook
his head with a smile. “Life is fucking strange.”

“And Conner O’Rourke-Maccon knew my dad from childhood,” Colin chuckled. “It’s six

degrees of separation.”

“Point is? Fate has a way of making sure we end up where we belong.”
Colin nestled into Nik’s chest and sighed.
“Tired?” Nik ran his fingers through Colin’s hair.
“Mmhmm. That feels good,” Colin sighed.
“Get some sleep,” Nik whispered.
“Nite,” Colin mumbled.
Warm breath caressed his forehead and Colin closed his eyes. Nikolai’s body warmth lulled

him to sleep. He was in the arms of the one man he’d always loved and it was everything he thought it
would be.


Nikolai closed his eyes and felt Colin’s heart beating rapidly. His lips grazed Colin’s forehead

and the heartbeat under his palm sped up. Nikolai backed off a bit and closed his eyes. His feelings
for Colin were beginning to overwhelm him and his actions over the last few years were coming back
to haunt him. Once he was sure Colin was sleeping peacefully, he gently kissed his forehead.

“I’m so sorry, Colin,” Nik whispered against his skin.

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Sleep came quickly, and Nikolai fell out faster than he ever had with the man he was falling for

held securely in his arms.


Nikolai was jolted awake by a dream. He had been playing in a tree house when the boards

gave way under his feet. The panic had risen until he heard Colin from the ground. Nik took a deep
breath to slow his racing heart and looked into Colin’s sleeping face. His mouth was perfect, slightly
open as he breathed in. Long black lashes hid beautiful pools of chocolate. Colin was breathtaking.
And he was his. Nikolai moved carefully to face Colin and trailed a finger down the man’s cheek. His
skin was soft, the stubble barely there. Colin’s lashed fluttered open and then they were staring into
each other’s eyes. Nik’s heart raced as a smile curved Colin’s luscious lips.

“Good morning.” Colin stretched his back out.
“It is that,” Nikolai smiled.
“So, what are we doing today?”
Nik sat up on his elbow. “Well, I’m sure the guys will want to go to the club. Sniff things out.

Plus, Chance can do his voodoo shit.”

“Voodoo shit?” Colin chuckled.
“Yeah, his witchy stuff. Do not let him shrink you.” Nikolai shivered. “It’s freaky.”
“No shrinkage. Got it,” Colin grinned.
Nik rolled his eyes, but smiled. “Okay, let’s get a move on.”


Colin met Logan that afternoon, along with some of the other werewolves. No wonder Chance

was so loyal to Logan — the man was…well, wow. Now that he knew what they were, they’d gone
back to the forest to play. Colin sat on a bench with Chance as the pack ran. Nikolai had offered
himself up as prey. Even as werewolves, they had a hard time catching Nikolai. Colin had to smile.
Nikolai was downright scary. It was hard to picture him as cuddly little Nikolai now. Colin hadn’t
even realized Chance was smiling at him until he turned to look at him.

“You’re thinking about Nikolai.” Chance reclined back on the picnic table.
“What did you do to him? I mean, you had your hands on his temples. What did you see?”
Chance turned to look Colin in the eye. “I saw you. I saw you through his eyes.” Chance tilted

his head, observing Colin’s reaction. “But you knew that, didn’t you?”

“I figured as much. So, just me? Or were their other, um, people?”
“I’m going to apologize now,” Chance said.
“For what—”
Chance grabbed Colin’s temples and closed his eyes. The other man struggled at first, and then

relaxed under his hands. The first vision came and Chance could see everything through Colin’s point
of view: A newborn Nikolai looking up into his eyes. Little Nikolai looking up with what could only
be described as a look of complete love. Nikolai laughing. Nikolai crying. Chance’s heart wrenched
as Nikolai snuggled into Colin’s chest and cried; his arm was in a cast and he was bruised and
beaten. The emotions from Colin were overwhelming. Chance was wrenched from the vision. He
blinked rapidly, only to find Logan holding him by his shoulders. He was speaking, but Chance

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couldn’t hear anything, the emotions from the vision still crippling him.

“Chance!” Logan shouted, shaking his boyfriend.
“Colin!” Nikolai caught Colin before he fell off the table. “What the hell, Chance? What did you

do to him?”

Logan peered into Chance’s eyes. The tears were coming rapidly and he was shaking. “What?

Oh God, what is it?” Logan took Chance into his arms.

Chance met Colin’s eyes and saw the fear in them. He shook his head, assuring Colin he

wouldn’t tell. Nikolai’s pain after being kidnapped by Yuri Borkosky was almost unbearable. Chance
held Logan and let the emotions out. The sobs wracked his body as he cried for Nikolai and Colin.
They were meant to be together from birth. Chance pulled himself together after a few minutes and
took a deep breath.

“We’re going out tonight, right?”
Logan’s brows shot up. “Seriously? What the hell is going on?”
Chance stood up and met Logan’s eyes, sending a mental message. “I can’t tell you. Just know

it’s not about us and all about Nik. Okay?”

“Okay, but I don’t like what I just saw. Don’t do it again, please?”
Chance nodded.
Nikolai helped Colin up and put an arm around his waist. He was surprised when Colin leaned

into him; he was shaking slightly.

“Are you okay?” Nikolai murmured into Colin’s ear.
“Yeah, just need a sec, I think.”
“He did the same thing to you that he did to me, didn’t he?”
Colin nodded.
Nikolai took Colin in his arms and held him. “I’m sorry. He shouldn’t have done that.”
Colin buried his face in Nik’s chest and closed his eyes. The sounds, sights and feelings of the

visions were still fresh in his mind. Nikolai’s heartbeat thumped under his ear and Colin let out a
slow breath. He straightened up and looked into Nik’s eyes, the eyes which had ensnared him the
moment he’d held a newborn Nikolai Markov.

“Ready to go?” Colin asked.
Nik’s brows furrowed for a second, and then he smiled.


As always, Cuffs and Stuff was packed to the rafters. Nikolai did a slow sweep of the club,

checking for danger. Preston was with Wyatt, Kurt and Austin at the bar. Tucker and Wesley were on
the dance floor with Cole and Chaz. Nikolai found the football players in the corner booth again.
Brock waved him over and Nikolai put up his finger in a ‘one minute’ gesture. He went to the bar and
ordered a beer for Colin. He felt a jab in his side and looked over his shoulder to see Sebastian and
his husband, Nicholas, smiling at him.

“Well, hellooo,” Nik grinned, eyeing Sebastian in tight jeans.
“Hey, I’m right here,” Nicholas groused.
Nikolai winked. “I know. You’re pretty hot yourself.”
Sebastian smacked Nikolai’s bicep. “Stop that. Where’s Colin?”
“He went to the bathroom — oh, there he is.” Nikolai smiled as Colin made his way over to


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“Greystone,” Sebastian winked, shaking Colin’s hand. “How’s it going with this guy?”

Sebastian jerked his thumb in Nikolai’s direction.

“It’s actually not so bad,” Colin smiled at Nikolai.
“I got you a beer; that okay?” Nikolai handed Colin the bottle.
“They served you?” Colin cocked an eyebrow.
Nikolai flipped out his wallet. “Fake ID. Had it since I was sixteen.”
“I’m going to pretend that I didn’t hear that,” Nicholas sighed.
“You’re so hot when you go into cop mode,” Sebastian whispered into his ear.
Colin eyed Nikolai’s drink. “What is that?”
“Dr Pepper. I don’t drink when I’m on a mission.” He noticed Nicholas glaring at him. “Or

ever. Because I’m underage and that would just be wrong.”

Colin smiled. “Let’s grab a booth.”
The music pumped through the building. The familiar firehouse song came on and Sebastian

laughed as his husband got out on the floor with fellow cops Tucker and Wesley along with Seattle’s
firemen. He felt a presence next to him and turned to find Chance and Logan smiling at him.

“When did this happen? I thought only the firemen danced to this song,” Chance laughed

watching the men on the floor.

“Technically, you and Logan should be out there as well,” Sebastian nodded to the dance floor.
Jesse, the bouncer, laughed as he joined them. “The cops felt left out, so it was agreed they’d be

included.” He laughed at Sebastian’s frown. “Aw, what’s wrong, Bastian?”

“I’m not sure if I like my man out there rubbing himself for a room full of horny men.”
Jesse cocked his head to the side watching Detective Stevens running a hand underneath his

shirt, pumping his hips in time with the music.

“I can see why.”
Sebastian turned to see Jesse watching his husband. “Eyes back in your head! I’ll tell Noah!”
Chance grabbed Logan’s hand. “Come on, babe. Let’s go pump our hips.”
“Why aren’t you dancing, Markov? We’ve seen you in action. You put these guys to shame,”

Lance laughed as Nik and Colin joined the table.

“I’m on my best behavior.” Nikolai sipped his soda.
“But we like it when you misbehave,” Brock leered.
Colin shot Brock a death glare.
Brock shrugged. “I’m just sayin’.”


The table was packed and Colin sat right next to Nikolai. Their shoulders were pressed together

and Nikolai had to shift a little to keep his erection from being seen. The music changed again and
Nikolai looked up to see blue eyes piercing his own. One of the firemen — Cole, that was his name
— had his hand extended out to him.

“Wanna dance?” Cole grinned.
Nikolai looked over at Colin. “Um, I think I’ll sit this one out.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Chaz joined the group and eyed the man next to Nikolai Markov. “It’s

Colin, right?”

“Yes,” Colin nodded.
“Want to dance?” Chaz smiled at the look of intense discomfort on Nikolai Markov’s face.

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“Um, sure?” Colin said uncertainly.
“Good!” Chaz pulled Colin from the table, dragging him over Nikolai, who was sitting at the

end of the booth.

Cole laughed at Chaz as he pulled Colin onto the dance floor and looked Nikolai over from

head to toe. “Come on, Markov. I’ve seen you in action.” Cole twirled his finger in the air at the DJ
and Usher’s “Yeah” started playing.

Nikolai got up and eyed Cole. “Keep up with me then.”
Cole waggled his eyebrows. “My pleasure.”
They made their way out to the dance floor and Nikolai located Colin dancing with Chaz. His

mouth almost dropped open as Colin’s hips undulated, his hands sliding up Chaz’s shirt. A wave of
jealousy almost knocked him on his ass. Hands gripped his hips firmly and his attention snapped back
to the enormous firefighter looking at him. The man was his height, and was almost as big as he was
in the muscles department.

Cole had the clearest blue eyes Nik had ever seen and his raven hair completed a totally sexy

look. A look of desire flashed through Cole’s eyes and Nikolai put a hand on the man’s chest.

“Just dancing, Cole. I’m a taken man.”
Cole smirked. “That’s what they all say.” He sneaked a look at Chaz and they smiled at each

other. Cole knew Nikolai Markov had a thing for Colin Greystone, and if he and Chaz could help it
along while they got some sexy time, well that was just icing on the cake. Cole pulled Nikolai closer
to him.

“Dude, some space?” Nikolai snapped.
“It’s just dancing, Markov. Look at Colin; he’s just as happy as can be in Chaz’s capable


Nikolai shot a look in Colin’s direction. Sure enough, Colin’s arms were wrapped around

Chaz’s neck, with the taller man grinding his lower anatomy into Colin’s ass, his hands on Colin’s
lower abs. Nikolai’s hands curled into fists as the rage rose inside him. Hands gripped him tightly
and he looked into Cole’s eyes.

“Payback’s a bitch, huh?” Cole smiled.
“What game are you playing?” Nikolai asked, eyes narrowed.
“The one Sebastian put his stamp of approval on. Not to mention Wyatt and Preston. You want

Colin? Then stop being a childish prick and tell him how you feel. I mean everything. You and I are a
lot alike Markov; we fuck for fun. I don’t want a relationship, and you didn’t either. Things have
changed; the game has new rules. Come clean.”

“You’re an asshole,” Nikolai grumbled.
“I am, huh?” Cole smiled widely.
“I can’t wait for the day you get taken down, Cole,” Nikolai smirked.
“Never happen.” Cole waved his hand in the air dismissively. “Been there, done that, never

going there again.”

“Someone ripped your heart out and stomped on it, huh?”
Cole’s eyes flashed anger. “Yeah. They did.”
“How long ago?” Nik cocked his head to the side.
“Five years and it still feels like yesterday.” Cole studied Nikolai closely. “Colin’s the one for

you. We all see it, so do us a —”

Cole tensed up in his arms and Nikolai searched his face. His attention was focused over his

shoulder and Nikolai looked behind him. Hayden Cox and Ross Collins stood by the front door of the

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club talking with Jesse. Nikolai looked back at Cole. His eyes were fixated on the trio.

“Which one?” Nikolai grinned.
“Huh?” Cole dragged his eyes away from the gorgeous man at the door.
“You need an introduction? I know them.”
Cole licked his lips, his eyes drawn back to the man at the door. Holy shit.
“Cole?” Nikolai waved his hand in front of the man’s face.
Cole couldn’t stop staring at the vision by the door. Clear blue eyes met his, and his breath was

sucked from him as a lazy grin appeared on the man’s lips.

“Earth to Cole?” Nikolai snapped his fingers in front of Cole’s face. He grinned as the

fireman’s eyes finally met his own. “That would be Hayden Cox and Ross Collins. If it’s Hayden
you’re after, forget it; he’s got his sights set on Jude Brooks.”

Cole’s stomach dropped. “The dark-haired one’s got it bad for Jude?”
Nikolai smiled wide. “Oh, you’ve got the hots for Ross?”
“Ross,” Cole tested the name on his lips. “Collins you said?”
“Yeah. Would it interest you to know what he does for a living?”
“Hell yes, it would interest me.”
“He’s Delta Force.” Nikolai couldn’t help the wide grin that covered his face.
“He’s…he’s…” Cole shivered.
“A badass soldier,” Nikolai provided.
Cole’s eyes snapped back to the front door. The men were gone. He abandoned Nikolai and

strode across the floor with purpose, his eyes searching the club for the man who had captivated him.
He found Jesse with Sebastian.

“Jesse!” Cole shouted.
The bouncer turned to find a very excited Cole in his face. The man’s chest was heaving.
“What’s up, Cole?”
“Where is the guy you were talking to?”
Jesse’s brows furrowed. “Okay, be more specific.”
“The dark-haired, sexy one!” Cole almost yelled.
Jesse grinned. “Ah, Ross? They got a call and had to go. Shame, huh?”
Cole’s excitement deflated and his shoulders slumped. “Yeah. Shame.”
“Don’t worry, Cole. Now that they’ve seen the place, Ross was saying how he’d like to come

back. I guess there was a sexy, blue-eyed man looking at him.”

Cole’s head snapped up. “He noticed me?”
Jesse grinned, shaking his head. “Duh.”
“See that?” Nikolai slapped Cole on the back. “Seems someone has caught your eye again. On

that note,” Nikolai jerked his thumb back to the table. “I’m going to go sit back down.”

Colin was back in the corner and Nikolai slid in next to him. Brock downed his beer and eyed

Colin and Nikolai.

“So Nik, Colin looked pretty damn good out there.”
Nikolai shot Brock a look and leaned into Colin’s ear. “Will you dance with me?”
“To this?” Colin wrinkled his nose.
“I’ll ask for a song. Anything you want to hear?”
“You pick it. Just…keep your clothes on, okay?”
Nik winked and squeezed Colin’s hand. “Anything for you.”
Colin couldn’t stop looking at Nikolai as he walked across the club to the DJ booth. He had

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such a confidence about him. It was sexy as hell. Most of the men on the floor watched him as he
walked by, leering at him. Colin smiled as Nik kept on walking, never even acknowledging the stares
and whistles. Maybe he could finally be with Nikolai? Colin rubbed his face with his hands. Could he
get past everything? Put up with Nikolai’s wild ways? The music changed to a slow song and the
crowd in the club whistled. Colin was so deep in thought he didn’t see the hand in front of him until
Nikolai’s voice penetrated his mind fog.

“May I have this dance?”
Colin looked up. He placed his hand in Nikolai’s.
They seemed to float onto the floor and Colin was pulled into Nikolai’s arms. He rested his

head on Nik’s chest and closed his eyes. The whistles, screams and cheers faded away as Colin
swayed in Nik’s arms. A warm hand was at the base of his spine, the other held his hand firmly. Colin
lifted his head to see Nikolai looking at him. He tried to smile and swallowed the lump in his throat.

Nikolai leaned in. “I want us to be like this.”
Colin swallowed hard. “Like what?”
Nikolai pulled Colin in closer. “Together, Colin. I want us to be together. I don’t want to do

anything without you anymore.”

Colin realized what song was playing - “Without You” by David Guetta. He looked deeply into

Nikolai’s eyes. He and Nikolai were inches apart, and his hands were sweating. The way Nikolai
looked at him was like a soft caress. Nikolai’s hand moved slowly up his back, leaving scorching
heat in its wake. Colin shivered as Nikolai leaned in further. Their breaths mixed and Colin’s heart
was pounding against his ribcage.

“Can I cut in?”
Colin jerked backwards. Brock stood next to them, smiling.
“Sure,” Colin grumbled.
“No,” Nikolai said firmly.
“Aw, come on. The song’s over. I just want to shake my ass,” Brock smiled.
Colin felt the bile rising. He stepped back from Nikolai and looked towards the table. “I’m

going to go sit down.”

Nikolai made to follow Colin and felt a hand grab his bicep.
“Come on, Nik. Just a dance.” Brock took Nikolai’s hand.
Nikolai pulled his hand back, grabbed Brock by the arm and hauled him towards the bathroom

hallway. Once they were in the quieter area, he eyed Brock.

“What are you doing? When we fucked, I told you right then and there what the deal was. I fuck,

and then I leave. We were on the same page - so tell me, what the fuck is up with you lately?”

“What? Just ’cause I want a dance? I thought we were good together.”
Nikolai leaned into the other man’s face. “We had a good time. That was it. There is only one

man for me, Brock. He’s not you.”

Brock launched himself onto Nikolai and attacked his lips. Nikolai almost pulled him off, but

Brock wrapped his legs around his hips, plundering his mouth. Nik finally got a firm grip on Brock
and pulled him off.

“What the hell?!” Nikolai pushed Brock into the wall. “You are drunk off your ass.” Nikolai ran

a hand through his hair and sighed deeply. “Look, this isn’t going to happen again, okay? I want
someone else.”

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“Greystone,” Brock slurred.
“Yes, Colin Greystone. He’s always been the one for me. I’m sorry, Brock.”
“Nah, s’okay,” Brock smiled. “I can see the way you look at him. You’re in looooove,” Brock


“Oh shit, you need a cab,” Nikolai grinned.
“Go git him, tiger! Grrr!” Brock laughed hysterically and pawed the air.
Nikolai chuckled. “Let me get you a cab and then I will, okay?” Nikolai gripped Brock’s bicep.

“Come on, ya lush.”

After getting Brock settled into a cab, Nikolai made his way back to the booth. Colin was

nowhere to be found. He searched the club from top to bottom. No Colin. Nikolai found Chance and
pulled him aside.

“Where’s Colin?”
Sebastian broke in on the conversation.
“Said he forgot he had a date with Clark. Took off a little while ago.”
“And you let him?” Nikolai shouted.
“I’m not his keeper. Colin does what he wants, remember?”
Nikolai rubbed his face with his hands. “Great. What do I do now?”
“Go back to the dorm room. I bet he’ll go back there.” Sebastian hugged Nikolai. “My place

tomorrow, okay? Don’t be too hard on Colin; he looked really upset.”

Nikolai’s head snapped back around. “What?”
Sebastian shrugged. “He looked like someone kicked his dog. Why? Something happen?”
Nikolai balled his fists. “Dammit! He must have seen me and Brock in the hallway.” Nikolai

fought for sanity. “I have to go. I’ll call you in the morning.”

“Yeah, okay.” Sebastian watched his friend practically run from the club. He felt a tug on his

shirt and looked over to see Cole smiling at him.

“You know Ross Collins?”
Sebastian grinned. Cole had no idea what he was getting himself into.

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~*Chapter Six*~

Colin paced Clark’s room. He’d been lucky enough to spot Clark come into the club after seeing

damn Nikolai making out with Brock in the bathroom hallway! Colin snorted as he paced. Why would
he think Nikolai had changed? Colin pursed his lips. It hurt; it hurt like hell. And he had almost bought
it. Colin shot a look at Clark. He was sitting calmly on the bed just watching him pace. Colin stopped
and put his hands on his hips.

“Something happen at the club?” Clark reclined back on his elbows.
“Ugh!” Colin threw his hands up in the air and resumed his pacing.
“Ah, Nikolai, eh?”
Colin stopped at the foot of the bed and crouched down in front of Clark. He looked the man

over slowly. Raven hair and electric blue eyes regarded him with mirth. Clark truly was a beautiful
man; he had a strong, square jaw, an almost regal nose, a dimple in his chin and beautiful full lips.
Colin blinked. Why hadn’t he ever looked at Clark closely?

“I see your mind working overtime and I can tell you why. Nikolai Markov is why.”
“Are you reading my mind?” Colin arched his brows.
“No. I can see an inner battle taking place. I can see that you find me attractive. But I’m not

Nikolai, Colin. You have strong feelings for the man.”

