Mia Watts Mommys Little Mummy

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Mommy’s Little Mummy

A Mommy’s Little Series Story

By Mia Watts

Resplendence Publishing, LLC


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Resplendence Publishing, LLC

2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349

Daytona Beach, FL 32118

Mommy’s Little Mummy

Copyright © 2012 Mia Watts

Edited by Darlena Cunha and Liza Green

Cover art by Les Byerley,


Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-471-0

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted

work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain,

is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of


Electronic Release: February 2012

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s

imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely


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To Coca-Cola Company for supplying me with the “crack” that is your product.

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Chapter One

August 14, 30 BCE

“We can be together,” Remmao insisted. “There’s a way.”

He darted a look over his shoulder, and his thin black braids swung around his head. The

tips brushed the thick gold collar adorning his shoulders. When he faced Licenius again, he

blinked endless obsidian eyes, lined by royal coal, a mark of his status as Queen’s scribe.

The same anxiety that made Remmao’s voice a hushed whisper, kept Licenius on alert.

As the Roman emissary to Egypt, his situation was precarious at best. Queen Cleopatra was

dead, and in the wake of her demise, the political relationships she coveted were viewed

skeptically by those left behind. Especially those who catered to her whims, like Licenius.

“Impossible,” Licenius argued. “I can’t stay in Egypt. You couldn’t come with me to

Rome safely, either.”

Remmao’s usually serious face relaxed into a smile. His lips appeared unnaturally rosy

and Licenius wondered if he’d colored them with henna for his benefit. His gaze lowered,

appreciating the sculpted bare chest glowing bronze in the desert heat, and the pleated white

linen skirt that displayed Remmao’s finely honed calves to their best advantage.

“I have methods to protect us. It means leaving this and all family behind forever. Do you

trust me?” Remmao asked.

If he’d asked the question mere weeks ago, Licenius would have drawn his sword and

held it at the other man’s throat. A lot had changed in short order. Now all he wanted was to

layer kisses on that fine neck.

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The attraction had been there from the beginning. The love was new. Did he trust

Remmao? He was starting to. Trust was something to be earned. Remmao was an honest man, to

be sure. Did he trust Remmao with his life in the midst of a political upheaval that would sooner

see him dead? Well, he supposed he did, or he wouldn’t have agreed to meet Remmao along the

reedy banks of the Nile near the inlet.

“I trust you,” Licenius told him.

Remmao’s smile shone a brilliant white. “I’ll take care of everything, and we will be

together. I promise.”

Remmao curled his fingers into Licenius’ tunic at his waist. Licenius grinned, knowing

he was about to get kissed by his very own Egyptian god. Remmao lifted his lips. Licenius

accepted, wondering if there’d finally be a moment for a reedy tumble before Remmao

undertook his mysterious plan for their future together.

The reddish henna felt slippery beneath Licenius’ lips. Remmao pulled away before

Licenius could deepen the kiss. Traces of bitterness lingered on his lips. Licenius licked them.

Remmao’s face grew serious, his eyes sad. “When I left, the palace guards were rounding

up the Roman merchants and dignitaries. They’ll be here any minute. I will join you when it’s

safe for you to wake, my love. Forgive me.”

“Forgive y—?” Licenius’ mouth went slack. His ears rang as his vision went black. What

have you done, Remmao? His question went unasked and unanswered, lingering only in his

sluggish mind as the world blackened to pitch, and the ground raced up to meet him.

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Chapter Two


Dust shivered off Licenius’ bones and buzzed through his foggy dead brain like a shrill

mosquito. He tried to think what animal would make such a sound. Not a mosquito, he thought.

The sound reminded him of grinding stone, and it vibrated through his whole body.

Licenius tried opening his eyes but no matter how he blinked, he saw only darkness. His

dry throat worked over a command to make the noise stop. What escaped him was a long, varied


Licenius’ arms didn’t move. He tried but they were deadweights to him.

The drilling stopped. Stone moved on stone, crashing somewhere off to his left and

shuddering the ground with its impact. Closer to him, wood splintered and light flooded him.

Licenius squinted though his vision was covered by dingy white fog.

Remmao intoned dramatically in ancient Egyptian dialect. Licenius only understood

vague pleadings to the gods. Mortal urn? Had he understood that correctly?

