Luna Loupe Someone to Cuttle

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Someone to Cuttle

By Luna Loupe

Copyright 2012 Luna Loupe

AllRomanceEbooks Edition

Even in sunlight dimmed by the water, the coral reef glittered like a jewel. Paul

could hear nothing but the sound of his own breath in the scuba mask, although he knew
his diving buddy and instructor Sharon was only a few feet behind him. The water gave
everything an otherworldly beauty as he traversed the reef, careful not to disturb
anything. A shoal of small, colorful fish flitted around him, strangely birdlike.

Paul glanced over his shoulder, and Sharon caught his movement. She signaled

everything okay? at him, and he echoed the signal for his I’m okay response. He turned
back again, heading along the reef: he could barely see what looked like it might be an
octopus ahead.

When he approached, the octopus turned out to be a large cuttlefish - and to his

delight he could see a pair of smaller cuttlefish nearby, likely females. Paul had always
found cephalopods fascinating. They were so intelligent in a way so unlike most
vertebrates. He liked to think that if he hadn’t inherited his father’s advertising firm, he
would have become a marine biologist - part of the reason he had decided to go diving
for his vacation. It was so good to be in the water instead of sitting at a desk.

He stopped, treading water, to watch the cuttlefish. The possible female flirted

around the big male, trying to catch his attention, but Paul had the feeling the big guy was
sizing him up. As he watched, a wave of darker color rippled over the surface of the big
one’s skin, making him catch his breath: it was one thing to read about the level of
control cuttlefish had over their pigmentation, and another thing entirely to see it in
person. The dark pigment sine-waved over the cuttlefish’s skin, smooth and sinuous,
and… was it forming a more complex pattern?

The words Hey there, big guy had formed on the largest cuttlefish. It watched him

impassively, fins undulating while Paul stared. Was he seeing things?

After a moment the words dissipated, but they were soon replaced by Why don’t

you come over and see us tonight? Paul glanced over his shoulder, hoping for some
confirmation from Sharon, but she was studying an anemone and not looking his way. He
had to be hallucinating, there was no other explanation. A cuttlefish could not possibly be
hitting on him.

The words see you tonight rippled over the largest cuttlefish’s back before it

darted out of view, followed shortly by the other two - he could’ve sworn he saw nice
on the back of one of them - and Paul was left alone, shaking his head and feeling
dazed. He turned to Sharon and signaled going up to her; if he was hallucinating, there
might be something wrong with his air tank, and he’d better get up to normal air now.
The dive had run pretty long today besides, and he had the rest of the week to see more of
the reef.

The swim up to the surface and back to the boat went smoothly. Paul sat dripping

on the deck, breathing in deep lungfuls of air: what was in his tank may have been purer,

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but he had to admit it lacked a certain depth. Here he could smell the salt tang of the
ocean, along with the faintest curl of the abundant blooms back on shore.

“Everything alright, Paul?” Sharon asked him, shaking her long dark hair loose.

“That was a little earlier than we’d planned to run this.”

“Oh, uh…” He shifted uncomfortably, tipping his head to let the water drain from

his ears. If he told the truth, he’d sound crazy - but what if there really had been
something wrong with the air? “Have you ever seen anything, well, weird while diving?”

Sharon looked concerned. “Weird how? I’ve seen some pretty unusual marine

life, but I have a feeling that’s not what you mean.”

“I saw some cuttlefish that were acting, uh, odd…”
He explained, keeping the details of what exactly the cuttlefish-message had been

vague, heart sinking as Sharon’s expression went from confusion to the carefully kind
face you made around someone who was a little odd in the head.

“Don’t worry about it, Paul, it’s probably nothing. Sometimes you can get a little

confused after a long dive - things are so different down there, especially on your first
few dives. It’s part of why we use the buddy system. Keep an eye out for anything else
like that happening, but don’t worry over it too much.” She patted his shoulder and
walked into the small cabin of the boat for the ride back to shore.

