croheted ropes

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From Caroline’s Beaded Treasures,


Materials Needed:
Four 60" strings 3mm pearls
One No. 11 or 12 crochet hook
Nylon Thread, white
Beading Needle (doesn't say what size)

DIRECTIONS: For crocheting 4 around
1. String pearls onto thread. Do not cut from spool.
2. Coat thread with beeswax to prevent tangling.
3. Make a slip knot in end of thread and insert hook. Slide 1st pearl down thread. Push pearl to back side of
hook. Catch thread and pull back through loop. FIG. A.
4. Slide 2nd pearl down in back of hook. Catch thread and pull thru loop. FIG. B. Add 3rd and 4th pearl in
the same manner.
5. To join the pearls in a circle, place hook under right side of pearl No. 1. Pull thread to left, towards you.
FIG. C. This will force the No. 1 pearl to the back of the hook. Catch thread and pull thru 1st thread on
hook, leaving 2 loops on hook. FIG. D.
6. Slide 5th pearl down thread. Catch thread with hook and pull thru both loops on hook. FIG. E. Pearl 1
has now slipped down under the other pearls. After adding each pearl, rotate pearl to the right, placing pearl
No. 2 on top. FIG. F.
7. Insert hook into thread under pearl No. 2. Pull up this thread and pull back thru both loops. Rotate pearls
again so number 3 is on top. Slide pearl No. 7 down, make a stitch as done for No. 6. Add pearl No. 8 in the
same manner. Continue rotating pearls and adding 4 per row until all pearls have been used.
8. Cut the thread close to knot. Place both ends together lining pearls up in the same pattern. Using the 18"
thread, hold ends together and weave back and forth joining the two.

Four 60" strings 3mm pearls, white
One ea. 60" string 3mm pearls, orange, green, yellow, silver
String in the following order:
19 White, 2 green, 2 orange, 1 white, 1 green, 1 orange, 1 silver, 1 orange, 2 yellow, 2 orange, 1 yellow, 1
silver, 1 yellow, 1 white, 1 green, 2 yellow, 1 white, 2 green, 37 white

Repeat until 33 patterns are added or desired length is reached. End with 19 white pearls and crochet 5
around in each row.

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Five packages (130 ea.) Plastic Rondells (Ugh!), orange
Five packages (130 ea.) Plastic Rondells, yellow
Two 60" strings 4mm pearls, white

String in the following order:
1 white pearl, 1 orange rondell, 1 white pearl, 1 yellow rondell.
Repeat until all beads have been used. Crochet 5 pearls around in each row.

Four 60" strings 4mm pearls, white
400 5mm pearls, deep purple (dye your own)
125 5mm pearls, dark green (dye your own)

String in following order:
24 white, 1 purple, 3 white, 2 purple, 2 white, 3 purple, 1 white, 4 purple, 2 white, 2 green, 3 white, 1
green, 24 white.
Repeat pattern 16 times, then reverse and string 16 more patterns. Crochet 5 pearls around in each row.


String pearls onto crochet thread in order shown.

FLOWER: (Start and end with 19 white.)
*2 green, 3 white, 1 green, 2 pink, 2 white, 1 pink, 1 gold, 1 pink, 2 white, 2 pink, 1 green, 3 white, 2 green,
38 white; *repeat.

STRIPE: 12 white, 4 color; repeat

SPIRAL: 3 white, 1 color; repeat

DOUBLE SPIRAL: 2 white, 2 color; repeat

UNEVEN SPIRAL: 3 white, 3 color; repeat

DIAMOND: 4 white, 1 color, 3 white, 2 color, 3 white, 1 color; repeat. End with 4 white.

POLKA DOT: 5 white, 2 color, 2 white, 3 color, 2 white, 2 color; repeat. End with 5 white.

DIAMOND OAT: 16 white, 1 gold, 3 white, 2 gold, 3 white, 1 gold; repeat. End with 16 white.<BR


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