How to SSP Service Style

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Be Confident and Knowledgeable

How to…

How we do it…

Confident and knowledgeable people will…

Provide up-to-date product knowledge

Describe products accurately, or if applicable,

offer a sample to help customers make a decision

Perform their roles confidently

Take and show customers where products are

Confidently make suggestions about additional or alternative items

Sell up – (medium drink to a large drink)

Know the current promotions

Answer queries about the travel hub/location and locality they work in

e.g. platform locations, cash machines, taxi pick-up point, phones, toilets etc

Comply with legal responsibilities – licensing laws, serving disabled customers, underage sales etc

Follow brand standards

Provide a receipt with each transaction

Acknowledge customers when busy via eye contact or appropriate comment, and serve them as soon

as possible

Manage customer queues effectively by apologising for keeping customers waiting

Confidently chat to customers

Use their knowledge of foreign languages to assist customers when appropriate

Ask for assistance when they need it

Do all of the above because they have been trained, given the opportunity to practice to make perfect,

communicated with via daily huddles/staff meetings, and they work as a team.

Confident and knowledgeable
people won’t…

Ignore customers – either actually or through

body language

Use languages other than English between team

members – may be construed as harassment by other

team members who may feel excluded, or may make

customers feel uncomfortable

Struggle to explain a product or promotion

Ignore brand standards

Ignore their legal responsibilities/requirements

– e.g. selling alcohol to under 18s

Fail to acknowledge a customer when busy

– e.g. on a phone call, cleaning duty, etc

Respond negatively to customers

– “I don’t know!” “I can’t do that!” “No!”

Forget to issue a receipt

Be task-focused rather than customer-focused.

Team Members

March 2009


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Be Passionate and Committed

Passionate and committed people will…

Know the key moments of contact – greet, take order, present order, take payment, thank and part acknowledge

every customer

make eye contact


feel comfortable interacting with customers

be well-mannered and polite

get involved in an appropriate level of conversation with the customer depending on circumstances

– if quiet-longer conversation; if busy; keep it short and chat whilst assembling order

have a willingness to help and go the ‘extra mile’ for customers and colleagues

put the customer first

show they care about the customer’s ongoing journey, not just the few minutes they are in the unit

wear the correct uniform

have time for customer questions

show genuine interest in customers

care about the products they serve

take responsibility and ownership for their actions

be committed to their colleagues, unit and company

do all of the above because they have been trained, given the opportunity to practice to make perfect,

communicated with via daily huddles/staff meetings, and they work as a team.

Passionate and committed people won’t…

Display apathy

Fail to acknowledge customers

Fail to greet customers

Fail to engage in conversation during the transaction

Fail to wear the correct uniform

Give a robotic service with no feeling/emotion

in what they say or do

Display poor body language

– slouching or no eye contact

Talk to colleagues while serving customers,

unless seeking help in serving the customer

Have poor timekeeping/attendance.

How to…

Team Members

March 2009


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Be Consistent

How to…

How we do it…

Create well-merchandised stores/units

Follow planograms

Reject sub standard products

Ensure product is available

Check the unit/display from the customer’s viewpoint (following the travel path)

Have the latest promotions in place

Properly rotate stock – nothing out-of-date/time

Ensure uncluttered aisles and counter tops

Anticipate customer requirements

Ensure staff appearance and attitude is

Correct (i.e. to standard)

Give the customer what they want, when they want it

Train and coach their teams as appropriate

Do all of the above because they have been trained, given the opportunity to practice to make perfect,

communicated with via daily huddles/staff meetings, and they work as a team.

Consistent people won’t…

Have key stock not on shelves

Have gaps on shelves for longer than necessary

Ignore production plans/planograms

Fail to have shelf-edge talkers or other Point of Sale in place

Display incorrect promotions

Be stocking up at peak times

Leave boxes and packaging in aisles

Be unhelpful

Ignore uniform standards

Have substandard products

Have out-of-date/time products

Have dirty tools/utensils – cups, glasses, tongs

Have poorly merchandised displays

– not to planogram, dirty etc

Have staff not trained or coached.

Team Members

March 2009


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Put Things Right

People who ‘Put things right’ will…

Follow the SSP framework (Listen, Apologise, Solve, Thank)

Offer a genuine apology and listen to the customer

Have the confidence to ask questions to clarify any points

Stay calm

Take appropriate swift action

Take responsibility and ownership for resolving the complaint

Replace, refund etc.

Ensure the customer has a positive resolution

Explain what they can do, rather than what they can’t do

Not offer excuses – customers normally aren’t interested

Feel comfortable in dealing with the situation

Follow up action as appropriate, to try and prevent it happening again

– e.g. inform Manager/Supervisor

Do all of the above because they have been trained, given the opportunity to practice to make perfect,

communicated with via daily huddles/staff meetings, and they work as a team.

People who ‘Put things right’ l won’t…

Give a negative first reply – “If you don’t like it”… “I can’t do …”

Ignore the SSP framework

Fail to listen to the issue so that they end up offering wrong solutions

Do nothing, or ignore the issue in the hope it will go away

Show disinterest

Be silent during the transaction

Pass the buck – blaming others

Be rude

Argue with the customer

Say “The Manager isn’t here – fill in a comment card”.

How to…

Team Members

March 2009


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Provide a Memorable Experience

How to…

People who ‘Put things right’ will…

react swiftly to customer needs

not keep customers waiting

provide customers with options and choices relating to additional products and/or ‘up sell’

– and see it as part of offering service, not as ‘hard selling’

‘Switch on for service’ (be focused) – smile, be polite

adapt their style to different customers – e.g. chatting, offering help etc.

manage customer expectations

react to, and manage queues

prepare the unit/store for peak times

create a service environment

provide appropriate speed of service

enjoy thanking customers and expressing a genuine parting comment appropriate to the customer/situation

present products to standard, regardless of peak periods or the situation

apologise for any delay in service, and if appropriate, estimate how long it will take, then deliver quickly

do all of the above because they have been trained, given the opportunity to practice to make perfect,

communicated with via daily huddles/staff meetings, and they work as a team.

People who ‘Put things right’ l won’t…

Pay ‘lip service’ by not paying attention

Forget to interact– make eye contact, parting comments, smile etc.

Communicate offers and promotions in a transactional, disinterested manner

Keep customers waiting

Just ‘be there’… but not react for the customer

– physically there to serve, but just going through

the motions

Talk to others and miss the ‘customer moment’

– not reacting to the customer the moment they

are ready to be served

Be unprepared for peak times

Be rude

Give a robotic service – going through the motions

Give a slow service – not stepping up a gear

Poorly present products

Team Members

March 2009


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