SEO Money Making Secrets Revealed

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Table of Contents


1: Newbie's - Starting Out

Websites with Free Articles & Content

Search Engine Optimization 101 - The Basics

SEO, Keywords & Analysis

Google AdSense & Checking Keywords

Affiliate Programs to Sign Up With

Website Statistics & Tracking

Scriptlance: Cheap Website Design & Programming

Chapter 2: Tricks to Get Your Site a Higher Ranking

Public Domain Works, expired Copyright e-Books

Chapter 3: Free Website Set-Up in Minutes

Blogs: Fwd and Masking Domains

Ideas to Make Money with Blogs Right NOW

Google Page Rank (PR)

Automated Blogger Creates Backlinks (SEO)

Chapter 4: Advertising Your Website

Online Directories

Pay-Per-Click Techniques (PPC)

Chapter 5: FORUMS Are Free Advertising Venues

Forums & Affiliates = Profits!

Signature Block Importance

Evaluating Web Statistics

Creating Your Own Yahoo Discussion Group

Dirt-Cheap Targeted Advertising

Chapter 6: Top-Paying Affiliate Program to Sign-Up With

Highest Paying Affiliates

Chapter 7: Dropshipping & Wholesalers

Dropshipping Explained

List of Dropshippers & Wholesalers


Bonus Info for eBay Sellers


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Chapter 1: Newbie’s – Starting Out

If you’re new to the Internet world or to Making Money Online, then this information may be vital to

your success. If you skip this section - I guarantee you will regret it. If you’re highly experienced you
may want to skim through this first chapter. When you are first starting out, you do not NEED to have
a website to make money from affiliate programs - and I will expand on that in detail in the following
chapters and throughout the e-book.

From my personal experience, as you start profiting from the non-website related techniques I
recommend in this e-book, then you can either create a free website (which I explain how to do in
Chapter 3) and/or you can use some of the funds you earned to have someone create a website for you.
If you truly want to expand on what you are doing in order to increase your Profits, then I would
recommend that you have a website created. It's not necessary to do right away but it is something to
consider especially if you plan on doing this long-term. If or when you do choose to have a website,
here are some guidelines to help you profit the most:

Target a specific audience.

If this is one of your first websites, or if you have never

profited from a site before, I recommend that you do NOT choose to have a website that covers
multiple topics. You should choose a Niche area that may not have as much competition online as
some other websites. What I consider to be not much competition is 1 million websites or less
competing for the same keywords or key phrases. If you want to have your site reach the top of
the search engine the fastest (due to less competition) then you could choose a topic for your
website that is not such a broad topic. For instance, if you know a lot about cameras and have an
interest in creating a website about it, then I recommend that you choose a particular subtopic
relating to cameras. Your website could be about a specific type of camera lens, or flashes, or
lighting equipment. You could easily add articles with keyword rich content to that website and
find an affiliate program which sells camera lenses, flashes or lighting equipment.

Once you have chosen a topic for your site, you will need Information!


more text you have on the site which contains the keywords or key phrases you are targeting, the
higher the placement on search engines. It is extremely important that you get your site the
highest FREE ranking so you do not have high advertising costs to have a Sponsored Listing. The
more high-quality links that you have coming into your site and going out of your site the better.
It all helps your site’s ranking.

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Below are several great websites you can get FREE articles from

. Put as many

high-quality articles as you possibly can on your website, related to the topic of your site,
containing Keywords which you are optimizing your website for. You may not be a writer, but if
you want to increase your website's placement, then take the time to write at least ONE high
quality article relating to your site's content.

Search Engine Optimization Basics

The purpose of optimizing your website is so that Search Engines can easily search
your site, navigate throughout and categorize it. As well as creating a graphically appealing
informative site for your visitors, you need to concentrate on building a strong keyword-
based theme throughout the site.

Search Engines are large databases of Web sites that are automatically generated.
These Internet search engines use a software robot or spider that seeks out and indexes
Web sites. Yahoo, Google, MSN, Excite, AltaVista, AskJeeves are some of the popular
Search Engines. To produce accurate search results, search engines must keep their ranking
algorithms (formulas) secret.

Search engine optimization begins with choosing keywords and key phrases. This is an
important first-step and goes hand-in-hand with developing your website theme and
choosing a domain name. Before choosing your key phrases, you should check out your
competing websites. You cannot optimize your website to reach its highest position
without understanding exactly how your competitors websites reached theirs.

After choosing a keyword-rich domain name, the next step is to gather material for your
website and put it all together so it is graphically appealing, not only for site visitors but for
search engines as well. This step may take quite a lot of time, and is usually ongoing, as it
is important to continually add, edit and update your site. Every piece of text you add to
your website should be supporting the site's overall theme.

Now it is of paramount importance to spread the word about your website and create
high-quality optimized links to and from your website.

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Google puts a lot of emphasis on links pointing to your site. People like to think that the

more links pointing to your site, the better. Well, with Google it's not that simple. Google is
continuously developing it's algorithms and they are now very complex. For Google, the most
important factor
when determining rankings is inbound links. One way optimized inbound
links need to be created so your site stands out from the others and Google, Yahoo, MSN and all
the other search engines place it higher than the other sites. For this to happen, you can do several
things. One thing is write an article. One article is fine - then submit it to the websites below.
Most of the sites below are ranked PR 3 and above. The other way to do it - is by creating Blogs
which include your signature block with keywords about your site and the URL.