“It’s working, Remmy” a gruff female barked. “Keep going. He’s inflating. Kinda nifty

the way you Egyptians worked this out.”

The words were foreign, yet somehow he knew them as though they were spoken in his

own tongue. Remmao’s voice chanted on its still unfamiliar command.

Licenius’ body shimmered. It was the only description he could muster. Not that it

became light-filled, as though a candle had been ignited, but rather like the result of a lit candle.

His body felt as though it should illuminate. The words seemed to draw life forth, spilling vitality

from his pores and trembling each nerve to full wakefulness.

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His lungs expanded. His fingers twitched. His toes warmed. The place where Licenius’

shoulder blades rested on wood lifted to accommodate knitting muscle tissue. Moisture returned

to his mouth, but not enough and suddenly Licenius was struck with thirst. His belly rumbled its

hunger. As though waking from a long sleep, refreshed, Licenius’ body hummed with renewed


He swallowed away the dry catch in his throat. “Remmao,” he called.

The other man stalled, then quickly resumed his chant. He finished moments later with a

final decree. Silence filled the room.

The film in front of his eyes drew downward. Licenius looked back at a large, manly

woman with curly hair, the color a red he’d never seen before, and stark black eyes. She chewed

something that popped between her teeth, rather like an ox feeding. Even her clothing looked


“Yep, he’s awake, sonny.” She brought a metal cutting device that resembled scissors.

After cutting away the gauze that was obscuring his view, she unwrapped his head completely.

Licenius still couldn’t move his arms. He sat, his head spinning. “Who are you?”

“Well, that little addition to have his language supernaturally translate worked like a

charm too.” She nodded approval, and then dropped her hands to her ample hips. “I’m Mommy.

You have twenty four hours to eat, drink, and fuck. Otherwise, you’re back in that coffin for

another thousand years. Understood? I’ll go get some food.”

“Remmao?” Licenius sought out the face of his lover.

“Licenius,” relief filled his lover’s voice. “I’ve missed you.”

“What happened?”

Mommy’s heavy tread moved away, leaving them alone. Remmao squatted beside him,

his forearms resting on the wooden edge.

“What do you remember?”

“Kissing you.”

“Nothing beyond?” Remmao asked.

“Unbind me and explain.”

Remmao took the scissors and cut him free. When he’d finished, Licenius saw he wore

only a wrapping around his cock and ass. He pushed his hands under him, levering himself to his

knees, then coming to a stand.

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His muscles shook. Remmao’s arms were around him before Licenius realized his legs

had given way.

Licenius looked down at the inscribed coffin he’d been resting in. He was no fool. He’d

seen the likes of them before, in his contact with Egyptian royalty. He looked closely at

Remmao, planted his hands on Remmao’s shoulders, and pushed himself upright.

His long braided hair had been shorn close to his scalp. He wore no coal, no color on his

face. Three small silver hoops adorned the outer shell of one ear, and both lobes were pierced

with tiny rounds that stretched them large enough for another small hoop to slide easily through.

A black ink marking, scribed on the side of his neck disappeared beneath the shoulder of his


They were the trappings of another culture belonging to neither of them.

“What have you done?” Licenius rasped warningly.

“What I promised to do. We can be together without fear of being caught.” Remmao’s

bright smile was the same.

Licenius began to shake. Something was very wrong. A suspicion grew at the back of his

mind, but Licenius rejected it abhorrently. He clutched his head, shaking it back and forth. “No,

no! Tell me you haven’t done what I think you have.”

There were legends of afterlife. None of them compared with this oddity. Yet his last

memory, the sorrow lingering in Remmao’s eyes alongside the Nile that day, the changes now.

Could it be? His Remmao had killed him?

“I’ve brought you through time. You took my place. I’ve waited two thousand years for

you to wake.”

“Two thousand years? If you could bring me back to life, why didn’t you do it sooner?

Why did you let me rot?” Licenius demanded to know.

“Your mortal body had to be completely destroyed and certain astrological occurrences

had to align before I could bring you back as an immortal, otherwise the reversal spell wouldn’t


“You poisoned me with a kiss.”