Paul sagged back against the railing with his eyes shut, trying to believe her. It

hadn’t felt unreal, but that was what separated hallucinations from dreams, wasn’t it?
He’d just have to make sure it wasn’t recurring.

“Hope I’m not cracking up from stress or something,” he muttered to himself.

God, he’d needed this vacation.

For now, I’m not going to worry, he decided.

The beach at night made it easy to forget his earlier worries. The air was still

warm and as heavily perfumed as bathwater, but there was a cool ocean breeze and the
stars were bright overhead. Paul had meant to watch for nighttime activity from the fish
in the shallow water, but it was so nice out that he decided to just lie back on a towel and
relax. He listened to the soft rushing of the surf with his eyes closed, tension melting

“Hey there! Butt guy!” someone called from up the beach.
Paul sat up, looking toward the voice. What the hell?
It turned out that the baffling greeting had come from one of three men - he

wasn’t sure which one yet, but there was a pair of lithe and bare-chested men in swim
trunks flanking a burly, broad-chested guy in an open Hawaiian shirt and shorts. They
were all headed toward him. As he looked over, one of the smaller men waved.

He stood up, uncertain of what was going on and a little nervous. They weren’t

acting aggressive at all, and he had to admit they were all good-looking - but had one of
them seriously called him butt guy? He wasn’t sure he liked where this was going.

“We were hoping you’d be here,” called the largest man as they drew near.
“I… don’t think I know you guys,” Paul said slowly, sizing them up. They all

looked like they worked out regularly, or maybe just dove in the case of the shorter, less
bulky pair of men - they had the well-muscled legs of swimmers.

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“Sure you do!” said one of the smaller men, stepping forward. Up close like this,

Paul could see that each man wore a simple necklace of rough cord and dull white beads.
The material was unusual, but it was hard to say what it was in the moonlight.

“You met us earlier today,” the man continued. “Remember? I’d know that tight

ass anywhere,” he added, his tone teasing.

Paul’s mouth opened and shut silently as he gaped at them, flabbergasted. “Ex-

excuse me?

“You were diving! C’mon, don’t you recognize us?”
The larger man leaned over and ruffled the speaker’s hair, prompting a rude noise

from the shorter man. “Come on, Apama, don’t tease him. You know we were shifted

He looked over to Paul and smiled warmly, extending his hand to shake. Paul

shook his hand automatically and found that the man’s hands were as warm and rough as
they were huge. He seemed to have been built on a larger-than-usual scale.

“Look, I really don’t know what’s going on here,” Paul said.
“It’s simple! We were the cuttlefish you saw today, we thought you were hot, and

we’ve come to see you for a bit of fun if you’re up to it.”

“Irvin, I don’t think he gets it,” said Apama, patiently. “Look, we… want… to…

do… you,” he said to Paul, enunciating clearly.

“Yes, I got that! But what did you say about being cuttlefish?” Paul was

struggling to keep his calm: this was not quite the relaxing evening he had hoped for.

Apama turned to the other relatively short, lithe man. “Simon, why don’t you

show him?”

Simon flashed Paul a wicked grin and raised one hand to the beads of his

necklace, eyes flickering shut for a moment. As Paul watched with wide eyes, the fingers
of the man’s other hand lengthened and went strange, until finally they could be
described as nothing other than stubby tentacles. Simon opened his eyes again and
wiggled his tentacle-fingers, laughing. “Does it make more sense now?”

“Holy shit,” Paul breathed, feeling dizzy. There had to be something wrong with

his head, because this simply couldn’t be happening.

“You could have shown him something that doesn’t make you look like a second-

rate movie monster,” Irvin said to Simon, who was still wiggling his not-fingers

“Like what? We can’t exactly shift full out here, and face it, a human with cuttle

anything is going to look freaky, man. Cephalopride!” Simon proclaimed proudly.