You can read

more about that here in chapter 3.

Enzine Articles (66,000 articles from every topic imaginable to choose from)

Valuable Content (Dozens of categories covering a wide range of topics)

Idea Marketers

Articles Simply Search 4 It

Free Zine Site

Article Emporium

Article Submission

Writing Career

Article Source

The sites listed below here are also important sites to post your article to; however it
takes a little longer for the link to appear on these. It is still worth posting to.

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If you took the time to write an article (yes only ONE article would due) and post it to
all the sites listed above. It could make a HUGE difference in your site's ranking.
Google and the other search engines would take notice and your site could jump up in

Search Engine Optimization, Keywords & Analysis

Another key optimization rule that some people don't realize is that you don't need to target
EVERY keyword related to the topic of your site. Start small or you may never increase
your site's placement. It can be difficult if you are excited about your new site and you
think you can beat 40 million other competing sites to the Top placement. I've been there
and done that. Those PROJECTS (which are large ones usually) take a lot of time, patience
and maintenance. It's great to strive to be number one or in the Top 10 on or but it can be moderately easy to very difficult depending on your keywords.
So to start out, test out keywords on and/or If your website's
topic is about Texas Hold'em Poker Strategy. (This is just an Example: these keywords
have a huge amount of competition) Then strive to get as many HIGH-QUALITY articles
with the words "poker" and "strategy" and "Poker Strategy" and add the articles to your
website. It might take you a few months to get any placement. So in that case, you may
want to choose keywords that are slightly different, for example, "poker" and "tips" and
"poker tips" if those keywords have Less competition. One keyword can make a difference
of millions of competing sites and save you so much time. You can always add content
later with other keywords that you would like to target. Make sure every page on your
website has either a site map or an area on the top or bottom (it's usually put on the bottom
of the site) with all the links contained in your website.

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Besides adding keyword rich content - make sure that you add a TITLE, PAGE
DESCRIPTION and KEYWORDS to each page on your website. If you are new to
designing websites, then I recommend you use Microsoft Frontpage. It's a fairly simple
web design and editing program. Many computers have this program installed with the
purchase - so check to see if yours has it. Otherwise it costs about $99 dollars. With
Microsoft Frontpage, it's easy to insert your Title, Page Description and Keywords. Just
open the web page that you are editing and click on FILE - PROPERTIES, then click on
the tab that says GENERAL - and you can insert the text. Your title is the title that will
appear on the search engines for your listing, the page description usually appears
underneath the title and the keywords help the search engines to understand what your
website page is all about. When you add keywords, be sure to add the keywords or key
phrases that you are optimizing your website for. When potential website visitors go to and type in "Keyword Keyword" and you want your website to appear - then
those are the keywords or key phrases you are targeting. When you insert it into your
webpage, be sure to separate the words or phrases with a comma.

*Tip: If you are browsing your competitor's website and you want to see exactly what
keywords were used for that particular page - in Internet Explorer you can click on VIEW,
then click on SOURCE and you will be shown their title, keywords and description. Some
pages are protected by webmasters who do not want people to see their keywords, so then
nothing will appear - or they may have created a message for you, such as: "You're not
supposed to be looking at my code."

If you would like to test out your website's placement on with specific
keyword queries you can check that at


. It is free to download and use.

You can see screenshots of my placement and keywords


. I also show the placement

and keywords for The Rich Jerk's website to prove that I have a higher placement.

One other great tool I have found is

The Keyword Density Analyzer

. It is a tool that I use

frequently while optimizing websites because it's important to refer to your competitor's
websites when trying to reach a higher placement than them. This is a FREE tool to use:
you just enter the URL you want to check and it will give you a FULL Analysis of every
keyword, combinations of keywords used, their frequency and more stats about the content
of the site.

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The information and stats can sometimes reveal 'what your competitor's site has that yours
does not' and so you know what you need to do to improve your site. If you are targeting
the keywords "poker strategy" and you see that your top competitor has 20% (doesn't
sound like a lot but it is) or more of their content containing those keywords both
separately and together - then you know that you MUST add articles or pages of content to
your site containing the words "poker," "strategy," and "poker strategy" together the same
number of times or more than that site to meet or exceed the placement. Granted, just
doing that will not guarantee your placement, although it will most definitely help, you
must still add backlinks and more outgoing links to high PR sites.

Once you have enough content to get your website up-and running, then you
should also sign up with:

Google AdSense. This program allows website owners to post Google ads on their

website. You sign up for a free account and then you choose the ad size & colors that you
would like and a unique html code is generated. It is very easy to integrate - just insert that
code into your webpage where you would like the ads to appear. Then when you publish
your website, the ads will show up on your webpage and they will be related to the content
on that specific page. So if one page of your site is about baking cookies - the ads will most
likely be about cookie recipes or websites related to baking. You can paste the same html
code into every page. If your other website page is about healthy smoothies, then the google
ads that appear may be about websites related to health and beauty products. Each time a
website visitor clicks on one of the Google Ads, you are paid. Company owners pay Google
to have their ads placed on websites through the use of Google AdSense.