“I’m immortal. To be together, I needed to give you the same gift. You rested in my place

and I brought you back with the words of the ancients.”

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“You should’ve asked me, Remmao. You should’ve tried harder to make me understand

before you took a life that wasn’t yours to take.”

“You said you trusted me.”

“It was a new trust. One easily broken,” Licenius snarled. He turned away looking for

clothing. “I need a tunic.”

“There. On the chair. I’ll help you dress, but you must heed Mommy’s warning. There’s

only twenty four hours or you return to eternal sleep.”

“Eat, drink, fuck,” Licenius repeated. “I heard.”

“Fuck me.”

The emphasis was not an openly playful invitation, it was a specified requirement.

Licenius’ eyes narrowed on him.


“It must be me. I’m the one who is bestowing the gift of immortality on you.”

“Is this the afterlife, then? I want no part of it,” Licenius contended.

“The afterlife may never touch you, my love. This is two thousand years beyond your last

memory. It’s a new world beyond that door.”

That door opened and Mommy entered carrying a tray. Licenius’ stomach rattled with

hunger. Food and drink were absolute priorities at the moment. He’d suffer through Remmao’s

explanations a bit longer. But only because the food was here and so was Remmao. Leaving

would wait.

The woman flattened a look on Licenius. “Listen, Linus. Be polite to Remmy. He could

have slept through the last two thousand years, but he gave his coffin to you instead. Long sleep

is important to an immortal. You’ll come to find that out.”

She dropped the tray the last few inches to the top of a small table, allowing it to clatter a

warning. She pointed a thick finger at Licenius’ chest. “Eat the burger. Drink the coke. Fuck the

man who gave you immortality in order to keep it. Then explore the new world. In that order. Or

you can kiss your remaining hours of life goodbye.”

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Chapter Three

This was not the way Remmy had imaged their reunion would go. He’d managed to

romanticize it over the last millennia. He saw that now. Originally, he knew saving their

relationship by making Licenius immortal would be a risky choice. Yet Remmy was immortal.

His kind moved on every couple of decades, taking on new identities and his time to leave had

come with the death of Cleopatra. A kingdom in chaos wouldn’t have missed him.

But Licenius would have. Living without Licenius wasn’t an option he’d entertained.

Licenius had been the only man Remmy would have given immortality up for. And he was the

only man Remmy had gifted eternal life to.

Mommy addressed Remmy. “The bedroom is set up for you. He’s mad now, but he loves

you. Remember that. Get through the next hours and you have an eternity to make up for tricking


He winced. She was right, and had called him on it. When she left, he went over to the

table where Licenius pulled out a chair and sat. He sat too.

“She called you Linus. I like it. It’s modern.”

“It’s not my name.” Licenius scowled at him, then pointed at the food. “What is this?”

“A burger. Beef on bread with salad and sauces. Eat it with your hands. You’ll like it.

Those are fried roots called potatoes. And that is the elixir of modern life, Coke.”

Licenius picked up the burger in both hands as he suggested. Remmy tried not to smile.

Licenius wouldn’t appreciate the humor of seeing him follow the first of Mommy’s directives. It

was progress. He would take what he could get, and it was one step closer to making love,

something they hadn’t yet done in their brief relationship.

“You look good,” he said softly.

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Licenius shot him a sour look, and then took a large bite of his burger. Instantly, his eyes

widened and a mouthful of appreciative groaning began. The burger disappeared in a matter of


Next he picked up the Coke and took a tentative sip. He jerked back. “Is this fermented?”

“The bubbles are carbonation. It’s called a soda pop. Do you like it?”

Licenius took another sip, hiccupped, then took several long gulps.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

When Licenius put the Coke down, he dragged his arm across his mouth. “It’s the only

yes you’ll receive from me.”

A reference to sex. Remmy hoped Licenius was wrong. Thus far Remmy was two for

three. He hadn’t given Licenius immortality and then waited two thousand years for it to be

secured just to lose it now. He’d had lifetimes to relive every encounter of theirs, every tunic-

fumbling grab, every mouth-filled draw on his cock. Every heated debate to appreciate his wit,

every moment of reflection to remember the details of his precious face.

He wanted Licenius forever. He’d had to do it.

“They were going to kill you,” Remmy said while Licenius chewed on fries.

