Raise Your Vibration and Shape Your Reality

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© Kevin Schoeninger

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With Core Energy Meditation

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The Next Step in Human Evolution

Does the Law of Attraction Really Work?

So What’s the Secret?

Testimonials & Benefits of Core Energy Meditation™

Raising Your Vibration


Why Meditate?

Which Meditation is Right for You?

What Makes Core Energy Meditation™ Unique?

A Brief Primer on Energy

Your Inner Power

The Key to Success

Tips to Help You Be Consistent


The Journey of Core Energy Meditation™

How Does Core Energy Meditation™ Work?

Releasing Resistance

Your Energetic Anatomy

What to Expect: Phases of Practice

More Tips for Effective Practice


Core Energy Meditation™ Instruction

Bonus Section: The Core Energy Technique


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Websites, Related Studies, and Daily Practice Log

“In this program, you’ll discover the real secrets you need to create total
success, wealth, and happiness. I have meditated for 10 years and
recommend Kevin’s approach because it is the most effective method I know
for creating a major shift in consciousness. Core Energy Meditation™ helped
me create deeper peace, harmony, and well-being. Use this program—and
change your life!”

J. V. Crum, III, Founder/CEO,

Conscious Millionaire Institute, LLC



The Next Step in Human Evolution

You are about to discover the next step in human evolution. This

program will teach you a powerful transformational tool to take you to

that next level. I searched for over twenty years and travelled the globe

to uncover this technique. Through extensive experimentation, teaching,

and practice, I have refined it to make it easily accessible to you.

What you are about to learn will increase your energy and vitality, enable

you to shift into a positive state of being at will, and prepare you to

receive the abundant life you are meant to live. This technique will

release you from your personal limits and raise you up to your highest

and fullest potential.

I’m sure you’ve heard many other books, programs, and techniques make

similar claims. What makes this program unique and effective? To tell

that story, let’s begin with a common phrase that is tossed around these

days: “the Law of Attraction.”

Does the Law of Attraction Really Work?

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You may have heard about the Law of Attraction. In effect, this Law says

that “energetic vibrations tend to attract like vibrations.” For instance, if

you cultivate prosperity consciousness, you will tend to attract

prosperous circumstances. The more strongly, positively, clearly, and

coherently you can maintain a particular vibration, the greater its’

organizing and attracting force.

You may have tried some techniques to make the Law of Attraction work

for you. You may have recited affirmations, reminded yourself to think

positively, set some goals, and visualized your success. If you are like

many of us, a lack of results with these techniques may have left you

questioning if the Law of Attraction is real. No need to worry, the Law of

Attraction is working just fine. You just need to know how to use it


Affirmations, positive thinking, goal-setting, and visualization are good

things to do, but they often don’t work in and of themselves. Why is

that? The answer is that they don’t work deeply enough. To see what I

mean, think of your being in terms of three layers:

1. Surface Consciousness
2. Subconscious
3. Subtle Energy System

1. Surface Consciousness

If you are doing affirmations, positive thinking, visualization, and goal-

setting you are working with your surface consciousness. Surface

consciousness is made of the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions that

you are consciously aware of. This is the layer of your being that you’re

most familiar with because it is what occupies the foreground of your


Why do many self-help techniques fail to deliver what they promise?

Why do many of your attempts to manifest the life of your dreams end in

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frustration? The answer is that there are little devils in the process

working against you. They live in a second layer of your being, your

subconscious mind.

2. Subconscious

Your subconscious is a simple stimulus-response mechanism. It holds all

the automatic processes that make your life possible and all the

conditioning that you have accumulated through your life. There’s a lot

of good and necessary programming in there: how to breathe, how to

pump blood, how to fight off infection, how to walk, how to drive a car. .

.You can’t live without the million little tasks that are carried out by your


If you were aware of all these activities at once, they would overwhelm

you. That’s why consciousness is set up so that you don’t have to pay

attention to them. They are carried out subconsciously.

However, your subconscious also houses those little devils that get in

your way: the habitual tensions, negative emotions, and limiting beliefs

that run counter to your best and highest intentions.

How do you neutralize these little devils? You’ve got to go yet deeper

into a third layer of your being, your subtle energy system.

3. Subtle Energy System

This layer is the primary causal level of your life experience. It is the

matrix which gives birth to the other layers.

Shifting the subtle energetic layer of your being changes the way that

your subconscious processes and conscious mind operate. If you want to

make significant shifts in your life, it’s most effective to work directly at

this level.

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When you work at the subtle energetic level you are working at the same

level that the Law of Attraction works. You are working on the quality of

your “vibration.” This program will explain what I mean by that and

empower you to do it.

In this program, you’ll learn the secret that was left out of the hit movie,

“The Secret.” In the Secret, they said that “you can do, be, or have

anything that you desire,” but they never fully described how to do it.

Effective manifestation using the Law of Attraction requires that you

neutralize your little subconscious devils and raise the strength, quality,

clarity, and coherence of your energetic vibration.

You’re about to learn how to do just that.

So What’s the Secret?

So what is this amazing technique? I call it Core Energy Meditation


Core Energy Meditation

is an easy-to-learn practice that will

revolutionize the way that you view your life and the power that you

have to create your world.

In Chapter Three of this book I will guide you step-by-step through this

practice so that you will know for yourself what it means to shift into a

powerful state of higher vibration. Once you’ve read through the written

instructions, you can simply listen to the guided audio and follow along.

Why haven’t you heard of this revolutionary technique before?

The knowledge of energetic meditation was a sacred secret for centuries

in ancient China. The practice was deliberately shrouded in mystery to

keep it accessible for an elite few. To receive training in this

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transformational science required commitment to overly complex

systems that took years and countless hours to master. It wasn’t

uncommon for devotees to practice 12-16 hours a day for as many as

twenty years until they were given “the keys to the kingdom”—the good

stuff that made all the difference.

In today’s world we don’t have the luxury of that time. Yet, now more

than ever, we need what this wisdom has to offer. I searched long and

hard to discover the keys to this ancient wisdom and to make the

technique simple, clear, and readily available. Now this knowledge is not

only uncovered for all of us, it is verified and amplified by the most recent

scientific research. (*See the Resources section at the end of this book

for supporting studies.)

