mouse fireworks

JavaScript Source Code 3000: BG Effects: Mouse Fireworks

Mouse Fireworks

(JavaScript 1.2) With each click of the mouse a flurry of fireworks explodes from that spot on the page. You may also use your own images if you want. Great!


JavaScript Source Code 3000: BG Effects: Mouse Fireworks
Simply click inside the window below, use your cursor to highlight the script, and copy (type Control-c or Apple-c) the script into a new file in your text editor (such as Note Pad or Simple Text) and save (Control-s or Apple-s). The script is yours!!!



1. Copy the coding into the HEAD of your HTML document
2. Add the onLoad event handler into the BODY tag
3. Put the last coding into the BODY of your HTML document -->

<!-- STEP ONE: Paste this code into the HEAD of your HTML document -->


<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
<!-- Original: Matt Gabbert ( -->
<!-- Web Site: -->

<! >
<! >

<!-- Begin
var ver = navigator.appVersion;
var dom = document.getElementById ? 1 : 0;
var ie5 = (ver.indexOf("MSIE 5") > -1 && dom) ? 1 : 0;
var n = (document.layers);
var ie = (document.all);

var sparksAflyin = 0;
var totalSparks = 0;
var sparksOn = 1;
function initMouseEvents() {
document.onmousedown = mouseDown;
if (n) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN | Event.MOUSEMOVE);
function mouseDown(e) {
if (sparksOn) {
var mousex = (n) ? e.pageX : event.x+document.body.scrollLeft;
var mousey = (n) ? e.pageY : event.y+document.body.scrollTop;
if (!sparksAflyin) {
for (var k = 0; k <= 9; k++)
sparksAflyin = 1;
totalSparks = 0;
for(i = 0;i <= 9; i++)
function moveTo(i,j, mousex, mousey){
if (j < eval('anim_'+i+'_x.length') ){
var tempx = eval('anim_'+i+'_x[j]+mousex');
var tempy = eval('anim_'+i+'_y[j]+mousey');
if (ie) {
if(tempy+30 > (document.body.offsetHeight+document.body.scrollTop))
tempy = document.body.offsetHeight+document.body.scrollTop-30;
if(tempx+30 > (document.body.offsetWidth+document.body.scrollLeft))
tempx = document.body.offsetWidth+document.body.scrollLeft-30;
eval('document.all.sDiv'+i+'.style.left = tempx;');
eval('document.all.sDiv'+i+' = tempy;');
if (n) {
eval('document.layers.sDiv'+i+'.left = tempx;');
eval('document.layers.sDiv'+i+'.top = tempy;');
// timeout: 50 = fireworks speed, larger number = slower speed
else {
if (totalSparks == 10) {
sparksAflyin = 0;
totalSparks = 0;
function SHOW(divName){
if (document.all)
eval('document.all.'+divName+'.style.visibility = "visible";');
else if (document.layers)
eval('document.layers["'+divName+'"].visibility = "visible";');
function HIDE(divName){
if (document.all)
eval('document.all.'+divName+'.style.visibility = "hidden";');
else if (document.layers)
eval('document.layers["'+divName+'"].visibility = "hide";');
anim_0_x=new Array(20,20,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
anim_0_y=new Array(-20,-40,-60,-80,-60,-40,-20,0,20,40,60,80);
anim_1_x=new Array(20,20,17,36,60,78,90,92,93,98,108,120,133,152,181);
anim_1_y=new Array(-20,-20,-33,-38,-38,-27,-2,25,51,84,113,141,162,212,253);
anim_2_x=new Array(20,20,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,15,18);
anim_2_y=new Array(-20,-20,-33,-38,-38,-27,-2,25,51,84,113,141,162,212,253);
anim_3_x=new Array(-20,-20,-2,-1,7,10,18,35,60,102,94,94,93,97,108,111,117,127);
anim_3_y=new Array(-20,-25,-64,-89,-104,-150,-173,-197,-213,-199,-151,-101,-66,-17,27,87,140,189);
anim_4_x=new Array(-20,-20,-10,-39,-30,-69,-64,-138,-154,-200,-181,-209,-191,-207,-203,-213,-202,-221,-211);
anim_4_y=new Array(-20,-20,-28,-51,-79,-100,-135,-154,-193,-183,-149,-134,-89,-60,8,51,107,157,201);
anim_5_x=new Array(-20,-29,-51,-72,-105,-133,-164,-189,-209,-229,-247,-270,-279,-282,-283,-283,-285,-286,-288);
anim_5_y=new Array(-20,-55,-86,-116,-154,-183,-205,-217,-217,-198,-169,-120,-44,-8,40,87,144,190,248);
anim_6_x=new Array(-20,-20,-7,14,44,79,143,186,217,226,234,244,250,259,265,274);
anim_6_y=new Array(-20,-21,-72,-113,-139,-166,-188,-181,-126,-68,-3,54,134,187,215,257);
anim_7_x=new Array(20,20,-3,-9,-13,-27,-33,-44,-54,-66,-77,-95,-107,-136,-150,-160,-164,-168,-171,-172,-172,-176,-175);
anim_7_y=new Array(-20,-26,-43,-63,-89,-116,-145,-169,-201,-222,-240,-253,-254,-245,-220,-195,-160,-124,-81,-53,-26,19,68);
anim_8_x=new Array(-20,20,-35,39,0,45,-1,24,-15,14,-20,35,-18,38,-11,16,49,64,81,93,100,103,109);
anim_8_y=new Array(-20,-20,-32,-42,-62,-76,-89,-107,-132,-147,-173,-180,-192,-209,-236,-193,-119,-73,-24,51,95,130,188);
anim_9_x=new Array(-20,-51,-89,-110,-165,-191,-228,-240,-259,-271,-277,-281,-287);
anim_9_y=new Array(-20,-20,-35,-37,-34,-16,10,47,105,150,189,227,273);
// End -->

<!-- STEP TWO: Insert the onLoad event handler into your BODY tag -->

<BODY OnLoad="initMouseEvents()">

<!-- STEP THREE: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document -->

<!-- To use your own images, just put the necessary image -->
<!-- tags (<img src="...">) inside each DIV tag in this code -->

<div id="sparks">
<div id="sDiv0" style="position:absolute; visibility: hidden;"><font face="arial black" color="red">.</font></div>
<div id="sDiv1" style="position:absolute; visibility: hidden;"><font face="arial black" color="yellow">.</font></div>
<div id="sDiv2" style="position:absolute; visibility: hidden;"><font face="arial black" color="blue">.</font></div>
<div id="sDiv3" style="position:absolute; visibility: hidden;"><font face="arial black" color="red">.</font></div>
<div id="sDiv4" style="position:absolute; visibility: hidden;"><font face="arial black" color="orange">.</font></div>
<div id="sDiv5" style="position:absolute; visibility: hidden;"><font face="arial black" color="white">.</font></div>
<div id="sDiv6" style="position:absolute; visibility: hidden;"><font face="arial black" color="green">.</font></div>
<div id="sDiv7" style="position:absolute; visibility: hidden;"><font face="arial black" color="skyblue">.</font></div>
<div id="sDiv8" style="position:absolute; visibility: hidden;"><font face="arial black" color="yellow">.</font></div>
<div id="sDiv9" style="position:absolute; visibility: hidden;"><font face="arial black" color="white">.</font></div>

<!-- Script Size: 5.96 KB -->


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