Colin grinned and climbed onto the bed. He pushed Clark onto his back and hovered over him.
“Maybe I want to forget about Nikolai Markov for one night.”
Clark shook his head. “It won’t help. You’ll sleep with me, then feel guilty about it and wished

you’d given yourself to him.”

Colin’s mouth dropped open. “How — how did you know?”
Clark caressed Colin’s cheek softly. “I didn’t. You just told me. There’s no shame in it.” Clark

hugged Colin. “You need to find Nikolai and tell him the truth.”

“Because whether you believe it or not, Nikolai Markov has feelings for you.”
“He was kissing Brock!”
“Was he? Or was Brock kissing him? Did you stay to find out?”
Colin groaned. “I hate you.”
Clark chuckled. “So you didn’t. Go find him, Colin. It’s very obvious to everyone how much

you care for him.”

“How do you know?”
“If you didn’t care, none of this would bother you.”
Colin eased back and rolled over to the side of the bed. He propped himself up on his elbow

and regarded Clark. He’d met him at the beginning of the year and they had become fast friends.
They’d been out a few times and Clark had never pressured him for anything.

“You like me though, don’t you?”
“I do. I won’t lie. I find you to be funny and sexy, but I’m not stupid, either. I could tell the first

time I saw you and Markov together. He is the man for you.”

Colin reached out to cup Clark’s face. His eyes closed and Colin smiled. “You’re a good guy.

Thank you, for being here for me.”

Clark put his hand being Colin’s neck. “I care about you Colin. I have since that first day in

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class. The minute I saw you, I knew you were special. Now, go find Nikolai and tell him how you
feel. Take that leap, Colin.”

Colin leaned in and brushed his lips softly across Clark’s. He eased back and looked into

Clark’s face. His eyes were closed and he was panting slightly.

“Thank you, for everything.” Colin palmed Clark’s face. “If things were different—”
“But they’re not. Go. Go get your man.”


Nikolai paced the room, his eyes darting to the clock every few minutes. Colin was out with

Clark. It was driving him up the damn wall. How dare Colin go out with someone else! Colin was
his, had always been his from the moment he was born. Nikolai paced some more. His eyes fell on
Colin’s desk and he stalked over to it, ripping the top drawer out. Papers flew everywhere and
Nikolai growled. He didn’t feel better and now he’d made a mess.

Nikolai bent to pick up the papers and his eyes fell on the drawer. It had fallen upside down and

an envelope was taped to the bottom of it. Nik grabbed it and pulled the tape off carefully. It
contained pictures, lots and lots of pictures.

Nikolai looked through them one by one. It was him. It was him and Colin as kids. Colin was

holding Nikolai as an infant and smiling at the camera. Nikolai went through them faster. There had to
be at least fifty of them. Nikolai cleaned up the mess on the floor and put the drawer back. He put the
pictures in the pocket of his leather jacket and looked around the room. The key sounded in the door
and he turned to face it. Colin walked in and stopped in his tracks.

“What are you doing here?” Colin walked to his bed and removed his coat. He could feel

Nikolai’s presence behind him and tried to steady his nerves. The sight of Brock latched on to Nik’s
lips was still fresh in his mind.

“Did you have a good time with Asshole?” Nikolai drawled.
“His name is Clark.” Colin took a deep breath and turned to face Nikolai. Dammit, but the man

was tall. Colin froze. Nikolai was a man. The little boy he’d protected was now a man.

Nikolai crossed his arms. “Did you kiss him?”
“That’s none of your business.” Colin walked around Nikolai to the other side of the room.
“The fuck it’s not!” Nikolai ranted. “You are mine, Colin.”
Colin spun around and looked at Nikolai in disbelief. “Since when? Just because I won’t let you

fuck me doesn’t make me yours!”

“No, but these do,” Nikolai took the envelope out of his pocket and threw it at Colin.
Colin’s eyes widened. “What the hell?! When did you get these?”
“Does it matter? The fact of the matter is that we were bonded when we were kids. I remember

you telling me you loved me.”

“We were kids, Nikolai. Things change; obviously you did.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“Well, let’s see. That little boy I protected is now fucking most of the United States. That little

boy who said he loved me has branched out to Europe,” Colin drawled.

“You’re jealous?” Nikolai stepped closer to Colin. “That’s what this is? Jealousy? Because I

fucked other men?”

“Did I even cross your mind once while you were grunting your way around the world?!” Colin


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“I didn’t know who you were!”
“That’s my point! The little boy who loved me so much managed to forget all about me!” Colin

slapped his hands over his mouth.

Nikolai stepped back in shock. “So that’s it? You’re mad because I don’t remember the love we

shared as kids? Explain to me, then, why I was drawn to you as soon as I saw you again, Colin. The
minute I laid eyes on you again I felt close to you.”

“Yeah, you got close to a lot of people,” Colin said waspishly.
“You saw me and Brock didn’t you?” Colin pursed his lips and looked away. Nik sighed. “He

was drunk. He threw himself at me. If you had stuck around, you would have heard me tell him that I
only want one man.”

“Doesn’t matter what I saw. You’ve already fucked Brock.”
“What is with you? It’s just sex!”
“It’s not just sex when I saved myself for you!” Colin shouted. He took a step back and let out a

loud sigh. Shaking his head, Colin groaned and covered his face with his hands. “Oh God, I can’t
believe I just blurted that out.”

“You...” Nikolai sat down on the bed in shock. “You’re a …um…”
“A virgin, Nikolai, yes. You can’t even say the word.”
“Yes I can,” Nikolai scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Well, now you know everything don’t you?” Colin walked to the door and opened it. “Now

you can leave. We’re two different people now. I can take care of myself. I don’t need a babysitter.”

Nikolai stood up and walked over to Colin slowly. “Fine, I’ll leave.” He stopped in front of

Colin and leaned into his face. “Just say you don’t want me. That you don’t fantasize about me, and
I’ll go.”

Colin laughed incredulously. “Please! How your head doesn’t explode trying to contain that ego

amazes me. You are so damned conceited, Nikolai.”

“That’s an observation, not an answer.” Nikolai closed the door and backed Colin into the wall.

Placing his hands on either side of Colin’s head, he leaned in. “Say it, Colin. Tell me you don’t want
to kiss me right now, tell me how you don’t want me to touch you.” Nikolai ran his fingertips up
Colin’s forearm. Leaning in further, he touched his lips gently to the soft skin of Colin’s neck. “Tell
me how much you don’t want me.”

Colin knew he was shaking. Nikolai’s fingers were leaving a trail of electric sensation up his

arm, and the lips at his throat were burning his skin. His heart rate was erratic, his breaths coming out
in short gasps as Nikolai’s fingers trailed across his collarbone.

“Come on, Colin,” Nikolai whispered in his ear. “Tell me how much you don’t want me.

Because I want you; I’ve wanted you from that moment in the locker room when I saw you on the
floor. I wanted to kill whoever had hurt you. You’re mine; you’ve been mine from the moment I was

“Well, your actions certainly haven’t shown that. It’s been one man after another ever since you

knew what your dick was for,” Colin scoffed.

“Maybe before, but not now – I want you and only you from here on out. I haven’t been with

anyone for over a year.”

Colin turned his head a fraction of an inch, his lips met with Nikolai’s and he froze. He really

wanted to believe that Nik had changed. Nikolai’s warm breath fanned his lips and Colin closed his

“I’m going to kiss you now,” Nikolai whispered against Colin’s lips. “You can stop me,”

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Nikolai brushed his lips against Colin’s slowly.

Colin’s body wouldn’t move. He stood there, his heart pumping blood south at an alarming rate.

Nikolai’s fingers threaded into his hair, massaging the nape of his neck, as his other hand slid around
his waist. Colin sighed into the kiss. It was soft, no pressure, and Nikolai seemed content to just brush
their lips together. Of all the kisses he’d had, this was by far the most sensual. His body became
boneless as Nikolai continued the soft massage of their lips. Colin’s hands went to the taller man,
tunneling his fingers through his hair. He whimpered as Nikolai’s hand slid beneath his shirt, sliding
up his back. He’d never felt like this; Nikolai’s kisses were seductive, sensual and Colin found
himself wanting more.

“Nikolai,” Colin breathed. “Please…”
Nikolai caressed Colin’s face as he kissed his cheek, his eyes and his nose and then moved

back to his lips. He pressed his forehead to Colin’s, their lips barely touching. He was kissing his
Colin. The one person who had protected him above anything else. The one person who had always
understood him.

“I don’t want to have sex with you,” Nikolai whispered.
Colin blinked and eased back. “Why?”
“Because you mean more to me than that.”
“It’s because I’m a virgin, isn’t it?” Colin hung his head.
Nikolai lifted Colin’s face with his fingers. He looked into the dark eyes and almost sighed.

Colin was even more beautiful now.

“When we make love, it will because you’re ready, not before.” Nikolai sent up a silent prayer

that he could survive the hard-on that was straining his jeans. “I want to do this right. I’ve never had a
relationship; I want one with you.”

“You do?” Colin whispered. “Why?”
“Because, I’m your Tigger,” Nikolai chuckled. He smiled when Colin laughed softly.
“You were just like Tigger.” Colin framed Nikolai’s face with his hands. “Every time you saw

me, you pounced on me and knocked me down.” Colin searched Nikolai’s eyes. “How do you
remember that?”

“I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. Bits and pieces come back to me. My dad said the last

time we saw each other was when I was about ten.”

Colin nodded. “That’s about right.”
“And I remember you holding your arms out once, telling me to jump, that you would catch me.”
“The tree house,” Colin shuddered. “You were five. I was so sure you were seriously hurt.”
“I could have been,” Nikolai leaned in to kiss Colin again. He stopped a fraction of an inch

before their lips met. “But you saved me.”

“Please kiss me.”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Colin’s breath was taken from him as Nikolai swept him up into his arms and proceeded to kiss

him like no one else ever had. It wasn’t forceful like he’d imagined Nikolai would be; it was the
opposite. Nikolai’s hands were in his hair, on his face, their lips moving together perfectly,
anticipating the other’s movements. It was slow, it was deliberate. It was agonizing. Colin
whimpered and moaned as Nikolai’s tongue swept his mouth in smooth strokes, giving him a taste of
what he’d be getting between the sheets. Colin had no doubt that Nikolai would be the same way in

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bed with him.

The kiss went on and Colin’s legs were going out, so he wrapped his arms around Nikolai’s

neck and pushed further into the taller man’s mouth. He was rewarded with a low growl and hands
sliding under his thighs, picking him up. They walked backwards towards the bed and when Nikolai
lifted his head, Colin chased the kiss and groaned in frustration when Nikolai eased back further.

“We are not having sex.” Nikolai searched Colin’s eyes.
“Maybe I just want to kiss you.” Colin leaned forward and stopped inches from Nikolai’s

mouth. “You want that, don’t you? We don’t have to have sex; maybe I’ll just touch you here,” Colin
whispered, his hands sliding up Nikolai’s shirt. His hands met with smooth skin and hardened
muscles. Colin licked his lips. He slid down Nikolai’s thighs and was back on the floor again. He
looked up at Nikolai and pushed his hands under the thin T-shirt. “I want to see.”

Nikolai put his arms up and closed his eyes as Colin pulled the shirt up. Warm lips touched his

skin and Nikolai shivered. He dropped a hand to Colin’s head and threaded his fingers into his hair.

“I love the taste of your skin.” Colin brushed his lips over Nikolai’s hot skin. His hands splayed

out across Nikolai’s massive chest. His right hand moved and then he saw it—his name on Nikolai’s
chest. Colin looked up at Nik; his eyes were closed, his chest heaving. “I want your hands on me.”

It took everything Nik had to control the rising primal urge to take Colin. He stripped Colin’s

shirt off and gently eased him onto the bed. He took his jeans off, but left his underwear on. Nikolai
got down on his knees and urged Colin onto his back. His fingers worked the button on Colin’s jeans,
and then he slid the zipper down.

Colin lifted his ass and Nikolai took the jeans off. He ran his hands up Colin’s thighs, loving the

feel of the muscles moving under his fingers. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on Colin’s inner
thigh as his hand slid up inside the boxers. Colin’s breath hitched as Nikolai’s fingers passed over the
soft skin of his prick. His hips undulated as Nikolai gripped the shaft, beginning a slow stroke.
Nikolai grabbed his own angry cock and began fisting himself as he watched Colin’s face. God, but
he was beautiful. His fingers were gripping the comforter, tightening and releasing, his hips moving
with Nikolai’s hand.

“Please…Nikolai…” Colin whimpered. He stood on the precipice of release, Nikolai’s strokes

driving him wild. A moist heat surrounded his dick and Colin cried out; his orgasm raced from him in
seconds. He lifted his head to see Nikolai’s mouth wrapped around his cock, sucking his release in
gulps. Nikolai’s eyes closed, and a low moan rose from his throat as his own release overtook him.
Colin laid his head back and tried to regulate his racing heartbeat.

The bed dipped and then Nikolai was over him. Colin opened his eyes and looked into Nik’s

dark ones. So much was there.

“We were meant to be together, Colin,” Nikolai whispered. “It’s you and only you from here on

out. I will never hurt you; I’ll never touch another human being intimately. You’re it for me.”

Colin pulled Nik down into his arms and held him.
“I’m yours,” he whispered. Nik relaxed in his arms at the soft words and Colin closed his eyes,

breathing in the scent of Nikolai Markov.

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~*Chapter Seven*~

Colin opened one eye. Nikolai’s eyes were wide open, a finger placed over his lips. Colin

nodded and gestured to Nikolai with his hand. Nikolai nodded and they both rolled off the bed in
different directions. Colin grabbed his gun from his backpack as whoever was breaking into their
room finally managed to get it open. The door burst open and the first of many muffled pops breached
the silence of the dorm room. Two more shots went off and Colin recognized Nikolai’s silenced .45.
The first man let out a howl of pain as his ankles blew apart. Colin peeked over the mattress and shot
the other man. Another loud shout rang out as the man’s gun flew from his hand. Colin leapt over the
bed and tackled the man he’d just shot.

Nikolai rolled out from under the bed and stood over the intruder he’d taken down. He pointed

his gun at the man’s head and smiled. “How many more?”

The man stayed silent and Colin grabbed the man he had shot. “He asked how many? I’ve got no

problem blowing your brains out all over my room.”

“He really doesn’t,” Nikolai chuckled. “I don’t either, by the way.” Nikolai cocked the gun and

knelt down by the man on the floor. He was still howling from the pain in his ankles. “Shut up, you’re
waking up the building.”

Colin gripped his victim’s wrist and shoved his thumb into the wound.
“Four! There are four more in the parking lot, okay?!”
Nikolai looked behind him on the bed. He furrowed his brows. “Colin, turn on the light.”
Colin reached back and flipped the light switch. Multiple darts protruded from his mattress. He

released his grip on the man he was holding and pushed him down by his buddy. He waved his gun
between them.

“What the fuck is this?”
Nikolai walked to the bed and pulled a dart from the mattress. “Tranquilizer darts?”
“Your father wants you alive,” one of the men rasped to Colin.
“Yeah?” Colin snarled. “I want him dead.”
Nikolai tossed a dart to Colin. “Knock him out. Let’s call in the cleaners. The parking lot is

about to get messy.”

Colin smashed the butt of his gun into the man’s head. He turned to find Nik looking at him with

a raised eyebrow.

Nikolai chuckled. “I meant with the dart, but that works, too,” he said as he jabbed the other

man with one of the darts.

“Come on, we need to get out of here.” Colin grabbed his backpack and started shoving extra

bullets in along with clothing.

“Don’t forget the condoms and lube,” Nikolai grinned.
Colin huffed and shot Nikolai a glare.
“How did you know I have condoms?” Colin narrowed his eyes at Nikolai. “You looked

through all my stuff?”

“I was bored. Why do you have condoms?”

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“We were giving them out at the last AIDs fundraiser.” Nikolai smirked and Colin shot him a

look. “Why do we need condoms if you don’t want to have sex with me?”

“I want to make love to you, big difference.”
Colin exhaled in exasperation.
“What? Safety, safety, safety,” Nikolai grinned.
Colin grabbed his roll of condoms and the lube and shoved them in his pack. He turned to

Nikolai and lifted a finger. “Not one word.”

Nikolai pretended to zip his lip.
Colin dialed Lorenzo’s number. The older assassin answered on the second ring.
“Get the cleaners to the college. We’ve got two men in my room and there are about to be four

more in the parking lot. Before you ask, Nik and I are fine.”

“Of course you are,” Lorenzo chuckled. “You were trained by us.”
“We were supposed to go to Sebastian’s, but I think it’s best if we keep them out of this. We

need a new plan.”

“Siberia,” Nikolai said suddenly.
“Hang on a second, Uncle Lorenzo.” Colin covered the phone. “What about Siberia?”
“There’s a safe house out there we can use until we come up with a plan.”
Colin nodded. He removed his hand from the mouthpiece. “Okay, Nik and I are headed out to

the safe house in Siberia.”

“I will let Stefan and your fathers know, and also Sebastian. Stay safe, Colin.”
“No other way, Uncle Lorenzo. Thanks, bye.” Colin hung up and looked at Nikolai. “We need to

split up.”

“No way,” Nik shook his head.
“Yes, way. We need to take them by surprise.” Colin checked his gun again and smiled. “This is

going to be so much fun.”

Nikolai laughed at the excitement on Colin’s face. “I thought I was the only one who looked like

that at the thought of taking guys out.”

Colin wiggled his eyebrows.


Sure enough, four men were waiting in the parking lot: two by Nik’s bike and two by Colin’s

Jeep. Colin crept across the parking lot, his eyes adjusting to the darkness. He stopped two cars away
from his Jeep and waited for Nikolai to make his move. It didn’t take long. Grunts carried across the
parking lot and both of the men by the Jeep turned to look. Colin made his move. He jumped on one of
them and grabbed the arm holding the tranquilizer gun, shooting the other man with it. Man number
one decided he wasn’t going down without a fight and Colin’s adrenaline surged as they fought over
control of the dart gun. Colin head-butted the man and stepped back as he fought to stand upright. He
shot a round into him and knelt down by his unconscious body.

“You are going to have quite the headache,” Colin chuckled. A sound to his left made him spin.

Nikolai put his hands up in the air.

“It’s just me. Shit.” Nikolai smiled at the two guys on the ground. “You left them alive. Nice.”
“Well, I figure they’ll be easier to interrogate if they’re breathing.” Colin raised his brows.

“You did keep at least one alive?”

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Nikolai grimaced. “Oops.”
“Ah, well,” Colin stood up and dropped the tranquilizer gun by the two men on the ground.

“Let’s get them rolled under my Jeep and out of sight. We’ll take your bike.”

After hiding the men, they took off on Nik’s bike bound for an airstrip. Colin closed his eyes as

Nikolai’s warmth seeped into him. Now that he knew what it was like to kiss him, he didn’t think
he’d ever get enough. They went through town for quite a few miles, and then headed down dirt roads.
It seemed to take forever. Finally, they pulled into what looked like a small garage out in the middle
of nowhere. Nikolai parked his bike inside and then checked his saddlebags for his equipment.

“Where’s the plane?” Colin asked, throwing his backpack over his shoulder.
“Come on.” Nikolai put his hand out. He half expected Colin to shrug him off, but Colin took his

hand, entwining their fingers. They half walked, half ran to the small airstrip and Nikolai took them
through a little copse. Camo nets were suspended from the treetops and then Colin got his first look at
the plane.

“Is the glue still wet on the wings?”
Nikolai chuckled. “She’s a lot tougher than she looks.”
Colin cocked his head to the side. “Cessna 182?”
“Yeah. How’d you know?”
“Learned how to fly one, along with jets, helicopters—”
“Oh, now you’re just showing off,” Nikolai winked. “Come on, flyboy. We’re going to have to

refuel a few times.”

“Ya don’t say,” Colin drawled.
“Oh, this is going to be such fun!”
Once they were airborne, Colin finally relaxed in the comfortable seats. The sun was coming

up. It seemed like mere hours since he and Nikolai had kissed — and touched. Nikolai’s hand gripped
his and Colin tightened his own grip. Years he had waited to be with Nikolai. He wanted to know
what it was like to make love to him — to hold him and touch him. Colin’s cock grew thick with need
and he tried to shift in the seat.

“Don’t worry. I’m thinking the same thing,” Nikolai smiled.
“Ass,” Colin muttered.
They landed on a small island between the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska to refuel. Colin

closed his eyes.

In what seemed like minutes they were landing at an airport. Nikolai eased the plane to a

smooth stop in a small hangar. They grabbed their gear and Nikolai held his hand out to Colin as they

“I’m not a girl, Nik,” Colin glared at Nikolai.
“Yeah, your thick cock gave you away as it was choking me.” Nikolai raised his brows.
Colin’s cheeks heated. He looked away before Nikolai could see his embarrassment.
“Don’t do that.” Nikolai gently turned Colin’s face to his. “Don’t be ashamed of what you have

or how you feel.” Nik pulled Colin into his arms. “You make my heart slam against my ribs.” Nikolai
took Colin’s hand and placed it over his heart. “You feel that? You are the only one who’s ever made
me feel like this.”

