Remmy Duchene The Peeping Hole Mauled

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The Peeping Hole--Mauled

written by Remmy Duchene

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Cover Artist: Carl J. Franklin

First Edition

©2012, Rebel Ink Press, LLC

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Humans never stop amazing me. Out in the world you see so much devastation it could

break your very soul. Sometimes we wish we could escape it all, make it all go away. But there is

more to them—there is more to them that opens my soul to a world of hope.

Every night I sit here and clean up their spills, serve them their alcohol that is generally too

strong for them and help to clean up their messes. Every night I see what others do not. Others

see the violence and the hatred but what I see would make your mouth water. The side of

humans I see on a regular basis, twenty four hours of the day is the raw, hungry sensuality.

Sometimes it's just plain sex with no strings but whatever it is, it is a beautiful thing.

Who am I?

You may be asking this of a faceless shadow telling you a story. But isn’t it a bigger turn on

not to know? Close your eyes, my dove, and spread your mind as far as you can—further. Open

your soul to a world of possibilities.

Now, who am I?

I am whoever you think I am.

I am whatever you believe me to be.

I am pleasure, desire, lust, greedy gratification.

But for now, call me Alexander. Welcome, to The Peeping Hole. What is this place? It is

three levels of every dark fantasy you’ve ever had. The sexual urges you believe you ought to be

ashamed of can be fulfilled here. It is the place that gives you a very thin line between pleasure

and pain but never crosses it. It is the one place where you can get it like a man or give it like


At the Peeping Hole you don’t have to choose between love or lust. Intrigued? Of course you

are. Let me serve you a drink.

Now, my dove...explore...

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Chapter One

From the moment the alarm clock went off, Lex Walker knew he was going to have a bad

day. The night before he accidentally set the wrong time on the alarm and two hours after it

would normally sound, it began blaring. Jerking upright, he knew something was wrong. There

was too much sunlight streaming through the window. Groaning, he shoved himself from the

bed, leaving it unmade, and darted into the shower. While he turned on the water with one

hand, he reached for his toothbrush with the other. Lex took the fastest shower known to man

then hurriedly dragged his towel over his body while reaching for his suit. That was only the

beginning. When he walked out the door, he learned left the back window to his brand new

Mercedes open and it had rained during the night. The back seat was soaking wet.

He stopped for a brief moment and pressed his eyes shut. He started the car, rolled up all

the windows and turned the ignition off. He had to remember to get his guy to detail it as soon

as possible. Running into the garage, he climbed into the corvette, dropped his bag on the

passenger side seat and was turning on the ignition even before the door was closed. Once he

was settled and belted in, he reversed past the Mercedes and sped off down the street.

When he finally rushed into the lecture hall, his students were all there. He glanced at his

watch and breathed a sigh of relief that he was only about ten minutes late.

“Sorry I’m late,” he called to the class. He quickly turned on the over-head projector and

put up the question so the students could use their clickers to answer it for attendance. He

didn’t have time to call out two hundred and seventh seven names. “Here is your clicker

question. Pick the right answer—just point and click.”

While they did that, he set up the rest of the day’s lecture. The class went by fairly

uneventful but when he left for lunch, he managed to drop feta cheese down his jacket and

onto his pants. By the time the day was over, Lex just wanted to go home and go to bed.

Checking his mirrors, he put his signal on and switched lanes to get around a couple of trucks

and a tour bus. Once he was a safe distance past them, he put his signal on and switched lanes

to be in front of them. A distance later, everything seemed to be going well as he pulled from

the highway. If he continued to his destination via the highway, he would crash into rush hour

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traffic and he wasn’t about to sit through that. Instead, he would go through Passmore, a small

town situated in the middle of nowhere. He never liked the place. Small towns gave him the

creeps. It was a small town where he met his first Bear. The guy had a bald head, muscles

stacked atop muscles and not the good sense he was given. Shaking off the memory, Lex

glanced at the mirror and turned back to the road.

He had his foot pressed full throttle on the gas. Still the car slowed down to a snail’s crawl.

He blinked at the dashboard. The gas tank was just above half and everything else looked to be

working. He cruised until the car sputtered, jerking dangerously forward before lurching to a

stop. Swearing, he slammed a fist into the wheel and grabbed the key. Wrenching it toward the

ground, he closed his eyes, counted to ten slowly then turned the car on again. It hummed and

rattled but didn’t turn over.

Once again he turned it off and on again. “Come on, baby!”

That didn’t work. The car just rumbled and died. Swearing under his breath, he reached

into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. When he tried activating the screen, the phone

simply told him he had no battery life and went black. “Son of a bitch!”

Pushing from the car, he kicked the tire then glanced around. He’d driven by the centre of

town and was on the outskirts. The one building he could see was The Peeping Hole. Lex felt a

pain in his heart. There was no way he could go into that place. Even though he didn’t spend

much time in Passmore, he knew of the place. There were so many rumours about it—all of

them bad. But he didn’t have a choice.

Shoving the cell phone into his back pocket, grabbed his key from the car, took a breath and

darted across the street. He stopped before the large black door. Taking a deep breath, he

reached up, grabbed the handle, spun it to the left and pulled. He stepped in and the door

slammed behind him. Jerking around, all he saw was the dark of the door closing him in. When

he turned around again, he had to blink a few times, giving his eyes a chance to become

accustomed to the dimly lit atmosphere.

“Welcome to the Peeping Hole.”

The voice was cool and calm with a hint of sex. Lex lifted his chin to take in the man

standing before him. He looked like the product of every woman’s or gay man’s wet dreams.

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He had smooth chocolate skin, a shaved head, a clean shaven face and stood at about a

whopping six foot four. All he wore was a pair of leather pants and a black bow-tie. He was

muscular—not Arnold muscular but sleek and sexy. His abs were tight and contracted from

time to time with his breath.

“I'm Alexander.” His brown eyes shimmered with life at Lex.

Lex’s breath caught in his throat.

“Ah no. I’m just here to find a phone. Do you have a pay phone I can use?”

The man smiled, his lips tugging upward to the left corner. He tilted his head almost

inquisitively at Lex. “A phone? Never heard that excuse before.”

“Excuse? What are you talking about? I was on my way home and my car broke down

outside and my phone died...” Lex stopped.

Alexander was laughing. “Come now. It may be a bad excuse but it is one none the less.

Come in. Have a drink.”

“I can’t...”

“Driving? I thought you said your car broke down?”

Lex was exasperated. “It did. But when the guys come and give me a boost, I’ll have to ride


But Alexander was already walking away, his tight ass twisting and rolling inside those tight

pants. Lex cleared his throat and followed. When he stepped through the second set of doors,

Lex thought his eyes would pop from his head. To his right on a table were two men. One was

lying on his back on a table while the other, seated in the booth, was sucking on the man's dick

while he pinched his own nipples. Just a little distance from him were three men. Lex’s cock

twitched in his pants but he shook his head and forced himself to look away.

“There’s no shame in looking,” Alexander said, shoving a cold glass in his hand.

Without thinking, Lex turned the glass to his head as his body over heated.

“It's just sex. I'm sure you’ve had it before.”

“Give me another,” Lex ordered, shoving the glass across the bar. He took a seat and

glanced over his shoulder to the left. The scene there wasn’t any better at helping to calm the

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now raging hard-on he was battling. Swiftly another glass was pressed into his hand and again

he drained it.