The amount of money you make per-click depends on the topic of your website and/or the
topic of that particular website page. If there are a lot of competing websites online for a
particular topic - let's say WEB HOSTING - then if you have a site all about web hosting
and offer informative articles and Google AdSense ads running along the left or right-hand
column on your site - you could get paid one dollar or more per click. If you have a lot of
website visitors - you'd be making serious money.

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Now you should research different affiliate programs which have related

products or services.

What is an affiliate program? An arrangement between a company and a website
owner or individual who would like to promote that company's products. The person
promoting the projects is the affiliate, and the company with the products is the
merchant. The merchant (company) pays a percentage of any sales resulting from any
click through (via banner or text link) to their web site from an affiliate partner’s web

There are dozens of ways to profit from being an affiliate without even having a
As an affiliate, you can also profit and drive website traffic to the merchant's
website through posting at online forums with your signature block containing a link
to your affiliate program of choice. Although, some Forums do not allow direct
affiliate links in their posts. The same applies for when you are writing articles online
and would like to contain your affiliate links within the text. I know Enzine Articles
does NOT allow direct affiliate links, but there is an easy solution to this. You need
to purchase a domain name. The price per year for a domain name can average from
$9 dollars to $20 dollars. It's a small investment which can provide you with huge
rewards. For each affiliate program you plan to promote, choose a different domain
name. If I want to promote an affiliate program to "Teach Your Baby to Sign," then
you could buy a domain name, such as:

(this is

just an example - and you need to check for availability for your domain). Once you
purchase that domain name, then Login to your account with the company in which
you purchased the domain name from. I buy mine from

and after purchasing it and logging in, then I go to Account Settings - Manage
Domains - Domain Forwarding. Then check the domain which you just purchased for
your affiliate program. Then it will provide you with a box to insert the URL or
website address in which you would like to forward the domain name to. Be sure to
have your affiliate program link with you. Your affiliate program link for Teach Your
Baby To Sign might look something like:


So type that in the box and check the option to MASK the domain (this means no one
will see the affiliate URL, only the destination URL).

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Save the settings and you are done. It may take up to 48 hours to process the results -
but then every time someone types in:

(or the

domain name which you purchased) the site will immediately be redirected to your
affiliate website which you signed up with and the ONLY domain name that will
show in the internet address bar will be

So you can

use that domain name or website address in your signature blocks, in forum posts, on
blogs, in articles and you will be driving traffic to your merchant website. So, if you
were to write an ebook about the benefits of teaching your baby sign language in
relation to early childhood development and you added a link in the bottom of your
ebook, such as: For the most recent, proven techniques and tips on how to teach your
baby sign language, please go to:

You could sell

that ebook on ebay or on several other venues online. If you don't have the time or
energy to write and ebook you could do a little research, write a short article with
your website link and submit it to the enzine sites listed above. I get quite a lot of
targeted traffic from posting articles.

Where Can I Learn More About Affiliate Marketing?

- This website's goal is to assist those who are just getting started

with affiliate programs, as well as affiliate marketing gurus.

- This website offers free resource to help affiliates with programs, while

providing how-to's on affiliate promotion and help with which affiliate programs to

- Forum dedicated to Affiliate Marketing.

Click Here for a List of Affiliate Programs to Signup With

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Next, make sure you have a good Website Statistics and TRACKING
program to go along with your site.

I use Web-Stats and it is FREE for the first 30 days then 5 dollars per month thereafter.
It is the best investment I have made regarding my websites because it has been
EXTREMELY profitable. It provides precise, detailed information about each site visitor,
where the person is from, how long the person stays on each page, entry pages, exit pages,
key words used to reach your website, referrals, etc. so you know exactly what advertising
techniques are working for you and what you should improve on. I can tell you that I have
searched and searched for good Free web-stat programs but I haven't found anything that
comes even close to what this web-stat program provides in services. I have searched and
tried many different web-stats and tracking programs before someone recommended this
one to me. You can see a screenshot of my Web-Stat account for
below here.

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Once you have the outline or Site plan organized, then you will need a website designer.
Website design can cost anywhere from $100-3000.00 dollars (more or less) and it’s difficult to
know who to choose, what company you can rely on to deliver the best results, etc. So I


is a website which connects Professional Freelance website

designers, programmers, graphic designers, software developers, search engine
specialists and writers with business owners, entrepreneurs and people like you
and I.

Whenever I need a website to be designed or programmed (and I just don't have time to do it
myself) or a client of mine needs a logo, I go to Scriptlance.

I have found so many highly professional, talented programmers and designers to build/
develop automated sites for me that I find myself using it quite a bit.

It’s free to post projects - which specify:

your website design and/or programming needs

your approximate budget for the entire project

approximate time you would like it completed

Then Freelancers will place bids – offering you their services for a certain price and telling
you they can complete the project within a day, 3 days, a week, etc. depending on the complexity
of the project. They may place messages on a message board for you and you can correspond
before choosing a person. Check out their feedback rating before choosing as well. But, I have
found that some Scriptlance “Newbies” will complete your site design/project for practically
nothing because they are starting out and want feedback. It’s worth a try. You do not pay until
you are satisfied. You can deposit your money via Paypal into Scriptlance’s secure account area.

