Devin Knight & Jerome Finley Cloud Busting Secrets

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Other Devin Knight Releases

Auto-Bend Silverware


Chess Gambit

Comedy Ring in Light Bulb

Double Coincidence

Disintegration Tube

Excalibur Deck



Glass Box Prediction

Gumball Poker

Hats Incredible

Impossible Devination

Improved Lexicon Phenomena

In The News

Insight Deck

Jumbo Backstage Monte
Knight’s Tour Excalibur

Paint Surprise

Telltale Water

Tri-Epic Prediction

Weather or Not

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Cloud Busting Secrets

Make Clouds Vanish, Appear & More

Devin Knight & Jerome Finley

Preface By

Paolo Cavalli

Foreword By

Enrique Enriquez

Excalibur Publishing

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Edited by
Mel Strouse
Sandy Ewing

Cloud Busting Secrets

Copyright © 2007 by Devin Knight & Jerome Finley

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording
or any information storage and retrieval now known or to be invented, without
written permission of the authors.
1. Magic Tricks 2. Conjuring 1. Title

Printed by
Globe Printing Company

Printed in the United States of America

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For Sandy,

The lady who makes the dark clouds vanish from my life

and is the rainbow after the storm!

Devin Knight

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Special Thanks To

Mel Strouse

Luke Jermay

Michael Weber

Richard Osterlind

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Table of Contents

Preface by Paolo Cavalli


Part One: Cloud Busting 101

Part Two: Advanced Cloud Melting Techniques

Part Two Foreword by Enrique Enriquez

Part Three: Changing The Weather

Part Four: Orgone Energy & Cloud Busting Devices

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When Devin and Jerome told me they were going to jointly write a book on the lost art of

cloud busting, (because it is an art!) I was immensely glad these two experienced guys had the will
and the time to accomplish something like this.

I’ve been in mentalism for more than 25 years now and clearly I know a thing or two about

cloud busting, (having done my homework in the past, read Al Mann, watched some videos of
some “guru”, etc.) but nothing I have read or watched even came close to what I have read and
learned in this present book.

Devin and Jerome are two guys with a long and solid background behind their backs. I

should not have been surprised by the information that I’ve found inside these pages; and yet I have
been. That is because of the richness of details that these two modern shamans have poured into
this book, because of the vividness of the images that their written word evokes, because of the
many nuances, psychological subtleties, and guidance they have provided in this masterpiece.

However, there is more than that, much more. While reading this book, I was imagining

myself really trying all of this stuff. Just the idea of it sent thrills of excitement down my spine. I
have rarely performed these kinds of feats because I never felt particularly attracted or moved by
this kind of experiment. This book has changed that, forever. Just by reading the many fine
examples and sample routines (and plots) given, I knew I had to go out and practice like mad in
order to then start performing these amazing feats anywhere.

It really shows through, chapter after chapter, that these two creative guys have long

practiced what they now can rightly preach. They both make the whole thing appear so easy
(actually it is, trust me, with only a modicum of training to get the right “knack” for it) and so
compelling that you cannot resist but become a true Cloud Busting Master!

Devin and Jerome will not only spell out for you the ABCs of cloud busting in simple steps,

but they will give you detailed instructions on other related topics as well. They will teach you how
to apparently control the weather, how to sculpture clouds, and how to use clouds to see faces. In
addition to all that, they show you how to use clouds to reveal playing cards, animals, numbers, or
even an ESP Testing symbol that someone has secretly chosen. Nothing has been held back!

Their work is so comprehensive and all-inclusive; that anything else published before on the

subject is simply pale in comparison. I told them – and I want to state the same thing here – that
this book could have been called THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CLOUD BUSTING. This is a book
to read and re-read many times. This is also a book that calls you to action!

With that said, open the doors of your mind. Let yourself be thrilled, charmed and

enchanted by the secret knowledge that Devin and Jerome are, for the first time ever, going to share
with you.

Paolo Cavalli

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There has long been a need for this book. Many magicians have heard of

Cloud Busting, but knew little about it. Over the years a few mentalists and psychic
performers have been doing this feat and getting great publicity with it. The feat
seems totally impossible and those who can demonstrate it often wind up in the news.
I know for many years while on tour I was able to get story after story in newspapers
just by busting clouds for reporters.

Very little has appeared in print on cloud busting secrets. The few sources

have been very skimpy and without much in the way of details. Even then, some of
the information was incorrect. With this book, we hope to strip away the veil of
secrecy behind these feats. What has been limited to a select few is now being
revealed to you.

After reading this book you will be able to make clouds vanish from the sky.

In fact in some cases you will be able to clear the sky of clouds, leaving only a blue
sky. You will be able to sculpture clouds into images that reveal selected cards,
thought of numbers or even a thought of animal. However, we don’t stop there. We
give you the inner secrets that apparently let you change the weather. Yes, you will
apparently delay rain or snow, and even make it warmer. In one part we even show
you how to make a rainbow appear.

We also guide you through the ways of getting an audience to watch you.

After all, once you master these effects, you will want someone to watch. We’ll give
you surefire ways to stop a crowd on the street anytime you want to perform some
cloud miracles. In many ways, this could be termed the ultimate street magic effect.

In this book we teach you all we know about cloud magic. We hold nothing

back. We’ll even show you how to make this look like REAL MAGIC. Both of us
fully realize that parts of this book will be very controversial
. This information
has been derived over a lifetime of experience. Such information can be dangerous in
the wrong hands. This is cult-starting material. Be careful how you use it and what
claims you make. The authors are not responsible for the misuse of any information
in this book. This information is published for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES

Devin Knight

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Basic Techniques for Making Clouds

Vanish, Appear and More

Cause Clouds to Reveal Thoughts

How to Get Perfect Strangers to Watch

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The Basic Secret Revealed

Cloud Busting has always been a topic of discussion among the psychic community. It was

even featured in the movie The Fisher King. In the movie you lie on your back and stare up at the
sky. You try to break the clouds apart with your mind. In the movie the main characters attempt to
cloud bust in the middle of the night. Robin Williams’ character claims you have to be naked to do
it correctly…naked!

Many magicians and mentalists have tried to jump on the bandwagon. Many far-fetched

ideas have been touted and are not too practical in real life. That is because these writers didn’t
know the real secret. In some previous writings, the authors have suggested using heat sources to
form clouds (perhaps the heat from a chimney). At a pre-determined time the heat source would be
cut off and the cloud would vanish.

Others have suggested the use of lasers to dissipate the cloud. Would these methods work?

Maybe, but I haven’t tried them. I also can assure you that the cloud busters I know do not resort to
using the above methods. They are totally unnecessary, and only show the author’s lack of the real
secrets behind cloud busting. Don’t worry; you won’t need any special equipment, lasers, heat
sources, or airplanes to seed the sky. All you need is the knowledge I am about to share with you.
Combine that knowledge with some downright boldness and you have the stuff to make miracles.
Yes, cloud busting is a real effect that almost anyone can master in a short period of time. It’s time
to do away with all the speculation and false information and let you in on the real secrets of cloud

The real secret behind cloud busting may disappoint you at first. It’s a natural event of the

universe and Mother Earth. Most people don’t think about it, nor do they realize what is happening.
However you will take this common everyday occurrence and turn it into a miracle! So what is the
secret? It’s simple; ALL clouds vanish and appear in time. The sky will start clear (a blue sky) and
clouds will form as the atmospheric conditions change. Later, these same clouds will dissipate
(vanish). The wind may blow them, but a cloud has a limited life span. It will form and it will
dissipate in time.

Your job is to determine when the cloud is about ready to dissipate, or when it will form.

This takes some practice at first, but in time you will become a master of it. In other words you
must learn the life span of a cloud; its birth, its movement and finally its death (which you will
apparently cause). The good news is that you don’t have to be a weatherman to do this. It is my
goal to put this information into a simple NON-TECHNICAL form. I will explain this technique in
ways that will allow anyone, within a week or so, to go out and apparently manipulate nature. It
will take some work and practice to learn this. Cloud busting is something you only get better at
over time.

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Cloud Busting has been around a long time, but it was Al Mann who really brought it to the

forefront. In the November 1974 issue of MAGICK, the editor Bascom Jones published it under
the title of: MIND CLOUD. However, for some obscure reason he did not publish the solution
Mann gave him.

Later, Mann brought the subject up again in his Mental-Ettes manuscript, devoting a mere

two pages on how to COMMAND THE ELEMENTS. An excerpt from this is quoted below.

According to Al Mann, a story appeared in the magazine, EXPLORING THE UNKNOWN,

March, 1960. Walter McGraw wrote an article and stated that Dr. Rolf Alexander had impressed
him with his ability to make clouds vanish.

“The doctor stood in front of a large group of people on the roof of a Miami building and

asked me to point out a cloud…any cloud in the blue, blue Florida sky. On two different occasions
he concentrated on the chosen cloud and it dissolved. None of the other clouds around it

The Al Mann Solution:

“The blue, blue sky tells us that it was done during fair weather. Florida happens to be

the ideal place for such a test. Dr. Alexander could never duplicate the same test over Chicago
or New York. This is due to the multiple and varying heat sources which create a chaotic
cloud layer over the city.

“The cloud test can only be done in the temperate latitudes and under certain weather

conditions. It must be a windless day, warm and of normal humidity. These conditions
produce the small puffy cloud that resembles a tuft of cotton. These clouds are called fair-
weather clouds by seamen and pilots. The Latin name for such a cloud is ‘Cumulus Humilis’

“These small clouds are the visible top of thermal, rising air currents. As the air is

heated over the hot earth, it expands and tends to rise in columns as though through invisible
chimneys. As the air gains altitude it cools off until it reaches the level of condensation. The
invisible water vapor in the rising air becomes visible as a cloud form. The cloud remains
almost stationary in the windless blue sky and remains in sight on top of the thermal until the
source of heat stops or changes. This source of heat can be duplicated by artificial means.
Some of the clouds over a small city are created that way. A furnace in a building, for
example, can be used to produce a cloud by directing the heat upwards. When the heat is shut
off the artificial cloud disappears. The psychic can force the choice of a cloud or he can
arrange to have a number of artificial clouds up in the air and then secretly signal to his
assistants which heat source to shut off.

“The psychic must be a good sky watcher and must also be an amateur weatherman.

The cumulus humili clouds forms early in the day and usually grows larger. So the test must
be done usually in the morning hours.”

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Unfortunately, due to the publication of this information, many people thought that cloud

busting could only be done using an artificial heat source. This is not to say this method doesn’t
work. It does work and can be done. However, it isn’t practical for most of us
. Al Mann in his
writings even suggested the use of lasers, although admitted it was not practical. To many the idea
of causing a cloud to vanish was nothing more than an impractical pipe dream. Nothing could be
further from the truth.

I vividly remember visiting Al Mann at his West Virginia home and stunning him with my

ability to vanish any cloud he chose. Until that time Mann wasn’t sure just how practical this could
be in the real world. I convinced him cloud busting could be an everyday occurrence for the skilled
cloud buster. I went on to tour the country causing clouds to vanish for reporters in every city I
played. As a result many newspaper articles were written about my abilities of manipulating the
weather. My techniques are all explained here.


There are effects (such as sky revelations) that can be done year-round with clouds.

However, basic cloud vanishing is limited to fair weather days. You will find the best time to do
these effects is from early spring to late fall. This time span has the best fair weather days. Granted
there are some days in the winter that will work, but as a rule you will do most of your cloud
busting in the summer months. This is the way it should be, because people are outdoors and are
willing to stand around and watch your miracles.

Festivals are everywhere, amusement parks are open and if you are performing at these

places you have a ready made audience for your cloud miracles. The summer time is perfect for
street magic. If this is your thing, then cloud busting can become the ultimate street trick.

Here is a picture of the proper type clouds to work with.

What you are looking for are the days when the wind isn’t blowing, the sky is blue, blue and

full of those little white puffy clouds that resemble cotton balls. The clouds will vary in size from
small to very large. It is possible to work with any of these clouds, but I recommend starting with
the smaller clouds. Al Mann said you could find these clouds in the morning. I have found in real
life that the clouds form from early morning to late afternoon, depending on the location and time


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of the year. The smaller clouds will disperse faster and on the average will only take you a few
minutes to vanish.

To learn this technique you are going to have to spend an afternoon watching clouds. Just

make sure it’s an afternoon with blue skies and small puffy white clouds. For best results check the
weather forecast and make sure no pending storms are in the forecast that day.

Now pick out a small cloud and watch it, do nothing but watch it. You will find in a short

period of time the cloud will dissipate. It may take a while if you picked the wrong cloud.
However, this is part of the learning experience.

How To Spot A Cloud Ready To Vanish

A cloud ready to vanish will have a slightly different look to it. Some clouds will have a

thick milky look to them. Others will be a bit more translucent, with a foggy look to them. These
are the ones ready to vanish. Other telltale signs are that the edges of the cloud look misty instead
of rounded. You may note that some clouds have what appears to be a foggy edge around the cloud.
These are the clouds you are looking for. The misty look and foggy edges are telltale signs the
cloud is breaking up.

This is why it is imperative that you spend a few hours outdoors watching the clouds. It will

take some practice at first but soon you will get the knack. You will be able to spot a cloud that is
ready to vanish. When you watch it, it will vanish but the others will stay intact around it. Once you
spot the right cloud, you time it with your watch. Get a feel for how long it takes the cloud to

If you are riding in a car, look at the clouds in the distance. You will spot clouds that are

about to vanish. Become ‘cloud aware’ as I like to term it. When you go out, look to the skies.
Learn to know what clouds are going to vanish. You will find that within a week you will be able to
go out and just point to a cloud and make it vanish. Yes, your mind’s eye will immediately spot the
right cloud(s). It’s a knack, but one that is easily learned.

Making The Cloud Vanish

In Jerome’s section he goes into much detail on how to create the proper build-up. For now

I am giving you the basics. You don’t want to make this look too simple. Tell the spectators you’ve
spent years learning how to use your psychic energy to make clouds to vanish.

Point to a cloud so everyone knows what the target is. Have them focus their attention on

the cloud. This also helps keep them from noticing any other clouds that may vanish. I like to bring
both hands to my temples and let my eyes go out of focus. I tense my body so I go into a sweat (if it
is hot enough outside). I chant over and over, “Vanish, Vanish, Vanish…” Sometimes I will let my
arms shake from the muscle tension. This is all build-up. In a short while the cloud will vanish.
You need do nothing but act and strain as if your mental energy is being drained from your body.

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Sometimes I will collapse (faked) after the cloud vanishes, creating the appearance I am totally

This serves a dual purpose. First it makes it look more realistic, and second, it stops people

from asking you to do it again by pointing to a cloud you can’t vanish right away. You can always
say this has drained your energy and you can’t do it again for at least 24 hours. This gets them on
your side. Ever notice how David Blaine plays this for all it’s worth in his major stunts? He is
always on the verge of collapse from all the energy lost. People love Blaine because of this. So
make it look like this has drained your life force and that it will take time to recoup. People will
believe what you did was for real because of these actions.

There Is No Failure

Sometimes the cloud doesn’t co-operate. It is taking longer than you hoped. Your cloud

breaks up in little pieces but parts remain. This is NOT failure. If it is taking too long, do the
collapse bit. Say this is draining you of all your energy. Point out that you succeeded in breaking
the cloud apart. The audience will have noticed the drastic change in the cloud and give you credit
for it. Sometimes it is best to stop early, especially if you are doing this on the street or at a festival
where people need to move on. If it takes too long, they will tire and move on. That is why you
want to pick a cloud that will normally vanish in five minutes or less. If it takes longer, your
spectators may get bored and move on. If they seem fascinated then continue till the entire cloud is
gone, even if it takes ten minutes. However my rule of thumb is, if the cloud hasn’t vanished
completely within five minutes, then collapse from exhaustion. You will have broken up the cloud
enough to convince them of your ability.

ONLY THE TARGET CLOUD VANISHES….The Surrounding Clouds Remain

This is your goal and is fairly easy to obtain. Ideally when you perform this effect you want

to point to a cloud, and cause it to vanish. You want to be able to point out that the surrounding
clouds are still there! The secret is simple. Look for a cloud that is going to vanish but is
surrounded by the thicker non-translucent clouds. After a bit of cloud watching you will easily spot
a cloud that is ready to vanish, but is surrounded by clouds that will remain intact.

It is important NOT to tell your spectators that the surrounding clouds will remain intact.

Sometimes they may not. You tell them after the fact. So pick out your target cloud and go into
your routine for making it vanish. If the surrounding clouds are still intact, then POINT OUT TO
CLOUD TO VANISH. The others are still intact. This should happen most of the time. When it
does it only serves to make your abilities appear to be the real thing.


This is not a problem since you haven’t told them the other clouds will remain intact

beforehand. Point out that your energy is like a ray of light, the farther it goes, the more it expands.
Say that your energy has spread out so much it is affecting the other clouds. You take credit for it.

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Will they believe you? Yes, I can say this from experience. If you say you will make a cloud vanish
and they see any clouds around it vanishing, then you are given credit for it, provided you claim
you did it.


This clever presentation idea comes from Christopher Williams. He suggested pointing your

finger like a gun and shooting a hole in the cloud. Normally when a cloud breaks up, it starts by
forming a hole in the middle. You could make the comment, that it helps to focus your psychic
energy by imagining you are shooting a SLOW MOVING bullet toward the cloud to help break it
up. Point your finger like a gun and yell, BANG. Then focus your attention on the cloud. If a hole
forms, point out that your psychic bullet has formed a hole. If the cloud breaks up, point out how
the bullet shattered the cloud. It’s an idea worth keeping in the back of your mind. If you are
working for a theme park with an old west theme, you might find this patter line of use.


There is a neat gimmick on the market that is perfect to tie in with cloud busting. This

gimmick is Rainmaker by Peter Loughran. With the aid of this secret device; raindrops begin to
fall from high in the sky, down upon the spectators. As your spectators look up, droplets of water
land randomly upon their faces and bodies. The performer has full control over the rain at all times



The performer’s hands are in full view at all times during the illusion.


Totally safe, and completely harmless.


No assistants or stooges, this is a one-man effect.


Seconds to step up and ready to go at all times.


Automatic reset, and instantly repeatable.


Control the amount of rain that falls.


Control the time the rain starts and stops.

Since this is a marketed item, I can’t go into many details about the workings. Suffice to say

this is a secret device you wear on your body. It can make a short burst of rain anywhere and at
anytime. Using this gimmick in conjunction with cloud busting can create an effect that your
audience will long remember. Here is how I use it in my performances.

Before I dissolve the cloud, I tell my audience that clouds consist of moisture. As I cause

the cloud to dissolve, some of this moisture may fall to earth in the form of rain. I then proceed to
make the cloud break up and dissolve. When the cloud is almost gone, I use the rainmaker gimmick
to cause a burst of rain to fall on everyone. This creates the uncanny illusion that the cloud has
reverted to water droplets and has fallen to the earth.

I can’t recommend this effect enough. Cloud busting is very strong by itself. However,

when you add in the Rainmaker, it sells the fact you really did dissolve the cloud. This is one they
will talk about for a long time. Note that the rainmaker gimmick only creates a quick burst of rain.
It doesn’t create enough water to get people soaking wet. This means that as a rule, people will not
get upset because they got a bit of water on them. However to be on the safe side, you may wish to

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mention that if you succeed, some rain could fall from the sky. If they don’t want to get wet, then
have them move off to the side and watch from a short distance.

The Rainmaker gimmick is available from most magic dealers or you can get it direct from

Peter Loughran by visiting his web site:


This is one of my favorite presentations for cloud busting. The payoff is far greater than one

would suspect. All you need do is patter about voodoo and offer a demonstration. Pick out a cloud
that you know will vanish within a few minutes. Try to pick one where you know the surrounding
clouds will remain intact. Point out this cloud to the spectators and remove a small pad of paper
and a pencil from your pocket. Next you draw an outline of the cloud on the paper using the pencil.
You don’t have to be an artist. It’s fairly simple to draw a simple outline that resembles the target
cloud. Explain what you do to the image happens to the real cloud. Stare at the image for a bit,
while saying, “Break up, break up.”

Take the pencil’s eraser and erase small sections around the cloud, just small sections. By

this time the overhead cloud will have started to break up and holes will have formed in it. Point to
the sky and point out that the cloud is breaking up just like the drawing.

Now stare at the paper while saying, “Vanish, dissolve cloud, vanish.” Repeat this a few

times and then take the pencil and completely erase the outline. After you have erased the cloud
outline completely say, “As it is on this paper, so shall it be in the sky.” Point to the sky and tell
them the voodoo is working. The cloud is completely vanishing. In a few moments the cloud will
be gone and your voodoo demonstration will have been a success. If the surrounding clouds are
intact after the target cloud vanishes, then point this out to the spectators.

Some larger toy stores sell an ink pen where the ink vanishes a few minutes after you draw

with it. If you can find one of these vanishing ink pens you have yet another effect. Draw the
outline of the cloud with the vanishing ink pen. Give the paper to a spectator to hold. This time you
say you will try to demonstrate voodoo in reverse. As you concentrate on the target cloud in the sky
it begins to break up and vanish. At the same time the ink on the paper begins to fade and in time
completely vanishes. In a few minutes the cloud in the sky is gone and the paper is blank!

There are several close up voodoo effects on the market where a spectator does something

to a card or paper. My favorite is the effect where you show a picture of your hand, the spectator
applies heat to a finger on the card. Moments later the same finger on your real hand has a burn
blister. Such effects make a nice quick lead-in to Voodoo Cloud.


Here is another presentation I use quite often. Al Mann once told me that the early gypsies

knew the secrets behind cloud busting; only they used it for a different purpose. They used it to
cheat local townspeople out of money. Gypsies were famous for their spells and apparent ability to

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remove bad luck. Here is the way the swindle worked. The gypsy would tell for example, a woman,
that she could remove or banish the bad luck from the woman’s life. The gypsy would then point to
a cloud that would vanish soon. The gypsy would tell the woman to concentrate on the cloud and
that she would transfer the woman’s bad luck to the cloud. If the woman noticed that the cloud was
changing shape (normal during its dissipation) the gypsy would say that the cloud was absorbing
her bad luck.

After the cloud had absorbed the negative energy and bad luck, the gypsy said she would

use her powers to dispel the cloud. When the cloud vanished, so would the woman’s bad luck. The
gypsy then chanted and danced around until the cloud vanished. After the cloud vanished, the
gypsy would tell the woman that within seven days all the bad luck in her life would be gone. Of
course the gypsy was LONG GONE before the seven days were up. One can imagine how this
would be very convincing to the person watching. She would credit the gypsy with great powers
and tell others how the gypsy removed her bad luck by making a cloud vanish (not to mention her

Now I don’t recommend you go around conning people like this. However, this can make

an interesting lead-in story to your cloud busting. Tell a spectator you’d like to demonstrate what
the gypsies did in the old days. Point out a cloud and have the person concentrate on that cloud. Say
you will transfer his bad luck to the cloud and then cause the cloud to vanish along with his bad

An interesting side note is that I did this demonstration for one of the mentalists at the Las

Vegas Mindvention. Afterwards he went into the Palace Station Casino and told me he won $100
on a slot machine just minutes after seeing my bad luck banishing effect. Yes, it was a coincidence,
or was it?

Al Mann mentioned in one of his manuscripts that the famous psychic BERT REESE was

once arrested for charging a woman to remove dark clouds from her life! Sounds like the old gypsy
swindle to me.


This one is a bit harder to pull off and is seldom done, but I will give you the basics. As

previously mentioned the sky starts blue and as heat rises it causes clouds to form. The effect is
exactly the reverse of a cloud dissipating. You will see what appears to be a small puff of smoke
against the blue sky. This tells you that clouds are going to start forming. Within a short while the
sky will fill with clouds.

