Understanding How It All Works Donnie Koptyra

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Most of this book was first written in 2000.

Copyright© 2006 by Donnie Koptyra

All rights reserved.

This publication is designed to provide accurate information in regard to the subject
matter covered. It is offered with understanding that the author and/or publisher are not
engaged in rendering medical or psychological services. This book is not intended to be a
substitute for therapy or professional advice.

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Table of Contents

Disclaimer 1
Table of Contents 2
Acknowledgments 3
Preface 4
Introduction 5
Chapter 1: Vibration 11
Chapter 2: How it all works 16
Chapter 3: Acceptance 31
Chapter 4: Health & Dis-ease 34
Chapter 5: Ideas 42
Chapter 6: Traditional Imprisonment 44
Chapter 7: Love & Fear (Relating) 64
Chapter 8: Exercises For Self Discovery & Evolving 69
Working with opposites 69
Mirrors 79
Forgiveness equals freedom 81
What would happen if? 84
Final Comments 87

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My deepest gratitude goes out to all of the mirrors in my experience that reflected who

and what I am, in my connection of the whole.

* A special thanks to Joyce Clay in all of her support, awareness and understanding.
* Shaqe B. for inspiring me to confidently share this information with others.
* My mother Nancy Koptyra for overcoming her challenges in life and her love and
support in all that I do.
* Linwood West for understanding and support.
* John Perry for understanding and support.
* My son Derek Koptyra for being the most peaceful person I know and for his courage to
live his wisdom and truth.
* Kim Koptyra for asking me the question; “what are you going to do about it?” when I
was complaining about something one day.
* My friend Mary O’reilly for having the courage to change her ways and live her truth.
* My friend Diana Holka for being open minded and utilizing the power of her thoughts.
* My father Donald Koptyra for always being supportive.
* Joyce J. for lessons learned through the experience.
* Barry Klein for understanding and support.
* Alex Hampton for understanding and support.
* My brothers Mike Koptyra, Dave Koptyra, my sister Cathy Bruce and all my friends and
relatives for all my experiences with them.
* All the wonderful people that encouraged the writing of this book, including all the
clients I met through alternative health and wellness counseling, and all the supportive
souls from the yoga classes I offer.
* Thanks to my good friends Sheryl Blystone, Marge Prezzato, Vi Higgins and Joyce Clay
for their support, editing and reviewing the contents of this book.
* Also many thanks to all the many authors and artists on this planet that have shared what
they know with us to enhance our continuation.

Much love and light to all in your continuation,
Donnie Koptyra

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Many of us are often unknowingly participating in or being influenced by a
paradigm, a system of made up beliefs, rules, laws and social conditioning that while
designed to help us, in many ways, actually strips us of our freedom, innocence, natural
instincts, inner wisdom and potential. It is our lack of awareness that keeps us "stuck"
emotionally, intellectually, physically, and spiritually, in this paradigm, from completely
knowing ourselves and our connection with all.

Think about it. WHAT IF there is something of which you are currently unaware
of that is limiting you in terms of freedom, love, joy, peace, fulfillment and abundance?
WHAT IF you became aware of it, and that awareness opens up a new way of thinking,
being and feeling, in relationship to experiencing new levels of freedom, love, creativity,
peace, fulfillment, purpose and potential?

What if this awareness prevented you from truthfully blaming,, hating, resenting
and feeling powerless. What if you really could live free in what many consider an unfree

The words in this book offer you the opportunity to shed the belief systems and
ideas that have been limiting your decision making potential and replace them with the
knowing awareness of your unlimited potential and freedom that has been with you all

Although you will find this information easy to understand, your old paradigm,
(your old conditioning) may fight you and put up a tremendous battle. The cause is habit
and ignorance. With an open, neutral mind, you can discover the truth of “Understanding
How It All Works” and THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE. Nothing will be more
powerful than the awareness of what your feel, sense and experience.

As you read this book and gain awareness of who you are and your connection
with all; it is your author’s vision that you spread this awareness on to others that you
encounter, and lovingly and freely be the change that you wish to see.

“Spirit is substance which forms itself according to your demands, and must have a pattern
from which to work. A pan of dough is as willing to be formed into bread as biscuit. It
makes little difference to spirit what we demand.”

- Francis Larimer Warner,
Our Invisible Supply: Part One, 1907

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The information in this book is being offered for those who are seeking clarity to
understand how and why we experience what we experience as our temporary universe
realities, and our relationship with it in the creative process of our continuation. You will
not be told how to live or what to decide. You will be given language that your deeper self
recognizes for awakening your conscious self to “UNDERSTANDING HOW IT ALL
It is not necessary to “Understand How It All Works,” in order for you or anything
to exist, or for you to use your potential while you exist. However, it can be very
beneficial. With an open mind, our minds can then be open to understand beyond logic and
illusion. For logic has its limitations, and illusions are a distraction of truth.
There is a great advantage in understanding the divine order of how your universe
works, just like there is an advantage to understanding the rules to any game.
Knowing who and what you are beyond your physical body and having awareness
of “Understanding How It All Works” will allow you to claim responsibility for all that
manifests as your experience. Becoming awake, aware and conscious, opens the door for
you to expand and utilize your infinite choices and possibilities. You will become aware
that you can consciously influence your unlimited potential for new realities to be
experienced that you once thought were not possible. You will become aware that it is
possible to evolve beyond prior limitations and understand your true connection with all.
Having awareness of your total self and consciously using its potential is not
something to learn. It is something to utilize with trust and faith. Although everyone is
already using their potential, many are not aware that they are using it and also which way
they are using it and limiting it. Potential is something that we all innately possess.
This information is being offered to you with the author’s vision for all to live with
the awareness of being and utilizing their unlimited potential of being connected as and
with the one whole field of energy of All. This is a vision of a society that evolves into
consciously living with the awareness of the consequence of universal laws and knowing
the difference between love and fear. This transformation changes the belief of what was
once thought to be limited reality into the awareness of unlimited potential. The awareness
that freedom is the highest expression of love, “Understanding How It All Works,” and
using common sense.
There are many people who call themselves teachers, gurus, experts, specialists,
priests and authorities that have been telling people their own idea of the right way to live
or how to live. They have told us their so called right ways to think, eat, work, move our
bodies and their know how of several other systems and ways to function.
It can get confusing to figure out who is supposedly right, or if any of them are
right. Some of these ways or ideas work for some people and do not work for others.
There have been many conflicts of interest regarding what is supposedly the right way to
live or be. There have also been many laws and rules made up as a means to control the
way that people should live or be.
Something to consider. Maybe there is no right or wrong way to live? Maybe we
don’t need instructions or rules that tell us how to live or be? Maybe there is a guidance

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system within each of us that assists us in knowing what to do or how we can be? Maybe
this is a continuing journey of self discovery, expansion and fulfillment? Maybe reality isn’t
real at all? These are the questions that led me to discovering the bigger picture of “How
It All Works” and my desire to share with others what I have become aware of.
For the past several centuries, there have been many beliefs, illusions and
mysteries as to how everything manifests or is created in a person’s experience. For the
most part, we have been taught that we are limited to the boundaries of our brain’s
knowledge of what we have been taught or what we have learned through experience.
Although what we have been taught and what we have experienced has been of great
benefit, there is much more beyond what is known.
There have been many ideas and beliefs that something external, greater and
separate from us out there is what decides and creates everything as our universe reality
experience. Although many have been taught to believe in this fate, nobody has ever
proven this to be true or not to be true.
One thing for sure, is that our realities do consist of energy and does exist in the
way that it does from a specific cause. In order for there to be an effect (a universe reality)
there has to be a cause. The effect part of reality is easy to identify because it is the
conclusion of the cause and is easy to realize with our senses. It is the cause part of reality
that many people have examined, questioned and debated. Either way, the basic
understanding is that every cause consists of energy and so does every effect. Without
one, you can’t have the other. In fact, every effect is a new cause for another effect.
Therefore everything is both an effect and a cause.
Here is something else to consider. Could it be that the very energy itself that fills
all of us and everything else is what many refer to as God? In general, could it be that the
whole universe is what we refer to as God? Could it be that this energy source is shared by
everything and is perfectly intertwined reflecting itself as being the cause and the effect as
one whole? Could it be that all effects are dependant on causes to exist and all causes are
dependant on all effects to exist?
Currently there is great interest and openness among the mass consciousness of
people in exploring and considering new possibilities as to “Understanding How It All
Works”. Many refer to this evolving of conscious transformation as the great awakening.
During this period of rapid change and transformation of consciousness, the veil of illusion
and mystery are dissolving, to reveal a greater clarity and understanding of “How It All
Works” in our inseparable connection of the whole.
A new dimension of awareness is being formed in this great awakening as the
subconscious self and the conscious mind become aware of their partnership and their
roles with each other during this lifetime as well as their connection with the whole in the
continuation of the presence of here and now.
Many people are becoming aware that they are the soul energy who has this body
and develop a self referring universal consciousness. Others believe that they are this body
and mind who has a soul or doesn’t have a soul, which influences them to develop and
believe in an object referring consciousness.
Some of the beliefs of an object referring consciousness may be; I am separate
from source energy or the God energy that is all, and creates all, and I am not responsible
for all of what happens in my experience. I am only responsible for what actions I do. I use

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logic of what I’ve been taught for most of the decisions I make. The people, things and
situations out there, are the cause of my happiness or unhappiness. The amount of money
or material objects that I have and how much I achieve, determines who I am or how
successful or unsuccessful I am.
Everything is happening to me. The way that I feel is a response to what is
happening to me. For example: “He made me so angry when he lied to me the other day”
or “She made me happy when she gave me a gift” or “The cloudy weather makes me
Other object referral personality beliefs may also be; the universe and everything in
it are all separate from me and everything else. I can only know who I am through the eyes
of others. It is a mystery to me as to how and why things happen that don’t include my
physical actions. There is a higher power out there that is superior, separate and different
than me and others. Everything is permanent and real.
There is good luck and bad luck. Coincidences are a mystery to me as to how they
happen. Everybody gets what they deserve or they don’t get what they deserve. When
someone does something to me that I don’t like, I am a victim. I do believe in fate. There
is good and bad and right and wrong. It is right to blame and you can catch diseases from
other people. Sometimes things happen for no reason. Miracles are a universal
phenomenon and mystery as to how they happen. There are places called heaven and hell.
There are those that have God with them and there are those that do not.
Self referring consciousness meaning; I am aware of being connected as being the
same source energy with all and I am responsible for what is created in my experience
whether it is pleasant or unpleasant. I am the cause of what I am attracting in my
experience and what is happening even if I have not performed any physical actions.
Everything comes from us, not to us.
The universe reality is not permanently real. It is the consequence of my energy
temporarily being mirrored back in perfect form from the vibration of my thoughts, beliefs
and actions. I know who and what I am being by the reflection of my universe reality.
I am aware of having and being unlimited potential. When I experience anything, I
am witnessing the effects of the energy/vibration of my notions, thoughts and/or beliefs. I
am aware of how and why things happen. Coincidences are the result of the energy of my
thoughts, feelings and beliefs coinciding with what manifests as my experience.
There is no such thing as fate. Only I can make myself happy or unhappy by how I
choose to evaluate. There are no victims. Each person is responsible for what they attract
even if they don’t want certain things. I am a being of power, intelligence, and love, and
the lord of my own thoughts; I hold the key to every situation, and contain within my self
the transforming and regenerative agency by which I may make myself by what I will.
There is no such thing as good luck or bad luck or right and wrong.
You don’t catch diseases from others. Dis-ease and health are the consequence of
the negative and positive vibrations of energy of the thoughts, beliefs and things that I
introduce to myself. My position at all times is freedom. My feelings and senses are my
guidance system. My common sense is what I use when I am paying attention to my
guidance system. All so called miracles are the consequence or reflection of what has been
precisely chosen or believed. God is not separate out there. God is within all right here
including myself. Heaven and hell are not places out there; they are what I experience

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when I live with love or fear and positive and negative thoughts, beliefs and actions.
There is a big difference between object referring consciousness and self referring
consciousness. One believes in external energy, separation, illusions, boundaries, limitation
and is not aware that he/she has anything to do with what manifests as their experience if
they haven't performed any physical actions that contribute to what manifests. The other is
aware of everything sharing the same field of energy intertwined as one whole reflection of
itself as various shapes and forms.
An object referring consciousness believes everything comes to us. Self referring
consciousness is the awareness that everything comes from us. You exist either way;
regardless of what you believe and neither way is the so called right way to think or be.
The universal law of cause and effect is always working in divine order.
An easy way to discover the truth of the law of cause and effect for yourself is to
compare what you are thinking, feeling, speaking, what your actions are, and what your
beliefs are, to what you have experienced or what you are experiencing. If you are honest
with yourself and really take a look, you will notice the match.
You will soon notice that your physical actions are not the only thing that shapes
your reality. This is what is meant by the phrases “Thoughts held in the mind, produce
after their kind.” “You reap what you sow.” “Like attracts like.” “You make the bed that
you sleep in.” “What goes around comes around.” “That which is likened to itself is
drawn.” “Be careful what you ask for.” “The plants that you grow come from the seeds
that you sow.”
One thing that I have discovered is that there is no right way or wrong way to be.
You can be full of love or full of fear, be positive or negative and some of that which is in
between at any given time. We exist from the absolute choice of free will with the ability
to choose anything and believe anything. If you don’t know that you have unlimited
choices, you can remain limited in your choosing. When you limit your choosing, you limit
your experiences and stay the same. Transformation takes place when your thoughts,
feelings, beliefs and actions change. Awareness, trust and courage are the keys.
There is no race, right way to be, or right way to go about it. Our decisions turn
into experiences and we keep choosing from there. Our experiences are valuable in our
continuation of evolving to a higher consciousness of love and awareness of our potential.
There is only freedom of choice and a process of how situations and things come to be and
what it all consists of.
I have found that it is not as important to know all the answers, as it is to
remember that you have all the choices. Knowing that you have all the choices reminds
you that you are powerful and free. If you were not truly free, you would not have free
will. If you have free will, you can will what you want or don’t want. There are those that
are aware that they chose to have this human experience and there are those that have no
idea how that could be possible. Those that are aware are also aware of how and why their
reality is the way that it is for themselves. Until you become aware of “How It All
Works,” you may create your experience unconsciously and believe in many ideas that you
were taught that may or may not be true.
When considering what or how to eat, think, exercise, work, relate with others and
other ways to function, a person can find their own truth by asking themselves if it serves
them well or not to be that way. A person can tell whether it serves them or not by the

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results of those decisions and by the way that they feel. The truth will reveal itself every
time. Your feelings are your guidance system and when you pay attention to them you can
use your common sense. It is the most valuable thing that you own. You have the ability
to sense and feel so you can freely make unlimited decisions to shape your reality.
Living a life by instructions, obligations or logic dulls your awareness of your
guidance system because you sometimes ignore your feelings about what you really want
or what you don’t want in your experience. Life is then confusing. When a person is
confused, they have less power. Living by some of these ways that we were taught in the
past can sometimes harm us when we ignore our feelings, which is our guidance system.
Sometimes people will hold themselves back from enjoying life because they have
been taught that doing certain things is not proper even though there is no reason that they
are aware of that it is improper or that it would cause them unhappiness.
The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past. You can’t go on well
in life until you let go of your past and that includes any illusions that you were taught that
don’t serve you. Letting go of some of the implied social conditioning that you acquired
that doesn’t serve you takes great courage. The reward is the happiness that you
experience from utilizing your freedom right to be who you want to be.
I have always had an interest of how everything came to be. How does it all work?
Why do things happen to some people and not to others? Where does everything come
from and what is the purpose of all of this. I also wanted to know why I was here. I
eventually did find these answers to those questions in spite of some of the traditional,
religious, social and educational conditioning that was offered along the way from my
parents, teachers, and other authoritative figures. Some of the false conditioning that I was
taught, was of a consciousness that believed that everything happens from the externals of
what is out there and to live by certain systems and ways even if it doesn’t feel good or
serve you well.
I was taught that you are separate from the God source energy that is all and
creates all; there are victims, you can catch diseases, things sometimes happen for no
reason at all, there are separate places called heaven and hell, some people are better or
worse than others, you must obey the made up rules and laws and there are some things
that you have no control over.
These beliefs did not serve me very well, but were valuable in stimulating me to
become aware of “How It All Works.” I found that a large part of myself was secret from
my conscious self and was locked away in my subconscious by obstacles, such as fear,
ignorance, and socially conditioned beliefs.
When someone is uncomfortable, they are more apt to look for more clarity or
another way to be because they don’t like the pain of living the way that they are. When
you start to search you start to find. I started to search and started to find. I first looked
outside of myself for answers but there was still much confusion as to “How It All
I eventually looked within myself and found that I had a guidance system already
within me.
This guidance system was in the form of feelings, intuition, common sense and awareness
and had been with me all along. It was not something that I had to acquire, it was just
something to become aware of. The highest achievement in my life was letting go of what

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I was conditioned with and becoming aware of the truth of “How It All Works” and
knowing who and what I am in connection with all.
From the beginning of my life; I have become more aware, not less. A study of
one’s self requires that you give it your attention and your interest. It is the first step into
higher awareness, as you move from the world of effects into the world of causes. As you
gain more clarity and insight into the way things really are and acquire a knowledge of
causes, you will find the ability to generate certain causes and control their effects. Each
act of yours, everything you say, or think, and believe, and every emotion you give way
to, has an impact on everything and everyone else. For example: as you become more
peaceful, you have made the whole universe that much more peaceful. As you become
more creative, you have made the whole universe that much more abundant.

It is all a continuation of freedom.

We can all live this continuation with the purpose to enjoy, expand and know the self
while evolving to higher states of consciousness and love if we want to.

When you understand how and why you are experiencing what you are
experiencing, you will be aware that things can change because it is all about you.

Although many people believe in reality, there is no such thing as permanent
reality. What we call reality is energy that has taken on a temporary form or structure from
a cause. Your reality is a reflection of the vibrations of yourself; created by what you
think, believe, feel and do.

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One of the most important things to understand about “How It All Works” is to
know and understand vibration. We exist in a vibrational universe of cause and effect.
Your existence and experience in this universe is always based on vibration. Vibration is
energy in motion. Everything that is known to be anything; including our thoughts and
emotions, has vibration. Every variety of matter including ourselves, has its own unique
form or frequency of vibration and is an extension of the same original source energy that
is shared by all. Everything in our universe reality is offering it’s vibration by being what it
is, and everything in our universe reality responds to those vibrations. That is what is
meant by “everything as being one whole, and everything is a cause and an effect.“
All things are swirls of energy, vortexes of moving forces, currents in an ever
changing sea of possibility. In time, all fixed things dissolve, only to change again into new
forms. Since reality is not permanent, there really are no things. There is only movement
and change. The things that we see around us are changing form at varying rates. It is easy
to be aware of those things which are changing at a fast rate, such as weather patterns and
physical actions. Other events which change form over long periods of time, such as the
changing of rock formation, are more difficult to notice.
We have put names on each unique form of vibration that we create, discover and
experience. These vibrations are known to us as thoughts, feelings, beliefs, things and
situations. All thoughts, feelings, beliefs, things and situations have their own unique
frequency of energy/vibration.
In order to interpret these vibrations, our bodies are equipped with sensors so that
we can identify what kind of vibrations they are. Everything that you see, hear, smell,
taste, touch or feel and intuitively sense has vibration. Our vibration sensors are called our
eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin, our emotional feelings and our minds. We use all of these
sensors to be intuitive as well.
From this perspective of what we call our universe reality, vibration is necessary
for you to have awareness of your total self. Without vibration there is nothing to sense,
know or be. Your inner being is the source energy that all forms of vibration come from.
Your thoughts and beliefs are what programs your inner being to extend that source
energy to project or make up your temporary reality.
It takes vibration to choose a thought and each thought is of different vibration.
How we vibrate is what gets formed (situations and things) as our reality experience. We
are all formed energy. We have always existed in some form, and will always continue to
exist in some form. Without the ability to vibrate or sense vibration, how could you know
yourself or anything else? How could you choose anything if you had no awareness of
what to choose from? How could the rest of the universe exist without any energy to
respond to? The more varieties of vibration that there are, the more responses our
universe can expand, continue and exist further.
Each human is a vibrant being, a life giving being and a life receiving being. Your
consciousness, as a form of energy, is infinite. Vibration is necessary for there to be a

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universe reality and also for you to have a continuation.
Albert Einstein has informed us that all matter is energy. Everything in our
universe breaks down to subatomic particles of energy including our thoughts. Nothing is
solid or permanent. It’s all energy/vibration and energy is nonphysical in nature. Energy
cannot die, it can only change or transform. Physicists have proven that all forms of matter
that appear solid and real are actually subatomic swirling molecules of energy. They
vibrate at different rates of speed and are temporarily molded into patterns, shapes and
situations. Matter is formed from the vibration of our thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
Reality exists as long as we believe it to exist. Our conscious mind influences the
subconscious mind and our reality is formed from within.
Mind, spirit and emotion are all invisible inner qualities of vibration and these
vibrations shape our physical world through cause and effect even though they are
Your subconscious mind is the energy spirit of which you are. You are the spirit
who has this body. Your subconscious mind vibrates what it has been conditioned with.
Your body is an extension of your subconscious and your subconscious is an extension of
your beliefs. Everything that you have ever experienced in this life time and all previous
lifetimes is what makes up your beliefs. The vibration of your beliefs forms your reality.
Your subconscious has more information than what your conscious mind can
access and houses the accumulation of everything your soul has ever experienced.
When under hypnosis a person is not using their conscious mind. Their
subconscious mind is being influenced by the hypnotist. For example; if someone is under
hypnosis and is told that the temperature in the room has dropped to a freezing
temperature, they will experience feeling very cold because their beliefs have changed.
Even though the room temperature is not cold to others, the subconscious mind has the
belief that it is cold and thus their reality is that it is cold.
Your subconscious mind does not argue with what you program it with. That is
why it is important to serve it positively with love and not feed it with fear or negativity.
In this earth plane universe reality consciousness that we have chosen to
experience, we respond, learn and evolve from what vibrations we sense. Vibration can be
seen, heard, smelt, tasted, felt and sensed.
When you look at something, your eyes are letting you know what you are viewing
by interpreting to you the vibration that is viewed. We have put names on everything that
we view so we can communicate with others the identity of what vibrations we are
viewing. The way that we know the difference between colors, is by the different speed of
vibration that energy is moving at. So when we see color, what we are really seeing is
different speeds of vibration.
Seeing the vibration of colors can even influence our mood. Light blue vibration is
a slow vibration and has a calming effect. Bright red vibration is a faster vibration and has
an energetic effect. When we see shapes or anything else, we are viewing energy that has
taken form. Even though the forms appear to be permanently fixed the way that they are;
the molecules of energy that make up that form are moving at tremendous speed. When
your thoughts, feelings and beliefs change, the formed reality changes as well.
When you are watching a movie and see the scenes and pictures on the screen, you
are viewing the particles of energy that have taken form from what is being projected from

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the film projector. If you shut off the projector; you shut off the reality (the vibrations)
that you were viewing on the screen. In general, if you shut off your beliefs, thoughts and
feelings, you have shut off your projecting vibration and thus you have shut off
experiencing reality. When we turn on our beliefs, thoughts and feelings, we turn on our
vibration and thus we turn on our experience of different forms of reality.
Our mood vibration can also be viewed. Kirlian photography is a form of infrared
photography which can photograph the color vibrations of our consciousness and our aura
is seen on the picture. As our internal mood vibration changes, so does the color of our
aura. Some people are able to see the auras of people, plants and animals vibration
without the infrared camera. When you are viewing anything, you are viewing forms of
energy that have taken shape.
We see vibration with our eyes.

Every sound that you hear is energy that is moving as a sound wave of vibration.
Your ears interpret the varieties of sound vibrations. The louder the sound, the stronger
our ear drums vibrate. Musical notes consists of different vibrations and that is how we
know that they are different. Sound vibration can also be felt, such as when you feel the
beat of a drum in your heart if it is played loud enough. Those who cannot hear can
usually sense sound vibration touching their body better than those who can hear sound
Sound vibration can even put out a flame or cause a glass to shatter. Each tone of
sound that we hear has color frequency. All of the tissues and organs in our bodies have a
color vibration and when musical notes and sounds are played, those vibrations can effect
and stimulate chemical changes in organs and tissues to function better or worse
depending on the vibration.
Certain tones of sound can influence a person to feel bad or to feel good by the
type of vibration offered. We use sound vibration to communicate speech to one and
another. We use the sound of speech vibration to express our thought vibration. Our ears
sense these vibrations for interpretation.

