Guideline for safe handling of laboratory animals

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Prepared by

National Research Center

Safety and Occupational Health Committee

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Occupational health hazards due to handling of
laboratory animals



Factors affecting the occurrence of occupational
health hazards in personnel handling laboratory



Prophylactic measures to reduce occupational health
hazards due to handling of laboratory animals



1- General precautions



2- Application of safety measures in animal house



- 3-Application of personal hygienic measures




Some zoonotic diseases due to handling of
laboratory animals



a- General diseases



b-In case of handling of rats and rabbits



c- In case of handling of dogs and cats



d- In case of handling of monkeys



e- In case of handling poultry





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Laboratory animals are mainly used to carry out scientific researches for

the benefit and welfare of man and animals. Therefore, scientific

institutions and organizations are interested to use modern technology

for constructing animal houses to keep, bred and manage good quality

laboratory animals and to produce purebred standard stains. Moreover,

it is well known that any defect in keeping of these animals may affect

the economy, the progress and the obtained results of an experiment.

The most commonly used laboratory animals in animal houses are rats,

mice, guinea pigs and hamsters, however, monkeys, cats, dogs and

poultry may be sometimes used.

Laboratory animals are mainly used for:

1- Testing and evaluation of newly produced drugs, antibiotics and

chemical compounds before usage for human being.

2- Diagnosis of diseases either infectious or non infectious.

3- Production of vaccines, antisera and antitoxins.

4- As models for surgical training in experiments of organ transfer in


The current guide was designed to throw lights on some aspects of safe

handling with laboratory animals and their welfare in animal houses.

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Occupational health hazards due to handling of

laboratory animals

Handling of laboratory animals may be associated with some

occupational health hazards, therefore it is of prime importance to

review the most commonly occurred hazards to find the suitable

prophylactic measures.

Hazards due to handling of laboratory animals may be:

1- Physical hazards due to the direct contact with the animal such as

biting, scratching and also, due to the use of sharp utensils.

2- Chemical hazards due to the use of some chemical materials

during experimentation with laboratory animals such as

formaldehyde, phenol, solvents, anesthetics, biological

preparations and other relevant chemicals according to the nature

of the experiment.

3- Zoonotic diseases, which may transfer from animal to man during

non careful handling.

Factors affecting the occurrence of occupational health

hazards in personnel handling laboratory animals

There are some factors, which influence the occurrence of occupational

hazards during handling of laboratory animals such as:

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1- Animal species:

The most important occupational health hazard that can occur due to

handling of rats and rabbits is allergy, with great individual variations

among personnel deal with laboratory animals, ranging from 10 – 44 %,

while , in persons deal with dogs and cats, these hazards are represented

by biting, scratching and allergy.

2- Duration of the experiment:

The incidence of occurring of occupational health hazards increase as

the duration of the experiment becomes longer as compared with the

short duration experiment.

3- The nature of the experiment:

The incidence of occurring of occupational health hazards is larger in

experiments, whereas, infectious agents, radioactive isotopes and

poisonous materials are used than in experiments deal with nutritional

treatments for example.

Prophylactic measures to reduce occupational

health hazards due to handling of laboratory


Responsible persons for application of prophylactic measures to
reduce occupational health hazards:

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Who is responsible to apply prophylactic measures to reduce

occupational health hazards originate from handing of laboratory


It is:

- The supervisor of the animal house

- The researcher

- Animal house staff

- Workers

- Visitors

In fact this is the responsibility of all of the above mentioned persons

and for avoid these hazards the following aspects must be strictly


1- General precautions:

It is easy to avoid occupational health hazards due to handling of

laboratory animals in animal houses through:

1- Determination of the hazard sources

2- Availability of some protective and safety utensils

3- Enforcement of safety and occupational health laws and

instructions in this respect

4- Continuous training of personnel

5- Application of personal hygienic health measures

2- Application of safety measures in animal house

a- General measures:

• Building used for animal housing must be located in an isolated place

and far away from other buildings.

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• Animal house should be provided with a good ventilation system to

avoid spreading of unfavorable odor.

Fig. (1): Animal house in an isolated place and far away from
other Buildings

• Inside temperature should be automatically controlled to be ranged

between 18 – 22 C° and relative humidity to be ranged between 45 –

55% and air should be changed 10 – 15 times in an hour.

• A good system of registration, including complete information about

all running experiments should be available.

• Instruction labels must be posted in clear sites and on doors of rooms.
• Working areas should be kept clean continuously.

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• Entrance of visitors, especially children must be regulated and

recorded in special record and must by associated with a staff

member and wear protective clothes.

• Floors and walls must be washed continuously and disinfected,

especially between experiments.