Here is what makes this so difficult. You never know when the conditions are completely

right. If you see a blue sky you can rest assured it won’t stay that way all day. However, it could for
hours. When the clouds start to form, you will need some people to watch the effect. In this case
you have to be in the right place at the right time (which happens rarely). As soon as you see a wisp
of a cloud forming (all you need is a slight mist) then find some people to watch the effect. Direct
their attention to a section of the sky away from where the mist is forming. In other words you face

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them so their backs are to the forming wisp. Point out that the sky is clear and state you will try to
use your mental powers to create a sky full of clouds. Say this may take a while, as it takes a lot of
energy to create clouds. Then start concentrating and focus your attention on the sky. Once one
cloud starts forming others soon appear. Within ten minutes you will find that many clouds have
appeared in the once blue sky to which you were pointing.

If not, you can be assured that the wisp of mist behind them has already started forming a

cloud. If the other side of the sky hasn’t started forming clouds then turn their attention to the cloud
behind them, and take credit for it. Say you will try to make it larger and focus your attention on it.
The cloud is forming so it will automatically get larger. More clouds in a short time will appear
around this one, so take credit for it.

Normally most cloud busters don’t fool with cloud appearing. It’s just too difficult to

pinpoint the exact time it will start. On the other hand when you see a blue sky with puffy clouds,
you know you are set for cloud busting. You can see the sky and hit the streets always knowing
there is a cloud ready to vanish.


This is not recommended. Normally the right clouds you need to vanish are present during a

windless day. If the wind is blowing clouds and you claim to be doing it, you will be met with
skepticism. Many people don’t know that all clouds vanish. They falsely assume clouds are always
moving, being blown by the wind. They assume clouds just get blown away somewhere else. Don’t
laugh; this is the way many people think. They have seen movies where the cloud movement is
speeded up thru time lapse photography. They know clouds move. Claiming you can move a cloud
will normally not be believed. People will tell you it is just the wind. You will ruin your credibility.
Stick with making clouds vanish or use them to reveal things in the sky.

There is one exception to this. When a small cloud covers the sun, it will move away in a

short time. If you are doing cloud busting, then this fact can be used in a subtle way. Notice when
you see a cloud approaching the sun. You know the sun will be covered fairly quickly. So direct the
spectators’ attention toward a cloud (one you will bust) that is in the opposite direction. This way
they don’t notice the sun. Start to bust the cloud. When the other cloud covers the sun, you will
know it. There will be a slight feeling of coolness because the sun is being blocked.

React to this, make a comment about getting your psychic energy from the sun and you

need the sunlight to continue. “I’ll blow the cloud away,” you say. Make a strong blowing sound
toward the sun covered cloud. In a matter of moments the cloud will move away from the sun.
Remember it was moving anyway. Timing is everything on this. You only have a few seconds. You
have to spot the cloud approaching the sun and once it is covered, go into the blowing bit.

IMPORTANT: DO THIS TONGUE-IN-CHEEK then go back to your cloud busting.

Don’t make any other comment outside of saying you will blow the cloud away. You will find
in many cases that the spectators will react wildly, saying, “He blew that cloud away!” I’ve had
teenage girls scream at this bit. True there are limited times you can use this, but this is one of those

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bits of information you need to have stored away for just the right time. Done at the right time, this
bit will increase your reputation as a miracle worker who can control the elements. That is why this
needs to be done tongue-in-cheek; some will see through your little deception and think it was just
a cute joke. Others will wonder if you really did have the ability to move that cloud. You’re in the
process of busting a cloud. Why couldn’t you just as easily move a cloud?


This is always very, very impressive when you pull it off. Granted it takes longer and the

conditions have to be right. However, when the conditions are right you will have a miracle that
will be talked about for years to come. The effect is that you tell the audience you will CLEAR the
sky of ALL THE CLOUDS! This may seem impossible at first but is rather easy once you
understand which clouds are going to vanish.

You may spot a sky full of hundreds of clouds, yet all of these are the proper small fluffy

clouds ready to dissipate. Now the secret is that once some of the clouds begin to vanish, all the
clouds will vanish within 20 to 30 minutes. I’ve seen a cloud cover that looked solid, yet it was like
a dot matrix pattern. You’d see what appears to be a solid cloud cover, yet it was full of little blue
holes. Within half an hour this cloud cover will be gone and the sky will be nothing but blue.

If you have studied the clouds and have mastered the techniques of cloud busting, then you

will be able to spot these cloud filled skies in which all the clouds will be gone within 20 to 30
minutes. Do not confuse this with a sky full of clouds. ALL THE CLOUDS must have the misty
soft edges. If you see some clouds with the misty edges and other solid white clouds, then all the
clouds are not ready to vanish. It will take some cloud watching to determine what the sky should
look like.

When these conditions are right, you need to gather an audience. Preferably these should be

people who have seen you work before and are real believers. Tell them you really want to put your
powers to the test. Instead of vanishing one cloud, you will attempt to clear the sky of ALL
CLOUDS. Tell them this may take 20 to 30 minutes as you have hundreds of clouds to vanish.
Then go for it. Your reputation will spread as these people tell others of the time when you made all
the clouds vanish from the sky. Granted there are only limited times you will want to use this
method, but it is something you should have in the back of your mind. You never know when you
might want to use it.


This is a great bit of business and I’ve used it to get my name in the newspaper quite a few

times. This only works if the reporter or spectator has seen you vanish a cloud before. Here is what
you do. Let’s say you notice the sky is clear, completely cloudless. Simply approach a friend who
knows you can vanish clouds and tell him you’ve been vanishing clouds all morning and that none
are left. As proof you point to the cloudless sky. Will he believe you? In most cases I’ve found if he
knows you do this kind of thing, then yes he will believe you.

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When I see a blue sky like this I will often stop at the newspaper office and pull out a

reporter who has seen me vanish a cloud. I will take him outside and tell him I busted all the clouds
in sky. Sure this is a bluff, but I’ve had a few editors mention this in their columns. One newspaper
editor wrote: You may have noticed there were no clouds in the sky today. That was because
Devin Knight claimed he made them all vanish.
Sure it was tongue-in-cheek, but it got my name
in the newspaper and that was what I was after.


This is a subject that needs some discussion. Frankly, how do you find people to show this

to? There are some right ways and some wrong ways. Let’s deal first of all with the easiest ways to
get an audience, and then we will look at ways to get perfect strangers to watch you. This
discussion is geared basically toward getting an audience for cloud magic. However, many of
these techniques and venues can be used to do any form of street magic. In other words, if the
sky isn’t right for cloud busting, you can still use most of these techniques to approach
strangers you wish to show other forms of street magic.

If you are working outdoors as a paid entertainer, then many opportunities will avail

themselves to you. Any time you have been hired to work outdoor picnics, campgrounds, festivals
or fairs will give you the perfect opportunity to perform cloud magic. The point is to keep your eyes
open. The sky may or may not be right for your effect. If during your performance you note that the
sky is ripe for cloud busting, then you introduce the subject and call the audience’s attention to the
sky. So if you are doing a festival show or picnic and you see the right cloud then go for it.

If you have a set performance time you may have to leave out another trick from your show.

However, when given the chance to bust a cloud I would forgo one of my other effects and vanish
the cloud. The effect is much stronger than most any smaller effect you would do in your show.

If you do outdoor strolling magic in an amusement park, campground or festival then you

can approach spectators any time you see the conditions are right. Since the spectators are in an
amusement park or festival they will not mind you approaching them as you are one of the paid
entertainers. This is covered in more detail later in this book.

Watch the clouds (secretly) when you attend family reunions and cookouts. If you see the

conditions are right, you’re ready for an impromptu miracle. Just get some spectators together and
go into your routine.

Outdoor sport events are perfect. You and your friends will often be sitting around for as

much as an hour beforehand waiting for the game to start. If you spot the right kind of clouds then
go into a demonstration. You will find under these circumstances it’s very easy to get the other
spectators to watch. WARNING: Don’t do this during the actual game; some people would be very
upset if you made them miss some game action while busting a cloud. Only do this before the game
or during half-time.

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Speaking of sports events, you can also do cloud busting from your living room. Some

times you will be watching a golf game on TV and get a clear view of a cloud in the background.
You will realize the cloud is going to dissolve. Call attention to the cloud on the LIVE TV show
and state you will try some long distance cloud busting. This works best if the people already know
you can vanish clouds.

If you are attending an outdoor music concert then you will find many chances to perform

your cloud magic. You will also find that the majority of young people are willing to watch. This
works best at those large all day concerts (such as Ozz Fest) where thousands of people are walking
around. Just find the spots away from the stage area where people are taking a break from the
music. The areas that sell food are perfect for finding people. People often share the outdoor tables
for eating. If you see a cloud ready to vanish, then grab some food and ask if you can sit at the
table. Start a conversation and tell them you can vanish a cloud. You can then proceed to bust a
cloud while sitting at the table with them. You’ll find it very easy to get an audience at a music

Here is a venue I bet most of you never thought of before. If you do table hopping in

restaurants you can do cloud busting. A lot of magicians work restaurants doing close up magic on
weekends. Most restaurants have seats right next to windows that give a clear view of the sky. If
you are working a restaurant, then keep on eye open for the proper clouds to vanish. When you see
one, approach a table next to a window. Do a quick lead-in such as spoon bending. Tell them your
next feat is so large, you can’t do it inside the restaurant! Let them know they don’t have to go
outside. They can watch through the window. Point out the cloud and make it vanish.

If you are a street busker doing a magic act, then add some cloud effects. Once you have

gathered an audience you are set to do miracles with the sky. Adding some cloud busting will make
you stand out from your competition.

Finally, I’ve done cloud busting at flea markets. I’ve found it quite easy to gather a group of

people around me to watch. With flea markets most people are the friendly type. People often start
up conversations with perfect strangers. In a matter of minutes you will be amazed to find out how
many people you can get to watch you vanish a cloud.


This is something I have done many times. When it works (which is most of the time) you

have a very strong effect. Although you can call anyone, I prefer to call someone who knows I can
vanish a cloud. Here’s the low down on how you pull it off. Ideally the person lives in the same
town or city that you do. You are outside and notice the sky is blue, blue with hundreds of those
small puffy clouds. As a rule the sky will be like this over most of the city. You also know these
are the clouds that will vanish within a short period of time.

Call your friend on his cell phone. If he is not outside, then ask him to go outside to try a

cloud busting experiment. Remind him how he has seen you bust a cloud in the past. Tell him you
want to try this LONG DISTANCE, but you need his help and concentration. Explain to him that

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he is to pick a cloud and concentrate on it. You will try to see the cloud through his mind’s eye and
cause that cloud to vanish while he is watching.

Caution him to pick a small cloud, as a larger cloud will take much longer. Point out that

can get the image in your mind. Once he has chosen a cloud, tell him you will concentrate and try
to send psychic energy to his location and bust the cloud. Tell him to give you a progress report.

That’s all you need do as the rest happens automatically. If it is a blue, blue sky and he

picks a small cloud, then that cloud SHOULD vanish within a few minutes. As soon as he notices
the cloud is breaking up he will tell you. Tell him he is doing a good job of focusing on the cloud.
Within a short period of time the cloud will have vanished completely. You of course take credit
for this, but praise him for his excellent concentration.

What happens if the cloud doesn’t vanish? In this case he has chosen the wrong type of

cloud. Don’t sweat it. Just tell him this was an experiment you were trying. It depended on his
ability to send you a clear image of the cloud. Tell him you just aren’t getting a clear image of the
cloud. Let him know that next time you see him in person you will bust a cloud.

This can also work by calling a friend in another state, or even another country. You have to

ask him if there are small fluffy white clouds in the sky. If so have him pick one and proceed as
described before.

You will find that the majority of the time you will succeed in busting the cloud long

distance. When you do, your friend will tell others of how you made a cloud vanish while talking to
him on the phone. This is the stuff from which legends are made. One time I even did this with a
newspaper reporter I had never met. I called him on his cell phone and had him go outside. This can
be an effective publicity stunt that doesn’t require you to be in town to pull it off.


Cloud busting and sky revelations could be considered the ultimate in street magic. The

trick is getting someone to watch. This is a lot harder than you would think at first. You need to
understand the art of approaching people. There is a right way and a wrong way. This information
comes from years of experience of finding out what works and what doesn’t work.

You’ve spotted the right clouds and are eager to show off your skills. You only have a few

minutes. How do you get someone to watch your cloud magic?

First of all, who should you not approach? With today’s crime infested world, approaching

perfect strangers (on the street, not at an event) is becoming more and more difficult. The people
you are approaching don’t know what you want. The last thing they will expect is that you want to
show off your ability to make a cloud vanish. Most people will be apprehensive of a stranger. They
may think you want to sell them something, harm them, rob them or even kidnap them. The news is
full of such stories daily. People are often leery when approached by a stranger.

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My first rule of thumb is never to approach a single person, especially a woman. Young

girls will think you are trying to hit on them. Older ladies may fear you are a robber or a rapist. I
know this is sad but it is a sign of the times. If you approach a single woman on the street you are
asking for trouble (unless you are just asking for directions and even then she may be
apprehensive). My advice is simple, don’t do it. Some hip magicians may think that cloud busting
is a good way to pick up girls on the street. Think again, it’s not.

Single males can also be problematic; they may think you want to hit them up for money or

something. The bottom line is that in most cases the man will be leery of you. He may abruptly let
you know he isn’t interested in what you have to show him.


This is the inside secret and the real work. You want to approach a group of people. There is

safety in numbers. If you, a single performer, approach a group of people then you are not
perceived to be a threat to their safety; provided you look clean and decent. I’ve found by using
this approach I can approach a group of guys standing on the street or even a group of girls. You
will find that younger people are more susceptible to watching you perform. So look for a group of
young people and approach them. By younger people, I mean teen-agers and college age spectators.

So what do you say to get their attention? I always say basically the same thing and it

works like a charm. “Hey, have you guys ever seen David Blaine or Criss Angel do magic on TV?
In most cases they will say yes, and this is your lead-in. “Would you like to see something along the
lines of what they do, RIGHT HERE?”
If you word it just like this you will find that 95% of the
time, they will say they would like to see you do something. Another approach is to use metal
bending as a lead-in. Approach the group and ask them if they have ever heard of psychics who can
bend spoons with their minds? Most will say yes. Offer to demonstrate and pull out a spoon and
cause it to bend. I often use my marketed item AUTOBEND SILVERWARE to demonstrate this.
Afterwards I will state by using the same power I can cause clouds to vanish from the sky. Would
they like to see this? By now you will have a ready made audience eagerly awaiting your next

Don’t look like a bum or street hooligan. I know this may go against what a lot of you think, but
you have to look respectable. If you are dressed like a slob or look like a gang member you are not
going to create the impression you need to get people to watch. I’m going to tell you who you can
approach, but if you look like a street gang member they will not want to watch. You don’t have to
be wearing dress slacks, but at least look clean and respectable. You will find it a lot easier to
approach people this way. If you look like a safe person, they will probably listen to you.


College campuses are ideal for this type of work. If you live near a college and are a

younger performer then hit the campus yard during lunch time. You will find hundreds of students

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sitting around on the grass. They will often think you are another student. Just approach a small
group and start your cloud effects.

During the summer time, city parks and beaches are the perfect places to demonstrate your

abilities. Just look for a small group of people and approach them. Most of them are just there to
relax and aren’t going anywhere. If you look respectable, you will find you can get them to watch.

On occasion, I’ve even busted clouds at outdoor ice cream stands. You normally will find

groups of people standing around eating ice cream. You can point out how some cloud looks a
scoop of vanilla ice cream and then go into your cloud busting

Beaches are probably the best spot in the world for doing cloud busting. Thousands of

people are sitting on the beach watching the water. Few are watching the clouds. Approach a small
group and you will have another ready made audience for your cloud feats. Be careful, after seeing
your cloud feats they may ask you to walk on the water. After all many people saw Criss Angel do
it on TV.


This is a bit bold, but I’ve done it many times. This is a surefire way to stop a group of

people on the street. I mean random strangers without them fearing you. Many of you will find this
technique to be worth the price of the book. Let’s assume you are walking down the street. You
have spotted a cloud that will vanish in a few minutes. You’re dying to show this to someone but
you know you just can’t walk up to a perfect stranger for the reasons I’ve previously mentioned. Of
course if you see a group of people you could approach them. However for this bold bit, we will
assume there are no groups of people readily available to witness your miracle.

Here is what you do. Stop right there and point to the cloud with your extended right hand.

Look at the cloud intently and SAY NOTHING. Ignore everything and everyone around you for the
moment. Now think about this for a moment. Here you are standing on the street pointing at
something in the sky. Almost everyone walking by you will pause and look to the sky. They will
wonder what you are pointing at. They won’t see anything unusual and their curiosity will be
peaked. Some people will walk past you and pretend they don’t see you. That’s ok, let them walk
on by.

Remember you are not trying to stop anybody. You are pointing to the cloud. Again, it is

important to stress that you must look like a clean cut and respectable person.

Here is the amazing thing; you will find that within a few minutes PEOPLE WILL STOP

AND ASK YOU WHAT YOU ARE POINTING AT. That’s right they will start talking to you.
Don’t look at them, but keep pointing at the cloud and say you are trying an experiment. You are
trying to make the cloud you are pointing to VANISH by directing energy from your hand.
Casually say, “If this works it will really be an amazing thing to see. Why don’t you watch the cloud
for a few moments and see if I succeed?”

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This is where the fun starts. You are pointing to the sky and other people are standing

beside you watching the cloud. New people walking by see some people staring at the sky and
wonder what is going on. In a matter of moments you will have a small group watching the
sky. Be sure to tell the new arrivals what you are doing. In a few minutes you may have as
many as 20 or 30 people watching you vanish a cloud! It works like a magnet, the larger the
group, the more new people it attracts.

A more advanced technique is to try to get the first person who stops involved. Tell him that

you can speed things up if you can use his arm as an additional antenna to direct the energy. Have
him point to the sky and say you will direct your energy through both his arm and yours. Everyone
who stops will not do this. Some will be self-conscious, but there are always a few who will play
along with you. This makes it even better because now you have TWO people pointing to the sky
and this serves to stop a crowd even faster.

When doing this for perfect strangers I like to include the RAINMAKER BIT. When a

group of random strangers sees the cloud vanish and suddenly feels the burst of rain they will be
very impressed. This is also a great opportunity to pass out your business cards. Let the people
know you do other things magic-wise. You may find your impromptu cloud busting may lead to
some paying jobs. They have just seen you bust a cloud so they assume you must be good. This can
be a real reputation maker. All you need is a bit of nerve to pull it off. I can tell you from
experience, the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

This crowd stopping idea actually dates back to 1930. In an episode of THE LITTLE

RASCALS called: Pups is Pups; Hal Roach has a man leave a doctor’s office with a neck
problem. The doctor tells the man he has to keep his head tilted back. He walks down the
street looking upwards. In a matter of minutes everyone is looking upward to see what he is
looking at. Soon he has a crowd of over l00 people standing around him looking up. This was
the inspiration that led me to the cloud pointing bit. I understand this gag was used in one of
the Charlie Chaplin movies too.


1-Tell them what you are going to tell them (build-up).

2-Tell them.

3-Tell them what you just told them (recap).

I have found this works great for cloud busting. You tell them what you are going to attempt

to do. You create a build-up in their minds. Next you make the cloud vanish. Then you recap by
telling them what you just did.

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Sky Revelations

Imagine walking up to a small group of people on the street and having someone secretly

select a card and not show it to you. Let’s assume one of them selected the ace of hearts. You state
you will attempt to reveal the selected card in a way they have not seen before. The performer
presses his fingers against both sides of his temples, his head slightly bowed. The spectators can see
that the performer is apparently in some sort of deep thought.

A few moments later, the performer points toward the sky and says, “Look, using the

powers of my mind I have sculptured that cloud into the letter A for ace and near it there is a small
heart cloud. Is the card you are thinking of the ace of hearts?”

The spectators look up and sure enough, high in the sky is a huge letter A with a small heart

shape beside it. The amazing thing is that these symbols are made from clouds. You can also do
this with animal cards. An animal is thought of and the psychic performer apparently sculptures the
clouds into the shape of the animal being thought of.

I can state from experience, these effects will freak people out. It will often make spectators

scream and yell profanities. The effect to the uninitiated seems totally impossible. These are not
pipe dreams. I have used all these effects to great success and so can you.

I’ve done the selected card in the sky while working outdoor festivals. After doing the

effect, word would quickly spread as people tell others to look to the sky and see the miracle. For a
short while, thousands could view the uncanny image of a card symbol that had materialized in the

Yes, the feat is impromptu, but the timing has to be just right. You have to be patient and

wait for the right moment. The good news is that you don’t have to do it all the time. In fact, you
need only do it a few times in your career. The reputation you get from doing this will continue
long after the clouds have dissipated.

Let me explain a bit more. There are only certain times you can do this effect. In essence

you have to be at the right place at the right time. It does happen, and more often than you’d think
at first. When it does, you take full advantage of it. Street performers doing outdoor summer stints
will be able to perform this several times a week. You don’t want to do it much more than that. To
do so may tip off the secret. I will explain why later in this section.

Let’s compare this with a headline prediction. Al Mann once said, you need only do a

headline prediction one or two times in your life. The effect is so strong and memorable that it
remains a part of your reputation for the rest of your life. The same applies to sky revelations, the
effect is memorable. Spectators will remember and talk about it for years to come. Someday they
may even tell their grandchildren about the magician who made the clouds form an image of a
selected card.

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Now that I’ve whetted your appetite, let’s get to the secrets behind these feats and how you

can pull them off. This is not something you can just go out and do. You have to plan for it, and
you have to be ready for it. When you find you are in the right place, at the right time, you can take
full advantage of it. Sky revelations are always done as an afterthought. When the conditions are
right, you find an audience and do the effect.


The sky is normally full of clouds. They are constantly moving, changing, appearing and

disappearing. It’s the changes we are most interested in for sky revelations. Clouds are a lot like
snowflakes, no two are alike. At any given moment there are hundreds of clouds in the sky each
with unique and changing patterns. If you are looking for them, you can find clouds that resemble
numbers, letters, and even animals. Over the years I’ve spotted clouds that looked like the letter A,
and various numbers such as twos, fives, sevens and eights. These clouds are actually easier to find
then you would expect. You just have to make an effort to look for them.

The second part of the secret is that most people don’t really watch the sky. They see clouds

but don’t really see them. Unless it is an extremely beautiful sky, with clusters of pink and blue
appearing clouds, people generally don’t notice. They may notice a sunset or sunrise, but as a rule
they don’t notice the clouds otherwise. There could be a cloud directly above them that looks like a
French poodle, but they will not see it or notice it unless you call attention to it. That is where the
secret comes in.

You on the other hand, must become an avid CLOUDWATCHER. As you are walking or

performing outdoors, be aware of the cloud formations. If you are performing, don’t make it
obvious you are looking at the sky. If you notice the right kind of cloud, then you inject a sky
revelation into your routine. If you don’t see a suitable cloud, then you don’t do a sky revelation.
The spectators are none the wiser, since you NEVER announce you are going to do it unless you’ve
spotted the right cloud.

You don’t have to be a street performer to do these things. If you are with some friends

outdoors and spot the right cloud, then go into the effect. These effects are perfect for backyard
cookouts, too.


I seldom go anywhere without a deck of cards. So I’m ready to do this at the spur of the

moment. Just for the record, selected cards are easier than animals and here is why.

If you carefully scan the skies, you can sometimes find clouds that look like a number. It

doesn’t happen all the time, but if you make a conscious effort, you will spot them. Usually nearby
you will find another cloud that resembles a card suit. As a rule it’s fairly easy to find a cloud that
resembles a heart. It doesn’t have to be exact, just close enough that people will recognize it as a
heart if you call it one.

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The best conditions to find these types of clouds are when you have a blue sky with the

fluffy cotton ball clouds. These are the same clouds that we use for cloud busting. These are the
clouds that will assume different shapes.

I said earlier that playing cards are easier, that is because you have some advantages that

increase the odds of a playing card value being in the sky. These advantages are CHEMTRAILS
(sometimes called contrails) and jet plane vapors.