We hear vibration with our ears and

can also sense it with our body.

When you touch something, your skin receptors let you know what kind of
texture, temperature, sensation or pressure you are feeling because of the different
vibrations that are felt. Hot temperatures have a fast vibration and cold temperatures have
a slow vibration. We can tell if something is smooth, rough, hard, sharp, hot, cold, light or
heavy by its form and texture of vibration.

We feel vibration with our skin.

The way that you know the difference between the taste of a lemon and the taste
of a banana is because their flavors are of different vibration. In order to taste vibrations,
you must be able to breathe through your nose at the same time. Sweet, sour, salty, bitter
and pungent are all different vibrations and therefore taste different. Each variety of taste
lets us know what kind of flavor vibration that we are introducing to our bodies. Having
the awareness of tasting vibration is beneficial for what we choose to consume into our

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We taste vibration with the taste buds on our tongues while breathing through our nose.

The reason that you can smell the difference between flowers and smoke is
because of the difference in their vibration. The vibration of different aromas that we smell
can cause our bodies to respond in many ways. Different vibrations that we smell can have
a calming effect or a stimulating effect. There are many benefits of being able to smell

We smell vibration with our nose.

People can also be tuned into picking up each others vibration in a form of
telepathic communication or extrasensory perception much like a radio receiver picks up a
radio stations broadcast signals without any electrical wires. Mental telepathy is
vibrational communication from one mind to the other without using physical speech. If a
person is in touch with the awareness of interpreting vibration telepathically, they need not
learn other foreign languages to communicate and speech is not necessary. Vibrational
communication is universal regardless of what physical language is used. We have often
heard people say that they feel the other persons pain, hurt, or sorrow.
We find that people who vibrate a similar vibration or aura are very compatible and
can easily get along together. Those who are not of like nature (different vibration or aura)
cannot live, work, think or be together in harmony. What vibrations are pleasing to the
eyes of one person are not as pleasing to the eyes of a person with different vibration. The
same goes for sounds, taste, smell and what is felt.
There are only two emotions: love and fear vibration. All other feelings come from
these two emotions. When you feel bad - angry, worried, frustrated, guilty and other
negative feelings; the root or basis of those feelings is fear. When you feel happy - excited,
joyful, playful, appreciative, generous and other positive feelings; the root or basis of those
feelings is love. All people are capable of vibrating love and fear. Vibration of love feels
good and vibration of fear does not feel good. The pain of feeling vibrations that does not
feel good can help stimulate us to choose a vibration that does feel good.
There are energy centers that exist in your subtle body called your chakras. Each
of your chakras is an energy center that is associated to specific parts of your body. You
can also feel other people’s vibrations. Many have said that they are picking up good vibes
or bad vibes from someone even though no words have been spoken. Some people have
said that they have a gut feeling about something, or that they have a warm feeling in their
heart when experiencing love. Sometimes there is guilt sitting very heavy on the chest, or
we feel burdens on our shoulders and necks.

We feel emotional vibration in our chakras and other organs and tissue.

All of your vibration sensors are of great value and are our soul’s greatest tools
that help us learn, grow, evolve, enjoy and experience our human life experience. They all
compliment each other for the benefit of your whole self and for the benefit of the whole
Every thought that you think has a vibrational frequency. Every emotion has
vibration. In order for anything to occur or be, there must be vibration. Your human

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experience is unique and different from anyone else's experience because of the vibrations
that you offer and the way that you interpret vibrations.
The vibrations that you see, hear, taste, feel, smell and sense, are all about you.
Everything about you and your universe reality is about vibration. Vibration is really the
only thing that you own and cannot be taken away from you. Even when your physical
body expires your vibration is still everlasting. You are still the source of your vibration.

All manifestations are fundamentally the same, differing in the degree of vibration. they are

all creation of the All, and exist within the infinite mind of the All.

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Original source energy has no certain form or structure, and yet all forms and
structures expand or extend from it, and are it as well. Every being that there is, every
plant and tree on this earth, and every star and planet of your temporary universe reality
share this same field of pure energy. Everything is linked as a multitude of energy with the
only difference being the form that it becomes.
We all chose to have this human experience in a dimension which allows our
consciousness to express itself freely, causing more forms and matter to temporarily exist,
continuing and extending what we call our reality. The possibilities are unlimited as to
what can be made up, created or introduced as each of our universe realities. There is a lot
of similarity with each person’s reality; such as seeing the same sun in the sky. Each
person’s reality is also very different because of what they choose, decide, sense, interpre,
and/or believe. Each persons universe reality is only as real as they make it real and for as
long as they make it real with the energy of their thoughts and beliefs.
Everything from a thought, to what is created from thought, and what is
interpreted as a form of existence has one thing in common. It all exists as energy, and the
only difference is the shape or form that it becomes. In general, energy is what you and
your universe is, and this energy is capable of changing it’s form while existing as one
infinite whole. There is no outside to your universe because all energy extends from itself
to create more or less of itself and forms many variations.
If everything consists of energy, does this mean that it is possible for energy to
think; change it’s form, or expand? Is energy capable of being infinitely intelligent and/or
as plain as nothing? When you are thinking, energy is being used. When a computer
performs several different functions on it’s own, energy is being used. Vibrations of
energy bounce and respond in precise order of cause and effect. Our universe consists of
energy that can not only shape and form, it can also think, which is a response of
continuation. Our universe is much like a computer. It responds to the unlimited variations
of energy that it receives shaping an effect which changes the universe to also become a
cause for more effects.
This universal energy continues to exist in it’s many different forms from it’s own
universal law of cause and effect. Since energy can change it’s form from a cause, the
effect is the result of the cause. Energy does not need a brain in order to be a cause or an
effect. Sunshine can cause ice to melt into water. A seed can fall off of a plant causing a
plant to have less of itself and a seed can grow into another plant to have more of itself. A
computer can perform many functions without you being there, and fire can spread from
tree to tree and wipe out miles of forest.
You could say that all energy is thinking or responding energy regardless if it has a
brain because of the universal law of cause and effect.
It’s not so important to know how or why energy started as it is to “Understanding
How It All Works.” Your universe consists of energy, and cause and effect is the order in
which it exists and continues. Each cause has an effect. Each effect becomes the cause for

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something else. A cause is also an effect at the same time. This helps explain how
everything is one whole mirror of itself and nothing can be on the outside or separate.
Where would it go, and how would you know where it exists if it is separate?
All energy is an extension of source energy and is connected reflecting itself in a
wide variety of ways. Nothing is outside or separate. It’s all one whole connection
containing a wide variety of formed energy reflecting itself.
We are all an extension of source energy just like everything else is. Therefore we
are capable of extending source energy and the way that we do this is by the energy of
our subconscious beliefs. Our subconscious beliefs are like a computer that has been
programmed with data of the history of all of our experiences and also by the influence of
our conscious mind. All actions and circumstances come from the way that we feel, what
we think and what we believe and know. Our position is freedom.
Your conscious thoughts influence your subconscious beliefs and it is the vibration
of your beliefs that shapes energy and forms your reality. Cause and effect have the same
vibration. In structure form and behavior, your inner world vibrations are reflected back as
your outer world reality. Your outer world universe reality consists of everything
including your body and your behavior. Everything comes from us, not to us.

Everything that is occurring in your outside world (situations, experiences and
matter) is the result, consequence and match of what is going on inside. We are all
vibrational generators creating and making up our universe (our reality) as a reflection of
ourselves, which is pure potential. These reflections are the result of energy being
duplicated like a mirror, with the same frequency of vibration of our thoughts and beliefs.
These mirrors that we experience are of a different kind of mirror than the ones attached
to the walls in the places that we live. These mirrors are made up of vibrations that we see,
hear, taste, touch, smell and sense.
Physical reality is the reflection of our conscious thoughts and subconscious beliefs
(formed vibration). Therefore everything that we manifest or are aware of as our reality is
from the vibration of our thoughts and beliefs and is an extension of ourselves and overall
is an extension of the whole. This includes all living and non living matter and behavior.
Without these mirrors reflecting, we would have a difficult time to know ourselves as
everything that there was, is, and is going to be, as our one and only infinite self. Some
refer to this as God realization.
We are an extension of the source, with all humans connected as one being, we are
being actually the same, having and possessing different aspects of the same being. You
have the ability to save yourself, redeem and heal yourself. You always have. You always
will. You have developed the power to do so.
Reality is only as real as we make it and for as long as we make it exist. In general,
reality is temporary formed variations of energy. Therefore, reality is not permanent. The
most common misunderstanding is that we mistake physical reality for reality itself. This
misunderstanding is the biggest cause of limitation next to fear.
The understanding of what physical reality is, and how physical reality manifests
and temporarily exists, is a major step in realizing your freedom. If you know that you are
free, you are aware that you exist with free will. Freedom is also the highest expression of
love. “Understanding How It All Works” can provide a great sense of relief because you
will be aware that you can change your outer world experience by simply making

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adjustments in your inner world. Your inner world is the energy of your thoughts, beliefs,
and how you feel. Your natural state of being is freedom. You don’t have to give effort to
being free, you are already free. There isn’t anything or anyone that makes you be or do
anything. Although there may be many influences, you are the one that freely chooses it all
and has the opportunity at hand.
For the most part, people have been under the misconception that in order for
something to happen or manifest in our experience; we must always do a physical action
with our bodies or use something mechanical to make it happen. The mass consciousness
has been living a way of a very mechanical world that educates us on how to make things
happen or manifest by using technologies (objects) and our bodies. (The externals).
Although mechanical ways do produce results of what we want when we use them; it is
still our thoughts that caused those mechanical ways to be invented and then used for
performance. Our actions are an extension of our thoughts and beliefs as well as the
mechanical apparatus that we have, make and use.
When we face a situation that we are unable to use technologies or our bodies to
change, people resort to hoping, wishing, wanting or praying for it to change. When the
situation changes without any mechanical or physical action on our part, many people call
it good luck or they give credit to a so called outside entity that they prayed to or
whatever else came in to make the situation different.
Some people even resort to the illusion of calling the change a miracle. Miracles
are defined as being a wonder or marvel of an extraordinary event manifesting divine
intervention in human affairs. There is nothing supernatural about anything that happens.
Everything manifests as a reflection from the inside, not the outside.
These changes always originate and occur from the vibration of our thoughts and
subconscious beliefs. There is no such thing as luck or miracles. There is no such thing as
accidents or things happening for no reason. There is always prior and current attention
(vibration) in like similarity to what did manifest or change. The vibration came from your
conscious thoughts and subconscious beliefs, and then it was mirrored back as your
experience as your physical universe reality. Like vibration thoughts and beliefs attracts
like vibration reality via the law of cause and effect.
When you make the decision to choose something better about your situations,
your health, your relationships, your environment, and other things; it can then be possible
for it to be better than how it apparently is because that is your new vibration. If you don’t
decide something different or better, your vibration remains the same and so do your
situations. Although it can be helpful, it is not even necessary to know how it can change
or be better. Your universe reality will adjust to accommodate what you decide and
vibrate at all times sooner or later unless you have contradictive belief vibration. To make
room for the new, you must let go of the old.
Typically, if you want to change the temperature in your indoor environment you
must adjust the thermostat to a different setting. In order for a different temperature to be
experienced, you must let go of the old setting and adjust the thermostat to the new
setting and keep it there. Your habits are just like a thermostat. They will stay the same
unless you adjust the setting and so shall your reality.
Your universe reality does not decide what is best for you by allowing some
things, and not allowing other things to manifest. Your universe reality says yes to

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everything that you vibrate by reflecting or mirroring it for you. Whatever your reality is
like, it is about you. It is always reflecting the vibration of your thoughts, beliefs, your
feelings and actions.
Your existence and experience in this universe is always based on vibration. It is a
universe that reflects or gives you the way it is because of Universal Laws; with Law of
Cause and Effect, Law of Attraction, and Law of Reflection being absolute at all times.
These laws represent how your vibration creates your reality. The Law of Attraction and
Reflection mean the same thing. The universe therefore is always saying yes to what you
The word “no” is mainly used as a word to communicate with each other about
something. Universal laws do not answer, give or reflect to the word or the feeling of “no”
in the way that you might be intending it to be when you are trying to get rid of
something. The universe can not answer “no” to what ever you are trying to get rid of
because “no” cannot be reflected as something different than what “no” is about. Universe
always answers yes to what ever your vibration is, including what ever you say you don’t
want or don’t want more of.
When you say “no more sickness,” “no more poverty,” “no more loneliness,” or
“no more of anything;” what you are vibrating is the very thing that you don’t want and
that is what gets mirrored back. In other words you are asking for more of what you don’t
want even though you don’t want it. Therefore your universe always provides what you
include from your vibration. It is a universe that is always about inclusion.
To have your universe reality reflect what you do want you must not give thought
to what it is that you do not want and only give thought to what you do want. When you
give thought or your attention to having abundance of good health, money, and
companionship, your universe will reflect what it is that you are wanting and will stop
reflecting what you do not want because it can only give what you vibrate or ask for.
When you say that you want vibrant health and then say but I am ill, your universe
will give you a situation of you being ill and wanting better health. Can you see the
contradiction and how precise your universe gives what you vibrate?
When you are saying that you want something because you are all caught up in the
lack of what ever it is that you are wanting, your universe will respond to your lack
vibration and give you more of what you do not want. Your universe does not answer to
words, it answers to vibration. It is important to line up your energy to match what you
desire or want without contradiction.
For the most part, today’s experience is the tomorrow of what you vibrated
yesterday. You can make your worries of today be tomorrow’s experienced reality, or
your conscious loving thoughts of today can be tomorrow’s experienced reality. It’s up to
There is a source of pure positive energy existing within you and everyone else at
all times. It is the energy that created you to begin with. It is the energy that sustains you
and supports you. This energy is always flowing with you because you exist in a universe
of inclusion. Since the energy is flowing with you and everyone and everything else,
everything is one whole connection of an inclusion of itself. For you to exist in someone
else's reality, you are an inclusion to them and they are an inclusion to you.
Manifested situations and things that you do not give a conscious thought to, come

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from your subconscious beliefs, your feelings and the collective consciousness
conditioning of the masses that you acquire. If you don’t like the situations and things that
manifest as your experience, you are free to consciously choose different thoughts and let
go of what beliefs are creating what you do not want.
For example: A good majority of people have a belief that there is a “flu season”
and the news media promotes that it is expected that many will get sick during the
holidays. If you get influenced by this negative news and hear others talk about it, you
might develop a subconscious belief to expect to get sick during the holiday season. Even
though you don’t want to be sick, you start to expect it and then you experience it. You
may have originally bought into the belief that during the holiday season you should
expect to get sick because you noticed many others buying into this belief and getting that
result. The illusion is that the “flu bug” is getting everyone. Those that don’t get it are the
lucky ones.
Those that buy into it are creating what they expect. To change that pattern that is
on automatic expectation, a person must let go of this negative belief and or consciously
give thought to something different or better, such as; “from now on I am healthy
throughout the whole year”. Holidays and germs don’t cause a person to be sick. If that
were the case; everyone would be sick during holiday seasons. More will be discussed
about this in the health and dis-ease chapter.
One way to crumble a subconscious belief, is to consciously choose or affirm or
give attention to the opposite over and over until you don’t have to give conscious
thought to it. The new or different thought becomes your replacement subconscious belief.
As you choose something different or better, you simultaneously let go of the old belief.
Your universe reality will then mirror your new vibration. As you consciously keep
vibrating the new decision, it will eventually be accepted by your subconscious for your
automatic expectation, or you can just let go of the old belief. It can take a short while, or
it can take a long while, depending how attached you are to the old pattern and how soon
you are willing to let go of what doesn’t serve you. If something doesn't serve you; it is up
to you to stop serving it to yourself!
Visualizing your reality is also an effective way of forming your reality as long as
you feel it as well. It is not necessary to do anything except be what you want. You cannot
be healthy if you declare that you are ill. You cannot have companionship if you declare
that you are lonely. You cannot have abundance of anything if you declare that you are
Everything first comes from your imagination. If you can’t imagine it, how can it
come to be? How can there be an image of reality? Your universe reality does not pick
and choose what is right for you or anyone else. It doesn't make anything up for you. It
only reflects your vibration without judgment. You are the one that shapes the energy that
is formed in your experience. Einstein said that imagination is more powerful than
knowledge. Where does it come from? The mind! Whatever you create in your mind will
repeatedly manifest.
Your attention consists of vibration, which is energy in motion. It is this energy
that comes from the inside world (thoughts, beliefs and feelings) that creates the outside
world reality as a match to itself.

To have a thought about anything, whether you are just noticing something or

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making a decision about something, is the same as asking for something. As you say that it
is, it continues to be as it is because of the vibration that you are offering is still the same.
When you declare that this is a bad day, you are noticing how it is and it may apparently
be so. If you don’t make a new decision of how you want your day to be, your universe
reality continues to mirror a bad day. The key is to consciously catch yourself from
labeling how it is over and over unless it is something that you prefer.
How do you catch yourself when you are choosing negativity? Pay attention to
how you feel as you think your thoughts, have those beliefs or speak your words. Then
choose differently. Your inner being is always offering positive or negative emotion from
what you choose or think. If you ignore your feelings, you ignore your guidance. Focusing
on something else or the opposite takes the attention off of the thing that you do not want.
You are always in a freedom situation to choose better and better at all times or
focus on something different in spite of how it is or has been. As you change your
vibration, your experiences change. Your universe reality changes. Patience is a must. Do
not stress over it if you are not able to shift right away. Just do the best that you can to let
go or imagine things to be different. After all we didn’t learn to walk in one day either.
We create through absolute choice of free will. Sometimes we choose or decide to
allow ourselves to be influenced from other people on what to decide, but ultimately it is
still a freedom situation for what we decide. No one is doing it for us or against us. When
we are aware that we create our experiences, we are no longer limited or feel separated
from our source, which is the all of everything including ourselves. We realize that we are
one and the same as our source. We realize the consequences of what we vibrate and
make better selections. When we are not aware that we are the source creator of our
experiences, we can remain separated, stuck, frustrated, limited and powerless in
expanding our potential and we can create a lot of what we don’t want.
In the dictionary, Creator is defined as: “One that creates by bringing something
new or original into being.” With every thought and belief, we create our experience. The
energy of our thoughts is what forms our reality and will manifest in accordance with what
our beliefs and expectations are sooner or later. Having contradictive thoughts about what
you want or what you think or believe, prevents you from experiencing what you want or
believe and know.
Contradiction is a different vibration. If you are wanting something and at the same
time hold negative thoughts or beliefs about it, you are not a pure vibrational match to
experience what you want. If you are wanting a loving mate while holding the thought that
all the good ones are taken, you are not a vibrational match of what you want. If you want
more of anything and complain that there isn’t enough, how can there be enough?
If we believe that we don’t have, and won’t be happy until we do have, then we
are putting our lives on hold. Your universe is always saying yes to what you vibrate and
will reflect (don’t have and not happy) and that is what you will get more of. When we be
and do, then we will have. Many times we say “if I only have this something, then I will
have happiness, health, prosperity and loving relationships. In order to “have” we must
first be and do. Have comes from what you are being.
Not all thoughts have instant manifestation power because you have other beliefs
of how things can happen in your reality that you believe in. If you are baking a cake and
would like it to be done in only two minutes and you are familiar with it taking forty

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minutes, it is not likely that your cake will be done baking in two minutes. This doesn't
mean that it’s not possible, it just means that it can’t be done in two minutes based on
your beliefs. Maybe that would compel you to invent something that could bake a cake in
only two minutes. Anything is possible if you decide it is.
Many people have set goals and then later experienced those goals. A goal is
something that you have decided what will come to be, and it will as long as you do not
change your mind with constrictive thoughts, beliefs and actions. Has anyone ever
achieved a goal without giving it any thoughts or attention?
One simple way to create more happiness in your life, is to stop talking
about what is lacking as your reality, or what you don’t want, and start talking about what
you do want. What you want can then come to be. Talking about what you don’t want has
been in the way. If there is a vibrational universe, then management of your vibration is
Everyone sees things through their own eyes and hear things through their own
ears. There are as many worlds as there are minds because every mind creates its own
world. Those that are looking to see what is missing will never find anything that they
want even if it is right in front of them.
Being solution minded is empowering. It creates positive change. There are those
that see problems, those that see solutions, and those that are confused. Nothing
wonderful happens for those who see only problems, or those that are confused.
Confusion breeds death because it pulls down your vibration. You can choose and
decide. Consciousness is the cure. How do you become conscious? Monitor and choose
what you think, and pay attention to your feelings. Living life with the awareness of your
highest values and with as much love, honesty, and integrity as you can grasp is an
excellent option.
At the center of every desire is a feeling. A desired feeling. We always want the
thing we want because of the way that we think it will make us feel. Happy, safe, loved,
free, and accepted. There is always a feeling at the core. Affirming and being thankful by
acting as if it is already here or has already happened can make you feel the feeling of
feeling good even though it hasn’t manifested physically. Your universe can then mirror
what it is that you want from the vibration of your feelings which is your point of
attraction. If you feel frustrated by affirming that something is not there, your universe will
mirror more delay to match frustration for you.
The universe, along with all it contains, is a mental creation of the All. The
universe is within the All. All is in the mind. Everything in this universe is created by
mental energy. The universal mind is energy. The whole universe is nothing but
consciousness; nothing exists outside the mind. We are all part of the All, within the All.
This is so with every object, with every existence. We are not separate. Separation is an
We appear on Earth as separate beings with diverse destinies, but just as each
separate raindrop is a part of the sea, so are we each part of the ocean of the universe, the
body of source energy.
When we speak of seeing or being in a forest, we are speaking of the whole area
that has many different things that make it one whole forest. The earth, the trees, the
animals, the insects, the water, and so on. When you speak of your body; what you are

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really speaking about is the collection of all the different cells that have different functions
that make up the whole body. When you speak of your body, you don’t name all the
different parts, you just call it your body.
When we speak of this planet, we are speaking of the whole area that has many
different things that make it one whole planet. When we speak of our universe, we are
speaking about everything including ourselves that makes it one whole universe. Although
there are many differences within all the different parts of our universe such as the various
stars, planets, forests, oceans, the diverse species, and many different molecules and
atoms; we still refer to the universe as a whole universe.
You can choose how you will view reality from a smaller or larger perception
depending on what you were taught or what you are aware of. When you say that ‘you’
are going for a swim in “your pool,“ it is the ‘you’ who gives reference as being separate
from “your pool.” When you say, ‘my body’ feels “great” today. It is the ‘you’ who gives
reference as being separate from your body. In reference, you are stating that you are not
your body but something that has a body.
So who is the you that you are talking about? Is it your higher self? Your soul?,
Your spirit? What does it mean when you refer to your higher self, your soul or your
spirit? Who is this me? Could it be that the ‘you’ who speaks through the body, who refers
to my “pool,” my “body,” my “soul,” my “higher self” is the energy of the All? If not, then
who are you? If you can create one thing or one action, is it possible that you are creating
all of your experience? Is it possible that you are being the human part of the energy of
All, just the same as a forest is the forest part of the energy of All? Is this what they call
What if you not only felt your oneness with yourself, but also with every human
being and everything else? What if you looked at everything from a higher perspective as
being a different part of you. How would you treat the rest of you if it is all yours? Would
you ever want to say anything negative about your “you-ni-verse,” or want anything
negative to happen to anyone or anything? Wouldn’t that be like hurting yourself? Is that
what they mean when you hear the saying “what you do to another, is what you do to
Whether we are one or many depends more upon our perspective than on any
objective reality. Conventional knowledge tells us that we are separate; higher wisdom
informs us that we are one. From a different perspective we can reveal that we are all the
same consciousness existing in different bodies the way that leaves and fruit are part of the
same tree. Humanity is blind to this higher truth when it focuses only on our differences as
a “bunch of separates.”
There have been many debates as to whether there is a separate God that creates
your reality, or if it is You that creates your reality as being an extension (the same) as the
God source energy or the energy of the universe.
Many of us have focused on something, or prayed for something and then later it
manifested, such as wanting to have a close parking space when we go shopping.
Here is a similar situation that shows a strong case for either side of who or what
the creator is and clarity from two different perspectives.
Person number one believes that a separate God is the creator of his experience
because he was taught to believe that whatever he prays for eventually happens sooner or

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later if he has faith in this God. He was conditioned through his church for many years to
believe what the priest was telling him. One day, person number one prays to his God
asking for a close parking space every time he goes shopping at the supermarket. He then
goes shopping and there is an open parking space close to the supermarket for him to park
his car. He remembers that he prayed to his God for this to happen, and gives the credit
and thanks to the God for giving him his close parking space. He believed he would
experience a close parking space by praying to the God.
Person number two believes that he is the creator of his experience because he
notices and trusts that whatever he can imagine and put his attention on, eventually
happens sooner or later as long as he doesn’t contradict. He decides one day that he
would like to have a close parking space at the super market when he goes shopping. He
imagines, trusts and has faith that the energy of his thoughts and beliefs create his reality.
He then goes shopping and there is an open parking space close to the super market for
him to park his car. He remembers that he decided (used his vibration) for this to happen
and gives himself credit and thanks for coming to decision and creating the close parking
space for his reality.
Both people have a lot in common. They both were the original source that
decided one day that they wanted a close parking space. They both had a strong belief of
why they would get it. They both expected to get close parking spaces. They both
allowed opportunity for themselves to have close parking spaces by taking the risk to go
shopping. They both experienced having close parking spaces after they had put their
attention on it. They both were aware that they gave prior thought to what became their
reality. The only difference is that one person gave credit to a separate God for the close
parking space and the other person gave credit to himself.
The sequence for what manifested for both people was: A decision was made that
sent energy in motion to take shape and form, there was no contradiction, it was allowed
and then it was experienced. Life can be anyway that you want when you follow the
above sequence and don’t contradict it.
What we know for sure is that the close parking spaces didn’t happen by accident,
luck or miracle. There was deliberate attention (vibration) given by both men to get a
close parking space and they both expected it to happen because of their strong beliefs,
and then it did happen. Neither person had doubt vibration or a contradictive thought. The
only difference between the two men is that one includes a God in the formula for what
came to be and the other only included himself as being the creator that forms his reality.
Either way, the original source energy that started the whole thing in motion to
form reality was from the decision of each man. The vibration of expectation was also
from each man. Each man’s reality matched what they originally chose/vibrated. They
were both being men that get close parking spaces when they went shopping. As long as
you are a human being, you are being whatever it is that you think, feel, and believe.
It doesn’t matter if you want to believe that a separate God creates your
experience or if you believe or know that you create your experience. The universal law of
attraction is always working by mirroring or reflecting your vibration either way. It’s not
important to figure out how or why your vibration produces your reality, but there is a
tremendous advantage knowing that it does. When you know “How It All Works” you
know anything is possible.

