Fly With Fire

Fly With Fire @page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; }       Fly with FireBy Frances RandonFly With FireCopyright 2012 by Frances RandonPublished by Heidi HillAll rights reserved including print, electronic, digital and all   means whether or not existence upon publication of this e-book.Cover Art: Southern Belle Studios, Columbia, SCNo portion of this book whether printed electronically or otherwise may be reproduced or copied in any way without the expressed permission of the author in writing except for brief passages for review purposes only.All characters in this book are fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Any resemblance to any place, location or business is purely coincidental. To my daughters Marcelle and Genna. Thanks for the encouragement.OneMo drew in a long, slow breath as she concentrated. Misha pushed the trapeze toward her. She caught it and leapt from the platform. She swung toward him then back. He timed his leap onto the second trapeze to meet her on her return. Her deceptively slender arms pulled her up and over into a handstand on the bar. Then she dropped. Her legs were long and strong. She suddenly hung by her knees. All this in a second’s time and she was holding Misha’s full weight as they swung through the air. The lights were a blur in her peripheral vision. Her focus was on the other trapeze as they were propelled toward it by a smooth jerk of Misha’s body. Hands on each other’s wrists, they flew in unison. Suddenly Misha somersaults to the oncoming swing and drops. He plummet’s downward to the deafening shout in Mo’s ears.â€Ĺ›No! No! How can you miss that? Do you never do this before? Your first day in the air perhaps? You are lazy today, Misha! He is no good, does not belong in air!” Rodrigo continues his tirade shouting down toward Misha who is still bouncing on the net. Mo catches the bar with her hands and swings onto the platform beside the irate Italian. â€Ĺ›You’re timing is off. Do I need splat on the stage in front of thousands of people? People don’t come see La Cirque du Celestial to see splat! You try to help Misha, I know. He never be understudy. Too lazy.” He fumes while she pouts with a humorous twist to her mouth.â€Ĺ›We were off a sec, Roddy, calm down.” Mo smoothed her long black braid looking around the coliseum. It was a fantastic setting, huge swirls of silk and draped stages and props creating a mythical, mystical world. The lights are hot. Yet they are just the practice lights, not the incredible numerous colored lights of the show. She adjusted her leotard with an amused look as Rodrigo shouted insults down at a contrite looking Misha. â€Ĺ›You threw her off! You let go too soon. You didn’t put strength into it.” He flexed his bicep while shaking his arm at the sheepish young man. â€Ĺ›Lazy boy will never be as good as Claude. â€Ĺ›And you! You would think you never flew before. What would your grandmother say?”â€Ĺ›Leave Gram out of it,” Mo stared levelly at the manager. â€Ĺ›Don’t be so hard on Misha. It hurts his feelings. Maybe YOU should work with him. â€Ĺ›Oh, time of month. Too bad we not schedule performance around it. We call it â€ĹšLa Cirque du Sang.’” He gesticulated grandly as Mo swung out. â€Ĺ›Come on, Roddy, stop grousing and show us how it’s done. IF you’ve still got it.” She swung out and did two quick loops around the bar. â€Ĺ›Roddy, don’t you want to show Misha why you were called the Sky Warrior?” She wheeled around the bar again then landed deftly on the other platform. Roddy looked down to see the performers below interrupt their practice to watch. He twirled an end of his long old fashioned mustache glaring at Mo. She tilted her head then blew him a kiss. She grabbed a bar and swung toward him. â€Ĺ›What do we have for dinner, maestro?” She mimicked his accent. â€Ĺ›Chicken cacciatore? Chicken can you catch me?” she taunts him.  With a huff he grabs the other trapeze. â€Ĺ›I show you who is chicken.” He propels himself then turns himself into a lock. Upside down his comb over hangs long from one side of his head. His short compact body is surprisingly agile. He moves with absolute grace. â€Ĺ›Prepare for battle, senorina.” Mo summersaults through the air and is grasped by bony hands of amazing strength. They swing back toward the platform. Roddy launches her to the other trapeze then reverses to meet her again. Mo hangs by her knees then twirls herself into a sitting position. Then she stands and with a fluid thrust of her body flies toward the manager doing a double somersault. With her long braid flying behind her she dives toward him. On the upswing he catches her, but not without a little grunt. They both laugh.  â€Ĺ›My beautiful one, such a shame.” â€Ĺ›What?”  He let her go.She fell toward the net laughing. At the last fraction of a second she kicked out and landed on the net rump first. â€Ĺ›You Italian maniac! Come down here and see what’s in store for you.” She shook her fist at him as he sailed back and forth. Rodrigo landed on the platform and maneuvered himself down the rope landing as she flipped herself off the net. The performers clapped as he smoothed his hair into place with an air of dignity, holding it as he bowed. â€Ĺ›Enough perfection for one day. Now you all only try to achieve greatness!” Mo rolled her eyes at the preening manager and winked at Misha who looked down at his feet with embarrassment. â€Ĺ›Cirque du Sang. Cirque du Morte is what we’ll call it and it’s going to be a one man show,” she said dryly. The crowd of performers laughed. Rodrigo gave her the evil eye. â€Ĺ›And I can be a bitch off my period as well as on so I’d watch the sexist references if I were you.” â€Ĺ›Who sexist? You call me sexist? Everyone know you punch out the sexist man. I never prejudice against a beautiful woman!” Roddy winked all around then stepped back in time to avert a punch to his upper arm. â€Ĺ›Back to work, pretenders,” he said with a hand perfecting the tips of his mustache. â€Ĺ›You, Misha, get back up there. Don’t worry boy, you not idiot, just lazy and slow. Where is Claude? How can my fire catcher practice without her partner?”â€Ĺ›Misha, it’s just a little net rash.” She gave the tall blond flyer a smile and looked at Roddy. â€Ĺ›I’m sure he’ll be here.” Mo stretched her body with her hands raised high and clasped before bending backwards until her lean upper body was parallel to the lower. She listened as Rodrigo barked criticism and yelled praise with equal fervor. She shook her head with a smile when he did a muscle man pose and crossed his eyes at her. â€Ĺ›Arianne, excellent, excellent! Ling, you good teacher,” he shouted at a small Asian woman in the midst of crossing her ankles around her neck, from behind. â€Ĺ›Henri, you look like you’re tangled in your silk. Relax. Body rigid, mind relaxed. You better to work on the core muscle, Ooonree.” Roddy drew out the French pronunciation then whispered under his breath â€Ĺ›He getting fat.” Anything less than physical perfection was anathema to Roddy when it came to his performers. He curled his hands into fists and pressed them against his waist. â€Ĺ›Where the hell is Claude?”   Lincoln cart wheeled over and landed on his large hands. â€Ĺ›Just saw him goin’ toward his dressing room.” He leapt to his feet then tumbled away, bundled dreadlocks bouncing. Mo wondered how he kept them so neatly contained as he flipped and tumbled.    â€Ĺ›He has no respect for time. No one else’s time. He will respect my time or I find another flyer out of all the ones knocking over my door.” Rodrigo snorted and began castigating a juggler. Mo straightened with a sigh and headed for the dressing rooms leaving Misha waiting. She went down the corridor past racks of costumes being unwrapped for the dress rehearsal.    â€Ĺ›Mo, I gotta get this fitting in this afternoon.” An odd looking woman held up a sheer costume. Her wig was on crooked. She hadn’t shaved.  â€Ĺ›Give me â€Ĺštil two, would you, Irv?” â€Ĺ›It’s Sally now, Mo,” she said with quiet exasperation. Mo spun and hiked her shoulders, holding her hands out palms up. â€Ĺ›Sorry, Sally. Still getting used to it.” She turned a corner ready to knock on Claude’s dressing room door. She froze. Claude was engrossed in a necking session with a woman who had just been hired as a masseuse. Mo hadn’t thought much of it when she hadn’t shown up. Guessed she just decided she didn’t want the job after all. He had the woman against the doorjamb, his body pressing hard into hers. â€Ĺ›Sorry to interrupt,” Mo said abruptly. Claude, with his head against the woman’s ample chest, turned his head and looked at Mo.  â€Ĺ›Ma Cherie!” He straightened but did not seem the least embarrassed.  â€Ĺ›I am just giving Creestalâ€Ĺš Creestal? I am giving Chreestal a tour of this lovely coliseum. I told her do not be afraid, she has strong heart she says, so Iâ€Ĺš I am just checking!” â€Ĺ›Mo Whitman, you must be Crystal.” She didn’t extend her hand.â€Ĺ›I’m Crystal. Crystal McCleary.” She smoothed her clothes. Her hair was big and bleached almost white. Mo observed the long red nails. The long tanning bed legs.â€Ĺ›You were supposed to be here at noon.” Mo stood with her hands on her hips realizing she sounded as if she were bristling over Claude but couldn’t help herself.â€Ĺ›She got lost. Who wouldn’t get lost here? It’s ridiculous around here, eh? The traffic! Who wouldn’t get lost?” Claude made eyes at the masseuse’s chest.â€Ĺ›Shut up, Claude. You’re whats ridiculous around here. ” She looked at Crystal. â€Ĺ›The nails have to go.” She spun around and walked away as the woman gaped after her. She heard Claude laugh and say, â€Ĺ›She’s just jealous. I broke up with her last weekâ€Ĺšâ€ťShe went back to the floor mentally flagellating herself for ever dating the buffoon. Back on the platform she tried to clear her mind. She hadn’t been in love with him. She hadn’t slept with him. But she had hoped forâ€Ĺšsomething. That’s what I get for letting myself be taken in by looks and charm, she thought. That’s what I get for letting my guard down. Then she laughed. What had she been thinking? Crystal McCleary? Figures. â€Ĺ›Misha light the torches.”    Ethereal music wafted backstage as Mo slapped Irv/Sally’s hand away. â€Ĺ›I don’t mind the buns but if it’s up my ass any tighter it’s going to split.”â€Ĺ›Don’t worry, it’ll stretch. I told you I needed an earlier fitting. Do you have any idea how many costumes I’m responsible for? Home office refuses to send me any more people. What’s the point of having a dozen seamstresses a thousand miles away? Stop pulling at it!” Sally’s long, red wig was disheveled. She checked her work through thick glasses. â€Ĺ›Lucky I got that wax. I’ve got to let Karen at me.” Mo turned and saw Roddy and his wife come into the chaotic dressing room.â€Ĺ›Perfecto! Darling!” Rodrigo was in his tux, as he always was for opening night. His wife, Luciana, decked out in sequins, waved and smiled at the various performers before turning a cooler smile on Mo. â€Ĺ›Monica, what a lovely costume.”â€Ĺ›Lu, how are you? Got some parties lined up?” Mo smiled and read resentment in Lu’s appraisal.â€Ĺ›The Whitney’s are hosting the after show. At Mr. Whitney’s restaurant.” Luciana ran her eyes the length of Mo’s body. Her smile tightened. She unconsciously ran a hand down the side of her own voluptuous body, her smile became smug.â€Ĺ›The Whitneys! I love the Whitneys. They make everything go, how to say, smooth as silk!” Rodrigo took his wife’s arm. â€Ĺ›Let’s get this show over the road!” As he laughed, Luciana nodded coolly at Mo then smiled at Sally â€Ĺ›Kisses, Sal! It’s â€Ĺšon the road’, Roddy.”Sally raised an eyebrow as they walked away. â€Ĺ›She’s put on at least ten pounds since I last saw her.”â€Ĺ›That’s pretty catty, Sally. Think it’s just ten?” They both laughed. â€Ĺ›Seriously, I worry about Roddy. He’s so in love. Does she really love him? He’s made a lot of money. And now he’s a partner. Is it bad to think she married him for money?”â€Ĺ›She has expensive tastes. Lu never did save her money. I have to say I thought it was to try to get her job back. Watch your back, Mo. She’s not your biggest fan.” Sally made a last inspection. â€Ĺ›You look hot, appropriately enough. Go get â€Ĺšem!” She clacked off in her spike high heels to inspect other performers.â€Ĺ›I should give Roddy more credit,” she said to herself thinking fondly of the manager and trainer. He was like a father to her and in her opinion the most lovable man she knew. She wasn’t the least worried about her job.â€Ĺ›Ma Cherie! Why pouting, beautiful? You are not angry at Claude! You ruin your face frowning like that.” Claude wore a leotard that matched hers, with flame like stripes made of sparkling red sequins. Unlike hers it was not sheer between the strategically placed stripes. He wore the top half of his hair in a short pony tail. The bottom half of his thick, dark, brown hair hung loose to his shoulders, pushed behind his ears. He raised a finger to her cheek and looked into her large, slightly slanted eyes. She turned her head away. â€Ĺ›How many times have you been told not to come in here? Somehow I missed being broken up with last week. Not that we had a relationship, or that I wanted one. With you.”â€Ĺ›What’s to say? I wanted something you did not. I told you I don’t chase after you. You want me, here I am. No? Then we go our own ways. Why have hurt feeling?” He looked at her with an innocent expression that usually made women melt. And he wasâ€Ĺšcute. Beyond cute. Claude’s looks were model perfection. He had survived modeling until he’d gotten his break with the show. His blue eyes were playful. A little daring. He’d been manipulating woman a very long time.â€Ĺ›You know? No reason at all. It’s not a big deal and not worth regretting. Your absolutely right, Claude.” She turned on her heel and went over to makeup. â€Ĺ›Momo, wait! No regrets, eh? You didn’t let me give you anything to regret. And it’s a very big deal. If you knew how big, you would have regrets!” He followed her shouting until she turned and put a hand on his chest and pushed him backward while he yammered out the dressing room door. She restrained herself from slamming it in his face, closing it lightly. A woman in a zebra costume breezed in leaving it open again but Claude was gone. Mo turned to reface the pre show chaos. The dressing room was a buzz of talking, shouting, laughing and griping. All the women in various stages of makeup and costume dress.â€Ĺ›Roddy told me you looked tight. Let me do your shoulders while Karen does your face.”Crystal McCleary. Oh boy. Mo went to the makeup chair. Karen pounced on her with a plastic cover. â€Ĺ›I showed Roddy the drawing, he’s good with the stripes down the sides of your face. We talked a little glitter to bring it out. I’m going to exaggerate the shape of your eyes. And give your brows a higher arch.” â€Ĺ›Hi, Karen.” Karen cleaned Mo’s skin in preparation for the heavy makeup. Mo admired Karen sophisticated makeup and short sleek hair. She felt Crystal’s fingers on her shoulders with a start. She gave in and relaxed. She was tight, she had to admit. â€Ĺ›I thought the makeup plan was firmed up at the production meeting. You’re not going to shave my brows?â€Ĺ›No. Makeup. Be still. They don’t always grow back, you know.” Karen worked at a furious pace. â€Ĺ›It was decided your face was obliterated by the flames. We want our Queen of Hell to be seen.” Karen was always rushed and brooked no refusal to cooperate. She turned Mo’s head this way and that. â€Ĺ›Sorry â€Ĺšbout all that. I didn’t know he was taken. Just flirting. You know how it is.” Crystal was surprisingly skilled in her trade, despite the nails. If she would just not talk. â€Ĺ›Anyway, we girls have to stick together. Know what I mean?”â€Ĺ›Sure. A little higher on my neck, right there.” Mo would have liked to close her eyes but didn’t risk a verbal cuff from the makeup artist. Karen ran heavy liner around her eyes and feathered in a frosty white shadow. Kind of a facial massage, she always thought. At least when Karen didn’t have her chin gripped in a vise.â€Ĺ›What’s this shit, Karen?” A short red and black faced clown with orange hair waddled into the dressing room on big clown feet with a small jar. He held it as if it were a dead mouse. â€Ĺ›Somebody slipped another brand into my kit. Am I really supposed to use this? You know I don’t like this Halloween makeup from China. It’s got lead and shit in it. You look great, Mo.”â€Ĺ›You look like a clown, Trollie.” Mo laughed peeking out as Karen firmly jerked her chin up. â€Ĺ›Hey!”â€Ĺ›Some women are hot for clowns you know. It’s a thing. You shouldn’t judge a man by his costume.” Trollie rifled for an approved make up. â€Ĺ›You should judge him by the size of his shoes.” â€Ĺ›Go hassle someone else, Troll. You don’t let anyone else do your make up so tough luck.” Karen eyed her work.