Andy Hodge Never Sleep Alone Again Succeed With Women Rep

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Never Sleep Alone Again

The Framework of Success With


Andy Hodge 2003

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All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this eBook may be copied, sold or
reprinted without express, written permission from the author. All violators will
be persecuted to the fullest extent allowable by law.

Neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for the use or
misuse of the information contained in this book. The reader is warned that
the improper use of some or all of the techniques in this book may result in
legal consequences, civil and/or criminal.

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Never Sleep Alone Again

The Framework of Success With Women

Hi All,

My name is Andy Hodge and we are going to be talking about how you

are going to find even more women to date. Now I don’t mean any women,
but specifically those women that you fancy, those that you used to find
unattainable, in fact the women of your deepest desires. Not only this but
we are going to look at ways that will get them to beg for the pleasure of your

Before we go on though there are some health warnings that you might want
to consider. This system:

Is not about getting women to do anything they don’t want

Is not about lying, cheating or manipulating

Is about treating women with respect

Is about presenting you in your best light and giving women the

opportunity to see you as an option for them having a brilliant time

Is quick, fun and easy, but does require practice

Will challenge you and get you to examine how you treat and are

treated by others, women specifically

If you don’t want to have a great time changing your beliefs and getting
people generally and women specifically to treat you differently then please
don’t bother reading any further.

If you are still here, let me tell you a little about what this system will allow you
to do:

1. Develop a winning mind set that guarantees to get results
2. Confidently approach women knowing you will get a great reaction
3. Tap into the unconscious desires of women in a way that they only

dream about

4. Speak to women in a way that captures and leads their imagination to

having a great time…with you

5. Get women to associate great positive feelings to being with you

But let’s get this straight, what this is really about and what this system will do
for you is:



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Now, does this take practice? Of course! Does it mean you have to go out and
try new things? Absolutely! Are you going to have great fun practicing this
stuff? Certainly! But only if you go into it with the intention of having fun.

When I learnt this material myself I had a great teacher that was with me and
pushed me to use the material, shared my success and failures and generally
made sure that I kept up with the practice. That is why I have set up a

message board

where you can post your questions direct to me for

encouraging words of advice and you can all learn from each other.

But I have no time for time wasters – If you have no intention to use this
, if you are here just to look at some theory or want to learn about not
treating people, particularly women, with respect please don’t bother reading
any further.

If on the other hand, you have an open mind, ready to screw up your courage
and have a go at doing things differently…then step into the pool, the water’s
great and there is a lot of fun to be had spending time with great women.

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The system is deliberately really simple and each step builds on the last.
Outside of the framework that we are talking about now there are only three
broad areas
that we need to discuss. As you go through each section you will
dramatically increase your chances of getting a date with the best women.

Each section increases your chances a hundred fold, each section builds from
the last and each section needs to be dealt with in order. If you have never
met this stuff before, please stick to learning all this material in order, as that
is the way this material has been designed. If you think you are already good
at any one section just remember to use it in the order prescribed and just
have a go.

These are powerful techniques that seem simple and they create some
astounding results
. But to really know what is going on, you do have to go out
and use the material. My master key to success – Just go out and do it.

Let me explain by way of contrast just how powerful this system is.

My old approach to introducing myself to women used to go something like

I would see someone I quite liked. I would then work myself up into a frenzy of
self doubt with voices going on in my head saying things like:

- “What have you got to offer?”

- “What will she see in you?”

- “You’re shit and she knows it?”

If I did pick up enough courage to speak to her, and often I just wouldn’t
bother, my approach would be nervous and hesitant. I would be falling over
myself, knocking drinks over and not being able to speak.

Well how are you likely to react if someone stands in front of you doing guppy
impressions and spilling drinks? Probably not very well, but very occasionally I
would get a good reaction. And by the way I used to count hysterical laughter
a good impression.

On those few occasions I would leap desperately into “Let me impress you”
mode and I would come out with streams of rubbish about how great I was at
anything I could think about. Guess what I usually went home alone.

Does this seem familiar?

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Now imagine you changed all of that for the approach I now use. Just imagine
going out expecting success. So you scan all the women in the bar, spot the
ideal woman. You look at her with detached interest and think to yourself
“Okay she’s good looking, but what else has she got to offer me?”

Expecting a good result, but also knowing there are hundreds of available
women just waiting for you, you go over. You walk over and in a calm,
pleasant tone introduce yourself in a way that will put her at ease and
instantly build rapport.
You then have a really great conversation whilst
gently building her desire to have a great time…with you. Once you have her
getting really excited about you perhaps, you suggest that you have to leave.
At this point she would be just desperate to hand over her number.