“Is this legal?”

“They're consenting adults.” Alexander shrugged and reached for a glass. He turned it

upside down and pressed it against a machine that sprayed water up into it. He then pulled the

towel he had hanging over his shoulder and began drying the glass. “When it becomes forced,

then it would be illegal.”

“You’re yanking me!”

Alexander laughed softly. “No, I’m not. But I'd love to.”

Once more Lex’s dick agreed and Lex frowned. “But people are into this kind of stuff? There

is no privacy.”

“Is that why it turns you on?” Alexander questioned, leaning across the counter to lock gaze

with Lex. “I can smell your arousal so don’t try denying it. I know your type.”

“My type.”

“Oh yes.” Alexander’s voice dipped into a low, hot tone which sent a shiver down Lex’s

spine. He silently cursed his weakness, cursed his body’s mutiny.

“Your type.” Alexander continued. “You’re the type that talks down against this kind of

stuff. You turn your nose up at those who seek to satisfy their deep, dark desires. Yet deep

down you know you want to. You want to be spread out on that table and licked from the top

of your head down your spine to the tips of your toes. You want your dick sucked by a mouth in

the dark and you don’t particularly care who.”

“You don’t know a thing about me!” Lex barked.

“Ah, you see? That’s where you’re wrong. And to prove it, I have the perfect partner for


“I don’t need help hooking up. If I wanted to get laid, I could.”

“You’ve never met anyone like X before.”

“I don’t want to meet him.”

“Are you sure? You can’t be a suit all your life. Open up. Live a little. What you do here stays

here—it’s like Vegas.”

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Lex had to laugh at that but he was a little curious. His body was raging, screaming to be

touched, tasted, fucked. Taking another breath, he nodded. “I don’t have to do anything with

this guy?”

“Not unless you want to. Though when you take a look at him, I don’t think you’re just going

to want to sit and have a scintillating conversation.”

Lex shrugged. “Why not? What’s the worst that could possibly happen?”

Alexander laughed softly and pointed to his right. “See that glass door? Go through it and

take the stairs all the way to the top. When you get to the landing, look for the darkest corner

you can find.”

“Really? A dark corner? How corny is that?”

“Corny but a good fuck, I’m sorry...a good conversation. Just go.”

Lex pushed from the stool and walked around two new more people. They were kissing

quite passionately and Lex fought the urge to roll his eyes. He’d never seen anyone kiss like that

except in the movies and he’d never been kissed like that. Seriously, who held their lover that

tenderly? Shaking his head, he stepped through a glass door and up the stairs Alexander had

pointed to.

“Punk couldn’t have put in an elevator?” he muttered in time to press his back against the

deep red wall to allow a couple to pass him going down. The interruption shattered his courage.

He stopped, took another deep breath, asked himself why he was actually going up stairs to

oblivion and waited for an answer. His dick jumped and Lex wanted to cry. Still he continued

up the stairs to the very top. Music played softly from some speakers standing at each corner of

the large room.

Looking for the darkest corner, he had to look past several threesomes in the space. Men

strapped to contraptions that looked to be instrument of torture but they weren’t crying out in

pain but sheer joy. One man was tied to something that looked like a toilet seat while another

was on his back beneath it. The man on top had his head tossed back and from time to time a

groan would escape his lips even as his nipples tightened in pleasure. Lex knew what was

happening—he was being eaten. There was nothing better than having a rough tongue flashing

over and into your hole. In that moment, Lex wondered what it would be like to be tied up and

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licked. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he yanked his eyes away and shook off his curiosity

and continued his search for the darkest corner in the room.

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Chapter Two

Franco Mecino had been coming to The Peeping Hole for three years. Even with all that

time under his belt, he’d only slept with a handful of men—a handful meaning four. He was

very selective and all the others he thought he’d found simply fizzled after about three weeks.

He was tired and lately he just sat in the dark and watched the happenings around him.

Sometimes he’d touch himself if he was mildly stimulated but other times he simply watched

while sipping on a glass of brandy. He glanced at his watch, pressing the sides in until the green

light appeared. He’d been here an hour with no luck.

Franco watched the man who entered the space and arched a brow. He wondered where

Alexander found this one. He was a newbie. Franco could tell from the way he looked shocked

at the pure lust around him. He hated newbies. They were always so timid and shy and scared

to spank his ass when that would was the only thing that would get him off. They were afraid

to hurt him, to hold him down, to tie him up leaving him unfulfilled and just plain angry. Still he

couldn’t help allowing his eyes the pleasure to roam the newcomer’s body.

The man shifted as Franco’s eyes traced him. Franco knew his designer. The man was built

like a quarterback with wide shoulders. Then the man’s eyes caught Franco and for a moment,

he thought the newbie locked eyes with him. Franco took a sip from his glass and eased into

the leather beneath him.

“Shit, Alex...” he muttered when the newbie turned and walked over. “Where’d you get this



The sound of his voice sent Franco’s cock up as if being awakened. It throbbed mercilessly.

Franco took a deep breath. “Who’s askin’?”

“You want to sit forward so I can actually see who I’m talking to?” The man questioned.

Franco smirked. “Now that would destroy the whole anonymous vibe, wouldn’t it? Besides,

I love to be dark and brooding.”

He saw a frown pass the man’s face as he fell into the seat across from Franco’s table.

“Don’t you even want to know my name?”

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“No.” Franco took another swig from his glass. “I think you got lost.”

“My car broke down outside. I’m not used to any of this...”

“I can see that. You’re a city boy. You have clean, smooth hands. You’re a good boy, the

type that hides his emotions, locks away his sexual urges and hopes they’ll go away. How's that

working out for you?”

“Look tall, dark and creepy... I didn’t come here for this.”

“That’s right. I forgot. Your car broke down.”

The man stood and for some reason, Franco reached out and grabbed his hand. He saw the

shock in the man’s face but didn’t really pay it any attention. Lifting his free hand, he pulled the

small lever beside him and a light in the booth turned on. Lifting his head, he caught the man’s

eyes. “Franco Mecino.”

“A bear. Why wouldn’t it be?”

Franco smirked. “What’s got your panties in a twist? It’s not like you wouldn't enjoy getting

mauled by me.”


“I still don’t know your name.”

“Lex Walker. Look, I really should go.”

“Don’t like what you see, Lex?”

“No, that’s not it at all. I just... I’m not... like this.”

Franco laughed softly, placing his glass on the table before him. He released Lex’s arm and

eased into the seat behind him. Watching Lex, he cleared his throat. “Has a man ever used you

as his meal?”


“What a shame.” Franco dragged a hand over his stomach and up his chest to slap himself

against his nipple which caused a moan to escape from his throat as he did the same to the

other nipple. Bracing his free hand against the seat, he snaked the other beneath his Elvis is on

Mars t-shirt dragged his palm over his abs to repeat the process skin on skin. He heard the

chair across from him groan and lifted his eyes to see Lex watching him. Franco smiled. “How

about a live show? I feel like giving you a peek at what you’re walking away from.”

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“You can’t be serious?”