â€Ĺ›No one’s ever seen you without make up, Trollie. Who could judge? Besides, shoes like yours would be way too scary if that’s what we had to judge by. What do you do, just keep layering make up on?” Mo spit glitter out of her mouth. â€Ĺ›Nice,” says Karen, dabbing pencil at Mo’s brows. â€Ĺ›Get the fuck out, bigshoes.”â€Ĺ›I’ve heard it’s a myth, the shoe thing,” Mo continued. â€Ĺ›Wishful thinking probably. But really Trollie, why don’t you ever show us your face? Is it to create a mystique?” Mo enjoyed the back and forth with the other performers. But some members of the company weren’t back and forth types.  â€Ĺ›Would you back off?” Karen barks at Crystal. She does a final brush of glitter and nods. â€Ĺ›Betty! Virgin gown!” Another woman rushes over with a flimsy costume.â€Ĺ›Trade secret.” Trollie gave Mo a look, or rather an appraisal, as she stood up. â€Ĺ›I better go warm â€Ĺšem up,” he said, giving her a last long glance. His bright red pantaloons billowed as he walked out the door heels always hitting the floor first as if he were wearing flippers.â€Ĺ›Break one, Mo,” Abby, a dancer shouted zipping out the door painted like a giraffe with little giraffe horns on her head. Mo raised her arms and a short sheer tunic with gauzy fishtails is pulled over her head and adjusted by Betty. She sat back down allowing Betty to arrange a garland and short veil on her head and face. â€Ĺ›This is better, Betty. I can see through this much better. Thank you.”Ling, the contortionist Roddy had complimented strides over. â€Ĺ›Mo, you going to the party? How â€Ĺšbout we see if anything looks good there then go downtown?” She bends her arm impossibly around her back. Her hair is short and spiky, but shellacked back and sprayed green. Her costume is almost sprayed on as well. Her snake makeup uncomfortably realistic. â€Ĺ›God, Ling, I just want to go back to my room. I know I have to make an appearance but that’s it.” Mo looked at Ling through the veil. â€Ĺ›Why not ask Linc?”â€Ĺ›Might as well ask my brother.” Ling’s head jerked toward the music. â€Ĺ›All work and no play, Mo.”The music rises up to fill the auditorium. In a fantastic world created with light, color and silk, sirens sing joyously of an ancient paradise. Most of the audience does not understand the words of the song being sung in French but it’s easy to gather the meaning by observing the symbols displayed by the performers. Juggler’s twirl and throw long sticks to which are tied colorful silk ribbons which symbolize the blooms of spring. Multi colored silks are suspended from the air where acrobats dressed in costumes representing flora and fauna pivot and bend in elegant postures. An innocent swings on a garland sheathed swing. Her long black hair is braided, a dark contrast to the virginal white dress. A garland around her head adds to the sense of purity. The young virgin wears a short veil to conceal her beauty from lustful mortals who might spy her. She holds freshly picked flowers in her hand. She does a dance in celebration of spring. She twirls around the ropes of the trapeze then sails to another garlanded swing. Attendants swirl and float surreally around the virgin on white silks falling from Mount Olympus itself. The gods of Olympus watch with pleasure from on high, doing their own dances on suspended rings of gold. The diaphanous fishtails flow behind and around the virgin. She hangs like a floating angel as the trapeze swings through the air. Banners unfurl as the light on the virgin darkens and the audience’s attention is taken to a delightful paradise of playful and amazingly agile creatures that fly and tumble and sail through the air. The stage is an eye popping fantasy of light and color. An agile snake twists and turns in the lovely garden. Its sinuous body performing feats that bring forth sounds of awe from the audience. Tumblers dressed like monkeys dart about. Unseen jugglers hurl lifelike birds through the air creating a perfect illusion. A lion rambles through and sniffs the snake then sees a monkey and gives playful chase. Various animals dart and play, leaping, spinning and thrilling to the pleasures of paradise. All is joy and happiness in the garden of life. Now attention is drawn again to the lovely virgin enjoying the delights of paradise. A dramatic drumming accompanied by lightning startles the girl. The colors below are suddenly replaced by red. Fire eaters blow fireballs from the various levels of the stages. With a flash of sparks and smoke, Hades appears. For a moment the innocent is bewildered and drops her bouquet. The innocent senses danger. But Persephone is a daughter of Zeus. She will not succumb to the desires of the god of the underworld. She rises to face him but around her the garlands begin to fall away. He comes to her, she moves the other way. Her flight is graceful, but only delays the inevitable. He looms nearer, and as she falls he catches her. He has her by the ankles, the fishtails wavering around her. He swings her out. She somersaults and spins and leaps. The sirens now sing of Persephone’s great temptation. Long banners of red fall from above and down them slide demons that spin and glide on the flames. Persephone escapes but is captured again. They swing and twirl in a seductive dance of desire and fear. Then finally he has her and the swing starts to fall. The audience gasps. Persephone struggles but he holds her firm. As they land on the stage below, they are obscured by the silken flames. The music rumbles quietly, then burst into an electric keening. Now the flames dance and the animals catch each other in their own maddened mating. Red gowned singers marching with torches wail ominously. Demons dance and the snake has taken on a menacing persona, slithering in and out among the dancing demons, stopping to contort into frightening postures tongue darting out threateningly. Drums pound and the demons become more excited and enact various feats of acrobatics. Demons fly and twirl on the trapezes above. The wailing grows louder and then coalesces into a single high pitched note. Then a song begins to welcome the Betrothed of Hades. The flames part and up rises the innocent, rising on a trapeze into the air. She wears a circlet of fire on her head. Her skin is kissed by flame. She is of the fire. Higher she rises. Hades follows up a silken rope. His powerful body seems to glide up the rope against the laws of physics. Standing on the bar, the future queen of the Underworld then loops and twirls. Hades meets her and they dance a dance of promise flying in Hades’ dark sky.  Hades lands on the stand and prepares his bride’s gifts. She is ready as she hangs by one knee. Flaming batons suddenly appear in her hands. She flies through the air twirling the batons which are lit at both ends. She tosses them back. Then she is tossed flaming rings which she catches on her wrists and spins â€Ĺšround and â€Ĺšround. She tosses the rings to Hades minion as the Lord of the Underworld swings out to her. She dives to him and caught, is launched into a somersault back to the other swing. The rings of fire fly back to her and are never seen to stop moving as she catches the flaming batons.  The batons twirl as the rings orbit her wrists. This, while she swings upside down on the trapeze suspended in Hell’s smoky night. She tosses the batons and the rings and receives large hoops of flame. She hangs from the trapeze manipulating the hoops as Hades darts and flies from one swing to the other anxious his bride accept his gifts. The burning hoops drop and the couple burning for their marriage of fire loop and catch each other until the dreadful keening grows softer as Persephone and Hades court in flames. An illusion of fire surrounds them as if they are being consumed by it. The lights go down as Persephone is consumed by the flames of love. The music reaches a crescendo as the swing lowers once more into Hell. The audience, silent, remains transfixed as all goes quiet and dark. The lights come up. The audience roars. â€Ĺ›Intermission. A bright spotlight follows as Trollie, a red and black faced demon, pedals his unicycle across a cable. Bursts of flame shoot up at his bottom as he stops and starts occasionally jabbing a trident at the flames in frustration. As soon as he has subdued one flame another blasts against his bottom. The audience laughs. â€Ĺ›You are sooo beautiful my queen of Hell. Come to my room tonight. I’ll make you burn!” Claude grazed his fingertips down the side of Mo’s skin tight leotard. She looked at him through lowered lids. The show had been a phenomenal success. Nothing, almost nothing could dampen Mo’s mood. Except Claude’s idiocy. â€Ĺ›I’m sorry but I never sleep with someone who’s broken up with me before I even knew we were going together. I don’t believe in the triumph of hope over experience and all thatâ€Ĺšcrap. Let’s take our last bow and get out of this hell.” He took her hand and after kissing it with a look that said he knew better, raised it high. They bowed while roses and other tokens landed on the stage. They spread their hands to include the other performers in the applause. The crowd cheers and applauds over and over. Finally they are able to make their exits. â€Ĺ›Mo, Mo! Here.” Misha had gathered an armload of roses from the stage. He held them out to her. He looked down shyly.â€Ĺ›Thank you, Misha, that’s very thoughtful.” She took the roses and pressed her face against them. She gave him a smile and turned for the dressing room.â€Ĺ›So you play with Misha now. And you accuse me?” Claude’s normally jovial face had taken on a stern air. His blue eyes were hot with jealousy.â€Ĺ›You’ve been ridiculous enough for one day, Claude. You didn’t find me half dead from suffocation on his chest. Let’s just let it go. It’s a dead end.” She turned away and was startled when he grabbed her arm. â€Ĺ›No woman walks away from me”. â€Ĺ›Wanna bet?” She jerked her arm away. He reached toward her but was interrupted by Roddy. He gave Claude a sharp look.â€Ĺ›Bellisimo! Bellisimo! My beautiful Queen of Hades! Excellent! Great job, Claude.” But his friendly tone didn’t match the stern warning in his eyes as he looked at the Frenchman. â€Ĺ›Wonderful performance, Monica,” Luciana put in without warmth. â€Ĺ›Claude, your role is almost as important,” she gave him a smile like a cat toying with a mouse. He gave her a look Rodrigo took no notice of but Mo would have described as lethal.â€Ĺ›Wonderful show my lovelies. We celebrate tonight with the Mayor. The Mayor of Chicago will be at the party!” Roddy’s glorious mood is untarnished. He knows Mo can and prefers to handle herself.â€Ĺ›I was thinking I might skip the party; long day. I wasâ€Ĺšâ€ť Right away she knew it was wishful thinking.â€Ĺ›No, no, no! You no skip party for you. You are the star!” Rodrigo smiled avidly with a sweep at his comb over. The mayor of Chicago wants to meet you! Not me, not Luciana! You, the star!”â€Ĺ›Not even Claude,” contributed his wife.â€Ĺ›Of course he wants to meet Claude!” Roddy smoothed his mustache with a roll of his eyes. â€Ĺ›You can count on me, Roddy. For the good of the company. I will go to change.” Claude stalked off. Mo noticed Lu’s eyes follow him.Roddy congratulated everyone. From stars to riggers he reminded them of their importance to the success of that night’s show. Luciana smiled graciously avoiding Mo’s eyes. â€Ĺ›You go get ready, Mo. The Mayor await your entrance.” Roddy offered Luciana his arm. Lu gave Mo a once over, her lips twisted with annoyance.The bustle continued as performers shed their garb and their makeup. Mo took a long hot shower scrubbing the heavy makeup and the glitter off her face. With a towel around her head, she donned a terry bathrobe. It felt good to be clean and cool again. The lights in the arena were hot, the tension hotter, â€Ĺ›Just add fire,” she said to herself. She rubbed moisturizer on her skin, essential after the scubbing her skin had needed. She saw the sparkle of glitter in her hair. There was always some no matter how much you rinsed. At least one sparkle in her hair, on a lash, on her chest. She was rubbing her hair with the towel and eyeing how dry Ling’s hair was. Mo’s dryer had arrived broken so she waited to borrow the contortionists’. â€Ĺ›You know, I just don’t like the way it transitions. When I come back out to hell I have to do that quick change. The intermission doesn’t work. We need to rework this. Roddy agrees but home office says do the intermission. Claude is becoming a pain in the ass.” Mo frowned into the mirror. â€Ĺ›Well, you’re the Queen of Hell. Your hero is the Devil. What do you expect? Besides, front office ought to know by now that they need to leave those decisions to Roddy and the production designers, with Roddy being the final word. But they just don’t get it.” Ling was bent over so her short hair hung down from the top of her head and waved the dryer over it, shouting to hear herself. â€Ĺ›It’s been so successful so fast they all think they’re geniuses up there. Where would they be without Roddy?” She bounced up and looked at Mo with disgust. â€Ĺ›God, we need to lose the lion sniffing me. It’s creepy.”â€Ĺ›Takes one to know one, Ling. A genius, not a creep.” Mo talked loud over the dryer. Deb smoked a cigarette illegally while Mo frowned at her in annoyance. â€Ĺ›But your work was perfect, Ling. You must have great empathy with snakes. I just don’t think it flows. This new production designer needs to work the bugs out. New show. Always stuff. I just wish we’d worked it in a smaller venue first. Are you almost done?”â€Ĺ›Sorry Mo, Deb’s next. You’re after her. I’m going downtown Monday, wanna go?” â€Ĺ›I don’tâ€Ĺšâ€ťÂ   â€Ĺ›It’s Chicago, Mo. They have hairdryers and everything. They also have about a million single men.” Ling handed the dryer to Deb and ran gel through her short hair to spike it up. â€Ĺ›Even though there’s not a show Monday, you know Rodrigo likes to practice every day. A million?” Mo rubbed an ankle. â€Ĺ›Don’t blame Roddy. You’re the one who doesn’t know what to do if you’re not in the air. A million single men, Mo. A statistical fact.” Mo smiled at how often Ling created statistics out of thin air to suit her purposes. â€Ĺ›The greater area, anyway. Let’s go. I’m sick of hotel rooms and I wanna have some fun while I’m here.” Ling ran black liner around her delicate black eyes so they became the eyes of a gothic vixen. Which in fact she had tattooed on the pulse point of her neck. â€Ĺ›Gothic Vixen.” Mo laughed at the incongruity. Ling for all her devil may care bluster was as sweet as they came. Her gothic alter ego a put on. Not that she couldn’t party when the stage lights went off.â€Ĺ›You want to have fun where ever you are. Don’t you wear enough of that for the show?” She asked Ling who just stuck out her tongue and hissed. â€Ĺ›â€Ĺ›So, you and Claude done?” Ling assessed her makeup.â€Ĺ›Yeah, show’s over.” Mo waited patiently while Deb blew the dryer at her curls. â€Ĺ›It was just a couple dates, Ling.” This she said a little defensively at Ling’s probing gaze. â€Ĺ›You thinking on Claude?”â€Ĺ›No. I did â€Ĺšim the first week I was with the show. He’s a player and nothing wrong with that but even I try not to mix sex and work. Mostly. But you should have at least done â€Ĺšim. There’s nothing wrong with having a little fun ya know. I’ll see you at the party. Hurry it up, Deb, for Chrissakes!” Mo finally got the dryer and took her time with it since she was the last in line. She swept her thick, raven hair into a side ponytail while everyone shimmied into their various evening dresses, leather pants or minis and wandered out. Mo just wanted to go to her hotel room and get a good night’s sleep. â€Ĺ›An hour, I will stay one hour,” she promised her reflection, slipping into a mid thigh BeBe silk dress. The turquoise blue complimented her clear, pale skin, the fitted bodice her athletic body. She brushed mineral makeup on her face, added a dab of mascara and considered the job done. As an afterthought she decided on a deep red lipstick. It was a party after all.  â€Ĺ›Karen would be proud of me.” She slipped into her new beaded kitten heels and grabbed her clutch. It was almost eleven. The hall was dim and quiet. She heard the noises of the cleaning crew in the auditorium. It took a moment for her to orient herself towards the back exit. Her heels clicked on the concrete walk. Everyone seemed to be gone. Did she miss the last shuttle? Wasn’t there an exit sign? Wait, was it back there? Did she get left? Shit. Should she go back to the auditorium? There was a sound in the dim light behind her. A door creaked. She thought she heard a breath sucked in. Fingers crawled up her spine and caught in her throat. Goosebumps ran along her arms. There was the door. She sighed with relief feeling foolish. Suddenly a man stepped in front of her. She startled and took a few steps backward with a squeak.