N J Walters Christina Tapestry

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An Ellora’s Cave Publication, July 2005

Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

1056 Home Ave.


ISBN MS Reader (LIT) ISBN # 1-4199-0287-3

Other available formats (no ISBNs are assigned):

Adobe (PDF), Rocketbook (RB), Mobipocket (PRC) & HTML


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or
locales is purely coincidental. They are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

Edited by Pamela Cohen.

Cover art by Syneca .


The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers. Christina’s Tapestry
has been rated E–rotic by a minimum of three independent reviewers.

Ellora’s Cave Publishing offers three levels of Romantica™ reading entertainment: S (S-ensuous), E
(E-rotic), and X (X-treme).

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S- ensuouslove scenes are explicit and leave nothing to the imagination.

E- roticlove scenes are explicit, leave nothing to the imagination, and are high in volume per the overall
word count. In addition, some E-rated titles might contain fantasy material that some readers find
objectionable, such as bondage, submission, same sex encounters, forced seductions, and so forth.
E-ratedtitles are the most graphic titles we carry; it is common, for instance, for an author to use words
such as “fucking”, “cock”, “pussy”, and such within their work of literature.

X- tremetitles differ from E-rated titles only in plot premise and storylineexecution. Unlike E-rated titles,
stories designated with the letter X tend to contain controversial subject matter not for the faint of heart.

Christina’s Tapestry

N.J. Walters


For the amazing readers at the Cave. Your unwavering acceptance and support since the very beginning
has been nothing short of inspiring. Thank you for embracing my characters and me and changing my life.
You know who you are.

Also, as always, thank you to my editor, Pamela Cohen, who always makes me a better writer by her
hard work and advice.

For my incredible husband. Thank you for your continued love and belief in me. I couldn’t do it without

Chapter One

“Men suck.”

Christina Beaumont leaned in closer to hear her friend over the din of the Friday evening crowd gathered
in the bar. She could see Brenda valiantly fighting back tears as she took a sip of her drink.

“What happened?” She had to yell her question to be heard over the music and loud voices. She was
beginning to think that coming here after work hadn’t been such a good idea after all. But when Brenda
had called her at the office begging her to meet her, she had caved. She liked Brenda, but her friend was
one of those women who were always in crisis with her latest boyfriend.

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“Jason and I had a fight.” Brenda dabbed at her eyes.

Christina was always amazed at the way Brenda could cry and not disturb her makeup. Even worse, she
actually looked good while she cried. Her eyes would fill with tears and look luminous and vulnerable.
When Christina cried, all she got was red eyes and blotchy skin. “What happened?”

But her friend was no longer paying any attention to her. Christina turned and glanced over her shoulder
to see what had snagged Brenda’s attention and groaned. Jason was strutting his way across the room, a
determined look on his face.

As he wove in and around the crowds, his eyes never left Brenda’s face. Christina felt all but invisible by
the time he reached their table.

“Come home with me, baby.” Jason slid his arm around Brenda’s shoulders as he leaned down to kiss

Christina looked away and sighed. She’d heard it and seen it all before, but she still didn’t understand
the strange relationship that her friend had with Jason. They seemed to delight in fighting and making
scenes in public places, which were inevitably followed with a passionate lovemaking session. She knew
this little fact because Brenda always shared every intimate detail of it with her the following day, whether
she wanted to hear it or not.

Christina started when she felt a hand touch her shoulder.

“I’ve got to go,” Brenda whispered. “Jason and I need to talk. You understand, don’t you?”

Christina nodded. Really, what else could she do? Brenda gave her a tremulous smile, turned and
walked away. Jason wrapped his arm around her waist and they disappeared into the crowd.

The noise was giving her a headache and she wished she’d just said no when Brenda had pleaded with
her to meet her for drinks. She’d just known that something like this was going to happen, didn’t it

When the waitress plunked her tray down on the table and deposited the second round of drinks,
Christina sighed and dug out her wallet to pay. After all, it wasn’t the waitress’s fault she couldn’t say no
to Brenda. Leaving the drinks untouched, she gathered her coat and purse and made her way towards
the door.

“Excuse me,” she repeated over and over as she was jabbed by elbows fighting her way through the
crowd. She’d had her feet stepped on twice by the time she got to the door.

Stumbling out of the bar, she was immediately drenched by the water pouring from the sky. Even though
the weather man had promised it would rain today, it hadn’t been raining when she’d gone in a little over
an hour ago. Now it was coming down in buckets. Ducking back under the awning, she tugged her
raincoat on and zipped it up tight. Her skirt and blouse were already soaked and she shivered as the wet
fabric clung to her skin.

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a cab coming her way. Raising her hand and waving,
she managed to flag him down. As she stepped towards the curb, the cab swerved in and sent a shower
of dirty water over her. Christina coughed and sputtered, swiping at the water that stung her eyes.

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The sound of laughter and a car door slamming filled her ears. Before she could even get the muck
cleared from her eyes, she knew that someone else had taken her cab.

“Damn it,” she swore under her breath before sucking back the anger that threatened to overflow.

Taking a deep calming breath, she turned and started walking down the center of the sidewalk, her
strides long and sure. It was still early in the evening and she was already soaked, so she might as well
walk to the subway station and save the cab fare.

The cold March air whipped at her coat and she grasped the corner of her hood with her left hand to
keep the wind from blowing it down. She sloshed through the slush and the water as she hurried down
the almost deserted street. The light from a store window drew her gaze as she passed. She glanced at
the display and almost stumbled, she stopped so suddenly.

She no longer felt the cold or the rain that pummeled her body as she stood with her nose pressed to the
glass window. Her fingers trembled as she reached out towards the tapestry that was displayed on the
other side of the glass. Its vibrant colors and almost lifelike quality was enthralling. It was, quite simply,
the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen in her life.

She had to have it. Somehow she knew that it was meant to belong to her.

Groping her way to the front door of the shop, she tugged on the handle. It was locked. Desperation
seized her as she banged her fist on the door. There had to be someone inside the store.

An elderly lady, her white hair coiled neatly in a bun on her head, appeared on the other side of the
door. Christina could see her shaking her head through the glass. “We’re closed.”

Christina’s stomach clenched as determination filled her. “Please. I just want to see the tapestry in the
window.” She pointed to the window as she shouted.

The woman’s face softened and she smiled gently as she slowly reached out and unlocked the door.
Christina almost cried with relief when the woman ushered her inside, closing and bolting the door behind

“I’m really sorry about this.” Now that she was inside, Christina began to realize just how crazy her
actions must seem to the other woman. “It’s just that I saw the tapestry as I passed by and…” She
trailed off, not quite sure how to explain her sudden obsession.

But the older woman just laughed softly. “I understand, my dear. You just wait here and I’ll get it for

Christina watched the woman’s every move. A feeling of anticipation shot through her as the woman
carefully removed the item from the window and brought it over to the front counter. Spreading it over
the flat surface, she motioned Christina closer.

Almost hesitantly, she edged nearer, afraid that the piece would not live up to her expectations when she
examined it up close. The tapestry was about two feet wide and three feet long. The rich colors created a
picture unlike any she’d ever seen. A large stone castle stood in the background, surrounded by a forest.
Various birds and animals were hidden in the depths of the trees. The longer she looked, the more she
saw in the intricate design. Her fingers itched to touch it so she shoved her hands in her pockets.

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A river flowed to the left of the castle, the blue-gray water tumbling over rocks and carving a path into
the forest behind it. Silvery fish jumped and glittered in its depths. It was so real, she almost felt as if she
could hear the plop of the fish as they breached the surface.

There were flowers of every shape and color, many of which she didn’t recognize. But they were all
beautifully framed against the castle and the thick growth of trees. There were pine trees, their needles a
green so deep they looked almost black in places and trees covered with leaves of various shapes and
sizes, in every shade of green imaginable. She could almost sense them moving in the breeze.

Whoever had created this tapestry was indeed an artist. The picture was so alive that Christina felt that if
she stared at it long enough, she would actually see the river run and the trees sway. It was mesmerizing.

But it was the two warriors standing in front of the castle that captivated her. Both were tall and strong.
Their chests and arms rippled and bulged with muscles, even though they were standing with their arms
folded across their chests in a seemingly casual stance. Only a leather vest covered their torsos, leaving
most of their chests and all of their arms bare. Wide metal bands, the color of bronze, were clasped
around their upper arms and wrists.

Leather breeches molded strong thighs and cupped rather impressive bulges in the front. She couldn’t
help but think that the maker of the tapestry had definitely taken artistic license. Both wore leather boots
that came to just below their knees. They gave off an aura of barely leashed power that could explode at
a moment’s notice.

Both of them had long, straight hair, although one warrior had brown hair, the other black. Strands of it
flew out behind them as if it was being whipped around by an unseen wind. They looked proud and
strong, protectors of the castle and its inhabitants.

Their features seemed to take on a sharper definition the longer she stared at them. There was a similar
look about them, and she felt that they could be related. They both had long faces with high foreheads
and cheekbones. Their features were rough-hewn, but not unattractive. They definitely weren’t pretty,
but they were compelling. Their slightly hooked noses and golden brown eyes made them look like birds
of prey. The taller one had fuller lips, but both faces were filled with carnal knowledge and sensual
promise. In spite of her cold, damp clothing, Christina felt a warmth flood her body.

She could almost imagine their voices, deep and slightly rough, promising all kinds of sexual delights. The
skin on their hands would be rough as they touched her. They would whisper in her ear, telling her in
great detail what they wanted to do to her, separately and together.

Suddenly it was hard to breathe. She began to tremble, a quiver that began low in her belly and spread
to her entire body. Her breasts seemed to swell and she could feel her nipples pucker and push against
the soft cotton cups of her bra. The slight abrasion almost made her cry out and she swallowed back a
moan of pleasure. She felt strangely aroused as she stood there staring at the two men in the tapestry. An
ache grew between her thighs, unlike anything she’d ever experienced before, and moisture seeped from
her core, dampening the crotch of her panties.

“How much?” The sound of her own voice surprised her. It was low and sultry, like some sexy siren, not
her usual no-nonsense tone.

“Twenty-two hundred dollars.”

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Christina’s heart sank at the cost and reality crashed back down on her. She was a secretary in the
accounting department of a large corporation and although she made a decent living, it cost a lot to live in
the city. Swallowing hard, she turned to the woman who was waiting patiently for her to make up her

“Is that your best price?” She was instantly appalled at herself. She’d never bargained for anything in her
adult life. She’d grown up poor, buying from thrift stores her entire childhood, and she’d promised herself
that when she started working she’d never have to grovel for anything again. But pride suddenly didn’t
matter. The only thing that mattered was owning this tapestry.

Even as she felt the heat climbing up her cheeks, Christina watched the other woman shake her head,
her green eyes filling with regretfully. “I’m sorry dear, but I just put that piece out tonight. I was actually
going to ask twenty-five hundred for it, but you seemed to want it so badly.”

She bit her lip to keep herself from crying as a feeling of shame crept over her. She felt twice as bad
about asking for a discount now. The only sensible thing she could do now would be to say thank you
and leave. Instead, when she opened her mouth to thank the proprietor of the store, all her good
intentions vanished. “How about seventeen hundred?” The words tumbled out before she could stop
them. Part of her wanted to call her words back. Instead, she held her breath and hoped.

As if sensing a sale, the older lady countered quickly. “Two thousand.” Holding her hand up before
Christina could speak, she added softly, “That’s my final offer.”

Quickly, Christina made a mental inventory of the money she had in her bank account. It would wipe out
her entire savings, but she could swing it if she was really frugal for a couple of months.

Without allowing any time to talk herself out of it, she whipped out her wallet and extracted her
bankcard from it. “Sold.”

The wrinkles around the older woman’s face deepened as she smiled. “It’s perfect for you, my dear.”
Bustling around, she quickly rang up the sale before Christina could change her mind. Then carefully
wrapped the tapestry in tissue paper before placing it in a plastic bag for safe and easy transport.

Ignoring the sharp pain in her head and the nausea churning in her gut, she ruthlessly wiped out her
savings to pay for the piece of woven fabric. Clutching the package in her hands, she swallowed hard as
she headed back to the front door of the shop.

Just before the door closed behind her, she heard the other woman’s voice. “You won’t regret it.”

Christina stopped suddenly and turned back, tempted to return the tapestry and forget the whole thing,
but it was already too late. The door was closed and locked, the lights already out. She squinted and
peered through the glass, but couldn’t see the woman anywhere inside.

The plastic-wrapped package seemed to grow heavier in her arms as she stared in the window. The rain
was still coming down hard. The cold drops falling on her face shook her out of her stupor. Sheltering the
package as best she could, she turned and left the store behind her, racing towards the lights of the
subway station.

Scurrying down the stairs, she made the platform just as the train arrived. Hurrying on, she sighed with
relief when the doors closed behind her. Other people like herself were heading home after the long
workday. She eased into a vacant seat by the door and wrapped her arms around the package that sat in

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her lap, letting the rhythm of the train soothe her shattered nerves.

Home. Everything would be fine as soon as she got home.

Chapter Two

Christina leaned back against the door and heaved a sigh of relief. Reaching out, she flicked a switch and
a dim light filled the room. The apartment was small and cramped, but it was hers and it was home.

She laid her purse and her precious bundle on the floor beside her loveseat before taking off her wet
coat and hanging it on a coat hook just behind the front door. Pulling off her boots one at a time, she set
them aside before bolting all the locks on the door.

The apartment was cold as she kept the heat turned off when she was at work in order to save money.
Shivering slightly, she grabbed her parcel and hurried into the miniscule bedroom. It was barely big
enough for a single bed, a bedside table, and a small chest of drawers.

She closed the door behind her, a habit left over from her childhood when she was being shuffled from
home to home in foster care. Privacy had been hard to come by and she’d quickly learned that a closed
door was sometimes the best she could hope for. As an adult, even though she lived alone, she’d never
felt comfortable sleeping in her room without the door closed. Quickly, she switched on the small bedside
lamp and cranked up the heater.

Carefully, she laid the package on the bed and wiped her sweaty palms on her damp skirt. Taking a
deep breath, she slowly unwrapped it, tossing the plastic and wrapping behind her. She unrolled the
tapestry, an inch at a time, until it was spread across her bed.

The warmth filling her had little to do with the tiny bit of heat being pushed out by the radiator. A nervous
giggle escaped her, surprising her. She was glad that she’d bought the tapestry. It felt right and made her

Flinging out her arms, she spun in a circle, her long braid whipping around as she turned. Droplets of
water flew out around her and she stopped suddenly, afraid she would get the beautiful fabric wet.

Still smiling, she hurried into the bathroom that was connected to her bedroom, stripped off her wet
clothing and unbraided her long, damp hair. Christina longed for a hot soak in a tub, but her apartment
only had a very cramped shower.

Experience had taught her that there was just enough hot water for her to wash and rinse quickly.
Turning on the water, she adjusted the spray and squeezed into the shower stall.

By the time she’d rinsed the shampoo from her hair, the water was already lukewarm. Turning off the
taps, she wrung out her hair and wrapped a towel around it. Grabbing another towel, she dried off and
wrapped it around her body. As much as she wanted to run back into the bedroom with her tapestry, she
knew she had to dry her hair before she went to bed.

Unwinding the towel from around her head, she shook out her damp hair. It was her one and only
vanity. Perfectly straight, it fell past her waist and was so blonde it was almost white, a gift from her
Nordic ancestors and a mother whom she barely remembered. Bending at the waist, she flipped her hair

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over, picked up the hairdryer and turned it on low.

When the mass was dry, she carefully combed out the tangles before standing back straight and flipping
her hair over her shoulder. With long-practiced ease, she picked up her brush and smoothed out her hair.
Reaching behind her head, she separated it into three strands and began to plait her hair. When the braid
was partly done, she pulled it over her shoulder and continued working on it until she’d created a long,
blonde rope.

As she secured the ends in a ponytail holder, she gazed into the mirror that hung over the vanity and
appraised her features. Pale was the best word to describe herself. With her light cornflower blue eyes,
white skin, and light blonde hair, Christina had always found it easy to disappear into her surroundings.

As a shy, slightly overweight child, she’d found it easy to keep to herself as she was shuffled through the
foster-care system after her parents were killed in a car accident. Unfortunately, she’d continued doing
the same thing as an adult and as a result, she was twenty-eight years old, a solid size fourteen, and
Brenda was the only friend she had.

Shaking off her momentary melancholy, she hung up the damp towels and hurried back into her
bedroom. She was digging through her dresser drawer for a warm nightgown when her hand hit
something soft and silky. Pulling it out of the drawer, she shook out the rich fabric. Brenda had given her
the long, slinky nightgown for her last birthday, teasing her that she needed something special for when
she got a boyfriend. Christina had buried it in the bottom of her dresser drawer and forgotten about it.

But tonight seemed like the perfect night to wear such a silky confection. Drawing it over her head, she
let the lavender-colored fabric slide down her body in a sensual caress. The shoulder straps were about
an inch wide and the front dipped down in a low v-neck. Luckily, there was elastic running under the
chest area that created a built-in bra and helped support her large breasts.

Her nipples puckered as the fabric slid across them. Christina clamped her legs tight together as the ache
between her legs began to throb once again. It surprised her just how sensual she felt wearing the sexy
nightgown instead of her regular thick flannel one. The fabric gently skimmed her sides before coming to
a stop about an inch from the floor.

Goose bumps covered her arms and she rubbed them to try and warm herself. She yanked open the
drawer again to pull out a sensible nightgown, but slammed it shut again. She was tired of being sensible.
The thin silky one felt good against her skin and made her feel pretty.

Pulling back the covers on her bed, she climbed beneath the small mound of blankets and pulled the
tapestry onto her lap, turning it so that it was facing her. Almost afraid to touch the beautiful design in the
center of the piece, she reached out her finger and gently traced the features of each of the warriors who
stood proud and tall. A low groaning noise echoed through the room, sounding just like a sigh of
masculine pleasure.

Christina jerked her hand back and looked wildly around the room. Of course there was no one there.
She was alone. She gave a nervous laugh as she shook her head at her own flights of fancy. It must have
been the heater making that strange noise or possibly the wind against the window.

She was just tired after such a long, hectic week at work. Between that and her impulsive behavior this
evening, it was no wonder she was feeling out of sorts. After a nice long weekend of rest, she’d be back
to her normal practical self.

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Burrowing under the covers, she reached out and smoothed the lush fabric of the tapestry with her hand.
She knew she should put such a valuable tapestry somewhere safe, but she wanted it with her as she
slept. For some reason, she felt comforted and safe with it draped over her.

“It’s mine and I’ll do whatever I want with it.” She spoke aloud to the room as if daring it to object.
Feeling silly, she turned off the lights and pulled the covers tight under her chin. Shivering slightly she
curled her legs up tight to her body. Leaving one hand on top of the tapestry, she continued to stroke it
until she drifted off to sleep…

It was dark when she woke. Very dark. That was unusual as the lights of the city usually bathed her
room in a faint light. Frowning, she pushed the covers away and sat up in bed. Her fingers lingered on the
bedclothes, feeling their strange texture. It took her a second to realize that it wasn’t her wool blankets
she was touching, but rather, fur.

Squinting, she glanced around, taking in as much of her surroundings as she could see. Curtains hung
from two sides of the bed, obscuring most of the room from her view. But there was no doubt that she
definitely wasn’t in her own bed. This bed seemed huge and she could make out large wooden posts at
the foot of it. There was no curtain across the foot of the bed and she could see that the walls of her own
room had been replaced by stone ones. A low fire in the fireplace on the other side of the room gave the
only illumination.

Surprisingly, she wasn’t afraid or disconcerted by her discovery. This room was exactly as she imagined
a room from the castle on the tapestry would look like. She almost laughed at the pleasure that thought
gave her. She felt safer and more at home here than she did in her own apartment.

Her laughter faded as she reasoned that this had to be nothing more than a dream, brought on by her
purchase of the tapestry. Nothing else could explain her strange surroundings.

Sighing, she lay back on the bed and waited to wake up. A rustling to her right made her gasp and she
scooted to the left. She hit a large barrier and could go no further.

A large muscled arm wrapped around her and dragged her up against a very huge chest. Definitely male.
And since this was only a dream, she assumed that it was one of the warriors from the tapestry. It felt
strange to have a man’s arm resting across her stomach. It made her breasts tingle.

As if he knew what she’d been thinking, his hand slid slowly up her stomach until he was cupping one of
her breasts. She didn’t protest, not wanting to speak and risk waking herself just when her dream was
getting good. She’d heard about people having erotic dreams. Brenda had them all the time. But she’d
never had one.

Christina was unable to suppress the moan that tumbled from her lips when he languidly rubbed her
turgid nipple with his thumb. The movement of his thumb over the fabric of her nightgown was incredibly
arousing. She could feel the moisture pooling between her legs as they moved restlessly across the

A low rumble, much like a lion purring, came from his chest. It was time to turn around and have a look
at her fantasy man. But before she could make herself move away from the pleasure his hand was giving
her, she heard the rustling sound from the other side of the bed again.

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“You’re awake.” The low, male voice touched her like a caress and every hair on her body seemed to
stand on end in anticipation. She didn’t dare correct him and tell him she was actually asleep.

The hand on her leg made her jerk. “Shh,” a voice whispered in her ear. “Just relax and let us pleasure

Her thoughts tumbled over one another in her head. She was in bed with two strange men who wanted
to pleasure her. It was okay, she told herself. This was only a dream. Finally, she was going to have an
erotic dream. All she had to do was relax and enjoy it.

All thoughts left her when the covers were flung from her body and she felt herself being turned onto her
back. One pair of large male hands wrapped around her thighs and slowly drew them apart, while
another large male hand continued to pleasure her breast.

She peered through the gloom, desperately trying to see their faces. Their features were indistinct, but
they were both large with long, straight hair. These were definitely the two warriors from her tapestry.

Christina opened her mouth to speak, not quite sure what she wanted to say, but before she could utter
a word, the warrior looming over her captured her mouth with his. Her words became a cry of surrender
as he pushed his tongue past her lips and sank into the moist cavern of her mouth.

His tongue stroked hers, gently at first and then with a demand that she meet him, stroke for stroke. As
he kissed her, he continued to tease her swollen nipple through the fabric of her nightgown. Just when she
thought she might go mad with wanting his hand on her flesh, he pushed the fabric down and lightly
pinched the swollen bud.

Digging her fingers into his shoulder, she held him tight to her, not wanting to let him go. But he pulled
away. Before she could protest, he kissed his way down her throat, over her collarbone and came to rest
on the curve of her breast.

The warrior between her thighs pushed her nightgown upward and the fabric bunched at her waist. She
could feel his hot breath on her thigh as he lowered his face closer to her sex.

She gasped for air, barely able to breathe as she realized what he intended to do. As if it was a
choreographed dance, both of them lowered their heads at the exact same time. Her back arched as she
tipped her head back, and her lips parted as a low keening sound of need emerged from deep within her.
She’d never felt like this in her life.