Franco peeled his shirt over his head and watched as Lex’s tongue flowed over his large,

brown lips. He smiled, using both hands to glide over his own body. He stopped to tweak his

nipples before pushing his hands over his abs and to the front of his pants. He realized then his

dick was hiding from Lex’s view by the table. Lex leaned precariously to the side in his chair and

craned his neck.

“Want to see more, Lex?”

“You promised me a show.”

Gripping both sides of the table, Franco pushed it to the left. When nothing stood between

them, he stretched his legs out before him, spread them and made eye contact with Lex again.

He caressed his jean covered dick, rubbing and squeezing it through his pants. Then ever so

slowly, he undid the button with a simple flick of his wrist. He lifted his ass, hooked his fingers

beneath the waist of his pants and boxers and pulled them down. When his butt was back on

the seat, he looked down at his hardened dick, pre-cum dripping from its slit, and encircled the

shaft with a tight fist.

“Now Lex,” he whispered, dragging the tip of his index finger through the juice and lifting it

to his lips. “Tell me precisely the first thing that comes to your mind at the thought of kneeling

on all fours with me behind you. Don’t be shy, just let it all out.”

Lex cleared his throat and looked hesitant.

Franco sucked his finger clean and dipped for more.

Lex moaned. “I want to feel your tongue.”


“Are you serious?”

“Don’t do the fantasy half-way. Don’t be a selfish lover. Give it all to me.”

“I-I want to feel your tongue slide over my cheeks...”

Franco tightened his fist around his penis and stroked, long and hard.

“...wet and hot going over my skin. I want to close my eyes and feel you spreading me open

then feel your breath hot against my hole. I want you to lick me from my balls all the way up to

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where my crack begins. You’re going to savour my taste by shoving your tongue as deep and as

far as it’ll go or until I tell you to fuck me.”

The sound of Lex’s voice sent Franco to a place he’d always wanted to go. He’d been

looking for a man that would talk him to orgasm and it looked like he found it. Even as his

hands fired over his cock, he could see himself gripping Lex’s hips and driving into his ass over

and over again.

“I want you to pull my cock back between my legs and suck it. Feel the hot, slickness of my

pre-come flowing over your tongue and down your throat.”

“How deep do you want me to take you?”

“As deep as you can then deeper.”

“Oh!” Franco sighed as his body arched from the seat. While one hand stroked, the other

was pinching his nipples. He felt Lex’s hand moving over him even though he knew it was all in

his head. The fantasy was so strong, so vivid it gave him a charge of pleasure he’d never

experienced before.

“Do you want me to suck you to completion, Lex?”


That was the magic word. The moment it left Lex’s lips, Franco felt his toes curl and his cock

did a slight, strangled jerk. His eyes snapped opened and before he could stop it, his dick

showed just how turned on he was by erupting all over the ground before him. A small speck

flew across the space and landed on Lex’s lips. He’s never seen cum looked so sexy against

someone’s skin as he did in that very moment. He took a moment as his world stood still to

enjoy the scene before him, to take a mental picture and store it. Even in his daze, Franco

expected Lex to wipe it away. Instead, the sexy Chocolate Adonis of a man simply licked it off.

Franco trembled, released his cock and moaned.

“I should go,” Lex blurted out.

“Wait!” Franco called, leaning over to grab his pants. When he’d located his wallet, he

pulled out a card and handed it to Lex. “If you change your mind...”

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Chapter Three

The night passed, turning into a brand new day. Lex didn't go into the office but stayed

home telling himself he was going to work from home. But half way through the day his laptop

had long since gone to sleep with a folder closed before him. He'd spent the morning day

dreaming about a man he had no business day dreaming about. He knew nothing about Franco

and he would probably never see the man again. Taking a sobering breath, he opened the

folder, danced his finger over the mouse and set to work. He was exhausted. Why he’d decided

to start a design business along with teaching was beyond him. He was always so bored during

the months school was out.

He forced himself to call his contact in Milan. That conference call was normally a hoot and

a half but he just couldn't get into it.

"Lex! Darling! Where is your mind today?" Adriano questioned in his usual way.

"I don't know," Lex lied. "I just haven't been feeling well."

"Is it the flu?"

"I doubt it."

"Something you ate?"

"Probably not. I think all I need is a good night's sleep. Then I'll be as right as rain again."

"Well. Make sure you do get a good night's sleep!" Adriano scowled. "You're no good to

anyone if you're sick."

I'll have a good night's sleep right after Franco sings me a lullaby.

"I will. Let me know what Cardino says, would you? I need him to sign off on the designs

before I can bring them to production."

"He will. He will!" Adriano said in a determined voice. "I'll see to it. You get some sleep."

Lex promised he would and after the call, he sent an email to his production staff then shut

down his computer. His mind was starting to wander again to the hard, ripped surface of

Franco's body. He sipped from his coffee that had long since gone cold in an effort to give his

mind something else to focus on.

Giving up on getting any more work done, Lex settled for a sandwich and a book. He'd

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always wanted to read A Farewell to Arms but hadn't gotten around to it. His brother raved

about the book but so far Lex wasn't a fan. Lex didn't like war on the best of days. Settling into

his favorite chair, he opened the book and skipped past chapter one--he'd read that almost

three weeks before. When he found the first page of chapter two, he started again.

Lex sat in his leather chair, lounged back with the book he was supposed to be reading open

and upside down on his chest. He wasn't asleep but his might as well have been. He kept

drifting back to Franco and what happened at the Peeping Hole. Every part of him wanted to

go back. He wanted to know what would happened if he'd stayed and not run away like a

scared little boy. Disgusted with himself, he closed the book and placed it on the small glass

table before pushing forward and standing. Making his way into the kitchen, he grabbed a beer

and wrung the cap off while he climbed the stairs to his bedroom. Lex bypassed the bed and

stood on the balcony cradling the beer , looking toward the direction of the Peeping Hole. He

couldn't see it but where was he going to find a man who looked like Franco who wanted him?

Then again, he couldn't choose his mate based on looks alone. What Franco did the day before

should have disgusted him; it should have made him reach over and send a fist into his face for

being a pervert but Lex loved it. He loved every sizzling feel, sound, and squirt of it. Rubbing a

hand over his face, he took another drink and paused a moment to feel it running smooth and

cold down his throat. He was aroused now, throbbing painfully, and a frown crossed his lips. He

wished he wasn’t such a thinker. He wished he could just go and do things without even

considering the ramifications. But Lex knew better. He also knew he couldn't go back to find


A sound below caught his attention and he looked down. A black Corvette pulled up behind

his car and stopped. He moaned. The last person he wanted to see at that precise moment was

his brother. With another swallow, he was walking back through his room when Jeremy's voice

rang out.

"Coming," Lex hollered back, jogging lightly down the stairs.

Jeremy hugged him tightly then followed into the kitchen. His brother grabbed a beer and

the two sat down together in the sun room.

"What's the matter, big brother?" Jeremy asked softly. "You're normally more talkative."

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"I think I did something so wrong yesterday," Lex whispered. He could never hide anything

from his brother and he wasn't in the mood to try and go through the same old song and dance



Lex pressed his eyes closed before opening them to place his beer on the floor beside him.

Leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees, he laced his fingers together and took a

breath. "I was coming home from work and decided to cut through that town I hate. My car

died outside this club..."

"The Peeping Hole."

"You know it?"

