Sepharial Collection of Keys

By Sepharial.
The Map for the event is simply set by adding to time of the event the SIDEREAL
TIME at noon. Correct the result by adding or subtracting Local Time. Subtract for
West, add for East, of Greenwich. Find the sign and degree from the Table of Houses
for the Midheaven or House of your map. The other Cusps will have the same degree of
the successive signs upon them so that the Signs are equally distributed through the
Houses. This is called the Universal Key or Horoscope. Put in the places of the Sun,
Moon and Fortuna, to the nearest degree.
Planets Places
These are only required when they happen to fall exactly on the cusp of a House, or in
the degrees next that which is on the Cusp. Thus: if the Cusp be 23° of a Sign, then any
planet that is 23 to 28° of a Sign, must be placed in the Map according to its longitude,
which is only required to the nearest whole degree.
Cuspal Indications
It is found that the Cuspal Indications are the strongest positions and any planet that is
on or near the cusp is capable of figuring in the result of a race, hence they are called
Indications. BUT, inasmuch as events are usually decided some minutes after the time
for which they are set, a planet that is applying to a cusp and within 5° of it has more to
do with the result than one which is on the cusp at the set time, for every four minutes of
time will bring a new or different degree on to the cusp and one that is exactly on the
Cusp at the set time of the race is usually waning, or getting weaker by the time the
Race is run, whereas a planet that is coming to the cusp will be at its full strength at the
finish or decisive moment.
Consequently you must look for a planet that is coming to a cusp of a house, and if there
be more then one, take the one that is nearest.
The Sun, Moon and Fortuna, are to be regarded as planets in the sense that they may be
on or near a Cusp and thus be Indicators.
Note that when there is a planet exactly on a cusp, and none other within orbs of a cusp
(5 degrees) then the Cuspal Indications must be taken.
This rule seems to hold good even when the race is many minutes late in starting. The
fact appears to be that all competitors or horses must be out of the paddock at the
official starting time. Therefore the SET TIME is that which determines the event and
not the time of the finish.
Astrology is supposed to see the end from the beginning.
Support is given to a significator when it is in line with another planet, especially in line
with Fortuna, by being in line is meant either in conjunction or in Mundane Parallel -
that is the same distance from the Midheaven or horizon - thus Mars on the cusp of the
11th house would be in line with Fortuna on the cusp of the 3rd house, in parallel to
another planet on the cusp of the 9th ho use, and of course, in conjunction or line with
Fortuna, this seldom fails to indicate the weight of the winner.
When planets are in opposition - that is - in the same degree of opposite signs or nearly
so, they produce:
Transverse Polarity
If we find a planet on the cusp of the 3rd house, in opposition to a planet on the cusp of
the 9th house, they produce a Polarity between them, and a Transverse Polarity between
the cusps of the 6th and 12th houses, which are at right angles to them, the cusps have to
be taken as if the planets were there, and the indication measured. While if there be
actually a planet where planets in opposition from the Midheaven and Nadir throw off
to the Ascendant and a planet which is then rising or setting will indicate the winner, but
if there is no such planet to take up the Polar of the opposing Planets, they have to be
taken as cuspal Indications only, and being opposed, they are weak, so that if there be a
single other indication, it can win off them.
The Measure
The scale is the difference between the top and bottom weights reduced to pounds. The
measure in every case is one sixth of the scale of weights and this is the weight due to
each of the houses above and below the horizon.
The extension of the scale of weights is thus applied. The Ascendant shows the top
weights, the 4th house the middle weight and the 7th house the bottom weight.
By Alteration
The 7th House shows the top weight the 10th the middle weight, and the Ascendant the
bottom weight. The same rule holds good with regard to the other houses, hence it will
be seen that each house denotes two weights, one which is as much from the top of the
scale as the other is from the bottom, and these two weights added together, amount to
the sum of the top and bottom weights, consequently, if we distribute the scale evenly
through the houses, marking the cusp with the weights to which they correspond in the
scale, we shall find that any indicator on or near a cusp shows two weights and these
weights are found to be the same, or the nearest to the weight carried by the winner, and
placed horses in over 80% taking both.
This is from a sustained analysis of results extending over 11 years.
These are all the rules to observe, and how easy to apply and how convincing in effect,
may be judged from examples of past racing.
It is, of course, open to the student to trace results through past racing results with the
aid of the Ephemeris for any year, and by careful study of the examples given here.
Example 1 27th March, 1906, at 3:20 p.m.
Taurus is on the Midheaven. None of the Planets are within orbs of and applying to the
cusps. The Moon was in Taurus 5° and the Sun in Aries 6°, therefore Fortuna is seen to
be 29° from the Ascendant, and applying to the cusp of the 2nd house.
