Amber Kell [The Cob Brothers] 1 Ash Swan [MM]

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Ash Swan

A Cob Brothers Story

By Amber Kell and Stephani Hecht

Resplendence Publishing, LLC

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Resplendence Publishing, LLC

2665 S Atlantic Avenue, #349

Daytona Beach, FL 32118

Ash Swan

Copyright © 2011 Amber Kell and Stephani Hecht

Edited by Delaney Sullivan and Caitlin Green

Cover art by Les Byerley,

Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-370-6

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted

work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain,

is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of


Electronic Release: August, 2011

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s

imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely


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For our readers.

We hope you’ll enjoy reading our fairytale as much as we enjoyed writing it.

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It was a good thing Petra didn’t believe in tradition, decorum or any of those other stuffy

things. Otherwise, it would have been hard for her to justify wearing a white, string bikini while

dancing on MTV’s live, spring break show. To be fair, there had to be at least a hundred other

people dancing with her, but she doubted any of the others were a fairy godmother in training

like her.

To make her little, itty, bitty sin greater, she was supposed to be back at the academy

studying with all her other classmates. But who wanted to be stuck in a stuffy room reading

about spells, object transformations or how to counter wicked curses when the sun was up and a

hundred buff, half-naked studs were calling?

This morning when she’d woken and spotted the oh-so-tempting Fort Lauderdale weather

report, she did what any other immortal young gal of one hundred years would do; she’d

magically retracted her wings, tucked her bright-red hair up into a bun and grabbed her


The last thing she’d wanted or expected was a summons to go to the high castle, and yet

that’s exactly what came while she was pressed between two hot men in what could possibly

have passed for dancing but was actually more like a simulated sex act.

The summons had shocked her, horrified her and made her completely forget to change

her clothes before she’d answered the call. Which was how she ended up, in the middle of the

castle’s throne room, dressed only in her thread of a bikini and about ten gallons of suntan oil

from her former dance partners’ bodies.

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Petra stumbled a bit on her high-heeled white sandals before she adjusted from the wave

of dizziness that always followed teleportation. As she looked up, she became painfully aware of

all the disapproving gazes pointed her way—and by all, she meant a lot, a whole, whole lot.

“Crap,” she whimpered under her breath.

The throne room of the royal castle of Aria was so packed, had it been an Earth

nightclub, it would have been in danger of violating fire codes. The king, the queen and all seven

of their kids stood prominently on a dais at the front of the room. Worst of all, Petra’s mentor

and main teacher, Eleanor, stood just a few feet from them and judging from the look of shock

and horror on her face, she wasn’t pleased. She even let out a strangled sound as she put a hand

to her chest.

Unlike Petra, Eleanor wore the customary fairy godmother garb. Her dark-pink gown

perfectly matched her mauve-colored wings while complementary beads and gemstones were

worked throughout her intricately braided, brown hair.

Eleanor swallowed hard a few times, her face turning all kinds of interesting colors

before she snapped her fingers.

A gown appeared on Petra, covering her bikini and sending a surge of annoyance through

her when she noted the pale-yellow color. Eleanor knew Petra hated yellow. She had no doubt

her mentor had done that on purpose—a subtle punishment.

Irritated, Petra’s wings burst out of her back with a loud whooshing sound. The crowd

gasped at the all black color, causing a flood of shame to redden Petra’s cheeks. Black wings

were considered by some to be a bad omen, or worse, an outright death curse. While others now

pooh-poohed the idea and considered it old-fashioned, obviously the palace crowd had yet to

catch up on the times.

The oldest prince, a boy with dark-brown hair and matching eyes, smiled at her, showing

off the cutest set of dimples. The youngest boy, an infant with a mop of blond curls, let out a

bubble of laughter as he stared at her wings.


At least some people had good taste.

Petra plastered on her best, serious expression as she curtsied first to the king and queen,

then Eleanor. “You summoned me here, mistress?”

“Yes, I have some sad news. Finnegan died this afternoon,” Eleanor announced.

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Now that did come as shocking news. As a fairy godfather, Finnegan was immortal,

which meant he should have been damn hard to kill. So either he’d done something incredibly

stupid or somebody had murdered him. Given what an ass the guy was—oops, had been—Petra

could see either scenario playing out.

“Let me guess, he boinked the wrong guy’s wife.”

Although Petra had whispered the sentence to her mentor, the gasp coming from the

queen let her know she hadn’t been as quiet as she’d hoped. Eleanor closed her eyes and moved

her lips. Petra knew Eleanor was silently counting to ten. Something her mentor did with

alarming frequency since being named Petra’s advisor.

“No, he got into an unfortunate chariot accident.”

Ooooooh, it must have been unfortunate, indeed, as in decapitation or some other

gruesome end.

“He was hanging out with Puck again, wasn’t he?” Petra sadly shook her head.

Even she knew better than to hang out with that mess of a guy. The one and only time

she’d hung out with him, she’d woken up with a misspelled tattoo and a humdinger of a


“We can talk later. We have more important issues to discuss,” Eleanor stressed as she

tipped her head to the side.

Petra may be slow at certain things, but she wasn’t stupid, so all sorts of alarm bells

began to ring inside her head. Fear made her mouth dry. She nervously licked her lips in a lame

effort to moisten them. “What’s going on?”

“You’re the last of the Emerald line. I’ve called you here to take over Finnegan’s duties.”

The queen interrupted them. “I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what this girl has to do

with my children.”

“Forgive me, your highness. Please allow me to explain. Whenever a fairy child is born,

they are bestowed with special gifts and talents. With those gifts comes a status that forever

marks their place in fairy hierarchy. For centuries, the royal family has only been protected by

those from the Emerald sect.”

“Why is that?” the queen asked, flicking a dubious glance at Petra.

“Because Emerald fairies are best at countering curses and fighting off other forms of


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“You mean to tell me that she is the best your kind has to offer?” the queen demanded,

raising a shaking finger to point at Petra.

“She does hold great potential,” Eleanor defended.

It heartened Petra to hear a sliver of a compliment coming from her usually stern mentor.

She wished she could videotape the event. All the warm fuzzies vanished at Eleanor’s next


“Besides, she’s your only choice.”

“Nonsense, just break tradition and have a fairy from another sect watch over my

children,” the queen ordered with a flick of her hand.

Petra’s dislike for the woman grew. While the queen might be pretty enough on the

outside, with her white-blonde hair and deep-blue eyes, on the inside, she was a troll. Petra knew

since the one lesson she had managed to master was the ability to read one’s true self.

“Begging your pardon, majesty, but that is impossible,” Eleanor said with a slight bowing

of her head.

The queen’s cheeks grew red with anger. “Why?”

“Because while you may rule here and have your own laws, our laws predate yours by

thousands of years. We are the caretakers of the kingdom and by rights responsible for its

citizens. So I’m afraid we can’t just put another fairy sect in charge.”

Petra’s mouth parted in shock, and she barely managed to hold in the laughter.


While she’d been on the receiving end of Eleanor’s censor before, Petra never dreamed

her mentor would give the queen the same treatment. It was nice to see the mean woman get put

in her place.

“I’m the queen!”

“Yes, I realize that, but fairy inheritance is very complex. We can’t change our traditions

on any royal’s say-so,” Eleanor replied in a firm voice. “Monarchs come and go, but we are the

land’s eternal caretakers.”

“You expect me to allow that….that…hussy around my children?” The queen waved a

hand in Petra’s direction.

“Petra is young yet. She’ll grow into her role.”

The queen turned to her husband. “You’re the king. Make them listen to you.”

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The king put a comforting hand on his wife’s shoulder. “Maybe we better listen to the

fairies. While their ways may not always make sense to us, they have our best interests at heart

and have watched over our family for centuries.”

“I like the fairy. She has pretty wings,” the oldest boy spoke up.

“Shut up, Landon,” the queen hissed. “You’ll soon learn pretty isn’t everything.”

An unexpected surge of protectiveness rose in Petra. She wanted to lash out at the queen

for speaking so harshly to her son. Petra opened her mouth to say something only to press her

lips tightly together when Eleanor gave a slight shake of her head.

The queen scowled. “I may not know all the rules and archaic guidelines you fairies

follow, but I do know I can refuse to have Petra serve my sons.”

Eleanor’s eyes grew dark with concern. “I would highly advise against that, majesty. If

you refuse Petra, the fairy council won’t have anyone else to assign in her place. That would

leave your children unprotected.”

“My husband has a vast army at his disposal to protect his family. I’m sure we don’t need

the added service of some fairy tart.”

“Majesty, I beg you to reconsider. I’ve recently had troubling premonitions, ones that

speak of a great threat to your sons. In the future, I sense you’re going to need Petra’s skills.”

The queen gave Petra another once-over before rolling her eyes. “The only thing this one

knows how to do is drink excessively and sleep around. We don’t need that kind of influence on

my children. Now, be gone. Both of you.”

“Wow, rude much?” Petra shot off before she could censor herself.

A strangled sound came from the queen, and the king groaned while Eleanor’s lips

twitched into what looked suspiciously like the beginnings of a smile.

“But, mama, I want her to be our fairy godmother,” Landon spoke up.

“I told you to shut up!”

The queen lifted her hand to slap the child, but Petra quickly fired off a spell, freezing the

woman’s arm.

“You will not harm him,” Petra yelled, her voice quaking with fury.

Petra didn’t know who was more surprised—the queen for having her slap interrupted,

Landon from having an unlikely savior or Eleanor for having her usually flakey student’s spell


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“You are in no position to tell me what I can or cannot do to my children. You’re not

even their fairy godmother,” the queen shrilly reminded Petra.

“That doesn’t mean I’m not going to do everything in my power to make sure nobody

harms these children. If I see anyone so much as touch a hair on their heads, I’ll make sure they

suffer in the worst way possible. That includes you,” Petra warned, stunning herself with her


Normally, she wouldn’t have gone so far in her interference but for some reason, she felt

all “mama bear” when it came to the boys. So much so that for the first time ever, she’d willingly

used her fairy powers over somebody else. With a quick flick of her wrist, she released the


Making sure to keep the look of fury on her face, Petra gave a slight curtsy. “Begging

your pardon, majesties, but the boys will always come first.”

“What about our daughter, Taylora?” the king asked.

Petra glanced over at the girl. A shiver went down Petra’s spine as the child’s dark-eyed

gaze seemed to pierce into her soul. With raven hair and alabaster skin, the girl held a beauty that

seemed to herald straight from storybooks. Her soul was a different story. It appeared black and

corrupted as if something evil had touched it.

“Another fairy has already claimed Taylora, but I can’t decipher who it may be. I do

know that it’s somebody very powerful and into black magic,” Petra replied honestly.

A collective gasp went through the room, followed by excited murmuring, which only

served to infuriate the queen further. She let out a shriek as her face grew red. “I want both of

you out of here, now! I never want to see you again.”

Petra opened her mouth to argue, but Eleanor put a staying hand on her arm. “Come, let’s

leave. Ancient laws dictate that we must follow her orders.”

“But who will protect the boys?” Petra asked, her heart sinking as she stared at the


In her soul, she knew they were all in danger and that she was the only one who could

protect them. With a final glance at the boys, she allowed Eleanor to pull her away.

* * * *

Twenty years later – In Aria.

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Petra stood several feet away from the gravesite as she watched the princes listen to the

high priest give the death prayer for the queen and king of Aria.

She let out a sad sigh, her heart breaking as she watched all six of the boys—well,

actually men now—trying to put on a brave face while grieving on the inside.

This was the first time that she’d ventured on the castle grounds since the day of her

banishment. Petra made sure to stay invisible, even though the queen’s decree should’ve

vanished with her death. Officially, Petra had no business being there, yet she couldn’t let her

charges suffer alone.

“I’m so sorry I couldn’t have been there to help your parents,” she whispered, a tear

sliding down her cheek.

It’d been such a stupid way for them to die, too. The plague. All they’d had to do was call

her and Petra would’ve been able to cure them, but the queen had remained stubborn up until her

death. She’d refused to relent and call on the fairies for help. In the end, both she and her

husband had paid the price for her bullheaded attitude, as the king would never defy his wife.

Eleanor transported into the spot next to Petra. “You know that you’re not supposed to be


“I couldn’t stay away when I knew they were so sad.” She nibbled on her bottom lip. “So,

what’s going to happen now? Will Landon take over since he’s the oldest son?”

“The laws of Aria state he must be thirty before he can rule. For the next four years, a

team of advisors will rule in his stead. His sister will be on the committee and look after his


Petra felt a fissure of concern over the princess being in the ruling group, but there was

nothing she could do about it, so she shoved her apprehension away. “What will Landon do until


“It’s rumored the three oldest boys are traveling to Earth to learn more about their

technology and how it can help the kingdom.”

Petra blinked in surprise. “Why would they want to go to Earth?”

“That’s a funny statement coming from somebody who spends most of her free time


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“I like Earth because it’s so primitive and wild. That doesn’t mean I think it’s the proper

environment for my boys. Earth people don’t have magic and can’t travel from realm to realm.

It’s barbaric.”

“It looks like you’ll have your work cut out for you, then.”

Petra gave Eleanor a sharp look. “I thought you didn’t approve of me continuing to watch

over the princes after the queen’s decree?”

“Let’s just say that like you, there are certain members of the royal family I don’t trust.”

As one, they looked over at the princess, Taylora. Now a full-grown woman, she’d

become a stunning beauty. Unfortunately, her soul was as dark and ugly as ever. In fact, the evil

oozing from her made Petra shiver in fright, and she didn’t scare easily.

“She’s going to fight them for control of Aria, isn’t she?” Petra surmised.

“I think so. She yearns for more power and riches, both of which she’d have in

abundance as the queen.”

Petra knew Taylora would do whatever it took to get what she wanted. The fairy feared

for the safety of not only her princes, but also for all the citizens of Aria.

“The question is…what are you going to do to stop her?” Eleanor challenged.

Shock coursed through Petra as she pointed a finger to her own chest. “Me? Are you

kidding? Let’s be honest, even if I did have the full capabilities to use my powers, we’d still be

up shit creek sans paddle.”

Eleanor’s elegant features crinkled in confusion. “I’m baffled. Where is this creek and

who would give it such a vulgar name?”

“It’s just a term humans use.” Petra gave a sigh. “Basically, what I’m trying to say is,

even at full strength, my powers suck. I can’t transform anything right on the first try, I can’t

counter even the most basic of curses and I often goof up and transport myself to the wrong


“Maybe you’ve been lacking the right motivation.”

“Or maybe I just suck at being a fairy,” Petra huffed.

“Well sucky or not, you’re all they have. So you’d better get ready to fight for them

because nobody else will. As much as you don’t like hearing this, the fate of Aria now rests on

your shoulders.”

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Petra’s stomach curled at her mentor’s words, but she knew she couldn’t deny it, not with

the truth standing just a few feet away from her. She locked her gaze on Taylora once more. The

princess watched Landon, the hatred in her eyes so potent Petra could almost taste it.

“She’ll go after Landon since he’s first in line for the throne,” Petra said.

“Well then, it looks like you’ll be spending a lot of time on Earth.”

Petra silently agreed with her mentor. For the first time ever, Petra felt no excitement

over visiting “party central”.

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Chapter One

On Earth. Four years later.

“Yes, governor, everything is set. I sent the poster design to your assistant, Sara. She said

she’d show them to you when you got back to your office. You’re welcome, sir.”

Landon Cob barely resisted the urge to throw his phone into the lake. Generally, Landon

liked the governor but ever since the governor’s wife had decided to attend the annual

Governor’s Ball instead of going on a scheduled business trip, it was as if they were planning for

a visit from the queen, and Landon knew all about queenly visits.

Luckily, it was almost time to leave this world, head back to his kingdom and accept the

mantle of the crown. In a time-honored princely tradition, Landon had set off to explore the

world before taking the reins of power. The only difference was, Landon had found his

ancestor’s diary and traveled to a completely different world along with two of his brothers.

Here, they could be normal people instead of well-known princes. With his three younger

brothers and sister in charge on Aria, Landon was enjoying his time as an independent person,

drawing upon his creative side to work as a graphic artist. Not the most glamorous job in this

world but highly enjoyable. Or it had been until high-strung politicians had become involved.

Fortunately, he knew all about dealing with politicians. As the governor blathered on,

Landon enjoyed the fine spring day. A soft breeze played with Landon’s hair as the smell of

blooming flowers filled the air. Glancing around, he noticed a lot of people were outside eating

lunch, taking in the sunshine.

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A slim man by the lake caught his eye. Dressed in tight, stretchy bicycle gear, he was

feeding pieces of bread to the birds from a plastic bag. Green dye boldly streaked through his

blond hair and, as Landon watched, the sun sparkled off a diamond stud embedded in the man’s

nose. The prince was completely and utterly charmed.

It wasn’t the man’s appearance that kept Landon’s attention; it was the way he fed the

waterfowl. As the birds weren’t shy about approaching the man, Landon suspected this wasn’t

the first time the man had fed the animals. He meticulously made sure no bird got more than any

other did by feeding them one by one. If any of the previously fed birds stepped forward, he

ignored it and fed its neighbor. It was a ridiculously careful process. Landon smiled.

“Landon, are you paying attention?”

“Of course, sir.” Landon’s eyes and mind stayed on the cute bicyclist.

As the governor droned on, Landon watched the birds’ antics. One particularly aggressive

goose kept pushing aside the smaller ducks. Landon laughed when the stranger scooted it back

carefully with his foot. However, when he turned around to feed another duck, the goose bit him

on the ass. Startled, the bicyclist lost his balance and tumbled into the water.

“Oh shit!”

“What?” the governor asked.

“I’ll have to call you back.”

Not waiting for an answer, Landon disconnected his call and ran over to the lake. The

now soaked bicyclist was trying to get to his feet but the mud kept sucking him back in.

“Here.” Landon rushed down the bank and held out his hand.

The man gratefully latched on. “Thanks, man.”

With a gentle tug, Landon freed the man from the mud, and the bicyclist squelched up the


Looking at the mud-covered man, he couldn’t help it, he really couldn’t. Landon burst

out laughing.

The bicyclist looked down at himself and laughed, too. “Hell, I’m a wreck. I’ve gotta get

back home and change.”

“How far is home?” Landon asked.

“About four miles.”

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“Come to my apartment. It’s just down the street. You can take a shower to get off some

of the mud, and I think I might even have some clothes that fit you.”

The bicyclist looked at Landon’s six-foot-three frame and shook his head. “I doubt

anything you’ve got is gonna fit me.”

Landon laughed. “Well, nothing of mine. I have two brothers who sometimes visit.

Fisher’s a bit smaller than me. His stuff should fit you.”

A relieved expression crossed the bicyclist’s face. “Thanks, man, that’d be great. I’m

Brian by the way. Brian Dawson.” He held out his hand to shake.

“Landon Cob. Nice to meet you.”

With difficulty, Landon released Brian’s hand. He wanted to yank the man closer and see

if Brian’s lips tasted as wonderful as they looked, but he didn’t particularly want to be soaked in


“I really appreciate this,” Brian said.

“Grab your bike.”

“Oh shit!” Brian rushed to fetch the bicycle he’d left propped against the base of the

bridge. “Thanks. I can’t exactly afford to replace it.”

Poor thing.

Landon felt the urge to wrap the sodden mess in his arms and cuddle him until the forlorn

expression vanished, but he resisted. His designer suit wouldn’t take well to mud.

They walked for a while before Brian spoke again. “Um, where are we going?”

Landon laughed. “I’m only another block away. Don’t worry, we’ll be there soon.”


He could tell Brian didn’t like not knowing where they were headed.

“I live on King Street,” he relented. He didn’t want to scare the crap out of the other man.

Relief crossed Brian’s thin face. “Thanks. Not that I think you’re an axe murderer or are

going to jump me, or anything. With your looks, you could have anyone you wanted.” Brian

waved a hand at Landon as if he should be aware of his own appeal.

Landon knew he was attractive, but it was refreshing to have it mentioned in such a

charmingly awkward way. The blush crossing Brian’s cheeks already had him partly smitten.

However, seducing Brian might prove difficult if the man couldn’t get over Landon’s

appearance. “I thought you were cute even before you threw yourself into the pond.”

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“I did not throw myself into the pond!” Brian’s voice raised in outrage. “That vicious

goose bit me! See if I bring him bread again.”

