Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

By Carol MacLeod

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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Welcome to a collection of “Treasures of Hungarian

Cooking” and Family favorites. A Hungarian cookbook with
a variety of recipes gleaned from many sources and

containing not only tested and accepted recipes but also many
recipes that have been jealously guarded. We have released

them for all to enjoy


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Table of Contents

Section One Soups

Section Two Salads and Vegetables

Section Three Main Dishes

Section Four Cakes and Pastries

Section Five Frostings and Fillings


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Published in 2003 by: Ideas4Rent

PO Box 253

Chatham, NJ 07928

Email address:

All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, without the written permission of the publisher.

Photographs are copyrighted by the photographers.

Copyright © 2003 by Ideas4Rent
Published in the United States of America
March, 2003


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 1




You will need-

Chicken 4 to 5 lbs. 1 large tomato-or ½ cup canned

4 to 5 quarts of water ½ green pepper

3 medium sized carrots 3 stalks celery

3 parsley roots with tops 2 tbsp. Salt

1 large onion ½ tbsp. Black whole peppercorns

Kohlrabi (optional) ½ tsp. Hungarian paprika

Bring chicken and water to a slow boil. Skim scum, or foam,

from top very carefully. Simmer slowly until chicken is about half

cooked. Add vegetables and seasonings. Continue simmering over

low fire until chicken and vegetables are tender, or about 3 hours.

Strain and serve with noodles.


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 1




`1 can sour pitted cherries Salt

(or fresh sour cherries) Sugar

1 qt. Water 1 inch cinnamon stick

1 pint of sour cream 1 tbsp. Flour

Bring water and cherries to boil and add cinnamon, salt. Blend

thoroughly the flour in the sour cream and gradually add to soup and

simmer for 10 minutes and add sugar to taste.



2 cans sour pitted cherries, with juice 1 quart milk

½ cup sugar (or to taste) 4 tbsp. Butter

¼ tsp. Salt 4 tbsp. Flour

1 pint coffee cream 2 egg yolks

Lightly brown flour in butter. Mix beaten egg yolks with ½ cup of

milk. Mix with remaining milk and cream. Add to flour and butter

mixture. Slowly let it come to a boil. Places cherries, juice, salt, and

sugar in milk mixture. Cook 10 minutes. May be served warm or

cold. Delicious served

Warm with croutons.


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 1




½ lb pork black pepper

1 medium cabbage 1 tbsp. Flour

1-pint sour cream 2 quarts water


Bring water to boil, add salt, black pepper and pork. Cook meat

until done. Remove meat from pot, add cabbage and potatoes

(optional) Cook for 15 minutes. Blend thoroughly the flour with the

sour cream and gradually add to soup. Let simmer about 5 to 10

minutes. Two diced potatoes may be used and put in with cabbage.


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 1




2 quarts of water 2 parsley roots (cut into thick


½ cup tomatoes 1 tsp. Hungarian paprika

2 medium onions 4 potatoes (cubed)

2 carrots (cut into thick slices) 1 tbsp. Salt

2 large stalks of celery cut into 1 in. 2 Bouillon cubes

5 –6 sprigs of parsley (tied together) ¼ lb. Bacon (cut into small


Place all vegetables, except potatoes, in a 3 or 4-quart pot. Cook

vegetables about 1 hour. Add 2 bouillon cubes to soup. Place

potatoes into soup and cook 10 minutes. Place bacon into frying pan

with one chopped onion. Fry until slightly brown and add paprika.

When bacon mixture cools add to soup. Drop noodles into soup and

cook until noodles come to top (about 6 minutes)


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 1




1/8 lb butter ¼ tsp. Black pepper

2 tbsp. Flour 2 eggs

1 tsp. Caraway seeds 4 cups cold water

¼ tsp. Hungarian paprika 2 tsp. Salt

Melt butter in a deep pot; add 2 tbsp. Flour, brown to a rosy, deep

brown. Add caraway seeds, paprika, black pepper, salt and ½ cup

cold water, stir well. Add rest of water and bring to boil, simmer for

5 minutes. Beat 2 eggs, pour into soup, let simmer 2 more minutes.