Licenius’ gaze locked on his, but he didn’t speak. He lifted fry after fry until they were

gone, then nursed the tail end of his Coke.

“I put poison on my lips to make you appear dead when the guards found us, only

seconds later. I’m already immortal so the poison didn’t affect me.”

“It was my choice to die then or later,” Licenius snapped.

“I told you I had a plan that would require leaving that land and your family. You were in


“You deceived me.”

“I did. But I also saved you,” Remmy replied urgently, leaning on the table, searching

Licenius’ eyes, hoping he’d understand. “You were willing to follow me to a new country. Is

following me to a new time so different? Is it any less permanent?”

“Perhaps I wanted to age, Remmao. Perhaps loving you into our old age was what I


“I wouldn’t have aged.”

“Then that should’ve been our first conversation.”

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Remmy jumped to his feet. “When? When was I going to have that conversation with you

when I knew your life would end in a matter of minutes, and I had the power to save you, keep

you with me? When I knew they’d torture you for days before finally letting you slip into


He hadn’t meant to shout, but his desperation to make Licenius understand couldn’t be

overstated enough.

Licenius rose too, although in a sedate, dignified manner. “I loved you, too.”

“Loved?” Remmy asked. “For you, that moment on the bank was moments ago, when

you loved and trusted me easily. Has what I’ve done really changed so much about how you see


“Trust has never been easy, and I gave you mine. Here is how it’s repaid.” Licenius’ jaw


Remmy sighed. His chest ached. All these years of waiting for his love to awaken, all

these years only to have Licenius’ wrath and scorn replace the love that had shined so brightly


“You don’t have to stay with me,” Remmy said finally, brokenly. He lifted his eyes to

Licenius. “I’ve loved you too long for me to accept this world without the promise of you in it.

Take my gift. Leave me if you must, but please don’t choose death.”

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Chapter Four

Anger, regret, love, fear, impotence clogged in Licenius’ throat. He wanted to bellow at

Remmao for taking so much liberty with him. He supposed he’d have made the same choice if

their roles had been reversed, but being the one to receive such a gift and dealing with the

consequences, left him stewing with futility.

“I want to understand,” he admitted.

Remmao took a step toward him. Licenius shook his head abruptly.

“I want to understand, but you decided my fate for me.”

“I know. I did.” The other man didn’t try to deny it. His shoulders sagged with defeat.

“I need to be clean.” Licenius picked up the strange clothing he’d been supplied. “Show

me where the baths are.”

Remmao opened the door and led him through a corridor where the candles on the wall

didn’t flicker, and glowed brighter than any lamp he’d ever seen. He opened another door and

led him to a large room filled with luxuriousness. Fine fabrics adorned the bed and windows,

hanging jewels seemed to be lit from within by the power of a thousand candles, over the plush


However he’d come into his wealth, Remmao had it in abundance.

Beyond that room was another, lined with tiles that reflected light, a mirror more polished

than he’d ever seen, and strange structures. Remmao walked to one, twisted a metal handle and

water spilled out. He’d seen similar contraptions with a reservoir overhead, but never anything

like this.

“I’ll talk to you when you’re done. Unless you need help in there,” Remmao offered


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“I know how to bathe.”

“That’s soap. That’s hair soap, called shampoo. Here are your towels.”

Licenius watched Remmao exit and close the door behind him. Licenius sighed relief. He

would claim that everything he’d seen and been told was nothing more than a dream, but the

inventions were hard to deny. Feeling his body return from dry bone and dust made for a

compelling argument as well.

He pulled back the shower drape and stood under the spray of hot water. However this

bath was made, he hoped there were more such inventions in this time. His muscles calmed.

Licenius allowed the spray to pound the back of his neck once he’d finished cleaning himself. He

swayed under the powerful lure of heat and relief. It was wise that he hadn’t allowed Remmao to

assist him. Water like this was seductive, and it had been a long time since he’d satisfied his


He’d wanted Remmao after the first year of knowing him. It had been three more before

either of them admitted to the sexual tension between them, and another six months before

Licenius had thrown aside his ledger, grabbed Remmao in Queen Cleopatra’s antechamber and

kissed him.