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Then you can ESCROW the payment to the programmer and you do not need to release the
payment to the programmer until you are completely satisfied with the end result. That way you
are protected all the way around.

Important Note *** Make sure that you say you also need the site Search Engine Optimized when
you Post a Project. One site I had designed and programmed through Scriptlance reached the top
of yahoo within 6 months for many of its key phrases. So, this is very important.

Also, if you are really tight on money and you have a great idea that you think might make
you thousands of dollars - just post the project and see how much the bids are. Scriptlance has
been a lifesaver for me. I am a creative person with new ideas all the time - imagine if you could
tell someone your idea and have a software program created out of it.

When I first started working online I stumbled upon Scriptlance. I didn't have ANY startup
money but I had a great idea for a software program to assist Mortgage and Loan officers to keep
track of leads and to have their very long 1003 Loan Form automated so once it is filled out it is
automatically sent to the loan officer in Pdf form to print out. Sounds simple but it is much more
complicated of a project than that because I wanted it to be completely automated so I didn't have
to do ANYTHING at all and the program could be resold many times. (Ok I will skip the boring
details). After posting the project and waiting a few hours I checked and there were several bids:
all of which were above $3,000. USD. I did not have the money so I sent messages to all the
bidders thanking them for their bids but letting them know that I could not afford it at -
and I asked them if they would be interested in sharing the proceeds of the sales with me
indefinitely for creating this software program for FREE

Not all, but many of the talented freelancers (the most talented, I believe) are from India.
Someone may very well be willing to create something for you for Free in exchange for a
percentage of the profits. I think it's a great deal - for me there was no way I would have been able
to afford that. I created a contract and within two months the program was completed. I am
making about 1000. USD per month from that. If you are going to do something like that just be
sure that you have all your bases covered and a really thorough contract.

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I will attach my contract (with the names and personal information xxxxx out) so

in case you do something like this you will have something to work from.

Download the Sample Editable Contract Here

(It can be used for any type of written agreement/contract - not just for what is stated above)

Chapter 2: Tricks to Get Your Site a Higher Ranking

Have you ever heard of Public Domain Works? I’m not sure that many people have.

Basically, these are books, articles, pictures and recordings whose copyrights have expired.
Since they have not been re-registered with a copyright, they are considered Public Domain. This
means that ANYONE can rewrite, publish or sell these things without paying anything to anyone.
If you want to increase your search engine position, I recommend finding a book or Public Domain
works and publish it to your site. Hundreds of pages of content specific text will drive so many people
to your site. You will increase your revenue, through use of Google AdSense and any other Affiliate
Programs you may have signed up with and offer on your site.

This is the site optimization tool that doubled my site's revenue within one month.

It increased my

search engine placement very quickly. If you want to you can also sell these expired copyright products
on eBay or on your own website. You can check online at the U.S. Copyright Office website to confirm
that the particular item has truly entered Public Domain Works. If you want to find Public Domain
works that you can use immediately, please go to:

Project Gutenburg – it is the oldest producer of free E-Books on the internet and they

were all written by volunteers. Their collection includes more than 15,000 E-Books! (You
may republish any of these E-Books but you may NOT resell them: unlike with other
Public Domain Works which anyone has resale rights to)

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is an great website I found after searching endlessly for more

resources about Public Domain works. It is an online directory of sites with public domain
works and free content.

Chapter 3: FREE Website Set Up in Minutes

Before I knew much about marketing and affiliates online, I had absolutely NO interest
in BLOGS. But, Blogs are extremely profitable. First of all it is free to have as many blogs
as you like- about as many different topics as you like. Just go to:


within minutes you can have your own website online. YES it is your own website. The
domain name may be something like,, and you can use that or
purchase a domain name and then Forward and Mask it to a different domain name which
you purchased.

When you first go to create your blog make sure your title has STRONG
. If your site is about Turkey Stuffing Recipes then I recommend you look that
topic up on different search engines to see your competitors site titles. Choose something a
little different that will stand out because that is what will appear as your site title on the
search engine. If you want to make money now here are a few ideas. Think about what
holidays are coming up. If Thanksgiving is a month or so away you can search on Google
to look for very specific things relating to Thanksgiving. For example, look up "turkey
stuffing recipes" and see how many ads show up. It really doesn't matter how many appear
because if you add enough posts, links and backlinks to your blog site then you will gain
the search engine placement needed. has a great feature which allows you to add Google AdSense ads to
your blog.
It pretty much inserts it for you to fit the theme of your blogger site and colors.

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If you make your blog all about Turkey stuffing recipes and put a huge AdSense Ad
right on the top of the page and content below - many people may click on it. I'm
surprised sometimes how many people click on my AdSense ads on my websites. Each
click = money.

The only way though that you will gain a high placement on the search engines is by
updating your website or blogsite daily with new content and also by getting as many back
links as possible. Back links are INCREDIBLY important to increase your search
engine placement - especially on
You can have a site ranking of number
one on Yahoo or MSN but have no ranking in Google because you need to create lots of
high-quality back links. Back links are created when other websites online add your link to
their website. If their website has a PR ranking on Google of 3 or higher out of 10 then it
will most likely increase your search engine placement.