Serve piping hot.



½ lb. Fresh mushrooms 1 sprig of parsley

Cut in small pieces ½ cup sour cream

1 small onion, diced ½ tsp. Salt

3 tbsp. Butter ¼ tsp. Pepper

2 tbsp. Flour 2 small carrots (optional)

Melt butter in deep pot. Add onion and mushrooms, cook slowly

about 15 minutes stirring occasionally, add flour and stir well. Add

milk and water slowly, bring to a boil. Add parsley, carrots, salt and

pepper. Cook about 20 minutes. Add sour cream just before

serving. Serves from four to six people.


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 1



Tejfeles krumplileves.

2 tsp. Salt ½ pint sour cream

4 medium size potatoes, diced 3 cups water

2 tbsp. Flour ¼ tsp. Black pepper

2 tbsp. Butter 2 or 3 bay leaves

Cook diced potatoes with salt, bay leaves and onions in deep pot

in 1 ½ cups water for 15 minutes. In skillet, brown flour in melted

butter. Add 1 ½ cups cold water and stir until smooth. Pour this

mixture into cooked potatoes, boil a few minutes. Add sour cream

just before serving. Serves 6


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 1



Gyurt teszta

1-¾ cups flour 1-teaspoon salt

2 beaten eggs 2 tablespoons lukewarm water

Place flour and salt in bowl, make a well in center. Put eggs and

water into well and work into smooth dough. Work for 10 minutes

with heel of the hand turning constantly. Dough must be very

smooth. Cover with bowl and let rest for 20 minutes. Roll out from

center to edges until it is about 7 inches in diameter. Then begin

rolling from one edge until all dough is on rolling pin. Deep dough

well floured so it will not stick together. Roll in this manner, turning

dough frequently, until very thin. Lay dough flat and let dry 15

minutes, turn over and dry 10 minutes. Cut into strips 2 inches wide,

and flour. Stack 4 or 5 strips and cut thin or broad noodles as

desired with a very sharp knife. Toss lightly on board and let dry.

Can be used immediately. To store, dry at least for 2 days.


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 2

Salads and Vegetables


Paradicsomos kaposzta

1 medium sized head of cabbage 1/4 tsp. Black pepper

(Shredded coarsely) 1 tsp. Sugar (if desired)

1 ½ cups tomatoes THICKENING

3 tablespoons lard ¼ cup cold water

1 tsp. Salt (more if needed) 2 tbsp. Flour

1 large onion ½ pint sour cream

Lightly brown onions in lard. Add coarsely shredded cabbage,

salt, pepper, tomatoes and cover. Cook until cabbage is soft (about

20 minutes)


Mix flour with water until smooth. Stir in sour cream and mix

until smooth. Add to cooked cabbage and cook about 10 minutes

stirring so mixture does not burn. (Add sugar, if desired). Very good

served with pork.


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 2

Salads and Vegetables


Paprika’s krumpli

¼ lb. Bacon cut up into small strips ½ tsp. Salt

1 small onion pinch of black pepper

½ green pepper, diced 5 large potatoes diced

1 tsp. Paprika 1 cup water

Fry bacon until crisp and remove, add diced onion and green

pepper, simmer for about 5 minutes and add paprika, salt and black

pepper. Add potatoes and water and cook until the potatoes are

tender. Top with bacon strips.



2 large cucumbers 1 tbsp. Vinegar

1 tsp. Salt 1 tbsp. Water

1/3 tsp. Black pepper 1 small onion

¼ green pepper, chopped ¼ tsp. Paprika

¼ tsp. Sugar (optional)

Peel cucumber; slice thinly, also the onion. Sprinkle with salt and

set aside for ½ hour. Then squeeze a few at a time (discarding

liquid). Pour over this the vinegar, water, sugar, black pepper, green

pepper and mix thoroughly. Sprinkle paprika on top before serving.

If desired, sour cream may be added.