"Only a prude wouldn't know it," Jeremy took a pull from his beer. "Go on."

Lex frowned. "So anyway, my cell phone died and I needed to call for help. So I went in and

met this guy..."


"Am I telling the story or what? This is embarrassing enough as it is without you constantly


Jeremy held up both hands in surrender. "Sorry! My bad. Don’t get your panties in a twist."

Lex went through everything that happened, even with Franco before he took a breath.

"And I ran."

"It's just an orgasm, Lex. You’ve had plenty of those."

"That's not it! I ran because I felt so ashamed of what I'd just done."

"But you didn't do anything! He did."

"And I enjoyed it."

"Which means you're human. You see an attractive man, you're going to react. It's normal."

Lex picked up his beer and walked to stare out the windows. "So why can't I stop thinking

about him? Why can't I focus on anything else?"

"Because you want to do more than watch?"

Lex eyed his brother then frowned. He couldn't even get mad at Jeremy for the answer. It

was the truth and he knew it. "But it's the Peeping Hole."

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"I've been there. There's nothing wrong with a little fun as long as you're protected."

"You've been? Why didn't you tell me?"

"So you can give me one of those holier-than-thou speeches about how I'm a good looking

man and should find my men elsewhere? No thank you. I wasn't looking for love. Lex. All I

wanted was something hard and fast."

Lex pressed his lips into a thin line and bit back the lecture he was about to spew at his baby

brother. Jeremy was right. It all went back to Lex being a damn thinker. Groaning, he drained

his beer and placed the bottle by the foot of his chair before falling into the soft leather. "And

for the record, you are a good looking man."

Jeremy laughed. "See?"

Lex smiled. "What do I do now?"

"Go back and see what happens. It's not like this man wasn't into it...what's his name?"

"Franco, something-or-other."

"Bear looking-Mutha about yea high?" Jeremy lifted a hand high above his head.

Lex nodded.

"I remember him."

"Did you sleep with him?"

Jeremy smirked. "Jealous?"

Lex hated when Jeremy got that way. Sure he was jealous. The thought of any other man

touching Franco made him want to burn something down. But he rose and grabbed his bottle.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he lied. Exiting the room, he entered the kitchen and

grabbed another beer. His prayer that Jeremy would leave him alone died on his lips as Jeremy

stuck his head into the kitchen before the rest of his body.

"I know you, Lex. You're jealous at the thought I may have slept with him."

"If you say so."

Jeremy exhaled loudly. "No. I didn't sleep with him. I know who he is because he's always

sitting in that one corner. I've never actually seen him with anyone."

Hearing that caused Lex to lift his head and lock eyes with Jeremy. That could only mean he

wasn't really interested in anyone else.

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Or he hasn't done anyone while Jeremy was there.

Lex hid his frustration by lifting the new bottle of beer to his lips.

“There’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Jeremy repeated. “Franco isn’t exactly bad looking.”

“Aren’t we the king of understatements? The man is sexy as hell. He’s not just good


"So what are you going to do?" Jeremy pushed.

Lex shrugged. "Why'd you come over anyway? I thought you were supposed to be in San

Francisco today?"

"I was. The client called and postponed. His wife went into labor."

"Oh yeah. That would require a postponement."

Jeremy chuckled. "To always knowing the unpredictable to be unpredictable." He lifted his

beer bottle.

Lex laughed and touched his bottle to his brother's. "Here, here."

“You want to know what I think you should do?”

“If I say no will you leave it alone?”

Jeremy chuckled. “Not in a million years. You should know me better than that.”

“All right then.”

“Look. Franco Mecino is the kind of man who loves it rough but not too rough,” Jeremy

explained, leaning in as if he was imparting earth shattering wisdom. “He loves a man who

wants to take control, who fights him for domination and pins him. He’s the kind of man who

loves you to hold him down and make him give it up. You want Franco, Lex, you’re going to

have to show him you’re not going to stay inside your head and hide. Show him that you’re

going to tie him up and make him make you cum. Get it?”

Lex was so embarrassed but he remembered a quote he heard a dancer say a long time ago.

If he wasn’t afraid to be himself, he could make his wildest dreams come true.

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Chapter Four

Franco dropped his stuff in his locker. It’d been three days and Lex hadn’t called nor had he

returned to The Peeping Hole. More frustrated than ever, he locked the locker and exited the

private room to climb the stairs to the second level. Before he could get to the steps, however,

he noticed Alexander waving to him. Frowning, he walked over and pulled out one of the



“This came for you today,” Alexander said, handing over a large envelope.

Franco eyed the envelope without taking it. “What’s in it?”

“Now there’s a dumb question if I ever heard one. How am I supposed to know? I don’t

snoop through people’s mail. Either take it or I drop it in the mailbox with a return to sender.”

Franco rolled his eyes and snatched the envelope and pushed from the stool. He turned for

the steps again and once more Alexander’s voice stopped him.

“You know, Franco. You are so damned sexy when you’re mad. Maybe you could use that

energy for some good in my direction, huh?”


Franco growled and jogged up the stairs. When he had a drink and was finally sitting in his

regular booth, a man came over to him but he simply shooed him away and turned on the light.

Turning the envelope over in his hand, he noticed there was no return address. It had his

name, the club’s address, the stamp and a watermark. In the far right corner was an express it

sticker. Shrugging, Franco shoved a finger through the open loop at the top and pushed. The

sharp sound of tearing paper erupted over the moans and whips cracking around him. Franco

peered into the envelope to see a DVD.

“What in the hell...” He dumped the DVD into his palm and looked it over. There weren’t

any markings at all on it. Opening the case, he gently removed the disc itself and turned it over

in his hand before looking around. He made a run down the stairs and by the front bar before

locking himself in one of the video rooms, ejected the porn that was in the player and inserting

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his own. Falling into the plush seat across the room, he grabbed the remote from the table

beside him, took a deep breath and pressed play.

The camera moved across an open spot until it hit the back of a man’s legs. Franco knew

instantly who it was but still he leaned forward, his eyes glued to the screen as the camera

lifted up over thick, muscular thighs, perfectly rounded ass cheeks, the small of his back until it

hit the back of Lex’s head. Franco gasped softly, a low sound that left him with a hoarse groan.

When Lex finally turned around, the camera shook as though someone was putting it down and

Lex turned and backed away until he was seated on a large bed. He hiked his legs up and

spread them to expose the large, hard, chocolate cock dripping pre-cum to the bed below. Lex

had the kind of cock Franco knew what to do with. It had the rounded head, like a mushroom,

perfectly formed for sucking. He desperately needed to feel it between his lips, hard and

dripping against his tongue.

“Shit,” Franco whispered, rubbing his hand over the bulge in the front of his pants.

Franco felt himself drooling but he just couldn’t seem to get his mind to lift his hand to wipe

it away. He wanted to quell the urge raging through him to hold Lex down and take him. But no

matter how hard he tried, all he could focus on was Lex--his fingers tightening around that

delicious cock and jerking. He licked his lips as Lex’s chest heaved harder, faster. Just the

thought of standing in the same room with Lex so completely overcome with passion drove

Franco to lean forward even more. He needed to get Lex’s nipples between his teeth, to bite

them, to lick them even as Lex worked his own dick.