A calloused hand cupped her breast gently as one of her warriors drew her engorged nipple into his
mouth and suckled it. His tongue stroked the top and circled her areola. She realized she’d tangled the
fingers of her left hand in his hair to hold him there.

Between her legs, the other warrior was tasting the slick, pink flesh of her sex. His tongue felt slightly
rough against her aroused flesh and she arched her hips towards him, wanting more, needing more. He
laughed as he blew on her heated skin. Then he captured her clit between his lips and sucked on it.

Her entire womb was clenched tight. She dug her heels into the mattress and pushed her pussy against
his mouth. More. She was so close to coming.

A light sheen of sweat covered her body now, she was so hot. Tendrils of hair that had escaped her
braid now stuck to her forehead. Her entire body ached with a desperate need for completion.

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“Now,” she whispered. Reaching out blindly with her right hand, she gripped a handful of the warrior’s
hair and tugged him closer to her pulsing slit.

Two long fingers slipped inside her. Her entire sex clenched around them. He withdrew them right to the
edge of her opening. She whimpered and pumped her hips wildly, desperate to keep his fingers inside

Just as he shoved them deep, he pressed hard on her clit with his tongue. The mouth at her breast tugged
at her swollen nipple with his teeth.

Christina exploded.

Her entire body convulsed. She could feel herself coming as wave after wave of pleasure washed over
her. Neither man stopped, but continued to pleasure and tease her until she was laughing and crying at
the same time.

The hands that had held them so close to her were now trying to push them away. She couldn’t take any

Both of them sat up straight in the bed just as a log shifted in the fireplace and the light flared. She caught
a glimpse of them both in that moment. Both wore sleepy, satisfied smiles. But it was their eyes that
seemed to burn straight to her soul. They blazed with desire and something more. Something she couldn’t
quite identify, but the intensity of it frightened her.

When they reached for her again, she instinctively shrank back into the mattress. “No.” The sound of
two male voices echoed in her ears.

Christina sat straight up in bed, gasping for air. The covers were twisted and half of them had been
pushed to the floor. She scuttled back against her pillows and she glanced wildly around the room. It
took her more than a few seconds to realize that she was still in her own single bed in her apartment.

Dreaming. She’d been dreaming! Her common sense asserted itself and she laughed shakily and she
straightened her legs out. Reaching out, she flicked on her bedside lamp. “Well, I’d always wondered
what an erotic dream was like.” She spoke aloud to try and ground herself in reality.

Her body shivered with aftershocks from her orgasm. The bottom part of her nightgown was still
bunched around her waist. Her thighs and sex both glistened with cum and her sex still pulsed with desire.
Shoving the fabric down to cover herself, she scooted to the edge of the bed and sat there, trying to

One of her breasts was exposed and she quickly pulled the top back over it. Standing on shaky legs, she
made her way to the bathroom and cleaned herself up. It was only when she was returning to bed that
she remembered the tapestry.

Hurrying, she grabbed the covers and shook them. The tapestry tumbled out onto the floor. Dropping
the bedclothes, she grabbed it and held it up to the light. Nothing seemed to be damaged, but she wasn’t
ready to take another chance. Rolling it carefully, she laid it safely on the top of her dresser before turning
off the light and climbing back into bed.

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Settling back, she tried to sleep, but her mind was filled with images of the two warriors. From time to
time she shivered at the remembered pleasure they’d give her. She lay awake a long time before she
finally drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Three

There was a ringing in her ears. It was coming from a distance, but she wished it would stop. She’d been
having such a lovely dream.

Her eyes popped open wide as she hurriedly surveyed her surroundings. She was in her own home. Of
course, she was. Where else would she be? The ringing continued and she realized that it was her phone.
Tossing back the covers, she hurried out into the living room.


“It took you long enough.”

Christina recognized Brenda’s voice immediately. She should have known it would be her. Other than
the occasional work-related phone call and telemarketers, no one else phoned her.

“I was still in bed.” She’d rushed out without grabbing a robe or slippers and she was quickly getting
cold. The heat was still on low and she curled her toes to try and warm them. It didn’t help.

“But you never sleep in.” Brenda made it seem like a crime that she’d slept late this one Saturday.

“I did today. What time is it?” Her watch was in the bedroom on her dresser and she couldn’t see the
kitchen clock from here.

“It’s almost eleven. I wanted to meet you for lunch. I have so much to tell you.” She paused and giggled.
“Last night with Jason was just amazing.”

“Speaking of last night, I bought something after I left the bar last night.”

A long sigh came through the receiver. “What?”

Christina knew that Brenda wanted to tell her about last night, but for once, she wanted to talk about
what had happened to her. “A tapestry.” Just saying it made her feel slightly warmer.

“Why would you buy something like that?” She could hear the mild disdain in her friend’s voice. “I hope
you got a deal on it.” Brenda was the queen of the bargain shoppers and never paid full price for

“I bought it because I wanted it. It’s really lovely.”

“You’re hedging. How much?” she sounded slightly impatient now.

“Two thousand.” She said it quickly. “So where do you want to meet for lunch?” She’d hope to distract
Brenda, but her hope was in vain.

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“You paid what?” The screech from the other line had her holding the phone far away from her ear.
“Are you crazy? You can’t afford that.”

Her stomach knotted with each word her friend hurled at her. Brenda was right, she couldn’t afford it.
She didn’t know what she’d been thinking last night, except for once in her life when she’d wanted
something, she’d reached out and taken it.

A headache was forming behind her eyes and she reached up to try and rub it way. Brenda was still
berating her for wasting her money on a piece of woven cloth. She moved the receiver back to her ear
just to hear the tail end of Brenda’s rant. “I could have gotten you a pretty rug at this place a few streets
over from me for thirty bucks.”

“It’s not a rug, it’s a tapestry.” Why she was defending it, she didn’t know.

“You have to return it. You got hoodwinked.” Brenda said the words that Christina had been dreading
to hear.

Deep in her heart, she wanted to keep the tapestry. It belonged to her in a way that nothing else ever
had. But as she looked around her small apartment and thought about her upcoming rent and the
premium on her health insurance that she had to pay, her stomach got even queasier. Her common sense
demanded that she be sensible and return the tapestry and get her money back.

It would be so hard to face the woman this morning after practically demanding she open the shop last
night so that Christina could buy it. The pounding in her temples got worse.

“I know.” Those were the hardest two words she’d ever uttered in her life.

Brenda just harrumphed. “That’s settled. You can return it and then meet me for lunch.”

She was shaking her head even though she knew her friend couldn’t see her. “Not today. I’m just not
feeling well.” The silence was almost deafening. She realized that in all the years they’d know each other,
she’d never said no to the other woman before.

“You’re obviously not yourself today.” She could hear Brenda sniff. “You have more important things to
do today than to talk to your best friend. But I understand.”

Christina almost caved. Almost. It was more habit than anything. But for once, she stood her ground.
This was important to her. If Brenda was any kind of a friend, she’d understand that and offer her

“I’m glad you understand.” She almost smiled at the sputtering she heard. Brenda obviously hadn’t
anticipated her reply.

“I’ll talk to you next week. Hopefully, you’ll be over whatever is bothering you by then.” She heard the
click in her ear before she could reply. Sighing, she replaced the receiver.

Cold right to her bones, she rushed into her bedroom and yanked off the silk nightgown, stuffing it back
into her dresser drawer, before hauling on some clothes. Jeans, warm socks, and a sweater helped to
warm her slightly. She made the bed without really thinking about it, her mind was already focused on the
chore ahead. She had to return the tapestry.

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Plucking the wrapping off the floor where she’d left it the night before, she laid it on the bed before she
went her dresser. She didn’t dare unroll the tapestry. If she did, she knew she’d never be able to take it
back. Carefully, she bundled it back into tissue paper before placing it in the plastic sack.

Hurrying to the front door, she grabbed her heavy jacket off the hook and slipped it on. Stuffing her feet
in her old sneakers, she unlocked her door, grabbed her purse, and left the apartment.

Her feet felt like lead by the time she climbed the stairs leading out of the subway station. She’d spent
the entire ride arguing with herself. The closer she got to the shop, the worse her head and stomach hurt.
She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as she dragged herself down the sidewalk. The store had to
be along here somewhere.

Christina walked all the way back to the bar where she met Brenda, but didn’t see the store. Frowning,
she turned around and retraced her steps. The bundle in her arms seemed to get heavier the closer she
got to where she thought the store should be.

She slowed, stopping in front of a run-down building with a large picture window in the front. This has to
be the place. There was no sign on the door, but she couldn’t remember seeing one the night before in
the dark and the rain.

Reaching out, she gripped the handle and tugged. Locked. Cupping her hand, she squinted into the dark
store. She could make out the counter in the distance, but it looked different somehow. Backing away
from the door, she turned and looked in the front window. A layer of dust and grime covered the glass
and dust filled the front display. Beyond the dim light of the window lay an empty room. A few boxes
were scattered about and the cash register was gone.

It didn’t make any sense. She’d bought the tapestry here last night. The interior of the store was familiar
even though it looked abandoned. They couldn’t have moved out that quickly. Could they?

Of course they could. This was the city, and businesses came and went in the blink of an eye.

That had to be it. She wouldn’t have noticed the grime and run-down feel to the place in the gloom last
night. The tapestry had held all her attention and the lighting hadn’t been very good. There was no way
she could return the tapestry now.

Wrapping her arms tight around her precious parcel, she spun around in a circle as laughter spilled from
her lips. The headache that had plagued her all morning was gone and her stomach was settled. Christina
felt as light and happy as when she’d first bought the tapestry.

It was hers. For keeps.

She stopped spinning around when she realized that people were beginning to stare and point at her.
Flashing them a smile, she began to walk back towards the subway station. No wonder the older lady
had bargained so hard. If she knew she was closing her shop, she’d have wanted to make as much
money on the deal as she could.

The thought that the woman needed the money helped Christina justify the purchase in her own mind. It
was an even trade for both sides. Her feet felt lighter as she boarded the train and rode back to her

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She was still smiling forty minutes later when she walked back into her apartment. Kicking off her
sneakers, she padded to her bedroom to safely store the tapestry. Taking her time, she removed the
wrapping and then unrolled it. Spreading it across the bed, she admired it before gathering up the
packaging and taking it to the kitchen, where she stuffed it into the garbage. It wasn’t going anywhere.

The rest of the day was spent on mundane chores. She picked up her dry cleaning and bought some
groceries before returning home to tackle her house cleaning. It had been a quiet day, but a good one.
After the turmoil of the morning, she’d been grateful to have a boring afternoon and evening, finding
comfort in her routine.

She decided to go to bed early and convinced herself that it had nothing to do with wanting to dream
again. But when she reached for her sensible nightgown, her hand touched the silky lavender-colored one
again. Tugging off her bathrobe, she slipped it on over her head. The fabric caressed her skin that was
still flushed from her shower.

Tossing the robe on the end of the bed, Christina climbed beneath the covers and pulled them over her.
The tapestry rested on the top of the blankets and she reached her hand out to touch it. She no longer
needed to see it to know what it looked like. The images of the castle, but especially of the two warriors
were burned into her very soul.

Closing her eyes, she kept one hand on the tapestry, gently rubbing the edge of the fabric. She knew that
some people would think she was slightly crazy, but she didn’t care. It made her happy and that was all
that really mattered.

Her bed shook beneath her and she grumbled slightly. Her downstairs neighbor must be having another
party. She scowled, but she could hear no music. Usually, he had his stereo cranked so high that the
entire apartment trembled. Listening harder now, she heard the heavy clomp of footsteps that sounded
remarkable like horse’s hooves.

But that wasn’t possible. She was on the fifth floor of her apartment building. Her neighbor must have a
movie turned up loud. That explained the strange noises and the slight vibration of her bed. Leather
creaked and a horse whinnied. It sounded incredibly close now.

Christina opened one eye and frowned slightly when the only thing she could see was a large pair of
leather boots in front of her face. It was then she became aware that her mattress was rather lumpy and
that her pillow smelled suspiciously like fresh grass. She closed her eye tight, took a deep breath and then
opened them both. But the picture remained the same no matter how many times she blinked.

“I must be dreaming again,” she mumbled to herself.

“And here I thought I must be the one who was dreaming.” The voice was deep, masculine and amused.

Tilting her head back, she followed the boots up over an incredibly long pair of muscular legs encased in
a tight pair of leather pants. An open vest emphasized his lean waist, a six-pack of abs and an impossibly
wide chest. Her eyes kept traveling upwards, all the way to a face that took her breath away.

The man was gorgeous. His straight black hair disappeared behind his shoulders, but a thin braid came
down each side of his temple falling all the way to his waist. The braids framed a rough-hewn face with a
prominent nose, thin lips and a high forehead. His eyes, a golden-brown, blazed with desire as his gaze

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ran over her scantily clad form.

She sat up quickly and scuttled backwards away from the giant in front of her. Her fingers dug into the
moist ground beneath her. Twisting her head from side to side, she tried to get her bearings. Her bed was
gone, her room was gone, and she certainly wasn’t in her apartment.

Instead, she was sitting on the ground in the middle of a grassy field with a tall, thick forest surrounding
her. Somewhere in the distance, a bird was twittering and a butterfly fluttered past her nose, coming to
rest on a small patch of purple flowers on her right.

“Are you alone?” The giant frowned down at her and she swallowed back a scream, shaking her head.
There was no way in hell she was telling this man that she was alone.

He took a step towards her and she scrambled to her feet, thrusting her hands out in front of her to ward
him off. Her heart was pounding in her chest now and her entire body trembled with fear. True, he was
the most gorgeous man she’d ever laid her eyes on, but he was also a total stranger.

However, the longer she stared at him the more familiar he seemed.

He stopped immediately and his gaze softened. “There’s no need to fear.” He held one hand out to her
and his voice became calm and almost hypnotic. “You cannot be out alone without protection. Come to

She almost took a step towards him. Almost.

Standing her ground, she glanced about for something she could use as a weapon. Anything. “Who are
you?” If she could keep him talking, it might give her time to figure out what in the heck she should do.
“Where am I?”

“I am Jarek of the House of Garen.” He paused. “And you, little one, are on my land.”

“Well, I don’t know how I got here, Jarek of the House of whatever, but I’d sure as heck rather be
home in bed.” She remembered what she’d first thought when she opened her eyes and suddenly
everything began to make sense. “I’m dreaming, again.”

His outfit looked familiar and it finally came to her why she felt she recognized him. Sizing up the man in
front of her one more time, she suddenly decided that it wasn’t such a bad dream to be having.

The look of hot lust in his eyes was not the kind she was used to being directed her way. Under his gaze
her nipples pebbled into tight buds that pushed against the silk of her nightgown. Her body certainly
remembered the pleasure he’d given her in her dream last night.

She licked her dry lips and stood a little taller, thrusting her breasts out slightly. If possible the heat in
Jarek’s eyes grew more fiery. As she watched him, a very large bulge grew in the front of his breeches.
A shiver of desire shot down her spine.

It was nice to have a name to put with one of the warriors from the tapestry. Jarek. She liked the sound
of it, strong and solid and noble. “You’re one of the warriors from the tapestry.” She knew he had to be,
but for some reason she wanted him to confirm that.

The lust in his eyes disappeared in a blink and a cold, hard gleam appeared there instead. “Tapestry?”

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Christina swallowed back her fear. After all, this was just a dream. “The one with the castle and the
woods and the two warriors standing in front of it.” She motioned with her hands to show him the
approximate size. “I bought it from a strange little shop a couple days ago.”

“The prophecy has begun.” His voice was low, his tone almost reverent as he bowed his head for a
moment. When he raised his head again, his face was set in determined lines. “You are alone and must
come to the castle for protection.”

Christina didn’t like his imperious tone and she liked his command even less. “I think I’ll stay here until I
wake up if it’s all the same to you.”

The dumbfounded look on his face told her that no one said no to this man very often. He cocked his
head to one side as he stared at her as if trying to figure out whether she was being difficult or if she was
just plain crazy. At the moment, she’d opt for the second one. This whole dream was nuts.

Part of her wanted to go with him. If she were lucky, maybe this would turn into another long, erotic
dream. A woman didn’t get a chance to have sex with a guy this hot very often, even if it was just a
fantasy. But in the harsh light of day, he looked too big, too powerful and just too intimidating as he took
another step towards her.

Panicking, she once again threw up her hands in front of her to stop him. “If you’re the warrior from the
tapestry, where’s the other one?”

Strong arms enveloped her from behind and a pair of tan muscled forearms clamped around her
stomach. She was pulled back against a rock-hard chest as a soft voice whispered in her right ear. “I’m
right here.”

Christina shrieked and tried to pull away, but his grip was like iron. Tipping her head back, she caught a
glimpse of another giant of a man with long dark brown hair and similar features to the other one.
Brothers. They had to be brothers. The only difference was that this one had fuller lips and different
colored hair.

Frozen in place by his heated gaze and his unbreakable grip, she didn’t even flinch when he leaned down
and covered her lips with his.

Chapter Four

Heat. That was her first thought and then she couldn’t think at all as his firm lips slowly brushed hers.
One of his hands flattened on her stomach and urged her backwards until her bottom was plastered
against his growing arousal. He rotated his hips, pressing his erection against the soft cleft of her ass. His
other hand cupped her chin, keeping her face tilted at the right angle for him to continue kissing her.

She could hardly breathe. She felt surrounded by him, branded by his hand that was caressing her
stomach and by his hard cock that throbbed against her behind. She’d never had dreams like this before
she’d bought the tapestry. Never.

Her only real sexual experience had been during college and that uninspiring relationship had only lasted
two months before it had fizzled out. But this. This was incredible.

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She was only grateful that it was a dream, otherwise she’d be scared to death to have such a virile stud
kissing her and touching her while another one watched. This dream was very different from the one
she’d had last night. It had less of a dreamy quality about it. It felt more vibrant, more tangible.

The earth was firm beneath her feet and a light breeze brushed her skin. Birds chirped and sang, while
the air was filled with the piney scent of the forest mixed with the sweet scent of the flowers. Last night’s
adventure had an almost veiled and hazy quality about it. Tonight’s felt almost too real.

The kiss was a mere brush of the lips, but Christina felt as if she was on fire. Her entire body burned
with desire and she could feel a dampness growing between her thighs. Her bare toes curled into the
grass. She wanted to grab him by the hair and drag him even closer to her.

“If you’re finished, I’ll introduce you to my brother.” Jarek’s sardonic voice cut through her sensual haze
like a knife.

Her hand covered her mouth and her eyes grew wide as she stared up at the stranger she had allowed to
kiss her. At least she knew Jarek’s name. Quite unexpectedly, shame washed over her and she could feel
the warmth creeping up her face.

The arms around her waist loosened as the stranger captured the hand that covered her mouth and drew
it slowly towards his. He placed a soft kiss on each knuckle before slipping his tongue between two of
her fingers and licking the skin between. Heat surged between her thighs and she gasped for breath.

His lips curved up into a small, knowing smile as he released her hand. “I am Marc of the House of
Garen, and I am very pleased to meet you.”

His voice was not as harsh as Jarek’s and there was humor in his eyes as he looked down at her from
his great height. Christina pulled away from Marc, relieved when he let her go. Her gaze went back and
forth from brother to brother.

“Um. Christina Beaumont. It was nice meeting you both, but I’m ready to wake up now.” She gripped
the skin of her upper arm between two fingers and pinched hard. Nothing. She pinched harder until tears
came to her eyes.

“Stop. You are harming yourself.” She flinched at Jarek’s harsh tones.

“You don’t understand.” Her breathing was getting more rapid and panic threatened to erupt within her.

“What don’t I understand?” He was closer to her now, looking more worried by the moment.

“This is just a dream. I’m going to wake up in my own bed any moment now and I’ll find the tapestry
still draped over me and the room will still be too cold and…”

Jarek was shaking her head at her now and that scared her almost as much as the fact that she couldn’t
seem to wake herself up.

“It is no dream. The magic of the tapestry has brought you here to us. You belong to us now.” All traces
of softness fled his face and his golden-brown eyes glittered like a bird of prey. “And we will not
relinquish you.”

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“No.” She stubbornly shook her head in denial. “There’s no such thing as magic. In books, maybe. In
dreams, sure. But not for real. Not my life anyway.”

“If that were so, you would not be here.” His male logic and the smug look on his face made her want to
smack him.

“I’m not really here.” She kept both brothers in view as she backed carefully away from them. The
breathing on her neck stopped her dead in her tracks. She turned slowly and came face-to-face with a
gigantic black horse that eyed her curiously before giving its head a shake.

Bending its large head towards her, it butted her chest. Grabbing the bridle with one hand, she steadied
herself. Carefully, she reached up her other hand and touched the beast. It chuffed happily when she
rubbed its long neck. The smell of the horse, the creak of the leather saddle when the animal moved, and
the feel of the wiry coat under her fingertips was all too real.

She glanced back at the two men. They were both watching her, their eyes devouring her from head to
toe. If the horse was real and she couldn’t wake herself, then she had to face the possibility that the men
were real as well. However impossible it was, it seemed that she had traveled to another place and time.

The hand that was petting the horse trembled and she dropped it and turned and walked towards the
woods. She needed to get away from them and think about this.

“Where are you going?”

She ignored Marc’s question and kept walking.

She heard Jarek swear under his breath and she turned in spite of her resolve not to. He strode to the
horse and swung himself easily into the saddle, his long legs clamping around the sides of the animal to
control it. Man and animal whirled around and started towards her. Christina shrieked at the sight of them
bearing down on her. Spinning around, she raced for the protective cover of the forest, but knew she’d
never make it.

Man and horse were breathing down her neck and for a moment, she feared they might run her into the
ground. At the last possible second, Jarek swerved around her. Reaching out with one long arm, he
snatched her mid-stride and scooped her up into the saddle in front of him.

It was all too much for her. She felt dizzy from the fear and the desperate run. The throbbing in her head
increased and the edges of her vision got blurry. “Please don’t hurt me.” It was barely a whisper, but she
knew that he’d heard her by the appalled look on his face. For some reason the black scowl that
followed made her feel safe and she followed the blackness covering her into oblivion.

Christina was so warm and cozy that she was sure she was in her own bed, and it had all been nothing
but a dream. Then her pillow moved and she realized that it was a flesh and blood man and not a pillow
that cradled her. Somehow she knew that it was Jarek holding her and not Marc.

When Marc had kissed her, she’d been surrounded by his unique masculine scent of hot maleness
mingled with the pleasant tang of grass and trees. The man holding her smelled more of leather and
horses, but there was an underlying masculine aroma that made her entire body clench with desire.

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Jarek cradled her body tight against his. His cock was hard and straining against the front of his
breeches, but his hold on her was gentle. She felt his breath ruffle her hair and then his lips touched the
side of her temple. Sighing, she relaxed and allowed the rhythm of the horse to rock her. It was such a
pleasant feeling that she dozed off again.