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 2

Salads and Vegetables


Forrdzott salata

1 head lettuce 2 tbsp. Sugar

3 slices bacon (diced) ½ tsp. Salt

¼ cup water little garlic

½ cup vinegar

Fry bacon and when brown remove from fat and set aside. Boil

water, vinegar, sugar, salt, garlic and bacon fat and pour over lettuce

that has been separated and garnish with fried diced bacon. ¼ pint

of sour cream may be poured on this, if desired.


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 3

Main Dishes


Szekely Gulyas

1 lg Onion diced 1 lg Can Sauer kraut

1 tbsp. Shortening ½ pint sour cream

1 tsp. Paprika 1 tbsp. Salt, pepper to taste

1 ½ pound of pound of pork cubed

Fry onion in shortening, add salt, pepper, paprika and meat with

water, and add water to keep from burning. Cover and cook over

slow heat for about 45 minutes. Rinse Sauer kraut in cold water,

drain and add to the meat. Slowly cook 30 minutes more. Sour

cream may be blended in or served separately.



1 chopped onion 2 tbsp. Salt

4 tbsp. Shortening 4 to 5 lbs. Chicken cut in pieces

1 tbsp. Paprika 1 ½ cups water

1 tsp. Black pepper ½ pint sour cream

Sauté onion in shortening; add seasonings and chicken; sauté

about 10 minutes. Add water. Cover and simmer slowly until

chicken is tender. Remove chicken. Add sour cream to pan

drippings and mix well. Add dumplings. Arrange chicken on top.

Heat through and serve. Serves 4


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 3

Main Dishes



3 beaten eggs 1 tbsp. Salt

3 cups flour ½ cup water

3 tbsp. Sour cream

Mix all ingredients together and beat with a spoon. Drop batter by

teaspoonful into boiling salted water. Cook about 10 minutes. Drain and rinse

with cold water. Add to paprikas.



2 tbsp. Butter 1 tbsp. Chopped green


1 medium size onion, sliced 1 tbsp. Flour

8 hot dogs, ½ cup tomato juice or

Sliced and cut in 1 inch pieces 2 medium tomatoes

½ tsp. Salt 4 small potatoes, cut up

½ tsp. Paprika ¾ to 1-cup water

Pinch of pepper Sour Cream

Lightly brown onion and green pepper in butter, add hot dog,

brown. Add salt, paprika, and pepper. Sprinkle flour over

ingredients and stir. Add tomato juice. Stir. Add potatoes and

water. Bring to a boil then lower hear and simmer until potatoes are

tender. Garnish each serving with a tablespoon of sour cream.


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 3

Main Dishes



1-½ lbs. round steak 1-can mushrooms

½ medium green pepper 1 tablespoon shortening

2 onions garlic salt

Brown meat in shortening. Add sliced onions and brown some

more. Add green pepper. Add seasoning, salt, pepper, garlic salt to

your taste and cover with warm water. Cook until almost tender and

add mushrooms. Thicken gravy with 1 tbsp. flour mixed with ½ cup



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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 3

Main Dishes


Toltott kaposzta

1 ½ lb. Lean pork, or beef ground 1 pint water

½ cup rice 1 small can tomatoes

2 medium onions chopped 1 small can Sauer kraut

4 tbsp. Bacon fat 1 large head cabbage

1 tsp. Paprika 1 lb. Neck bones


2 ½ tsp. Salt 1 egg well beaten

Fill large pot half full with water. Bring to a boil and add 2 tbsp.

Salt and 1 tbsp. Vinegar. Core cabbage, place in boiling water to

cover. With fork in on hand and knife in other hand, keep cutting

off the leaves as they become wilted. Drain. Trim thick center vein

from each cabbage leaf. Set cabbage leaves aside to cool.

Parboil rice in 1-½ quarts of boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain,

thoroughly. Fry chopped onion in bacon fat until light brown. Cool.