Colin closed his eyes. Nik’s heart was racing. A shiver raced down his spine as soft, warm lips

covered his. Colin moaned as Nik’s tongue slid across his bottom lip. He opened his mouth and
allowed him to sweep inside. It was cold in the hangar, but Colin felt nothing but pure Nikolai
Markov heat. His cock filled, straining his jeans, and Colin gripped Nikolai’s hair in his fists,

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deepening the kiss.

“Jesus…” Nikolai groaned. Colin’s tongue was investigating his mouth. Nikolai pulled Colin

up into his arms and pinned him against the hangar wall. Legs wrapped around his hips and a very
hard cock rubbed his stomach. The kiss became wild, with Colin thrusting his hips against him, hands
gripping his hair tightly. Nik broke from the kiss, out of breath.

“Holy shit.”
Colin opened his eyes to see Nik’s gazing into his. They were black as hell, his pupils blown.

Colin grinned and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

“We should go, right? It’s going to get colder.”
Nik coughed slightly and blinked a few times. “Yes. I’ll get the car.”
Colin had to smile as Nikolai walked away from him. He was leaning slightly to one side and

pulling at his erection. Colin adjusted his own and touched a finger to his lips. They still tingled. The
sound of an engine made him jump. Colin turned to see Nik drive out in a red orgasm. His mouth
dropped open. The car pulled up next to him and Nikolai leaned over the passenger seat, opening the

“Get in.”
“Are you kidding me? A Lamborghini Aventador? This thing does, like, 2oo miles an hour!”
“Two-twenty, but who’s counting?” Nik winked. “We have it for the quick getaway.”
Colin slid into the seat and ran his hand across the dashboard. “Nice.”
“Yep, shouldn’t take too long from here.” Nikolai shut the door and put the car in gear. He

looked over at Colin and wiggled his eyebrows. “Hang on.”

Colin looked out the window as the car sped along the open highway. Snow was packed on

either side of the road and topped the trees. It was beautiful out; the sun reflected off the white snow.
Colin closed his eyes and tightened his grip on Nikolai’s fingers. He couldn’t believe they were
actually together. Over the years he had wondered what it would be like to kiss Nikolai, to hold him;
now that day had come and no fantasy compared to the reality. The way Nikolai kissed him — Colin
almost sighed at the memory.

“We’re here.”
Colin opened his eyes and they widened.
“I thought you said it was a cabin?”
Nikolai pulled into the garage and cut the engine. “It is.”
“This is a chateau,” Colin laughed.
Nikolai shrugged. “Whatever. I live in Dad’s mansion. This is a shack compared to that.”
“Pretentious ass,” Colin snorted.
“Come on.”
They made their way into the house, where Nikolai kicked off his boots by the back door and

strolled into the chateau’s main room. Colin looked around; it was comfortable. A large area rug
filled the middle of the main room. A fireplace took up one wall and a facing sectional couch
surrounded it. Colin kicked his own shoes off and wandered into the kitchen. It was equipped with all
the comforts of home and Colin took note of the coffeemaker in the corner. Thank God. Going without
coffee was like…Colin shivered at the thought.

“Are you cold? I can make a fire and then take you on a tour.” Nikolai walked to the fireplace

and set logs on the grates. He stiffened when hands slid down his sides.

“I would love a tour; can we start in the bedroom?” Colin breathed into Nikolai’s ear.
“Um,” Nikolai swallowed hard. What was wrong with him? He was actually nervous. You

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would have thought he was the virgin in this scenario. He’d only just come to realize his deep
feelings for Colin. “Sure?” It’d come out as a squeak and Nikolai coughed, clearing his throat. “Yeah,
I could do that.”

“What’s wrong, Nik?” Colin moved behind Nikolai and slid his hands beneath the layer of

cotton on Nik’s back. Muscles twitched and a small shiver raced down Nik’s back.

“Nothing,” Nikolai insisted as he turned to face Colin. “Let me show you where everything is.”
The bottom floor included four bedrooms and two bathrooms. Upstairs there were four more

bedrooms and two more bathrooms. An office at the end of the hall caught his attention and Colin
stopped to peer in.

“What’s this place used for besides safety?”
“The guys come here when they check on the female werewolves. Most of their time is spent at

the park, but they come by to eat and sleep if things are mostly calm over there.” Nikolai pushed the
curtains back and Colin looked out the window. “See that fence way out there? That’s where the
females are kept, along with some shady characters.”

“Shady characters?” Colin asked.
“Yes, werewolves that went rogue, or just assholes who can’t be trusted.”
They headed back downstairs and Colin stopped in one of the bedrooms. A large, queen-sized

bed was placed against the far wall, with nightstands on each side and a dresser against the side wall.
The floor shone with cherry wood, and a large area rug warmed up the middle. A small wood-
burning fireplace occupied the wall opposite the bed.

“I like this room. Can we sleep in this one?” Colin turned eagerly to face Nikolai. His mouth

was hanging open and Colin smiled. “What? Something on my face?”

“You want me to sleep with you?”
Colin walked slowly towards Nikolai. He shut the door with his foot and pushed Nikolai into

the wall.

“Yes, I want you to sleep with me.” Colin searched Nikolai’s face. The hunger was there, as

well as some uncertainty. Colin played with the hem of Nikolai’s shirt, sliding his fingers under the
fabric as his other hand slid down Nikolai’s stomach to the waistband of his jeans.

“Um. Are you hungry?” Nikolai swallowed the lump in his throat. He was pretty sure his dick

was about to spurt and Colin hadn’t even touched it yet. “I can make food.”

“You cook?” Colin lifted the shirt and sank to his knees, kissing Nik’s abs.
“Yeah. I cook. I can make...ah! Toast.” Nikolai squirmed as Colin’s tongue flicked his belly


“I think I’ll need more than toast.” Colin looked up at Nik’s face as he unbuttoned his jeans,

deliberately sliding the zipper down slowly.

“Ramen. I can make ramen,” Nikolai blurted.
Colin smiled. Nikolai’s breathing had quickened as he lowered his jeans past his ass. He

nuzzled Nikolai’s groin through his black boxer briefs. “Everyone knows how to make ramen.” Colin
laved Nikolai’s cock through his underwear.

“Oh fuck me,” Nik whispered, watching Colin bite his cock through his boxers.
“Not yet,” Colin pulled the boxers down and finally got a look at Nikolai’s cock. It was

gorgeous. He knew it would be.

He’d always wondered what it would feel like in his hands, under his tongue. Colin looked up,

locking eyes with Nikolai as he traced the head of the throbbing dick. He flicked his tongue in the slit
and Nikolai groaned. Colin helped him get his pants and underwear kicked off, and then spread Nik’s

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legs out as he went to work, going purely on instinct.

Nik’s dick oozed precum and Colin licked around the rim, sliding his tongue through the pearly

liquid beading on the slit and spreading it over the head. Nik’s hands threaded into his hair; they
didn’t push, just massaged. Colin trailed his tongue down the throbbing pulse in Nik’s dick and buried
his face in his balls. They pulsed under his tongue as he rolled them and sucked them lightly.
Nikolai’s legs shook as Colin traveled back up, licking, biting and sucking his way back to the head
of the dick. His finger pressed at the smooth skin below Nik’s balls.

“Fuck, Colin, so good…won’t last…” Nik gripped Colin’s hair and spread his legs out further

at Colin’s insistence.

“Good, I want to taste you,” Colin purred, taking the sizeable dick to the root and back up,

gliding his teeth up the rock-hard shaft. Drawing on the knowledge he gained watching porn, he
coated a finger with spit and massaged the tight rim of Nik’s ass. The puckered skin trembled under
his fingertip and Colin took another long suck at Nik’s cock before sliding his finger in. Nik gasped
and Colin slid in further.

“Tight,” Colin groaned, sucking Nik’s prick like it was the best damn thing on Earth — because

it was. After years of wanting to know how it felt, he finally had Nik right where he wanted him.

“You have a virgin ass, Nik, just like mine. You’ve never bottomed, have you?” Colin slid

another finger in and scissored them back and forth, pushing into Nik’s body and crooking them,
searching for the magic spot.

“No,” Nikolai gasped as Colin hit that spot inside him. “Never.”
“Good,” Colin growled with a mouth full of dick. “I’m going to fuck you.”
That was all it took. Nikolai came with a cry, fingers gripping the wall behind him. His head

was thrown back as a seismic orgasm ripped through him. Colin was sucking every last drop from
him, greedily lapping up his cum as it spurted. Nik slumped against the wall, his legs refusing to hold
him up any longer. He slid to the floor and tried to regulate his breathing. Colin’s lips feathered
across his and Nik opened his mouth. Colin snuck inside, teasing at his tongue and licking his teeth.

“Mmm, fuck you taste so damn good, Nik,” Colin growled, biting Nik’s bottom lip softly. “I

want to mark your body.”

Nikolai shivered and opened his eyes. Colin was licking his lips slowly, a look of utter need on

his face. He palmed Colin’s face and kissed him.

“You are the only man I will ever let make love to me.”
Colin smiled broadly. “You said make love, not fuck.”
“You’re more than just a fuck, Colin. I may not remember everything, but I remember enough.

You were always there for me, through everything.”

“Because I loved you, and you needed me.” Colin’s stomach rumbled suddenly and he laughed.

“I think I’ll take that ramen and toast. Or I could cook.”

“You cook?”
“Yep, and I can make more than ramen and toast. Is there food in the fridge?”
“Yes, the guys keep it stocked.”
“Well, let’s see what I can make, then. You start the fire.”
“I think you already did that.” Nik looked down at his dick coming back to life.
“Oh, we’re not done by a long shot,” Colin laughed, taking Nik’s mouth. He was pushed onto

his back and Nik’s body covered his. Fuck but it felt good. Colin wrapped his legs around Nik’s hips
and gave himself to the kiss. He’d made out with other guys, but none of them had ever made him feel

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the way Nikolai did. They rocked together, Nik’s fingers deftly unbuttoning Colin’s pants and pulling
his erection out. Colin gasped as Nik wrapped his hand around them both and began stroking them
together. Velvet skin and precum paved the way for smooth, delicious friction; Colin moaned in Nik’s
mouth and was rewarded with a purr. Their bodies moved faster, Colin gripping Nik’s ass. The
buildup soon boiled over and Colin cried out, his seed spurting over Nikolai’s fist. Colin’s breath
hitched as Nik’s orgasm took over. Their lips fused and neither of them could look away. Nik
collapsed on him, breathing hard, and Colin wrapped his arms around him. Nik moaned and Colin
smiled in his neck.

“What’s wrong?”
Nik chuckled. “I don’t think I can move now.”
“Well, we’re going to be crusty if we don’t. How about we get cleaned up, I make food and

then we shower?”

“We?” Nik’s head shot up.
“Yes, we. You said you wanted a relationship, didn’t you?”
“Well, yeah.” Nik’s brows furrowed.
“What is it?” Colin searched Nik’s eyes.
“I don’t know how to do that. I mean a relationship.”
“What do you want when you look at me?”
Nikolai cupped Colin’s face with his hands. “I want everything. I want to wake up with you, go

to sleep with you, grow old with you. I don’t want anyone else but you.”

Colin raised his head and kissed Nik softly. “That’s a start.”

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~*Chapter Eight*~

Colin found chicken in the fridge and started making fajitas. His eyes kept wandering to Nik. He

was kneeling by the fireplace adding wood to the already roaring fire. In all the times he’d spent with
Nikolai, he’d never seen him flustered. Nik was definitely flustered now. It was cute.

Colin’s eyes roamed up Nikolai’s impressive body. Damn but the man had filled out. He had on

his black muscle tee, his biceps flexing with every flick of his wrist. Colin’s cock took notice of
Nik’s tight ass in jeans. Nikolai Markov at twenty…holy shit. Colin licked his lips thinking about
Nikolai in bed with him, in the shower, fuck, anywhere with Nikolai was good right now. Colin
hissed as the knife he was using sliced his thumb.

“Fuck,” Colin muttered running to the sink.
“What!? What is it?” Nikolai ran across the living room and cleared the couch in one smooth


Colin’s jaw dropped.
“What!” Nikolai grabbed Colin’s hand. “What happened?”
“It’s nothing, just a little cut.” Colin raised his thumb. “See?”
Nikolai grabbed Colin’s thumb and inspected it. “It’s not too deep.”
A drop of blood oozed from the cut and Nikolai raised Colin’s thumb to his mouth, cleaning it

off with his tongue. A small gasp came from Colin and Nikolai looked up. Their eyes met and Nik
licked Colin’s thumb again slowly. Colin swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbed and Nik stood

“Nik?” Colin whispered.
Nik pulled Colin into him and crushed their mouths together. Colin responded right away,

gripping his ass and thrusting his tongue inside his mouth. Nikolai couldn’t get enough; his fingers
threaded into Colin’s hair, gripping it, keeping Colin fused to his mouth. Colin’s hands were all over
him, grabbing his ass, squeezing his cock. Nikolai groaned and walked backwards. Colin jumped up
and wrapped his legs around his hips as they started walking towards the bedroom.

“Dinner,” Colin breathed.
“Later,” Nikolai growled.
They hit the bedroom door and it slammed back against the wall. Nik shut it with his foot and

they barely made it to the bed. Colin was tearing at his shirt and trying to get his jeans down at the
same time. They rolled around on the bed trying to undress, Nik keeping his mouth attached to
Colin’s. He couldn’t get enough of his taste, his touch. Right then he wanted Colin more than he
wanted anything in his life.

“Want you,” Nikolai gasped in Colin’s mouth.
“Oh God,” Colin’s back arched as Nikolai gripped his erection. “Want you, too.”
“Now,” Nikolai fumbled on the side of the bed trying to find Colin’s backpack with the lube in

it. He stopped when Colin held it in front of his face.

“I grabbed it earlier,” Colin whispered.
Nik groaned and rolled onto his back, grabbing Colin and pulling him on top of him. Nik spread

his legs to accommodate Colin between them and held his breath as Colin flicked the bottle open and
poured a dollop into his hand. They kept eye contact as Colin lubed up his dick and then pressed a
finger to Nik’s hole.

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“I’m clean.” Nikolai searched Colin’s face.
“I know.” Colin slid two fingers inside Nikolai’s tight ass.
“You’d never put me in danger.” Colin slid his fingers up and added another.
Nikolai’s ass tightened around them, sucking them in. Nikolai opened his mouth again to speak

but Colin shut him up. Their tongues met in a slow, languid kiss as Colin fucked Nikolai’s ass with
his fingers. Instinct took over and Colin grabbed his hard cock, rubbing it over Nikolai’s hole. He
wanted to feel that heat wrapped around him, wanted Nikolai writhing under him, crying out.

“Please, Colin,” Nik rasped as he grabbed Colin’s ass, pulling his dick closer to his twitching

hole. Never in his life did he think he’d be welcoming someone to fuck him. This was Colin, though.
He wanted Colin in every way possible. It seemed as if he’d waited for this man his whole life. Pain
spiraled up his spine and Nik cried out at the invading member stretching him to his limit. His chest
constricted as Colin’s cock slid deeper inside him. Oh, but it felt so fucking good, too. Colin’s
cockhead brushed something inside him and then suddenly they were moving together, their fingers
entwined, mouths searching, tasting.

“Look at me,” Colin commanded softly. Nik’s eyes opened and Colin looked at the expanding

pupils. “I want you to know who’s taking you, who you belong to.”

Nik opened his mouth to speak and Colin took it again, crushing their lips together in a feral

kiss. His body moved on its own accord. It seemed to know what Nikolai liked and how he liked it.
He’d never had sex, never wanted to with anyone other than Nik. Now he was losing his virginity to
the one man he’d saved it for - and it was glorious.

His balls filled rapidly and the buildup was making its presence known. Nik babbled

incoherently under him, writhing at every stroke, every deep thrust. Colin snapped his hips over and
over again until the dam burst. He threw his head back as the most delicious orgasm tore through him.
Nik came unglued beneath him, his cock spurting streams of cream up his chest to his chin. Colin’s
body shuddered as the last spurts of semen shot into Nik. He collapsed on top of Nik, breathing hard,
both of them sweating. Nikolai’s ass contracted around his cock and Colin groaned.

“Fuck,” Colin breathed. “Sensitive.”
Nikolai kissed Colin’s neck, breathing him in and licking the fine sheen of sweat from his


“That’s not helping, Nik,” Colin chuckled.
“It’s helping me,” Nikolai laughed softly. “Mmm, I think I’ve created a monster.” He hissed at

the pain in his ass.

“You okay?” Colin lifted his head, searching Nikolai’s features.
“Just a little burn. Have to say, never expected to see this side of things.” Nik looked at Colin’s

face; there was a flicker of sadness in the eyes. “I’m sorry, Colin. You have no idea how much. Just
know that I never felt anything for any of them. With you, it’s totally different. I felt closeness to you
when you made love to me. I liked it.”

“You did?” Colin said a little uncertainly. “You’re not just fucking with me right?”
“No, I’m not. Look, I know my reputation, and most of it is true. I fuck to get off; there’s no

emotion behind it. I never cared one way or another about those men. I care about you, Colin, and
what we did was completely different.”

Colin grinned hopefully. “Yeah?”
“Oh yeah,” Nikolai pulled Colin down to his lips and kissed him. With Colin still buried inside

him, he felt everything - Colin’s dick coming back to life and his gasps and whimpers as they kissed

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slowly. Nik raised his head and smiled.

“Shower, then dinner?”
Colin nodded. “I’m hungry. I mean really hungry.” Colin pulled out slowly, mindful of Nik’s

painful ass. He rolled onto his side and kissed Nik’s chest. “I’ll get the shower ready. Just lie there.”

“I can do that,” Nik sighed, completely sated. He smiled as he watched Colin’s tight ass walk to

the bathroom. The man’s dick was impressive. Nikolai chuckled quietly. Who would have guessed
he’d finally be with Colin? Nik closed his eyes and wished again he could remember more about
their time together as children. Warmth touched his lips and his eyelids fluttered open to find Colin
smiling against his lips.

“Ready?” Colin asked.


Nik stood under the water as Colin cleaned him thoroughly. Fingers grazed his nipples, trailed

to his dick and stroked it with soap. Nik relaxed against the shower wall, the feel of Colin’s hard
body against his. Colin naked was fantastic. He hadn’t been lying when he said he worked out or that
he’d been trained. He had to admit, that was the biggest turn on of all — knowing that Colin could be

“What are you thinking?” Colin nipped at Nik’s ear lobe.
“How sexy you are,” he chuckled as Colin nipped at his ear, flicking the soft flesh with his


“Me?” Colin slid his hands to Nik’s ass and cupped it. “Look at this ass.” Colin licked Nik’s

back. “Fuck, it’s just so perfect. Damn, you filled out, Tigger.”

Nik leaned back into Colin’s body. Hands came around his waist and trailed his abs.
“I can say the same for you. The second I saw you again, I swear something snapped inside me

and then I couldn’t see anyone but you. I’m sorry if I hurt you, Colin. I would never do it

“Shh, it’s okay. We’re together now.” Colin rinsed Nikolai and turned the water off. He slid

open the shower door and grabbed a towel. After drying himself and Nik, they dressed and went back
downstairs. Colin smiled at the chicken on the counter.

“Let me finish this and we can finally eat.”
They talked as they ate. Nikolai wanted to know everything about Colin’s life. He’d missed so

much of it. He was still working on remembering his childhood, and the more time he spent with
Colin, the more it came back. Bits and pieces, little fragments of memory came back as Colin spoke
of their childhood. The fajitas were delicious. Colin could definitely cook better than he could.
Colin’s eyes would light up as he spoke of the two of them. It made him even more beautiful. They
were relaxed with each other.

Colin had the most beautiful face. Long black lashes framed beautiful milk-chocolate eyes. His

skin was tanned, as if he spent a lot of time in the sun. His black hair was cut short, tapered on the
sides with length on top. Nikolai tilted his head to look at Colin’s strong features. His square jaw
held a bit of stubble, full bottom lip and he had cheekbones that any woman would envy. His five-
foot-ten frame carried his muscular physique quite well. Colin was everything he’d always wanted in
a man but could never find — and now he knew why. He was meant to be with Colin and Colin only.

“You look lost in thought.” Colin sipped his wine.
“I’m just thinking about how perfect you are,” Nik grinned, sipping his own wine.
Colin laughed. “Oh, I’m far from perfect.”

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“You’re perfect to me.” Nikolai took Colin’s hand in his.
“I’ve spent a lot of time trying to forget you. When I was fourteen, my feelings for you were

sexual and I knew I had to get away from you. I had to wait for you to grow up. I made myself move
on, forget everything we were to each other because if I didn’t, I knew I’d go nuts.”

Nikolai looked in Colin’s eyes. “That day in the locker room, the look on your face when I

picked you up was total shock.”

Colin nodded. “You were so grown up. I couldn’t believe the size of you. My little Tigger was

a man. Then I thought maybe you knew who I was, but you didn’t,” Colin sighed.

“I just knew there was something about you, something that called to me. From that moment on, I

couldn’t get you out of my head.” Nikolai leaned across the table and kissed Colin softly. “I’m so
sorry my actions hurt you.”

Colin whimpered. Nikolai palmed his face and pulled him closer.
“It’s okay. Now that we’ve found each other again, nothing will ever tear us apart.” Colin

climbed into Nik’s lap.

