the massage an erotic massage and sex erotica story

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Kitty Fine


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Kitty Fine

on Smashwords

The Massage

Copyright © 2012 by Kitty Fine and

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"Come on, Jen. Are you coming out with us tonight? It'll be fun. What are you
going to do? Stay home and mope around?" pleads Anna.

"No, I'm going to stay in tonight. But don't worry about me. I'm just going to stay
in and relax. I've had a long week."

She pauses and grudgingly gives in. "Well, okay. But you have to come out with us
tomorrow night."

I walk over to the large glass sliding doors and admire the view. I look out at the
breathtaking view of the city on the right, and at the tranquil East River view on
the left. It's nice that I can afford the luxury rent on the 33rd floor in Midtown

"I'll think about it, Anna. I'm fine, really. I'll call you tomorrow." We say our
goodbyes. I hang up the phone as I walk over to my full length mirror.

I'm tired of thinking about him. Jason and I went out for a few years after we
graduated college. He moved in my apartment last year, and moved out last month.

I'm not sure if I'm ready to go out and party and hook up with other guys just yet.
But I figured it was time to treat myself. So I called for a massage.

Checking myself out in the mirror, I see that all the time spent in the gym and at
the beach have paid off. My light tan looks great with my toned body.

My long blond locks spill over my shoulders. I don't have a bra on underneath my
light, white tank top. And I'm wearing cute little pink cotton shorts with no panties.

It's been weeks since I've had sex. And a girl’s got her needs.

For a second, I wonder if I have enough time to make myself cum before the
masseuse gets here. My question is answered when I hear the doorbell ring. A little
frustrated, I sigh.

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I walk across my small luxury New York City apartment to answer the door. I've
never gotten an at-home massage before, so I'm not sure what to expect. But after a
long week of work at my demanding consulting job, I'm ready to relieve some

I pull open the door and am immediately struck by his gorgeous baby blue eyes.
They complement his sexy black hair and his tan, perfectly toned body. Wow.

"Oh, hi. Come on in." I smile and try to sound casual. He's carrying a portable
massage table, so I assume it's him. Trying to hold back my drool, I make a mental
note to call this new massage place more often.

"Thank you. I’m Eric. You must be Jen." His baby blues light up as he shakes my
hand. Ooh, a nice strong grip. I see his eyes go down for brief moment to my hard
nipples poking at my white tank top.

"Where should I set up?" He flashes me a brilliant smile as he glances around my
elegant, city apartment.

"Well, because of our set up, we only get good lighting from the bedroom." Damn,
I gotta get used to not saying ‘we’ anymore.

He quickly sets up his portable massage table in the middle of my bedroom. I
discreetly check him out while he does it.

God, he's hot. Like a young bronze god or Superman. And he's going to put his
hands all over my body. I suddenly feel a stir in between my thighs. My moist
panties are making me a little feisty.

"I've never done this before. So should I take off my clothes and get under the

"Uh, sure. Yeah, that's good." He peels back the small white towel as he looks

I quickly pull off my tank top and shorts. Carefully, I climb up on the wide
massage table and lie flat on my stomach. He slowly lowers the towel to cover my
bare ass.

The large sliding glass doors in the bedroom allow the pre-sunset light to shine
into the apartment. The glass covers the whole side of the wall, framing the luxury
high-rise apartment building across the way.

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Even in my bedroom, covered by a towel, I feel naked and on public display for
my neighbors in the next building. I know one of those tenants has a telescope. I
wonder if he's using it.

I hear Eric rub his hands together before they descend onto my back. His big,
warm hands are covered in oil and they glide smoothly across my back, neck and
shoulders. Instantly, I feel completely relaxed.

His strong hands feel impossibly good on my skin. As he works his way down
along the side of my bare breasts, and down my spine towards my ass, I feel my
juices flowing down my pussy. My lips and inner thighs are slippery wet.

"So this is your first massage? I know I haven't seen you before." Cute. He's trying
to politely break the ice.

"Yes. It's my first time. I've just been working a lot, and figured I deserved a little

"I've been doing sports massage for a couple years now, and usually I work on
athletes. Big guys, normally. No one like you. I'd remember that."