“Look, this was supposed to be a vacation, not a… a trip where I discover I have

persistent hallucinations,” Paul said lamely. “Could you all just-”

“Hey,” Irvin said. He held his hands up to silence the two smaller men. “Look,

how about you come have a drink with us? Least we could do after ruining your day like
this, and we’ve got our camp a bit up shore from you.”

“Well- hold on, isn’t that still part of the resort?”
Irvin’s smile took on a mischievous edge. “Well, I say camp… it’s not like

anyone ever notices us, don’t you worry.”

“You coming or not?” Apama asked.

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“Well… alright,” Paul said, only a little reluctant. Maybe he’d feel better after a

beer, and it was hard to turn down a drink, even from such unusual company.

He had to admit, a few drinks later he did feel better about himself, and the world

in general. The other men seemed to share the sentiment: the two smaller men were
singing loudly and off-key, and big sturdy Irvin was telling him unsteadily about the best
way to hunt crabs. Some of the nuance was lost on Paul, given that he lacked feeding
tentacles or fins, but it was a different perspective on the whole affair and he found it
interesting. Especially since the lesson was cushioned in the warm, gentle haze of

“So what you’ve gotta do is you’ve gotta blend in, make yourself all colors of the

stuff around you, creeeep on up on them and- bam!” He lunged forward with startling
speed, catching Paul’s arm in his hands. “Like that!”

After a moment of thought he added, “On you I’d skip the whole cracking your

shell open with my beak and… yeah,” he muttered, trailing off. Paul laughed and
wondered if the shifter had something else in mind, or if he just hadn’t thought things

“I never knew it took such effort,” he said, stifling a yawn. He had always been a

drowsy drunk, and this night was no exception.

“Yup,” Irvin said, nodding drowsily.
“Hey, what’s it like?” Paul said. “You know, uh… being a cuttlefish?”
“Oh, you know,” Apama said, pausing his song and gesturing with his bottle of

beer. “Swim, eat, fuck. Not much different from being human, I think.”

Paul nodded to himself. Yeah, he could see that, he thought to himself. When it

came down to it, most living things weren’t all that different.

“We could show you, what it’s like to be one of us,” Irvin said. There was a glint

in his eye that Paul missed.

“Sure,” said Paul, and forgot about it. They spent the rest of the night like that,

laughing and drinking and singing and doing nothing much of consequence. Eventually,
when the moon was sinking low in the west, Paul said his goodbyes and stumbled back
across the beach to the cabana that he was staying in.

“Huh,” he muttered to himself on the way. “I never knew cephaluh… cephalo…

squiddy dudes would be such nice guys.”

The next morning the cuttlefish shifters were nowhere to be found. He wondered

about that at first, but he was hung-over enough not to care - and besides, he had another
dive today.

This one went smoothly, with nary a cephalopod to be seen. None of the other

marine life seemed interested in his hindquarters, but at least Sharon seemed relieved that
he was back to normal. The rest of the day went much the same: calm, beautiful, relaxing,
everything he’d been looking for from this vacation.

Still, Paul found his mind kept wandering back to Irvin and the others. They’d all

been good-looking, and they’d all obviously been fucking one another - the body
language, the casual little ass-grabs, all of it spoke to that. He wondered idly would it

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would be like to screw them all. He’d been with other men before, not to mention a few
women, but never more than one at a time. What would he even do with three other

He had a few ideas.

He didn’t see them again until the next morning, when he wandered onto the back

porch of his cabana and there they were, Irvin leaning back against one of the columns
supporting the roof, Simon and Apama sitting together in the hammock.

They were all stark naked, morning sunlight gleaming over tanned skin and taut

muscles. Paul blinked, slowly, taking them all in.

“Where’ve you all been?”
“We’ve been keeping busy,” Simon said with a little grin.
“Right. So… why are you here-” He paused and thought. “Why are you naked,


“You know how you wanted to see what it was like to be one of us?” Irvin asked,

his deep voice quiet.

