Ava March Pleasures of Somerville

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Pleasures of Somerville Park
Copyright © September 2010 by Ava March

Cover Art © by Ava March

All rights are reserved. No part of this work may be sold, manipulated, or reproduced in any
manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.

This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s
imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not construed to be real. Any resemblance to
persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely incidental.

This work contains sexually explicit scenes and graphic language and may be considered
offensive to some readers. Intended for adult audiences only. Not intended for anyone under the
age of 18. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

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Ava March

Pleasures of Somerville Park

A Sequel to Object of His Desire

by Ava March

April 1822

Durham, England

Arsen Grey set the report from his Norfolk property manager down on his desk. “Request

approved. Three new teams of horses for the fields and if Mr. Baker believes two of the tenant

houses are in need of new roofs, then by all means, they should be replaced.”

His youngest brother tipped his dark blond head then made a notation in his ledger.

Arsen rubbed his eyes. Not quite nine in the evening and he was more than tired. There

was a time when he would have considered nine closer to afternoon than evening, but those days

were far behind him. Though the fact he hadn’t had a decent night’s rest since Emmet had shown

up on his doorstep likely had more to do with the exhaustion pulling at his eyes than the time of

day. Something he could lay firmly at his lover’s feet. “Anything else?”

Emmet flipped to the front of the ledger and scanned the page. With a soft scratch of his

pen, he crossed out an entry at the bottom. “No. We’ve covered everything.”

Trust Emmet to have made a list. “Are you certain?” At Emmet’s nod, Arsen tucked the

report into the appropriate file in his desk drawer. “Good. Wouldn’t want Newland to accuse you

of being negligent,” he said, referring to their staid brother and the current next in line to the

Somerville marquisate. The brother who Arsen was certain had been the loudest voice behind

Emmet’s visit to Somerville Park.

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When their letters had failed to produce the desired result, his brothers had sent the

youngest. Cowards. Yet wise cowards. If Newland, Jonathon or Vaughn had shown up on his

doorstep, he would have promptly sent them on their way. And the excuse they had made Emmet

use to justify the visit – days of going over documents and reports that could have easily been

sent via the post.

Arsen knew very well he was not “needed” in London. The mammoth stack of paperwork

he and Emmet had reviewed did not offer one bit of proof to the contrary. One did not need to be

physically in London to effectively run a marquisate. Many other men tended to their estates

from their family seats, so it wasn’t as if it wasn’t done. And what did he care if the Season was

to start in less than a week? Clearly, he had thrown his brothers completely off balance when

he’d informed them of his decision to remain in Durham.

How unfortunate for them.

Arsen pushed back from the desk and stood, giving his black coat a tug to straighten it. “I

am going to retire for the evening. As should you, if you still plan to get an early start on the


Emmet grabbed his leather bag from the chair beside him and slipped his ledger inside it.

“I’ve already alerted my driver to have the carriage ready by seven.”

A ridiculously early hour. “You’ll excuse me if I don’t see you off.”

“Of course.” Bag in hand, Emmet got to his feet.

They left the study and went down the corridor and through the entrance hall, their

footsteps echoing off the marble floor.

“You truly do plan to remain in Durham indefinitely, don’t you?” Emmet asked, as they

began to make their way up the grand staircase.

“Yes,” Arsen replied, not caring to elaborate. His reasons were none of Emmet’s concern.

“You certainly seem happy. Never seen you more at your ease.”

A smile teased the edges of Arsen’s lips. He was happy because he had Henry. “Country

life agrees with me.”

They reached the second floor. Emmet turned toward him and paused. His deep green

eyes, an exact match to Arsen’s own, swept over his face. “Mr. Shaw’s a good man.”

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“Yes, he is,” Arsen replied, a bit taken aback by the sincerity in Emmet’s tone. Did he

suspect? No, Emmet couldn’t possibly. Arsen had been quite careful, and Henry even more so,

going so far as to refuse to share his bed while they had a guest under their roof.

Likely Emmet was simply relieved Arsen didn’t have a bevy of various hangers-on at the


“Thank you for the hospitality, Somerville.”

“Think nothing of it. My door is always open to you. But you shouldn’t allow those three

to push you into acting as their pawn. If they try it again, remind those cowards that they do

possess their own traveling carriages.”

Emmet’s lips twitched with amusement. Arsen could tell the lad was doing his best to

suppress a chuckle. At eleven years younger than Arsen, Emmet and he had been too far apart in

age to have had common interests growing up. Yet Arsen had always been fond of him,

especially since their other brothers tended to treat him like a nuisance.

