Market Leader 3 Intermediate progress test 01

Name/Class: Name/Class:
Progress Test 1 (Units 1 4)
You are going to hear part of a speech given by Lorenzo Zambrano, Chief
Executive of the Mexican company Cemex. At the time of this speech, Cemex was
the world s third largest cement producer. (Cement is a material used in
Mr Zambrano describes how and why his company became a global company.
You have one minute to read the questions below before you listen. You will
hear the speech twice.
Use of English 1 Put the following events in the correct order according to when they
happened. Start with the event which happened first. Write a letter on each
a) Cemex started expanding into Asia.
b) Mexico opened up its economy to foreign investors.
c) Cemex bought cement plants in Spain and South America.
d) There was a financial crisis in Mexico.
e) Cemex decided to become a global company.
f) Cemex acquired two companies in the US.
Functions g) Cemex took over two other Mexican producers.
1st event:
2nd event:
3rd event:
4th event:
5th event:
6th event:
7th event:
2 Complete these sentences with the figures or dates that were given.
a) Cemex decided to globalise in the mid .
b) In the next ten years, Cemex increased production to
c) Cemex invested over dollars in modernising its
new plants.
d) During the economic crisis, income from the Mexican operations fell by
3 What were the reasons why Cemex decided to become a global company?
Mark all those that Mr Zambrano mentions.
a) There was strong competition from large international companies.
b) Cemex was losing money.
c) It was difficult to expand further in Mexico.
d) To avoid being taken over by a bigger company.
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Progress Test 1
To which industry does each of these companies belong? Match the
descriptions (4 9) with the industries (a f ).
4 This company operates a chain a) accountancy
of supermarkets.
Use of English
5 This company provides power from b) consumer electronics
nuclear power plants to other industries.
6 This company develops and sells drugs c) electricity generation
for a range of medical applications.
7 This company supplies cloth to clothing d) food retailing
8 This company manufactures such items e) pharmaceuticals
as TVs, video recorders and CD players.
9 This company audits the finances of other f) textiles
companies and prepares their annual
financial statements for them.
Complete these sentences with an appropriate word.
Example: He didn t hear what the speaker said, so he asked her to
...................................... what she had said.
10 Several passengers ...................................... about the poor quality of food
served on the flight.
11 The market research team has carried out a ...................................... to
test product awareness.
12 If you always buy the same brand, you are said to be
...................................... to that brand.
13 When a number of companies agree to work together on a large project,
such as a building, a bridge or a tunnel, we say that they form a
...................................... .
14 Radio, TV and newspapers are examples of ...................................... .
Choose the best word to complete these sentences.
15 We are planning a mailshot to .......................... our new product.
a) enter b) launch c) endorse d) target
16 The advertising campaign will .......................... younger consumers.
a) target b) promote c) persuade d) access
17 This watch is not a genuine Rolex. It is a ........................... .
a) fraud b) counterfeit c) copycat d) corruption
18 When you travel by plane, you can choose to sit by the window or in a(n)
.......................... seat.
a) corridor b) passage c) aisle d) outside
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Progress Test 1
The following adjectives describe an unsuccessful product. Change them to
their opposites: adjectives that describe a successful product.
Example: dull ...................................................
19 poor quality ...................................................
20 overpriced ...................................................
21 badly made ...................................................
Use of English
22 unknown ...................................................
23 old-fashioned ...................................................
Grammar Complete this report by writing the correct form of the verbs given in
brackets. Use either the past simple or the present perfect.
Example: He ...................................... (answer) the telephone and gave his
Report on meeting about advertising strategy
In a meeting held last Monday, the Marketing Department proposed that the
company should change its advertising strategy. It ............................................24 (be)
the policy in the past to use TV as the main medium for advertising our products.
However, in the last year, there ............................................25 (be) a number of
changes. The cost of TV advertising ............................................26 (rise) considerably
since the beginning of last year. For example, whereas a one-minute prime-time slot
............................................27 (cost) Ł500,000 last year, it now costs Ł750,000. In
addition, the results of our TV advertising campaign last year
............................................28 (be) very disappointing. Market research, which we
............................................29 (conduct) between October and December last year,
............................................30 (show) only a slight increase in sales following the
campaign. On the other hand, sales resulting from our radio advertising campaign
............................................31 (increase) substantially since last October. This is
probably because we ............................................32 (target) a younger audience
through our radio campaign by linking advertising to pop music programmes. What
is more, the cost of radio advertising ............................................33 (not, increase) as
much as TV advertising over the last year. Our conclusion is that TV advertising
should be cut in favour of greater emphasis on radio.
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Progress Test 1
Study the chart comparing three models of electronic notebook. Then
complete the sentences. Write one word in each gap.
Model A Model B Model C
Weight 180 g 140 g 98 g
Number of features 8 12 16
Price Ł140 Ł180 Ł220
cheaper than
Example: Model A is ...................................... ......................................
model B. (price)
34 Model A is much ...................................... than model C. (weight)
35 Model C has twice ...................................... ......................................
features as model A.