It was the sound of voices whispering that awoke her. Not so much the voices themselves, but the anger
underlying them. “You shouldn’t have chased her down like that.” She recognized Marc’s smoother

“I wasn’t the one who mauled her.”

“I didn’t maul her, I merely gave her a kiss of welcome.” A leather saddle creaked as if someone was
trying to settle in their saddle. “In the face of such beauty, I could not resist.” She thought for sure that
they must know she was awake, Marc was laying on the charm so thick.

“She does not understand our ways, Marc. But she will learn.”

Christina stiffened slightly at his words, but otherwise didn’t move.

“Ride for the castle and find Mara. Tell everyone to make the castle ready and to prepare a feast. The
prophecy has been fulfilled. After many years of waiting, the magic of the tapestry has brought us a
potential bride and that I am bringing her home.”

All this talk of prophecy and magic were making her very nervous. And what was that whole thing about
a being a potential bride? A bride for whom? She kept her eyes shut and her breathing calm, willing them
to keep talking.

Christina said a prayer of hope that Jarek still thought she was asleep, but her hopes were dashed the
moment the sound of pounding horse’s hooves faded into the distance. “It is good you are awake.”

Jarek didn’t give her time to respond before he shifted her so that she was now sitting in front of him,
astride the horse. The long skirt of her nightgown rode up over her legs as they draped over either side of
the horse. She pushed at the fabric, but it barely covered the tops of her thighs. With her legs spread
wide, her sex was pressed against the leather of the saddle and her ass was pushed back against Jarek’s

She squirmed, trying to get comfortable. Groaning, he clamped his hand over her stomach. “Be still,” he

Christina froze as his fingertips rested just above her pubic bone. If he moved them one inch lower he
would be able to touch her through her nightgown. She was filled with an unbelievable need to arch her
hips towards his hand.

She licked at her dry lips and tried to concentrate on her situation. “Where are you taking me?”

“Home.” There was a wealth of satisfaction in his voice and the hand on her abdomen tightened.

“What will happen to me?” She meant for her question to sound firm and authoritative. Instead she
sounded lost and slightly forlorn.

“The competition will begin, and in the end, you will choose your champion.” His hand slipped from her

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stomach and down to her exposed thigh.

It was almost impossible to think with his fingers making small circles on her thigh. With each circle he
made, his hand rode up higher on her leg. She sucked in a breath when the tops of his fingers
disappeared beneath the lavender fabric. “What competition?” Her question was little more than a
breathy gasp.

His breath brushed her skin in a feathery caress as his lips trailed a path down the side of her face. “The
one which will establish which of us you will belong to.”

His large hand cupped the back of her head, tilting it up so he could hold her captive as he leaned down
and captured her mouth. This was no soft kiss like the one Marc had given her. This was a claiming. A
statement of intent.

She was gasping for breath by the time he finally released her mouth. He lifted her, shifting her until she
was lying across his lap again, her side pressed against his hard chest and her shoulders cradled by one
of his arms. Seeming satisfied, he bent his head to kiss her. When she opened her mouth to protest, he
thrust his tongue inside. Gripping her hair in his fist, he angled her head for better access and growled his
approval as he plundered the inside of her mouth. The heat was incredible.

Her entire being was pulsing with desire and she couldn’t resist stroking his tongue with hers. He
rewarded her by sucking on her tongue. The hand on her thigh crept higher and she shifted her hips,
wordlessly pleading for his touch. She felt a smile form on his lips just before his fingers sifted through her
pubic hair.

But he didn’t stop there. His long, thick fingers slid past her aching clit and over her slick, wet folds. He
circled her opening once before gently pushing his fingers inside her. Greedily her sex grasped his fingers,
drawing him deeper.

Moaning, she clutched his thigh for support, her nails digging into his leather pants. Releasing her mouth,
he nipped at her earlobe and her neck. He eased his fingers out of her sex and brought them to his mouth
where he licked them clean one at a time.

The sight of his dark hand covering her sex was the most erotic thing she’d ever seen in her life. She
couldn’t take her eyes off his fingers as he dipped between her thighs once more and coated his fingers
with her cream. But this time, he brought his fingers to her lips. “Taste how sweet you are.”

She parted her lips and he slipped his fingers inside. Her tongue flicked out and she tasted not only her
own arousal, but also the salty taste of Jarek’s skin. Jarek moved his fingers in and out of her mouth as
she sucked and licked them with growing enthusiasm.

Groaning, he pulled his fingers from between her lips. His eyes burned with desire as he shifted her in his
arms. He turned her until she was straddling the horse and facing away from him again.

His hands came to rest on her shoulders. Gripping both straps of her nightgown, he tugged them down
over her shoulders until they were just above her elbows. Her breasts were totally exposed, but she
couldn’t move her arms.

His palms covered the large pale mounds. “Beautiful.” He circled both nipples, which were already
swollen with desire.

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Intense pleasure rocketed through her. She felt totally helpless trapped inside the fabric of her gown and
his arms. With the fabric bunched up over her thighs, she could glimpse the damp curls of her sex. She
was totally at Jarek’s mercy.

The thought appalled her even as it turned her on more than she’d ever thought possible. Just the idea of
his controlling her sexual pleasure had the juices flowing from between her legs and coating the saddle
beneath her.

“I can smell the heat from your sex.” Capturing her turgid nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, he
squeezed gently.

Christina cried out, startling some birds from the trees around them. She struggled to free her hands so
that she could touch him. He was so gorgeous, his muscles rock-hard and gleaming with a fine layer of
sweat. She wanted to touch him everywhere, lick him everywhere.

Pushing her ass back against him, she tried to rub herself against his throbbing erection. It was so big and
thick, her mouth went dry at the thought of touching it, tasting it. The movement spread her legs wider on
the saddle and she pushed her aching sex harder into the leather saddle, trying to ease the growing

One of his hands slipped between their bodies and she felt him fumbling with the leather ties of his pants.
Opening them, he released his cock even as he pulled the fabric of her gown out of the way.

“Bend down over the horse’s neck.” His hands gripped her hips, his fingers digging into her stomach.

Christina was burning for completion now. She’d never felt this kind of desire before, a desperate need
to find sexual release. She didn’t hesitate, but bent over the horse. Her arms were still trapped, but she
was able to wrap her fingers around the edges of the saddle. The motion opened her wide, exposing her
ass and her sex to him. Her breasts brushed the shaggy coat of the horse, the rough hair abrading her
sensitive nipples.

He hesitated and for a moment she was afraid he would stop. She wiggled her butt against him, gasping
when the motion rubbed her clit against the leather saddle. Jarek swore even as he angled her hips back
towards his cock. As the tip sank inside her opening, her inner muscles gripped it tight.

Christina was panting for breath, wanting him deeper inside her, but unable to move. Jarek tightened his
grip on her waist as he pushed forward, slowly easing himself into her tight sheath. God, he was so big.
She wiggled and squirmed, trying desperately to get comfortable, but he filled her so completely that it
was almost painful.

“Relax.” Jarek kept her steady with one hand and cupped one of her breasts with the other, skimming
his thumb across her nipple. Surprisingly the steady motion of the horse and the light play on her breast
calmed her slightly even as it aroused her.

The moment her inner muscles loosened slightly, he thrust his cock deeper. “You’re not all the way in
yet?” Surely, she couldn’t take any more of him inside her body. “You’re too big. It’s too much.”

“You can take all of me,” he crooned as he pushed a little deeper. “Your hot, wet pussy wants all of

His words startled her. She wasn’t used to such frank sexual talk, but she found it incredibly arousing.

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She surprised herself by pushing back against his erection. He was right, she did want him. All of him.

Bringing both hands back to her hips, he withdrew partway from her body and then thrust heavily. He
repeated this over and over, each time going deeper and deeper. “That’s it. Take it all.” The next time he
plunged, he buried himself to the hilt. He hissed out a breath.

The pressure grew inside Christina as each inward stroke pushed her clit against the saddle, stimulating
her further, driving her higher. Her fingers dug into the edges of the saddle for support.

Jarek drove into her from behind, his cock stretching her pussy with each heavy stroke, pushing her to
her limit. The pressure grew inside her until it exploded. She screamed with pleasure and convulsed
around his cock, gripping him tight. She heard him yell and felt the hot spurt of his semen inside her as her
muscles milked his cock to completion.

Christina slumped across the neck of the horse, trusting Jarek to keep her steady in the saddle. He
leaned heavily against her back, his lungs working hard as he tried to regain his breath. His lips kissed
and licked the curve of her spine as he sat back up in the saddle. She shivered and then moaned when he
withdrew his cock, her sex contracting hard to keep it there.

She could hear the sound of Jarek lacing the front of his pants and knew she should try and cover
herself, but she was just too darned content to move.

Tenderly, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back into a seated position. Settling her back
against his chest, he kissed each of her shoulders before tugging the strap of the gown back into place.

His hands massaged and shaped her breasts as he settled the folds of the material back in place over her
torso. She trembled with the aftershocks of her orgasm when he smoothed the length of the gown back
over her thighs, his fingers grazing her clit.

“You will remember this when Marc takes you. I have been first.” The smugness of his voice and the
meaning of his words sank through her sensual haze.

“When Marc takes me?” She remembered that he’d spoke of a competition, but surely he didn’t mean a
sexual one…did he?

“We will both pleasure you individually and together.” His hands continued to stroke her tender breasts
as he spoke. “When the competition is over, you will choose one of us as husband.”

“Are you mad?” She tried to push his hands away, but he just chuckled and slipped one of them
between her thighs. One of his fingers stroked her clit and she let out a small cry of pleasure as she
wrapped both her hands around his wrist and yanked it away.

He gripped her braid in his hand and tugged until she was forced to tilt her head back to meet his gaze.
From the hard, determined look on his face, she could tell that Jarek was deadly serious. He really
expected her to have sex with both of them and then choose one of them.

Jarek nodded slowly. “You will choose.” He leaned down until their noses were almost touching. The
golden light in his eyes was almost feral as he growled. “And it will be me.”

“I don’t think so, brother.”

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The voice startled Christina and she turned suddenly, wincing at the tug on her scalp. Jarek swore softly
and released his hold on her hair. He soothed the small pain with the palm of his hand.

Without her realizing it, the horse had continued on its journey and had carried them to the clearing in
front of the castle. She was appalled to see the group of people standing and staring at her. What had
they seen? Totally embarrassed, Christina drew herself up straight in the saddle even though she could
feel the heat on her cheeks.

Chapter Five

“I think there’s been some kind of misunderstanding,” she began but broke off when she realized that
neither brother was listening to her. Instead, they seemed to be involved in some kind of staring

Jarek finally sighed and gave his brother a regal nod. “I do not deny that I took the advantage to push
my suit. But you must have expected it. You would have done the same.”

Marc fingered the hilt of a large sword that was strapped to his waist before nodding slowly. “I grant
you the first round, but,” he continued before Jarek could speak. “I expect the second now.”

“Done.” Jarek growled his answer as he urged the horse forward towards the castle.

Christina was totally confused now. Marc’s eyes hungrily watched her as they rode away. She had no
idea what had just been decided between the two men, and right now she didn’t care. She felt sticky and
tired and hungry. It was time to take charge of the situation. “I need a bath and a nap. And maybe some

“Poor little one. This has been a shock to you.” Sympathy was the last thing she expected from Jarek.
The tenderness in his face surprised her. It softened his hard features, making him look even more
handsome than before. Christina felt a wavering of her resolve to keep both brothers at arm’s length
while she sorted out the situation.

“Welcome to Castle Garen.” The pride in his voice made her look around. It was like a prosperous
medieval castle come to life. In the distance, she could see fields practically overflowing with wheat and
other crops. Cows, pigs and chickens were penned up not far from the homes.

They passed though the outer walls and were now riding towards the large stone castle. It was
magnificent. Brenda would never believe her if she tried to tell her about this. Nobody would.

Rosy-cheeked children raced and played among the stone cottages as dogs nipped and barked at their
heels. Women stopped their daily chores to watch the procession. And there seemed to be men
everywhere. Some of them were training with weapons and others seemed to be at various tasks, but all
paused to watch her, Jarek and Marc pass. There was no mistaking the curiosity in their eyes.

Jarek brought the horse to a stop in front of the steps that led to a large oak door. Dismounting in one
fluid motion, he held his arms out to her. Swinging her leg awkwardly over the saddle while trying to
maintain her modesty, Christina allowed Jarek to sweep her from the horse.

He did not release her, but raised her high in his arms and carried her up the stairs. “I can walk.” She

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didn’t know whether to be amused or appalled by his high-handed manner.

“I know, but this is so much more pleasant.” He flashed her a charming grin and she found herself smiling
back. The man was a rogue to the core.

The door swung open as they approached, and an old woman clucked her tongue reprovingly as she
took in Christina’s disheveled appearance. Christina smoothed her hair down as best she could and
crossed her arms across her chest, ill at ease under the woman’s assessing gaze.

The woman just shook her head. “You just couldn’t wait, could you, Jarek?”

“Don’t scold, Mara.” Jarek shouldered his way past the woman, turned towards his right and started up
another flight of stairs.

Christina peeked over Jarek’s shoulder only to find Mara climbing the stairs behind them, a wide grin
splitting her face. She could feel the heat climbing up her cheeks. It seemed that everyone knew what she
and Jarek had done on the ride to the castle. Not only that, they didn’t seem all that surprised by it. That
thought made Christina’s blood start to simmer. The anger drove out all feelings of embarrassment.

“Do you have sex with every woman you meet in the forest?” she asked tartly. Pursing her lips together,
she glared up at him.

A slow smile crossed his face. “There is no need to be jealous.”

But the thought pleased him, she could tell. “I’m not jealous.” She enunciated each word for effect. “But
I’m not the kind of woman who sleeps around.” Unbidden, hot, angry tears filled her eyes. She felt
slightly ill at the thought that he’d think she was easy. Blinking, she fought back the tears, but one
escaped and slid down her cheek.

All traces of pleasure disappeared as a dark scowl replaced his smile. With her still in his arms, he
gained the top of the stairs and strode down the long corridor until he reached a wide wooden door.
Pushing the door wide with his shoulder, he carried her inside.

Christina swiped at the tear on her face and sniffed. She was making a complete idiot of herself. Taking
a deep breath to calm herself, she looked around the room to distract herself from her chaotic thoughts.

It was obviously a bedroom as a gigantic bed took up a large amount of the space. Rich forest green
velvet bed-curtains had been pushed back to reveal a cozy sleeping area piled high with pillows and fur
coverings. The sun shone through a stained-glass window that was situated over a built-in bench seat, the
colors dancing across the walls. A fireplace sat directly across from the end of the bed but was cold and
empty at the moment. A small table and several chairs flanked it.

Jarek lowered her until she was seated on a padded trunk that sat at the end of the bed. He came down
on one knee in front of her and clasped her cold hands in his much larger and warmer ones. She stared
stubbornly down at his hands, unwilling to face him.

“I have offended you.” Christina shook her head in denial. He hadn’t done anything she hadn’t allowed.
Jarek ignored her denial. “To me you are a treasure. One I would protect with my life.”

That brought her head up in a hurry. Every muscle in his body was tense and his eyes were deadly
serious. “Why?”

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He released his hold on her and rubbed his hands over his face in obvious frustration before sighing
softly and returning his gaze to her. “The tapestry has brought you here. You are destined to be mine.”

“Or your brother’s,” Mara’s soft voice corrected.

“Or Marc’s,” he conceded. “That is your choice.” He framed her face with his hands, his touch
incredibly gentle. “That you chose to give yourself to me is a gift that has gladdened my heart and given
me hope.”

Another tear slipped down her cheek. Jarek brought his lips to her face and licked away the drop of
water. He came to his feet in one swift motion, turned and strode from the room, his hands clenched by
his sides.

Whatever else might confuse her in this strange world, Christina would no longer doubt that Jarek
respected her. His sincerity was too real. It was reflected in his every word and action. It just hadn’t
occurred to her that their having sex on horseback was a matter of choice. Yet, she knew that it had
been. Not a bad choice either, she reflected.

“It is just the beginning, child.” Mara was lowering herself to the seat next to Christina.

It was time to learn all she could about her present situation and she sensed that this woman would tell
her everything, honestly and completely. Sticking out her hand she offered the woman a tentative smile.
“I’m Christina Beaumont.”

Reaching out her gnarled hand, Mara clasped her hand in an amazingly tight grip. “I am Mara. And you,
child, are the fulfillment of a prophecy.”

She laughed in spite of herself. “I’m afraid there’s been a mistake. What I am is a slightly overweight
secretary for a large corporation.”

Mara threw back her head and let out a cackle of delight. Christina found herself laughing right along
with the other woman. Totally exhausted and out of sorts, she laughed until she started to cry again.

Handing her a handkerchief, Mara waited for her to compose herself before continuing. “That is who
you were, child. I do not understand what all your words mean, but it does not matter. The important
thing is that the tapestry has brought you here.”

Christina clutched the small scrap of fabric between her fingers, wringing it tight. “All I did was buy a
beautiful tapestry that I saw in the window of a curious little shop.”

Mara nodded sagely. “That tapestry is magic, created by a sorceress long since passed onto other
realms. There was a dark period in our history over five hundred years ago, filled with famine, crime and
much evil. It is said that the plight of the people saddened her, so she made the tapestry to help them. It
offered hope in a time of darkness and its appearance in every generation continues to offer the promise
of prosperity and happiness to the house that receives its gift. Its purpose is to draw back mates for the
men of the land of Javara since women here are in such short supply.”

Christina was appalled even as she was fascinated by the legend. “You mean that piece of fabric plucks
ordinary women out of their lives and brings them here to be sex slaves for these men.”

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“No. Not sex slaves.” Mara’s shout was so loud that Christina jumped. “Honored wives.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Even though it was her life that had been totally disrupted, she
felt the need to soothe the older woman.

Mara patted her hand. “No, I should not be so quick to blame you for what you think. This is all so new
to you. And Jarek did not help matters, I think.”

She ignored the reference to Jarek. “But I still don’t understand. Why me?”

“Because you are not as ordinary as you think.” Mara eyed her sternly and Christina felt herself sitting a
little straighter under her watchful gaze. “The tapestry travels across time and space, seeking women who
have no family and no life in their time.”

“In other words, it looks for losers.” She had almost bought into the legend, wanting to feel special.
Instead, it seems she was chosen because she was even more pitiful than even she had thought.

Mara heaved a sigh. “Stubborn yes, but not a loser. The tapestry attracts women who are lost in their
own time, but have the potential to thrive here. No one will miss you in your world, but here you are
priceless and your leaving would bring much sorrow to our House.”

She latched onto the one piece of information that seemed most important. “What do you mean, if I

Mara pursed her lips tight, refusing to speak. But Christina desperately needed to hear everything.
“Please tell me?” She pleaded with the older woman.

“The House of Garen is a prosperous one. The lords here have always been hard, but fair, and are
beloved by all. Warriors with no equal, they are also brilliant landowners. We have sheep, horses, and
cattle here. We farm the lands and fish the rivers. We weave cloth, make soaps and perfumes and trade
for what we need.”

Christina nodded, wanting the history lesson finished so Mara would explain to her how she might get
back to her own time.

“There is only one girl child born for every three males. To keep the men from fighting and killing one
another, women long ago decided on a solution.”

When she paused, Christina prompted her. “And?”

“And the solution is a simple one. The brothers of a family compete for the attention of one woman. The
woman chooses the one she wishes to marry.”

“That sounds simple enough…” But Mara was already shaking her head at Christina.

“The men must each be allowed to mate with the woman, not only so she knows which one she prefers,
but also to make sure she is compatible with all of them.” Mara’s eyes twinkled and she got a secret grin
on her face. “One night a week, the husband must share his wife with his brother. He can leave them
alone or the brother can join them in their bed. It is up to the couple.”

Visions of both Jarek and Marc in bed with her, flitted across her brain. Marc’s dark brown hair teased

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one of her nipples as he sucked and licked at the other one. Jarek’s head was buried between her thighs,
licking and sucking her swollen clit while his fingers slid in and out of her pussy. “Omigod,” she gasped. If
she didn’t get those pictures out of her head she was going to come right here and now.

Mara laughed again. “I see you understand. Every man here wants to be a husband, as he not only gets
the most nights with his wife, but also, only the husband can claim the children. All children are his, no
matter which brother might have given them to the woman. The competition is fierce and all boys learn
how best to pleasure a woman as part of his education.”

She knew her mouth was wide open, but this was really too much to take in. Jarek certainly knew how
to pleasure a woman. She could certainly attest to that. But now her nimble mind was wondering just
what Marc could do.

“But what if there are more than two brothers?” Christina’s head was spinning at the thought. What if
Jarek and Marc had brothers?

Mara shook her head and smiled. “If there are not more than three brothers in a family, then they pair off
and each set of brothers looks for a bride. There are never more than three men for one woman. But you
don’t have to worry about that. Jarek and Marc are the only brothers for this house.”

Her mouth was dry as she swallowed. “But what about my leaving here?”

“I had hoped you would forget that part.” Mara jumped up and began pacing across the stone floor, her
agitation plain.

“I don’t mean to upset you, but I have to know.” She reached out and grabbed Mara’s arm, halting her
in her tracks.

“In three days, the tapestry will appear and if you wish to go home you must cover yourself with it and
wish yourself there.” Mara loomed over Christina almost threateningly. “But be very sure, because there
is no coming back.”

Scrambling from the seat, she backed away from the other woman. “I…I understand.”

Mara shook her head sadly. “I do not think that you do. You already have Jarek’s heart and Marc’s is
sure to follow.” She went to the door, but turned back. “You will never find better men in any other place
or time, but the choice is ultimately yours. Think hard on your lonely life and weigh it against all you could
have here.”

Her harsh expression softened slightly. “Do not over-think the situation. For now lie down and rest a
while. When you wake is time enough for food and a bath. Sleep is the best thing you can do for yourself
now. You will feel better when you awaken.”

The door closed behind her and fatigue washed over Christina. She was more exhausted than she’d ever
been in her entire life and the large bed beside her was so very inviting. The cover was made of fur and it
was soft against her hand as she pulled it back. The smell of lavender wafted up from the sheets, luring
her forward.

Not giving herself time to change her mind, she whipped the soiled gown from her body and crawled
into the nest of pillows and furs. Her entire body sank into its comfort. Closing her eyes, she took a deep
breath and then another. Drifting off to sleep, she promised herself she’d deal with the situation as soon

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as she was rested.

Chapter Six

Christina shivered as a light breeze wafted over her breasts, making her nipples pucker. She didn’t want
to wake up. She’d been having such a wonderful dream. Her body felt like it was floating on a soft cloud,
totally relaxed as a soft feather stroked her skin, making her tingle everywhere.

She curled her toes into the mattress as the feathery sensation skittered across her stomach and up her
torso, towards her breasts. Arching her back, she thrust her chest upwards, wanting that same exquisite
touch there.