Let’s hear what a few of our program participants have to say about their

experiences with Core Energy Meditation™:


“The first time I used Core Energy Meditation™, I loved it! When I
was finished, I looked forward to the next time I would get to do it. It
quickly became a part of my morning practice. Kevin’s voice brought
me right into a positive meditative state. I felt like it was a sacred
time. Core Energy Meditation™ has integrated a deeper sense of
connection into my life. It has really helped me remember what is
important to me and take that into my day.” Monica Augustine, CO,

“Core Energy Meditation™ became my mainstay late last winter. There
are several meditations (I have done). . .But Core Energy Meditation™ is
the most comprehensive—anywhere, anytime. . .I believe Core Energy
Meditation™ is the foundation of all my recent experiences of positive
coherent vibration as well as the ability to see and understand them. It is
just fantastic!” Debi Dowling, ME, USA

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In Core Energy Meditation™, you follow instructional cues that guide you

in how to do the following:

1. Relax and align your body,
2. Open and attune your heart,
3. Clear and focus your mind,
4. Strengthen your sense of integrity, inner knowing, and purpose
5. Raise your energetic vibration.

Over time, you can expect the following:

Benefits of Core Energy Meditation™

*Greater relaxation and ease

*Less negativity and subconscious interference

*Improved health and energy

*Greater mental clarity and focus

*Positive “core heart feelings” such as appreciation, gratitude, and trust

*Deeper feelings of inner peace

*Feeling at one with who you are

*Better communication and relationship skills

*A stronger sense of connection with others, the world around you, and

the One Life that we all share.

Raising Your Vibration

The emerging model of human nature reveals that we are self-

programmable energy systems. What that means is that by consciously

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choosing your intentions, thoughts, feelings, and actions you can shift

your internal energy and dramatically improve your life experience.

Energetic training is indeed the next step in our evolution as human


Because energetic vibration is the most powerful force affecting the

human system, when you raise the strength, quality, clarity, and

coherence of your energetic vibration you can improve your health,

happiness, and success more effectively than by any other means. I

invite you to prove that for yourself by practicing what you are about to


What I’m talking about is analogous to an athlete “getting into the zone”

for a big game. When athletes are “in the zone” their actions flow easily

and circumstances seem to align in their favor. In the game of “real life”

we, likewise, find ourselves in and out of the zone. If you’re like most of

us, this seems to happen to you without your conscious control. When

you learn to raise your vibration, you’ll be able to put yourself in the zone

at will.

The key to manifesting the results you want in life is to change your

vibration to match what you desire. If you want health, happiness, and

abundance you must shift into the energetic vibration of those

experiences. Core Energy Meditation™ will empower you to do just that.

Through twenty-three years of research, study, teaching, and practice

I’ve refined Core Energy Meditation™ to its present form. Now you can

realize the profound benefits of this powerful practice to raise your

vibration and transform your life for the better.

Before we get to the details of the Core Energy Meditation


let’s cover some important background information. This will give you a

context to understand the technique better and use it more effectively.

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Why Meditate?

In the past few years, we’ve witnessed an explosion of interest in

meditation practice. Instead of being relegated to the exotic and

esoteric, meditation has come to the foreground in mainstream culture

as well as scientific research.

Meditation is now scientifically proven to help you relax and de-stress

your nervous system, improve your health, vitality, and immune

response, and generate positive thoughts, feelings, and success in your

life. In addition, as always, meditation is still a proven path for spiritual

growth. It is powerfully effective training for mind, body, heart, and


Because of the widening interest in meditation, those interested can find

a wealth of different meditative styles to choose from. From qigong

(“chee gung”) and yoga, to Buddhist mindfulness, to Christian

contemplation, to simple methods to activate the relaxation response,

you can find an approach for just about any personality and any cultural,

philosophical, or religious affinity.

Which Meditation is Right for You?

My first suggestion in choosing the right meditation for you is to go with

what attracts you. Read or observe different practices. Of those that

interest you, try a few out. Rather than judging by immediate results, I

suggest that you evaluate more by a gut feeling of interest and alignment

with who you are.

Choose a meditation that speaks a language that you are comfortable

with and that appeals to what you want to get out of meditation. Don’t

feel you have to make the right choice for all time right off the bat. This

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may change over time. The important thing is to get started right here

and now with a practice that appeals to you.

What Makes Core Energy Meditation™ Unique?

Core Energy Meditation™ is a holistic style of meditation that develops all

aspects of your being: mind, body, heart, and spirit. As such, it is the

most integrated and complete style of meditation that I know. It works

at an energetic level, the most fundamental level of your existence. It

reprograms your system down through your cells and your subconscious

mind to the very roots of your being.

Through Core Energy Meditation™ you’ll experience

a sense of deep connection with “who you are”

and “what you are here to do.”

Core Energy Meditation™ was created from the ancient Chinese practice

of qigong (pronounced “chee gung” and meaning “cultivating life

energy”). I’ve combined the energetic anatomy of qigong with the latest

scientific research on the brain and the heart to create a proven

technique for whole-body enlightenment.

Many people are not aware of their subtle energy system. It’s not

something that we are taught in school. The idea of subtle energy is just

now reaching the mainstream in Western culture. Because of that, you

may be skeptical about it. Yet it isn’t a new experience or a new concept.

To familiarize you with it, let’s discuss the subtle energy system and
understand why it is so critical for your health, happiness, and success.

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A Brief Primer on Energy

Core Energy Meditation™ comes from an energetic point of view. This
viewpoint has been researched for over 3000 years in India and China.
Today, modern physics and biology have joined the study. It is now
known and accepted in the East and the West that “everything is
energy.” From the computer that I am typing on, to the cells of our
bodies, to the thoughts and feelings that we entertain—all is energy.

Why is this important?

An energetic view of reality means that our world is much more fluid and

flexible than we once thought. Instead of being “hard inflexible matter”

determined only by material forces, our world is made up of vibrating

energetic possibilities. Our lives are far from determined by genes and

brain chemistry.

The nature of reality as energy opens the way for us to consciously

intervene to shape our life experience. Most importantly, elements of

consciousness (intention, thought, feeling, and belief) are some of the

most powerful forces in this energetic reality. According to Dr. Bruce

Lipton, consciousness, including our beliefs about what is real and

possible, has as much as 100 times more power to affect our well-being

than any “material” force including drugs and surgery.

Core Energy Meditation

teaches you to master the inner technology of

consciousness by working with your internal energy system. To

understand how this is so, let’s look a little more deeply into the nature

of energy.

Think of the smallest units of matter as swirling tornadoes of energy or

think of reality in terms of interactions of energetic waves. How we

perceive these energetic forces makes them appear solid.

We find representations of the wave-like form of reality in many of our

measurements of physical processes. An EKG read-out plots the wave-

like form of your heart-rate. An EEG shows the wave-like patterns of the

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electrical activity in your brain. An audio mixer shows a visual read-out of

sound waves. When you look at these patterns you’ll see that they have

amplitude, frequency, clarity, and coherence.

Amplitude has to do with the intensity, or strength, of a wave pattern. A

strong heartbeat or a loud sound has large amplitude. You can think of

amplitude in terms of energetic strength or the intensity of effect that a

wave can have in its surrounding environment. By practicing energetic

meditation you will strengthen your personal energetic vibration so that

it has a powerful effect in your life and in the world around you.