To be truthful, it had been more than that. He’d shoved Remmao into a nook out of sight,

reached under his white pleats and held Remmao’s hard, ready shaft in his hand. Licenius would

never forget the surprised sounds of pleasure that escaped the man as Licenius wrapped his hand

on him and stroked him off.

He chuckled to himself at the memory. When he’d withdrawn his hand and licked a

streak of cum from his fingers, he’d known Remmao was his. The other man had reciprocated by

sneaking aboard his Roman vessel the night before Licenius left. Remmao had taken Licenius’

cock in his mouth as though it held the sweet nectar of the gods.

Licenius grew hard just thinking of it. He ran a hand down his body and took hold of his

unruly member. No matter what Remmao had done, Licenius still wanted him. Damn his

beautiful eyes, Remmao could not wash away as easily as the grime of two thousand years.

He was angry. He would rant if time weren’t running out, when he realized that his

choices were limited. Remmao had made choices for him no man should ever make for another.

There’d be time for arguments in years to come. For now, Licenius needed him.

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He was wise enough to know that once the anger faded, his passion for the other man

would remain strong. He might not like Remmao now, but he’d love him forever. Until then,

there was only one way to secure they did have years to settle the discussion. He had to leave this

heaven of water, find Remmao and fuck him.

Licenius cranked the water off. He wrapped the towel around his waist and went to find

his lifeline.

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Chapter Five

Remmy sat on the edge of the bed, listening to the sound of water run endlessly in the

next room. How the hell did he pick himself out of this mess? Elbows on his knees, he dropped

his face in his hands.

He’d loved Licenius for thousands of years, waiting for the time to pass as mortality

turned to dust and the proper astrological anomalies to align. Only then could he call Licenius

out of death to renew him to the world as an immortal. He’d have called him out sooner if he

could’ve. The next day. The next minute. Never have taken his life at all if it could’ve been


But he had, and Licenius didn’t seem interested in forgiving him for the liberty.

Finally, the water shut off. Seconds later, Licenius stepped into the bedroom with a towel

wrapping his hips and water dripping of every beautiful muscle. Seeing him so alive, so virile

brought Remmy’s every aching need to attention.

Remmy stood, feeling anxious. Not a typical state for a man who’d lived through nearly

every possibility.

Licenius cocked his hip. “You’re called Remmy now?”

He smiled with relief. “Yes. You might want to pick a name too. The old Roman names

are no longer recognized.”

“Like Linus?”

“It’s a start.” Remmy walked toward him. “It is a start, isn’t it?”

Licenius’ pale blue eyed gaze seemed icy. “Ask me later.”

“Fair enough.”

Licenius removed his towel, letting it fall to the ground. “Linus will do for now.”

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Uncut and so handsome Licenius looked better than Remmy remembered. Licenius

walked with the grace of a well-trained military man accustomed to moving silently.

“We never reached the point in our relationship where we determined if you preferred to

receive men or take men,” Licenius announced purposefully. “Unfortunately for you, I’m not

allowing you the choice. You’ve taken mine, now I’ll take yours.”

Remmy wondered if Licenius realized how sexy he sounded. “How would you have

me?” he asked, his voice dropping low with lust.

“On your belly.” Licenius spat into his hand and rubbed it on his erect cock.

Remmy’s gaze fixed on it. “They make lube for that now.” He didn’t think he’d get into

explaining condoms since immortals didn’t get diseases. But they sure as fuck needed lube.

He pulled motioned to the tube on the bedside, which he’d laid out already. Licenius took

it and studied the container. “How is it I can understand this language?”

“It’s part of the conjuring chant I spoke over you. I wove in the ability to understand the

first language spoken to you. Mommy spoke to you in English directly, first. Better that than

ancient immortal dialects I was using to bring you out of death,” Remmy joked as he babbled


Licenius lazily untwisted the cap. He squeezed out a small amount and rubbed it between

his fingers with an approving nod. “Undress.”

Remmy quickly discarded his shirt. He popped his jeans’ button and swept them and his

underwear down his legs. Kicking off his shoes and toeing off his socks, Remmy wasted no time

in getting naked.

“On the bed,” Licenius barked.