â€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman, I’m Zack Burnham, didn’t mean to scare you.”â€Ĺ›Mr. Burnham. Oh. What can Iâ€Ĺš do you have something to write on?” â€Ĺ›Sure.” He reached into his jacket pocket and presented a tiny tablet and pen.”â€Ĺ›To Mr. Burnham” She looked at him. She couldn’t see him very well in the dim light. â€Ĺ›Zack.” She wrote briskly. â€Ĺ›Ahâ€Ĺšâ€™All the best.’ There you go.”â€Ĺ›Car’s outside.” He grasped her elbow but she pulled away. â€Ĺ›Now look, Mr. Burnhamâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman, I’m to escort you the restaurant. Mayor’s orders.”â€Ĺ›Escort? Mayor? Who are you?”He flashed a badge. â€Ĺ›Detective Zack Burnham, Chicago Police Department.”Two   A driver held the door to a limousine. She nodded and climbed in with what dignity the tightness of her dress would allow. He settled in beside her with a scan at her left hand. She wore no ring. Not everyone wore their wedding band. He closed the door. â€Ĺ›Good joke, Mr. Burnham. Big fan, huh?”â€Ĺ›I did see the show. From the Mayor’s box. Great job but I’m glad the fire department is ready and waiting.” He could smell a light citrus scent. He wondered if it emanated from her hair.â€Ĺ›We thought we’d try to avoid a second â€ĹšGreat Chicago Fire’.” Mo fidgeted with her clutch. Why didn’t someone tell her about the mayor sending a limo? Served her right if the guy took off with her. â€Ĺ›Well, this is Greendale. I think Chicago’s pretty safe, being a few miles away.”â€Ĺ›What are you doing here, Detective? You’re a Chicago cop? Mayor Tyler. I get it. Well mighty kind but nobody told me. For all I knew you could have been a kidnapper.”â€Ĺ›In which case, you’ve made my job pretty easy for me.” His face was in shadows. The lights of the traffic only gave her a glimpse of a strong chin. â€Ĺ›Is this a gravy job for you or did you pull latrine duty.”   â€Ĺ›As latrines goâ€Ĺšâ€ť His deep voice had a bit of gravel in it. It sent a shiver along her skin even seconds after he stopped speaking. They pulled into the front of the hotel. She still hadn’t really gotten a good look at him. He opened the door and reached in to assist her. His hand was large and strong. He loomed over her. Not so frightening now, but she wished she could see his eyes. The light was behind him. She couldn’t tell what color his eyes were. He offered his arm. The doorman was at the ready. Overdressed people filled the upscale restaurant and nightclub where the party was being held. He guided her to the large, elegant room where she breathed a sigh of relief at seeing familiar faces. There was Roddy, beaming at her and waving her toward himself and she guessed, the great Mayor of Chicago. â€Ĺ›Momo, Monica Whitman, meet Mayor Tyler. He loved the show, eh Senor Mayor?” Roddy’s Chihuahua eyes beamed proudly at Mo.â€Ĺ›Well, Burnham, you finally got the star to us. And even more beautiful up close. You had me scared for a moment, Ms. Whitman. Fire is such a dangerous thing to play with.” Tyler is dapper for a barrel shaped man. His tux cut to flatter his large frame. He’s probably in his late fifties but his eyes have a mischievous twinkle that give them a youthful look. Mo can’t help but feel he raids the cookie jar plenty.â€Ĺ›Detective Burnham assures me Chicago isn’t the tinderbox it used to be. And we have no cows in our show.” She kissed Roddy’s cheek while the group laughed. She caught the detective’s eyes. They were green. Green with golden flecks and she noticed a darker green rim around the irises. With reddish brown lashes a little thick in a sharply boned square face. He was maybe early thirties. He had a five o’clock shadow that only added to the rugged handsomeness. He wasn’t handsome in the manner of Claude. But he was attractive in a manly rather than a pretty way. His hair was reddish brown matching the lashes and brows. She noticed his even white teeth as he chuckled at her joke.    Mayor Tyler cut Zack an annoyed look. â€Ĺ›Well Burnham, you can wait at the bar. Have yourself a pop. I don’t think I’m in any danger from Ms. Whitman.” â€Ĺ›Yes sir, your honor. Ms. Whitman.” He nodded and walked toward the door leading into the entry hall instead. Mo admired his stature as he went out and assumed a position as sentry exchanging a few words with another of the mayor’s bodyguards. He was tall and broad shouldered. His hair cut short. She scanned an eye down the back of him.â€Ĺ›It was very kind of you to send your car for me.” She addressed the mayor shifting from one foot to the other. Her feet already ached a little from the new shoes.  â€Ĺ›We like to take care of our favored guests.” He signaled a waiter who brought over a tray of champagne filled glasses. â€Ĺ›Especially the beautiful ones.” He offered her a glass.She has so many that want her that it means nothing to her, he thought watching her. She takes for granted that they want her. She believes she deserves the devotion of the masses. No one could possibly feel the way I do about her. He downed a vodka. She acts as if I’m not even here. Most of the time. Maybe she’s trying to make me jealous. But she gives me little hints. A look, a sigh. The lightest touch. Accidentally of course. I know what she really wants. I know what she really needs. He eyed the cop that had picked her up at the coliseum just as he’d been about to approach her. Yeah, I saw how he looked at her. What makes him think he has the right? Arrogant ass. And Claude? I was afraid he’d have to have a fall. At least she’s not dating that blond guy anymore either. I don’t think I can take it if I see her with another man. Why does she play these games with me? She’s very friendly with that black guy. The Rasta. He snorted. He better stay away if he knows what’s good for him. Now look at her with the Mayor of Chicago acting like she owns the world. Maybe tomorrow I’ll stop by her room for a friendly chat. Just for coffee. Sundays she doesn’t get up as early. Has coffee in her room. He recalled her well followed routine. She skips the gym and reads the paper. I’ll just happen by. Give her the paper. Sure, she’ll ask me in for coffee. She wouldn’t want to be rude. I’d go tonight but that might make her uncomfortable. No I’ll go in the morning. She’ll let me in. I know what she wants. Three hours later, Mo’s feet killed her. She had danced with the mayor several times. Had met the much mentioned Whitneys and had been invited to another party at the mayor’s home later in the week. She noticed Zack Burnham here and there being unobtrusive in the background. She noticed him chatting with Ling for a few minutes. She approached him at one point and asked him if he danced. â€Ĺ›Only to the Mayor’s tune when I’m working.” He gave her a quick grin and went into professional mode. His smile warmed a wary face. Handsome, Mo thought. Troubled.Mayor Tyler said â€Ĺ›good night” to Mo and waved Zack over. â€Ĺ›Burnham, you have your car here, make sure Ms. Whitman gets to her hotel safely. Ms. Whitman, I look forward to seeing you again. Very Soon. If you want to come into the city, give me a ring. I’ll give you the keys, so to speak.” â€Ĺ›Thanks, that’s very kind. Roddy keeps us pretty busy. He’s a slave driver, actually.” She glanced at the manager, who feigned innocence to the charge. â€Ĺ›Roddy, you might as well ride with us since Lu had to leave.”Tyler kissed her hand looking into her eyes meaningfully. Zack looked the other way, the exit of the other guests suddenly of the greatest interest.â€Ĺ›So your wife wasn’t feeling well?” Zack buckled his seatbelt. â€Ĺ›Oh! Bad headache. She has the migraine. It hit her suddenly. She insist I stay. She need complete quiet and dark. Sometimes they last for days. But she is so brave, so strong; I have to force her to lie down.” Roddy was in the back seat loosening his bowtie with one hand, champagne flute in the other.â€Ĺ›I don’t remember meeting the guy, your ah, partner. Hades.” He glanced at her sidelong. â€Ĺ›I think he had a hot date. He was there but he left early.” She looked straight ahead without further comment.â€Ĺ›So he’s not yourâ€Ĺšâ€ť He knew he shouldn’t ask.â€Ĺ›Not my husband or boyfriend or friend for that matter. He’s my partner in the act. Roddy’s doing.” She jerked her head towards the back seat then smoothed her already smooth dress. â€Ĺ›But he’s very good. You can trust him in the air. In our work, Mr. Burnham, trust is everything.” Why did he have the feeling the guy didn’t merit trust otherwise? Her clipped tone?Mo looked over her shoulder into the back seat. â€Ĺ›Roddy, do you realize we’re riding with a cop, in a cop’s car and you have a glass of champagne? Officer Burnham that man stole a glass from the restaurant.”â€Ĺ›But I am not driving.” Roddy took a sip and smiled happily at Mo, flushed with the success of the evening. â€Ĺ›I’m off duty, and anyway, I’m out of my jurisdiction,” Zack said with a grin. They arrived at the hotel. Zack jumped out and went around. â€Ĺ›Thank you. I feel like you’re my Greendale tour guide. I guess it’s worth an autograph to have a driver direct from the mayor’s office.” Mo took his hand as he helped her up the curb. â€Ĺ›Thank you, my feet are killing me.”â€Ĺ›I can tell.”â€Ĺ›Regular Sherlock Holmes are you?” she asked with a smile. â€Ĺ›How many corns have I got?”â€Ĺ›None, you take goodâ€Ĺšâ€ť he eyed her up and down, â€Ĺ›very good care of yourself.”â€Ĺ›You’re as big a flirt as the mayor. When you’re not working.” She turned and laughed at Roddy who was hanging on the hood of the car. â€Ĺ›I think my boss needs a police escort. 1553. The key’s in his pocket. You do turn down service too?” She laughed and walked in the door. The music of her laugh was in his mind the whole time he half carried Roddy to his room. â€Ĺ›Turn down and tuck in, lady.” He said to himself. â€Ĺ›I could tuck in on that!”Morning came with a little headache and sore feet. Mo turned and kissed her fingertips and touched them on the black and white photo of a dark skinned beauty in a white leotard. â€Ĺ›Thanks Gram. Another great show.” She made coffee in the luxurious but sterile feeling room and taking it into the bathroom ran a bath. The warm water was soothing. The coffee, survival. She soaked a while sipping her coffee and thinking about the show. She shook her head when she caught herself thinking about a tall, rugged looking detective with broad shoulders and green eyes. She chuckled knowing she probably wouldn’t be seeing him again. Besides he was a cop. A cop was the antithesis of her kind of people, the artistic eccentrics she had always been around.Mo rose from the bath with a sigh wrapping a towel around her head and donning a fluffy terry robe. Sterility aside, she had to admit the accommodations were first class. As she tied the belt she recalled that she had asked for a paper. She went to the door and put her hand on the knob when there was a knock. Linc stood outside with the paper in his hand. â€Ĺ›You looking for this?” He thrust it at her. â€Ĺ›What’s up, Linc. You had coffee?” She opened the door.â€Ĺ›I had coffee four hours ago. Yeah, gimme some.” His dreadlocks were tied in a pony tail. He wore his running clothes. Mo poured him a cup of coffee. He took it and sat with his elbows on his knees. â€Ĺ›Ling didn’t come in â€Ĺštil five o’clock.”â€Ĺ›You have an unhealthy tendency to keep track of Ling’s movements.” She sat down across from him. â€Ĺ›You need to put it out there or let it go. Let it go and accept what is.” Mo pulled the towel off her head and ran her fingers through her hair. â€Ĺ›Her rooms right next to mine. I was up.” He heaved a glum sigh. â€Ĺ›She’ll never like me. She’s, you know. And I’mâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Ling’s not a racist. Sometimes people just don’t click that way. It has nothing to do with race.” â€Ĺ›I meant she’s a premier act and I’m just a background tumbler.” He rolled his eyes. â€Ĺ›Sometimes white people got more race problems than black people!”â€Ĺ›Point taken.” She sat back and took a sip of her coffee.â€Ĺ›So, hey with the police escort and all, Ms. Biglady.”â€Ĺ›I’m so Biglady and you’re soâ€Ĺšâ€ť She did her best Gloria Swanson. â€Ĺ›I’m ready for my close up, Mr. DeMille.” They laughed. â€Ĺ›You know Linc, Ling wants to be seen as wild and rebellious. But look at what she reads. She’s a more serious person than she likes to let on. She may have graduated college at nineteen but she’s still trying to break loose of the demands of her mother. She’s young and so are you. You have plenty of time for serious relationships.”â€Ĺ›Coming from a grand old lady of twenty six, I’ll take your wisdom with a grain. Love is love. Eighteen or eighty, love and passionâ€Ĺšwell, they mess you up. I am messed up about Ling and she doesn’t even know. I guess she senses something â€Ĺšcause she has kinda pulled back.”â€Ĺ›You’ve got to pull back too if that’s what Ling wants. But how can she know that if she doesn’t know how you feel? Problem is you’re already head over heels. That’s a lot of pressure. You’ve got to do some of your TM stuff and scale back the infatuation. Whatever you do, don’t let it interfere with your work relationship. You’re good Lincoln but you see this as a temp gig. Ling is the best at what she does. Her need is to focus. We have a short window in our business. In ten years or so Ling will probably be teaching physics and I’ll be coaching. That’s if I’m lucky. Go forward slowly. Ask her out. If you breathe down her neck, she’ll only cut you off. How’s school going?”â€Ĺ›Good, when I can keep my mind on it. I can’t tumble forever, I know that. Thank God for online courses. I’ll have my CPA in one more year. Then no more hotels, no more road. I want to marry Ling and have my own office in Cleveland. Buy Mama a house. Have some babies. Buy Ling a house, have more babies.”â€Ĺ›They’ve got birth control now you know. Ling’s only twenty two and she has saidâ€Ĺšâ€ť A knock at the door interrupted her train of thought. Mo went to the door where she found Ling leaning against the wall haggardly looking up at her. She waved impatiently to be let in. â€Ĺ›Oh, Hi, Ling. Linc and I were just having coffee.”â€Ĺ›I was just going,” Linc jumped up. Near lunch time for me. Hey, Ling. See you later, Mo.” He sauntered out.â€Ĺ›Coffee with Linc?” Ling eyed Mo’s tousled, barely dried hair. â€Ĺ›He was going by when I was getting the paper.” Mo looked at Ling’s smeared mascara and rumpled Goth dress. She turned back into the room, Ling following.â€Ĺ›Ever notice how people who get up with the roosters think they’re better than other people?” Ling plopped on the big sofa forgetting Mo was generally one of those early risers.â€Ĺ›Coffee?” Mo busied herself making another pot. â€Ĺ›I don’t think that description fits Linc. Just his nature. He has goals and fortunately, loads of self discipline.” â€Ĺ›Talked to that cop.” Ling changed the subject stretching herself out. You remember? The tall hunky one with Mayor Whatshisname?”â€Ĺ›Mmm?”â€Ĺ›He was cute, thought I’d do â€Ĺšim. Old, kinda. In his thirties.” She yawned loudly. â€Ĺ›A relic.” Mo stared at the coffee pot. She loved Ling but sometimes she wondered just how she’d rated that one fifty two IQ. â€Ĺ›I’m trying to hit on him and he just kept asking questions about you.” Mo furrowed her brow. â€Ĺ›What kind of questions?”â€Ĺ›General enough. Where you live. I mean city. He didn’t ask for your address, Momo! How long you’ve been the fire catcher. How long since you and Claude broke up. Stuff like that.” Ling gave out another loud yawn.â€Ĺ›And you gave him all the answers?” She threw off her robe in an impatient huff and pulled underwear out of a drawer. Despite what she had told Zack Burnham he knew there had been something between her and Claude. Well, she’d probably never see him again. The coffee maker sputtered. Mo poured two cups and sat one on the table at the end of the sofa. Ling ignored it. She was going to get some sleep.Ling sleepily admired Mo’s tall, lean body. Envied the height of it. It was curvy for an athletic body. The breasts smaller but full and round. The waist was long with toned muscle. Mo attracted men in a way Ling envied, and was certainly aware of. But it wasn’t something she seemed to think much about. She didn’t go out of her way to do it, Ling thought as she admired the taller woman. That was something she envied too, in a friendly way. â€Ĺ›You’re the only one I know who unpacks her suitcases and actually uses the dresser. I thought they were fake drawer fronts for a long time. Anyway it was harmless curiosity. I told him you and Claude hadn’t really gotten off the ground.” She giggled at her own joke. ”Romantically, that is.” Ling assessed her short well proportioned legs. Longer would be better she thought. â€Ĺ›So what’s up with Linc? He told me he had lots of studying to do. CPA shit. Gonna be a suit. That’ll be the day.” She pulled a throw from the back of the sofa over her face. â€Ĺ›It’s too bright in here.”