If you don't know what page rank is, basically it is a number (from 0 to 10) that Google
uses to classify a website's importance. The higher the number the better. When you have
other websites linking to yours, that shows Google that the other site is sort of giving yours
a 'thumbs up' and that shows Google that your site is gaining popularity. The more links to
your site from other sites (especially other sites which are either similarly related to the
topic of your site or other sites that have PR already) then the higher the page rank Google
will assign your website. I can tell you though, from firsthand experience - that you do not
need ANY page rank to gain a top listing on the search engines. It can definitely help with
your website's ranking or help to sustain the high ranking you may already have - but it is
not required to gain a top placement. So, regardless of what people may tell you - don't go
spending hundreds of dollars per month to pay someone to link to your website. You can
do that, but it is not necessary.

If you don't know what Google PR your websites or other websites have, you can
download the free Google Toolbar which displays each site you visit's PR at:


I was surprised to discover that my website design site had a PR of 4! That is

very difficult to achieve, but I thought back on all the times I posted in Forums and
submitted the site to directories and I always included the link in my signature block. As
time passed it's PR increased which means the value of my website skyrocketed. Now a lot
of people ask me to trade links so their site's placement will increase. And that is fine to do
- but will only truly be beneficial to my website if the linking site is similar or related to
similar topics. When the search engines spider the pages and they see that the two similar
sites are linking together it increases both sites importance and placement.

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Once you have your BLOG you can make money from it many different ways. You
could use it only for targeting specific topics such as the Turkey Stuffing Recipe example.
Or, you can use it to promote your affiliates. You can write reviews about different
affiliate products.
I've seen many, many blogs which are Rich Jerk Ebook Reviews. If it
has a high enough placement, grabs the attention of the reader then the reader clicks on the
affiliate link and purchases - then you're making money.

***Whatever you do - remember that after each time you post on your BLOG, go


to Ping the blog to dozens of online news venues. It basically submits

your blog all over the place online to help its search engine position and HIGHLY

There is one last option to get your blog or website to the TOP position FAST. This

is a fairly new program. It is your choice whether or not you would like to use a program
like this because some people may consider this spamming. This is an alternative to that -
which is just as effective (if not more) and is NOT spamming.

If you are interested in using a software program to create hundreds of backlinks to your
website, then you could try


. It is completely automated: you just

insert your username and password, choose keywords and a signature block
(linking back to your blogger site or other website) then the BLOG SUBMITTER
PROGRAM will generate about 200 (more or less) blogs from the keywords and text you
submitted. It will then sign you in to your blogger account and post your comments on two
hundred different blogs. You don't do a thing - it does it all for you. This creates
hundreds of backlinks to your website - which can possibly change your search
engine placement right away because Blogs are updated constantly.
This is a new
program that not many people know about it yet. The only problem is that the program is
$140.00. To me and to the average person that is a lot of money. My personal disclaimer
about this is that I don't recommend you use it on a highly important site. I mean a site that
you may be profiting heavily from because some may consider your methods of posting to
blogs as spam. And if you have a site that you depend on to pay your monthly bills - it's
not worth taking any chances. You can decide for yourself if it is worth it to purchase.

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You can check out the Blog Submitter website for more details and to see REAL LIVE
PROOF of sites to check out in real-time to see their #1 position and all the backlinks to
that site.

If you are interested you can check out the program here at


If you cannot afford that, and you want to take the time to create high-quality backlinks to
your site the proper way - it may be a little more of a time-consuming task but I
recommend browsing blogs. Check what their PR rank is and if it is AT LEAST PR 4
or higher, make a post.
If you can find one that relates to the topic of your site in any way
then that is also a huge bonus. People are taking more precautionary measures with their
blogsites now. Sometimes your comment may appear on their site - while other people
have set up a special comment section which is completely separate from their site - which
means it may have NO PR rank whatsoever (even though the site may have a PR rank of
7). So, there would be no point in you posting there if you are really trying to get high PR
links. So when reading blogs, you can read the posts and make a comment about it and or
write something generic like, "I really like your post. I will definitely bookmark you. If
you want to check out my website (or my blog) go to:

. It's about

'keyword keyword keyword.'" You just created your website's backlink. Create as many
backlinks as you can (including your keywords to describe your site and the URL).

Chapter 4: Advertising Your Website

Now that you have a website completed and optimized, you will need to submit it to all

the major search engines, such as: Yahoo, Google, Excite, Ask Jeeves, etc. If you are
crunched for time, you can use Submit-It, which is a Free option to have your website
submitted to all the major search engines at one time. Most of these are free to submit to.

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Generally, it takes about one month to have your site “grabbed” by a spider and placed
anywhere on the search engine, but it may take more or less time depending on the website
and the search engine. Even after it does have some type of ranking on the Search Engine,
it may still be pages and pages deep.

So you need to do whatever you can to spread the word about your site. And, in the
meantime, I recommend writing articles, adding as many articles and links as you possibly
can to your site.