The scale of Weights, top 8.8,- bottom 6.0 or 361bs, and one sixth of this is 6 lbs, which
is the Measure of one house. Fortuna being on the cusp of the 2nd house is 6 lb. for top
and bottom weight of the runners.
Top. 8 st. 8 lbs.
Bottom 6 st. 0 lbs.
2 st. 8 lbs = 36lbs. 6 divided by 36 = 6 lbs
Deduct 6 lbs from 8 st 8 lbs, leaving 8 st. 2 lbs. Add 6 lbs to 6 st. making 6 st. 6 lbs.
The Winner was Ob, which carried 8 stone at 100 to 7 against. 8 stone was the nearest
weight to the indicated weight, 8 st. 2lbs. Note the progress of Fortuna depends on that
of the Moon in relation to the Sun, therefore its progress through the houses is in the
numerical order of the houses.
Example 2 19th March, 1907 at 3:20 pm.
Lincoln H/p. Scale 9.3 - 6 St. difference 45 lbs.
Measure 7-1/2 lbs. The Midheaven was Taurus 18°. Mars was 5° from the cusp of the
5th house. Fortuna 64° from the Ascendant and therefore leaving the cusp of the 3rd
house. This is one house, or 7-1/2 lbs and taking this from the top weight 9.3 we get 8
st. 9 1/2lbs. The nearest weight was Ob, who won this event last year. The price was 25
to 1.
Example 3 23rd March 1907 The Grand National.
The Midheaven was 19°. Uranus leaving the cusp of the 6th house. Moon 18°
approaching the cusp of 12th house in Cancer. Saturn 19° approaching the cusp off the
8th house in Pisces 19°. Hence Saturn and the Moon were supporting one another being
at equal distance from the Midheaven, and both at the distance of one house or 30° from
the Horizon. Scale 12 st. 7 lbs - 9 st. 7 lbs. Difference 42 lbs. One sixth of 42 is 7 lbs,
added to bottom weight gives 10 st. Nearest was Eremon, 10 st. 1 lb.
Example 4 23rd April. 3.15. The Great Metropolitan Stakes.
Midheaven Gemini 20°. Saturn and Venus applying and within 5° of the cusp. They are
nearly in conjunction and setting. Fortune was 122° from the Ascendant, therefore
leaving the cusp of the 5th house while the above planets were applying to the cusp of
the 7th house.
Hence we say Top or Bottom is due to win. Scale Mintagoe 8 st. 11 lbs. Father Blind 6
at. 2 lbs. Winner Father Blind, 20 to 1.
Example 5 24th April, 3:15 pm. City and Suburban.
Saturn and Venus applying to the Cusp of the 7th House, T or B to win, Velocity 9 st.
2lbs. Kolo 6 at. 2 lbs. Kolo making the running fell, and Velocity coming on behind
jumped over Kolo and won. Winner Velocity 6 to 1.
Example 6 Manchester. August 4th 1917 . Race 2.0 pm. summer time.
Leo 23° was on the Midheaven. The Sun and Moon are working together, being at the
same distance from the Angles to within 4°. No Planets are on the cusps. The Sun s
distance from the west horizon is 79°, and the Moon s distance 83°, the average of this
is about 80 or 81°. Scale 9.0 - 7.12 equals 16 lbs. 81° gives 7 lbs. This added to the B.
W. gives 8. 5. Winner Op (Ob?) 3 to 1 8 st. 4 lbs.
Example 7 Race 1.40. Manchester, August 4th 1917.
Midheaven. Virgo 3 degrees. Scale 9 St. 7 lbs - 8 St. 4 lbs. Diff. 17 lbs. The Measure of
each house is 3 lbs. Mercury held the Midheaven in opposition to the Moon. These
threw off polarity to the cusps of the 1 st and 7th house, here we find Jupiter setting, and
only 4 degrees from the cusp of the horizon, and therefore operative.
Top or bottom to win. Top weight won.
Example 8 Manchester. August 6th. Race 1:40 pm.
Virgo 6° on the Midheaven. Saturn and Neptune were nearing the cusp of the 9th house
in Leo 5° and the Moon was leaving the cusp of the 5th house in Aries 1°, therefore the
Moon, Saturn and Neptune were acting together, they were two houses from the
horizon. Scale 9 st 0 lbs - 6 st 10 lbs. Difference 32 lbs and the Measure is 11 lbs for
two houses. This added to the bottom weight gives 7.7. nearest to this weight is 7 st 9
lbs carried by the winner, Puro.