This is especially true if you are near a major airport that is 30 miles or less away. On those

nice blue sky days, the jets leave vapor trails that will expand and look like a long cloud line.
Sometimes these cloud vapors can last 30 minutes or longer. It all depends on the weather
conditions. Chemtrails seem to be abating nowadays. They are not as prevalent as they were a few
years ago but still appear around some major cities. The thing about chemtrails is that they often
linger in the sky for hours. They are controversial and still somewhat of a mystery to many people.
If the reader is interested in learning more about chemtrails, I suggest going online and doing a
search for it.

Regardless, both jet vapor trails and chemtrails are straight lines. Sometimes chemtrails will

appear as grids or Xs. Since the jets leaving the airport fly in all directions, it is very common to
find three jets that have left what appears to be a LARGE A. Sevens and Xs are very common too,
since they are just two vapor or chemtrails that criss-cross over each other.

If you live near a major airport, then be alert for those nice blue sky days. You will be

amazed how often you will find a large A or seven in the sky. Of course you will also find regular
clouds that resemble a number too. When you combine the regular clouds with vapor trails and
chemtrails you have great odds of finding a number in the sky. Sometimes the number may be
turned sideways. Once you spot a number, then look for another cloud close by that resembles a
suit. If you can’t find a suit cloud, don’t worry about it. Use the number cloud by itself. Once
you’ve spotted a number cloud, here’s what to do.

If you are working an outdoor festival and spot a number cloud, then for your next trick,

pick up a deck of cards and show them to be mixed. Cut the card you see in the sky to the top of the
deck and force it on a spectator. This is assuming you are doing a set show for the people when you
spot the cloud card in the sky. Sometimes you may spot the cloud card before your act goes on.

I assume the reader will understand what I mean by forcing a card. This is where the
magician can make a person choose a specific card even though the person assumes it is a free
choice. It is beyond the scope of this book to explain card forcing. If you don’t know how to
force a card, then refer to a beginner’s book on card magic for details. You have to be able to
force a card on someone in order to do sky revelations, be it a playing card or animal card.

You don’t want to delay the trick too long, as the cloud formation may change. Sometimes

it will remain from 10 to 15 minutes. The important thing is to do the trick before the clouds vanish
or change shape. If you are on a time schedule, it may mean you have to leave out another trick in
your act. If that is the case, then leave it out and do the sky revelation. The effect this will have on a

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festival audience will far exceed the effect you leave out. It is well worth changing your act at the
spur of the moment to pull off this feat. Afterwards if the cloud remains in the sky for a short while,
it will be pointed out to others.

If you are between acts and spot a playing card cloud formation then gather a small group of

spectators around you. Do an impromptu card trick ending with the sky revelation. If you are doing
strolling magic outdoors and spot the clouds, then get the card you need to force in position and
find some people to show it to.

The same applies if you are with friends or having a cookout. Grab a deck of cards and go

for it. As the motivational speakers say: Seize the moment!

Once the person has selected the force card, caution him not to show it to you. Tell him you

will try to reveal the selected card in a way he has never seen before. This will peak his interest for
sure. Bring up both of your hands and press the fingers against your temples, close your eyes and
tilt your head downward. Let your hands vibrate a bit; make it appear you are exerting some great
mental energy. This is a great time to use the Niacin pill that Jerome speaks of in his section.

Turning red and sweating really adds to the effect and Niacin will help create that effect.

After this little bit of showmanship, you stop and look at the person and say, “I’ve tried to use my
mental energy to sculpture the clouds into an image of your selected card.”

Don’t ask him the name of the card yet. You look up at the sky and point to the number

cloud saying, “See I’ve used my mind to form those clouds into a seven, and look beside it (it could
be in front of it too) is a cloud in the shape of a heart. See it? Is the card you are thinking of the
Seven of Hearts?”

It is important that you word this similar to what I have said. You need to point out the

number cloud to him and the suit cloud. Don’t assume when he looks up that he will see it right
away. He may but it doesn’t always happen that way. You need to point out the two clouds calling
them the name of the card. Once you do this he will see the image plainly.

Do not ask first what card was selected. This is not as strong. Remember lay people as a

rule don’t know you can force a card on them. The fact that you sculptured some clouds into a
selected card will be extremely impressive. Remember, if you ask first what the card is, and then
reveal the cloud, the spectator(s) may think you just found a cloud that looked like the card after it
was named.

I can not stress this enough. You need to act this up. Tell the spectators you used your mind

power to sculpture a cloud into the card’s value. This is the impression you want to leave with

If the suit or number formation isn’t perfect, but is still recognizable, then you say the cloud

is still sculpturing itself. If you are lucky the edges of the clouds will be hazy and slightly changing.

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When this happens it appears the spectator is seeing the cloud being changed by you. In fact that is
how spectator will explain it to others.

The story will spread, and get distorted. It doesn’t matter how the person tells the story. It

will sound good. He may say he just thought of a card and you told him to look up and it was in the
sky. Another may say she selected a card and watched as you made a cloud change into that card.
Sometimes, and it does happen, the person will say the sky was blue and you made a cloud appear
that looked like a card he thought of.

Suppose you could only find a number cloud and not a suit cloud. This does happen but not

too often. Usually there is some cloud above, below or beside that can be passed off as a suit. Since
you apparently don’t know the value of the card, you can call the suit. I’ve found heart cards are the
safest to use as you can find some cloud next to the number that could pass as a heart, if you call it
as such.

If you can’t find a suit cloud, then don’t sweat it. Force the card as before and close your

eyes and say, “I’m getting the impression it is a heart card, but I’m having trouble with the value.
I’m going to try to reveal the value of your card in a way you’ve never seen before.”
Go into your
concentration act, shake a bit and explain how you’ve tried to use the powers of your mind to form
a cloud into the card value. Point toward the cloud while saying, “Look, my mind has formed the
clouds into the ace symbol. Is your card the Ace of Hearts?”

You can still do this effect even if you can’t find a cloud that looks like a number. Sometimes you
will find a cluster of clouds that will work. Let’s assume you have spotted three long skinny clouds
and what appears to be a small diamond cloud beside them. In this case you force the 3 of
Diamonds on the person. After going thru your concentration bit, you would look at the person and
tell them you have tried to use your mind power to make the clouds reveal the card. Have him look
up as you point to the three clouds saying, “Look, I’ve made one, two, three line clouds and put a
small diamond shape cloud beside them. Is your card the 3 of Diamonds?”

Admittedly, this is not as strong as finding a cloud that looks like a number, but it works

and is still impressive. If you see anyway you can use some clouds to reveal a card then go for it.
Just don’t make it too vague, make sure the spectator can plainly see how you got the card name.
In other words, if you see six regular clouds don’t force a six on him and say, “Look six clouds.”
That isn’t going to cut it.

The bottom line is, if you can’t find a good cluster or number cloud then don’t do the effect.

You want a cloud that plainly looks like a number or the letter A. Be patient; wait for the right time
and the right cloud. If you do, you will have a killer effect that people will talk about for a long

I mentioned earlier if you are a regular street performer, you do not want to do this several

times a day. Even if you luck out and can find the clouds. The reason is that if you are working the
same spot, many people will stop and watch you again so they can try to figure out your methods. If
they see you doing the card in the sky lots of times, they will be looking in the sky for a cloud that

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looks like a card before you do the trick. They will tell those around them to look in the sky and
your big finale will be over before you can even do it. With this thought in mind, I recommend you
space it out and limit yourself to doing it three or four times a week tops.


The aftermath for this effect is great. It’s one of those effects that will sound even greater to

those who didn’t see it. Remember these people will have to use their imaginations. They didn’t see
the seven formed by the clouds or the cloud that slightly resembled a heart. They heard or read
somewhere that you made the clouds turn into a selected card. Some will just hear you made a giant
card appear in the sky. This leads to all kinds of interpretations. In their minds they may see a huge
white square, with cut-out pips. They may imagine three perfect hearts in a row floating in the sky.
Some may even think the words of the card were spelled out. Others may picture a giant card
floating in the air in full color.

When you stop to think about it, this is easy to describe, but hard to describe in detail. The

spectator simply tells the others, “I thought of a card, and he made it appear in the sky. The clouds
just somehow formed an image of the card.
” This leaves a lot to the imagination of the listeners and
they will imagine it far out of proportion to what you actually did. This is why this can be a real
reputation maker. Don’t do it to the point to where it becomes too common. Remember like the
headline prediction, you only need do this a few times to create a name for yourself.


Here is an interesting approach to the old psychological number force. This is the one where

a person is asked to think of a number from one to ten. Odds are the person will think of seven.
This has been used in various forms in the past. Two of the most common have been a stigmata
effect and the ashes on the arm revelation. The stigmata effect involves taking a matchstick and
scratching the number seven on your wrist. You have a person name a number from one to ten. If
the person says seven, which happens most of the time, then you would rub your wrist hard with
your other hand revealing a stigmatic image of a seven. What if the person didn’t name seven?
You’d bring out a deck of cards and deal down to the named number and use that card in an effect.

The other effect was to take a clear wax stick and secretly draw a seven on your wrist using

the wax. In this method you had the person write the number on piece of paper. Then using either a
center tear, peek or impression pad you’d secretly learn the number written. If it was a seven, you
would burn the paper and rub the ashes on your arm (over the wax) revealing a black seven. If it
wasn’t a seven, you’d just read the spectator’s mind and reveal the number. Needless to say both
the stigmata and ash effects have strong effects on the spectator.

You can apply this number force to a sky revelation that will blow people away. You’re also

going to use an out for the times it doesn’t work. The number seven, as pointed out previously is a
very common vapor trail. Now the fact that the most named number from one to ten is the same as
the most common vapor trail number makes for nothing short of a miracle.

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The second most named number from one to ten is the number three. You will cover that by

having the number three scratched on your arm or written there in clear wax. Let me clarify, you
don’t run around with a wax number or scratch on your wrist all the time. You wait till you see a
seven cloud. Once you do, take a Bic Pen cap and scratch the number three on your wrist. If you
are doing the ash method, you will have to carry the small wax crayon with you.

I prefer to use the stigmata version as you can always grab something handy to scratch a

three on the wrist. Here is how to apply it to any time you are doing magic outdoors. Let’s assume
you’ve spotted the number seven cloud in the sky, quickly put a three on your wrist and approach
the spectator or group you want to do this for. If you are doing strolling magic then gather a small
group together to watch.

Choose a person and ask her to think of a number between one and ten. When choosing a

person I prefer young ladies as they are more likely to scream at the results. Statistics also show
that women are more likely to think of the number seven. Hand her a small pad of paper and a pen
and ask her to write the number down for later verification.

Don’t watch her like a hawk, but you can tell if she is writing a seven. A seven is the easiest

number to pencil read. If you’re not sure, have her tear off the paper and take the pad back from
her. As you put it away you may notice an indentation left on the top sheet. This will let you know
the number she is thinking of. If this has failed, then have her fold the paper in quarters and do a
center tear. You might wish to draw a circle on the pad before giving it to her in case you have to
resort to the center tear. Tell her to center her thoughts and write the number within the circle.
Regardless of what method you use, you need to know the number she is thinking of. For me pencil
writing does it 90% of the time.

Two Jet Vapors That Looks Like A Seven

We will assume she has gone with the expected choice, the number seven. There are two

ways you can use to reveal this. I have used them both and actually don’t have a favorite. Either
one is suitable. Ask her to keep a strong image of the number in her mind. Say you will try to reveal
her number in a way she will not believe. Raise your fingers to the temples as in the card revelation.
Do the extreme concentration bit and then state you have used your mind to alter the clouds to look


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like her number. Point to the sky and say, “Look, I made a seven.” You don’t even have to ask
her the number; her reaction will show everyone around that you got the number

The second way to do this is to burn the paper once you know she is thinking of a seven. State you
going to cause the white smoke (which is rising in to the air) to rise high into the sky and form a
cloud that will reveal her number. As the paper is burning, stare at it and tremble a bit. Drop the
burning paper and point to the sky saying, “Look, it made a seven.” When you first read this, it
might not sound that great to you, but once you try it on a group of people you will not believe the
reaction it gets. Remember you apparently don’t know the number she is thinking of. The fact that a
large seven is in the sky seems impossible since it is the same number she thought of. The rising
smoke is plausible and even believable to an extent. Tie it all together and you have a killer effect.

What if she didn’t think of a seven? Well you know the number she is thinking of thanks to

the impression on the pad or the center tear. Odds are great the alternative number is a three. In this
case you either rub your wrist and do the stigmata effect by causing a red three to appear, or you
burn the paper and rub the ashes on your wrist revealing a three. If she thought of a different
number, then apparently read her mind and reveal the number.

However, you still have a seven cloud in the sky, don’t waste it. Pull out your deck and

force a seven on another spectator. Do the card in the sky revelation using one of the methods
described earlier.


The thought of number in the sky is about as strong as you can get. The spectator will tell

her friends she just thought of a number and you made it appear in the sky. The spectator will say
you never even asked for the number, she just thought of it and it appeared. The people hearing the
story will not know that you said choose a number between one and ten. Most people telling their
friends will leave out this part. Their friends will assume they could have thought of any number.
Finally, if you used the burning paper bit with the rising smoke you can create legends. The
spectator will tell others she just thought of a number; you set some paper on fire and the smoke
rose into sky and formed a cloud into the shape of the number she thought of. You will be as a god
to some people. This is the kind of stuff that cults can be started with. Use with extreme caution.
You have been warned. On occasion I’ve secretly added some smoke powder to the paper I will
burn. This makes for a nice column of smoke that will rise into the air forming the number.


This is one of my favorite effects and is one of the strongest items in this book. This uses a

standard ESP deck of 25 symbol cards. There are five symbols repeated five times. The five
symbols are: Circle, Cross, Wavy Lines, Square and a Star. These are easy to remember as each
design consists of a number of lines or points, hence: Circle=1, Cross=2, Wavy Lines=3, Square=4,

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All you need to do is stack the ESP deck top downward with the five symbol cards in the

following order: CIRCLE, CROSS, WAVY LINES, SQUARE, STAR. Repeat this five times using
all 25 cards in the ESP deck.

Here is the secret. Using this stack you know what card is on top of the deck by glimpsing

the bottom card. If someone gives the deck a complete cut and the bottom card is a SQUARE, then
you know the top card is a STAR because a square has a value of four and the next card in the stack
has to have a value of five which is a star. Those already involved in mentalism will be familiar
with this stack and system.

Here is how we use it with cloud effects. As previously pointed out, sevens and Xs are two

of the most common jet vapor trails. The cool thing is that some large Xs looks just like the cross
symbol on the ESP card. In fact, seldom a day goes by that I don’t spot three or four of them. Some
times you will spot a large cross against a solid blue sky with no other clouds around. When you
spot a large cross in the sky you have the makings of a real miracle. Here is how you pull it off.

You will need your ESP deck stacked as previously described. You stand facing the cross in

the sky. Have the spectators face you. The reason for this is that it puts the large cross in the sky
behind them. If the cross is behind you, they may see the cross in the air over your head. Normally
people don’t look up in the sky, but if the cross is behind you, someone may spot it. That is why
you must face the cross so it is behind the spectators.

Introduce the ESP deck and casually show it, making sure not to mix the cards. Turn the

cards face down and give them a COUPLE OF COMPLETE CUTS. Remember cuts only, NO
SHUFFLES. By just cutting the deck, the stack remains in order.

Hand the deck to one of the spectators. Have him place the deck behind his back FACE

DOWN and give the deck a complete cut. Have him remove the top card and leave it behind his
back. He then brings out the rest of the cards and hands them to you. As you take the remaining
cards from him, you secretly GLIMPSE the bottom card. This lets you know what card is behind
his back. If the bottom card is a CIRCLE, then you know the CROSS is behind his back. The odds
of him having the cross behind his back are one in five.

There are two possibilities. Either he has the cross behind his back or another symbol. Here

is how to handle both situations.


Put the other ESP cards aside. Stress that nobody knows the card behind his back. He hasn’t

looked at it, and he hasn’t shown it to you yet. Close your eyes and tilt your head downward for a
few moments. Lift your head up and say, “I’ve formed an image in the sky using the clouds.”
POINT TO THE CROSS IN THE SKY. They will turn around and see it for the first time. Say,
“Wouldn’t it be incredible if the symbol I formed in the sky was the same one you have behind your
back? Let’s see if you have the CROSS symbol.”
When he brings the card around and shows it to

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be the CROSS everyone will be dumbfounded. There appears to be no way you could have known
the card behind his back and put that image in the sky.


You will know the symbol he has from seeing the bottom card of the stack. Tell him you

will attempt to divine the card behind his back. Remind him this isn’t mind reading because HE
DOESN’T KNOW THE CARD. Concentrate for a few moments and reveal the card. Have him
bring it forward and show it to be correct.

Say, “I’d like to try something a bit more difficult this time. Here, I want you to pull out a

different card.At this point you bring out the ESP deck and force the CROSS on him using
your favorite method.
“I want to make sure you have a different symbol this time, so look at it. If
it is the same symbol as before, then return it and take another card. However, don’t let me see it.”

At that point the spectator will have a CROSS symbol in his hands. You say, “If I just told

you the symbol, you’d say I read your mind. I am going to try something far more difficult.
Concentrate on the symbol and see it in your mind. I’m going to try to use the clouds to form an

As before, close your eyes and tilt your head downwards. Lift your head up and say, “I’ve

formed a large cross in the sky using the clouds.” POINT TO THE CROSS IN THE SKY. “What
card are you holding?”
Have him show any others around the card for the climax.


I just wanted to mention that if you were doing a TV special, you could consider having an

airplane write the name of the forced card in sky. This would be expensive, but the expense may be
justified for a TV special. On the subject of sky writing, a selected word (forced) from a book could
be revealed in the sky.


I’ve always been fascinated with clouds that appear to be animals. As small children most

of us spent childhood days lying on our backs and staring into the sky. We’d watch the clouds and
use our imagination to find various animals. Today children still do this and this facet of cloud
work is perfect to perform for young children and their parents. You are taking a different premise
here as you are going to give the power to the child.

Once again you are looking for those puffy white clouds against a blue sky. They are perfect

for animal sightings. On any given day you may see clouds that resemble dogs, cats, birds, rabbits
and even ducks. Fish are very common and so are clouds that appear to be butterflies. Just spend an
afternoon looking at clouds on a nice day and you will be amazed at how many clouds resemble an
animal of some type. With this fact in mind you are set to do a special trick that will create
wonderment in any child’s eyes.

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You will need a set of animal cards. You can often find these in the dollar stores and most

toy stores. These cards can be used just like regular playing cards to force an animal card. I make a
point to carry a set of these cards at any outdoor festival I am working. That way when I spot an
animal cloud, I’m ready to show it to a family.

Let’s say you’ve spotted a cloud that resembles a rabbit. Take out your animal cards, locate

the rabbit card and put it in the position you will need to force it later. You need to spot a family
that has only one child with them. This is important and I will explain why later. Go up and
introduce yourself to the parents. If they don’t know who you are, then explain you are doing magic
at the festival and you have a special feat of magic you’d like to share with their child. Always get
permission from the parents before doing this. Ask the child if he has ever looked at clouds and
used his imagination to see an animal in them. Most children will tell you they have. Bring out your
animal cards and spread them so the child can see they are all different. Turn them face down and
explain that you want the child to select an animal card, look at it, but to keep it a secret from you.
Use your favorite method to force the animal card that resembles the cloud you’ve spotted. In our
example this is the rabbit card. Once the child has the card, ask him to look at it and hold it against
his body so you can’t peek at it.

Tell the child to close his eyes and use his imagination to see a cloud that looks like the

animal he selected. Ask him if he can see the animal cloud in his mind. Wait for him to say yes he
can. As soon as the child says he sees the animal cloud in his mind, you look up toward the sky and
say something along these lines. “I can’t believe it! A strange cloud just now appeared in the sky. It
looks just like a rabbit,”
you say.

At the point the child will have opened his eyes. You point to the cloud in the sky that looks

like a rabbit so the child and parents can see it. You say, “It just appeared in the sky out of
nowhere. What animal did you think of?”
The child will show you the card with the rabbit. Look at
the child and say, “Wow, did you do that with your imagination?” Usually at this point the child
will see the cloud, laugh and say he put it there. Give the child full credit for doing it. The parents
will be very amazed and the child will think he has great powers of imagination.

As you part from them, tell the child to point out the cloud he made appear to other people. I

know from experience he will tell everyone he sees as long as the cloud exists. Other people will
ask the parents what the child is talking about. They will explain that the festival magician came up
and asked their child to think of an animal and not tell him. A few moments later that rabbit cloud
just appeared in the sky from nowhere. This is the story that will spread through the festival or park
you are working.

That is why it is very important for you to say to the family, that the cloud just appeared in

the sky out of nowhere. You must act amazed at this. There is some clever psychology behind this
statement. You are not taking credit for making a cloud appear. You are saying a rabbit cloud
magically appeared in the sky and are giving credit to the child for it. The fact that cloud looks like
a rabbit will leave the child in wonderment, and the parents puzzled as to how it happened. They
are not going to burst the child’s bubble. In fact in most cases they will play along in a big way.

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The mother will say to the child, “I didn’t know you could that, you are really special. You just
made that rabbit cloud appear out of nowhere. Wow!”

Do not confuse this with cloud sculpting. You haven’t sculptured a cloud, rather a small

child has made a cloud resembling an animal appear in the empty sky. That is the way you play it
and that is the way they remember it. I’ve had parents come up to me later in the day and thank me
for making their child feel special. They would say they had no idea how I pulled it off, but it made
their child’s day. It’s not hard to pull off and it’s a great experience for the family. Give it a try.

Earlier I said only do this for parents with one child with them. Here’s why. If they have a

second child with them, the other child will want to try it. Usually there is only one suitable cloud.
So that means for you guys who do birthday parties on the side, don’t use this for the birthday
child. If you do, every child at the party will be yelling, “I want to do it next.” Unfortunately you
don’t have the ability to turn the sky into Noah’s Ark and you will have a bunch of disappointed
and crying kids. Keep it for those special times when you spot a family with one child.




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Hey, I Spotted Two Animal Clouds. Can I Do It For Two Children?

You could but I don’t recommend it and I’m speaking from experience. Sometimes you will

get lucky and spot two clouds that look like different animals. However, don’t be tempted to do
both clouds for a family with two children. The first time is pure amazement. The second time is
more of a puzzle to the parents. In my earlier years I tried this for two kids. The first reaction was
always great, but the second time never went as well. That is why you normally don’t repeat a trick,
the second time people know what to expect and are not as amazed.

Well suppose there are two clouds that look like animals and the child points it out to you.

He may say, “Look, there is cloud that looks like a duck.” Immediately agree with him and say,
Oh that is Amy’s cloud. She is a little girl who made a duck cloud appear earlier.” You are
immediately giving credit for that cloud to another child. Since they have just seen their child do it,
it is believable that another child did the other cloud.

This can often work in your favor. When the first child is pointing out the cloud he made, he

will often point to the other cloud and say another little girl made that one. Now people are seeing
two different clouds in the sky and both are being credited to you.


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Sometimes I am approached later in the day by a family asking me to do the cloud trick

with their child. Yes, that is the way they often refer to it, the cloud trick. Under these conditions I
don’t want to do it for them. There are several reasons, for example they may have looked in the
sky and spotted an animal cloud (the one you may have spotted to use). In which case they would
tell you they saw that cloud beforehand. The second reason is there is no surprise element. They
know what to expect. Finally, there may not be an animal cloud in the sky and you don’t want them
to see you looking for one! So how do you handle this situation?

You do a different cloud feat and pass the power on to the child. Remember the clouds that

resemble animals are usually in a sky full of suitable clouds ready to vanish. When the child says he
wants to do the cloud trick, you say, “Ok, but I want to try something even harder with you. Those
other kids made a cloud appear. I want you to make a cloud disappear. It’s very hard to do, but I
think you can do it. Want to give it a try?”

At this point you point to a cloud that is going to vanish soon. Cloud busting has been

covered elsewhere in this book. Tell the child to stare at that cloud and chant over and over:
Disappear Cloud. As the cloud begins to disappear, give him encouragement. Point out how the
cloud is disappearing and what a good job he is doing. Of course you give full credit to the child for
causing the cloud to vanish. I’ve often had parents come back later and offer me a tip for making
their child feel special this way. All cloud effects involving children can be heart warming

Doing The Animal Clouds For Adults

Although initially designed for children, I later found that the animal cloud bit played

equally as well for adults. All you needed was a slight change in the presentation. If you do street
magic you will find this plays exceedingly well with college-age girls.

