katalog szukaj wyniki offline baseenclematis nostyle

// Search object constructor
function ClematisSearch(cdocument)
// offline search engine stuff
this.doc = cdocument; // child document

this.qt = new Array();
this.result_count = new Array();

this.conf = new Array();
this.conf['view'] = 'clematis';
this.conf['pictures'] = 1;

this.is_search = true;
this.is_target_frame = false;

this.tableWidth = 280;
this.isWideFrame = true;

this.sort = new Array();
this.sort['clematis'] = 'name';
this.sort['climber'] = 'name';
this.sort['covering_plant'] = 'name';

this.page_no = 1;
this.page_sizes = new Array(); // with "yes" and without pictures "no"
this.page_sizes[0]=50; // without pictures
this.page_sizes[1]=10; // with pictures

this.plant_number = 0; //(Math.floor(100*Math.random())%150)+200+1;

this.groups = new Array();
this.groupBg = new Array();
this.groupSt = new Array();

this.bg = new Array();

this.color=new Array();
this.color[1] = "blue";
this.color[2] = "red";
this.color[3] = "yellow";
this.color[4] = "violet";
this.color[5] = "pink";
this.color[6] = "white";

this.message = new Array();
this.message["blue"] = "blue";
this.message["red"] = "red";
this.message["yellow"] = "yellow";
this.message["violet"] = "violet";
this.message["pink"] = "pink";
this.message["white"] = "white";

this.month=new Array();
this.month[1] = "I";
this.month[2] = "II";
this.month[3] = "III";
this.month[4] = "IV";
this.month[5] = "V";
this.month[6] = "VI";
this.month[7] = "VII";
this.month[8] = "VIII";
this.month[9] = "IX";
this.month[10] = "X";
this.month[11] = "XI";
this.month[12] = "XII";

this.size=new Array();
this.size[4] = "very big";
this.size[3] = "big";
this.size[2] = "medium";
this.size[1] = "small";

this.message["very big"] = "very big";
this.message["big"] = "big";
this.message["medium"] = "medium";
this.message["small"] = "small";

this.facingSymbol=new Array();
this.facingSymbol[1] = "slonce";
this.facingSymbol[2] = "34slonce";
this.facingSymbol[3] = "12slonce";
this.facingSymbol[4] = "14slonce";
this.facingSymbol[5] = "cien";

this.message["country_code_"] = "";
this.message["country_code_ar"] = "Argentina";
this.message["country_code_ca"] = "Canada";
this.message["country_code_de"] = "Germany";
this.message["country_code_dk"] = "Denmark";
this.message["country_code_ee"] = "Estonia";
this.message["country_code_en"] = "England";
this.message["country_code_fr"] = "France";
this.message["country_code_jp"] = "Japan";
this.message["country_code_nl"] = "Netherlands";
this.message["country_code_nz"] = "New Zeland";
this.message["country_code_pl"] = "Poland";
this.message["country_code_ru"] = "Russia (former USSR)";
this.message["country_code_se"] = "Sweden";
this.message["country_code_ua"] = "Ukraine (former USSR)";
this.message["country_code_uk"] = "United Kingdom";
this.message["country_code_us"] = "United States";
//this.message["pl"] = "Poland";
//this.message["es"] = "es";
//this.message["jp"] = "jp";

this.message["clem_pruning_type_1"] = "1 (none)";
this.message["clem_pruning_type_2"] = "2 (light)";
this.message["clem_pruning_type_3"] = "3 (hard)";
this.message["clem_pruning_type_2-3"] = "2-3 (medium)";
this.message["clem_pruning_type_3-2"] = "3-2 (rather hard)";

this.message["clem_clematis_group"] = "Clematis";
this.message["clem_climber_group"] = "Other climbers";
this.message["clem_covering_plant_group"] = "Ground covers";

this.message["clem_short_clematis_group"] = "Clematis";
this.message["clem_short_climber_group"] = "Climbers";
this.message["clem_short_covering_plant_group"] = "Ground covers";

this.message["clem_eshort_clematis_group"] = "Cle";
this.message["clem_eshort_climber_group"] = "Cli";
this.message["clem_eshort_covering_plant_group"] = "Cov";


this.iconFilename = new Array();
this.iconFilename['K1'] = "icon_kwiat1.gif";
this.iconFilename['K2'] = "icon_kwiat2.gif";
this.iconFilename['K3'] = "icon_kwiat3.gif";
this.iconFilename['K4'] = "icon_kwiat4.gif";
this.iconFilename['K5'] = "icon_kwiat5.gif";
this.iconFilename['K6'] = "icon_kwiat6.gif";
this.iconFilename['L1'] = "icon_lisc1.gif";
this.iconFilename['L2'] = "icon_lisc2.gif";
this.iconFilename['L3'] = "icon_lisc3.gif";
this.iconFilename['L4'] = "icon_lisc4.gif";
this.iconFilename['L5'] = "icon_lisc5.gif";
this.iconFilename['L6'] = "icon_lisc6.gif";
this.iconFilename['O1'] = "icon_owoc1.gif";
this.iconFilename['O2'] = "icon_owoc2.gif";
this.iconFilename['O3'] = "icon_owoc3.gif";
this.iconFilename['O4'] = "icon_owoc4.gif";
this.iconFilename['O5'] = "icon_owoc5.gif";
this.iconFilename['O6'] = "icon_owoc6.gif";
this.iconFilename['Z1'] = "icon_zastosowanie1.gif";
this.iconFilename['Z2'] = "icon_zastosowanie2.gif";
this.iconFilename['Z3'] = "icon_zastosowanie3.gif";
this.iconFilename['Z4'] = "icon_zastosowanie4.gif";
this.iconFilename['Z5'] = "icon_zastosowanie5.gif";
this.iconFilename['Z6'] = "icon_zastosowanie6.gif";
this.showEntry = showEntry;
this.convertFormToQuery = _convertFormToQuery;
this.getFullNameFromRow = _getFullNameFromRow;
this.getPartNameFromRow = _getPartNameFromRow;
this.showPictures = _showPictures;
this.showTableHeaders = _showTableHeaders;
this.showTableFooters = _showTableFooters;
this.showTableRow = _showTableRow;
this.showPlantsWord = _showPlantsWord;
this.convertFormToReport = _convertFormToReport;
this.showNavigationBar = _showNavigationBar;
this.showNavigationBarFrame = _showNavigationBarFrame;
this.showResultSummary = _showResultSummary;
this.getHeaderURLChangePage = _getHeaderURLChangePage;
this.getHeaderURL = _getHeaderURL;

return this;

browserName = navigator.appName;
browserVer = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
browserOK = true;
if (browserName == "Netscape" && browserVer 0)
c += " && ( 0";
for (var i = 0; i < qt['flowering'].length; i++)
var val = qt['flowering'][i];
if (val == i && i > 3 && i < 11)
c += " || m"+i+" == 1";
c += ")";

// wystawa
if (qt['facing'] && qt['facing'].length > 0)
c += " && ( 0 ";
for (var i = 0; i < qt['facing'].length; i++)
var val = qt['facing'][i];
if (val >= 0)
c += " || ((facing_from = facing_from && "+val+" facing_to) && ("+val+" >= facing_to && "+val+"


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