Though…perhaps he shouldn’t classify Emmet as a lad anymore. At twenty three, Emmet

was the same age as Henry.

Not a comforting thought. Made him feel like an old man.

He clasped Emmet on the shoulder. “Best get some rest. It was good to see you again.”

After biding his brother good night, he made his way down the corridor. Reviewing reports

had been tedious in the extreme, yet it had been nice to spend time with Emmet. Though Arsen

had to admit he was looking forward to his brother’s departure tomorrow. What with being

ensconced in the study for days, he’d barely seen Henry except at meals. Since Henry had agreed

to stay with him at Somerville Park eight months ago, he had grown accustomed to the man’s

continual presence. Seemed odd to miss someone he lived with, but he missed Henry.

Arsen pushed open the door at the end of the corridor and passed through his sitting

room, unbuttoning his coat as he went. He didn’t bother to suppress a sigh at finding his

bedchamber empty. He’d known the room would be empty. Still…

His gaze settled on the massive four-poster bed. There wasn’t a single wrinkle in the navy

coverlet. Neat and tidy and…distinctly lonely.

His shoulders slumped. Hell, he needed a decent night’s rest.

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He flung his coat toward the wingback chair near the fireplace and turned on his heel. But

he found the bedchamber next to his empty. The fire in the hearth warming the room, the drapes

closed tight, the candles on the dresser lit, though no sign Henry had even been to the room since

the servants had readied it for the evening.

Perhaps the green morning room? He checked across the corridor in the room Henry

favored. Not only empty, but cool and dark.

He frowned. The sound of footsteps approached. Not Henry’s. The rhythm too measured,

the steps just a hair too quick. He turned from the morning room.

Clad in black and gold livery, a footman stopped a pace from Arsen and clasped his hands

behind his back. “Shall I have the fire lit, my lord?”

“Not tonight, Timothy. Would you happen to know Mr. Shaw’s whereabouts? I am in no

humor to search the house.” One of the drawbacks of a sprawling estate. Too many damned


“Mr. Shaw was last seen walking toward the stables after supper.”

Arsen tipped his head in thanks. A couple of moments later his butler was closing the front

door behind him. A blanket of darkness had descended over the grounds. The tiniest hint of

warmth from the day’s sun rode behind the strong bite of night’s chill. Following the gravel

drive that wound its way to the stables, he quickened his pace, and not because he should have

grabbed his coat before leaving the house. But because of the thread of worry weaving its way

into his gut.

Henry had been rather quiet at supper. Granted, a good portion of the conversation had

revolved around the latest findings of the Select Committee on Printing and Stationery. Not

something that would spark Henry’s interest. Nor did it spark Arsen’s, but it wouldn’t do to be

uninformed when it came to the various issues before parliament. He racked his brain. He could

not recall even hearing Henry’s voice during the meal.

He went inside the stable, shutting the door behind him. The air was considerably warmer

than outside and held the distinct scents of horses, hay, and leather. Only a single lantern hanging

from a hook outside a stall lit the red brick aisle. Given it was now well into the evening, the

grooms would have retired hours ago.

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Closing his eyes, he focused on listening. Beneath the occasional soft swoosh of hooves

through straw as horses moved about their stalls, he heard the faint sound of a brush and then the

gentle pat of a hand on a sleek neck.

He followed the sounds and found Henry brushing one of the horses in its stall, his back to

Arsen. The animal’s coal black coat shone like fine satin under the soft golden glow of the

lantern. Arsen did not doubt his grooms’ skill, and he certainly paid them well for their efforts,

but the horses had flourished under Henry’s gentle, loyal hand.

The man had abandoned his coat and his shirtsleeves were rolled to his elbows exposing

his strong forearms. Arsen would not have believed it possible, but Henry had filled out even

more since last summer. The country definitely agreed with him. The broad shoulders now

beyond broad. The powerful muscles of his back bunched and flexed beneath his cream

waistcoat. Over six feet two inches of rugged, blatant masculinity.

Henry dropped to his haunches to sweep the brush down one of the horse’s front legs. His

tan breeches stretched across his firm, round arse.

A grunt rumbled Arsen’s throat. Damn, he had missed that delectable gorgeous arse.

Henry paused. Then the soft swoosh of the brush resumed. When the foreleg met with his

satisfaction, he straightened and continued down the horse’s back.