My pulse beats faster. I'm completely naked on the table in front of him, as he
kneads my bare flesh. Is he flirting with me?

His hands go down to work on my calves. He briskly massages and works up
towards my thigh. I'm suddenly aware of how tiny the towel is that’s covering my

It feels so painfully good. I slowly spread my legs apart further, ever so slightly. I
can't help it, but I'm surprised by how incredibly turned on I am.

He works his fingers up my inner thigh and massages my sensitive flesh gently but
deliberately. I can feel another stir rising deep inside me.

His fingers are only inches away from the heat of my wet pussy. I wonder if he can
feel the wetness on my inner thighs.

As he teases me with his skillful fingers, I have to bite my lip to suppress a moan.

"Okay, why don't you turn around?" His husky voice sounds low and steady.

I open my eyes, and slowly turn around to lie on my back as he holds the towel up.
The small white towel is almost like a washcloth really. It only covers my pussy
and hips barely. My bare breasts are exposed.

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Our eyes meet. Then his eyes trail down to my full and perky tits. I try to contain
my excitement, but I'm chewing on my bottom lip.

He slowly and firmly rubs my stomach, quickly working his way up to my naked
breasts. As he cups them and kneads the flesh of my tits, I breathe a little harder.

"You seem a little tense. But wow, you're in great shape. Anyway, let's see what
we can do about that tension."

My pussy throbs as I listen to his sexy voice while he rubs his large, warm hands
all over me.

I close my eyes and savor the sensual feeling. He continues to rub the oil into my
skin, massaging me deliberately and erotically. His hands glide down to my calves.

As his hands trail up my inner thigh, I part my legs again slightly to give him better
access. He gently but firmly pushes them a little further apart. Oh God. He must
see how soakingly wet I am.

I try and steady my breathing to hide how turned on I am. My nipples are rock
hard, either from the slight draft or my growing excitement.

Then for a couple seconds, he stops rubbing me. I guess he's going to put on more

Suddenly, I feel his warm, rigid tongue slide up my wet slit. I gasp. My body
shakes a little from the unexpected and delicious sensation.

His tongue glides up to my throbbing clit and lightly flicks it teasingly. This draws
a low moan from me.

He continues to massage my throbbing pussy with his warm, wet tongue. God, it
feels impossibly good. I open my legs wider, as I breathe harder.

He moves up and concentrates his licks and sucks directly on my clit. A tingling
sensation seizes my sensitive nub, as I grip onto the edges of the table.

"Oh God, UH…uh," I pant under my breath.

It doesn't take long before I feel that familiar sensation building up. My one hand
grabs at the table while my other hand goes down to his head. I entwine my fingers
in his soft, black locks, gently pushing his face deeper against my hot pussy.

"Oh my God baby, I'm gonna cum!" I moan urgently.

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My pussy explodes, as my orgasm hits me and rocks my body. I grip his hair a
little harder, as I grind my drenched pussy into his face. I scream and moan, as I
cum hard.

My body shakes a little while I recover. He slows down his tongue, and gently gets
up. I can see his face is glazed with my juices.

His big, strong hands are all over my body again. As I look at him, he takes my
hand and leads me off the table. Without a word, he sits down on the edge of my
bed a couple feet away, and pulls me on top of him.

He pulls himself back towards the center of the bed and lies down. I quickly jump
on top of him. Oh yes. I'm ready to take control.

I play the cowgirl, but in reverse. I straddle him, while facing towards his feet. His
hands rub my ass as he appreciates the view.

I reach behind myself to grab his engorged dick. Arching my back, I move forward
and position myself at the tip of his ready cock. But first, I tease him a little.

I stroke his warm and rigid cock, and I drag it along my soakingly wet slit,
lubricating him in my cunt juices. From behind me, I hear him moaning.

He feels so good. I'm so horny and I can't wait to feel every inch of him inside me.
I slowly ease myself down, savoring the sensation of him sliding into me and
filling me up.