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Know that you are protected, and you are. Know that you are healthy, and you
are. Know that there will always be enough, and there is. Know that all is well, and it is.
Know that anything is possible, and it is. Know that there is beauty, and there is. Know
that you are unlimited potential and you are. Know that you are separate from a god, and
All, and you will feel separate. You have to ask yourself which perspective feels better.
Are you more confident in believing things can only happen from something outside
yourself, or are you more confident that things can happen from yourself? Which feels
closer to you? Which are you more certain about?
What you truly expect to see, you will most certainly see. The way you genuinely
expect to live is the way your life will surely proceed. When you know without the
slightest doubt that it will happen, it will happen. Intend the very best, in every moment,
with every thought, every action, and it will be.
Praying usually means to ask for something that currently is not being experienced
or known to be existing right now. What comes to be, happens from whatever you
vibrated, (asked for.) You can pray to a god, a statue, a volcano, a sky, a sun or even a
bowl of soup. Either way you look at it, you are asking for something and you are
vibrating what you are asking for. You are using the God, the statue, the volcano, the sky,
the sun or bowl of soup as a means to justify how it will come to be because of
conditioned mechanical object referral thinking.
Your expectation for outcome is dependent on your belief and faith in whatever
you pray to and your ability to stay out of contradiction. When you doubt your God, you
have changed your vibration and you receive your doubt outcome. The God didn’t let you
down. You did. There is no separate God that is helping anyone or harming anyone
because it likes or dislikes certain people. If so, would you really want to believe in a
conditional God that doesn’t allow mistakes and shows favoritism? Would you want to
give up your power that you can “reap what you sow” or have free will? More will be
discussed in the chapter “Traditional Imprisonment - something learned.”
When you pray to something and it later manifests, there is an illusion that the
thing that you prayed to made it happen, and you are forgetting or you’re not aware that it
was you who originally sent energy in motion to take on its form as your temporary
It is each persons responsibility to manage source energy (themselves) in whatever
way that they may want. You are always the source making it all up whether you are
aware of it or not. Where ever your attention is at, is the way you are being with your
Being conscious of your thoughts and beliefs provides a big advantage if you
prefer to experience happiness. Being conscious of your thoughts along with common
sense helps you stop yourself from creating things you do not want and it also provides
freedom to create what you do want.
“You reap what you sow” is the same as the universal law of reflection. Like
vibration thoughts attract like vibration reality. Everyone is creating their experience
whether they are aware of it or not, because they are always vibrating thoughts and beliefs
consciously and subconsciously. Those vibrations are reflected back as situations and
formed matter, or results.
We have the freedom to create and experience paradise, and the freedom to create

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and experience suffering. There is no separate place called heaven or hell. Both realities
can exist for you at any time. Your point of attraction is how you feel. If you feel angry,
you will attract more situations that match that anger vibration and it can seem like you
are in hell. If you feel joy, more joyful situations get mirrored back for your experience
and it can seem like you are in heaven. No one is creating your experience for you.
Nobody is doing anything to you that is not a match to what you have vibrated. It defies
the universal law of reflection or attraction to be any other way. It is always a freedom of
choice situation.
People get confused when they experience something that they know that they did
not want to have happen, and then they want to blame someone or something for being
the creator cause of the experience. If you worry about something and then it happens;
you are still the creator of the experience because you gave thought vibration to what you
didn’t want, which is the same as asking for it. What came to be was a match to your
vibration. If you don’t like what is happening, it is your responsibility to change your
vibration. Your universe reality will always mirror what you vibrate.
The labels that we put on people are also a cause for people to act as that label in
our experience. When you create something that you do not want, it is mostly done by
default of not being aware of what you vibrate. It is important to manage your thoughts,
and learn from what you create. If you want a universe reality of peace, you must be of
peace. If you’re not aware of your thoughts and beliefs, things will have less of a chance
for change.
If you want a situation to change, you must stop giving thought to how it is or
was. Let go of being attached. Which means you must stop being and believing how it is
now. When talking to others about “how it is,” you are vibrating, asking and creating
more of what you do not want. If “how it is” is wonderful and you are telling others about
it, you are in the creative process of asking for more of “how it is,” and are including more
of what you do want.
Listening to the words that you speak while you are talking with others will help
you to catch yourself from making statements that will bring on negative experiences from
your vibration. Notice the words that others speak and notice how it matches what is
going on as their universe reality.
Your words are an extension of your thoughts and beliefs and there is great power
in the words that you speak because most of the time it is what you are vibrating. When
you are aware of your thoughts and the words that you are speaking and the consequences
that can come from those vibrations, you can then stop yourself and choose better
thoughts and words. One can not alter a condition with the same mindset that created it in
the first place.
If you are not aware that negative thoughts, beliefs and words can create
experiences that you do not want, you can create many things that you do not want and
will have a tendency to want to blame someone or something for what happens. This can
also cause you to not trust and have many worries and ideas that are not even true. You
will also have a tendency to be reactive in life instead of living life consciously on purpose
the way that you intend. Basically, you create a vicious circle. It is very important to trust
even when there is great influence for you not to trust. Trust is the most loving way to be,
and it produces what you prefer.

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When a person is aware, they are not surprised by what manifests as their reality
because they remember what they vibrated. That is why it is an advantage to live life
consciously as opposed to not being aware of “How It All Works.” You release your fear
and increase your love. You set yourself free.
What you choose to see makes a difference. There are two types of people in this
world. Those who see problems, and those who see solutions. Those who look for what is
missing and those who see what is there. Nothing good happens for those who see only
problems or look for what is missing. They can’t even agree with each other.
A solution minded person transforms his world. The solution to an unwanted
situation involves making a new decision, which is a new vibration. You can be a living
solution. Instead of focusing on conflict, you can focus on how you can have peace.
Instead of focusing on what is missing, you can come to a decision of how much
abundance there is, or could come to be. If you know what you want you can start in that
direction. The vibration of your thoughts and beliefs is your magic wand.
It may appear that the conscious mind is creating your experience at times, but it is
always the subconscious mind which is manifesting it. The subconscious mind is your
spirit or source energy which is connected to all. The subconscious mind picks up from the
conscious and then it is vibrated. The subconscious mind has an important function. It
creates the conscious mind’s desires, fears, and other positive or negative thoughts. It also
permanently houses all of your experiences for the history of all of your lifetimes. You
could call it your souls cellular memory data.
These experiences become your beliefs and remain there until the experience or
belief has changed or re-programmed. As your experiences are deposited into the
subconscious, you will act according to what has been stored whether you are conscious
of it or not.
You are the original source creator of your universe reality, and so is every other
living being the creator of their reality. Each person’s universe reality is very similar, but it
is also unique and different than everyone else's, because of the beliefs and thought
vibration that they harbor. Yet it is all intertwined perfectly reflecting itself as one whole.
There is a conduit of your spirit energy that is linked to all spirit energy. That is
how other people and things show up for your reality. Our bodies and other things might
appear to be separate, but the energy that creates these realities is within all. We are
actually the same, being different aspects of the same being of energy.
Everything, whether it be people or things shares the same original source field of
energy, and is only different by what form it takes. Each form of energy responds or reacts
with other forms of energy to make new realities. All energy, regardless of what form it is,
is the source right now. Now is the only thing that matters and is where all matter is. Time
is always now. Each form of creation has the power to create.
Some people call this creative energy God. It doesn’t really matter what you call it.
You could say that this God energy is God exploring itself through every way imaginable,
in an ongoing, infinite exploration through everyone of us and everything else. Through
every piece of hair on your head, through every leaf on every tree, through every atom,
this whole God is exploring God’s Self, the great “I am.” Everything is the self, literally,
yourself, myself. Everything is the great self. Everything can be considered godly if that is
what you wish to call it.

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This God energy is here right now. That’s what it is all about. This constant search
of the human race to go and find the separate God is an idea that religions have taught
people to believe in, but nobody has been able to verify as that being absolutely true or not
true. People are so busy trying to become or find this God and that is why it is hard for
them to realize that we are already God. We are the human part of the God energy whole.
In existence, there is nobody or no thing that is superior, and nobody or no thing
that is inferior. The blade of grass and the great star are absolutely equal. They both share
the same field of energy but have a different form.
Some of the religions preach “Lord I am not worthy to receive you, only say the
words and I shall be healed.” You and everything else are already worthy. The fact that
you exist proves this to be true, otherwise you would not exist. No one has proven that
this separate God would create people and things to be unworthy and then turn
conditional and make them prove themselves to be worthy in order for them to be with
him. Your life is not about becoming, it is about being.
Your universe is always in an answering mode that mirrors what you ask for.
Whatever activates a vibration within you, will eventually manifest into your experience.
Your universe doesn’t always answer by what you ask with your words, it answers from
the vibration that emanates from you. You’re asking from that which you feel, know, and
What you believe is an asking. What you give attention to is an asking. What you
appreciate is an asking. What you try and get rid of is an asking for more of what you
want to get rid of. That is why praying for something to go away doesn't work. The way
to get rid of something is to not give it attention, even if it seems permanent. Let go of the
belief and/or form a new belief. If you’re not liking something, and you want to get rid of
it, you are aware of what you do not want. This means that the opposite is what you do
want. If you are only putting your attention on what you do want, then sooner or later
your universe will mirror your vibration in like similarity either through your actions or by
opportunities presenting themselves.
What is going on now, came from prior attention vibration. What is going to be,
comes from now attention vibration. This is the continuation process.

More of the understanding

- When there is nothing, there is potential for anything and everything.
- When there is anything or everything, there is potential for nothing.
- Both always exist to make up the whole as the sea of possibility.
- Change can occur in all situations.
- The way in which the universe operates is by cause and effect.
- Everything shares the same field of energy.
- Nothing is separate from original source energy because everything is an extension of the
- Therefore, we are also the source in human form.
- Your body is the current reflection or extension of the source energy spirit of that which
you are.
- Your spirit or inner being chose this human body form to experience what it couldn’t

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learn, feel, express, expand, receive, interpret or love, without a body.
- Your inner being chose to express itself in a dimension of consciousness that is of form
and matter.
- It takes vibration (energy) to choose or have a thought.
- Every thought that we choose consciously or unconsciously has a vibrational frequency
that is different than all other thoughts.
- In order to experience our thoughts and beliefs, (vibration) we have a universe reality
that is of form and matter.
- Our universe reality is caused or manifested by our vibration.
- It doesn’t matter “why” this is the process but there is great
advantage in knowing that it “is” the process.
- Each fragment of reality we experience is an exact match of what we vibrate, whether it
be situations or things, and whether we want it or not, directly or indirectly.
- Reality is a reflection or mirror, extension of ourselves and everything as a whole.
- Reality is formed energy that we believe to be real.
- Reality is not permanent.
- We invent our reality by the vibration of our thoughts, beliefs and feelings.
- As we change our thoughts and beliefs, our reality changes.
- Vibrations (reality) consist of everything that we sense. (What we see, hear, smell, taste,
feel and intuitively sense.)
- Our sensors, (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin and our several chakras) give us the ability
to interpret what kind of vibrations, (reality) we create and experience.
- The vibrations that we are sensing influences us to choose more vibrations. (conscious
- These vibrations are again reflected or mirrored back as our reality to sense and
- As we interpret vibrations, we are experiencing what and who we are being.
- If we don’t like what we are experiencing, we are free to vibrate/choose something
different or better.
- If we just notice or confirm how situations and things are, the situations and things
remain the same until other thoughts/vibrations are offered.
- Everything is always happening right now.
- The sea of possibility is always available right now to ask, choose, and decide anything
for your experience.
- The universe reality is always saying yes to what you choose and ask for as a match of
your vibration.
- Your universe reality is always adjusting by accommodating your vibration.
- Situations don’t always change immediately because you have other beliefs that are
contradictive to what you are asking for, or your universe reality needs more time to
adjust for your situation to change, because of your beliefs of “how” it can change.
- Your reality will sometimes reflect in ways that might make you think that it is reflecting
something that you didn’t ask for.
- For example: If you want Blue and Red for your reality, the universe may reflect them
back or mix them together by giving you purple.
- Every person and everything is here in your universe reality because you believe that they

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- The body that you have, and the people and situations that are occurring now, are
perfect for what you can learn and grow from.
- Wherever you are, and whatever is going on, is perfect for you to learn and grow from.
It’s always about you.
- Your universe reality is created by your conscious thoughts influencing your
subconscious self to form beliefs.
- Your conscious mind makes decision thoughts, such as deciding what to say next in a
conversation, or what to do next.
- Your conscious thoughts influence your subconscious mind.
- Your subconscious mind runs your show.
- The subconscious mind vibrates stored beliefs, such as wonderful or traumatic
experiences, habits, fears, likes, dislikes, what you have been taught, and all other
- The subconscious mind stores your beliefs and expectations to make your reality simpler.
If something is noticed or expected enough times, the vibration gets stored in the
subconscious mind to be in an automatic mode vibration of belief expectation. (Such as
the belief that there is night and day.)
- Our emotions or the way that we feel is our guidance system that lets us know what is in
harmony with our self or not in harmony with our self.
- Our point of attraction is how we feel.
- Love feels good and fear feels bad.
- Our body and our health is a reflection of how we vibrate.
- Your level of happiness is determined by how you evaluate everything and what you
- Your happiness does not depend on anyone else, or any thing, or any situation.
- No thought or belief = No vibration = No thing
- Thought = vibration = anything and everything.
- We always have everything and nothing as our potential in our everlasting freedom
situation. You can experience both in a second of time from each other.
- Each of us is the manager of our vibration.
- All that we are is the result of our thoughts; it is founded on our thoughts, made up by
our thoughts.
- At the soul level there is no good or bad energy. There is simply energy. It is how you
use that energy that determines its usefulness to you.
- Until you consciously know that you create your experiences, you will create
experiences unconsciously.
- When you are aware that you create your universe reality, you will be able to accept it
more easily instead of resisting it.
- When you accept your reality, you accept yourself as being part of the all.

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When you know that you are responsible for what your vibration creates as your
universe reality experience, it will be easier to accept anything and everything that
manifests as your reality. You take credit for what manifests. You realize that even if you
are not aware of how or why something manifested in your experience - you know that it
could not be manifesting without your vibration of like similarity.
Sometimes it takes a while for the universe reality to adjust before your vibration
can manifest. If you worried about something that you did not want to happen and several
days or even years later it happens, you can get confused and think that you didn’t create
the experience that manifested now, because you forgot that your belief from the past was
so long ago. This is why it doesn’t pay to have negative beliefs now. They can sooner or
later become your reality situation. Today’s misfortune can be the tomorrow that you
worried about yesterday.
You are creating everything as your reality from the energy of your beliefs stored
as the history of your experiences, including past lives. If you had certain fears and beliefs
from your previous lives, those fears and beliefs remain until you change them. Your spirit
doesn’t know any different.
Your body and everything around you is the aspect of how your subconscious
vibrates. Your vibration is determined by your thoughts and beliefs. Our bodies are made
up of billions of interacting cells. Each of those cells is a living, breathing, thinking, feeling
organism, receiving, retaining, and reacting to the information it receives from the
subconscious mind.
It is in the subconscious that our spirit minds live, safe, sound, and always intact,
no matter how healthy or unhealthy our conscious minds might be. Our spirit remembers
every moment our souls have experienced, in this life and every other life we’ve lived since
we have existed. The instant our spirit minds enter our physical bodies, they infuse the
cells of our bodies with all the information and memories they possess, and our cells
respond accordingly until our spirit leaves our body. Our cells react in ways to the
memories from this life and previous lives whether our conscious minds are aware of those
memories or not.
Everyone begins their current life as a continuation of having the same issues and
beliefs as their previous life. This explains why people are born with the circumstances and
people that they start this life with and in the way that they start this life. Nobody is given
the easy or hard circumstance by accident in their continuation.
To say that you can not accept how people treat you or what did or did not
manifest in your experience, is the same as saying that you are only a part time creator or
you do not create your experience at all. People that blame, complain, and make excuses
are not taking responsibility for what manifests and believe in the illusion of separation.
You must be willing to own everything that occurs in your experience to master the lesson
of “Acceptance”.
It defies universal law to say that you are separate from anything even though it

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can appear that way. Everything is a mirror of the source. You are always the source for
what consequences manifest in your experience. There are no exceptions. Everything in
your human experience is about you. We mirror our surroundings and our
surroundingsmirror us. It is all one whole.
Do you try and excuse yourself from the parts of life that are difficult or
discomforting? Do you accept life with grace and see yourself as contributing and creating
a difference? A major transformation of your soul takes place when you claim
responsibility in accepting the consequences of your decisions and vibration. Acceptance
does not mean that you give in to something and are powerless. It means that you claim
your power (vibration) as the responsible one.
Situations and things are the classmates that help us transform and evolve. When
we vibrate fear, doubt, anger, worry, hatred or other negative beliefs or labels about
someone or something, those people and things mirror the same back sooner or later. We
learn by experiencing pain from what these classmates mirror as our reality.
Things like murder, physical, emotional and sexual abuse, abandonment, rejection
and so called disasters, such as plane crashes, earthquakes, terrorism, war and other
negative situations that no one would want to experience, are prime examples of what can
occur when we vibrate fear, doubt, anger, worry, hatred and other negative thoughts.
Things like prosperity, happiness, joy, peace, freedom, pleasure and connection with
others can occur, when we vibrate love and appreciation. Our universe reality is always
saying yes to what ever we vibrate (ask for) by reflecting it for our sensors to interpret.
The more you are aware of your thought/vibration the more responsible you
become. All it takes is to use your common sense by being aware of your feelings. It is
your responsibility to manage your vibration. All so called negative experiences provide
opportunity for growth and transformation. The pain you experience teaches you what not
to do or be.
Once you become aware of “How It All Works,” you will start to notice that what
is occurring in your life is a match to how you have been vibrating (thoughts and beliefs).
You will start to change your thoughts, beliefs and your words because you know the
consequences of what will manifest if you don’t. It’s always a freedom situation. Your
negative habbits, thoughts and beliefs are your greatest obstacles to overcome, to enjoy a
wonderful life.
Acceptance is the awareness of admitting responsibility in what manifests in your
experience and not opposing it. If you are not able to accept something and impatiently
want that something to change, you are refusing to allow change to take place. You are
hanging on to “what is,” Your resistance to what you do not want, reinforces it to
continue via law of reflection. Your energy is a match to what is occurring so you
experience more of it. Your universe is always saying yes.
Anger and trying to get rid of something empower it. Once you do not resist it,
you are letting go of it and change can now take place. Your vibration has changed on the
inside and sooner or later your environment and experiences will change as well. Change
occurs as a result of not rejecting or resisting.
When you are not attached, you are free. Your attention is not on what has been.
When you master the lesson of acceptance, you don’t have to react with negativity when
you create something that you didn’t want. You can embrace it, and learn and grow from

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it. Eventually you will not choose it any more because it makes you feel bad and creates a
negative relationship with yourself.
You are here, existing, not to prove yourself to be worthy to anyone or anything.
You already are worthy and your existence is proof of that. It is ok to love yourself! When
you love yourself, you accept yourself in the highest way.