â€Ĺ›He’s perfectly serious. He has plans for the future.” She didn’t mention how Ling fit into those plans. â€Ĺ›He knows a body doesn’t last forever in our business.” Mo pulled on leotards and shrugged on a button down shirt dress. She looked at Ling in the mirror as she buttoned the buttons with her long fingers. The black, wilted spikes of her friend’s hair were all she could see. Wouldn’t know a good man if she tripped over one, Mo thought. And she has. Well they were young. At least Linc was realistic, except when it came to making babies. He’d move on she was sure. She looked at her own face with its trace of freckles and high, sharp cheekbones. Her large black eyes slanted a bit. She had a slightly oriental look herself except for the slight arch to her nose. An astute person might guess at the Native American blood in her.  Most people were surprised to find out she was the granddaughter of a Scottish Ironworker and a Mohawk woman. She had been born in a small town a hundred miles north of Toronto where her grandfather’s family had settled in his youth. Grandpa had gone to New York looking for work and had met Gram who performed a trapeze act in a small circus that traveled the border circuit. She was visiting her ironworker cousin in New York City when she met Grandpa. Gram had given up the life for love and had been disowned by her relatives. Mo’s parents had died in a car accident when she was two years old. Her life, such as it was, was in Montreal. But she had been on the road her entire life as Gram worked to support her after Grandpa passed away. Gram had scraped together a living getting what gigs an aging performer could get. They weren’t the best jobs, although she sometimes made extra money coaching. Mo had been homeschooled on the road. Beautiful as it was, Montreal had never seemed like home any more than the small towns they’d traveled all around Ontario had. Not since her grandmother had died. She smiled at the thought of Gram up on the balance beam with her in her arms. She had taught her to swing and tumble and climb as soon as she could walk. Her grandmother had doted on her scrawny, shy granddaughter and taught her confidence in what her body was capable of. She had also been a stern task master, strict and unrelenting though not unkind. Her reverie was interrupted by Ling’s snore. Might as well see what’s left of the free breakfast she thought picking up the Chicago Tribune. The Headline blared: â€Ĺ›Feds investigate Tyler; Mayor says advisors â€Ĺškept him in the dark’ about questions concerning city building inspectors. Patronage draws criticism from Republicans.” Mo read on, Danish in hand. The restaurant was empty except for a few stragglers looking for a late, quick bite. Typical hand in the till politics, she thought looking around as if she had spoken aloud and expected a response. Mayor Tyler. Her new best friend. Zack was almost numb with boredom so he let his mind wander to a beautiful trapeze artist many people called the fire catcher. Out of his league, but man, she was something. With just a few minutes of contact she had gotten under his skin. But he probably wouldn’t see her again. Oh if she showed at the Mayor’s party he might get a glimpse of her. Might as well get her out of his head. Ray would have said he’d been celibate for way too long. Too picky, Ray had been fond of saying. And now he was paying the price. Ray would have teased him about it and encouraged him to go for it, fears be damned. But Ray was dead and he had been thrown the bone of the Mayor’s detail while circumstances were sorted out. He tried to change both subjects on his mind.The Mayor was arrogant and sure of himself. He could be jovial and likable one moment and a storm most people sought shelter from the next. Zack had decided to let the storm blow as it would and didn’t blink when the mayor’s wind blew his way. It was a trait Gerald Tyler both admired and found annoying. The mayor rambled on dictating talking points to his staff for a speech in response to the latest the Feds were throwing at him. How did the most investigated man in America sleep at night? Zack wondered. He looked around the mayor’s office. The building was Sunday quiet but the Mayor never stopped working. He could see the lake out the corner window. The office smelled like leather and expensive cigars. There were numerous awards and commendations on the walls. Dozens of photographs of His Honor with politicians and celebrities. Zack glanced at the mayor who at one time was almost his father in law. He could see the desktop photo of the mayor with his wife and kids. Patricia, the oldest, had been too young, he knew. They had both been too young. The phone buzzed, the secretary’s voice was â€Ĺšbacka the Yards’. â€Ĺ›Chief’s here, your Honor.”â€Ĺ›Send him in.” Tyler shifted his tie and sat, leaning back and droning a few last lines as the door opened and Hugh Larson walked in. The chief of police was a round man. Round of body and round of face. His gut pressed against his uniform jacket. He puffed his breaths. Zack found it hard to believe this man had once been the scourge of organized crime and lived. â€Ĺ›Hugh, you off the scotch again?” The chief put up a hand. Bobby, get the chief some bubbly water.” He smiled a smile that didn’t reach even the hinterlands of his eyes. The chief smiled in kind. â€Ĺ›The rest of you beat it. All a ya. Burnham, you stay.” Zack continued standing straight up in his corner of the room thinking it was possible the Mayor might be afraid of the rotund police chief. He wouldn’t be the first. â€Ĺ›So what do I owe the privilege of this visit to, on a Sunday, no less?”â€Ĺ›I’m getting a lot of calls from the press and from the council. They want to know why I hadn’t already looked into the building inspector thing before it became a federal case. Now it’s all in the papers and reporters are nosing around in my business as well.  Can’t you put a lid on this thing? Fire the building commissioner? They can’t expect you to keep track of every trash collector and pencil pusher your department heads hire but shit Gerry, get this tamped down.” â€Ĺ›They know it’s not your job to keep tabs on me. They’re just turning up the heat. I promise you, the Construction Association is pushin’ this thing. It’s part of their union busting agenda. If your house is clean? No sweat. I’ll keep tabs on my own house. Put your cousin Joey on leave until it all blows over.”â€Ĺ›He don’t deserve that. He worked his way up, I never lifted a finger. And don’t talk to me about unions. Jesus H. Christ, Gerry, they’re the bane of my existence. You know how many slackers we got out there collecting disability while starting businesses and whole new careers? Or layin’ around lubricating themselves so they can squeeze themselves down the sewer pipe to Hell? Fucking unions. I’ll be calling in the Feds myself if it gets any worse.” Chief Larson snorted indignantly and gulped his sparkling water. He narrowed his eyes at Zack. â€Ĺ›The bullet in Ray Pollack definitely came from his own damn service revolver.”â€Ĺ›This ain’t the time or place.” The Mayor drummed his fingers. â€Ĺ›I know it looks bad, but we gotta stand behind our boys. I’ll keep this cretin in my house for the time being.” He thrust a thumb in Zack’s direction. â€Ĺ›You get this sorted out so he can get back to work. I don’t need him gettin’ in my way.”â€Ĺ›He must be an honest cop after all. How’s it feel to play asswipe to your almost father in law, Burnham?” He laughed himself into a wheeze. â€Ĺ›I mean it, Gerald. I want the press to stop breathing down my neck. I’ll back up my own, but not if they’re dirty.” He looked meaningfully at Zack, who officially didn’t hear a thing. Lifting the key had been easy enough. Neutralizing the camera on 14 East a little more time consuming. The maid’s outfit had been easy enough to come by. He’d seen it for himself, she was doing the guy. He’d seen him coming out of her room. Big runner he. Looks like Rasta was really getting his exercise by banging the woman that was meant to be his. He hoped she was still there. He’d be in before she knew it. She was probably still in bed wondering who else she could fuck. He shouldn’t have been shocked at seeing Linc come out of her room. Too bad he had to take the time to cover himself. It had taken him a few minutes to go to his room and change into the maid get up. Make it quick. But he hesitated wondering if his desire for her would interfere. No, she’s a whore. She’s broken his heart. Now, outside the room, he listened. Fell asleep after Mr. Rasta. He twisted his mouth with angered determination and shoved the key in. The light turned green. He turned the knob.Zack parked his car down Indiana and walked past where the Veteran’s Museum stood. A big moving truck had been blocking the entry to the small lot of his building. George Travers waved out the window as he posted a sign calling on protesters for a sit in in Washington D.C. He was a grizzled looking man with long gray hair and a red bandana around his head. Zack waved back and headed for the service elevator of his building. Just about to put the key in, the door burst open with an avalanche of tiny, white dogs barking and yanking at their leashes, pulling their walker right into him. Zack managed to avoid being tangled. â€Ĺ›You walking them or are they walking you?”She laughed. She was a looker he thought. An actress? Yeah. â€Ĺ›You gonna arrest me for assaulting an officer?” She flirted with her blue eyes while the dogs yanked. She wore a black T-shirt with no bra. Jesus they were nice. Her neck length, big but softly curled hair was very Marilyn Monroe. Cherisse. Yeah, Cherisse. â€Ĺ›I’m gonna let you off with a warning this time.” He winked then squatted down and petted Mrs. Powecki’s bichons. They nipped jealously at one another. Four dogs. The dog walker needed the work no doubt, but Mrs. Powecki must be crazy.  She pulled at the dogs holding all the leashes in one hand and pulled her Lolita sunglasses down over her eyes, pursing her lips. He had a vision of her practicing that look in the mirror. Well, I guess an actress has to rehearse. â€Ĺ›I’m more than willing to pay my dept to society, Detective. How’s Gerry?”The man sure did get around. Oh that’s right, a great patron of the arts. â€Ĺ›Gerâ€ĹšI mean His Honor is just fine.”â€Ĺ›Well, see ya around detective. Come see my new play. I’m a desk clerk. I’ve only got one line but there will be some important people coming to see it. Byeee!” She swung her hips and looked back over her shoulder with a seductive smile. They want to see more than what you look like behind a desk, he thought as he pushed the elevator button.Thank God it was Sunday and he’d done the day shift. His double shift the day before was telling on him. He looked forward to sticking a couple dogs on the terrace grill, breaking open a Hamms, and watching the preseason game. He dumped his shoulder holster, revolver and wallet on the plain thrift store dresser. He threw his suit on the bed and made a mental note to hit the cleaners in the morning. He was looking forward to having Monday off. Instead of turning on the air conditioner he opened the sliding glass door to catch the cool lake breeze. If he looked real hard he could see what was left of his little slice of lake view. A new building was going up that would obscure it completely. A controversial subject his fellow tenants seemed to feel he could do something about. His simple condo consisted of a living room, bedroom, galley kitchen and bathroom. No pictures hung on the walls except for one Georgia O’Keefe lithograph; his most prized possession though it was a gift from his ex-wife in happier times. The blinds that came with the condo were still in place after a year. He’d never bothered with new window treatments. The carpet throughout was too bland to even be offensive. He looked around and once again promised himself he’d make something of the place when he found time. He had his eye on a few things to liven up the place. But money and time were two things he didn’t have enough of. He stepped out on the minute terrace to light the tiny grill. He thought he’d unpack a few boxes while he listened to the game. He stretched in the breeze and waved at the young couple on their terrace a couple doors over. They ignored his boxers and he ignored the smell of their quickly concealed joint. He thought of the actress wondering if it wasn’t about time he picked up the pace on his dating life. Then he reminded himself that it wasn’t exactly the best time with the investigation into Ray’s murder. Zack thought about how long he’d been alone. He felt and ignored a twinge. But he wasn’t thinking about the actress, he was thinking about a tall, black haired beauty who knew how to fly. He had caught himself foolishly thinking of her throughout the day. Was he just taken with her act? She’d seemed like an entirely different person up close. He fiddled with his tiny grill and finally got it lit. That woman wasn’t afraid of fire but she didn’t come off like a prima donna. He was too humble to believe her asking if he danced meant she might have been interested. He didn’t lack confidence with women but it was of a realistic sort. It was the quiet sort. He wasn’t the swaggering type.He grabbed the Hamms and opened the package of hot dogs with a paring knife. The beer was ice cold and he chugged a few swallows before putting it down to take the dogs to the grill. The couple had gone inside. No one else was out enjoying the late summer evening. While his hot dogs cooked he held his beer and clicked on the TV to check the time for the game. A news bulletin showing Greendale Coliseum in the background filled the screen. â€Ĺ›Tragedy has stricken the popular La Cirque du Celestial. A woman who was a major figure in the show has been murdered in her hotel room. The bludgeoned body of the woman, whose name has not yet been released, was found this afternoon by a hotel maid.”â€Ĺ›Fuck.” Zack went over to the grill and shut it off. He swallowed the rest of the beer as he grabbed his pants. Just as he zipped up his cell phone rang.It being the Mayor’s night to have dinner with his family, he held a brief press conference to extend his condolences and promise assistance to the Greendale police. Then he went back to his corned beef. Why he wanted Zack to go out to Greendale was beyond him but his first reaction had been to go anyway.  He’d feared for the beautiful star of the show he’d met the night before and who’d teased at his mind ever since. He was relieved to find out the victim was not Monica Whitman. But the victim had been found in her room. â€Ĺ›Holy shit, what’s up with that?”ThreeThe traffic out to the Greendale Hotel had never seemed slower. The backup was ridiculous even by Chicago standards. O’Hare airport was usually to blame. Fed up he stuck his light on top his Mitsubishi Montero and hit the shoulder. Reporters and cops had cut off the entry to the hotel. He angrily waved a bystander with a video camera out of the way. â€Ĺ›Freedom of the press, asshole,” the man yelled. Go blog yourself, Zack thought. He flipped his badge and parked where he could amongst the dozen cruisers with lights flashing. He saw Vince Smith, the head of hotel security, in the lobby. The former CPD cop waved him over. They had a long though not close acquaintance. â€Ĺ›You must be here for Tyler. They got the fire girl or whatever the hell they call her in conference three. Witnesses say she was at the arena all afternoon. Witness, that tall black dude over there, puts her in her room with the vic late this morning. Says he left them alone having coffee. What d’ya think, fight over dreadlocks there?”â€Ĺ›Nah, it wasn’t her. Damage?”â€Ĺ›Brutal. They’re picking her brains out of the sofa now. Jealousy can be a brutal motive. Guess Ms. Whitman made a good impression on the mayor, send you out. Sorry â€Ĺšbout your partner, by the way.” Vince tugged his suit jacket uncomfortably. â€Ĺ›I’m gonna get shit on this.”News of his partner’s killing had not been missed by anyone. â€Ĺ›Thanks. Someone wants to kill someone, there’s not much hotel security’s gonna be able to do about it. They have the videos?” Zack noticed the rotund man’s heavy breathing. It was clear Smith was in a panic about a murder happening on his watch. Vince nodded. â€Ĺ›Yeah, all of â€Ĺšem. But 14 east? Trashed. No video.”â€Ĺ›Shit.” Zack rubbed his hand on his five o’clock and turned toward conference three. He could see Monica Whitman being questioned. Her head nodded then shook. She put her face in her hands then looked up and nodded some more. She wiped tears from her eyes with a tissue offered her and took a drink of water.  