Fig. (2): Area used for breeding rats should be continuously


• Cages and feeding and drinking utensils must be in a good condition,

have no defects and cleaned twice weekly at least and between

experiments using hot water and soap and light disinfectant. Excess

number of cages should be available to transfer animals during

cleaning processes.

• Eating, drinking or smoking inside animal rooms are forbidden.

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• Avoid crowdness inside the room or cages.
• Ectoparasites like cockroaches, flays, mosquitoes and flees must be

periodically combated, especially in breeding rooms, bedding and

cracks should be sealed and doors and windows must be provided

with additionally silk covers.

• Animal should be properly restrained during dealing with it.
• Injuries must be recorded in special record.
• Workers should be informed about the nature of the experiment and

how to properly deal with these animals, cages and bedding by safe


• Animals used for carrying out dangerous experiments such as

infecting agents, radioactive isotopes or toxins must be kept in

separate rooms and labeled by different obvious color.

• Dead and condemned animals at the end of experiments as well as

bedding of animals used in dangerous experiments and all biological

wastes should be collected in special plastic bags labeled by the name

of the animal house and kept in deep freezers tell disposal and


• All used sharp utensils such as razors, scalpels and glasswares must

be collected in special tight plastic containers before disposal.

• In case of dealing with rats and rabbits, attention should be paid that

these animals must obtain from known trusted sources and free from

diseases of man and animals.

• In case of using dogs or cats, these animals should be obtained from

trusted good reputation source and specialized in breeding of research

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animals. The animals must be in good health and it is prefer to be

associated with health certificate indicating its freedom from diseases.

Dogs must be rabies free and cats must be toxoplasma free.

Fig (3): A container used for collecting sharp utensils.

b- Animal welfare:
• Laboratory animals should be kept in comfortable clean places and

provided with good quality feed and clean water to ensure good

health conditions.

• Cages must be in a good condition, easy to clean and permits no

contaminations of feed and drinking utensils to avoid spreading of


• Bedding must be clean and not contaminated with excretory

products of animals.

• In case of large laboratory animals such as dogs and monkeys, it is

necessary to permit a suitable time for daily exercise.

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• On using birds as laboratory animals, the specific vaccination

program for each species must be applied.

3- Application of personal hygienic measures

• Every researcher intends to deal with laboratory animals, should have

a training course for safety management of this species.

• Every person deal with laboratory animals must wear a special

protecting clothes during the existence in animal house, these clothes

should not be wear in other places or taken to clean at home.

• Protective masks, gloves and boats with long neck must be used in

accordance with the nature of the experiment.

• Hands should be continuously washed with water and soap and light

disinfectant and dry by air dryer or disposable towel.

• In case of accidentally contamination with blood, urine, feces or hairs

of laboratory animals on hand, face, eyes or mouth of a person, such

contaminant should be rapidly remove and wash the contaminated

part by water and soap.

• Staff members of laboratory animals should be subjected to periodical

medical examination every 6 months and taking blood, urine and tool

samples for analysis and diseased person must be treated before

contact animals again.

• Persons deal with animals experimentally infected with contagious

infectious diseases such as rabies, tuberculosis and tetanus, pox

should be vaccinated by the specific vaccine.

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Fig. (4): Protective clothes and utensils worn in animal house

Some zoonotic diseases due to handling of

laboratory animals

a- General diseases:
The most important occupational health hazards that may be occurred

for persons deal with laboratory animals includes:

1- Allergy:

Some symptoms of allergy may be appear due to handling of

laboratory animals in animal houses such as increased nasal and eye

discharges - sneezing, especially in persons who deal with these

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animals for the first time and these symptoms increased by time of

exposure and even asthma may by occurred.

Prophylaxis :

This disorder can be overcome by :

- Use of masks- gloves - protective clothes.

- Work in well ventilated area.

2-Bite and Scratch:

Bites and scratches cause pain, discomfort, wounds, infection and

transfer of some dangerous microorganisms such as pasturella,

Clostridium teteni, staphylococcus, streptococcus, especially in

persons deals with rats, cats and dogs.


- Use of gloves – protective clothes.

- Wounds and scratches must be immediately washed by water and

soap and disinfected by tincture iodine

Fig (5): A rat bite

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Fig,(8): A cat scratch

3-Gastrointestinal syndrome:

Laboratory animals are carriers for many microorganism such as

salmonella, shigella, campylobacter which cause vomiting, diarrhea

and abdominal pain for dealing person.


- Protective clothing

- Fellow proper personal hygienic measures

4- Dermatomycosis( Ring worm):

Some laboratory animals may carry germs of some skin diseases

such as ring worm and transfer it to contact person either by direct

method or by indirect method through contaminated bedding and



- Protective clothes.