“We’re gonna show you.”
Paul found himself surrounded by the three cuttle-shifters, all of them naked, all

of them eager to get his clothes off him. What the hell, why not, he thought. It was a
vacation, after all.

Quick, wiry little Apama’s and Simon’s fingers worked at the buttons of his shirt

and pants, shucking them off him as easily as they might shuck an oyster. They worked
quickly and soon he was naked as the rest of them, the ocean breeze playing across his
freshly-tanned skin and making him shiver. Irvin was looking him over, his eyes hungry,
taking in each inch of him.

Simon grabbed his ass. It kind of spoiled the tension, but they all laughed at

Paul’s startled jump. When they’d calmed down Irvin spoke:

“So, Paul,” he said. “You wanted to know what it’s like for us, for me and my

boys? You’ve seen as much of the sea as we can show you - now it’s time for what we do
on land…”

Apama and Simon each took him by an arm, pinning them behind him as strong,

buff Irvin moved forward to claim Paul’s lips in a rough, hard kiss. His day’s growth of
stubble rasped roughly against Paul’s own smooth-shaven skin as he returned the kiss, the
two men’s tongues entangled, hearts pounding and blood rushing. The two subordinate
males were running their free hands over his body, lingering at his pecs, his lightly toned
abs, the strong meaty slope of his well-muscled thighs.

“I’m the boss, see,” Irvin said, his voice low and calm. He placed a strong hand

on each of Paul’s shoulders. “They get that, I get that, it all works. If you want to know
what it’s like,” he said, eyes smoldering, “then you kneel down for me.”

He pushed him down gently, little more than a light pressure on Paul’s shoulders,

but his knees had already bent for him before he’d had time to think it over. He wanted a
taste of that thick, meaty cuttle-cock, the one he’d only gotten teasing glimpses of before
now. He wrapped his lips around the shifter’s shaft and sucked him off like his cock was

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a tall, cool glass of water and he was a man dying of thirst. God, it’d been so long since
he’d been with a man - let alone one like Irvin.

“Unnh, you’ve got the right idea,” Irvin groaned, twisting his hands into Paul’s

hair. Paul sputtered as the brawny shifter forced his mouth further down onto his cock,
pistoning his hips to fuck his mouth and throat. It was achingly rough, he struggled
against his gag reflex - and he could feel his own cock standing hard and proud from the
rough treatment.

The other two had let go of his hands, but he didn’t realize where they’d gone

until Simon’s cock slapped against his cheek. The two smaller shifters were standing on
either side of him.

Paul reached out to jerk them off, wrapping his fingers around the other shifters’

shafts as he took in as much of Irvin’s cock as he could. He had never felt so used and so
turned on at the same time, and when Irvin came it was all he could do to choke down the
thick spurts of his cum until the bigger man pulled back, letting the last of his load spill
onto Paul’s face and neck. The other two came next, their thick cum streaking onto his
face, neck, shoulders and chest.

He was a mess, and he loved it.
“Right,” Irvin panted. “You’re getting the hang of it.”
God, he’s hard again already? Paul thought. Maybe being a shapeshifter gave

you unusual stamina, too.

“Right, boys,” Irvin said, voice low and hungry. “You know what we’re gonna


They pushed him into the hammock, onto his back, and Irvin lifted his legs up to

gain access to the tight pucker of Paul’s asshole. As he pushed into him, Paul realized
that Irvin’s hard erection was slick and slippery with something, though he’d never seen
the man reach for any lube.

He didn’t have time to wonder any further about shifter anatomy, because

Apama’s prick thrust into his mouth. He groaned, muffled by cock, as Irvin filled him
completely. The other man’s girthy rod stretched him open, pressing hard against the
tight bud of his prostate as he was fucked from both ends.