When working with adults or college-age students I prefer to use blank index cards with the

name of an animal written on the card. This way they will take you more seriously, as opposed to
handing them a set of children’s animal cards. Ask the spectator, if during childhood, she ever
looked at clouds and saw animal shapes in them. Point out when you were young, you used to do
this as a game. Say you’d like to try an experiment. Show her the name cards and say, “I have a
bunch of cards here with the names of different animals on them. When I ask most people to think
of an animal they always seem to think of a dog or cat. I want this to be a random choice so I am
going to ask you to remove a card at random and think of the animal. Don’t let me see the name of
the animal you are thinking of, and don’t show it to anyone else.”
If the card you are going to force
is either a cat or dog, then just mention the one you are not going to force. For example comment
that most people will think of a cat, and then proceed to force the dog card.

At this point you force the name of the animal you’ve spotted a cloud for. Ask the spectator

to think of the animal and to close her eyes. Tell her to imagine a cloud in the shape of the animal
and to strongly concentrate on it. If working with a girl you may wish to take both of her hands and
say you are going to use your mind powers to help create an image of animal she is thinking of.
Don’t mention what kind of image yet. Explain that thoughts are things and thoughts can create

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things. Suddenly look upwards and say, “Open your eyes. An animal shaped cloud has formed in
the sky.”
Point at the cloud while saying, “We’ve made that cloud change its shape into a horse.”
You don’t even have to ask the girl what animal she is thinking of. Her reaction will tip it off.
Usually the girl screams, drops the card and says something like, “Oh my god, how did you do
At this point the girls around her will say things like, “You really were thinking of a horse?”
Once she confirms or shows them the name card, then they will start reacting and screaming too.

This seems to be the typical reaction from college-age girls. That is why they are my

favorite group to show this. College-age guys work well too, but they don’t scream. Most just look
upward and utter profanities after seeing the cloud. Frankly I prefer the screaming girls.


You are not limited to just using the clouds. Many times you will find that a cluster of

clouds will leave a blue area in the sky that resembles an animal. I remember one time I spotted a
blue area in the sky that looked just the profile of a dragon, including wings. So if you don’t see a
cloud that looks like an animal then scan the sky looking at the blue areas inside the clouds. You
may find an animal there.

The patter for the blue sky is a bit different. In this case you tell them you will use your

mental powers to move the clouds around so a profile of the thought of animal will appear in the
sky. Many times the blue sky animal profile can be more striking than a cloud shaped like an


The Gray Elephant in Denmark Trick has always been an interesting concept used by many

mentalists. It was even featured on a national TV show with the appearance of a live elephant
behind the curtain. I’ve found that this concept can also be applied to sky revelations. It’s not too
difficult to find a gray cloud (especially if storm clouds are forming) that resembles an elephant.
The nice thing about this is that the cloud doesn’t even have to be a complete elephant. Sometimes
you will see a cloud that resembles an elephant’s head with the long trunk.

All you need is a cloud that vaguely resembles a gray elephant and you have a clever bit of

business that you can pull off. Apparently you don’t know the animal the person is thinking of or
the country. However you will apparently sculpture a cloud to resemble a gray elephant while
saying, “There are no gray elephants in Denmark.” The effect can be quite stunning under the
proper conditions, provided you give it a proper build up. If you are not familiar with this effect
then I will give you the workings and show you how to turn this into a cloud miracle. This can be
for a group of people at one time. It’s more amazing when they all come up with the same animal.

Think of any number from one to ten.

When you have it, multiply it by nine. [Pause while they do this.]

If it's a two-digit number, add them.

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Now, subtract five from the number in your mind. [Pause again.]

Now, think of the letter in the alphabet that corresponds with the number you are thinking

about. For instance, if you are thinking of the number "ONE," it would be "A." Number "TWO"
would be "B." "THREE" is "C," and so on.

This number force always results in the person coming up with the number four. When they
count to the fourth letter they come up with ‘D’.

Do you have the letter in your mind? Good.

Now, think of a country that starts with the letter you're thinking of. Good. Spell the country in
your mind.
[Pause here.]

Almost everyone will think of Denmark

Fine... think about the second letter in that country's name. Now, quickly think of an animal
whose name begins with that letter.

Since the second letter is an ‘E’ you will find almost everyone thinks of an Elephant.

Now, think of the animal's color.

[Pause here while you look like you are concentrating.]

That's funny... this can't be right... there ARE no gray elephants in Denmark!


To do this all you have to do is keep your eyes open for a gray cloud that resembles an

elephant. When you spot one, you approach a small group of people (not children in this case)
using the same techniques as previously described in the animal cloud section. Once they have
thought of the animal, tell them you will attempt to sculpture a cloud into the animal they are
thinking of.

Bring your hands to your temple as if exerting great mental energy. Tell them you’ve used

your mental powers to sculpture a cloud into shape and color of their animal. Say, “You’ve done it
here because there are NO GRAY ELEPHANTS IN DENMARK.”
Just then point up to the cloud
that is shaped like a gray elephant. The effect will be quite amazing.

If working in the USA you may wish to have the spectators think of a state that begins with

the letter they are thinking of. In this case the state can only be Delaware. You need only try this
cloud effect a few times to see how really effective it can be.

Remember the cloud doesn’t have to be perfect. You only need one that resembles an

elephant. Apparently you don’t know the animal so when you reveal it, they are stunned. The cloud
need only look vaguely like an elephant to create the effect.

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The sky revelations are methods and ideas you want to keep in the back of your mind. They

are practical and the clouds will turn up if you look for them. Granted, you may not see a cloud
suitable for sky revelations every day. However, you will almost always be able to find a cloud that
you can cause to vanish. One way or another you can do a cloud miracle almost any day.


Jerome touches upon this in his section but I wanted to mention it here too. If you do any

kind of cold reading, you can apply it to the clouds. In the summer I often work outdoor psychic
fairs. I often use Cloud Reading as a way to stand out. Many mentalists and psychics have tried
new angles to stand out from the competition. One of the more recent approaches is to allow a
person to choose a flower from a flowerpot and hold it. Apparently by holding the flower, it
absorbs energy from the sitter. The psychic then takes the flower and gives the sitter a reading.

My approach is to tell a person to choose a cloud from the sky. I would say her

subconscious mind made her choose a cloud that was in tune with her psyche. I would then go into
a standard cold reading, but apparently from reading the cloud. If the cloud changed shape, ALL
THE BETTER, I would tell the person the cloud was changing shape to reveal more about their
life. This can be very convincing to the person to whom you are giving the cold reading. The cloud
changing will make it appear you have real psychic abilities.

If the person happens to choose a cloud that is going to vanish, you can add in cloud busting

for an added finish. Point out that the person has too many negative thoughts or negative energy in
her life. Tell her she has the ability to solve and deal with many of her problems. Have her
concentrate on the cloud and see it as a major problem in her life. Tell her to visualize in her mind
that she has conquered the problem and that the problem is going away. As she does, the cloud
vanishes and gives her a sense of empowerment.

Using Cloud Busting/Reading in your cold reading work will make you stand out from the

competition. Seeing a cloud change and vanish as you read her from cradle to grave is far more
convincing than having her deal out tarot cards. The cool thing is that the other phony psychics
watching will be amazed and fooled by what you do. When they see you make clouds change and
vanish, many of them will think you are the real thing! They will wish they had the REAL
POWERS you do. Remember be humble and don’t make wild claims. If you do you are asking for
problems. I always state that my readings are for entertainment purposes only.

Many people have asked if you can make money busting clouds. I’ve found that giving

cloud readings at outdoor psychic fairs is good way to make several hundred dollars in one day.
Another alternative is to set up a booth at a festival or fair where they allow fortune telling. You
will do more business than any of the tarot readers working the fair. If you are interested in getting
into this field then I suggest getting some of the Richard Webster books on cold reading and
working psychic fairs.

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information on cold readings is strictly for educational purposes only. The authors are in no
way endorsing cold readings. If they are against your ethics then don’t do them.


These are the basic techniques. Once you learn them you are ready to move on to Jerome’s

section. There he will teach you advanced methods for creating the proper build-up. He will also
give you many more ideas on how to tie cloud busting in with other feats of magic. It is strongly
recommended that you fully understand what I have revealed in this section before you study
Jerome’s section. The next section assumes you know the basics described in this section.

I want to point out that there are NO PIPEDREAMS in this book. Everything described has

been done either by Jerome or me at one time or another. You can’t do these effects every day as
the conditions will not be right. The serious cloud worker must learn to be patient. You must stay
alert for the right conditions and time. When they arrive you are prepared and ready to create a

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Jerome Finley

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Foreword by Enrique Enriquez

Being The Breeze

Magic is a symbolic bridge between emptiness and hope. It is sad that most

magicians have forgotten that. It is sad because they have given up the authority

to shape magic and take it to the 21st Century, leaving that power in the hands of

special effect artists and movie makers, who know very little about real magic,

and have ended up rendering a distorted portrait of it. These days, mystery

entertainment is a multi-billionaire market that expresses itself through books,

movies, T.V. shows, and all kinds of gadgets and paraphernalia; a market in which

magicians play no part. The magic we perceive today is magic in steroids, and

therefore, a magic that has very little chance of making anything fecund.

That is why this work is so important.

This work describes the procedures for real magic as conjured by a practitioner of

both the contemporary and the traditional ways. Jerome Finley is both a mentalist

with a solid foundation in hypnosis and NLP, and a respected magic man in the

Native American and the African traditions. Very few people in the world have the

understanding of magic Jerome has.

With this book, Jerome's whole background comes together to bring you a very

sophisticated illusion, supported by up-to-date psychological techniques, right

from magic's very own crate. In the act of cloud busting, the human mind

becomes one with the elements to bring us the illusion of power; an illusion that

served our grandfathers well, when in the darkness of a cave they had to figure

out a way to survive to the despairing thought of their own impermanence, and

an illusion whose uplifting enchantment we still need from time to time.

Cloud busting is the kind of illusion capable of surpassing our conscious awareness

about it being an illusion, in order to create a moment of wonder that is real and

unreal at once. Is not so much about tricking your participants into believing you

are powerful, but about sharing a moment of power with them.

Power over the elements? Seemingly, but not quite so! Power over themselves. This

is a book about how to transform yourself and your participant in the breeze that

shapes and models the sky.

The important thing is not if you can control the weather, but why. There is no true

magic without purpose. If you follow Jerome's instructions you will be able to

transform the sky into a mirror where your participant will be able to see her own

potential. As the old axiom says "as above, so below", or more precisely, "let the

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outside be as the inside." After they have experienced the magic this book will

teach you, people won't remember you because you made a cloud disappear,

but because you gave them a place and space to be proudly and legitimately

human, primal and eternal at once.

This book contains a very well laid out methodology for accomplishing different

effects that involve the illusion of controlling the weather, from dissolving a cloud

pointed by a participant, to reshaping it into the face of a beloved one. It involves

intense audience participation, and since almost all of the techniques are totally

impromptu, it will give you the capacity of performing miracles wherever you go.

Using psychology as its back bone, the methods described here will provide you

with an illusion perfectly suitable for an intimate performance, or a publicity stunt.

"Illusion" is a force of nature, as powerful as electricity or nuclear power. Illusion is

the energy source that has us waking up in the morning, living our lives, or refusing

to live them; surrendering, or surpassing our many obstacles; creating our limits, or

going beyond them. Following illusions, men have been capable of committing

the most horrendous acts, and also the most sublime. Being a magician implies

having the courage of channeling such energy, not to feed an ego-trip, but to

create and propose alternative realities where people can see themselves again,

with fresh eyes, and feel uplifted.

If we strip magic of the rituals that give it its particular shape in each culture

around the globe, and we reduce it to its bare-bones, we will find that the

common denominator of all magic is the intentional use of symbols to engage the

human mind in an act of transformation. What could be more powerful than

transforming the sky? I truly believe we must hope great things from our magic. If

we do so, we still run a huge risk of falling short, but at least we have a chance of

being memorable. If we set for less, we may achieve exactly what we had in mind

and perceive no failure in our quest, but we will be doomed from the start.

Enjoy this book. Go. Be the breeze...

Enrique Enriquez

New York, May, 2007

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Advanced Cloud Melting Techniques

By Jerome Finley

This section of the book divulges the advanced methods I have used to accomplish one of

my most profound and legendary effects ever; “cloud melting”, also referred to as “cloud busting”.


hat is cloud busting? Imagine a power so great that it would enable you to tear through

the largest storm clouds ever to shroud the sky in mere minutes. This feat alone will cement your
name and reputation in the minds of your spectators.

“Cloud busting” as I do it is completely impromptu. It uses no props other than yourself and

the forces of nature. With intelligent scripting, the best of spectator psychology and suggestion,
and a few little extras you will be bending the weather at will.

There is no difference in the effect of cloud busting and cloud melting. I will call what I do

“cloud melting”, because I have developed it independently and this will separate my work from
that of others.

The material you are about to read and utilize will help create your reputation as a miracle

worker. Its effect on people is paramount to half of my repertoire.

First Things First

“What we call man, the eating, drinking, planting, counting man, does not, as we know

him, represent himself, but misrepresents himself . . .

By unlocking at all risks his human doors, man is caught up into the life of the universe,

his speech is thunder, his thought is law.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

To begin the feat of cloud melting, a bit of psychological setup is needed. For people to

appreciate the huge feat you are about to accomplish, it is necessary for them to know exactly what
it is you are going to do. To accomplish this, a clear and concise explanation is in order.

This initial setup takes place in a variety of situations and for a number of reasons. The best

way for me to teach you cloud melting is to describe and explain everything I do and let you work
with the methods that suit you best.

There are people posing as legitimate cloud busters. Whether or not they are legitimate is

open to discussion. The frame and theory these people work within is based on orgone energy.
These men and women are sometimes also heavily associated with spoon and metal bending.

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In my own metal bending demonstrations, I may explain that some doctors today are

actually using spoon bending as a visual and energetic metaphor for healing the human body. They
claim the energy you see at work during the spoon bending demonstration is the very same energy
that would repair nerve damage, restore sight and eradicate disease. They say the difference is you
can see the energy at work outside of the human body. With that in mind, the supposed “energy” at
work in the spoons will also move, sculpt or “bust” a cloud.

Keep in mind what a strong suggestion this really is! It could be life changing for people to

hear such a statement. Exercise caution in your presentation. You could in fact be implying that
because you ALSO can bend spoons or melt clouds, that you can assist these health impaired
individuals. The negative ramifications of this possible interpretation should be obvious.

You don’t want to be a con artist with this material because if you persuade people to

pursue your gifts as a healer with your skills as a magician, there are serious legalities involved.
That’s without mentioning the “negative karma” I feel you’d receive. At the end of day make sure
it’s not hard to sleep. Advice is cheap, that’s why we give it away. Take it from my experience as
a therapist and entertainer and just don’t do it.

Note from Devin Knight: Use extreme caution if claiming this ability. This is a surefire way to
bring the psychic debunkers down on you big time!

Tying in Metal Bending With Cloud Melting

In my metal bending demonstrations I bring up cloud melting regardless of whether I am

even going to bust a cloud. After I bend a spoon, coin or key, the mere suggestion or mention of
cloud melting is enough for your audience to attribute you with the ability based on the work they
witnessed with the metal. This is the case with any strong routine or demonstration followed by

While doing this I explain to the audience that the same “forces” at work in the spoons can

be used for a variety of purposes. I continue by telling them some other things that use these
“forces” include energetically changing the time on watches, moving a compass needle and melting
clouds. All very interesting feats indeed!

Examine the psychology behind this. The first two feats I touch upon are self explanatory.

The third, cloud melting, is said with a bit more emphasis and with a little more power and
authority. Cloud melting is a foreign concept to the spectator. They will inevitably ask, “What is
cloud melting

When you show your spectators something unexplainable and then hint at another related

concept, but totally different, you are going to generate a huge amount of interest. This is where
you want to be.

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Take a look at Docc Hillford’s Ball in Tube manuscript, wherein he uses this old pocket

trick as a tool for mild hypnotic induction. Once you learn and apply the concepts of the Ball in
Tube theory, you will be able to apply the concepts to anything that you do.

When we tell our spectators that something is going to happen, and it does, then we instill

the belief that the next thing we say will also happen. It is in fact, leading them. When I claim to
melt clouds, and explain what that looks like and entails, THEY HAVE NO REASON NOT TO
ACCEPT THAT STATEMENT AS FACT! (Assuming they are in the proper state of openness,
suggestibility, and astonishment.)

As you bend a spoon, you say you can also melt clouds using the same principles. Given

their experience with the spoon, there is no reason to doubt that you can also manipulate clouds. It
seems so simple, yet, it works like a charm.

I have used this principle for many years. I would often bend a spoon for a person, and then

pull out a different spoon, completely bent and twisted beforehand. I simply mentioned that I did
this one a bit earlier. There was no reason for them not to believe this. If I remember correctly, Ted
Lesley also used this suggestion in his wonderful bending wine glass presentation.

You can prompt this state of being with anything that you do. It’s all in how you do it. For

instance, I perform powerful material with a serious disposition. The miracles I call upon are
something special and sacred. There is relevance in them. You must find a way to make what you
do matter.

I bring up and suggest more than cloud melting at times. Doing what I do, and how I do it, I

suggest that I may cause spirits to appear, stars to shoot across the sky, water to slow down, animals
to behave accordingly, and much, much more.


We will follow the train of thought here that everything happens twice. Things happen once

in the spectators’ minds, and once in reality. Cloud melting begins and ends in the spectators’
minds. The first time the cloud will be destroyed happens only in their imagination during my
initial description of the event.

I tell them in all seriousness, “I go outside and focus on huge storm clouds, and tear giant

holes through their centers, and cause them to disperse.” If you alter this statement, I would do
so very little.

This works to accomplish multiple things. First, it gives them a wonderful visual picture. I

gesture ripping a gigantic hole through the middle of a massive rain cloud! Second, it is a
preliminary suggestion to the greater work.

During this brief description with visible gestures, I follow the Neuro-Linguistic

Programming model for visual anchoring and positive memory/experience recall. I form the cloud

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at the top right of the spectator’s field of vision. Later, we will link this imaginary cloud and
description to a real one in the sky.

Devin Knight Note: It is beyond the scope of this book to even begin to teach you the

techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming (often referred to as NLP.) This is a hot topic
with many mentalists. The reader can find books galore on the subject in any major

Now, I gesture tearing a giant hole through the “imaginary cloud” (entering the middle

plane of vision, and framing myself through the cloud’s now imaginary opening), and end with
“and cause it to disperse” carrying their eye movements and vision into the lower left corner field.
As I finish this last part and statement, my right hand is now heavy, as if it were dense with energy,
and this energy is simply falling away.

This explanation of the work helps make them “open to the possibility” through a

description of the effect.


With cloud melting, the method begins with your suggestions. In this sense, as I have said

before, the effect is created twice. This happens once in the minds of your spectators, and again in
reality. Realize the importance of making this believable, building it up, creating an air of
legitimacy through presentation and suggestion; eventually releasing it in all its power.

As a practicing hypnotherapist and performing hypnotist, I rely on the spectator’s mind to

accomplish more of my most profound acts than I do with sleights, mechanics or props.

The formula is: Magic + Suggestion = Miracles. Anything you can do well that creates

rapport and suggestibility within the group or individual will work wonders for you later. I’ve used
readings, PK effects, hypnosis, séance work and strong mind reading to produce this state.

It’s not so much what you do, but rather what your intentions are in doing it, and what you

desire to achieve. I wouldn’t whip out an Ambitious Card Routine, and then attempt to sell the idea
of cloud melting. That is not to say the material will not work, but it will just require more thought
and some restructuring on your part. It is vital to stay congruent. This is a very shamanistic piece of

This is an excellent time to bring up one of my closely held principles, which is not new.

Those of you “in the know” will pick this up immediately. I said before that it’s not what you do,
but rather how you do it. It is also what you DON’T do, yet how you do it.

For example: I’ve melted clouds hundreds and hundreds of times, in impromptu

demonstrations, in formal shows, at gatherings and even under the close watch of skeptics.
However, there are literally hundreds of people who haven’t seen me do this. Yet, they still give me
credit for being able to do this based on my reputation.

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This goes back to the formula of Magic + Suggestion = Miracle. As with the Ball and Tube

model, they have no reason to doubt that what you say will happen next - WILL happen. Provided
what you said earlier did happen. It is simple and brilliant; yet it takes experience and suggestion to
pull off. Just linking a short discussion of cloud melting (or various other effects) to a powerful
STORY or demonstration, will in fact create those same reactions within your spectator.

In other words, they haven’t seen it, but they don’t need to because of their belief in your

ability. This can be accomplished by using strong and surefire effects along with suggestion,
framing and presentation. It is my belief that many performers are working too hard to accomplish
their feats. Learn the material in this book and you might change your performances forever.

This is “cult starting” material. Much of my magic is accomplished through the spectator’s

belief in me. Once the foundation is set, there truly is NO LIMIT to what you can accomplish or
get away with. This is a double edged sword.

I can’t begin to tell you how many people who haven’t seen me melt clouds will attribute

me with this “gift” to other people. All because I said I could, and showed them something that got
a good reaction. I meet people all the time who say, “You’re the guy who bends spoons and melts
clouds,” and they haven’t seen me do either. This is where I want to be.

So far, we’ve touched upon creating an interest in the Cloud Melting phenomenon within

the spectators. We’ve linked that to a story, reading or demonstration that invites them to believe.
We then suggested the art and phenomena itself, and our being able to do it. These are the
beginning steps to this routine. Bear in mind, that this happens very quickly, perhaps a minute or
two with a skilled performer. Of course, it could take longer depending on your style and
presentation. You have a lot of freedom here. You can bust a cloud in a few minutes, or design an
entire performance around this one spectacle, taking longer amounts of time to get into it if you

In order to fully understand all this, it is vital that you read and understand the entire book,

cover to cover. I will give a full cloud melting routine and presentation at the end of this section.

Second Things Second

You may be beginning to grasp one of the fundamentals behind my performance; the heavy

use of suggestion and the constant rapport I maintain with my audience. I don’t misuse it, and
neither shall you, this is the 11



Okay, the stage is set, universe willing. Mind you, it takes me between 30-45 seconds to do

this, and it is ALMOST always done after a short demonstration or reading. Sometimes this is not
necessary, thanks to someone else (friend, family, client, audience member) who has seen me work
previously. As you begin to melt clouds, word of your “abilities” will spread like wildfire. It took
me less than six months to saturate the entire Wasatch Front.

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There are multiple ways to get a cloud to “melt”. When I say melt, I mean to be torn

asunder, to dissolve or dissipate. Let’s begin discussing these methods.

The most basic, powerful and simple method is this: You do nothing. No kidding. The cloud

will take care of itself. All you have to do is find the right cloud to work with (practically any), and
time its movement and disappearance with your presentation. Then, you take credit for it. It’s
simple, but not easy at first. You must become a creature of opportunity.

Lower clouds are moving faster than those higher in the sky, which are preparing for

storm/release. Those lower hanging clouds are exactly what all clouds are, energy and moisture
come together. They are seeking other clouds, and are being moved by winds and even
static/magnetic like forces which influence them.

A cloud already separated is doomed. They will be gone in a few minutes. The higher,

larger clouds are workable as well. All clouds change shape, position and eventually move and
disintegrate. It is only a matter of time and what you do to fill that time that is important and must
make sense to the demonstration.

Whatever changes take place; you will simply take responsibility for them, OR (ideally)

share the responsibility with the individual or group. Please do not make this all about you and
what you can do. Performed correctly, cloud melting is a very positive, empowering and magical
experience. It is hard to beat.

While you are letting the cloud shape and shift naturally, you must do something to

maintain the theatre. Get the spectators involved. I use breathing and visualizations here, as they
take a minute or two to get through, and result in an altered consciousness for the spectator. In that
time, a lot has changed in the cloud.