Another great option that I don't think many people know about are Online Directories.
By submitting your site to these directories it increases your link and website popularity
and search engine position and ranking.

These are a few of the free online directories you can submit your website to:

Open Directory (most widely known)


Site Inclusion

If you do NOT want to wait for a higher placement through FREE advertising, you can always go
with Google Adwords or Yahoo Overture to Pay-per-Click or per site visitor. This is definitely an
option but it may be a costly one at first. If you do - then try to create an Ad that Grabs attention.

If you have a website about The Best and Worst Web Hosting Companies online, have your ad say
something like,

“BLACKLIST of hosting companies to avoid"

then more people will click on your ad

and visit your site then the other normal web hosting review sites posted.

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My brother who has a Texas Hold ‘Em website which offers information about the game and an E-
Book to purchase used to pay $500.00 per week in Google Adwords advertising. He had to pay that
much because there are millions of Poker websites online and in competition with him, and hundreds to
thousands of those website owners are also utilizing Google Adwords. That can make it very costly,
which is why choosing a Niche topic that may not be so popular could be a good way to start out. It
depends on what you want to do and how much startup money you have. My brother could afford to
put up that much upfront because his profits were $12,000.00 per month before taking out advertising

You may be wondering how in the world someone can make that much from an informational
website about Poker and selling an E-book which costs only $14.95, but it is because he is a Casino
Affiliate. Please see Chapter 5 for Affiliate Program information.

Chapter 5: FORUMS are free advertising venues-target
specific site traffic

For those of us who do not have startup money and do NOT have money to purchase a

website, here is an option which I recently discovered. I have found it to be extremely
profitable and easy. I recommend that you just look online in any search engine, type in
“Forum + Stay At Home Moms” (whatever your site OR AFFILIATE PROGRAM is
about). Then you will automatically be in touch with people who are specifically related to
your site’s content. This is a technique I discovered to very QUICKLY make money
without paying for ANYTHING and without really working at all.

Online FORUMS are hugely popular. I was a bit surprised at first to discover how many
tens to hundreds of thousands of people are chatting away in these topic specific forums at
all times of the day and night. There are forums for every topic imaginable.

If your website is related to being a “Stay-At-Home Mom” then you can go to W.A.H.
M. (Working at Home Moms) or one of dozens of other similar forum sites. With some
forum sites you must register before posting messages or taking part in online discussions.

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So, when I first started doing this, I became a member of about 5 different forums

related to making money online. I will tell you what I did:

At first I did not have a website for this specific affiliate I was promoting. I had just
purchased THE RICH JERK’s E-Book a month or so prior to this and I was pleased about
how it helped me tweak one of my websites.

So, I registered at a few online forums about making money online. The first time I
went into the forums I wasn’t sure about the rules (make sure you read them before posting)
and so two times my postings were removed. After that I read the rules in their entirety and
it was fine.

I posted my story and my experiences about how the RICH JERK’S E-Book helped
increase one of my website’s revenue within one month. I became an affiliate with the
RICH JERK and so I put a link on the forum page I submitted. The link was my affiliate
link and when the person clicked on it and decided to also purchase his E-book that would
be an automatic $47.00 in my account.

The first day within an hour there was a sale. Then I checked again two hours later
and there was another sale. I was hooked!

I didn’t post any more messages the next day but had one sale. Things have slowed

down a bit but it doesn’t matter because my Post will stay on there indefinitely. The search
engines will also grab that content and when someone looks for information about THE
RICH JERK online my post may appear and that may give me more leads/sales. Since I
started, I have been pretty busy – but I try to make one or two posts a day. If I had time to
make more then I’d make more money.

Even if you are not constantly raving about your specific product you can just go in
and chat. That is also VERY VERY profitable because you must customize your
SIGNATURE. Underneath your signature text, make sure you put a link to your main
affiliate program(s).

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That way every time you post others will see your text/link underneath your signature

and if they are interested or the text ‘grabs’ their attention, then they may click on it and you
may get more sales. This whole forum has been very profitable for me with several of my
affiliate programs.

It is important to use Web-Stats and this is why. You can see the screenshot below and
almost ALL of my visitors for the month of September were from FORUMS. During this
time period I had just posted the web site and was waiting for the search engines to pick the
site up and so I wanted to pull in some type of website traffic.

NOW look below at my stats from October. This is after I started

submitting articles, posting blogs and creating high PR links.

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You can also see the DRAMATIC results from September through

November. After submitting articles and optimizing the website further

through Forums and Blogs, you can see the huge traffic increase as a

result of my efforts.

I went from having 800 visitors to my website in September to 10,000 in

November! And, ALL of it was from FREE advertising:

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One of my Forum Postings at has had 18 comments and
516 views (within a 2 week time period). That is a good amount of targeted traffic
and free advertising.(info. from September 05).

If you're a good salesperson (which is not my strong point) then you can write an
attention grabbing ad which will drive even more traffic to your site.

Whatever your website topic is – POST POST POST at forums and BLOGS
online. Create a signature block with links and keep viewing your Web-Stats.