Does this work exactly like this all the time…Well of course not. But the key
issue is that the approach is very relaxed, I build rapport instantly and I get
them to feel good about themselves and through that feel good about having
me around. And if it doesn’t work, well I know there are more and more
women out there that are just waiting to have a great time with someone like
and so there are many more opportunities. In fact, these days, I tend to
look for women that are not only good looking but impress me in all sorts of
other ways as well. If they don’t impress me in the first five minutes of a
conversation then I gently make my excuses and leave. Just because a
woman is good looking it doesn’t mean they deserve your company.

So let us break down the component parts of this system and take a look at
what makes the difference.

The building blocks of this approach are built on three foundations:

A winning mindset

Creating instant connections

Capturing and leading their imagination

There are separate reports on each of these sections that you can


These reports deal with the subject in much greater depth and have exercises
geared to helping you integrate the approach quickly and easily.

But for the sake of this report let me tell you more about each.

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- The Foundations of Success -

Think about this just for a moment. All of your beliefs about yourself and your
world are based on your experiences. That doesn’t make any of them true,
just what you choose to believe. All beliefs start with some potential, a basis in
experience, you then take some action based on this potential and get some
results. The results you get will reinforce your potential until it becomes a

An example would be a belief that some men have about not being any good
at meeting women. One of these guys may say in his head something like “I’m
hopeless with women…I always mess up…I can never think of things to
say…” and so on. Well with these thoughts running through his head when he
approaches a woman he is probably going to make it all come true and then
he can turn round and say, “See I told you it’s true!”

If, on those rare occasions he gets it right what he is likely to say is something
like “I was lucky” or it was all down to her and that sort of rot.

Key Point:

You will filter your experience to make what you believe come true.

None of your beliefs need to be true; they are just your filters for your current
experiences. If you change your beliefs all of the results you get will
change…and even better…they will continue to reinforce themselves until you
always get the results you are expecting.

If you want to know more about beliefs FEEL FREE to download my

special report.

I will show you how to change your beliefs quickly and easily.

So knowing this, what would be a good set of beliefs to be holding?

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Well how about a belief that there are more available, good looking women
out there than you have time to date. Believe me when I decided to take this
on as a belief, more and more available women suddenly started to appear.
You might argue that you are just seeing more opportunities and…. you are
probably right. The point being that before I just filtered out these women from
my experience, because I just didn’t believe that there were any around.

I used to see a really good-looking woman and make myself believe that she
wasn’t available, so I wouldn’t bother to go and find out. You will be surprised
at just how many women are there waiting for the ideal man to turn up.

Another thing that happens if you take on a belief like this is that you become
less desperate and more discerning. If you have this belief and you find a
woman that is not really interested in you, or is brain dead from the neck up,
why would you bother spending any time with her? If you knew there were
hundreds of available women around you would just politely leave and look for
a better opportunity.

If you want to know more about beliefs

feel free to download my special report

and I will show you how to change your beliefs quickly and easily.

Other great beliefs that would work with dating more women would include:

I have a great personality and have a lot to offer any woman

I can find loads of great women to share my life with

I am just out having fun meeting loads of women (or just people if you


I am confident in meeting new people / women

Life is great and I am going to share this feeling with as many women /

people as I can

I am the master of the universe and am going to dominate all lesser

species…sorry…just a little joke.

Just imagine what life would be like if you were constantly carrying around
these sorts of beliefs. Would this make some difference to your life? The great
thing about this is that the more you take on these beliefs the more all this
becomes true for you. Beliefs can be changed easily; all it takes is a little bit of
effort and a small period of adjusting to a new version of you. If you want to
know more about beliefs feel free to

download my special report

and I will

show you how to change your beliefs quickly and easily.

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- The Secret of Success -

Indulge me for a moment and just think of someone that you know and get on
with really well. Think about the last time you met them and had a great time
with them. As you think of that time notice how much you were both in tune
with each other, if you think about it perhaps you can picture just how much
you were taking on each other’s mannerisms, or you might be picking up the
feelings and mood that you created.

Now some of you probably know what I mean by matching and mirroring. For
those of you who don’t, I will explain more a bit further down. But for those of
you that do know, here is a word of warning:

Matching and mirroring is a rapport builder, but there are ways and means of
doing this that go way beyond just mechanically copying people’s body
movements or physiology.

For those that haven’t yet got a clue what I am talking about yet here is a

Key Point:

People like people that are like themselves

So as you think of people that you get on with really well, you will start to think
of lots of things that you have in common. Perhaps you have common
experiences, you like the same movies or music. You might even start
noticing that you use the same language, talk the same way and have the
same sorts of mannerisms and gestures.