Remmy’s stomach dropped. He wanted Licenius, but not like this. Not anger-filled and

cold. Still he climbed up as he was told, and lay down on his stomach, one leg pulled up to open

himself to the other man.

The bed dipped. The tube of lube hit the mattress beside Remmy’s head. God, this was

going to hurt. Inside and out. Licenius hovered over him for several seconds. A hand came down

on Remmy’s shoulder and he was tugged to his back.

Licenius grabbed his wrists and held them to the bed above his head. He lowered his

body to Remmy’s and Remmy searched his face for answers. What he saw striped his heart with

shame as he saw raw pain on his lover’s face.

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“You’d become my reason for drawing breath in the morning,” Licenius confessed

quietly. “Even angry, do you really believe I could be so harsh with your body?”

“Whatever you want from me is yours. Take it,” Remmy begged. “I should’ve found a

time to tell you about my plan. I should’ve told you I was immortal the moment I knew I had to

have you in my life.”

“I understand why you did what you did. I will come to be grateful in time. For now,

there is a course that my emotions must run, and they must be respected,” Licenius told him.

“In your time,” Remmy agreed.

“But only if my time falls within the next twenty three hours?”

“My love, concluding the contract for immortality with me doesn’t dictate your future.”

Licenius’ gaze fell to Remmy’s lips. “You said I could walk away from you after this.

Live forever and apart from you if I so desired.”

Remmy closed his eyes to hide his sorrow. When he opened them again, he chose his

words carefully. “I leave it to you.”

“You’ve waited all these years and would accept it if I left you?” Licenius asked, as the

answer would change if he rephrased it.

“It would kill me, but I would let you go if that’s what you wanted.”

Licenius cracked a sardonic smile. “Kill you? The cure to immortality is just beneath my


“Was that a joke? Did you just make a joke about this?” Remmy asked disbelieving.

“A small one,” he answered, his face growing more serious. “I’d never hurt you.”

“Then don’t make love to me because you have to. Make love to me because you want


Remmy saw the uncertainty in Licenius’ eyes. Tentatively the taller man bent and placed

a soft kiss on Remmy’s lips. He was immediately reminded of the last time they’d kissed. It

struck him with guilt and a soft cry escaped him as he wrapped his arms around Licenius’ neck.

The kiss broke too soon for Remmy’s preference. “I need you to forgive me. Say you


Licenius stroked his cheek with the back of his hand, but didn’t answer. Instead, hurt

shimmered in his eyes. He closed them, blocking Remmy out, as he bent for another tender

assault on Remmy’s mouth.

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Licenius’ tongue barely traced the upper line of Remmy’s lips, testing the fullness at the

center. Remmy opened for him, trying to encourage him to taste further, take more, take

anything that would make their relationship perfect again.

Licenius wouldn’t deepen the kiss, though. He kept it shallow, reminding Remmy of a

timid animal expecting a predator outside its burrow. He tried to keep his hunger for the other

man under control. He’d waited so long to have Licenius in his arms again. He’d not risk

pushing him away now.

He tangled his fingers in the hair at the nape of Licenius’ neck. He’d always loved the

soft brown strands that curled over each other like lovers in a silken embrace. He didn’t know

how he’d carry on if Licenius left him by choice. If Remmy never got to look into those blue-

gray eyes again, his life might as well be over because his existence would be nothing more than

a hollow shell.

Licenius pushed his hips to Remmy’s, rubbing but not hard enough to satisfy. The

feather-light touches of mouth, hips, chest, were enough to drive Remmy a little nuts with need.

Remmy pulled away to talk. “I love you. I don’t need you to answer; I just need you to

hear me. I love you. I love you. I love you.” His voice broke.

“Shh,” Licenius hushed, tracing Remmy’s bottom lip with a forefinger. “No more talking.

Let our bodies speak for us.”

He relaxed. He’d give all of himself to Licenius.

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Chapter Six

Licenius wanted to wipe away the desperation in Remmy’s expression, but he couldn’t.

Not yet. He had jumbled emotions to work through, but the longer he spent with Remmy, the

clearer his future became. If emotions were dark clouds on a rainy day, Remmy’s honesty

revealed love was the sunshine trying to burn through them.