Even the man’s anger was adorable. For the first time, Landon could clearly see Brian’s

green eyes as they brightened with indignation.

“You will,” Landon responded.

“I will what?”

“Bring him bread again.”

“Why would I do that?”

Landon smiled. “Because you spent way too much time making sure all the birds got

bread despite the enormous no feeding the birds sign.”

Brian didn’t meet his eyes.

“Bri-a-n,” Landon said in a singsong tone.

“Three times a week, tops,” Brian said, watching the buildings as they passed and not

looking at Landon directly.

Landon laughed. “Still. You’ll be back.”

“Maybe, but I’m not feeding that goosey bastard.”

Landon shook his head in amusement. “Here’s my apartment.”

The doorman nodded to them and rushed to open the door. Landon mentally added a

large tip to the man’s salary for not so much as blinking at Brian’s muddy appearance or the


Brian’s expression grew glum as he took in the marble entrance and banks of gleaming


“Is there a problem?”

“No,” Brian sighed. “I’m just glad you aren’t interested in me.”

Landon frowned. “Why is that?”

“Because I don’t think I could go out with a guy who lived in a place this fancy. I’m

more of a downtown, torn jeans, kinda guy while you’re uptown, designer suits, and I’m

babbling. I don’t even know for sure if you like men.” He gave a nervous laugh and went silent

as the elevator door opened.

They both got on; luckily, no one else was on the elevator so there was plenty of room for

the bicycle. Brian stayed silent as the elevator doors closed. Landon peeked at him a few times.

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“Just for the record, I never said I wasn’t interested in you,” Landon said as the elevator

carried them higher.


“No. You made all the assumptions, yourself. I am very interested in you, but I’m not

going to take advantage of a muddy, cold man who just wants a hot shower.”

Brian gave him a relieved smile. “Not that I don’t find you attractive,” he rushed to


Landon smiled and reminded himself he was supposed to be a prince, not a predatory

creep. Besides, anyone he had sex with had to be future consort material and somehow, as much

as he adored the man’s look, Brian didn’t strike Landon as the type who would tolerate palaces

and royal events.

The elevator stopped. Landon held the ‘doors open’ button so Brian could get his bicycle

off first.

“It’s to the left. Last door.”

There were only four doors, and Landon rarely ran into the other occupants; two

professional couples and an elderly retired judge.

Brian looked at Landon over his shoulder. “Only four apartments on this entire floor?”

Landon shrugged. It wasn’t as if he were in charge of the building design. Reaching into

his pocket, he pulled out his key and unlocked the door. “You can leave your bicycle in the

entry.” Left on the tile, the rubber wheels couldn’t mark the carpet.

“Sure, man.” Brian’s voice regained its previous ease.

Landon watched while Brian cautiously set his bike against the wall, careful of the paint.

“Come with me. I’ll get you some clothes and then you can shower.”

Heading to the guest bedroom, Landon pulled open a small dresser and pulled out a pair

of sweats and a soft T-shirt. “I don’t see any underwear…”

“That’s okay, I don’t wear it anyway.”

Landon’s body tightened with desire. It took him several deep breaths to resist the urge to

join Brian in the shower. “Of course you don’t.” Gritting his teeth, Landon led the way to the

bathroom, trying to hide his erection from the man who’d caused it.

“There’s a clean towel on the bar there and an extra toothbrush and toothpaste in the


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“Get a lot of visitors?” Brian asked.

Landon frowned at Brian’s cold tone. Landon held his gaze until the other man looked

down. “Like I said, my brothers come visit. They don’t always remember the essentials and as

fond as I am of them, I don’t share my toothbrush.”

Brian nodded but didn’t say anything else.

“Take your time. Is there someone you need to call?”

Please don’t have a boyfriend.

Brian shook his head. “My boss won’t expect me back for another hour. I was ahead of

my deliveries.”

“Okay good. I’ll leave you, then.”

Maybe it was time for him to have a long, cold shower of his own.

Brian waited until the door closed before he had his breakdown. Quickly shedding his

clothes, he placed them in the sink to limit spreading the mud around. He started the water with

shaking hands.

Landon Cob was hands down the most gorgeous man Brian had ever seen, including

movie stars and models.

When Landon had helped Brian out of the lake, it was like looking at every man he’d

ever fantasized about wrapped up in one dreamy package.

“I have to have him,” Brian mused.

Lathering his hands, he imagined it was Landon touching him with his strong, sure

fingers. His dream Landon pinched Brian’s nipples and played with his balls with firm, soapy


“Oh, Landon,” he whispered as he imagined the other man wrapping one of his big hands

around Brian’s erection. A man like that would know how to touch another man. No man could

possibly be that stunning and not have a line of men vying for his bed.

Images of Landon’s tall, muscular frame covering Brian and fucking him within an inch

of his life made Brian moan. He tried to keep it quiet, but the dream fucking quickly made him


With a sigh, he watched his seed wash down the drain.

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Even though his body felt sated, his heart ached. Coming alone was a soulless act. He

should know. It was all the action he’d had since discovering his last boyfriend considered Brian

one in a cast of many.

Brian had dumped his boyfriend’s ass and had been alone ever since. He didn’t want to

deal with the drama and frankly, with his family, it was best to keep others away. He didn’t need

his homophobic father and brothers scaring away a potential life partner.

Turning off the water, Brian grabbed the towel off the rack. In his mind’s eye, Brian tried

to imagine beautiful, well-groomed Landon meeting his drunken father and deadbeat brothers,

but even his vivid imagination couldn’t visualize a happy ending to that scenario.

Sighing, Brian dried his hair and quickly made a pass over his body before dressing in the

clothes Landon had left behind. He’d have to make sure these were washed and returned as soon

as possible before his brothers tried to steal the designer labels.

Brian lost count of the things they’d confiscated while he was at work. If he didn’t feel an

obligation to help out his father, he’d have left home a long time ago. But the man’s disability

kept him from working, and his drunkenness kept him from being even a semi-decent person.

His father hadn’t been the same since Brian’s mother had died. His brothers hadn’t been such

asses when she was around, either, even though they weren’t her children but from his father’s

first wife.

Why his mother ever married the jerk, Brian would never know since she’d died a year

ago with many of his questions unanswered. In the end, even her strong will couldn’t stop the

cancer. As always, just thinking about his mother made him want to break down. Since he didn’t

want to have a meltdown in front of a virtual stranger, Brian forced himself not to dwell on her


Fully dressed, Brian carried his dirty clothes and shoes into the other room.

“Do you have a trash bag or something I can take these home in?” he asked, staring at the


“You can wash them here.”

Brian looked up and was trapped by the kind expression in Landon’s brown eyes. The

man wasn’t just gorgeous; he was also a really nice guy.

“No, that’s okay. I don’t want to put you out. Really, a trash bag will be fine.”

“If you’re sure.”

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Landon looked so disappointed, Brian almost gave in, but clothes washing would take too

long and if he didn’t leave soon, he was going to jump Mr. Wonderful. He could tell a quickie

wasn’t this man’s style. Landon was the type who wanted to wine and dine his dates; Brian could

see it in Landon’s eyes.

Fuck! When was the last time he actually met a nice guy, much less spent time with one?

“I really need to get back to work.”

He could actually blow the rest of the day off, but being in Landon’s presence scrambled

his brains. He needed to get out of there before he threw caution, and Landon’s pants, out the


Brian wasn’t meant for nice guys. He didn’t want to settle down with someone and get a

dog together. He wanted fiery passion and dirty sex, and he was almost certain Landon would be

experienced but unadventurous. People that gorgeous could do anything and their partner would

agree it was the best thing ever.

Mustering up a smile for the worried-looking man, Brian reassured him. “It’s all right.

I’ll be fine. I’m going to finish up my shift then go home and wash my stuff. I’ll wash your

clothes and return them soon.”

“You’ll come back?”

Landon’s relief was so obvious Brian didn’t have it in him to deny the man anything.

“Sure. I’ll be back tomorrow.”

“Okay. I’ll get you a bag.”

From beneath his sink, Landon grabbed a white trash bag and handed it over. “I wish you

would reconsider, but I understand if you have to get back to work. I should probably call the

governor back, anyway. I sort of hung up on him when you fell into the pond.”

“You hung up on the governor?” Brian didn’t have a response for that. He’d never had

anyone cross the street to help him much less hang up on an important phone call.

Landon shrugged. “I didn’t know how deep the water was when you fell in.”

“So you hung up on the governor and endangered your designer threads to rescue me?”

Landon frowned. “Why would I care what I was wearing?”

Brian couldn’t help it. Dropping his bag, he walked over, grabbed Landon by his suit

lapels and plastered him with the hottest kiss he’d ever given anyone. By the time he released

Landon, the other man had to grab the table for support.

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“Thanks, handsome,” said Brian.

Smiling with tingling lips, Brian snatched up his bag, walked to the entryway, grabbed

his bicycle and left the apartment. It wasn’t until he was on the street still thinking about the kiss

that he realized he should’ve gotten Landon’s phone number.

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Chapter Two

Back on Aria

Taylora stormed through the castle, her hands fisted so tight her red painted nails left

crescent marks in her palms. She barely noticed the pain with her body shaking in fury.

How dare those ungrateful snots do this to her! All she asked was for one thing—to have

her sorcerer, Nico, live on the castle grounds. But no, Landon had refused her even that one tiny


She burst into her bedroom, a huff of irritation passing her lips when she found her

youngest brother, Dack, sitting on her bed, his legs crossed as he typed away on his laptop.

Smaller than any of her other brothers, he also looked the most angelic, with a mop of

white-blond hair and bright blue eyes. Looks were deceiving, however, because Dack was the

mischievous troublemaker of the family. From his constant pranks to his penchant for bending

the law, his older brothers were always bailing him out of one mess or another.

The only reason Taylora tolerated the brat’s presence at all was because he worshiped the

ground she walked on. After their mother had died, the hero worship had only grown stronger,

until Dack now spent most of his time in Taylora’s company.

“Damn, Dack, don’t you have someplace else to be?” she bitched, sitting next to him on

the bed.

Dack shrugged as he glanced up from his computer. “Not really. Landon’s returning

home soon, but that won’t be for another month or so.”

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As always, she fought to hide her feelings of hate at the mention of their future king’s

name. God, if she had to hear Landon’s name one more time, she’d either vomit or kill

somebody, maybe both.

“What about Fisher?” she asked. May as well see what all her brothers were up to.

“He’s on some marine thingy.”


“Holed up with some hot guy he met last week.”

Which meant the romance had approximately three days left. Kedrik wasn’t known as the

family tramp for nothing.

“What about visiting with Adar and Eaton? Aren’t they on the palace grounds?”

A slight blush covered Dack’s cheeks. “They went on a hunt with some of their men.”

His discomfort was just palpable enough to make her want to dig more, to cause him

some pain. Call her a bitch, but she lived to make her brothers’ lives hell.

“Why didn’t they take you along?” she prodded.

It took everything she had to keep the triumphant grin off her face, especially when Dack

lowered that sweet, innocent face of his.

“They were afraid to risk it after last time,” he confessed in a small voice.

She let out a sound of feigned dismay. “That’s not fair. It was just an accident. Any one

of them could have fallen off their horse, like you did.”

“Yeah, but none of them would have fallen on six different occasions.” Dack glanced up,

a watery smile on his face. “That’s okay, though, they promised to take me sailing tomorrow.”

No doubt they had. If Dack weren’t so self-conscious and introverted, he would have

realized how much all his brothers doted on him. She gave an internal snort of disgust. Landon in

particular had a fiercely protective streak for the youngest prince, but when it came to Taylora,

Landon acted as if he could barely tolerate her. She would have hated him for that if she didn’t

already despise the very air the bastard breathed.

While she stayed home and kept watch over the kingdom, her brothers were off enjoying

hunts, going sailing and all kinds of other frivolous activities. With the exception of Dack, they

all acted as if Taylora didn’t even exist.

She knew she should feel some guilt for mistreating her youngest brother, but really,

wasn’t it his own damn fault for sticking around to take it?

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She reached out and gently cupped his cheek, giving him a motherly gesture of love she

knew he so desperately craved. “They just don’t understand you. Not like I do.”

As expected, Dack immediately rose to his heroes’ defense. “But they do. Landon makes

sure to contact me at least once a day. He even promised to take over my sword training this


“And how is he going to have time for that when he’s so busy making a new life for

himself on Earth?”

A slight frown played on Dack’s face. “He’ll be back. He promised me. Besides, what

difference does it make to you? Last I checked, you couldn’t stand Landon, so I would think

you’d be happy he’s gone.”

She leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. “He has you so fooled, doesn’t

he? Do you want to know what he told me?”

Dack pulled back slightly, almost as if her touch had become too much for him. “That

you’re a bitch, who only thinks of herself?”

When Taylora glared at him, Dack’s brief flare of bravado faltered.

“Sorry, it’s just something he would…well, you know, say about you.”

Taylora decided to let the Dack’s insult go unpunished. She knew Dack wouldn’t have

curbed his tongue at all if he’d been addressing one of their brothers. While he may be the

youngest and smallest of the princes, Dack had a temper and a stubborn streak unmatched by any

other. The only reason he held back now was out of deference for her.

“No. Landon told me that he isn’t planning to come back at all. That he only told you

that, so you’d stop bothering him all the time.”

“He must have been kidding. Landon would never say that about me.” Dack blinked a

few times, his brow creasing in confusion.

“But he did, sweetie.” She emphasized her statement with a sad tsking sound.

“There must be some mistake. Landon would—”

She put a finger over his lips to hush him. Taylora learned long ago it was best to never

let her brothers think too much, lest they interfere and ruin everything, especially somebody as

smart at Dack. Landon liked to say that the only true display of foolishness their youngest

brother ever showed was the way he nearly idolized Taylora.

“Dack, baby. Have I ever lied to you?”

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He nibbled on his bottom lip, a trait she knew many found endearing, but one that

annoyed the hell out of her. “No.”

Oh, but if he only knew the number of lies she’d told him over the years. It would shock

the sugariness out of those blue eyes of his.

“So, why are you doubting me, now? After all, I wasn’t the one who took off and left you

here alone, now, was I? That was Landon.”

His gaze dropped back to his laptop. “I guess you have a point.”

She saw him hitting the keys repeatedly and knew he was playing another of those idiotic

video games he was addicted to. One of the reasons she couldn’t completely break his adoration

of their older brother. Landon kept Dack supplied with the stupid things.

She ran a hand over his hair. “Don’t worry, I won’t be like them. I’ll always be here for


While he didn’t say anything else, Taylora still caught the flash of doubt in Dack’s eyes.

It wasn’t much of a reaction, but it still let her know that she’d planted some question in his


* * * *

Two days later, Brian stood in front of Landon’s apartment building and nervously

juggled his duffle bag. Inside were the clothes Landon had loaned him, all of them freshly

laundered and ironed.

“Come on, you idiot, just go inside and ring his bell. You’re just returning his clothes. It’s

not like you’re being all stalkery or anything.”

He hadn’t realized he’d spoken aloud until the doorman turned and smiled. A heat came

over Brian’s cheeks, but he still managed a return grin. It was then that he recognized him as the

man who’d been on duty the other day.

“I was just returning some stuff to Landon,” Brian explained as he held up the bag.

“Let me call and see if he’s home.”

The doorman probably already knew if Landon was in or not. That must be rich people

talk for let me see if he’s okay with me letting some virtual stranger inside the building.

Not that Brian blamed the guy. He had a job to do. It sure as hell beat the security at

Brian’s apartment. All they had there was a pack of stray cats and Hilda, his nosey next-door

neighbor. Even then, Hilda could be iffy if her stories happened to be playing.

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After a few moments on the phone, the doorman walked back over. “He said to go right

up. He’ll be waiting for you.”

Twin jolts of excitement and fear went through Brian. He worked hard to hide his

reaction as he nodded his thanks and walked inside. As he rode the elevator up, his stomach

worked itself into a jumble of knots. He worried about Landon’s reaction to him showing up

unannounced. Of course, Landon had asked him to come back, but he’d specified one day and it

was now two. Brian couldn’t help but think that Landon wasn’t the type of guy who liked being

kept waiting.

As the doors opened, Brian left the safe confines of the elevator and walked down the

hall, his heart pounding harder with each step. By the time he finally raised his hand to knock on

Landon’s apartment door, he was two baby steps from an anxiety attack.

Great! Just the kind of impression he didn’t want to make. He knew he’d probably

already come off as a loser. He didn’t need to add spaz to his list of deficits. He’d be lucky if

Landon didn’t take one look at Brian and slam the door in his face.

Brian sucked in a breath as Landon answered his knock. Damn, he’d forgotten how hot

the other man looked. Instead of the suit Landon had worn the other day, today he wore a pair of

jeans and a tight fitting black T-shirt. The sleeves were short, showing off the best set of muscles

Brian had ever been blessed to see, and the dark coloring contrasted perfectly with Landon’s

tanned skin. Even his hair looked more casual, the dark locks brushed back in a haphazard way.

Brian’s fingers itched to reach out and touch the strands. No, better yet, to fist them in the heat of

passion. His cock hardened over the images running through his head. Despite his nerves, it’d

been half-hard since the moment he’d knocked on the door. Now, as he found himself actually

facing the object of his lust, his errant dick swelled fully to life.

Brian shifted nervously side to side, silently praying to any god who’d listen that Landon

wouldn’t notice his telling condition. At the same moment, Brian became painfully aware that

Landon had yet to speak. He merely continued to stand there, although he did lift one brow as if

to say, well?

“I wanted to return your things to you,” Brian rushed out.

“You told me you would be back in one day. Unless I’ve forgotten how to count, I’m

pretty sure today makes two,” Landon finally said, his even tone revealing nothing.

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Brian fidgeted more. Landon’s stern voice sent a fresh wave of desire over him, which

shocked the hell out of him since he normally didn’t go for the bossy, dominate type.

“I know and I’m sorry. I got pulled into work yesterday. I would have called, but I didn’t

have your number.”

“A situation I will remedy today.”

A little thrill blossomed in Brian before he reminded himself that guys like Landon didn’t

fall for losers like him. Landon had probably only said that to be polite.

Landon stood to the side. “Come in.”

Brian obeyed, entering the apartment and standing awkwardly as he watched Landon shut

the door. He continued to stand there like some kind of statue as Landon slowly approached.

“I’ve been thinking a lot about you these past two days,” Landon said.

“You have?”

Landon chuckled. “Why do you sound so surprised?”

“Usually guys forget my name the instant I leave their place.”

As soon as he made that admission, Brian wanted to curl up into a ball. Terrific! Now he

sounded like a loser and a slut. He should have just cut his losses and mailed the clothes back. At

least then, he would have been able to save a smidgen of his dignity.

“Then those men are idiots because you are anything but forgettable,” Landon said as he

reached out and ran his fingers over Brian’s chest.

Brian’s heart began hammering again, this time for a completely different reason. He

found himself locked in Landon’s dark-eyed gaze as the air grew thick with sensual tension.

“I’ll bet you say that to all the guys you fish out of ponds,” Brian teased to cover his


“Only the good-looking ones.”

Of their own accord, Brian’s eyes shifted to the hallway, which he hoped led to the

bedroom. His body ached so badly, and he knew the only one who could answer his needs was

Landon. Repercussions be damned, he wanted to spend the rest of the night involved in all kinds

of dirty, sheet play.

Landon must have surmised his thoughts, because he gave a slight shake of his head and

said, “Not yet.”

“Why not?” Brian whined, his attention still focused on the hallway.

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“Because I want to get to know you first.”

That got Brian’s attention. His head snapped back in Landon’s direction as confusion hit

him like a cold bucket of pond water. “What? Why?”

“You intrigue me.”

“I’m nothing special. Just your ordinary bike courier.”

Landon’s fingers trailed up and slowly began to trace the outline of Brian’s lips. “There’s

nothing ordinary about you.”

Brian bit back a moan as his cock pressed more insistently against the fly of his jeans.

Never before had he more regretted his habit of going commando, because at this rate, his dick

would be permanently carrying around a zipper-shaped indentation.

“So, if we’re not going to bed, then what are we going to do?” Brian asked.

He allowed his tongue to dart out and lick Landon’s thumb. Another moan threatened to

erupt from Brian’s chest at the taste of the warm, slightly salty flesh. It made Brian wonder what

it would be like to strip Landon down so he could lick every dip and ridge of the man’s body.