Mix all other ingredients with rice and onion mixture, blend

thoroughly. Place 1 large tbsp. of meat mixture into each cabbage

leaf. Roll up and tuck both ends into make a nice neat roll. Rinse

Sauer kraut in strainer with cold water and let drain. Place neck

bones with a layer of Sauer kraut in bottom of 6-quart pot. Place

cabbage rolls close together in layer. Sprinkle 1/3 of remaining Sauer

kraut on cabbage rolls. Place ½ can tomatoes on top; continue

process until cabbage rolls are used up. Put remaining Sauer kraut

and tomatoes on top. Sprinkle with salt. Add 1-pint water or

enough to cover. Cook for approximately 1-½ hours or until tested

as done.


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 3

Main Dishes


Dinszetelt marhaszelet tejfellel

2-½ lb. Round steak 2 tbsp. tomato juice

1 ½ tsp. Salt ½ cup water

½ tsp. Pepper 3 or 4 tbsp. butter

2 tbsp. flour 1 can mushrooms

½ green pepper ½ pint sour cream

2 large onions 1 tsp. Paprika

Cut steak into portions. Pound well. Sprinkle with salt, flour and

paprika. Brown in hot butter until light brown. Put in baking dish.

Add onions, green pepper, tomato juice and water. Simmer or bake

slowly for about 1 ½ hours in covered pan. Take meat out. Mix sour

cream with 1 tsp. Flour and a little water. Add to the sauce slowly

and stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Pour over meat again and

heat. Serve.


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 3

Main Dishes


Rakott disznohus rizsaval

1 lb. Diced pork 1 tbsp.salt

1 tbsp. shortening 1-cup rice

1 diced onion 1 small can Sauer kraut

2 tsp. Paprika 1/2-pint sour cream

½ cup canned tomatoes 1 tbsp. sugar

Melt shortening” add diced onion and brown slightly. Add

paprika, pork, and salt to taste. Cook until meat is done-about one

hour. Add water to keep meet from burning. Cook rice in boiling

salted water.

In a casserole arrange a layer of the meat mixture, layer of rice and

layer of sauerkraut. Continue this until all ingredients are in

casserole. Pour sour cream, sugar and tomatoes over all. Bake in

350 degree oven for about an n hour and until top is browned.



4 large grated raw potatoes 2 Tbsp. flour

½ tsp. Salt shortening

1 egg

Mix ingredients thoroughly. Heat some shortening in a skillet.

Drop batter by spoonful into skillet and fry both sides until golden

brown. Serve hot.


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 4

Cakes and Pastries


Felseges krem

1 tbsp. plain gelatin 1/3 cup sugar

¼ cup cold water 1 tsp. Vanilla

1 ½ cups milk, scalded ½ cup whipping cream

3 eggs, separated

Soften the gelatin in the water for 5 minutes. Add the milk and stir

until the gelatin is dissolved. Beat the egg yolks until thick and the

whites until stiff. Combine the egg yolks and sugar in the top of a

double boiler. Add the gelatin mixture and cook over hot water for 5

minutes, stirring constantly, until the sugar is dissolved. Add the

vanilla. Cool and chill until slightly thickened. Whip the cream until

stiff and fold it into the mixture. Then fold in the beaten whites.

Rinse a mold with cold water and pour in the mixture. Chill in the

refrigerator until firm (Serves 6)

Another way to serve--- When ready to serve, scoop Bavarian

cream into a tall glass, add a small layer of frozen strawberries ( any

other fruit may be used), alternate in layers and return to refrigerator

until ready to serve.


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 4

Cakes and Pastries


Felseges rizskasa

Cook 3 cups of rice

Rinse and drain well.

Let cool

Put in one (1) bottle of Maraschino cherries (drained)

Add sugar to taste

Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla

Add one can of crushed pineapple (drained).

Add one cup of cut up large or small marshmallows

Add one cup or more of whipped cream

Place in mold and chill well before serving



2 cups flour ½ cup sugar

3 cups milk 1 tsp. Salt

5 whole eggs 1 tsp. Vanilla

Beat eggs and sugar until frothy, add salt and 1 ½ cups milk, beat

in flour slowly, until very smooth, then add remaining milk to have a

very thin batter. Butter 8inch frying pan and heat to sizzling point,

pour ¼ cup of batter in pan and swish around until the entire bottom

of pan is covered. When lightly brown with a spatula, turn over and

brown. Remove and keep warm. After each Suzette always butter

the pan well.