There was hope, he realized. There was always hope as long as he felt this way about his


He stroked Remmy’s chest, dragging his hands leisurely down his body and back up

again. He was stronger than Licenius remembered. He’d always been well built, and to Licenius

it was as though only a night’s rest had passed between then and now. But his body had more

defined muscle, more tone. His skin, still bronze naturally, appeared paler, perhaps because of

the different garments he wore in this age.

His shorn hair fascinated Licenius. He ran his hand through the short strands. Remmy

groaned and Licenius didn’t resist the temptation to lightly apply his nails to his scalp.

His ears were pierced and the tattoo he’d seen on the side of his neck carried on over his

shoulder to his upper arm in a winding pattern of black swirls and points.

“This is different,” Licenius murmured. “When I first saw you, I missed the coal, but I

like this. And this,” he said, fingering the nipple piercing Remmy sported. He’d heard of such

things though he’d never seen it before.

Remmy looked like he wanted to speak.

“I thought I wanted your silence.” Licenius shook his head. “I don’t know what I want. I

need to hear you. I need to know what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling. I can’t be in the

dark any longer.”

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Remmy held Licenius’ face and kissed him soundly. He cupped Licenius’ hips and pulled

them down to his firmly.

“I’m yours to command,” Remmy told him.

Licenius settled against him, taking his time to explore his mouth. In the past, finding

secret locations to meet for something as simple as this had been challenging. They’d lived in a

world where servants didn’t own themselves. It appeared that here, a closed door promised

privacy unlike anything they’d known before.

“We won’t be discovered?” Licenius asked, wanting to make sure his observations were


“No. This room is ours. I have a home across town where we can live together. All ours.”

Licenius rubbed himself against the other man, shivering at the way their hard cocks

lined each other. Remmy opened his legs allowing him to fall through.

Licenius kissed his jaw, his neck. He tracked the tattoo with the tip of his tongue, then,

finding himself close to the piercing, he dipped lower to take it into his mouth. Remmy groaned;

his fingernails bit into Licenius’ shoulders.

He gently twisted the loop with his tongue, then catching it between his teeth he tugged.

He loved the way his strong Egyptian responded. The man held nothing back, crying out or

moaning when Licenius made him feel pleasure. Perhaps an eternity wasn’t so bad after all. Not

if it was at his side, or between his legs.

He sank down lower, kissing each compacted muscle on his way down his lover’s body.

He prodded the tight belly button he came too then scraped his teeth over his belly. Remmy

inhaled sharply, lifting his hips. Hard cock butted Licenius’ chest.

“Licenius, you don’t owe me such a gift.”

“Hush. There’s much of you I’ve missed.”

Remmy clamped his lips shut. Licenius tried not to laugh at the panicked look on his face

as he realized Licenius was going to suck his cock and make him lose control. He’d never done

that before. Their experience had been limited to quick gropes, kisses, and the one time Remmy

had come to him and taken Licenius in his mouth.

It was Licenius’ turn to know that giving joy.

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He rubbed his cheek along the sheer perfection of Remmy’s shaft. Hot, velvety, hard. He

knew he was going to relish every taste. His mouth already watered and his cock leaked precum,

much like Remmy’s.

Licenius flattened his tongue on the underside of Remmy’s penis, dragging it to the top,

where he closed his mouth over the dark tip. Hands stole into Licenius’ hair. Licenius popped off

the top, rolling the tip of his tongue on the crown. He would do everything to him that he liked

done to him.

He cupped Remmy’s balls. “Give me the lubricant.”

Remmy swatted for it, blindly grabbed it and thrust it at Licenius’ face. Licenius did

laugh then. He nuzzled the precious cargo in his hands, kissing them. Then opening the lube, he

applied it to the anus hole and his finger. He pushed in at the same time as he took the cock back

into his mouth.

Remmy howled. His body stiffened and his hips lifted, shoving his penis further into

Licenius. It excited Licenius, and he took it to the back of his throat and deeper, all the while

pumping his finger in the other man’s ass.

Remmy grabbed fistfuls of linen, twisted them as he worked. Licenius watched him,

captivated by the man dissolving into passion before his eyes. He pushed in another finger,

scissoring them to ready the passage.

