NMS Int Progress Test 04B

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Progress Test Unit 4 Test 4B

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Intermediate Progress Tests Unit 4


Progress Test 4B

Name: ___________________________________________


1 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or present perfect simple form of the verbs


be not eat enjoy go hear meet not introduce not see play start


‘Are you allergic to prawns?’ ‘I don’t know. I _______________ them before!

2 My brother _______________ away at university for three months, but he

’s coming home for the



‘You look happy!’ ‘I ________ just ________ some exciting news!’

4 They are looking forward to the class reunion because they _______________ each other for

many years.

5 We _______________ dancing since our school days and we go whenever we can.

6 Nothing _______________ well for me so far today.


‘When ________ you ________ your driving lessons?’ ‘Last month.’

8 Nick and Lily _______________ each other in 2004.

9 I _______________ chess for two years in the school team when I was younger.

10 Most schools _______________ healthier lunches in their canteens yet.

Mark ___/10

2 Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous form

of the verbs in brackets.

1 My brother _______________ (watch) television for hours. I think he should switch it off now.

2 Lewis _______________ (read) every poem by Emily Dickinson!

3 Shelly says she _______________ (like) boxing since she was little.

4 My sister is good at languages

– she _______________ (pass) all her French and German



‘Your face is red. Have you got a temperature?’ ‘No, I _______________ (jog) in the park.’

6 Jess and Paul _______________ (practise) tennis for several hours, and they still aren't tired.


‘How long ________ it ________ (rain)?’ ‘Since last night.’

8 I _______________ (had) this headache for hours. The medicine I took isn't helping at all.

9 What ________ you ________ (decide) to do about the party next week?

10 My parents _______________ (love) each other ever since they first met twenty years ago.

Mark __/10

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Progress Test Unit 4 Test 4B

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Intermediate Progress Tests Unit 4



3 Choose the correct answers.

1 You should wear a belt. It would show off your slim _____ .

a thigh

b waist

c hip

2 I need some new shampoo. My _____ gets itchy every time I wash my hair.

a scalp

b chin

c sole


When I said I had won a million euros, my girlfriend didn’t bat an _____ .

a eyebrow

b eyelash

c eyelid


I don’t trust you, so I’m not going to stick my _____ out for you!

a neck

b fingernail

c thumb


You aren’t really a millionaire! You’re just pulling my _____ !

a ankle

b shin

c leg

6 Clive fell and sprained his _____ .

a nostril

b wrist

c palm

7 A hot drink with honey and lemon is good for a sore _____ .

a heel

b throat

c lip

Mark __/7

4 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are two words that you do not need.

awareness campaign diet issue law right tax treatment

1 Our school wants to raise ____________ of the dangers of eating too much fast food.

2 People should have the ____________ to decide how they want to live their lives.

3 The government thinks that the main health ____________ in this country is people not doing

enough exercise.

4 They should launch a big ____________ to promote healthier eating in schools.

5 If the government decides to raise income ____________ , the poor will suffer even more.

6 Next year, the government is going to pass a new ____________ to ban smoking in public


Mark __/6

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Progress Test Unit 4 Test 4B

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Intermediate Progress Tests Unit 4


5 Complete the sentences with the words below. There is one word you do not need.

swollen dislocated itchy blocked up rash allergic stiff upset

1 I would avoid spicy food if I had a / an ____________ stomach.

2 When your nose is ____________ , you can't smell or taste anything!

3 Ann fell asleep while she was watching TV, and when she woke up, her neck was really

____________ .

4 After Chris broke his toe, it was so ____________ that he couldn't fit his shoe on!

5 Mosquito bites are ____________ , but you should try not to scratch them.

6 I was ____________ to most kinds of seafood when I was young, but now I can eat anything!


‘Do you think you have a ____________ shoulder?’ ‘Yes, I did it when I was playing rugby.’

Mark __/7


6 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences into English.

1 (

Od jak dawna czuje się Pan) ____________________ unwell?

2 (

Nie wolno ci wychodzić) ____________________ without an umbrella. It’s raining.

3 (Na twoim miejscu) ____________________ , I would try to find a better job.