"Oh God, that feels so good. Mmm... yeah," I moaned breathlessly as he penetrates

I steady myself on top of him, adjusting my hips for leverage. Slowly and
deliberately building up tempo, I thrust backwards, groaning every time his pole
penetrates my wet pussy.

The sensation is almost overwhelming. The loud throbbing in my clit grows with
every thrust, every time I ram his dick deep inside me.

"Mmm... baby, you're so fucking hot," he groans, as he grabs and rubs my ass.

My tits sway back and forth as I fuck him. I know I'm close again. With renewed
urgency I slam my hips back harder, driving him deep and hard inside me.

"Oh my God! Oh God, yeah!, I'm gonna cum!" I freeze while I half
scream and whimper as I cum hard.

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Electric sparks fly through my body, lighting up every nerve ending. I pant and
shutter as the waves of pleasure roll through me.

I hear his grunting stop as he moans. Then he stops.

"Oh yeah, I'm cummin' baby," he grunts. I continue thrusting hard while he cums.
My pussy grips his dick hard, as I feel it spasm and shoot inside me.

We stay still as we pant hard, trying to catch our breath. I slowly unmount him and
collapse onto the bed beside him.

He rolls over on his side and gently tips my chin towards him to give me a deep,
passionate kiss. He explores my mouth hungrily as I moan into his mouth. His
sensual, perfect kiss turns me on even more.

After a moment, we stop and fall back onto the bed pillows with big, content

"Wow, that was incredible," he mutters, a little out of breath. I giggle in agreement.

"I may just need another massage next week," I tease as I trail my fingertips along
his naked chest.

He laughs and grabs me for a hug. I laugh and play wrestle with him. Hm, I think I
may go out with the girls tomorrow night after all.



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Note from the Author:

Hi there,

I hope that was as good for you as it was for me.

So what did you think? Loved it? Hated it?

I take my readers’ feedback very seriously so please feel free to contact me via my
Twitter, website or email. I love getting reviews and constructive feedback on my
erotica short stories.

Thanks for spending some time with me, curling up and purring with this book.


Kitty Fine


Don’t forget to check out the bonus material excerpts on the next pages.


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If you enjoyed this book, then click below to check out other Kitty Fine books and

Erotica Bundles:

Sex Education – 3 Sex Ed Lessons

DP Double Teamed Bundle - 3 Menage Stories

Daddy’s Girl Collection

Sex Diary of a Nymphomaniac Slut

Confessions of a Stripper

Valentine’s Day Sex Sluts

Virgin Sex Bundle

5 Bedtime Erotica Stories

(2 bundles)

Erotica Stories:

Sex on the Beach with My Ex’s Daddy

Losing My Virginity to My Best Friend’s Daddy (Prequel to Daddy’s Girl

My Daddy Cop

(Daddy’s Girl #1)

First Threesome with Daddy

(Daddy’s Girl #2)

DP Double Teamed

(Daddy’s Girl #3)

My Two Daddies

(Daddy’s Girl #4)

Lesbian Sex Story

Forgive Me, Father

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Note: This is not the complete list of Kitty Fine erotica books. For all the latest
updates on new releases, visit the author’s website at


get a free story with the newsletter).

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Losing My Virginity: Taken for a Ride (Sex Ed Lesson 1)

After transfer student Kelly moves into town and meets Dave, a sexy senior, she
falls for his hotness and charm and gives in to his flirty sexual demands. He
doesn’t know it but he’s about to take her virginity. She details how she gets her
“sexual education” from him, including the art of oral sex and first time sex in his
car. When she gets taken for a ride, she just may get what she’s looking for, by the
climactic end of her first Sex Ed lesson.

EXCERPT for Losing My Virginity: Taken for a Ride (Sex Ed Lesson 1)

“Are you sure? Seems awfully out in the open. And we’re parked in front of
someone’s house. Uh, I don’t know.”

“Nah, it’ll be fine. Come on.”

I look around the serene surroundings. The colorful autumn leaves light up the
block in stunningly vibrant red, yellow and orange hues. It’s a beautiful day but
nobody is outside near us. Occasionally, a car drives by the main road.

If my family wasn’t on their way back, I’d take him home. But we didn’t have a
choice. We didn’t have anywhere else to go. And I was ready for a little fun with
him right now.

