{4/25/89 Copied & Modified; Fanuc 10T-MS [-] L001.58, for Brunswick. Machine is a Cincinnati Series 208 Turning Center, Acramatic 850TC Jim Radcliffe}
{7/24/90, Added InitProg globally to posts with this remark, DWB} {5/17/91, Updated Cincinnati Acr 850TC L102.56 to .81 format, JR}
{8/6/91 Updated: Cincinnati Acr 850TC L102.81 For: Gibbs & Associates Updated to Version 4.0 per Fanuc 10T MS [-] L001.82 Format. Kim Michelman}
{8/6/91 Using "Reference Rewind Stop" characters (:) unstead of SeqLab (N) at beginning of operations. Changed the startup code per the manual, ':' Program# Rapid Plane 'G62G70' AbsOrInc 'G95' Home GearRange EOL. Added the GetSpinOn sub to differentiate the 'M13' from 'M03' and 'M14' from 'M04'. The GetSpinOn replaced the SpinOn command throughout the processor. Added the missing NextOp at the end of the prog. Put the EOP on the same line as the FirstHome, per the manual. Deleted the ProgStop and the Untool ToolChng from the end of the prog. Kim Michelman}
{6/8/93 Copied & modified: Cincinnati Acr 850TC L102.82.1 For: Braden Eng / Illiana Machine Control: Acramatic 850 TC Machine: Cincinnati Milicron Cinturn 18" Universal Turning Center Use sequence number for colon blocks. Added leading zero supression on G & M & T codes. Changed ToolChng from M26 to M6. Modified GearRanges. Added XsAreRadii to initializations. Added CoolOff at end of tool. Reduce RPM to 125 at end of tool if next tool has a new gear or spindle direction. Changed to use absolute arc centers. Added spaces between codes. Deleted "XatFinZ ThrdHeight" line before thread cycle. This was to position to the major dia, set CAM document to have Start X and Major Ż set the same. Jim Radcliffe}
{8/6/93 Modified: Cin Acr 850 TC [IM] L289.82.1 For: Braden Eng / Illiana Machine Control: Acramatic 850 TC Machine: Cincinnati Milicron Cinturn 18" Universal Turning Center Modified retract to index position. Machine has 2 turrets: Lower = Tools 1 thru 6 Upper = Tools 11 thru 16 When indexing from Lower to Upper retract Z to NewHome + 20" When indexing from Upper to Lower retract X to NewHome + 13" Unconditional axis output in FormatArc. Deleted extra Rapid from Approach. Moved callout of CSSOn for FirstOp and NewTool. Changed format of output from 0. to 0 for a zero output. Due to a recent visit to the Twilite Zone, I had to start with a fresh Form (I used L001) to get this to work. Colon block must imediatly follow a program stop. Moved ProgStop to a line by itself after DoOpComments in same tool. Rewrote CheckOffset to add Colon Block if ProgStop. Modified R value for Threading by .050 for clearance Jim Radcliffe}
{11/1/94 Copied & modified: Cin Acr 850 TC [IM] L289.82.2 For: Accurate Tool Co. Control: Acramatic 850 SX Machine: Cincinnati Milicron Avenger Changed G76 to G33 for Threading Canned Cycle. Moved EOP down to line by itself. Added 1 NULL character to end of program. Added X and I values for Tapered threading. Jim Radcliffe}