Franco loved the way Lex’s eyes rolled into his head just before white spunk shot from his

hard dick. Lex growled. His head fell back but he kept right on jerking himself. He shifted

slightly and used his free hand to pinch at his own nipples until his penis stopped firing. When

that finally happened, Lex leaned in as though locking eyes with Franco.

“Boo!” Lex said simply.

Franco groaned and fell from his chair. He’d been so taken in by what was happening, Lex

had startled him. His hand hit the desk and the envelope fell to the ground and a card skidded

from inside the package. Picking it up, he held his breath and counted to ten. His vision was

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slightly blurred from the excitement so he had to close them before eyeing the card again. It

had Lex’s address along with the words Come and get it.


Lex bit against the tip of the pen and looked at the clock. Franco should have gotten his

package already. Shaking his head, Lex closed the laptop, put away the file he'd been agonizing

over and eased back in his chair with a bottle of water. He desperately wanted a beer but he

really didn’t think drinking alone was such a good idea. He reached for a pile of marking but

just the thought of doing work hurt his brain. He kept thinking back to Franco and what could

be going through his mind. What if Franco laughed at him? What if Franco thought it was

childish and boring? Why he’d listened to Jeremy was beyond him. Leaving his office, he

wandered the house, bypassing the gym and kitchen for the living room where he browsed his

CDs until he found one of the oldies. Pulling it from the case, he pushed it into the player and

waited as the smooth sound of Keith Sweat filled the room.

Peeling his shirt off, he dropped it on the sofa and fell into the seat beside it, resting his

head back and closing his eyes. Peace slowly washed over him and because of that, Franco

Mecino followed. He moaned, remembering the way Franco’s cock twitched beneath then

erupted. When Franco’s cum hit his lip, it burned so sweetly he had to lick at it. The delicious

taste flowed through him, leaving Lex panting and wanting.

Why did I run?

What was I so afraid of?

Running was easy.

Lex shifted on the sofa, stretched his legs out further and took another breath. He didn’t

open his eyes for he was desperately trying to stop the thoughts dancing around inside his

head. Each thought ended with one conclusion—Lex Walker was ravenous, unpredictable and

wanted so badly to be released. He couldn’t be that Lex, the one who wanted to be held down

and fucked deeply. He just couldn’t allow himself to go there.

“Stop thinking about it,” he muttered. “Just clear your mind and think of something else.

Anything else.”

No avail.

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The way Franco’s body shivered and shook as his orgasm washed over him, the length of his

beautiful neck, the grip of his fingers against his own cock left Lex feeling as if he was about to


From somewhere deep inside his brain, he heard a bell and jerked forward in his seat.

Perhaps he'd been dreaming. With a shake of his head, Lex relaxed against the seat but when

the door-bell peeled, he rose and walked out of the living room.

He expected it to be his brother but when he opened the door and his eyes caught Franco,

Lex froze. For the time it took to inhale, no words passed between them. A form of electricity

charged the air between them and like two magnets, they slammed together, their bodies

trembling. A soft gasped managed to leave Lex’s body just before Franco took his lips as though

it would be the last kiss they would share instead of the first. Fire surged through Lex’s body as

Franco forced his lips open. Willingly, he sucked Franco’s tongue in. The kiss was like being

burned alive but he didn’t care. It was a wonderful sensation that caused his knees to tremble

and his mind to go blind with passion. He fought with Franco, trying desperately to get them in

the door and to get Franco’s clothes off.

Franco growled and shoved Lex back. Lex smirked and eased forward again only to have

Franco hold him by the neck and shove him back into the wall. Lex groaned at the pleasure

charging through him. Franco seemed primal, breathing heavily against Lex’s face then the side

of his head and ear. His body writhed against Franco, pressing his hard cock against Lex’s thigh.

He rolled his hips, squeezing his cock and moaning at the electricity it caused. Wrapping his

arms around his soon to be lover, Lex dragged his nails down Franco’s shirt covered back and

turned his head to bite at Franco’s ear.

“Damn,” Franco swore. “You are so fucking sexy. And that tape...I can't wait to get you on

my tongue.”

“Did it do it for you, Franco? Do you like watching me lying there, helpless, ready for your

mouth and cock?”

“You have no idea.” Franco caressed his free hand down Lex’s bare arm before dipping to

grab Lex’s dick. He massaged, squeezed hard and pulled. “I want you to walk me to your living

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room. Then you’re going to kneel against the back of the sofa with your arms behind your back.

Any questions?”

Lex shook his head and after Franco released him, he walked into the living room. He was

about to climb onto the sofa when Franco stopped him.

“Take off the pants.”

Lex did as he was told. When he was fully naked, he climbed to the sofa, rested his chest

against the back of it and folded his arms behind his back above his ass. Arching his back

outward, he was tempted to look. But still, he had to trust what was about to happen. Franco

took his hand and Lex felt himself being tied up. Moaning, he squirmed slightly before glancing

over his shoulder. Franco caressed one of his cheeks before spanking him hard on the ass.

Lex gasped and panted softly even as another slap hit his cheek. They rained down against

his ass in rapid succession, over and over until finally, Franco caressed the burn.

“Shit, baby,” Lex whispered, sticking his ass out for more.

Franco pushed a finger to brush over his hole so Lex spread his legs wider. Something a little

warm fell against Lex’s ass. He tried looking back to see what it was but Franco grabbed the

back of his neck, keeping him in place. More warm liquid hit his skin, running down his ass and

seeping in between.

Without a word, Franco bent forward and licked. “You taste so damn good,” Franco

moaned. “Especially with chocolate syrup.”

His tongue slid over Lex’s hole leaving him struggling against his restraints. But Franco had

done well with the knots. All Lex could do was toss his head back, press his eyes closed and

shout his joy to the ceiling. Between the spanking and the licking, Lex was in complete, blissful

heaven. Pushing backward, he drove his ass onto Franco’s tongue, pulling the muscle deeper

into him. He could feel his cock dripping and wanted so desperately to stroke it. He whispered

Franco’s name but Franco merely poured more liquid on his back and licked it off.

****Franco moaned at the sounds leaving Lex. He loved hearing the breathy way his name

erupted from Lex’s mouth. He sank his tongue deeper into Lex, drawing every breath he could.

Touching himself with Lex on his tongue was the biggest turn on he’d found in his adult life.

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Taking a breath, he eased away from Lex and gripped his hips. He turned Lex on the sofa so Lex

was sitting.

“Spread your legs for me.”

He eyed Lex’s cock greedily before falling to his knees and pulling it into his mouth. Swirling

his tongue around the head, he sucked hard, allowing the hard shaft to slide over his tongue.

He dragged a hand up Lex’s abs, feeling the way his fingers rippled over them as they tensed

and released. He loved the sweat covered heat of Lex's skin and pushed up slightly to run his

tongue the same trail his hands had made.


“Yes, baby?”

“Please...put out the fire.”

“Are you sure?”

“Oh, hell yes.”

Franco smiled at the reply and eased back to strip. He hunched down to grab a condom

from his bag and ripped open the packet. Reaching for a tube of lube, he walked back to Lex

and eased him from the sofa to his knees on the floor.

“Open your mouth,” he ordered.