“So, dinner over?” Nik chuckled, picking Colin up.
“Dessert is just starting.”


They kissed for hours. Nikolai had never just kissed someone before. It always led to other

things — not with Colin. They were both naked, wrapped in each other’s arms. Nikolai trailed his
fingertips over Colin’s hip, making his way up his abs. Colin whimpered in his mouth and Nik swore
he would blow from that alone. He wanted to inspect every inch of flesh on Colin, learn every corner
of his mouth. Colin finally fell asleep in his arms and Nikolai kissed his forehead.

“Nite, Colin.”


Waking up in Nikolai’s arms was something Colin had only dreamed about. The reality? Oh,

SO much better. Colin smiled at the expansive chest in front of him. His name was tattooed on Nikoli.
Colin touched the ink, smiling. The younger man moaned and pulled him even closer. Colin closed his
eyes. God he loved this. They both went still at the same time. Colin knew he’d heard something;
obviously, Nikolai had, too. His eyes flew open and they looked into each other’s eyes. Colin nodded
and they rolled off the bed.

Colin grabbed his jeans and pulled them on. Grabbing his gun, he followed Nikolai to the door

of the room, tensing as Nik opened it carefully. He motioned to the right side of the hall and Nikolai
narrowed his eyes at him. Colin sighed in frustration and mouthed. ‘Just go!’

Colin took the hall to the left and crept quietly through the house. He stayed low through the

living room and looked around the wall towards the kitchen. The back door’s window revealed a
shadow moving around the house. Nikolai’s shadow came into view on the other side of the living
room and Colin snapped his fingers. He motioned to the back door and Nikolai nodded. They moved
back towards the first bedroom and stood on either side of the door. The window shook with the
force of someone trying to pry it open. Nikolai motioned to Colin and he nodded and kept his gun
trained on the window as Nikolai took off out the back door.

Nikolai crept around the house and spotted someone near the window of the first room. The

person was wearing snow boots and a thick jacket, the face covered by a black mask. Nikolai crept

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through the trees and made his way right up behind the man.

“I hope you have life insurance,” Nikolai hissed, shoving his gun into the intruder’s back.
“I do, actually.”
Nikolai spun the intruder around and ripped off his hat and mask.
“Clark?” Nikolai searched the man’s face. “No... It’s not Clark, is it?” Nikolai narrowed his

eyes. Jet black hair and blue eyes stared back at him. “Ruslan Borkosky.”

“Bravo, Mr. Markov. I’m surprised it took you this long.”
“Fuck you,” Nikolai snapped. He threw Ruslan up against the house and checked him for

weapons. “I should have seen the resemblance between you and your fucked-up brother sooner.”

“I’m not armed. I came to warn Colin. They are not far behind me.”
“Who isn’t far behind you?” Nikolai flipped Ruslan back around. “And why would you warn

Colin? Aren’t you working for Carmine Rizzo?” Nikolai pushed Ruslan into the wall and wrapped a
hand around his throat. “Start talking or I’ll snap it.”

Nikolai increased the pressure. “No, Colin. Not Clark. Ruslan Borkosky.”
Colin started. “Ruslan?” he whispered.
“C-Colin…” Ruslan rasped. “Not hurt…”
“Ease up, Nik. Let him talk.” Colin walked over to them and put his hand on Nik’s shoulder.

“Ease up, Nik. It’s okay.”

Nikolai looked around the forest and then back at Colin. “We need to go inside.” He grabbed

Ruslan by his hair and pulled him towards the house. “Move it, Borkosky.”

Once inside, Nik checked all the doors and windows. He returned to find Colin sitting on the

couch, just staring at Ruslan Borkosky. He couldn’t blame Colin for feeling blindsided. The man had
been sent to get close to Colin and earn his trust. That Nik was sure of.

“Why?” Colin whispered.
“I didn’t know you,” Ruslan began. “Carmine told me what had happened to my family. I am the

only one left. Devin Lyons killed my brother Mikhail; junior Markov here killed Yuri; and his daddy
Panchenko killed my father. Carmine assured me that, at some point, Nikolai Markov would be back
in your life. He was right.” Ruslan looked up at Nikolai. “You killed my brother.”

Nikolai flew across the room and grabbed Ruslan. “And what did he do to me, huh?” Nikolai

yanked his shirt off with one hand. “Take a good look, Borkosky. Your brother shot me for fun, broke
my bones, and took a branding iron to my back. And I was just a child! I should have made him suffer
so much more!” Nikolai snarled.

“Nikolai! Back off!” Colin shouted. “You’re going to kill him!”
“Yeah?” Nikolai pulled Ruslan to his face. “Good.”
“Stop it, Nik. Let him talk.” Colin came up behind Nikolai and placed a hand gently on his back.


Ruslan’s eyes widened at the change in Nikolai’s features. He went from bloodthirsty rage to

almost completely calm in seconds at the touch of Colin’s hand. He blinked rapidly as the air was
allowed back into his lungs. He coughed and tried to swallow.

“Carmine will never come at you directly,” he said, rubbing his throat. “He will send men for

you until he finally gets you. In the beginning, I just wanted Markov here; I didn’t care who got in my
way. But then I met you, spent time with you.” Ruslan smiled at Colin. “I know how Carmine is; he
will make you into someone you are not.”

“Touching. How did you find us?” Nikolai crossed his arms over his chest.

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Ruslan spared him a glance before facing Colin. “I placed a tracking device on you the night

you came to see me. It was before you kissed me, Colin. I wanted to take it back the minute your lips
met mine.”

“You kissed him?!” Nikolai exclaimed.
“So not the time, Nik.” Colin waved him off. “And so now what? You want to help me? Why?”
“I would think the answer to that would be obvious,” Ruslan said.
“Oh, hell no,” Nikolai stood in between Ruslan and Colin. “Not going to happen.”
“I am not stupid, Nikolai. I see the way Colin looks at you. He will never see me that way.

However, I cannot stand by and watch as Carmine ruins Colin. So I am here to warn him.”

“How many?” Nikolai looked into Ruslan’s eyes.
“Over twenty. You can blame yourself for that, Nikolai Markov. They know you are with him.”
“And I bet you told them that as well, didn’t you?” Nikolai balled his fists. “You tried to run

him over, didn’t you?”

“I was in the car, yes, but I stopped Carmine’s associate. We were told to bring Colin in alive.”
Colin stood. “No time for this shit. We need to get ready. We’re going to have to lure them out

into the open. Ruslan, are you going to help us?”

“I will help you.”
Nikolai snorted. “Asshole. I don’t need your help anyway, Ruslan. Or should I call you Clark?

What’s up with that, anyway?”

“I needed a cover identity. I figured if it was good enough for Superman….”
“Yeah, well, meet your Kryptonite, fuckmunch,” Nikolai sneered.
Colin glared at him and took Ruslan’s hands. “If you care for me, then you’ll help us both.

Nikolai means everything to me and if something were to happen to him, I wouldn’t survive it. Is that
what you want?” Colin searched Ruslan’s face.

Ruslan sighed in irritation. “No, I do not wish to see you suffer.”
“Nice how that Russian accent comes out now, huh?” Nikolai sniped.
Colin turned to look at Nikolai. “Are there weapons in the house?”
Nik grinned. “Dude.”
Ruslan’s cellphone chimed and he looked at the blocked number. Hitting ‘talk’, he focused on

Colin as he answered.

“Hello, Carmine.”
“Well hello, Ruslan. I see you are in Siberia. Is my son with you?”
“Yes, he is.”
“Good! We will bring him in,” Carmine cackled.
Colin grabbed the phone before Nikolai could.
“I’m not going anywhere, Carmine,” Colin barked into the phone.
“Ah, my son. How good it is to hear your voice.”
“I’m not your son, and I’m not going anywhere with you.”
A massive explosion rocked the house and Colin looked up at Nikolai. He could hear Carmine

yelling on the phone.

“Seems your goons didn’t get your order to keep me alive.” Colin hung up the phone and threw

it into the fireplace. He turned to Nikolai. “We don’t have a lot of time. Get rid of the tracking device
on me and check Ruslan for one, then I’ll grab all the weapons I can. Where are we going?”

“The enclosure,” Nik said, taking out his own cell phone. “We’ll lure them there, and then lock

them in.”

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“Seriously?” Colin tilted his head.
“Yup.” Nikolai dialed Hayden’s number. He answered on the second ring.
“Yo, Nik, what’s up?” Hayden chuckled.
“We have a problem, Hayden. Who’s patrolling the enclosure right now?”
“John Quinton and his boys. What kind of problem?”
“Carmine Rizzo.”
“I’ll send the message to John. He’ll meet you at the gate.”
“Thanks, Hayden.”
“No prob.”

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~*Chapter Nine*~

Nikolai glided over the snow with ease. He kept his eyes on Colin’s snowmobile ahead of him

with, Ruslan sitting behind him. God, but he wanted to shoot the little prick. Even now, Ruslan had
his arms wrapped around Colin’s waist as they sped through the snow-covered forest. The enclosure
came into view and Nikolai sped ahead.

They had crept out of the house through an underground passage and made their way to the

snowmobiles parked under the cover of camo nets and treetops a half a mile away. Nikolai smiled to
himself. Right now, Carmine’s men were searching a house with no one in it. He’d found the tracking
device on Ruslan - on his neck, under the hair - and had taken great pleasure in cutting the man to
remove it.

Nik slid to a stop by the gate and John ran out of the forest.
“Hey, John,” Nikolai smiled. The older Quinton smiled at the group.
“Hello, Nikolai. Having some trouble?” John looked behind him and frowned. “Who are they?”
Nikolai pulled Colin close to him and grinned. “This is my boyfriend, Colin.”
“Nice to meet you, Colin,” John smiled as he unlocked the gates. “And the other?”
“A turncoat sent to try and take out Colin.” Nikolai grinned as John’s skin rippled; his inner

wolf wanted to come out and play.

“He’s working with us, Mr…?” Colin extended his hand.
“Quinton, John Quinton.”
Colin started as four wolves came out of the forest. They were all black with green eyes. One of

them seemed to raise an eyebrow at him. Colin narrowed his eyes.

“Wyatt?” Colin’s mouth dropped open.
“Yeah, no time.” Nikolai looked over his shoulder. He pushed Ruslan forward through the

gates. “This is Ruslan Borkosky; he’s working with us to keep Colin safe.”

“Bet that hurt to say, eh, Markov?” Ruslan crossed his arms over his chest.
John grabbed the young man and spun him around. “Make no mistake -what you see here stays

between us. Understand? We will protect you as long as you keep your mouth shut. If you are who
Nikolai says you are and you’re helping us, then they want you dead, too. You need us. Is that

Ruslan nodded. The four wolves made their way closer and low growls escaped them all.

“Shouldn’t you be worried about, um, them?”

John grinned wide. “Those are my sons. They will kill you if you choose to work against us. Is

that clear?”

Ruslan nodded. “So they are…?”
“Werewolves,” John narrowed his eyes. “And hungry.”
Ruslan put his hands up in defense. “I am on your side.” Werewolves? Ruslan eyed the four

wolves. They seemed to like Colin, brushing up against him. Colin had called the one Wyatt, as in
Wyatt Quinton? Ruslan narrowed his eyes at the one that was sniffing the air close to Nikolai and
Colin. Its head turned and their eyes met. Ruslan’s mouth dropped open as the wolf seemed to smile
at him and raise an eyebrow at the same time. It did look somewhat like Wyatt, even in wolf form.

Nikolai spun at the sound of another wolf. Before he could react, a large, copper-colored wolf

jumped on top of John. Its head reared back and a loud growl escaped through bared teeth. Wyatt,
Grayson, Sawyer and Xander circled the copper wolf, the fur on their haunches standing up. The

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copper wolf motioned to the trees with its muzzle.

Nikolai pulled the gun from his waistband as a man emerged from the trees. He raised the

weapon. Carson Drake. The man had not only beaten his sons for being gay, but had turned Conner
Maccon into a werewolf, as well as Caden Fournier. And that was just the beginning of his many

“Back off, Drake. I don’t think this wolf likes you.” Nikolai motioned to the wolf currently

protecting John Quinton.

Carson smiled. “Anya doesn’t like anyone. Isn’t that right, Anya?”
Nikolai’s jaw dropped. The wolf was a female?
“I can see your little brain working, Nikolai. Yes, she’s obviously a female. Look at her size.”
Anya snarled and advanced on Carson.
“Looks like someone has a crush.” Carson winked at Anya.
John sat up in astonishment. “What?”
“You’ve never met Anya? Oh, that’s right, she stays clear of men. Hmmm, until now. Well,

seems Anya sniffed you out.” Carson smiled wide.

The copper wolf looked back at John and huffed. Emerald eyes seemed to bore right through

him. John stood up and wiped his jeans off.

“Um,” Ruslan lifted his hand in the air. “Not to break up the festivities, but bad men are getting


“Split up,” John looked at his sons. “Lure them toward the houses. Carson, can we expect your


Carson Drake clasped his hands. “Oh, I suppose I could be in on the fun.”
“Then go. The four of us will lure them to you.” John smiled at Nikolai. “Ready to be the white


“When aren’t I?” Nikolai laughed.
Wyatt huffed.
“What?” Nikolai gripped the fur on Wyatt’s neck.
Wyatt jerked his muzzle toward the gate.
“They’re closer?”
Wyatt nodded.
“Okay, let’s play.” Nikolai rubbed his hands together gleefully.
“I’ll take Ruslan to the nearest snowmobile.” John pushed the man in front of him to get him

moving. “Don’t even think about double-crossing us.”

“Oh by all means; you wouldn’t want to end up here,” Carson drawled.
“Move it, Drake.” Nikolai shoved Carson.
“Let the games begin,” Colin grinned.


Colin had to admit, this was actually fun. He’d been sent out on a few missions with the guys

from home before, but this was different. Carmine Rizzo thought he could just snatch him up and be
done with it? Did the crazy bastard really think he’d just roll over and give up on his life, his true
family? Colin chuckled. He spotted Nikolai practically skipping through the snow. This was
Nikolai’s favorite game: ambush. He’d heard all about his methods from Lorenzo. The young man
was just as ruthless as his father, Vince, and took immense glee in taking down very bad men.

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Colin slipped through the trees and came to rest against one. He crossed his legs at the ankles

and regarded his nails. Chewing on the end of one, he eyed the forest casually. Sure enough, about
fifty feet away, one of Rizzo’s idiots was watching him.

Colin sighed and glanced from side to side, pretending to look for back-up. His eyes followed

asshat as he made his way around Colin’s position, trying to come up from behind him. Colin rolled
his eyes and readied himself. A hand came around his neck and Colin pretended to struggle.

“Oh no,” Colin squealed. “What shall I do?” He gripped the man’s wrist and pushed in on his

pressure point.

“Ow!” the man howled.
Colin grinned and pulled the man around. He threw him to the ground, keeping pressure on his

wrist. Colin shook his head and tsked the man.

“Now, now, don’t you know it’s not nice to sneak up on people?”
“Let go!” he pleaded.
Colin crouched down and raised his brows. “Say please.”
“Nope.” Colin hauled the man up and dragged him towards the cabins.
“But you said—”
“I said ‘say please,’ I didn’t say I’d let go.” Jeez, this guy really was an idiot.
Another man flew out of the trees and Colin pulled his prisoner around in front of him. A dart

pierced the man’s torso and Colin laughed. Nikolai flew onto the man with the tranquilizer gun and
turned his hand around, effectively making him shoot himself. Nikolai looked up with a grin and Colin
couldn’t help but laugh. Loud howls sounded around the forest and Nikolai picked up the man,
throwing him over his shoulder.

“Got your guy?” Nikolai jerked his chin to the man at Colin’s feet.
Colin grabbed the man by the bicep and hauled him over his shoulder.
“Yup. How far is the cabin? This guy must eat a lot of Twinkies,” Colin huffed.
“They don’t make them anymore,” Nikolai sighed.
Colin stopped mid-walk. “Oh yeah, I forgot. Well, he needs Subway.”
Nikolai chuckled and put his hand out to Colin. “Come on.”


Ruslan moved through the trees on the snowmobile. Carmine’s men had found their tracks in the

snow and reached the enclosure minutes after they had spread out. Looking over his shoulder, he
spotted two men running through the trees trying to catch him. He veered right and something hit the
snowmobile right above his left thigh. Ruslan lost control and the snowmobile flipped, sending him
face down into the snow. He crawled for cover as the men broke free from the trees. The snowmobile
was on its side, but still drivable. He just had to get to it.

Peeking out from behind the rock he was using for shelter, a shot whizzed by him, actually

moving his hair. Ruslan ducked back behind the rock and checked his gun. He would have to shoot
them. It wasn’t his first time taking a life but, unlike his brothers, he didn’t enjoy it. Ruslan eyed the
snowmobile and made a run for it. A shot rang out and he stopped in the middle of the snow.

“Drop the weapon and turn around, Ruslan; I refuse to shoot you in the back,” one of the men


Ruslan turned slowly.

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“I said drop the weapon.”
“If you’re going to shoot me, I’d rather go down fighting.” Ruslan held his gun up.
In the blink of an eye, the man pointing the gun at him was on his back. A wolf had come out of

the trees and was pinning the man down. Another man broke from the opposite side of the forest and
aimed for the wolf. Ruslan shot him. He went down, staining the snow crimson.

Ruslan approached the wolf carefully. It was completely black and for just a moment he thought

it was one of John’s sons - until it focused its golden eyes on him. Ruslan’s jaw dropped as the wolf
snorted, then huffed. It padded over to him, all while keeping an eye on the man he’d just attacked.
Ruslan stood stock still as he was sniffed from head to toe. Then, just as it appeared out of nowhere,
the wolf was gone.

Ruslan turned to find Colin running his way. He hit the man on the ground in the head and made

sure he was incapacitated before turning his attention to Colin.

“Are you all right?” Colin asked, sliding to a stop in front of Ruslan.
“Fine. I have a werewolf to thank for saving my ass, however.”
“Which one?” Colin looked around for the wolf.
“I don’t know. I didn’t see that particular one when we came in.”
“Well, come on.” Colin grabbed Ruslan’s jacket and pulled. “We have them corralled in the

main house. We have to get you back to U.S. soil. They’ll take care of you there.”

“Colin.” Ruslan took Colin’s hand. “Thank you, for not killing me. And for not letting junior

Markov kill me.”

Colin smiled. “I have my moments.”


After a placing a call to James Jacobs and Stefan Santorno, the men boarded a plane for Texas.

Carmine’s men were being watched by John Quinton and his sons until a team could come and
transport them to Arizona for questioning.

Carson Drake had not only helped, but had stayed in the enclosure after the men had been

captured to help guard them. His incarceration in Siberia, brought on by years of deliberately causing
grave harm to others, would continue. But Wayne Maccon was willing to make a few allowances
now, such as phone calls — if sons Jagger and Taylor even wanted to talk to their exiled father.
Carmine’s men would be questioned by James and Derek Jacobs. Colin squeezed Nikolai’s hand and
stood up.

“I think Ruslan knows more than he’s saying,” Colin spoke quietly.
Nikolai nodded.
“I’ll be back,” Colin whispered, leaning down to kiss his boyfriend.
Ruslan was in the back, looking out the window. Colin sat down next to him and smiled. Even

after knowing who Ruslan was, he couldn’t help remembering the man he had come to know from
class. From the first day, Ruslan had taken an interest in him, making room for him in the front of the
class, carrying his lunch tray when Colin’s hands were full. Ruslan gave him a shaky smile as Colin
took his hand.

“You want to know where Carmine is, don’t you?”
“Yes. I think it’s best if we come at him instead of constantly killing all his men.” Colin tilted

his head. “Although it is fun.”

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Ruslan chuckled. He sobered and palmed Colin’s face. “You are so wonderful; I don’t want you

to change. Carmine will make you into someone you are not.”

“You have to understand why Nikolai killed Yuri —”
“I do; it does not mean I have to like it. I know what my family was, who they have killed. I am

not proud of their actions, but meeting you and knowing what Carmine has planned,” Ruslan shook his
head sadly. “I cannot allow it.”

“So you’ll tell me where he’s hiding out?”
Ruslan turned in the seat. “I will tell you anything you want to know.”
“You know how I feel about Nikolai, but if things were different —”
“But they are not. I hope and pray that Nikolai appreciates what he has in you.”
Colin looked towards the front of the plane. Nikolai had a murderous glare aimed at Ruslan’s

hand entwined with his own. Colin winked at him and Nikolai’s face changed into a smile.

“Oh, he does,” Colin grinned.


The limo stopped at the front entrance to the gated community where most of the gang lived and

Colin felt a sense of peace rush over him. He was home. The code was punched into the keypad and
the gates opened slowly. The limo made its way down the street slowly and Colin looked out over
Lake Como. The sun was high in the sky, even in February. Valentine’s Day was weeks away and, for
once, Colin looked forward to spending it with someone.

Nikolai’s arm was around his shoulder, holding him close, and Colin rested his head against

Nik’s chest. He was finally with Nikolai the way he’d always wanted to be. The only thing left was
for Nik to make love to him — and he’d be working on that tonight. Colin chuckled at the thought,
drawing a raised eyebrow from Nik.

Ruslan was occupied with the view. The man had given up every bit of information he knew.