{3/2/95 Updated: Cin Acr 850 SX L315.82.2 For: Gibbs & Associates Versions: ncCad 4.33.01/ncCAM 4.33/ncPost 4.33.05/Compost 4.21.27 Changes made per Pete Jackson Updated to Version 4.1 per Fanuc 10T MS [-] L001.82.1c Format. Added RestoreScale Sub per 4-Axis Post Processor. Added Logic to suppress Feed and FeedRate for Approaches. Added bypass of AutoFinish for Non-Canned RoughSimple Operations. Added XSPC ZSPC at AutoFinish for NOT CannedCycle AND NOT Turning Operations. Changed RapidC StrtPos to StockOff StrtPosC at AutoFinish for NOT CannedCycle Operations. Modified non-CannedCycle AutoFinish. Method of testing for IF NOT Drilling? AND NOT Grooving? AND NOT RoughSimple? AND NOT Threading? did not allow for AutoFinish pass of IF Turning? Rewrote to test for IF Turning? ELSE IF Roughing? AND NOT RoughSimple? Added support for AutoFinish of non-Canned Threading Cycle. Miscellaneous other changes. DWB}
{3/15/95 Modified: Cin Acr 850 SX L315.82.3 For: Gibbs & Associates Versions: ncCad 4.33.01/ncCAM 4.33/ncPost 4.33.05/Catalyst v2.14.30/Compost 4.21.27 Added Address Spaces to Canned Tap and Peck Drilling Cycles in Mach Spec Drilling Dialog. Added '##.0####;0 Format back in Address K of Mach Spec Threading Dialog. Somehow, this disappeared. Added call to RestoreScale prior to SafeStart Home block at beginning of FirstOperation. Prior to calling RestoreScale, we were outputting Home on the SafeStart block, which did not get correctly scaled during Metric>English conversion, and vice-versa. DWB}
{3/16/95 Copied: Cin Acr 850 SX L315.82.4 Created: Cin Acr 850 SX [STM] L324.82.4 For: Sterling Thermal Motors Versions: ncCad 4.33.01/ncCAM 4.33/ncPost 4.33.05/Catalyst v2.14.30/Compost 4.21.27 Changed SetMaxRPM('1600') to SetMaxRPM('4000') at setup and initializations. Added SetMinRPM('30') at setup and initializations. Added literal 'G70', Inch Mode at Safe Start blocks at FirstOperation and NewTool. Added GetToolChng sub called from FirstOperation, NewTool and end of Prog. Contains condition to output ' M26' instead of ToolChng when NOT ToolChangeAtHome. DWB}
{ Format: Cin Acr 850 SX L324.82.5 5/1/95 Moved 'G70' so it follows 'G97' TH}
{5/26/95 Initial: Cin Acr 850 SX [STM] L324.82.5 Created: Cin Acr 850 SX [STM] L324.82.6 ForUser: Stirling Thermal Motors, Inc. Machine: Model 250T Comment: Changed Tap Cycle to G84 per faxed manual pages. Deleted DrillOff. Jim Radcliffe}
{ Format: Cin Acr 850 SX L324.82.7 6/29/95 For: StoneAge Added blank line to beginnning of program TH}
{9/7/95, Updated Cin Acr 850 SX [STM] L324.82.7 to .85 format per v2.20 Update Instructions .01, JR}
{ Format: Cin Acr 850 SX L324.85.1 1/3/95 For: StoneAge Changed ToolChng from M6 to M26. Added I to G33 toolpath threading Removed special GetNewHome sub and replaced with standard NewHome TH}
{1/25/96 Initial: Cin Acr 850 SX [STM] L324.85.1 Created: Cin Acr 850 SX [STM] LXXX.85.2 For: StoneAge Removed GoFirstHome sub, replaced with FirstHome command as per customer request, eliminated 'I' value for straight threads, MPK} {2/21/96, Initial: Cin Acr 850 SX [STM] L324.85.2 Created: Cin Acr 850 SX [STM] L324.85.3 Multiplied 'I' value for tapered threads in order to get positive valued for OD threads and negative for ID threads, MPK} {3/5/96 Initial: Cin Acr 850 SX [STM] L324.85.3 Created: Cin Acr 850 SX [STM] L324.85.4 Made I vaule for threading always positive, MPK}