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Extension of our relationship with ourselves

Health and well being is experienced when we are happy, at ease and make
decisions that support us rather than harm us. It is everyone’s true nature to be healthy
and peacefully at ease. When we are loving ourselves, we care for ourselves and we make
decisions to allow as much abundance of happiness and peace to occur as we want.
We think harmonizing thoughts that support ourselves. We eat foods that taste
good, nourish our bodies and make us feel good. We drink liquids that taste good, nourish
our bodies and make us feel good. We do things that make us feel good, such as exercise,
play, interact, contribute and express love with others. We breathe fresh air and we live
with an attitude of appreciation. We surround ourselves with people that reflect our most
loving way of ourselves. We do not over work our bodies or run ourselves down, and we
get plenty of rest. We do not harm.
We basically support ourselves with positive decisions and beliefs that serve us in
ways that allow us feel good. We avoid choosing things that make us feel bad. Everyone is
different but we all have unlimited potential. What tastes good, looks good, or feels good
to one person may not be the same for another person, and rightfully so, because it would
be very boring if everyone were the same.
In this universe reality that we create that gets shaped into form and matter,
substances affect other substances because of the difference of vibration that each
substance consists of. For example, the vibration of hot water being poured on ice affects
the vibration of the ice to change its form by warming up and the ice effects the hot liquid
to change its form by cooling it down. It is the vibration of each substance that affects
each substance to change its previous form of vibration into a different form of vibration.
The vibration changes that took place also changed the reality of the whole universe
because it no longer has the hot and cold situation existing as it was before.
Our bodies are also a form of the universe that we believe to be there, so it
continues to be there. Everything that we introduce to our body causes a response within
our body because everything has vibration and all vibrations cause other things to respond
with vibration. We are vibrant beings in human form. All of your senses let you know what
is good for you and what is not good for you through your feelings.
All vibrations cause vibrational changes in our bodies. Any vibration ranging from
a thought or belief, to a substance that we introduce to our bodies that doesn’t feel good
will cause mild to severe dis-ease. Dis-ease is experienced when you are not at-ease.
Most dis-ease occurs from what we introduce to our bodies that doesn’t benefit it.
Regarding what we consume, our bodies use what benefits it and it excretes what doesn’t
benefit it when we are at ease. Health can become out of balance when we are not at ease
and when we introduce more things that don’t benefit it than what does benefit it. Your
body uses lots of energy to deal with what doesn’t support it.
Some people are able to introduce things to their bodies that would harm most
people but they have convinced themselves that it is something different than what it is or

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they don’t fear what it could do to them, so it doesn’t harm them. Thought and belief
vibration is higher and stronger than any other vibration.
Some people can walk on hot coals, broken glass or sharp razor blades and do not
cause harm to their feet. Some can stick barbecue skewers through there head, arms, legs,
and any other areas of their body, and are not harmed. Others are healing themselves of
body conditions that were once thought not possible to be healed and are doing it without
using any medications, supplements or surgery. Some people are communicating with
each other telepathically from miles away.
These people are not gifted or extra special because they can do these things. They
are using their potential. Everyone has potential. It is the highest and most valuable thing
that you have, and is what you are. It is your vibration, the source energy that is within all.
Physical health represents how we feel about ourselves inside and out. When you
give thought to any area of the body, you are giving it energy. If you label parts of your
body as being ugly, fat, weak, or dysfunctional, your body responds by matching what you
label it to be with that negative energy. If you label parts of your body as being beautiful,
fit, strong, and very functional, your body responds by matching what you label it to be as
long as you are not harming yourself by harboring anger, guilt, resentment or any other
negative or fear based way of being.
Watch your words and your beliefs. Saying things like, I always get the flu every
year during the holidays can cause you to experience those flu symptoms every year.
Believing in names of illness causes one to believe that illness is something separate from
us that you “catch.”
Our bodies are made up of several different forms of matter that make up its
whole. The quality of your health is a reflection of the vibrations that you choose to
introduce to your self and the beliefs that you harbor. The vibrations that are introduced to
your body are of many forms. These vibrations consist of different sights, sounds,
textures, temperatures, substances and thoughts. These vibrating things can cause changes
to occur in the body. Some vibrations support the body and promote life, and some
vibrations harm the body and promote it to expire.
Of all the vibrations that a person chooses to introduce to their body, it is the
conscious thoughts and subconscious beliefs that effects the quality of health we
experience the most. Percentage wise, the vibrations that we introduce the most to our
bodies are our thoughts. You can only eat so much food, drink so much liquid, physically
move your body and breathe so much air.
Every thought or emotion has a different vibration that feels good or feels bad. We
experience emotions from our inner being and from how we evaluate and interpret
situations and things. Evaluations are decisions. It is each persons responsibility to manage
their thoughts and other vibrations that are chosen to be introduced into their body. We
are always in freedom of choice to do so and our guidance system helps us choose. When
we don’t manage our thoughts for our benefit, we suffer with dis-ease. This is why it is
important to love the self.
No one can make you feel bad. No one can make you feel good. There is only
influence. It is always about how we evaluate and interpret the situations and things that
we create. What sounds or feels good to one person, doesn’t sound or feel good to
another because of how they evaluate it. We create a new and different body with every

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thought and substance that we introduce to our bodies.
Our bodies are made up of cells that are constantly remaking themselves over and
over. The quality of how each cell remakes itself is determined by what vibrations are
introduced or not introduced to them. A person doesn’t age by the number of years that is
lived. If that were the case, everyone would age the same. A persons cells can remake
themselves stronger, weaker or remain the same by what vibrations are introduced to them
or not introduced to them.
Health is compromised by using more energy than what your body needs for
normal maintenance. A tired, run down body does not work very efficiently to repair itself
or eliminate toxins and used up cells. When toxins build up, germs that normally would be
eliminated start to feed on these toxins. The germ is often to blame for the dis-ease instead
of the toxins and low energy. When there is efficient energy and a person is at ease, the
toxins don’t build up and the germs have nothing to feed off of.
A persons cells age or remake themselves weaker mostly by negative thoughts and
negative evaluations. Negative thoughts and negative evaluations don’t allow a person to
be at ease and this irritates the cells and uses up excess energy. The consequence of not
being at ease is low energy and cells remaking themselves weaker. This is a big part of the
aging process.
Positive thoughts and love are of harmony and allow a person to be at ease and
feel good. When you are at ease your cells can remake themselves pretty much the same
as before. When you introduce stronger vibrations they remake themselves stronger. Many
people have become younger by introducing better vibrations to their bodies. The law of
cause and effect is always working either way.
All organs are of color and all color is vibration. All herbs and food have color
and vibration and that is why certain herbs and foods are specific to certain parts of the
body. The frequency of each herb or food goes to the areas of the body that are a
magnetic match to the same vibration. This added energy helps the specific body parts
function better and health can improve if it has been compromised.
Although the parts of our bodies respond to the vibration of the herbs and foods,
there is nothing more powerful than the vibration of our thought waves. Positive and
negative thoughts and beliefs are stronger than any nutritional substance or physical
activity. That is why some people get no effect from consuming supplements or exercising
if they are being really negative. While others can be given a placebo and they expect to
get well because of what they believe the supplement will do for them. If you can will
yourself to be ill, you can will your self to be well.
The manner in which we breath is one way that you can become aware of the
effects that thoughts and substances can have to our bodies. Anything that is not
supportive to the body will cause your breathing to be more tight, shallow or restricted.
When your breath is shallow it usually indicates that you are stressed in some way. All the
cells of our body are constantly remaking themselves. Much of our aging is the result of
our cells remaking themselves weaker and weaker from the effects of the negative things
that we introduce to ourselves, or the lack of the positive things that we don’t introduce to
Time is a smaller factor in the aging process. Excessive vibrations of harmful
thoughts, air, food, liquids, other substances and lack of use or over use causes aging.

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You are at ease or experiencing dis-ease by the decisions that you make along with your
evaluations. Thoughts of sorrow, anger, and fear can cause your heart to weaken and
thoughts of peace, love and joy can allow your heart to heal.
If you want to stay young, think young, be young in activity, and don’t harm
yourself. Vibrate love. Your body is a mirror of what you introduce to it and how you feel
about yourself. Of all the living beings on earth, the human species has voluntarily harmed
itself and its environment the most. This painful way of being is what is now causing the
great awakening to occur, propelling awareness to come from a base of love as the
common way.
What was once thought to be the minority of those that vibrated love is now
shifting to becoming the common way. It has been so called normal or common to see
people cause harm to themselves, each other, and their environment and uncommon to see
people love themselves, others and their environment.
About fourteen years ago, I was checking out in line at a fruit market, the person
working at the cash register asked me if I was some kind of a “health freak” because she
noticed that I had only bought fruit and vegetables and no processed foods. I told her that
I certainly am not a “freak.” I am just a person that likes putting nourishing things into my
She was not used to seeing someone support themselves like that and that is why she
considered me a “health freak” and not of the norm.
Evaluating and choosing fear causes dis-ease. If someone held their hand up and
made a motion to slap you in the face, out of fear of being slapped, you would tighten the
muscles in your face to brace for the impact. In that moment your face would be in a state
of dis-ease, (not at ease.) After the person put their hand down, you would not be in fear
of being slapped and you would let go of tightening your face muscles and be at ease
again. During the time when you were in fear of being slapped, the cells of your face
muscles were tight, and the blood flow and other functions were reduced.
If the person started making a motion to slap you in the face every minute all day
for several days, your face would start to experience some symptoms of dis-ease because
it would always be tight from your fear and it would have reduced blood flow and other
dis-functioning difficulties. Your face could eventually become very distorted and painful.
Even though the hand never slapped the face, dis-ease was occurring because you were
evaluating it to be something that you fear.
Fear causes dis-ease because it makes your body tighten up and not be relaxed and
at ease. You wouldn’t need drugs or surgery to heal your face. You just need to stop the
cause. (You could stop choosing fear, or have the person stop trying to slap you.) Then
you would be at ease, your breathing would be relaxed, your muscles would relax, and
blood flow and other functions would improve to allow healing to take place.
Every symptom of dis-ease has a negative mental cause and every symptom of dis-
ease can be relieved by stopping the cause. The body heals itself when it is at ease.
Depending on what negative ways a person is vibrating, and how often the negativity is
chosen, determines the stress level that the cells of your body holds on to, and where it is
Each part of your body serves as a communication port from your soul that lets
you know when you are not vibrating a harmonized way of being. Dis-ease is a situation

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of holding on to a fear of some kind. When you let go of the fear, you are at ease. At ease
is your natural state unless you hold on to fear. In other words, you don’t have to
constantly try to be at ease. Letting go of any thoughts and beliefs that are negative and
fear-based allows you to be at-ease.
Your body is a self repairing mechanism. Negative vibrations and actions destroy
it. You cannot simultaneously hold negative thoughts and images and expect excellent
health. Beware that if dis-ease gives you pay-offs such as attention from others, that
attention prolongs your dis-ease by reminding you what is happening. If you are ill and
talk about illness, you get more of it.
If you are ill, and someone asks you how you are feeling, you can respond by
saying “I’m feeling better or things are improving.” Whatever you affirm long enough will
come to be. Symptoms of dis-ease are not the cause of dis-ease. Ulcers are not caused by
ulcers. Ulcers are not caused by what you eat. They are caused by what you are not able
to digest about life and what you choose to let irritate you.
Your energy is always flowing freely as its natural way. When at ease, your energy
is flowing just like an automobile moves when you are holding the gas pedal down and are
moving freely down the road. If you were to apply the brakes and keep the gas pedal
down at the same time, your automobile would slow down, heat up and be stressed, or in
a state of dis-ease. When we choose negative thoughts of fear, it is the same as putting on
the gas peddle and brakes on at the same time and what happens is that your energy gets
blocked. When you release the brake (negative vibrations), your automobile’s (your body)
energy moves freely, cools down, is at ease and you experience good health.
When we are at ease, our breathing is relaxed, we are happy, our energy is free
flowing and we feel good. When at ease, our bodies are relaxed, assimilates oxygen,
nutrients, restores itself and eliminates waste and used up cells. When at ease the body
sleeps well, builds up energy, repairs cellular structure, functions very efficiently and is
healthy. When you are healthy you are happier and you attract better reflections.
Negative emotions are experienced from fear based vibrations such as: worry,
hatred, anger, criticism, doubt, guilt, suspicion, jealousy, deception, conflict, loneliness,
resentment, and any other negative thought that makes you feel bad. Negative emotions
prevent relaxed easy breathing. The body tightens up, waste and used up cells are retained,
and oxygen and nutrients are not assimilated very well. Energy is blocked, nerves get short
circuited and we feel tired, irritated or pain and the body starts to deteriorate.
Some people hold on to negative thoughts and beliefs for years and their suffering
continues. Eventually the body breaks down.
The name of the dis-ease is not important. The name of a dis-ease is the
consequence effect of negative vibration causes. The name of the dis-ease is the definition
of the consequence from the negative vibrations that you introduced to yourself. Cancer is
not caused by cancer, arthritis is not caused by arthritis, multiple sclerosis is not caused by
multiple sclerorsis and diabetes is not caused by diabetes. We don’t catch diseases, we
create them. (Treating the effect does not remove the cause.)
Those who break the law of love are basically choosing to be separate from
themselves and others. When one chooses to be separate, one has the ability to cause harm
and destroy themselves, their environment and others. What one does to destroy another
or their environment will also destroy themselves by the consequence of experiencing

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negative emotion. Negative emotion is the experience of not being at ease (dis-ease.)
If having anger, loss of temper, holding resentment, criticizing, blaming, and other
negative thoughts and actions to others causes us to experience dis-ease; you must love
them to save whom? (Yourself). Now you have a good reason to love everyone. The
quality of relationships that you have with others often reflects the same quality of the
relationship that you have with yourself. You are only capable of loving others as much as
you love yourself. When you don’t love yourself, it makes it difficult for others to love
When you are in balance with your spirit, mind, and body, you are happy, healthy,
and have energy. When there is dis-ease, it is mainly the mind that causes the imbalance
because the mind is the part of you that is making the decisions of what you introduce to
your body, and also the evaluations that harm.
When we are making choices that make us feel good, we are vibrating love. When
we make decisions that make us feel bad, we are not vibrating love. Your body is the
temple that your soul lives through. Your soul offers negative emotion to your brain and
your body when you are not vibrating a peaceful way. Depending on what type of negative
mental cause you are choosing will determine which part of your body will have the
symptoms of dis-ease. Louise Hay wrote a book called “Heal Your Body.” The book lists
the mental causes for physical illness and the metaphysical way to overcome them. You
simply look up your symptom or ailment, read what the mental causes are, and then do the
best to let go of it, and replace it with the positive loving affirmation. It’s a good book to
help you identify what your issues are if you are not aware of what they are. I have found
her book to be very accurate.
Dis-ease is the consequence negative vibration that you introduce to yourself.
That is why you don’t really can’t catch dis-eases. If you could catch dis-eases, you should
also be able to catch at-eases. Although you can be influenced to not vibrate love and have
the same symptoms of dis-ease as others around you, it is still a freedom situation for you
to be at ease or not at ease. Hereditary dis-eases that run in the family are for the most
part negative hereditary beliefs, thought patterns and negative habits that are repeated by
each generation. You can stop the pattern by being conscious and choosing different or
In order to make choices that support you, you must be aware of how the effects
of the choices and evaluations that you make are making you feel. The guidance system
that lets you know how you feel is called your emotions. Your inner self or your spirit will
always let you know by communicating to you through negative or positive emotion.
When we feel positive emotion, our inner self is letting us know that the decisions
that we have made are in harmony with our inner self and we experience feeling good.
When we feel negative emotion, it is because of the decisions that we have made that are
not in harmony with our inner being. Our inner being offers negative emotion and that is
what makes our body out of balance. It’s like a warning bell that goes off to let you know
that you are not vibrating love. Dis-ease is your friend that lets you know when you are
not vibrating love. The definition of i-l-l is: “I Lack Love”. If you ignore your guidance
system, don’t worry, your dis-ease will just get stronger to help you pay attention and let
It is natural to love yourself and others and it is unnatural to hate yourself and

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others as far as happiness goes. Your inner being always lets you know with emotions that
feel good and bad. If you ignore your feelings, you are ignoring your self at the deepest
level and will feel the consequence by being out of balance with dis-ease.
If you are so used to ignoring your feelings and have temporarily lost the ability to
know the difference, conscious relaxed breathing, meditation and things like yoga can help
you regain the ability to feel and know the self again. As you let go of tension, your
awareness of how you feel increases. You can use your breath to change your mind and
your body. If you are full of anger and you deliberately start to breathe very long, slow
and complete, you will not be able to be angry at the same time. When you breathe long,
slow and complete, your body feels relief and is able to relax.
Taking antidepressants medications, tranquilizers and other things that don’t allow
you to feel, dulls your guidance system. You can talk yourself through rough times even if
you don’t know how it can change. It’s up to you to manage yourself. When you are
managing yourself, you are mastering yourself. When you are managing yourself, you are
using your energy in a loving way. When you are using your energy in a loving way, you
are happy. Being aware of how you feel in regard to your thoughts and beliefs can help
you to let go of what doesn’t serve you.
If you are experiencing dis-ease, look for ways that you are not loving yourself
and choose better. No plant can live if the root is cut away. It’s all up to you. Anything
that you choose that makes you feel bad is an indication that in some way you are creating
dis-ease by not living or being a loving way. For every situation or condition in our lives
there is a need for it, otherwise we would not have it. We can all learn from what made us
feel bad and then choose better. Common sense, awareness of your feelings and love, is all
that is needed.
There is no “one size shoe fits all” diet that is best for everyone. Some people eat a
vegetarian based diet and they feel best eating those foods. Some people feel best eating
animal products. It’s different for everyone. You can experiment with many kinds of foods
and then pay attention to how you feel from the effects of eating those foods. If eating a
certain food makes you feel tired and sluggish, you may want to stop eating that food.
When deciding what to eat, ask yourself what you want. Your body will let you
know what to eat by the feeling that it gives you. If your blood sugar is low, you may find
yourself choosing fruit or a dessert type food. Your body can become out of balance by
only eating things that you read about as being the so called healthiest food when your
body is calling for something different. If you find yourself craving cantaloupe or broccoli
all the time, your body must need whatever is in those foods. When your body becomes
balanced with what is in those foods you won’t crave them.
Your mood has a lot to do with what you choose to eat. When you are really
happy you have energy and require less food. When you are choosing to be depressed
your energy is low and you crave more food to gain energy and feel better. Sometimes the
problem with depression is that you are constantly craving or wanting something to make
you feel better, and what you choose to consume does not last very long so you find
yourself reaching for more and more. Self management is the key to feeling better, not
substances. You can get much more fulfillment from giving and receiving love than you
can from food or other substances.
Every animal in nature eats what it wants by instinct. They don’t need instructions

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to know what to eat. Many people feel that animals are much more evolved than humans
regarding diet because they give their body what it needs and don’t harm themselves by
over eating or eating things that don’t benefit them.
Will power and discipline do not work to end dis-ease because they only deal with
the outer effects. It is the decisions that we make and what comes from those decisions
that determines the level of health that we experience. That is why there is a great
advantage to being aware of your feelings and having an “Understanding Of How It All
Works.” Health is an inside job for the most part. Love is the cure. Laughter and smiles
heal. You can not be sick when you are happy. Frowning, complaining and having conflict
or other negative thoughts do not make you well. Your body is a self repairing
mechanism. It is always keeping you well unless you have contradictive negative thoughts
and other vibrations that interfere.
Our bodies are physical and therefore we are meant to be active. If it is not active,
it has less reason to be strong and healthy. The phrase “Use it or you’ll lose it,” is true.
However, if you do use it, you can retain the ability to use it because the cells are
maintained at that level. It’s not beneficial to physically over use your body because it may
not catch up on repairing itself and restoring it’s energy. It’s also not beneficial to under
use your body because it can become weak from inactivity. If your job and lifestyle are
very inactive, it can be beneficial to take time out for exercise it to keep it strong and
Until most children are conditioned to ignore their feelings, they live joyful and
free by paying attention to their guidance system. Ask most children what is the best time
to go to sleep. They will tell you to go to sleep when you are tired. Ask them what is the
best time to eat or drink. They will tell you to eat when you are hungry and drink when
you are thirsty. Stop eating when you are not hungry and don’t drink anymore if you are
not thirsty. Ask them what is the best game to play. They will tell you to play which ever
game you enjoy the most. It’s different for everyone.
You can ask children common sense questions like these and they will give you the
natural common sense truthful answer because many of them have not learned how to
ignore their feelings yet. It is natural to love ourselves and others and it is unnatural to do
harm to ourselves and others. We can all learn from children. Until children are taught
how to be unnatural to themselves and others, they vibrate much love naturally.
Another factor that keeps us from living our full potential (or aliveness) is the
death expectation belief. This will be explained in chapter 6. This conditioned belief is the
overall biggest cause of death for your physical body. Until you were taught that your
body could expire, is it possible that you might not have known for sure that it could

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The word "idea" relates to possibilities. All things that manifest as our perceived reality
first come from an idea or a thought. Where do ideas come from? Ideas come from the
urge of either wanting to come up with a solution to fulfill a desire, an intention of some
sort, or by thinking about how something seems to be, or could be, even though we don't
know all the facts.
Many great things have been created from focusing on ideas on how to create
what we desire. All ideas exist in our imagination. Focusing on a desire, a thing or
situation that you want, can stimulate and bring forth (ideas) the thoughts for solution to
create what you want. If there is no desire, thing or situation wanted, it is unlikely that any
ideas will come to mind for creating anything different than how your perceived reality is.
Many times we don't know how we can create or fulfill our desires because we
spend too much time focusing on how things are, so no ideas will come to mind that will
allow you to imagine or create things different. That is one of the biggest reasons why
things stay the same. If your reality is staying the same, it means that your (ideas) thoughts
and beliefs are staying the same and it defies law for it to be anything different.
When someone first came up with the desire to have man fly or travel through the
air, it was the idea that came to mind that made it become possible. Nobody was instantly
handed the instructions on how that could come to be but the desire and intent was there
until it became the perceived reality. It all came from ideas.
When things are not the way we want them to be in our experience it is a great
idea to imagine the idea of it being different. As you imagine it to be different, ideas can
then present themselves which can lead to actions you might take or circumstances,
opportunities and situations to present themselves.
There have been many ideas that have confused people through the years. Many of
us were taught to believe in certain ideas that later turned out to be illusions that really
seemed like they were certain. There used to be the idea that the earth was flat. At the
time it seemed really certain but it was later proven that the world was actually round.
Another idea that has caused many wars on this planet is the idea that one religion is better
than another religion. The word God also has many ideas and variations associated with it
that may or may not be true.
We don't have to use all the ideas that enter our minds. Some of them can be ideas
on how things can't change. They can also consist of inaccurate perceptions of what we
can be influenced to believe as truth when it can be later found out that it wasn't the truth.
When you are having an idea about someone or something that you’re not really
sure is true, but you think that it is, many times we can be incorrect in our assumption and
become upset with others when we really don't know all the facts. Remember, all ideas
pertain to possibility.
How do you know when you are into ideas about people or situations that may or
may not be true? Ask yourself if you are absolutely certain that the situation couldn't be
any other way. If there are any possibilities that it could be different even though it looks

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pretty certain, then it is just an idea. If you are not certain, then the truth is, you are not
One way to clean up a whole bunch of turmoil in our lives is to stay out of ideas
that come to our minds that are not certain. In doing so, we can avoid creating things that
we don't want and our relating with others can improve. We can also reduce our stress
levels. We've all had circumstantial situations at some time in our lives when someone was
into ideas about us that wasn't true, and it may have hurt our feelings. If you’re not sure
about something, you can just ask for more information until you are certain. If
information is not presented, then go by what you know for sure and stay out of ideas.

We can have incorrect assumptions (ideas) about how others perceive us and this
can cause us to really limit ourselves from enjoying our life to the fullest because of those
negative ideas. Again, you can ask yourself if you know that for sure or maybe it is just
your own negative ideas that are not accurate. If you find those ideas to be true, you can
always change your way if you’re not happy. If you find that your ideas were not true, do
the best that you can to let go of them.
To summarize, it is best to stay out of ideas unless you are wanting to create better
possibilities or something new.
Just an IDEA!