His Greendale colleagues surrounded her with their hands on their hips. These could be scary guys. Mostly former CPD, stolen away with offers of big pay to protect the region’s premier showplace. If anyone had noticed it was all Yards guys that got these plum jobs, nobody had made any noise. Big Chicago money had built the place and big Chicago money ran it. Greendale would answer to Tyler. He swooped in. â€Ĺ›Boys, give the lady some breathing room. He turned on the Burnham charm. â€Ĺ›Al, His Honor said if I see ya, tell ya he hasn’t forgotten the pension benefit dinner. He’ll be glad to say a few words. Harve, how’s the wife? She’s busy with the new one, huh? Simmons? I’m Zack Burnham CPD, nice to meetcha.”â€Ĺ›Layin’ it on aren’t ya? Chummy with Tyler are ya.” Al was a big man. Big all over and bald with very dark skin. A well decorated cop, he’d finally gotten his family away from the Yards like he’d always threatened. Too late for one of his kids though and that chip tottered perilously on Al Simpson’s shoulder. â€Ĺ›Running interference for Tyler’s latest?”Word got around, truth or not. â€Ĺ›She’s not his latest. She danced with him a couple times.”â€Ĺ›Excuse me, gentlemen, but if you going to stand there and talk about me as if I’m not here, I’d like to get another room. I’m exhausted. Where’s Roddy? Mr. D’Mario?” She rubbed her eyes with slender fingers. She looked fragile, not strong like when she hurled her body through the air. Her voice was like crystal that might crack anytime.â€Ĺ›Your boss is answering questions down the hall.” Al gave her the look that had many a perp spilling his guts on the floor. â€Ĺ›Bet he’d do anything to protect the star of the show.”â€Ĺ›What are you saying? You think I killed my best friend?” She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to calm herself. Quietly she said, â€Ĺ›If that’s what you’re implying, should I be talking to a lawyer?” She studied Al Simpson’s big face. She was trying to understand what seemed impossible. Was she being accused?â€Ĺ›You tell me. You think you need a lawyer, I’ve got to wonder why.” Al glared down at her. And only succeeded in pissing her off. She glared back.â€Ĺ›I don’t NEED a lawyer, Detective Simpson. But I’m not going to sit here and allow you to imply I would hurt Lingâ€Ĺšâ€ť Her defiant stance was broken with a sob. She put her head down on the table, shoulders shaking.â€Ĺ›Hey, Al, lighten up, can’t you see the lady’s upset?” Zack stood in his face and at six two was two inches shorter. â€Ĺ›Anyone seen any blood on her, any time she can’t account for? Got a motive? â€Ĺ›I didn’t know you got a law degree, college boy. She had opportunity for starters. They were possibly romantic rivals. What about Lincoln Harris, Ms. Whitman? Did he want to get her out of the way so he could be with you? Or were YOU jealous of his feelings for Ling Wong?”â€Ĺ›How many times do I have to answer that question?” She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. Zack handed her a fresh tissue. â€Ĺ›As many times as it takes for you to acknowledge you wanted Harris and she was in the way.” Al said sharply. She looked up at the detective with a mixture of sadness and frustration. Her voice was a hoarse but determined whisper. â€Ĺ›Which is it? One minute you accuse Linc and now you imply I kilâ€Ĺšhurt Ling.” She wiped absently at her tears. â€Ĺ›Ling” she croaked. She cleared her throat. â€Ĺ›Like I’ve already told you, Linc came by to complain about Ling being out all night. He’s in love with her, he’d never hurt her. He would never hurt anyone. He left when Ling came by. She fell asleep on the sofa so I went and had breakfast then got the shuttle to the coliseum. Should I just keep repeating this so you don’t have to keep asking me?”â€Ĺ›He hurt someone last June in L.A. How about you? You got a temper, little lady?” Simmon’s asked with brows in a scowl.â€Ĺ›Ask around, little man, it’s been known to flare. But not like this. Oh, my God!” Mo broke into a sob then worked to collect herself. â€Ĺ›If you were paying attention you’d have known that Linc saved Ling from a kidnapper.” She put her face down into the overused tissue.â€Ĺ›What about this Harris?” Zack asked Harve who was holding a rap sheet. He almost stroked Mo’s hair but caught himself. â€Ĺ›Gotta a juvee in Cleveland for B and E. Reform School. Two years. Clean since then, butâ€Ĺšâ€ť Harve waved the sheet of paper. â€Ĺ›Back in June he got into a fight in L.A. after a show. A guy hassled Ling Wong in a bar and now is suing La Cirque du Celestial for replacement of his front teeth. Charges against the guy were dropped on a tech. Girl claimed the guy tried to drag her out the back door when she went to the ladies’. Lucky for her Harris was coming outta the head.”â€Ĺ›I hope Hell freezes over before he’s got new teeth. Does it make sense that he saved her only to kill her now?” Zack asked.â€Ĺ›Maybe he thought she owed â€Ĺšim,” Harve theorized. Zack looked at Al. â€Ĺ›Come on Al. You can talk to her tomorrow. I’ll take responsibility. Let me get her checked into a new room.”â€Ĺ›You’ll take responsibility? If I’m not mistaken you’re not a Greendale cop and might not be CPD much longer. You’re only in this room because the chief said Tyler sent you over. But don’t press your luck.” Al jerked his head to where a policewoman was signaling him from the door. With a grunt he strode over. Zack offered Mo more water, but she kept her head down and shook it slightly. Al came back, â€Ĺ›Well, get her settled in and since you’re offering to take responsibility, you can keep an eye on her tonight. We ain’t CPD. We only got so many detectives to go around.”â€Ĺ›Call from your mayor?” Zack raised an eyebrow.Al snorted and said, â€Ĺ›Simmons, I want that Harris at the station now. Harve we’ll see her at ten a.m. Make sure Tyler’s new pet here is on a leash. This is my investigation, Burnham, and screw Tyler if he thinks he’s going to run it. He’s got enough shit on his hands without trying to cover for a piece.”â€Ĺ›You can take a boy outta the yard, but you can’t take the yard outta the boy. Isn’t that what your old man always said?” Zack stood his ground as Al towered close. He glared at Zack and said, â€Ĺ›You can go, Ms. Whitman. I need you at the station at ten. Harveâ€Ĺš Detective Graver, and I will be there.” He walked off. Zack took her elbow and helped her out of the chair. She was pale and shaken and seemed unsteady on her feet. He escorted her to the desk where she requested a change of room in a low tone deliberately not looking toward the door out which the press could be seen across the lot clamoring for any crumb of news. The desk clerk tapped computer keys rapidly. Mo had her elbows on the desk her face in her hands. â€Ĺ›All we have is the presidential suite, which is considerably more expensive. I’ll need to check with Mr. D’Mario.” Zack glared at the clerk. â€Ĺ›Look pal, she needs a room because someone, probably a hotel employee, murdered her colleague in her room. They might have been after her. Give her the damn key and she’ll deduct it from her settlement. That work for ya?” â€Ĺ›No need to get testy with our clerks, Mr.?” A well dressed older man interceded.â€Ĺ›Detective. Burnham. Who are you and why can’t you just give this lady another room?” He felt a pull at his jacket and looked down into Mo’s exhausted face. â€Ĺ›He’s the owner,” she croaked hoarsely. â€Ĺ›Mr. Whitney.” â€Ĺ›It is our intention to see to Ms. Whitman’s every need, Detective. Mr. Coleman, please put Ms. Whitman in the presidential suite and override the billing. P West, Mr. Coleman. Cancel all bookings for it for the time being.” He turned to Mo,” I can’t tell you how deeply sorry I am. I understand she was a very close friend. Please let us know if there’s anything you need.” He pulled a card from his jacket pocket. â€Ĺ›This is my private line and my home number in the city. You call me, anytime, day or night, if you need anything at all. Mr. Coleman, Ms. Whitman is my guest.” He turned to Zack. â€Ĺ›You were with the mayor last night.” The clerk handed Mo a card key which Zack gently took from her. Mr. Whitney laid a hand in comfort on her arm. Zack looked at Mr. Whitney’s lined face. His automatic assessment interrupted by Mo turning toward him with dull eyes. Shock.â€Ĺ›He sent me out. Sorry, I didn’t mean to ruffle Mr.Coleman’s feathers. Let me get her settled in. Thanks a lot.” She literally had to lean on him as he took her arm and relieved her of her pocketbook. â€Ĺ›Thank you Mr. Whitney.” Mo barely got the words out. A lot of angry guests were glaring at the door which had been locked. No one was allowed to leave the hotel. More angry guests had been herded into the various conference rooms. â€Ĺ›There’s Roddy.” She said pointing into a large room where police were questioning guests. â€Ĺ›Roddy!” He gently pulled her forward, â€Ĺ›You can talk to him later.” Still she tried to go toward Roddy, weakly waving a hand to get the manager’s attention. â€Ĺ›They won’t let you in there. Come on before Al changes his mind and takes you down to the station for an all nighter.”â€Ĺ›Butâ€Ĺšâ€ť He lead her away just in time. As he steered her toward the west wing elevators an east wing elevator popped open. Glancing over his shoulder Zack saw the stretcher bearing the body bag containing Ling Wong rolled into the lobby. Keeping her moving he hit the button and blocked her view. He keyed the elevator for the presidential suite breathing a sigh of relief she didn’t see it. â€Ĺ›I need to get some things, all my things areâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Sorry, Ms. Whitman, there’s no way to get anything out of your room tonight. The forensic people will be in there for hours and I’m afraid going through your things is going to be part of it. I’m real sorry about your friend. I remember seeing her at the party. She seemed real sweet. Had a lot of real nice things to say about you.” He watched as she tried to blink back tears. She opened her mouth, trying to say something but the knot in her throat rendered her speechless. The elevator opened directly into the suite. She stood gaping fearfully until he gave her a gentle nudge. â€Ĺ›No one knows you’re here, Ms. Whitman.” She still hesitated. â€Ĺ›I’ll take a look around, you wait here.” She stayed in the elevator until he returned. â€Ĺ›Its all clear, you’re safe here Ms. Whitman.” He guided her into the living room and over to the sofa where she sat staring blankly. He walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out two bottles of water and took a glass from the bar. He poured one and set it on the coffee table before her. He twisted the cap off the other and chugged half the bottle.”â€Ĺ›Thank you for your trouble, Detective Burnham. I’m sure this isn’t part of your job. I guess I’ll take a shower. Maybe I should take a shower.” She looked confused as if she didn’t know the next step. What did people do whenâ€Ĺš? â€Ĺ›Maybe a bath would help you relax. Have you eaten? I could call you up some room service.”â€Ĺ›I couldn’t eat. I’m sorry. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I can’t call anyone, they took my cellphone. Oh, there’s a phone in here. Should I call someone, her mother?” The last was almost squeaked out. â€Ĺ›The police will take care of that. Is there some family or a friend you’d like to come? Someone close?” He sat in the chair next to the sofa. â€Ĺ›Can I call someone for you?”â€Ĺ›All my friends are with the show. Your friend Al told me not to talk to any of them until after I talk with him tomorrow. Your friendâ€Ĺšhe’s kind of an ass isn’t he?” Suddenly she downed the glass of water. â€Ĺ›Bet there’s something harder in that cabinet.” â€Ĺ›He’s not my friend; he is just doing his job. I’m not sure liquor’s what you need.”She scooted around the other side of the coffee table and yanked the cabinet open. Inside was a computerized miniature dispenser. She eyed it and pressed the vodka button. Then she looked in the fridge and eyed the bottle of seven-up thoughtfully. Ick, she thought. â€Ĺ›Better than nothing.” She sat back down and opened both bottles while Zack watched.  She mixed the vodka with a small amount of seven-up, chugged down one drink and poured another. â€Ĺ›Don’t worry Detective Burnham, I’m not driving.” She said without a glance. â€Ĺ›Maybe you shouldn’tâ€Ĺšâ€ť Too late. The second one was gone. Zack scratched his stubble and watched her lean back and close her eyes.  He studied her face. It was an interesting face. A little odd actually. With her head leaned back her eyes appeared even more slanted. Her face was thin but flared at the cheekbones. He didn’t remember ever seeing cheekbones like hers. Her nose was small with a slight curve at the bridge. A light scattering of freckles played across it. Her mouth was small but full. Her lips a little pale. He remembered how they’d looked just last night. Very red in contrast to the pale rose they were now. He remembered her smile and the sound of her laugh. He gazed at her sad face and thought she might not truly laugh again for a long time. He looked at the long braid winding over her shoulder and chest almost to her waist. It was straight and glossy though disheveled. Her neck was long and thin. He could see the vibration of her pulse point. The little notch at the base of her throat. Was she falling asleep? That would be best. He wondered if he should try to get her to the bed. He’d just decided he would leave her there and get a blanket when his phone rang. â€Ĺ›Yes, Your Honor?” The mayor’s voice made him hold the phone away from his ear as he walked into the bedroom.â€Ĺ›How’s Ms. Whitman holding up? Damn shame. Show’s canceled â€Ĺštil Wednesday at the earliest. Whitney’ll take care of her. Look, you stay on her tonight. That’s an order.”Zack didn’t have time to affirm that order when he was disconnected. He walked out of the bedroom and saw she was lying down from the waist up but her long legs hung off the sofa. He went back into the bedroom and yanked the bedspread off the bed. He dumped it on the coffee table and picked her legs up and put them on the sofa. Carefully he pulled off the little flats she wore and covered her with the spread. He didn’t know what to do then. He should move his car. Fuck it. He settled into the chair and ignoring his rumbling stomach, tried to sleep. Ray sat on the trashcan with his back to the wall. At first Zack thought he was playing one of his jokes. He was made up like a harlequin. His eyes were wide, his lips blood red. There was some kind of mark on his face, dead center of his cheek. He got closer and thought he heard a laugh. He heard a clang and looked up to see the fire escape above vibrate with an unseen person’s movement. He turned back to Ray and saw him still there with a frozen look of shocked humor. His mouth had been stopped mid smile or laugh and had set with a hideous grin. The harlequin mouth dripped blood on both sides. The hole in his face was small and clean. The blood on the wall behind his partner’s head spread outward like a preening peacock’s tail. Then the mayor came diving in on a trapeze. â€Ĺ›You’re finished, Burnham, finished.” Tyler grabbed hold of the fire escape then was suddenly Monica Whitman. You did it, Detective. It’s all your fault. All your fault, Burnham, Burnhamâ€Ĺšâ€ťMo patted his shoulder. â€Ĺ›Mr. Burnham. Detective!” He jerked awake. â€Ĺ›You were having a nightmare, I think.” It took him a second. In his disorientation he reached out running a hand down the thick dark braid. Then it came to him and he yanked his hand back. â€Ĺ›Sorry. I thoughtâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›I’m supposed to be having the nightmares.” She pressed her hand on his shoulder. â€Ĺ›I’m going to move into the bedroom. Why don’t you stretch out on the sofa?” â€Ĺ›Yeah, what timeâ€Ĺšâ€ť He pulled his phone out and saw it was one-thirty. â€Ĺ›I’m sorry I woke you up, I don’t usually have nightmares, I don’t think.’â€Ĺ›Nightmares happen. Thank you for staying. Goodnight.” She closed the door to the bedroom. He heard the lock click. Zack stretched out on the sofa and thought about the dream for a long time.â€Ĺ›How well did you know Ling Wong?” Detective Graver examined the odd little man with red rimmed eyes. The clown makeup was not the kind of make up your kid would see at a birthday party. It was disturbing. Scary. The silly orange wig only exemplified the creepiness of the clown. â€Ĺ›Year and a half maybe. Nice kid. Did her job.” Trollie shook his head. â€Ĺ›Sucks.” â€Ĺ›You have any personal interest in the girl?” The detective peered into the clown’s eyes. â€Ĺ›Nah. Not my type.” Trollie leaned back, relaxed. â€Ĺ›I think she was seeing Linc Harris. I’m not saying for sure but they were friendly. I heard Ling was a very friendly girl, if you know what I mean.”