Breathing and visualization create a mild hypnotic state through hyperventilation and

natural changes in brainwave patterns. Hyperventilation also creates natural (albeit mild and
simple) optical illusions. Such is the nature of breathing to create wild hallucinations. Using your
breath and forced hyperventilation, you can approach heightened states of awareness and elicit
dramatic visions.

Hans Berger discovered that by simply closing your eyes and using the imagination and

visualization properties that we all have, we will naturally alter our brainwave patterns and become
relaxed, approaching an Alpha brainwave state. Incorporate breathing and the effects are enhanced
dramatically. Further, incorporate suggestion and you will have a miracle, clouds or not!

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Look at nature. What is Father Sky up to? Is it a clear day? If you live in an area that has

frequent clear days, why don’t you attribute that to your presence or to the fact that clouds don’t
normally gather in your area because of these abilities?

Are there clouds to work with? If not, they’ll just have to take your word for it. Great! You

can’t demonstrate your abilities without clouds to work with, so nature has just given you the
perfect out! I tell the people, “Perhaps another time.” End of discussion. Just because you don’t
have a medium to work with doesn’t give them a proper reason to doubt you.

Are there clouds in the sky? How many? Where? How big are they? A bunch of little

clouds perhaps? You were out cloud melting earlier today. Did you happen to notice the weather a
few hours ago?

Learn to be super conscious and sensitive to your surroundings. Watch what the sky is

doing. Let’s say it’s an ordinary day. Ever sit on your back as a child and watch the clouds?
Remember how they would move and sway as the minutes passed? Excellent, take advantage of
that! Choose one cloud and focus on it (watch it). Do it yourself or get the group involved. There
is much psychology at play here.

While driving, or enjoying time at the park or in the mountains, watch the clouds. Take an

afternoon and use the concepts herein to work with the sky. You will surprise yourself. It is
uncanny at how the exact clouds you are placing your attention on will shift and sway and dissolve
for you, in no time at all. This is the ever changing nature of the sky. You are only taking credit for


The average cloud, no matter what size, will change its appearance, shape and place in the

sky in between two to six minutes. Knowing this, you only need take credit for it!

The lower clouds move much faster and dissipate sooner than those clouds higher in the

sky. Whatever cloud available may be used. There are many things to do with it, and we will
explore childhood regressions, readings (similar to inkblot readings), positive thinking and self









evaporate/bust/dissipate/disappear. You can even sculptor it to appear as a thought of object, person
or even word or playing card. Really!


Having trouble doing it with the whole group? Tell them to relax and watch as you melt by

yourself. Note the Changes. Take credit. Having trouble by yourself (not likely)? Get the group
involved. Visualize the clouds dispersing; direct your energy, focus your attention at them. Now
watch. Within mere minutes, you have a miracle. Give them the credit.

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Let’s say there is a huge storm brewing. Fantastic! Hours or even minutes before the storm,

the enormous clouds are shifting; ready to release the moisture and energy that forms them. Now is
a magical time for melting. Because of the intense energy about to be released, many clouds will
cease to cluster, and break apart from the rest. During these times, they begin to repel each other.

Before and after storms (and sometimes even during), large holes will appear in the sky,

searing through the clouds, often bringing an eerie light with them, or a rainbow! As a child, I
thought these were the eyes of God looking down at me. Someone once told me, they were the
passageways for angels. I learned to love and cherish those holes and tears in the sky, and perhaps
this is why I melt clouds.

When these holes appear, take credit for them. Remember your initial run-down of the

phenomena? You gesture tearing one of these large holes in a cloud . . . and look what we have
here! No big deal, unless of course, YOU did it.

You can also break clouds up, to make smaller clouds, easier for melting. Move them first,

break them up. Do you see the gap now? Take credit for whatever the sky is doing! You need to
sell yourself and the presentation hard here. Do this, and you will be remembered forever as you
bust clouds.

It is important to note that you do not need or have to get a complete dissipation or

disappearance of the cloud in order for this to be effective. Presented properly, ANY changes in the
clouds will be viewed as a small miracle.

Sometimes if a storm is inevitable, I claim that the energy I direct is so intense in nature; it

may in fact cause a reverse phenomenon, an early storm. Here comes the rain!

I often divert storms, or cause them to stop prematurely. Of course, I often challenge the

weather man, and claim I will delay the first snow of the year. They are notorious for being wrong!

When Hurricane Katrina tore through New Orleans, a woman who had seen me melt clouds

called in a panic and asked for my help. She told me that her family had evacuated, but that their
home was destined to be hit by the storm, and was there anything I could do to help protect their
home and belongings from being destroyed.

I did not know what to say. I could have been honest and told her that I do not really move

clouds with my mind (or do I?), and that her house was likely doomed, and that I didn’t suspect
there was any thing any of us could do about it.

Instead, I comforted her, and gave her my support and word that I would do whatever I

could to help her and her family and hung up the phone. I went to my altar and prayed, and after
receiving guidance, I stormed outside imagining the woman’s house, and repeating her name in my
mind. I plunged a knife deep into the ground. I pointed my finger at the storm, and yelled at it,
affirming that it would not destroy all in its path. I put the house in light . . . it began to rain. When
we got the news, the house remained standing, with just minor water damage and broken windows.

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TAKE CREDIT FOR MIRACLES! Have your hand in them at all times.

Note from Devin Knight: I am sure that most skeptics, including myself, will say this

was just a coincidence. Both Jerome and I are aware that many readers will find the Katrina
story a bit controversial. Some may claim it was unethical to tell the lady you would attempt
to save her home. I would say this would depend upon your beliefs. As a hard nosed skeptic I
do not believe such things are possible, however there are those who have sincere beliefs in
prayer and its ability. Whether the above event was the result of a prayer ritual or just a
coincidence is open for discussion. Still it makes for an interesting but true story. It goes back
to Uri Geller’s technique of taking credit for everything that happens.

Take Credit For Anything That Happens Weather Wise

Rolling thunder and lightning are often attributed to me as well. Sometimes the energy I

direct causes huge thunderstorms or bouts of lightening, which helps in the dispersion of clouds.

Sometimes Mother Nature is intent upon pouring down upon us. It’s okay. Let me

slow/delay the process.

How about this one? “I’m going to get the rain to lighten up for a moment”. If it does

lighten up, just smile knowingly, like you are proud of yourself, and approve of your
accomplishment. Sometimes, you must not say a word.

I constantly watch what the sky is doing. If there is any thing beautiful or unusual, I will

take credit for it. This also goes for any odd things which happen in the world or the place I live.
You can take credit for anything, look at Uri Geller. PEOPLE WILL BELIEVE IT, if they believe
in you. If they don’t believe in you, it is important to suspend their disbelief long enough for the
cloud to shift and change.

At the very least you will cause them to wonder if it’s real or not, and to this end, you will

be in their thoughts forever. Take credit for whatever the weather is doing. I can’t say this enough.
Why just the other day (bear in mind much of this was written in 1999) I stopped the first snow
storm of the season. The weatherman assured us winter was here. I made a public statement of
“Not if I have anything to do with it, which I do.” Guess what? No snowstorm! Even two and a
half weeks later!

Mental Note: The weather people can be wrong, and when they are, I take credit for it. Devin
covers these weather mistakes in detail in his section on changing the weather.

Let’s say another “normal” day is upon us. I’m driving with a friend, watching the sky. It’s

a favorite pastime, you know? I’m constantly aware of what the sky is doing.

Cloud Melting comes up or I bring it up. When an opportunity presents itself, I jump on it.

There are fast forming clouds in the distance. Time for some cloud gathering, “(Name of city or

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area), can use some water today, watch.” Now I get credit for causing a rain over that particular

Many times, and in challenge situations, the group and I will go outside, or already be

outside, and I will note fast-dispersing clouds. Be it the wind, after (or pre)-storm or whatever else,
I begin to bust clouds.

Don’t hesitate to do some homework (duh). Take a brief look at the Weather Channel or

section in the paper. There’s a storm three days out? I think I’LL be the one to bring it. A short
rainfall this afternoon? I’ll begin to disperse it ¾ of the way through. That way, when it ends, I’m
(apparently) the one who did it.

I recommend keeping a cloud journal. To do this, take this book, a notepad and pen into the

park, mountains or backyard, etc. Watch the clouds and take notes. Have a watch handy and time
how long it takes for various sized clouds to dissipate. Do this all day over a weekend or two and
you should be set!

Look for the most noticeable faces, shapes, formations and numbers within the clouds.

These tend to vary per performer, so see what shows up best for you. Example: some people like
working with 7’s and A’s, I prefer 2, 3, and the letter J. I notice these first. Record the images,
letters, numbers and objects that you can easily pick out.

Experiment with the info and begin writing a presentation as you’re out there with the

clouds! Note your ideas and feelings early on. These will change and after a short time, you will
have more than enough information and familiarity with clouds to begin busting with confidence.


Watch the Sun. If clouds quickly overshadow it, they’ll quickly reveal it again. Appearing

upset, I will stop and focus on the clouds, making some subtle remark about how I love the Sun and
warmth, and voila, sunshine!

One of my most memorable demonstrations of cloud melting was when I and a group of

hypnotists and Reiki practitioners were at Bear Lake when the clouds shrouded the sun.

None present had witnessed me control the weather, yet attribute me with the gift and

ability. Someone said, “You can stop this, do something!” I focused on the clouds and in less than a
minute we had perfect sunshine and forever praises.

You can do this. I promise. It’s hard to believe that something so simple could work. Many

people will not even try this, citing it is too simple, or obvious. Your loss! Try it twice, and you’ll
be an addicted cloud buster.

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I and a group of hypnotist students were away on an advanced training. In this event, the

advanced students of hypnosis and hypnotherapy go on a retreat in nature. Here, they learn to
incorporate various forms and modalities of energy work to supplement their skills and practice.
Before one of the shamanic oriented processes, one of my students pointed out a cloud and said,
“Hey Jerome, will you melt that cloud?”

I agreed. Within about a minute, this very nice sized cloud was nothing more than a fine

wisp in the sky. How? It’s the nature of most clouds, it took care of itself. People were stunned,
the stories never cease.

You can’t believe how easy or incredible this is in practice and performance. Take this

book out to a park or into the mountains and watch the clouds for an afternoon. Using the
principles here, bust clouds. You have purchased a presentation for natural phenomena. Imagine
what it would look like to people watching. You’re going to be amazed.

Note: The larger the cloud, the less they move. The bigger it is, the more images you will be

able to see or cause to be seen within it. This is simple. One way to get a medium sized cloud
without asking for it, is simply to direct the people to look at the sky. “There could be some giant
clouds, there may be some small ones . . . whatever works, please, choose a decent sized cloud, and
I’ll begin.”

Small clouds are a joy, and you can get them to dissolve completely in just a minute or two.

Medium sized clouds may take between 2-5 minutes, while large and HUGE clouds can take up to
10 minutes or more. Really, this should be presented as a huge feat, and the time it takes to
accomplish it is irrelevant. THIS IS A MINOR MIRACLE. Do not rush it!

I keep most of my cloud demonstrations these days under six minutes. Twenty to sixty

minutes for group work . . . if only melting. There is a lot of by-play you can get out of clouds.

NOTE: Off the cuff, I prefer to go about 3-5 minutes, from start to finish for my personal
demonstrations. This includes most aspects of the presentation, explanation, build up and

When showing cloud busting in a large circle/workshop type environment, I may take an

hour and a half to talk about cloud busting and work with the group; all leading up to the effect.

A decent sized cloud implies a medium sized cloud (relative to the ones in the sky). If they

give me a huge cloud, I’ll gladly work with it, as the induction phase of my routine is coming up
soon, and here, we will accomplish the work through other means.

Magicians and mentalists can get a nice working cloud by a few means. 1). There is a

perfect one to work with, and it is the most obvious cloud, or perhaps the only one. 2). You can

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force the cloud. I use the “psychic stop force”, pointing at one end of the sky with my finger, and
moving across the sky, instruct the spectator to say, “Stop!” 3). Work with whatever cloud you
wish, and give them no choice. Personally, I feel they do not need a choice, and giving them one
seems kind of contrived to me. I will point at the cloud I wish to work with and tell them to observe
as I do the work.

I like to use a pendulum to “tell” us which cloud to work with. You simply choose the one

you wish to work with (the best and most suitable) and allow the pendulum to react. In this way,
you get the cloud you want without asking for it, or relying on forces. More often, I will just pick a
cloud and begin working with it. You do not need to give them a choice.

For more information on working with pendulums and the ideometer response, I

recommend the excellent book “Psycho Physiological Thought Reading” by Banachek. Using
muscle reading, you may direct the person to the cloud they are merely thinking of, and then “bust”

While they are watching the cloud, I will begin deep breathing . . . I have the witnesses look

at the cloud, and in their minds, change its color, beginning with red, green, and then to an eerie
blue. This prompts the Alpha state, as touched upon earlier.

After blue, I have them breathe more, and connect with the cloud, and also, visualize

Golden Light all around it. Often times, they can be persuaded through suggestion to see the
cloud’s energy field emanating from it. I simply lead their experience, TELLING THEM WHAT

Use phrases like, “You might notice ...”

You may see . . .”

If you happen to feel …”

I can see . . . can you see that as well?”

Sometimes, I will have the participants imagine a beam of light, connecting them with the

cloud. In this way, I can make some sense of their breathing being connected to the clouds


“Many times, through connecting with clouds, I develop a similar energy field that may be

viewed. It’s easy, just allow your eyes to go out of focus, and look at the area around my head and

Standing against a white wall or open background (such as a field or the sky, or even on a

stage or in a doorway) and they will see “energy”. It is how you have framed yourself, the

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suggestions instilled, and optical illusion produced through breathing and variations in lighting.
These reactions are normal and natural, though how we frame the presentation (in order to take
credit for these changes) is what sells the lot.

Through suggestion, you can change the color of this energy, its parameters, etc. One might

even convince them about this energy through psychological color forces. “Look at my energy
field, and imagine my aura. Now, imagine what color it is, simply get one in your mind. My aura is
(blank), what color did you see, IN YOUR MIND?”

Gregory Wilson came to Salt Lake to lecture years ago. After the lecture, a few of us were

out at dinner, and I handed Greg a business card of mine, which includes a list of demonstrations,
cloud melting being one of them. He asked me what this entailed, and I gave him a very bare bones
description & explanation.

I simply told him the clouds shift, move and disperse by themselves, and I take credit for it.

He laughed and said, “And they really believe that?” “You bet your ass they do!” was my exact

We briefly discussed the idea of a television publicity stunt incorporating cloud melting,

and the appearance of a thought of card in the sky, supposedly clouds, using skywriting.

I didn’t prefer this idea, because it turned the “phenomena” into an expensive magic trick.

However, I have come up with a method wherein someone’s thought of card appears in a mass of

The point of the story is that cloud melting can be altered as a stand-alone effect or

demonstration, into a prediction, revelation, or transmutation of sorts. Think about this.


With this material and routine(s), it’s important that you provide adequate theatre and

drama. You must act this thing out, and be convincing while doing it. Sometimes people inquire
about the scripting I use for various effects, and quite simply, I do not always have a script. I play
things as if they were REAL TO ME. I am focused, exhausted and astonished just as my audience
is. Act as if. Fake it till’ you make it!

Many times, I perform Cloud Melting in one of these three ways:


In conjunction with other related effects and demonstrations, such as metal bending.


By itself as a stand-alone miracle.


After a show or demonstration as an extra.

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I recommend those interested in this material read “Illusions” by Richard Bach. I recall the

Master, Shimoda, and model his state of being. You must fake it until you make it. Play the part.
Act as if, and eventually, you shall be.

Remind yourself and the witnesses to relax, breathe and let go. When they are unattached to

the process, they will be unattached to the outcome, and no matter what it is, it will have happened
and appeared real to them. The thing to remember with this work is to not be afraid, nothing can go
wrong, and you cannot fail.


Look at how cloud melting in this sense can be used as a metaphor for removing the clouds

from your life. Remember what I said about giving relevance to your work? Make this matter, and
again, you will have a miracle. You should not be out moving clouds just because you CAN. It
must be for some reason, to have some purpose, and meaning.

I have had great success with having a person remove stress or correct minor issues at work.

Pouring those energies into the clouds to purify them, we would begin breathing and visualizing.
Releasing the stress and promoting relaxation, we would will the clouds away, taking the stress
with them. In a few minutes, there was no cloud, and no perceived stress. This is empowering and

Devin Knight Note: The above is an updated version of the old Gypsy Cloud Banishing

described in the first section of the book. As mentioned earlier, I sometimes do a similar thing
with my Psychic Cloud Readings.

If one is versed in EFT, Reiki, GeoTran, Jin Shin, etc; you could incorporate these

modalities with your presentation. NLP and hypnosis is a given, and those working in these fields
will work this piece with ease and confidence.

I have, at times, incorporated a therapeutic model into cloud melting sessions, for and by

myself, and with others. Remember, do not go here unless you are trained to do so, and also do not
forget, we can all use positive suggestions to make a difference in the lives of others.

I tell the group or individual in these cases to “pour their worries into the clouds.” To

symbolically convert their tears into rain, their emotions into lightning and thunder… the cloud is
now a vessel (sacred), carrying away your pain and unwanted emotions.

Thank it. Love the Earth Mother and feel her embrace. Allow yourself to be surrounded by

Father Sky and work in tandem with these forces. Be one with nature, and move the clouds.


Get the person or group to visualize with their eyes open, closed or both. Induce Trance.

You could use Milton Erickson’s induction, your own or none. It is helpful to facilitate a relaxed,

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focused awareness of what is going on. Whenever you close your eyes and visualize, you almost
immediately break states and shift into a relaxed and open frame of mind.

Breathing deeply also greatly assists. This induces hyper suggestibility, and what you say

or do in this state becomes somewhat of a truth and reality for the spectator when done correctly. I
have been so excited the last few years at the way magic and hypnosis, the use of NLP and
suggestion are coming together. I knew they would meet eventually, they had to. In truth, I feel
they have held hands for a long time, and passed by us unseen. The shaman knew this . . . there was
a greater secret to magic than the one which made it work. It invokes spirit.

I feel the people using these techniques are helping take magic back to its roots and into the

very depths of the spectator. Not in the cards, coins or props, but within their own minds and
hearts. This is magic of a different nature, and it can change your life.


Eventually, I put the rest of what I did away. It made no sense. There was no relevance in

it, no reverence. I got into magic for magic. Not the corny jokes, or cheesy lines, not to beat up the
spectators or to present them with a puzzle, but to facilitate the “Garden State”, to ignite the flames
of passion and desire within them and allow magic to run rampant in their lives.


You can discover, give or create meaning for anything. It’s all perspective, relative. For

me, it’s easier to throw away the items most performers NEED to accomplish something (that is a
distant relative of true Magic), and to become the magic myself.

I feel that magic and mentalism as it is mostly being performed today, is going backwards.

It’s no longer being presented for the greater mystery; it’s entertainment only. That’s why many
performers will gladly do something with more audience appeal, than to resort to what they know
would be more magical. It’s not magic anymore, its entertainment at any cost, even at the total loss
of magic.

But hey, the audience is laughing. Please. They’re not laughing with us; they’re laughing

AT us. This is magic? This is mind reading? Our ancestors were sages and medicine men and yet
many within the fold have become court jesters.

Thanks to some new and progressive thinking, magic is becoming just that again, MAGIC. I

am neither a performer nor an entertainer. I do my best to BE the Shaman, the Wizard, and the
Sage. The Psychic, the Mystic, the Magician from the Tarot.

I am not performing, I am being myself (a magical person), and I strive to not be “in a

character”, but to remain myself in all cases. There should be no character, for me. I am myself and
in these days, that is magic enough.

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If I have to get on stage and pretend to be somebody or something I’m not, that’s an illusion

indeed! What would we call it, a Transformation? How extremely sad. I am who I am on stage, at
home, in front of thousands, and all alone. This way, I stay true to myself, my family, friends (the
audience), and my art. I carry it with me constantly because I am never, “not with myself”.

This approach, or one based on this is going to go a long way with cloud busting and

various other material I use. Through your magic, you may just find yourself. I’ll jump off my
soapbox now. Let someone who’s been there for much longer than I invite you to think. I refer
you to: Spirit Theatre, Eugene Burger, Characters and Claims. Short and sweet - ‘nuff said. The
thoughts that one chapter provoked have captivated me for ten years.

“I weave a storm around me”

By this time, we have discussed how you may gain credibility for amazing feats, not just

cloud busting, by not doing anything at all.

We have touched upon some methods to lend the appearance of cloud busting and weather

control, and have even gone off about our character as a real person and magician/mentalist. Those
with eyes to see will see. For those still adjusting to the light, let’s guide you through, now.

Here are some presentational ideas for your own cloud melting demonstrations, and an

induction process for RESULTS.

First, did you ever use that old children’s rhyme, “Rain, rain go away. Come again another

day. Little (your name) wants to play” and it worked? Can you remember that?

Many people that I talk to can remember saying that as a child, and recall it working.

I often bring this in my presentation. We are outside choosing clouds or inside, through a window. I
have even done this with clouds on television golf games!!!

I begin directing the group or individual like this, “To get the best results, I invite you to

keep an open mind. Become SOMEWHAT unattached to the process, and the mechanics will take
care of themselves.”

Allow the witnesses to return to that state of child-like wonder and openness. Maybe have

them close their eyes and imagine themselves as a child. Give them permission to let the “Inner
Child” come out again. Go within. Touch the silence.

We don’t want to do a full scale childhood regression here, as we do not wish to prompt

abreactions through negative childhood experience(s). “With your eyes closed, imagine the cloud
you have chosen to work with today. See yourself as a child, beneath this cloud, and allow yourself
to be in relationship with it. Greet the cloud, let it know who you are and what you intend to do. Be
in a relationship with the cloud.”

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I may say, “As a child, did you ever use the rhyme? Rain, rain, go away. Come again

another day. Little children want to play?” (Smiles circulate around the group, telling me they are
entering an emotionally charged experience, directed by the right hemisphere of the brain.) “And if
you did, how many of you recall it working, even if you only imagined it?
” Breathe deeply into that
feeling, and allow it to charge every cell of your body. Recreate those thoughts, those memories,
feelings and experiences IN YOUR MIND, NOW.”

NOTE FROM DEVIN KNIGHT: Reciting this rhyme is an excellent idea. It can serve

a dual purpose. If the person says it worked, you comment about how even simple thoughts
can change the weather. If the person remembers the rain stopping your claims are even
more valid.

Suppose the person says the rain didn’t stop. You make a comment, saying that was

too bad. Tell them when you were a child, the rain stopped every time you recited the rhyme.
It was then that you realized you had the ability to control the weather. Either way it’s a
win/win situation.

You may open your eyes. As adults, remain with that feeling and remember your

experience as you begin to focus on your cloud NOW.” At this point I frequently incorporate open-
eyed visualizations (colors) and progress to suggestions of the clouds shifting, moving, dispersing,
disintegrating, and disappearing. I ask the participants to allow their eyes to become unfocused as
they stare at their cloud, kind of like viewing one of those 3-D pictures/optical illusion that you
must look at JUST RIGHT. I also instruct them to direct their energies and thoughts THROUGH
the cloud and not just at it.

The clouds will begin to swirl, especially after I lead the experience by suggesting they are!

This is a lot like the Twisted Palm reading of Luke Jermay’s from 7 Deceptions. Building Blocks
also work great with this routine!!! This is recommended reading.

They can imagine and visualize busting the clouds using any method they wish, and I invite

them to be creative and have fun with it. For those of you who understand the human mind and the
nature of hypnosis and suggestion, you get what this does.

In your mind, you may hurl bolts of energy or fireballs at the cloud. You may imagine a

giant vacuum cleaner sucking it up completely, or even a mythical beast that EATS the cloud up.
Whatever you wish! Imagine the cloud being torn asunder. I like to imagine the cloud as an ice
cube in the hot sun, or a scoop of ice cream melting across the sky.