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You can also start your own Group or Forum through

Yahoo’s Groups

or through



. I started one called: Top Paying Affiliates on Yahoo's Groups. Ok so my topic has a ton

of competition and it can take a while to produce results if you are not adding and updating
content regularly (which I haven't been).

Basically, these groups help people communicate through using the internet. It is free to create
your own group and within minutes you can make announcement lists, mailing lists and public
discussions. Having your own group does not require you to have any knowledge in building a
website (although it is the same as having one) and it is a good way to make money. If you
choose a niche topic, for example, “Dealing with Chrone’s Disease” or something else that is
specific, you will most likely be the only one. And people will go to it for information. You can
have Google AdSense ads running down one side of the site (some groups allow this feature and
some do not) providing more topic related information and you can also become affiliates with
medical suppliers or someone who is selling a related book, etc.

Cheap Targeted Advertising:

If you have your website up and running and you are working on optimizing it but
want more traffic than what you are getting from Forums and Blogs, then this is an
excellent option.


is a marketplace for buyers and sellers of website ad space.

If you're an advertiser, you can search or browse to find a site you want to advertise
on. Then you can view relevant stats, including price and how many clicks you can
expect. It's really simple and fast: to order, you add it to your cart, write your ad, and
pay. If approved by the webmaster, your ad will appear on that site at the scheduled

If you're a publisher, use AdBrite to set your own ad rates, and approve or reject
every ad that's purchased for your site. AdBrite enables you to instantly sell ads to
your visitors via a "Your Ad Here" link, in addition to selling through AdBrite's
marketplace and sales team. Selling ad space is a good way to make some extra
money - the more traffic equals the higher price you can make the ad space for sale or

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Below here is a screenshot from


for one of the thousands of

sites you can choose to advertise on:

As you can see, it costs $15.00 to advertise on that site for one week. It receives
over 790,000 page views per day - and that is A LOT OF TRAFFIC. If you have a
website or product you would like to promote that goes hand-in-hand with online
gaming then that's a good price for advertising.

Another thing you can do to make A LOT of money right away with little advertising
costs (there is AdSpace selling for as little as $1.00 per week). S,o browse the sites
listed and write a catchy ad and link it directly to your affiliate program or to the
URL you purchase that is masked that goes directly to your affiliate program. If you
have a few dollars to spare by paying for an ad for one week you can try it out and
see how much you can make. If you played your cards right you could pull in A LOT
of money that way.

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Chapter 6: Top-Paying Affiliate Programs to Sign-Up With

There are so many different affiliate programs to choose from, so it can be difficult to know

which ones to sign up for. If you want a comprehensive list of top-ranking and highest paying
affiliate programs in order of popularity, go to CLICKBANK.

Choose products or affiliate programs which are specifically related to your site’s
content and target audience. Clickbank offers a huge variety of online digital products to
promote as an affiliate. What is nice about this is that you can create a free account. Then
you are given a unique affiliate ID and you can choose from a huge array of products to
promote and then all of the commissions are paid to you together. In the past there before
Clickbank and CJ you would be sent checks from each company and that can be a hassle.
The majority of the affiliate programs you sign up with will not have a direct deposit or
paypal transfer option - only Checks, which are sent out like clockwork every 15 days.

Commission Junction (CJ) is also one of THE BEST all-in-one affiliate program websites to
sign with. It is extremely popular and widely known for its array of different affiliate programs.

Personally, I mostly use Clickbank and CJ but look around because most companies have
affiliate programs now. Just scroll down to the bottom of whichever website you are viewing and
look for a little AFFILIATES link. Some business owners do not like to display that on their
homepage for everyone to see, and so the affiliates link can sometimes be found in an About Us
section of the website. You'd be surprised - even volunteer organizations have affiliate programs
with high-paying commissions. I saw several posted on

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Clickbank offers affiliate programs which
sell digital products that can be
downloadable online.

CJ is known for having the best affiliate
programs with companies that sell actual
tangible items.

It has more than 1,000 merchants in their
network. You can create a free account
and then browse the programs according
to: Pay-Per-Click, Pay-Per-Lead or Pay-

Runs the largest pay for performance
affiliate marketing network on the Internet.

Offering a huge variety of merchants to
choose from - with high quality HOT

I highly recommend:

Clickbank MarketPlace

Personally, Clickbank has been the most profitable affiliate resource center to get
involved with. Checks are sent out like clock-work every two weeks. Adding affiliate
programs to promote couldn't be easier - all you must do is type in your Clickbank ID
into the hyperlink and you're set. No need to sign up and wait for approval to promote
any of the websites or informational products offered here.

The Affiliate programs are rated by popularity and payout. With ClickBank every link
on your web site can be a source of revenue. Use the ClickBank Marketplace to find
products that will be of interest to people who visit your web site. Next to each product
listing you'll see a percentage. This is the commission you can earn for referring a
paying customer to ClickBank to purchase that product. (source:

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Commission Junction (CJ)

If you would like to sell physical goods, Commission Junction (CJ) would be the
absolute best one to sign up with. This is a hugely known site with the best affiliate
programs with companies that sell actual tangible items.

Another great affiliate program with more than 1,000 merchants in their
network. You can create a free account and then browse the programs
according to: Pay-Per-Click, Pay-Per-Lead or Pay-Per-Sale. You can also
choose items to promote through the different categories; ranging from
cosmetics, art, automotive, books/media, business, career, clothing, etc.
the list goes on and on.