I grudgingly agree. “Okay, I guess we can try it here.”

He looks at me with his big, sexy, brown eyes and gives me another smile that
makes me melt a little. Then, he slowly leans in towards me. His manly scent
envelopes me.

His lips land on mine as he kisses me. Softly, at first. Then his tongue pries my
mouth open to tongue kiss me passionately. His deliciously sweet kiss puts me in a
foggy haze momentarily. We kiss for a little while longer before we pull back.

The kiss is a little unexpected. We aren’t dating and we’re more like sexy friends. I
decide I’m okay with that. It somehow makes it easier. I’m comfortable around
him. And it’s just physical.

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He looks around furtively. We’ve hooked up a couple times before. I know what’s
coming next. His favorite thing.

“Take off your panties.”

I smile at his order. After I look around, I do as I’m told, and slowly wiggle out of
my thong. I slide it under my mini skirt and down my legs. He watches me as he
undoes his jeans.

I try to fight my rising nervousness. I may be new at this but I want to do it right.

“I want you to go down on me first for a while…like last time.”

I give him a little dirty-girl smile. He loves getting head. A lot.

He pushes his jeans down as I watch. Clearly, he’s ready for the next step in our
“sex education.” He likes to give me private lessons on how to please him. It’s
different. But oh so hot.

Click here to browse the first in the Sex Education series, “Losing My Virginity –
Taken for a Ride.”

* * *

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Oral Sex Ed (Sex Education Lesson 2: Oral Sex)

When Kelly fantasizes in the classroom about her last sex lesson, she takes a
chance on discretely pleasuring herself during class. When she gets caught in the
act by hunky Brad, he gives a sexy proposition she can’t refuse. She details how
she continues her “Sex Ed” lessons with him after class, including the art of oral
sex and even more than she bargained for.

Too Hot and Censored!

Yes, it turns out the “Oral Sex Ed” is TOO HOT for some sites but you can still get
it at other websites.

Find out where you can find it on Kitty’s site at



EXCERPT from Oral Sex Ed

Finally, the bell rings, signaling the end of class. It’s our last period so thankfully,
it’s the end of the school day. Everyone gets up quickly and hustles out of the
classroom. I take my time, pretending to finish writing something before I slowly
pack up. Looking up, I see that the teacher and all the students have left the room.

Brad is staring at me with a huge grin. I struggle to appear calm as I feel a rising
heat flush my cheeks. I can’t believe he caught me playing with myself in class!

“Hey, sexy,” he greets me. “So what do you think? I couldn’t help but notice what
you were doing before. And I think I can help you out with that.”

I can’t stop smiling at him. I must be blushing while I die of embarrassment.

“Oh my God. How long were you watching? I can’t believe you saw that. I’m so

“No, no,” he hushes me. “Don’t be embarrassed. I just dropped a pen, and damn!
That woke me up. That was…hot. I always thought you were hot. But man…” he
trails off and shudders a little.

“Let me help you finish. You wanna? What do you say, sexy? Give me a chance
and I know I can help.” He raises an eyebrow at me, like why the hell not?

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I look at him in silence. This is unexpected. But I’ve been horny in school for
hours now, and I’ve always wanted him. Even if it makes me a total slut, I decide
that I just don’t care. I want him.

“We don’t even have to…well, why use your fingers when you got me? I bet I can
help you out if you let me put my tongue down there.”

More warm wetness seeps down my thighs. Oh God. Imagining his mouth buried
in between my legs…it makes me shiver and tingle with excitement.

“Hm. Okay, you’re on. But where should we go?”

“It’s pretty quiet up here. It’s the last class so nobody’s coming back in here.”

He moves towards me and gently grabs my hand. I look up into his sexy, steel
blue-green eyes. He looks so ruggedly handsome. Suddenly, all I can think about is
kissing him and feeling his mouth on me.

He grabs my waist and swiftly pulls me close to him. I gasp softly. His body feels
strong, hard and warm against mine. I take in his manly, faint aftershave smell. It
makes me a little heady.