Frequency describes the number of wave cycles per unit of time. It is a

measure of the quality of a wave-like vibration. You can observe the

different qualities of different frequencies in sound waves. A low

frequency note has a certain feel to it, while a high frequency note has

another feeling altogether. We refer to different frequencies of different

people or environments when we say that a person or a place has “good

vibes” or “bad vibes.”

When we talk about frequency in Core Energy Meditation™ we’re

referring to the feelings that we generate. In Core Energy Meditation™

you will learn to shift into a state of positive feeling at will.

Clarity has to do with absence of noise or interference in an energetic

system. Think of the sound wave example again. A sound comes through

loud and clear when there is quiet in the surrounding environment. Your

personal energetic vibration has clarity when you have effectively

reduced subconscious interference.

In Core Energy Meditation

you will learn to focus on your positive

energetic vibration and release yourself from the tensions, negative

emotions, and limiting beliefs that interfere with the actualization of your

best and highest potential. You will learn to quiet the voices in your head

so that you clearly sense your inner guidance.

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Core Energy Meditation™ connects you with a deeper level of your

being where your inner guidance is crystal clear.

Coherence has to do with the orderliness of a wave’s pattern. A system

is coherent when all the parts are working together with integrated

force. In Core Energy Meditation™ you will learn to strengthen, purify,

clear, and align your energetic vibration so that you function internally as

a harmonious whole. This enables you to be at your best in the outer

world as well.

To give you an example of coherence in a physical system, a coherent

respiratory pattern occurs when your in-breath and out-breath are

approximately the same duration. The deeper you breathe (greater

amplitude) and the more consistently your inhalation matches your

exhalation (greater coherence) the stronger and more coherent your

breathing pattern becomes.

A strong, coherent, breathing pattern will bring your heart-rate into

coherence as well. A coherent heart-rate pattern is characteristic of a

heart that is in good working order. When your heart-rate is coherent it

also positively affects other wave patterns in your body such as your

brain-waves. A coherent heart-rate tends to produce coherent brain-

wave patterns.

This brings us to a most important point about the wave-like structure of


When one energy system is strong, positive, clear, and coherent

it tends to bring the other systems around it

into a like state of coherence as well.

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This effect is called resonance.

Resonance occurs when one energetic system vibrates in tune with

another. Resonance is the basis of the Law of Attraction. Here’s the key

to enabling the Law of Attraction to work for you:

When you are able to raise your vibration

into a state of strong, positive, clear coherence,

you align the systems in your body to work together and

you align the energies in your environment to work for you.

Because of the energetic nature of your existence, you have a

phenomenal opportunity to consciously step into the energetic matrix of

your life and transform your experience.

Your Inner Power

Your personal energetic matrix is made up of your cells, as well as your

thoughts, feelings, and intentions. All of these are fundamentally waves

of energy and part of your total energetic vibration.

Recent research has shown that focusing your thoughts, feelings, and

intentions into strong, positive, clear coherence can shift the activity and

behavior of your cells for the better. When you practice raising your

energetic vibration you create greater synergy between all your

physiological systems. You also feel and perform better and you get

better results in your life.

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You are healthier, happier, and more focused on the inside and you

attract good things in the world around you. You are also less susceptible

to negative or toxic influences in your environment.

A strong, positive, clear and coherent vibration

will tend to organize and overcome

chaotic or disruptive energy surrounding it.

As an example of how this works, consider your immune system. We

have grown up with the idea that germs cause disease. Therefore, we

think we need to stay away from germs, or kill them, before they get us.

Have you ever wondered why certain people “catch” every cold that

comes their way, while others can be in the same environment and never

get sick? The fact is, we all have the same opportunist pathogens living

not only around us but inside our skin all of the time.

The key to whether we get sick or not is the state of our immune system.

If your immune system is functioning well, you can walk into a room of

people with the flu and be none the worse for it. A strong immune

system is masterfully intelligent at neutralizing any harmful invader. It is

when you are stressed, fatigued, or overburdened that your immune

system is not able to do its job.

Even more amazingly, it is your mental-emotional outlook that is one of

the strongest determinants of your immune response. To prove this, Dr.

Bruce Lipton tells the story about a talk given by Dr. Robert Koch, one of

the founders of the Germ Theory of disease.

At a lecture in which Dr. Koch was describing how vibrio cholerae caused

cholera, he was confronted by a man who claimed that he would

disprove that theory by drinking a whole glass of the known-to-be-

dangerous bacteria. He did so right in front of Dr. Koch and his audience

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with no ill effects. His confident positive belief in his immunity created

an inner strength that protected him from becoming ill.

The same can be said for the results we get in life.

When we live in a state of strong, positive, clear coherence

we draw to us that which we desire and

keep away that which we don’t.

I call this state of strong, positive, clear, and coherent vibration a Core

Energy State. This is the ideal state from which to live your life.

The best part is that you can learn to self-generate a Core Energy State

and return to it as often as you need to. You’ll learn how to do that in

this program.

This is the exciting news about Core Energy Meditation

. It gives you a

means to positively shift your consciousness and your life experience.

Through meditation you can become aware of your inner process, release

from subconscious personal limits, and get better results in your life.

Now you have the fantastic opportunity to join ancient wisdom with

modern science to take the next step in human evolution.

The Key to Success

Each meditation system promises certain benefits and results. Don’t be

discouraged if you don’t realize all these benefits right away. As with all

worthwhile activities, real results come through consistent practice over


On the other hand, don’t fall prey to the idea that to get benefits from

meditation you have to lock yourself in seclusion and go at it for hours a

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day. You can get significant and life-changing results from as little as 20

minutes a day practiced consistently over time. The first Core Energy


in this program is timed for exactly 20 minutes. I suggest

you start with that and expand your practice only when you feel an inner

desire to go longer.

The most challenging aspect of beginning any practice is getting into that

initial groove and sticking with it. You may have a wonderful initial

experience in a weekend workshop or in a meditation group. That can be

a great start. What will make a profound difference in your life is if you

make meditation a part of every day.

Consistency is the key to success.

You may choose to practice at any time:

• first thing in the morning (which is an ideal way to start the day),
• last thing at night (to let go of the day and get a good sleep), or
• during a break in the day (to de-stress and re-connect with your

best self and highest intentions.)

Here are some tips for being consistent.

Tips to Help You Be Consistent:

1. Choose a meditation style that is enjoyable to you. That doesn’t mean

that every moment of every session is a joy, but that, overall, the style of

meditation appeals to you and you feel better from having done it.

Personally, my time in Core Energy Meditation™ is one of the most

pleasurable times of my day. I look forward to waking up because it’s the

first thing that I get to do every day.