The assassins on James Jacobs’ and Stefan Youngblood’s teams would be working together on an all-
out assault on Carmine Rizzo’s compound in East Germany.

It was going to get bloody.
The limo came to a stop in front of Stefan and Jordan’s house and Colin smiled when he saw all

his friends waiting. Nikolai exited the limo first and was crushed by Landon Reynolds, Jayden and
Greg Reynolds son.

“Dude! Damn you got tall!” Landon laughed, clapping Nikolai on the back.
“Look who’s talking,” Nik laughed. He noticed Paul and Mark Greystone walking out of the

house and smiled. “Uncle Paul, Uncle Mark. It’s good to see you.”

“Well,” Paul shook Nik’s hand. “Looks like you got my son to date you after all.”
“Yep, and it isn’t even my enemies coming after him, like you were afraid would happen.” Nik

shook Mark’s hand.

“Is that my brother?”
Nik turned at the loud squeal and was almost knocked down by his sister, Katiana.
“Hey, you! Wow, you look great!” Nikolai smiled at his sister. Katiana was the daughter of

Kyle and Dante Russo. His fathers and the Russos had used the same surrogate. “So, you still dating
this guy?” Nikolai jerked his thumb in Landon’s direction.

“Yes, I am.” Katiana put her hands on her hips. “Problem?”
“Nope, just glad you dumped what’s-his-face.” Nik grinned as Kat rolled her eyes.

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“You and me both,” Landon grabbed Katiana and held her close.
“Aw, you guys are so cute,” Nikolai laughed. “This one I approve of.”
Stefan looked Ruslan Borkosky over. “So, you’re willing to help us?”
“I am,” Ruslan nodded. “I would like to be the Borkosky who changed the rules. I am the only

one left and do not wish to be hunted. I would rather live my life in peace.”

“Well, let’s get this party started,” Nikolai grinned.

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~*Chapter Ten*~

James’ team would be joining them the following day but, for now, they were all in on a

conference call to discuss the best way of taking down Carmine Rizzo. Colin suggested being used as
bait and was swiftly shut down by all the men involved.

His hands clasped tightly, he stood up and surveyed the men in the room.
“If I was anyone else, you’d all be jumping on this. You know it’s the best idea! Stop treating

me as if I’m some helpless woman!”

“Hey!” Katiana stood up. “Watch your mouth, Colin! I believe none of the women here are

helpless. In fact, some of us are even better at the gun range than you guys!”

Colin smiled and took Katiana’s hand. “You’re right, I’m sorry.” Colin felt a smack to his head

and turned to find his sister, Phoebe, glaring at him. “I said sorry!”

“Humph!” Phoebe sat back down and glared at her brother.
“Colin’s right.”
Colin jumped at Nikolai’s voice.
“Nik! You can’t be serious!” Mark stood up. “That’s too dangerous!”
“Not with all of us as back-up,” Nikolai looked around at all the trained assassins in one room.

“Between all of us and the Skull Blasters and the werewolves, are you really going to sit there and
say we don’t have enough badass men to protect Colin?”

“He’s right.” Landon stood up. “Besides, the guys and I have been training for years. That gives

us even more men to watch Colin’s back.”

Stefan nodded. “I think we have a plan. Do you agree, James?”
“I do,” James’ voice came through the telephone speaker. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Agreed.” Stefan looked around the room at all his men. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”


After spending hours on the deck with all the guys — and women — Colin fell into bed at

Andrei and Devin’s house. Nikolai had told him earlier that his dad and stepdad were bunking at
Stefan and Jordan’s so that they could have some time together alone. But he was so tired he couldn’t
even keep his eyes open. His plan to seduce Nikolai into making love to him was going down the
shitter. Colin chuckled.

“What’s so funny?” Nikolai removed his shirt.
Colin sat up in bed and watched Nikolai’s pecs moving as he unzipped his jeans. Lord, he

swore drool was pooling out of the side of his mouth. Nikolai’s abs were cut, and a soft line of hair
trailed down from his belly button. Colin licked his lips thinking about Nikolai’s cut cock. Their eyes
met and Colin smiled as Nikolai shivered from the look Colin gave him.

“Um,” Nikolai removed his shoes. “You need anything?”
Colin took his shirt off and got to his knees on the bed. He unbuttoned his jeans while keeping

eye contact with Nik.

“Yeah I do.” Colin unzipped his jeans slowly. “You.”
Nikolai swallowed hard as Colin’s jeans slipped below his ass. His hard cock sprung out and

Nikolai almost moaned. Colin was commando. Nikolai crawled up the bed and hovered over Colin.
His hand took Colin’s jeans the rest of the way off. He threw them into the corner, and then bent his

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head to place a soft kiss on Colin’s hipbone. Colin’s back arched as Nik licked a path alongside his
rock-hard prick — always coming close, but not close enough.

“You like that?” Nikolai breathed against the head of Colin’s prick.
“Oh fuck,” Colin choked out. “Stop teasing me.”
Nikolai nestled between Colin’s legs and licked one ball, then the other, letting them rest on his

tongue. Colin’s legs shook as Nik made his way lower, licking the soft skin between Colin’s balls
and ass. He pressed his tongue down on the silken skin and drew another loud moan from Colin. He
was getting the idea that Colin’s ass was a rimming virgin as well. Nik smiled at the idea of being the
first one to get that honor. He flicked Colin’s hole and another loud, drawn-out moan left Colin’s lips.
His fingers gripped the sheets.

Nikolai picked up Colin’s legs and threw them over his shoulders. He dipped his head and took

another long lick at Colin’s hole. The legs on his shoulders quivered and Nikolai went for gold.
Spreading Colin’s ass cheeks wide, he flicked the puckered skin, and then switched to long strokes of
his tongue from the balls back down. Colin had begun a slow stroke on his cock as Nikolai feasted on
his hole. Thumbs pressed inside, Nikolai spread Colin further and stuck his tongue inside. Colin
arched up on the bed and a loud wail left his throat. Nikolai licked, nibbled and thrust his tongue
inside over and over again until Colin was begging for something more. He wiped his mouth off and
reached for the nightstand drawer. Putting the lube on three fingers, he settled over Colin as he pushed
one finger inside slowly.

“How’s that? Tell me if it’s too much,” Nikolai whispered against Colin’s lips.
“I…I just want you… now…” Colin arched again as Nikolai penetrated him with another


The fingers were crooking, searching and rubbing him into a slow rolling boil. Tongues sliding,

bodies rocking, Colin couldn’t form a thought, much less a word. Nikolai’s fingers were doing
serious damage to his brain’s thought process. The fingers slid in further and Colin’s breath caught in
his throat. A pleasure wave hit him full force and Colin cried out. His hands fought to hold on to
reality somehow as Nikolai fucked him with his fingers. Colin barely heard himself begging for
Nikolai to fuck him.

Then Nikolai was inside him. Pressure built in his ass and his lungs fought for air. It was pain,

it was pleasure, and it was everything he’d ever thought it would be with Nikolai. Colin wrapped his
legs around Nik’s hips as they started a slow rhythm. His fingers tunneled into Nik’s hair and he
brought their lips together. Nikolai moaned into his mouth as his hips snapped, sending his cock
further inside Colin’s tight ass. Colin fought to hang onto rational thought as they moved together. The
bed moved with every thrust; Nikolai gripped his hips tightly and Colin knew he’d have bruises —
and God, he would be proud of them. His balls ached, then filled and a tingle started in his spine. He
was going to cum.

“Nik, touch me, so close…” Colin nipped at Nik’s lips, pulling him further into his mouth.

Nikolai groaned and wrapped his hand around Colin’s prick, stroking him in time with his thrusts. His
bicep shook as he hit Colin again and again, slamming his prostate with every forward surge of his

“Colin…too much...too close…can’t hold back.”
“Cum for me, Nik, cum with me.” Colin arched his hips into Nik’s next thrust and his dick

erupted all over Nikolai’s hand. A loud, feral growl left his lips as his orgasm took over, sending his
hips bucking. Molten heat spread through his body as Nik came unglued above him, his orgasm taking
over and sending him into a frenzy. His hips hammered in and out, shooting the last bits of cum into

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Colin. He collapsed, breathing hard and wrapped his arms around Colin’s shaking body.

“Oh. My. God.” Nik breathed in Colin’s scent. “I’ve never felt like that during sex.”
“Yeah?” Colin gasped. “Me neither.”
Nikolai chuckled into Colin’s neck. “Oh my God, Colin. You felt so good. I want to do that all

the time.”

“Can I have a day to recover?” Colin chuckled softly. “You are kind of big.”
Nikolai lifted his head and smiled. “You’re not so small either, you know.”
“So, the sex is good, huh?” Colin caressed Nikolai’s cheek.
“Everything is good, Colin. I love the way you kiss me, hold me,” Nikolai’s brows furrowed. “I

sound like a girl.”

“Don’t let Kat hear you say that,” Colin laughed.
Nikolai shivered. “No shit. Between Kat and Viktoriya, the women in my family are scary.”

Nikolai kissed Colin’s nose. “How are you feeling?”

Colin closed his eyes. “My ass hurts, but it was so worth it.”
Nikolai palmed Colin’s face. “That was so different than any sex I’ve ever had. I hope you

believe that, Colin. I’ve never felt like that.”

Colin searched Nikolai’s eyes. “I believe you.”
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” Nikolai kissed Colin’s lips, softly nipping the bottom one. “Stay

right here.”

“Yeah, movement a non-issue right now.”
“Close your eyes and take a deep breath.” Nikolai waited before pulling out slowly. Colin

gasped as Nikolai slid out. “You okay?”

“Yes, I think.” Colin’s cheeks heated. “I didn’t know what my first time would be like, but I did

know who it would be with.”

“I’m honored,” Nik smiled, actually swallowing a lump in his throat. “I’ll be right back.”
Colin lay still. His ass was on fire, but it felt good at the same time. Nikolai came back with a

warm cloth and cleaned him tenderly. Colin’s eyes fluttered shut as the warm bath moved to his balls
and stomach. Nikolai climbed into bed and pulled the comforter over them both. Colin rolled into
Nikolai’s side and closed his eyes, breathing in the scent he knew was solely Nik’s.

“Night, Colin,” Nikolai whispered.
“Night, Nik,” Colin mumbled.
Nikolai stayed awake, Colin wrapped securely in his arms. Things were about to get nasty and

he would do anything to protect Colin. He looked into Colin’s peaceful face and his heart ached at the
thought of something happening to him. Feelings he’d never had before washed over him and Nik
actually gasped at the sensation in his chest. Warm lips touched his neck and Nikolai felt his dick
rising again. He looked down into Colin’s eyes.

“We’re not getting any sleep are we?”
Colin shook his head slowly.


Nikolai woke up sore and hungry. Colin was sprawled across him, his head resting on Nik’s

chest. He smiled and played with Colin’s bed head. They’d made love again last night. Nik moved his
leg and winced at the pain in his ass. Damn, Colin had a big dick. Nik chuckled and Colin raised his

“Something funny?” Colin smiled.

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“My ass hurts.” Nikolai grinned.
“Yeah? So does mine. I say we take a bath.”
Nik groaned. “Oh, that sounds so good right now.”
Colin sat up in the bed and ran a hand through his hair. His ass protested every movement he

made as he crawled to the edge of the bed.

“I’ll start the bath, and then we need to head to Stefan’s. I’m sure they have breakfast going


Nikolai looked at the time: eight in the morning. They’d gotten maybe four hours of sleep. He

was going to need an IV of caffeine. He heard Colin in the bathroom and smiled.

“How do you know where everything is?”
Colin poked his head back into the room. “I did come here even when you weren’t here, ya


Nikolai got up slowly and stretched his back out. His first step made him wince. Mortal combat

hurt less than sex with Colin. Nik chuckled to himself as he made his way to the bathroom. Colin was
testing the water temperature as the large tub filled.

“Come on,” Colin motioned to the tub. “It’s nice and hot.”
Nikolai climbed into the tub and hissed as the scorching water flowed up his thighs. Once he

settled in, the water began to relax him. He put his hand out to Colin.

“Come on in.”
Spreading his legs out, he accommodated Colin between them. Colin leaned back against his

chest and Nikolai poured body wash into his hands; he soaped up the hard planes of Colin’s chest.

“How much do you remember about us?”
Nikolai ran his hands over Colin’s nipples. “I wish I remembered it all. Right now, it’s just bits

and pieces - and mostly when I was four or so. Why? Am I missing something?”

“No, it’s not that. Sometimes I just wonder if it was all in my head, if it was just me who had all

those feelings.”

Nik lifted Colin’s face to his. “It wasn’t. If that had been the case, I wouldn’t have felt pulled to

you when I saw you again. I wouldn’t feel the way I do now. I’ve never felt this way for anyone,

“So it’s not just because I turned you down all the time and now that you’ve had me, you’ll

discard me like everyone else?”

Nikolai stiffened. “Is that what you think?”
“I don’t know. I hope not,” Colin sighed, leaning his head back to look into dark eyes.
Nik held Colin’s gaze. “It’s never going to happen. You are stuck with me for life.


Colin nodded. “Yes.”
“Good, now give us a kiss,” Nik grinned.
Colin kissed Nik softly. He eased back and looked again into Nik’s eyes.
“I know it was hard for you, not killing Ruslan.”
Nikolai sighed and closed his eyes. “I have to keep reminding myself that it wasn’t him who

tortured me. He’s already different from his family; he actually feels.”

“Yeah, he feels for me,” Colin chuckled and then straightened as Nikolai stiffened behind him.

“Hey, you know I’ll never be with him, right?”

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“Yeah, I know. It’s just that when he looks at you,” Nikolai balled his fists, “I want to rip his

eyes out.”

“He’s different than Mikhail and Yuri — at least from what I’ve heard. I know Mikhail was an

asshat —”

“Oh, trust me, Yuri was an asshat as well.” Nikolai affirmed. “I just remember my dads

showing up to get me, and then Yuri tried to shoot Pops.” Nikolai shivered. “Then, I don’t know. I
just lost it. All I saw was this veil of red and then when I blinked…”

Colin took Nikolai’s hands in his and he continued.
“I know the kind of men my fathers are. When my dad finally took over the organization from

Vladimir, he killed everyone in the room except for one man. That man was sent back to the other
families to tell them what he had witnessed. He also had a package to deliver.”

Colin nodded. “Vladimir’s head.”
“It had the desired effect,” Nikolai laughed shortly. “My dad didn’t really calm down until

Viktoriya was adopted and I was born. Up until then, he constantly had to defend his position as head
of the organization.”

“I remember the story.” Colin leaned back against Nikolai again. He brought their hands up and

placed his over Nikolai’s. “When Uncle Vince went with the group to Russia, your dad recognized
him as the man who killed his father.”

Nikolai nodded. “Yup, he was going to kill him right there and then.”
“But then Damon said ‘Markov.’”
“My dad realized what had been done to Pops and his family by his own father. He allowed my

pops to live.”

“You’ve been through a lot, Nik. I’m surprised you’re sane.” Colin shook his head.
“Who said I was sane?” Nikolai laughed. “Don’t let that get out.”
“I won’t,” Colin leaned back. “Kiss me, the water’s getting cold.”
Nikolai winked. “No prob.”


By the time they reached Stefan and Jordan’s, the driveway was packed with cars. Nikolai

squeezed Colin’s hand as they entered the house. The kitchen was overflowing with men, as was the
living room. Nikolai spotted Hayden and grinned.

“Hey!” Nikolai fist-bumped him.
“’Sup, Markov?” Hayden’s eyes fell on the man at his side. “You must be Colin,” Hayden

smiled, putting his hand out.

Colin’s mouth dropped open. “And you must be hotter than hell!”
“Hey!” Nik jabbed Colin in the ribs.
Hayden chuckled.
Colin kissed Nikolai. “No man is hotter than you, Nik.”
“I see you’ve trained him well.”
Nikolai turned to find his dad smiling at him. “Hey, Dad!”
Andrei hugged his son hard. “It is good to see you.” His eyes fell on Colin and he smiled. “I

knew someday this would happen. You and Nikolai belong together, Colin.”

Nik smiled at Devin, by his father’s side. “Hey Number Four.”
Devin rolled his eyes. “Must you call me that?”
Colin looked from Devin to Nikolai, but before he could ask the question, Ruslan’s voice

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interrupted them.

“Well, well, isn’t this nice? All three of the men responsible for the demise of my family

standing together chatting,” Ruslan sneered.

Andrei put his hand out to stop Devin’s movement and got in Ruslan’s face.
“I did not kill your mother, Ruslan. Your father is responsible for that,” Andrei hissed. “Do not

act as if they were innocent because they weren’t, not by any means!”

Ruslan stepped back and bumped into someone behind him. He turned slowly to see Vince

Markov smiling at him. His situation became very clear. He was going to die.

“Hiya, Ruslan.” Vince pulled the man to his face by his shirt and lifted him off the ground. “Are

you giving my son trouble?”

“Um, hun? Please don’t scare him too much. Stefan and Jordan will have to clean the floor,”

Keegan said with a wide smile.

“Hey Number Three,” Nikolai winked at Keegan.
“Okay, what is with number three and four?” Colin finally asked.
“Oh, well, instead of calling me and Devin dad, or stepdad, or Keegan and Devin, we became

dads number three and four.”

“I only do it to annoy Devin,” Nikolai laughed.
“Some help here?” Ruslan squirmed in Vince Markov’s grip.
“Uncle Vince?” Colin raised his brows.
“Fine.” Vince put Ruslan back down with a thud.
Ruslan righted his shirt and moved to stand near Colin. He surveyed the room and found all the

men smiling at him. That scared him more than anything else.

“Dude,” Hayden waved his hand in the air dismissively at Ruslan. “You’re too small for us to

worry about. Just behave and you’ll live.”

James and Stefan stepped to the front of the room. Their husbands, Derek Jacobs and Jordan

Youngblood, stood on either side of them. Colin had to smile. They always presented a united front,
even though James and Stefan held more power. Over the years, he’d heard the stories of how Stefan
came into Jordan’s life — the one he never wanted. Circumstances led him to become the man he was
today, and although he’d never wanted the mob life, he embraced it now because the shady dealings
were far outweighed by the good they accomplished by ridding the world of its vilest members.

“So, we’ll talk with Ruslan again today,” Stefan nodded to Ruslan. “That’s if you are still

willing to help?”

Ruslan nodded tensely.
“Good, we’ll need every tiny bit of info you can give us. We’ve all been here before — well,

my guys have.” Stefan glanced over at James.

“A massive operation involving all of your men? Yup. Been there, done that,” James grinned.
“Then we all know exactly what to expect. Our men should team up according to skills. Now,

we don’t have the luxury of your ‘special’ men, so we’ll send them in first to — how should I say
this? Sniff the area? We don’t want to walk into an ambush,” Stefan said.

Hayden stood, representing the lupine members. “We’ll do a sweep of the area. Those of us

who didn’t have combat training now do.”

Justice sighed. “And wasn’t that so much fun?”
Jaxon chuckled. “You were just pissed it was Jesse who trained you.”
“This isn’t going to be a rush in.” James looked at all of his men. “We do our homework. I’ll

pull up satellite images of the surrounding area. I don’t want anything going wrong.”

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“Well then.” Stefan clapped his hands together. “Let’s eat and get down to business.”

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~*Chapter Eleven*~

Colin stood on the back deck and looked over the lake. His part in all of this was to simply

walk to the front door and knock — so to speak. Carmine would know it was a trap. He just wouldn’t
know the extent of the army coming to kill him. Colin sighed. He didn’t even care. He didn’t consider
Carmine Rizzo his father. He had two fathers and they had raised him from six months. He had a
home, a sister and a brother and friends he could count on. Now he had a boyfriend as well.

Colin couldn’t help but smile at that thought. Nikolai Markov. His ‘Tigger.’ He just wished that

Nik could remember all the time they’d spent together, whether it was at the pond or in the tree house.
Colin looked over to the left and smiled. The tree house had been rebuilt for the next generation. After
the accident, Stefan had torn the rest of it down and rebuilt it along with Jordan and Colin’s uncles.

Ducks glided across the lake and faint sounds from the highway met his ears. It was peaceful

here. It was home. After he turned fourteen, he’d spent a lot of time away from home. Going away to
school meant being far enough away from Nikolai to try and get over him. Colin snorted. Yeah, that
hadn’t happened. The minute he saw Nikolai again in the football locker room at college, he was right
back where he’d been before. In love and in misery. His ‘Tigger’ had forgotten all about him.

Colin looked over his shoulder to see his dad, Mark, smiling at him. His fondest memories

were of his fathers holding him and reading to him at night. They’d always treated him as their
biological son even if he didn’t resemble either one of them. Phoebe was biologically his father
Mark’s, where Conner was Paul’s. He’d never felt different. Not once.

“Hey, Dad.” Colin turned to receive the hug from his father.
“How are you?” Mark held his son close.
“Good. I know what’s coming my way.”
Mark pulled out of the hug and held his son’s face. “You don’t have to do this, you know that,

right? We can take care of Carmine and you don’t ever have to be involved.”

“But I do. He’s put my family and everyone I care about in danger. He’ll never stop coming

until he has me, Dad.”