Example 9 Manchester. August 6th 1917. 2:15 pm. Manchester Cup.
Virgo 15° on the Midheaven. No planets applying to cusps except Uranus in Aquarius
22° on the cusp of the 3rd house. This gives two houses from the horizon. Scale 8 st. 11
lbs. - 7 st 1 lb. Difference 24 l and for two houses. This gives 8 lbs. which when
added to the bottom weight gives 7 st. 9 lbs, the exact weight carried by the winner,
Blue Danube.
Example 10 15th August 1917. Race 2 o clock.
Midheaven Virgo 23°. Sun on the cusp of the 9th house opposed to Uranus on the cusp
of the 3rd house - hence we look for polarity to the cusps of the 6th and 12th houses.
There are no planets to take up the Transverse Polarity and therefore, we regard them as
single indicators. Two houses from the horizon will therefore be the Measure. Scale 9
st. 0 lb. - 7 st. 6 lbs. Difference 22 lbs. and two houses gives 7 lbs which taken from the
top weight gives the weight of the winner, My Ronald.
Example 11 l6th April, 1918. Race 3:50 pm.
Midheaven Gemini 18°. No planets on cusps. The Moon was 70 degrees from Horizon
and Fortuna 72° - hence they were acting together. BUT NOTE that the Sun was 52°
from the Midheaven and Saturn 50° on the other side of it and both above the horizon
and therefore parallel. The average gives 51 degrees, which gives 8 lbs. which added to
the bottom weight gives 6 st. 1 lb. Wallrock, the winner carried 6 st. 3 lbs. Another light
weight carried 5 st. 13 lbs. which ran second (White Nile). This clearly shows that
planets in parallel work together, and the nearest to a cusp wins. The Sun and Saturn
were in this case nearer to a cusp than the Moon and Fortuna.
This system is deemed to be the final word in Racing Systems. It embodies the result of
11 years of observation and research and is itself the easiest and most reliable of the
many attempts that have been made to fathom the profundities of racing problems and it
is claimed that the Master Key leaves others behind and gives the best results.
You will find that the master Key is really simple to work and requires only a surface
knowledge of Astrology.
by Sepharial (Walter Gorn Old)
from a hand written copy
The basis of the system (without an astrological map) is the relationship of 40 degrees
to 360°.
The 40th part of the circle is equal to 9 degrees, called a  Node .
The nodal measure at which the influence vested in that measure becomes operative, (9
times 9, or 81,) is the extent of that measure.
These points of nines are positive and negative terminals called  Nonal Degrees .
In practice the negative terminals only account for 20% of winners, so are generally
The positive degrees are: Root The negative degrees are
72° 81° 63°
54 45
36° 27°
18° Zero 0° 9
Therefore the standard values are for practical purposes, 18° 36° 72° 81 degrees with an
eye on 0° = bottom weight.
The proportion of the scale is one tenth.
To get the 1/10th of the scale of weights - move the last figure to a decimal point: then
multiply the 1/10th by 1. 2. 3. 4. 4.5. (four and a half). Call the answer lbs: take from the
top weight and add to the bottom weight.
(1/10th x 1 = 18, 1/10th x 2 = 36, 1/10th x 3 = 54, 1/10th by 4 = 72, 1/10th x 4.5 = 81
Top weight l0st 7lbs, bottom weight = 7 st. 7lbs
10st. 7lbs  7st. 7lbs = 3st., i.e. 421bs therefore scale = 421bs.
Divide scale by 1/10th = 4lbs
So from the above we have 10 weights - though they may not all fit a weight carried
The Scale&
of weights is the difference between the top and bottom weights of the runners reduced
to lbs. As 9.0 - 6.0 = 42 lbs. In this system we use only half the scale which is always
equal to 90 degrees.
Heavy and Light&
weights are distinguished by the Middle weight, which is always half the sum of the top
and bottom weights. Weights above it are heavy and those below it are light. The
Measure of the Significator is applied normally to the top weight to get the heavy
weight indication and the compliment or converse measure is applied to the bottom
weight to get the light weight indication. But there is an exception to this which will be
is effected by multiplying half the scale of weights by the Measure and dividing by 90.
Thus if the Measure were 25 degrees and the Scale of weights were 42 lbs. then we
multiply 25 by 21 (half 42) and divide by 90 which gives 6 lbs. nearly, to be taken from
the top weight of runners. Now take 6 lbs. from half the Scale and we get 15 lbs to be
added to the bottom weight. By this means we get the indicated heavy and light weights
due to the Significator.