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2. Have a good place that is set up for you to meditate. Define your

meditation environment in a quiet, secluded spot. Make sure you have a

comfortable seat that is the right height. I suggest sitting on the front

edge of a chair that puts your hips level with or slightly above your knees

with your feet firmly on the floor.

3. Schedule meditation in your day-timer or activity planner as you would

any other important commitment.

4. Keep a journal of your practice to reinforce its meaning to you and to

track your progress. Looking back over your journal will reinforce the

work that you’ve done, track the positive shifts that you’ve experienced,

and make your practice feel more substantial and worthwhile.

5. Have a meditation partner or a group that you can talk about your

experiences with. Group support will validate your experience, help you

overcome any obstacles that come up in your practice, and provide a

community of support.

6. Find meditation instruction that leads you easily into the experience

without weighing you down with unnecessary complexity or excessive

time requirements.

This program is designed to lead you into meditation in a simple, direct,

safe, and effective way. The written portion is relatively short so that you

can get right into meditating. The practice of Core Energy Meditation

itself is your best teacher.

The 20-minute meditation is the place to begin. The longer meditation

will expand your practice when you are ready for that. By meditating,

you will develop your inner guidance, which is your surest compass. As

you journey into Core Energy Meditation

, you will find that your inner

knowing becomes strong and clear.

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What’s Included In This Program:

The purpose of this program is to give you the foundation to practice

Core Energy Meditation™ effectively. With that in mind, the next chapter

will introduce you to the essential insights behind Core Energy

Meditation™ and give you more tips for effective practice. Chapter Three

gives you a transcript for the guided audio that will lead you through your


The guided audio features:

1. A 20-minute guided Core Energy Meditation™.

2. A 40-minute guided Core Energy Meditation™ for those who have

practiced for a while and want to go deeper.

3. Bonus Track: A short, guided exercise called The Core Energy

Technique that you can use at any time to recall your meditative

experience during the day. You can use this technique whenever you

want to shift into a more relaxed, integrated, and positive state of being.

After the audio transcripts in Chapter Three, you’ll find information about

the author, resources to further your study, and a Practice Log to track

your progress.

O.K. so you’re primed to get started, right?

I suggest that you begin by reading through Chapters Two and Three to

get the lay of the land. Then put on the 20-minute Guided Meditation

and you’re on your way.

* * *

If you would like mentoring for your practice and/or a wonderful

community of support, I highly recommend our members site Spiritual

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Growth Monthly. As a member of this site, you will receive Weekly

Messages with insights to deepen your understanding, practice tools to

help you on your way, a monthly Group Coaching Conference Call, and a

members blog on which you can ask me questions and share your

experiences with your fellow members, Matt Clarkson, and me.

You can check out Spiritual Growth Monthly through this link:


Now, without further ado, let’s get down to the nuts and bolts of Core

Energy Meditation™.

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The Journey of Core Energy Meditation™

Imagine for a moment that you are about to take a magical journey. To

take the journey of Core Energy Meditation™ most effectively you’ll need

three things. First, you’ll need a map of the territory. Second, you’ll need

some descriptions of the sites you will visit and what you can experience

at those sites. Finally, you’ll need a set of directions that guide you in

how to use the map to realize those experiences.

You’ll find your map and the descriptions of sites and experiences in this

chapter. In Chapter Three you’ll find your set of directions.

In Core Energy Meditation

, you’ll journey into the treasure-house of

your true potential—your inner body. The map for your journey is what I

call your energetic anatomy. You’ll find this map in Figure 2.1 that is

coming up shortly. On this map you’ll see the three energy centers that

are the sites you will visit during Core Energy Meditation™ and the

Central Channel which is the path between these sites.

After this map, I describe each energy center in turn along with the type

of experiences that associate with that energy center. When you focus

your attention into an energy center you activate and encourage energy

flow at that site. You also facilitate clearing of subconscious tensions,

feelings, and thoughts that are stored in and around that site. Opening

and clearing the Central Channel which connects these sites helps the

energy to flow between these sites so that your internal energy system

functions as an integrated whole.

Once you understand these basics about the process of Core Energy

Meditation™, you’ll need to know what experiences to expect on your

meditation journey. With that information, you can be on the lookout for

those experiences along your way. When you know what to expect, you

will know how to focus your attention to get the most out of your time

and effort. I call this section the Phases of Meditation Practice. In this

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section, I describe the expected progression of your meditation


Keep in mind that Core Energy Meditation™ is designed for everyone and

the instructional cues are presented in a way that makes it possible to

access a meditative state effortlessly.

What do I mean by an instructional cue? A cue is a phrase that focuses

your attention and tells you what to do. For example, “Imagine a string

attached to the top of your head that pulls your spine gently upright.”

You will repeat the series of cues each time you meditate. Over time, you

will master these cues more completely and your meditative experience

will deepen and expand.

You should know that opening your energy centers and channels

completely so that energy flows freely through them is rare at the start.

However, if you are practicing, good things are happening, even if you

can’t feel it all right away.

The powerful effect of feeling smooth energy flow will happen with

consistent practice over time. Don’t worry if you can’t feel everything at

the beginning. Your inner sensing skills will develop as you go along.

Simply follow the instructions and be open to awakening your energetic


How Does Core Energy Meditation


So what does it mean to awaken and develop your energetic senses?

First, I’ll describe some key insights about the process of Core Energy

Meditation™, then we’ll talk about the specifics of your internal energy


Core Energy Meditation

is a process of focusing your attention into your

energetic anatomy. Attention is energy. When you focus your attention

into any of your energy centers or paths, two things happen. First, you

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add energy to that area. You activate it and encourage energy flow at

that site or along that path. This is a good thing because smooth energy

flow through your energetic anatomy is associated with health, vitality,

well-being, and attracting success in your life.

Second, you activate the subconscious tensions, negative emotions, and

limiting beliefs that are stored in and around these sites and paths. You

will know this when you meditate because seemingly random thoughts,

feelings, and sensations will come up and steal your attention away from

your point of meditative focus. You’ll suddenly remember an event that

happened yesterday, or years ago, or that you are anticipating in the


Any unresolved or unhealed experience in your life is subconsciously

stored in your cells and in your energy field. These events are stored with

associations to the type of experiences that created them. When you

experience similar life experiences in present time, these memories can

become active.

For instance, you hear someone banging the dishes and it reminds you of

your parent who banged the dishes and yelled at you for not doing your

chores. If this experience was painful and didn’t have a positive

resolution, it becomes stored in your energy field as a protective

resistance pattern. This resistance pattern “hangs out” in your energetic

anatomy to warn you to protect yourself in similar circumstances.

Protection is sometimes necessary. However, the patterns of protection

often extend far beyond the circumstances that require you to protect

yourself. When that happens, they hinder your fuller expression of life

energy. They tell you to “buckle down and stay safe.”