- Fellow proper personal hygienic measures.

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5- Leptospirosis:

Infection by this disease occurred due to contact with urine of

infected rats or via inhalation of dust during cleaning of cages used

for breeding of infected animals, also the organism can penetrate

through wounded skin and mucous membranes leading to symptom

like ordinary flu with back pain and the infection may be extends to

the nervous and urinary systems.


- Use animal from trusted sources.

- Use vaccines.

- Do not make any contact with urine of animals.

- Fellow the proper personal hygienic measures

b- In case of handling of rats and rabbits:

The most important diseases that can transmit due to contact with

rats and rabbits include:

1- Hantavirus:

Rats are carrier for this disease without appearance of any clinical

signs and the virus is shed in saliva, urine and feces, get mixed

with bedding and dust. Contact persons can infected by inhalation

of virus contaminated dust leading to pneumonia and collection of

serous fluid in lungs and difficult breathing.


- Use animals from known trusted sources.

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- Use of protective masks.

- Fellow the proper personal hygienic measures.

2- Rat bite fever( Streptobacillus moniliformis):

Bacterial disease transmitted by rat bite or by skin cracks after

contamination with the microorganism which occurred in the pharynx

of 50% of rats. The disease appears in the form of fever, vomiting,

headache, skin eruptions on joint and muscles together with arthritis.


- Use animals from known trusted sources

- Use of protective clothes

- Use of masks

3-Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis :

Viral disease, carried by mice, rats and guinea pigs in dormant form. It

infect contact person leading to either mild or severe signs in the

form of fever, headache and muscular fatigue.


- Use animals from known trusted sources

- Use of protective gloves

- Proper washing of hand following contact with rats

- Fellow the proper personal hygienic measures

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Fig. ( 6): C.S. on brain in case of Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis



The causative bacteria is carried by rats and excreted in feces without

appearance of any clinical signs. The organisms propagate in intestine

after contamination of food and water cause food poisoning in form

of diarrhea, vomiting, headache and muscular fatigue.

- Proper washing of hands after contact with rats.

- Use of protective gloves.

- Protective clothes.

- Fellow the proper personal hygienic measures.

6- Campylobacteriosis:

Bacterial disease, the organism discharged in the excreta of

infected animals, causing diarrhea, especially during summer


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- Proper washing of hands after contact with rats

- Use of protective gloves

- Protective clothes

- Fellow the proper personal hygienic measures

7- Dermatomycosis( Ring worm):

c- In case of handling of dogs and cats

ِAmong the most important diseases that can transmitted to

contact person:


Viral disease, transmitted through contact with saliva of infected

dogs or after scratching. Symptoms appear after an incubation period

of hours to days to years from infection. Clinical signs appear in the

form of fatigue, headache, irritability, worry and fear from water, air

or light. The organism may reach to the nervous system and end by a

comma and complete paralysis.


- Consider any non vaccinated animal to be positive for rabies
and deal with it with great care.
- Dogs exposed person must be vaccinated.
- Notification of authority after any dog bits.

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- Proper washing of the site of bit with water and soap and
disinfected with tincture iodine
- Protective clothes
- Proper washing of hands after contact with dogs.
- Fellow the proper personal hygienic measures

Fig.(7): Rabies infected Dog.


Infection occurred due to contamination of food and water with this

protozoan parasite shaded in feces of infected cats. The disease is more

dangerous in immune depressed persons such as pregnant women and

elder persons. Clinical signs appear in form of general fatigue in all the

body and recurrent habitual abortion in ladies.


- Daily changing of cats bedding.
- Use of protective gloves.
- Fellow the proper personal hygienic measures.

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3- Pasteurella(Capnocytophaga):

These bacteria are present in the mouth cavity of dogs and cats and

contaminated wounds after biting leading to cellulitis at the biting site,

pain and fever


- Use of animals from trusted sources.
- Proper washing of hands after contact with dogs.
- Use of protective gloves.
- Fellow the proper personal hygienic measures.

4- Cat scratch fever(Bartonella henselae):

Bacterial disease with a history of dealing with cats, biting, scratch

leading to fever and lymphadenitis.


- Cutting of cats claws.
- Use of protective gloves.
- Fellow the proper personal hygienic measures.


The causative bacteria are found in the genital organs of male and

female animals. It induced abortion and may infect contact persons,

especially those interested in reproductive aspect and contact workers

who dispose abortion products. It induced severe pathological changes

in the liver and joints.

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- Proper disposal and avoid contact with abortion products,

discharges and dead fetuses.

- Periodical testing of dogs and positive animals must be culled

and not used for breeding purposes.