To his joy, Lex did as he was told. Franco rewarded him with a squirt of lube against his

tongue before walking before him and bending over. He spread his cheeks before Lex’s face

and was in hog-heaven when he didn’t have to tell Lex what to do. The chocolate stud behind

him licked at his hole, spreading the lube against it before sticking his tongue deep. Franco

grunted to keep his control but it was getting increasingly harder. He touched himself,

squeezing the head of his dick until he almost passed out from the pleasure. His nipples were

next—tortured, pulled and pinched until he growled and reared away from Lex’s tongue. Once

more he squirted some lube on his lover’s tongue and assumed the position. This time, he only

stood still long enough to get his ass nice and slippery before turning to roll the condom onto

Lex’s pulsing cock. He walked over to the far wall and braced his elbows against it. Spreading

his legs, Franco looked back at Lex and smiled.

“Come and get it,” he said softly.

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****Lex pushed from where he was sitting. Standing was a bit of a chore since his knees

were so weak. All he could think of was the fact he needed to cum and soon. Not being able to

touch Franco was starting to irritate him but when he was close enough, Franco reached back

for his dick. He stood there allowing this man to aim the dark cock precisely where he wanted it

before pushing his hips forward. Lex grit his teeth while he slipped deeper into Franco’s slick,

hot channel. It was so tight Lex had to stop for a moment to catch his breath before slamming

his hips forward.

“Shit! I’m so full,” Franco panted out.

Lex smiled, withdrew then drove forward again. He pushed to his tip toes for a better ride

and rolled his hips roughly against Franco.

“Damn!” Franco called out each time Lex shoved into him.

“You wanted this cock, Franco,” Lex teased, grinding against Franco. “So take it. Take all of

it! Ride back on it.”

Franco obliged and Lex purred. He licked his lips, tugged once more against the restraints

but still they didn’t budge. He then took out his frustration on Franco’s ass, drilling into him.

Lex’s chest heaved, his lungs burned and his cock threatened to explode. Still he didn’t stop. He

listened to Franco’s shout for more and used them to fuel the beast alive within him. When he

finally erupted, he had no energy to pull out. All he did was bury himself balls-deep inside his

lover, toss his head back and fill Franco's body with heat.

Franco helped greatly for just as Lex’s cock stopped shooting, Franco made a sound in his

throat. Suddenly his dick was being squeezed so deliciously tight, all he could do was allow

another wave of aftershocks to take him as Franco’s orgasm milked every bit of cum from both

their dicks.

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Chapter Five

Lex glanced at his watch and took a breath. “Oh crap,” he muttered. Slamming his sketch

pad shut, he wondered how long it would be before Jeremy knocked on the front door. He’d

been so enthralled by the new summer dresses he’d come up with that time simply floated

from morning to almost midday. He didn’t have time to make anything so he ordered in some

Jamaican Jerk Chicken with fried festival along with some Kola Champagne. He'd loved the

taste of the carbonated drink for as long as he could remember.

Thankfully the order came before Jeremy did and Lex had it all packed. By the time the

doorbell rang, Lex had changed into a pair of jeans and a dress shirt and was sitting with his

sketch pad.

“Hey big brother,” Lex greeted Jeremy with a fist bump. Jeremy dumped his coat over the

back of a chair in the living room before both men ventured into the kitchen.

“How’s the crowd today?” Lex asked, handing Jeremy a plate and a fork.

Jeremy took a breath. “It was crazy. I would have been here earlier but people just kept on

coming for the crayfish.”

“So it’s a hit then?”

“Man, you have no idea. We ran out just before I left. Arti is busy on the phones to see if he

can get some more for tomorrow. But they’re going to charge us extra for emergency service.”

“That stinks. But the restaurant is your baby and you want it to keep succeeding so pay the


“You’re a barrel of sunshine, you know that?”

Lex laughed, popping a piece of chicken into his mouth. “I need to ask you a question. And

you have to be straight up with me, alright?”


“Do you think I’m a coward?”


“It’s a simple question, Jer. Do you think I’m a coward?”

“Why would you ask me that?”

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“I mean, I’m thirty seven, right? And I’ve never once let go and did something out of my

comfort zone.”

Jeremy rolled his eyes and bit off a piece of a festival. “That doesn’t make you a coward,

Lex. Not everyone can be an extrovert.”

Lunch was out of the way and Lex knew his brother wanted to say something but silence

slipped between them.. Eventually they made it into the kitchen and Lex started in on the

dishes while Jeremy’s eyes were burning a hole into his back. When he couldn’t take it

anymore, Lex took a deep breath before turning to face his brother. “What?”

“I’m trying to put my finger on it,” Jeremy replied with a shrug.

“On what?”

“You have this look about you,” Jeremy said with a slight yawn. “It’s the look of a man that

was thoroughly fucked. Did you take my advice?”

Lex lifted his bottle of water toward his lips. “What do you think?” He took a drink and

recapped the bottle.

“Oh shit!” Jeremy exclaimed happily. “Was it Franco? Why are you holding out on me?”

“I wasn’t holding out on you. I just didn’t know how to bring it up. It’s not like I could say,

Hey, guess what? I fucked some random guy yesterday!”

Jeremy laughed and shook his head. “He’s not some random guy, Lex. Don’t make things

sound so seedy.”

“Isn’t it? I mean I barely know the guy. I don’t know anything about him.”

“That’s because you haven’t asked. I’m sure if you ask him he’ll tell you he’s the sheriff in


“Holy shit! He’s a cop!”

“Don’t be so dramatic. It’s not like fucking a consenting adult is a crime.” Jeremy walked to

the fridge and opened it. “Just don’t be so dramatic when you see him again.”

“I got tired of being the good one so I did something about it.”

“Something? Stop being so vague. Forget I said anything about law enforcement. So, how

did you do it?”

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Thinking back to it, Lex suddenly felt a pang of shame. He’d striped down and bared it all. “I

sent him a little tape I made and he came over. We didn’t get a chance to talk. I fell asleep and

when I woke up he was gone.”

“It’s not like you don’t know where to find him. And I thought you didn’t want a

relationship, either.”

Lex put the bottle down on the counter and climbed onto a stool grabbing a handful of

grapes from a nearby bowl and popping a couple into his mouth as he sighed.



“You weren’t looking for a relationship with Franco, were you?”

“Don’t be stupid. I just—I’m never going to have that kind of wild, dominating, freeing sex

with anyone else. Think about it.”

“What do you mean dominating?”

Lex’s cheeks heated up and he popped a few more grapes into his mouth. He chewed

silently until Jeremy punched him against the arm. “What the fuck?”

“I asked you a question! Don’t just leave me hanging!”

“He tied me up. He spanked me but so help me I couldn’t help but beg him for more.”


“You’re impossible, you know that? I can’t talk to you when you get like this.”

“Like what? Lex, it's about time you let someone tie you up. Wait, what’s with the look?”

“I wanted him to fuck me. But even with the lack of him actually taking me I still feel like I

was thoroughly pleasured.”

Jeremy arched a brow and leaned an elbow on the counter. He had the look of a man who

was just told some shocking secret and he was trying to decide if the secret had indeed been

spoken. “Wait, you fucked him?”

“Yeah. Why? You seem shocked.”

“As far as I know he wasn’t versed. But what do I know?”

“Well, he was yesterday. Why do I feel so empty now?”

“Probably because he didn’t fill you up to begin with?”

