I'm your angel, but only for a day

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Veronica's P.O.V

His eyelids got heavy, I could see he was fighting back but he couldn't win.
Death was creeping up on him. He was going to be swallowed into the
darkness and I didn't want that.

I couldn't have that.

"No!" I whispered softly, my vision was blurred but I focused all my
attention on him. "You're OK. It will be OK," I lied as I combed my long
fingers through his silky, black hair.

Even if he was close to death and he was weak he still let a smile play on his
bloody lips. "Stop with the lies."

I was brealdng. I couldn't handle this, his death played back in my head. My
brother pulled the trigger as the bullet danced through the air and headed
straight for his chest. I didn't have a phone on me, my brother - Stuart -
had taken it away. He loved to see me suffer.

It was his passion.

"Oh please Tray," I begged ąuietly. "Don't die on me. I need you. I love

His wheezed uncomfortably. His lips were going an light blue colour, his
dark grey eyes were wide open in horror. I could pretty much feel his pain,
looking at him made a dagger jab at my heart and each breath was torturę.
He was slipping away so fast, I couldn't grab on long enough. There was so
much blood...

"IH see you later," he promised, his face had gone completely chalk white.

I leaned down and pressed my moist, soft pink lips to his blood covered lips.
It was gentle kiss that lasted a few seconds because I felt his last breath
carress my lips... And then he was gone.

Tray's P.O.V

"Sit down," a comforting małe voice told me, but I ignored him.

OK. This was seriously weird. I was standing above my body, looking down
and watching my precious Veronica as she wept her heart out. Her midnight
coloured hair shone from the warm glow of the light bulb. The room I had
died in was big, empty and dark. Veronica's uniąue violet eyes were tear

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filled and I so desperatly wanted to comfort her. When I moved a step
fonvard a invisible force field stopped me.

"Yeronica," I whispered in a hurt voice. "I need you. Oh my gosh. I can't
leave you." I bit at my lip so hard that I thought it would hurt, but it didn't.












happened. What was happening?

The warm voice was closer, "sit down." It repeated.

I kept staring down at my lifeless, still body and my lover's heavy crying. I
almost screamed in anger as she began to fade away. Instead of seeing
Veronica I was seeing smooth floorboards. I didn't want this. I - once again -
tried to move but I couldn't move.

"No." I frowned.

This time the voice was harsh, "sit down!"

Something invisible pushed me backwards and I found myself falling into a
soft, velvety chair. I tried to not let my panic get the better of me. I had to
stay calm. I controlled my breathing and blinked my grey eyes. I was in a
room. It wasn't the room that I had died in. The room I was sitting in was
white, and simple, it looked like an office.

In front of me was a wooden desk, a computer and a neat pile of papers on
the desk. I was surprised to see a dude with curly brown hair, light blue
eyes, who was wearing a white suit and a light blue tie to match his eyes.
His suit matched his wings - wait a second!

"You have wings!?" I didn't mean to yell it but I let my emotions get the
better of me.

The guy had amusment in his eyes, "well, of course. Why wouldn't I? I'm an
angel. Don't look at me as if I'm a freak."

I raised an eyebrow. "I don't see an angel everyday."

"Well..." the guy told me. His wings were freaking huge! They could wrap
around his body and the delicate, white, soft feathers looked so beautiful
and unique that I forced myself to not reach out to stroke them. "You will
from now on see lots of angels. Let's get straight to the point. My name is
Casper, your name is Tray. You're currently a ghost. This means you have
unfinished business. Your unfinished business is..." he paused to flip through

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a file that was on his desk. His light blue eyes scanned the files. "Veronica.
You need to make sure she's OK She's your girlfriend, is she not?"

"Actually, we are - were, kind of engaged." I shrugged slightly, finding
myself strangly calm.

How could I be calm though? I had just been told I was dead!

"That's great," Casper's smile was full of joy that I desperatly wanted.
"Never guess what?"
























"Say what?"