I verbally use binds, double binds, hidden directives, embedded commands and pre-

suppositions. These are outside the scope of this book to explain, and they may help dramatically,
but are NOT necessary for effective cloud busting.

I get the audience breathing. They are relaxed but altered. Their perceptions shift, as does

the sky. Lo and behold, the sky is clearing, clouds are melting and people are once again delighting

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in simply BEING. By taking them back to their childhood, we may by-pass the ego mind, the
analytical side and skeptical nature of the spectators.

By closing their eyes and visualizing, they change their brainwave patterns, and become

relaxed; suggestible. Breathing comes along to induce a mild state of hyperventilation, mild
hallucinations, natural optical illusions, hypersensitivity and increased suggestibility.

Affirmations are just cloaked suggestions, having the audience repeat them over and over

again only reinforces what we are doing!!!

The cloud is melting, the cloud is melting, the cloud is melting.”

My cloud is gone, my cloud is gone, the cloud has vanished, the cloud has vanished.” You

frame these as positive affirmations, and they are really just direct suggestions. These suggestions
work because of your psychological set up and framing of the effect and rapport with the

Ideally, they have experienced a piece of fantastic magic or strong mentalism and they are

open. The spectators are breathing, they are visualizing, they are receiving suggestions, and auto
suggestion through affirmation. They are distorting their vision and regressing in age. There is also
a group mind dynamic in play here . . . mass hysteria and a group spirit are powerful things.

Also, there is the natural human factor of wanting to believe, and in achieving success. They

do not wish to be failures or the odd ones out . . . they seek to make the magic happen.


I want to include, that by having the spectator(s) choose a cloud to work with, they are

unconsciously CLAIMING the cloud, and on some level, enter into a relationship of implied
ownership. This is THEIR cloud. In part, they are responsible for the results of this cloud while
busting. You are there to guide them, to pump them up, give them credit, and “help” them if

Once your participants have chosen a cloud, they are COMMITING to the routine and

demonstration. I will often have a pendulum handy, or walk the group through making one with
bits of string and keys.

You can teach and show a person how to get basic feedback from a pendulum in a few

minutes. This can help at times to lend legitimacy to the performance.

After they are used to the pendulum, they will find an appropriate cloud to work with using

it. If they are a bit timid, ideometer responses will choose a smaller cloud for them to work with. If
they are very confident, they may get a huge cloud. Everything works, and at times, you will see
multiple people zoning in on the same cloud. This is a special moment that you can really play up!

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I use a very simple color visualization after my audience has closed their eyes . . . and taken

a few deep breaths. “Notice any thoughts that come up . . . and look at them momentarily before

The breathing pattern I use is an old rhythmic breathing cycle which begins with inhaling to

a count of 4, pausing (holding the breath) for a count of 4, exhaling to a count of 4, and lungs
staying empty for a count of 4. In- 2, 3, 4, HOLD, 2, 3, 4, OUT! 2, 3, 4, STOP! 2, 3, 4, In! Etc, etc.

I also am very fond of taking exactly 36 FULL DEEP breaths. This is a natural balancing

and stress release/relaxation process. They will begin to tingle. Suggest this is in part, energy. They
will begin to see fuzzies out the corner of their eyes, and in a moment, right in front of them. 36
deep breaths, in rapid succession, in/out, in/out, in/out (with the rhythmic 4 cycle and count), and
then instruct them to breathe as normal. Incorporate color visualizations and suggestion.

I often will have a paper bag or two handy in case a person hyperventilates to the point of

anxiety. It should never get this far. Watch your people, and only do these deep breathing exercises
with physically fit and capable spectators. Let them know that if at any point, the breathing
becomes too much, they are free to stop the exercise and resume normal breathing. If they have had
enough, they are already in the appropriate state.

If they are affected by anxiety or OVER hyperventilation, placing one hand on top of their

head and both feet on the ground or floor will begin to remedy this. Also, if they cross their arms
and press the areas beneath their arm pits, they should cease hyperventilation.

If they cannot breathe without freaking out, close their eyes and have them visualize. Since

the breathing aspect is gone, a deeper visualization is needed. I use the colors here, but go from red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, the seven colors of the spectrum.

You could tweak the presentation to also balance chakras while doing this, aura work, and

finally, cloud busting, all in one. Also, I am a big advocate of metal bending and short readings
here. Pendulums can also be produced to help facilitate communication between the cloud, the
unconscious and the participant. Also, by having them dowse for their own clouds, they
unconsciously CLAIM the cloud. There is implied ownership at work here, and they are now in

Now open, they can play with this “experiment” or watch and be astonished by this

“demonstration.” For those resisting at all, well placed linguistics keep them on track. Here are a
few of my most used patterns.

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I’m wondering whether . . . your clouds are melting now.

As your clouds begin to melt, you may find, they are shifting and changing NOW, easily and


The more the clouds dissolve and disperse, the more they will appear to vanish completely.

You may also begin to see HOLES appear in the cloud. Keep looking and watching. You can

even see it change color, slowly at first, and then it becomes more noticeable. Since we are
directing our consciousness at the clouds, they often emit energy that many people can see
surrounding the cloud itself. This is in fact, the clouds “aura”. Many times, the same energy is
seen around myself, or among the group.

The more you ask yourself, “Is this working?” the better it works! Strange, but entirely true!

Breathing deeply CAUSES your cloud to dissipate, easily and naturally, so remember to


If you begin to doubt that your cloud is really changing, just look at it now!

Remember folks, this is easy.

With these few words, you can create miracles. Use the above suggestions wherever and

whenever you wish. Just don’t overdo it, and remember to put special emphasis on the italicized
script. Pausing just before you speak the italicized portions assists, as does proper toning and

Experiment and find out what works best for you. This is difficult to teach without hearing

it, my apologies in advance. Again, the grand use of suggestion is way outside the scope of this
book, but this is enough and will serve you well. For example: Notice how the clouds are beginning

NOW STOP! . . . AND START to allow the energy to build up within you. (This is great

for buying some time). AS YOU do this NOW, your cloud may begin to dissolve

Simply focusing on your cloud CAUSES it to change its shape NOW, BECAUSE that’s the

dynamic nature of this work.

Breathing deeply CAUSES your cloud to break apart, EASILY & NATURALLY, so

remember to breathe.

You can begin to see how this works. Realize that these are just a few powerful words you

can use, and that there are many more. These few however, definitely do the trick.

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Students of Wonder Words will be at home here (Kenton Knepper), and I highly

recommend the Maximum Persuasion Course by Kenrick Cleveland, and the works of Milton
Erickson, Richard Bandler and John Grinder.



Many more things are at play here as well. When I direct the group to breathe, I’m doing so

very often at first. Their minds are at ease, they are relaxed and in altered states. Breathing deeply
brings on mild hyperventilation and that in turn causes mild hallucinations, a deeper state of
suggestibility, and begins to MAKE things happen.

Brother Shadow’s wonderful “Have Séance, Will Travel” has been a huge asset to me. This

is similar to the work therein, and comes from Houston and Masters work in their book, “Mind

A good breathing technique is to breathe in deeply to the count of 4, hold the breath to the

count of 4, exhale to the count of 4, and stay airless to the count of 4, as I touched upon earlier.
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

I call this “Cloud Breathing”, and advise the group to do it in this manner as often as they

remember. It’s just to raise energy, or so I tell them.

I often look like a monk or priest in deep prayer or meditation when I bust clouds. I breathe

deeply myself, and visualize also, so that I relax. I really do direct “energies” at the clouds, as it
serves as a type of internal scripting, and promotes the state of being that I seek. This is shamanic
theatre. I do what I say I’m doing!

After a short time, my body begins to get RED and HOT to the touch. Beads of sweat grace

my forehead. The clouds begin to dissipate and vanish at the same time.


To become flushed red (seemingly with energy) and HOT to the touch, I take a capsule of

Niacin, which is available at grocery stores or any health food store or vitamin/mineral supply. It is
safe (WITHIN REASON), very effective and can be good for you. Consult with a doctor or health
care professional.

After 20 minutes or so after taking the Niacin, the body warms up and blood rushes to the

surface of the skin. This can be seen and felt, and you, the performer, will be able to feel the

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impending “Niacin flush/flash” before it happens. Close your eyes, and allow it to happen. This
will be proof enough that you work with energies!!! You time the flash with the clouds dissipation.
You need to take Niacin a few times in order to gauge your body’s reaction to the vitamin. Record
the time frames, as these will assist you in timing it correctly within your routine.

Because everyone’s body chemistry is different, results may vary. Worse case scenario, the

niacin takes effect AFTER the cloud has vanished, and serves as a convincing “energy burn” as I
call it. If you get red and hot AFTER the fact, it still implies that you were carrying some major

There are a few things to consider before using Niacin. This convincer is incredibly strong

and effective, but it can also be uncomfortable. The resulting flash from consuming Niacin makes
one feel hot (sensitivity to natural light/sun), itchy and sometimes short lived restlessness or
anxious feeling. Also, you get VERY red, and how odd this might look if you were to perform for
the rest of your show/demonstration looking like a giant cherry!

Typically the Niacin flush lasts a matter of minutes (10-20) and then subsides gradually.

Within an hour, there should be no other visible signs of the effects of Niacin. I usually time it as
such: 20 minutes for the Niacin to kick in – after which I have approximately 15-20 minutes of
Niacin flashes to deal with – and the next 20 minutes will be spent with those effects wearing off

We time the Niacin flash with the dissipation of a cloud. It looks the best when the Niacin

kicks in AFTER we have been working on the cloud for a few minutes. The Niacin hits, I become
red and hot to the touch, and shortly after, the cloud is gone and the Niacin wears off.

Now, what to do with the remaining effects of the flash? Use them! Do another cloud, or

bend some spoons, or play with energy and suggestion. I have worked it out so that when I am
finished working with energy, the effects of the Niacin is now rapidly dissipating. It is a perfect
illusion and convincer.

There are different types of Niacin on the market, and some are “non-flushing” niacin pills

and supplements. These will not cause the redness we are looking for. Get a few different kinds,
and experiment with what works best, always being careful not to exceed the recommended dose
on the bottle, and having discussed this with your doctor or a healthcare professional/nutritionist.

I get a few really good Niacin flushes a week. I don’t use it in every performance, and I am

constantly presenting cloud busting. Do it when you really need to add something powerful to a
performance, i.e. on television, for a large group, newspaper reporters, etc. It makes a huge impact
on the overall effect. It could be a strong routine by itself and a presentation.

If you only have a few minutes and wish to use the Niacin convincer, simply chew it up

(I’ve done this in a pinch; not recommended), or break the capsule open and add it to your drinking
water. Or have a bottle of niacin water already prepared. Water consumption during energy work is

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very common and even highly suggested. Having some water during your show is also common, if
not necessary.

Imagine the reactions this gets! You sit down and begin to focus on the sky, and after some

time, the performer gets visibly red and hot to the touch. As this happens, the clouds shift, move
and dissolve in the sky. It is perfect.


Cloud Melting works as well with as many as hundreds of people at the demonstration as it

does with one. This feat can be used to great effect for publicity, look at what Devin Knight has
done with it. You can present it as an experiment, a test, a demonstration, a miracle, an empowering
technique and more.

You can let the group watch you do it, or you can let them experience it for themselves

(recommended). It can go many different ways. I will give you a few more ways to use simple
suggestion to lend believability to your cloud melting. All people I meet more than about once are
bound to know about what I do. They may become infatuated after cloud busting (and this is true
of most good, strong mentalism). Look at the sensation Uri Geller created with spoon bending. The
same type of effect on people is present with cloud busting.

Remember when I said it’s not just what you do, but also what you don’t do; yet are still

attributed with? Here are a few bits and pieces I’ve used to keep this going for years.

People may call me and I’ll tell them I’m about to go into the mountains to meditate and do

some cloud melting. As an alternative I may look at the sky and say:

Today looks like a good day for cloud busting.”

If there are no clouds: “The cloud melting I did last night turned out very well.”

I want to go cloud melting this weekend.”

I’m working on a storm for (fill in the blank.)”

Learn to use these suggestions. You’ve got to play the part AT ALL TIMES, that YOU

ARE A CLOUD BUSTER! Often I will raise and dispel the wind for my audience.


One of my favorite things to do is to summon rainbows. With this technique, I’ve

seemingly caused multiple rainbows to appear in a few minutes. I’ve done this a handful of times,
all successful. Timing though, is important. Watch the sky and the weather. You’ll know.
Believe me, you do this even once and you’re golden.

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DEVIN KNIGHT NOTE: Jerome has an excellent idea here. To cause a rainbow to

appear you need to know how they form. You can see rainbows only when the sun is shining
behind you and it is raining in front of you. Rainbows form when sunlight shines through
millions of raindrops. Sunlight is a mixture of colors. When it passes through a raindrop, it is
refracted (bent) and the light splits and spreads into seven colors. All rainbows are part of a
circle, but you can usually see only part of it, as the Earth is in the way. If you are lucky, you
may see a complete circle from an aircraft!

To pull this off you normally need a day when scattered showers are in the forecast. If

it is a cloudy overcast day you will have little luck. The rainbow normally forms when the
rain is moving away from you and the sky is clearing on one side. The SUN MUST be behind
you on the clear side, otherwise no rainbow. These are the conditions you have to watch for. If
you see the rain is starting to stop and the sun is coming out, then you know a rainbow may
be imminent. There has to be rain still in the air for the sun to shine through. If not you will
not get a rainbow.

A sneaky way to get help (or an advance warning) is if you have one of the modern day

cell phones. You can subscribe to one of the weather services online. These services will show
you the current radar and movement right on your cell phone. You can see the direction the
rain is moving. If you see clear skies on the radar and the rain is moving west, then you know
a rainbow will probably form in the western sky if the time of the day is correct. Rainbows
normally form in the eastern and western skies.

The telltale sign is that it appears the sun will be coming out soon and the rain is

moving away. If you know it is moving west, you tell the person you are going to put a
rainbow in the sky. You can even point to where the rainbow will appear! All you need do is
point in the direction the rain is moving, as long as it is east or west. A small pocket compass
can come in handy to help you indicate in which direction the rainbow will appear. More
detailed information on making a rainbow appear is in my weather changing section. Once
the sun appears a rainbow will appear in the western sky (provided the rain is moving

The reason rainbows are somewhat rare is that you will only see them when there is

rain in front of you and somewhat in the distance. The sun must be behind you and fairly low
on the horizon. This means that the best time to spot a rainbow is normally in the early
morning hours or late afternoon. You will seldom see a rainbow mid day because the sun is
too high to create the proper reflection through the rain droplets. The most likely time you
will see a rainbow is after one of those late afternoon rain showers that only lasts for a few
minutes. This is great when you are working an outdoor festival and there is a light, but
short, rain shower in the late afternoon. A rainbow is almost guaranteed to appear and you
can take credit for it by making it appear.

It will take some practice at first to learn the proper conditions, but once you learn

them, you can apparently make a rainbow appear. The cool thing is that most people don’t
fully understand how a rainbow forms or the proper conditions. Since rainbows don’t always

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happen after rain storms, most people never know when to expect a rainbow. However, you
know the exact conditions and are always on the lookout for them. Timing is everything. You
will know when a rainbow will form and where! When it will, tell people you will create a
rainbow. Once you know a rainbow is likely to appear you face the direction and begin to
spread your arms out in an arc. Repeat this over and over. You may wish to pause and close
your eyes as if meditating, and then repeat the bit with swinging yours arms outward in an
arc. Continue until the rainbow appears. Once you understand how and when a rainbow
forms, you can apparently create one within two to three minutes. When it does appear, you
will be perceived as miracle worker. Again this is cult starting material.

You can use it as an omen, a blessing or another favorite of mine, with color psychological

subtleties. This is mental telepathy/mind reading/natural phenomenon at its best. I simply ask them
to stare at the rainbow, and allow one of the colors to come into their mind. After a short and
inspirational reading involving the rainbow as a metaphor; I will name the color being thought of.

Refer to Banachek’s wonderful book “Psychological Subtleties” (1 and 2!) for more

information of psychological/statistical forces.

I would also mention that cloud busting may be done indoors, peering through a window at

the sky, in a car while driving and even on LIVE television!!! I have busted clouds on televised golf
games, for spectators while sitting in the living room. Use your imagination, you could also use
suggestion as I have, causing people to believe that I moved the clouds from photographs, etc.
There are very few limits when cloud busting techniques meet with imagination and creativity.

A Bright New Outlook

It’s inevitable. People are going to ask you about cloud melting, either what it entails, or if

they can see it. Wonderful! Generate interest. Show them, or tell them you can. If conditions
aren’t favorable, promise them another time.

They are going to believe you. Why would someone say they could do these things, if in

fact they couldn’t (barring they are not compulsive liars, though being magicians and mentalists,
are we not already)?

Even if you never used this work, but said you could, and knew how to create believability,

you would be attributed with the gift and talent. This is true of most things. You see, I’m not just
explaining how to work with the weather here, I’m showing you small ways to weather your way
through people’s hearts and minds. Be gentle.

Spectator deconstruction is a marvelous thing. It is also human nature to exaggerate.

People wanting to tell a unique story, or share a unique experience, even one they only heard of,
will stretch the truth, or create an entirely new one all together. Feed off this. It works for you.
Let them receive whatever they need through their fabrications, and know what it’s doing for your

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I would like to bring this up as well. Let people sing your praises, and also be prepared to

blow your own trumpet without feeling bad about it. Become an enigma by announcing it.

You can get people to inquire about cloud busting, using subtlety. Give them a business

card with it on there as I do. Invite them to a cloud melting circle. Vaguely mention you are
hosting a special event this weekend. Let people overhear what you did last week, yesterday, 15
minutes ago. Bring it up in a story, “I once busted clouds for a newspaper reporter and…” When
they ask what cloud melting is, give them the description, and go back to your story, which is a
prestige suggestion by itself, that the media had interest, and that you were successful. The mention
of cloud busting will be second to the story, and yet foremost in the listeners mind.

This is great to do at colleges, for the newspaper, on TV, over the radio, telephone, before,

during or after shows, off the cuff, as a challenge, etc. It is as versatile as it is magical.

Begin telling people that you can do it. If you do find yourself in a tough situation,

sometimes I will use this out, “I can’t always bust clouds when asked to. Right now, it just doesn’t
feel right, and I always go with my feelings.”

I have one student who created a name for himself without doing a thing. He would simply

show people a spoon that he had bent (years!) prior, and while talking about the energy which
allowed him to do this; he would discuss cloud melting/busting and talk about his doing it!!! To
this day, he has never done either, and has quite the following of people who swear that he can and

Show the people something else if need be, though in this case (not wanting or being able to

bust clouds), I don’t ever make up for myself, which does tend to lend it even more credibility.
Also, the very fact that you can’t just do it all the time, whenever asked, can make it seem real.

Sometimes, I will decline by making up an excuse such as these:

I just got over a bad cold and cloud busting takes a lot out of me.”

I just did a big spoon bending demonstration for a group of physics students from the

University. It’s going to take a day or two before I tackle the weather.”

Make it seem like cloud busting is a big deal and takes a lot out of you. I tell people it does.

Also, it presupposes giving you credit for something you may have not done. Lie. We are
professional deceivers.

I explain that sometimes after I melt clouds, for a few days it’s almost as if I’m sick. Not

really a physical sickness, but an energetic imbalance. I get headaches, vertigo, can’t sleep, etc. I
also tell people that I never do energy work after I’ve been drinking. It may sound odd, but this one

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Drunken people seem to always want to see Metal Bending, PK effects, get readings, feel

energy, see auras etc. These are all things I could show them or direct them through sober, but the
fact they are inebriated, is a definite red flag.

It also goes back to what I do being miraculous. I hold a space of reverence for my

material, and wouldn’t dare attempt it not being in a space of utmost clarity.


Another thing you can do is create posters, fliers, brochures, web pages and other

advertisements for cloud melting demonstrations. This should be obvious. I’ve found that even a
little advertising goes a long ways because of the incredible amount of interest this generates, and
word of mouth will take care of the rest. Also, don’t be afraid to drop a line to local news and radio
suggesting an appearance and demonstration.

I have found that simple word of mouth generated from DOING cloud busting A LOT (all

the time if possible!) is more than enough. It took me less than 6 months to saturate most of the
Wasatch Front with eyewitness accounts (and God knows how many stories of it) of my cloud
busting miracle. There are a few good books for marketing by performers, for performers. Look
them up!

You can reserve cloud busting as one of the more “underground” things you do. This works

well because as soon as other performers hear that you can melt clouds, or have talked to someone
who has seen you do it, they are going to want to see and know what’s going on. Let them squirm.
As far as laymen are concerned, you’re going to become a living legend. Relish in it.


Using clouds in a fashion similar to inkblot tests, the skilled reader may use this before,

during or after a cloud busting demonstration. After the participant has selected a cloud, proceed to
tell them a bit about themselves, based on the cloud they have chosen. Use stock lines if you must.
This is a nice little touch to add to nearly any routine or demonstration with clouds.

Scrying with clouds also works well. This is much like scrying with any crystal, bowl of

water, black mirror, etc.

For great sources on cold reading, I recommend the following:

The Classic Reading, Lee Earle

Completely Cold, Kenton Knepper and Tank

The Full Facts Book of Cold Reading, by Ian Rowland

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Besides the obvious cloud busting routine (which is my normal route), you can incorporate various
other routines WITH cloud busting and melting, as I have done with metal bending. A little
imagination and some work with applying these principles, and they will become known. Here are
a few of my favorites.


In this demonstration, I have used the ODDS (Osterlind Design Duplication System). I urge

readers to consider this fantastic drawing duplication, and obviously will not be revealing the
workings here. Many thanks to Richard Osterlind for this beautiful drawing duplication. I use it
regularly and here is how I incorporate it into cloud sculpting.

After the volunteer has a picture in mind, I either duplicate the drawing IN THE CLOUDS,

or on paper, later sculpting the drawn image INTO the clouds WITH the spectator. Remember to
give them credit as often as possible.

So this becomes a drawing duplication/cloud sculpting routine with different approaches.

Also, with ODDS handy, you can do a bit of Devin’s work, forcing the correct image in the clouds
using a suitable ODDS card. I figure, I carry ODDS with me anyhow, why not use the system in
this fashion and kill two birds with one stone?

If you are carrying ODDS, keep another blank card or two handy. This way, if you notice a

cloud formation which looks like something, you can very quickly MAKE a proper card, and
FORCE that card on them. A very simple criss-cross force should be enough. Run through the
cards and show that there are many DIFFERENT objects and pictures to choose from, and then
force the one you need.

Use suggestion if the image is not exact. You could do as I have; the spectator makes their

drawing, and attempts to transmit that drawing to you while you focus on the clouds.

You begin to sculpt the sky, describing small bits and pieces of the drawing AS YOU

SKETCH. It appears as if the cloud is receiving the spectator’s thoughts as well, and forming itself
to show you the image.

If you are receiving the image WHILE looking at the cloud, it implies that the cloud is

shifting to BECOME that image. We are looking at the cloud and apparently receiving some very
exact information, which we later reveal. With some logic, it is not hard to see how this also
implies the cloud now LOOKS like the drawing being duplicated.

Now, you duplicate the drawing and compare, and then focus your attention back on the

cloud(s). Using suggestion, they will see it drawn in the clouds as well. Remember to look at any
clouds that might already resemble their drawing (free choice when using ODDS system).

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Using these same principles, you could forgo the drawing duplication, and instead duplicate

it in the clouds only. This is for the skilled psychological performer.

CARD IN CLOUD - A thought of card appears in the cloud, and then vanishes from a deck

This is one of my favorite effects if I am going to incorporate cards into my cloud busting

demonstration (rare).

Effect: A volunteer thinks of a card from a pack of playing cards. Concentrating his psychic
energies, the performer sculpts his or her impressions IN THE CLOUDS!!! A card is revealed in
the sky, the 7 of Hearts. The participant agrees, this is the card they were thinking of! As a
miraculous kicker, the performer busts the cloud, causing it to vanish. Going through the deck, one
card is missing. The 7 of Hearts!