Now you might also say that all of this changes when you are with different
sets of friends…and you would be right. The fact is we act differently with
different types of people. For those of you that don’t agree, think about this
just for a second –

- Do you act exactly the same way with your parents as you do your friends?

- Would you act the same with a police officer as you would a lover?

If you do, let me know where and when the court case is.

What happens is that on an unconscious level you will start to act a little more
like the people you are close to and they will do the same with you.

Here is a little piece of homework for you.

Just go somewhere where there are people in conversation with each other,
maybe a bar or restaurant and just watch people that are getting on with each
other, or not as the case may be.

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You will notice that people in rapport with each other will have a natural
rhythm or flow that matches each other. Just knowing this means you have a
powerful, nonverbal connection strategy. Just matching key aspects of the
woman you want to meet allows you to put her at ease right from the start. If
you match and mirror the right things you will instantly build rapport and
develop a great connection.

I guess your next question would be, “what should I be matching and
mirroring?” If I were totally mercenary I would tell you to buy my


Making Instant Connections

report. But I want to be good to you guys…so

here it is:

• Angle of head

• Spinal tilt

• Gestures and movement

(but only when appropriate)

• Breathing

• Posture

• Tone, volume and pace of


• Facial expressions

• Any words that they use


• Blinking

The word of warning:

When I say this to people they go off and start doing it really mechanically.
That is not the point. What I would point out is that this is a naturally occurring
quirk of human nature and you need to do this naturally. A more in depth
version of this and exercises that are designed to get you to do this easily and
naturally appear on my

Make Instant Connections Report.

But this is enough

for you to have a go at just gently building rapport with other people. Please
go out and have a go just noticing the different feelings you get when you
establish rapport with people.

An easy way of noticing the difference is when you are with some friends
where you have a natural rapport just break it in the middle of a conversation
and notice the difference in how you feel inside a well as how it changes the
quality of the conversation.

Now here is the really clever bit. Let us assume that you have practiced
building rapport, you have noticed what happens when you build rapport and
you already know that after you have rapport people will naturally follow your
gestures as much as you are following theirs. Now I know that for some you
will want to

have a look at the report

and go and practice a little first, but let’s

just assumed you have done this for the purposes of the illustration below.

Just imagine the situation where you are walking up to the woman you have
selected to talk to. As you are walking up, you build a gentle level of rapport
non-verbally (there is a specific way I show you to do this in my


Instant Connections

report). As you get closer you make eye contact and hold

this a little longer than normal and at the same time you slowly “grow” a
genuine smile. I will guarantee if you do this right you will get 99% of women
smiling back at you. The 1% that don’t are not worth your attention or have
had far too much plastic surgery.

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What does this do for you? Well smiling relaxes people. Two people smiling at
each other is an instant rapport builder and will just deepen the connection.

Making Instant Connections

report sets you up with a variety of exercises

that will ingrain this approach until you do it instinctively.

DOWNLOAD MY REPORTS to Discover the Three Master Keys to

Success with Women

Learn what you MUST know to attract women of your dreams NOW!

I guess that some of you already know how to match and mirror as this is old
news in some quarters. Please believe me there are ways of getting these
results that are far less mechanical and create deeper level of connections,
faster than you can imagine. If you are already good with rapport there is
enough information here for you to practice walk-ups that build great
connections instantly…and you don’t have to just do this with women. Any of
you that feel you could do with a little more to really develop this fully feel free

buy my special report on Making Instant Connections

as this will give you

everything to be able to do this like a grand master.

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- The Language of Success -

Here’s the thing, making conversation is not always easy and this is not the
simplest of the three parts of the system. The good thing is if you have
already taken on the first two parts of this system you have already increased
your opportunities dramatically. This section will just guarantee taking
someone home with you each and every night.

Can you imagine just how good that would feel if you were doing it right

Please reread the first line of the last paragraph and as you say it to yourself
notice how it feels. How would it have been if I had said, “It’s hard making
conversation and this is the most complex part of the system”

Do the two sentences sound different and do you get a different feeling from
them? Of course there is no difference in the meaning as you look at it, but I
hope you can see how different they feel. So listen in because I want you to
see the

Key Point:

Words have power and the way you use language makes a real difference to

how you feel about what is being said.

So here’s the deal…there are two parts to this section. The first is about
understanding just how you can adjust your language to create different
feelings inside someone else. The second is how to weave this seamlessly
into a normal conversation.

Trust me on this one; once you have really studied this, no conversation will
ever be the same again.

Can you imagine people going through different emotions and states at your
whim? Often when I go out with some of my friends, just for the practice, I get
them to go from laughing hysterically to becoming really sombre, to getting
them back to laughing hysterically just through the language I use.