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 4

Cakes and Pastries

Cottage cheese filling

1 lb. Dry or pressed cottage cheese 2 whole eggs

½ cup sugar 3 tbsp. sour cream

¼ tsp. Salt

Beat the sugar, eggs, salt and sour cream together, mix in the cottage

cheese. Mix well. Spread each Suzette generously with the cottage

cheese filling. Roll and place in a buttered glass baking dish. Spread

top with sour cream and bake at 350 F for 35 minutes. Delicious

served warm

Apple Filling

8 large apples, washed and pared ¾ stick of butter

¾ cup sugar

Core, halve and thinly slice the apples. Melt butter in a heavy

skillet, add sliced apples and cover with sugar. Cover and slowly

steam for ½ hour, turning occasionally until apples are soft. Keep

warm until ready to use. Makes enough filling for 8 or 10 inch


Simple dessert---just add your favorite jam roll up and sprinkle with

powered sugar- serve immediately


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 4

Cakes and Pastries



3 cups flour 6 egg yolks

½ lb. Butter ½ cup coffee cream or

1 tsp. Salt 3 tbsp. sour cream

Mix flour and butter. Mix egg yolk and sour cream together, mix all

together. Make small balls, walnut size. Put into refrigerator

overnight. Roll out one at a time. Put walnut or lekvar on top. Bake

at 350 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes.


To one pound of cleaned and ground walnuts, add 3 beaten egg

whites and sugar to taste. You can also add 2- 10 oz jars of

strawberry preserves to nuts, omitting the eggs and sugar.


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 4

Cakes and Pastries


Datolya csokor

2 ½ cups flour ¼ cup orange juice

1 tsp. Salt ½ cup water

¾ cup butter

Sift together flour and salt. Cut in butter until particles are the size of

small peas. Sprinkle the orange juice and water over mixture, tossing

lightly with fork until dough is moist enough to hold together. Form

into a ball. Roll out on lightly floured board to 18" x 16” rectangle.

Spread date filling over half of pastry along 16” side. Fold over other

half to form a sandwich. Cut into strips with a pastry wheel or knife

to 3x 1 ½ inches. Give each strip a complete twist. Brush with milk

and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Place on un-greased baking

sheets and bake at 450 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes.

Date Filling

1 cup ( 1 package)dates, chopped

½ cup liquid orange juice and water

½ cup walnuts (chopped)

2 tsp. Grated orange rind

Combine chopped dates, chopped walnuts, liquid and grated orange

rind in saucepan. Cook until dates are soft---8-10 minutes. Mix well.



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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 4

Cakes and Pastries


BATTER 1 tsp. Vanilla

¼ lb. Butter ½ cup golden raisins

1 cup sugar TOPPING

3 eggs 1 cup chopped nuts

2 cups all-purpose flour ¾ cup brown sugar

1 tsp. Baking powder 1 tbsp. flour

1 cup sour cream 1 tbsp. butter

1 tsp. Baking soda 1 tsp. Cinnamon

(mix above topping together)

Set oven at 325 degrees. Cream butter and sugar together until

light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each

addition. Add flour with has been sifted with baking powder. Add

vanilla. Add baking soda to sour cream, stirring to blend. Quickly

add sour cream mixture to batter, blending well. Fold in raisings.

Pour half of batter into greased and floured tube pan. Add half of

topping mixture over batter. Add remaining batter then top with rest

of topping mixture. Bake approximately 60 minutes or until cake

tester comes out clean. If desired, bake in rectangular pan 11x6

inches. Sprinkle topping over it and do not over-bake.


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 4

Cakes and Pastries


Toltott vagas teszta

½ lb. Butter 9 large egg yolks (well beaten)

½ lb. Flour

Mix butter with flour as for pie dough. Blend in beaten egg yolks and

mix lightly. Then shape into small balls the size of a walnut. (makes

about 50 to 55 balls.) Place in dish on wax paper in layers and

refrigerate overnight.