Pushing aside the flare of annoyance, he passed his gaze over Henry’s shoulders again. If

he wasn’t mistaken, the broad line had become more than tight.

“Evening, Henry.”

He received a single tip of Henry’s light brown head. No glance behind him. No pause. As

he suspected, the man had known Arsen stood outside the stall.

“Don’t you think it’s a bit late to be tending to the horses?”

His lover shrugged his massive shoulders.

“Emmet is leaving on the morrow. Departing at an ungodly early hour.”

Henry nodded once and passed a hand over the horse’s hip, smoothing hair that was

already beyond smooth.

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A country gentleman to his core, his lover had a quiet soul and was the more grounded of

the two of them. Wealth and titles meant little, if anything, to him. Finding him here would not

normally worry Arsen. But at nine in the evening…

When Arsen thought about it, he realized it wasn’t just at supper. Henry had been getting

progressively more distant over the past couple of days. Not that he’d spent much time with him,

what with Emmet in residence. Well, he could have spent nights with Henry, if the man wasn’t

so damn cautious.

He tamped down the irritation and instead focused on his disturbingly quiet lover. Was

Henry upset with him? Was this his way of voicing his displeasure?

No. Henry spoke his mind. Arsen’s title didn’t intimidate him in the slightest. It was one of

the many characteristics he loved about Henry. Loyal, dependable, considerate, devoted, and

with the ballocks to stand up to him and put him in his place.

Then why wouldn’t the man speak to him? And Arsen had the distinct impression Henry

had chosen the stable tonight as a means to avoid him. Not like Henry at all.

True worry invaded his gut.


Before Arsen could voice the request Henry feared would follow, he said, pitching his

voice low, “Please don’t ask me to accompany you to London.”

His heart hurt. A heavy, leaden force that weighted down his chest. He loved Arsen. The

last eight months had been…bliss. Pure happiness. More than he could have ever hoped for. Yet

he would never return to London. A year there had been more than enough to last him a lifetime.

And if Arsen went to Town, as Henry strongly suspected he would, then it would mean the

end of them.

White hot pain lanced into his chest. His breaths hitched. His back to Arsen, he didn’t fight

to keep the wince from his features.

Better now than later. Quick and agonizing was much preferred to having to bear witness

to the slow death of their relationship. For he truly feared if Arsen went to London, that city

would suck him in and never let him go again.

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“All right then,” Arsen said. “I wasn’t planning to ask you to accompany me anyway.”

That hurt.

Unable to look at Arsen, he kept his attention on the horse, moving around the animal’s

haunches to run the brush through the mare’s long tail. “I understand you have responsibilities

and that you take them seriously. I do not begrudge you for them. And I understand that your

family needs you.”

A pause. “And? Why is it I sense there is more?”

Henry didn’t need to look at Arsen to see the arrogantly arched brow. “If you go to

London, I should have you know…” He took a deep breath, pushed onward, pushed past the

constriction nearly clogging his throat. “I plan to return to Devon.” He wouldn’t feel comfortable

staying at Somerville Park without Arsen. His staff was nothing but hospitable, still he’d feel like

an unwelcome guest who refused to leave. “I need to settle on a means of employment anyway.

Can’t continue to live off your generosity forever.”

Arsen scoffed, all aristocratic condescension. “Don’t be ridiculous. I have more than

enough for ten lifetimes.”

“It doesn’t make it right for me to live off you like some sort of poor relation.”

“You don’t live off me. My horses have never looked better, you thin the forest of game to

keep the wildlife from knocking on the backdoor, and at last count, you refitted two carriages

and the gig. It would cost me more to pay you for your work than your board.”

“It’s not work.” Henry scowled. “I do it because I enjoy it, and I’m not one of your


“I did not mean to imply otherwise. But the estate is still the bearer of the benefits. Henry,

you don’t live off me. Please cease with that ridiculous line of thought. You live with me.”

Not for much longer.

He kept his head tipped down, averting his face from Arsen. Tucking the brush under his

arm, he willed the tremor from his hands and focused on picking apart a stubborn knot at the end

of the mare’s tail.

The barest of squeaks reached Henry’s ears. The stall door’s hinges needed some oil. He’d

see to it tomorrow.

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There was a soft swoosh of footsteps through the straw, but he didn’t need to hear Arsen

approach. He could feel his presence, smell the faint, light scent of his cologne. Sandalwood and

citrus. It tugged at heart, threatening to weaken his resolve.

“Henry, why haven’t you asked me if I intend to return to London?” Every trace of the

bored drawl was gone, leaving only the man.