“We’re going out to dinner,” Landon announced.

Brian blinked a few times, certain he’d misheard. “Dinner?

“Yes, I’m hungry and I really do want to get to know you better. So I figured we’d take

care of both those needs at the same time.”

“You want to go out with me looking like this?”

Brian looked pointedly at his clothes. While they were clean, his holey jeans and faded-

blue T-shirt had both seen better days. Landon didn’t seem to mind, though. He just moved in

and gave Brian a brief, tender kiss that melted his brain.

“You look perfect. Besides, the place I have in mind is really casual. Now let’s get out of


Before Brian could argue, Landon went to the door and opened it. “Are you coming or


Brian only hesitated a second before he nodded and followed Landon.

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Chapter Three

Landon smiled across the table at Brian, a pile of seafood lay between them on a paper

mat. Wielding his hammer, he smashed open a crab and picked out the delicious bits from the

demolished shell.

“When you said casual, you really meant it.” Brian’s laughing gaze heated Landon’s


“What? Did you think I lied?”

“No. Just…” He waved a hand around to all the different groups of people. Some dressed

in nice clothes, others in shorts and T-shirts. “I’ve never been here before,” he confessed.

“Well, they don’t call it the seafood feast for nothing. Grab something and destroy it.”

Landon waved at the pile of crabs. He knew he looked like an idiot wearing a plastic bib with a

crab on it, but he’d do a lot more to see the tension in Brian disappear.

For now, the laughing man who’d fed waterfowl was back, and the tense, nervous man in

his apartment was a faded memory. He watched as Brian picked up a piece of corn on the cob,

slathered it with butter and bit into it. Melted butter dripped down his chin, and only the presence

of children stopped Landon from reaching across the table and licking Brian’s chin and


else he could reach.

Fantasies involving a slick and naked Brian flashed through his mind in brilliant color. It

took him a moment to realize his date was talking to him.

“Umm, what?”

“Where did you go?” Laughing green eyes watched him with amusement.

“Sorry. I was thinking of all the places to taste butter.”

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Brian choked on the bite of corn he’d just taken. After a minute of coughing and several

sips of water, he glared at Landon. “Warn a guy next time!”

Landon smiled. “Sorry.” They both knew he wasn’t.

He innocently picked at a mussel before he started his interrogation. The urge to know

everything about the man across from him made him twitchy like an itch he needed to scratch.

Brian dressed like a man who felt confident and wanted to be noticed, but in reality, he was a lot

shyer than Landon had expected when he’d spotted the man feeding birds.

“So, tell me a little about yourself,” he invited.

Brian shrugged and, as the silence lengthened, Landon wondered if Brian was going to


“I work as a bicycle courier,” he began.

Landon nodded encouragingly because that seemed to be what Brian needed.

Brian gave a great deal of attention to the crab he was cracking. “I’m the youngest of

three children.”

“Really, I’m the oldest boy of seven children.”

“Seven?” Brian looked up at him “Really?”

Landon nodded. “I have one sister and five brothers.”

Brian’s green eyes went wide as he looked Landon over. “There are six of you?”

Landon laughed. “No! We’re all different like any other group of brothers.”

Actually, they were more different looking than most siblings. The magic in Aria caused

genetic anomalies, which is why his youngest brother had white-blond hair and his brother

Adar’s hair was a striking red. The rest of them had black to golden-brown hair. Even their

builds weren’t the same. The only thing all the princes had in common was the swan-shaped

birthmark on their right shoulders.

Strangely, Taylora didn’t receive one at birth like the others, so maybe it was a male

descendent type of thing.

“What was it like growing up?”

“Loud!” Even with a castle to run around in, the brothers tended to gather together to

play games, hunt and ride horses. When they all got together, the volume tended to rise. It used

to drive their mother insane. Memory of his mother brought a shadow to his heart.

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“Hey.” Brian reached across the table and covered Landon’s right hand with his own.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, sorry, I was thinking about my family. I lost my parents a few years ago.”

Brian gave Landon’s hand a sympathetic squeeze before letting go. “I lost my mother a

year ago. It still hurts.”

Landon shrugged. “I miss my father more. My mother wasn’t a warm kind of mother.”

He resisted a shudder. Since he’d come to Earth, everyone always talked about loving their

mother but frankly, the queen had always scared the crap out of Landon and as far as he could

tell, everyone else, including his father, had been frightened of her, too. Taylora had their

mother’s cold eyes.

Shaking away the bad memories, he looked up into Brian’s warm gaze. “Enough of that,

tell me about your brothers. Are you close?”

Brian looked away. “No. I mean, I live with them, but we don’t really get along.”

“Then why don’t you move out?”

Surely, Brian was old enough to live on his own.

Brian shrugged. Picking up a mallet, he smashed a crab a little harder than necessary.

Pieces of shell splattered everywhere. Brian blushed.

Landon laughed. “Hey, you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. This isn’t an

interrogation. I was just trying to get to know you better.”

“I-I know. I stay to take care of the family, you know? My father is disabled, and my

brothers are deadbeats. I might not always like them but they’re family.”

“I can understand that. I love my brothers, but I’m not too close to my older sister.”

Brian gave him a shy smile. “Sometimes families are difficult.”

“Yeah.” Unfortunately, it only got more complicated when there were royal expectations.

They spent the next hour chatting and eating the feast piled between them. Landon

couldn’t remember the last time he had such a fun afternoon.

* * * *

Landon was in love.

After several dates with nothing more than a heated kiss or two, he could unequivocally

claim that Brian had stolen his heart.

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The shy messenger met him by the lake every day for lunch, and they’d spent almost

every night together sharing dinner, going to the movies and even attending a play over the past

few weeks.

Every encounter made him fall faster for Brian. Unfortunately, in his family, falling

quickly for someone didn’t mean they’d chosen wisely. After all, his father had married his

mother, and Landon was in love with a man who probably wouldn’t even believe him if Landon

told him he was a prince from another land, soon to be king. How could he tell Brian the truth

and not lose the man he loved?

Groaning, he rubbed his eyes until a soft chime caught his attention.

His mirror was ringing.

Rushing to his bedroom, Landon slid across the marble floor to face the large mirror he

had mounted to the wall.

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, please answer my brother’s call.” Since his brothers were the

only ones who called him by mirror, it was an easy spell to master.

Dack’s worried face appeared on the mirror.

“What’s wrong?” The look in his brother’s eyes was not one Landon had seen before, and

he didn’t like this new expression of distrust.

“What makes you think something is wrong?” Dack asked, but his smile lacked its usual


“Well, you called me, and you look absolutely miserable.”

There was a moment of silence before Dack broke. “Did you tell Taylora you weren’t

coming back?”

Dack blurted the words out so quickly it took Landon a moment to separate them in his

mind for clarity.


“Taylora said you only told me you were coming back because you wanted to get rid of

me, but you’re really going to stay on Earth. You’re not, right?”

Landon didn’t know which was more shocking—that Taylora told such an obvious fib to

Dack, or that his brother hadn’t believed her. Dack all but worshipped their sister. For him to

doubt anything she said was a startling revelation.

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“Dack, listen to me carefully. You know how Taylora likes to get you stirred up. No. I

didn’t tell her I wasn’t coming back. In fact, I hope to bring someone back with me to help me


Dack’s face lit up. “You found your husband?”

Landon shrugged. “I hope so, but I haven’t told him anything about our world, yet. I

mean, I love him, but I don’t know if I can get it to work out. If he dumps me, I’ll come back

earlier than I planned. I don’t want to stick around here nursing a broken heart when I have a

kingdom to run. It’s almost time for my coronation.”

Dack’s chin firmed, and a new expression of maturity crossed his face. “I can’t believe

Taylora lied to me.”

“I hate to be the one to tell you this, Dack, because I know how much you care for her,

but she’s a liar. If she can cause trouble, she will.”

Dack opened his mouth, no doubt to protest.

Landon held up his hand. “You can believe it or not. Just be careful. She’s dangerous. I

don’t know how dangerous right now, but watch your back.”

“I will, brother. I’ll talk to you later. Go get your man!”

“Don’t do anything foolish,” Landon scowled.

Dack gave him a sunny smile that didn’t convince Landon of his brother’s sincerity.

“When have I ever been foolish?” Dack disconnected their call before Landon could


“Damn.” He’d hoped his brother could’ve kept his innocence a little longer where their

sister was concerned.

The doorbell ringing snapped him out of his musing.

Still concerned for his brother, Landon went to let in his date for the evening.

Opening the door, he tried not to drool on Brian who looked delicious in ripped and faded

jeans that molded his body like Landon’s favorite wet dream.

“Hi, there,” Brian greeted, placing a kiss on Landon’s cheek.

“Hi, sexy.”

Brian waited until Landon closed the door before he pounced.

“Oof.” Landon’s back hit the front door.

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“You know, I get that you’re a nice guy who doesn’t take advantage of men he takes

home to dry out.”

Brian ripped open Landon’s shirt. Buttons pinged on the entry tile.

“And I get that you’re a gentleman who doesn’t grab his date and insist on a quick fuck

before dinner.”

Brian’s pulled off Landon’s shirt and threw it over his shoulder.

“And I appreciate you don’t want to rush me.”

Brian dropped to his knees and started unfastening and unzipping Landon’s pants. “But

darling, if I don’t get to taste you soon, I’m going to die.”

Landon laughed. “I wouldn’t want that.”

“Good. Then could you take pity on a man and give me sex?”

Brian had planned to be a lot smoother during the entire thing. On the way over, he’d

decided to seduce the sexy, but surprisingly resistant, man. However, as soon as Landon had

opened the door, Brian had lost all his good intentions.

Dating Landon over the past few weeks, he’d become fixated on seeing the man naked. It

wasn’t that Landon appeared against the idea of having sex. Brian’s theory was that Landon

didn’t want to be pushy. The man was a gentleman through and through, but Brian couldn’t take

the sexual tension anymore.

It was time for action.

When Landon looked at him in bemusement, Brian’s heart sank to his toes.

“You don’t want me?” How could he have read the signals so wrong?

Landon laughed. “Where would you get that idea?”

“You haven’t made a move.”

Landon lifted Brian’s chin until he was forced to look Landon in the eye.

“I didn’t want to rush you.”

“If you take it any slower, we’ll be moving backwards,” Brian grumbled.

A warm chuckle filled the air, taking away the sting of the imagined rejection.

Landon’s mouth brushed against Brian’s. He let the moan roll out of his throat. Landon

always knew the right buttons to push. He could get Brian from cold to inferno faster than any

man he’d ever met.

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“Never think I don’t want you, my sweet.” Landon pulled Brian close until he stood in

the circle of Landon’s embrace, pressed tight against Landon’s hard body.

“I wasn’t sure,” Brian confessed. It wasn’t that sex was new for him, but Brian’s usual

encounters leaned more toward backrooms and convenient alleys. A man who wanted him for

companionship and the occasional kiss was a completely different experience.

Landon’s kiss told him everything he needed to know. Brian was an idiot. Landon’s

embrace wasn’t one of someone going through the motions. This was the kiss of someone

waiting for the right time and finally finding it.

Melting against Landon’s hard frame, Brian gave up control.

Landon gave a low growl before picking Brian up by sliding his big hands beneath

Brian’s ass and lifting. Brian quickly wrapped his legs around Landon’s waist, so he could

support himself a little. Landon’s bare skin, warm and smooth, was like a sexual playground.

Only a little dark hair decorated his chest, just enough for fun, but not enough that Brian longed

for his hair wax removal kit. Brian kept his body hairless, loving how everything felt against his

skin after waxing.

“I’ve been waiting for you to be ready,” Landon said between kisses.

Brian felt as if he were in a movie, where the hero swept away his love interest. After

this, Landon would have to pry Brian out of his bed if he wanted him to leave because Brian was

pretty certain he already loved this man.

Soft material brushed the back of his arms as Landon placed him on the bed like fine

china. Oh, that would never work. He didn’t want a polite lover. While Brian lay there, Landon

yanked off his own shoes and socks and without further drama, pulled down his jeans and

underwear in one sexy movement that had Brian’s cock banging against the zipper.

Damn, the man was fine.

There was no self-consciousness when Landon walked back to Brian. Of course, why

would there be if your body was built to perfection and your cock was worth idolizing? Thick

and long, Landon had absolutely nothing that required shame—sucking, licking, and

worshipping, definitely, but not shame.

Landon stopped at the bed. “Are you going to get undressed?”

Brian shook his head. “I’m going to lie here and admire.”

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A wicked smile crossed Landon’s face, an odd expression for someone who always

appeared straight-laced and proper. Wrapping his hand around his cock, Landon slid his fist up

and down his shaft until moisture beaded at the mushroom tip.

“Well, if you don’t want this…”


Brian jumped to his feet and stripped out of his clothes so quickly it was amazing he

didn’t damage anything.

Landon laughed. “Take it easy, honey, I’m not going anywhere.”

Brian smiled when he realized he should’ve removed his shoes before trying to yank his

jeans off over them. He gave a nervous laugh. “I’m such a dork.”

Landon stroked Brian’s head in a sweet gesture. “Just relax. We don’t have to do

anything you don’t want to do.”

“Oh hell, yes we do!” Brian shouted. “I mean, I do. I…hell. Can we just have sex without

the drama?”

The smile he received from Landon warmed his heart. There was no mocking in his gaze

or jeering in his expression, only understanding.

“We can take this at any pace you want.”

Landon kneeled at the bottom of the bed and helped Brian get off his shoes, his socks and

his jeans. Brian pulled off his shirt. Soon, he was stark naked and lying on Landon’s bed again.

“Beautiful!” Landon’s admiring expression eased Brian’s fears of inadequacy.

Brian blushed with the praise.

If asked, Landon would never have claimed bare men were sexy. He liked a little hair on

his lovers. If he wanted smooth, he’d have sex with a girl. However, everything on Brian was

sexy from his hairless stomach with slightly pebbled abs to the bare cock rising up to greet him.

Silver rings pierced each of Brian’s nipples, taunting Landon with their shine.

“No tattoos?” Landon had to admit to a bit of disappointment at the lack of tattoos even

as the piercings turned him on.

Brian shook his head. “I’m afraid of needles.”

Landon flicked one pierced nipple, making Brian gasp. “Didn’t they use needles for


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“Yeah, but once, not over and over. It’s different.”

Landon didn’t really see the difference, but it wasn’t his body or his phobia so he let it

drop. He had other things to fixate on. “Are you pierced anywhere else?”

“Not yet.”

Landon smiled. Brian was such a study of contrasts. Wrapping a hand around his lover’s

cock, Landon relished the silky texture of Brian’s exposed skin even as the bareness at the base

gave it a slightly alien look.

The wet mushroom tip of Brian’s cock called to him. He started to lean forward when

Brian stopped him with a fist in Landon’s hair.


“What do you mean, no?” What man in his right mind would say no to a mouth on his


“If you suck me, I’m going to lose it. I want you inside me before I come.”

Well, he couldn’t resist that invitation.

Landon reached into his drawer and pulled out a condom and lube. He didn’t know if he

could catch or spread disease to Brian and now wasn’t the time to experiment. He’d rather cut

out his heart than harm his lover.

Carefully warming the cool lube between his fingers, he slowly slid one digit then

another into his lover. Brian wasn’t overly tight, but he still needed loosening.

“How long has it been?”

“Almost a year.”

Good, it had been before they’d met. Landon didn’t feel jealousy over Brian’s unknown

lover. After all, the fool was stupid enough to let Brian go.

“What about you?” Brian asked.

“What about me?” Caught up in preparing Brian, he’d lost track of the conversation.

“When’s the last time you had sex?”

“A few months.” In truth, it was probably more like six, but he didn’t think Brian needed

the details.


Brian nodded.

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Slipping on the condom, Landon pressed inside until Brian wrapped his heels around

Landon’s ass and impaled himself.

“Oh, yes!” Brian shouted.

Landon let out a whimper.

“You feel amazing,” he said against Brian’s neck.

Clamping his hands on Brian’s hips, he did a few experimental movements until Brian

was screaming and wiggling and trying to take control.

Yep, that’s the spot!

Pleased he’d found the perfect angle, Landon made love to Brian with carefully

controlled thrusts and gentle kisses until Brian’s hole clamped around him, yanking him into

orgasm. With a cry, he pumped his seed into the condom, narrowly avoiding collapsing on his

lover when his muscles abruptly gave out.

Groaning, he pulled out and dumped the condom into a trashcan by the side of the bed.

Opening his nightstand, he removed a travel container of wet wipes, cleaned up his lover and

tossed the used ones away.

Brian stared at him wide-eyed. “I never thought of that.”

“Of what?”

“Of using baby wipes to clean up after sex?”

Landon shrugged “A mess is a mess.”

Brian grinned at him a wide, happy smile Landon hadn’t seen before.

“But some messes are more fun than others,” Brian said.

Landon laughed. “Very true.”

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Chapter Four

Taylora bit the inside of her cheek to hold in the stream of curse words just begging to be

let loose. The added bit of pain only served to fuel her anger. So much so, she barely noticed the

blood beginning to seep from the wound as she stormed through the castle.

Going down the steps leading to the dungeon, she nearly tripped a few times on the

decrepit stone stairs. Since her father had been such a damn pacifist, the lower rooms had long

ago been relegated to storage. The few criminals on Aria who needed punishing were imprisoned

several miles away.

As a result, everybody forgot the lower floor existed—everybody, but Taylora, her

mother and their secret advisor.

Mother’s words still rang in Taylora’s ears all these years later. Who needed a fairy

godmother when one had a sorcerer at their disposal? Not just any sorcerer, either, but Nico, the

highest-ranking dark sorcerer in the kingdom.

Wanted in nearly every realm, Nico’s name had the ability to strike fear in even the

bravest warrior’s heart. Not only did he hold great magical power, but he also commanded a vast

army of highly trained soldiers and hunters, all of which he’d promised to use to help Taylora

take the throne.

The time had come to call in his promises. As soon as she’d overheard Landon and

Dack’s conversation, Taylora knew she could no longer stand by and watch as her brothers took

everything while she was left with just scraps.

Several torches hung on the damp walls, but the area continued to grow darker as she

descended the winding steps. By the time she reached the bottom level, the air took on a

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stagnant, rotted smell. It didn’t bother her since she’d long ago become accustomed to the odor.

She’d been coming to this place since she was six.

She finally reached her destination. The warped, wooden door opened soundlessly

despite its aged appearance. As she entered the large, circular room, other smells took over;

incense, oils and most of all, blood. She inhaled deeply, her heart racing as the memories of

some of her previous trips to this room hit her. Most of them were terror filled and still haunted

her dreams.

A large scrying bowl sat on a gold pedestal in the center of the room. She went up to it

and waved one hand, palm down, over the surface. The black water inside rippled before slowly

swirling into a vortex.

Taylora began to speak the summoning spell in a low, monotone chant. The words

slipped easily from her lips, since she’d memorized them many years before. They served as a

balm to soothe the raging emotions within her, and she even managed a smile.

The water’s speed increased as the whirlpool began to spin faster and faster. The stagnant

air began to crackle with magical energy, causing the hair on her arms to stand on end. The

wooden door rattled from the rush of power emanating from both her and the bowl.

Her chant grew louder, faster as the water began to give off a green glow. Even though

she’d done the spell hundreds of times before, a thrill of accomplishment still went through her,

and she let out a short laugh.

Let Landon think he had all the adoration. Let her brothers believe they had the kingdom

in their palms. In the end, Taylora knew it was she who held the power. It was high time

everyone learned that fact, too.

By the time she reached the climax of the spell, she was shouting the words, magic

surging around the room. She arched, a heady pleasure shooting through her body as a bolt of

magic connected from her chest to the center of the scrying pool. A loud boom sounded. The

glowing light flashed, then became blinding.

Just as quickly, the magic seeped from Taylora’s body and the light faded. It didn’t

matter though, because her goal had been met. Nico now stood in front of the pool.

Ah, Nico. Her mentor. Her tormentor. Her protector. And for the past five years, the

center of her life, whether she liked it or not. Although she respected him above all others, she

also feared him more than anyone else in Aria.

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He always looked the same as the first day she’d laid eyes on him. Tall, with short raven

hair and even darker eyes, he had a cruel beauty about him that never failed to send a shiver

down her spine. While he appeared thin to the point of emaciation, there wasn’t a hint of

weakness about him. If anything, he seemed to always be coiled and prepared to attack with little


Even though she carried royal blood, Taylora dropped to one knee and bowed her head in

supplication. It never paid to play the role of haughty and privileged with Nico. The one and only

time Taylora had tried to order the sorcerer around, she’d been bitch-slapped as Dack liked to

call it.