Mark balled his fists. “That son of a bitch. Who the fuck does he think he is?”
“He thinks he’s my father.” Colin took his dad’s hands. “But he’s not. I know who raised me,

who loves me. I know who I am.”

“You’re a Greystone, Colin.” Mark wiped at his eyes.
“I am,” Colin nodded.
“You might be a Markov someday,” Mark smiled.
“Stop trying to marry me off.” Colin rolled his eyes.
“Oh please. It’s so obvious that you’re in love with Nikolai. You always have been. The way

your eyes lit up whenever Andrei and Vince came to visit, the way you held Nikolai in your arms and
read to him – it all gave you away. He followed you everywhere and you him. You two are meant to
be, you always were.”

“He doesn’t remember everything, Dad,” Colin sighed sadly.
“He doesn’t need to.” Mark took Colin’s face in his hands. “That man would die for you;

whether he remembers the past is irrelevant. The future is all he sees and he sees it with you. His
memories will come back in time.”

“I can see now why Uncle Andrei was so scared about Devin remembering who he is. He went

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through the exact same thing with Uncle Alex.”

Mark nodded. “As soon as Alex remembered Dylan, he couldn’t get back to him fast enough.

Andrei was hurt; he understood, but it hurt him nonetheless. You and Nikolai are different. You are
the only one he remembers, there is no other great love,” Mark said. “You’re it for him.”

“Yeah, he is.”
Mark looked over his shoulder to see Nikolai standing behind him.
“So, on that note,” Mark coughed lightly and winked at Colin. “I’ll leave you two.”
Nikolai smiled as Mark passed him, squeezing his hand. He leaned against the deck railing and

glanced over at Colin. The sun on Colin’s features made him even more gorgeous. Nikolai leaned into
Colin’s shoulder and then hip-bumped him.

“What?” Colin grinned.
“How are you doing?”
“I’m good. I just want this over with.”
“So, um, you kissed Ruslan, huh?” Nikolai clasped his hands and looked at the floor of the


“It wasn’t like that. It was a peck, Nik. I’ve dated guys, don’t get me wrong, but it never went

past the kissing or fondling stage.”

“What kind of fondling?” Nik’s head shot up.
“You really want all the details? I could ask about all your tawdry sexcapades. But I think it

would make me ill….”

“Point taken. From here on out, we don’t talk about the past — as far as other men go.” Nikolai

put his hand out to Colin.

Colin shook Nik’s hand and pulled him into his chest. He wrapped his arms around Nik’s waist

and kissed his chin. Nikolai brushed his lips across Colin’s forehead and breathed him in.

“Are you smelling me?” Colin chuckled.
“Yes, I love your scent. It’s like lavender and vanilla. What is that?” Nik inhaled Colin’s skin at

his neck.

“Probably my soap.”
“You travel with your soap?” Nik raised his brows.
Colin narrowed his eyes. “Yes, I do. It reminds me of home.”
Nikolai sobered and searched Colin’s face. “I know you can take care of yourself, really, I do,

but you have to know I’m not just going to sit back during all this. I’ll protect you.”

Colin reached out and caressed Nik’s face. “You have it all wrong.”
“I do?”
“Yes, you do. It’s always been my job to protect you, Nikolai. I don’t care if you’re bigger,

stronger, faster or meaner, it’s been my job from the moment you were born and it will continue to be
until the day I die.”

“Well, that’s not going to happen anytime soon. We have years of being apart to make up for.”

Nikolai cupped Colin’s face in his hands. “I want to start making up for lost time.”

The sliding glass door opened and Nik looked over his shoulder. Colin’s brother, Conner, stood

smiling at them. Nikolai sighed and stepped back from Colin. Conner was an exact replica of his
father, Paul. He had raven hair and clear green eyes.

“Conner,” he nodded. “How are you?”
“I’m still alive,” Conner grinned.
“I’m surprised,” Colin snickered. “Dating Lorenzo’s daughter could be hazardous to your

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“Uncle Lorenzo’s not bad,” Conner smiled. “You just have to know how to handle him. Juliet

and I –” Conner looked from his brother to Nikolai, and then swallowed hard. “He’s standing right
behind me, isn’t he?”

Colin nodded slowly.
“Hello, Conner.” Lorenzo leaned over Conner’s shoulder. “You were saying?”
“Um, nothing?” Conner stepped forward, out of his uncle’s reach.
“Lorenzo.” Reece stepped out on the deck. “Leave poor Greystone alone.”
“But it is fun, my love.” Lorenzo winked at Colin.
Reece rolled his eyes. “Come on back in guys. We’re getting ready to eat.” Reece waited for

Lorenzo to go back in, and then smiled at Colin and Nikolai. “I love seeing you two together. True
love conquers all.” Reece shook his head and then went back inside.

Colin coughed slightly and motioned to the door. “Well, let’s go.” Nikolai searched his face

and Colin gave him a weak smile. Nikolai hadn’t said those words yet. Colin knew how he felt, but
he wasn’t going to say it first. That was opening up way too much. No, he’d wait for Nikolai to use
the ‘L’ word first.


The house was packed as all the men sat around eating while discussing their plan of attack.

The Skull Blasters would leave early in the morning along with the werewolves to stake out the
complex. They would fly over under the cover of night and parachute in. Satellite imagery of the area
was grainy, but they got a good feel for the building. It was a stronghold of sorts in the middle of Bad
Freienwalde, a national park.

Ruslan had given them more than enough information and his life was now in jeopardy; Carmine

Rizzo had probably already put out the hit. He would go to Alaska with Wayne Maccon, where he’d
be protected. The alliance among Andrei, Devin, Vince, Nikolai and Ruslan was strained, but

Ruslan had mentioned the wolf he’d seen at the enclosure to Hayden.
“Black with golden eyes?” Hayden’s brows pinched in thought. “That doesn’t sound familiar

and I’ve seen all of the wolves in that enclosure. Was it a female?”

Ruslan’s cheeks colored. “I believe it was male.”
“Huh.” Hayden tilted his head. “A male in the female enclosure. I mean we have some - Walter,

Roy and Carson, but that's it. Are you sure it was a male?”

“Well, the testicles hanging from it kind of gave it away,” Ruslan said, averting his eyes from


Hayden looked around the room and found Wayne in the corner with Seth. He sent a mental

message and Wayne made his way over.

“What’s up, Hayden?” Wayne sat down.
“Isn’t there a Russian pack?”
Wayne nodded. “Yes, there is, but I have not allowed them to join with us. When I spoke to

their alpha, he did not pass the test.”

“What test?” Ruslan asked.
Wayne turned to face Ruslan “All the packs that want to combine with us are asked one simple

question — do they have a problem with gays. If that answer is yes, they are not allowed into my

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pack. The alpha of the Russian pack was very homophobic.”

“Ruslan saw a male in the enclosure,” Hayden said. “The description doesn’t fit any of the

males already there.”

“A lone wolf?” Wayne’s brows furrowed. “It’s possible. We’ll look into the matter further

once this mission is complete.”

“I need a favor, Wayne,” Hayden said hesitantly.
“What is it?”
“If you send a team to investigate, I’d like to go — along with Jude.”
Wayne grinned. “You want to try again? Was the wedding cake on your ass not a clue as to his

feelings for you?” He shook his head and laughed. “I’ve never seen anyone get thrown quite that far

“I’m not giving up,” Hayden groused.
Wayne had to smile. Hayden was persistent.


By the end of the day, plans had been made and the men were ready to suit up. They’d be

leaving in the morning for Germany. Colin closed his eyes as Nikolai’s hands massaged his sore
shoulders. They were spending the night in Colin’s house on the opposite side of the lake. He hadn’t
been in it since his freshman year of college. His fathers had built it for him, along with Vince and
Andrei. It was supposed to be his and Nik’s house — now it truly was. He’d gotten the keys from
Stefan earlier with a knowing smile.

The king-sized bed in their bedroom was covered in a down quilt and Colin relaxed into the

oversized pillows. They had three bedrooms in the house. One was going to be a nursery. His fathers
weren’t subtle about expecting him and Nikolai to have kids. The other was a workout room.

Nikolai’s fingers dug into his lower back and Colin let out a low moan. The room was

comfortable. A fireplace in one corner was heating the room. Two upright dressers occupied one
wall while an entertainment center covered the adjacent one. The house was well stocked with food
and anything else they would need. Right now, however, Colin was in heaven. Nikolai was sitting on
his ass and those fingers were working miracles on his sore body.

“How’s that feel?” Nikolai leaned over, kissing Colin’s shoulder.
“God, there are no words to explain how relaxing that is,” Colin sighed in utter bliss.
Nikolai looked around the room with a grin.
“So, our house, huh? I love it. It shows both sides of our personalities.”
“There are no dead animals on the walls,” Colin chuckled.
Nikolai swatted Colin’s ass. “I don’t hunt.” He furrowed his brows. “Well, not animals


“Yeah, well we’re certainly not putting those trophies on the wall.”
Nikolai guffawed and resumed his kneading as Colin went on.
“Do you think we’re weird? You know, the way our families are?”
Nikolai paused in his massage. “I don’t know. I mean, if you look at how we all came together

it’s not so weird. All the guys met through mutual friends. My pops was brought on board and he
became friends with everyone. Well sort of. Now we have a whole other set of friends and allies.”

“How weird was it to find out Devin was Uncle Tanner?” Colin chuckled.

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“I’m just glad Devin loves my dad. He went through a lot. My pops loved my dad, you know? It

just wasn’t what he feels for Keegan.”

“Well, now he has Uncle Tanner — Devin, whatever; that’s confusing.”
“He doesn’t remember being Tanner, so he’s sticking with Devin. I get it though, you know?

You’re someone for so long, you don’t know how to be anything else.” Nikolai realized how that
sounded and leaned over to kiss Colin’s shoulders. “Except for me; that’s different.”

“It is?” Colin closed his eyes as Nikolai’s hands slid up his sides and kisses rained along his

shoulders and neck.

“Yes, it is. I don’t want anyone but you, Colin. I mean, I’m never going to stop being a killer;

that’s been ingrained in me since Yuri.”

“I don’t want you to change that part of who you are. And you and the others are doing the

world a service by killing who you do. But the having sex with lots of different men? Now that I can
live with you changing,” Colin chuckled.

Nikolai rolled Colin over onto his back and leaned into his face. Those eyes revealed so much.

Colin was laughing, but inside he was hurt by Nikolai’s conquests.

“I will never be with anyone but you. You have my word.”
“Make love to me.”
Nikolai moved in. “Anything you want.”

Colin gasped as Nikolai moved inside him. He was getting used to the pressure, and the pain,

and the all-out pleasure. His fingers dug into Nikolai’s biceps as Nik kept up a nice slow fuck, slowly
easing in and out, rubbing his cockhead against Colin’s spot relentlessly. Nik’s hands were planted on
either side of Colin’s head as they kissed - slowly, searching, tasting. Colin’s legs wrapped around
Nik’s hips and he arched into the next thrust. Nik groaned in his mouth and Colin’s dick leaked more

Nikolai’s dick pulsed in his ass and Colin felt the familiar tingle in his spine. Heat exploded in

his ass and Colin cried out, his dick spurting cum up his stomach. Nik growled in his mouth and the
kiss became feral. Colin’s fingers gripped the bigger man’s hair and tightened his fingers in it. Nik’s
tongue brushed against his teeth and Colin opened his mouth further, inviting him in. The kiss slowed
and Colin’s nostrils flared as Nikolai slid his cock slowly back and forth inside him.

“Nik,” Colin breathed.
“Colin,” Nikolai moaned. He could do this all night. He loved making love with Colin. It was

like Colin was made just for him, from the way they kissed each other to their movements during sex.
Nikolai pulled out slowly and kissed Colin’s forehead.

“I’ll be right back,” he whispered.
Colin closed his eyes. It was hurting less when they made love, probably because they were

doing it so often. Colin chuckled softly. Warmth covered his stomach and then traveled between his
legs. Colin opened his eyes to see Nik with a washcloth.

“That feels good.”
“Are you sore?” Nikolai spread Colin’s legs out further and crawled between them.
“It’s getting easier,” Colin gasped as Nikolai kissed his inner thigh.
“I should be biting you for that crack you made about Hayden,” Nikolai grinned mischievously

and bared his teeth near Colin’s inner thigh.

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“What’s up with that? Doesn’t he have a boyfriend?” Colin sank his fingers into Nikolai’s hair,

loving the softness of it.

“Hayden has it bad for Jude Brooks. You’ll probably see Jude in the morning. The story with

them is that Hayden wasn’t always a werewolf. He was human up until he was sixteen. Rogue wolves
killed his parents and his dad bit him to save him.”

“This Jude dude doesn’t feel the same for Hayden?”
Nikolai shook his head and Colin arched his brows. “Why not? Hayden doesn’t seem like an


“He was when he was younger. He used to pick on Jude all the time. He had feelings for him

and instead of dealing with them,” Nik shrugged his shoulders. “He picked on Jude relentlessly for
being gay.”

“But now?”
“Now he’s trying to make up for it, but Jude isn’t having it.” Nikolai climbed up Colin’s body

and hovered above him.

Colin cupped Nikolai’s face. “You are it for me Nikolai. You know that, right?”
Nik smiled and leaned down to kiss Colin.
“And you for me.”
“We should get some sleep; we’re leaving in the morning.” Colin sighed in bliss as Nikolai

kissed his neck.

“Night, Colin. Go to sleep.”
“You go to sleep,” Colin chuckled.
Nikolai blinked and looked into Colin’s face.
“What?” Colin searched Nikolai’s features.
“I said that.” Nikola’s brows pinched in thought.
“You did,” Colin smiled. “The memories are coming back?”
Nikolai nodded. “A little at a time. I’ll get it all back, Colin. I promise.”
“Shh, come here,” Colin pulled Nikolai into his arms. “Get some rest.”
“Night, Colin.”

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~*Chapter Twelve*~

Nikolai gazed into the darkness covering Germany. The plane was dipping down to ten

thousand feet and he and the rest of the men were getting ready for the jump. Colin looked nervous
and was pacing. Nikolai cracked his neck from side to side, surveying all the men on the plane. The
Skull Blasters were lined up with some of the werewolves. Nik had met most of them and had finally
gotten a better look at Jude Brooks. He was standing next to Scott Delange, on the opposite side of the
plane from Hayden.

Nikolai’s brow rose as Jude’s eyes scanned Hayden from head to toe while Hayden’s back was

to him. Nikolai chuckled and Jude turned his head to look at him. Nikolai waggled a finger at him and
Jude’s face flushed. Lights flashed along the floor and above their heads and Nik walked over to
Colin. He checked his chute and made sure he was strapped in properly.

“It’s not my first jump, Nik,” Colin smiled as Nikolai re-checked everything.
“I know, I’m just…” Nikolai ran his hands through his hair.
“Worried?” Colin provided.
“Yeah.” Nikolai scanned the men again and found Sebastian standing by his husband with his

eyes closed. Nicholas was rubbing Sebastian’s back.

“Well don’t be.” Colin walked to the back of the plane as the doors opened. He stood with the

rest of the men as the wind whipped through the plane.

Mateo turned to the group. “Everyone has their map?” he shouted.
He looked at all the nodding heads. “Good. You know the plan - one werewolf with one human.

No talking on the radio unless absolutely necessary. Everything goes telepathically. Got it?” Mateo
looked up as the lights flashed from red to green. “Go!”

Nikolai waited for Colin to jump, and then went right after him. The darkness swallowed them

and Nikolai looked at the altimeter on his wrist. Hayden flew by him and that’s when he noticed it:
Jude was in trouble. His chute hadn’t opened properly.

Jude was in a spin, freefalling at a rapid rate. Although he knew he’d survive an impact because

of the healing properties of being a werewolf, God knows he didn’t want that kind of pain. A body
slammed into his and then Hayden was cutting his chute.

“Hang on!” Hayden yelled. He clipped Jude to himself and opened his chute.
They were propelled upward and Jude let his forehead rest on Hayden’s chest. His heart was

slamming against his ribs.

“I’ve got you,” Hayden whispered in Jude’s ear.
“Hayden,” Jude croaked.
“It’s okay. Just hold on.”
Shifting his eyes, Hayden’s night vision could make out the rest of the men floating down around

them. The ground was approaching and he held Jude more closely. They glided in and Hayden took
the brunt of the impact. He unclipped Jude and he teetered off to the side, holding his stomach.

“Are you okay?” Hayden rubbed Jude’s back.
“I’m fine!” Jude snapped.
Hayden stepped back and gave Jude some room. Footsteps sounded behind him and he turned to

see Scott making his way over.

“Everything okay?” Scott raised his brows.
“Yeah,” Hayden stepped back further. “He’s all yours. I have to go find Colin.”

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Scott frowned as Hayden made a quick retreat. He narrowed his eyes at Jude.
“Oh, what?!” Jude bristled.
Scott shook his head and looked at the time. “Come on, let’s go.”


Hayden found Colin with Nikolai and Chance. The warlock was going to be a big asset in their

attack. All the teams checked in telepathically and went about finding their spots in the woods.
Hayden took Nikolai aside, all while looking over his shoulder at Colin speaking softly with Chance.

“You’re going to have to let him walk up there,” Hayden said flatly.
Nikolai looked over at Colin and tried to smile. “I know. I don’t like it, but Colin’s his own

man. I can’t treat him as if he’s breakable.”

“You want to stand in front of him, don’t you?” Hayden searched Nik’s face.
Nikolai sighed in frustration. “Hell, yes, I do! You have no idea what I’d do to protect him.”
Hayden sighed sadly. “Yeah, I do.”
Nikolai patted Hayden’s back. “You did good with Jude. I saw it. We need to move.”
“I’ll watch his back, Nik. You have my word,” Hayden put his hand out to Nikolai.
“I know you will.” Nikolai shook it and they bumped fists.
Hayden beckoned to Colin, and Chance walked over with him.
“You ready, Chance?”
Chance nodded. “I think so. I’m going to get into position as close as I can. I haven’t tested it

from far away.”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine.” Hayden sent a mental message to Seth.
“You with Mateo?”
Yep. The snipers are all in place. Ross is with Josh.”
“The rest of the teams will be here. Hold tight,”
Hayden said.
“Now we wait.”


Within twelve hours, the massive attack group was situated around Carmine Rizzo’s stronghold.

Nikolai was perched in a tree with Logan MacLeod. Chance was in the trees much closer to the
building and Nikolai could tell Logan was nervous about it. Nikolai zoomed his binoculars in on
Hayden with Colin. The much taller werewolf was sniffing the air around them. It was way too quiet.
Nikolai tapped Logan on his shoulder and mouthed “Something’s up.”

Logan tensed as messages came in from other teams. Carmine’s men were out in the forest.

Logan sent a message to Chance to put his spell into effect. Right before his eyes, the assault team
members disappeared. Logan elbowed Nikolai and he nodded. They climbed down from their
position and began their frontal attack on the building, cloaked in invisibility. Nikolai knew more
teams were climbing on the roof and there was a team infiltrating the back.

The front door of the building looked like a garage door; it had to be three inches thick, and

made of steel. Colin was the only person visible. Nikolai’s heart raced as Colin walked out into the
open — hands up. Men came out into the open and surrounded him.

A shot rang out, reverberating around the forest, and a loud cry pierced the air. Nikolai spun

around — they were all visible.

“Fuck!” Nikolai shouted, shooting the guy right next to him.

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“Chance!” Logan shouted.
Jude covered the gunshot wound in Chance’s shoulder. “It’s a sniper!” he shouted into the radio.
“I’ve got him,” Mateo said calmly. He zeroed in on the man sitting on the top of the building.

“Bye-bye, bitch,” he whispered. The bullet sped from his rifle and went right through the other
sniper’s scope, blowing out the right side of his head.

“Nikolai!” Colin struggled in the grip of two men.
“Oh, hell no!” Nikolai sprinted as the garage doors were coming down. “Hayden!” he shouted.
Hayden slid his hand under the door right before it shut. “Hurry!”
Nikolai rolled under the door. He realized another door just like this one was rolling down. He

rolled under that one just before it slammed behind him.

Gunshots went off and Nikolai leapt for cover behind a wall.
They were cut off.


Chance closed his eyes. His body had already removed the bullet on its own and he was

healing. He cast the spell again and hoped it would work. Hayden disappeared by the front door and
Chance sighed in relief. He could hear the teams shuffling around the building and their thoughts
invaded his head.

“You have to get that door open, guys,” Chance said.
“Working on it. There’s a team infiltrating the roof,” Logan replied. “Are you okay? I swear

to God –”

“I’m fine; just watch your back, okay?” Chance pleaded.


Colin struggled as Carmine Rizzo walked slowly towards him. He didn’t know if Nikolai was

okay. That was the worst part — not knowing. Carmine’s lips rose in a smile and Colin felt the urge
to puke. This was his biological father? Oh, hell no. There was no way in hell he was going down
without a fight. The hands on his arms eased up as Carmine waved a hand at his men.

“I trust you were not hurt? I am sorry my men deviated from their orders in Siberia.”
Colin narrowed his eyes.
“I am being truthful, my son. I wanted you alive.”
“I am not your son,” Colin spat.
“Oh, but you are, Colin.” Carmine’s nose wrinkled. “Although I would not have named you

‘Colin;’ it is not Italian.”