The method is simple. Begin by forcing whatever card you can easily see in the sky. You

don’t have to go for value and suit. Often, value is enough, and you can use suggestion to cause
them to also see the suit. Refer back to Devin Knight’s section on spotting the proper clouds for this
effect. After you have forced the card, control it to the top of the deck and palm it off as you give
the volunteer the pack of cards to hold.

If you do not like palming, one could use any number of other methods to get rid of the

card. I have been so bold as to reach into my close up case to retrieve the card box, and simply
thumbed the top card off as I boxed the deck. It is not as clean, but done with confidence and
casualness, it will fly by unnoticed. Make sure they hold the deck as you proceed.

By creating a false recollection, they will feel as if they simply thought of a card from the

pack. You made it appear in the clouds, which then vanished taking the thought of card with them.
They were holding the pack of cards the entire time.

It goes without saying that you must work the correct wording into your own presentation.

After you force a card, begin incorporating the instructions to merely THINK of the card, to hold
the image of the card in their MIND, etc. (Take the pack, I don’t even want to touch them, and you
just continue to THINK of your card, good?”

NOTE: I never refer to cards as a “deck” of cards. It reminds me of being a magician. I always say
“pack” as opposed to deck. It makes it seem as if we were a bit less acquainted. Also, many people
refer to decks of cards as a “pack of cards” anyhow, so this makes more sense to them, I feel.

At this point, you are home free. Reveal the card in the sky. Blend this with direct mind

reading if you will, getting the card in steps, first color, suit and then value, possibly even being a
bit “off” at first, and then nailing it.

I have purposely left out my exact presentation and scripting. I am giving you ideas and

methods; it is up to YOU to do the work in making it presentable. The last thing I want to see is
cookie cutter cloud busters.

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One could close their eyes and concentrate, have them name their card, and you reveal it in

the sky. This makes it seem as if you really did not know which card it was (it should appear that
way anyhow). Finish as usual.

Direct their attention to the sky, where their card has now appeared! Knowing what you

know, you realize that in a few minutes, this cloud is going to shift, change and dissipate. Use this
to your advantage by busting the cloud. INVOLVE THE SPECTATOR, ALWAYS!!!

After the cloud has vanished, or at least the image of the card has been destroyed, reveal

that it has also vanished from the deck (which they have been holding). If they are at your feet at
this point, please, pick them up and give them a firm pat for being such a clear sender and assistant
for cloud busting. I have completely seduced large crowds of people with this effect. It is incredibly


This is another bit of business you can use to your advantage. In effect, you will completely

cause a cloud to vanish by simply waving your hand over the sky. You use your hand to “smudge”
it away.

Plain and simple, this is a swindle. There is no cloud that you are vanishing when you say

you are. I use this AFTER I have already busted a cloud. While the spectator’s are gaining their
composure, I enter their space, standing next to them, and hold my hand against the sky, blocking
their field of vision. You must be confident and relaxed.

I will openly say; “Watch closely”. Now, I’m not saying what they are watching, I only hold

my hands up to the sky, as if covering a cloud in the distance. Immediately, I will press my hand
down, and mime wiping the cloud away, or smudging it across the sky. As the hand moves, the
participants vision is restored, and what do they see? Not a cloud, that’s for sure!

I just step back, take a deep breath, relax and smile. Be nonchalant; get them eating out of

your palm, and then work this short, sweet miracle.


If I’m not performing my entire metal bending routine, I will usually bend a key or coin for

the spectator(s), to set the pace and begin with the build up. I have two specific routines I use, and
besides them, this next piece is what I prefer.

I love doing this. Prepare a spoon or fork for BREAKING. Then, using just one utensil and

one cloud, you put on a dramatic display of psychic power.

Choose a cloud to work with. Have your spoon or fork prepared and ready. Go into your
description of the effect, talk about metal bending and cloud busting, and for me, ENERGY.

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Explain that through focused INTENTION, it may be possible to affect physical objects,

and this can even be EXTENDED to affect clouds!

Now, you will begin to lightly stroke the prepared fork. You may even place the item in

your spectator’s hand (or have them pinch one end), and show how soft and malleable it is
becoming. Create a connection between the fork and the cloud. As you affect one, the other is also

After a minute or so, remove the fork and get it into ‘cloud melting position” by snapping it

while continuing to hold it together as one piece. Time this end portion with the end of the cloud
busting. Now, holding the fork parallel to the ground, and at about chest/face level, s-l-o-w-l-y
allow it to drop, being pulled by gravity. It appears as if the fork is melting, and is still in one piece.
I play this up, and take my time (longer moments, but not too long!). Eventually, the forks ends
will meet and I act as if I am just now attempting to melt my fingers THROUGH it. It should look
as if it is in a half solid, half melted state, and that you are exerting yourself to melt through it,
breaking it in two.

Allow the pieces to fall to the floor, or into the waiting hands of your spectator. I

immediately begin shaking my hand, as if I was burned. They will be sufficiently amazed at this
point. Apply the coup de grace. Directing my attention to the sky, the cloud is also melted, gone
completely or severely misshapen.

I personally prefer to time the melting of the spoon or fork with the busting of the cloud.

Timed right, they occur simultaneously, and can be viewed and experienced simultaneously. It is a
beautiful thing to watch, and one of the strongest things I have ever done.

Add the Niacin convincer, and you have one of the greatest miracles ever. This is meant to

be played as “real”.


Cloud busting is one of my pet effects. Here, the routine is simple, direct and powerful, and

is presented in five minutes or less. After all my banter about “presentation”, I forgo most of it in
this routine. This is guerilla cloud busting. I choose a cloud. No choice is given.

I open with my patent description and gesture, “I focus on large storm clouds . . ., etc.” or

put it in present tense, “Watch closely. I’m going to focus on THAT cloud, and tear a giant hole
through it, and cause it to disperse.” That really, is most of what I say when doing this.

I point at the cloud, and have the spectators take a few deep breaths, while they imagine the

cloud being torn apart. I give them a few suggestions on how to do this, energy bolts, vacuum
cleaner, etc.

Now, I just stare at the cloud and breathe deep, relaxing breaths. After just five minutes, I

stop, no matter what the progress, which 8/10 times, is that this cloud is gone, completely. People

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will react to every small change within that 2-5 minute period. They will glance at it a few times
even afterwards, to which, it will only look better if it was not 100% vanished.

In this routine, I do not use the Niacin convincer. I reserve that for the larger

demonstrations, or when I know I will be cloud busting. I don’t carry a capsule of niacin with me
everywhere I go, though it’s not a bad idea, given the many things you can use it for. After my time
is up, I am finished. There is not a whole lot more to say or do. I do not use any routines to build
up; only with strength and confidence can you make this work.

Also, I like to have someone look at their watch or cell phone and time me. Remember,

choose your cloud. You can choose one that will take a minute, or one that will take two, or three or
even four minutes. Get to know your clouds and what size changes in what amount of time. It really
is easy, once you begin NOTICING.

Cloud busting, done this way, can make anything you do more powerful. After your normal

routine, you simply point at a cloud and go right into it. It can be very fast, just a few minutes, and
you have a brilliant closer and something they will remember you by.

Though cloud busting works extremely well with a variety of other effects, routines and

presentations, I enjoy doing it alone, on its own. Most of the time, I will ONLY bust a cloud. It has
created a nice reputation for me, and I use these techniques whenever there are clouds in the sky.

I can do it in a minute or two and flow right into the quick cloud busting performance. Get

really proficient, and you can do this in less than three minutes, from start to finish. I prefer to take
five to six minutes, tops, if I am using other bits of business for the “build-up”.

This is the demonstration I use “off the cuff”. Keep in mind that much of my cloud melting

is done for groups of people, or in longer performances where I can take my time and really play
this up.

I also love to bust clouds quickly, and anytime a person wishes to see it. Choose the right

clouds, and this now becomes something you can use in walk around work, on the streets, while
driving, or anytime.

It uses all the same concepts and principles, but relies more on speed and silence for

reactions. Presentation suffers, but this is still fine work.


This next piece is something I have had huge success with. To begin, I ask the participant to

think of someone close to them, someone they may have seen recently. This keeps them from
thinking of the deceased, which, while doable, gets into more bizarre waters.

To focus their thought and emotional connection to that person, I have them write the first

name of the person in mind on a business card, which then goes into my wallet and is put away.

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Now, I redirect their attention to the sky. Scanning the clouds, I pick one out that has some

sort of face within it. It does not matter whether male or female AS LONG AS SOME TYPE OF
FACE CAN BE SEEN. This may be the edge of the clouds that form a profile, or you may see a
face in the various shades of gray in the middle of the cloud.

(You are going to get gender specific using suggestions and feedback. Sculpt the cloud to fill your
needs. Tell them what they are seeing, it’s that simple. Get them to agree. Apply anchoring
techniques and suggestion if you know how.)

Knowing the name, I will begin to lead their experience. To do this, I begin to cold read the

person who is being thought of. I don’t spend too long on this, but much information is available
based on that name (male, female, foreign person, older names (other generations, etc).After I have
played this up for a bit, I will have them presence the face of their friend or loved one, while
looking at the sky (and correct cloud).

Immediately, I begin to pick out features, and I point these out to the volunteer. After they

can make out a face, I simply ask them to put A NAME ON THAT FACE, subtly implying to
connect the name with the face in the clouds. I have them take a few deep breaths, and superimpose
the face of their loved one onto the cloud. After a bit of concentration, I reveal the name.

The secret is simple. I get the name using a center tear, billet peek or one of the many

quality peek wallets on the market. I use the Stealth Assassin, and can also highly recommend the
Outlaw peek wallet. Once you have the name, you are home free and can now focus on the
PRESENTATION, which is everything.


You may also use the above ruse of projecting “unknown” information into the clouds. This

works with faces, letters, numbers, words and objects. This is for experienced psychological
performers, but is within the grasp of anyone with confidence and a fair amount of showmanship.

Get the information through whatever method is handy, impression devices, peek wallets,

CT, forces, psychological forces, etc. Now, you will do much the same things as in the routine
above. In this case, we will be using a book test. There are many great ones on the market. For this
particular routine, I prefer one of Larry Becker’s “Flashback” books. After you know the info, a bit
of word play is in order here, have him connect with his word (number, name, etc.), and PROJECT
that image into (onto) a cloud. I tell him to superimpose that image ONTO THE CLOUD.

Now, something sneaky happens. While he is doing this, I tell him it is important that he

actually SEE his word on/in the cloud, in his imagination. “Can you actually see YOUR WORD
across the cloud? Yes? Perfect. Continue to focus on the cloud . . .” and then reveal the word.
Remember, he has admitted that he SAW his word in the cloud. This point remains with him after
the fact, and the revelation, and also in the minds of the observers. They will recall this person
saying, “Yes, I can see the word in the cloud” before you reveal it.

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By logic, if he has projected his word onto the cloud, and by looking at that cloud, you have

deduced the information, then by reason, YOU HAVE SEEN HIS WORD IN THE SKY.
Bystanders will remember you asking the person if he could see his word in the clouds, to which he
has replied in the affirmative. Now, you reveal his thought of word, and whala! A nice dual reality
is created.

You could seemingly hypnotize a person to see the name, shape, or face. Then there is a

rational explanation why others may not have seen it. I always get other people claiming that they
saw words scribbled across the clouds. Use these same principles to cause faces, shapes, objects,
words and more to appear in the clouds. Employing a nail writer here can have very strong results.


The above technique is known as Pareidolia. It

describes a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus (often an
image or sound) being perceived as significant. Common examples include images of animals
or faces in clouds, and the man in the moon. The word comes from the Greek para-
— amiss,
faulty, wrong — and eidolon
— image (the diminutive of eidos — appearance, form).

Many people experience this by seeing faces in the grain of wood, or on plaster ceilings.
Jerome has applied this phenomenon to clouds. If you study a large cloud with various shades
of white/gray and look for a certain item, your mind will see the image in the clouds,
especially human faces. Remarkable but true. Try it for yourself so you realize what effect
you are trying to project on the spectator.

According to Carl Sagan, human beings are, as a survival technique, "hard-wired" from
birth to identify the human face. This allows people to use only minimal details to recognize
faces from a distance and in poor visibility, but can also lead them to interpret random
images or patterns of light and shade as being faces.


While it is sublime to include other pieces with cloud busting, it can be done standing alone,

and often should be. I know it will continue as such. Cloud busting is one of those very few things
which can be done with you and nothing (or very little) else. I put it in the same category as metal
bending, Banachek’s PK Time and PK Touches, and Luke Jermay’s masterpiece, “For Andruzzi”.
This is an entire show with practically NOTHING.

Though not “prop free”, Doug Higley’s incredible “Dark Museum” also works well, and is

a strong enough prelude to cloud busting. I used his Ear, Toe and Monkey paw set-up on a regular
basis, and included it in dozens and dozens of performances which utilized cloud melting at some

Devin Knight speaks about Rainmaker in his portion. While I own Rainmaker and enjoy it, I

have not used Higley’s ETMP and the Rainmaker TOGETHER with cloud busting. The two
mentioned products work well together, and cloud busting with each of them, so why not combine
the three for another powerful show?

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Kuji Kiri Clouds

The idea for a kuji kiri (hand mudras and mandalas) presentation came to me after studying

Japanese healing arts (Shiatsu, Reiki, Jin Shin, and blessings of the Mahikari.) There are sources
online to learn the correct position of the hands and fingers in each of the 9 cuts (kuji-in and kuji
kiri positions). There are many more mudras, and most people, especially Westerners, do not really
understand kuji kiri or the true meaning and application of the mudras. I’m not claiming that I do
either, only that here is a great idea for presentation, and one that I use.

In the hilarious book “Ninja Mind Control” by quack practitioner “Ashida Kim”, the kuji

kiri hand positions are “explained” in some detail. By cycling through the positions, and giving a
brief explanation of what they are intended to do/accomplish, it takes a few minutes to get through
the 9 -12 positions (as opposed to a few hours, traditionally). Kama Sutra clouds will be the topic of
another discussion.

By choosing a cloud and then beginning the kuji kiri hand mudras, each step has an “effect”

(or so we say) on the cloud(s) being worked with. By the time we finish, we are empowered and
our energy speaks for itself as the cloud is vanished completely.

UP IN SMOKE: a routine for the last of you smokers . . .

If you smoke, you can time the disappearance of the cloud with your smoking of a cigarette

(or a spectator’s cigarette!). As it goes down, so to, the cloud vanishes. You can “blow smoke” at
the sky, or even cause revelations to appear in the cloud and smoke, and cloud of smoke. I don’t
recommend it, but if one wanted a more magical cloud busting/vanish routine, you could end by
vanishing the cigarette into a pull or thumb tip, saving one last breath of smoke for the final vanish
of both cloud and cigarette.

DISCLAIMERS: I’m all for a good disclaimer and honesty in performing, and at the same time, I
would not spoil the evening with a blatant; “This is all trickery.” In general, I do not use a
disclaimer, but I am not making any claims, either. I do what I do, and allow my spectators to draw
their own conclusions, and regarding these conclusions, I do not comment.

Wrapping it up

. . .

In short, there are only a few things to remember when busting clouds. My work is based on three
areas and subjects of importance:

Taking credit for natural occurrences.

Utilizing suggestion, breathing and visualizations to increase the experience of cloud busting

(as in “Ritual of the Rock”).

Using Niacin as a convincer.

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There is not a whole lot to it, or is there? Stay relaxed, know your clouds and give this a proper

presentation, and you will have an incredibly REAL demonstration that people will remember.
Happy busting!

Cloud Busting Sources: Cloud busting is not new or original to me. I trust however, that my take
on it has something to offer those who wish to duplicate this effect. To my knowledge, others who
have worked with cloud busting in the magic and mentalism community include: Al Mann, Devin
Knight, Kenton Knepper, Docc Hilford, Brother Shadow, Patrick Redford and others!

For a history and ideas for presentation, the reader could look at the works of: Wilhelm

Reich and orgone energy, Neil Slade, Richard Bach (Illusions), Gary Sinclaire and “others”,
including Majna P. who first taught me spoon bending and cloud busting. I will never be the same.


SPECIAL THANKS: To Devin Knight, Enrique Enriquez and Paolo Cavalli. You
guys are heroes of contemporary mentalism. I love and appreciate all that you have
shared with me. I treasure your friendship and insights. Thank you.

My Heartfelt Gratitude to: Michael Fraughton, Brad Gordon and Paul Vigil. I am
what I am in part because of your friendship and presence in my life. You’ve shaped
my magic for nearly half my existence. I’ve learned so much from all of you.
Thokoza. Thanks are also in order for you, the readers and performers who have
supported this work. It is my honor to share my take on cloud busting with the magic
and mentalism communities. Also, to the many (too numerous to name, and I fear
leaving someone out!) at the Magic Café and Mentalist Sanctum who have offered
their feedback and insight, support and eagerness to learn. Go well!

Lasting Thanks: To the many who have influenced me and my art, work and life
(directly and indirectly), in no particular order: Banachek, Richard Osterlind, Max
Maven, Eugene Burger, Luke Jermay, Kenton Knepper, Docc Hilford, Brother
Shadow, Patrick Redford, Jim Callahan, and many more.

Sincere thanks to Sean Bott and Brian Voiles. You’ve always been there for me,
teaching me, working beside me. I honor you both. Let’s bust.

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I always invite my audience and spectators to provide their own utensils, keys, coins, nails,

etc. to be bent at my demonstrations. Also, not just relying on my audience, I play it safe and bring
some of my own that can be examined before, during and after. I often use metal bending and cloud
melting together.

A great subtlety I used here was having a large plastic bucket carried around the theatre (or

passed around the group in workshops or large cloud busting demonstrations) by an assistant to
collect the utensils. By dumping all the pieces into the bucket, some will become misshapen by
weight and position; others will already be bent to some degree and were not noticed by their
owner. Also, and I did this on a few occasions, I had plants in the audience holding MY spoons and
forks (normal, but in a type and variety I prefer).

Notice I did not say “stooge”, but PLANT. These people would come in for the show, and

the ticket master, usher or my assistant would simply hand out a few spoons and perhaps a fork or
two for people to take back to their seats and “check to verify they were free of trickery”. They
were instructed to just put the items in the bucket when the assistant came by.

Of course, an occasional spectator would bend a spoon beforehand, and this only served to

help me later! Month after month, many people would bring their own forks and spoons, and I
could take my pick after they were all brought back and dumped on the table. Often, the piles were
so large, that I could reach directly into them as if digging for a certain piece, and covered by many
other pieces, could happily bend away with complete cover.

Also, the assistant who carried the bucket often worked the metal before me. He would grab

people’s utensils, and while moving around, bend them, or tossing them in the bucket, he would
bend them. He would then allow some people to place their spoons in the bucket themselves, to
make a fair display of the collection process.

You could have an outright stooge or two in the audience who will add gimmicked tools to

the collection. These could be prepared forks and spoons to break, pre-twisted items, bent coins and
keys, or otherwise gimmicked item and/or things that would be otherwise very difficult to do

One of my most powerful and memorable performances ever was during a theatre show for

1,500 people in the Perry Egyptian Theatre in Ogden, Utah. I had stooges in the audience that
added a few bent coins, keys and working watches to the collection bucket.

I just bluffed with the watches. I could get some of the audience watches to work again, the

method is well known. Some didn’t, but I had two other WORKING watches that were added to the

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pile by my stooges, and I only claimed they were not ticking as I placed them into the hands of my
audience and willed them to start.

After I bent some spoons and forks, I bent the key of an audience member, and then a pre-

bent coin, and then some pre bent keys, just by holding them or placing them in people’s hands.

Also, when the assistant brings the bucket back to the stage or platform, before I openly

dumped the contents out, I would LOOK into the bucket and say, “Let’s see, people have given
spoons, some forks, oh, there’s a butter knife, some coins, a pair of scissors, etc.

I would just name things I saw in the bucket, and show a few, placing my hand in the

bucket, I could bend many things in just a few seconds by commenting, grabbing something,
showing it briefly, and tossing it back in. I would then just blatantly say, “Let’s just dump ALL
these out.” And then place the bucket off-stage. (Or upside down as a stand of sorts.) You can also
use the bucket to ISOLATE one or a few items, i.e. a ticking watch, a spoon you bent under cover,
etc. Now, the entire audience can direct their intentions at the piece(s) beneath the bucket, and
having a volunteer remove it, can view the results together.

If I had a stooge add a prepared fork or spoon (for breaking) to the mix, I would position

them as last to be approached by my assistant, so their utensil would be on top and would not get
broken. I would then make the same comments, remove a few pieces and table them (prepared to
break fork/spoon, and other non-gimmicked items) and then seemingly just decide to pour them all
out onto the table.

Jerome Finley

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The weather is controlled by the clouds. Clouds are the reason for snow, hail and rain.

Cloud cover also helps retain heat. When you have a cloud cover at night, it is warmer. If it is a
clear sky then it is much cooler. So in essence the weather is controlled by the clouds. If we as
performers can apparently control clouds, then we should be able to control the weather.

If you have developed a reputation for manipulating the clouds then it is very easy to

expand that reputation into one who can control the elements. Imagine that a lady calls you about
an outdoor show scheduled for next weekend. She is concerned because the weatherman is
forecasting rain. You calmly assure her that you will use your magical powers to delay the rain so it
will be a nice day for the event. True to your word, the day of the event comes. It turns out to be a
nice sunny day, despite what the weatherman forecasted. Yet the next day the rain comes. You have
delayed the rain just as you promised.

Can you imagine the effect this would have on your reputation? Especially when the lady

tells everyone she knows that you said you would keep it from raining that day. In this section you
will learn how you can apparently control the weather. You can stop rain, create rain, delay snows,
and even make it get warmer. If this seems impossible, it’s not. I’ve been using these techniques for
years. People really believe I can control the elements. You can achieve the same reputation once
you learn these insider secrets.

The Big Secret

How is all this possible? It is based on a well known fact, but one few people really

comprehend. Predicting the weather is NOT an exact science. The weatherman is almost ALWAYS
wrong. He may be correct about the weather for that day, but you can bet your bottom dollar that
the five day forecast is wrong. WAY WRONG!

I’ve spent years studying this and have noticed things that many people haven’t. When you

know how to apply this information, you can create the impression that you are a master of the
elements. Everyone will believe you can control the weather. Study this section carefully. I’ve
packed a lot of information in here. Once you fully comprehend it you can apparently create

I discovered this information by being somewhat of a weather fanatic over the years. When

I was doing lots of outdoor festivals, I was very interested in what the weather forecast was. When I
was touring with my illusion show in the winter I needed to know when it was going to snow. This
way I could leave a day sooner if the need arose. However, what I found out was that these long
range forecasts were almost worthless. They were wrong 95% of the time.

In real life the snow or rain always seems to come a day earlier or later, sometimes several

days earlier. I remember trying to plan a vacation last year around the extended forecast. I used the
seven day forecast from the Weather Channel. I planned to visit an amusement park on a Thursday
because the Weather Channel forecast was showing sunny days not only on that Thursday, but the
day before and after. This was the seven day forecast. In real life on that Thursday we had rain and
thunderstorms all day! So much for the weather forecasts being accurate. Weather forecasts are

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usually only accurate for the next 24 hours, sometimes maybe 48 hours, but even then, they are
prone to being incorrect.

The secret to changing the weather is to BET AGAINST THE HOUSE. We’ll consider that

the weatherman is like the house in a Las Vegas Casino. The rule of Vegas is that the house always
wins in the long run and not to bet against it. Just the opposite applies to the weather forecasts, they
are almost always wrong. If you bet against them you will win the majority of the time. That is the
secret of changing the weather. You go with the opposite of what the weather forecast is saying for
beyond 48 hours. You’ll win almost every time and your reputation will grow as someone who can
control the elements. Of course there is more to it than that, but this is basic secret behind this

What makes this work is that most people don’t realize this, or even care that the forecast is

usually wrong. If you find it hard to believe that the weather forecast is wrong most all the time,
then do the following. Record the seven day forecast and follow it daily. You will find that the first
day or two may be correct, but beyond that everything is usually wrong. It is hotter or colder and
sunny days are now rainy days. I’ll go you one better. Wait two days and record the seven day
forecast again. Compare it with the seven day forecast from the previous two days. You will find
that almost everything has changed. There is no reliable way to forecast these things. Cold fronts
wind up moving faster or slower than anticipated. However, you do not have to fret about this. You
can use it to your advantage in the ways I’m about to share with you. The fact that the extended
weather forecast is almost always wrong can make you appear to be a miracle worker.