Would that be a great skill to have? Well you can, there is enough to get you
started in this report and for those of you who want more, there is the whole of

Capture and Lead the Imagination report

just waiting for you to download.

In very simple terms, people will imagine something, just because you are
saying it. Now obviously if you went up to a woman and said:

- “Imagine having a night of wild passionate sex with me”

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She will process this information. If you looked like her ideal type you might
get a result, but the chances are she would run away screaming, or at least
that was the general result I used to get with this approach.

So a more gentle approach might be called for. I would suggest that a better
approach would be to get her talking about some great experiences she has
had and get her to start associating these with you. There is more on how to
use; language in a really artful way on my

Capture and Lead The Imagination

report. For now I want to give you something that you can take away and use
right now.
If you would rather master how to embed commands into your
conversations and how to get women to access feelings of passion, wanton
desire and feeling incredibly horny,

buy my report on Capturing and Leading

the Imagination.

By now, you might have already guessed that the previous two paragraphs
are a working example of how you can do this with people. Please read and
reread it as, all you really need to know to be able to work out how to do use
language in this way is in those two paragraphs.

For now let me talk about making conversation because some men don’t
always find it easy.

Okay here is another key point:

Good conversationalists listen more than they talk

The structure of good conversations are made up of loops from figure two

So a good conversationalist will offer some information, invite a response and
then acknowledge that response before giving out some more information to
invite responses from.

For example:

“That’s a really nice dress you’ve got on. It really suits you (this is the
inform bit and then the invite is a simple question like…) “Where do you
do your shopping?”

And off she goes on one of women’s favourite topics (only kidding). Once she
tells you about her favourite shopping haunts you can link in to any of the
things that she might have given.

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“Oh, I didn’t know you could buy such good quality clothes in Help the
Aged (this acknowledges her response and informs her that you
haven’t been there. So here comes the next invite…) “How did you
discover such a great place to shop?”

Of she goes again. Half an hour later you are building great rapport because
she is doing most of the talking and you have shown lots of interest in her.
Simple really? No need for cheesy chat up lines, a nice easy flow to the
conversation and a great way to build deeper levels of rapport. With me, the
more I look at conversations this way the more I get an easy flow to all my

Now just imagine that woman you have decided is worth speaking to. You
notice something about her, the location or the situation that gives you an
opening (I prefer "about her" as this makes a very personal approach,
although to personal and it will scare her off, so be careful). You then walk up,
building rapport and getting her to smile back at you and then launch into your
conversation model “I just had to come over and say I noticed your legs. I
think firm calf muscles on a woman look great. How often do you work out?”

Okay, that probably wasn’t the best, but you get the picture.

Now the real strength to this approach is weaving the two approaches
together. By using ways of creating state changes in a conversational model
you will have a powerful tool to associate good feelings that a woman might
experience directly to you. You can read more detail on how to do this in my
special report on

How to Capture and Lead the Imagination.

For the moment just imagine suddenly meeting the woman of your dreams
walking up to her and starting a great conversation that leads her gently
towards feeling really good and then associating that to you. I assume you
can feel great thinking about that. Now, how would you feel if that was your
experience every day of the week? Wouldn’t you just have a great time
practicing these skills more and more? This is my reality and it could be yours,
just how good can you feel thinking about that now?

That’s it folks. I hope you had a good time reading this report. And I do hope
you will go out and have a go with this material. There is a load more to tell
you about each of these sections, but this is enough to get you going and start
you practicing. If you want some really cool exercises that would allow you to
gently integrate this approach then please feel free to

download my special



- Creating a Wining Mindset
- Building Instant Connections
- Capturing and Leading the Imagination

Each of these reports are packed full of ideas, tips and exercises that will get
you dating like a Grand Master. For only $9:98 each you can have the same
results as I have been having, within a couple of days.

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Please don’t think you have to get these reports now, as there is enough
information in here for you to be able to use the system. I wrote the reports
only for those of you that want to turn results into great results, but everything
you need is right here. The real issue is about just doing it is in these reports.
So don’t imagine that these reports give you any mystical formulae, you still
need to pick yourself up and do it.

I hope you find this material a pleasant and rewarding way of learning more
about human behaviour and I wish you a great time using it.


Andy Hodge

PS. As a special favour for reading all of this report I have embedded special
discount links in the part below which will allow you get all three special
reports at an exclusive discount rate of only $19:98 if you

buy them together.

You will save over 30% by clicking on any of these links NOW.

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(The links automatically expire 48 hours after you open this report on your system. So do it now!)

PPS. Additionally by downloading all three special reports I will give you
access to my Inner Circle message board where I post regularly and you can
share hints, tips and success stories with like-minded people and learn from
each other.