Direct and Converse...
measure may now be illustrated. When the Significator is supported by either of the
other factors (Sun Moon or Fortuna) by those factors indicating the same weights or
horses, then it is a sure winner. But when both the other factors (NEITHER being the
Significator) show the same weights as one another, and different weights to the
Significator, then they act together and instead of destroying the significance of the
other factor or Significator they reverse its terms so that we have to apply the measure
from the nearest angle to the bottom weight instead of to the top and the converse
measure to the top weight instead of the bottom. If we call the short measure A and the
long measure B, then in normal cases A is applied to the top weight and B to bottom
weight to get the INDICATED weights. But in converse or abnormal cases, B is applied
to the top and A to the bottom. But in no case do we ever take the measures from any
other than the prime factor which is the Significator.
If more than one weight is still indicated, proceed to the next check method:
1. Reduce the scale, as in the first check method, by 4 if an even number and by 3 if
2. Halve the scale and call R/2.
3. From R/2 deduct 7 as often as possible and the remainder (less than 7) gives a
number we call 1st terminal point in lbs.
4. That point is developed or extended by adding to the bottom weight, then adding
3lbs: 4lbs: 3lbs: 4lbs successively until the scale is covered and note which of these
weights confirm the Nonal weight.
191bs/7 = 2 and 5 over. Call 5 the terminal.
Add to bottom weight 7st 7lbs + 5 = 7st l2lbs.
To this weight add 3lbs: 4lbs: 3lbs: 4lbs until top weight is reached.
Thus by these check methods the weights are often reduced to a single selection.
This system is based on the numerical value of planets to astrology without the
necessity of drawing and judging a map.
by Sepharial
It has been shown in the Golden Key, The Universal Key and the Lunar Key systems
that the Sun, Moon and Part of Fortune can all be used separately and under certain
conditions as a factor indicating the winner, it being at the same time obvious to the
student that there is no guaranteed continuity. That at one time the Sun may be the
Significator of the event, at another the Moon, and so on. The Eclipse system now
determines once and for all when one factor is Significator and when another may be
and this by a simple rule. It also shows why at one time the measure is direct and at
another, converse.
In effect the Eclipse System is the answer to the outstanding problem of all racing
systems. To reduce this to practice, the first thing is...
Setting the Figure
This is extremely simple. It consists merely in finding the degree that is on the
Midheaven at the schedule or program time of a race. The other cusps of the houses will
hold the same degree and the signs will be equally disposed throughout the circle. Thus
if Leo 23 were on the Midheaven then Scorpio 23 would be rising.
The Sun and Moon are placed in the figure to the nearest degree. The Part of Fortune is
also placed in the figure. It is calculated thus:
From the longitude of the Moon (expressed in signs and degrees) adding 12 signs if
necessary for subtraction, take the longitude of the Sun and add the longitude of the
Ascendant. The result is the longitude in signs and degrees counted from Aries 0, of the
Part of Fortune, called Fortuna.
With these simple elements and the weights of the runners you may proceed at once to
find the...
which is always that factor (Sun, Moon or Fortuna) which is NEAREST to the cusp of a
The Measure&
The measure of the Significator is its distance from the nearest angle, the angles being
the Midheaven, Nadir, Ascendant and Descendant. The converse measure is the
difference between the Measure and 90 degrees, or in other words its distance from the
further angle.
The Scale&
of weights is the difference between the top and bottom weights of the runners reduced
to lbs. As 9.0 - 6.0 = 42 lbs. In this system we use only half the scale which is always
equal to 90°.
Heavy and Light&
weights are distinguished by the Middle weight, which is always half the sum of the top
and bottom weights. Weights above it are heavy and those below it are light. The
Measure of the Significator is applied normally to the top weight to get the heavy
weight indication and the compliment or converse measure is applied to the bottom
weight to get the light weight indication. But there is an exception to this which will be
is effected by multiplying half the scale of weights by the Measure and dividing by 90.
Thus if the Measure were 25 degrees and the Scale of weights were 42 lbs. then we
multiply 25 by 21 (half 42) and divide by 90 which gives 6 lbs. nearly, to be taken from
the top weight of runners. Now take 6 lbs. from half the Scale and we get 15 lbs to be
added to the bottom weight. By this means we get the indicated heavy and light weights
due to the Significator.
Direct and Converse&
measure may now be illustrated. When the Significator is supported by either of the
other factors (Sun Moon or Fortuna) by those factors indicating the same weights or
horses, then it is a sure winner. But when both the other factors (NEITHER being the
Significator) show the same weights as one another, and different weights to the
Significator, then they act together and instead of destroying the significance of the
other factor or Significator they reverse its terms so that we have to apply the measure
from the nearest angle to the bottom weight instead of to the top and the converse
measure to the top weight instead of the bottom. If we call the short measure A and the
long measure B, then in normal cases A is applied to the top weight and B to bottom
weight to get the INDICATED weights. But in converse or abnormal cases, B is applied
to the top and A to the bottom. But in no case do we ever take the measures from any
other than the prime factor which is the Significator.