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“Something that is learned”

Many of the thoughts that we think, the beliefs that we have and the actions that
we do, have much to do with what we have been taught and how we have been
conditioned. We have also learned many things from our experiences. We do exist with
free will and are capable of expanding our potential to be, do, have, and create anything to
the extent of what ever we can imagine. Anything that is taught that contradicts our ability
to love and express our freedom, is information that causes an imprisonment of our good
potential. When people are taught to be limited, they are more likely to remain limited, and
more likely to teach and condition others to be limited.
There has been much information that has been passed down that has been of great
benefit, and there has also been quite a bit of information that has been passed down that
influences limitation of our love, our freedom, and our potential. Many of our traditional
made up laws, rules, morals, and certain religious beliefs have had the greatest impact on
imprisoning our potential to love, trust, create, and truly be free. Many people go with the
flow of how they have been conditioned to limit the way they think and live, even though
in some ways it may not seem to be bringing them much happiness mainly because they
lack the awareness of “Understanding How It All Works.”
In Websters dictionary the word tradition is defined as: a customary pattern of the
handing down of information and beliefs from one generation to another with or without
written instruction. The word imprisonment is defined as: to put in, or as if in prison, or to
Traditional imprisonment as described in this book, means to hand down
information and beliefs that confine or limit a person’s love, freedom, happiness and/or
potential. It also means to live by instructions of what you were taught irrespective of if
they are beneficial, or if it brings you happiness or not.
Traditionally, it has been thought that it is best to educate our children and each
other with as much knowledge as possible in order to function, and survive the best that
we can while living our human experience. Teaching systems and ways have had many
positive, and many negative effects, and have also created many debates.
Although teaching things to each other has its benefits in many areas, experience is
what people learn from the most in regards to their lives. What you learn from experience
gives you first hand knowledge. Right now, you are the sum total of everything that you
have experienced and everything that you have been taught. We have found that even
though some people can be full of knowledge, they don’t always use it. Then there are
those that don’t have much knowledge but have great wisdom. (awareness)
Considering all the knowledge that can be acquired and is available, most people
are only aware of a limited amount of all this knowledge that is available. As years go by,
there will be even more knowledge available.
There has been much information that has been passed down and taught from one
generation to the next generation, over and over, that teaches people how to imprison and

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limit themselves without realizing it because people have relied on various authority
figures, hoping that they are correct.
Several years ago, there was a belief by the mass consciousness of people that the
world was flat. The reason it was a belief was because those that traveled only explored so
far, and had the idea that even if they traveled farther, the earth would still be flat. Many
even believed that you could fall off the edge of the earth if you traveled too far away. It’s
been recorded that Chistopher Columbus was even imprisoned for claiming that the world
was round.
The false belief of the world being flat was handed down and taught to many
people for many years. This false knowledge limited many to stay where they were at, and
caused fear of expanding their limitations of travel. The false belief eventually crumbled
because at least one person was certain that the earth was round, and then proved it.
When their ship traveled west and came back from the east, it was then agreed that the
world was round and the belief of the world being flat began to crumble. Going through
the experience of traveling around the world was one of the ways that the explorers knew
that the world was certainly round, and so the word started to spread that the world was
The next generation of children born and every generation since, were taught that
the world was round. The children trusted this knowledge to be true; same as previous
generations were taught that it was flat in the past, even though they never traveled
around the world themselves. This is what conditioning is all about. Sometimes our
conditioning is false and sometimes it is true.
We also emerged into this world and were taught many rules, laws, systems, ways,
religious beliefs, morals, and opinions on how to live that may or may not be true, or serve
us very well. When you are taught something you are being conditioned and programmed
to believe that information, whether it be true or beneficial, or not. We have learned
information from teachers at schools, and have benefited greatly from some of that
knowledge, and we have also limited our creative potential from some of that knowledge.
Many of the laws that government has made up for us to abide by were made for
the purpose to discourage people from behaving in ways that could harm one another or
the planet that we inhabit. Our civilization uses law enforcement officials to punish the
people that don’t follow the laws.
In spite of being taught how to be and act, many people don’t always follow those
laws, systems and ways. Not because they may be against anything, but because they are
for freely living their own way of being. Society has been living in controlled ways for
quite some time and as years go by it has become even more controlled. When people feel
controlled, they don’t feel free. Being organized and efficient is wonderful, but control is
something different. It is fear itself that makes anyone want to control another or a society
as a whole. Lack of trust and greed are often behind it all.
The traditional belief is that, if everyone obeys the made up rules, laws, systems
and ways because they think they have to, they will be limited to those made up rules,
laws, systems and ways.
In many ways, our society has developed a belief that we need instructions (laws
and rules) on how to live and behave. There are many people that are dependent on these
instructions because they are lacking in love, awareness, and common sense. To enforce

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these rules and laws, our society is run by government and agencies to make sure
everyone behaves. This could work if everyone was exactly the same, but this is not a case
of one size shoe fits all. We have also witnessed our government and agencies not
following the rules and laws themselves at times.
Everyone is unique. In many ways, our society has turned into a forced and
controlled society, instead of a free society that vibrates love and uses common sense with
respect to all. Having everyone live by the same set of instructions is just as difficult as
trying to hammer a square peg into a round hole. It doesn’t fit. The promoted illusion is
that these instructions (rules and laws) are for organization and our best interest. Freedom
is commonly looked at as being dangerous.
Right now, a big part of our societie’s structure is based on force, which is fear!
The force of law (legal force), physical force, and guilt force (emotional force). When
people come to the awareness and understanding that we are all connected as one, there
would be no use for force, because that would only damage yourself. What you give
others, you give to yourself regardless of what exchange takes place. A harmonizing way
of being is about creating the highest quality of giving, not the highest quality of getting.
A highly evolved society would not consider force to hold itself together, or have
contractual business, contractual relationships, contractual marriage or any other artificial
social construction that has been created to hold society together such as laws and rules.
Contracts; regardless of what they are, represent a fear of not trusting and are used so that
they can be used as force if what was agreed on changes.
If there is trust there is no need for a contract. If there is trust, your agreements
will manifest. If there is trust, your relationships will be loyal. There is nothing wrong with
establishing agreements so that there is no confusion as to what is agreed upon. When
trust is missing you will experience what you don’t trust via law of reflection regardless if
there is a contract or not.
Currently there is a belief among much of the mass consciousness that we cannot
have a society that can function without rules or laws. The fear is that people will take
advantage of each other and cause harm to one and another. The dilemma is that as long
as everyone is in favor to have rules and the laws, society will remain limited to enforcing
those rules and laws and will continue to not trust each other to behave. Thus, Traditional
In fact, as years go by, more and more rules and laws are being made up, which
adds further to controlling and limiting one’s freedom. It enforces a belief that you can’t
be trusted. Many people even fear the law enforcement agencies even when they have not
violated the law.
Ask anyone this question. “If you are driving your automobile down the road and a
police officer drives in behind you; do you feel safe and secure? or do you feel threatened
that you are going to get a ticket?” Most people will tell you that they feel threatened,
even though they know that they have not broken the law. A lot of the current
conditioning is that people can not function, behave and love one and another unless there
are contracts and rules and laws which must be obeyed with enforcement.
This fear based, imprisoned way of living that we have been conditioned with is
something that we were influenced to trust as being what is best and is not something that
we instinctively knew when we were born.

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If society did away with rules and laws today; many people initially might take
advantage of their new freedom and there might be lots of chaos. This phase would not be
permanent. Eventually people would start using their common sense because of the pain it
would cause to others and themselves from not living in a loving trusting way. Common
sense would propel people to develop loved based guidelines that could be followed if
they are not able to use their common sense.
Having safe, love based guidelines could be an excellent alternative to laws. Many
of the guidelines would be similar to some of our current laws but people would freely live
by these guidelines out of love instead of out of the fear of punishment from law
enforcement agencies. For example: Instead of having a mandatory speed limit that you
must obey or you will be punished; there would be a love based “suggested speed”
guideline to follow for your safety and well being.
The speed limit might be the same but the reason for going the speed limit would
be different. It allows people to be free and responsible instead of controlled, forced and
threatened. An evolved society would have it no other way. It would be very uncommon
for people to not follow love based guidelines because they would know that they could
pay a price with their own misfortune if they didn’t. They could use their common sense.
There might still be those that don’t lovingly follow those guidelines but then again there
are those that don’t follow those guidelines even though the force of law is a threat right
If we were never taught any knowledge, we would be living by our natural
instincts, inner wisdom, and through trial and error awareness through our experiences.
The more knowledge that we are taught on how to function, the further away from our
natural instincts and inner wisdom we become. Many are not aware that they have natural
instincts, inner wisdom or common sense. The result is self imprisonment through
ignorance; caused by conditioning of knowledge on how to think, live and function.
Many of us have ignorantly accepted this mass consciousness knowledge based
belief system because it was already in place when we started this life. We were told by
our parents, teachers, and other authorities that this knowledge and way of living is what
is best for us even though we may not agree with it.
The acceptance and agreement of living this way is similar to sheep in a herd. They
all stick together doing the same thing. The belief is; if everyone else agrees to the rules,
laws, beliefs, and opinions, then this must be right. It appears that being in the herd and
living the belief system of the herd is safe, secure and is for your own good because the
majority agree with this. Yet deep down, many people sense that they are not free and
they suffer as a result of it.
All of the rules, laws, beliefs, instructions and opinions that we were taught
influence us to be the personality that society wants. When agreeing to live by these
standards and instructions, we are not instinctively being the free individuals that we were
the day we were born and before we learned this conditioning. This learned way of living
is Traditional Imprisonment through ignorance and influence.
Many people are not living freely by choice from their natural instincts and inner
wisdom or common sense. They are unconsciously agreeing to limit their freedom and
potential by living by the traditional learned conditioning that has been taught over and
over, one generation to the next.

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This conditioned structured society for the most part does not accept individuality,
because individuality means that you have a mind of your own and live your own way. If
you do not follow like a sheep and do what everyone else does, you are not living the
imposed personality that society thinks is best. You are considered to be a person that is
living the wrong way, regardless of how loving and peaceful that may be.
Personality is made up by society and individuality is given by existence.
Personality is the way of being object referral and individuality is of self referral. Learned
personality is imprisonment and individuality is freedom. Individuality is not something to
fear, it is something to love because it is freedom. Anyone that wants obedience is
someone that is in fear.
Traditional Imprisonment is mostly taught by adults. Individuality is the only
ticket to freedom. The more laws and rules that we make up and agree to, the more we
limit our freedom and ignore responsibility and common sense. When you dance to the
beat of traditional imprisonment, you are not dancing your own truthful way.
How can any society or any soul truly live a freedom loving way if they have to
always be obedient and ignore their feelings? An obedient personality cannot become your
soul. There is no way to make the nonessential the essential. They are both what they are,
nonessential remains nonessential and essential remains essential. These are universal laws
that can not be broken.
When agreeing to live this guided and influenced learned way of living, people give
something very valuable away that we were inherently born with. It is the awareness of
our common sense and our feelings. Everyone is born with natural instincts and inner
wisdom. Natural instincts and inner wisdom cannot be taught by society. It is something
that a person knows by how they feel and sense.
If you are not aware of your feelings, you are easy to control. Your integrity is
low. You can be abused or taken advantage of easily. You live your life more in reaction
and instruction instead of intention and purpose. Living by your sole purpose is living for
the soul purpose of living and enjoying. Freedom to live as you desire is your universal
When a person is aware of their inner wisdom, they are also aware of their ability
to detect their inner qualities and make use of them. It is the common sense. How many
people, including yourself, do you know that do not use their common sense in certain
situations because of a rule, a law, a moral belief or the words spoken by a so called
authoritative figure that says how we should be even though it doesn’t feel right to them?
The cause is the conditioning influence of imposed “Traditional Imprisonment” ways.
Intuition is the wisdom awareness insight of knowing something without evidence
or knowledge. Instincts cannot be taught either. Instincts are another inner quality that we
have. Instincts are a behavior that is decided by reactions below the conscious level. If a
person is taught how to function and how to think, they do not make use of their natural
instincts and inner wisdom as often because they have learned not to.
We have been taught to gather knowledge from books, tapes, magazines and
experts as a way to function and survive. Some of us even pay money to buy this
knowledge from schools. We have been filling our minds with complicated systems and
Some of us have attended certain religious conditioning by choice that guides in a

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direction that leads to somewhere “out there” hoping that those religious authorities are
correct. We have been told that something out there is doing it all for us or against us,
which influences us to be more unaware that we create our own experience, or to be
responsible with our thoughts.
Some religions teach a separation from our source of who we are. A good
question to ask yourself is that if you are an extension of the source, how can you not still
be the source and have all the potential of the source, especially if you have free will? How
can you be separated from the source, or anybody or anything else, if everything extends
from the source, and is the source? If you are being conditioned to believe in separation
or limited potential, then you can believe that you are separate and limited and will feel it.
Some religions teach people to pray to something out there in order for something
to change. Some religious leaders have dominated humanity with this conditioning. They
found out very early on that if you want to dominate humanity; make it weak, make it
guilty, make it feel unworthy, destroy its dignity, take all glory away from it and humiliate
it. They have found that these ways cause you to destroy yourself and remain limited and
easy to control. Many wars have been fought over religion, but how many wars have been
fought over awareness, common sense or universal laws like cause and effect?
Many people feel guilty throughout a lifetime because they are constantly being
asked to confess to a priest what they are doing wrong in life. Not realizing that on the
other hand, when people learn and grow from their experiences, how can anything be
considered wrong? Sometimes we make mistakes and we can learn from those mistakes.
People evolve through the awareness of experiences.
You are already worthy and there is no need to confess anything to anyone if it is
going to make you feel guilty, shameful, or wrongful. You already know what doesn’t
work. You can learn and grow from your experiences without the approval of others. You
can learn and grow by paying attention to your feelings and also by what comes from your
decisions. Your existence in general is proof that you are worthy. Only you can forgive
yourself and learn from your mistakes.
In many religions, they teach you about subjects which you don’t know, and they
ask you to believe, because there is no way to bring those experiences into objective
reality. Neither has the teacher known them - he has believed them; he transfers his belief
to somebody else and they transfer it to somebody else and the conditioning belief system
continues without anyone really KNOWING what they are talking about. The information
mainly comes from books and the conditioning that they were taught without having any
first hand knowledge.
They tell us that our aim is to attain communion with God. They promise
salvation, but only after death. Rites and rituals have taken the place of our awareness as
being godly. They influence us to feel content and committed to churches and temples on
designated holy days, thinking that by attending such services and by listening to a priest
recite some holy scriptures we will gain salvation. But that is only a delusion of the mind.
External worship is an indication of feeling separate.
Man made up religions have only been around for a short time. It’s interesting to
note that there were no Sikhs five hundred years ago, no Muslims thirteen hundred years
ago, no Christians two thousand years ago, no Buddhists two thousand five hundred years
ago and no Jews four thousand years ago.

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We search throughout the physical universe to find God and are blind to our godly
energy within. We limit our worship of this God when we ask “Him” for things as if we
are bargaining at a market place. Most of these things have to do with physical or material
things like health, wealth, or relationships. If we succeed in getting what we want, we only
become more involved in the creation. This type of worship is more like a commercial
transaction in which we try to bribe this God. If “He” gives us what we want, we give so
much in charity or we will do this thing or that thing in hopes that “He” will give us more.
Some of us even resort to asking nicely by saying “please” or resort to begging, and
promise to be behave and be good in return in hopes that this will speed things up. Some
of us recite prayers over and over to “Him” as if “He” is hard of hearing to increase our
chances to get what we want or to be forgiven.
There have been many gods made up through the years and taught to people to
believe in as being true. There has been the Sun God, the Rain God, the Wind God, the
Volcano God, the Good God, the Bad God and the God-Our Father God etc. etc. The
Our Father God is considered a to be a male and many believe that we have been made in
the image of “Him“. Yet nobody in the history of mankind has ever seen “Him” or has
been able to describe this God in any detail that would validate this to be true.
Some religions can’t stand the thought of a God who loves no one in a way which
is more special than any other, and so they create fictions about a God who only loves
certain people for certain reasons. And they call these fictions religions.
The truth is that these are not the only gods. These gods are the little parts of the
Big Whole God. The universe itself including you is the One Whole God. The source
energy that is within All is the One Whole God. There is nothing shameful, evil, immoral,
bad or wrong with acknowledging who and what you are. Certain religions have taught
many people to imprison themselves to believe in the separate gods, the little gods, the
illusions that have never been brought into objective reality. Guilt is the main enforcer that
allows this traditional conditioning to continue.
Morals are also another traditional belief that is handed down which relates to
principles of right and wrong behavior. Morals are made up ways to follow. Many of the
morals taught, teach people how to feel guilty or shameful about being free to be or do
whatever they want regardless if it offends anyone or not. Many of these morals keep you
limited, and guilt is one of the best ways to keep people controlled and limited. Many
people have limited their freedom and happiness because of so called morals that others
have conditioned them to believe in, even though those morals if acted out would never
harm anyone.
Values are different than morals and many people avoid what they value because
of the made up laws, rules or moral beliefs that they were taught. Issues of sexuality, your
occupation, how you dress or how long you grow your hair are a few examples. If
something is valuable to you, then it is valuable to live it and be it. If you don’t, then you
are betraying yourself which is the highest betrayal.
Commandments and commitments are made up rules and agreements that can
keep people limited and imprisoned as well. They are conditions. Love has no conditions.
Our own guidance system of how we feel is all that we need to make decisions that serve
us in our experience. The more in touch you are with how you feel, the more you can love
and that is all that is needed to have peace.

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You don’t have to be commanded on how to be or make any solemn promise or
commitment. If you pay attention to your guidance system you don’t need to be
commanded to live a loving way or command anyone else to live a loving way. By living a
loving way you don’t need to make commitments either. You are already freely being the
way that feels best, showing already, your intentions. What ever you decide and what ever
you do is your free intention. If you need instructions on how to behave, you can become
unaware of your feelings, which can lead to not being responsible in managing yourself or
using your ability to trust.
Many of us have been taught that when we don’t know something, we should
search “out there” for the answers we think we need. We hold many facts and opinions
from our knowledge conditioning and know very little of ourselves. We search “out there”
for more and more knowledge. We become full of knowledge, and yet knowledge has no
feelings, no nourishment, love, or emotion, and can never bring you happiness on it’s own.
Knowledge of how to perform certain things can be beneficial but knowledge itself
cannot save anyone. Only decisions can. Knowledge has it’s limits and choice has no
boundary. Many people gather knowledge and never use it. Does anyone have to teach
plants or animals knowledge? How do they know what to do?
Does anyone have to teach nature any knowledge in order for it to rain? Or a seed
to grow into a plant? Do animals need knowledge to know what to eat or how or where to
live? Why would humans need to be taught rules, laws, systems and ways if the rest of
nature doesn’t? Could it be fear and lack of trust?
Man made laws are different than Universal Laws. Man made laws are made up,
are very weak and are only effective if you agree to them. They are not absolute because
they are merely just agreements and can be broken.
Universal Laws are absolute. They are always in effect as you continue to vibrate.
The law of attraction or reflection are being used with every thought and belief that you
vibrate. Even if you say that you don’t want to agree to using Universal Laws, you can’t
not use them. You cannot break Universal Laws. You can only use them because they are
the very way your universe reality operates.
With each universal law that you use, you experience exactly what that law is
about. The Law of Allowing works when you allow. The Law of Love works when you
love. The Law of Fear works when you choose fear. You automatically receive your
punishment or your reward with each Universal Law that you use. There is no need to
make up any agreements (Laws). There is one Universal Law that is constantly being
used. It is the Law of Reflection. Even if nothing is chosen, there is a reflection of nothing
as the mirror.
Another factor that can influence people from living their full aliveness is the death
expectation belief that has been handed down. Unless your parents are physically
immortal, you have been conditioned with the traditional death expectation belief. You
have been taught that death is inevitable and out of your control. This traditional belief
stays in your subconscious mind unless you choose differently. This belief can keep you
limited as to what you believe you can or cannot do.
Until you were taught that your body would or could die, did you know for sure
that your body would die? Death does not mean that you die. It means that you are no
longer using this body that you have right now to have experiences with. Mortal means

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expectation of death and immortal means exempt from death.
Actually, your body is immortal until you decide for it to expire. Your body is an
extension of your vibration. Your vibration can be everlasting in this body that you have if
you decide it to be and never change your mind, or it can expire if you choose it to. When
you have reasons to live and want to live, you keep living unless you have contradictive
thoughts and beliefs.
If your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings create your reality, having belief of death will
inevitably produce that intended result sooner or later. Belief in death is the opposite of
belief in life. It is the body that expires not the source energy that was within that body.
The body doesn’t create without the soul. If you are alive right now, you are still deciding
to live with your body. Many people are not aware that they are killing themselves via a
lifestyle that supports a slow suffering suicide. The vibrations that they introduce to
themselves that are not of love and well being are the cause.
Death of the body is not bad and death is not good. It is just another experience
that can occur. When you’re not enjoying life, your body is moving toward death. You
don’t look forward to each day. Your body begins to perish. When you are enjoying life,
you are living more. You look forward to each day. Your body reflects your intent to live
and is full of life energy. If you are only living because you are afraid to die, you might
want to find better reasons to live so that you can be happy while you are alive with a
Sudden deaths can occur from fear based beliefs as well. Some people choose to
die because they feel there is nothing left for them to do, or there is no other choice in
relation to their situation they are in. The death urge can be at a lower age or a higher
age. It is different for everyone in what they believe and decide.
If you want to take control of your life, you must include the possibility that it is
you who creates your safety and well being and no one else. It is you who creates your
universe reality of health, aliveness, illness, injury, as well as the death of your body. How
many people do you know that do not expect to die? How many give thought to living
forever? The truth is that you can live as long as you want. The truth is that you are
everlasting with or without the body.
Our news media often promotes death, disease and violence daily which further
adds to the expectation. If you don’t like what the news is influencing you to believe, then
don’t watch it, listen to it, or read it. Do you really want to hear about negative things like
violence, hardship and murder? What good does it do in serving your happiness?
When a person has the awareness of “How It All Works”, they are conscious of
what they are creating and what they have created. They are not surprised by what
manifests. This is the self referral awareness. In the object referral conscious belief
system a person believes in victim consciousness. They might not be aware that they have
anything to do with the health, well-being, and the destiny of their body or all of their
experiences. They believe that someone or something “out there” is the decider and
controller over him or her or something out there came in and made them ill.
It is you that creates your happiness, your health, your dis-ease, your experiences
and the life or death of your physical body as well. If you have the death belief, it is
unconsciously producing results towards that belief. If you have belief of aging, it is
unconsciously producing results to match your vibration. When you become aware of

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where your attention is at and what beliefs support it, you can let go of the thoughts that
don’t serve you and change your thoughts to something better if you want to.
Sometimes it helps to have reasons. Reasons are helpful but are not necessary for
anything to be. Although there are reasons of why you would want to love, love can exist
without reason. When we do things that we don’t want to do, we betray our truth of love
for ourselves.
If your expectation is that people can only live an average of 72 years, people will
live an average of 72 years. There is nothing wrong with living for 72 years on average or
any other age. It is up to you as to how long you would like to live with your body and the
quality of life that you would like to experience.
If people were aware that they could consciously create their experience any way
that they want, would there be as much fear? Would it really be necessary to have laws
and rules if people were consciously aware that they create their own experience? Would
we need court houses that judge and punish? Would it be possible that people could trust
one another to follow suggested guidelines? An evolved society would have it no other
One way our inner being guides us on what to do is by letting us know how we
feel. When you think about doing kind things, you are coming from love with your
vibration and it feels good. When you think of doing evil things, you are coming from fear
and it doesn't feel good. When you choose to have fear of something, you don’t feel
good. When you choose to hate, it doesn't feel good. When you have thoughts of not
trusting others, it is you that is being nontrusting and it doesn’t feel good. That is how
your inner wisdom guidance system works and you will always know what to do by how
you feel. The way that your inner being communicates to you is in the form of emotion.
Your inner being knows what is best for you. You cannot use this inner wisdom if
you are not aware of your feelings. Ask yourself, how does it feel when I think these
thoughts? Eventually you will get good at being aware of how you feel and stop yourself
from giving attention to things that you do not want. You will always be in a freedom
situation to choose anything. By choosing love you are not choosing fear. Both are always
an option and the way that you eliminate one is by choosing the other.
Trying to get rid of fear gives you more of it. Choosing love lets you experience
love and if that is what you are experiencing; you don’t have fear. You can only
experience what you choose and allow. You don’t have to get rid of anything. You can
choose the opposite or something else. Not wanting things to be the way that they are is
the same as asking for more of it because you haven’t chosen or vibrated something
Would it be necessary to make it a law or teach people knowledge that they
should not assault someone? If you were aware of your feelings, you would know how
bad you felt as you thought about assaulting someone and you could stop yourself. You
would know that you are not at ease, and your health and happiness is affected by those
negative feelings. If you are aware of your feelings you would not hurt someone for the
same reason that you would not like to be hurt, “It hurts.”
If you are the one being assaulted, you are attracting what you don’t want because
of your fears, negative beliefs, or negative space that you are in. You are not a victim of
bad luck. You are actually creating something that you do not want by not being aware of

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your conscious thoughts and/or subconscious beliefs.
When you live your life through learned traditional imprisonment beliefs, you
react in life, not paying attention to your instinctive feelings and the consequences that
result from your neglect of not being aware of managing your thoughts. You are more apt
to create things that you do not want. You are also unaware that if you resort to
assaulting or being forceful with someone, deep down you are limiting yourself to being
powerless and full of fear with no faith or trust.
If you are aware of your feelings and know “How It All Works”, you would know
that you can create your experiences without having the fear to force, threaten and
overpower or take from someone to experience what you want.
A highly evolved society that is aware that each person creates their own
experience and makes use of the common sense would not need laws, rules, court houses,
or forced punishment. There would be no news programs that would report negative
behavior or negative situations to the public. Everyone would know that if a person has
fear of something and then someone or something comes in to match that fear, they cannot
blame the so called victimizer for what manifested. This does not mean that their behavior
is approved of. It just means that as long as there is someone who fears something,
someone or something will match it. As for punishment, both experienced their own
punishment by not being at ease and by not vibrating in a loving way.
As long as people have fears and negative beliefs, there will be situations and
people that will reflect those fears and negative beliefs. Again, watching the news media is
one way that you can be influenced to have expectation of things like violence, terror,
hatred, named diseases, and other negative behavior. If people stopped watching the
negative news, there would be less expectation of that negativity in the consciousness of
people and if there is less negativity in the consciousness there will be less of that
negativity manifesting.
It’s always a freedom situation to choose whatever you want and be influenced by
whatever you want. If the news media is influential in adding negativity into your
consciousness and you are aware of it, you can stop subjecting yourself to it. This is an
opportunity to use your common sense.
Some of the conditioning that I was introduced to said, “everyone gets old,” “you
can’t live forever,” and ”you have no control as to when you will die.” I used to believe
those statements until I started seeing people that looked young even though they were of
a higher age. I also witnessed people who were apparently supposed to die according to
what the doctors told them about their dis-eased situation, and instead made a conscious
choice to live and be well, and then experienced living and being well with no dis-ease.
Many people who are not aware of “How It All Works,” call these things good
luck or miracles. There is no such thing as luck or miracles. Nothing happens by accident.
We exist in a universe that operates from cause and effect. Again, these limited ways of
thinking are beliefs that were handed down.
Another traditional belief that has been handed down through the years is that you
must work in order to obtain money. Another belief is that you must first go to college to
get knowledge so you can use that knowledge to earn good money. These options can be
true if you choose them. However, there are some people that do not work and make lots
of money. They make money or attract money through investments and other ways that