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Lex growled. “You’re a jerk.”

“I’ve been told. Look, I’d love to stay here and shoot the breeze with you but I really should

get back before Arti burns the place down.”

Lex chuckled. “If he hasn’t yet I don’t think it’s going to happen. I should get some marking


“It's Friday, Lex. Go find Franco. Grading papers can wait until Sunday.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Should I tell Jesse to set a place for us on Sunday?”

Lex arched a brow and tilted his head.

“You forgot...the poker game?”

“Oh right!” Lex massaged his forehead. “Yeah, sure. Eight o’clock is it?”

Jeremy nodded.

“Okay. I’ll be there.”

After a quick hug, Jeremy was gone and Lex was left sitting in the kitchen eyeing his bottle

of water with something akin to contempt.

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Chapter Six

Franco pushed from his desk and closed the file he’d been browsing but not before he

pulled the drawer out and removed his gun, sticking it into the holster on his hip. With that

secure, he pulled on his jacket to cover the weapon and his badge before walking into the main


“Hey X, you out for the day?” Brenda asked.

“Yeah. I. If you need me, I’ve got my cell.”

“I thought Braxton was on call for the next week.”

Franco laughed and kissed her cheek gently. “He is. But you know how territorial I am when

it comes to my town.”

“You need to get laid, you know that?” Brenda arched a brow at him. “You have too much

time on your hands.”

“And I love you, too, mama.”

“Shoo!” She grinned. “Get out of here.”

Laughing, Franco exited the building walking toward his motorcycle. He never liked taking a

squad car home—parking that thing in his driveway was an eyesore. He wondered if Lex would

come back to the Peeping Hole if he called him and invited him. Right as he was tossing his legs

over the cycle, his cell phone rang causing him to groan.

“This is a joke right?” He looked up at the sky as if waiting for an answer. But the only reply

he received was the continued ringing of the phone. Grabbing it, he pressed it to his ear.


“Franco, it’s Alexander.”

“Son of a bitch.”

“I have some good news for you.”

“You disappeared off the face of the earth?”

Alexander laughed a slow, throaty sound that Franco would have found sexy if he wasn’t so

damn enthralled by Lex. “Not today my friend. But there's someone at the Hole waiting for


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“He’s in the cage room. Get here soon, huh?”


Dial tone.

Franco swore under his breath but still found himself riding through the semi-busy street

toward the Peeping Hole. It wasn’t that he hated Alexander, the man just rubbed him the

wrong way. He slowed at one of the two stop signs in the small town and rested his foot on the

asphalt, leaning back on the cycle. A horn honked behind him and Franco frowned before

pushing from his stopped position. By the time he pulled in front of the club, he was in a better

mood. Letting himself in through the backdoor, he bypassed the bar and Alexander all together

and jogged up the stairs. Moving past the second floor video rooms, he ducked beneath the

stairs and in through a blue door.

In a second set of doors, he tilted his head and smiled to see Lex sitting naked inside the

cage waving a set of keys at him and smirking.

“Are you going to come out and play, Lex?”

Lex shook his head. “That’s not happening. You're going to sit back, relax and watch.”

“Payback, right?”

Lex laughed and dropped the keys on the ground just far enough in the cage so Franco

couldn’t reach in and snag them. Instead, he removed his jacket and placed it onto the desk

beside his chair. He fell into the seat and stretched his legs out before him.

“Alright,” he said softly. “Turn me on.”

“That’s not my job,” Lex whispered, running the tip of his index finger over the head of his

dick. “My job is to get you off.”

Franco smirked. “Touché.”

“Come closer, Franco.” Lex smiled and got this hands and knees. “Get naked for me.”

Franco loved the low growl that escaped Lex's throat as Franco’s hard body came into view.

He licked his lips and crawled to the bars. He gripped them, stuck his mouth through and stuck

out his tongue. “Come here, baby. Let me suck you.”

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Franco smiled and did as Lex asked. He stood before the cage, his aroused cocked poking

through the bars at his lover. With his hands on his hips, he fought hard not to reach in and

caress Lex’s face. There was just something about the dark skinned man before him that left a

certain softness in his heart he thought he was over years ago. Shivering, he watched Lex inch

in until the head of his cock was engulfed by the fire of Lex’s mouth. A long breath seeped from

Franco’s lips and he groaned softly while Lex’s tongue danced over his heated skin.

“Deeper,” he whispered. “Take it all.”

He watched Lex’s nose flare slightly as his cock disappeared into the man’s mouth. Those

big, succulent lips wrapped so tightly around him he wanted to kiss Lex then, have those same

lips suck his tongue in. Still, he remained where he was, now gripping the bars and praying for

patience and sanity. Each time his dick slid down Lex’s throat, he wanted to cum. His whole

body tensed.

“Damn, Lex...I want to taste you so bad.”

“Is that a fact?”

“Yes. Especially when you suck me so damn good...”

Lex chuckled a throaty sound leaving Franco pulling on the bars but he couldn’t get them to

budge. He needed to feel the heat of Lex’s body, the hard muscular planes. His heart almost

stopped when Lex turned and backed his ass up to the bars. Franco lost the ability to think as

he slumped helplessly to his knees. He lifted his hands not sure where to put them first.

“Don’t just kneel there and stare at it.” Lex laughed softly, shaking his hips. “Get it.”

Franco moaned and attacked. He spread the brown cheeks before him and plunged his

tongue in deep.

“Oh baby, yes!”

Franco lost himself in the musky taste of Lex’s ass. He slid his tongue in and out, using it as

he would like to use his dick in a few minutes. Sucking on his index finger, he removed his

tongue and inserted it instead, watching Lex’s back arch, knowing he should push in deeper.

Working the finger in, he dropped kisses against Lex’s ass and to as much of flesh he could


“I need you,” Franco admitted. “I need to feel you.”

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Lex pulled away from him and he watched Lex unlock the door and exit the cage. Now

together, Franco didn’t rise from his knees but nursed on Lex’s cock. He enjoyed the taste of

hot, precum flowing over his tongue. Each swallow turned him on even more, made him feel

like a dirty little slut and he loved every second of it. He reached behind Lex with a wet finger

and drove into Lex’s ass.

****Lex gripped Franco’s shoulder and looked down into his eyes. Each time his cock

entered Franco’s mouth, a large finger impaled him. He’d never felt so good as he did when he

drove his hips forward and slammed them back on the finger.

“Gimme your cock,” Lex demanded, digging his nails into Franco’s shoulder. “Fuck me.”

“Turn around.”

Lex did it willingly and was rewarded by a thick, hard cock in his ass. His toes curled and his

body shook. He was full to perfection and all he could do for a moment was kneel there,

stunned. Franco dragged a hand down his spine and that seem to pull him from his daze. He

was being fucked from behind hard and fast, just the way he liked it. But he’d never screamed

out a man’s name the amount of times he called for Franco. Sweat poured down his body but

he didn’t care.

They switched positions.

Lex was now braced against the cage, facing Franco, legs apart, being drilled hard. Each

insertion caused his dick to rub sweetly against Franco’s abs making him breathe faster. Franco

slammed his open palm into the cage and the act of roughness sent Lex’s senses swirling.

“You want to cum, baby?” Franco asked, leaning in to suck Lex’s tongue. “Tell me you want

to cum.”