4 (

Nie musisz mnie na siłę przekonywać) ____________________ . I’m happy to do you a favour.

5 Stay calm! (

Powinnaś zachować spokój) ____________________ because you have to make

some important decisions.

Grammar __/5 Vocabulary __/5

Mark ___/10


7 Listen to Mark talking about the type of exercise he does. Are the statements 1

–5 true or



Mark’s girlfriend persuaded him to start yoga classes with her.


2 Despite being the only boy there, he feels comfortable in yoga classes.


3 Mark made a mistake in his first class, which he has never repeated since.


4 Mark has found that yoga is not as difficult as it looks.


5 Mark practises techniques from yoga when he is not in yoga class.


Mark __/5

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Progress Test Unit 4 Test 4B

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Intermediate Progress Tests Unit 4



8 Read the text. Choose the correct answers.

To smoke or not to smoke?
Laws that ban smoking in public places are not exactly a new idea. One of the world’s first smoking bans was
introduced in 1575, when the Roman Catholic Church passed a law that made it illegal to smoke in any church
in the Spanish colonies of Central America. In the eighteenth century, a number of German and Austrian cities
also banned smoking, not in specific locations or buildings, but anywhere in the city. Some of these bans were
based on ideas about health. Others were more concerned with safety. The Old Government Building in
Wellington, New Zealand banned smoking in the 19th century because the building was made entirely of
wood; smoking was a fire risk.

In the second half of the twentieth century, campaigns began to make people aware of the health dangers of
smoking, and the concept of passive smoking – or breathing other people’s smoke – became a widespread
concern. As a result, governments passed laws in the 1970s to control the use of tobacco, and restaurants and
other public places began to create smoking and non-smoking sections. But it wasn’t until the late 1990s that
public smoking bans became widespread. California led the way in the US when it became the first US state to
prohibit smoking in all public places in 1998. By 2010, nearly eighty percent of American states had
introduced smoking bans. Elsewhere, ventilation systems were installed in public places, and smokers’
lounges were created as alternatives to complete bans.

Not everyone is happy about the introduction of smoking bans. Not surprisingly, tobacco companies,
restaurants and bars are concerned about losing business because of the new restrictions. Smokers often
complain that by limiting the places where they can smoke, smoking bans unfairly limit their freedom. Plus, it
is difficult to break the habit and give up smoking. But nowadays most people accept the overwhelming
scientific evidence that smoking harms our health and can cause lung and heart disease. Furthermore, research
shows that smoking bans have resulted in a reduction in smoking-related diseases and deaths. We shall have to
see whether in the future every country in the world will follow suit and impose bans on smoking in public

1 One of the earliest anti-smoking laws prohibited smoking

a in Spanish colonies around the world.

b in churches in Mexico and other Spanish colonies.

c in wooden churches around the world.

d anywhere in Central American cities.

2 In modern times laws about smoking were introduced because

a of fears about second-hand smoke.

b smokers wanted special areas to smoke in.

c more and more people started smoking.

d governments wanted to publicise the health dangers of smoking.

(Continued overleaf)

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Progress Test Unit 4 Test 4B

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3 The smoking ban in California was important because

a it made use of ventilation technology.


restaurants had to create smokers’ lounges.


it wasn’t possible to smoke in 80% of public places.

d it set an example for other US states.

4 Many smokers feel that

a they are not consulted about anti-smoking laws.


it is impossible to change people’s habits.

c people should be free to choose where they want to smoke.

d it is difficult to prove that smoking has a negative effect on health.

5 According to research, smoking bans

a make it easier to stop smoking.


have had a positive effect on people’s health.

c will be imposed in all countries in the future.

d are most effective in public places.

Mark __/5



Podczas kursu językowego w Oxfordzie wraz z przyjaciółmi organizujecie dzień sportu dla
młodzieży. Napisz ogłoszenie promujące to wydarzenie.

Napisz, jakie

konkurencje sportowe są zaplanowane.

Wyjaśnij, w jaki sposób można wziąć udział w imprezie.

Podaj d

atę i miejsce, gdzie odbędzie się to wydarzenie

Zachęć wszystkich do wzięcia udziału w imprezie.




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Total: ___/65


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