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don’t require their labor. It’s all a matter of choice.
A person that has no knowledge or college degree can have just as much money or
anything else by deciding to have it. He or she could inherit money, win the lottery, invest
in something that skyrockets in value, and many other ways that don’t require labor. You
could invent something that pays you royalties over and over, or write a book or a song
that pays you over and over. Someone could give you money. There is nothing wrong
with earning a living by trading hours for dollars, as long as you like what you are doing,
but this is not the only way.
Trading hours for dollars is traditionally the most popular way to receive money
because this is what is being taught the most. Many people are not sure what kind of job
that they want.
Studies have shown that 90% of people who like their jobs would also do it for
free, if they had enough money. The current situation has it that only 10% of people
actually like their jobs. This means that 90% of people who are working, are not working
and doing what they want. They are paying a price by sacrificing their happiness or selling
their soul by doing something that they do not like. Many people choose to work jobs that
they don’t like because they want more money, status, rank, or so called glamor. Others
work these jobs because they don’t know what they want to do, or they were told by their
parents that a certain occupation would be best for them. This way of being, is a betrayal
of the self. It is a forceful way to have more.
Society promotes that it is better to have more money, status, rank or glamour;
even though these things are not making many people happy. This creates a society that
competes with each other to get more than the other, and can influence a person to think
that they are not as good as another if they work a job that doesn’t pay as high, and is not
as glamorous as the other. An evolved society would not compare one to the other, or try
to get ahead or compete to be better than the other. It would appreciate everyone in what
they are contributing to the whole. A custodian would be just as important as the architect
that designed the buildings that we use.
Part of the reason why people are doing things that they do not want to do is
because they do not understand “How It All Works,” and this causes them to limit
themselves. This does not mean that it is wrong. Every situation is perfect for what we can
learn and grow from. Suffering often stimulates people to choose better for themselves.
When you are comfortable, you are not as likely to choose better.
The mechanical and technological way of lifestyle that most people are conditioned
to live has created the need for knowledge of how to make and use those technologies and
mechanics. The current belief is that it is all necessary. Yet there are many people that live
in certain areas of the world that do not use technology and do just fine. However, this
technological and mechanical way of lifestyle is paving the way for humans to become
aware of their unlimited potential. It is the thoughts that create the new technology.
Technology is improving at such a fast rate that something new today will already
be outdated a year from now, such as some types of computer technology. Eventually the
technology will get to the point that we will be incorporating our own source energy
vibration to generate the technology, and then the realization and awareness will conclude
that we can have our reality’s function without using technology. The mass consciousness
of the people will know that they can use their energy vibration to be, do or experience

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anything by thinking it into reality. The truth is that we already are thinking everything into
reality. Our thoughts and our actions being an extension of our source energy is what is
inventing and creating everything that we make and use.
I was taught in church and religious classes that a separate outside source known
as God was what made everything in the universe and also made everything happen for
everyone. I was conditioned to believe that if I prayed to this outside God I could possibly
get what I wanted. I was also conditioned to believe that if I didn’t sin, I could possibly go
to a place called heaven when I died, and if I sinned, I would go to hell when I died. I was
taught that people should be punished when they do wrong to others and that if someone
did something to me, I was a victim.
When people are taught to believe in something that is higher and more supreme
than themselves and everything else, people will act in accordance with rules of that God,
logically thinking it is best. If they believe in a God that is conditional and judges them to
be unworthy, then they will be judgmental and see people as unworthy. If they believe in a
God that is a punishing God that makes them go to hell when they have made mistakes,
they will punish others for making mistakes. If they believe in a God that is higher than
everyone and everything and separates himself from everyone, then they will not believe in
unity and will separate themselves from others who don’t believe what they believe. If they
believe in a God that fights with the Devil, then they will believe in war and will fight with
each other. If they believe in a God that claims all of the power, then they will believe that
they are powerless. When people feel powerless, they live with fear and are easy to
While believing in a God like this; where is the compassion,? where is the love,?
where is the unity,? where is the peace?, where is the freedom? Where is the creative
power and responsibility one can truly have with this kind of mindset? When will it
The numbers are growing in this world of people that are now awakening and
ready to understand a vision of humanity and everything else as One. Just as our different
organs cooperate for the good of the entire body, humanity is starting to shift from being a
competitive self interest, to an openhearted cooperation in the interest of the whole body
of humanity and the universe as a whole. The old way, the conditional way, the forceful
way, the punishing way, the fearful way, the controlling way, the destroying way, the
traditional way, and the way of separation has caused too much pain and suffering to
As people begin to see through the eyes as One being of everyone and everything
as a mirror of the whole self, then all dilemma and conflict will dissolve, ending all the
fear. The illusion of separation will dissolve as humanity allows themselves to surrender to
the long time sunshine of love. This realization can indeed change the world one soul at a
time and soon will embrace the universe.
I was told to watch out, be careful, don’t talk to strangers, lock my belongings so
they won’t get stolen, you can’t trust everyone, you can’t always get what you want, you
have to go to college if you want to earn a good living, you should take medications when
you are ill, save your money, live with morals and obey the laws. Most of my other friends
were conditioned the same way, and this is what I thought was normal because most
people lived their lives by these beliefs. The people that were influencing me with this

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conditioning believed that they were doing the right thing because they were conditioned
with the same beliefs as well.
Going through life I discovered that this conditioning didn’t serve me very well for
my happiness at times, because it limited my freedom and happiness. It was teaching me to
live in fear, not claim my power or be responsible for my reality. It also taught me to cast
blame on others, have guilt, limit my potential and not trust myself or others. This
conditioning also was teaching me that we lived in an object referring global consciousness
and a separation from being one and the same source energy that creates all.
This conditioning also influenced me to believe that I should give credit out there
instead of to myself for creating every experience that I had. If someone treated me bad I
couldn’t take credit as being the co-creator that attracted a person to behave like that in
my experience. The conditioning that I was taught said that I am a victim because I
certainly would not want that to happen. If someone treated me in a loving way I still
couldn’t claim credit because they were the one doing it to me as well.
This conditioning also had me believing at times that different things such as
objects and weather conditions did things to me, or for me as well. All of this conditioning
and influence made me feel confused, powerless and also limited with my potential. I also
noticed how this conditioning influenced many others to feel the same way in being limited
with these imprisoning beliefs and ignorant to “Understanding How It All Works.”
We have been taught to be responsible for our actions, but have not been made
aware of the importance of managing our vibration, or thoughts. If you are not aware that
the energy of your thoughts and beliefs create your reality, it is very hard for you to justify
that you are not a victim when hardships happen to you. When you can claim it all even if
it is not to your liking, you will have transformed and evolved to knowing the truth of who
you are and are able to use your free will any way that you want.
Each hardship that we attract is a painful reminder to let us know when we are not
vibrating a loving way. We don’t need to change the people who are doing things to the
so called victims. People need to remember the importance of managing their vibration so
that they don’t attract what they do not want and can create what they do want.
The so called victimizers are already receiving their punishment by not being at
ease with what they have done. Deep down they feel powerless and limited even if they
are not totally aware of it. You are not powerful if you are a master of others. Your true
power is realized when you can master yourself.
Through my experiences I discovered that I am the creator of my experience,
there are no victims, you can experience what you want, your belongings can be safe, even
if you don’t lock them up, you can trust yourself and other people, you can make as much
money as you want, even if you didn’t go to college or work, your body can heal itself
without medications or doctors, most people do not obey all the laws and you can
experience heaven or hell on earth without dying.
I also became aware that when you do unloving acts to yourself and others, you
receive your punishment with the unpleasant feeling you experience by doing those things
that are not of a loving nature. I learned that you don’t have to feel guilty if you don’t live
by someone else's made up morals. Furthermore, I learned that fear of punishment is not
an intelligent reason why we should or shouldn’t do harm to others or break the made up
laws. The way that we “feel” is all that is needed along with common sense!!!

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How much sense does it make to punish someone for stealing from you if you have
fear based beliefs that your belongings are not safe because the world is full of thieves? As
a reminder, as long as you have those fears, you are in the creative process of attracting
what you do not want. If you are aware that there are thieves in this world but you do not
fear them and know that your belongings are safe; you might still hear about others being
robbed, but it wont happen to you. Your universe reality is the mirrored reflection of you
in which ever way that you vibrate.
Everyone is capable of being aware. The way out of traditional imprisonment is to
be conscious, vibrate love, use the common sense, notice how you feel and live your truth,
even if others are not doing the same. You can be the individual that you were born to be
instead of the personality that society programs you to become. Your life is not about
becoming, it is about being. You will never be happy living your life for others but you can
be happy living with others. You can live your truth right now. I read a quote from Ghandi
that said: “You must be the change that you wish to see in the world”. If you don’t
change, you will be waiting a long time for others to change. Your universe reality reflects
YOU. It is your You-Ni-Verse.
Traditionally, many people celebrate certain holidays, birthdays, weddings,
anniversaries and other specific days and events for enjoyment, and also many times out of
obligation. Many people enjoy these occasions and deliberately celebrate life on those days
for the reasons that those things represent. The manner in which a specific day is
celebrated is determined many times by what you have been conditioned to do in relation
to these different occasions.
The holiday or event itself does not celebrate for you or receive anything from you.
Only you can celebrate life in whatever way that you want and whenever you want to. No
one should ever do anything out of obligation, because obligation is done for false reasons
against your truthful will. There is nothing wrong or right with celebrating life on these
specific days and in the manner that is traditionally taught, as long as you feel that you
want to do it in those made up ways and on those calendar days. It’s a freedom situation.
You will know what you want to do by how you feel.
Some people feel that they don’t need or want an occasion or excuse to celebrate
life. They enjoy expressing and celebrating their gratitude for life as their daily way of
being. Many other people feel stressed by trying to celebrate these specific days when
inside they would rather not, but do it anyway, denying their truth.
People that deny their truth of not lovingly wanting to participate in these
occasions and still do it anyway will pay a price for it by not being at ease. That is one
reason why many people are ill during the holidays. Anytime you do things out of
obligation, you are betraying yourself and others. It doesn't make sense to betray yourself
when you know better. You always pay a price by not being happy. Your true freedom
situation is that you can celebrate any day that you want, including made up occasions,
and the best day to celebrate is always today with the best time being right now.
Deciding to have and be connected with a life partner can be one of the most
enjoyable experiences during your lifetime. A true bond of the hearts of two people
represents a true marriage and is wonderful to experience whether it be for a short while
or for a lifetime. When or if there is no connection in the heart, the marriage bond is

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Another way that people have freely chosen to imprison themselves through
tradition without realizing it, is to apply and register for a marriage license. This is another
traditional system made up by society that creates the illusion that you are not married to
someone unless you are registered with a license and someone has granted or declared that
you are married. Regardless of how much love there is bonded between two souls, society
has made up a determination that there is no marriage recognized without a license. This
could only be true if there was no other way to experience a marriage bond with someone.
In as much as society has conditioned people to believe that there is no marriage
without a license, the joining of two souls and the wonderful bond of love that exists in
their hearts is a marriage nonetheless, regardless if there is a license or not. Furthermore a
marriage between two souls can exist naturally, freely without effort, force or any external
document or symbol or promise. There are many people that have lost their heart
connection with their partner but still have a marriage license. As much as society will say
that the two people are married, the truth is that it is only existing on paper without the
truth and bond of their hearts.
We can all recognize with full awareness that only a couple can freely administer
the sacrament of a marriage bond with each other and only a couple can sanctify it.
Neither a church, nor any power vested by a state, nor any person can grant the authority
to declare what only two hearts can declare, and what only two souls can make real. If and
when there comes a time when that love does not freely exist, the marriage is severed
regardless if there is a license or not.
Many people that have a marriage license are deeply connected, and if the license
was removed they would still be deeply connected in a wonderful marriage held together
by the love in their hearts. So why do most people apply for a marriage license when they
don’t have to? Tradition, conditioning and misunderstanding of what a marriage license
Lets look at the history of what contractual marriage and what the marriage license
represents, and the effects it can have with you and your children. First of all the marriage
license has only been around for a little over a hundred years. It surfaced in 1869 in the
state of Illinois shortly after slavery was abolished. Even though black people were
released to be free and were supposed to be equal to white people, they were sometimes
not permitted to marry white people. This violated their rights, and that is one of the
reasons the marriage license was born.
The original intention that created the birth of the marriage license pertained to
allowing miscegenation or mixed or interracial marriages to exist but they first had to
obtain a license by the state that they lived in to get permission. It was illegal for them to
be married without a license. By law, a “license” is a permit to do that which would
otherwise be illegal if you didn’t have a license. For example, it is illegal to practice
medicine without a license or illegal to drive an automobile without a license even though
a person is capable to do those things without a license. Many people experienced cosmic
unity and did just fine with the love marriage bond in their hearts before marriage licenses
were created in 1869.
Today many couples love each other, live together, have children and own
property together without a license, and it isn’t against the law but it is not recognized as a
legal marriage by society regardless of the love that exists in their hearts. The truth is you

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don’t have to have a license to be married in your hearts, but if you want to make it a
contractual relationship as well, you can obtain a license.
The original criteria that stated that you must get permission and obtain a marriage
license if you wanted to get married, started in 1869 were: #1 you had to apply for a
marriage license if you wanted to marry someone of a different race or country, #2 you
were not capable of managing your affairs (incompetent), or #3 if you were under the
consenting age established by that state to allow you to contract.
Now, if you didn’t need a license to be married to someone before 1869 and you
are not incompetent, why would you need a marriage license to be married now if you
didn’t need it before 1869? All licenses represent having permission to do something or
have something, such as a drivers license. If you want to practice medicine, you must go
through the education requirements so that you can obtain a license to practice medicine.
In other words, to get permission to practice medicine legally. Do people really need to
ask anyone or any state permission to be totally connected in a bond of love, (marriage)
with someone?
What is interesting to note is that the marriage license issued and voluntarily
mandated by corporate government is prohibited by the Bill of Rights of 1791, contrary to
and in conflict with natural law and as such is commercial in nature and this constitutes
Involuntary Servitude, and is actually a fraud.
When individuals apply for a marriage license, one is (through ignorance)
volunteering to admit to being incompetent to handle ones affairs and acknowledges the
corporate government as being superior to one’s self. The marriage license is more than
just an innocent piece of paper that says that you are married. It is a contract agreement
that attaches the state that you live in as being a third party to your marriage and gives
them authority to manage your affairs if need be. In a sense you actually marry the state
that you live in along with your partner.
Furthermore, since all contracts are about goods and services, your children
become chattel property of the state and the state can make decisions on your children's
lives such as custody, health and education issues against your will. Basically, you give up
your rights and your children's rights by obtaining a marriage license.
Your assets through the marriage license become community assets as well and
that is why the court does have the power to distribute them in a divorce, even if one or
both couples disagree with that decision.
If you want to sever your licensed marriage, you must go through the states court
system to get permission to sever what you have already severed in your heart. The state
that you live in and the network of attorneys and judges make big dollars off of the
marriage license. You can ask yourself the question; do people really need to ask for
permission from someone else to sever their relationships? Only if you have a marriage
This traditional belief of contractual marriage can also create a conditional
relationship from the beginning. The traditional marriage many times has unnatural
agreements and vows between two people to relate to each other with conditions,
promises and limitations. Remember, all love is unconditional. Many couples love each
other and their intentions are meant for a lifetime but sometimes things change.
The reason that it is called a traditional marriage is because it is again something

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that is handed down and taught as a way to relate and or survive. Some of the reasons that
people enter into a traditional contractual marriage besides being in love are for external
reasons like having children, so called security, money, material, control, ownership, and
One of the common conditions of a traditional marriage is that a couple makes a
committed promise to love each other until death. Some marriages have lasted until death.
Most of them haven't. When one or both partners doesn't love the other and they stay in
this traditional marriage agreement anyway because they vowed they would forever, they
are now staying together out of obligation, guilt, or fear. When obligation goes on long
enough, it then turns into resentment. When the traditional marriage goes into this phase,
neither person is living their truth or enjoying the relationship, and are paying a price of
suffering by freely choosing to imprison the self even though they don’t have to. Some
people have married someone that they don’t even love because their religion or
traditional ways say that their parents must pick your marriage partner for you.
When you forfeit your freedom, you forfeit yourself. In any situation if you are not
doing what you love or loving what you are doing, you are not living your truth and it is
difficult to be happy. Betrayal of the self is the highest betrayal. Obligation cannot exist in
the space of love. Most people were not aware of what the marriage license represented,
and they obtained one because they thought they had to.
Promising things to people is conditional and is also hard to keep, especially long
term promises even if you mean it at the time. That is why vows and commitments don’t
usually last. If on the other hand you made the free choice day after day to stay with that
person only because you love them, that day of resentment will never come. Each person
would know that the only reason that the other person is with them is because they freely
want to be with them. All promises are limitations. All limitations keep you from being
free. When there is no freedom, there is no love.
Until you consciously create your future, you cannot predict your future. Until you
can predict your future, you cannot promise anything truthfully about it. That is why it is
difficult to keep promises about anything.
If you were not taught these traditional ways to relate with conditions;
instinctively, naturally, people would love each other unconditionally and allow freedom.
Just look at other animals in nature. They give a great example of freedom and
unconditional love. We can learn much from them. They do not teach each other how to
relate with each other. They remain with each other because they want to be with each
People of an evolved society would have no such thing to do with reducing
relationships to a licensed contractual level. Evolved society relationships will exist as
being spiritual partnerships of unconditional love. People will gravitate and bond with each
other naturally, freely, to love, evolve, trust and grow with each other. They will make no
solemn promise or exchange a sacred vow, or commit to each other or make any
conditions in their relating.
They would not bond with each other for reasons of security to own or posses or
to be owned or possessed. For security can only be found within. There would be no
demands or conditions. They would not bond for reasons to control, hinder, restrict or
limit each other from enjoying their true expression and honest celebration of life. There

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would be no obligations that must be met, only the truth of encouragement, support, and
love when it occurs naturally.
A spiritual partnership allows opportunity for growth not entrapment. A journey
through life together as a holy partnership of the souls mirroring each other with the
awareness of freedom being the highest expression of love they can appreciate, offer and
receive with each other. They would appreciate knowing that the only reason that the
other partner is with them for each continuing day is because they freely want to be with
them. A traditional contractual marriage with conditions can become a spiritual
partnership, but a spiritual partnership would never include a license, a contract, or any
other conditions.
Should the day come that spiritual partners choose to separate, there would be
much gratitude for all that was shared and a blessing given to one and the other in their
journey of continuation without each other. The highest expression of love is freedom.
Freedom to stay and freedom to go. If you and your partner stay together without a
contract or license and you are happy together; you are both there for the same reason.
You want to be there because you love being in that connection.
Using common sense is easy once you remember that you have it, decide to use it,
and have the courage to use it. When you are aware of “How It All Works,” and are
aware of your feelings, you may release the need to support the made up systems and
ways that are currently not working for you and are keeping you limited.
With each made up limited traditional fear based system and way that you let go
of, you become more free and let go of more fear. The more free you become, the more
alive you become, and the more you will expand your potential. Living by made up rules
and instructions that don’t serve you, does not allow you to be the free individual that you
truly are. You limit your potential.
Once becoming aware; doing what most people do may not be what you choose to
do anymore. Others that are used to seeing you live by traditional limiting beliefs may
judge you harshly at first. It’s ok. You can offer them the awareness of freedom and if
they want to stay where they are at let them. Be honest with yourself. If more people were
honest with themselves, many society structured ways that are not bringing happiness
would crumble. A free society is not a dangerous society filled with fear. It is a powerful
and peaceful trusting society that vibrates much love and supports itself to benefit the
Future generations will look back on that which society is now and call it
Neanderthal by comparison. They will talk of times when humans didn’t understand
emotions. They will talk of times when people didn’t use their common sense. They will
talk of times when people were conditional in their relating. They will talk of times when
people felt separate and powerless. They will talk of times when people didn’t understand
universal laws. They will talk of those who saw only with their five senses. Those that
could see, hear, taste, smell and touch but couldn’t read vibration or see the bigger
Many people might be angry or have fear of you when you act in freedom and
awareness. Many traditional beliefs are only lies told so often, they imprison the mind. The
truth is that you can do what you want, go where you want to go, be who you want to be,
and you are free to think on your own. Being aware allows you to know what you want.

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A whole person is authentic and totally honest internally. There is no need to wait. Your
life can be abundant with happiness, peace, security and material prosperity when you
decide it to be that way. You don’t have to justify yourself to anyone. You owe no one an
apology for being on this plane of reality.
Everyone has this freedom right now and forever!
When enough people stop supporting the made up systems and ways that are not
working and choose freedom, love and happiness; the made up systems and ways will
cease to exist. A more harmonized way of being will emerge. You can be the change that
you wish to see in your world. The enlightened man seems like the greatest stranger in the
world; he does not seem to belong to anybody and yet he is totally connected. No
organization confines him, no community, no society, no nation, no set of rules and yet he
is conscious of being totally connected and whole. All potential exists right now. Unless
you drop your traditional imprisoned personality you will not be able to claim your
individuality. It’s all about having awareness of your feelings, using your common sense
and managing love and fear.