- Positive cases must be condemned and valuable animals must be

surgically spayed .

- Fellow the proper personal hygienic measures.

6 - Ring Worm

7 - Leptospirosis

8 - Salmonellosis

9 - Campylobacteriosis


Parasitic disease, induced by contamination of food, water and air by

eggs of tape warms present in dog feces. When get enter into human

body, it develops into large water filled cysts and cause symptoms differ

according to its situation in the host body.


- Proper washing of hands after contact with dogs.

- Use of protective clothes.

- Fellow the proper personal hygiene measures.

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d- In case of handling of monkeys:

1- Cercopithecine herpesvirus 1-(Monkey B- virus):

This disease is characterized by the presence of vesicles and ulcers on

mouth and genital organs of infected monkeys. It may infect contact

persons by contamination or biting leading to similar lesions in addition

to fever, headache and muscular fatigue.


- Regular exercise.

- Protecting clothes.

- Apply proper personal hygienic measure.

2- Tuberculosis:

Chronic bacterial disease, infection occurred after feeding or drinking

contaminated materials or after inhalation of contaminated air by these

germs. The disease is characterized by formation of granuloms in

different body organs, especially lungs leading to cough, severe weight

losses and diarrhea.


- Use of animals from known trusted sources.

- Regular periodical examination of animals using x rays and

immunological tests.

- Application of quarantine measure after experimental induction.

- Apply proper personal hygienic measure.

3-Hepatitis A&E:

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Infection occurred due to contamination of food and water with feces of

infected animals in case of type A , while infection occurred by contact

with blood of infected animals in B type.


- Use animal from known trusted source.

- Proper washing of hands after any contact with animals.

4- Shigellosis:

Animals usually carry Shigella that cause bloody diarrhea in man,

vomiting and gastritis.


- Proper washing of hands after any contact with animals.

-Apply proper personal hygienic measure.

5- Salmonellosis

6- Campylobacteriosis

7- Ring Worm

e- In case of handling of poultry

1- Chlamydiosis:

Bacterial disease affect all poultry species and birds can carry the

disease without showing clinical symptoms. Infect man, especially those

who are dealing with pigeon, turkeys and colored birds. The organism

secreted in the excreta of infected birds, contaminated man food and

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water leading to flu like clinical symptoms, diarrhea, inflammation of

eyes and throat.


- Use birds from trusted sources.

- Use protecting clothes.

- Apply proper personal hygienic measure.

Fig. (9): Chlamydia infected cock

2- Salmonellosis

3-Allergic alveolitis:

Some persons have allergy for birds feathers and contact dust, especially

that of pigeon and showed coughing, difficult breathing and fever when

they deal with these birds for a long period.


- Daily cleaning of cages.

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- Avoid birds overcrowding.

- Keep ventilation in a proper manner usually

- Apply proper personal hygienic measure

Fig( 10): X ray plate shows water distention in chest due to Allergic


4- Campylobacteriosis:


5- New castles disease

Viral disease affects all species of poultry. The virus shad with the

excreta of the infected bird and cause reparatory symptoms,

characteristic white diarrhea, inflammation of the eyes and nervous

symptoms in head and neck region. Man gets infected through inhalation

of contaminated dust and develop flu signs with characteristic red eyes.


- Regular periodical vaccination of birds.

- Continuous cleaning of cages.

- Apply proper personal hygienic measure.

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Fig (11): New castle disease in fowl

6- Avian tuberculosis

Fig (12): A duck suffered from tuberculosis

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7- Giardia:

Protozoon parasite live in intestine of infected birds. Infection occurred

due to use of contaminated food and water, leading to abdominal pain

and diarrhea.


- Use of birds from trusted sources.

- Avoid overcrowdings of poultry.

- Isolate newly purchased birds for a period of time to be sure that

they are healthy.

- Apply proper personal hygienic measure.

8- Avian influenza:

Group of infectious viral diseases affecting all species of poultry. Wild

and water poultries are the original factor of disease transfer due these

birds are carriers for the disease without the appearance of any clinical

symptoms. The disease mostly spreads by reparatory route after

inhalation of waste of infected birds by direct and indirect means. The

infected person has flu like symptoms, fever and difficult breathing.


- Avoid overcrowdings.

- Work usually in good ventilated area.

- Frequently proper washing of hand.

- Use protective masks.

- Use protected clothes.

- Regular vaccination.

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Fig (13): ِAvian influenza


For safe handling with laboratory animals and to avoid exposure to some

occupational heath hazards:

- Everybody in animal house is responsible.

- Use protective clothes and utensils.

- Fellow safety instructions.

- Apply proper personal hygienic measure.


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