Her legs moved restlessly against the sheets. Heat pooled between her thighs and she clamped them tight
together to help ease the ache. A low laugh reached her ears as the softness brushed her nipples.

A moan caught deep in her throat and she blinked her eyes open. Marc was sitting next to her on the
side of the bed, the sensual gleam in his brown eyes making them look even darker. His upper body was
bare, except for the wide bronze bands that wrapped around his wrists and upper arms. The muscles of
his chest and arms rippled with every movement he made. A light dusting of hair bisected his chest and
disappeared into the waistband of his leather pants, which had a huge bulge in the front of them.

Dazed, she glanced down to discover that the furs were no longer covering her. She was sprawled
totally naked and exposed to him. As she watched, he gripped a strand of his long, dark brown hair in his
hand and trailed it over one of her breasts and then the other.

“Beautiful.” Leaning forward, he stroked his tongue across one of her swollen nipples. The roughness of
it made her gasp for breath. “Like a ripe raspberry, ready to be plucked and eaten.” The image made her
moan. Smiling, he blew lightly, making the moist bud pucker even tighter.

“Let me pleasure you.” His voice was little more than a whisper caressing her skin.

She meant to say no. To try and gain some control of the situation. But what came out of her mouth was
a breathy, “Yes.” Who was she kidding, after all? She wanted this, wanted him.

Marc murmured his approval as he lapped at her nipple once again. Cupping her other breast in his large
hand, he stroked a circle around one of her areolas with his thumb. His hair trailed over her stomach in a
sensual caress and she sucked in her breath.

She sifted her fingers through his hair, tugging him closer. Wanting more. Needing more. Her pussy lips
were slick and with each lap of his tongue she could feel more of her juices sliding out of her body.

“I can smell your arousal.” Marc’s hand stroked down over her torso until his hand hovered just above
her pubic hair.

Her hips moved upward, seeking his touch. As she moved, her cream flowed freely, seeping between
the cheeks of her ass and to the sheets below her.

Christina had never felt this needy in her life. What was it about this place and these men that aroused
her so damn much? She’d never considered herself a very sexual person before, but now she felt sensual

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and alive and very much a woman.

She undulated her hips and his fingers tangled lightly in her curls. “Touch me.” Never had she asked a
man to do such a thing before, but somehow it seemed right with this man.

Raising his head from her breast, he nuzzled her cheek with his. The faint shadow of stubble on his jaw
abraded her skin, sending tentacles of pleasure through her body. His firm lips sprinkled kisses across her
forehead and nose before coming to rest on her mouth. “My pleasure.” Marc stroked his tongue across
her lips as he slipped his fingers through the curls between her thighs.

Christina felt both her lips and her legs part, inviting him to taste and touch all of her. As if he had all the
time in the world, Marc traced the wet folds of her pussy with his fingers. She spread her thighs wider,
inviting his touch. A pleased rumble vibrated in his chest, resembling the purr of a large jungle cat.

It was amazing to Christina that any man wanted her. In her normal life, men ignored her or treated her
like a buddy. Sure, she got some crude remarks about the size of her breasts, but they were usually
followed by some crack about her weight. More than once she’d been told that she’d be really pretty if
she just took off about thirty pounds and did something with her hair. But first Jarek, and now Marc,
treated her like she was the most beautiful and arousing woman in the world. And darned if she wasn’t
starting to feel that way.

It was heady stuff and Christina was determined to enjoy it for the time she was here. Somehow in this
world, having sex with both Jarek and Marc seemed right. In fact, it was expected. What would seem
shocking at home seemed normal here.

Marc’s tongue explored every crevice of her mouth before withdrawing to lick at her lips. Her tongue
followed his, touching it and trying to lure it back inside. She could feel Marc’s smile as he kissed the
corner of her mouth.

His finger lightly brushed her swollen clit as he started to withdraw his hand. Her thighs clamped shut,
trapping his hand between them. “I want to see your pussy.” One of his fingers tapped her clit softly and
her legs relaxed as her hips arched up. Marc withdrew his hand immediately. “I want to spread your wet
lips wide and touch and taste all of you.”

Words were beyond Christina, so she just nodded. Marc stood next to the bed and shucked his leather
pants. His cock sprang forward, swollen, red and hungry. Christina could only stare and marvel at the
sheer size of him. Seeing how broad and long it was, she shivered at the mere thought of having all of him
buried in her pussy. Instinctively, her legs fell open.

Marc licked his lips, his golden-brown eyes looking slightly feral as he crawled between her thighs. Once
again she was reminded of a jungle cat on the prowl, he moved with such fluid motion. Placing a hand on
the inside of both knees, he slid his hands up her legs, pushing them wider as he went.

“Woman, I am going to eat you up until you beg for mercy.”

Christina almost came right then and there. Rivers of pleasure raced through her body, flowing from her
breasts to her pussy. His voice, a low sexy rumble, made all the hair on her body stand on end in

She sucked in a breath as he lowered his mouth to her wet folds. His tongue rasped up one side of her
sex and down the other. Christina tilted her head back and moaned. God, this was amazing.

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Marc blew lightly on her heated flesh, making her shiver. A tempest was raging inside her and she knew
it wouldn’t take much for her to explode. As if he knew, Marc slipped two of his fingers inside her pussy
at the same moment he wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked.

Christina came totally unglued, shrieking as the powerful convulsions rocked her. Marc kept sucking and
her orgasm went on for what seemed like forever until she was laughing and crying and begging him to

“No more.” She tugged at his head, trying to dislodge him. But he ignored her and kept sucking and
licking her clit, but his motions got softer and gentler. Finally, she gave up trying to move him and allowed
her hands to flop back by her sides.

Marc withdrew his fingers and licked his lips as he sat back, satisfaction written all over his face. And
even though she’d just had the most amazing climax, she felt desire brewing low in her belly once again.

Slipping his hands beneath her, he gripped her ass and raised her hips up. Crowding closer, he
positioned the head of his cock at the opening of her slit. Rotating his hips, he nudged the broad tip just
inside and stopped. Christina arched her hips towards him, wanting to take all of him inside her.

A low growl from a dark corner of the room startled her. From the shadows a figure shifted. Marc
didn’t move, his eyes never leaving hers as Jarek stalked towards the bed.

Jarek’s cock was huge, thrusting out long and hard in front of him as he walked. As she watched, he
gripped it in one hand and pumped up and down. Christina licked her lips at the thought of that hard
cock in her mouth. As his hand continued to stroke his length, a pearly bead of liquid seeped from the tip.
Christina licked her lips again and Jarek’s eyes narrowed as he knelt on the side of the bed.

“Jarek,” Marc barked. “You had your turn, this one is mine.”

“Just a taste.” Jarek’s hot gaze never left her mouth. “Just one.”


It took her a moment to realize that Marc was asking her approval. She glanced at him and then back at
Jarek’s cock. She wanted to taste him, to lick the liquid from the tip of his erection.

Marc waited patiently, the head of his penis barely inside her pussy. His chest and arms were sculpted
with muscle as he sat poised, ready to take her. His breathing was deep and slightly ragged.

“Yes.” Christina wanted it all. “I want to taste him while you fuck me.”

Marc’s eyes flared and in one stroke he buried his cock to the hilt. She hissed as her swollen sex
stretched to accommodate his width and length. Before she was comfortable, he pulled back and thrust
again. Hard.

“You’ll taste him, but you’ll know whose fucking your hot little pussy.” Using his grip, he thrust her hard
against him as he plunged again and again.

“Fuck me, Marc. Harder.” Savage pleasure crossed his face as he continued to drive deep. She knew
that he’d wanted her all to himself this time, but she just couldn’t say no to Jarek.

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Jarek’s hand covered her breast, molding the soft flesh. He gripped her tight nipple between his thumb
and finger and rolled it gently. Slipping his other hand under her neck, he raised her slightly as he angled
his hips towards her open mouth until the tip of his cock was rubbing against her lips.

Flicking her tongue over the bulbous head, she licked the drops that continued to seep from the slit. She
savored the taste and continued to circle the tip. Reaching underneath him, she found his balls and
fondled them. Jarek threw back his head and moaned.

Christina opened her mouth as wide as she could to accommodate his size. He didn’t hesitate, but
surged forward, pushing his cock as far as it would go. Using her tongue, she licked the underside as he
pulled back and thrust again.

As Jarek fucked her mouth and continued to fondle one of her breasts, Marc continued to pound into
her weeping pussy. She felt crammed full with their cocks thrusting into her. She wanted to please them
both and have them come inside her.

Pleasure held her tight in its grip, not letting up for even a second, but continuing to build steadily until she
knew she wouldn’t last much longer.

Marc couldn’t stop staring at her. She had her eyes closed, but her mouth was wide open, eagerly
accepting Jarek’s cock. Even though he was fucking her pussy, he envied his brother. He wanted her
mouth as well. Damn Jarek for not staying away. This was his time.

His anger grew and he thrust harder, drawing a moan from Christina. Wrapping one forearm underneath
her, he continued to fuck her. Angling his other hand between their bodies, he rubbed the juices from her
pussy over the tight opening of her ass.

By the gods, Jarek had taken her pussy and now her mouth first, but he would be the one to take her
ass first. Determined, Marc moistened his finger with her cream and stopped thrusting long enough to
slide the tip of his finger inside her tight behind.

She tensed and he almost withdrew, but before he could do so, he felt her trying to relax. Intense
satisfaction hit him as he realized she was allowing him to do this. Giving him her silent permission to

He began to move again, pulling her towards him with each thrust, driving his finger deeper in her behind.
And she took him. They filled her totally now with cocks and fingers. Jarek continued to fondle her
breasts as he thrust his cock into her eager mouth.

Marc longed to see her pale hair spread over the pillows, or better yet, spread over his body. He gritted
his teeth, but knew it was too late for him. His balls drew tight to his body and he could feel himself

“Now, Jarek,” he bit out between clenched teeth.

Jarek thrust once more and began to jerk and shake and Marc knew his brother was coming in
Christina’s mouth. He drove hard one final time, pushing his finger as far up her ass as it would go.
Someday soon, he promised himself, it would be his cock buried there instead of just a finger.

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He could feel her hips pumping towards him as her inner muscles clamped down hard on his cock. He
let out a yell and came, pumping his hot seed into her pussy. As he withdrew his finger from her ass, he
felt her convulse again. Watching her come, he thought she was the loveliest creature he’d ever seen.

Marc made up his mind at that moment to do whatever it took to keep Christina here with them. Even if
that meant that she chose Jarek as her husband. This woman was perfect for them. His hands tightened
around her hips as he plunged into her one last time. He would never let her go.

Jarek was gently pulling his cock from Christina’s mouth. She moaned and her head lolled back on the
pillows. She looked exhausted and spent. They had worked her hard for someone not used to such

He met his brother’s eyes and saw the same resolve there. Jarek nodded and Marc knew that they were
in agreement. No matter which brother won this woman, they would have her. Reluctantly, he withdrew
from her.

She shuddered, but opened her eyes sleepily and smiled at him. He smiled back at her as a deep
satisfaction filled him. When she raised her hand to him, he thought he’d died and gone to heaven. Taking
her fingers gently in his, he raised them to his lips and kissed them before stretching out next to her.
Shivering, she turned into his waiting arms.

Jarek said nothing, but pulled the furs over them before lying down on his side and snuggling into
Christina’s back.

Her breath ruffled the hairs on his chest as Marc wrapped one hand possessively over her hip and pulled
her closer until one of her legs was draped across his lower body. Content, he drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Seven

It was the sound of someone rummaging around the room that finally woke her. That and the rays of
sunshine coming through the window. Blinking, Christina sat up in bed and immediately groaned. She
ached all over. Heck, she ached in places that she hadn’t even known existed.

Not only was she stiff all over, but she felt gritty and sticky and most of her hair had come out of its
braid. She was in dire need of a bath.

“You’re finally awake.”

Christina clutched the furs to her chest as she tried desperately to clear the cobwebs from her brain.
“What time is it?”

Mara continued to lay food out on the table and Christina’s stomach growled in response to the
wonderful smells. Mara grinned at her as she wiped her hands on her apron. “It’s noon and this is your
second day here. You slept through the evening and night, but that’s hardly surprising.”

Did everyone in the damn castle know how she spent most of yesterday? She had to fight the urge to
just burrow back into the bed and pull the covers over her head.

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Instead, she swung her legs around until they were hanging off the side of the bed. Glancing around, she
searched for her nightgown, but couldn’t see it anywhere. She had a vague memory of tossing it on the
floor before she’d crawled into bed yesterday.

“Why don’t you put this on and come and have something to eat.” Mara held out a lovely embroidered
dressing gown the rich color of a blue summer sky.

Grasping it, she kept the covers wrapped tight around her as she slipped the silky cloth on. Mara just
chuckled and went back to laying the food out on the table. Christina just couldn’t help it. Even though
she’d slept with both Jarek and Marc yesterday, she couldn’t overcome a lifetime of modesty.

Rising quickly from the bed, she tugged the sides of the robe closed and wrapped the belt around her
waist, cinching it tight. She pushed a hand through her hair, groaning at the tangled mess. Sighing, she
pulled the elastic from the end of the long braid and began to unwind it.

“Is there a brush I can borrow to use on my hair?”

Mara disappeared through a small doorway that Christina hadn’t noticed before, returning a moment
later with a wide-toothed wooden comb. “Use this for now.”

She took the comb and began to untangle her hair, starting at the tip and working her way back up to
the roots. The mundane task relaxed her and she wandered to the open window as she absently ran the
comb through her hair.

The sound of metal clashing against metal drew her attention to the courtyard below. She didn’t even
notice when her hand stopped moving the comb. The scene below was riveting and Christina couldn’t
make herself look away.

Jarek and Marc circled each other like great beasts stalking prey. They were both stripped to the waist,
their golden skin glistening with perspiration. Marc’s waist-length hair was tied back at his nape, but
Jarek’s darker hair hung loose except for the skinny braids that framed either side of his face. Their faces
were masks of concentration as they both surveyed their opponent.

Each held a four-foot sword in his right hand and, as they moved, the sunshine reflected off the wrist-
and arm-bands that they both wore. Marc lunged suddenly, his sword making a quick arc towards
Jarek’s head. At the last possible second, Jarek ducked and turned, using the momentum as he swung
around to launch his own attack.

It was a deadly dance. She gasped as Jarek’s sword came close to cleaving his brother’s head in two.
But Marc just leapt to one side and returned the blow with equal fervor. The comb slipped from her
nerveless fingers and clattered to the floor. Kneeling up on the bench, her fingers dug into the windowsill
for support.

Marc raised his weapon over his head, gripping it with both hands. A primal yell escaped him as he
swung downward. Jarek raised his sword and sparks flew upward as the two blades connected, one
sliding along the other. Arm muscles bulged and chests heaved as they were locked in a battle of

Jarek let go a mighty battle cry. In an astonishing maneuver, he drove his brother back and went on the
attack. Christina was mesmerized. It was at once beautiful and terrifying. His skill was amazing as he
continued to drive his brother backwards.

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Marc ducked under his brother’s blade and tried to attack him from the side. Jarek must have been
expecting such a move because he reacted immediately, attacking when Marc was momentarily

One moment they were locked in combat, the next, Marc was on the ground with Jarek’s sword at his
throat. Her hands flew to her own neck as she cried out in shock.

Two pairs of golden-brown eyes were suddenly locked on her as she stood swaying in the window. A
small trickle of blood trailed down Marc’s neck where the blade rested, but he didn’t even seem to

Flicking his brother’s sword away, Marc came to his feet, his eyes still locked on her. She could feel
both brothers undressing her with their eyes and she tugged the robe more securely around her, clutching
the fabric tight in her hands. The heat of battle had quickly become the heat of lust and Christina could
feel her own body reacting immediately.

The material of the robe abraded her sensitive breasts, making her nipples tighten. She could feel a
softening between her legs as her sex dampened with desire and anticipation. Of its own accord, one of
her hands dropped low on her abdomen, trying to hold in the growing ache.

Her breathing grew shallow as they continued to watch her. Tall and strong, they both exuded the power
of healthy male animals. They had fought and now they wanted to fuck. It was etched in every hard line
of their bodies. Neither moved, but there was an air of expectation surrounding them both.

The bulges in the front of their pants continued to grow, leaving no doubt that they were primed and
ready for sex. Their blatant sexuality frightened her and aroused her at the same time. She really wasn’t
sure she could handle having all that potent male energy focused on her.

She was suspended there in front of the window, unable to break away from their sensual spell. Luck for
her, Mara came to her rescue.

Walking briskly to the window, Mara glanced out and rolled her eyes. “Go on with the two of you and
let the poor girl have her breakfast before she expires of hunger.”

Marc laughed and blew Mara a kiss before saluting Christina with his sword. Jarek smiled, a slow sexy
smile, filled with promise, before turning away.

As she watched them both walk away, she realized that they looked as good going as they did coming.
She gave a small laugh as she realized her own pun. But really, they both had buns of steel that made her
mouth water.

Mara gripped her arm and tugged her away from the window, scolding as they went. “Now sit down
and eat.”

Her stomach gave a growl. Suddenly, she was ravenous and attacked the meal with gusto. There was
bread, cheese, fruit and cider and she ate more than she thought possible. For once, she didn’t worry
about calories or how much she was eating. She was hungry, so she ate until she was sated. Food had
never tasted so good before.

The other woman sat beside her and chatted amicably, filling Christina in on daily life at the castle. “I can

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take you around and show you the castle later. You might as well get acquainted with the workings of the
place now. No use in wasting time.”

She frowned as she sipped her drink. Mara was talking like it was a done deal and that she was staying.
She didn’t want to disappoint her, but she had to be honest. “Mara,” she began and stopped, trying to
figure out how to phrase it so the other woman wouldn’t take offense. But Mara was shrewd and already

“I know you still think you have to make up your mind, but there’s no harm in trying to sway your

Christina smiled. “Well, if we’re being honest.” Mara nodded, so she continued. “I don’t know what I’m
going to do yet.” She shrugged and grasped the robe when it slipped off her shoulder. “This is all so
strange to me and hard to take in. It seems like a great place, but I just don’t think I belong here.”

Mara reached out and gripped her hand tight, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Don’t let your fears keep
you from what your heart knows it wants.” She sighed and began to pile empty dishes back onto a
wooden tray. “Ignore your head and listen to your heart. Otherwise, you’ll live with the regrets for the
rest of your life.”

“I will,” she promised, more shaken by the older woman’s words than she wanted to admit. A shiver ran
down her spine and she was suddenly cold as a life without Jarek and Marc loomed before her.

Shaking off her melancholy, she rose and began to help Mara with the remaining dishes. She didn’t have
to decide anything yet. What she needed was a nice hot bath and some time alone to think.

So much had happened so fast and this world was so different from her own. Did she really want to give
up her own time and her own life for something as uncertain as sexual desire? And how could she really
make that choice in only three days?

Right then and there, she made a decision. Whatever else happened, this was the adventure of a lifetime
and she planned to live and experience it to the fullest.

“Is it possible for me to have a bath?” Pushing away a lock of hair that had fallen over her shoulder, she
eyed it critically. “And wash my hair?”

Mara looked startled and then laughed. “Of course, child. Your bath is ready and waiting for you.” She
bustled across the room to the small doorway, motioning Christina to follow. “I just thought that it was
best to feed you first. Now you can relax in your bath and get ready for the feast later tonight.”

“Feast?” Christina’s stomach clenched at the thought of attending some large gathering. She’d never
done well in crowds.

“Yes.” Pulling back the curtain, Mara disappeared through the opening, her voice drifting back behind
her. “The one in your honor.”

Christina hurried after her, her bare feet slapping on the hard stone floor. “My honor?” Surely, she
hadn’t heard correctly.

“Of course.” Mara was laying out a thick towel by a large tub. “The tapestry generally only brings a
potential bride once every generation. There are only two recorded times in our history when it has

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delivered more than one. It is something to celebrate.”

Swallowing hard, she froze just inside the door. “Will there be many people there?”

Mara took one look at her, came and took her by the arm, pulling her further into the chamber.
Christina’s legs were leaden as she stumbled behind her. The thought of being the main attraction at a
large feast was not appealing in the least. She was conscious of her size and lack of beauty and hated to
be the center of attention.

“Everyone will be there.” Coming to a halt in the center of the room, the other woman turned and started
to undo the belt to the robe. But Christina stopped her, gripping the garment tight around her trembling
body. Mara shook her head and clucked her tongue but let her be. “Don’t worry, child. Jarek and Marc
will both be there with you. No one means you any harm, but all want to meet you.”

She nodded, mostly because she didn’t know what else to do and Mara seemed to be waiting for some
kind of response from her. “Would you mind if I was alone for a while?”

“Of course not. So much has happened in such a short time.” She motioned to the large wooden tub that
was filled with steaming water. “Just climb into the tub and relax. Everything you need is here from soap
to towels and clean water to rinse your hair and body.”

Moving to one side, she watched as Mara headed back towards the bedroom. “Thank you.” The other
woman had been nothing but kind to her and Christina wanted her to know that she appreciated all her
concern. But she couldn’t think of any other words to convey her thanks.

“I’ll just change the bed and lay out some fresh clothes for you. If you need anything at all, just pull on
that cord.” She pointed to a long rope that ran up through a small hole in the floor and attached to the
ceiling. “It rings a bell below and someone will come.”

Mara was gone before she could think of what else to say. Taking a deep breath, Christina slowly let it
out as she surveyed her surroundings. The wooden tub, which sat against one wall, was large and filled
with steaming fragrant water. The smell of lavender wafted in the air, drawing her towards the bath.
Slipping off the robe, she laid it across a small stool and climbed into the tub.

Sighing with pleasure, she slipped beneath the water and laid her head back against the smooth rim. The
bathing room was small, but cozy. A bench sat against the opposite wall and a small fireplace sat against
another. A series of shelves were stocked with cloths, towels and various soaps. A small ledge was
bolted into the wall just above the tub and contained a bar of fragrant soap and a soft washcloth.

Closing her eyes, she relaxed and allowed the heat to soothe her aching body and the lavender scent to
calm her mind. Various scenes replayed over and over in her mind. Having sex with Jarek while on the
back of a horse. Marc fucking her last night as she sucked Jarek to completion. Jarek and Marc fighting
in the courtyard below, both of them spectacular in their fighting prowess.

Groaning, she sank beneath the water. Just the images were making her feel hot and needy. She’d never
felt this sensual or aroused in her life. It was frightening and liberating at the same time.

Sitting up, she grabbed the soap and rubbed it over her scalp, lathering her hair from root to tip. Placing
the soap back on the shelf, she continued to scrub her scalp and work the soap through the thick mass.
When she felt that it was clean enough, she lowered herself back down into the tub to rinse the suds from
her hair.

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Rising once again, water sluiced down her body as she pushed the mass of wet hair out of her face. Her
hand groped towards the shelf, reaching for the cloth and the soap, but felt only wood.

Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, she squinted towards the shelf. They had to be there. She’d
just seen them.

Strong, warm hands wrapped around her shoulders drawing her back against the side of the tub. “Relax,

She wasn’t startled or surprised by Marc’s voice. Deep inside, she knew she’d been waiting for him and
Jarek. Expecting them.

Jarek was crouched by the bottom of the tub, the soap and cloth in his big hands. His hair was damp, as
if he’d already bathed. He loomed over her, a determined light in his eye.

She caught a whiff of sandalwood as Marc shifted behind her, but she couldn’t take her eyes off Jarek.
As she watched, he tossed the cloth into the water before plunging her hands deep. Still holding the soap,
he lathered his hands until they were covered with fragrant bubbles.

“We will bathe you?” It was at once an order and a request. Jarek cocked an eyebrow and waited for
her reply.

She could feel Marc’s hands tightening on her shoulders as she relaxed back against him. Her lips parted
on a sigh and she gave Jarek her answer. “Yes.”

The corners of his mouth turned up in a slow smile and he nodded. “Yes.” His deep voice rumbled over
her and she shivered, her whole body alive with sensation, waiting to see what he would do.

Chapter Eight

She looked like some mythical siren of the sea with the water lapping at her breasts. Jarek’s cock
throbbed as Christina lolled back in Marc’s arms with a sexy smile on her face. Her long blonde hair
stuck to her body like silken ropes. He longed to see the mass of it spread across his pillows.

The water didn’t quite cover the tops of her breasts and the pale mounds bobbed every time she moved,
their rosy tips peeking above the waterline. She had large nipples that just begged to be sucked by a
man’s mouth. He licked his lips in anticipation of the coming feast and smiled when her blue eyes
widened with desire.

She was so responsive, so giving of herself. Jarek placed one knee on the floor and thrust one hand
beneath the water. His fingers wrapped around her slender ankle and drew it out of the water, propping
it on the smooth rim of the tub. Then he did the same with the other one. She gasped as she slid deeper,
but Marc hooked his arms underneath hers, supporting her.

Gripping one of her feet in his hands, Jarek began to rub his soapy fingers over the sole of her foot. His
fingers dug deep, massaging all tension away. Her entire leg jerked when his fingers first touched her foot,
sending a wave of water over them both.

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Marc chuckled and gripped her tighter, but Jarek just kept running a firm pressure on her foot. Slowly,
she relaxed and settled back. By the time he was working on her other foot, she was practically purring.
Her eyes were half-closed and a small smile played about her lips.

Marc held out his hand and Jarek passed him the bar of soap. Wrapping his arms further around her, he
wet his hands and soaped them. Jarek caught both her ankles in his hands as Marc pulled her higher in
the tub.

She gave a yelp of surprise as they shifted her so that her breasts were above the waterline and her legs
were spread wide and draped over the sides of the tub. Marc covered her breasts with his soapy hands
and began to move them around in slippery circles. Moaning softly, she arched up into his fingers.

Jarek had to reach down and undo his pants. The pressure around his engorged cock was too much to
bear. It sprang free and he bit back a groan of pleasure. He gripped it in his hand and pumped several
times as he watched Marc’s fingers pluck at Christina’s tight nipples. He made himself a promise that
he’d taste them before this bath was over.

Adjusting his balls so that the material of his pants didn’t squeeze them tight, he moved closer to the tub.
Placing his hands on her legs just inside her knees, he slid them up the inside of her thighs. His hands
disappeared beneath the water, but he didn’t stop.

When he reached the top of her thighs, he traced the creases there. Christina’s hips bucked towards
him. Ever so slowly, he allowed his thumbs to slip across the sensitive folds of her sex.

Marc bent over and swallowed her cry of delight in a long, lingering kiss. One of her wet hands groped
towards Marc, grabbing him by the hair and holding him tight as his mouth plundered hers.

His brother would not outdo him. Without warning, Jarek plunged two fingers straight into her pussy,
driving them deep. A low keening sound came from Christina as her hips pumped into the air sending a
sheet of water over the side of the tub.

Pleased with the results, Jarek continued to thrust his fingers in and out, loving the way her hot pussy
clasped tight around his fingers. His other hand moved lower and he pushed against the tight opening of
her ass. The soapy water made it easier for him push one finger past the resistance and slip into her other

Working both hands at once, he finger-fucked her pussy and ass as Marc fondled her breasts and
fucked her mouth with his tongue. Moaning and crying, she thrashed about in the water, but neither
brother stopped. They both pushed her hard, wanting her to come apart in their hands.

Jarek’s cock ached and he could feel his balls pulling up tight to his body as he gritted his teeth and
concentrated on Christina. There was no way he was going to come on the floor like some callow youth.
He would pleasure his woman before he sought his own release.

Jarek could feel her inner muscles gripping his fingers tight. Her movements became more frantic as he
drove them deep and hard. She stiffened suddenly as he brushed her clit lightly with his thumb. Pulling
away from Marc, she screamed her release.

Marc pinched her nipples and rolled them between his fingers as Jarek kept up the pressure with his
hands. Christina shook and shuddered as her release gushed over his hands, hot and long.

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“No more. No more.” She gasped for breath as she tried to pull away from them.

Easing up, Jarek removed his finger from her behind before doing the same with her pussy. Aftershocks
of pleasure shook her and she gasped for breath. Marc’s hands had moved lower onto her stomach and
his face was buried in the crook of her neck, his shoulders heaving.

Jarek took a deep breath, trying to regain his control. He was so damn close to coming and knew that
Marc had to be just as close.

Ever so carefully, he lowered her legs back into the tub. He shuddered as he stood, his cock jerking in
the air. Grunting, he adjusted himself, but didn’t try to redo his pants. That was impossible at the moment.

Leaning over, he wrapped one of his arms under her legs and another around her back. Marc reluctantly
released her and sat back on his heels. Jarek lifted Christina from the water and stood her on the floor.
Plucking a towel from the shelf, he began to dry her body.

A droplet rolled down the slope of her breast and Jarek bent over and licked it off. Christina arched her
back, pushing her breast towards his mouth. Dropping the towel, Jarek went to his knees in front of her,
tugging her down with him so that she was on her knees facing him. Covering her nipple with his mouth,
he sucked the sweet bud, rasping the sensitive tip with his tongue.

Jarek’s whole body jerked when he felt her small hand wrap around his cock. He tilted his head back
slightly and enjoyed the sensual torture. A second hand joined the first one and she pumped his erection
from root to tip.

Marc knelt behind Christina, gripped her hips in his hands and pushed his erection against her back. She
began to undulate her hips and Marc’s fingers dug into her flesh, pulling her closer to him.

Jarek sifted his fingers through her tresses and gripped them tight. Tugging her head back, he lowered his
head until their foreheads were almost touching. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was ragged as
she continued to pleasure him with her hands.

“Look at me.” His voice sounded loud and harsh. Christina’s eyes popped open, almost blind with need.
“Know who is kissing you.”

“I know, Jarek.” Her softly spoken words made his cock swell even larger in her hands.

“Keep them open.” Using his tongue, he traced the outline of her lush lips. They opened for him, but he
resisted and continued to tease her mouth. Unable to resist, he gripped her lower lip between his teeth
and nipped the plump flesh.

Her tongue came out to tease him and the rasp of it against his lips drove him wild. He plunged his
tongue into her waiting mouth, taking it, and claiming it as his own. She tasted vaguely of cider, but
underlying that was the heat and unique flavor of woman. This woman. Sweet and spicy, she was an
addiction that he needed to sate.

He wanted to take his time, to savor every inch of her mouth, but her nimble fingers continued to caress
his cock and then moved lower to massage his testicles. Jarek lost all pretense of finesse as he plundered
her mouth with his tongue and pumped his hips against her hands.

Her fingers tightened against his length and he shouted as he came, spewing his cum all over her fingers.

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It coated both their stomachs as she continued to stroke him until he was done.

Jarek sighed with relief and his kiss became gentler. Softer. Christina sighed and shivered before
suddenly jerking back against Marc. Her hands released his cock and gripped his shoulders for support
as Marc came against her back.

Jarek sank back on his haunches, tugging Christina onto his lap. She slumped against his shoulder even
as Marc slumped against her back. Jarek laughed as he imagined the debauched picture they must make
piled on the floor in a tangled heap.

He kissed her temple and caressed her bottom with his hand. Marc sat back on the floor and leaned
against the tub. Gathering his strength, Jarek lifted Christina and lowered her back into the water.

“That’s cold.” She shivered as she reached for the washcloth.

“I’m sorry, little one, but you need another bath.” He knew he didn’t sound very sorry about her

“That’s only because the two of you interrupted this one.” There was a twinkle in her eyes and her
cheeks were rosy as she blushed.

Jarek swiped the cloth from her and washed his belly and genitals before wringing it out and tossing it to
his brother. Marc’s hand shot out to catch the cloth and he began to clean the cum from his stomach.

Feeling sated and content, Jarek rose and stretched. He could feel Christina’s eyes on him, admiring his
muscular form. Unable to resist, he raised his arms over his head and stretched again, knowing his
muscles would ripple as he moved.

“Show-off.” A dry towel hit his chest and he caught it. He gave his brother an unrepentant shrug and
grinned as he dried his torso and redid his pants.

His pants already redone, Marc leaned over the tub and kissed Christina gently. “I’ll be back to escort
you to supper.”

Jarek waited patiently until his brother was finished and then it was his turn. He traced his thumb against
her swollen lips and growled with pleasure when her tongue snaked out to taste it.

“We will be back to escort you to the feast tonight.” Lowering his head, he placed a kiss on her
forehead, her nose and finally her lips. “Until then, rest.”

They disappeared as quickly as they’d come, leaving her as they found her, lolling in a tub of water with
her head against the rim and her eyes closed. This time however, there was no mistaking the look of
satisfaction on her face.

Chapter Nine

Christina tugged at the rich fabric of her new gown. It was a dark blue velvet and fit her perfectly, but it
felt strange to be wearing a dress that went straight to her ankles. The sleeves were long and ended at her
wrists, converging in a point that extended to the center of her hand. The bodice laced up in the front and

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pushed her breasts high. She was showing quite a bit of cleavage, although her chest was well-covered.

The strangest sensation of all was walking around fully dressed without any underwear on. It was silly,
because she hadn’t worn any panties with the nightgown, but that felt different because it was bedtime

Going out in public without underwear felt like she was only half-dressed. There was a chemise that
went under the dress, but that was it. The air flowed under and up her dress, making her feel exposed.
Mara had laughed away her concern, assuring her that it was perfectly normal.

She’d never realized just how much her underwear felt like protective armor against the world until she
didn’t have it anymore. She tried to ignore it as she trailed behind Mara who was giving her a tour of the
castle. It was late afternoon and the sun was sinking in the west when they finally gained the top of a long
set of stairs and stepped out on the battlements.

Her short leather boots made a scuffing sound on the stones as she was drawn to the ledge that ran
around the structure. Leaning on the stones, she gazed out over the countryside.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?”

Christina nodded and swallowed hard, emotions welling up deep inside her as a fierce wish to belong
here filled her soul. “Yes, it is.”

“This is Garen land for as far as the eye can see to the west.” She gestured to the north. “Our nearest
neighbor is the House of Bakra, about a half day’s ride. They have four brothers and no women.”

Something in Mara’s tone made her stomach lurch. “So?”

“They arrived while you finished up your bath.”

Christina could feel the heat creeping up her face and silently cursed the fact that she blushed so easily.
“They’re here for the feast?” That’s all she needed. It was bad enough just facing all the people of the
castle without adding neighbors to the mix. Everyone she’d met as she’d toured the castle, from the cook
to the young serving maids, had been genuinely friendly to her and that made her feel a little better about
the coming festivities.

Mara took Christina’s hand and led her to a low stone ledge by the door. Her face was grave and
troubled as she shook her head. “No, Christina. They have come for you.”

Christina leapt to her feet. “What do you mean, they’ve come for me? I thought that the only thing I had
to worry about is if I choose to stay with Jarek and Marc or return home to my own time.”

Mara reached out her hand, but she stepped away, not willing to be placated. She wanted the truth and
she wanted it now. Propping her hands on her hips, she glared at her new friend. “Tell me all of it. Now.”

Mara nodded reluctantly. “You will need to understand about the challenge.”

That sounded ominous. “What challenge?”

“The brothers of the House of Bakra heard that the tapestry has brought a potential bride. Garen land
borders theirs to the north, not too far from here.”

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“And?” she prodded when Mara hesitated.

“Because you were found on the border to the land, the brothers have come to challenge for the right to
claim you for their bride.”

“That’s insane.” Shaking her head in denial, she backed away from Mara. “There’s no way in hell I’m
gonna sleep with four strangers. Jarek and Marc were different.” She laid a hand across her chest.
“Somehow I already knew them in my heart, otherwise I would never have shared myself with either of

Mara nodded firmly, as if confirming something she’d already suspected.

“But even that doesn’t mean I’ve made up my mind to stay,” she continued, ignoring Mara’s startled
look. “I mean, it’s exciting and I really care for Jarek and Marc, but to have to choose a husband in a
couple of days and to face losing the only life I’ve ever known is a huge decision. And now on top of
that, I’ve got four brothers who also want to claim me.” She slumped against the wall of the castle for
support. “Maybe I’m better off just going home.”

“No.” Jarek’s voice boomed from the top of the stairs. He strode towards her and pulled her into his
arms. She could feel his heart pounding beneath her ear. “I will not release you to the House of Bakra.
You have nothing to fear.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” she mumbled against his chest, but snuggled closer to his strength. He wore
a leather vest that was open so that her cheek was able to rest against his firm flesh. Just the feel of him
made her feel more secure.

“What exactly is involved in a challenge?”

“It is nothing for you to be concerned about.” His easy dismissal had all her senses screaming.

“Mara?” She needed to know the truth and trusted the other woman to tell her.

“It is a sword fight between two men, one from each family.” Christina decided that maybe that wasn’t
too bad, but Mara wasn’t finished. “Sometimes to the death.”

Stiffening in Jarek’s arms, she slowly pulled away from him. He hesitated as if debating whether or not to
release her, but his arms relaxed and allowed her to ease back slightly. But he did not release her totally,
keeping his hands clasped at the small of her back. She leaned back and glared up at him. “Nothing for
me to be concerned about?”

Jarek’s golden-brown eyes were fierce and a muscle worked in his jaw. “No. We will defeat them and
they will go home. They will not have you.”

Christina saw the warrior behind the façade of the man for the first time. He had been gentle and almost
playful with her. Certainly a demanding lover, but this was different.

This was a man ready to kill for her, ready to die for her.

She didn’t want to be responsible for anyone’s death. “Maybe,” she broke off and blinked back tears.
“Maybe, I should just hide until the tapestry appears and return home.” Better to be alone than to risk the

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death of either Jarek or Marc.

“No.” It was Mara’s soft voice that cut through the deafening silence. Jarek was tight-lipped, his face set
in lines of anger. “It is too late for that. They will blame Jarek and Marc for driving you away and that
might lead to an all-out war.” Gently, she tugged Christina from Jarek’s arms. “The challenge must be
met and you must be there beside Jarek and Marc throughout it all. Otherwise, who knows how many
men will die on both sides.”

Mara quickly ushered her back to the top of the stairs, but Christina refused to look back at Jarek,
certain that her words had angered him.

“I will take Christina back to her room until she composes herself. You and your brother may come in
half an hour for her.”

She allowed Mara to lead her back to her room. All the while her mind was spinning, trying to come up
with a solution to avert the coming violence.

Marc raised his hand to the door and hesitated. “I don’t like the fact that she knows about the

Jarek snorted at his brother. “It was inevitable that Mara would tell her.” The older woman was a force
to be reckoned with and did what she thought best. He couldn’t imagine anyone telling Mara what to do.
He shook his head and sighed. “I don’t like it any better than you do, but she knows and now we must
deal with it.”

“They will not have her.”

“Of course not.” Jarek’s firm denial helped calm his brother. Marc nodded and raised his hand again,
this time banging on the door.

“Come in.” Christina, who was standing and gazing out the window, turned as both men entered.

Both brothers were dressed in dark brown leather pants, vest and boots. Marc’s hair was pulled back in
a braid that hit his waist, and he wore bronze armbands that wrapped around his biceps and wrists. Jarek
wore his hair loose, the familiar thin braids framing either side of his face. He was dressed the same as his
brother except that he wore a large silver torque, set with precious gems, around his neck. It was a
symbol of the House of Garen and his to wear as the eldest.

Christina was still wearing the same blue dress as earlier. Jarek thought that the color brought out the
blue of her eyes. Her hair had been brushed and hung loose, falling in a curtain over her back all the way
to her behind. His fingers itched to tangle in her tresses and bind her to him. He clenched and relaxed his
fists at his sides.

Anger and lust warred within him, but he pushed these feelings aside and drew on all his training as a
warrior. Only discipline and clear thinking would save them all from disaster. The Bakra brothers were
not opponents to be taken lightly.

Jarek stepped forward, aware that Marc was standing to his left, slightly behind him. They had discussed
their strategy for the evening and this was but the first step. Reaching behind his neck, he removed the

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silver torque from around his neck. “It would honor us if you would wear this token for the evening.”

Christina looked wary as they moved closer, but squared her shoulders and stood her ground.

Jarek felt pride swell within him as he clasped the ancient symbol of their House around her neck,
settling it between the valley of her breasts. He stepped back and admired the way the silver shone
against her skin. “Beautiful.”

His brother echoed his word under his breath, but Christina must have heard as she smiled at Marc.
“Thank you.” Her hand touched the gemstones gingerly. “Thank you both. I promise I’ll take good care
of it.”

“You look lovely this evening.” Marc picked up her hand and drew it to his lips. Tenderly he kissed each
knuckle before tucking her hand in the crook of his arm.

“Thank you. Mara found this wonderful dress for me. It’s so different from what I usually wear that I
wasn’t sure. It doesn’t even make me look fat.” She slapped her free hand over her mouth, appalled by
what she’d just blurted out.

Jarek’s eyebrows drew together as he frowned. “What foolishness is this? You are not fat, you are a
woman.” He felt the familiar desire surge through his body and could feel his cock begin to swell, as it
always did in her presence. “You are perfect.”

She peeked up at him through her thick eyelashes, a small smile playing at her lips. “Really?”

“Your thighs are perfect to cradle a man as he thrusts his cock deep into your softness. Your breasts are
lush enough to pillow his head and give him pleasure. Your ass is a handful and then some and I long to
fuck it.” Her face had gotten redder with each statement he’d made. “Yes, Christina. You are perfect.
For me.”

Placing a finger under her chin, he tipped it up. He meant to keep the kiss soft and undemanding, but
could not resist slipping his tongue inside for a taste. When she leaned into him, Jarek almost lost it. It
was the knowledge that the Bakra brothers were waiting below that sobered him quickly.

“Come. It is time for feasting and our guests await.” Taking her hand in his, he tucked it under his arm.

With a brother flanking her protectively on either side, they led her from the room and down the stairs to
greet the uninvited guests who were waiting impatiently. Christina carried herself like a queen as she
strode down the stairs, a fitting consort for him and Marc. The light caught the silver at her neck as she
gracefully walked into the waiting throng of people. The sight of the torque steadied Jarek and fired his

Burying all his emotions beneath he became the lethal warrior he was. She was his and no one, not even
the deadly Bakra brothers would take her from him. Even if that meant he had to kill them all.

Chapter Ten

Christina did her best to take another deep breath without being too obvious about it. Her stomach was

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roiling and if she wasn’t careful, she’d lose her lunch all over the floor. She’d done nothing but worry
about the coming evening, and the tension she sensed from Marc and Jarek did little to reassure her.

Her hand automatically went to her chest and the warm piece of silver that sat there. She wrapped her
fingers around it and clung to it like a talisman that could ward off all disaster.

She stopped suddenly when the crowd parted and four large men stalked across the room, their
movements fluid, unhurried and confident. They had to be the infamous Bakra brothers.

Jarek stepped away from her and she felt bereft without him by her side. Standing straighter, she tried to
make her face impassive. There was no way she wanted any of them to know just how unsettled she
really was.

One of the men approached Jarek as the other three ranged out behind him. All of them were staring at
her, or specifically, her chest. In spite of her resolve to stand firm, she sidled closer to Marc.

The leader of the group smiled, though the gesture didn’t reach his eyes, which were like shards of blue
ice. All four brothers were tall and built like brick walls. They all had long blond hair that they kept tied at
their nape, except for the leader. He wore his hair just like Jarek did with two skinny braids on either side
of his face while the rest of his hair hung free. She’d just thought it was a preference, but it occurred to
her that it might signify who was the eldest of the brothers.

Thankfully, the leader turned his attention to Jarek. “We have come to challenge the House of Garen for
the right of possession of the woman.”

Jarek folded his arms across his chest, his features impassive. “That is no way to greet your host,
Zaren.” His voice was mild, but there was no mistaking the rebuke.

A real smile tugged at the corners of Zaren’s mouth. “Forgive my rudeness.” He gave a short bow.
“Greetings from the House of Bakra. We have come to attend the feast and challenge the House of
Garen for the right of possession of the woman.” He arched his eyebrow. “Better?”

“Much.” Jarek held out his arm and Zaren clasped it at the forearm in a warrior’s greeting. “I see you
remember some of the manners that your mother taught you.”

“She despairs of me still, but she hopes for a daughter-in-law.”

“It is good for her to have hopes, but you will not find her one here.” Jarek’s tone continued to be mild
as Christina watched the verbal byplay between the men.

She felt Marc nudging her forward and resisted. This time he gave her a little push and she jerked
forward, almost hitting Jarek in the back. She pulled her arm away from Marc and scowled at him.

“It seems the woman might not be happy here.” Zaren shifted his stance and all his brothers followed
suit. All of them were poised and ready to fight.

Christina had had more than enough of this male posturing. “This woman has a name.” All six pairs of
male eyes swung her way as she propped her hands on her hips. “It’s Christina Beaumont and I’m very
happy where I am. Thank you for asking.”

She scooted around Jarek before he knew what was happening and stood in front of Zaren. Tilting her

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head, she looked up at him. Christina was beginning to think she was in the land of giants. Not one of
these guys was under six and a half feet. “Pleased to meet you.” She stuck out her hand and waited.

His hand engulfed hers, practically cradling it instead of shaking it. “The pleasure is all mine.” His voice
was a sexy rumble that startled her. She quickly removed her hand from his, ignoring his low laugh.

The three men behind him looked similar enough to pass for triplets. Rippling muscles in tight pants and
open vests. Didn’t any of these guys ever get cold? “I assume you’re the rest of the Bakra brothers since
no one else has seen fit to introduce us.”

One of them placed his hand over his mouth and coughed, trying to cover his laughter. His brother
thumped him on the back. The third one just shook his head and stepped forward. “I am Bador and
these are my brothers, Garrik and Jarmon. We have come to invite you to our home.”