I’m so turned on. I need him. Now.

* * *

Read more about “Sex Ed 2: Oral Sex Ed” and the rest of the Sex Ed series on
the author’s website at



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My Daddy Cop (Daddy’s Girl #1)

Kim knows she’s a hot teenage slut but she doesn’t care. When she gets caught
doing it with the school’s quarterback by her sexy cop stepdad -- she knows
exactly what she needs to do to get him to stand at attention.


We were on the couch heavily petting and making out. As he kissed me
passionately thrusting his tongue in my mouth, his hands traveled hungrily all over
my body.

We had just finished our classes for the day and I convinced Matt, our high school
quarterback, to come home with me to help me with my homework. I thought he
was cute and heard around school that he thought I was hot and looked like a more
natural looking Kim Kardashian. I was not a fan of hers, but she was definitely
pretty so I took it as a compliment. I had long, silky black hair, similar facial
features and a bangin’, curvy bod… so I can see the resemblance.

Matt wasn't the brightest kid so he probably didn’t think I wanted him there for his
academic skills. So he probably wasn't all that surprised when one thing led to

I just turned 18 and instantly became a nympho once I first lost my virginity and
had my first orgasm. Since then, it’s been a constant search to get laid and fulfill
my deep animal urges. I wasn’t Hollywood perfect gorgeous, but still considered
pretty hot, so it wasn’t that hard to find a willing plaything.

I've had my eyes on Matt for a while, and today I was feeling particularly horny. I
had been grounded the last couple weeks and was craving sex, after only being
able to masturbate the last few weeks. I was excited to get in a hot quickie while I
had the house to myself.

Matt pulled off my flimsy tank top and pulled back for a moment to look at my
full, round bare breasts. He groaned a little and grabbed one breast and started
squeezing it. With his rock hard body up against mine, I felt on the urge of ecstasy.

His big warm hands traveled up my inner thigh as he quickly pulled off my little G
string. “Let's do it on the pool table,” I demanded. He grabbed my hips and placed
me on the edge of the pool table. I laid all the way back on the table and spread my
legs wide with my little plaid skirts pushed up fully exposing myself, waiting to
feel him inside me.

Get this story now or more samples at:

All Erotica Stories

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Kim is 18 and obsessed with sex. When her hot bisexual ex-stepsister sleeps over,
she surrenders to her first lesbian sex experience. When Kim’s hunky cop stepdad
catches them in the act, she gets another sexy dream come true - her first
threesome with Daddy.

Excerpt from First Threesome with Daddy

“Ooh, Kim,” she said while staring at my chest, “those are some mighty fine titties
you got.” She smiled devilishly and groped and squeezed my breasts. “Dawn!” I
blushed, thinking I wasn’t always sure when she was joking.

I pretended to blow it off but … it felt good. Was she flirting with me? The thought
got me excited as I’d never been with a girl before.

But she was kind of my sister! Kind of like how Ted was my “daddy”? I felt
warmer and wetter between my legs just thinking about it.

We decided to hang out in the living room. I helped her set up the sofa bed and we
lounged on it to talk. I couldn’t help checking her out. She looked stunning with
her lightly tan skin, firm (barely covered) body and sexy long blond hair.

She must’ve noticed. “Have you ever been with a girl, Kim?”

“Uh, no. I mean, I don’t know that I wouldn’t … I just never have yet.” I got a
little flushed talking to her about it. Sure, I was a slut nympho like Dawn but for
me, it had only been with hot guys.

She was lying really close to me and her hard nipples were brushing against my
arm. I felt goose bumps forming. What was going on?

Her gaze dropped to my nipples that were rock hard and poking through my thin
white tank top. She was slowly checking me out up and down.

“You’ve got a really sexy body,” she purred and looked at me directly in the eye as
she trailed her finger down my curves. “Do you want to know how it feels to be
fucked by another girl, Kimmy?”

Get it now or read more at:

All Erotica Stories

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(Story #3: Daddy’s Girl Series)

Sex addict Kim has another hot weekend with her sexy ex-stepdad and her hunky
ex-stepbrother. She gets her fantasy come true -- her first DP double team.