Lex pulled his mouth away trying to breathe. “I want to cum! Fuck me harder!”

When Franco obliged him, Lex whimpered.

“Is this what you wanted?” Franco questioned, his voice broke with the force he was

pushing into Lex.

Finally Lex’s body erupted, spurting cum against Franco’s abs with a splash landing against

Franco’s lips. Lex was so weak with the force of his climax, he slumped heavily into the cage.

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Still, he couldn’t help reaching up and sucking the cum from Franco’s lips before kissing his


He knew Franco hadn’t cum yet and he wasn’t about to let this sexy cop stop without

feeling his spend his load. Smiling, he pinched at Franco’s nipples, twisting them violently until

Franco seemed to stop breathing. The only sign of life was the hard force of hot jizz shooting

inside the condom in his ass. Lex licked his lips, released the abused nipples but took that soft

moment after some amazing sex to suck against Franco’s nipples.

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Chapter Seven

Lex watched his brother shove a Chinese dumpling into his mouth and Lex made a face

reaching for his chopsticks.

“So what does this mean?” Jeremy questioned.

Lex lifted some rice to his mouth and eased back into the sofa. He then peered into the

box, using his chopstick to move the food around inside. “Why do you have to put a name on


“I don’t. But I know you better than you think and this whole sex without strings thing isn’t

what you’re into.”

“Yeah, but I’m happy right now. The last thing I need is to put too much into this and he’s

not into it like that, you know? I don’t want to seem needy.”

“But you are.”

“Yeah. He doesn’t have to know that.”

Jeremy laughed and flopped onto the seat beside Lex. He was quiet for a moment and Lex

knew his brother’s wheels were turning. Finally Lex groaned. “What?”

“I think you and Franco should date. No pressure. Just dinner here, some booty there and

see where things lead. I mean you did say you’re not getting any younger.”

Taking a breath, Lex suddenly didn’t feel much like eating anymore. He dunked his

chopsticks into the box and placed it on the table with the others. He really didn’t understand

why he kept allowing his brother to order food. Jeremy always got enough food to feed a small

village. Muttering under his breath, he reached for his glass and rested back while sipping.

“I could learn to love Franco,” Lex admitted. “He's always so careful with me and when he

gets rough, he always asks if he hurt me.”

“Yeah. You told him he hurt you so good so he should do it again?”

“Man whore.”

“I resemble that remark!”

Lex moaned in frustration but a smile danced about his lips. The two men switched

conversation when Lex turned on the football game. By the time the game was over, the living

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room looked like a bomb hit it. There was popcorn discarded on the floor, over turned soda

cans, a bowl, sitting on the sofa between the brothers and Lex was frowning deeply.

“How did he miss that catch?” he asked. “How can anyone miss that catch?”

“I’m telling you man. I don’t root for them but that was a stupid play.”

Lex glanced around the living room and though he felt like crying, he didn’t move to clean

up any of the mess. He simply took a deep breath and turned the channel to a digital music

one. Jeremy instantly stood up and did a pelvic thrust to Ericatoure leaving Lex laughing so

hard he thought he was going to puke just as the doorbell rang.

“Did I come at a bad time?” Franco asked.

Lex chuckled and shook his head. “I was just laughing at my brother. Come on in.”

“I can come back.”

“Don’t be a nerd.” Lex gripped Franco’s shoulder and pulled forward. Franco crashed into

his chest moaning, Lex accepted Franco’s offered lips. The kiss sent Lex’s body into a whirlwind

of emotions as he took a breath and eased away from Franco’s muscular frame to close the

door. Leading the way, he walked Franco into the living room and the two men shook hands.

“Jeremy, right?” Franco asked.

Jeremy nodded. “Didn’t think you remembered.”

“I’m a cop. I’m good with faces,” Franco replied.

“Do you want something to drink?” Lex asked.

“I shouldn’t stay. You two were obviously having a great night.”

Jeremy reached against the back of a sofa and grabbed his jacket. “Nope. I was just leaving.

My team creamed Lex’s.”

Lex made a face. “Because of that last minute fumble!”

“Boys! Boys! Do I have to separate you?”

Jeremy and Lex laughed, bumped fists and after another handshake with Franco, Lex was

out the door.

“Are you sure I can’t get you something to drink? Something to eat?”

“I’m sure.” Franco looked in the direction Jeremy left with his hands stuck deeply into the

pockets of his tight jeans.

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“What’s the matter?”

“He knows, doesn’t he?” Franco questioned.

Lex nodded. “He’s my brother. Of course he knows. I don’t hide anything from him—rather I

try to hide things from him but he reads me like a book and figures it out anyways. Besides, if it

wasn’t for him, I probably wouldn’t have gone back to the Peeping Hole or sent that tape.”

“I watch that tape from time to time,” Franco admitted. His eyes flickered in the dim light.

“When I want to remember what it feels like to be in the presence of the sexiest man I’ve ever


“You really don’t mean that.”

Franco’s voice dipped low. “Don’t I? Want proof?”

Lex didn’t reply. There was a strange teenage awkwardness about the air around them. He

felt like he did the first time he was alone with a boy in his bedroom, not sure if he should

follow his instincts or run away.

Franco must have felt it, too, given he took a loud breath, cleared a spot on the sofa and

sat. Lex dragged his palms against his thighs and sat across Franco’s lap. “I’m glad you stopped

by. I was going to call you.”

“Is that right?” Franco questioned, nuzzling Lex’s neck.

Franco smelled like a man, hot and musky. The scent alone sent Lex’s body into heightened

attention so he pulled his neck away from Franco’s skillful mouth. “I needed to ask you a

question,” Lex said, tangling his arms around Franco’s neck to keep Franco against the back of

the sofa. “And I don’t want you to answer if you think it’s not something you want.”

“Just ask, Lex.”

Lex's cheeks heated and his body trembled with the fear of rejection pulsating through him.

But he was a grown man, he had to be able to say what was on his mind without breaking into a

cold sweat.

“I haven’t been in a trusting adult relationship in a few years,” Lex said, then stopped

himself to shake his head. “Not that a relationship is what you want. But I should have told you

before. I don’t do flings. I don’t want to be with someone, spend so much time with someone if

there is no space to build for us. I sound needy, don’t I?”

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“No. Not needy.”

“Then what?”

Franco’s chest rose and fell causing Lex to lift slightly off him and fall against him. “You

know what you want. Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited for a man who knows

precisely what he wants from me?”

“No,” Lex sighed.

Franco chuckled. “You obviously don’t want money and even if you did, I’m a cop. On my

salary there’s nothing to give. You know you don’t want a fling and at my age, I'm ready for


“So we wait and see?” Lex whispered, brushing his lips against Franco’s.

“Yep,” Franco replied, nipping at Lex’s lips. “We wait and see. It makes no sense jumping

head first into something. We have to get to know each other better. But I have to tell you,

once you decide for sure, I'm with you and only you. I expect the same.”

Lex nodded. “I understand.”

“Can you do that, Lex?”

“Yes I can.” Lex smiled.

“Good.” Franco caressed up and down his back again. “It’s so good to have a boyfriend.”

Lex burst out laughing.

“Now, I don’t mean to ruin this sweet little moment we have going, but could you open

your legs for me?”

The End


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