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Love is that which is unlimited. There is no beginning and no end to it. Love
always was, always is, and always will be. If love is unlimited, then love is freedom. Love
is that which is perfectly free. Your emergence into this lifetime was from a base of
freedom, which is love. You have free will, unlimited potential and life. Therefore, you are
love, not fear. You will experience more of that which you are (love) when you are
through experiencing that which you are not. (fear)
All people are love, regardless if they are not acting like it. Each finger on your
hand is different, yet it is all the same hand. Each human is a little different but all are the
same species. Each planet or place is a little different, yet all exist as one whole. If
everything is one whole, then no one and no thing is separate.
There are really only two emotions, and they are of love and fear vibration. All
other feelings come from these two emotions. There has been much confusion as to what
some believe to be love and what love really is. When you feel happy - free, excited,
joyful, peaceful, playful, appreciative, trusting, confident, generous, compassionate and
other positive feelings; the root of those feelings is love. The basis of love is connection
without attachment or conditions which is freedom. Where there is love, there is light.
Where there is love there is truth.
When you feel lousy - angry, worried, frustrated, guilty, lonely and other negative
feelings; the root of those feelings is fear. The basis of fear is attachment which leads to
separation. Fear keeps you limited or attached to where you are with what you do not
want. When there is fear there is darkness. When there is fear there is negativity. Fear is
limitation and love is freedom. All people are capable of vibrating love and fear and are
capable of knowing the difference by the way that they feel.
Vibration of love feels good and vibration of fear does not feel good. To love
means to allow freedom for yourself and others. To love is to have appreciation for
something or someone. To love yourself means to allow yourself TOTAL FREEDOM to
be, do, and experience anything even if it does not include others. To love someone
unconditionally means to allow the other person TOTAL FREEDOM to be, do, and
experience anything, even if it does not include yourself or even if they choose to suffer
with how they run their life. No conditions. Freedom is the highest expression of love.
To a higher or lower degree, Love and Fear are the basis of how we relate to
anything. You can love anything and you can fear anything. All positive emotions are of
love and all negative emotions are of fear. The way that we evaluate things sometimes can
confuse us, and sometimes that can influence us to react with fear just because we didn’t
have all the facts.
Being aware of where you are at with what you are thinking, doing and being
enables you to experience “now.” When you are aware that you are experiencing “now,”
you are more aware of how you feel while being, doing, and thinking about what is going
on “now.”
An enlightened person is someone who is full of light. They don’t choose

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negativity or fear even if there is influence. They are living and being a peaceful loving
way. They are being their true nature. The way to experience enlightenment is to stop
being dark and be aware of now, with what ever it is that you are thinking, doing and
being. Being consciously aware of now gives you a basis to choose from love and fear.
Choosing a loving way to be can become very natural and automatic if you prefer to be
enlightened. Just bring light and love into everything you think, do or be. In other words,
stop being dark.
You can love others as your soul does by allowing others to be responsible for
their own lives. Allowing others to be free and learn more about awareness and love
sometimes means that we will allow them to suffer through certain experiences when they
are not choosing love. This gives them opportunity to learn the difference by what is
occurring and to realize how they feel from the experience. This is what many people call
tough love.
If we tell others how to live or try to save them when they haven't asked for our
help, we are not allowing them to be free to use their power. Many of us don’t like to see
people suffer and that is why we try to control, save and/or make their situation better.
Because of this, they can suffer more, because we have made the choice for them and they
will not have learned through the experience to be responsible for themselves the next time
the issue comes around. Many times when we want to save or help someone they resent it
because deep down they know that they can help themselves even though they might not
be doing it.
When you make a decision, you are using your power. If you make decisions for
someone else, you are not allowing them to use their power. What will they do when
you’re not there to save them? How much could you grow if someone always stepped in
to tell you what to do every time you create a situation that you need to resolve, or be
constantly given advice on how you should run your life?
If you really want to save others, you can offer them the awareness of “How It All
Works” so they can save themselves. Forcing or telling someone “How It All Works” or
telling them what to do does not have the same acceptance as asking them if they would
like some assistance with understanding how they are getting what they are getting. You
will be allowing them to claim their power back as they become aware and make their own
Walking a conscious spiritual path is much like learning how to walk when we
were infants. When a baby is learning to walk they can fall down and hurt themselves.
Eventually they discover what causes them to fall, and they learn what to do and what not
to do from the experiences. Through the experience, walking is mastered.
The same is true in walking your spiritual path. Through experiences you will learn
what to do and what not to do for your happiness. It is unnatural for any soul to limit itself
with staying the way that it is, or where it is at forever. Look back ten years. Are you
more or are you less? Right now you are the sum total of all of your past, including past
lifetimes. It doesn’t matter how fast you evolve or expand. What matters is that you are
happy. It takes courage to expand when you are comfortable. You have to come out of
your shell and move towards the light. Moving towards the light means that you are filling
yourself with love.
This is the same courage that a seed takes when it breaks free of its safe, secure

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and limited environment inside its shell. There are many possible dangers that the sprout
will face when it takes the risk to move out of its shell and through the soil, but it moves
out of the shell so that it can be free to expand into a beautiful plant or flower by evolving
towards the light. It is loving itself to be free.
As it breaks through the earth and becomes a plant and blooms a flower, the soul
of that seed has evolved, transformed and become enlightened. I have seen many people
stay in their shell because they were afraid of what might happen if they take the risk to
explore fresh new changes. The result is dis-ease from limitation, and many times guilt. I
have also seen many people take the risk to expand their limitations and bloom into the
beautiful flower that has always been their potential. The seed doesn’t quite know that it
will become the flower, but it doesn’t stay limited to where it is at just because it is safe in
that shell.
Living a conscious spiritual path is the same as learning how to walk. We can fall
down many times as we experience what we create and this pain is our friend that helps
stimulate us to change. If someone is always saving us, how can we be free and how can
we grow? If we avoid living a conscious spiritual path, we won’t fall down because we
never stood up!
Many times fear can be disguised as love and be vibrated at the same time.
Although you may think that you are coming from love when you want to help somebody
in many cases, the truth is that many times it is really fear. Fear that they can’t resolve
their issues, fear that they will suffer and/or fear that they will have to deal with it
themselves. Sometimes we help them out of guilt, which is also fear.
Saving others out of obligation or traditional customary ways is also sometimes a
form of fear. Remember everyone has unlimited potential, not just you.
A rising tide may "raise the ships" - but it won't raise the rocks. In our desire to
empower one another we are often met with disappointment, for we can influence the
empowerment of only those who are in harmony with self empowerment.
You can't get poor enough to enrich the poor ones. You can't get sick enough to
heal the sick ones - and you can't dis-empower yourself enough to empower those not in
harmony with being self-empowered. You can't influence the empowerment of another
before you are self empowered.
When we help someone when they haven't asked for our help, not knowing it, we
are not empowering them, we may be disempowering them. We are also controlling them.
This does not mean that you should never help anyone unless they ask you. If someone
has fallen into a lake and is drowning, chances are they would want your help but are
unable to ask.
One way to find out if someone wants your assistance or help is to simply ask
them. If you know they are suffering and you ask them if they want your help and they still
say no, you must love them enough to allow them that freedom so they can learn through
their experience even if they are suffering. Eventually they will choose better for
themselves, or they may ask for assistance.
It’s like that old saying, if you come across someone who is without food, you
would be doing them a better service by teaching them how to fish rather than feeding
them some fish over and over. You give them the power back. If you keep feeding them,
they are dependent on you and remain limited.

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Jealousy is also an emotion of fear. The illusion is that if a person gets jealous, they
must really care about the other person. The truth is they are only concerned with
themselves. When you love someone unconditionally, you are happy for the other no
matter what.
Some people confuse attachment with love. The thought of non-attachment
worries them, for they think if they do not feel attached to people, they do not love them.
Non attachment (freedom) does not mean that you don’t care, it is caring at the highest
level. Freedom is the highest expression of love.
Having love for yourself can sometimes make you feel guilty and that you are
being selfish because of some of the conditioning that you were brought up with. Living in
ways or being a way that makes you happy is not being selfish in a negative way. You are
just exercising your freedom for yourself. When others claim that you are being selfish
because you don’t include them or give to them, then they have to take a look at
themselves and see why they are attracting that as their reality or why they feel so much
Being selfish in a negative way means seeking or concentrating on one’s own
advantage, gain, pleasure, or well-being with intent and disregard for others while
knowing that others will suffer from your action. If a person acts selfishly with intent of
disregard for others, their inner being will offer negative emotion. For example: You
selfishly take cuts in line at a store so you can get out of the store sooner. In doing so, the
other people that you cut in front of have to wait longer. If you are aware that they will
truly suffer from what you do and you cut in front of them anyway, your inner being will
offer you negative emotion. It’s not a loving way.
On the other hand, if you are in a relationship with someone that you don’t feel any
love with anymore, or they are not accepting of the love that you have to offer, you are
not being selfish if you choose to move on. When there is no love, there is no value. If you
stayed where you are at and you are not happy with this situation, you are betraying
yourself. You are not harming the other person if you leave them. You would be harming
yourself by staying where you don’t want to be, or where you are not wanted.
Honoring what you value about you is how you love yourself. Self esteem means
to value and honor yourself. When you don’t value yourself, you can cause harm to
yourself. When you value your own worth as being very dear and precious, you give
yourself the finest of everything. If you value and love yourself, others can value and love
you. You are much more capable of loving others and appreciating their value when you
know what you value. The closest person to you is you. This is the first person to love.
When you are aware of why you do things, you can then be aware of whether you
are doing it from fear or love. Doing things because it is the logical reason to do
something means that you are doing something because of what you were taught instead
of how you feel. Logic is knowledge, but there are no feelings in logic that can guide you.
Obligation is not love either. Obligation is what you do because you would feel
guilty if you didn’t do it. Which means that you don’t want to do what ever it is that you
feel obligated to do. When we do things because we want to do things for ourselves or
others we feel good. Sometimes if we look at situations that we feel obligated to do, we
can switch the words around by saying “I get to do this today” instead of “I have to do
this today.” Appreciating your life is a way that you love yourself.

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Everything from the way that you dress to the things that you say has meaning
behind it. You can find out the truth of why you dress the way that you do, or say the
things that you do, by asking yourself why you live the way that you live. Surprisingly
enough, you may discover that many of the things that you say and do are out of fear or
by what you have been conditioned with. Only you can set yourself free from the jail of
traditional imprisonment. It takes an open mind, an awareness of your feelings, the
courage to live your truth that brings you happiness, the strength to let go of habits and
conditioning that doesn’t serve you and your decision to love and let go of fear. Love is
freedom and fear is limitation. Love is light and fear is dark. Love is allowing and fear is
controlling. Love is connection and fear is separation. Everyone and everything is
connected and therefore everything is love.

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Exercises For Self Discovery & Evolving


Using opposites for self discovery for solutions in your life.


The mirrors in our experience offer a view of self discovery.


Forgiveness dissolves all illusions of separation.



Using opposites for self discovery for solutions in your life.

A simple way to gain clarity about issues, a way to shift to something better, how
to get clear about what you want and how to experience what you want.
Some people are not living a happy and joyous life simply because they haven't
taken time out to figure out what they want, and are also settling for what they don’t
want. If you are having a hard time figuring out what you want in life, a simple solution to
discover what it is that you want is to first get clear about what you don’t want. Knowing
what you don’t want is easy to do because it is already known and has been experienced.
It is uncomfortable, it hurts, and/or doesn’t bring any joy or good feeling or fulfillment in
your experience. Once you are clear about what you don’t want, you will easily be able to
know what you do want by choosing the exact opposite of what you don’t want.
By paying attention to what we don’t like or want, we obviously are not focused
on what we really do want. If we are not focused on what we want, it is unlikely that it
will come to be.
Most people know what they don’t want because they have experienced what ever
it is to be physically or mentally painful. (The experience or issue.) Because it is painful, it
often influences us to keep our attention on what we don’t want and the issue doesn't
By noticing this pain, we sometimes give very little or no attention to the opposite,
(The Preferred Experience,) and this is why the issue repeats and we can remain stuck in
experiencing what we don’t want. Your reality cannot change unless you choose different
thoughts. Remember you are always the source creating it all. You are always free to
By following the sequence listed ahead, you will gain clarity on how and why you
are having your unpleasant experience, or issue, and you will find the solution for change.

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Here is an easy exercise to get clear and find solutions for what you do want.

First list the unpleasant issue or situation that you know you do not want in your
experience anymore.

My unpleasant experience or issue is:_____________________________/
Example: My body is over weight. /

Pretend that someone has asked for you to give them the recipe on how to have
your issue. Since you have the issue, you are an expert on how to create it. List the best
thought patterns, physical ways and emotional ways that you know have worked to cause
your issue. It is important to be totally honest and not blame anyone or anything else as
being the cause.

What are the five best ways that I can create my unpleasant experience or
Example causes:
1. Eat lots of foods that are high in fat and calories /
2. Don’t ever exercise.. /
3. Constantly tell yourself that you are fat. /
4. Eat snacks while watching TV late at night. /
5. Eat when your bored. /

Now write your cause answers here:

Those five best ways are the “causes” that you have been doing to create your
issue. Even though you don’t want this issue, this is what you have chosen, how you are
being and what you are doing in order to be experiencing your issue. This clearly reveals
where your attention is at and what actions you are taking to create your experience. In
order for your issue to change, you must stop doing, being, and thinking what doesn’t
work for you. Opposites are the key!

Now lets work with the opposites:

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What is the exact opposite of my issue?____________________________/
Example: My body is slim. /

List the exact opposite down below of each of your five cause answers of your issue .

Example cause: I worry that things won’t change for the better.
Opposite: I’m confident that things are changing for the better.
(Don’t use phrases like: I won’t worry anymore because your attention will remain on

Example opposites:
1. Eat lots of food that are low in fat and calories. /
2. Exercise daily. /
3. Constantly tell yourself how good you look. /
4. Go to bed early and get a good nights rest. /
5. Do something productive or fun when you feel bored. /

Now write your opposite cause answers here:

Being and doing the opposite of the cause is always the solution to shifting into a better
The opposite of your issue is what you do want. The opposite of the causes are your
solutions for change. This works on any issue.
Ask yourself - what would happen if I lived the opposite ways above from now on with
my attitude and my actions?
Ask yourself - What does it feel like to live this way? It is important to know this so you
won’t have fear of the unknown.
You create and experience the consequences, of your patterns of thoughts, feelings,
beliefs and actions.
Make decisions by evaluating how you feel. Stop doing what doesn't work for you.
It’s insane to expect different results while doing the same thing. If it’s not working
choose, live and be the opposite!
The more responsible we are with our thoughts the more powerful we become!
Trust and allow your desired experiences to happen by expecting them, and letting go of
what you don’t want.
Your experiences manifest from your vibration of absolute free will and decisions. You are

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the manager of it.

If you only observe what is real - that is what will keep repeating itself. You can decide
and choose something different or better. To change your life and your issues, you must
decide to change it.
Another effective way to figure out what you do want, is to first write down
everything that you know that you don’t want, and then write the opposites.
I now want to share with you an amazingly powerful method of helping you to
realize what your dream job might be. Before I explain this exercise, I want to give you an
example of a technique which has some merit, but is not very effective. This is the sort of
technique you'll read about in books on life-planning, and has been found to be very

Take a sheet of paper. On the top of the paper write the words:

'My Dream Job.' Underneath this, write out exactly what the title implies.

Let your imagination run wild. Don’t sell yourself short. You can design your own
perfect fantasy job. Where will you work? Who will you work with? In what sort of
environment? Doing what? What hours will you work? What salary will you be paid? Is
it a manual job? A creative job? Just put down anything you can think of which would
make your working day absolutely wonderful.
What do you think of that for an exercise? Okay, it has its merits, but if you
actually try to complete this exercise you'll find it fairly difficult.
The reason is that the second you try to fantasize about your ideal job, negative
thoughts and conditioning crowd your mind, effectively saying to you: "Don't be silly!
You can't have that! That would be impossible. That's asking too much. I don’t know,
nobody has ever asked me this before." The other reason that it is difficult is because you
have no past reference of having the experience of the dream job characteristics before.

Now, take another blank sheet of paper and on the top of it write:

'My Job From Hell.'

Fill that sheet of paper with a detailed description of your total Job From Hell.
Describe the horrible work environment, write in detail about the unfriendly people you'll
be working with, and the awful tasks you'll be performing. You will hardly be able to stop
writing. You will literally find it very easy in putting down every awful detail.
This exercise gives you a fantastic opportunity to use your creative potential when
you are not running hard against the brakes of the subconscious mind. This exercise is
easy because you have prior reference of having experienced those characteristics, issues
and unfriendly people.
Please do this exercise, and don't only read about it. You'll be quite amazed by its

The next part of this exercise is to take your Job From Hell and write the exact

opposite of everything you have put down.

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For example if you have written "I work in a dark, noisy, fume-filled factory, with
loud rap music blaring all day over the speakers," you could rewrite this as follows: "I
work in a light, quiet and peaceful office."
Another example could be, if you wrote "Each day is identical to the last, I
produce an endless stream of identical widgets, and never receive any praise or thanks for
my work," you can rewrite this as follows: "Each day I work on something different, no
two projects are the same and I receive a huge amount of praise, admiration, and respect
for my work."
Get the idea?
What you are doing is using the 'Job From Hell' as a method of bypassing the
subconscious mind. Effectively, you are finding out what you don't want, and reversing it
to produce your Job From Heaven.
I sat down and used this technique several years ago and had a wonderful success
story as the result with not only my job but in several areas of my life. I was quite
surprised by the results. I found out things about myself that I could do which I had not
been aware of before.
Reading through my completed Job From Heaven (produced by reversing my Job
From Hell) I felt a thrill of excitement running through me. Yes, this was exactly what I
wanted to be doing, and so I did it.
After reading about the experience that I had with this technique, do it yourself -
you will be surprised!
When I was twenty years old I was living a life that you could say was not very
desirable. I was living all alone in Texas, far away from Michigan where I grew up and
didn’t know very many people and did not have a girlfriend. I was working construction
doing hard labor, in the hot sun, with long hours, and was earning a low income wage of
$6.00 per hour. By the time I paid rent and other bills I didn’t have much left for anything
else. I was driving an old car with over 100,000 miles on it and I didn’t feel free. I felt,
tired, lonely, poor, frustrated and stuck.
One night I was thinking about how much I didn’t like my situation and I wrote
down everything about my life that I knew I didn’t like about it. I started with my job and
the characteristics that I didn’t like about my job.
The things that I didn‘t like about my job were:
- Low pay
- Long hours
- It wore me out
- I had to work in the hot sun doing hard labor.
- Even if I worked harder, or was more productive, I still got paid the same.
- I realized that I would have to work until I was 65 before I could retire.
- I didn’t like my job because it was boring.
I continued to write more things about my life that I didn’t like such as:
- There were no girls interested in going out with me.
- I was driving an old car that I didn’t like.
- I was renting an apartment without a swimming pool.
- I didn’t have enough money to buy myself things that I wanted.
- I felt like life was running me, instead of me running it.

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- I was not happy.

I was now clear about what I did not want. When I saw it all written down on
paper as a whole, I realized why I was not happy and also realized that I was choosing to
live in this maner every day. No one was making me live this way. I thought; if I don’t
like living this way and nobody is making me live this way; then why am I living this way?
The answer was obvious. I was freely choosing and deciding to live this way! I was not
giving any thought or taking any actions that were different than how it was. I was not
giving any thought and action to what I did want. I then asked myself; how do you want
your life to be? To be honest, I really didn’t know. What I did know was that I didn’t want
it the way it was. If you don’t know what you want. How can what you want come to be?
I laughed and thought to myself, I just want everything to be the opposite of how
it is now. So, just for the sake of it, I wrote down the opposite of everything that I had
listed about my life that I knew I didn’t want. My new list looked like this, starting with
my job:

Instead of low pay - High pay.
Instead of long hours - Short hours.
Instead of it wearing me out - It builds me up.
Instead of hard labor in the hot sun - Work in air conditioning doing easy work.
Instead of making the same hourly wage regardless of my productivity - Get paid for my
productivity and efforts accordingly.
Instead of working until I was 65 before I could retire - Retire when I want to.
Instead of not liking my job because it is boring - Like my job because it is fun and
I didn’t know what kind of job this was, but I liked all the characteristics of it. I
knew I would like having a job with high pay, short hours, working in air conditioning
doing easy work, having fun and excitement, builds me up, and retiring by the time I was
thirty years old. I noticed that as I imagined living this way I felt better even though it had
not happened yet. I was now clear about the characteristics of the job that I wanted, but
was not sure what that occupation might be. I then wrote down the opposites for the other
things that I didn’t like about my life.

Instead of no girls that would go out with me - All women love me.
Instead of driving an old car that I didn’t like - Driving a Corvette.
Instead of renting an apartment without a swimming pool - Own my own house with an in
ground swimming pool.
Instead of not have enough money to buy myself things that I wanted - Have enough
money to buy myself anything that I want.
Instead of allowing life to run me - I run my life the way that I want.
Instead of being unhappy - Live happily.

I was now clear about what I didn’t want and clear about what I did want.
Looking at both lists, I realized that percentage wise I had been only giving about 0 to 5%
attention to what I wanted, and 95 to 100% to what I didn’t want on an everyday basis.

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You can see by these percentages why I was not experiencing what I wanted in life. Until I
worked the opposites list, I was also not clear about what I wanted. Even though I had no
idea how I could experience all of the things that I wanted, I felt relieved that I was not
stuck for eternity with what I didn’t want. I imagined what it would be like living the
opposite of what I didn’t want and it felt great. I was offering a much different vibration to
my You-ni-verse.
Just a couple of days later my universe reality began to reflect and take shape and
form to match my opposites list of what I wanted.
Some girls walked by the construction site where I was working and they called
me over to the fence to talk to them. They said “You are working way to hard out here in
this hot sun.” I said yeah, you’ve got that right! They began to tell me about a place that
they were at a couple of nights ago and they thought about the idea of me working there.
They told me that I could make more money in one evening than I could make all week
long at this construction job. They also told me that it was in air conditioning, short hours
and lots of fun. Then they asked me if I was married or had a girl friend. I said no. They
said good because at this place there was nothing but women and they were sure that all
the women would just love me.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I told them that I was just thinking about
this kind of a job but I didn’t know what the job was. They then told me that it was a male
dance club for women only. This was 1981, and male dancing was just starting to become
available to women. I told them that I heard about these kinds of places but that I grew up
with a religious upbringing, I was shy and didn’t think that I could perform dancing in
front of women. They told me to consider going there with an open mind to check it out
and not to pre-judge what it was about. I had an excellent physique, but I didn’t think I
would feel comfortable stripping my clothes off as a way to make a living. I told them that
I was not interested, and they said, “all right, you can always keep exhausting yourself in
this heat.”
The girls walked away and I went back to work. All day long I thought about what
they said. I noticed that this job that they presented to me had all the characteristics of the
job that was on my opposites list of what I wanted. This was a coincidence. The energy of
my thoughts was being shaped into my reality. I decided to check this place out with an
open mind.
When I arrived I talked to the manager and he invited me to stay and watch how it
all worked. After seeing the first two guys do their bump and grind performance I decided
that I couldn’t see myself performing the way those two guys did as a way for me to make
a living and feeling good about myself. I felt let down because I really wanted to have a
new job with all the characteristics from my opposites list and I didn’t want to continue
working construction.
Then another performer came out and his performance was different. His routine
was not a bump and grind show. He was actually entertaining the audience with many
different dance steps, gymnastics and it was choreographed to the music very well. I
noticed that the women in the audience responded and appreciated his tasteful
performance much better than the other guys and he wasn‘t doing anything disgusting.
I decided that if I could entertain the audience the way that this guy could; I could
do this job and feel good about myself. There was only one problem. I didn’t know how to

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dance or entertain like that. I kept working construction and eventually enrolled in ballet
and jazz classes. I taught myself gymnastics and went to audition several months later.
I was hired in, and started working right away. I was now working a new
occupation that was fun, easy, exciting, short hours, in an air conditioned building, making
more money each night than I made all week in construction, all kinds of women loved
me, and I was now able to live my life the way that I wanted. My performance was done in
good taste and I was one of the best entertainers. I wasn’t doing anything that I was
ashamed of because I never stripped down to being fully nude, exposing myself.
It felt so good to be able to sleep in each morning until I was fully rested.
Everything was going great. I was experiencing many of the things on my opposites list. I
had no idea at the time that this would be my job that had all of the characteristics from
my list. The opportunities presented themselves to match what I wanted, and I went with
the flow.
Your universe reality will match what you put your attention on sooner or later.
When it starts to change, you must allow it. It can change in ways in which you might not
expect, but it is always precise and perfectly reflecting you.
I was happy for all the new changes, and I was aware that I created my situation,
and it felt wonderful until one night I was driving home from the dance club. I started
thinking to myself about how good everything was going, and I started to think that this
was too good to be true. I was not used to life going this good, and my attention shifted to
negative thoughts that something usually happens to mess things up for me once it is
going good. I was not aware of the power of those thoughts as I was thinking them.
I stopped my car at a red light and was still thinking that this was too good to be
true. The next thing that happened made it all to good to be true. A man in a pick up truck
who was high on drugs failed to stop at the red light, and crashed into the back of my car
and totaled it out. I didn’t get hurt but I was now without transportation. The guy didn’t
have insurance, and I only had the minimum coverage on my car.
I called back home to Michigan and my mother said that there were a couple of
cars being sold for auction, and that she would buy one for me and I could fly home and
then drive it back. I flew home and stayed for about a week and then drove back to Texas.
I showed up to work at the dance club the next night and the manager told me that they
had filled the position while I was gone. He also informed me that they had enough
dancers and didn’t need me anymore. It was now officially to good too be true.
At the time when my car became demolished, I blamed the other guy for ruining
my good situation. At the time when the guy crashed into my car, I was not aware or
willing to take responsibility for attracting a situation that made my life too good to be
true. I was not aware that just as my positive thoughts could attract a reality that I wanted,
my negative thoughts could attract a reality that I didn’t want. I felt like a victim.
In those three weeks during the time all of this happened, I created what I wanted,
and then created what I did not want. This is why it is so important to manage your
thoughts and stay out of negativity. I was reaping what I had sowed. I had expanded my
limitations, and then went right back to old negative habitual thinking and paid a price for
I went back to working construction for another year, but I was still not happy
with that lifestyle. I moved back to Michigan and started working with a few male dance

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groups, but I wasn’t happy with the format that they used. I talked to some of the better
entertainers and decided to form a new male dance group that would be based on Vegas
style entertainment that would include singing, dancing, magic, comedy, acrobatics,
choreographed dance routines, hat and cane, body builders, special effects and more.
The name of the group was “America’s Ultimate Five” - Entertainment
Extravaganza. The intention was to be the most entertaining male dance group in the
country, and perform in theaters, ballrooms, arenas and concert halls. The show was
designed to be in good taste, and become the largest ladies night out event that woman of
all ages could attend. We went on to become just that. We toured all over the United
States, Canada, Hawaii and even performed in Korea over the next ten years. Most of the
time our shows were sold out in advance and we even had as many as 3,500 women
attend a show in Knoxville, Tennessee.
We were featured on several national talk shows and made headlines in the
newspapers of many of the cities that we performed in. The show became the largest
ladies night out special that this country has ever known. I met lots of wonderful people
and had many great experiences. During the years that I performed with America’s
Ultimate Five, I would hug at least three hundred woman or more per night while doing
about three hundred shows per year. I ended up hugging over one million women during
those ten years. This was the opposite that came true of not having a girlfriend when I
lived in Texas eleven years ago.
I eventually sold the group to my partner in the show and retired at the age of
thirty one. Everything on my opposites list that I made back in Texas several years earlier
had come true. I had bought a Corvette, a house with an in ground swimming pool, retired
at an early age and was loved and appreciated by thousands of women. My reality was
shaped by the vibrations of my thoughts and beliefs for the positive and the negative. Even
if you don’t know how something can come to be, you can experience what you truly
want by keeping your attention to it. Situations and things will present themselves and/or
you will come up with ideas to make it so, as long as you don’t contradict.
During the next twelve years I went on to become a holistic health consultant,
personal trainer, yoga instructor and spiritual consultant. All of which also manifested via
law of attraction. That which is likened to itself is drawn. Your universe is a mirror of
what you vibrate.
There is a very important part to consider in your continuation of conscious
creating that you must become aware of. Since there is no separation between you and
what you create, everything that you perceive is part of you. When you separate yourself
from your goal, you then try to achieve it. Trying to achieve the goal doesn’t allow you to
experience it. Trying is only an attempt and any and all attempts are not the same as being.
Forcing is the same as trying. Trying to get what you want comes from the assumption
that you don’t have enough as you are. What we are seeking is already there; we are
whole, we must simply allow ourselves to be. We are human beings, not human becomers.
Your wanted reality is prevented by a feeling of need or lack. If a sense of
adequacy is not there, the feeling of neediness will actually repel what you want. Your
universe responds to your vibration of lack even though you want more. You can have
more by allowing more. When you allow, you are going with the flow. When you force or
try, you are met with resistance. You are on the outside of what you want.