“That’s because I’m Irish, you fucking asshole,” Colin snarled. Colin’s head snapped back as

Carmine’s hand hit his face. He reeled forward and taunted “Some father you are! My dads never laid
a hand on me!”

“You will show respect!” Carmine roared.
“The fuck he will.”
Colin spun sideways and saw Nikolai at the end of the hall.
Carmine nodded to his men. “Take care of him.”
Colin took that moment to make his move. He swung his leg out, hitting Carmine in the balls,

and then bit the man who was holding his arm. He got free and grabbed the gun from the second man.

“Kill Markov!” Carmine shouted, barely able to get up.
Nikolai twirled his long swords in both hands, and ran down the hall. Men screamed as he

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sliced through them. Nothing registered in his brain except for one thing: save Colin. This was what it
had come down to — life or death, and he was going home with Colin. Gunshots went off and Nikolai
ducked, spinning his body, swords out.

“Come and get me you son of a bitch!” Nikolai thundered. “Show your fucking face, Rizzo! You

fucking coward!”

Heat tore through his bicep just as Nikolai heard Colin’s warning shout.
He slid to a stop in front of two armed guards. He grinned and lifted both swords in front of

him. He looked down at his shoulder, and then raised one eyebrow.

“A nine millimeter? Please. Be a fucking man and at least have a .45.”
Colin took the guards’ legs out from underneath them, sending both to the ground. The two men

turned away from Nik for a split second — but it was enough.

“Don’t wound what you can’t kill,” Nikolai smirked.
Colin put his hand out to shield his face as blood splattered the wall.
A shot rang out and Colin flew backwards, hitting the wall.
“Colin!” Nikolai shouted frantically, searching the hall for the shooter. He spotted the man

taking cover behind a wall.

Nikolai ran for the wall as Carmine came unglued.
“You were not supposed to shoot my son!” he screamed.
Nikolai kept running. The man taking cover was pulling the trigger, but nothing was happening.

Nikolai grinned.

“Gun jam? How unfortunate.” He swung a sword, effectively decapitating the man.
Carmine looked around in a panic. Colin was down and not moving. His men were all dying.

He turned and ran for the door at the end of the hall.

“Let’s settle this like men, shall we, Carmine?” Nikolai threw his swords down, sparing a

quick glance to gauge Colin’s condition.

“You are not a man, Nikolai,” Carmine laughed.
“Then you won’t have any problems fighting me one on one, will you?” Nikolai walked down

the hall towards Carmine. “Come on, old man.”

Colin managed to sit up. Carmine’s back was to him and then he saw it — Carmine whipped a

gun out from behind him.

“Nik!” Colin shouted.
The loud sound of the gun firing echoed down the hall. Nikolai flew back from the force of

impact and hit the floor.

Carmine chuckled and stood over Nikolai, the gun aimed at his heart. “I am smart enough to

carry a .45, Nikolai. Now I will have the extreme pleasure of relieving you of your life, and I will
take my son with me. He is a Rizzo.”

In that brief instant, Colin jumped on Carmine’s back and placed his arm around his neck.
“Wrong,” Colin hissed. “I’m a Greystone.”
The loud snap of Carmine’s breaking neck filled Colin’s ears and he threw Carmine to the

floor. He fell to his knees beside Nikolai.

“Baby, open your eyes!”
Nikolai’s lashes fluttered. “Colin?”
“Yes! Don’t you fucking die on me!” Colin looked around the hallway. “Someone help us!” he

pleaded, putting pressure on Nikolai’s wound.

“They say your life flashes before your eyes when you’re dying. It’s cheesy, huh?” Nikolai

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coughed and looked into Colin’s eyes. “I can see it now. It’s all there,” he whispered. “Your face,
your eyes - you loved me so much. Then you left. Why did you leave?” Nikolai’s head fell to the side.

Colin’s cheeks were wet with tears. “Don’t leave me, Nikolai! I left back then because I was in

love with you. You were ten, I was fourteen - I had to put distance between us.” Colin looked up
towards the ceiling. “Someone! Please!”

Nikolai raised a hand to Colin’s face. “I love you, Colin. I think I always have. You were the

block. When you left…I couldn’t deal with the pain.”

“I’m here now,” Colin sobbed. “Please don’t go, don’t leave me, Nik. I promise I’ll never

leave your side again. Just don’t leave mine.”

Nikolai smiled weakly. “It’s all coming back. I can see it all now. I love you so much, Colin.”
The air around them warmed and Colin held his breath, hoping it was Chance arriving. A bright

light appeared in the corner and a form took shape. A blond man, with a bright glow around his head,
appeared. He ran to Nikolai’s side and long fangs descended from his gums. He bit his own wrist.

“You are?” Colin spluttered.
“Aidan. I’m here to help.” Aidan carefully dripped his blood into Nikolai’s open chest wound.

He turned to look at Colin. “He will be fine now. The fates have plans for the both of you.” Aidan
caressed Colin’s cheek. “Your love for each other, it’s like a beacon. Take care of each other.”

Colin nodded. “O-okay.”
Aidan frowned. “You’ve been shot.”
Colin looked at his shoulder. “Yeah, and it hurts. Unlike Nikolai, I can’t get shot and then go


Aidan arched both eyebrows, then dripped blood into Colin’s wound.
“How did you know?” Colin searched the man’s eyes.
“Chance. He was here, but not fully. He called for help; I came.”
Colin checked out his surroundings. “Are we safe now?”
Aidan nodded. “The werewolves and humans have infiltrated the building. Chance has put a

protection spell around you until they have cleared it.” Nikolai moaned and Aidan smiled. “Take
good care of him.”

“I will. Thank you.” Colin leaned over and held Nik in his arms.
“Colin?” Nikolai struggled to sit up.
“You’re okay; some shining dude saved you with his blood.” Colin cupped Nikolai’s face. “Are

you crazy?”

“Yep,” Nik grinned. He sobered and took Colin into his arms. “Thank God you’re okay. When I

heard the gunshot, and then you —”

“Oh, I wasn’t as bad off as I pretended to be,” Colin chuckled.
“Fuck, I love you,” Nikolai sighed.
“I love you, too,” Colin smiled.
“Let’s get the hell out of here.” Nikolai stood carefully. A loud noise above them caught his

attention and he aimed his gun at the ceiling. The air conditioning vent dropped open and Hayden’s
head popped out.

“You guys okay?” he asked.
Nikolai lowered his gun and shook his head with a smile. “Yeah, we’re good. Little late, aren’t


Hayden scowled.

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The team had gone to Sicily for some rest and recuperation. Damon Santorno’s mansion was

filled to capacity with the Skull Blaster team and his own.

Colin’s fathers were waiting for him when they arrived. To say he was happy to see them was

an understatement. The first thing Mark did was pull him into his arms and hold him close. He had
always been the quiet and gentler father as Colin was growing up. The one who read him bedtime
stories, took him to get his shots and kept his other father from killing doctors. It was as if Mark knew
how he was feeling the moment he looked at him.

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” Mark whispered into Colin’s ear.
“I…” Colin gripped his father tighter. “I had to…”
“I know,” Mark whispered. “I’m so sorry.”
“Why?” Colin whispered.
“Because you’re hurting and I never want to see you in pain. Just know that anything you did,

your father and I will never judge you; we will never love you any less.” Mark eased out of the hug
and held Colin’s face. “We love you.”

“Damn straight.” Paul pulled Mark and Colin into his arms. “You are our son, Colin.”
“Yes, I am.”


Colin stood in the shower and watched the blood flow down the drain; Nikolai’s blood was

mixed with his own. Colin held his hands up and looked at them. He’d killed Carmine Rizzo with his
bare hands. He felt the bile rising as what he had done came full circle. He jumped out of the shower
and leaned over the toilet. Warm hands came around him, holding him close and he leaned back into
Nikolai’s strong frame.

“Hey, you okay?” Nikolai kissed Colin’s neck. “It’s hitting you, huh?”
Colin nodded. “I thought I was over the adrenaline high and low puking.”
Nikolai nuzzled Colin’s neck and handed him a wet cloth. “Don’t do that. I know what’s really

bothering you. Don’t hide from me, Colin. You killed Rizzo, and although he was an asshole, he was
still your flesh and blood. It’s okay to feel the way you do.”

“How is that all right?” Colin stood up. “He shot you! He wanted you dead! He deserved to go


Nikolai took Colin’s shaking hands and held them to his chest. “It’s okay, Colin. Even the

strongest men have a hard time taking a life.”

“That wasn’t the first life I’ve taken.” Colin lifted his chin. “I’ve killed before, for the same

reasons you have.”

“I know. But the fact is that he was your biological father. It’s different.” Nikolai cupped

Colin’s face. “Thank you.”

“For what?”
“Saving my life.” Nikolai pulled Colin into his arms and held him close. Colin’s body trembled

in his arms and Nik smoothed Colin’s hair. “I’m here, Colin. I’ll always be here.”

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~*Chapter Thirteen*~

The welcome home party had been loud and boisterous. There was laughter and drinking

throughout the night and by the time two in the morning rolled around, Colin was exhausted. Nikolai
was massaging his feet and Colin’s eyes drifted closed. It had been heartwarming to see all the teams
together in one room. They had truly formed a bond and come together for him.

The only one he felt sorry for was Hayden. Jude stayed on the opposite side of the room the

whole night, but Colin could see him watching Hayden’s movements. It was sad to know that Jude
was still holding a grudge against a man who had done everything in his power to make up his past
wrongs, including apologizing. Several times.

Nikolai pressed in hard on his arch and Colin moaned. His whole body was wired. Nikolai

said it was from the werewolf blood. He’d had the same reaction the first time it had saved his life,
following the earthquake at Camp Pride. Colin thought back to what Aidan had said. He and Nikolai
were fated to be together. What did that mean exactly? The fates had plans for humans, too? Colin
opened his eyes to see Nikolai hovering above him. He would never get tired of that face—that smile
—as long as he lived.

“Hey,” Colin smiled warmly.
“How are you feeling?” Nikolai brushed the backs of his fingers across Colin’s cheek.
“Frisky,” Colin chuckled.
“Mmm,” Nikolai leaned over and kissed Colin’s lips. “Yeah?”
Colin rolled them over and straddled Nikolai. He ran his fingers over the ridges in Nikolai’s

abs, and trailed a finger down to the waistband of Nik’s boxer briefs. Nik’s eyes closed as Colin
leaned over, their lips meeting in a soft kiss as he ran his hand under the material. Nikolai was hard—
and leaking already.

“I can’t get enough of you. I saved myself for you and now I just want to have sex with you all

the time.” Colin ran his thumb over Nik’s slit, spreading the precum.

Nikolai chuckled. “You won’t hear me complaining.” He hissed as Colin’s thumbnail dipped

into his slit.

“You like that?” Colin kissed Nik’s neck and ran his tongue up to his ear. He circled the lobe

and then bit down. “I want to try a few things with you.”

Nik’s gasp confirmed his acceptance. Colin made his way down Nik’s neck and he kissed his

collarbone. His fingers gently ran down Nik’s sides as he licked a path down his chest, stopping to
play with the erect nipples. Nik squirmed under him as he licked and bit down on one of them. Colin
smiled with the nub between his teeth and circled it with his tongue.

“Like that?”
Nik nodded slowly.
“I have lots more. See, I’ve never been able to just explore someone inch by inch. I’ve been

waiting to be with you, so now I have all these questions. Such as, would Nikolai like this?”

Colin ran his tongue over taut abs and flicked his belly button. He lowered his hands to Nik’s

ass and grabbed the cheeks, pulling them apart as his nose ran alongside his erection — his finger
circling Nik’s hole. Nikolai’s back arched and a hiss of pleasure escaped him. Colin nudged his dick
and slid down between his legs.

He pushed Nikolai’s thighs out and licked at his balls; they weighted his tongue as he sucked

them, rolling them around in his mouth. Nikolai’s moans inspired him to go lower. Colin sank his face

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between the ass cheeks and licked at the puckered flesh. Nikolai’s back arched and he let out a loud,
drawn-out moan. Colin grabbed Nik’s thighs and pressed in deeper.

“Fuck! Ohhh shit, Colin!” Nikolai gasped at the warm sensation in his ass. Colin’s tongue slid

inside him and he gripped the sheets. His balls filled rapidly and his dick leaked pools of precum on
his abs. Holy shit. He was going to cum from that alone. He tried to pry Colin away from his ass, but
Colin waved him off and grabbed his dick. Nikolai’s eyes went wide as Colin sunk his tongue more
deeply inside him.

“Oh shit, shit, shit!” A tsunami of pleasure rolled over him and Nikolai braced for his

impending orgasm.

Colin sat up and pushed Nikolai’s thighs up. In one thrust, he slid inside. The loud howl that

greeted him resounded in the room and Colin started thrusting his hips. Nikolai came howling and
Colin followed a few thrusts later — practically screaming Nikolai’s name. Both of them were
shaking from their orgasms, and a fine sheen of sweat glistened on Nikolai’s chest.

Colin bent down, licking it off.
“Damn,” he breathed. “You taste so fucking good.”
Nikolai looked at Colin wide-eyed.
“What?” Colin grinned.
“You’re so filthy,” Nikolai chuckled.
Colin chuckled and let his full weight down on top of his lover. He buried his face in his neck

and sighed.

“I’m so tired now,’ Colin smiled against the smooth skin.
“Well, you did work hard.” Nikolai wrapped his arms around Colin and squeezed.
“We should get sleep. I have to go back to school.”
We have to go back to school,” Nikolai corrected him.
Colin lifted his head. “You’re going back with me?”
“We’re together now, Colin. Where you go, I go.”
“Oh, Professor Davis is going to love that,” Colin laughed.


Over the course of the next two weeks, Nikolai settled into class -and life - with Colin. They

hung out with the football players and even Ruslan had come back to school. Now that Carmine - and
just about anyone who worked for him - was dead, Ruslan was allowed out of protective custody. It
was uneasy between Nikolai and Ruslan, but he had to give the remaining Borkosky credit — he’d
turned on Carmine, even if it was because he had feelings for Nik’s boyfriend.

Valentine’s Day was days away and Nikolai had volunteered to decorate the outreach center

with Hayden and Ross. Lord knows why. Riley Esposito had a way of making you do shit you didn’t
want to. Riley and his husband were known to make it to every outreach party —no matter what state
it was being held in. Riley wanted to be hands-on in everything.

Hayden, Ross and Noah had all moved to Washington State from Oregon. Being part of James’

unit meant trying to keep everyone in one place. Jesse was already in Washington State and since the
rogues in Arizona had been quiet for a little while, Justice and Jaxon rented an apartment in
Washington on a temporary basis. Nikolai knew part of that was because Justice wanted to keep Noah
away from Jesse, the youngest Salvatore brother. Nikolai’s phone rang and he smiled at the caller ID.

“Hey sexy.”

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Colin chuckled. “Miss me yet?”
“Yeah, I do. You’re coming back for the party at the outreach center, right?”
“Of course. You know me coming back to Texas was all my dads’ idea. They just wanted to

make sure I was okay with everything that happened.”

“I know. I just miss you.”
“It’s been two days, Nik,” Colin laughed softly.
“So? It feels like two years. I don’t like being away from you.”
Colin smiled, his stomach fluttering. That was new. Everything was new when it came to

Nikolai. If he thought he loved him before — it was ten times stronger now.

“I’ll see you soon. I love you, Nikolai.”
Nik closed his eyes and smiled. “I love you, too.”


On Valentine’s Day, the outreach center looked like love had thrown up in it. Nikolai’s nose

wrinkled at the multiple hearts hanging from the ceiling along with red streamers strewn all over the
room. The floor had been cleared of chairs for dancing. Riley really loved Valentine’s Day. Nikolai
had heard all about Riley’s Halloween party, now he saw just how far the millionaire CEO would go
for Valentine’s. Riley was dressed as cupid — complete with bow and arrow. His husband, Mateo,
wore a red shirt with an arrow pointing to Riley that said “I’m with him.”

Nikolai snickered and scanned the rest of the room. Kids were sitting around, laughing with

each other. Some had been to the camp in Washington which had been hit by an earthquake. Others
were new arrivals. Nikolai frowned. It was sad to see so many kids kicked out of their homes or
bullied for their sexual preference. He’d never had that problem. Most people were too afraid of him
to talk to him, period. Nikolai grinned.

Hayden Cox sat in the corner with Ross Collins, watching the kids have fun. Nikolai crossed the

room to them.

“So, no dates, huh?” he grinned.
“Did you get something for Colin, Nikolai?” Ross raised a brow at an empty-handed Nikolai.
“Like what?” Nikolai looked from Hayden to Ross.
“Um, it’s Valentine’s Day; you didn’t get him a card?” Hayden searched Nikolai’s face. “A


“A flower?” Nikolai scrunched his brows. “For what?”
“Oh, dude, “Ross laughed. “You are so clueless.”
“I was supposed to get him stuff like that?” Nik clasped his hands nervously.
“Yup. It’s a tradition to get your love something. Not even chocolates?” Hayden studied

Nikolai’s panic-stricken face. “That’d be a no?”

“I didn’t know!” Nikolai sighed in exasperation. “I don’t know how to do relationship stuff!”
Hayden raised both brows.
“Well I don’t!” Nikolai’s shoulders slumped. “I’m an awful boyfriend.”
“Can you sing?”
Nikolai turned around to see a couple of the kids looking at him. He’d seen them at camp. Fuck.

What were their names?

“It’s Skylar and Ryder. Don’t hurt yourself trying to remember us,” Skylar drawled. “I can help

if you can carry a tune.”

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Ross busted out laughing.
“Nikolai sing? Oh, that is priceless!”
Skylar tapped his foot at Nikolai Markov. He’d seen him at Camp Pride. The dude was tall —

like really tall. And hot. Like really hot.

“So?” Skylar narrowed his eyes.
Nikolai leaned down to Skylar and lowered his voice. “I’ve sung in the shower.”
“Did the glass break on the door?”
Nikolai frowned. “No.”
“Good!” Skylar clapped his hands together. “Come with us.”
Hayden laughed as Nikolai was pulled away from them. His eyes caught sight of Jude in the

corner. The Salvatore brothers had just arrived and Jude was holed up with Justice. Hayden’s blood
boiled. He knew nothing was going on with them; Justice had made that known. It still bothered him
that Jude wouldn’t even spend two seconds in his presence willingly. Jesse waved at them and made
his way over with Jaxon. Hayden’s eyes landed on Elijah’s excited face over by the DJ booth. The
teen was standing with Skylar, Ryder and Nikolai, but his attention was solely fixed on Jaxon now.

“Oh, Jaxon!” Hayden sing-songed while pointing towards Elijah. “Someone’s here for you.”
Jaxon raised both brows and looked in the direction Hayden was pointing. Aw, shit. Elijah was

smiling at him — and fuck if the kid didn’t look practically edible in tight jeans and a just as tight
black shirt with big red lips on it. He’d grown — somewhat. He was a little taller than the last time
he’d seen him. His big blue eyes were fixated on him and Jaxon gave a half-wave. He turned his
attention back to Hayden and narrowed his eyes.

“What?” Hayden feigned innocence.
“He’s sixteen,” Jaxon growled.
“No I’m not.”
Jaxon spun around to see Elijah smiling at him.
“I said, no, I’m not. I’m seventeen. Today as a matter of fact.” Elijah grinned.
“Your birthday’s on Valentine’s Day?” Ross asked in surprise.
“Yup,” Elijah smiled wide. “So I’m no longer sixteen.”
“Let me see your ID,” Jaxon put his hand out and wiggled his fingers. Elijah took his wallet out

and flipped it open. He placed the ID in Jaxon’s hand. He looked at the date and then back at Elijah.

“See? Told ya.” Elijah put his hand out. “Can I have it back now?”
Jaxon sighed. He pulled Elijah away from the group. “Look, just because you’re a year older

doesn’t mean anything, Elijah. I’m still much older.”

“What is your deal with age?” Elijah tilted his head.
“Um, jail?” Jaxon frowned.
“I didn’t say sex,” Elijah groused. “I haven’t even had sex yet.”
Jaxon almost fell over; as it was he grabbed the wall. “What?” He spluttered.
“Don’t act so surprised. Not all guys go out looking to get laid. I want my first time to be

special and with someone I care about — who cares about me, too.”

Jaxon narrowed his eyes. “What have you done?”
Elijah shifted from one foot to the other. “Um, some stuff.”
“Like what?” Jaxon crossed his arms over his chest.
“You know,” Elijah’s cheeks heated. “Stuff.”
“Elijah…” Jaxon leaned into his face.

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“What?” Elijah met the skeptical glare of Jaxon Salvatore and felt his hands sweating. Lord, but

the guy was so damn beautiful. Dark brown hair was cut short and he had the most amazing blue eyes.
His jeans were tight and hugged an equally tight ass. The shirt he wore exposed every single tattoo he
had. Elijah stopped trying to count them. Jaxon backed off a little, like he knew what Elijah was

“Look, you need to be with someone your own age. Trust me, you’ll thank me someday.”
“It’s my birthday. Can’t you at least kiss me or something?” Elijah raised his big eyes to

Jaxon’s and batted his lashes.