He coasted over the sensitive node he knew would feel good. With his other hand he

fisted the base of Remmy’s cock as Remmy lost control. Using his hand allowed him to simulate

the sensation of a squeezing ass on the shaft.

With a final shout, he came. Hot, salty seed sprayed Licenius’ mouth. He swallowed it

and bore down to suck him dry. When his lover finally stilled, Licenius continued to suckle until

the shaft grew soft. He managed to lubricate his own cock as he cleaned.

Remmy’s gaze beseeched his. He opened his legs wide, lifting one leg to open himself

wider. Licenius rose up, pushing the foot to Remmy’s ass firmly.

“Are you prepared?” he asked.

“Beyond ready.”

Licenius placed himself at his lover’s hole and nudged in. Remmy gasped and a flash of

pain drew his eyebrows together. Licenius pumped carefully. When he began to squirm for more,

he pushed in deeper with each consecutive thrust.

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Need fogged Licenius’ efforts until he forgot why he’d been taking it slow and rammed

in balls deep. The Egyptian accepted it easily, wrapping his legs around him. He helped each

thrust, making the depth of penetration that much greater.

“Remmy, gods Remmy. I love you.”

Licenius’ skin tingled with awareness. It heated, a furnace behind his balls, rooted at the

base of his cock and sending climbing vines of hunger to every part of his body. Each cloying

tendril ignited, lit the nerves in his spine and climbed further still.

Licenius rocked hard into the tight well of Remmy’s accepting body. His lover’s black

eyes urged him forward with the same stunned expression Licenius was sure he wore himself.

The lit tendrils took hold of him and burst in a thousand sparks as climax consumed Licenius

into pounding completion.

He sagged, barely able to keep himself over Remmy on trembling arms.

“I thought I’d have to wait another eternity for you to say those words,” Remmy

whispered. “Do you mean them, or are they words said in the moment?”

The hopeful joy on his face made Licenius smile. “I meant them. It’s because I love you

that your betrayal hurt me so much. I would have left with you, in Egypt. Losing time isn’t the

same as leaving my countrymen and yours behind.” But those things couldn’t be changed now.

He had to deal with the issues before them now, and pray for a reconciliation. “I’ve missed too

many years with you.”

“But we have endless more years to make up for lost time,” Remmy reminded him.

“I’d like that,” Licenius confessed. “I think we both need it.”

Remmy pulled him down, holding Licenius close to his chest. “No boundaries, my love.

We’ve broken through all of them.”

“Except one,” Licenius murmured.

Remmy searched his eyes.

Licenius knew the humor was showing in his eyes, but he twisted his lips in displeasure

anyway. “I have to be called Linus? Could we find a manlier name?”

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About the Author

Mia makes her home in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where she divides her time between a job and

spying on people. Mia enjoys long walks in Como Park, daisies, dancing in the snow...(Delete

prior sentence, meant for personal ad)...

Mr. Perfect may apply in person for a thorough evaluation and trial. All others will be towed.

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What to read more of Mommy’s Little Series?

Also Available from Resplendence Publishing:

Mommy’s Little Succubus
by Katie Blu

Mommy, an immortal mother-thug, only wants to help when wayward paranormals wander into

her diner…

Succubus Liza needs to earn her wings. But what’s a klutzy, bespectacled girl to do when she’s

born without the seductress gene—and that’s the only way she can earn her demon wings?

Fortunately for Liza, Mommy has a solution and he’s chained up in her dungeon.

Mommy’s Little Shapeshifter by Mia Watts

Mommy, an immortal mother-thug, only wants to help when wayward paranormals wander into

her diner…

Benny is a shapeshifting Corgi with a problem. He’d like nothing more than to get doggy-style

with Dieter. But Dieter is a strapping German Sheppard. Besides the whole logistical problem,

there’s the matter of Benny’s shyness. But Mommy has just dragged him across the park lawn,

so he’d better think fast.

Mommy’s Little Zombie by Katie Blu

Mommy, an immortal mother-thug, only wants to help when wayward paranormals wander into

her diner…

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It’s the anniversary of Lyric’s rising and Mommy has a surprise for her: Magic sex from

recovering mummy, Brian. If it all goes without a hitch, she’ll become immortal…but brain-

chomping instincts are hard to squash and Lyric is thinking about head.

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