â€Ĺ›Did you try to get friendly with her?” This guy was giving Graver bad vibes. â€Ĺ›Thought about it. Easy pickings and all that. Too young and like I said, not my type. Goth bullshit kind of a turn off. Yeah, bet she was crying over that. â€Ĺ›Where were you between eleven thirty and two?” Graver tapped his pen on the pad. Sleaze.â€Ĺ›I went into the city after the show last night. Kinda hooked up with a friend. I went back to her place. Didn’t get back â€Ĺštil eleven or so this morning. I went straight to the coliseum. Thought I’d shower there and get in some practice. But I wasâ€Ĺšhung over. One of the great things about being with this show is that people recognize me. With my makeup, of course. Free drinks are a blessing or a curse depending on the time of day. I kicked back in the dressing room, men’s dressing room. Reuben Goldstein, a juggler, came in around four. Woke me up. We chatted a few minutes then the terrible twins, Juan and Jesus Alehandras came in. They said it sounded like something was going on at the hotel. Goldstein always brings his car. So we all jumped in and came over here to see what the hell was going on. Had to practically call the cops to get back in here.” Trollie wanted a cigarette. A little hair o’ the dog wouldn’t hurt either. How long was this shit gonna go on?â€Ĺ›Can your friend verify your whereabouts last night?” Graver was thinking about a smoke too. â€Ĺ›Yeah, but she’s probably working her corner on West Grand. It’s today you’re interested in, isn’t it? Ran into a maintenance guy on my way in. There’s a lot of maintenance guys at Greendale. Take your pick.” â€Ĺ›Don’t worry we’ll find him. How â€Ĺšbout you wash off the makeup and let us get a look at you?”â€Ĺ›Gonna hafta get a warrant. This is my legal appearance in Canada. Trademarked. Wouldn’t want to violate any treaties. But just to show I’m being cooperative I’ll tell the home office they can show you a picture of me if you’ll sign an agreement to keep my real appearance from the press. It’s a trade secret, you know.”â€Ĺ›Oui, yes, I had a little argument with Mo Whitmahn. She is the jealous kind. You see I broke up with her and she was furious. I don’t say she would hurt somebody. That’s ridiculous! Mo and Ling close friends. She would never hurt Ling.” Claude threw his hair back with a toss of his head.â€Ĺ›Again, where were you late this morning, early this afternoon?” Simmons was ready to come unglued with the French buffoon. â€Ĺ›I tell you! With a new paramour. But I am a gentleman. Not that she isâ€Ĺš, you know. A gentleman does not kiss and tell. Who wants to hurt Ling? There are crazy people in the world.”â€Ĺ›Mr. Mojonnier.” Al Simpson had stepped quietly into the room. â€Ĺ›Unless you want to spend the night down at the station where we know how to get answers, you’d better tell us where you were at the time of Ling Wong’s murder? And who you were with?” He pressed his hand firmly on Claude’s shoulder while leaning his face close, giving him a terrifying smile as he gave this friendly advice.â€Ĺ›In my room! All day. All night too. With the masseuse. Yes, they have a masseuse for the principals. What’s her name? Ah, yes! Chreestal. Yes, Mc something. She tell you she have a good time with Claude!” Al and Simmons looked at each other. It took all kinds.Misha sat with arms crossed. He wore a black muscle shirt and jeans. His sandy blonde hair was cut short and combed neatly. â€Ĺ›Yes.” His accent was slight but discernable as Russian or close to it. â€Ĺ›I was in the hotel. I was at the gym around one.  Roddy says I’m getting fat in the middle. Henri Jardin was there. Roddy told him the same thing. This morning I had breakfast in my room. I took a shower. A maid came in and I let her clean while I took the shower. She left; it must have been between twelve and twelve thirty. I’m a little unsure of the time. After she left I went to the gym. My heart wasn’t in it. I guess I had a little too much to drink at Mr. Whitney’s party. Mind?” Misha didn’t wait for a response and lit a cigarette. He had paper cup of water he pulled close to use as an ashtray. Graver had another flash of craving. Screw it. He lit one up too, disregarding the laws concerning smoking in hotels. â€Ĺ›Did you get along with Ling Wong?” Graver flicked ash into the cup.â€Ĺ›Sure, everybody did, nice girl.” Misha stretched out his legs. â€Ĺ›How is Mo, Ms. Whitman? She and Ling were close. Have you seen her?”â€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman is fine. Anybody else see you?” â€Ĺ›In my room, the maid. At the gym, sure. Besides Henry there were a couple other guests. I didn’t know them.” Misha exhaled as he spoke. He was relaxed stretching his long legs out in front of him. I ran into Linc Harris at the gym. He’s with the show. He was in a hurry to take a shower.” â€Ĺ›He had been working out?” Graver inhaled deeply, inwardly sighing with relief.â€Ĺ›No, he complained the ceiling in his shower was too low, so he came to the gym. He had his bathrobe on over his sweats. But I know he gets cold in the air conditioning. He complains about it all the time.”â€Ĺ›I don’t know what happened to them. I told you already. I got out of the shower and they were gone.” Linc put his head in his hands. His tone was sad and tired. Not angry. Why was he down at the station? Why weren’t they looking for Ling’s killer?â€Ĺ›You were in the room with her this morning.” Al sat with a hip on the edge of the table. â€Ĺ›Monica Whitman said you were obsessed with Ms. Wong.” He leaned in close. â€Ĺ›Sometimes they sure can be a tease can’t they?” He gave a knowing chuckle. Linc glared at him. â€Ĺ›You can shut up about Ling. She wasn’t that way. She just liked to pretend she was. I know what you’re up too. Trying to get me worked up. Set me off. Mo didn’t say that. She wouldn’t say I was obsessed. She knows I love Ling.”â€Ĺ›But your running clothes just disappeared from the locker room. And you’re conveniently all nice and clean. We’re gonna test that shower and if those clothes are in the hotel, we’re gonna find â€Ĺšem. Did you feel better after you crushed that girl’s skull?” The veins at Linc’s temples throbbed. He took a deep breath. He tried to center himself and prayed for patience. â€Ĺ›I love Ling,” he said quietly. He closed his eyes and the tears rolled. His center shattered causing his shoulders to vibrate. He hugged his lanky torso and rocked. â€Ĺ›Dammit, Burnham, you could be pushing a pencil behind a desk or holding my dick when I piss. I want you to stay out there and keep an eye on what’s going on and stay on the acrobat.” The mayor puffed hard into the phone.â€Ĺ›She’s a trapeze artist, Your Honor.” Burnham rolled his eyes. He had escorted Mo to the police station and after dropping her, was parking the car. Rain pounded on the windshield. The sky was dark, dark enough to make the streetlights stay on at ten in the morning. An ominous Midwestern storm front that could bring tornadoes was brewing. He wanted to do exactly as the mayor said but he complained instead. It would be just like Tyler to yank him back to the city if he thought he wanted to stay on the girl. â€Ĺ›Well right now she’s news and I don’t need her to turn into bad news for me. You stay on her. Get a room, keep me informed.”â€Ĺ›Yes, Your Honor.” Tyler had already hung up. Well at least he didn’t have to deal with that windbag all day. So many cops vied for the honor. My ass. He wanted to get back to work and if he couldn’t, there were worse things than keeping an eye on a beautiful woman. A huge clash of thunder rolled over. The rain crashed down. He had given Mo his umbrella. Well shit, here goes.â€Ĺ›You gonna stand there and drip on my floor?” The red cheeked desk sergeant asked irritably. â€Ĺ›You provide towels, bathrobes, maybe a blow dryer?” Zack tried wiping his feet on the ineffectually thin mat at the entry. He was drenched and still dripping despite his efforts. â€Ĺ›Al told me to expect a smartass from the city, they’re in interrogation. You can go back, but not in the room. Tyler got pull but this is still our town.” The sergeant pushed his glasses up and went back to paperwork. â€Ĺ›Understood, sergeant.” He got a snort in response. Harve was watching through the one way glass as Al talked to Mo. She was much cooler today. More in control. She was answering questions unruffled despite the detective’s efforts to shake her calm. â€Ĺ›Thanks for letting me bring her in. I think it made it easier for her. So are you really still trying to get her to confess? You can’t believe she did it.” They both watched Mo as Harve answered.â€Ĺ›She’s a pretty cool customer today. But no, we don’t like her for it. We’re looking at the Harris guy. He knew she was in the room. He was upset that she was out all night. He had been panting after her and had been in a fight over her. And your girl there said she’d told him he had an unhealthy fixation on the vic.” Harve sipped his coffee and listened. â€Ĺ›How many times do I have to say this? I know Linc will corroborate, your word, what I’m telling you. Somehow we never got to where she was all night. Ling might have gone into the city after the party but she was there â€Ĺštil it ended. She had a habit of going back to her room and acting as if she’d partied all night. It was part of the bad girl image she liked to put out there. People in entertainment often foster images totally unlike their real selves. Ling was one of those. Strict upbringing I guess. I wouldn’t go into the city with her. She may have gone with someone else or by herself. But she’d have been bragging about it knowing Ling. She could just as easily been in her room with a book. She fell asleep mid-conversation, but that doesn’t necessarily mean she was out all night. So, I just left her to go eat and get to practice. By the way, how did they get in? The door locks automatically. I’ve already locked myself out once.” Mo looked at the glass as if she was looking right at Zack. She wore no makeup and looked pale but unfrightened in the florescent light. â€Ĺ›I’ll ask the questions Ms. Whitman. So you say Lincoln Harris was obsessed with Ling Wong. Had he ever tried to force himself on her?” Al loomed with his large frame leaning forward. His thick hands spread on the table. If ever someone could intimidate someone into a confession, it was him. â€Ĺ›Linc wasn’t obsessed. I told him he had an unhealthy interest in her movements. I meant it was unhealthy for him to worry about Ling. I didn’t mean he was obsessed like some kind of weirdo. He was worried about her. He was in love and worried about her wild behavior. Or what he perceived as her wild behavior. He would never hurt her. He’d never hurt anyone.” She gazed back at Al, unintimidated. â€Ĺ›Why don’t you try figuring out who did this, instead of just making it more difficult for the people who loved her. We’re like a family, detective. I can’t believe anyone in our company is capable of this. Who could do something like this, she was a child. A very sweet child.” Her voice broke. Al glared at the glass with annoyance. â€Ĺ›You can go Ms. Whitman. We’re still asking that no one leave. Since Mayor Tyler has you comfy in the presidential suite, I guess we’ll know where to find you if we have more questions. Is that where we can find the mayor?” He had a knowing leer on his face. â€Ĺ›Or maybe we can count on Detective Burnham staying put again.”â€Ĺ›Detective, a close friend of mine has been murdered. You’ve grilled me endlessly and repetitively without any consideration of that fact. You’re not the kind of man whose opinion is going to have me losing any sleep. Let’s not waste any more time. You’ve got a killer to catch. You’re well into your first forty eight hours and you’re clueless.” She picked up her bag and spun toward the door. Harve and Zack looked at each other with a grin.â€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman, if you just wait aâ€Ĺšâ€ť Zack went after her. She’d shot out of the interrogation room like a bullet. â€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman!She spun on him. â€Ĺ›Is that doing his job? Making snide remarks about me and my friends? Insulting Ling? Taking shots at Mayor Tyler? And you for that matter? She turned and picked up her pace. People in the station turned their heads as she whisked by with her bag clutched tight. A tall, beautiful woman in a major snit with what was no doubt a cop on her heels apologizing was a sight they didn’t see every day at the Greendale precinct. She made it to the door and stopped. Outside a blinding deluge poured. She looked at him with exasperation. He waited for another blast of indignation. â€Ĺ›I left your umbrella. In the room. Where they questioned me.” She raised her eyebrows contritely and bit one side of her bottom lip.Zack felt his insides go tight. He nodded as if slowly comprehending but it was the weakness in his knees at that look that kept him momentarily riveted to his spot. He collected himself feeling heat under his collar. â€Ĺ›Wait here.” He put his hands on her upper arms for a second as if he were planting her to the spot. He rushed back to the interrogation room. â€Ĺ›Looking for this?” Al had his umbrella. He slapped it like he might slap a billy club into the palm of his hand. â€Ĺ›My mayor will be talking to your mayor about the way you’ve talked to Ms. Whitman.” He yanked the umbrella out of Al’s hand. â€Ĺ›Whatever your problem is, she’s not the cause. Why don’t you get busy looking for who killed that girl, because I think they were after Ms. Whitman.”â€Ĺ›You let us handle our cases. Tyler’s close personal friends don’t get preferential treatment around here. And my mayor can handle your mayor. She’s not off the list yet so if I were you I wouldn’t get too personally involved with her. Your mayor wouldn’t like it.” Al turned and strode off. â€Ĺ›Asshole,” was all Zack could think. He rushed back to find her staring at the rain. â€Ĺ›Here, I’ll pull up in front. Be a minute.”â€Ĺ›Then take theâ€Ĺšâ€ť but he was out the door. He disappeared into the wall of water. She clutched herself, feeling cold. â€Ĺ›Damn them. Can’t they just find out who killed Ling?” Mo ran to the car before he could get around to the other side of it. He beat her to the door taking the umbrella and holding it over her as she climbed in. Her feet were soaked. She’d had to wear the same clothes she was wearing the day before since her room was still sealed. She was wearing acrobatic flats that did nothing to keep her feet dry. Zack noticed her shivering and turned on the heat. He was completely drenched again. The wipers had a hard time keeping up with the sheets of rain coming down accompanied by rolls of thunder and shards of lighting. â€Ĺ›You must be used to some pretty bad weather in Montreal. I mean cold, anyway. Lots a snow.” Zack tried to make conversation as he drove to the hotel. She just nodded and squeezed her arms more tightly. â€Ĺ›I went to Montreal once. Hockey. My high school team went on a field trip to Montreal. We called it Monty. Stupid I guess. Beautiful city. I guess I was too young to appreciate it.”â€Ĺ›That’s funny. You don’t look like a hockey player. No broken nose. And you seem to have all your teeth.” She said this blandly and looked ahead with no expression. She was tolerating his attempt at conversation. Being polite. â€Ĺ›Nice weather you’ve got here in the Midwest. Typical summer storm?”â€Ĺ›You ain’t seen nothing. What would really be cool is to be at the top of the John Hancock building watching this over the lake. Like nothing you’ve ever seen.” He turned into the hotel parking lot. A valet approached. She hopped out and broke into a run. Zack threw the valet his keys and said, â€Ĺ›Look, dude, gotta run.” He searched his pocket for a bill as he saw her go through the doors. â€Ĺ›Get ya next, time. Promise.” He threw over his shoulder as he went after her. She was all but wrapped around Roddy. â€Ĺ›Thank God, Roddy! What’s going on? Where’s Linc? Is he okay?” She held on to him like a long lost father. Zack stood with his hands together behind him. The air conditioning hit him like an arctic wind. He was wet to the bone and a chill raised bumps on his skin.  â€Ĺ›Momo! The police are still talking to Linc. He is maybe suspect. You? No. I don’t think so or they still have you. The company arrange for lawyer for Linc so don’t you worry. How are you, my dear girl? They said you in a room. They say last night I could not talk to you. They find out you talk to anybody, they take you to question at the police. It’s okay. It’s okay, don’t cry.” He held his arms around her and cooed soothingly. Her head was buried in his neck, her whole body shook with her sobs.