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PPPS. Because I am such a nice guy, I am offering you the chance to earn
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Attract Women, Seduce Women - Attracting Women and Seducing Women with Confidence

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Nick Edwards
19 Manor Park Close

Reading, England

Dear Friend,

If you’d like to discover the best-kept secrets, the most

powerful, One Of A Kind, Time-tested, Unique and Proven

System That Guarantees To Give You The Most Awesome Success

With Beautiful Women Whether You Are A Novice or

Experienced, keep your eyes glued to this page. You won’t

find this unique insider information anywhere else on the

Web - Andy guarantees it, or it's FREE.

The information below comes from the private notebook of

Andy Hodge. Andy has been devoted to learning the secrets

of attracting women for over 30 years, he has taken every

course, listened to every self proclaimed "expert" even

trying and testing all of their so called methods.

There's many websites giving out information on how to

attract and seduce women. NONE of them give you simple, (1 of 14)03/12/2003 23:03:47

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Attract Women, Seduce Women - Attracting Women and Seducing Women with Confidence

easy to use steps that you can put into action within

minutes of reading the manual. Andy's taken the best-of-

the-best, over 30 years experience and distilled it to

something that the average Joe on the street can use.

I guarantee that you will not find this information

anywhere else on the internet the way Andy presents it.

When I read Andy's manual I learnt;

1) The three key factors to getting anyone to

like you (not just women)

2) A four step system to change my beliefs about

what I can achieve

3) A simple process to get good looking women to

notice and respond to you without saying anything

4) How to open up any conversation with a woman

and get her to want to talk to you

5) How to embed commands in your language that

lead the imagination just where you want them to


I had to write this little testimonial because you need to

know that I think Andy is mad giving this stuff out. Just

have a look around, I know you will come back to Andy's

site because some people are selling similar material for

hundreds, even thousands of dollars.

This material has completely changed my life. I have gone

from being the lonely geek that spends all his party time

stood in the kitchen to a guy that is dating three

different women in a week. You can do this just as easily.


Nick Edwards


P.S. Andy has offered this information to the 5 largest

dating websites, but they refuse to publish it because "he

reveals too much" (they say).

Get the First of my FREE Reports !

"How to Avoid the 5 Mistakes (2 of 14)03/12/2003 23:03:47

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Attract Women, Seduce Women - Attracting Women and Seducing Women with Confidence

That Men Make With Women!"



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This is a private mailing list and will never be sold or given away for any reason.

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Could you imagine walking into a bar and instantly building a positive
connection with the

best looking women

in the place?

How good would your life be if you could

date a different woman every night

of the week?

What would you say if I told you that in less than three days you could be

attracting women

you only ever dream about?



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Learn what you MUST know to attract women NOW!

Mr. Average, that was me. (3 of 14)03/12/2003 23:03:47

Get Report!

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Attract Women, Seduce Women - Attracting Women and Seducing Women with Confidence

I was just the average guy on the streets, average looks, average personality. And that is
just how women would take me, Mr. Average. For years on end, day after day I would
persistently ask women out. Time after time I would get the same responses:


A look you would give to something you were scraping off the bottom of your shoe

Hilarious laughter

Months of being strung along with a “I’m not
sure” or “We’ll see”

If I was lucky I’d get a “You're too much like
a brother to me"

If I wasn’t lucky I’d get a smack in the face...
or sometimes worse

Does this sound familiar?

Then I realised something. I simply could not attract, let alone seduce women. After years of
struggling with this inability, I can now look back and laugh because all of it changed when I
learnt the hidden secrets behind why women would want to sleep with a particular man.

The Secret They Don’t Tell Us Average Guys

Believe me I tried everything. Different chat up lines, clothes even pretending to be
someone else, nothing worked. Taking advice from those slick guys with Brad Pitt looks
was never going to work for me. What I found was a system that works for anyone,
whatever his looks, financial situation or personality. A sure fire way to attracting women of
your dreams.

If you are good looking, rich, or have some status in life then good luck to you. What works
for these typical good looking guys won't work for all of us Mr. Average's out there. I wanted
a system that works consistently without having to have a big house, flash car or stunning
good looks. (4 of 14)03/12/2003 23:03:47

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Attract Women, Seduce Women - Attracting Women and Seducing Women with Confidence

What they don’t tell you at school is that there is a way of tapping into people’s desires
and dreams that has nothing to do with how you physically look. Just knowing a few simple
facts about how people are attracted to each other dramatically increases your chances
of getting her to fall wildly and passionately in love with you
. Even without the flash
car, big house or Brad Pitt good looks it is easy to seduce women.