Some affiliates pay HIGH commissions for leads, referrals and sales. I can tell you from
experience that if you are promoting Website Hosting, HOST EXCELLENCE pays out $100.00
dollar commissions for each referred potential customer.

Casino and gambling affiliate programs are the HIGHEST PAYING. Casino-On-Net pays
out over 1 million dollars per month in commissions to their affiliates. Their company pays either
a flat $200.00 commission per referral or the long-term option which gives you a percentage

Chapter 7: Dropshipping & Wholesalers

What is Dropshipping? Dropshipping is where you sell products on the Internet and forward

the orders to the dropship supplier. The dropshipper ships the product to your buyer, as if it came
from you.

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You make the money on the difference, between your selling price and the
price the dropshipping supplier charges you.

You can run this high-profit business, from your home office, or basement in
your spare time.

List of Dropshipppers:

Dollar Days

is America's #1 wholesale merchandise distributor! They

sell CHEAP products and have a huge array of wholesale items.

BC Dropship

has FREE shipping on every order in the U.S. A huge

assortment of hot new items, including "As Seen On TV" items.


offers thousands of namebrand items to dropship. Ie: Sony, Calvin

Klein, DKNY, Estee Lauder, Lancome, Clinique, and many more...


offers FREE membership and you can start buying/selling


My Web Wholesaler

offers Wholesale Products; Liquidation of

Department Store Returns, Surplus Electronics, Salvage, Wholesale
Closeouts, Wholesale Overstocks.

Mega Goods

offers a huge array of electronics (the newest and hottest

items) for dropshipping

***Bonus Info for eBayers***

If you sell on eBay regularly, then you know how strict ebay is with their policies
regarding promoting and cross-promoting items. One rule is that you are NOT
allowed to post your personal or company website address in your ebay ad. If you
were allowed to do that, you would gain a lot of visitors and targeted traffic.

Before knowing all the rules on ebay I had posted an excerpt from an affiliate
program I had signed up with and I also posted my affiliate link.

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It was removed within a few hours and I was refunded my project listing fee. This
is because you are NOT allowed to post any affiliate links in the ads - or ANY links
at all which lead to a website that web visitors can make purchases on because ebay
wants people to purchase through their website.

After doing that the first time (because I didn't know the policy about this) I
checked my Clickbank account for the affiliate I promoted on ebay and I had two
sales. :) I am not saying to do this because if you do this a number of times (or even
once and you do not have any feedback on ebay yet) your account may become
suspended or cancelled.

So, I thought of a trick which works like magic to give me LOTS of site visitors
while never getting in trouble with ebay. But, you do need to purchase a domain
name and web hosting to do this. You can buy web hosting for anywhere from $3.99
to $9.99 per month. When you create your web hosting account, also create a free
email address to go with your account.

So, for my ThankYouRichJerk website, I created

and when I post my ebay ad online I always ADD this to the beginning and end of
my ad: "If you have any questions, feel free to contact me anytime at

. People generally take notice of that and right away go

to my website to read more about my ebook before buying it.

I know this because I can see that I am generating a lot of website traffic from
ebay from my Web Stats account. The other very SMART ebay advertising trick I
noticed someone do is when he created his ebay Seller username he created
something like "" or "Nike4uDOTcom." I have only seen one person do
this but it grabbed my attention and I went to the site to see what it was about.

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Thank you for purchasing "Breakthrough Money-Making Secrets Revealed." With a
little effort and work, you can make money online. Throughout the ebook I offer ways
to make money with and without a website. From my personal experiences, you can
make money without having a website - BUT to increase your profits; to double,
triple, quadruple your income - then I recommend that you have a website(s). If you
want to work from home - and you are truly motivated - then learn as much as you
can and stay on top of the ever-changing internet market. I wish you all success.

If at any time you have Questions, Comments or Concerns about anything covered in
this book, do not hesitate to POST the question on the thankyourichjerk FORUM and
I will respond asap. You can also email me at: I am here
to assist in any way that I can, as long as time permits me to. :)

Glossary of Terms

Affiliate Program: Website affiliates are what drive Internet marketing. Companies run affiliate
programs to generate leads and sales from other Websites. They pay the sites who host their ads a
commission for products sold through the links on their sites.

Google Adwords

: A text-based advertising program where participants create their own

ads, choose keywords that determine when they will appear, and pay only when someone
clicks on the ad.

Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display
relevant Google ads on their website's content pages and earn money. Because the ads are
related to what your visitors are looking for on your site — or matched to the
characteristics and interests of the visitors your content attracts — you'll finally have a way
to both monetize and enhance your content pages

Copyright 2005. "All Rights Reserved."

Disclaimer: The ebook "Breakthrough Money-Making Secrets Revealed" is a copyrighted material of Copyright
information contained on this domain may not be reproduced, resold, distributed or copied publicly in any way. Violators will be subject to
the highest penalty imposed by law. Purchasers of "Breakthrough Money-Making Secrets Revealed" ebook are granted a license to use the
information contained herein for their own personal use only.

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