“My sorcerer,” she murmured.

He held out a hand and she took it, pressing a kiss to the inverted pentagram ring he

always wore. His flesh felt cold and waxy against her lips. She repressed a full-on body tremble.

He snatched his hand back and began to walk a slow circle around her.

Taylora remained still, knowing better than to rise without permission. Her body tensed

with nervous anticipation as she tried desperately to gauge his mood.

After what seemed to be forever, he reached out and placed a gentle hand on the top of

her head. Taylora let out a ragged sigh as her shoulders slumped in relief. Good, it wouldn’t be

one of those visits.

“Why have you summoned me?” Nico asked.

While anyone not related to her would have tacked a respectful “your highness” or

“princess” onto that sentence, Nico pointedly left it off. He never failed to display who was

really in charge in their relationship.

Taylora didn’t let it bother her, since Nico had treated her mother in much the same

manner. If the queen could take it in silence, then so could Taylora. Besides, the payoff would

make it worth it in the end.

“I overheard a distressing conversation today,” she revealed.

She finally dared to lift her head, but stayed on her knee. It wasn’t until Nico held out his

hand, this time to assist her in rising that she stood. Squaring her shoulders, she made it a point

not to look the sorcerer in the eye.

“Let me guess! Landon has found his love,” Nico replied in silky tones.

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Taylora didn’t bother asking how Nico already knew. She’d learned long ago he had a

way of knowing everything that went on with the royal family and their kingdom.

“If he comes back with this…this heathen, they will take control of the kingdom.”

“He is the eldest son,” the sorcerer reminded her in a deceptively mild voice.

“Yes, but he hasn’t labored the way I have—we have! Now he’s going to come back and

rip everything away from us,” she protested. “It’s because of my hard work that the kingdom

continues to run smoothly. While Landon is off having his fun, I’m the one who meets with

nobles and mediates disputes between commoners. Plus, if it hadn’t been for your magic, this

year’s crops would have failed. Now Landon is going to come in with his new love and they’re

going to ruin everything we worked to build.”

Nico reached out and cupped her cheek. “Do you honestly think I would allow that?”

Fear made her stomach turn. Would he take his wrath out on her for doubting him?

Frantic to appease him, she shook her head. “Of course not, my sorcerer.”

He gifted her with a cool smile that reminded her of a snake preparing to strike. “Go get

Dack and bring him to me.”

She jerked back in shock, her heart thumping in fear. “Dack? Why do you want him? He

knows nothing about you or this place.”

“Well, it’s about time you shared it with him. After all, didn’t you once tell me that he’s

the only brother you didn’t want to see dead?”

“I just meant that he didn’t infuriate me as much as the others. I seriously doubt he’d be

able to help us. He’s small and weak compared to the rest of them.” She scrambled for an

excuse—any excuse—that would keep Dack out of Nico’s grasp.

Nico pinched her cheek so hard her eyes watered from the pain. “Don’t question me. Just

go get him and bring him down here. You have five minutes.”

Tears pricking her eyes, Taylora nodded before spinning around and rushing from the

room. As she stumbled up the steps, she found herself wishing Dack wouldn’t be there. The last

thing she wanted was to have to deal with his questions and as soon as he saw the room, Taylora

knew she’d have to provide some answers. Plus, if she were completely honest with herself, the

mere thought of Dack even being in the same room as Nico terrified her. While Dack may be a

brat, he was her brat and deep down, she didn’t want any harm to befall him.

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Of course, Dack being ever the pest was sitting in her room, right where she knew he

would be. Although this time when he glanced up at her there was a new wariness on his face.

“Good, you’re here. We need to talk,” he blurted before she could speak.

Taylora strove to put a smile on her face even as she felt the seconds ticking away. Since

the dungeon was so far from her room, precious time had already passed. She couldn’t spare a

moment to deal with his issues, not when she had to follow Nico’s orders while still trying to

keep Dack safe.

“Of course we can talk, but I need your help first,” she said in a persuasive voice.

Maybe if she just brought Dack down to meet Nico, the sorcerer would be pleased and

not harm her brother. After all, what could Nico want with Dack? While he may be a prince, as

the youngest, he posed no real threat to any of them. Nico probably just wanted to talk to Dack,

so he could recruit the young man to their side.

“No, we’re going to deal with you and your lying first,” Dack persisted.

She mentally cursed him as she struggled to come up with a story, anything, that would

get Dack to follow her. Then, just as she was faltering, the perfect lie came to her. One that was

so good even Landon would fall for it.

“It’s Horitz. He’s done it again.”

Horitz happened to be the one remaining guard from the early years of their father’s rule.

He also had been their father’s dearest friend. The fact that the man was a mean drunk with a

penchant for accidents and embarrassing displays never diminished the king’s high opinion of

him, either. While the queen hated the man, she turned a blind eye to the relationship because it

kept her husband too busy to meddle in her own affairs. His love for his friend was so well

known that his sons continued to watch out for the guard even after their father’s death.

As expected, Dack let out an exasperated sigh as he shut his laptop. “What has the idiot

done this time?”

“He got drunk.”

Dack cocked one brow in question, the move eerily reminiscent of Landon. “What’s new

about that? It would be surprising if Horitz didn’t get wasted.”

She only had a vague idea of what that last phrase meant. It irritated her when Dack used

Earth slang and made her hate Landon all the more for his insane obsession with the realm.

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Normally, she would have lashed out at Dack for it but in this instance, she held her tongue. She

needed his quick cooperation too much.

“That may be true, but this time he wandered down to the dungeons and managed to hurt


“How bad?”

“I think it’s a broken leg. Nothing life threatening, but he’s embarrassed and crying

again. He’s refusing to move and asking for you.”

Dack shook his head as he stood. “God, I hate it when he cries. It makes it harder to stay

pissed at him when he’s like that.”

That was true. Dack had cleaned up after the guard more than all the other brothers

combined. He followed Taylora down the stairs, his blue-eyed gaze scoping out the stone walls.

“Wow, I forgot about this place. How in the hell did Horitz’s drunk ass end up down in

this pit?” Dack asked, his nose wrinkling as the putrid smell grew.

“Who can say? You know how he gets when he drinks too much,” she said with a shrug.

As she led him deeper into the dungeon, she didn’t miss the distrust that began to tinge

Dack’s eyes.

“Are you sure he came here? I mean, he can hardly walk across the hall when he’s

boozed up. How in the hell did he wind up all the way down in the frigging dungeon?”

She ignored the question because she’d finally reached the door. With shaking fingers,

she worked the latch and pushed it open.

After giving her one more narrow-eyed look, Dack followed her inside.

As soon as he spotted Nico, Dack took an involuntary step back. The prince seemed to

catch himself. He stood his ground, straightening his shoulders. After shooting a quick glance

around the room, Dack’s brows furrowed in confusion.

“Who in the hell are you, and where is Horitz?” Dack demanded.

His hand went to his side to draw the sword he normally kept there, but the weapon was

nowhere to be found. Taylora never allowed him to carry it into her room, and she’d purposely

not given him enough time to get it before they’d ventured downstairs.

“I’m a friend of your sister. I was also a confident of your mother before she died,” Nico

replied, his cool expression revealing nothing.

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Dack tilted his head to side, his gaze not leaving Nico’s. “Funny, I didn’t think Taylora

had any friends.”

Nico let out a low hiss. The temperature dropped a few degrees. “It would behoove you

not to speak of your future queen that way.”

“And it would behoove you not to talk like some stereotypical, B-movie villain. Besides,

Taylora is not going to be my future anything. Landon is the heir, and he’s going to be the next

ruler of the kingdom.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, dear brother,” Taylora crooned.

Dack finally tore his gaze from Nico so he could stare at her, the expression of disgust

and betrayal so vivid on his face it was almost comical. “What you’re speaking of is treason,

Taylora. What’s gotten into you?”

Years of pent up hatred bubbled forth and spewed out before she could stop it. “You

have, Dack! With your I’m so sweet and lovable attitude and blabbering devotion. So has

Landon with the way he thinks he can just go off and sow his oats on Earth, all the while

expecting me run the country and then hand it over to him after he’s had his fun. I’m sick of all

of you, and I’m taking what rightfully belongs to me.”

“Belongs…to…you…what…” Dack sputtered, his eyes glinting with anger. “Have you

been huffing glue or something?”

Both Nico and Taylora exchanged looks of confusion at his words. She decided it must

be yet another Earth phrase. She opened her mouth to yell at Dack, only to have Nico beat her.

He raised a hand and, shouting a one-word spell, threw an energy bolt at Dack.

Dack screamed in pain, doubled over and fell to the ground. Blood gurgled from an open

wound in the center of his chest. He curled up into a fetal position as he stared up at Taylora, his

expression both shocked and pained.

Nico pressed a small glass vial in her hand. “Go, fill this with his blood. We need it for

the curse.”

Her heart strummed with dread as Dack’s cries filled the room. While it hurt her to see

Dack injured in any way, a small part of her felt a thrill of excitement. She’d waited for this

moment for so long. After today, all of Aria would belong to her, and there was nothing Landon

could do to prevent it.

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She rushed over to Dack and stooped next to him. The wound in his chest had begun to

bleed at an alarming rate, so it didn’t take her long to fill the vial. As she placed the cork back

into place, Dack reached out and grabbed her wrist, his touch cold and shaky.

“Please, don’t do this. We love you.”

She jerked her arm free and stood up, deliberately turning her back to him. Her heart

clenched at the thought of hurting him any further. Nico must have sensed her inner turmoil

because he came over and gently cupped her cheek.

“All great queens have to make hard choices in life. Besides, Dack’s blood is for the good

of all Aria. He’s making a noble sacrifice. Your mother would be so proud of both of you right


Nico led her back to the scrying bowl and directed her to pour the blood into the vessel.

“What will this do to my brothers?”

“Just what you want. It will instantly kill all six of them, no matter where they may be.”

Taylora hesitated but after a moment, she’d forgotten why she’d paused. This was what

she wanted. Nico was always right.

“You stupid, power-hungry bitch. I hope we all come back to haunt your ass,” Dack

gasped out in a weak voice.

She almost turned to see what was wrong. Why was she here again? Nico gripped her

hand as he started a low, long incantation. The pool began to glow, much like before, but this

time in a deep-red hue. The magic surged and began to flow through Taylora. She tipped her

head back and gloried in it. It began to crest then—


A red ball of magic appeared from nowhere. Both she and Nico ducked as it hit the

pedestal. Water and porcelain exploded into the air before it rained down upon them.

On instinct, Taylora turned to Dack just in time to see a thin, tall woman with long,

bright-red hair and milky white skin appear beside him. She may have been regal had it not been

for her outfit. Black and purple striped tights were topped with a short, black, fluffy dress. The

strange woman dropped down to her knees and hunched over Dack in a protective gesture.

Taylora surged forward to attack the intruder touching her brother, only to have Nico

place a hand on her shoulder to stay her.

“Careful. While she may look the part of a fool, she is a powerful adversary.”

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“Who is she?” Taylora demanded as she watched the woman run protective hands over

Dack’s chest wound. What was wrong with Dack? She couldn’t concentrate with the fog

clouding her thinking.

“For a very brief time, she was your brothers’ fairy godmother. That was until your

mother threw her precious, winged ass out of the castle.”

“And now I’m back and I’m pissed,” the fairy snapped, pulling Dack to her chest.

“Petra! You have no right to be here. The queen banished you twenty years ago!” Nico


Petra shot off a cocky grin. “I guess it didn’t take. My bad.”

“Don’t do this, fairy. You don’t want to make me your enemy. I’ll make you pay in

horrible ways your pretty little mind can’t even begin to comprehend.”

The redhead mockingly cocked her head to the side as she made an exaggerated tsking

sound. “Oooooooh, so what will you do to me? Make me slick my hair back and dress all in

black so I’m twinsies with you and Broom Hilda over there? You’re right, that would be a scary


Taylora gasped, not certain whether she’d just been insulted or not. Nico didn’t pause at

all; he raised his hand and sent out another magic bolt, this time directed at Petra.

At the last moment, Petra lifted her palm and neatly caught the ball. She gave a

dismissive scoff as she made the orb dance over her fingers. She finally flicked it to the side as if

it were nothing more worrisome than dandelion fluff. “If this is the best you have to offer, it’s no

wonder the queen always had her knickers in a wad. I’d be pissed, too, if I were saddled with

such a suck-a-saurus sorcerer.”

Dack let out a soft whimper and the fairy gazed down at him, her expression instantly

softening. “While I’d love to stay and powwow with you two, I need to get Dacky home so I can

heal him. Later gators!”

Raising her hand, much like Nico had earlier, she shouted out a word that Taylora

couldn’t make out, then just as quickly vanished in a puff of smoke, taking Dack with her.

Taylora stood in stunned disbelief for several moments before asking, “What was that

spell she used?”

“She counteracted the curse. Or at least she attempted to. All she managed to do was

weaken it.”

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“So now what will happen to my brothers?”

Nico went to the center of the room and picked up a single white feather, the only thing

remaining from Dack and the fairy’s presence. “Now that, my dear Taylora, remains to be seen.”

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Chapter Five

Landon headed toward his apartment with a smile on his face. The Governor’s Ball was

tonight, and Brian promised to meet him there. He’d had Brian’s tux delivered to his house, and

he was looking forward to seeing his green-haired wild child dressed to the nines.

Brian had been reluctant to go at first, but Landon had persuaded him to his way of

thinking. Remembering his persuasion techniques made Landon hard as a rock. Brian was

everything Landon wanted in a partner. If only he could keep him. Landon didn’t even know

how to tell his sweet courier that he was a prince from another dimension or that by staying with

Landon, Brian would have to help rule a kingdom. Even approaching the topic without having

Brian calling the authorities was beyond the prince’s abilities.

He wished Brian would stay at his apartment. Landon had given Brian a key a few days

ago after they’d first made love. He didn’t like what Brian was saying about his home life. From

what Brian told Landon about his invalid, alcoholic father and his deadbeat, older brothers,

Landon thought it would be best if Brian never went back home. However, Landon knew all

about family loyalty, and Brian refused to stay with him permanently, stating their relationship

was too new to make any long-term decisions. Unfortunately, Landon knew he couldn’t put off

talking to his love forever, not with Dack upset with Taylora’s manipulations. Soon, Landon

would have to go back to Aria and confront his sister about her actions. Not an event he looked

forward to with any enthusiasm.

Opening the door to his condo, Landon was greeted with the sight of Brian lying on the

couch, sound asleep. Landon’s heart ached with the rush of emotion, overwhelming him at the

sight of his lover looking vulnerable. Leaning down, he placed a kiss on Brian’s forehead only to

be grabbed and pulled down, Brian’s hungry mouth devouring his.

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“Mmm,” Landon moaned, reluctantly breaking away.

“Come back here,” Brian pouted. “I was going to lure you into my sexy man trap.”

Landon laughed. “It would’ve worked, too, if you didn’t need to go get pretty.”

Brian quirked an eyebrow at Landon. “You want to get spruced up instead of having sex?

At what point did you turn into a girl?”

Landon shook his head. “I should object for women everywhere, but I feel an

overwhelming urge to assert my manliness.”

Landon slid to his knees, quickly unsnapping and unzipping his lover’s pants. “Mmm,

look what I found.”

Brian’s cock jutted out to meet him as if it was begging for attention.

“Having good dreams?” Landon asked.

“Yeah.” Brian’s voice sounded rough as Landon wrapped his hand around him. “Oh

yeah, just like that.”

He lifted his hips, allowing Landon to pull his jeans down farther. Brian had removed his

shoes before lying on the couch, so there was no barrier to Landon stripping off the man’s pants.

Smiling, Landon kicked off his shoes as he watched Brian sit up enough to remove his shirt

before lying back down like a delicious sacrifice.

Landon swallowed the drool pooling in his mouth. He started unbuttoning his shirt.

“Leave it on,” Brian demanded.


“Just unbutton it but leave it on.”

Landon frowned. “Why?”

“Because you’re fucking sexy like that. Leave your tie draped over your neck but untied.”

Puzzled, Landon did as requested. “You’re kind of bossy,” he said with a smile.

“Indulge me. Every time we meet for lunch, I have dirty thoughts about you fucking me

wearing one of your dress shirts.”

Brian rolled onto his knees, leaned his chest over the back of the couch and tilted his ass

out. “Come and get me.”

Landon laughed. “Let me grab some supplies.”

“Hurry back.”

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Landon rushed to the bedroom, vowing to keep supplies in every room from now on.

Opening his side table, he tore a condom off the strip and grabbed the bottle of lube.

Walking back to the living room, Landon stopped in his tracks. Damn, Brian was fine.

“Are you going to admire me all day or take me like I need?”

“Don’t worry. I’ve got what you need, honey.”

Landon set the condom on the couch and slicked up his fingers. His cock was hard and

ready for action as pre-cum leaked out the top. For some reason, it felt rawer to have sex with

Brian partly dressed than when he was completely naked. Sliding in one finger, he sank it in

deep until Brian groaned.

“Right there. Oh, fucking right there.”

Landon pushed against the spot again. “Right there?” He placed a kiss on Brian’s



Making sure his fingers were covered with lube, Landon pressed in a second finger,

spreading them apart to widen the hole until Brian bucked and moaned against him.

“Who’s manly?” he teased against Brian’s ear.

“You are the man. Now prove your manliness by pounding me into the couch.”

Landon choked on his laughter. Sliding his fingers out of his lover, Landon tore open the

condom wrapper and rolled on the protection. Adding more lubricant, he pushed slowly inside.

“Oh yeah, right there. Show me who’s the man.”

Landon lost his stride as he laughed. “Stop that!”

Brian wiggled, pushing back onto Landon’s cock. “Now do me.”

Landon would’ve objected, but he’d lost all his brain power when his lover moved on his


“Oh, damn,” Landon said, his eyes crossing. Grabbing Brian’s hips, he pinned the smaller

man to the couch. “That’s enough. You do that any more and it will end faster than you wanted.”

“With that monster in me, I’m not going to last, anyway.” Brian said with a moan.

Landon pumped in and out of his lover, pleased at the sounds coming out of the other

man’s mouth.

“Yeah, fuck me. Just like that.”

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Landon marveled that the man who appeared so shy during the day could be a wildcat

during sex.

Reaching around Brian, Landon gripped his lover. A few pumps later, Brian screamed,

his ass tightening around Landon and yanking him into orgasm.

The men collapsed on the couch until Brian wiggled a bit.

“Can’t breathe,” he gasped.

Landon smiled. “Come on. We need to get cleaned up so you can get home.”

“Why am I going home? Why can’t we just leave from here?”

“Because that’s where I sent your tux. I figured you’d go there after you got off work.”

A look of horror crossed Brian’s face. “You sent it to my house?”

“Shouldn’t I have?” Landon’s stomach plummeted at Brian’s expression.

“Uh, no. It’ll be okay.” Brian ran to the bathroom.

Landon heard the water running for a bit. When he started heading in that direction, Brian

returned with a wet washcloth.

“Here, you probably want to take a shower, but this will help clean off the couch.”

Brian dressed with lightning speed before grabbing his messenger bag and heading

toward the door looking flustered. “I’ll meet you at the ball. I’ve gotta get ready.”

“You have to meet me in front because you won’t be able to get in without me. The

invitation says Landon Cob and guest.”

Brian gave him a weak smile. “Sure, no problem. I’ll be there at seven.”

“Great.” Landon gave his lover a kiss goodbye, but he could tell Brian’s heart wasn’t in

the perfunctory embrace. “Did you want me to go with you?”

“No! Um, I mean no, that’s okay. I’ll take care of everything. You get ready, and I’ll be

there, I promise.”

Despite some misgivings, Landon took Brian at his word and watched silently as Brian

left the condo, pushing his bicycle.

“Damn, I hope I made the right decision,” he mused, still watching the door his lover had

left through.