How I discovered the Key to Unlocking a Woman’s Heart

Ten years ago I found myself in a bar watching a short, balding, fat, forty year old man
surrounded by a flock of really gorgeous women buying him drinks. I automatically assumed
that he must have had money, power or status. But I noticed he was shabbily dressed and
when I watched him on his way to the car park with the best looking women, I noticed he
was driving a rusty, beaten up old car.

I went home that night wondering what it was he had, to have all these women running after
him. I decided to go to the bar the next night just to watch. The same thing happened. I
watched for the next few nights and sure enough I saw this man pick up dozens of attractive
women. Every night I saw him go away with someone new. After a week of watching this
man pick up blondes, brunettes, red heads, some young, some in their 30s and 40s, the
only common factor I could see was that they were all gorgeous. I decided I that I must
know what it was he was doing. This is what I learnt:

The Three Master Keys to Success With Women


Unstoppable Confidence


Creating Irresistible Attraction


Capturing and leading the imagination

Now believe me when I say it took a lot of hard work, study and observation before I really
understood how this guy was getting the results he was getting. I could hardly believe it
even though I had seen the evidence right before my eyes. This guy was taking home a
different, very beautiful woman every night! He was no ‘looker’, had little money nor any of
the other trappings of success, and yet there he was with women falling at his feet.

You can imagine how I felt, I just had to get this information, find out how he did it and just
learn how to do this
for myself. Just learn to attract a women easily. I decided this was
the turning point. If this baldy old bastard could do it then so could I. I decided to take (5 of 14)03/12/2003 23:03:47

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Attract Women, Seduce Women - Attracting Women and Seducing Women with Confidence

action and learn everything I could about attracting women. I bought every book, listened
to every audio, attended every relationship, “pick-up” and seduction training seminar I could.
I hung out with, watched and learned from guys that were bedding HOT women every time
they went out. I spent four years, in the field, testing and tweaking everything I learned.

Can you imagine going from never speaking to particular beautiful women to, walking up to
any of them and holding a conversation that didn’t result in having a drink poured over you
or hysterical laughter? Well now I teach people all round the world how to do this and it
takes less than a couple of days.

Now, to hire me for a couple days will cost you over $2000.

I know that there are some guys that can't afford that kind of money. So, last year, I
decided to publish my up-to-date and time tested manual. Now my newly revised and
expanded 2nd Edition
has just been released. What would it be worth for you to be able to
attract women now?

Get Your Three Master Keys to Success With Women Manual Here!!

Learn What You MUST Know to Attract Women of Your Dreams NOW!

Now, Look...

If you just knew you could have this information, then and there, would you not just beg for
? You can have this information, but there is one phrase that I leave my clients with;
“These techniques I have taught you are so powerful you will be faced with situations that
you may not even have dreamed about. Use it with care and hang in there because your
life is just about to change dramatically
.” With that in mind just go out, have fun and use
. Just apply this stuff consistently and you will get results. You will get results from day
one, but the more you practice the better you get.

But don't take my word for it, here's what just one newly transformed guy has to say about

the information I share in this unique manual. (6 of 14)03/12/2003 23:03:47

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Attract Women, Seduce Women - Attracting Women and Seducing Women with Confidence

"Andy, I've got one word for this product: WOW!

I didn’t really think that my life could change that much, but let
me tell you about the events that took place over the next
couple of weeks:

A long term friend that “loved me like a brother”
suddenly decided that she had to rip my clothes off and
roger me senseless.

Twice in the first week I would be talking to women in a
bar and they would decide to drag me of to the rest
room for sex


At a work’s night out my manager’s wife gave me her
phone number and asked me to call her (a real career
decision that one)

The woman at my local grocery store followed me out
to the car park to ask me out

Within two months I was almost stalked by two
separate women who, when they met each other
started fighting over me

It's really hard to believe that I was the shy and quiet type
around women after all that's happened since downloading
your manual!"
Dermot Anderson., Dublin - Eire

This manual is powerful and dangerous if not used with care.

Before I go much further I should say at no time do I
lie, cheat or manipulate anyone into situations. These
women know the score and have a completely free
choice over their reactions. They just choose to want
to be with me. I treat them with respect and enjoy
their company as much as they enjoy mine. I always
let them know that I am not after a long-term
relationship and that I am seeing other women as

Whilst this system is great for having fun with lots of women, if what you want is to attract
the perfect woman and settle down, then this system will easily help you to find her…and
have great fun looking.

The rest is up to you. So stop wasting time and start seducing women!

The Best Kept Secret of Success. (7 of 14)03/12/2003 23:03:47

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Attract Women, Seduce Women - Attracting Women and Seducing Women with Confidence

Most people “have a go” get rejected and give up. When you suddenly understand that
each rejection is a step closer to the one that will say yes and you keep consistently
applying a set of basic rules, your success rate goes up dramatically.

