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Daily Bible Study


By The Book - Deuteronomy

1. The Book of Deuteronomy is an accounting of events as spoken by Moses to
the Israelites just before they were to enter the promised land. How long
had the Israelites been wandering the desert to then? (Deuteronomy 2:7) (see Wilderness Journey)

2. Is there only one true God? (Deuteronomy 4:35) (see The Father and The Logos)

3. What are the first four of the Ten Commandments, which show us how to
conduct ourselves before God? (Deuteronomy 5:6-15) (see also Images and Idols and God's Holy Day)

4. What are the last six of the Ten Commandments, which show us how to
conduct ourselves before other people? (Deuteronomy 5:16-21) (see also The Ten Commandments - Your Keys To Life and The Ten Commandments Now?)

5. How long was Moses up on the mountain with God when God gave him the Ten
Commandments? (Deuteronomy 9:11) (see also Rock Of Ages and Mount Sinai)

6. How old was Moses when he died, and where is he buried? (Deuteronomy
34:5-7) (see also Heartbreak Mountain and Moab)

7. Who succeeded Moses as leader of the Israelites? (Deuteronomy 34:9) (see also Joshua)

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Copyright © 1998 by Wayne Blank / Daily Bible Study. All rights reserved.


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