Christina nodded at Bador and Garrik, but frowned at Jarmon, who was still trying to swallow back his
mirth. “Thank you for the invitation, but I’m fine here. I might not be staying.”

Everyone froze and the air in the room became fraught with tension. She certainly knew how to kill a
party. She felt Jarek’s hands on her shoulders as he pulled her back against his chest. She didn’t question
how she knew it was Jarek, she just did.

“We will discuss that later.” His tone brooked no disobedience and right now she didn’t want to
challenge him on it.

Her entire body felt shaky and all she really wanted to do was sit down somewhere, preferably
somewhere far away from the Bakra brothers. But that wasn’t going to happen. Jarek led her to a table
at the head of the room and seated her before sitting next to her. Marc sat next to Jarek. The Bakra
brother sat on her other side with Zaren immediately to her right. This was not going to be fun.

As if their sitting had been a signal, everyone else found their places and servers came out from the
kitchen with platters laden down with food. No one spoke as food was served and goblets were filled
with ale and cider. The crowd was holding its breath as one, waiting to see how the events would unfold.

“Eat, Christina.” While she’d been busy watching the people, Jarek had filled her place with some
choice bits of meat, some vegetables and bread.

She leaned closer to him and he bent his head. “I’m too nervous to eat.”

“Would it help if this matter were settled once and for all?” His finger tenderly traced her cheek as she
nodded. “Very well.”

He pushed back his chair and stood. Everyone waited silently. “The House of Bakra has challenged for
the right to Christina Beaumont, who belongs to the House of Garen.” The crowd hissed and booed.
Jarek raised his hands and silence reigned. “It is their right to do so under law.”

Every ounce of her blood raced out of her head and she felt lightheaded. She hadn’t realized that he
meant to challenge right this very minute. For a moment, she wished she’d never come here, never
known either Jarek or Marc. She already cared for them both way too much and couldn’t bear the
thought of them being hurt or perhaps killed because of her.

“Christina.” Jarek placed his hand on her head and gently caressed her hair. “The beautiful Christina

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belongs to the House of Garen.”

Zaren pushed back his own chair and stood. Christina scooted closer to Jarek, half afraid of what he
might do. Jarek pulled a knife from a sheath at his side and sent it flying towards the table. It landed in
front of Zaren with a loud thunk and vibrated as it rocked back and forth, the blade embedded in the
wooden table.

Zaren grabbed the hilt and yanked it free. Christina gasped as he flipped it over in one deft move and
handed it back to Jarek hilt first. Jarek accepted it and sheathed the knife. “Challenge has been issued
and accepted.”

“No.” Her words were little more than a whisper against the cheering of the crowd. Bador, Garrik and
Jarmon stood beside their brother and Marc rose to stand by Jarek.

Her throat felt tight and she could barely breathe. They were going to fight. Now. Over her. It was

She grabbed Jarek’s arm, using it to pull herself to her feet. Zaren was already moving away from the
table, but she reached out and touched his arm. He whirled on her quickly, his knife drawn.

Her arm automatically came up to protect herself against the coming blow, but it never came. Slowly,
she lowered her arm. Zaren was watching her, his face suffused with fury. Christina swallowed against
the dryness in her throat, but she would not stop now.

“I won’t go with you even if you win.”

Zaren cupped her face in his hand and rubbed his thumb over her lip. “It no longer matters what you
want. You have sealed your own fate with your spirit and beauty.” Some of the anger left him. “I would
never hurt you, but you would come to love us. You are a perfect bride for our House. A prize worth
dying for.”

Before she knew what was happening, he’d leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. Her mouth
opened on a startled gasp and his tongue slipped inside. While his kiss was skillful and she could feel her
body responding, he left her heart cold. He was not Jarek or Marc. Laying both her hands on his chest,
she started to push him away.

Before she had the chance, she was ripped from his grasp and thrust aside. She swayed on her feet but
managed to stay upright.

“Challenge is now. Who is your second?”

“I am.” Bador came to stand next to his brother.

Jarek jerked his head towards the door. “The courtyard in five minutes.”

The Bakra brothers stalked towards the door, calling for their weapons as they went. Jarek accepted his
sword from his captain of the guards and strapped it on. Christina looked to Marc, hoping to find a
cooler head in that corner, but he already had his sword strapped on. Challenge was inevitable.

Her head was spinning. This was all happening so fast. One minute they were feasting and now they
were ready to fight. She didn’t belong in this world. She didn’t understand it at all.

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“There is no choice, Christina. This has to be settled under the law. Once it is done, you are safe.”

“I am safe if I go home.” The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. “And if you

A look of pain flashed in Jarek’s eyes before he turned and walked away. Christina willed him to look
back, but he kept going forward. She bit her lip to keep from calling to him. She had every right to ask. It
was her life they were playing with.

She jumped when Marc wrapped his arm around her from behind and gave her a quick hug. “We will
not lose.” Then he too was striding across the stone floor and disappearing through the door.

Christina stood frozen to the spot as the crowd spilled out the door behind the men. They were cheering
and chattering as if they were all looking forward to the spectacle.

“You have to go and watch them.” Mara’s strong, bony hand reached out to steady her.

“It’s madness.” She searched Mara’s face for any ounce of understanding.

“Perhaps to you, but it is our way.”

“But not mine.”

“Is it not?” Mara’s gaze was fastened on Christina’s chest.

Christina felt the edges of the torque that she had clutched in her hand. The edges dug into her flesh so
hard that they drew several small beads of blood.

“Regardless, those men are willing to fight and die for you. You at least owe them the courtesy of
watching.” Mara’s harsh words hit Christina like a slap in the face just as the first clash of swords rang
out from the yard.

Her leather boots slapped against the floor as she raced towards the entryway. She bolted out through
the door and shoved her way through the crowd. At first they grumbled and blocked her path, but when
they realized who she was they parted and let her through to the front.

Zaren swung at Jarek and he barely ducked in time to keep his head attached to his body. Christina
slapped her hand over her mouth to keep from crying out and distracting Jarek. The other one she kept
wrapped tight around the torque.

Marc and Bador both stood watch with their swords drawn to make sure that no one cheated. This was
a fight between the champions of each House.

Christina lost all track of time as the battle raged. Both men were incredibly skilled and wielded their
swords with deadly intent. She soon realized that what she’d seen in the courtyard this morning had been
little more than play. Sparks flew as metal struck metal. Both men parried and struck, dancing away just
before the blade struck home.

Zaren’s blade slipped past Jarek’s guard, but he managed to block it at the last minute and it hit his
armband instead. She could barely breathe as she silently prayed that Jarek would be safe. She didn’t

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want to see Zaren die, but if that’s what it took to keep Jarek and herself safe then so be it.

Sweat dripped down her temples and forehead, stinging her eyes, and she blinked it away. She stood
like a statue as the men fought on. The end, when it finally came, happened so quickly, she almost missed

Jarek faltered and her heart stopped beating. Zaren lunged for the kill and Jarek sidestepped at the last
possible moment. Zaren was unable to stop his forward momentum and fell. Jarek struck him with the flat
of his sword, sending him sprawling. The tip of his sword rested on the back of Zaren’s neck.

Zaren froze, waiting for the killing blow. Jarek glared at the three Bakra brothers. “Concede your claim
and I will spare his life.” The three brothers nodded as one.

“Your brothers have given up their claim. Do you concede yours?” Zaren said nothing, his breathing
labored as he lay facedown in the dirt. Jarek pushed his sword point deeper, drawing blood. Zaren gave
an almost imperceptible nod and Jarek stepped back.

Zaren slowly came to his feet and turned to face Jarek. He eyed the other man with respect as he
saluted him. Jarek nodded in acceptance and then scanned the crowd until he found her.

She couldn’t move as he walked towards her, coming to a halt just in front of her. His usually warm eyes
were cold and emotionless as he looked her over. She suddenly felt like a prized filly that had been won,
but was now deemed unworthy. All her insecurities rose to the fore. He was sorry he’d fought for her.

“I have won the challenge. It is now your choice. Go or stay.”

A gasp came from the crowd and she sensed their surprise. The Bakra brothers hurried forward. “Come
with us, Christina.”

Christina was beginning to feel like she was locked in a nightmare. Didn’t he want her anymore? She bit
her lip to keep from screaming out the question, afraid of his answer. She’d hurt his pride mightily when
she’d questioned him and now it seemed he was questioning if she was worthy of him. She glanced at
Marc but he looked away.

“What do you want?” She reached out to Jarek, but he backed away from her. She could feel the tears
on her cheeks as she stood there, not knowing what to do. There was no way she was going with the
Bakra brothers, but she couldn’t stay here if Jarek no longer wanted her.

“It is your choice, Christina.” There was no emotion in his voice. “I fought only for your right to do so.”

Defeat washed over her. She would stay and remain in her room until the tapestry reappeared and then
she would go home. Home to her cold, barren life. And she would live with the thoughts of the life that
might have been hers and she would live on the memories of Jarek forever.

For she knew then that Jarek was her choice. She cared deeply for Marc, but Jarek touched her soul.

But it seemed as if he no longer cared what she did. There was certainly nothing in his manner to
encourage her at all.

Bowing her head in, she turned and walked back through the crowd.

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“Christina.” Jarek’s voice was filled with anger now as he called her.

She could not face his disdain and anger. “Stay,” she whispered and continued to walk. The door
seemed to be getting further away rather than closer and, like a wounded animal, she longed for the
safety of her room. Her body swayed and she held her hands in front of her, searching for something to
hold on to. Anything.

She noticed the blood on her fingers and opened her hand. The imprint of the torque was there and she
wondered if it would remain when she was gone from here. The blood dripped one drop at a time onto
the stone beneath her feet. Darkness swarmed around her and she embraced it gladly. Anything to
escape the pain.

A hoarse yell pierced her consciousness as her legs folded beneath her. Then she heard nothing.

Chapter Eleven

A cold fury enveloped Jarek as he watched Christina walk away from him. That she could even think for
one moment that he would lose her was unthinkable. Her lack of faith in him had deeply wounded him.
Unreasonable or not, that was how he felt.

When he’d won the challenge, he’d known he had to give her a choice. It was the hardest thing he’d
ever done in his life. Giving her the opportunity to leave him went against every ounce of his being. His
instincts were to claim her now that he’d won the right to her, but in his heart he knew it had to be her
choice or he would always wonder why she stayed.

She looked so lost and unhappy as he approached her that he was willing to do anything to make her
happy. Even set her free, or worse, let her go to the Bakra brothers, if that was her choice. She’d looked
wounded when he’d given her the choice of leaving or staying. He’d thought that she would be pleased
to have the power of choosing, but her eyes had filled with pain and she’d turned her back on him and
walked away.

He’d almost given in then and swept her in his arms and carried her to his room. Even though his entire
body was screaming for action, he’d forced himself to remain still and asked her again to make a choice.

She wouldn’t even look at him. He’d barely heard her whispered reply, but the word “stay” echoed in
his mind, bringing with it a relief that was incredible. Then before his very eyes she’d swayed and
crumpled to the ground.

A battle cry had erupted from his throat, but as fast as he’d moved, he could not catch her in time. Marc
pounded up the steps behind him and Mara was already kneeling at Christina’s side when he reached

He carefully eased his hands under her and turned her onto her back as Mara began to run her hands
over Christina’s limbs checking for damage. “What’s wrong with her?”

Mara brushed Christina’s hair away from her face and felt for injuries. “She’s exhausted and upset. All
the changes in her life and the violence of the challenge were too much for her.” She dabbed at the blood
seeping from a bump on Christina’s head. “I fear that our ways are too foreign from hers. She is
frightened and may well return home to all that is familiar.”

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“Can I move her?” Jarek held her limp hand in his and traced the cuts that seeped blood.

When Mara nodded, he lifted her into his arms and stood. Marc was keeping one eye on the Bakra
brothers who had crowded in to watch and the other one was fixed on Christina.

Jarek tensed as Zaren approached him. “Is there anything we can do?”

“I think we’ve all done enough for tonight.”

Zaren stiffened, but said nothing.

Jarek swallowed his anger, he was as much to blame as Zaren. Even though they were at odds over
Christina, all of the men had been friends for years. Jarek liked and respected the Bakra brothers and did
not want to lose such a long standing friendship with his neighbors. “I understand your need to issue
challenge and probably would have done the same myself. But she is not of our world and does not
understand our ways.”

Zaren fingered a long blonde strand of hair that hung over Jarek’s arm. He lifted it to his mouth and
rubbed the soft lock of Christina’s hair over his lips. Tenderly, he released it and tucked it back behind
her ear. “She is worth fighting for, Jarek.”

Jarek could hear the challenge and warning under Zaren’s words, but most of all he could hear the
sadness. “I know, my friend, but the choice must be hers.”

Zaren nodded and then spun on his heel and walked away. His brothers all gave Christina one last look
of longing before following their older brother. Their horses were waiting for them and they swung into
the saddles. “Send word and we will either come and celebrate your marriage, or we will come and get
drunk with you when she leaves.” Whirling his horse around, Zaren thundered out of the castle courtyard,
his brothers right behind him.

“Let’s get her inside.” Marc was holding the door open to the castle and motioning him inside.

Jarek forgot the Bakra brothers and the challenge, focusing entirely on Christina. This might be their last
night with her. According to legend, the tapestry would appear tomorrow night and then Christina could
leave him. He had less than a day to convince her to stay.

He climbed the stairs two at a time and carried her into her room. Laying her on the bed, he unlaced her
dress and began to tug it down over her shoulders. Marc was at her feet removing her leather boots.
Jarek stripped her dress from her body and tossed it over a bench in the corner. Carefully, he removed
the torque and laid it aside.

Christina lay sprawled across the bed in her white chemise. Every breath she took caused her breasts to
rise and fall. The outline of her nipples was plain against the thin fabric and he could see the shadow of
her pubic hair. Her hips were wide and made for bearing children with ease and her stomach had a soft
slope that fired his desire. He could easily imagine her stomach growing large with child and the image
stoked the fires of lust that burned within him. His blood thickened and raced to his cock, making it swell.

Mara bustled over next to him with a basin of warm water. She laid it on the floor next to the bed,
dipped a soft cloth into it and began to bathe the bump on Christina’s head. Jarek and Marc both
watched in silence as she worked. Mara lifted Christina’s hair out of the way and draped it over the

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Jarek swallowed hard. He’d longed to see her hair just like that, but he’d imagined her awake and
wanting him, not unconscious and injured. Marc sat at the foot of the bed and rubbed his hands up and
down her legs. Jarek knew it was because he needed the contact with her because he felt the same way.

Mara washed the drops of dried blood from Christina’s hand and when she was finished, she dumped
the cloth back into the basin. “That is all there is to be done right now. I don’t think she is injured so
much as worn out. She should sleep for a while, but you should wake her every so often to make sure
her head injury is not worse than it seems.”

Jarek knew that men sometimes died from head injuries, falling into a sleep from which they did not
wake. He would not allow such a thing to happen to Christina. “We will take care of her.” Marc would
stay with him until she was well. Christina had not made her choice yet and Jarek knew that Marc would
press his suit hard to get her to choose him.

So be it. They would both stay. And when she awoke they would do their best to make her want to stay
in their world with them. Even one night a week with Christina was better than none. He had been raised
to expect this, knew it was a way of life, but a part of him railed against the thought of not having her to
himself. It was hard enough to share her with Marc, but almost impossible to imagine her not being his

The next few hours would be the most important of his life. They would shape not only his future, but the
future of the House of Garen. Mara picked up the basin and left the room, closing the door quietly behind

Marc looked at him, his eyes full of questions and longing. “We cannot let her leave us.”

“We may not have a choice.” As much as it pained him to say it, he did not want her to stay if it would
make her unhappy. His resolve hardened as he watched her sleep. But that did not mean he would not
do everything in his power to convince her to stay.

Jarek stripped the chemise from her, wanting her naked. He tossed the garment to the floor and eased
the furs from under her, tucking her beneath their warmth. She sighed and snuggled deeper.

He tugged off his own boots and dropped them on the floor beside the bed. His pants followed. The
armbands and wristbands were next. Jarek wanted nothing between his flesh and Christina’s warm skin.
When he was naked, he climbed into bed and tugged her into his arms. She settled easily, her head
tucked under his chin, her hand on his heart.

Marc stripped off his clothing and climbed into bed on the other side. Turning on his side, he clasped his
hand over Christina’s hip and nestled closer to her back and behind.

Closing his eyes, Jarek tried to rest. But the image of Christina crumpling at the top of the stairs haunted
him and sleep would not come.

Something tickled her nose and she batted her hand at it. She felt so warm and toasty, she didn’t want to
wake up yet. Memories of concerned male voices waking her several times rose to the surface of her
consciousness, making her frown. Why was that so important?

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The longer she was awake the more she remembered. Slowly, she became aware of her surroundings
and knew she was in her room. She could feel the soft furs on top of her and the two male bodies
surrounding her.

The last thing she remembered was trying to make her way to the doorway of the castle. Then
everything went black. She must have fainted. Just the thought shocked her. She’d never done anything
like that in her life until she came here. She was healthy and strong and not prone to any kind of
weakness at all. Now, she’d fainted twice in the last two days. Maybe it was the air. She certainly found
this place unsettling to her peace of mind.

Memories of the violence of the evening before filled her throbbing head. Raising a shaky hand, she felt a
small bump there. She must have struck her head when she fell. A shiver racked her body when she
remembered how cold Jarek had been towards her, and the warmth that had filled her fled from her
limbs. His words had frozen her insides and she instinctively started to pull away from him.

His arms tightened around her like velvet bands, not hurting her, but there was no way she could escape
his embrace. She swallowed the lump in her throat when his hand tenderly cradled the back of her head
as he pulled her closer to him. She was totally confused now, his gentle actions so at odds with his earlier
words and deeds.

She could feel Marc’s hand on her hip and feel his erection digging into the small of her back. It was
strange just how comforting she found it to be tucked between these two hard male bodies. It was just as
amazing at how normal and right it felt to be sleeping with the two of them.

It was still nighttime, as the room was cast in shadows, but she knew that this was her last day here. She
chewed on her lip as her fingers tangled in Jarek’s chest hair. She still didn’t know what to do. Her head
was telling her to grab the tapestry when it appeared and go home where she was safe. Her heart was
urging her to grab onto this chance for a relationship and a family.

The feel of Jarek’s cock lengthening and thickening against the leg she had draped across his thighs
made all her thoughts scatter.

“How do you feel?” His low intimate tones sent heat flooding through her body once again.

“I’m fine.” Other than a slight headache, she was fine. At least physically. Mentally and emotionally was
a whole other thing.

Jarek’s hand wrapped around her upper thigh. “Are you sure?” His fingers began to move, tracing
circles from her hip to her knee and back to her hip.

She could barely think straight. Marc’s hand began to move in a slow path from her butt to the back of
her knee. “Yes.” God, yes. Her leg was being caressed front and back. Two calloused hands sliding up
and down.

Her headache was forgotten as desire thrummed through her. Jarek no longer seemed angry with her.
The cold, distant man was gone, replaced by the tender lover who had become so familiar to her. Her
sex dampened and she could feel a trickle flow from between her thighs and land on Jarek’s leg.

He groaned and his fingers dug into her thigh. “So be it.” Jarek rolled over in bed, flipping her onto her

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Slightly dazed, Christina gazed up at the two men looming over her. Their eyes were filled with lust and
she could feel their hard bodies on either side of her. They both wanted her. It might be the wrong thing
to do for her heart, but she wanted this. If she did end up going home, she wanted one more memory of
her time here.

She raised her arms over her head, the motion pushing her breasts towards them. It was a sign of
surrender. Both men smiled slowly. Damn, but they were sexy. Whatever they wanted, she wanted to
give it to them. A gift from her heart to them.

Chapter Twelve

Jarek wasn’t about to question his good fortune. Christina was awake, seemed no worse for wear for
her ordeal and she still wanted them. Any good warrior knew to take advantage of an opportunity when
it was presented to him and he was no fool.

She looked exactly as he’d imagined she would with her blonde hair flowing over the pillows. Her
breasts jiggled with every breath she took and each plump mound was tipped with a tight bud that was
just begging to be tasted. With her arms over her head and her legs sprawled open, she was a feast for
his senses.

His hands looked huge and dark against her soft pale skin as he traced her delicate collarbone. She
opened her eyes and looked straight at him, her eyes blue pools of desire. Her breath was coming
quicker now as his fingers inched closer to her breast. Soft. She was so damned soft everywhere. The
calloused pads of his fingertips shaped and stroked the sensitive flesh, while his thumb traced the outline
of her distended nipple.

Marc mirrored his actions, watching him closely. Right now, there was more at stake than which brother
she would choose. At this moment, they were banded together for their common goal of just keeping
Christina with them. Neither of them wanted to lose her to her own world.

Jarek licked his lips in anticipation as he lowered his mouth. He lapped at her nipple, holding her breast
in his hand while he sampled her. When that was no longer enough, he gently clasped it between his teeth
and nipped the bud.

Her ecstatic cries echoed throughout the room. Jarek wanted more from her. He wanted her begging for
his attention. He wanted her screams of release. He wanted everything.

His cock swelled with every taste of her sweet flesh. There had never been a woman made who enticed
him more than Christina. His entire body was taut with desire, but he wanted to take his time and draw
out the seduction and the pleasure. They had all night and he planned to make the most of it.

Without warning, he drew her breast into his mouth and suckled her. Hard. Her fingers frantically
clutched the back of head, tugging him closer. He laughed, more than pleased with her response.

His mouth continued to tease and play with her breast while his other hand slid down her ribs and over
the slope of her belly. The supple mound yielded to his hand. Christina was made to cradle a warrior
between her thighs, giving him relief and comfort through all the nights of his life.

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Moving on, he caressed the top of her thigh, his fingers teasing the inner part. Her legs sprawled wider,
silently begging him to touch her. He glanced over and saw Marc’s hand on her other thigh.

His fingers made small circles over the inside of her thigh, moving higher and higher until he was touching
the crease at the top of her leg. Christina tried to open her legs wider but was blocked on either side.
Jarek lifted her left leg and draped it over his thigh. Marc did the same with her right one. With a leg
draped over both of them, her sex was wide open to their touch.

Both men’s fingers touched as they sifted through the blonde curls at the apex of her thighs. The soft
curls wrapped around their fingers as her heat warmed them. Using his index finger, Jarek traced the
folds of her labia.

“You’re so wet,” he murmured as he coated his finger in the evidence of her desire. He licked at the
swollen bud of her nipple before sucking it back into his mouth.

Marc groaned his approval as his fingers examined her damp sex.

Jarek felt Marc’s fingers at Christina’s opening and as one they each drove a finger inside her hot pussy.
Her muscles gripped his finger tight, pulling it deeper.