YOU deserve and can have the women of your dreams the MINUTE you decide that’s what
you truly want. Can you see yourself with the woman of your dreams? Wouldn’t it be great
to have more than enough?

It only takes a MINUTE to decide. Decide now.


: This program was written by me for people who have walked in my shoes. I

know what it’s like to be Just the average Joe. But there is one difference – I have used the
program and I have achieved my goals and I want you to benefit from my mistakes. All the
information is here in one report – information it has taken me years to acquire.

Click here to Order Yours Now!!

Learn what you MUST know to start attracting women NOW!

Now, Listen....

Over the last few years many people have asked me, "how come you have so many women
chasing after you?". I have kept the teachings to myself for a long time, thinking that these
techniques for seducing women were far too powerful for everyone to learn.

I’m still not sure that this is a good idea, but I believe, if you really want this information and
you have come this far in finding my web site then you deserve at least the opportunity to
study it. So feel free to

download it now

, before I change my mind.

I know what works for average guys, (8 of 14)03/12/2003 23:03:47

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Attract Women, Seduce Women - Attracting Women and Seducing Women with Confidence

why not learn from my experience?

To get you even more motivated, I am willing to throw in 5 additional gifts if you order


Wednesday, December 03

Bonus 1:

Instant access to my new Inner Circle Private Message Board. This is a one year

membership to my "subscription only" message board where Inner Circle Members can ask
questions, exchange ideas, compare progress and motivate each other. I also answer
questions on the board.

Bonus 2:

Receive my "Essential Skills to Online Dating" e-course. This is currently selling

for $24.98 on it's own. When you receive my manual you gain instant access to this course
for free.

Bonus 3:

A special report on "Influencing People and Winning Them Over". This exclusive

report will provide you with proven psychological techniques to getting what you want at
home, work and relationships. I am adding this bonus so that you have even more
understanding of the techniques included in my manual. This manual is being sold on the
web for $37.95. You get it FREE.

Bonus 4:

An inside look at "The Secrets of Getting Rich". This ebook outlines the keys to

your financial success. Follow the methods described in this step by step ebook and you
will be well on your way to financial freedom. One person emailed a month after reading
this special report to let me know he has already made over $1500 in profit online, simply
by reading the report!

Bonus 5:

Download, Read and Profit from "The Three Master Keys To Success With

Women" ebook. This is an exclusive free version of my comprehensive manual. I am
including this bonus as I want you to profit from selling my manual. I will provide a
customised version of this report on request. Embedded with your unique affiliate ID, this
report sells itself and makes you richer! Some of our affiliates are making over $400 per
Month JUST by offering this as a FREE download on their websites.

My Thirty Year Education Is Yours, 100% Risk-Free Guaranteed

Here’s best news of all: you made it here just in time to take advantage of an
unprecedented offer. (But please don’t contact my existing customers about this.)

It's part of a marketing test that's got my accountant up in arms; he thinks that even our
normal risk-free price of $49.95 is too low. But because the Internet has reduced many of
our costs, I’m doing a test and pass our savings on to our Internet customers (i.e. you) until
midnight on Wednesday, December 03 on how it affects sales, we may or may not continue
the special discount after this date.

However, if you order The Three Master Keys to Success With Women online by midnight
on Wednesday, December 03, it’s yours risk-free for an incredibly low $29.98. That’s 40%
off the everyday price – about what most people spend on a bottle of aftershave. And trust (9 of 14)03/12/2003 23:03:47

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Attract Women, Seduce Women - Attracting Women and Seducing Women with Confidence

me, any ONE of my tips and secrets will pay for the collection, or you can return it for a
100% refund.

I am so convinced that this system works and only works. All you have to do is follow
the rules and you will dating lots of attractive women in almost no time. I am so
confident of this that all I ask is that you go through the manual and work at the system
for 30 days. If by this time you have not got dates with as many beautiful women as you
want I will give you your money back with no questions asked. Now I can't say fairer
than that. You have a no risk opportunity to learn how to date attractive women and get
the results that you want.

These Secrets Are Yours In Just Five Minutes

If you request it on the order form, our system will email you this software file immediately,
so you can start learning the secrets within five minutes.

This manual promises to reveal the techniques and principles needed to enjoy a life
of passionate independence and share your experiences with the woman of your
dreams. All you need to do is learn how to attract women.

It's an easy decision to make... YOU HAVE EVERYTHING TO GAIN.

It's easy to get started right away. Just

click here

and get ready to start fighting off those

gorgeous women.