â€Ĺ›Mo! Babeee! What did the fascists do to you? Oh! In the hands of those monsters!” Claude took her arm and tried to pull her to him. She clung to Roddy and snatched her arm away. â€Ĺ›I told them what I think about them!” Claude announced with a cock of the walk look at Zack. Zack felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand straight up. He clenched his fists; let the guy pull at her one more time.â€Ĺ›Oh, Roddy, how could this happen to poor Ling?” Mo leaned on Roddy as he guided her to a lobby sofa. â€Ĺ›Did you see Linc? Oh, God, he must be out of his mind!” â€Ĺ›His cousin is coming from Cleeevelahnd.” Claude informed her. He sat on the other side of her and took her hand. He looked up at Zack with curiosity. â€Ĺ›And who are you?”Zack pulled out his badge. â€Ĺ›Detective Burnham, Chicago Police Department.”â€Ĺ›Oh.” Claude pushed closer to Mo. â€Ĺ›Detective Burnham, from the mayor! Yes, I remember you.” Roddy unselfconsciously squeezed his arms around Mo. â€Ĺ›You are here to find who kill poor Ling?”â€Ĺ›No, I’m sorry for your loss but that’s for the local police. We’ll help however we can. I’m here to protect Ms. Whitman. Mayor Tyler’s orders.” Zack watched Claude kissing Mo’s hand and couldn’t help but be annoyed at how obviously Claude was trying to take advantage of the situation. â€Ĺ›Hey, Pal.” He wanted to say. She seemed to not notice as Claude closed in possessively.â€Ĺ›Thank you, Detective Burnham, thank you so much to take care of our precious girl. She is not only my star, but like a daughter to me. Thank you! Mayor Tyler is so kind. He must think so much of Monica. She is a wonderful lady. My sad little star, don’t cry.” He cuddled her close making soothing sounds. â€Ĺ›Detective Burnham was kind enough to stay last night.” That got a look from Claude. One eyebrow raised. A bit of a pucker gave him a sour look. Mo rested her head on Roddy’s shoulder. â€Ĺ›They gave me the presidential suite, if you can believe that. How is everybody? How’s everybody holding up? What about the show?” She sat straight up. â€Ĺ›What’s going to happen to the show, Roddy?â€Ĺ›It too crazy right now to say. We are postpone for now. Investigators all over coliseum. We don’t know when funeral, when they release her. Her body.” It was clear the manager had gotten no sleep. He sighed and hugged Mo. â€Ĺ›Her mama in California. She is not well, cannot travel. Her poppa, you know, Momo. Her poppa passed away. She ask me to make arrangements, gave me power of, of attorney?” He looked at Zack. â€Ĺ›That’s right. You’ll have to make arrangements for transporting her. Your attorney will explain everything when he or she gets here. Look, Ms. Whitman is freezing, her feet are soaked. I’m going to go see when she’ll be able to get her things. Why don’t you take her up to her room? I’m going to check in with Mayor Tyler. He’s very interested in supporting your company through this difficult time.  You let me know if there’s any way we can help. Stay with her, Roddy, I’m sorry, Mr.?”â€Ĺ›D’Mario, but you call me Roddy. Everybody call me Roddy.” He pecked at Mo’s head and helped her to her feet. â€Ĺ›I take her. Come, Momo.” Claude looked at Zack with an annoyed grimace and kissing Mo’s hand, sauntered off. â€Ĺ›I’ll be right up, Roddy. You can call me Zack.” He pulled his cell phone out and luckily was able to leave a message on the mayor’s voicemail. The last thing he wanted was to have to talk to the mayor again. He left an update of what he knew so far and waited by the elevator. He heard rifts of conversation. While people were talking about the murder, everything else seemed to have returned to normal as if a twenty two year old girl had not had her head bashed in just a few floors up. Zack took the elevator up to the fourteenth floor. At the door of Mo’s room stood a security guard. Nice of Greendale police to make sure professionals were on the job, thought Zack with a shake of his head. â€Ĺ›Hey, anyone inside?”â€Ĺ›Who the hell are you?” The guard stood lazily against the wall. He was short but hefty. Zack guessed a former wrestler from the way his biceps bulged from his short, blue uniform sleeves. â€Ĺ›Zack Burnham, Chicago Police.” He flipped his badge. â€Ĺ›Mayor Tyler has assigned me to keep an eye on the woman who occupied this room. She needs some of her things. â€Ĺ›I don’t work for Mayor Tyler.” He crossed his arms and stood more erect drawing himself up to his full height. Five eight, 230. Not that Zack was looking for a scuffle. â€Ĺ›I was told no one goes in or out. Lady’s gonna have to go shopping.”â€Ĺ›She just needs a few things, some clothes and her toiletries. You can watch what I take. What’s she supposed to do go naked because someone was rude enough to kill her friend in her room?” Zack eyed the security guard. Little pit bull was standing his ground, chin up, small hazel eyes glaring authority. â€Ĺ›Alright, let me give a call. Al Simpson will want to know whose doing their jobs and who’s getting in the way. Tell ya what, you can ask Al yourself.” He pulled out his phone and started to dial.â€Ĺ›I got my orders from Greendale police. No one said anything about Chicago police going in for undies.” He looked less certain as Zack raised the phone to his ear. â€Ĺ›I guess if I watch, make sure you don’t take anything importantâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Pal, believe me, they took everything important.” The guard keyed the door and followed Zack into the room. The plush white sofa looked as if someone had tossed a can of paint toward it. One arm had been saturated with blood that had dried to a dark reddish brown. The cushions on that end had a lot of blood too. Her had head been on the arm as Monica had said. Zack could tell the blood spatter had been blocked by something. There was dried blood on the carpet as well. It had spattered onto the wall, but not as much as it might have. Monica Whitman had said the girl had pulled a throw up over her face. The throw had been taken into evidence. The sofa no doubt gone over with a fine tooth comb. Other than the mess it looked like any other upscale hotel suite. The coffee maker was in place. The cups had been taken. Finger print dust was on every surface. All the drawers had been gone through as well as the closet. The toiletries had been dusted as well as the sink, toilet handle and bath faucets. He looked at her makeup and lotions, her private woman things he thought. He didn’t know from Clinique but he knew high end when he saw it. He could see the shine where the tub had been sprayed with iridescent solution to detect trace amounts of blood. A cosmetic case had been left on the unmade bed. It hadn’t been considered evidence apparently. He took it into the bathroom and started collecting things. He threw her toothbrush and paste along with all the different bottles and jars into the cosmetic case. â€Ĺ›I guess she bought it on the couch there.” The pit bull is a bright one isn’t he? Zack thought reaching into the shower for shampoo. He looked in the cabinet. Okay, she’s on her own there, he said to himself looking at her feminine products. On the nightstand was a copy of Eric Larson’s â€ĹšDevil in the White City’. Guess she thought she’d read up on the locale, he thought with a chuckle. â€Ĺ›So you think it’s the black guy? That’s what they think right? Wanted himself a little slant.” Zack looked at the pudgy face. He’d like to make trouble for this guy. Just not right now. He picked up the dusty book and put it in the case. â€Ĺ›You should hurry it up. I’m supposed to be outside the door.” â€Ĺ›You’re doing a great job watching the place. I’ll put in a word.” He rifled through her clothes and threw some things on the bed. â€Ĺ›She should have a suitcase or two.”â€Ĺ›Yeah, guess they got those in evidence.” The guard tossed a pillow to the end of the bed. â€Ĺ›Pillowcases are useful.” He looked at the jewelry on the dresser. He fingered a gold bracelet. Zack brushed next to him.â€Ĺ›Excuse me, what did you say your name was?” He swept the jewelry into the case. She’d have to untangle it. â€Ĺ›Disdale, Stan. They didn’t make a plate for me yet.”New on the job and already screwed it, Zack thought. â€Ĺ›Stan, Al will be glad to hear how professional you’ve been. Mayor Tyler too.” He picked up the filled pillow case. â€Ĺ›You see I didn’t take anything that was marked or bagged. You kept an eye on me the whole time. Good job. Thanks a lot.”â€Ĺ›Hey, you think you could swing some tickets my way? She’s the star, right? You know my kids would likeâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›No problem, Stan. I’ll see you get what you deserve. Thanks again.” Zack headed for the elevator while Disdale watched. He gave Zack kind of a friendly wave and crossed his arms standing erectly. Zack nodded and entered the elevator with a sigh. Thank god for fools, he thought.Fourâ€Ĺ›Thank you so much! My toothbrush! It’s amazing what we take for granted until we have to do without it. I really appreciate all your help, Detective Burnham.” Mo dug into the pillowcase and clutched a flannel tank top. â€Ĺ›Roddy, I feel civilized again! Some, anyway.” She went through her toiletries. â€Ĺ›Thank God, at least I can clean myself up and put on clean clothes. Jesus. Ling has just been murdered and I’m carrying on about my toothbrush.”â€Ĺ›Momo, we are only human. The fragility of life make us to know it is little things, little pleasures; make us appreciate our good fortune. Ling would not, how to say, begrudge you the comfort of having your own things.” Roddy helped himself to a liqueur with a shrug. â€Ĺ›How many days do I have off?”â€Ĺ›Maybe, two in a year.” Mo offered Zack a drink. He shook his head. â€Ĺ›On duty, tame as it may seem. Roddy, how’s your wife feeling?” Zack leaned against the doorway to the bedroom. Roddy took a long drink. â€Ĺ›Luciana still have the migraine. How she suffer. But, she never complain. She is how to say, stoic. Si, a saint!” Mo’s lips drew tight. Zack wondered if that indicated she had a difference of opinion. â€Ĺ›She don’t like me to be around when she has the headache. She say â€ĹšRoddy, you so noisy, I must rest. Go. Go!’ She say this every time. I take her something in a while. She no like to eat, but the medicine hurt her stomach. She must eat! Detective? Zack?” Roddy took advantage of Mo’s going into the bathroom. â€Ĺ›The mayor send you to keep the eye out. On Momo. They think killer still around? Want to hurt Momo? How long you stay to protect her?”â€Ĺ›I’m sure Detective Burnham will have to resume his usual duties soon.” Mo came out of the bathroom and began tidying up the garments from the pillowcase. She hung a couple things in the closet and made use of the drawers. â€Ĺ›The mayor has instructed me to get a room and stay put for the time being. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me for a few days, Ms. Whitman. I’ll do my best to stay out of your way, if you don’t do anything foolish like wander off alone.”â€Ĺ›I, we, will need to resume rehearsals as soon as possible. I hope you don’t find yourself too bored with your present detail. Since you’re going to be around awhile, you may as well call me Mo. And call this lunkhead, lunkhead.” She jerked a thumb at Roddy. â€Ĺ›Okay, Mo, its Zack. I’m going to go make arrangements for a room. I’ll be back shortly, if Roddy can stay a while longer.”â€Ĺ›You can count me in, Zack! I protect my precious star with my life!” Roddy finished his drink with gusto. â€Ĺ›Lunkhead? What mean lunkhead?” Zack heard Roddy ask as the elevator door closed.  Mo looked out the window at the hotel parking lot. There were still media trucks waiting for an interview or to be the first to get a scoop on any breaking news. They’d had been parked near the police station as well but she had the advantage of the rain and Zack to avoid them. She was still steamed about Al Simpson. â€Ĺ›Roddy, who would kill Ling? Who would want to? Or me? Were they after me?” She had a habit of twisting her braid when nervous or thoughtful. Now she was both. She reached behind her head and twisted it at the base. â€Ĺ›Poor Ling, Roddy. So young and full of life. Poor Linc. He was so in love with her, but she wasn’t ready for that. Though she loved him dearly as a friend” â€Ĺ›Life is uncertain thing. People uncertain as well.” Roddy’s heart grieved for Ling but his immediate concern was Mo and the show. He had gotten her into the show. Despite a great deal of resistance on her part. He had known right away she was special, truly an artist, when he had first seen her in the low rent circus she was performing in at sixteen. She was on her own and taking care of her grandmother who was an amazing woman. Mo had inherited her talent and confidence. Her grandmother coached her rigorously from a wheelchair. She was all Mo had, a little Mohawk Indian woman in a wheelchair who barked instructions and criticisms one moment and coddled and praised the next. Mo had been utterly devoted to her.Her grandmother had been part of the deal. Mo had started out at the bottom of the ladder at a small salary. Gram continued to coach Mo from the wheelchair and was a vexation to the other trapeze artists who learned a great deal from the stubborn, determined woman. Mo rose quickly and worked as an understudy for Luciana, star of the trapeze act. Roddy had known immediately Mo was going to be the star of a new kind of circus. Luciana was at the end of her career. The company was pushing Roddy to replace her. Hard as it was he had given the pink slip to the woman he loved. In return, the company financed Roddy’s idea for the stunning spectacle that was to become La Cirque du Celestial. The road was hard on Gram, and Mo had almost quit a few times for her sake. Her grandmother wanted to see Mo secure in a position that would make sure she was set for life. She had shared the company vision for a new sort of act. Something that had not been seen before. Mo became the premier act and the success of the company as a world class entertainment had made Mo’s future secure. Gram died knowing that while she would only be the star for so long, she would be able to coach others with ambition and talent. The sharp old woman had socked money into an insurance policy for Mo. Just in case. Now Mo had Roddy, who was like a father as well as coach and manager of the show. Her grandmother had trusted Roddy implicitly and was relieved to die knowing he would be there for her.She would get through this, he thought. They all would because they had each other. â€Ĺ›Mo, I know it hard for you to be still, not to work. It hard for me too. I wish you get a little sleep. You said you do not sleep good last night. I stay here till Zack return. You go to sleep. Rest.” Though he was a partner, he was glad he did not deal with the business end of the company or at least not in a public way. No press conferences, lawyers, suits about cancellations. His focus was on the performers and managing the tour. â€Ĺ›The police want coliseum at least through tomorrow and maybe more. We do best we can.”â€Ĺ›I don’t understand why they need to keep everyone out of the coliseum. The murder didn’t happen there. I would feel better if we could get back to work. Ling would have wanted it.” She plopped down in her flannel tank and shorts. She had been watching the storm thinking how appropriate the weather was. She couldn’t have stood a pleasant, sunny day. â€Ĺ›Why don’t you go check on Luciana. You don’t have to babysit me. No one can come up here without a key to the elevator. What’s that door to?”â€Ĺ›It’s presidential suite. It must be another bedroom. Prego! Zack stay right there! Really keep eye on you.” Roddy got up and tried the door. â€Ĺ›It’s locked, give me key.” â€Ĺ›I don’t have a key. Why would they lock it? Maybe they keep it locked unless a second bedroom is requested. I guess I should get a key. But Detective Burnham doesn’t need to stay there. I don’t need a babysitter and I’m sure he considers being stuck on me an even worse punishment than being stuck on the mayor. I wonder what that’s all about anyway.”â€Ĺ›Something Senor Whitney say about his partner was killed. The police investigate.” Roddy paced a moment. â€Ĺ›I feel better if Zack stay right here. I go get him before he get room.”â€Ĺ›His partner was killed and you think I’m better off if he stays in the next bedroom?” Mo put a hand on Roddy’s arm. â€Ĺ›I’ll be okay. The city will pay for his room. I didn’t ask for special protection. I don’t know what Mayor Tyler was thinking. Not that I’m ungrateful.” â€Ĺ›For me, or I stay here myself.” Hands on hips, Roddy gave her his most stubborn look. She knew that look. She knew that determined tone. â€Ĺ›You need to stay with your wife. She already thinks I’m trying to steal you away! Okay, go catch Detective Burnham.” She gave him the elevator key.