Resistance patterns restrict the free flow of energy. This energetic

restriction is associated with stress, disease, and poor results in your life.

Because these restricting patterns are subconscious, they become part of

your automatic reactions to life. When they are activated they seem to

happen to you, as if you had no choice.

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Some people might think that stimulating these limiting energetic

patterns is a bad idea. Why would we want to bring this stuff up? The

answer is this: when you bring this stuff up into your conscious

awareness, you gain the power to shift those patterns. You have the

opportunity to relate to them in a new way, in a way that releases you

from them. How does this work?

Releasing Resistance

When you focus into a site or path in meditation, you’ll find that

thoughts, feelings, and sensations bubble up into your conscious

awareness. When that happens, you have an opportunity. You can

either be “caught up in them” and carried away in thinking, obsessing, or

mentally replaying them, or you can recognize them with a sense of

detached observation.

As you practice Core Energy Meditation

, you recognize whatever comes

up into your conscious awareness and you observe it as if you are looking

at it from the outside. That is step one. Then, you let it go and you

return to focusing on the cues of your practice. When you take that

mental action, you change your mental-emotional-energetic circuitry.

You defuse the emotional charge of those experiences and they lose their

grip on your attention.

When you choose to release the thoughts, feelings, or sensations that

come up in meditation, you free up energy that was held in those mental-

emotional-energetic circuits. You can then apply this energy to

strengthen your meditative focus on the site or path that you are working

on. You use this energy to build and reinforce a new, consciously-chosen,

pattern. You add energy to raise your energetic vibration. In this way,

you bring yourself into a Core Energy State of strong, positive, clear and

coherent vibration.

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The key is how you relate to the seemingly random thoughts, feelings,

and sensations that come up during meditation.

The technique is summarized in 3Rs:

1.Recognize, 2.Release, and 3.Return

Recognize the thought, feeling, or sensation that has drawn you away

from your meditative focus, let it go (instead of following it out or

replaying it in your mind), and return your attention to the cues of your


When you get good at this technique in meditation, you can apply it to

your everyday life. Whenever you find yourself tense, angry, overly

critical, or “caught up in” or overwhelmed by life, use the 3Rs: recognize,

release, and return. Return to what? Return to a Core Energy State, that

state of strong, positive, clear and coherent vibration that you have

learned to shift into during meditation.

At the end of your meditation instructions in the next chapter, there’s a

short technique that will help you shift back into a Core Energy State at

anytime, anywhere.

Sounds simple right? Well, it is simple, but it’s not always easy. Why?

Because we have come to identify “who we are” with what we think, how

we feel, and the tensions and dramas of our lives. In other words, we are

afraid that without these things, we’ll have nothing to hang onto, nothing

to call “me.”

In your meditation practice, you will come to realize that you are

fundamentally more than your thoughts, feelings, sensations, and

actions. You are primarily an energetic being. You are a part of all that is.

You are a part of the One Field of Universal Energy. When you

experience “that,” your need to attach to the specific “contents” of your

experience fades and loses its force.

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Core Energy Meditation™ is about familiarizing you with this energetic

dimension and raising your vibration to improve the quality of your life.

Let’s familiarize you now with the specifics of the energetic layer of your


Your Energetic Anatomy:

When you begin Core Energy Meditation™ you follow a series of cues to

relax your body, align your spine, calm your emotions, and focus your

attention internally. After that preparation, you guide your attention

through your internal energy system.

The heart of Core Energy Meditation™ is to

imagine and feel life energy flowing through

the sites and paths of your energetic anatomy.

As I said above, we’ll focus on three energy centers (the sites) and a

Central Channel (the path) that runs through them. Together I call these

the four features of your energetic anatomy. Each of these four features

develops one aspect of your higher energetic vibration. Remember that

we are looking to develop a strong, positive, clear, and coherent

vibration. Each feature represents one of these aspects.

After Figure 2.1 below, which is your internal energetic map, I will

describe each energy center and the Central Channel. For each of these

features I will describe the energetic aspect that you develop by working

with this feature, the range of experiences that are associated with that

feature, and the subconscious issues that you can resolve by enabling

smooth energy flow through that site or path.

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What impedes smooth energy flow at a site or along a path are the

subconscious tensions, negative emotions, and limiting thoughts that are

stored in your energetic anatomy. Core Energy Meditation™ neutralizes

and releases these subconscious restrictions so that energy is free to flow

smoothly for maximal health, well-being, and success.

Here’s a map of your energetic anatomy:

Figure 2.1 Four Energetic Features:

3 Energy Centers (circles) and Central Channel (arrows)

If you are familiar with the chakra system of representing your energetic

anatomy, you’ll find that the first three chakras are summarized in the

Body Center (lower abdomen) and the top three energy centers are

summarized in the Mind Center (middle of brain). The Heart Center is

the same. Using three energy centers is a more efficient way of working

and easier to directly relate to the body, heart, and mind dimensions of

your being.

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If you are familiar with t’ai chi or qigong, the three energy centers are

called the three dantians (pronounced “dahn-tee-en”). I use the terms

Body Center, Heart Center, and Mind Center to directly relate these sites

to the experiences and effects associated with them.

Energetic Feature #1: Your Body Center.

After going through your preparatory cues, you will imagine and feel the

energy center in the middle of your lower abdomen. This is your Body


Energetic Aspect: When you develop your Body Center it increases the

strength of your energetic vibration.

When you develop this energy center, you boost your physical vitality

and your ability to be relaxed and present in your body. You build energy

in your Body Center by focusing on deep breathing that is generated by

movement of your diaphragm.

The movement of diaphragmatic breathing stimulates energy in your

lower abdomen, relaxes and releases subconscious neuro-muscular

tension from your body, aids digestion and absorption of nutrients, and

slows your heart rate, respiration, and brain waves.

If you have issues with low energy or hypertension, focusing on your

Body Center can have an energy-boosting and a calming effect at the

same time. When you build strong energy in this center you gain a sense

of relaxed, yet vital, personal presence.

Energetic Feature #2: Your Heart Center

After focusing on your Body Center, you will allow your attention to flow

upwards through the Central Channel to the middle of your chest, your

Heart Center. You will imagine and feel the connection of your Body

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Center to your Heart Center. Then you will focus your attention in your

Heart Center.

Energetic Aspect: When you develop your Heart Center, you purify your

energetic vibration by infusing it with positive feeling.

Your Heart Center generates and broadcasts feelings through your body.

In fact, your heart is by far your strongest electro-magnetic generator. It

creates a magnetic field that is up to 5000 times stronger than the field

generated by your brain.