"Angel, you get a pair of these," he pointed to his wings as he ran one of his
boney fingers through the feathers. "Youll guide her. Here's the catch. She
can't see you."

"So much for guiding her," I nibbled my lips softly. "So... I'm Idnda like her
gurdian angel?"

"No." Casper said simply and after a moment of me shooting him confused
looks he continued. "Gurdian angels are assigned a person to protect and
give warnings to. You're an angel. You don't get assigned a person for longer
then a few minutes, possible hours. Since you're doing this to help yourself
move on youll be watching for a day. Her gurdian angel will still be around,
they're more in charge of Veronica then you are. You also won't be able to
see her gurdian angel."

"So... I'm her angel for the day?" I kind of liked the sound of that.

Casper shrugged his broad shoulders, his tanned face in his boney hands.
"Sure. But it's not exactly a amazing job, all you can do is watch."

Well... that sucks, my mind commented.

"Indeed," Casper nodded.

Did I just say that out loud?

"Oh no." Casper explained. "I can read your thoughts in this room. OK. So.
Let's get you your wings then you can flap on down to Veronica."

I scowled at him as he laughed at my reaction.

* * *

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Don't ask me how I got my wings. Not even I know. All I remember is a
weird darkness then I wake up next to Veronica. Veronica had always
looked so beautiful, she always looked so precious when she was asleep and
I resisted the urge to wrap my arms around her. It was a reflex to me but I
knew that if I touched her something bad would happen. Casper had
warned me.

When I was paying less attention to Veronica I felt something wrapped
around me. It was soft, like a pillow, it was feathers. That's when I realised I
had wings... and I had no shirt on. I stared down at my chest and rubbed at
my head like I had a headache but I couldn't feel anything but emotions and
my wings.

My beautiful, pure white wings stretched out like a bird wings would when
they were about to fly. I didn't flap them; I was anxious to know how I was
even moving them. Veronica turned in her sleep and whispered my name.
Her saying my name caused an unwanted pain that rippled through my
body and made me feel something. I felt my stomach squeeze at how
graceful she was, and how her soft snoring was like a lullaby to me.

I reached a tanned hand out, not touching her but wishing I could. "Sleep
well darling. I'll be here when you wake up."

She kind of smiled in response and whispered, "I love you."

Veronica's P.O.V

I rubbed at my eyelids and frowned. Even if I had fallen asleep I hadn't
escaped him. I had dreamt of him and his death all over again. I sat up and I
could see his dead body laying there, so cold and lifeless. I wanted to cry but
I had no tears left to spill. I wanted to scream but my throat was so dry that
I could hardly breathe without feeling the air sliver down my throat and
back out.

So I was stuck in the room my boyfriend had died in. I shuddered, feeling
scared and alone. Something warmed me up though, I could feel someone's
pressence. I scanned the cold, room.


Nobody else but myself.

A warm, comforting feeling swept over me and I don't know why but I
choked out, "Tray?" Another warm feeling swiped over me. "It is you." I

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sniffled and couldn't believe that a tear of pure joy had escaped and driven
down my cold cheek.

My joy lasted hardly a second when the locks snapped and the door opened.
My tall, big brother stood in the doorway with a shadow that clung to him.
His thick blonde hair was messy and badly cut, his eyes were a dark brown
that made me shudder if I stared too long. Me and my brother didn't look
anything alike. I had no idea why he hated me, other then the fact that he
enjoyed seeing me in pain.

"Hey baby sister," his voice sent goosebumps all up my arms. "I've taken
away your boyfriend's life but I honestly don't find it satisfying enough." He
twirled a knife in his hands, the blade caught the light from the single light
bulb that hung from the cracked ceiling. Fear pricked up my body and I
tried to control my breathing. "I think when I take yours I will feel

I had so many questions to ask and so many that I needed answered. Why
did he hate me? When did he start hating me? Why would he want to kill
me? Why did he love to see me so upset?