{4/10/97 Modified: Cin Acr 850 SX [SI] L324.85.4 Created: Cin Acr 850 SX [SI] Lxxx.85.5 For: StoneAge per Ed Deason Fixed Threading bugs: If Threading, I set Tool Tip off (SetTTOff). This corrects the Z value, but not the X ! To correct the X, I store the Tool Radius in Var 1. I then call MyMoveXC in place of MoveXC, which checks if Threading and adds (or subtracts) the Tool Radius appropriately. In addition, I changed all X move commands to subs so that I can track the current X position at all times. This is necessary in order to suppress the X move in the MyMoveXC sub. Joe Cusimano}
{Prog Numeric Format Definitions *******************************************}
RestoreScale: IF Metric? {CAM file is in Metric, tools and tool path} SetScale('.03937007874') { change to English, this is an English post} END RETURN
DoOpComments: IF UseComments? SetScale('1') IF OperationIDComment? SeqLabC '(MSG, OPERATION ' Operation# ': ' OperationType$ ' )' EOL END IF OperationComment? SeqLabC '(MSG, ' OperationComment$ ' )' EOL END IF WorkGroupComment? SeqLabC '(MSG, ' WorkGroupComment$ ' )' EOL END IF ToolTypeComment? SeqLabC '(MSG, TOOL ' Tool# ': ' ToolSize$ ' ' ToolType$ ' )' EOL END IF ToolComment? SeqLabC '(MSG, ' ToolComment$ ' )' EOL END RestoreScale END RETURN
ODApproachSP: IF CannedCycle? AND Threading? {back off 2 threads from start point} SeqLabC StockOnNoCan ' Z' ADD# CycleStartZ# MUL# NUM#('2') DIV# NUM#('1') Thread# EOL ELSE SeqLabC StockOnNoCan CalcTTOff ZSPC CalcTTOK EOL END SeqLabC StockOff MyXOpCDC EOL StockOnNoCan CalcTTOff IF NotEqual? CycleStartX# XOpCD# SeqLabC FeedNoCan MyXSPC FeedRateNoCan EOL END RETURN
IDApproachSP: IF CannedCycle? AND Threading? {back off 2 threads from start point} SeqLabC StockOnNoCan ' Z' ADD# CycleStartZ# MUL# NUM#('2') DIV# NUM#('1') Thread# EOL ELSE SeqLabC StockOnNoCan CalcTTOff ZSPC CalcTTOK EOL END SeqLabC StockOff MyXOpCDC EOL { for SameTool ApproachID } StockOnNoCan CalcTTOff IF NotEqual? CycleStartX# XOpCD# SeqLabC FeedNoCan MyXSPC FeedRateNoCan EOL END RETURN
FaceApproachSP: SeqLabC StockOnNoCan CalcTTOff MyXSPC CalcTTOK EOL { for SameTool ApproachFace } SeqLabC StockOff ZOpCPC EOL StockOnNoCan CalcTTOff IF NotEqual? CycleStartZ# ZOpCP# SeqLabC FeedNoCan ZSPC FeedRateNoCan EOL END RETURN
AppMove: StockOff ThisOpEntryZCP RETURN
Approach: { NOT FOR TAILSTOCK, .82 } Rapid RapidF# { RapidF# Forces FeedRate } IF ApproachOD? SeqLabC StockOff MyThisOpEntryXCP AppMove EOL ODApproachSP ELSE IF ApproachID? SeqLabC StockOff MyXOpCD AppMove EOL IDApproachSP ELSE {ApproachFace} SeqLabC StockOnNoCan CalcTTOff MyXSP CalcTTOK AppMove EOL FaceApproachSP END END RETURN
GetSpinOn: IF CWSpindle? IF CoolOff? ' M3' ELSE ' M13' END ELSE IF CoolOff? ' M4' ELSE ' M14' END END RETURN
StartSpeed: CSSOff IF ConstantSurfaceFeed? CalcRPM1 ELSE Speed END RETURN