Brian peddled as fast as he could to get home. He should’ve told Landon to have the tux

delivered to the condo. Shit! He hoped his brothers left his crap alone. A useless hope he

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discovered as soon as he opened the front door. His cautious gaze took in the dilapidated

apartment. It had never been in good repair but over the past few years, it had gone from slightly

run-down to shameful. The furniture all had cigarette burns, the wood was scratched and he

didn’t even want to know what had caused the new mysterious marks on the carpet. Brian did

what he could but it was three slobs against one neatnik. The odds weren’t in his favor.

“How do I look, little brother?”

Brian turned to see his oldest brother, Darren, standing by the kitchen bar wearing

Brian’s tux. Although the brothers had the same build, the fine material strained with the size of

his brother’s gut. Fury burned in Brian’s chest.

“What are you doing?” Brian shouted. He had never felt so angry. They were ruining the

one good thing in his life.

Darren narrowed his eyes. “I’m trying out your nice tux, Brian. Where do you think

you’re going in it?”

“Take it off!”

“Oooh, the squirt has grown some balls.” Sam, Brian’s other brother, walked into the


Angry tears filled Brian’s eyes. He brushed them off. “Why can’t you two leave me the

hell alone? I pay for everything around here! I cook, I clean, I pay the bills, and all you do is

drink, smoke and ruin the few nice things I have!”

Darren scowled. “And you think that makes you better than us?”

“No. I think it makes me have the right not to have my crap messed with.”

Sam loomed over Brian. “You try and get a job in this economy.”

“You didn’t have a job when the economy was better!” Brian exclaimed. Focusing on

Darren, Brian stepped forward. “Take off the tux. I’m supposed to wear that tonight.”

“Oh, you mean this?” Darren grabbed a sleeve and tore it off. His brothers were strong.

When not working, they lifted weights. In that moment, Brian didn’t care how much bigger or

stronger they were.

He saw red.

With a scream of primal rage, he lunged at his brother, pounding him with his fists until

Sam pulled him off.

“Stop being such a damn, drama queen,” Sam said, tossing him into a chair.

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“What’s going on here?”

Their father rolled into the room in his wheelchair, his red eyes glowing with ill will.

“What did you do this time, Brian?”

“What did I do? Darren stole my tux and tore it.”

“What do you need a tux for? Think you’re getting too good to be with us? If I hadn’t

promised your whore of a mother on her death bed to take care of you, I’d have tossed you out a

long time ago.”

Brian looked at his smirking brothers and his alcoholic father and his last nerve snapped.

His lip was split and one of his eyes felt so tender he was certain he wouldn’t be able to see out

of it in an hour. “You know what old man? You can pay your own bills. Maybe your two fine,

upstanding sons can take care of you. I don’t give a crap anymore. I’m out of here!”

With one last look at his destroyed tux, Brian grabbed his bike and stormed out of the

apartment. If Landon didn’t want him, Brian would find somewhere else to be. He was done.

Pulling his cell phone out of his pocket, he dialed Landon.

No answer.

His lover was probably in the shower or something. Whatever he was doing, Brian knew

the other man would let him spend the night. He’d break the news to Landon later that he’d left

his family. Landon would understand. He didn’t want to ruin their romantic night.

Shit, how was he going to go to the ball now?

By the time he made it back to Landon’s condo, his entire body hurt, and he still didn’t

have an answer about what to wear. Maybe he could get a tuxedo rental company on the phone.

It wouldn’t be as good as the custom one Landon had ordered for him, but he couldn’t disappoint

the only man who’d ever cared for him.

With a nod to the doorman, Brian made his way to his lover’s door. He tried the doorbell

first but when Landon didn’t answer, he used his key.

The place was deserted.

Maybe Landon had last minute things to do before the ball? Brian knew Landon had

helped the governor with the publicity and graphic design for the event, but he still didn’t know

exactly what his lover did for a living. Looking around the posh condo, he decided whatever it

was Landon did for a living, it paid extremely well.

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Gently setting his bike by the door, Brian threw himself on the couch. He needed a few

minutes to give himself a pity party before trying to figure out what to do. Throwing his arm

across his sore face, Brian closed his eyes and let out the years of frustration in big, gasping sobs.

At least Landon wasn’t there to witness his breakdown.

A soft sound caught his attention as if air had been displaced in the room. Lifting his arm,

Brian was shocked to see a woman in a short, silver-spangled mini with red, high-heeled go-go

boots and a daringly low cut black top standing in the middle of the room. The most startling part

of her was the pair of enormous black wings jutting out of her back.

Great, now he was hallucinating!

“You’re not Landon!” she exclaimed as if discovering a big secret.

Brian gave a bitter laugh. “No. I’m not Landon. Are you an angel?”

Maybe an angel of death!

She gave a light, tinkling laugh that was surprisingly sultry from such a tiny thing. “No,

I’m a fairy godmother. My name’s Petra.”

“Oh, of course you are. I’m Brian.” Maybe his brother had hit him harder then he thought

if women were appearing out of thin air and claiming to be fairy godmothers.

She shook her head after giving him a thorough examination. “What are you doing here,

poor thing?”

“My brothers stole my tux and beat me up. I’m supposed to be at the ball with Landon.”

Why was he sharing his problems with a hallucination?

The apparition tilted her head, sending her long, red hair swinging. A wide, bright smile

crossed her lips. “You’re in luck. Balls are a fairy godmother’s specialty. I can talk to Landon

tomorrow; tonight, it looks like you need my help. Stand up.”

Brian was a little reluctant to get any closer to the obviously crazy, winged girl, but she

exuded an air of such goodwill, he found himself standing. She approached, precariously

stumbling over on her ridiculously high heels.

“I like your hair,” the strange woman said.

“Um, thanks.” He would’ve returned the compliment, but he was worried that engaging

her would make her more real.

“Well, the first thing I need to do is get you a new outfit.”

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Leaning down, she pulled a long rod out of her boot. The stick glittered like trapped


Waving the object clockwise in the air, the godmother muttered something, the words too

quiet for Brian to hear. He was so focused on what she was doing, he didn’t realize anything had

happened until she let out a loud curse.

Looking down, Brian saw a red sparkling ball gown draped his body. The fabric reflected

light as he turned this way and that. The pain in his feet had him lifting the skirt. His big feet

were encased in uncomfortable, silver kitten heels.

Gritting his teeth, he glared at Petra. “Take it off me, now!”

“I will, I will.” She bit her lip as she contemplated him. “You know, red really isn’t your

color, but the heels make your calves look fabulous.”


“I’m working on it. Women are so much easier,” she complained.

He had never been so tempted to hit a woman in his life.

More wand waving, more muttering, and Brian felt the shiny fabric transform into the

smoother texture of a tux.

He let out a sigh. “Thank you.” Then he saw the heels. “Petra!”

“Fine, all right. If you are going to insist on being boring.” She gave him a sulky look.

With another wave, the silver heels turned into black, men’s dress shoes. Brian wiggled

his feet, pleased to feel she’d remembered socks.

“Thank you.”

“Now, we need to do something about your face. You don’t want to go to Landon

looking like an assault victim.”

Terror raced through Brian’s chest. If she got the outfit wrong, he feared what she’d do to

his face. “I-I’ll be fine. I’ll tell him I got in an accident on my bicycle or something.”

“Oh, no. You have to be handsome to catch a prince.”


“Blast, I goofed. You weren’t supposed to know that, yet. Landon is a prince in the land

of Aria and if you tell him I told you, I’ll turn you into a frog. I don’t care if you’re his one true

love or not.”

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She might sound tough, but Brian saw the look of apprehension in her eyes. “I won’t tell


Sighing, she gave him a bright smile. “Thanks. Now stand still.”

Luckily, Landon wasn’t there to hear his unmanly whimper. He stood perfectly still as his

face felt as if it were seared with fire. “Ouch.”

“You look great!” his scary cheerleader promised.

Unwilling to trust her bright smile, Brian rushed to the bathroom mirror. He smiled at his

reflection. She’d healed his eye, fixed his lip and given him a baby-smooth shave. Even his hair

looked better than ever, the green highlights appearing almost respectable with the new cut while

his nose stud sparkled like a real diamond beneath the bathroom lights. Deciding it was better not

to speculate, he returned to the living room.

“Thanks, Petra, you did a great job. Now all I have to do is find a bus schedule and meet

him at the governor’s mansion.”

Petra gave a gasp. “I didn’t make you all snazzy to have you ride the bus. There has to be

something here you could drive.” Her eyes lit up as she saw his bicycle. “Perfect.”

With a wave of her wand, Brian’s bicycle vanished.

“My bike.”

“Relax.” She tossed him a set of keys. The key fob had the Ferrari logo emblazoned on it.

“What’s this?”

“Your bicycle until midnight. In fact, you have to be back here by midnight because

everything reverts to normal after that time, except your face. I healed that.”

“Thanks again, Petra. I really appreciate this.”

He’d worry about the prince thing tomorrow. Tonight, he was going to put his worries

behind him and not think about the man in his life possibly being royalty and out of his reach. If

Landon went back home, would he remember Brian fondly when he returned to palace life?

“Here.” Petra slid a ring on Brian’s middle finger. It was heavy gold and had a swan

embossed on the front.

“What’s this?”

“It’s the ring for each prince’s chosen. You belong to Landon and no matter what

happens, you have to remember that.”

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Brian would’ve asked her what she thought was going to happen but she vanished—

simply disappeared. The only thing remaining was the scent of roses, and a pile of glitter on the


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Chapter Six

Taylora stared down at the large splotch of blood still marring the center of the room.

Although it’d been there for several days, she hadn’t been able to bring herself to clean it up, or

even let one of the servants take care of it. It’d taken on a dull, almost brownish appearance and

every time she glanced at it, she couldn’t help but wonder if Dack was okay and if so, where was

he? Not that she expected him to come back even if he was well, but she worried.

Her gut clenched in guilt as she thought back to the look of utter betrayal on Dack’s face.

That expression toward her, the one person he’d worshipped above all others, had been so new,

so foreign, it had hurt. Normally, Dack only gazed at her with devotion and love. Now his

expression held nothing but contempt for her.

She stared down at blood and just as suddenly, the familiar sensation of burning hatred

filled her, making her breath hitch. Landon! He was to blame for all of this.

It’d been he who’d decided that the three eldest princes should go to Earth, he who had

planted the doubts in Dack’s head. Most of all, it’d been Landon who’d brought down the wrath

of Nico on their family. If they’d only cooperated, the sorcerer may have let them live. Now,

Nico was mad, and he’d placed hefty bounties on their heads. So, thanks to Landon, all the

brothers would be running for their lives. Even Dack whose only fault had been trusting his

eldest brother’s judgment too much.

Nico came into the room and stood there, saying nothing as he watched Taylora. She, for

her part, remained motionless, even as she felt his gaze boring into her.

“He’s the only one who ever loved me,” she finally said, still fixated on the blood.

Nico came over, tucked his fingers under her chin and forced her head up. Soon, she

found herself trapped by his dark eyes, the burn of anger growing into a full-grown fire. Only

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this time, it was directed more fully on Landon. So much so that she forgot it was Nico who’d

ordered her to bring Dack to the dungeon. The fact that Nico had struck the blow that had so

grievously wounded Dack also vanished from her mind.

“Dack always loved Landon more than you. I’m the only one who ever cared.”

Nico’s voice seemed to slide under her skin and overtake her mind until all she could

think of was Nico—all she could hear were his words.

Her eyes closed to half-mast, a smile spreading over her lips. Now that Nico mentioned

it, he had always been the one who’d been there for her. When other kids had teased her, it’d

been he who’d wiped away her tears, just as he’d always been the one who’d listened when she

talked about her doomed love affairs. Even now, he’d stayed by her side when her brothers had

all left her behind as they went off to make their own lives or gallivanted around Aria without

caring about the kingdom.

“What would I do without you?” She frowned as she noticed her words slurred just a bit.

“Lucky for you, you’ll never have to find out since I never plan on leaving your side,” he


“We both may have to go into hiding. If Landon comes back, he’ll be very angry when he

finds out what we did to Dack.”

“We’ll just have to make sure we get to Landon first. I’ve already sent my hunters out to

pursue all of your brothers. So far, my hunters haven’t been able to track down the princes.”

Confusion shot through her. “Why don’t you just go to their homes? We know where

they all live?”

“It would seem that damn fairy’s magic is better than I first anticipated. Not only has she

managed to temporarily block the portal from here to Earth, but she’s also hidden the princes

who reside on Aria.”

“Was the curse able to reach Earth?”

“Not yet, but it will only be a matter of time before the spell breaks through the fairy’s

shields. Then Landon and the other two Earth-dwelling princes won’t be able to avoid the curse.”

She blinked a few times, trying to ease the fog settling over her mind. “How exactly is

that curse working since the fairy countered it?”

Now, it was Nico who frowned. “I’m not sure, yet. Although one of my hunters did come

back with a most unusual story.”

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“What’s that?”

“He claimed that when he cornered Eaton, a swan appeared out of nowhere and your

brother vanished.”

“Do you think it was the fairy in disguise?”

“No, my hunters can sense magic, and he swears the only magic he felt came from my


She wrinkled her nose while thinking over the new development. “Do you think that


Taylora trailed off, deciding her thoughts were just too insane to be possible. She only

continued when Nico raised an impatient brow. “Could it be that maybe the swan was Eaton?”

Nico paused for several tension-ridden minutes as he appeared to mull over her

suggestion. He finally gave a slow nod. “That could very well be. It would also explain why my

hunters have been unable to find any of the princes so far. They’ve been searching for men when

they should be looking for swans.”

“Do you think they’re all swans or just Eaton?”

Again, her mind drifted back to Dack.

Oh dear, Dack’s always been allergic to feathers. If he has to deal with a full body of

them, he’s never going to stop sneezing. She forced those worries out of her head and instead,

focused on Nico as she waited for his answer.

“Since they’re all under the same curse, they would all be affected in the same manner,”

Nico replied.

He let go of her chin and began to pace the room. Taylora watched him, her stomach

doing a nervous flip as she caught the expression on his face. His brows were drawn together and

his lips pressed in a tight line. If she didn’t know better, she’d almost say he was worried. Then

again, it could all just be because his plans hadn’t developed as he’d anticipated.

“That fairy, who was she?” Taylora finally voiced the question she’d had since the

strange woman had first appeared.

“She’s the one the fairy court assigned to be the godmother of the Aria royal family.

When they met, your mother was less than impressed and banished her from ever entering the

castle again.”

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Taylora tilted her head to the side. “If that’s the case, then how did she manage to come

and take Dack away?”

“Once your mother died, her royal decree banishing Petra lifted. However, she still isn’t

officially the princes’ fairy godmother, so I don’t know why she intervened and saved Dack. She

has nothing to gain by helping him.”

“Do you think Dack still lives?” she ventured, her breath hitching just a bit.

“Yes, I would feel it if he were no longer alive.”

“I wonder if he’s been able to warn the others?”

“I doubt it. You’ve already told me the only way they can communicate is through the

magic mirror, and I’ve had that under constant guard. There’s no way any of your brothers can

reach each other.”

“And we’re certain that both Eaton and Adar are aware they’re now hunted?” she asked.

“Yes, that could be the only explanation as to why they’ve gone into hiding. I suspect the

fairy warned them.”

“She really is becoming a nuisance,” Taylora huffed.

“One that will be taken care of shortly. Once I find out where she is, I’m going to strangle

her with her own wings.”

The threat, while gruesome, brought a smile to Taylora’s face. The prospect of the

meddler paying such a hefty price for ruining their plans warmed Taylora so much that she even

managed to completely forget about the bloodstain and her concerns over Dack.

* * * *

Petra transported into the center of her home and let out a satisfied sigh. While the trip to

Earth hadn’t gone down exactly as planned, she considered the mission a success. Now that

she’d made sure Brian not only made it to the ball, but also looked like sex on a stick, there was

no way he and Landon couldn’t have a happily ever after, curse or no curse.

She made her way to the guest bedroom and peeked inside. Dack lay on his side, his back

facing her, but she could sense that he was awake. After a few moments of him ignoring her, she

decided that she’d better start the conversation. It’s not like they could continue with the whole

non-communication thing. Plus, if she was going to have a hot guy in her place, the least she

could get out of it was some good dialogue.

“How are you feeling?” she asked.

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“Like somebody blew a huge hole into my chest,” Dack grumbled.

She rolled her eyes. Why did guys always have to be such babies whenever they were

sick or injured? If Dack weren’t so damn cute, she’d be tempted to plant her boot in his ass until

he learned some manners.

She sat on the edge of the bed. “I know this may be a lot to take in, but we need to decide

what our next move is going to be. Lying in bed all day isn’t going to solve anything.”

He sat up and twisted so he could glare at her. “That’s easy for you to say. You didn’t

spend all day covered in swan feathers.”

“It could have been worse,” she countered.

Dack cocked his head to the side, mimicking her best are you kidding me gesture. “Worse

than being a frigging swan? It’s bad enough that because of that stupid spell, I have to live half

my life as an animal, but it couldn’t even be a cool animal like a wolf or tiger or maybe even a

lion. No, I have to be a bird and not even a manly bird. I’m a swan. I swear, the only way it could

have been worse was if I’d been turned into a flamingo. Swans are only good as wedding

decorations or stupid fairytales.”

“I do think you’d look awfully cute in pink. So maybe a flamingo wouldn’t have been

that bad of an option,” she mused as she tapped a finger against her chin.

As soon as she caught the angry glint in Dack’s eyes, Petra knew that had probably not

been the smartest thing to say.

“I spent three hours floating in Crystal Lake with all the other water birds. I don’t think

there is anybody who would call that a good time.”

“I’ve paid good money for vacations where I’ve done exactly that.”

“I ate those gross underwater plants. You know, the really slimy ones. What’s worse, I

liked them. I gobbled them up like they were a can of Pringles,” he snapped.

“Eww…” She wrinkled her nose in disgust.


She nibbled on her bottom lip. “Would it make you feel any better if I told you how sorry

I am? I really tried to completely block the curse, but I couldn’t manage it. I guess that’s what I

get for skipping school the day they covered curses but it’d been Mardi Gras, and I kind of got

distracted. I promise I’ll give you my favorite set of beads as a consolation gift.”

He stared at her for several moments. “You’re a very strange woman.”

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“Yeah, I get that a lot.”

The corner of Dack’s mouth kicked up into a tiny grin. “That’s okay. Strange looks good

on you, I guess.”

“Your mother didn’t think so.”

“My mother didn’t like anyone but herself and Taylora, so I wouldn’t feel too bad about


They were silent for a few moments before Dack asked, “So, what do we do now?”

“You stay here and continue to heal while I figure out a way to counter this damn curse.”

“Are you going to take me to Landon?”

“No. Until I know how the curse affects you boys, it’s better to keep you apart.”


“Because I have a nasty suspicion the curse somehow tied your life forces together. For

all I know, the results of you even being in the same room could prove to be disastrous.”

“Is there any way to get a message to Landon? You know, to warn him about Taylora.”

“I’ve already tried. The problem is he wasn’t home at the time.” She flashed an impish

grin. “I did get to meet his new boy toy, though.”

Dack’s face brightened. “Really? What was he like?”

“Hot with a capital H and double T. What’s more, I could sense that he’s totally in love

with Landon.”

“Hopefully, he’ll still feel the same way after he finds out that not only is Landon a

prince, but he’s also cursed to spend his days as a swan,” Dack said, worried.

Petra thought it over. “I don’t think that’s going to affect the way Brian feels about

Landon. Sure, it’ll shock the socks off him but in the end, it won’t matter.”

“How can you be so certain? Just because a guy has a great ass and cute face doesn’t

mean he’s nice on the inside.”

“As a fairy, I can see his aura. Brian’s aura is pure. He doesn’t have it in him to be mean

or evil.”

“I probably don’t want to know, but what does Taylora’s aura look like?” Dack asked,

fidgeting on the bed.

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Petra debated lying to him but in the end, decided he deserved to know. Besides, he

needed to realize the full potential of the danger they faced. “Her aura is black, but not just

because of her tarnished soul. Nico has a barrier around her.”

“So, you think he’s controlling her or something? Maybe she didn’t mean to do all those

awful things.”

The hopeful expression on Dack’s face nearly broke her heart. Dack was so sweet, so

caring, so empathetic…

“When I get my hands on the sorcerer, I’m going to gut him like the boars we hunt,”

Dack growled.

Okay, so Dack was also a bloodthirsty thing when pissed off. Gone was the pampered

prince, replaced by a wronged warrior who wanted revenge.