9 stiffly beaten egg whites ½ lb. Powdered sugar

¾ lb. Shelled walnuts (finely ground)

Fold powdered sugar into beaten egg whites. Then lightly fold in

ground walnuts.


Roll out each ball very thin. Place a heaping tablespoon of filling in

center of dough. Turn left side of dough over to center of filling,

then turn right side of dough over left. Then fold opposite corners

(like ears), and place on un-greased cookie sheet. Bake in 350 degree

oven until lightly brown( about 10 min.) Remove Carefully-sprinkle

with XXX sugar


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 4

Cakes and Pastries


Soros szelet

3 c. flour Filling

½ lb. Butter ½ lb. Ground walnuts

1 tbsp. sugar 3 egg whites beaten

3 egg yolks 3 tbsp. sugar

½ pt. Sour cream Frosting

1 tsp. Baking powder 1 c. powdered sugar

1/8 tsp. Baking soda juice of ½ lemon

¼ lb. Cream cheese

Cream butter, sugar, egg yolks, and sour cream. Gradually add

flour, baking soda, and baking powder and knead until dough leaves

hand. Divide in three balls. Roll out one ball and place in bottom of

10x16 pan. Spread with nut filling. Place second layer of dough and

spread raspberry jam. Place third layer of dough on top and bake at

350 degrees for 30 min. Frost as soon as taken from oven.


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 4

Cakes and Pastries



12 egg yolks 1/8 tsp.salt

1 cup brown sugar, packed 1 tsp. Vanilla or rum flavoring

4 tbsp. bread crumbs, level 1 tbsp. Wesson Oil

4 tbsp. flour, level ½ lb. Shelled ground walnuts

¼ tsp. baking soda 12 egg whites (beaten stiff

1 tsp. Baking powder until they form little peaks)

Beat egg yolks until lemon colored, add brown sugar and cream well.

Add breadcrumbs, sifted flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt.

Then add flavoring, oil and the walnuts last. Mix lightly, then fold in

beaten egg whites. Bake in two 10” or three 9” cake pans lined with

oiled wax paper for 30 minutes in a 350 degree oven. Frost with

Custard frosting using the same flavoring that was used in the cake.



9 egg yolks Rind from 1 lemon

1 cup sugar ½ tsp. Salt

1 cup cake flour 9 egg whites

Beat egg yolks slightly and add sugar gradually. Beat well. Fold in

beaten egg whites. Gradually sift flour and salt over mixture. Gently

sprinkle lemon rind and fold into mixture.

Bake in 9” tube pan at 325 degrees for 45 minutes.

Invert tube pan on a bottle. Cool cake before removing from pan.


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 5

Frosting and Fillings


Kremes maz

¾ cup sugar ¼ lb. Sweet butter

3 tbsp. flour ¼ lb. Crisco

2 whole eggs 4 tbsp. powdered sugar

¾ cup milk 1 tsp. Vanilla

Combine sugar, flour, eggs and milk. Cook until thickened. Cool.

Add creamed butter and shortening, powdered sugar and vanilla.

Beat until smooth.


Csokolade maz

4 sq. unsweetened chocolate cut into pieces

1 cup powdered sugar

2 eggs well beaten

2 tbsp. hot water

½ cup sweet butter

Melt chocolate in top of double boiler. Add hot water and blend.

Add eggs and sugar. Remove from fire, but allow mixture to stand

over hot water, stirring constantly until it is slightly thickened (about

3 minutes). Cool quickly to lukewarm. Add butter, 2 tbsp. at a time.

Stir and blend after each addition. This frosting may be kept in

refrigerator until needed. It can then be spread on cake which is

almost cold.


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Treasures of Hungarian Cooking

Section 5

Frosting and Fillings



Beat: 1 egg white until stiff. Boil ¾ cup milk. (let cool). Add 1 cup

SUPER-FINE SUGAR and beat well. Add 1 tsp. Vanilla, ½ cup

sweet butter, ½ cup Crisco and beat. Add milk a little at a time.

Keep on beating until all milk is used and the sugar is dissolved. Beat

with a stand mixer for satisfactory results.

Document Outline


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