Jarek’s cock felt like iron as he pushed it against the supple swell of her hip, trying to find some relief.
He could feel the liquid seeping from the tip of his erection and couldn’t quite stifle a groan. Christina
moved restlessly against their fingers, thrusting her hips into the air.

He withdrew his finger to the entrance of her heat and then thrust it deep. Marc matched him as he
established a rhythm. Using his thumb, he flicked her distended clit. Both he and Marc continued to
suckle and lick her breasts as their fingers pleasured her pussy.

Christina was gasping for breath now and her hips pumped frantically into the air as their fingers
continued to work in and out of her. Her inner muscles clamped down hard as the spasms started. She
tipped back her head and screamed as she came.

Damn, but she was beautiful in her desire. So open and giving. It made Jarek greedy to possess all of it.
Gradually, he slowed the movement of his fingers and mouth, making them more soothing than arousing.
Christina shivered when both he and Marc withdrew their hands from between her thighs.

Her gaze was slightly dazed, but entirely satisfied when he finally raised his head from her breast. As she
watched, he raised his hand to his mouth and sucked on his fingers. Christina shuddered.

Marc laid his fingers on Christina’s lips and she opened her mouth, her tongue licking her juices from
them. Marc closed his eyes and allowed her to suck his fingers deeper into her mouth.

Jarek placed one of his fingers on her lips and she opened her mouth wider, inviting him inside. It was his
turn to shudder now as he slipped his finger into her wet mouth. Her tongue lapped at his finger before
her teeth scraped the top.

Removing his finger from her mouth, he traced the line of her cheek and jaw. Her round face was flushed
with desire as she gave Marc’s fingers one last lick before he withdrew them. Jarek breathed deep as he
leaned closer to Christina, inhaling the fresh scent of woman and the heady perfume of her arousal.

The time had come to claim her as one.

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Jarek turned from her suddenly and rolled out of the bed. His feet slapped against the bare stone as he
strode quickly to the bathroom and grabbed a jar off the shelf. By the time he returned to the bedroom,
Marc had gathered Christina in his arms and was kissing her. Jarek’s jaw tightened, but he said nothing
as he climbed back into the bed.

He opened the small jar and scooped out some of the slick substance and coated his cock with it. He
was determined to be the one to lay claim to her virgin ass with his cock. It would be him who felt the
tight muscles stretch and expand to accommodate his length. It would be him who made her scream with
desire and beg him to fuck her ass.

Wrapping his hands over her slender shoulders, he pulled her away from his brother and bent down and
claimed her mouth for his own.

Christina didn’t think it was possible to feel such growing desire so soon after such an explosive orgasm,
but her skin felt like it was on fire. Her need for both men was all-consuming. She desperately wanted to
please them both and have them both fuck her senseless.

It had been incredible to feel both of their fingers inside her sex, stroking and coaxing her to orgasm. Her
breath almost stopped at the thought of having both of their cocks thrusting into her.

Jarek’s quick departure from the bed had startled her, but Marc had claimed her lips, quickly driving all
thought from her mind. His lips were firm and confident as he kissed her. His tongue had teased hers until
she opened her mouth wide for him.

Marc’s hands roamed over her body, touching her everywhere. He stroked down her shoulders and
over her back. His fingers squeezed her ass before flowing over her thighs and between her legs. She
whimpered as he stroked her damp sex and then over her torso to her swollen breasts.

She felt the bed give slightly and knew that Jarek was back. His large hands settled on her shoulders and
pulled her away from Marc. Before she had time to gasp, his mouth was on hers.

Marc’s kiss had been passionate, but Jarek’s was devastating.

He consumed her. His tongue possessed her mouth, leaving no doubt that he considered it his. Her
fingers tangled in his hair, tugging him closer. He grunted and wrapped his hand in her hair, chaining her to

Marc had knelt beside her. He plumped both her breasts in his hands and stroked the tips with his
thumbs. The rough pads abraded her aroused nipples and she moaned into Jarek’s mouth.

She lowered her hand from Jarek’s head and tested the hard muscle that played beneath his chest. She
could feel his torso tighten as she shifted her hand lower over his flat belly.

The tip of his cock hit her hand and she could feel the liquid seeping from the tip. She stroked her finger
across the tip and was rewarded when more seeped from the head. Wrapping her hand around his cock,
she was surprised to discover that it was coated in a jelly-like substance, which allowed her hand to slip
and slide easily over his length.

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Reaching out with her other hand, she sought out Marc. One of his hands left her breast long enough to
capture her hand and guide it to his throbbing erection. Her fingers tightened around him and he hissed
out a breath even as he thrust his hips against her hand.

Both men’s erections were huge. Christina could hardly believe that she’d had both cocks in her body.
They seemed almost too big, too much for her. But yet, somehow she had and now she wanted them
both in her at once and would do whatever it took to make that happen.

Using her thumbs, Christina spread the moisture that continued to escape from the slits of both men’s
erections. It gave her a feeling of power and satisfaction to know that they both wanted her.

Jarek sucked on her tongue one last time before pulling away. His chest was heaving as he knelt up in
bed, carefully disengaging her hand from him. She released her grip on Marc’s erection when his fingers
touched the back of her hand. Jarek tugged her into his arms while Marc lay flat on the mattress.

“Come to me, sweetheart.” Marc opened his arms to her, his eyes blazing with lust. His thick cock
bobbed towards her and her sex contracted with desire.

At Jarek’s urging, she faced Marc and swung her leg over his stomach, straddling his groin. She licked
her lips and waited for their next instructions, not quite sure what they wanted her to do next.

She could feel Jarek moving behind her. His breath was hot on her neck and ear as he nibbled her skin.
She tilted her head to one side and he stroked the sensitive whorls of her ear with his rough tongue.

“Mount Marc and take his cock inside your pussy.” He bit the lobe of her ear before continuing.
“You’re so wet. You know you want it.”

“Yes,” she moaned. Anything. Everything.

Lowering her body, she rubbed her sex against Marc’s cock, reveling in the feel of it pulsing against her
hot, moist lips.

“Inside, Christina. Marc wants to fuck you.” Jarek’s hands gripped her hips as he tugged her back up to
her knees. He moved his hands over her hipbones and between her thighs. Spreading the lips of her sex
wide, Jarek opened her so that Marc could position his cock at her opening.

Marc’s hands wrapped around her hips and pulled her down on his large erection. Her sensitive inner
flesh protested for a moment before giving way. He didn’t rush her, but neither did he stop until his cock
was seated to the hilt.

Jarek stroked her clit as he removed his hands. “I want to fuck you too.”

A shiver racked her entire body. She could no longer think. She needed to have them inside her. Her
blood felt thick and her heart pumped heavy in her chest.

“Lean over and give Marc your breasts.” Jarek traced hot kisses down her spine. “That will open your
ass wide to me.” One of his fingers stroked the puckered lips of her anus. “Will you let me fuck your ass,

“Yes.” The word was little more than a strangled whisper from her throat. She leaned forward over
Marc and wrapped her hand around his neck, helping to support him as he latched onto her nipple and

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began to suckle. She could feel his cock throbbing and flexing inside her pussy.

She jumped slightly when she felt something cold and slick on her butt.

“This will help you to take me.” Jarek pushed his finger past the resistance of her opening and she felt the
jelly-like substance coating her. “It will also make you want it.”

Sure enough, the words were barely out of his mouth when she felt a jolt in her behind. She moved her
hips back against his finger. It wasn’t enough. She needed more.

“The feeling will travel to your pussy as well. The herbs in the cream will heighten your desire.” Jarek
laughed softly as he worked his finger in and out of her tight ass.

Christina thought she might go out of her mind. She couldn’t form a single thought or speak a word. A
low mewling sound came from deep inside her. She was burning with desire and needed relief. Her pussy
and ass were clutching at Marc’s cock and Jarek’s finger, but it wasn’t enough.

Marc bit down lightly on her nipple before dropping his head back to the pillow. “Ask, Christina.” His
hand stroked the side of her face, swiping away a bead of sweat as it trickled down her temple. “Ask us
to fuck you and we’ll take you to paradise.”


“Ask, Christina.” This time it was Jarek whispering in her ear, promising her completion. She could feel
the tip of his erection barely inside the opening of her behind.

She tried to moved, but Jarek held her hips tight in his hands and Marc had her thighs gripped tight in
his. Christina felt the burning and need pulsing in her lower body. She tired to speak, but at first nothing
would come out. She began to panic. What if she couldn’t tell them and they left her like this? That
thought brought a strangled gasp from her. “Fuck me.”

Jarek slowly surged forward. Christina cried out, partly with pleasure, partly with pain. Both men held
themselves steady. She didn’t know if she could bear it, but the thought of them stopping was

She could feel both their cocks swelling and growing even larger. Every pulse and throb caused her
body to spasm.

“Put your arms on the mattress by Marc.”

She didn’t hesitate, but followed Jarek’s instructions. The motion had her blanketed over Marc, but not
quite touching him.

The movement began slowly. With his fingers digging into her waist, Jarek began to move her back and
forth on his cock. The motion moved her over Marc’s erection as well.

Marc gripped her hips and began to help Jarek move her over their cocks. She relaxed and let them
control everything, allowing herself to just feel. Both men pulled almost out of her, leaving her feeling
desperate to get them back inside her. She felt empty without them, on the verge of completion. The
relief she felt when they plunged back inside was incredible.

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With every thrust it got easier to take them both. She caught the rhythm and began to thrust her bottom
towards Jarek with every backwards thrust. Her blood felt like molten lava, ready to erupt. On the next
thrust, her body exploded.

She screamed, unable to stop herself. This feeling was beyond anything. She felt the sting of four hands
digging into her sides as both men heaved once more. They came at the same moment and the sensation
of their hot cum jetting into her set off another round of convulsions. She vaguely heard their hoarse cries
as they both jerked with release.

When the last spasm racked her body, she collapsed on top of Marc. He groaned and then laughed as
he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. She could feel the pounding of his heart against her
chest and knew he could feel the pounding of hers.

A soft cry escaped her as Jarek pulled his cock from her behind. Now that the heat of passion had
passed, she was feeling rather sore already. He murmured to her. She was unable to make out what he
was saying, but his tone was soft and reassuring.

Marc slowly withdrew from her as well and she felt strangely bereft. Tears came to her eyes and a sob
welled up from deep within her. Her hand went to her mouth but she was unable to keep it inside.

Everything that had happened in the past few days flooded her mind. The life that she’d left behind, the
strangeness of this new world, the violence that she’d witnessed and the ordeal of the challenge. That
coupled with the intensity of her feelings for both Marc and Jarek and the sheer force of her orgasm
overwhelmed her. Marc hushed her as he tucked her back under the furs and laid down beside her.

Jarek appeared by her side with a soft, wet washcloth in his hands. He turned back the furs and tenderly
cleaned her body before pulling the covering back over her. Then he climbed in beside her. She rolled
towards him and was engulfed in his strong embrace.

She could feel Marc’s breath on her back as he heaved a sigh of obvious disappointment, but his hand
was gentle as it caressed her back.

Under their care, her tears quickly subsided and she began to feel silly about her strange outburst of
emotion. Both men were silent until she was calm once again.

Hands that had been undemanding and caring now became arousing and enticing. Jarek turned her until
she was flat on her back once again and it shocked her to see the depth of the lust that blazed in his eyes.
She would have been frightened if it were not for the slight glimpse of softer emotions that she’d seen
there as well.

Marc disappeared under the covers, his mouth spreading kisses down her torso. The night was far from
over and Christina reached for Jarek. The look of male satisfaction that filled his face as she did so set
her pulse leaping and her blood pumping once again.

Chapter Thirteen

Christina wasn’t sure what she expected the next morning, but it wasn’t to wake up by herself. The bed
seemed so big and empty without Marc and Jarek. She pushed the tangled mass of hair out of her face
and slowly sat up. Every muscle in her body protested the movement.

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“Ohhhh,” she groaned and buried her face in her hands. She could hardly believe everything she had
done last night with Marc and Jarek. And what they had done to her. Well, there were no secrets left to
her anymore where her body was concerned. Both men had touched and tasted her everywhere.

Flinging back the covers, she gingerly slid from the bed. She supported herself with one hand on the
mattress until her legs stopped trembling. When she felt able, she stumbled across the room towards the
bathing area.

A sigh of relief escaped her as she leaned against the doorway. The tub was filled with water and the
steam was still rising. Sending a prayer of thanks to whatever kind soul had done this for her, she made
her way to the tub and climbed in.

“Ah.” Her entire body relaxed as she sank into the hot water, careful to hang her hair over the edge of
the rim. She didn’t want to get it wet and have to waste time drying it.

Time was running out and Christina didn’t want to waste a moment of it. Grabbing a cloth and some
soap from the ledge, she soaped her entire body, from the tip of her toes to her face. When she was
totally clean, she settled back in the water and allowed herself a few minutes to soak before reluctantly
leaving the warmth of the tub.

She felt less stiff and more energized by the time she’d toweled off. Wrapping the fabric around her
body, she picked up a comb and worked the tangles out of her hair. That done, she braided the thick
mass and looked around for something to secure it with. Seeing nothing in the bathroom, she ambled
back into the bedroom and found a short piece of brown ribbon and wrapped it around the end of her

Clothing was her next priority. Christina searched the room for the dress she’d worn yesterday, but it
was gone. The only garment was a dress made of a heavy beige fabric. It was sturdier than the gown
she’d worn to the feast, but looked as if it would fit her as well.

Dropping the towel, she grabbed the white chemise that was with the dress and tugged it over her head
and down over her body. Her skin looked particularly pale against the red patches that covered her
belly, breasts and thighs, caused by the slight stubble from Marc and Jarek’s jaws. That and the fact that
both men had delighted in nipping her flesh with little love bites.

Then she slipped on the dress and did the laces up quickly, surprising herself by how rapidly she was
becoming accustomed to wearing the clothing so unlike her own. Her short leather boots were waiting by
the foot of the bed and she tugged them on. They fit her rather well, considering they were borrowed.

She went to the door and opened it, listening carefully. The muted sounds of people talking floated up
from the great hall below. She had to fight the urge to close the door and run back to the bed and crawl
back beneath the covers. All of them had seen the spectacle she’d made of herself last night. They also
had to know where Marc and Jarek spent the night. In the short time she’d been here, Christina had
quickly learned that gossip flowed fast and free throughout the castle.

But she was no coward. Squaring her shoulders, she marched out the door and down the stairs. No one
noticed her at first and then Mara saw her and motioned her forward.

“Good, you’re finally up. Come and have something to eat.”

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Christina pasted a serene smile on her face and walked across the room. She felt every eye following
her, but when she made a quick glance to the side, she saw that their looks were of concern and several
people, both men and women, smiled at her. She felt her tension easing slightly by the time she reached
Mara’s side.

Mara examined her from head to toe before reaching out and touching the slight lump on her forehead.
“You’re looking much better this morning.”

“Thank you. I feel good.” She really didn’t know what else to say to the older woman. Last night wasn’t
something she particularly wanted to talk about.

But the moment had passed and Mara was already fixing a plate of food. Christina sank down onto the
bench, grateful to note that everyone else had returned to their work. When Mara pushed the plate in
front of her, Christina was more than ready to eat. Between nerves and the challenge last night, she’d
hardly eaten yesterday. But after last nights activities with Jarek and Marc, she was starving. Thanking
the other woman, she pulled the plate closer and began to eat.

She ate the brown bread, slathered with fresh butter and honey, and licked her fingers clean. Slices of
apples and another fruit she didn’t recognize tempted her as well and she washed it all down with a mug
of fresh spring water. When she’d consumed all the food, she sat back, totally replete.

Mara’s eyes twinkled as she removed the empty plate. “It’s good to see you eating again and enjoying
your food. You must have worked up an appetite.”

Christina could feel the heat on her cheeks, but she couldn’t take offense at the teasing in Mara’s voice.
Before she could think of some witty comeback, she felt Jarek behind her. Like some sixth sense, she
hadn’t heard him, but she knew he was there.

“How do you feel this morning?” His deep voice washed over her like an intimate caress and it took all
her resolve not to sink back against him.

“I’m fine.” She knew her voice was sharp, but honestly, she was getting tired of people treating her like
she was sick. “I only fainted last night.”

Jarek ignored her last remark. “If you are well, would you like to go for a ride? It is a beautiful day.”

Christina berated herself for her ill temper knowing it was brought on by all the mixed emotions
bombarding her. She knew that today was the day of decision, but for now she wanted to forget about
that and just enjoy herself.

Rising from her seat at the table, she held out her hand. “I’d enjoy a ride.”

Jarek’s fingers wrapped around her hand and he raised it to his mouth. His breath was moist and warm
against her knuckles as he kissed them one by one before tucking her hand in the crook of his arm.

She could hear Mara’s muffled laughter behind her. She shook her head at herself, knowing that she’d
fallen under Jarek’s seductive spell yet again. The man was lethal. Giving Mara a grin, she shrugged as if
to say, what do you expect? The older woman’s laughter bubbled over as she shooed them away.

The sunshine was warm and bright, and she had to squint against it as she left the darker shadows of the
castle. Marc was holding the reins of three saddled horses, waiting patiently.

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She shot him a questioning look. He flashed her a grin and walked forward, leading the horses behind
him. “We thought you’d like to ride on your own today.”

The smaller horse that was sandwiched between the two larger ones shook her head and huffed.
Christina felt an instant connection to the animal, understanding how the female horse must feel to be
surrounded by all that male power. When the animal turned her liquid brown eyes on Christina, she could
not resist and held out her hand. The animal nickered softly and thrust her head forward, bumping
Christina’s hand.

“I don’t know how to ride.” She didn’t want to admit it, but she knew she had to be honest. But she
regretted that she wouldn’t get the chance to ride such a lovely creature.

“Sunshine is a gentle mount.” Jarek led her closer to the horses. “All you have to do is relax and let her
carry you.”

Christina reached out and stroked Sunshine’s neck, loving the feel of the soft brown coat under her
fingers. “She’s beautiful.” The opportunity was too good to pass up. “I can try if you’re sure it’s safe.”

She bit her lip, suddenly afraid that Jarek would misconstrue her own fear as a lack of faith in him. The
thought of him turning angry and cold as he had yesterday made her stomach drop and her hands
tremble. “I don’t think my office health plan would cover a horseback accident.” Her joke fell flat
between them.

But instead of anger, his eyes and voice were soft. “I would not have suggested it if it was not safe.”

Christina felt her tension dissolve and once again she was filled with anticipation and growing delight.
“How do I get on?”

Jarek grinned. “Like this.” Gripping her around her waist, he lifted her and placed her on top of the

Marc held Sunshine steady as Christina settled her skirts as best she could. They were bunched up
above her knees, but there was nothing she could do about that. “Well, that was easy.” She gave them a
saucy smile and both men chuckled at her show of bravado.

Jarek gathered the reins and handed them to her. “Just hold them lightly until you get a feel for the motion
of the horse. Sunshine will respond to your lightest command, so there is no need to pull hard on the
reins. Keep your thighs wrapped firm around her sides and tighten them slightly when you want her to
move forward.”

It was all she could do to follow his simple instructions. With her legs wrapped around the horse, her sex
was wide open and spread against the leather saddle. Jarek’s hand was on her leg just above her knee.
With hardly any effort at all, he could slip it under the fabric and up to her pussy, which was wet and
throbbing in anticipation of just such a touch. But Jarek kept his hand where it was and she struggled to
listen to what he was telling her.

He released her leg and swung up into his own saddle. His horse pranced excitedly, but Jarek brought
him under control quickly. Christina’s hands tightened on the reins, but Sunshine remained calm and just
snorted at the unmannerly stallion. Relaxing, she settled back in the saddle, feeling a kinship with her own

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Marc reached out and touched her cheek drawing her attention his way. His thumb traced her lower lip
and her lips parted slightly. He shook his head and pulled his hand away. “Any more of that and we’ll
never make it out of the courtyard.”

Jarek tapped Sunshine on the side and all three horses began to move. At first, it took all of her attention
just to stay in the saddle, but in a short time, she felt herself becoming accustomed to the gait of the
horse. Soon, she was absorbed in the land around her as both men pointed out various plants and
animals to her.

The day was one that she would never forget. They picnicked by a gurgling stream and she had
delighted in wading in the cool depths while both men lay in the grass and watched her. They looked like
two indulgent pashas as they stretched out on the green carpet. Her breath caught in her throat at the
thought of never seeing them again, but she shoved it to the back of her mind. Today was about

They walked for a while and she learned more about the history of the Garen family and the world in
which they lived. They referred to their country as Javara and explained that each ruling family held land
that had been theirs for generations. They had a vast, complex history of war, but alliances had led to the
peace in which they all now lived.

It was all so different from her own world, yet underlying it all, the people were no different. There were
good people and evil people, those who wanted to create and those who would destroy, but most just
wanted to live a good life with their families and loved ones.

When they finally rode back into the courtyard of the castle, the sun was setting, Christina was tired, but
a strange energy thrummed throughout her entire body. Sliding her leg over her saddle, she dismounted
before Jarek or Marc could reach her side. They frowned at her, but she ignored them and patted
Sunshine’s head and thanked the beautiful horse for such a wonderful day.

Supper was a quiet affair and a somber mood settled over the entire castle. Both Jarek and Marc grew
more tense and withdrawn as the evening progressed. Everyone was waiting for the tapestry to appear.

Her nerves were stretched as tight as a bowstring. Finally, she’d had enough. Pushing back her chair,
she rose up from the table, her meal barely touched. “I’m going up to bed.” She longed to ask them to
join her, but didn’t feel as if she had the right.

Her legs grew heavier with every step, as she walked across the room towards the stairs. She closed her
eyes and gave a quick prayer of thanks when she heard the scraping of wood against the stone floor as
each man pushed back their chair. Jarek and Marc fell in beside her as she slowed her pace.

Christina felt as if she was making her way to the gallows instead of to bed. No one spoke as they
entered the room. The door closed with a thud that rang with a finality to her. This was the end. No
matter her choice, tomorrow marked a new beginning.

Tugging the brown ribbon from the end of her hair, she unwound her braid and finger-combed her hair.
She held the ribbon tight in her fist. It was part of her visit here and she could not wear it tonight.
Carefully, she placed it on the mantelpiece before walking to the side of the bed.

Stripping off her dress and chemise, she pulled on her own silky lavender nightgown that Mara had left
for her. It was hard to put on that reminder of her old life, but she had to. This was part of her and

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represented all that she was leaving behind. The fabric felt cold and foreign against her skin, and she

Marc scowled and Jarek’s face looked as dark as a thundercloud, but neither protested. Christina
hurried to the bed and burrowed beneath the covers. Both men stripped and slid in beside her, one on
either side.

She waited for one of them to touch her, but both were lying stiff as boards beside her. She might as
well be in bed alone, they seemed so distant from her.

Their actions confused her. Last night they couldn’t get enough of her. But today, even though they were
attentive, they had kept their distance. They were sending out such mixed signals, she wasn’t sure if they
wanted her to stay or would be glad to see her go.