Two Ways To Place Your Risk-Free Order


The fastest way to order is directly

online with our SECURE SERVER

. Or if your web browser will

not support secure servers, use paypal. Keep in mind that when you use our order form on our
Secure Server, we will email you the full manual within 5 minutes so you can start to attract women
tonight. If you order with


, the manual will be emailed to you within 24 hours.

Your secure payment will be processed by




You can use a credit or debit card with


. When you order through paypal the manual will still

be emailed to you however it will take 24 hours, not 5 minutes like ordering through the secure

Click HERE to pay by Paypal


Keep in mind that when you use our order form on our Secure Server, we email you the
software within 5 minutes so you can start attracting women tonight. If you order with paypal (10 of 14)03/12/2003 23:03:47

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Attract Women, Seduce Women - Attracting Women and Seducing Women with Confidence

the manual will be emailed to you within one business day.



This can work for you

Here is what others are saying:


Just had to write and tell you about the fantastic results
I’ve had from using your system. In the space of a week
I’ve gone from nothing happening in the bedroom
department to having four women chasing after me!
Thanks for everything."
Roger J., New Jersey - USA

"I must admit, when I read your material I was very
sceptical. After dating the third woman in as many days, I
have become a believer!"
David Z., Toronto - Canada

"Wow! Andy, I’m just pausing for breath after having red
hot passionate sex with the woman of my dreams and it’s
all thanks to you…"
Stuart., Birmingham - UK


My name’s Cheryl and I’m just writing to thank you for
getting my John to study your system. We’ve been going
out for three months now and he told me last week how
he learned to turn me on the way he does. Thanks in
Cheryl., Sydney - Australia (11 of 14)03/12/2003 23:03:47

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Attract Women, Seduce Women - Attracting Women and Seducing Women with Confidence

"Dear Andy,

I’m nineteen years old and I have been painfully shy all
my life. Having read your system over the last 4 weeks I
have found the confidence to go up and talk to women
that I never thought I could. I have even been out asking
them all for dates and succeeded in places I never
thought I could. Thanks you for the help you’ve given me.
My life has changed amazingly."
Jonathan., Seattle - USA

"Hi Andy,

Brilliant stuff. If only I had known this stuff when I was in
my 20s instead of just dating 20 year olds!!!"
Frank., Oxford - UK

This Information Works (If You Use It)!

After years of wasting my time and money getting more and more frustrated, I finally worked out how to
attract women in just a couple of weeks. You can do it in days if you follow these four simple steps:


Decide this is what you want.


Educate yourself. You must learn the best way to build a house before you start building.
Otherwise you will be wasting your time and effort.


Plan and organize yourself. You must put all your great information to use and seek out
opportunities to practice your skills.


Carry out your plan. Follow your plan consistently, without fail until you reach your goal.

I'm not going to hype you up by making outrageous claims. But believe me, anything I have said you can
I have proven it and so have the few I have shown the system to over the years. You don't have to "re-
invent the wheel", just follow my path. You have nothing to lose and a "new" you to gain!

I look forward to getting a letter from you about your new found success with women. Even though I get
an enormous amount of mail, please write to me. I’d love to hear your success story!

Sincerely, (12 of 14)03/12/2003 23:03:47

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Attract Women, Seduce Women - Attracting Women and Seducing Women with Confidence

Andy Hodge

P.S. - As one final incentive to ensure that you will succeed with this program, if you order by midnight
Wednesday, December 03 , I will also provide my PERSONAL email address. You will be able to contact
me directly if you have any problems or questions about the program. This is an invaluable resource for
anyone using my attract women manual. I want you to use me and my experience to help you achieve
your goals. This offer alone is worth the price of the course, but please note: I can only handle a small
amount of emails each day. Once I reach my limit, this bonus will be discontinued soon

P.P.S. If you don’t order the Manul right now, how will you learn the easiest ways to attract women?


. -

Remember, to get the complete package and all bonuses, you must order by midnight

Wednesday, December 03 .

Click here

to get started immediately. Once approved, you will be given

immediate access to my bonuses and Inner Circle message board so you can get started immediately.

P.P.P.P.S. - I guarantee that if you use just any one of my methods, it will pay for the collection;
otherwise, you can return it for a prompt 100% refund... PLUS... you still get to keep the Special Bonus

You have absolutely nothing to lose by ordering my manual, no matter who you are or your experience. I
take all the risk for you with my money back guarantee - ELIMINATE DOUBT IN A POSTIVE WAY.





Contact Us


Accelerated Success

1999-2003. All rights reserved. (13 of 14)03/12/2003 23:03:47

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Essential Dating Resource List:

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Click to find a comprehensive list of the world's best dating sites. From

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Visit the Sexual Top100

- The top 100 Sites as Voted for by You. (14 of 14)03/12/2003 23:03:47

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Accelerated Success



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