He shrugged, grabbed the bucket of brushes from the corner, and purposefully avoiding

Arsen’s gaze, stepped past him.

Arsen’s footsteps followed him into the tack room. The click of the knob announced Arsen

had shut the door. Henry set the bucket in its place under the shelf of liniments.

“Henry? Why haven’t you asked me?”

“The opportunity did not present itself. You have been occupied with your brother.” He

did his best to keep the frustration from his tone, but he was so used to having Arsen to himself

that it had been hard to share the man for the past few days. And the time alone, with nothing but

his own company, never mind having to sit through meals and listen to Emmet’s not-so-subtle

hints that the Marquis of Somerville’s place was in London, had allowed those little worries to


Arsen was a lord. An obscenely wealthy and deliciously handsome one at that. A respected

member of the ton and holder of a seat in the House of Lords. Whereas Henry had nothing to his

name. How could he possibly expect to keep Arsen’s affection indefinitely? The man would

surely bore of him soon enough.

It had only been the faintest of worries, so easily dismissed when he could simply look

across the dining table and receive one of Arsen’s content smiles, filled with love. But with

Emmet there, discretion needed to take precedence. The lack of Arsen’s continual subtle

attention had hit harder than he would have ever anticipated, chipping away at his self-

confidence and leaving him certain Arsen would choose his responsibilities and his family over

him. As well Arsen should.

Arsen let out a sigh. “I count on you to keep me in line.”

A hand settled on his biceps. At the gentle tug, he turned to face Arsen and met deep,

emerald green eyes heavy with concern. The light from the small lamp suspended from a hook in

the ceiling picked up the rich golden tones of his antique blond hair. Even without his usual

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perfectly tailored black coat, the man was so elegantly handsome it hurt to look at him. The sight

alone a firm reminder he belonged in London whereas Henry belonged exactly where they stood

– in a stable in the country.

“I am not returning to London,” Arsen said, grave and somber, his gaze boring into


“But Emmet said—”

“I don’t give a damn what my brothers want. They can very well do without me. Not as if I

saw them much when I lived in town anyway.”

“The Season will start soon and there are your responsibilities in the House of Lords and—

“And?” There was that arched brow again. “I’ve told you before. Proxy votes travel quite

nicely via the post, and they’ve been doing so these past few months.”

Arsen took a step closer. So close Henry could feel the heat from his body. A tremble of

longing shot through him. His senses deprived of even the most basic comforting touch, it felt

like years and not the few days since he’d been this close to Arsen.

“I have no intentions whatsoever of returning to London. All of my business affairs are in

order, my solicitor and man of affairs travel to Durham whenever I have need of them, and all

the properties are thriving. I could not care in the slightest that the Season is to start. I am beyond

tired of that city. It’s full of greed and pretense and it’s damn lonely.” His gaze searched Henry’s

face. “It can’t even begin to compete with you,” he added in a low determined tone that begged

Henry to believe him.

Arsen reached up and cupped the back of his neck, pulling him down. Their lips met.

Henry moaned, the sound lost in the kiss. His arms shot out, wrapped around Arsen. Like a

starving man, he greedily soaked up the taste of Arsen’s perfect mouth and feel of his hard body

against his.

Arsen dragged his mouth along Henry’s jaw. Hot breaths fanned his ear. “Please don’t ever

speak of leaving me again.”

Henry’s heart clenched at the fragile vulnerability in the barely audible words. “I won’t,”

he whispered fiercely, holding Arsen close. He never wanted to be parted from this man. Ever.

“And don’t ever avoid me again. Understood?”

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He nodded. Beyond foolish to have acted the part of a coward. He knew that now. Still, the

very real possibility of losing the man he loved had turned him into someone he almost hadn’t


Arsen nipped at his ear, grabbed his arse. “Good. Now fuck me.”

Lust shot to his groin so quickly his head went light. Still, he regained enough of his senses

to glance about the room. “Here?”

“The grooms have retired for the night and the door is locked.” His hands moved between

their bodies. “It’s been days since I’ve felt you inside me. I want you. Now.”

The demanding aristocrat was back, but Henry didn’t mind in the slightest. He was more

than happy to oblige the mighty Marquis of Somerville and bend him over the nearest saddle


He stole a quick kiss then swatted Arsen’s hands from the placket of the man’s trousers.

One tug released the remaining buttons. He turned Arsen around and pushed him toward the

nearby saddle rack.