CheckOffset: IF LAST ProgStop? SeqLabC ' M0' EOL ':?' Rapid Plane ' G95' ' G97' ' F.05' StartSpeed OpToolID GetSpinOn GearRange EOL DoPostScript IF ConstantSurfaceFeed? SeqLabC Preset MaxRPM EOL END ELSE IF NewGear? SeqLabC SpinOff EOL ELSE IF CoolOff? AND LAST NOT CoolOff? SeqLabC CoolOff EOL END END IF NewToolOffset? {tool offsets not used in this processor} END IF NewGear? SeqLabC GearRange EOL END IF ConstantSurfaceFeed? IF LAST ConstantSurfaceFeed? IF NotEqual? MaxRPM# LAST MaxRPM# SeqLabC Preset MaxRPM EOL END SeqLabC SpeedC EOL ELSE SeqLabC Preset MaxRPM EOL {set in main after StrtPos} END ELSE IF LAST ConstantSurfaceFeed? SeqLabC CSSOff ' G97' Speed EOL ELSE SeqLabC SpeedC EOL END END IF NewGear? SeqLabC GetSpinOn EOL ELSE IF NOT CoolOff? AND LAST CoolOff? SeqLabC CoolOn EOL END END DoPostScript END RETURN
CkCRC: { 4.2 } IF XMove? OR ZMove? { Approach Length Feature and Multiple Pockets } CRCOnC END IF LastFeat? AND EmptyLine? { Exit Length Feature } CRCOffC END RETURN
ToolPath: IF Threading? Save# Num#('1') DIV# ToolDiameter# Num#('2') { save Tool Radius to variable 1 } END EACHFeat GetToolTip IF LastFeat? AND Drilling? IF Dwell? SeqLabC ' G4 F' Dwell# EOL END END IF PointFeat? SeqLabC MoveSXYC EOL ELSE IF RapidFeat? SeqLabC RapidC MyMoveXC MoveZC EOL ELSE IF LineFeat? SeqLabC CkCRC FeedC MyMoveXC MoveZC FeedRateC EOL ELSE IF ArcFeat? EACHQuadrant { Do not use NOT, LAST, FIRST or NEXT modifiers in this loop } SeqLabC FormatArc FeedRateC EOL NEXTQuadrant ELSE IF ThreadFeat? SeqLabC ' G33' MyMoveXC MoveZC IF Taper? ' I' MUL# DIV# Num#('1') Thread# DIV# Taper# FinishZInc# END ThrdLead EOL IF NEXT ThreadFeat? AND NOT LastFeat? { do not force G00 if next feature is a Thread Feature } { this results in G00G33 which is a no-no } ELSE Rapid END END END END END END NEXTFeat CalcTTOK RETURN
CheckRapid: CRCOffC IF LAST CannedCycle? Rapid ELSE RapidC END RETURN
GetToolChng: IF ToolChangeAtHome? ToolChng ELSE ' M26' END RETURN
{Start of executable Prog **************************************************}
{setup and initializations} InitProg SetAbs PosSideLathe StandardXZArcs XsAreRadii SetMaxRPM('4000') SetMinRPM('30') SetMaxFeed('500') ' ' EOL IF PSComment? AND UseComments? 'PostScript:' EOL ' Literals: put between single or double quotes.' EOL ' Separate commands and literals with at least one space.' EOL ' A CR ( RETURN key ) will start a new line.' EOL ' Commands: must be all capital letters when typed in.' EOL ' ENDOP -' EOL ' all literals and commands before an ENDOP command' EOL ' will appear at the beginning of the operation. All ' EOL ' literals and commands after an ENDOP command will appear' EOL ' at the end of the operation. ' EOL END EachOp {Start of post processing *********************} GetLCycle IF FirstOperation? RestoreScale SetHome ':?' Rapid Plane ' G95' ' G97' ' G70' IF ToolChangeAtHome? Home END ' F.05' StartSpeed OpToolID GetToolChng GetSpinOn GearRange EOL SeqLabC '(MSG,' Program# '81 )' EOL {the 81 refers to customers machine number} IF UseComments? SetScale('1') IF ProgramNameComment? SeqLabC '(MSG, ' ProgramName$ ' )' EOL END IF ProgramComment? SeqLabC '(MSG, ' ProgramComment$ ' )' EOL END IF FormatNameComment? SeqLabC '(MSG, FORMAT: ' FormatName$ ' )' EOL END IF MovesComment? SeqLabC '(MSG, OUTPUT IN ABSOLUTE INCHES )' EOL END IF TimeComment? SeqLabC '(MSG, ' Date$ ' AT ' Time$ ' )' EOL END END RestoreScale OpenSub StockOff {.71.2} DoOpComments DoPostScript IF ConstantSurfaceFeed? SeqLabC Preset MaxRPM EOL SeqLabC CSSOn ' G96 R' HomeX# Speed EOL END Approach ELSE IF NewTool?