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When we “Understand How It All Works,” we see ourselves as as part of the
universe, rather than seeing ourselves as subject, and everything else as object. When
things are “out there,” they seem unobtainable. When they are within us, we have it all.
Even if we don’t get what we want, we know that we are whole as we are. We are not
here to create the world. We are here to create and enjoy our own personal world that
interwinds with all the other personal worlds as one whole.

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The mirrors in our experience offer a view of self discovery.

What is being shown to me, told to me, given to me, or taken from me?
What am I hearing and seeing?
What do my surroundings look like? Home, office, car, neighborhood and other places or
Are my surroundings clean, dirty, organized, scattered, beautiful, ugly, exciting, dull, etc.,
What behaviors am I seeing, hearing and judging?
The answer to these questions are reflections of your thoughts, beliefs, likes, dislikes,
judgments, and your own behavior.
These are your mirrors or your reflections of your vibration. You can learn a lot about
yourself by looking at the mirror. The following exercise can be used to discover
information about yourself that you might not be aware of, that can help you let go of
patterns that may not be serving your highest good.

1. Write a list of the immediate people in your life right now. People that you see pretty
regularly such as family members, neighbors, people you work with and friends. Five or
six people should be enough.

2. Honestly and truthfully write down all the things that you are noticing about these
people that you find is not in harmony with you. (The things they say, what they do, what
they fear, how they look and how they feel) List each persons things with their name. For
example: “Jane always complains about her health.” “She is afraid to make changes.” “She
always thinks that she is right about everything.” “She wears weird clothes.”

3. Now honestly and truthfully write down all the things that you say, what you do, what
you fear, how you look, and how you feel, that you know is not in harmony with the true
way that you want to be.

4. Compare your list with the lists of all the others and notice the similarities. Do you see
the reflection?

5. These people are mirroring back to you what you are being like or what your thoughts
and judgments are about. Most of the time we blame them or criticize them and it is much
easier to see these things in others before we see it in ourselves. As we change, the mirrors
change. It is our responsibility to manage our way of being. If you don’t like your mirrors,
you are the one that needs to change what you are vibrating, saying, doing, and judging.
The mirrors are just reflecting things about you. What bothers us about other people
usually are the same things and issues that we don’t like about ourselves, but we don’t
notice it as easily because we are looking out of ourselves instead of at ourselves.

6. You can repeat the list of mirrors above and this time write the things that are in
harmony with you that each person is mirroring to you. Then write down the things that

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are in harmony about you. You will notice the similarities of the mirrors again. “Like
Attracts Like.”

7. If you were at a movie theater and did not like what you were seeing on the screen and
you wanted to watch something better; it would be very foolish to tear down the screen
and put up a new one because you would still see the same movie on the new screen. The
screen is not the cause of you seeing a movie you don’t like.
It would also be foolish to blame the projector and get rid of it for showing you the movie
that you didn’t like. A new projector is still going to project the same movie onto the

What you are seeing on the screen cannot change until you decide to choose a
different or better movie. When you choose to put a new movie selection into the
projector, the projector will project it onto the screen for you to experience and enjoy.
The same thing happens in your human experience. Your body, the world and the
rest of the universe reality that you are aware of, is the movie screen. The projector is you.
The movie being projected is your thoughts and vibrations that you have chosen
consciously and unconsciously. Your universe (movie screen) reflects what you have
chosen or decided. Getting rid of people and things is not always the best answer. If you
don’t like what is showing on your movie screen of life, your freedom situation permits
you at all times to change your thoughts and beliefs that you are projecting. As the
vibration of your thoughts change, so will the mirrors. Therefore the universe is everything
that is created because of every being that is choosing it. Your universe is an extension of
your vibration being mirrored back. Everything shares the same field of energy. Everything
is vibrating reflections of what we vibrate. How you feel is your point of attraction. If you
feel angry, you will attract more angry mirrors. If you feel joy, you will attract more joyful
Vibrating love creates happiness and joy. Loving others is a gift that you give
yourself. As you love them, you raise your vibration and attract better things. “Like
Attracts Like.”
This next exercise helps you claim responsibility for what you create, offers
awareness for letting go of resentment, hate, anger, guilt and victim consciousness. This
exercise allows you to claim your power and forgive yourself.

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Forgiveness dissolves all illusions of separation.

Holding on to resentments, hatred, blame and guilt can cause tremendous harm to
your life. These negative vibrations do not promote life and make you happy; they drain
your energy and cause you to experience dis-ease. (not at ease)
When people have done things to us that offend us, many of us tend to buy into
the illusion that we had nothing to do with the creation of drawing those offenses into our
experience. When we have offended or wronged another, we can also buy into the illusion
that they had nothing to do with the creation of drawing those offenses into their
experience. One of the hardest things to do is to let go of the illusion that everyone and
everything is separate. Having the awareness that everything is the Whole One, can help
us claim responsibility for co-creating our experiences with others even if they have
performed all the actions that were offensive.
It defies law for anything to happen in your experience that is not a match to your
vibration. If we acknowledge the universal laws of karma, law of attraction, law of
reflection, cause and effect and you reap what you sow; it can then be possible to truly
forgive others and ourselves for what is created. We can all learn to choose a more loving
way to be instead of casting blame, hating, being angry, having resentments and feeling
guilty. All of those negative choices are what makes us powerless. By deciding to hang on
to those negative choices, we are giving our power away by unconsciously confirming that
we didn’t create our experience. The way to set yourself free is to let go of the illusions of
separation and forgive. Forgiveness starts with forgiving yourself. Forgiving means that
you are now claiming your power. Forgiveness is a choice. If you don’t forgive, you are
still stuck with the chosen negative vibrations that are harming you. It takes a lot of
strength to claim responsibility for the negative things we draw in, but it is the key to
setting ourselves free from the chosen imprisonment. Forgiveness equals freedom.

Make a list of any and all people that you feel have treated you bad or have wronged you
including yourself that you have not forgiven.
- John Doe
- Jane Smith
The thought of forgiving yourself for the unloving acts that people have done to
you or what you have done to yourself or others would logically seem inappropriate, but it
is vital for your health and well being. It’s much more easy to justify being able to forgive
yourself for what you have done to yourself, and when you know that you were the one
that physically did what you did. When we think of other people or things as being

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separate from us, it makes it difficult to justify that we should forgive ourselves for what
they did.
When we are aware that nothing is separate, and that everything and everyone is
connected as the one whole, we realize what others do in our experience, is a mirror of
ourselves in some way. They can mirror our negative vibrations of fears, worries, anger
and judgments etc., etc.... This does not mean that you approve of what others may have
said or done to you that is not of love nature. It’s up to them to forgive and manage
themselves as well. It means that you are aware of being the creator of your experience
and can no longer blame them for what you have attracted from them as if they were
separate. You can arrive at realizing that choosing negative judgments and fear doesn't
bring you anything but those negative judgments and fear.
When you “Understand How It All Works,” You can actually embrace these
situations for influencing you or waking you up to clean up your judgments, negative
beliefs and actions to learn and grow from what you have been projecting and
When others draw in behavior from you that is offending to them, they have co-
created those situations the same as when you draw in their offending behavior. Only you
can forgive yourself for doing what you did and only they can forgive themselves for
drawing it in, and likewise.
Everything in your experience is a mirror of your vibration including anything
negative that your universe does with you. You are not a part time creator. For every
effect, there is a cause. If we live with thoughts and beliefs that are not of love nature
(cause), the (effect) nature of love cannot be mirrored for our reality. It defies law. A
major growth step in your evolvement is realized when you can forgive yourself and claim
responsibility for your reality. Instead of saying; “Look what they did to me,” a person can
say “Look what I did to me.”
Sooner or later you will have to come to terms with being responsible for what
manifests as your experience, or you will continue to suffer. If you only forgive others for
what they have done to you; you can still feel like a victim because you haven’t forgiven
yourself for drawing it in.
If you want to claim your power, you must claim responsibility for what you have
created. In doing so, you claim it and you are it. Your word becomes law in your universe.
You might not be too proud of what you have created but you claim your power and can
learn and grow from it. By taking responsibility, it enables us to complete our past instead
of being at the effects of it. In turn we are able to be in the present, riding the horse in the
direction it is going.
Choosing and deciding your life situations enables you to be with it as the cause
and being aware of utilizing your potential. Living with victim consciousness keeps you in
the effect mode of life with no power to create beyond your physical actions.
Any person that you can still think of that has wronged you, means that you still
have not forgiven yourself for drawing it in from yourself. The more names and situations
that you think of, the more imprisoned you are with blocking your energy. It means that
you still haven't claimed responsibility for what manifests and have not let go.

When you can no longer make a list, you are free.

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I used the following affirmations to help set myself free: “I claim responsibility as
being the co-creator to have experienced every hateful, angry, insulting, dishonest,
abusing, inconsiderate, dishonorable, unloving, violent, deceitful, painful, and deranged
manifestation that all of those people have done in my experience with me.” (Vibrations
of the opposite of Love.)
“I first forgive myself for vibrating and freely choosing the unloving thoughts and
beliefs that have attracted each of the undesirable experiences that I received from those
people. I embrace those people’s behavior for letting me know what it feels like when I do
not choose to vibrate love while I am having this human experience. I forgive myself for
the times that I reacted to those negative experiences with more negative vibration, which
attracted more negative experiences for me. I also forgive those people for not choosing
to vibrate a loving way to be, as they might not have been aware of how it felt to them as
they performed their acts of the opposite of love.”
The negative experiences that each of these people have done with me has taught
me the importance of managing my attention (vibration). When I vibrate love I attract
more love and it feels good. When I vibrate the opposite of love, I attract more of that,
and it feels bad.
Your energy, attention, (Vibration) creates your reality that you experience. How
you feel is your point of attraction. Until you become aware of this, you create it
unconsciously. It is important to pay attention to how you feel. That is your gauge. Love
is the highest energy current that makes you feel good and fear is the lowest energy
current. Every intention sets energy in motion, whether you are conscious of it or not.
You create in each moment. You gain or lose energy accordingly to the decisions that you
make. Attention of Love attracts Love in your experiences, Fear attracts fearful
experiences etc. There is not a life form that is not responsible for its energy.
There is a responsibility and patience that comes with being aware of “How It All
Works.” It takes much practice to change our consciousness. It may take months, years, a
lifetime, or many lifetimes. When we open ourselves to the unconsciousness, we may be
surprised to find out what we uncover. Repressed feelings, thoughts, and beliefs which
may lead to conflict with our beliefs of ourselves may surface. It is vital to reprogram the
way that we think in order to catch our thoughts, in order to change our consciousness.
Transformation of consciousness is achieved by accepting ourselves, rather than denying
reality. When we rise above the multiplicities of the world, where there is no separation,
no distinction, no opposition between this and that, we are free.

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What if there was a way that you could live your life before you actually live it
physically, but it felt as if you were living it right now and you could find solutions to your
issues? What if you could find a way to relive the past as if it were happening right now
and used it as a way to expose some negative patterns that have been limiting your
Here is an effective mental way of how you can live your life rapidly much the
same as if you were living it physically. This way is also an effective way to crumble ideas
in your mind that you think are true about your life, but are really not true. This effective
way also helps you to get to the truth of why and how your life is the way that it is and
how it can become different or better without living it physically first.
Our everyday life in many ways is pretty much the same from day to day because
of our habits, or one might call them our patterns that we are running. Some of these
habits are real supportive and some are really defeating. Many of them we are not
consciously aware of, and so they continue repeating over and over.
Many times we would like our lives to be different or better than how it is but it
doesn’t change. We unconsciously keep deciding the same thing over and over and don’t
give thought to anything beyond the way that it is. We answer the question “What would
happen if?,” several times a day without even realizing it, and keep answering the question
the same way.
For example: Lets say that on the days Monday through Friday your alarm clock
wakes you up in the morning and you make the decision to get out of bed and go take a
shower as a way to start your day. Since you are used to running this pattern regularly,
you already know what you would do when the alarm clock wakes you up. If I asked you
“what would happen if your alarm clock woke you up in the morning?,” you would have a
very easy time answering; “I get up and take a shower.” If I asked you, “what would
happen if you got up and took your shower?,” you would answer with what you normally
would do in that situation. If I asked you, what would happen if for what you would do or
be next, you would answer again what you would do or be very easily, because this is your
pattern or your habit.
This is how we run our lives for the most part throughout each day without even
realizing it. We go through our entire day answering the same question, “what would
happen if,” but we don’t say the question out loud or answer it out loud before we do or
be what we do next. We just react or respond according to habitual ways or patterns. If
someone would continue to ask us the question “what would happen if?” from any part of
our day or from any situation we are in, we could actually consciously bring to the surface
how we run our lives without even physically living it.
All the answers to “what would happen if?” are what we would do or how we
would be, just the same as if we were living our lives. This sequence called “what would
happen if”, is a fast way to consciously reveal why your life is the way that it is. Once you
become consciously aware of what is brought to the surface, you can then shift to
something different or better. This sequence can help you solve your unresolved issues,
fears, and limitations, without actually physically living the experience, if you keep going
further and further with it. This is how you are living your life anyway.

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To do this exercise, it is best to find a partner to work with you, to ask the
question “What would happen if?” and to keep asking you that same question after you
answer that question each time. It is important that you stay out of ideas when you are
answering the question and to also be honest. Many times ideas that are not true will come
to the surface and your partner can help you crumble those ideas by asking you the
question, “Do you know that for sure?” You must answer honestly if you know that for
sure. If there is any chance that it could be any other way, then it is just an idea which
means that it might not be true and is just a possibility. You will want to answer “What
would happen if?” with certainty. Giving answers like, “I think I would do this or that” or
“I probably would do this or that” or “I should do this or that,” are not answers that are
certain. Just answer what you do know for sure, “What would happen if.” Your answers
are not right or wrong. The idea is to bring them to the surface so you can become aware
of your thoughts and beliefs that have been limiting you, and are keeping you stuck in a
pattern that you do not want.
Sometimes it can be very difficult to answer the question because the sequence will
bring you to areas of your life that you know you want to change, but are having a
difficult time in deciding what to do, or be, next. The reason that it can be difficult is
because it stimulates you to step out of your known habitual comfort zone that you are
used to, and into a direction or unfamiliar area that you have not considered giving
thought to before. Many times out of habit, we just keep giving thought to how it is and
don’t even realize that we are creating the pattern over and over mainly because we
haven't chosen different and also because we are not aware of it.
Many times while doing “What would happen if,” you will notice that your
answers start to repeat themselves over and over, revealing a pattern. This is good. Just
keep going with the sequence even though it might seem exhausting. This may seem very
frustrating to you at the time but the mental pain that you experience from realizing what
you don’t want will stimulate you to eventually decide a different way to be, so that you
can break out of the circle. When this occurs, you have shifted.
Once you have shifted out of the old pattern and are now answering; “What would
happen if?” in the new direction, you will start to establish a new pattern that is outside of
your comfort zone, or the previous known. You will notice that you start to feel relieved,
or better, but you may also notice that you feel uncomfortable because you are not used to
it. As you start to feel better, your answers expand further in that direction and you will
eventually end up with the awareness of a new known direction that didn’t exist before.
Ultimately, you will arrive at being happy.
Since you have already answered “What would happen?” if to all the situations that
you go through during the sequence, you can now live the experience without fear of the
unknown and no longer hold yourself back from the ideas that prevented you from doing
so in the past.
This exercise is great for self discovery and is a fast way to shift out of old
patterns, and expand your potential further. It works on any subject and is more effective
if someone else is asking the question instead of you asking it to yourself. It takes courage
to work through our issues. It takes courage to come out of denial. It takes courage to tell
the truth. The more issues that you clean up, the more happy and free you will be.
To summarize, the “What would happen if?” sequence works like this:

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- Pick out an issue in your life that you would like to change, such as, “I’m depressed.”
- Ask yourself or have someone else ask the question: “What would happen if you are
- You would then answer the question truthfully without getting into ideas that may or
may not be true and your answer might be, “I would stay in my house all the time.”
- You, or your partner would then ask, “What would happen if you stayed in your house
all of the time?”
- You would answer truthfully what comes to your mind the same as if you are living the
experience, such as, “I would drink some alcohol.”
- The next question would be, “what would happen if you drank alcohol?”
- You then keep answering the question “What would happen if ………………………?”
after each answer.
- You keep going with the sequence, crumbling all the ideas that are not absolutely true,
and becoming more aware of what you don’t want, and then you can shift to a new
- You keep answering the question “what would happen if” expanding the new pattern
until you reach being happy, and are confidant and comfortable in your new direction.
- You can then use all of this information to live your new life, dissolving and letting go of
your issue just like you did in the sequence, and enjoy what you have shifted to forever
- If you want, clean up some more issues.
- Once you go through the sequence bringing your hidden attention to the surface, you
will know what not to do, and you will also know what you can do, setting yourself free
of your patterns, limitations and issues.

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As each and everyone of us continues evolving into greater awareness of
“Understanding How It All Works,” many wonderful changes will be taking place with the
total self of the all.
During this “Great Awakening,” the power of our thoughts will rise dramatically.
Your ability and awareness to manifest what you want increases by consciously using the
power of your attention, affirmations and visualizations. Your telepathic and intuitive
perceptions greatly increase.
Your confidence, trust, compassion and love increases to levels that you once
thought were not possible. Your mind-body connection becomes more apparent. You
become more in touch with your feelings, you learn to see things that you were blind to
before, understand things that you couldn’t hear before, and feel and sense things that you
were not aware of before. You begin to allow yourself to continue your life, instead of
forcing yourself. You let go of limited beliefs and utilize more of your unlimited potential.
You will get more in touch with what is true for you. You begin to let go of things
that don’t serve you very well, like negative thoughts and conditioning, excess physical
baggage, possessions and body weight. You start to live your life the way that you want
and let go of guilt and obligation. You become the individual that you are, and let go of
the conditioned personality that you were.
You find it essential and necessary to purify your body by eating more live, natural
foods, and engage in being more physically active, which enables you to reach even higher
levels of consciousness. You become more responsible; rely and trust more on Natural
Healing and less on medical intervention for your health and well being.
You look for the good in everything and everyone by looking for what good is
there, instead of what is missing. You focus on what you want and stop talking about and
focusing on what you don’t want. You stop watching negative news programs and share
good news with others. You strengthen the relationships that are aligned with your highest
good and let go of others. You let go of the need to save others and encourage them to
save themselves. You acknowledge children as wise loving souls with unlimited potential
and let go of forcing them to obey. Your unity becomes more apparent with all living
Much of society structures that are fear based, forceful, destructive and wasteful,
will begin to crumble. Technology, conventional electricity and fossil fuel power resources
begin to break down. More “Free Energy” systems and devices develop. Other forms of
energy and electricity are harnessed from the sun, the human body, and other technology
free systems will emerge.
Other forms of government, employment, and banking emerge in as fear, force,
control, and greed crumble. A greater exchange of love, compassion, knowledge,
resources and support occurs between humanity and nature across the globe.
War will never be an option for people to get their way. Only peaceful ways will be
considered to resolve all differences. Separation will change to connection. Peace and love
will be the main laws of which this planet lives by.
Feel free to share and spread this awareness of “Understanding How It All Works”

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with other growth seeking beings if you feel compelled. You may quote from this book as
you wish. Let this awareness spread like fire into as many people as possible. May good
fortune rain upon you always.

Much love and light to all in your continuation!


D.E.K. Enterprises LLC.
Donnie Koptyra
(586) 792-9097 e-mail:



* IRIDOLOGY - Iris readings for health and wellness discovery. Educational classes.

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Many of us are often unknowingly participating in or being influenced by a
paradigm, a system of made up beliefs, rules, laws and social conditioning that while
designed to help us, in many ways, actually strips us of our freedom, innocence, natural
instincts, inner wisdom and potential. It is our lack of awareness that keeps us "stuck,"
emotionally, intellectually, physically and spiritually in this paradigm from completely
knowing ourselves, and our connection with all.

Think about it. What if there is something of which you are currently unaware of
that is limiting you in terms of freedom, love, joy, peace, fulfillment and abundance? What
if you became aware of it, and that awareness opens up a new way of thinking, being and
feeling, in relationship to experiencing new levels of freedom, love, creativity, peace,
fulfillment, purpose and potential?

What if this awareness prevented you to truthfully blame, hate, resent, and feel
powerless? What if you really could live free, in what many consider an unfree world?

The words in this book offer you the opportunity to shed the belief systems and
ideas that have been limiting your decision making potential, and replace them with the
knowing awareness of your unlimited potential and freedom that has been with you all

As you read this book and gain awareness of how you create your reality, and
discover who you are and your connection with all, you will soon notice that your physical
actions are not the only thing that shapes your reality. You will learn that you can see
things without the use of your eyes, hear things without the use of your ears, and feel
things without touching with your skin. You will gain the truth and understanding of
universal laws and the phrases, “Thoughts held in the mind, produce after their kind.”
“You reap what you sow.” “Like attracts like.” “You make the bed that you sleep in.”
“What goes around comes around.” “That which is likened to itself is drawn.” “Be careful
what you ask for.” “The plants that you grow come from the seeds that you sow.” “For
every cause, there is an effect.” “Freedom is the highest expression of love.”

The purpose in writing this book is to offer clarity from the illusions, the limitations and
ideas that have imprisoned peace, love, happiness, potential and freedom from humanity.

USA. $14.00


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