She put an arm around his shoulders. “Don’t worry, Nico will pay for what he’s done to

your family. First though, we need to make sure you and your brothers survive the week.”

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Chapter Seven

Landon watched with wide eyes as his lover exited a red Ferrari and handed his keys over

to the valet. Brian looked sleek and sexy in a beautiful tux with every hair in perfect alignment.

Even the green highlights gave him an extra panache the others lacked.

“Nice car,” Landon said when his lover came closer.

Brian blushed. “It belongs to a friend of mine. I have to get it back to her by midnight.”

Landon would’ve asked more questions, but he didn’t really care about the car. All he

cared about was the sexy man standing before him, devouring Landon with his eyes. He almost

chucked the invitation and took Brian home. The courier had never looked better.

“Are we going inside?” Brian nodded toward the mansion.

Landon smiled. “Maybe. Unless you’d rather go back to the condo…” He let his voice

drop away while raising an eyebrow.

Brian laughed. “I believe you promised me dancing.”

Sighing, Landon held out his arm. As Brian wrapped his hand around it, Landon’s gaze

swept his lover again. “You look amazing.”

“I don’t look like myself.”

Landon stopped and tilted Brian’s chin, forcing the other man to meet his eyes. “You

look best stripped naked on my bed, but this is good, too.” Not caring who saw him, Landon

leaned down and kissed his man.

Brian immediately melted against Landon’s body. The prince kept the kiss light even

though he longed to toss his lover over his shoulder and take them back to his place. But he’d

promised Brian a party.

“Come on, honey. Let’s go dancing.”

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It took several minutes to get through the line checking invitations but once through,

Landon had the satisfaction of seeing Brian’s innocent enjoyment of the luxurious decorations.

Despite the poor economy, the Governor’s Ball was a yearly event where all the movers and

shakers had the chance to rub elbows together and discreetly make political and personal


Landon only got an invitation because he’d helped the governor’s office set up the entire

event, from designing their invitations to guiding their website production.

They walked through the glittering crowds with Landon’s hand on the small of Brian’s

back, silently making a claim. No one better try to flirt with his man.

“Are you going to introduce me to anyone?” Brian asked the third time Landon deftly

avoided someone daring to approach them.

“Nope.” Landon wrapped Brian in his arms and slow danced across the floor.

His lean courier moved gracefully in his arms. Landon hoped this was the beginning of

several balls they would attend together. Now all he had to do was find a way to get his lover

back to Aria.

Someone tapped Landon on the shoulder. He brought them to a graceful stop before

turning around, ready to scare the interloper off.


The governor stood there with his wife.

“Landon! I’m so glad you could make it. Is this your man?”

To give him credit, the governor didn’t blink an eye over two men dancing.

Landon wrapped an arm around Brian’s waist, pulling him forward. “Yes, this is Brian


“Nice to meet you.” They shook hands then the governor introduced his wife to Brian.

“I’ll leave you two to dance, but Landon, I want to talk to you before you leave. I have

some new ideas about the website.”

“Yes, sir.” Landon made a mental note to find the governor a new web designer. He

wasn’t going to be on Earth much longer, and the man had always treated him decently. It was

hard to find politicians who really wanted to help their people. Landon had learned a lot from the

governor and he would take those lessons and apply them to how he treated his own people,

ruling them with compassion and understanding.

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After the couple left, Landon continued dancing with Brian. From time to time, they

stopped and nibbled some food or Landon reluctantly introduced Brian to other people.

“Are you ashamed of me?” Brian asked.

“What are you talking about?”

“You don’t act like you want to introduce me. If you find me embarrassing, why did you

bring me?”

The hurt on Brian’s face was like a dagger to his heart.

“No. Oh, no. I just resent having to share you with others. I want to keep you to myself.”

Landon shook his head. “I guess it might look like I didn’t want to introduce you to people, but

nothing is further from the truth. I’m proud of you. I’m sorry you thought that I was ashamed.”

Spotting a senator, Landon dragged his lover over and introduced them. Senator Brown didn’t

look like he knew how to take Landon’s introduction, but he quickly rallied and shook Brian’s


“Nice to meet you.”

Brian gave him a polite nod.

They excused themselves from the senator and wandered out onto the balcony with their


“Okay, I take it back. You don’t have to introduce me.”

Brian watched Landon in the starlight. He’d never had a lover as beautiful as the man

before him, but the real attraction lay in Landon’s kindness. To top it off, the man was a genuine

prince. Who knew the phrase prince charming really applied?

Fear gripped Brian as they stood on the moon-drenched balcony. It should’ve been a

romantic moment in the moonlight with the man he loved. However, what if Landon decided to

go back home without Brian?

Landon’s eyes fell on Brian’s hand. “Where did you get that ring?”

Unable to lie, he confessed despite what Petra had said. He wasn’t going to lie to Landon.

As far as he knew, the other man had never lied to him. “Your fairy godmother gave it to me.”

“My what?”

“Petra, your fairy godmother. I went back to your apartment, and she gave me the ring,

this outfit and the car.” Brian swallowed to get moisture back into his arid throat.

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“I don’t have a fairy godmother.” Landon looked at him as if Brian had lost his mind.

“Do I?”

Brian shrugged. “Apparently.”

“Huh.” Landon looked at the ring again. “What did she say?”

“Um, everything expires at midnight and…and I’m your chosen.”

Landon’s smile rivaled the moon. “I knew it.” Picking Brian up, Landon spun him

around. “I knew it!”

Liquor sloshed in Brian’s stomach. “You might not want to shake me.”

“Oh, sorry.” Landon set Brian down carefully.

“Does this mean you want me to go to Aria with you when you leave?”

Landon nodded. “I didn’t know how to tell you.”

“I thought maybe you didn’t want me to come.” A sudden apprehension filled Brian.

He’d never traveled outside his city. What if he didn’t like going to a brand new place and

leaving behind everything he knew? “What is Aria like?”

“It’s a wonderful place of magic. Our palace is beautiful and the seat of our family for

over five hundred years. I came to Earth to learn more about the technology here and see what I

can take home to Aria.”

“When were you going to tell me?”

Landon shrugged. “I didn’t think you’d believe me. I was trying to find a way to break it

to you.”

The prince’s expression was so sincere, Brian’s heart melted.

“I don’t want to go back to Aria without you, but I must go back. I’d love it if you joined


A weight he hadn’t realized he carried slid off Brian’s shoulders. His prince wanted to

keep him. “We can talk about specifics later. Right now, I’ve had enough of this party. Let’s go


Landon gave him a hot kiss that made him harder than granite. “I’ve got to talk to the

governor first. Why don’t you take your fancy car, and I’ll meet you back at my condo?”

“Okay.” Brian would’ve agreed to anything, the rush of relief surging through him was so


Landon wanted to keep him!

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In a happy daze, he drove the Ferrari home. He didn’t even care when, halfway toward

the condo, the car broke down. Pulling the car over to the side of the road, Brian got out. The

Ferrari crumpled, folding into itself until there was nothing left but his bicycle.

His tuxedo vanished, leaving him in his courier clothing. At least he wasn’t naked. Still in

too good of a mood to be upset, Brian entered the condo smiling. He barely resisted the urge to

hug Landon’s stuffy doorman on the way into the building.

Brian stripped and slid between the covers, intending to stay awake for his lover, but the

events and the up and down emotions of the day soon sent him to sleep.

He didn’t know how long it was before he woke to the warm hands of his lover against

his skin.

“I could spend the next sixty years happily finding you in my bed.” Landon’s rough voice

sent shivers down Brian’s spine.

“I could spend the next sixty years letting you find me.” Blinking sleepily at his man,

Brian’s gaze locked with his prince’s intense one.

It wasn’t light banter. Landon really meant his words.


“I love you,” Brian blurted out without any thought or planning.

“I love you, too,” Landon whispered against his ear.

“I know.”

It was in everything his lover did. How he treated Brian as if he were the most important

man in Landon’s life.

Landon gave him the smile Brian thought of as his own. No one else got that warm

expression that lit up the prince’s eyes.

Their kiss was slow, hot and filled Brian with a satisfaction deeper than a mere kiss.

Landon smelled like sex and home. An odd combination but one that made Brian’s penis stand

up and pay attention. It wanted attention from its lover, badly.

Brian couldn’t stop smiling.

“What’s so funny?” Landon asked.

“Nothing, I’m just happy.” He didn’t know how to express the perfection of that moment.

For the first time in his life, Brian was content.

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Landon’s mouth traced a wet path across Brian’s skin, licking and nibbling his way

across Brian’s chest. Zeroing in on Brian’s nipples, Landon bit down, sending zings of sensation

straight to his crotch.

“Oh, fuck.” Brian grabbed Landon’s back, unable to get a good hold on the smooth,

muscled skin.

“Ohh, I think I found a hot spot.” Landon’s eyes sparkled with mischief.

Shit. He was in trouble but what a way to go.

Brian’s voice filled the air with moans and broken cries as his lover worked hard to drive

him out of his ever-loving mind.

When Landon bit the sensitive spot between his hip and groin Brian came without any

contact with his cock whatsoever.

“That was so sexy,” Landon said. He lapped at Brian’s stomach, cleaning it with his

tongue. By the time he was done, Brian was hard again.

“Nice recovery time.” Landon said in approval.

“It’s the company I keep.” Brian said.

“Roll over.”

Brian rushed to comply, his overly sensitive dick brushing against the mattress. He let out

a moan that soon morphed into a soft gasp as gentle kisses rained down his spine. Landon had

stripped before coming to bed, so the sensation of the bare flesh rubbing against each other

added to the erotic mix, making Brian nearly mindless with desire.

“Your body is so hot. I want to nibble every inch of it,” Landon crooned.

A yelp burst past Brian’s lips as Landon did just that, sinking his teeth into one of Brian’s

ass cheeks. Pain intermingled with pleasure as he thrust against the bed. Even though he’d come

not moments before, he already felt needy and ready to burst.

“Every inch,” Landon reiterated before he licked a slow, lazy path around Brian’s hole.

Pleasure spiraled up Brian’s body as that first lick was soon followed by a second then a

third. While he’d always wondered what it would feel like to be rimmed, none of his former

lovers had been inclined. The act lived up to all his expectations and then some.

He moaned and tilted his ass up in a plea for more as he fisted the bedcovers. Landon

continued to lavish him with more licks and kisses before he speared his tongue inside of Brian.

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Brian threw his head back and let out a sharp cry of passion. He tried to thrust at the

mattress again, but Landon grabbed Brian by the hips and pulled him up until Brian was on his

knees, his face still pressed against the pillow.

“This time, you’re not coming until I’m inside you,” Landon growled.

His tongue speared inside once more. Brian yelled, at the same time praying that whoever

built the apartment had the foresight to make sure the walls were thick. Otherwise, Landon’s

neighbors wouldn’t be too happy with all the noise.

The snapping of the cap being opened on the tube of lubricant was Brian’s only warning

before a slick finger thrust inside of him. Somehow, he managed to arch his back even more as

he pushed against the intrusion, wanting to get as much of Landon inside as possible.

“Somebody’s eager,” Landon teased.

“Just for you.”

Brian grunted as Landon added a second finger. Another bite to his ass cheek made him

gasp. He bet this time there was sure to be a small bruise left behind. The thought of carrying

around Landon’s mark only added to the growing fire inside Brian.

“More…I need more,” Brian panted.

Landon gave him more of both by adding another finger and bite. Brian cried out as he

rocked back against Landon’s hand. He hoped he could hold out long enough for Landon to

really get inside him. He didn’t want to disappoint his lover.

“Perfect,” Landon praised, almost as if he sensed Brian’s worries.

Landon pulled his fingers free and Brian tensed until he heard a condom wrapper being

ripped open, then he felt the tip of Landon’s cock pressing against his hole.

Brian groaned as Landon thrust all the way in, the pleasant burn soon giving way to

intense desire. Grabbing Brian’s hips tightly, Landon began to move in and out in slow,

measured thrusts, at the same time, he reached around and began to stroke Brian’s cock.

All too soon, Brian’s release crested; he shouted Landon’s name then came, thick ropes

of semen splashing onto the sheets under them. After a few more surges, Landon yelled out his

own pleasure before he sagged against Brian.

Brian grunted as the added weight fell on top of him and flattened him to the bed. He

could still feel the huge grin on his face, however, so he didn’t complain. After a few moments,

Landon rolled to the side and hooked an arm around Brian’s waist.

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Pulling Brian in close, Landon asked, “Are you lying in the wet spot?”

Brian made a sleepy sound. “Yeah, but you melted me so I don’t care.”

“At least let me help you get cleaned up a bit.”

With a chuckle, Landon reached into his nightstand, coming back with a wet wipe. After

he was certain Brian was completely clean, he tossed the cloth and snuggled back up.

“I like you in my bed,” Landon said.

“Me, too.” Brian whispered. Snug and secure, he fell asleep in his lover’s arms.

* * * *

Landon woke. His skin itched. His bones ached. Unable to sleep, he slid out of bed,

slipped on a pair of shorts and headed to the balcony. He loved the morning, but preferred it at

home in Aria where he could hear the birds chirping and watch the morning dew sparkle on the

palace lawn. It had been hard for the three oldest princes to leave home and come to Earth, but

Aria was declining. Their world’s magic was slowly fading, and the princes hoped to reclaim

their advantage over the other kingdoms by bringing back technology. The generators, lights and

computers helped, but Taylora’s resistance to their progress was a blight on their plans.

When Landon went home, he was going to sit down and have a chat with his sister.

The morning sun was just peeking over the building across from the condo when Landon

stepped outside. As the sunlight touched his bare chest, Landon screamed, pain burning through

his body.

He opened his mouth to shout but the noise that came out didn’t sound like anything he’d

ever made before. Moving his arms, he felt the strangest sensation. Landon turned his head.


He didn’t have arms. He had wings.


Longing for water, he hopped up on the rail and flapped his wings. Giving another

strange squawk, he jumped off the balcony and flew away.

A rustling snapped Brian awake. Sitting up, he looked around the room. The sheets

beside him felt warm to the touch.

“Landon?” He called out. No response. The condo had the empty feel that told him there

weren’t any other occupants. Sliding out of bed, he slipped on his boxers and went from room to

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room. The balcony doors were open but there was no sign of his lover. Maybe Landon went to

get some breakfast?

A bit of white on the balcony caught his attention.

Opening the glass door, Brian picked the feather off the concrete.

Why was there a swan feather, and where the hell was Landon?

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Chapter Eight

The first thing Landon noted when the sun set was that he was no longer a bird and didn’t

have the driving need to swim about in dirty pond water. The second thing was, he was stark

naked—as in not even wearing a pair socks in a very public park.

Yeah, this incident would not be going on his top ten best moments of his life list.

He stood in the ankle deep water, bits of leaves and twigs sticking to his wet skin. A soft

breeze blew over him, drawing out goose bumps on his arms and legs. The scents of algae and

fish co-mingled on his body, making him want to gag with disgust.

Alarmed at the thought of being discovered naked, slimy and stinky in the park, he cast

his gaze around, desperately looking for cover. When all he spotted was a pair of short bushes,

he let out a groan. Of course, that’s all there would be. With the way his day had been going,

how dare he expect anything different?

Since beggars couldn’t be choosers, at least in this instance, he sprinted from the pond.

Once he reached the bushes, he pulled off a diving slide that would’ve made a major league

baseball player proud. The only problem being that while they wore uniforms when performing

such a maneuver, he wore nothing but his good looks and humiliation.

“Shit,” his hissed as pain shot up the front of him.

Rolling over, he saw several patches of raw skin oozing blood, which, mixed with the

mud, made for a gross combination. He let out a whimper of despair as he glanced up at the clear

night sky, almost as if he could find his answer up there.

His mind buzzed with confusion, anger and fear. What in the hell had happened to him?

Would it be a one-time event, or did he have to worry about transforming all the time? Who had

done this to him? Was anyone else in his family affected? Most of all, was Brian okay?

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All those question needed answers, and he wouldn’t be getting them by cowering behind

some bushes. The problem was how was he going to get them? Most importantly, how in the

heck was he going to get home? Not only was he naked, but he also didn’t even have his wallet

or cell phone on him. Walking down the streets would only get him arrested, and he couldn’t

very well explain away his predicament, either. Somehow, he didn’t see the police buying I’m

sorry, officer. I turned into a giant bird and somehow forgot to bring along a change of clothes

with me. My bad. It won’t happen again.

No, he had to find a way to get someone to come to him. If he only had the magic mirror

with him then he could reach Dack or one of his other brothers. But that option was out, too.

Then an idea came to him. Brian had mentioned something about a fairy godmother.

While Landon never knew he had one before last night, he felt pretty sure if he called, she’d

show up. Or at least he hoped so because if not, he was screwed and not in a fun way.

“Petra!” he called into the night.

He prayed he recalled the name correctly. When nothing happened, he spoke it again, this

time a bit louder. The entire time, he hoped that nobody would stroll by. Getting discovered by

some hapless jogger would only serve to be the shining star on his craptastic day.

Just as he was about to yell a third time, a shimmering ball appeared a few feet to his left.

It glowed brightly for a few seconds before turning into a beautiful female. Wearing a black,

fluffy ballerina skirt with matching corset style bustier, she looked the exact opposite of

everything he imagined a fairy would. Sure, she did sport a pair of black wings, but he didn’t

think any of the other fairies accessorized theirs with fishnet stockings and black fuck-me boots.

She let out a little squeak, her bright-green eyes growing wide. “Oh, sweet Oprah. You’re


Landon rolled his eyes. “So good of you to notice. I’d been wondering what that breeze


Petra let out a tittering giggle before waving her wand. Landon breathed a sigh of relief

when a pair of jeans and a T-shirt appeared on his body. She even gave him a pair of Toms shoes.

A strange smell surrounded him.

Landon lifted up his arm and sniffed. “Strawberries?”

She gave a delicate shrug. “It’s better than smelling like fish and sewage.”


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“Anytime. I only wish I could do more. But I don’t dare after the way the fairy council

just spanked my ass.”

He stood. From what little he’d heard about fairies, that piece of news didn’t surprise

him. Fairies had a tendency to be a bit stuffy and old school—present Goth pixie in front of him

excluded. “Why are they mad at you?”

“Because I’m not supposed to be helping any of you out at all.”

Landon frowned. “But I thought you told Brian you were my fairy godmother?”

She nodded eagerly, her red curls bounding. “I am.”

“So, doesn’t that mean it’s your job to help me?”

“Of course it is.”

“So then why did you get into trouble?”

“Because I wasn’t supposed to interfere at all.”

Landon pinched the bridge of his nose. A headache was beginning to form and they’d

only exchanged a few words. “Okay, why are you forbidden from helping me out?”

“Because your mother banished me from the castle and from you boys.” Petra gave a

delicate sniff, obviously still miffed.

Okay, something that finally made some sense. He could vaguely remember his bitch of a

mother doing exactly that. It didn’t explain what was going on now.

“Is Brian okay?” he asked.

“Yes, he’s a bit confused as to why you left, but he’s not angry.”

“Do you know where he is?”

“He’s still at your place. Not only doesn’t he want to leave until he knows you’re safe,

but it’s the last Friday of the month.”

Landon blinked in surprise. “What does that have to do with anything?”

“It’s when his father gets his disability check. It’s not a good time for Brian to be home

when that happens, since his dad and brothers are blotto for the next few days. When they’re

drunk, they become more than just a little bit abusive.”

“How bad does it get?” Landon asked.

His gut churned. Just the thought of anyone being mean or harming Brian made Landon

want to pound on something. Petra’s gaze grew troubled as her eyes filled with tears.

“One time, when he was eighteen, they broke his arm,” she said, her voice shaky.

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“And yet, he still continues to stay and take care of them,” Landon said as he shook his


“Yes, but that’s one of the reasons you love him so much. Because he has such a caring

and kind heart.”

“I don’t suppose you could wave that magic wand of yours and turn them into frogs or


A wavering smile came over her lips. “I wish I could, but we’re forbidden from using that

kind of magic against humans.”

“Your council doesn’t sound like they know how to have fun at all.”

She threw her hand up in the air. “Tell me about it. One time, I suggested they use a Hula

theme for their annual Summer Solstice ball and they pissed kittens.”

“So, how do they react to the way you dress?”

Something told Landon that Petra was frequently in trouble with the council, which only

endeared her to him. He loved to thumb his nose at tradition, so they were kindred spirits.