{Finish off last Operation}
StockOff {.62} CheckRapid IF LAST ApproachOD? SeqLabC MyLASTOpExitXCPC CoolOff EOL SeqLabC LAST OpExitZCPC EOL ELSE IF LAST ApproachID? SeqLabC MyLASTXOpECDC CoolOff EOL SeqLabC LAST OpExitZCPC EOL ELSE SeqLabC LAST OpExitZCPC CoolOff EOL END END DoEndOpPS IF CWSpindle? AND LAST NOT CWSpindle? SeqLabC CSSOff ' G97' NewHome ' S125' EOL ELSE IF NOT CWSpindle? AND LAST CWSpindle? SeqLabC CSSOff ' G97' NewHome ' S125' EOL ELSE IF NewGear? SeqLabC CSSOff ' G97' NewHome ' S125' EOL ELSE IF LAST ConstantSurfaceFeed? SeqLabC CSSOff ' G97' NewHome CalcRPM2 EOL ELSE SeqLabC NewHome EOL END END END END
{Start new Operation}
DoOpComments IF LAST ProgStop? SeqLabC ' M0' EOL ELSE SeqLabC ProgStop EOL END ':?' Rapid Plane ' G95' ' G97' ' G70' IF ToolChangeAtHome? Home END ' F.05' StartSpeed OpToolID GetToolChng GetSpinOn GearRange EOL DoPostScript IF ConstantSurfaceFeed? SeqLabC Preset MaxRPM EOL SeqLabC CSSOn ' G96 R' HomeX# Speed EOL END Approach ELSE IF SameTool? {.62} DoEndOpPS
{Start new Operation}
StockOff DoOpComments IF LAST StraightConnect? CheckOffset CheckRapid SeqLabC StockOnNoCan MyXSPC ZSPC EOL ELSE CheckRapid IF ApproachOD? IF LAST ApproachOD? SeqLabC MyLASTXOpECDC EOL ELSE {around} IF LAST ApproachID? SeqLabC MyLASTXOpECDC EOL END SeqLabC LAST OpExitZCPC EOL SeqLabC MyLASTOpExitXCPC EOL END CheckOffset ODApproachSP ELSE IF ApproachID? IF LAST ApproachID? SeqLabC MyLASTXOpECDC EOL ELSE IF LAST ApproachOD? {around} SeqLabC MyLASTOpExitXCPC EOL END SeqLabC LAST OpExitZCPC EOL SeqLabC MyXOpCDC EOL END CheckOffset IDApproachSP ELSE {ApproachFace} IF LAST ApproachFace? SeqLabC LAST ZOpECPC EOL ELSE IF LAST ApproachOD? {around} SeqLabC MyLASTOpExitXCPC EOL ELSE {LAST ApproachID} SeqLabC MyLASTXOpECDC EOL END SeqLabC LAST OpExitZCPC EOL END CheckOffset FaceApproachSP END END END END END END {common point for all operations} IF ConstantSurfaceFeed? IF SameTool? IF LAST ProgStop? SeqLabC CSSOn ' G96 R' StartPosX# Speed EOL ELSE IF LAST NOT ConstantSurfaceFeed? SeqLabC CSSOn ' G96 R' StartPosX# Speed EOL END END END END IF CannedCycle? StockOff IF Roughing? IF RoughSimple? StockOn SetPass1 ToolPath ELSE SetPass2 SeqLabC Feed FeedRate EOL IF RoughContour? SeqLabC '(BAR,' IF ApproachFace? ' H1' END IF NOT AutoFinish? ' C1' END CutDepth XStkLeft ZStkLeft MyXSP ZSP ')' EOL ELSE IF RoughPatternShift? SeqLabC '(CPY,' IF ApproachFace? ' H1' END IF NOT AutoFinish? ' C1' END IF ApproachFace? ' D' ZCutDepth# ELSE ' D' XCutDepth# END