“Bend over,” he said, dropping to his haunches and pulling Arsen’s trousers down to his

ankles. He much preferred to bare every inch of Arsen’s gorgeous body, but the location

demanded baring only the essentials.

A quick swipe tucked Arsen’s shirttail beneath his black silk waistcoat. Hands splayed, he

pulled those firm muscular cheeks apart, exposing Arsen’s entrance. Arsen’s moans of pleasure

filled his ears as he plied the man with his mouth. Flicking and swirling his tongue over the

puckered skin, thoroughly wetting the sensitive flesh. When the tight ring of muscle began to

relax, he pushed two fingers inside.

Arsen shuddered, pushed back. “Give me your cock.”

“Not yet.” He carefully worked a third digit inside and slowly stroked.

“Damn you, I can take it.”

Definitely demanding. A smug smile curved his mouth. “I know you can.” His cock

jumped, more than eager to feel the tight sleek heat gripping his fingers.

For a man who once never even considered the notion of letting another man bugger him,

Arsen had sure grown addicted to it. More often than not, he wanted Henry to fuck him. His

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body had grown accustomed to taking him. Still, the lack of available oil necessitated more than

the usual considerable care. Well aware of his own size, the last thing Henry wanted was to hurt

his lover.

He spit onto Arsen’s hole. With his thumb, he worked the moisture inside then did it again.

His cock pressed hard enough to hurt against the placket of his breeches, demanding to be set

free. Yet he forced himself to proceed slowly.

When he was assured Arsen’s body was slick enough and more than ready, he got to his

feet. A quick tug and his breeches were shoved down to his hips. Thick and heavy and aching

with need, his cock sprung free.

Bent over the wooden saddle rack, Arsen adjusted his stance, arching his back and

spreading his legs as far as his trousers would allow.

A fierce surge of possessiveness rose within. He was the only man to have ever taken

Arsen, and no one would ever follow him. He felt it down to his bones. There would only be him

and Arsen, no others, until the end of their days.

After slicking his erection with spit, he grabbed Arsen’s lean hip. With his other hand, he

guided his prick to Arsen’s entrance and pressed. When he heard the exhale swoosh from

Arsen’s lungs, he steadily increased the pressure. His lover’s breath hitched as the head made the


Henry’s hand flexed against Arsen’s hip, the need to snap his hips forward, to bury his

cock ballocks deep in that tight clinging heat almost overwhelming him. Yet he paused.

His gaze was locked to the erotic sight of Arsen’s entrance, glistening with moisture and

stretched obscenely wide around his thick prick. A groan rumbled his throat. Need clawed at

him. Built to impossible levels. His thighs shook under the strain of remaining still.

Henry almost sighed in gratitude when Arsen shifted beneath him, signaling he was ready

for more. Jaw set in an effort to ward off the climax already building within, he pushed forward.

He couldn’t help but watch as his length slowly disappeared inside Arsen.

“Damn, you’ve got a big cock.” Arsen rotated his hips, working that last inch of Henry’s

prick into his arse. A grumbling moan reverberated through his back. “Feels so damn good.”

An understatement if ever there was one.

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Henry pulled back, savoring the lush friction, and then gave in to that primal urge to snap

his hips forward.

The saddle rack creaked under the onslaught, mixing with the sounds of skin slapping

against skin and their hoarse, gravelly grunts. Arsen reached back, tugged at his thigh. Thrusting

hard, Henry leaned down over Arsen’s back and wrapped an arm around his lover’s hips. His

hand closed over hot silken skin backed by iron.

“Yes,” Arsen growled, bucking back. “Stroke my cock. So…ah… close.”

He felt the thick vein beneath pulse an instant before hot seed shot from the tip, coating his

fingers. Swift and fierce, the orgasm rushed through him. He set his mouth to Arsen’s shoulder

to stifle the shout as he poured deep within him.

Panting, he pushed up, not wanting to crush Arsen with his weight. He tucked himself back

into his breeches and did up the placket with fingers that didn’t quite yet want to fully cooperate.

Sprawled over the saddle rack, Arsen’s back rose and fell as rapidly as his own. Trousers around

his ankles and with a thin trickle of pearly white seed clinging to his well-fucked arse, the man

looked positively debauched.

Damn tempting to admire the view. Instead he tugged up his lover’s trousers. Bracing one

hand on the saddle rack, he wrapped an arm around Arsen’s chest.

“I can very well stand on my own,” Arsen grumbled.

“I’m certain you can.” Henry pulled him upright. “In about five minutes,” he added.