“They hate it.” She glanced down at her outlandish outfit. “I don’t get it. Who can

despise all this style? I look damn good.”

“Yes, you do,” Landon readily agreed. Perhaps if he got on her good side, she’d finally

give him a straight answer.

“It’s much better than those icky gowns all the others wear. Plus, the underwear that goes

with those outfits always gives me wedgies. It’s hard to look dignified when pulling your

underwear out of your backside.”

“I can see where that would be a problem.” He paused for a moment then asked, “Are

you going to tell me what’s going on?”

Petra let out a long, suffering sigh, “It was that damn Taylora. Well, her and Nico.”

A sting of betrayal hit Landon. While it didn’t surprise him to know that Taylora was

behind whatever was happening, it didn’t make it hurt any less.

“What did she do and what does Nico have to do with this? I thought he was just another

one of my mother’s crazy, old friends.”

“I’ve been trying to figure out more about Nico ever since I got into it with him the other

day, so I did something I normally avoid at all costs. I went to the Fairy library, grabbed some

scrolls and did research. So far all I’ve been able to figure out is he’s a sorcerer who only

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practices dark and ancient magic. For a while there, he had everybody cowering under their beds

and jumping at their shadows. Then one day, he just disappeared.” She made a poofing motion

with her fingers to emphasize her point.

“What do you think happened?”

She arched her brow in a knowing way. “He pulled the vanishing act right before your

first fairy godparent died.”

“I had another godparent.”

“Yes, his name was Finnegan. I think you would have really liked him, even though he

did have a nasty habit of never picking up the tab at dinner.”

“How did he die?”

“Everyone said it was a chariot accident.”

The bitter way she’d answered piqued Landon’s curiosity. “You don’t believe that’s what


“It takes a lot to kill one of us. A simple chariot crash and bash wouldn’t do it.”

“If that’s the case, then why are you the only one who has doubts?”

She held up a finger. “First off, I don’t think I’m the only one who didn’t buy the story.

The rest are just too chicken shit to admit they doubt something the council said. Second, there

are some really greedy jerks on the council. I know of at least two for certain who could easily be

bought off.”

“So, you think Nico killed Finnegan? Why would he do that?”

“Easy, so he could come in and take over your family. Since your mother was already

weak in the morals department, he went for her.”

It all made so much sense to Landon. Now he understood why his mother had been so

secretive at times. How she seemed almost mad with hatred. The way she always somehow

managed to get things to work in her favor.

“I still don’t understand how that has anything to do with what happened to me today,”

he said.

“Nico did more than just take over your mother; he has control of Taylora, too. She’s

been coveting your crown for a while now, and she’s finally using him to get it.”

Landon’s chest grew tight. “But, that doesn’t make any sense. Even if she were to kill

me, she still wouldn’t get the throne. Aria laws dictate that it always goes to a male child first.”

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“Well, that’s a little sexist.”

“I agree, but I can’t change laws like that until I’m officially the king.” He mulled that

over a second before a horrifying thought occurred to him. “She didn’t just attack me, did she?”

Petra bit her bottom lip before answering, “No, she put the curse on all six of you.”

“Shit, you have to be kidding me!” Landon fumed.

He swore to himself if he ever got his hands on her, he’d throttle her. Or maybe he’d just

throw her in the prison, sans her makeup and expensive clothes. For his vain sister that would be

a fate worse than death.

“I need to get back there, now. I have to warn them!” Landon exclaimed as he began to

pace around.

She held up a palm. “Calm down there, tiger. One of the first things the council did was

close off the portals you’ve been using to travel back and forth to Aria.”

Landon stopped, his mouth parting in shock. “Why would they do that? As Aria’s future

ruler, it’s more important than ever that I’m there for my family and kingdom.”

“Like I said, they were really, really ticked off about me interfering. If they knew I was

here, now, they’d be spazzing out. So, the council thinks it would be best if you and your

brothers stay put until they figure out exactly how the curse is going to affect you. For all they

know, whatever you have could be contagious.”

Landon let out a growl of frustration. “That’s just stupid. Since when can a curse be


She tossed him a droll look. “Haven’t you ever heard of vampires or werewolves? They

both started off as a curse on one person and then spread. The council is terrified of that

happening again.”

“So what about Adar, Eden and Dack? They were already in Aria when the curse struck,

so your council can’t very well keep them out.”

“Adar and Eden are in seclusion at a monastery, and I have Dack at my place.”

“Dack is with you? What happened to not interfering?”

“Well, since I was the one who rescued and healed him, the council decided to let him

stay, at least for the time being. Plus, I have a feeling that even if they did try to make him leave,

Dack would resist.”

“Wait! What do you mean heal him? What happened to Dack?”

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“It was his blood Taylora used for the spell. She needed a lot of it, too.”

All the air left Landon’s lungs in one big rush. Why would Taylora strike out at Dack?

He’d been the only one in the family who’d always been willing to overlook all of her faults.

“Is he okay now?” he asked, his voice cracking a bit.

She put a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Physically, yes. I was able to heal his

wound. Inside, he’s still hurting from her betrayal.”

God, Landon wanted to go to his brother, so he could give Dack a hug and reassure him

that everything would be okay. Dack must be so scared and depressed.

“How do you think this curse is going to affect us?” Landon croaked.

“Well, we already know that during the daylight hours, it’ll turn you into a swan.”

“Every single day?”

“Yes, so that means you have to make sure you’re indoors with the windows locked when

it happens. Otherwise, you’re not going to be able to resist the urge to fly away to find water.”

“Is the same thing happening to Dack and the others?”

“Yes, Dack was almost as upset as you when he found out about it.”

“I can only imagine. He’s hated water ever since he almost drowned when he was five.”

Landon put a hand to his aching stomach.

“It gets worse,” Petra hedged.

“How is that even possible?”

“Somehow, the curse tied your lifelines together, so if one of your brothers dies, so do the


“So, in other words, all Taylora has to do is kill one of us and the kingdom will be hers,”

Landon concluded angrily.

“Yes, and she and Nico have already sent out hunters to track down and eliminate you


Horror crawled up Landon’s spine. “The first place they’re going to look for me is my

apartment. Didn’t you say Brian is still there?”

Petra let out a gasp. “You’re right. Oh no, that means blondie is in danger.”

She pulled out her wand and muttered. “Well, I always did say that rules were meant to

be bent. Besides, the council didn’t say I couldn’t help your mate. They just said I couldn’t help


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She then flicked her wand and transported them to his apartment—where all hell was

breaking loose.

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Chapter Nine

Brian had faced many sticky situations before. Starting in first grade, when he fought the

bigger kids who wanted to beat up the sissy boy, until just last month when a group of punks had

tried to jack his bike. That wasn’t even counting all the family warfare that took place in his

apartment. So, it took a lot to make Brian break out in a sweat from fear.

Six, heavily armed guys in all black managed to do just that.

He’d been sleeping on the couch, not wanting to sleep in Landon’s bed without him,

when they’d invaded. Or rather, they’d burst in, since they literally broke down the door to get at


Before Brian could even think about running away, the biggest of the group—and that

said a lot since they were all frigging huge—grabbed him by the collar, lifted him up and

slammed him against the wall. Brian gasped as black dots swam in his eyes. He kicked his legs

out, hoping to find purchase. It wasn’t until after a few seconds of frantic, windmilling action

that he realized he couldn’t touch the ground because the guy had him pinned up too high.

“What. The. Fuck?” Brian rasped.

A jolt of fear shot through him as he noted how cool and devoid of emotion the man’s

eyes were. Since cloth masks disguised the lower part of their faces and hoods covered their

heads, Brian couldn’t see much of the attacker’s features.

He frowned, wondering why a bunch of ninja wannabes would be breaking into Landon’s

apartment. Brian also wondered how in the hell they’d managed to get by the sharp-as-a-hawk

doorman. Then the leader gave Brian a violent shake and those worries floated away as he began

to wonder if he’d even make it out of this alive.

“Where is Landon Cob?” the leader demanded.

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Even in his fear, Brian felt a protective surge toward the man he loved. “What makes you

think I’m not Landon?”

This time, he didn’t only get a shake but a healthy slamming into the wall. Pain exploded

across Brian’s spine and ass. He tried kicking again, having as much success as he did the last


“I know what the prince looks like. You aren’t him,” the attacker growled.

Brian realized chances were very high this guy would kill him in the next few seconds.

Just as Brian found something good in life, he wouldn’t be around to enjoy it. He would have

found the whole thing tragically funny if he hadn’t been scared stupid.

“Hey, haven’t you ever heard the words Extreme Makeover?” Brian asked.

This time, he got slammed into the wall so hard the pain ripped the air from his lungs. He

took in short, gasping breaths in a desperate attempt to gather oxygen, the entire time his mind

racing for an escape plan.

“I’m done playing games. Tell me where Landon Cob is.”

“Fuck off. I’m not telling you anything,” Brian retorted.

At the same time, he wondered just when his life had turned into the makings of an action

novel. The only thing missing was a flashy fight scene and a last minute rescue by the hero.

Out of nowhere, Petra and Landon appeared in the middle of the living room. Brian

couldn’t hold back the raspy laugh as his mental prediction came true. The attackers paused, no

doubt shocked by the sudden additions. Brian used that opportunity to kick out one last time.

This time, his foot connected solidly with the guy’s groin. His attacker let out a grunt of

pain. Brian fell to the ground, landing on his ass with a painful thump.

“Brian!” Landon yelled, rushing forward.

“I’m okay,” Brian called.

Brian’s words were lost in the sounds of metal rubbing against leather. His mouth hung

open in shock as he watched the invaders pull out real honest-to-goodness swords.

“No way,” he breathed.

Forget action novel, because medieval saga would be a better fit. Especially when

Landon reached behind the couch and produced a sword of his own. The only things missing

were the suits of armor and horses.

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The attackers all turned their backs on Brian and began to advance on Landon. Heart-

pounding fear shook Brian as he realized just how outnumbered his lover was. Frantic to help, he

glanced around for a weapon of his own. The only thing he could find was a golf putter.

Deciding it was better than nothing, he jumped to his feet and grabbed it.

“Petra, do something,” Brian yelled.

She nervously nibbled on her nails before wailing, “I can’t.”

Landon and two of the black-clad men were engaged in a fierce sword fight. Even with

all the tension, Brian couldn’t help but admire how sexy Landon looked in battle. He moved with

a masculine grace rivaling any dancer or athlete Brian had ever seen. Landon’s sword sliced

through the air so fast, Brian could barely track the blade. He thrust and parried, making it look

as if it were an easy feat to fight two men at once.

Brian tore his gaze away from Landon and back to Petra, “Why the hell not?”

“It’s forbidden.”

He should have known better than to expect an intelligible explanation from her. Brian

gave a huff of irritation before he turned his attention back to the fight. If Petra couldn’t or

wouldn’t help, then he sure as hell would.

With a war cry that would have made Russell Crowe proud, Brian raised the putter above

his head. He swung down as hard as he could. He’d intended the blow to strike one of the

attackers on the head. Instead, it glanced over the man’s shoulder.

Thrown off balance, Brian stumbled forward. The momentum continued to carry him

forward until he stumbled into Landon’s glass coffee table. It shattered loudly, the noise further

punctuated by Petra’s scream. On the way down, he put his hands out to brace his fall, which

proved to be yet another mistake. Pain shot up his arms as the glass cut into his palms. He hissed

as he watched blood spread across the white carpet.

“Well, crap that’s never going to come out,” he muttered.

Worrying about something as mundane as stains while in the heat of a fight was odd.

Then again, since Landon had entered his life, everything had taken a turn for the weird, so why

buck the trend? A shadow came over his head and snapped him out of his musings. He rolled just

in time. A sword slammed into the glass, slicing the carpet right in the spot his head had been a

millisecond before.

“Petra, do something,” he yelled again.

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“I can’t. I’m not allowed to help Landon anymore,” she called back.

One of Landon’s attackers managed to get a blow in, his fist connecting with the prince’s

chin. Both Petra and Brian winced in sympathy as Landon staggered back a few steps before


Since he knew better than to continue to try and get Petra to have a reasonable

conversation, Brian decided to take a stroll down her crazy path.

“Are you allowed to help me?”

Her face lit up with excitement. “Yes, I am.”

Brian was forced to roll again to get away from another sword strike. This time, his back

encountered some of the broken glass. He yelped from the hurt. A fresh wave of anger hit him.

Damn it. That had been his favorite T-shirt and now it was probably full of holes.

Lying on his back, he faced the wannabe ninja, who raised his sword again. Brian’s

stomach sank with the realization that his body rested against the wall, so there would be no

more rolling away. Out of options, he did the next best thing. He put his hands up to deflect the


A loud boom filled the room right before a cascade of rainbow glitter landed on top of

him. Shocked beyond speech, he only saw empty space and a bit of smoke in the spot that had

been previously occupied by the sword man.

“Oops. I just meant to stun him,” Petra sang out.

“That’s okay. I promise not to hold it against you.” Brian scrambled to his feet.

He saw Landon had managed to take out two attackers on his own, but two more had

taken their place. Brian gave a war cry and launched himself at the nearest ninja.

As if he hadn’t looked like a helpless wallflower before, the fact he was now playing

piggyback attack with a bad guy did the trick. The last time Brian had seen somebody pull this

move during a fight had been a heroine on some action flick. That still didn’t stop him from

giving it his all.

He dug his heels into the guy’s hips while at the same time grabbing the attacker’s neck

as hard as he could. That worked all of five seconds before his opponent stepped back and

slammed Brian into the wall. Brian yelled as pain shot up his spine. He was so going to need

stitches and a chiropractor after this. He planned on sending the bill to the head ninja, too.

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He shouted in surprise when his newest opponent turned into a blast of glitter as well.

Left with nothing to hold him up, Brian did an impressive face plant onto the carpet, his only

saving grace being he managed to land in one of the few areas that didn’t have glass, blood or a

body on it.

“Sorrrrry,” Petra singsonged.

Brian held up a hand to show he didn’t hold a grudge before he staggered to his feet. His

gaze landed on Landon just in time to see him finish off the last bad guy with a few clean swipes

of his blade.

As soon as the man fell to the ground, Brian said, “Petra, can you get rid of the bodies?”

When she paused, he added, “Do it for me, please?”

Apparently, that added wording was all she needed because she gave a quick nod and

waved her wand. The bodies vanished, but the blood and glass remained. Landon tossed his

sword to the side and glared at Petra.

“So let me get this straight. When it comes to giving me clothes and transporting me here,

it’s perfectly okay to bend the rules. But once my life is in danger because I’m being attacked,

you go back to not being able to help at all?”

She gave a helpless shrug. “Hey, don’t judge me here. I’m doing the best I can. You’re

my first gig as a fairy godmother and in case you haven’t noticed, your family has never been the

typical case.”

“So, they never taught you how to handle evil mothers and backstabbing sisters?” Landon


“No…at least I don’t think so. If they did, I was absent that day.” She tapped a finger to

her chin thoughtfully. “Actually, now that I think about it, I missed a lot of classes.”

“Mardi Gras wasn’t your only adventure?” Brian teased as he stood up.

“Personally, I don’t see how the council can hold you responsible for this interference.

Not when my life was in jeopardy,” Landon reasoned. “Especially since my lifeline is tied to my

brothers’ because of this damn curse. Nobody could expect you to sit by while almost all of

Aria’s royal family is being murdered.”

Brian held up a finger. “Wait, wait, wait…I got this one. She could do it, because she was

actually helping me out. Right?”

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Petra sighed. “Look, I know how frustrating this is, but I have to be really careful not to

break the rules.”

“Why? Just because you don’t want a bunch of old fogies getting pissed at you?” Brian


Landon gave Petra a knowing stare. “It’s more than that, isn’t it? They’ll strip you of

your magic.”

With a sniffle, Petra nodded. “It’s a fate worse than death for a fairy, too. It happened to a

friend of mine, and he was never the same again.”

Horrified, Brian gaped at her. “They would do that? Even though Landon is fighting a


Petra gave a dismissive wave of her hand. “Oh, that. The curse thingy won’t fly with

them anymore. At least, not as far as you’re concerned.”

Brian exchanged confused looks with Landon. Finally deciding there would be no

figuring out Petra, Brian tossed his arms up in defeat. He immediately regretted the gesture when

the movement made pain slice through his body. Even though he tried to hold it in, a groan still

slipped past his lips. Blood trickled from the cuts in his hands, and going by the way his shirt

was sticking to his back, there was more blood there, too. He knew that he should glance down

to at least examine the wounds on his palms, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He’d always

been a bit of a wimp when it came to blood, which was yet another example of irony given the

childhood he’d endured.

“You’re hurt,” Landon exclaimed as he rushed over.

“Just a little bit.” Brian agreed.

Then he did it—he looked down at the damn wounds. They were long and so deep he

could see the underlying muscles in places. His stomach did a slow roll as the ground began to


Don’t pass out. Don’t pass out. Don’t pass out. Knowing my luck, Petra will try to

perform mouth-to-mouth on me.

Try as he might to talk himself out if it, the ground continued to tilt from side to side. The

edges of his vision grew dark and he knew then he was a goner. Uttering a soft damn, he pitched

forward and fell to the ground, Petra’s gasp of surprise the last thing he heard before the darkness

overcame him.

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Chapter Ten

Landon carried his lover to the bed, not caring if blood soaked the sheets.

“Heal him,” he demanded to Petra.

Petra wrung her hands, panic crossing her face. “There’s so much blood.”

Landon spun around to face her. “I don’t want to hear about the blood. I want you to heal


Petra pulled out her wand and waved it over Brian. Landon watched for a tense moment

as the spell she cast took affect. Even after all the blood magically vanished, Brian’s eyes didn’t

open and he continued to lie as still as stone.

“Why isn’t he waking up?”

“I healed his wounds, but it might take his mind a while to get over the shock of his


“But he will recover?”

“Of course.”

He’d be more reassured if Petra wasn’t biting her lip and casting Brian anxious looks.

“How did they get here anyway? I thought you said the fairy council closed the portals.”

“They did! The hunters must’ve found a way through.” She snapped her fingers. “I know

someone who might be able to tell us how they did it. An ex-hunter. He’s the one who told me

about Nico. He lives here on Earth.”

“We’ll leave as soon as Brian wakes up. We don’t want to be here for the next wave of


Petra nodded. “I’ll clean up the living room. You wait here in case he wakes up.”

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As soon as she left the room, Landon took a seat next to the bed. But the distance from

his lover became unbearable. Giving into temptation, he climbed onto the mattress so he was

next to Brian and lay down carefully by his side.

“Come on, baby, you have to wake up. I can’t do this without you. Haven’t you read the

fairytales? You’re supposed to be my one true love.”

“If you were a proper prince, you’d know you’re supposed to kiss me awake,” Brian

whispered, not opening his eyes.

Landon gave a relieved shout of laughter. “My mistake.”

Leaning down, he gave his lover a gentle kiss that quickly turned into a gasp of surprise

when Brian’s strong grip yanked him down until they were plastered chest to chest. Landon

moaned against his lover’s lips as Brian proceeded to kiss his lights out.

Landon took a deep breath when he was finally released to regain some of his lost


Brian blinked innocently up at him. “You brought me back to life, my prince.”

Landon shook his head at his lover’s silliness. “Yes, I am truly amazing. Now if you’re

feeling better, we should get moving. Petra knows someone who might be able to tell us more

about the men who invaded my condo.”

Brian’s eyes clouded over. “Do you know who sent them?”

“I think Nico sent them. Petra says he’s an evil sorcerer who’s influencing my sister,

Taylora, into taking over the crown. The only way she can do that is by getting rid of me and my

five brothers.”

“Wow, and I thought it was supposed to be stepmothers that were wicked.”

Landon stroked his fingers against his lover’s cheeks. “Don’t believe everything you


Brian smiled, the look in his eyes warming Landon’s heart.

“Oh good you’re awake.” Petra’s bubbly voice broke up the private moment.

Landon resisted the urge to choke her as she continued her rambling.

“We’d best be on our way.”

Only the fact she was right saved her from Landon’s sword. “Come on, love, Petra’s

right. We should get going.”

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Brian gave Landon a quick peck on the lips as if he could read the prince’s thoughts.

“We’ll continue this later.”

Landon slid his hand behind Brian’s nape and gave him a hard, bruising kiss. “We

definitely will.”

“You two look good together.”