His cock ached to be touched, he was so hard - and he was so grateful when

Simon gulped it into his mouth, looping what felt like an unnaturally flexible and sinuous
tongue around his shaft. It was almost more than Paul could handle, every movement of
Simon’s mouth and Irvin’s cock sending white waves of heat through his body, radiating
from his prick outwards as he slurped greedily at Apama’s rod.

His cock convulsed in Simon’s mouth as Paul’s balls grew tight, and then it was

all too much. He came with a muffled cry of pleasure, writhing between and under the
three shifters, the tight walls of his ass clenching around Irvin’s mammoth rod.

His climax pushed the others over the edge as well, and Paul found himself

gulping down hot shifter cum as he was flooded from both ends. Irvin left his pounded
ass gaping and sticky with cum as he withdrew, spattered with the last stray drops of his
release, but Simon made sure to make him gulp down every last bit.

He lay there, panting for breath as the other men withdrew. He was exhausted, his

ass ached and he was covered in cuttlefish cum.

It was a pretty good start to the day.

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“I think you understand better, now,” Irvin said, grinning down at him. Paul

leaned back, exhausted, but he smiled weakly up at the other three.

“Good lord, no wonder you were all busy yesterday.”
The other three laughed. Simon licked his lips, and Paul realized that his tongue

was more tentacle than not. The shifter caught his gaze and smirked, repeating the motion
more slowly so that Paul could see.

“Oh, there’s plenty more that we can do. You’d be amazed at how useful a partial

shift can be in some situations.”

Paul nodded, intrigued, but he was just too tired for now. He yawned.
“You guys will just have to show me some time,” he said, lying back and closing

his eyes. The large hammock swung gently as the others climbed onto it, surrounding him
in warmth.

Yes, Paul decided, this was a good use of his vacation time.


A note from the author…

Dedicated to those of you who love a good laugh. And quite possibly some hot


Irvin, Simon and Apama are all named for different species of the cuttlefish

family Sepiidae: Sepia irvingi, Sepia simoniana, and Sepia apama. The last species is
also known as the Australian giant cuttlefish, and this is the species that our cuttlefish-
heroes shift into.

While it doesn’t come up in this particular story, Sepia apama displays some

interesting mating behavior: the largest, strongest males will attract females during the
mating season and will guard them to ensure no other males can mate with them. Some of
the smaller males have worked out how to get around this: they’ll mimic the skin patterns
and behavior of the females to slip in under the larger male’s guard, so that they can
breed as well.

Cuttlefish have a remarkable level of control over their coloration and can change

it very quickly.

About the Author:

Luna Loupe is an Erotica author with a passion for spicy love stories. She lives with

her three sweet cats, and one needy - but still very sweet - dog.

If you enjoyed this story, you may also like some of Luna's other work:

Out On A Limb

, a m/m story about a cat shifter who finds himself stuck in a tree

after a friend pulls a prank on him - and the hot fireman who saves him, sparking the

shifter's interest. Can Adam win the fireman's heart without giving his secret away?

Taking Her Herd

: Prairie ecologist Jenny is out doing field work when she comes

across a big surprise: a herd of wild horses! They're beautiful creatures - and she's

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shocked when they become handsome men! Their leader offers Jenny the choice to

become one of them, a horse-shifter and the head mare of the herd – but to do so, Jenny

must take all eight handsome stallions as her mates.

Meeting With a Mermaid

: Jake's thrilled with his tropical vacation - and even more

thrilled to find a mysterious, beautiful woman during a moonlight walk on the beach.

Jake doesn't know that she has a secret - or how much she'll change his life.

You can find more of Luna's erotic fiction on

You can contact and follow Luna at:

@LunaLoupe on Twitter

Luna Loupe: Erotica & More on Blogspot

Or by email at

Thank you for reading!

License Notes

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-

sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another

person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book

and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard

work of this author.

This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or

dead is unintended. All rights reserved.


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