In this meditation, you’ll embody the “core heart feelings” of

appreciation, gratitude, and trust. These positive feelings heal your body,

calm your emotions, and bring you inner peace. When you imagine and

feel as if you are “smiling from your heart” you embody and broadcast

these positive feelings outward to every cell of your body.

If you have subconscious issues with anger, negative emotion, or self-

criticism, focusing on your Heart Center will purify these negative

emotions and free up energy to be used in a positive way. When you

generate core heart feelings from your Heart Center, you bring yourself

into a positive state of vibration that opens you to better relationships

and happier self-expression.

Energetic Feature #3: Your Mind Center

After you focus on your Heart Center, you will allow your attention to

flow upward through your Central Channel to the middle of your brain,

your Mind Center. You will feel the connection of your Heart Center and

your Mind Center. Then you will imagine and feel energy in the middle of

your brain.

Energetic Aspect: As you develop your Mind Center it brings clarity to

your energetic vibration.

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In Core Energy Meditation™ you focus on a sense of open, clear, spacious

awareness in the middle of your brain. When you experience this clear

awareness you detach from negative or limiting thoughts and beliefs.

You learn to quiet your mental chatter so that you experience calm clarity

and an awareness of awareness itself. Within that clear space you

release from personal limits and move into a deeper experience of

spiritual connection.

If you often feel mentally stuck, overloaded, stressed, or confused,

focusing on open, clear, spacious awareness in the middle of your brain

will clear and focus your mind.

Energetic Feature #4: The Central Channel

When you move your attention from one energy center to the next, you

travel through the Central Channel. The Central Channel extends from

your perineum (between your genitals and anus), vertically up through

the three energy centers, to the top of your head. To encourage spinal

alignment, imagine and feel the Central Channel running in front of and

including the spine.

Energetic Aspect: When you open and clear your Central Channel you

bring coherence and integrity to your energetic vibration.

An open Central Channel integrates your body, heart, mind, and spirit.

The energy that flows through your energetic anatomy is the Universal

Energy of the One Life that we all share. In other words, it is the spiritual

energy that enlivens us. The Central Channel is the main conduit through

which this energy flows into our being.

Smooth energy flow through the Central Channel gives you a clear sense

of inner knowing, spiritual connection, and life purpose. The Central

Channel aligns your energy system to work as a harmonious whole.

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If you lack strong follow through in your life, if one part of you says “yes,”

while another part of you says “no,” developing the Central Channel will

resolve this issue. When you open and clear the Central Channel you will

move through life in a more integrated way. Your body, heart, mind, and

spirit will work together to fulfill your best and highest intentions.

In Core Energy Meditation™ you combine cues for posture, breathing,

feeling, and focus with the four features of your energetic anatomy

(described above) to create a Core Energy State. In a Core Energy State

you are relaxed, yet alert; you are calm, yet energized. Your energetic

vibration is strong, positive, clear, and coherent.

A Core Energy State is also the perfect vibratory state to practice using

the Law of Attraction:

Effective manifestation requires that

you raise your energetic vibration

to match that which you truly desire.

During the last part of your meditation practice, you will spend some

time manifesting the life of abundance, peace, and joy that you are

meant to live. You’ll learn more about this in the upcoming section which

describes the phases of meditation practice.

What to Expect: Phases of Practice

It is important to understand the phases of meditation practice to know

how to focus your attention and how to gauge your progress. There are

four phases to your Core Energy Meditation™ practice.

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The four phases are:

1. Preparation
2. Concentration
3. Awareness
4. Manifestation

Phase One: Preparation

In Phase One, you follow the sequence of meditation cues. You relax and

align your posture, smile and breathe consciously, and imagine and feel

your energetic anatomy. As you are able to do these four things well, you

will move into the concentration phase, which is Phase Two.

You will know that you have achieved proficiency in Phase One when

your body is relaxed, your mind is calm, and your emotions are balanced.

You will feel de-stressed and pleasantly at ease.

Phase Two: Concentration

In the Concentration Phase, you feel life energy strongly and it attracts

your attention so that you can focus intently. When you feel life energy

strongly, it’s easy to keep your attention focused in that feeling within

any area of your body.

Life energy will often feel warm or cool, tingly or electric, full or empty.

The quality of feeling depends upon what is going on in the area that you

are focusing on. “Allow” whatever feeling is happening without trying to

change it. Your inner intelligence knows what to do. By practicing Core

Energy Meditation™ you will learn to sense and trust your inner


You are proficient in the Concentration Phase when you can focus

exclusively on a point, pattern, or energetic space in your body. You have

mastered Phase Two when your attention is unwavering and the feeling

of life energy is clear. Your concentration skills will carry over into your

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life. You will be able to control your attention at will. You will be able to

stay focused on what you want in your life and release what you don’t

want. When your concentration is strong, you will move into the

Awareness Phase.

Phase Three: Awareness

In the Awareness Phase, you become aware of “awareness itself” within

any space that you have placed your attention. This is a more detached

form of observation that arises from your concentration on specific

energetic spaces.

When you reach this depth in your meditation, you will experience a

great sense of inner freedom and peace. There is no mental chatter.

Your subconscious, mental-emotional, reactive patterns have fallen away.

They have lost their grip on your attention.

In this phase, you transcend your subconscious conditioning and connect

with a deeper level of your being. You experience yourself as pure

consciousness beyond form. Released from the perceived limits of

individuality, you experience the open, clear, spacious awareness of the

One Life that we all share. You attune to the Universal Field.

At this point, you are in a Core Energy State: your energy is strong,

positive, clear, and coherent. Your vibration is raised to the highest level.

Once you are freed from perceived personal limits, you can freely

manifest what your soul truly desires—your core possibilities, what you

are here to do now.

Phase Four: Manifestation

In the Manifestation Phase, you first sense your core possibilities and

then mentally project them into reality. To do this, you imagine,

visualize, and feel them as present realities, as already manifested in the

real world. You use all your senses to experience what life is like when

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what you desire at the core of your being is realized. The ability to do

this effectively comes from the inner freedom and the ability to imagine

and feel that you’ve gained in the previous phases of your meditation


When you are in a Core Energy State, you are in the perfect position to

put the Law of Attraction to work for you. From your state of strong,

positive, clear coherence you imagine and feel the full detailed reality of

what you truly desire. Then you let your image go, trust the Universe to

provide what is best for all, and take the core heart feelings of

appreciation, gratitude, and trust with you into your day.

Core Energy Meditation™ is designed with scientifically proven cues that

facilitate all four phases of meditation. If you practice consistently, the

benefits unfold naturally. As with anything, you get out of it what you

put into it.

The path of energetic meditation is well-established by 3000 years of

ancient wisdom and a growing body of modern scientific research. After

23 years of study, teaching, and practice, I have refined this technique

down to the essence of what you need for your own health, success, and

whole-body enlightenment. Below you will find some more tips to help

you get the most out of your practice.