Landon looked up into the appreciative gaze of his godmother who looked a little too

interested in him and his lover kissing. Sliding off the bed, Landon reached back and helped

Brian to his feet.

“Let’s go visit your ex-hunter,” Landon said.

Petra tore her gaze away from Brian. “Okay.”

With a wave of her wand and a flash of light, they vanished.

* * * *

Brian looked at the building with more than a little apprehension. First of all, it was a

house in the middle of a forest and second, it didn’t look particularly friendly. The bold lettered

no trespassing signs littering the front yard didn’t inspire confidence, and the fact there were no

other houses in sight didn’t make the weird feeling he was being watched go away.

He jumped when an arm wrapped around his shoulders.

“Easy, honey.” Landon rubbed his arm with one callused hand. Calluses Brian now knew

came from sword practice, something he’d never have guessed. His Landon came across as a

smooth executive. Watching the man take out bad guys with a sword had been an eye-opening

experience he hoped he didn’t have to see again any time soon.

Petra marched up to the door and pounded on it with one tiny fist.

Brian suspected her sparkly tights covered a set of enormous titanium balls. Nothing

appeared to affect her for more than a few minutes.

“I thought you weren’t supposed to help,” he smirked.

“This isn’t help, it’s an introduction. There’s no harm in introducing people. If they

happen to help each other out that’s not my responsibility.” She twirled in a circle like a little

girl, her wings fluttering in the breeze.

The fairy was completely, utterly bonkers. Before he could tell her so, the door swung

open and a tall, buff man with salt and pepper hair and a scar on one cheek appeared in the


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He took one look at Petra and rolled his eyes. Taking in Brian and Landon, he stepped

back and waved a hand for them to enter. “No sense standing out here since I know she won’t

leave until she gets to come inside and say her piece.”

With that odd statement, the trio marched into the cabin.

“Whoa.” Brian’s wide eyes darted about the interior of the house.

Inside was nothing like the outside. The outside looked utterly rustic and made Brian

question the possibility of running water. Inside, it was bright and clean and the enormous

leather furniture had bright-red accent pillows.

“Nice place,” Landon commented as they entered.

“Thanks. Now, Petra, what are you doing here?”

“Hagan, I didn’t know where to turn. The fairy council closed the portal between here

and Aria and yet hunters still came through. I thought you of all people might know how they did


Hagan looked at Brian. “And he is?”

Petra blushed bright pink. “This is Prince Landon’s mate, Brian. Hunters came to

Landon’s house and I think Nico and Princess Taylora are behind it. What we don’t know is how

they got across the closed portals.”

Hagan nodded, his handsome face set in serious lines. “Nico would know the way. He’s

the one who created the amulets.”

“What amulets?” Landon asked.

“Each hunter is given an amulet after initiation. It lets them through the portals. Any

portal. The fairy council may not know about all of them. There are at least ten portals from Aria

to Earth.”

“Wow.” Petra blinked. “I only know about three.”

Hagan nodded. “Most only know about one or two.”

Brian’s world was spinning out of control. He almost didn’t recognize himself. How did

he turn out to be mated to a prince and on the lam? Hunters dressed like ninjas were trying to kill

them with swords, and they were at the mercy of a flaky, fairy godmother who didn’t look as if

she could tie her shoes without a road map and a guide.

“I need to contact Fisher and Kedrik and take them back to Aria with me. We need to

face our sister together.”

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“But not until you have the curse completely broken. Until then, it won’t be safe for you

to be around any of your brothers,” Petra reminded.

“Yeah, I got that the first time you dropped that little tidbit on me.” Landon paced the

small room. There wasn’t a lot of room for someone with Landon’s wide shoulders to move


Brian wondered how the hunter lived in such a tiny space. Although the ceilings were

nice and high, the floor space was minimal with the oversized furniture dotting the room. Hagan

was about the same size as the prince. With his black hair shot with silver, he had the whole

silver fox vibe going for him. If he weren’t already attached to Landon, Brian would make a play

for a guy like him.

Landon stopped in front of him, blocking his view of the hunter. “I’m sure you’re not

checking another guy out.”

Brian gave him a bashful look. “Why would I need someone else when I have you?”

Truer words were never spoken. He let himself drown in the warm light in his lover’s eyes.

“Focus, gentlemen,” Petra said, which was rather hypocritical because from what Brian

could tell, she had the attention span of a drunken gnat. “We need to find Landon’s brothers.”

The hunter shook his head. “Looking won’t do you any good. They have to break their

own spell before they can find each other.”

“How do you know?” Landon bristled at the other man.

Hagan shrugged. “I worked for Nico for twenty years. He never let anyone have the easy

way out of anything. If it were easy to break, you could just call your brothers on the phone and

connect with them.

“Shit! Why didn’t I try that?”

Landon pulled out his phone and frantically dialed. From his expression and the messages

he left, both calls he’d placed had ended in voice mail.

“No luck?”

Landon shook his head and looked so distraught Brian stepped forward and wrapped his

arms around his lover.

“Since I know for certain that Dack is also affected, I’m pretty sure all of you are being

hunted,” Petra said, examining her wand as if it contained the answer to all their problems.

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“Then what do you suggest we do? I’m not going to stand around here waiting for

someone to kill my brothers. We need to gather everyone together so we can fight.”

“You won’t be able to find your brothers, but nothing says I can’t.” Hagan’s mouth

turned up slightly in the corners.

Brian figured it was the same as a wide smile on anyone else.

“But it’s going to cost you.”

Landon folded his arms across his chest. “What’s the price?”

Brian knew for all his lover’s bravado he’d pretty much give up anything in order to have

his brothers back.

“A favor. You’ll owe me a favor of my choosing whenever I ask.”

Landon rolled his eyes. “Nothing like a nice, unspecific, open-ended favor. You know

I’m not going to say no right now. Not when you’re probably the only person on Earth who can

or will help me find my brothers.”

“That’s true.”

“Fine, whatever. I’ll give you that favor, but you’d best help me find my brothers before

it’s too late. If the hunters can find my place, they probably know where my brothers are. We’ll

have to travel at night because during the day, I’m a swan.”

Landon forced himself to stand his ground as he met the hunter’s eyes.

“You change into a swan?” Hagan’s gaze was cool and assessing.

The prince had no problem seeing the hunter in the other man’s eyes. “Yes.”

“At sunrise?”

“Um, Landon.”

He turned to see Petra plucking at her wings. He didn’t need to be a psychologist to tell

that this was a nervous gesture. His heart sank to his shoes. “What?”

“You probably should know Brian broke the curse on you.”

“What do you mean?” Landon frowned at her.

The woman, although helpful, made his head hurt.

“I mean, when he offered his life up to save you, it broke the curse.”

Hagan nodded. “Makes sense.”

“Why the hell does it make sense?” Landon asked.

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“Because curses can’t hold up against true love. If your lover sacrificed himself for you

and is truly in love, it will break any curse.” The hunter looked Landon over as if he couldn’t

understand Brian’s devotion.

With a whoop of glee, Landon grabbed Brian by the waist and spun him around. “Then

we need to find my brothers and get them to their true loves.”

“Yes.” Hagan walked over to the doorway and pulled down a leather satchel. “Let’s go.”

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Chapter Eleven

Brian tapped Landon on the shoulder. “While I’m all set to ride off into the sunset and go

on this great brother-finding quest with you, I need to do one thing first.”

Landon frowned as he set him back down. “What’s that?”

“I need to go home and talk to my father. While he usually doesn’t have much use for me

other than my paycheck, he still may notice if I just disappear. We don’t want him calling the

police. Plus, there’s something I need to get.”

“Okay, we can go there first, if you like.”

Brian smiled, warmed that his man cared enough to put Brian’s needs ahead of

everything else, despite all the chaos going on.

Hagan, on the other hand, got a huge frown on his face. “I don’t know if that’s a good

idea. If the hunters have figured out who you are, they may be watching the apartment waiting

for you to show up.”

“I don’t care, I have to go back. My mother’s brooch is there and that’s all I have left of

her. My dad and brothers hocked everything else she owned, but I managed to hide the pin and

keep it safe. If I don’t get it, they’ll eventually find that and pawn it, too, and then I’ll have

nothing left to remind me of her.”

Petra stepped up and put an arm around his shoulders. “Don’t worry, we can leave right

now and get it.”

When Hagan looked as if he was going to continue to argue the point, she narrowed her

eyes and let out a low hissing sound.

“I said we’re going and you’re not going to change my mind. So just stuff it and get your

ass in gear.”

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Landon and Brian exchanged amused glances. Brian didn’t know what was funnier, the

fact that the small, wispy fairy had turned all badass, or that Hagan actually seemed afraid of her.

Maybe there was more to Petra under all that dumb, redheaded exterior.

Petra waved her wand and in a flash of light, they were standing in front of Brian’s

apartment. He swallowed hard as he took in the crumbling exterior, graffiti-covered walls and

littered sidewalks. Landon and the others probably thought the place was a dump and they’d be


Afraid of what he’d find, Brian forced himself to turn and watch Landon’s expression.

Instead of disdain, all he found was a gentle smile gracing his lover’s face.

“I love you,” Landon said, reaching out to grab Brian’s hand.

“I love you, too.”

He shifted his glance to Petra and Hagan. She appeared bored while he had a scowl on his

face. Only it was directed at Petra.

“Woman, pull in your wings!” Hagan barked.

Petra’s eyes grew wide with alarm. “Oops!”

She snapped her fingers and they vanished from sight. As crazy as it seemed, it almost

seemed weirder to see her without them but then Brian’s whole life had taken a skip down the

crazy path. Why should things change any time soon?

Hagan darted a look up and down the street, his hawk-like gaze sweeping every alley,

dumpster and shelled-out car. “Let’s get inside before we’re spotted.”

Landon nodded and moved his hand to the small of Brian’s back. Brian gave a weak

smile in return before he led the way in. The stairwell smelled of urine, stale food and mildew—

in other words, the same as always. The usual loiterers were present as well. From the crack

addict named Frank, to the nameless, homeless guy who always camped out on the first landing.

Brian said hello as they passed. The man grunted in return, lifting his cheap whiskey bottle in

lieu of a wave.

Petra, Landon and Hagan all remained impassive to the situation. A wave of gratitude

swept through Brian. He didn’t relax completely, however, because he knew much worse waited

for them on the other side of his apartment door. When they reached his unit, Brian paused to

take a steadying breath.

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Landon leaned forward and said in a low voice, “There is nothing that could make me

think less of you, remember that.”

Brian glanced over his shoulder. “Yeah, you’ve never met my brothers before.”

Since he knew he couldn’t put it off any longer, Brian unlocked the door and went inside.

A wave of smoke and beer fumes greeted them. Fanning the air in front of him, Brian looked

around until he found his father sitting in his recliner.

“Well, look at who finally decided to come home,” his dad growled as he scratched his


Brian let out a low groan. His dad wore his usual sweat pants and white wife-beater.

Well, at least is used to be white. It’d been a while since the thing had seen the inside of a

washing machine, so it now had a liberal coating of stains and had taken on a dingy grey look.

His brothers came out of the kitchen, both of them wearing smirks on their faces. That

was until they spotted Petra, who’d moved forward to stand next to Brian. Then both of their

mouths dropped open and lust came over their eyes.

Petra held up a hand. “Don’t think about it, guys. Even if you hadn’t been mean to my

Brian, there is no way in hell I would ever touch either one of you. All the beer at Oktoberfest

couldn’t make me that desperate.”

Brian’s dad jerked up straighter in his chair. “Did she just say, my Brian?

Already seeing where this was headed, Brian held up a hand. “It’s not like that.”

His father didn’t seem to hear him. “I knew someday you’d come around and be a real


Brian froze. Hurt sliced through him like a hunter’s blade. After everything he’d done,

sometimes working two jobs in order to support the whole family, his father still looked down on


Landon put an arm around Brian’s shoulders and pulled him close. “Actually, he’s my


The smile faded from his dad’s face to be replaced by the all-too-familiar scowl. “I

should have known better. Once a disappointment, always a disappointment. I’m just glad your

mother didn’t live to see this.”

The instant that comment hit him, Brian went from hurt to you’ve-gotta-be-kidding-me

pissed. “I hate to break it to you, but Mom knew. She always did. What’s more, she didn’t care.

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She’s the one who told me to not be ashamed and to never hide who I am. I may have known her

for a lot less time than I have you, but she taught me way more about life.”

“What? How to be a freak?” Darren cut in.

“I’m the freak?” Brian pointed at his own chest. “That’s rich coming from some deadbeat

loser. You didn’t have any problem taking money or letting this freak support you. Well, that’s

all finished, because I’m leaving and I’m not coming back.”

“You don’t mean that. As soon as that man sees you for what you really are, you’ll come

crawling back,” his dad scoffed.

“And just what do you think I am?” Brian asked.

“A low class, boy toy. You’re just a poor, white trash piece of ass to him.”

Petra growled as she surged forward, her fist in the air. “Nobody talks about our Brian

like that.”

So, it was our now. Brian shook his head as Hagan grabbed her and held her back.

Landon turned to Brian’s father. “I can assure you that I don’t think that about Brian. I

never have, because I can see him for the smart, sweet, honorable man that he is. I love him and

that’s never going to change.”

Darren curled up a lip. “Dad, do you want me to kick their asses?”

Remembering how easily Landon had handled the hunters, Brian laughed. “I would love

to see you try.”

“How about we just get your belongings and get out of here?” Hagan suggested.

Brian nodded and rushed to his bedroom. He threw what few clothes he had into his

messenger bag before going to his top dresser drawer, where he found the brooch he’d tucked

into a pair of rolled socks. He grabbed it and looked down at it reverently.

About the size of a half-dollar, it was oval shaped and carved from some pink stone. Gold

scrollwork crisscrossed the surface and there was what appeared to be some foreign writing

engraved on the back.

Landon came in and walked up behind him, pulling him into a hug. “Are you doing


Still gazing at the brooch, Brian said, “Yes, in fact, I’ve never been better. I should have

left a long time ago. It was only because of my mother that I stayed. Then I met you and I

realized something.”

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“What was that?”

“She wouldn’t have wanted me to be treated that way or for me to be so unhappy. Plus, if

she were still alive, she would’ve popped me on the back of the head had I let you get away from


They shared a laugh. Brian twisted around in Landon’s arms until they faced each other.

He gave his man a proper kiss, not caring who may walk in on them. Landon groaned as he

returned it, his tongue sliding inside Brian’s mouth in lazy strokes.

“Wow, I said it once and I’ll say it a thousand times more, you guys looks so good

together,” Petra declared from the doorway.

Brian chuckled as they pulled away. “Note to self. Buy Petra some gay porn so she’ll

leave us alone.”

Petra narrowed her eyes at the brooch as she moved in closer. “Is that your mother’s?”

“Yeah, she had it all her life. She told me her mother passed it on to her.”

“Can I see if for a second?”

Giving Landon a confused glance, Brian complied.

Petra took it, turning it over in her hand to look at the back. “Well, that’s strange.”

“What?” Brian demanded.

“The writing on the back of this is of fairy origin. Plus, this rock is only native to Aria.”

She rubbed the back. “Unfortunately, it’s ancient fairy and I can’t make it out. I can try to have it

translated later if you’d like.”

“Are you sure?” Landon demanded as he leaned over to take a look.

“Positive, plus it’s giving off a magical mark.”

“What kind of magic?” Landon pressed.

“There’s more than one kind of magic?” Brian asked.

“Yeah, there’s hundreds,” Petra explained as she squeezed the brooch and closed her

eyes. After a couple of seconds, she let out a frustrated sigh. “I can’t tell what kind this is,


“Why not? That should be easy for a fairy of your caliber,” Landon said.

She gave him a scathing look. “Just because you’re a future ruler doesn’t mean you have

to be rude.”

“Okay, I’m sorry.”

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She handed the brooch back to Brian. “We should get out of here before Captain Cranky

Pants out there blows a gasket and by that, I’m referring to Hagan, not your fat-head father.”

They walked out to find Hagan standing in front of the TV, while Brian’s father and

brothers…slept? They weren’t in comfortable positions, either. His dad was sprawled in his

recliner while his brothers were heaped on the floor.

“Petra…” Landon said, his voice tight with anger.

Petra made a dismissive gesture with her hands. “I got sick of listening to them. It’s only

a simple sleeping spell, so it won’t hurt them in the long run.”

“You guys need to be more concerned about what’s on the news,” Hagan interrupted.

They all went over and looked at the screen. The evening news was playing. A young,

blonde reporter stood in front of a burned out house, her overly made-up face forming a

concerned expression.

“Tonight, fire and local police responded to the home of renowned marine biologist,

Fisher Cobb. While the authorities suspect arson, there were no fatalities. Police are still trying to

locate Mr. Cobb as well as his two brothers Landon and Kedrik who also were victims of arson-

related incidents. Anyone with information is asked to call in to the tip line.”

Brian put his arms around Landon, who’d grown paler with each word the reporter spoke.

“They said there were no fatalities,” Brian pointed out.

“That doesn’t mean that they aren’t dead. From what I’ve heard, the hunters always clean

up after themselves.”

“Your brothers aren’t dead,” Hagan declared.

“How can you be so sure?” Landon asked.

“Because if any one of you dies before the curse is broken, then all of you die. Nico loves

to have his fun, and one of his favorite twists is to always connect a family’s bloodlines. While

you may not turn into a swan, that little zinger will still stay in effect until all of your brothers

find their mates. I’ve seen him use this type of family curse before, and a portion of the spell

always remains until all the individuals have broken their part of it.”

Brian took in a deep breath. “This just keeps getting better and better.”

“So, that means it’s more important than ever that I find all my brothers and tell them

how to break this damn thing,” Landon declared.

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They left the apartment. After Brian locked up behind them, Petra took out her wand.

Waving it over the door, she began to mutter some words. Hagan let out an exaggerated sigh as

he rolled his eyes.

“If we stay around here any longer, we may as well send the hunters an engraved

invitation,” he grumbled.

“Besides, whatever happened to you not being able to help us out?” Landon added.

“I’m not helping, I’m cursing,” Petra sang out happily.

A jolt of alarm went through Brian. “Please tell me you didn’t just turn them into frogs?

While I may not like them, that still doesn’t mean I want them to be full of warts and ribbits.”

“Don’t worry, I’m just making them all bald and fat.” She gave one more wave of her

wand before a satisfied grin came over her face. “The only way for them to break it is for them to

truly see the error of their ways and regret the way they treated you.”

“You are one wicked woman,” Hagan observed with a smile of his own.

“Don’t you know it, baby.”

Hagan shook his head before he led the way out.

Landon stopped Brian with a touch to his arm. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Do what?” Brian looked up at his prince, confused by the worried look in his love’s


“The whole travel across dimensions and be my husband thing. I can’t promise you a

happy ending. If my sister has her way, we’re all going to die. You could stay here, get a new

place and live a long, happy life.”

Brian cupped the prince’s face between his hands. “If by happy you mean lonely, boring

and unmagical then you’re right. Instead, I’m going to go with plan B. Walking off into the

sunset with a handsome prince and living happily ever after.”

Landon gave him a bittersweet smile. “I can’t promise that.”

Brian laughed. “You don’t have to. After everything else that has happened since I met

you, I refuse to believe we won’t have a happy ending.” Standing on his tiptoes, he gave his

prince a long, loving kiss. “See, we’ve got the kissing down pat and everyone knows that’s half

the battle when you’re dealing with fairytales.”

Petra rustled her wings impatiently, having brought them back out as soon as they’d

cleared the apartment doors. “Well this fairy wants you to get your tails moving. Let’s go!”

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“We’re coming.” Brian smiled as Landon slid an arm around his waist. That princess

better watch herself because Brian refused to give up his happy ending.

Landon faced the group. “We need to get to Fisher’s apartment and find out what


Petra nodded. “Let’s go.”

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About the Authors

Amber is one of those quiet people they always tell you to watch out for. She lives in Dallas with

her husband, two sons, two cats and one extremely stupid dog.

Amber loves to talk to her readers and can be found at

Stephani Hecht is a happily married mother of two. Born and raised in Michigan, she loves all

things about the state, from the frigid winters to the Detroit Red Wings hockey team. Go Wings!

You can usually find her snuggled up to her laptop, creating her next book or gorging on caffeine

at her favorite coffee shop.

Stephani loves to talk to her readers and can be found at

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