function sesam connect ZT5Z2RCKP75IDCQO4GUOOLUJFXWYI2XP43SUVZQ

sesam_connectPodręcznik PHPPoprzedniNastępnysesam_connect (PHP 3 CVS only)sesam_connect -- Open SESAM database connectionDescriptionbool sesam_connect (string catalog, string schema, string user) Returns TRUE if a connection to the SESAM database was made, or FALSE on error. sesam_connect() establishes a connection to an SESAM database handler task. The connection is always "persistent" in the sense that only the very first invocation will actually load the driver from the configured SESAM OML PLAM library. Subsequent calls will reuse the driver and will immediately use the given catalog, schema, and user. When creating a database, the "catalog" name is specified in the SESAM configuration directive //ADD-SQL-DATABASE-CATALOG-LIST ENTRY-1 = *CATALOG(CATALOG-NAME = catalogname,...) The "schema" references the desired database schema (see SESAM handbook). The "user" argument references one of the users which are allowed to access this "catalog" / "schema" combination. Note that "user" is completely independent from both the system's user id's and from HTTP user/password protection. It appears in the SESAM configuration only. See also sesam_disconnect(). Przykład 1. Connect to a SESAM database<?php if (!sesam_connect ("mycatalog", "myschema", "otto") die("Unable to connect to SESAM"); ?> PoprzedniSpis treściNastępnySESAM database functionsPoczątek rozdziałusesam_disconnect


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