36 Model A is ...................................... ......................................
...................................... model B. (price)
37 Model A is ...................................... ...................................... expensive.
38 Model C is ...................................... ....................................... . (weight)
39 Model B is not ...................................... ......................................
...................................... model C. (price)
40 Model A has ...................................... features ......................................
model B.
41 Model C is ...................................... ...................................... expensive.
Complete this report with the articles a, an or the, or leave the gap blank.
Example: This is ...................................... best food in the world!
McDonalds, ......................................42 fast food giant, is testing
......................................43 new policy:  all business is local .
......................................44 company is decentralising ......................................45
marketing and ......................................46 decision-making.
 You can t manage 25,000 restaurants in a centralised way, says Jack
Greenberg, ......................................47 Chief Executive.
Year-end results show foreign sales and profit up by 10%. In ........................ 48
US, profit was up by 13%.
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Name/Class: Grammar
Progress Test 1
Functions Which phrases are most appropriate in a telephone conversation? Mark all the
acceptable ones in each set.
49 a) James Watt s office. Good afternoon.
b) James Watt s office. Can I help you?
c) James Watt s office. What do you want?
d) James Watt s office.
50 a) Could I speak to James Watt, please?
b) I must speak to James Watt.
c) Give me James Watt.
d) Can I speak with James Watt, please?
51 a) He s not here.
b) Who are you?
c) Sorry, you can t.
d) I m afraid he s not in the office at the moment.
Use of English
52 a) Oh, could I leave a message then please?
b) Give him a message, will you?
Reading c) Would it be possible to give him a message?
d) Well, could you ask him to call me back?
53 a) Certainly.
Grammar b) Yes, that s no problem.
c) What s your message?
d) What s your name?
e) Yes. Who s calling please?
Read the case study and answer the questions on the next page.
Daewoo and the art of customer focus
When Daewoo entered the year. We believe it did so motorists believed that and no negotiating on
UK car market in spring by achieving its aim of the treatment they got price was allowed.
1995 it was hardly known being the most customer- from the salesperson was 3 The price included
at all; its cars were focused car company in at least as important as extensive guarantees
technically average and the UK. how they felt about the and three years free
had an unfashionable Daewoo s market car itself. servicing.
country of origin (Korea). research revealed that its Daewoo developed a new 4 Daewoo offered free
With around 40 best target market would approach to selling: collection and delivery
carmakers, the market be drivers primarily 1 They did not use as well as a courtesy
was crowded. Less than interested in a car s dealers to sell their car during servicing.
half of these had market ability to get from A to B cars. By saving the Daewoo s competitors
shares of over 1%. Many reliably and cheaply. money normally paid had been unwilling or
companies had a  Buy UK Surveys had shown that to dealers, Daewoo was unable to rethink the way
or  Buy European policy most motorists were able to offer higher that they did business in
for their fleet purchases, afraid to visit car specifications at a the face of clear
which account for about showrooms and found lower price. dissatisfaction in the
half of all car purchases. salespeople too 2 Daewoo designed its market. This created a
Since the mid 1970s, no aggressive. They believed car showrooms to be market opportunity that
new entrant to the UK car that they were treated like high street stores, Daewoo was able to
market had achieved even worse after the sale. with free access to exploit.
more than a 1% market Further, Daewoo s product informatio and
share. Yet Daewoo did research found that in its a free caf; salespeople Adapted from Mastering
exactly that in less than a target segment, 84% of were on a fixed salary Marketing (Financial Times)
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Progress Test 1
54 Which of the following sentences best summarises the content of the
a) Daewoo s share of the UK car market is declining.
b) Daewoo needs to research the UK car market more thoroughly.
c) Daewoo understands what their customers really want.
d) Daewoo sells cars by traditional methods.
55 Mark each of the following statements as T (true), F (false) or C (can t tell).
a) Daewoo was not present in the UK car market until 1995.
b) Cars from the Far East are not popular in the UK.
c) There was very strong competition in the UK car market when Daewoo
d) Company cars account for approximately 50% of the UK car market.
e) Only ten car manufacturers have a market share of more than 1%.
Use of English
f) Within a year, Daewoo had achieved a market share of more than 1%
56 Which of the following statements best describes Daewoo s cars,
according to the information in the article?
a) inexpensive in relation to the specifications
b) technically very exciting
c) luxury class
d) unreliable
57 How does Daewoo sell its cars? Mark all the statements that are true.
a) Offering salespeople large bonuses if they sell more.
b) Making showrooms more friendly.
c) Offering good after-sales service.
d) Offering big discounts on price.
Writing Below are some details of a trip you are planning to make to meet a colleague,
Jack Lott, in London. Write an informal e-mail message to Jack explaining your
travel arrangements. Jack has offered to meet you at the airport, so make sure he
Speaking knows your flight arrival details.
Outbound flight
Date: 6 April
Flight no: Crossair 9462
Geneva to London City Airport (NB: Not Heathrow)
Dep: 0850 Arr: 0910
Return flight
Date: 8 April
Flight no: Air France 341
London City Airport to Paris
Dep: 1635 Arr: 1825
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