More Tips for Effective Practice:

1. For maximal effectiveness, practice at least 20 minutes daily in a

private, quiet space. Turn off or disconnect your phone or any other

distractions. If necessary, let others know you are meditating, so they

won’t interrupt you.

2. If you are following the guided audio, the meditation is timed for you.

If you have learned the practice and are meditating without the

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guided audio, place a clock in your line of sight, so you can open your

eyes and check it easily without interrupting your meditative state.

(Do not listen to the CD while driving or while doing any task that

requires your attention for safety.)

3. Whenever you recognize that your mind has been distracted by any

thoughts, images, feelings, memories, or sensations, gently let those

go and return to the meditation cues that you are following.

4. Learn to observe your thoughts and feelings without being caught up

in them. This skill of detached observation is one of the powerful

abilities developed in meditation. Recognize your thoughts, release

them, and return to your meditative cues as many times as you

wander away from them.

5. A space with good ventilation and a comfortable temperature is best.

Make sure that your seat is comfortable and the right height. The

height of your seat should be such that your hips are slightly above or

level with your knees.

6. It is best to meditate on an empty stomach. Ideal times are first thing

in the morning or last thing at night. With consistent practice over

time, you’ll find your meditations increasingly relaxing and peaceful.

Core Energy Meditation

will teach you how to achieve a Core Energy

State, a state of strong, positive, clear, and coherent vibration. The Core

Energy Technique (found in the next chapter) is a quick way to return to

that state at anytime, anywhere.

When you live from a Core Energy State,

you’ll find yourself less reactive and more able to discern

what is right for you to do here and now—your core possibilities.

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In this way, your life will become more conscious and purposeful. You’ll

be happier and more appreciative, grateful, and trusting. You will grow

your ability to live the expansive life you are meant to live.

--- --- ---

So there you have it. You now know the fundamental insights that will

help you get the most from Core Energy Meditation™.

Remember this: the practice itself is your greatest teacher. If you

practice consistently and pay attention, your meditation will teach you

what you need to know. Everyone’s experience is unique. Be alert and

listen to your inner guidance. Meditation will develop your ability to do

just that.

In Chapter Three, you can read through the instructions for each of the

guided meditations and the Bonus Exercise, the Core Energy Technique.

After reading through these, play the audio tracks to guide your practice.

On the pages following your meditation instructions, you’ll find resources

to expand your knowledge. On the last page of this book, you’ll find a

Practice Log to monitor your practice. I strongly recommend that you

make multiple copies of this Log and fill it in for the first several months

of your practice. This will reinforce your efforts and help you to grow

your practice and track your progress.

Once again, if you’d like mentoring and support, I highly recommend our

Spiritual Growth Monthly website and community of practice. Visit


to learn more about our online

insights, tools, mentoring, and group coaching support.

Now on to your instructions.

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Core Energy Meditation™ Instruction

(Transcripts for Guided Meditation Audio)

Welcome to Core Energy Meditation


Meditation is a natural human ability. You develop your skill through consistent

practice. Be open to the experience and allow it to unfold easily. Simply listen

along and follow the cues. That’s all there is to it.

Before you get started, arrange your environment to be private, quiet, and

comfortable. When you are ready, begin with

Figure 3.1 Seated Meditation Posture

Posture cues: (Note that * indicates cues given in 40-minute version only)

Sit forward on the front edge of a chair, couch, or bed. Sit far enough forward

so that you feel some weight in your feet. Place your feet approximately hip

wide and parallel.

Allow your hands to rest in your lap, palms up, one resting in the other, with

thumbs touching lightly. Soften your hands so they relax completely.

Imagine a heavy weight attached to your tailbone anchoring you into your seat.

Imagine a string attached to the top of your head, pulling your spine gently


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Allow your shoulders to relax down easily. Tuck your chin slightly, lengthening

the back of your neck. Roll the tip of your tongue up to touch the roof of your

mouth. Allow the muscles of your face and forehead to soften and relax

completely. Soften your gaze so that you take in the whole space around you.

Lightly close your eyes.

Lower Abdominal Breathing Cues:

Focus into your lower abdomen, your Body Center, and become aware of your

breathing there. As you inhale, allow your abdomen to gently expand and fill

up. Imagine and feel your breath expand from your lower abdomen upward.

Exhale. Allow your abdomen to relax inward and empty out.

Allow your breathing to slow down, to become quiet, subtle, and soft.

Allow any thoughts, feelings, or tensions to dissolve in your breathe.

Arising thoughts, feelings, and sensations are part of meditation. It’s how you

relate to these experiences that matters. Recognize them, accept them as part

of what is happening now, let them go, and return to your breathing. Bring your

attention back to your breathing as many times as it wanders off.

*Focus your attention into your Body Center. Feel the space of your lower

abdomen gently filling and emptying as you breathe.

Smiling Heart Cues:

Now bring your attention from your lower abdomen upward, up through the

Central Channel into the middle of your chest, and into the area of your heart.

Feel the connection between your lower abdomen and your heart, between

your Body Center and your Heart Center.

Imagine and feel your heart opening. Allow a smile of appreciation, gratitude,

and trust to radiate from your Heart Center outward in all directions, to every

cell. Your heart’s smile embodies these positive feelings as one healing


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Imagine any thoughts, feelings, or tensions dissolving in the smiling energy of

your heart.

*Focus your attention into your heart’s smile. Enjoy that positive feeling in your

Heart Center.

Clear Mind Cues:

Now bring your attention from your chest upward, up through the Central

Channel, and into the middle of your brain, your Mind Center. Feel the

connection between your Heart Center and your Mind Center.

Look, listen, and feel into the middle of your brain. Imagine open, clear,

spacious awareness expanding upward and outward from your Mind Center.

Imagine any thoughts, feelings, or tensions dissolving in that spacious


Allow your Mind Center to become absolutely quiet and still. Become aware of

Awareness itself in that space.

Whenever you notice any movement in your mind, any ripple in that open, clear

spacious awareness, return to stillness in the middle of your brain.

*Focus your attention into the middle of your brain. Allow your attention to

rest in your Mind Center.

Breathing the Central Channel:

Allow your attention to move from the middle of your brain downward through

the Central Channel into the space of your heart. Feel the connection between

your Mind Center and your Heart Center. Smile again with appreciation,

gratitude, and trust from your heart.

Allow your attention to move from your Heart Center downward through the

Central Channel to your lower abdomen, to your Body Center. Feel the

connection between your Heart Center and your Body Center. Again, become

aware of your breathing in your lower abdomen.

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Now, as you inhale, imagine and feel your breath moving from your perineum,

between genitals and anus, up through the Central Channel all the way to the

top of your head.