XStkLeft ZStkLeft MyXSP ZSP ')' EOL END END SeqLabC Feed MyXSP ZSP FeedRate EOL ToolPath SeqLabC '(ENC)' EOL END ELSE IF Threading? SeqLabC '(THD,' CutDepth IF SingleEdgeCut? ' A' InFeedAngle# ELSE ' A0' END ' R' ADD# CycleStartXRadius# IF ApproachOD? Num#('.05') ELSE {Approach ID} Num#('-.05') END XatFinZ ZSP ')' EOL SeqLabC LCycle IF Chamfer? ThrdHeight {move to major diameter. force auto 45Ą pullout} END IF Taper? XAtFinZ FinZ ' I' MUL# DIV# Num#('-1') Thread# DIV# Taper# FinishZInc# ELSE FinZ END ThrdLead EOL SeqLabC '(ENC)' EOL IF AutoFinish? SeqLabC Rapid XatFinZ ZSP EOL SeqLabC LCycle IF Chamfer? ThrdHeight {move to major diameter. force auto 45Ą pullout} END FinZ ThrdLead EOL SeqLabC RapidC ' X' CycleStartXRadius# EOL SeqLabC ZCSP EOL END ELSE IF Drilling? SeqLabC LCycle ZDepth RLevel Dwell Peck Retract FeedRate EOL IF AutoFinish? SeqLabC Feed ZDepth EOL SeqLabC RLevel EOL END ELSE IF Grooving? StockOn SetPass1 SeqLabC StrtPos EOL ToolPath END END END END CalcTTOK ELSE StockOn SetPass1 ToolPath IF AutoFinish? { .82.1c } StockOff IF Turning? SetPass1 RapidC IF ApproachFace? SeqLabC ZOpECPC EOL FaceApproachSP ELSE SeqLabC MyXOpECDC EOL IF ApproachOD? ODApproachSP ELSE {ApproachID} IDApproachSP END END SeqLabC StockOff StrtPosC EOL ToolPath ELSE IF Roughing? AND NOT RoughSimple? SetPass2 SeqLabC RapidC MyXSPC ZSPC EOL SeqLabC StockOff StrtPosC EOL ToolPath ELSE IF Threading? SetPass1 SeqLabC ' X' ADD# FinishXRadius# Taper# EOL SeqLabC ' G33' IF Taper? XatFinZ FinZ ' I' MUL# DIV# Num#('-1') Thread# DIV# Taper# FinishZInc# ThrdLead EOL ELSE FinZ ThrdLead EOL END SeqLabC Rapid MyXSP EOL SeqLabC ZSP EOL END END END END END NextOp {loops back to EachOP until last Operation}
{End of program ************************************************************}
{finish last operation} StockOff CRCOffC IF CannedCycle? Rapid ELSE RapidC END IF ApproachOD? SeqLabC MyOpExitXCPC CoolOff EOL SeqLabC OpExitZCPC EOL ELSE IF ApproachID? SeqLabC MyXOpECDC CoolOff EOL SeqLabC OpExitZCPC EOL ELSE SeqLabC OpExitZCPC CoolOff EOL END END DoEndOpPS SeqLabC CSSOff ' G97' FirstHome ' S125' EOL SeqLabC UnTool GetToolChng EOL SeqLabC EOP EOL IF UseComments? SetScale('1') {restore scale for comments} IF FileBytesComment? SeqLabC '(MSG, FILE LENGTH: ' FileBytes# ' CHARACTERS )' EOL END IF FileFeetComment? SeqLabC '(MSG, FILE LENGTH: ' FileFeet# ' FEET )' EOL END IF FileMetersComment? SeqLabC '(MSG, FILE LENGTH: ' FileMeters# ' METERS )' EOL END END Post ASCII('00') EOL Close Retag