The Basic Sources For Weather Information

There are three web sites that I use to follow the weather. These are the biggest and most of

the media gets their weather reports from one of these sources. The fact is that all three sometimes
have conflicting reports regarding the weather for the same day. Over the years I’ve discovered
which source seems to have the best results. Knowing this I can secretly play one source against
another in my demonstrations of changing the weather.

It doesn’t matter where you live in the world. These web sites cover the weather

internationally. You can get forecasts for virtually any city in the world from these web sites. This
is also another part of the secret. The weather is usually different 60 miles down the road. It may be
sunny in one town and raining in a town 60 miles down the road. This is the first major fallacy.
Most people get their weather forecast from watching a local TV station. That local station is
mainly forecasting the weather FOR THE TOWN THAT THE STATION ORIGINATES FROM.

The local station may forecast sunny skies. That is for their town. However, a passing rain

front may cause it to rain in your town which may be 70 miles away from the station. The local
station often will not even mention the rain storm for your town, because they are forecasting the
weather for their town. However, the average person doesn’t realize this. They see that the local TV
weather said it would be SUNNY. When it rains they wonder why? Now you know why. I will
show you how to take advantage of this.

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Here are the three web sites you need to be aware of:


This is most reliable of the weather sources. They are usually wrong for the long range

forecasts but they seem to have the best track record for being correct in the 24-48 hour range. I
consider their forecasts to be ultra-conservative. They normally only show rain, if there is a good
chance it will rain. They offer a cell phone service with a monthly subscription. I highly
recommend this. It is invaluable for getting secret access to current weather radars.


These are the people who run the WEATHER CHANNEL. Yes this is the channel that puts

up those five day weather forecast every eight minutes. Luckily for us those five day forecasts are
almost always wrong. also has a cell phone service, but I recommend you go with
Accuweather if you are going to subscribe. You will get far more reliable information in my
opinion. This source is very liberal. If there is only a 40% chance of rain, you will see the forecast
showing rain. What this means is that there is a 60% chance it won’t rain that day. However, those
who tune to the Weather Channel will see the day marker for that day and it will have rain on it.
Everyone who sees it will expect it to rain, however the odds are it will be clear. You will learn to
play that in your favor.


This source is the Weather Underground and is the worst of the three for accuracy. I have

found in the winter time they may be forecasting snow. Yet if I go to Accuweather, they will be
forecasting overcast skies. In most every case Accuweather turns out to be correct. However, you
can use the Weather Underground in a clever way. You can print out their forecast for the current
day if it differs from the one at Accuweather. You then show this to people as the local weather
forecast for the day. You tell them you will change the weather that day. What you tell them you
will do is what is on Accuweather’s forecast. Of course the person NEVER sees the Accuweather

You need only visit these websites daily and compare the forecasts. In many cases they will

ALL be different. As mentioned before when they are different, Accuweather seems to be the one
that is closest to being correct.


Here are some of the techniques I use to make it appear I can control the weather.

Remember weather changes constantly. Most people don’t visit the above web sites to check the
weather. They usually read the paper the night before and see the extended forecast, which is
usually wrong. They watch TV from a station in another town and mistakenly think that will be
their weather, which may not be the case at all. Remember weather can often change overnight. The
forecast someone sees on the 6 o’clock news for the next day’s weather may turn out to be wrong.

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Luckily for you they may not see an updated forecast. The last forecast they have seen may have
been the one on the previous night’s news. A lot can happen overnight. You need to be aware of
these changes. Many people only see the weather forecast once a day on the evening news. This is
the one they will remember. You however, will be watching the weather on the websites. You will
be aware of changes that most people are not aware of yet. You can tell people who remember last
night’s forecast that you will change the weather. If the current forecast is different from what was
forecasted the previous night, then that is what you claim you will cause to happen.


Whether you use a web site or your cell phone weather service, you can pinpoint the

weather forecast for your city. This is something that the TV stations don’t always do. The first
thing is to check the forecast for the city that the TV broadcast originates from. Enter that city’s
name and print out the forecast. Then enter where you live or will be performing. Compare the two
forecasts. You may find them to be entirely different. It may have rain in the forecast for the TV
city, but overcast skies for your town. USE THAT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. Tell people that the
weatherman said it would rain today. You have plans for outdoors and will keep it from raining in
THIS town. Since a lot of people saw the weather on the news last night they will be expecting it to
rain. When it doesn’t you are given credit.

If the TV city shows sunny skies, but rain in your town, then you tell people things look too

dry. We need some rain, and you say you will make it rain. When it does you get credit.


The Weather Channel’s five day forecast is almost always wrong. There are some

exceptions and I will explain these now. Sometimes you will see a five day forecast and it shows
rain or snow for all five days. This could be the result of a stalled system or front. In these cases it
probably will be correct. What you are looking for are those single days where they say it will rain.
Sometimes they forecast rain for two days in a row. For example let’s say it’s Monday and they are
showing rain for Friday. You can just about bet your last dollar that it will NOT RAIN ON
FRIDAY. It will probably rain on Thursday or Saturday, but NOT on Friday. If you look at the
same forecast on Tuesday, you may find that now they are saying Friday will be sunny and the rain
is set for Saturday. By the time Friday gets here, they may be saying it will be sunny both days.

Always go against the rain forecast when it is four to five days away. If you are with

someone and the Weather Channel is on, then pay attention to the five day forecast. If there is rain
set for the fifth day, then you make some comment about your plans. Say something like I plan to
play golf that day, it won’t rain if I have anything to do about it AND I DO. You can rest assured it
will not rain that day. When it doesn’t rain, point out to your friend that you did control the weather
as you claimed you would. If the rain was a day earlier, say you made it rain a day earlier so it
wouldn’t ruin your golf game. If the rain is set for Saturday, you say you delayed it.

Another thing you can do is go to the website on a Monday morning and print

out the seven day weather forecast for your city and keep it with you. It will be wrong later down

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the road. However, check the Accuweather web site daily to get the current forecast for the current
day. Let’s say today is Thursday and the seven day forecast is showing rain (this is
the forecast you printed on Monday). Accuweather is showing overcast skies for today and by now
so is However, you bring out the forecast you printed on Monday and show it to
someone. Say the weather forecast is calling for rain today; I think I will stop the rain. When it
doesn’t rain you will get credit for it. Don’t worry about the fact you printed the forecast on
Monday. It’s the forecast for the week so nobody thinks anything about it. You can also cut out the
5 day forecast from your local newspaper. On the fifth day you show the forecast to someone and
apparently change the weather. It’s that simple. I do need to point out, that these people you show
this to should be aware of your ability to bust clouds. You point out that clouds control the weather,
since you control clouds, you can control the weather. You will find that people who have seen you
bust clouds will have NO PROBLEM believing you can change the weather. The feats go hand in


During the winter months check out the Weather Underground web site’s forecast for your

city. Compare that with the Accuweather forecast. If the Accuweather web site has no snow in the
forecast for the next 24 hours, but Weather Underground does, then believe Accuweather.
However PRINT out the Weather Underground forecast for that day showing snow. Show it to
people and say you will delay the snow. When it doesn’t snow that day you get the credit. Weather
Underground is notorious for forecasting snow that never arrives. TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF


You may have an outdoor show booked for the following weekend. The lady who booked

you calls on Tuesday and says the weatherman is calling for rain this weekend. She is calling to tell
you they will set up some kind of tent or move you indoors if need be due to the rain. If the show is
four or five days away, you know the odds are it WILL NOT RAIN THAT DAY. So you simply
tell her on the phone, that you will use you magic powers to hold off the rain for your show. You
don’t even have to check with the weather web sites. Just tell her that.

In most cases when Saturday arrives there is NO RAIN in the forecast. You of course

remind her that you said you would stop the rain. You can rest assured that she will tell others
that the weather forecast had rain for today, however you told her you would stop the rain.
Apparently you did. Suppose it does rain that day? You say nothing, if she remembers you said
you would stop the rain and mentions it; just say you were joking around. You will find in most
cases the rain will not show. This is like the psychics who throw out the predictions. People only
remember the ones that come true and forget the misses.

You have to play it the same way. When your claim to change the weather hits, you

REMIND THEM. If for some reason the weather forecast turns out as predicted; you say nothing.
Since you made the comment several days earlier, the person will forget in most cases, unless you
remind them. You only remind them when you succeeded!

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This is one of my pet secrets for apparently controlling the weather. It can be accessed at the

Accuweather web site. On there you will find a small link that says GO HOURLY for more detail
and it is exactly that. It gives you a break down of the weather for each hour during the 24 hour
period. Now the incredible thing is that this is fairly accurate. Sometimes they may be off by an
hour or so but that is ok as you will see. The newspaper may say rain on Saturday. The weather
channel and TV weather reports may say rain on Saturday. What they don’t tell you is WHEN it is
going to rain on Saturday. People may assume it is going to rain all day (which it seldom does).
Here is where the hourly breakdown comes in. You can look at the forecast for that day and see the
weather breakdown for each hour. For example it may show rain from 10AM to 1PM. Then it may
show that from 2PM to 5PM you will have overcast skies, with the rain starting up again at 5PM.
Now remember most people don’t have access to this information, and most don’t even know you
can access it.

How can you use this information to your advantage? Let’s say you have a show scheduled

for outdoors that day. The first thing you do is check the hourly forecast and see when the rain is
supposed to stop during the day. If you are lucky, it may be during the time you have the outdoor
show scheduled. Let’s assume your show is scheduled for 3PM. You arrive there and it’s raining.
You tell the person who hired you, that you will attempt to use your powers to stop the rain long
enough to do the show. Sure enough in a short time, the rain stops. You set up your show and do it
under overcast skies. After the show is over and you are packed up, the rain starts again. This
happened to me a few weeks ago. I was scheduled to do a show outdoors at a local park. The lady
called and said she had a shelter reserved so I could do the show under it. I thanked her but told it
wasn’t really needed as I planned on stopping the rain long enough for me to do the show and pack
it up without getting wet.

Of course I had looked over the Accuweather hourly forecast and knew when the rain would

stop and start again. I got there and the rain had stopped. I told her I would use my powers to hold
the rain off long enough to do the show. I knew I had less than hour before the rain would start
again, so I quickly set up my show and started right away. When the show was over I knew
according to the hourly forecast that the rain would start again within 15 to 20 minutes. I quickly
packed my show in the van and told her that my powers could only hold the rain back for so long.
Now that the van was packed, I could let the rain continue. Believe it or not as I was pulling out the
parking lot, the rain began again in FULL FORCE.

Can you imagine the impact this will have on people? You apparently have the power to

stop the rain long enough for you to perform. Suppose someone says keep the rain away for the rest
of the picnic? You have two options. If you know the rain isn’t set to come again till 7PM and the
picnic ends at 6PM, then you say OK, you will hold off the rain until the picnic is over. Then the
rain will return. Sure enough, the picnic ends, they have about an hour to pack away things and the
rain returns as you told them. This will really make them wonder.

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On the other hand, if you know the rain will begin before the picnic is over, you tell them

you are sorry, but it takes a lot of energy to stop the rain. You tell them you were only to stop the
rain long enough to do your show, your powers are drained. You are sorry, but the rain must return.

Another way to use the hourly forecast is to create a sudden rain shower. We will assume

that in this case the skies are sunny but Accuweather shows that a thunderstorm will appear at 3PM.
If the person doesn’t know the forecast, you can apparently create the rain. A lot of thunderstorms
just suddenly appear after it being sunny all day. Assume it is 2PM and the skies are still clear. Tell
him you are going to create a short rain storm within the hour to cool things down. Go into any type
of meditation or trance you wish. Of course this is all fake and just for show. Within the next hour
the sky will become overcast and a thunderstorm will come forth. Many times the proper clouds
will be in the sky for cloud busting. In this case you may wish to bust a few and tell him you are
changing the weather patterns to produce rain. He sees the clouds vanish and within the hour rain

As mentioned before, most people don’t know about the hourly forecast on Accuweather for

any city in the world. You can print it out in the morning and have it ready to refer to during the
day. Please note that the hourly forecast is updated as conditions change or the weather gets closer.
If you have a laptop computer with mobile internet access you can secretly look at the most recent
update of the hourly forecast. Just have the laptop in your car where you can secretly access it. This
will allow you to use pinpoint accuracy to tell them when you will stop and start the rain.

The Accuweather hourly forecast can be your best friend if you want to convince others you

can control the weather. Use it wisely, it’s a great tool and one few people know about.


This is another wonderful tool for the psychic who wishes to convince people he can control

the weather. If you have the right kind of cell phone you can subscribe to a mobile weather service.
With this installed on your phone you have access to weather radar in REAL TIME. Now this can
really help you create miracles because you can secretly access the weather radar using your cell
phone at anytime. If rain is in the forecast, you can see the rain on the radar and see how far away it
is. You can also see in what direction the rain is moving.

If it is already raining you can see how far the rain extends and the direction it is moving.

Let’s say you see a small gap in the rain storm (a clear spot) and it is moving in your direction. This
means there will be a brief let up of the rain. When you see the brief clearing heading your way you
can tell others you will stop the rain briefly. Sure enough the rain will stop briefly and soon start
again. Of course you are given credit for this.

The cell phone radar can be INVALUABLE to those wishing to make a rainbow appear.

Let’s assume it is late afternoon and one of those days with scattered rain showers. You can see on
the radar by using the motion feature in which direction the rain is moving. You can also tell when
the end of the rain is near from the radar. This information can also let you know WHEN the
conditions are right for a rainbow to form. Let’s say the rain is moving eastward, you know a

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rainbow could form in the eastern sky. The reason for this is that the sun is setting in the west and
the rain is moving eastward. Once the rain stops at your location it will still be raining in the
eastward direction. The low setting sun behind you on the west will shine through the rain moving
eastward creating a rainbow. You can then tell people WHERE you will cause a rainbow to appear
and point toward the eastern sky. I always have a small compass in my car, that way I know which
direction is either east or west. This allows me to point to the proper direction without fail.

It is important to remember that the SUN MUST BE BEHIND YOU to create the

rainbow. If the radar shows the rain moving westward, then no rainbow will appear. That is
because the rain will be between you and the sun setting in the west. In which case you would
not tell people you will create a rainbow.

When you learn to use the cell phone radar properly; you will know when a rainbow is

likely to appear. If you use this in conjunction with the most recent Accuweather hourly forecast
then you can almost pinpoint the exact time a rainbow will appear provided the rain is moving in a
direction AWAY from the sun. As previously mentioned the sun must be low to create a rainbow.
In early morning hours the rain moving westward will create a rainbow in the western sky. In late
afternoon the rain needs to be moving eastward for a rainbow to form in the eastern sky. This is the
general rule for creating a rainbow. Yes there are some exceptions. Depending on your location and
altitude, it is possible for a rainbow to form mid-day but these are rare.


I’ve used this for years and have convinced all my friends and family that I can make it

warmer than the forecast says for the current day. This works almost 100% of time during both the
winter and summer. The secret is very subtle and appears in print for the first time.

Once again this is based on the fact that the forecast is usually wrong. Accurately predicting

the temperature is nearly impossible. In almost every case you will find the temperature is always
HIGHER than what the forecast says. I’ve found this to be the case almost 95% of the time. The
weather forecast may say a high of 75 degrees. Yet later that day as you drive past a bank sign that
has the temperature and time on it, you will see it is 81 degrees. The high temperature forecasts
always seem to fall short. That is because the weather forecasters seem to err on the side of caution.
They will usually forecast a temperature that is lower than what will actually transpire.

The same thing happens during winter. The forecast calls for a high of 17 degrees, yet when

you drive by the temperature signs you may that it is 25 degrees. The simple fact is that the
temperature forecasted is always going to be wrong. It will get hotter than they forecasted and it
will NOT get as cold as they predicted in most cases. So how do we use this in our favor?

We simply ask friends or family members if they have heard what the high temperature for

today is going to be. Tell them you would like it a bit warmer and will make it warmer that day.
Let’s assume the forecasted high temperature for that day is 75 degrees. As soon as it reaches 80
degrees or more, you let them know and take credit for it.

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During winter you can ask friends what the projected high is for that day. They may say 17

degrees. You say that is too cold and you will use your powers to keep it from getting that cold.
Later when they realize it is currently 25 degrees, you take credit for it.

In any of the above feats you must be aware of the temperature during the day. At the

proper time you point out the changes you have made to the weather. Once again if they have seen
you do other things such as cloud busting, they will believe you can control the temperature.

Here is another way to offer some proof. First thing in the morning check all three of the

weather sites I have previously given you. All three will have a different high temperature for the
day. If it is summer find the one that has the LOWEST high for the day and print out that forecast.
You can show your friends an actual weather forecast that shows a high of 72 degrees. Tell them
you will make it warmer. When it reaches 81 degrees they will be impressed. The reason you want
to check all three sites is that the forecast range can vary greatly. One may be showing the high is
going to 72 degrees while another will show it is going to be 76 degrees. The bigger the range
between the forecast and the actual temperature, the more impressive it becomes. Obviously you
want the one that says 72 degrees in order to create the best effect.

The same applies during the winter. Check all three web sites and find the one that has

posted the LOWEST high temperature. Again you will find each site will have a different projected
high. Print out the one with the lowest projected high temperature for that day. Use this to show
people as the current weather forecast. Tell them you will not let it get that cold. I remember one
time Weather Underground said we’d have a high of 15 degrees. Actually it reached 30 degrees that
day. Those I showed this to were not only impressed, but grateful that I kept it from getting so cold.
Go and do likewise.


You can do any of these weather feats long distance. It doesn’t even have to be your town.

All you need is access to the Accuweather web site. The temperature increase is possible anywhere
in the world. All you do is call some friends or family members; it makes no difference where they
live. Ask them if they have seen the weather forecast for the day. Ask them what the forecasted
high is for that day. Once they tell you, simply say you will make it warmer than that. As you know
from reading the previous explanation, it will almost always get 5 to 10 degrees warmer than the
forecast. It works automatically; you need only say you will make it warmer than forecasted.

To change the weather for any city, check the five day forecast for that city using the

Accuweather web site. If you see that rain is scheduled for only one day and that day is four or five
days away, then you can apparently change the weather. I like to do this on a Tuesday because the
weekend is included in the five day forecast. If you see rain scheduled for the weekend, then you
have the perfect set-up. Call your friend in the distant city and tell him you have been working on
changing the weather with your mind. Ask him if he knows the extended forecast for the weekend.
If not, have him check the local newspaper with the five day forecast or turn on the weather
channel. He will tell you that rain is scheduled for Saturday. You explain you will try to delay the
rain or make it happen on Friday so that the rain doesn’t spoil any weekend plans. Say this tongue-

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in-cheek and don’t make a big thing about it at the moment. Just tell him and change the subject.
All you have to do is watch the Accuweather forecast for his city each day. As the weekend
approaches, the odds are great that the rain has been changed to a different day. It will most likely
be a day later or a day earlier than the original forecast. If Saturday arrives and there was NO RAIN
that day, then you call him that night or the next day.

Remind him how you told him a week ago you’d use your mind to change the weather and

not spoil his Saturday. If it rained on Friday, take credit and say you made it rain on Friday instead
of Saturday. As previously mentioned you will find this works the majority of the time UNLESS
attempt to change the weather.

What happens if the five day forecast turns out to be correct? It’s rare but it does happen.

You will know because you have checked the forecast daily for that city. If the rain does transpire
then you don’t call him. The odds are he will have forgotten because you talked to him five days
earlier. That is why I said only briefly mention this on the initial phone call. You only want to play
it up AFTER it happens. If it doesn’t, you ignore it and the odds are it will never be mentioned

What do you do if he does remember and calls you saying, “Hey, it rained on Saturday. I

thought you were going to stop it.” In that case, you simply say, “Oh, I’m sorry I forgot all about
doing that!”
This is a good answer and it is one that doesn’t make it looked as if you failed. After
all, you spoke to him five days earlier and you apparently forgot about it. That is why it rained; you
forgot and didn’t use your powers. Luckily I have never had to resort to this out. It is a logical out,
if the weatherman happens to be correct this time.


By using these tools you can create the impression that you can control the weather. Learn

them and master them. Use them in conjunction with your cloud busting feats. Soon you will have
the reputation of being a master of the elements. Jerome briefly mentioned in his section about
how he could apparently control the weather, but didn’t go into a lot of details. I have shown you
the proper tools. You may want to go back and review his section on controlling the weather again,
as you now have the secret tools to duplicate anything he mentioned.

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Magicians and mentalists are not the only people who vanish clouds. There are many

sincere believers who apparently vanish clouds using orgone energy. This is a very controversial
subject and most skeptics say the clouds are vanishing because of the techniques we’ve described in
this book. I’d be inclined to agree with that. Still I think the modern cloud buster needs to be aware
of these techniques as many people will approach you and ask if you are using orgone energy to
vanish the clouds. At least you will know what they are talking about.

There are also many mentalists who claim they use the orgone technique. They claim that

by using it, the clouds vanish quicker. They also say a person can choose any cloud and you can
make it vanish using this so-called technique.

Dr. Wilhelm Reich (who is credited with coining the term Cloud Busting) was the first to

bring this into the limelight. Much is available on the internet regarding Dr. Reich and his orgone
discoveries. Neil Slade is one of the current and best known gurus of orgone energy. He appears on
many radio talk shows and tries to teach people how to click your amygdale. In fact a running gag
in some magic circles is: Did you click your amygdale today? It is beyond the scope of this book to
go into these techniques as this book was written as a practical guide for magicians looking for real
world solutions. Therefore we will not dwell on either orgone or occult theories.

You can learn more about the Orgone Theory by visiting the following web sites:



Here are the basic directions for those wishing to know the occult technique.

Step One.

Find a suitable target cloud, not too big, but big enough so that it won't naturally disappear. Also try
to find one separate from the main bank of clouds.

Step Two.

Focus your mind on the middle of the target cloud, keep it there and don’t let your mind wander.
The stronger your concentration, the quicker the cloud will vanish. Let your eyes go out of focus. If
you do this properly you can cause the image of the cloud to disappear from your view. The object
is to see a blurred blue sky. As you concentrate, think vanish. See the cloud disappearing in your

Step Three.

After a few minutes, the cloud will begin to dissipate. Sometimes it will not completely dissipate,
but usually the whole thing will go. Remember, practice makes perfect. Don’t get discouraged if
you don't get total results straight away, it will take time to perfect.

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For more information on this type of cloud busting I refer you to the previously mentioned

web sites. I am in no way advocating that these methods work. They are put here for informational
purposes. You can achieve the same results using the techniques that Jerome and I have explained
in this book.

A Cloud Busting Machine?

Dr. Wilhelm Reich claimed to have invented a cloud busting machine that directed orgone

energy toward a cloud. However, Neil Slade has said that he has had no luck with such devices.
Frankly I doubt if they would work, however, there are several websites that tell you how to build
such a device. If you visit the two previously listed web sites you will find links to these devices.

There are several other people who claim to have building directions for these devices on

their web sites. A Google search for CLOUD BUSTING MACHINES will give you several links to
where these plans can be found. Frankly, even if these machines did work, you don’t need them.
The object is to be able to vanish clouds impromptu without any special equipment. That is the
purpose of this book and to that extent I think we have succeeded.

Still some readers may wish to visit these sites and consider constructing such a device. If it

did work, as the inventors claim, then I could see having such a device in a friend’s backyard
several blocks away. He would direct the device toward a large predetermined cloud and it would
vanish. You being several blocks away would take credit. According to the inventors of these
devices you can make HUGE clouds disappear. I’ve never seen nor attempted to build such a
device, however on some web sites they show large clouds apparently dissipating because of the

Frankly, I think the cloud would have dissipated without the so-called cloud busting

machine and this is the feeling of most skeptics. If you wish to investigate this further then visit the
web sites.

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