The following consecutive events are taken from recent racing, but those who study the
records of 1 915 and 191 6 will be satisfied that these are not  selected examples.
August 4th 1917 1:00 pm (This is Sun time or Greenwich Mean Time which is one hour
earlier than  Summer Time ) Sidereal time at noon 8:50, less 10 min for west longitude
- gives 8:40 and to this we add the true time 1:00 pm and get 9:40 as the sidereal time
for the Midheaven at Manchester. This gives Midheaven in Leo 23° - Sun in Leo 12° -
Moon in Pisces 0° - Fortuna in Gemini 11°.
From these positions we get the cuspal distances Sun 11 degrees Moon 7 degrees
Fortuna 12°. The Moon being the NEAREST to a cusp is the SIGNIFICATOR. It s
distance from the nearest angle is the same as from the cusp, namely 7 degrees and the
converse measure is 83°. The scale was 9.0 - 7.12 or 16, half of which is 8 lbs. Multiply
8 by 7 and divide by 90. This being more than half a lb. we call one lb. and take it from
the top weight, thus getting 8.13 as the indicated weight. Also we find that 8 less one is
7 lbs. which we add to the bottom weight, thus getting 8.5 as the other or alternate
indicated weight.
There was no 8.13 in the race but the nearest to it was top weight and ran second. There
was no 8.5 in the race but the nearest to it was 8.4 TAGRAG, who won. Note that the
Sun supported the Moon by indicating the same weights and therefore it was a certainty.
Note: Always follow the horse nearest the indicated weight.
Same day at 1:40. Scale 9.7 - 8.4 = 17 lbs, half is 81/2. The Moon is Significator, being
only two degrees from the lower Meridian. it shows middle weight to win. Top weight
won namely ELKINGTON.
Same day at 2:15, the Sun being on a cusp is Significator. On a scale of 8.4 -6.6 or 26
lbs. It won by ROSCIUS.
On the 6th August at 1:40 the Moon was Significator being nearest to a cusp and its
measure was 28/62. It was supported by the Sun. It won by PURO 7.9, nearest to
indicated weight, but there was another at the same weight and the odds were too small
to back both, so we pass it over, merely showing that the winner was indicated.
Same day at 2:15, the Sun was Significator and its distance was 34/56. It was supported
by the Moon and Fortuna so far as the light weight was concerned and they all pointed
to BLUE DANUBE who won.
The Moon and Fortuna are not here pulling together but at a considerable angle, but
near enough to indicate the same horse. In order to produce a reversal of the Measure of
the Significator the other two factors must be the same or nearly the same distance from
THE SAME ANGLE as one another, and though they agree together they must not
agree with the Significator.
Example - August 15th at 2 pm where the Moon and Fortuna are pulling against the Sun
which is Significator. The scale 9.0 - 7.6 gives 8.7 MY RONALD winner.
Thus it is seen that the Eclipse System justifies itself and the confidence of its
by Sepharial
Find the degree and sign held by the Sun/Moon at the previous and next Lunation.
Take the distance in degrees of longitude from the nearest Cardinal Point - also take the
compliment of the Lunar distance from the cardinal point Aries, Cancer, Libra and
Generally one of these Lunations will be on a date previous to the race and the other on
a date following the race.
They represent the  angular positions of joint Sun and Moon influences in the circle.
Divide the runners by one quarter of the scale of weights. Let 1/4, 1/2 and ¾ of the scale
represent 0° Cancer; 0° Libra; 0 degree Capricorn. The top and bottom weights are
represented by 0° Aries.
Multiply the Sun/Moon joint measures by ź, 1/2, and ¾ of the scale and divide by 90.
Add to the top weight and deduct from the bottom weight.
For a check method of selecting from these weights, use the Nonal series as
instructed in the Golden Key.
by Sepharial
Draw the map as usual for the time of the race and place only the Sun s position.
Note the distance of the Sun from MC and Horizon Ascendant or Descendant.
Call that the 1st measure.
Take that number of degrees from 90 and call measure.
To the lesser of the two measures, add 45 and call this 3rd measure.
Multiply half the scale by those 3 measures and divide by 90: Deduct from the top
weight and add to the bottom weight, giving six weights.
Take the BEST FORM horse of those six weights.