He received a noncommittal grunt in response. His lips quirked, a chuckle tickling his


Body lax with pleasure and limbs not yet steady, Arsen turned in his arms. His mouth

found Henry’s, lips gliding over his in a slow wet kiss. Then he rested his forehead on Henry’s

shoulder. “I love you, Henry Shaw.”

Henry’s heart swelled. Brushing his nose against the soft strands of Arsen’s hair, he took a

deep full breath of him. To think less than an hour ago he believed Arsen would leave him… He

should have known better. He should have trusted in Arsen’s love. “I love you, too, Lord


His arms tightened around Henry’s waist then Arsen pulled his spine straight, speared him

with a haughty stare. “Now get your arse back in the house so I can fuck you.”

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An excellent notion, but… He shook his head. “Your brother’s there.”

Arsen rolled his eyes on a huff of annoyance. Cheeks flushed and trousers hanging on his

lean hips, he still managed to embody every inch the top-lofty lord. “He is in the guest wing and

fast asleep by now. You could scream and he would not hear you.”

Henry shook his head again. “We can’t. I won’t. We shouldn’t take the risk…”

“That what? He’ll decide at midnight he needs to pay me a call in my bedchamber? Henry,

you’re being—”

“I am not being ridiculous. I am being prudent.” He absolutely refused to put Arsen’s

reputation at risk. The remote estate coupled with Arsen’s loyal staff afforded them the luxury of

lowering their guard just the tiniest bit. But a guest took away every trace of that luxury.

Arsen dragged a hand through his hair, disheveling the neat layers. His deep sigh echoed in

the small room. “If you insist, I won’t bugger you and we won’t share my bed. But…can we

share yours? I’m damned tired and haven’t had a decent night’s rest since Emmet’s been here.”

“You shouldn’t have allowed him to work you so hard.” Emmet seemed a nice enough

fellow, yet Henry suddenly did not care for him much. While Arsen usually spent afternoons in

the study tending to business, pushing him to work from dawn until past dusk was beyond


Arsen’s gaze darted to the floor. “It has nothing to do with work,” he grumbled. “And

everything to do with an empty bed.”

The man had made a comment or two in the past about how well he slept since Henry

started sharing his bed. He’d always assumed Arsen had been referring to the sort of deep restful

sleep that follows a mind-blowing orgasm.

Suspicion began to tug at the back of his mind. He studied Arsen. His lover shifted his

weight. The uncharacteristic and distinctly uncomfortable gesture wiped away his previous

assumptions. “Have you always had problems sleeping?”

Arsen rolled one shoulder. A heavy furrow marred his brow. He kept his attention fixed on

the ground. “Not when I’m with you.” The words spoken so low Henry had to strain to hear


“You should have said something.”

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Arsen gave his head a short, dismissive shake, as if revealing such a vulnerability had been


Emmet had no cause whatsoever to ever enter Henry’s bedchamber, he reasoned. The man

was already abed and would be gone by dawn. Assured the risk had dropped close enough to

zero for his comfort, he said, “Of course you can share my bed.”

“Thank you.” On an exhale, the tension slid out of his frame. He lifted his chin, met

Henry’s gaze. “You do realize my cock will be in your arse the moment Emmet’s carriage

departs from the front door?”

Henry couldn’t help it. He chuckled. “I would have it no other way.” Grabbing Arsen by

the back of the neck, he drew him in for a hot kiss. “Now get in my bed.”

A few minutes later, Henry leaned over and blew out the candle on the bedside table,

plunging the room into near darkness. He rolled over and snuggled up to Arsen’s side. With a

mumbled “Good night” Arsen slung his arm over Henry’s back. Within moments, the very faint

sounds of snores mixed with the soft pop and crackle of the fire in the hearth. He smiled against

Arsen’s chest as sleep began to tug heavily on his mind. There was no place else he would rather

be, than right here with the man he loved.

* * * * *

About the Author

Ava March is an author of smoking hot M/M historical erotic romance. She loves writing in the

Regency time period, where proper decorum is of the utmost importance, but where anything can

happen behind closed doors.

Ava loves to hear from readers. See what she’s been up to by visiting her on the Web at


or at her blog at


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Ava March

Also by Ava March

Loose Id, LLC
Bound by Deception
Bound Forever
Bound to Him
Convincing Arthur
Convincing Leopold
His Client

Amber Quill Press
Beyond Reckless

Samhain Publishing
From Afar
Object of His Desire


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