As you exhale, imagine and feel your breath moving from the top of your head

down through the Central Channel returning to your perineum.

Repeat this breathing pattern easily. Inhale life energy up through the Central

Channel, exhale life energy down through the Central Channel.

Imagine and feel your breath as Universal Energy that is opening and clearing

the Central Channel.

Conclusion A (20-minute Version):

Feel Your Body As a Whole From the Inside:

Now, let go of your breathing altogether. Feel your body as a whole from the


Imagine radiant life energy illuminating every cell.

Imagine and feel your inner body as open, clear, spacious awareness.

Awareness of Awareness Itself:

Become aware of Awareness itself in that space.

Be the watcher, the observer of awareness itself.

Manifestation Cues:

Now in this state of strong, positive, clear, coherence ask yourself:

“What is truly important for me right here and now?”

Allow your answer to arise from the core of your being.

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If something specific arises, imagine the realization of that event right here and

now. Imagine seeing it. . .feeling it. . .touching it. . .tasting it. . .smelling it. .

.being it. Bring that experience into your body right here and now. Feel the

peace and joy in “that.”

Whatever is arising right now, allow it to be as it is.

Feel the peace and joy of Being, right here and now.


And now, come back to feeling your body as a whole from the inside. Allow

inner peace to saturate every cell of your body. Smile with appreciation,

gratitude, and trust into your inner space.

Slowly open your eyes and begin to take in the space around you.

Take a few moments to write down anything about your meditative experience

that is important to you.

Stand, stretch, and shake out your arms and legs.

Conclusion B (40-minute Advanced Version):

Feel Your Body as a Whole From the Inside:

Now, let go of your breathing altogether. Feel your body as a whole from the


Imagine radiant life energy illuminating every cell.

Imagine and feel your inner body as open, clear, spacious awareness.

Awareness of Awareness Itself:

Become aware of Awareness itself in that space.

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The Mind-Body Training Company

Be the watcher, the observer of Awareness itself.

Awareness itself is absolutely clear, quiet, and still.

Whenever you notice any movement in your awareness, let it go, and return to


Whenever your attention begins to follow anything, let it go, and return to


Whenever you find yourself wanting to do anything more, let it go, and return

to stillness.

You are open, clear, spacious awareness. (Repeat)

Manifestation Cues:

Now in this state of strong, positive, clear, coherence ask yourself:

“What is truly important for me right here and now?”

Allow your answer to arise from the core of your being.

If nothing arises, allow yourself to enjoy the meditation as it is.

If something specific arises, imagine the realization of that event right here and

now. Imagine seeing it. . .feeling it. . .touching it. . .tasting it. . .smelling it. .

.being it. Feel the peace and joy in “that.”

Whatever is arising right now, allow it to be as it is.

Feel the peace and joy of Being, right here and now.

Imagine that feeling of peace and joy expanding outwards in all directions.

Include anyone in particular that you would like to in that feeling. Allow your

feeling of peace and joy to expand infinitely in all directions.


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And now, come back to feeling your body as a whole from the inside. Allow that

inner peace and joy to saturate every cell of your body. Smile with appreciation,

gratitude, and trust into your inner space.

Slowly open your eyes and begin to take in the space around you. Listen to any

sounds. Visually take in the whole space without focusing on any one thing.

Feel your body as a whole from the inside and feel your body within the larger

space around you.

Take the feeling of appreciation, gratitude, and trust with you into your life.

Take a few moments to write down anything about your meditative experience

that is important to you.

Stand, stretch, and shake out your arms and legs.

The Core Energy Technique:

The Core Energy Technique helps you to quickly recall your meditative

experience and return to a Core Energy State of strong, positive, clear

coherence. You can use this technique at anytime, anywhere, to de-stress and

regain a better perspective.

Practice the four cues in order. Combine this with regular meditation practice

and you will be able to shift your vibration whenever you have gotten off track.

From a strong, positive, clear, and coherent vibratory state your life will unfold

with maximal health, ease, success, and purpose.

Once you get good at this, you will be able to shift into a Core Energy State at a

moment’s notice.

1. Feel your body as a whole from the inside. Imagine and feel all your cells at

once. Feel the inner space of your body as relaxed, open, and clear awareness.

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Physicists have found that matter is actually more spacious than solid. Feel the

spacious energetic awareness that you are at a primary level.

Expand your feeling so that you feel your inner body within the larger space

around you. Imagine and feel yourself within a space that stretches infinitely in

all directions.

2. Breathe into your body as a whole. Focus into your lower abdomen and

become aware of your breathing there. Imagine and feel your in-breath filling

the space of your inner body evenly and completely. Imagine and feel that your

out-breath empties your body completely.

Expand your breath so that as you inhale you are breathing in the whole

universe and as you exhale you send your breathe out into the whole universe.

3. Smile from your heart into every cell. Focus your attention in your Heart

Center. Feel appreciation, gratitude, and trust in the space of your heart. As

you inhale, smile in response to these feelings in your heart. As you exhale,

smile and breathe these feelings of appreciation, gratitude, and trust from your

heart outward to every cell. Feel your heart’s smile saturating every cell. Feel

how this simple smile of appreciation, gratitude, and trust relaxes, opens, and

clears your energy.

Expand your heart’s smile so that as you inhale you feel appreciation, gratitude

and trust in your heart and as you exhale you smile these feelings from your

heart infinitely outward in all directions.

4. Once you are fully immersed in the energy of your heart’s smile, Ask your

heart the following question: “What is truly important for me right here and

now?” Ask and allow the question to remain open in the space of your heart.

Allow an answer to arise from the core of your being. Your answer may be a

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The Mind-Body Training Company

phrase, an image, a feeling, a sense of peace, or a desire to move in a certain

direction. Whatever is arising right now, allow it to be as it is.

What is most important is that you have taken time-out to listen to the deeper

currents of your being.

Feel the inner peace of connecting to the deepest level of who you are. You are

open, clear, spacious awareness.

Now, take the feeling of appreciation, gratitude, and trust with you into your

life. Smile from your heart. Peace.

*Remember to check out the Resources

and Daily Practice Log on the following pages.


Kevin Schoeninger graduated from Villanova University in 1986 with

a Master’s Degree in Philosophy. He is Certified as a Personal Trainer, a

Qigong Instructor, and as a Reiki Master Teacher.

Kevin’s lifework is self-development and spiritual growth through

daily practice. He has written several programs that are available

through The Mind-Body Training Company. Visit us online at


for details on:

• The Power of Practice Program
• Learn Qigong Meditation Home Study Course
• The Life You Are Meant to Live (coming in 2009)

Kevin is also the editor and mentor for Spiritual Growth Monthly.com

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Check out these websites for more information:






For a comprehensive database of research on qigong and energetic

practices visit:


Your Daily Practice Log is on the following page.


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