I was tired. Weak. Upset. I was so tempted to grab the knife off him and
stab myself. It would be easy. It would end the pain that flooded me
whenever I looked at Tray's dead body. So I let him babble on as he
stepped closer towards me after every word. I was growing so impatient.

"Just loll me!" I snapped, my voice echoed around the room.

Stuart blinked at me like I was a crazy woman then shrugged his shoulders
slightly. "Fine. You don't even need to tell me to do it."

Stuart approached closer and I sighed with relief. I could feel the seconds
tick by impatiently. I could feel my heart beat softly against my chest and I
controlled my fear. I pressed it down until I had no emotions. The pain was
gone. I felt hollow. It wasn't until Stuart's dark eyes met mine and he had
already dug the blade through my skin that I felt something.


Tray's P.O.V

I pretty much screamed at her to stop being an idiot and when the blade
went through her chest... Stuart looked completely jealous. That was his
reason for everything. He was jealous that his baby sister had gotten most
of the attention, he was jealous that she had someone to love. He was

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jealous that she had so much life to live and he was jealous of everything
about her. It must have grown so big that it eventually got replaced with
hate and he decided he wanted to loll his sister.

I couldn't stand this. I was feeling my heart crush and my body shake. My
wings curled around me like a shield. They tried to protect me from
watching the woman I loved gasp for air. They couldn't help me. I watched
her as she spent minutes letting out agonising moans as she tried to fight
through the pain. Stuart had chickened off the moment he had stabbed her.

I hadn't realised I was crying until someone stroked my cheek with their
thumb. I blinked in confusion to look up and see death himself.

He didn't look like anything you'd see off of TV. He looked like a normal
man. With pale skin, dark eyes so black there were no pupils, they seemed
like an endless pit that I felt I could dive down. His hair was the same shade
as Veronica's yet somehow a shade darker. It was long and tied into a
ponytail. He was wearing a black robe but the hood of it wasn't up.

"Is she going to be OK?" I whispered, knowing the answer.

Death didn't say anything, instead he shook his head. For Death he looked
pretty sympathetic. It must have been something he had seen a million
times before yet he still managed to look like he somehow understood and

I asked gently, "this is normal for you, isn't it?"

He shrugged his shoulders slightly and adverted his gaze to Veronica's still
body. This time she was the one hovering over her body and gasping in
horror. Her dead body was very pale and there was lots of blood. I wrinkled
my nose in disgust at how messy we were.

Death finally spoke and it was deep and strangly soothing, "I'm not here just
for your lover. I'm also here for you."

I blinked up at him and wiped at my eyes with my hands. "Me and Veronica
will be together now?"

Death simply smiled, it was such a small smile that I had to squint my eyes
to see it. "I've heard of a thousand loves stories. Most end in deaths. Let me
tell you a secret. The death of a couple is always the best ending."

I asked in a rough, sad voice, "how?"

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pointed up at the ceiling though I knew he meant further up. "In heaven. Or
down there," he pointed to the floor. "In hell. Either way they're together."

"Which way are we traveling?"

Death laughed, it was full of amusment and it made Veronica turn around
and let out a sigh of relief. Her face was tear stained with tears of fear but I
frowned when I saw she couldn't move and she was slowly fading. "You're
angels," Death caught my attention. "Where do you think you end up?"

"Where's she off to?"

Death explained, "the same place as you." He held out a pale hand, I
expected myself to cringe and run away from him and try and saviour my
life. But I knew my life was over. I knew that I had to face the fact that I
was dead and I wasn't coming back. So I took his hand and I let him walk
me towards a bright, white light.

They were the same shade as my wings and I fiddled with my lush feathers
as I stepped into a meadow. The grass was perfectly cut, and the place
smelt like freshly cut grass. A little stream gently trickled with bright blue
water and that's where I found Veronica, sitting with her feet in the water
and a peaceful smile on her face.

"So is this heaven?" I asked.

Death told me, "is it your heaven?"

I simply said. "Yes."


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