Christina couldn’t relax as the night closed in around them. She knew it was late. Both Jarek and Marc
had finally drifted off into a light sleep when she felt it. There was a distinct disturbance in the energy of
the room.

Moving an inch at a time, she pushed the covers back and crept out from between the two men. They
both stirred and she froze, hardly breathing until they settled again. Their breathing was deep and even
when she climbed down off the end of the bed.

She saw it immediately. It was draped across the bench seat in front of the window with the moonlight
shining down on it. The tapestry glowed with the same beauty that had attracted her to it in the first place,
but now instead of inspiring passion, it inspired dread in the pit of her stomach.

It had drawn her here and now it was drawing her home.

As if there was a string attached to her, the tapestry pulled her towards it. She didn’t fight it, but moved
towards it.

The time had come. Her destiny was at hand.

She couldn’t think with Marc and Jarek so close. She eyed the small bathing chamber, but a closed
door was no guarantee of privacy. Both men had proven that fact when they’d interrupted her bath. The
memory brought a sad smile to her face. No, she couldn’t stay here.

Rolling up the tapestry, she tucked it under her arm and crept from the room. She held her breath as the
door made a light creak when she opened it. Closing it carefully behind her, she climbed the steps to the

Chapter Fourteen

The wind whipped her hair in her face as she pushed through the door and made her way out onto the
battlements. She pushed it out of her eyes and padded across the cold stone to the edge of the wall.
Unrolling the tapestry, she gazed down at it. In the moonlight, it seemed to glow, its picture eerily alive.

The longer she stared it, the more the image seemed to fade. Before her very eyes, the warriors began to
blur and the castle seemed to disappear into the dark forest surrounding it.

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Christina tore her gaze away and stared blindly out over the night. She could make out the shape of the
land, but little else. It was so dark here, not like the city nights at home where there was always light. The
quiet was almost unnerving to someone so used to traffic and noise. She didn’t really understand this
world. It was so primitive.

A shiver raced down her spine and goose bumps appeared on her arms as she remembered the
challenge between Jarek and Zaren. They would have killed one another, but yet, when the fight was
over, both of them acted like it had never happened. When it was over, it was over. Honor and law had
been satisfied. That’s not how things worked in her world.

There were no stores or modern conveniences here. She already missed chocolate and movies and
music. There were no medical facilities and no place to buy tampons. As barren as her old life seemed, it
was hers and she understood it. She would be giving up a lot if she stayed.

And she really didn’t fit in here. What would she do here if she stayed? Yes, she’d seen a lot that
interested her, from the weaving that the women did to the soap- and perfume-making, but that was very
far removed from her secretarial job. Her organizational skills would come in handy, but from what she’d
observed, Mara ran the entire castle efficiently and well.

Then there was Jarek and Marc. Yes, her time with them had been amazing, but could she believe that
their infatuation with her would last? They’d only known each other for three days. She shook her head
in disbelief. It seemed impossible that such a short time had passed. It seemed as if she’d been here for
much longer. Her life had changed drastically in that small amount of time.

Christina bit her lip and wrapped her arms around herself. She felt very cold and alone and wished she
was still in bed, surrounded by Jarek and Marc’s warmth.

The light from the tapestry was growing brighter now and she knew that her time had run out. The
picture seemed to be changing and transforming before her very eyes and a different scene started to

Although she was alone, she could hear a woman whispering. It seemed to drift on the very wind. Tilting
her head to one side, she listened hard and was shocked when she recognized it as the voice of the old
lady from the shop. The one who had sold her the tapestry.

As her words sunk in, Christina suddenly knew that if she didn’t make a decision before the new image
appeared, the tapestry would make it for her. As three blurry male images began to appear, she picked
up the fabric and held it close to her body.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and made her decision.

Jarek awoke with a yell and flung himself from the bed. He’d had a nightmare as he’d slept, dreaming
that Christina was drifting further away from him until she was out of his sight. He searched for her in vain
through the dark and cold but could not find her, even though he could hear her voice calling to him.

His chest heaved as he sucked air into his lungs, trying to calm his pounding heart. Marc’s cry of pain
had him whirling around, battle-ready to meet whatever foe was there.

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But there was no one there.

The enormity of that struck him like a fist to the heart and he staggered back to the bed and flung back
the covers. “No.” His voice was no more than a hoarse whisper. He would not accept this.

“She is gone.” Marc reached out and touched the empty space beside him.

“No.” Jarek stormed to the bathing chamber and flung open the door, certain he’d find her there. The
empty room shook him to his soul.

How could she have left without them knowing it? Both he and Marc were warriors, trained to awaken
at the slightest sound or movement. His hands fisted at his sides. “The tapestry.” He hadn’t realized he’d
spoken aloud until Marc’s voice reached him.

“What about the tapestry?” Marc was standing behind him, looking as lost as Jarek was sure he was.

“Its magic must have kept us asleep so that we could not influence Christina’s choice.”

Marc rubbed his hand over his face, wiping away a lone tear that fell down his cheek. “We missed our
chance to influence her. We should have begged and pleaded with her to stay instead of backing off and
allowing her a choice.” Anger tinged his next reckless words. “I should never have listened to you.”

“Perhaps not, but would you have wanted her if she hadn’t really wanted to stay?” Jarek found cold
comfort in his own reasoning.

“Yes.” Marc’s sorrow evaporated as anger filled his face. “Yes. Even if she had been your wife. Yes.
Even if she hadn’t really wanted to stay at first. We could have made her love this place, and us but we
didn’t give her the chance. Instead, we practically opened the door and told her to leave.”

Jarek did not flinch in the face of his brother’s rage because he was beginning to get a sinking feeling in
his gut that his brother was right.

“She would have chosen you,” Marc spat out.

He moved so quickly and Jarek was so distracted, he didn’t see the fist until it hit him in the side of the
face. He staggered backwards, but did not retaliate. His brother was simply expressing the pain and
hopelessness that they were both feeling.

Marc’s chest was heaving with anger as he moved towards his brother. “But I didn’t care because that
meant that I could have her too, even if it was only one night a week. We could have had sons between
us.” His voice broke, and he stopped and looked at Jared with all the pain he felt shining in his eyes.
“Sons and, if we were extremely blessed, a daughter. A little girl who looked just like Christina.” Marc
fell to his knees and buried his face in his hands.

Jarek staggered to the table and sat down hard on one of the chairs. Pictures of six dark-haired boys
and one blonde, impish-looking little girl flashed across his brain, imprinting themselves there. Each child
was different. Some looked more like him and one was definitely Marc’s, but the girl child was all

And he had lost them all. Let them all go.

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An inhuman cry of pain was torn from his throat as he surged from his seat. Picking up the table in his
bare hands, he flung it against the wall. It splintered into several smaller pieces and fell to the floor. Both
chairs were next. And then the bench seat. The seat that Christina had loved to sit on and gaze out the

He stalked towards the bed, stopping long enough to pick up his sword. He’d hack the damn thing to
bits. He hadn’t deserved her. Hadn’t fought hard enough for her. Her scent wafted up from the bed,
taunting him with what he had lost. Raising his arms high, he started to bring the sword down, but another
pair of hands wrapped around the sword hilt and fought him for control.

He growled in rage, and fought like a man possessed. Getting control of the weapon, he whirled on his
attacker and almost cleaved his brother in half. Marc didn’t even try to defend himself, but stood there as
if silently asking Jarek to end his misery.

Jarek shuddered, his rage leaving him as he realized what he’d almost done. The sword fell to the floor
with a clatter and he grabbed his brother by the shoulders and shook him. “Don’t you ever do something
that stupid again.”

Then he pulled Marc into his arms and hugged him tight. His brother was all the family he had now and
he would not let him go. They clung to each other and for a moment if felt as if they were both about five
years of age, instead of grown men, and seeking comfort from each other after some small tragedy.

But this was different. Like the death of their parents, this event would mark their life forever. Jarek
released his brother and stepped back. “I’m sorry.”

Turning, he left the room, unable to face Marc anymore. He was ashamed of his outburst and for the fact
that he’d almost hurt his brother, but mostly he was sorry he’d allowed Christina to slip through their

He made his way up to the battlements, seeking the peace and comfort of the night air. Striding to the
wall, he wrapped his fingers around the edge, allowing the cold, jagged stone to dig into his hands,
hoping his home could give him the grounding and comfort he needed.

“Why, Christina? Why did you leave and why didn’t I fight harder to make you want to stay?” His voice
echoed through the night, the bright moon and stars seeming to mock his pain.

“I can’t answer the second question, but I can answer the first.”

He whirled around and searched the shadows, sure he had lost his mind and was now hearing her voice
when she was no longer there. A slight movement to his right set him in motion and he grabbed at
whoever was in the dark.

A startled cry had him tugging the struggling form out into the light. The moonlight hit her hair first,
making it shine. Disheveled and with tearstains on her face, Christina gazed up at him.

He frowned and his grip tightened, making her flinch. “Are you real?” Jarek eased his grip, but didn’t
release her.

“Yes, I’m real.” She quit trying to pull away from him. “I convinced myself that you wanted me to stay. I
only hope I made the right decision.”

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Her words struck him hard. She had stayed without knowing if he wanted her. She had stayed without
knowing the depth of his feelings for her. The woman was amazing.

If she was that brave, then he could not be a coward.

He went to one knee in front of her, bowed his head and placed his hand on his heart. “You are the
heart that beats in this chest and in this home and if you would have me for husband I will give you my
love, loyalty and devotion for as long as I live. With me, you gain the love, loyalty and devotion of my
brother as well, who will be lover to you, and would also be your husband should I die before him. In
return, I ask for your love, loyalty and devotion and any children that the gods see fit to gift us with.” His
formal plea finished, he raised his eyes to her. “I have seen them in my mind.”


“Our children. Six strong, healthy boys and one beautiful girl.”

He caught her as she fell into his arms. Crying, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him
wherever she could reach him. He scooped her into his arms, and sat with his back against the wall,
cradling her close to his heart.

“Does that mean you will have me for your husband?”

Christina swiped her hand across her eyes and smiled up at him through luminous eyes. “Does that mean
you love me?”


“Then, yes. I’ll marry you and have your children.”

Jarek cupped her precious face in his hands. “You will never regret your choice.”

“I know.” Such love shone from her face, he was almost blinded by its purity.

Capturing her lips, he sealed their bargain. He could feel his cock swelling against the silk of her
nightgown and wanted her as naked as he was. He wanted to lay her on the cold stone and fuck her,
claiming her for his own. The only thing stopping him was the look on his brother’s face earlier.

Marc. They had to find Marc and tell him.

Breaking away from her lips, he kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her nose and her chin. Her hands
stroked his chest and neck, pulling him closer.

“Marc,” he gasped out.

“What about Marc?”

“Yes, what about Marc?” They pulled apart when his voice came from the shadows.

Jarek had never loved Christina more than that moment when she turned towards Marc’s voice and held
out her hand. “There is always room for you, Marc.”

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Marc came towards them with such a look of longing on his face that Jarek had to swallow back his
own emotions.

Christina reached out, grabbed his hand, tugging him down until he was seated next to them. Still cradled
in Jarek’s arms, she guided Marc’s head into her lap and stroked his hair before bending over to kiss
him. Marc sighed with relief and kissed Christina back.

The three of them sat there until the sun was rising. It was only then that Marc got to his feet and waited
until Jarek stood with Christina in his arms. Leading the way, Marc turned his back on the dawn and
headed towards the stairs as the first noises of the waking castle reached them. First they would dress
and then they would share the news.

Chapter Fifteen

It was silly to feel nervous. After all, it wasn’t as if she hadn’t slept with Jarek before. But tonight was
different. Tonight, they were man and wife and they would be alone in Jarek’s big bed. Christina didn’t
feel bad for Marc, even though he gave her a hangdog look every time she glanced his way. Jarek had
conceded Marc his one night a week last night because he wanted them to have an entire week alone
together after the wedding.

Of course, that hadn’t stopped Jarek for sneaking into bed with them early this morning. The memory of
that made her nipples tighten and push against the bodice of her beautiful new gold velvet gown.

“Congratulations.” Zaren Bakra was staring down at her with a knowing look in his eye. He confirmed it
with is next outrageous statement. “You could have had three of us or all four if you’d wanted to. We
would have kept you very happy.”

Christina had been surprised when the Bakra brothers had joined them for the wedding celebration, but
she relaxed when they’d seemed to be satisfied with her choice. She tried to be angry at his comment,
but she could hear the underlying sadness in his voice and forgave him. “I’m sorry, Zaren. This only
works with Jarek and Marc.”

He nodded and sighed, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. “I was afraid of that. But—” he gave
her a wicked smile. “If you ever get tired of them…”

She smiled at him and patted his chest, which was just like a piece of stone. “That’s not going to

“Still trying to steal my wife, Zaren?” Jarek’s arms wrapped around her from behind, pulling her back
against his rock-hard chest.

“Trying, but it’s not working,” he teased. Zaren sobered as he watched them together and, as if coming
to some internal decision gave them both a formal bow. “The House of Bakra has great respect for the
House of Garen. A tapestry wife is worth her weight in gold and may attract unwanted interest. Know
that if your House or wife is threatened, the House of Bakra will stand beside you.”

Christina could feel Jarek tense behind her. He released her and moved to her side and extended his arm
to Zaren. They clasped forearms and thumped each other on the back.

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“Thank you, my friend. And know that you and your House may call us friend and ally if the need
arises.” Jarek released Zaren and stepped back.

Zaren reached out to her and she extended her arm to receive his formal handshake like the one he’d
given Jarek. The twinkle in his blue eyes was the only warning she got before he swooped down and
kissed her. Before she could gather her wits, he was already backing away from her.

He held his hands up in mock surrender. “Even you cannot protest a kiss to the bride.”

“No,” Jarek growled. “But one is all you get.”

Zaren saluted them and then melted back into the throng celebrating in the hall.

“There’s something I don’t understand.”

“What is that, my love?” Jarek tucked her under his arm and led her to the head of the banquet table.

“If Zaren is your friend and ally, then why did he challenge for me? He would have killed you if he could
have. Wouldn’t he?” There were many facets of this culture that Christina did not understand, but she
was determined to learn.

“Aye. He would have.” He guided her easily through the crowd and seated her at the table. “Wives are
no small thing here. And, apart from one or two exceptions in our history, the tapestry brings just one
bride every generation. It is thought to be lucky as the match, if made, is always a happy and fruitful one.
All men want such a thing for themselves.”

He pulled out his own chair and seated himself next to her. “And I am no different. Had they discovered
you first, I would have challenged for you.” A grin crossed his handsome face, making him look young
and happy. “But then, I knew that you were meant to be mine from the first moment I laid eyes upon

Christina laughed, as he’d intended, unable to resist his charm. He looked particularly handsome tonight.
His black hair hung to his waist and shone in the candlelight. The familiar thin braids hung on either side of
his face, framing his golden-brown eyes to perfection. His features weren’t classically handsome, like the
Bakra brothers, but his face had character with its harsh features. To her, he was the most handsome
man in the world, mostly because of the way he looked at her and treated her.

He was wearing a pair of tight black leather pants that outlined every bulge in his thighs and especially
the one between his legs. Once again, his chest was bare and his stomach rippled with muscles. His
shoulders were massive and only a vest covered him. The familiar silver torque was hanging from his
neck, and ornate armbands wrapped around his upper arms and wrists.

Just looking at him made her nipples tingle. She squirmed on the chair, trying to get comfortable.
Moisture coated the swollen lips of her sex and she clamped her legs together to help ease the growing

“Not much longer, Christina.” The devil was the picture of innocence as he angled his body towards her,
slipped his right hand under the table, wrapped it around the skirts of her gown and began to tug it up
over her knees.

She gasped, grateful that the table had been covered with a white cloth for the occasion and his actions

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were shielded from all the others who were eating, talking and laughing. She slapped at his hand, but he
ignored her and pushed it under the cloth and up over her bare thigh.

Swallowing a moan, she tried to keep her thighs closed, but his fingers continued to feather light touches
up the inside of her leg and they fell open of their own accord.

“To the bride and groom.” Christina froze as every eye in the room swung towards them. Marc was
standing with his goblet raised and a sly grin on his face. “May they live long and be fruitful.”

The crowd laughed and shouted out some ribald comments. Jarek plucked his goblet off the table with
his left hand, raised it high and then drank. The crowd roared its approval when he held it to her lips and
she drank. She grasped the cup with both hands and realized her mistake when Jarek cupped her chin
with his left hand and kissed her. He swallowed her shriek as his fingers slid high, parted the folds of her
sex and surged inside her.

Christina couldn’t believe he’d do such a thing in front of all these people, even if they didn’t know what
he was doing. She knew what he was doing. It embarrassed her and it made her hot. Her juices flowed
over his fingers as he continued to work them in and out of her pussy. Her breasts strained against the
front of her dress and when Jarek finally released her lips, she was totally breathless.

“And from the looks of things, my brother is not wasting any time.” Marc’s laughter reached her ears
and she jerked, upending the goblet of wine over herself and Jarek.

She tried to lurch up from the table, but Jarek clamped his hand over her shoulder, silently reminding her
of where his other hand still was. Christina covered her face with her hands.

Pulling his hand from beneath her skirts, he surged to his feet, not bothering to try and hide the enormous
erection straining at the front of his pants. He tugged her from her seat and swept her into his arms. A
huge grin split his face as he addressed the crowd. “It appears that I am not the only one who is eager.”

Burying her face against his shoulder, she silently promised herself that she’d get even with him for this.
The laughter rang out all around her, but it was happy and joyous and when she dared a peek, people
were smiling at her. The jovial mood was infectious and she found herself beginning to see the humor in
the situation.

Getting into the spirit of things, she grabbed the thin braids that hung on either side of his face and pulled
him down until she could kiss him. The crowded clapped and egged her on.

“Better get a move on before things get out of hand.” Marc was waiting when she finished kissing Jarek.
Leaning over, he placed a soft kiss on her lips and another on her forehead. “Thank you for last night.”

“You’re welcome.” There was no way she could be blasé about this. She loved Marc in a different way
than Jarek, but it still felt strange to be discussing it while she was in Jarek’s arms. It was different when it
was the three of them together. Easier somehow because Jarek was there with her.

Marc sighed. “I foresee few of those nights in my future.”

Christina didn’t quite know what to say, but she sensed Jarek’s surprise in the way his muscles suddenly

Marc pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. “She is more comfortable with you there, brother, and

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I would not cause her any discomfort. Maybe in time it will become easier.”

His generosity astounded her. Impulsively, she reached out her arms and wrapped them around Marc,
hugging him tight before she kissed him gently. “Thank you.”

His eyes softened and he nodded. “To Christina, the gift of the tapestry.” She could tell that Marc’s
jovial tones were forced as he turned back to the celebrating crowd and she longed to comfort him.

“Do not worry, love. We will invite him with us often, but I will stay with you if that pleases you,” Jarek
whispered softly in her ear.

She nodded and then waved at the boisterous crowd as they parted to allow Jarek access to the stairs.
People patted her arm and shouted advice to them both as they ascended the stairs.

Thy disappeared around a bend and the noises began to recede. She nuzzled Jarek’s neck and he
groaned. “That could be dangerous, love.”

“I’m beginning to like danger.” She felt saucy and sexy. Her entire body tingled and laughter bubbled up
inside her like champagne.

“Do you now?” Lowering her feet to the floor, he turned her until she was facing the wall. “Then you
must face the consequences, wench.”

She was still laughing when he flipped up the back of her skirts and ground his erection against her
naked ass. Her laughter faded and turned to a moan when his fingers stroked the heated folds of her sex,
teasing the swollen bud of her clit. Her hips moved backwards, seeking more of his touch.

“Yes. Just like that.” He positioned her hands on the wall, covering them with his. Nibbling on her neck,
he cupped her breasts and teased her nipples through the fabric. It was torture.

“Touch them.” She wanted his hands on her. Needed that connection with him.

His fingers worked the laces of her bodice and spread the fabric wide. He pushed her chemise down
and then covered the pale mounds with his darker hands. She watched as he rolled her nipples between
his fingers. She could feel her juices sliding down the inside of her leg.

“Someone might come.”

“Hopefully we both will.” Jarek’s sexy laugh had her arching into his hands.

“That’s not what I meant.” She couldn’t even remember what she’d meant, he was making her crazy
with desire.

“No. But it’s what I mean to do.”

She almost cried when his hands left her, but she could feel him unlacing the ties to his pants and pushed
her bottom towards him. He gave her no warning, but plunged his cock to the hilt. A long, low wail came
from her throat before she could stop it. She dropped her forehead to the cool stone wall, beyond caring
if anyone saw them or heard them.

One of his hands spread the lips of her sex and his middle finger stroked her clit. The other wrapped

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around her breast and squeezed as he pulled his cock almost out before driving back in again.

“Harder.” She bit her lip to keep from screaming. She was so close to coming now. Every nerve in her
body was over-stimulated and she felt ready to explode.

Her pussy clenched his cock hard with each stroke. Christina didn’t know how long they stood on the
stairs with Jarek fucking her. All she knew was the feel of his hard body behind her, his hands on her
heated flesh as his cock hammered into her.

“More,” she gasped and this time he drove so hard that her feet came right off the floor. She came in a
powerful spasm. Her body convulsed as Jarek continued to pound into her pussy. Another wave washed
over her and her legs gave out.

Jarek quickly wrapped both arms around her and thrust one final time. She could feel his cock emptying
inside her pussy.

Keeping one arm banded around her waist, Jarek placed a hand on the wall for support. His chest was
heaving as he licked behind her ear and nipped at the lobe. “You are so damn sexy.”

Christina felt herself smiling, but hadn’t gotten her breath back enough to speak just yet. She just

Jarek muffled his laughter in her hair as he kissed the top of her head before withdrawing from her. He
flicked her skirt back into place and scooped her back into his arms, not bothering to close his pants.

She felt like she was floating on a cloud as he climbed the rest of the stairs and headed for their room.
He paused at the entrance and looked down at her. “I love you, Christina.” His voice was gruff with

“I love you too.”

He smiled at her then, a wicked, promising smile and carried her through the doorway, his booted heel
kicking it shut behind them.

About the Author

N. J. Walters had a mid-life crisis at a fairly young age, gave notice after ten years at her job on a
Friday, received a tentative acceptance for her first novel, Annabelle Lee, on the following Sunday.

Happily married for over seventeen years to the love of her life, with his encouragement and support she
gave up the job of selling books for the more pleasurable job of writing them. A voracious reader of
romances of all kinds, she now spends her days writing, reading and reviewing books. It’s a tough life,
but someone’s got to do it.

N.J. Walters welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1056

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Home Ave., Akron, OH 44310.

Also by N.J. Walters

Annabelle Lee

Erin’s Fancy

Harker’s Journey

Katie’s Art of Seduction

Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning publisher Ellora’s
Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC on the web at
www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.


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