Click here to read an excerpt online now.


(Story #4: Daddy’s Girl Series)

In this fourth story in the series, Daddy’s Girl, 19-year old sex addict Kim
continues to tell her story from her bad girl point of view. After seducing Ted, her
ex-stepdad, Kim can hardly wait for more naughty adventures with him.

When Ted surprises her by bringing around Mike, her other hunky ex-stepdad,
Kim gets turned on and wants him, too. As they drink poolside, how will she
convince her two ‘daddies’ to give her a hot, outdoor DP double team?

Browse “My Two Daddies” online now.

Sex on the Beach with My Ex’s Daddy

After her boyfriend cheats on her and dumps her, Heidi shows up on his dad’s
beach house doorstep. She’s always been attracted to his perfect, muscular body
and classic good looks. He takes her to the private Florida beach. Then he takes her
to paradise, multiple times, while an onlooker watches from a distance.

Click here to browse “Sex on the Beach with My Ex’s Daddy” now.

How I Became a Stripper (Confessions of a Stripper #1)

Excerpt from How I Became a Stripper (Confessions of a Stripper #1):

As we ride up in the elegant mirrored elevator, I’m aware of how wet my pussy is
at the thought of what’s coming up next. Nobody is in the elevator with us and we
have quite a few floors to go.

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I look at him slyly and play with my skirt, raising it up teasingly. He stares intently
as I flip up my skirt and rub my little black lace thong. My hands wander up to my
top and I pull up my top and flash him. I playfully shake my shoulders to jiggle my
bare tits at him. Then I pulled my thong aside and finger my pussy slowly.

“Oh my God, woman! I can’t wait to fuck you.” He pulls me by the waist towards
him but a second later, the bell rings and the doors open to our floor. I quickly pull
my top and skirt back down.

We enter a gorgeous, stately and not overdone, casino hotel suite. It’s huge. I stroll
in with him.

Before the door shuts, he grabs me and with a little force, pushes me against the
wall. I gasp in surprise.

He pushes his body into me and I can feel his hard bulge pressing against me. He
grinds his hardness into me over my clothes and moves his hands quickly all over
my breasts, as he takes mouthfuls of my neck.

Read more now at:

Maria, 19 year old Catholic schoolgirl and transfer student, wants to finish her last
year with a bang. Sexually frustrated and ready to move on from her ex-boyfriend,
she plans to lose her virginity in church with John. But when Father Mark, her sexy
ex-stepdad parish priest, catches them in the act, she decides she’s not leaving the
pews until she gets what she wants.

Click here to browse it now.

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Sex Diary of a Nymphomaniac Slut (Series)

Nymphomania runs in our family. We just can’t help it.

This erotic short is the first story from my sexy baby sister’s diary. Candy tells you
how she lost her virginity to our ex-stepdaddy right after her 18th birthday party.
She couldn’t wait any more to lose it, or she was going to explode!

She gives you every juicy detail of how she seduced him in the hot tub. And Candy
is such a tease. She even gave her best friend’s brother a free public sex show, as
he was watching the whole time.

Click here to browse, sample or get this story now.

In the second story in the Sex Diary of a Nymphomaniac Slut series, my little sister
Candy reveals all about the time she got caught masturbating by her best friend’s
daddy, Joe. She had recently lost her virginity at her 18th birthday party and was
overwhelmed by her thirst for more sex.

When Candy house-sits for her best friend, she gets caught by her friend's dad –
literally with her panties down. She tells Joe how she needs to practice for her
prom date, and convinces him to give her a hand.

And pick up the third story in the series:

Click here to read more about this story and the series online.


In the

Virgin Sex bundle


you’ll get three sizzling hot erotica short stories:


Losing My Virginity to My Best Friend’s Daddy (Prequel to Daddy’s Girl



Anal Sex Virgin


Losing My Virginity to My Daddy (Sex Diary of a Nymphomaniac Slut #1)

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Thank you, my dear readers, for reading these erotica stories and for all your

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. I’m always thrilled to get fan mail and constructive



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to pick up your free

erotic short story, “The Quickie”, along with new release updates.





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