Shit. Fuck. Damn. And the kid’s lips were so damned tempting. Jaxon took a deep breath.
“How about a hug?”
Elijah’s face dropped and he hung his head. Jaxon smiled and lifted his face up with his fingers.
“C’mere,” Jaxon pulled Elijah into his arms and held him. “Happy birthday.”


“Aw, look at that.” Jesse smiled at the sight of his brother hugging Elijah. He laughed when

Elijah’s hands slid to Jaxon’s ass.

Ross cracked up when Jaxon brought Elijah’s hands back up to his waist. He saw Colin walk

into the room and search for Nik. Colin made his way over to them and smiled. Ross could definitely
understand Nik’s attraction to Colin Greystone. The guy was built and he had the most intriguing eyes.

“Hey, Mr. Markov,” Ross winked.
“Not yet, Ross,” Colin laughed. “I’ll always be a Greystone, though. I might throw that hyphen

in there.”

“What? No Nikolai Greystone?” Hayden balked.
“Greystone-Markov.” Colin said with a smile. “Speaking of Nikolai, have you guys seen him?”
“Is that a rose?” Hayden motioned to the package in Colin’s hand.
“Yeah, I know it’s kinda corny but my sister told me roses are manlier than some of the other


“It’s lavender,” Ross pointed out, eyeing the flower.
“Yeah, it means love at first sight,” Colin said, his cheeks flushing. He finally spotted Nikolai

and waved him over. He’d been late getting to the outreach center because his fathers wanted to have
a small party before he left town and he couldn’t say no. Then Phoebe had cornered him and educated
him on the color of roses and what they meant. He’d also gotten Nikolai chocolates; they’d eat them
later - off each other, preferably. Colin smiled at the thought.

“Hey, sexy,” Colin smiled as Nik leaned in to kiss him. “I got you something.” Colin held the

rose out.

“I like it; I love the color.” Nikolai looked at the flower in his hand.
“It means love at first sight, Nik,” Hayden said with a snicker. “Colin’s got good taste, huh?”
“Yes, he does.” Nikolai glared at Hayden.
“I didn’t really know what to get you,” Colin sighed. “They don’t have a ‘You were destined to

be with me since birth!’ card.”

“Um, well I…” Nikolai glanced from side to side. “I didn’t really get you anything.”
“Oh, well. That’s okay, Nik.” Colin took his hand. “We’re new to this.”
“I have something else for you, though.” Nikolai looked around the room and found Keegan with

his pops. “Number Three!”

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Keegan sighed and rolled his eyes. “I’m not answering to that. Call me Keegan or just ‘hey


“Dude,” Nikolai laughed.
“I’m on it. Just go get ready,” Keegan sighed.
“I’ll be right back.” Nik kissed Colin quickly and took off towards the DJ booth.
“What’s going on?” Colin asked.
Hayden shrugged. “No clue.”
The microphone squealed and the room moaned. Keegan stood onstage and smiled at all the

people together.

“I’ve been asked to acquire all cell phones with recording capabilities. Please place them in

this bag and you’ll have them back very soon.”

As others complied, Skylar held his cell phone to his chest.
“Dude,” Nikolai growled. “Seriously.”
Skylar sighed and handed his phone to Nikolai. “Party pooper.” He then made his way to the

front of the stage and took the microphone from Keegan.

“Ladies and gentlemen! We have a special song for a very special man tonight. Nikolai Markov

will be singing to the love of his life — Colin Greystone. Please don’t try to record his performance
or he will kill you. His words, not mine.”

Colin’s eyes widened and he looked at Keegan. “He’s going to sing?”
“Yup,” Vince smiled, holding a recorder. “I’m the only one allowed to record it and you will

have the only copy.”

The music started and Colin faced the stage, fascinated. Nikolai came out with a microphone

and looked right into his eyes. The Script’s ‘The Man Who Can’t Be Moved’ was the song. Colin’s
heart rate jumped as Nikolai began singing to him. He actually had a voice. Colin had to smile as
Skylar, Ryder and Elijah sang back up for him. They sounded really good, too. Colin realized Nikolai
still had the rose. Nikolai came down from the stage and stood in front of him, running the rose softly
along Colin’s neck and cheek. It took everything Colin had not to actually break down. This was the
best gift he could have ever received from Nikolai because it was heartfelt.

The three backup singers took the high notes and Colin tried to keep his emotions in check as

Nikolai leaned in and kissed him. Cheers erupted through the room as Nikolai wrapped an arm
around his waist. He ended the song with the last word against Colin’s lips. Colin threw his arms
around Nikolai and kissed him, the room roaring with applause and whistles.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Colin. I love you,” Nikolai smiled against Colin’s lips.
“I loved it!” Colin kissed Nik harder.
Nik held Colin to him and turned to face the stage. “I want to thank Skylar Foxx, Elijah Newman

and Ryder Winters for being my back-up singers.”

Skylar bowed with Elijah and Ryder. When he stood back up, his eyes met with those of one

hell of a sexy man across the room. The man seemed to be staring at him, mouth open, eyes wide.

“Nik!” Skylar jumped down from the stage and turned his back to the man. “Who’s that guy by

the drinks?”

Nikolai looked over Skylar’s shoulder. Jude and Justice stood by the refreshment table.
“Which one?” Nik asked.
“The real tall and sexy one?”
Nik eyed Jude, then Justice. Jude was shorter by a good three inches.
“Justice Salvatore?”

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“Is that a question or an answer?” Skylar sighed in frustration.
Nik grinned. “The taller one would be Justice Salvatore.”
Skylar looked over his shoulder. Justice was still looking at him. “Justice.” Skylar smiled. “I

like it.”

“I’ll bet,” Nik laughed.

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~*Chapter Fourteen*~

Justice stood transfixed as the kid with the raven hair spoke to Nikolai Markov. He’d never

heard a voice so sweet. He spotted Kory Maguire and his boyfriend, Jacob, and excused himself,
weaving through the roomful of people trying to catch up with them. They were just sitting down next
to Hayden and Ross when he finally reached them.

“Kory!” Justice blurted.
“What?” Kory stood up. Justice seemed rattled.
“Who’s that kid? The one who was just singing?”
Kory looked over at where Nikolai and Colin were kissing. Skylar, Ryder and Elijah were just

making their way towards the table of drinks.

“There were three of them; you’ll have to be more specific.” Kory smiled at Justice’s annoyed

look. “Nikolai did name them all.”

“It’s not like he pointed out who was who,” Justice growled.
“Whoa, Salvatore,” Jacob chuckled. “You got it bad for someone? I thought you were the

straight brother?”

Justice narrowed his eyes at Jacob and a nerve in his jaw ticked. “I don’t put labels on shit. I

like who I like. Now, could you please tell me which one he is? Dark hair, about five foot eleven,
with dark eyes and eyeliner.”

Kory grinned. “Skylar Foxx. He was at the Washington Camp Pride.”
“Skylar,” Justice tested the name on his lips.
Kory pulled Justice away from the group and faced him. “Look, before you get all, whatever,

for Skylar, you need to know some things. He was kicked out of his house for being gay. Not only that,
but he was bullied every day after school for the same reason. He’s been on his own since the age of
fifteen and he had to do some…things to survive out on the street.” Kory didn’t know how much he
should tell. Skylar didn’t hide his past, but he’d feel as if he were breaking a confidence all the same
if he revealed too much.

Justice’s eyes widened. He’d seen the files on the all the kids because he had been the self-

defense teacher at the camp in Alaska. All of the people associated with the camp had read the kids’
files and been educated on how to best help them. That was where he’d seen Skylar’s name. Justice’s
chest ached. The file he’d seen was coming back to him and it broke his heart.

“Oh, God…” Justice swallowed hard.
“What?” Kory asked.
“I’ve seen his file. He was in the Washington group that transferred to Alaska after the

earthquake. I didn’t get there until after he’d already left, but I’ve seen his file. That’s just…” Justice
rubbed his hands over his face. “It’s horrible.”

“Yeah, so, just…take it easy, okay?”
Justice glared at Kory. “Take what easy?”
Kory stepped back. “I just meant don’t use him or anything.”
Justice’s lip curled and he balled his fists. “That’s not the kind of man I am. Don’t presume to

know anything, Kory. What that kid went through — the things he had to do, I would never judge
someone for their ability to survive. I would never use someone, especially someone who’d been
through hell. That’s not the way I work.”

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“Wow.” Kory stepped back again as the anger emanated from Justice. He felt a hand on his

elbow and glanced over his shoulder to see Jacob staring down Justice. “Hey, it’s okay, Jacob. Just a
little misunderstanding between me and Justice.” He turned to the other man. “I didn’t mean to insult
you, Justice.”

Justice’s shoulders slumped and he sighed. “No, I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me


“It might be that your little brother has stopped speaking to you,” Jacob drawled.
Justice narrowed his eyes at Jacob. “Yeah, it could be that.”
“It’s none of my business, but let me tell you something, Justice. When I was younger, the more

my parents forbade something, the more I wanted to do it. Jesse and Noah will find time to be
together behind your back. Wouldn’t you rather be in the know than not?” Kory said.

Justice sighed. “In theory, yes. It’s been ingrained in me from his birth to watch out for him.

He’s human, Kory. It’s bad enough that Jaxon and I bring danger to him, but adding Noah in?” Justice
shook his head. “That’s like begging the rogues to come after Jesse because they know it would hurt

“They will come either way,” Kory pointed out. “They already know who I am, but Jacob and I

have talked it over; I’ll be a werewolf eventually and then I’ll fend for myself.”

Jacob snorted.
“You know what I mean, Jacob.” Kory smiled up at his mate. “It’s the same with Will and Seth,

as well as Mitch and Locke.”

“Have they started dating?” Justice tilted his head. “I thought Locke was gone for a while.”
“He is, but Mitch can hear him and they talk telepathically,” Jacob provided.
Kory took Justice’s hands. “Please think about it. Don’t you miss your brother?”
Justice found Jesse across the room. He did miss his brother. “Yeah, I do.”
“Come on.” Kory dragged Justice over to where Ross and Hayden were talking. “So, what did

you think of Nikolai’s performance?” Kory laughed.

“Damn, that’s a hard act to follow.” Ross crossed his arms over his chest.
“Pfft. I can’t sing,” Hayden groused.
“Yeah? You can’t kiss either,” Ross chuckled, remembering Jude’s angry reaction when

Hayden tried to kiss him at Devin and Andrei’s wedding.

Hayden pushed Ross off the bench. “I can when the guy actually lets me.”
Colin spied Jude looking their way and smiled at Hayden.
“You mind dancing with me, Hayden?”
Hayden’s head shot up and he looked over at Nikolai, who shrugged.
“I know he’s got it bad for me, so I’m not worried,” Nikolai grinned. “Besides,” Nikolai leaned

in to Hayden’s ear, “I think he’s up to something.”

“I am,” Colin smiled and pulled Hayden up. “Come on.”
Nikolai pulled Ross out onto the floor — much to the man’s surprise.
“So,” Nikolai grinned mischievously. “I saw you eyeing Cole at the club.”
“The dark-haired, blue-eyed firefighter?” Nikolai waggled his brows.
Ross almost stumbled, but righted himself in Nik’s arms. “He’s a firefighter?” Ross licked his


“Yup. He was quite excited by your line of work.”
Ross’ eyes widened. “He asked about me?”

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“Oh, yeah, he noticed you,” Nikolai contained a chuckle as Ross’ pupils widened. “Don’t shift

on me; reel that wolf back in, dude.”

“You’re not fucking with me, right? He noticed me?”
“Oh, he noticed you.” Nikolai felt a poke to his ribs and looked over his shoulder. Colin was

grinning. “What’s up?”

“We should switch.” Colin motioned to Jude with his eyes. “Someone has taken notice of us on

the floor. Ross, play it up and get a little close to Hayden.”

Ross chuckled, pulling Hayden into his arms. They were the same height, probably the same

weight as well. Ross leaned into Hayden’s ear and watched Jude out of the corner of his eye. The
man bristled as Ross’ hand slid to right above Hayden’s ass.

“What are you doing?” Hayden whispered.
“I’m feeling you up,” Ross practically giggled, sliding his nose against Hayden’s throat.
“I can feel that. Why?”
“Are you that clueless? Colin is running a little test, and Jude is failing.”
“Huh?” Hayden turned his head.
“Don’t look!” Ross pulled Hayden’s face back around. “Just stare into my eyes like you want

me.” Ross sighed as Hayden chuckled. “Will you knock it off?”

“I can’t help it; you’re like my brother.”
“Yes, well, I think Colin made his point.” Ross nuzzled Hayden’s cheek and kissed the side of

his neck. Jude’s eyes were mere slits and Ross swore daggers flew from his eyes. “Oh, yeah. Jude
can’t pretend he doesn’t care. If looks could kill, I’d be six feet under,” Ross laughed softly into
Hayden’s neck.

“Really?” Hayden whispered. If there was one thing he’d hoped for it was that one day Jude

would forgive him. Even if they didn’t share a mutual attraction, he’d at least have Jude back as a

“Yes, Hayden. Jude cares, and in more than just a friendly way.” Ross hugged Hayden close to

him. “I’m so happy for you.”

“I’ve still got a long way to go. If there’s one thing I know about Jude, he’s stubborn.”


Skylar took a deep breath. The man he’d been instantly attracted to knew all about him and what

he’d had to do to survive.

That’s what Justice Salvatore had said about him. Skylar felt the tears coming. Yeah, that’s

what he was. Horrible. The one man who he’d actually felt attracted to found him disgusting. He’d
been just about to introduce himself when he’d overheard part of the man’s conversation with Kory.
After hearing the word ‘horrible’ he’d walked away. What had he been thinking? Skylar snorted to
himself. No man would ever want him — at least not romantically.

He was what he was, and although he’d stopped whoring himself out, the stench of his life still

hung over his head.

Ryder and Elijah were crossing the room to him and he looked at his watch. It was almost

eleven and they had to get Elijah back.

“You guys ready?” Skylar said.
“Yes,” Ryder yawned. “I’m tired.”
“Get your fill of Jaxon, Elijah?” Skylar grinned.

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Elijah smiled wide. “God, he’s got such a great ass.” Elijah turned his head and found Jaxon

eyeing him. He held up one finger and mouthed, ‘one more.’ Jaxon’s face flushed and Elijah winked.
He turned back to face Skylar and Ryder. “Now, I’m ready.”

Skylar laughed, putting his arms around their shoulders. “You are going to put that man in an

early grave, Elijah.”

“I just want him in a bed first,” Elijah said with all seriousness.
Ryder laughed.


Nikolai held Colin in his arms. He’d been nervous as hell about singing in public, but Skylar

had made it seem so easy. Looking at Colin while he sang made it even easier. There was no one in
the room but the two of them. Colin buried his face in his neck and Nik sighed, wrapping his arms
around Colin more tightly. Now that his memory was back, he knew exactly what Colin had meant to
him all those years ago. He’d been in love with him from the moment he understood what love was.

“Colin,” Nikolai whispered against his ear.
“I love you.”
“I love you, Nik. Always have, always will.”
“I’ve never said those words to anyone but you.”
“Yes you have. Your dads, Katiana —”
Nikolai eased back and looked into Colin’s eyes. “You know what I mean. You are the only

man I’ve ever said those words to.”

“I know. I’ve only said those words to you, Nik. It will always be you.”
Nikolai pulled Colin back into his chest and inhaled his scent. God, he loved Colin. His eyes

scanned the room and watched all the other couples together. He’d always wanted to know what it
was like to have someone like that in his life.

Now, he did.
Colin was his. For life.

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The bar was packed, as always. Friday was karaoke night and Nikolai scanned the club for the

drunken singers — the ones who always made you wish they could hear themselves the way they
actually sounded. The men of the Seattle Fire Department and the Seattle PD were being motioned
onto the floor by Jesse, who was running the DJ booth tonight. Nikolai had to smile at all the men
drooling over the guys. They really knew how to put on a show. Preston beckoned to him to join them
and he shook his head and smiled. The last thing he wanted was to piss Colin off. They had gotten a
lot closer, as close as two people could get. He knew he’d be proposing to Colin as soon as he
graduated college.

He was still going out on missions; the beauty of it was that Colin would take notes for him in

class. Not that he really needed them — college was too easy.

Nikolai grinned at all the football players in their regular booth, laughing. He met Brock’s eyes

and raised his beer. Brock winked and toasted him back. Nikolai made his way over to their table,
growling at men who reached out to touch him. They slunk back into the corners and Nikolai finally
made it to the table. He sat down and looked out over the dance floor.

Colin had texted him and let him know he was already at the club. So where was his tasty little


“You guys seen Colin?” Nikolai shouted over the music.
“Yep,” Travis nodded.
Nikolai stared at Travis.
“What?” Travis asked innocently.
“Well, where is he?” Nikolai sighed in frustration.
“Um, over there?” Travis pointed to the bar.
The music skipped and then started again and Nikolai spun around to the DJ booth. Jesse was

smiling wide and pointing to the bar. Screams erupted and Nikolai swung his head to the bar.

Colin was on the bar. Shirtless. A brand new tattoo was on Colin’s pectoral muscle.
Nikolai stood up and made his way to the bar. LMFAO’s “Sexy and I Know It” was blasting

and Colin was sliding across the bar on his stomach, arching his ass in the air and licking his lips.

Nikolai swallowed hard. Damn but Colin could move. He adjusted his rising hard-on and

watched his boyfriend work the bar like a seasoned stripper. Colin sat back on his ass and spread his
legs wide, pumping his hips upward. Nikolai got as close as he could and smiled. His name was
inked on Colin in the same spot Colin’s name was inked on himself.

Colin crooked his finger at him and Nikolai pushed men out of his way. He got right next to the

bar and Colin leaned over, licking Nik’s lips slowly. More screams erupted from the club and Colin
shoved Nik’s face in his crotch, wiggling his ass at the same time. Colin pulled his head back by the
hair and dove for his lips. Nikolai opened up immediately, kissing Colin like no one else was around.
Colin pulled him up on the bar and they ground down on each other. Nikolai gripped Colin’s ass and
hauled him up. Colin’s legs wrapped around his hips and Nik wrapped his hand in Colin’s hair,
deepening the kiss.

“Okay guys! Everybody on the floor!” Jesse shouted.
Colin eased back from the kiss and smiled at Nik, who was breathing hard.

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“Fuck yes,” Nikolai moaned.
“Dorm room?”
“Not going to make it.”
Colin dragged Nik out of the club and they ran for his Jeep in the back of the lot. They were

both undressing before they even got inside and shut the door. Nik almost ripped his pants off and
Colin grabbed for the ‘oh shit’ bar — which was appropriately named once Nik started sucking on
his engorged cock. His hands founds Nik’s zipper and he slid it down, his fingers curling around
Nik’s massive cock. The seat was back and Nik was at an angle, but they made it work somehow.
Colin arched his back and his foot was on the dashboard. Warm lips wrapped around his cock, and
Nikolai lapped at him, flicking his sensitive rim.

“Fuck, Nik…” Colin’s other hand white knuckled the bar as his fingers kept a rhythmic stroke

on Nik’s cock. The Jeep was rocking and the windows were fogged. Nik sucked him into the back of
his throat and Colin lost it. He came with a feral growl and Nik’s cock exploded over his fingers.
Nikolai sucked at him hungrily, fondling his balls as his throat worked Colin’s cock easily. They
were both breathing hard as they came down from their mutual orgasms. Colin slumped back in the
seat and let out a heavy sigh.

“You okay?” Nikolai smiled, kissing Colin’s nose.
“I want you to fuck me,” Colin rasped.
“Where are the keys?”


The sheets were on the floor, as were the pillows. Colin lay upside down on the bed, covered

in sweat as Nikolai licked his inner thigh. His ass burned, but it felt so fucking good. They’d been half
naked running down the dorm hall. As it was, the door to their room barely shut before Nikolai threw
him on the bed. It was wild. It was fucking awesome. Something cool slid down his balls and Colin
lifted his head. Nikolai was pouring chocolate sauce on his balls.

“I thought we were out?” Colin’s head fell back as Nik’s tongue slowly swept up his balls,

licking a long line through the chocolate.

“Nope. I bought more,” Nik grinned, dabbing Colin’s nipples with dots of chocolate.
“Are you planning on pouring it all over me?” Colin watched as Nikolai climbed up his body, a

sexy, primal look on his face.

“I’m going to eat your ass next.” Nik flicked his tongue through the chocolate on one nipple,

biting down softly.

“And then what?” Colin arched his back with a soft moan.
Nikolai hovered over Colin.
“Then I’m going to love you for the rest of my life.”

~The End~

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Up next in the Assassin/Shifter stories
The Littlest Assassin-Shifters
Lessons Learned
And the first book in the Santorno Stories; The Medicine and the Mob.

Start the Assassin/Shifter ride from the beginning with: A Marked Man, Alaska with Love,

By the light of the moon, Half moon rising, Best Laid Plans, For the love of Caden, The
General’s lover, Russian Prey, An Ignited Passion, Reflash, The Red Zone, Irish Wishes,
Pleading the fifth , Betrayed, Summer of Awakenings and Into the Lyons Den.

Other Books:
A story of Loss and Love—“Second Time Around”

Also through Wilde City: “A Betting Man”

Join me on my Facebook pages!


Document Outline


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