â€Ĺ›Roddy worries too much, I’m sure I’m safe here. I can’t imagine this is the kind of thing you want to be doing.” Mo paced nervously in her bath robe. The truth was that in the time she was alone she couldn’t get the fear out of her mind. She had expected Roddy to return with Zack. He had gotten a call from his wife and went to check on her. After talking to Vince Smith and giving the mayor’s office another update, Zack had gone back to the presidential suite with key in hand for the locked bedroom.â€Ĺ›Tyler wants me to keep an eye on you, and this is the best way. Just an oversight with the key. Nothing mysterious. I can hang in here and you can go about your business knowing I’m within earshot. So why don’t you go get the chill off? Hot bath will do you good.” He inspected the other bedroom. â€Ĺ›Hey, I even have my own bathroom! Take all the time you need.” He chuckled. â€Ĺ›Sorry. I know you’re not in a joking mood exactly.”â€Ĺ›It’s alright, Detectâ€ĹšZack. I don’t know right now if this is all a nightmare or one big joke. I’m not laughing so I hope I wake up.” She hugged herself in the thick bathrobe. â€Ĺ›Mind if I turn the air conditioning down? I think I will take that bath.”Zack thought she looked tiny in the big, fluffy robe. Odd how people could look so different according to place and situation. Her apparent vulnerability was incongruous with the strong, fiery goddess she had portrayed such a short time ago. Her makeup free face was almost childlike, with its dash of freckles and pale cream complexion. If she had not been a stranger he would have just followed his impulse and put his arms around her. Just to comfort her, of course. â€Ĺ›Here, I’ve turned it down. If you get too warm, just give a shout.” He watched her pad off to the bathroom. Zack lay on his bed with the copy of the Chicago Sun Times he’d picked up in the lobby. A copy had been delivered to the room early in the morning but he felt it was presumptuous to look at her unread paper. â€ĹšFeds Take Deeper Look into Mayor’s Building Union Connections’.  The headline made Zack sigh. Tyler always seemed to be the focus of one corruption investigation or another. Some he figured were unjustified. Others? Well he knew how things went. Endemic corruption had always been a feature of Chicago politics. Who the hell knew how to vote when there was no lesser of two evils? He looked at his cracked door, listened, then continued reading. His mind wandered to Ray. How had Ray managed to get shot by a two bit punk with his own gun? He knew some were looking at him as somehow being responsible. Wasn’t he quick enough? Why’d they separate? He’d been asked these and other questions a thousand times. Was Ray dirty? Now, that was the one that got his goat. It was out of his hands now. They’d decide what they’d decide and surely they’d conclude Ray and he weren’t dirty. In the meantime this wasn’t bad. At least he didn’t have to be around Tyler every day. Still, it was odd how they’d bumped him to that tour. A choice tour. Guess they ran out of desks to put cops under investigation behind. Just look at the paper. Small wonder.He glanced at the door again and against his will thought about Ms. Whitman, Mo, in the bath. He felt an involuntary throb of desire and tried to tamp down the sensation, but he couldn’t help thinking of going into the bathroom and what? Offer to wash her back? He chuckled. Yeah. Fat chance, Zack. Good one. Still, he thought of her, and applied a thick layer of bubbles to the tub in his thoughts, like cops back in the day might drape a jacket over a nude victim. It was the decent thing to do. Of course, they don’t do that these days. Might disturb evidence.She was so beautiful in her odd way. Part oriental maybe? The hair, the eyes. God, those eyes, intelligent and vulnerable. But they’d lost the humor he’d seen in them the first night. Her skin. Now pale instead of creamy. That little pink mouth, full lipped, so ripe looking like a freshly blossomed flower, or juicy fresh fruit. Now it had a strained tightness to it. He caught himself as his mind began to wander further. He felt so badly for her. He knew what it was for a friend to die tragically. Got to stay professional. He sighed again and as he let out his breathe heard a shriek from the bathroom. Gun in hand he was through the bathroom door. He aimed it in one direction and then the other. Mo sat on the edge of the luxurious tub with the bathrobe bunched against her, her feet in the water. She seemed to be bracing herself with one hand on the edge of the tub. â€Ĺ›Are you alright?” he asked as he cleared toilet stall. She breathed out, a shuddering breath, â€Ĺ›Iâ€ĹšI stood up, I got dizzy, I just caught myself.” He went to holster his gun then realized the holster was on the night table in his room. He laid the gun on the sink. He approached her. She had not moved except to put her hand on the gilt faucet as if to support herself to rise. Frozen in this position, her head swirled. She was nauseous and feeling the beginning of a headache. â€Ĺ›I fell asleep. I dreamed I was in a wooden box clawing to get out. The harder I tried to get out the worse it was. The panic! Then it turned into Ling in the box and I was so relieved. Relieved it was her instead of me. I was happy! I was happy it was Ling and not me. What kind of a person am I?” She pressed the bathrobe to her face and sobbed.He gently pulled the robe from her, taking care not to look at her. He wrapped it around her shoulders. ”The kind of person who’s suffered a horrible  loss. Who feels guilty that it might have been a mistake. Of course you’re not happy it was Ling. I think you should see a doctor. This is a traumatic thing for anyone to deal with.” He urged her out of the bathroom with his hands supporting her. â€Ĺ›Do you have a doctor that travels with the company?”â€Ĺ›No.” She let herself be bundled into the bedroom. He got the robe on her with great discretion. He pulled the covers down on the bed and fluffed the pillows. â€Ĺ›I hate to ask you, but, could you find out if they’re through with Linc. If I could just see Linc. I’d feel so much better.” He helped her into the bed and went to grab a towel with which he sponged water out of her braid. â€Ĺ›I’ll find out what I can. Ms. Whitmanâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Mo.” She let herself be gently covered.â€Ĺ›Mo. I’ll see what I can find out. This investigation is very new. Everyone is suspect until they’ve been cleared. You have to understand this takes time.”â€Ĺ›I’m sorry, I know this isn’t your usual job, you must think I’m hysterical.”â€Ĺ›Who wouldn’t be?” He set the towel aside and looked at her. She looked so tiny in the enormous bed. â€Ĺ›Try to sleep. You need rest.” But her eyes were closed. He stepped quietly from the bedroom craving to bundle her close. Mo stuck out her tongue while the doctor guided a tongue depressor into her mouth. She looked at Zack. It’s not like she had complained of being sick. She felt so much better now after the nap. Linc was still with the cops, but the latest news was that while still a â€Ĺ›person of interest” he hadn’t been charged with anything. He was holding up well. His cousin had come in from Cleveland and was at the police station. The police still preferred the members of the company not talk to each other until everyone’s whereabouts at the time of Ling’s murder was verified. She had talked to the people who had been cleared and to Roddy who had called from his wife’s bedside to alert her that Mr. Whitney’s personal physician would be calling on her. Zack must have called Roddy.The doctor gave her several samples of Zanax and told her to get as much rest as possible. He handed her the card for a local therapist. â€Ĺ›Will you bill me? What about my insurance?” Mo asked as he snapped a little used doctor’s bag shut. How did I rate a house call? She wondered.â€Ĺ›Mr. Whitney will take care of everything. You just take care of yourself. Anymore problems, just give my office a call.”â€Ĺ›Is everyone else getting this treatment?” she asked as the elevator doors shut. She threw the samples on the coffee table. No way was she taking those.â€Ĺ›No one else is quite in your situation,” Zack answered handing her a cup of tea he had made with the little coffee pot.â€Ĺ›You mean no one else is losing their grip?” Mo asked curtly, not looking at Zack, but at the tea. â€Ĺ›No one else had their friend’s body found in their room.” Zack was not offended. He was long used to the varied reactions of people who had suffered a tragic loss.â€Ĺ›Yeah, well, I’m sure like any other businessman he has to think about potential lawsuits.” Mo felt immediately ashamed of her tone. She was just snipping at the nearest person and she knew it. She looked at him. â€Ĺ›I sound like a bitch, don’t I?”â€Ĺ›You sound like you’ve been through something horrible.” Zack sat down on a chair across from the sofa she was curled on. He sipped his tea.â€Ĺ›You’re an odd man, Detective Burnham. I can’t help but wonder how you got here.” She tried to force a smile. â€Ĺ›My partner was shot. Killed. Instead of paid leave I opted for the offer from the mayor’s office while IA, internal affairs, investigates. Why they offered it to me I don’t know. Then, oddly enough, perhaps due to my oddity, I wound up here.”â€Ĺ›I didn’t mean to say you’re strange or something. It’s just weird that I have this strange cop, a cop who’s a stranger, staying in my room. I should have said it’s odd you’re here. I’m sorry about your partner.” Mo realized they had each suffered a loss. She had just been thinking about her own grief. â€Ĺ›Were you good friends with your partner?”â€Ĺ›We were best friends. Though Ray was a couple years older. Altar boys together, St. Gabe’s, Gabriel’s, down on the south side. Best man at each other’s weddings. Went through the ranks together. He made detective a couple years before me, he was so smart. Good cop. Great man. He stayed in the neighborhood, still lived there I mean. Involved with the community. When I got married my wife was from Glencoe. North of the city. Well, it’s not exactly what we call â€Ĺšbacka the Yards’. That’s the south side. She wanted to live uptown. So.” Zack shrugged his shoulders. â€Ĺ›But Ray stayed in the neighborhood.”â€Ĺ›And you’re?” Well, no ring. Mo glanced at his large left hand holding the teacup.â€Ĺ›Divorced.”â€Ĺ›Oh. Sorry.” Mo squirmed a little uncomfortably, avoiding his eyes by sipping her tea. â€Ĺ›It was for the best. Hey, the rain’s cleared up.” He nodded toward the huge windows. She had slept the afternoon away and now it was past seven. A shimmer of sun lined the dark clouds receding into the western sky. She wasn’t a big believer in heaven, but just now she couldn’t help but imagine Ling with wings flying above the clouds. She smiled at the thought. She looked at Zack and saw him concentrating on her. His green gaze was penetrating and compassionate, as if he knew what she was thinking. She lowered her eyes at the same time he looked away. â€Ĺ›I’ll get dressed now, I’ve been in this bathrobe almost all afternoon and evening,” she said with a nervous laugh. She made for the bedroom then stopped and turned. â€Ĺ›What about you, you don’t have any clothes here, do you?â€Ĺ›I’ll be alright. I thought I’d go get something tomorrow. Vince Smith will have someone stay with you.”â€Ĺ›But you’ve been here since yesterday. I’m sure I’d be alright if you wanted to go tonight.” She knew she really wouldn’t be but she felt guilty, about to put on the clean clothes he had retrieved for her. â€Ĺ›I’m sure you would like to get out of here for a while. I wish I could myself. I’d love to get out of this room for a bit. Get some fresh air. Maybe take a walk. But with the press and allâ€Ĺšâ€ťZack started to protest then looked out the window. Mo’s heart sank a little realizing he might take her up on the offer. â€Ĺ›I’ve got a better idea,” he said.They zoomed toward the city in his Mitsubishi. He’d had Janet Ben-Ghury, one of Vince Smith’s team, pull his car around to a service entrance, managing to slip out unseen by the press. They rode with the windows down, the smell of rain still in the air. The air was clean and cool after the storms had moved out. It was well after rush hour but there was still heavy traffic. The last light was fading, the last scattering of dark clouds pushed west but some fog lingered in wisps high in the sky blown in swirls by the breeze. It felt wonderful to be out of the hotel. When they hit Lake Shore Drive, Mo was riveted by the view of the sparkling curved line of Chicago. It stretched as far as she could see. The tops of the tallest buildings were partially hidden in the moving clouds. City lights were blinking on high up over the lowest clouds. They’d be revealed one moment then shrouded the next. The vast expanse of lake was already dark but the well lit shore had sprung to life with walkers, bikers, and bladers, many with their dogs, not about to let some wet pavement stop their routines.â€Ĺ›There’s a lot of people out,” she peered past him to the busy lakefront. â€Ĺ›We have an appreciation for nice weather. Now fall’s coming. Not that we let cold weather get in the way of much. Usually, you see a lot of sailboats out there. Some ships. I run on the lake a lot.” Zack felt a little nervous trying to make conversation. â€Ĺ›Have you ever been here before?”I was here a couple years ago. With the show. I never got into the city. We didn’t have aâ€Ĺšwell, respite.” Zack didn’t know what to say and she said nothing more but held her hand a little out the window to feel the air rushing against it like a child might. She looked at the city leaning her head against the edge of the window. They passed a marina full of sailboats rocking in the wind. Zack looked sidelong at her profile and saw little wisps of hair come loose from her thick, black braid. â€Ĺ›I always thought of Chicago as grimy, grim, both I guess. It’s really quite beautiful.” â€Ĺ›It’s got its grimy, grim parts. Believe me. But it is beautiful.” Zack slowed at the big curve where the Drake Hotel loomed over the drive. â€Ĺ›You’re biased, of course, Detective.” Mo lurched forward and pointed at Navy Pier. The huge Ferris wheel spun as the lights running on the frame of it blinked against the dark sky. She wouldn’t mind a stroll in the fresh feeling after storm air. She sighed. â€Ĺ›How do you get there? I mean if you wanted to walk?” Mo was suddenly treated to a bit of police driving as Zack suddenly cut into the next lane and made a squealing right turn. A horn blew as Zack weaved and turned feeling a little foolish, knowing he was showing off. There they were at Navy Pier as darkness veiled the city. The city twinkled now. They strolled along the pier which had light foot traffic. She looked out over the lake and at the boats loading tourists. â€Ĺ›We can walk inside if you want to get out of the wind. There’s souvenir shops and stuff.” Zack held a hand out toward the building. â€Ĺ›There’s a cool glass window exhibit. You know, antique ones.”â€Ĺ›No, I’d rather be outside if that’s okay. It is windy, just like they say!” She smoothed her hair which blew right out of place again. â€Ĺ›Montreal can be windy too but the wind around here never stops.” â€Ĺ›Yeah, but Montreal gets even colder than here.” Zack had an impulse to put an arm around her. It wasn’t a date. He let it go. â€Ĺ›You know Chicago’s just as well known for the wind of its politicians. That sure never stops. I could start a hot air balloon business on the roof of city hall.” She gave him a slight smile at that.â€Ĺ›Why is this called â€ĹšNavy Pier’? Was it a Navy base?” Mo turned and looked at the glittering skyline. â€Ĺ›It was built for shipping and warehousing. Big port for shipping on the Great Lakes. It was used for Navy training in World War II but it was called Navy Pier before that to honor World War 1 veterans. Now it’s a big tourist trap. But it’s nice to walk here sometimes. I think it’s the city’s biggest attraction. Or one of them, anyway. Sometimes I come and watch a movie at the IMAX if there’s something that looks good. When I’ve got some free time.” Zack met her eyes as her gaze turned toward him. He looked away with the sensation that she realized his attraction. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.â€Ĺ›I guess your times not always your own in your job.” She looked hard at him. He was shy. Despite his brisk air of confidence, he was shy. At least he seemed so as he avoided her direct gaze and pointed to the Ferris wheel. â€Ĺ›It’s a hundred and fifty feet high, and let me tell you the wind up there is something. But the viewâ€Ĺšcome on!” He grabbed her arm and headed toward the Ferris wheel. There were only a few couples and a family waiting as they approached the ticket booth. Zack pulled out his wallet and gave the kid a ten. The wheel never stopped but moved so slowly they could step into one of the cars with ease. They began their ascent. Zack and Mo sat across from each other. He watched her as she looked all around as they rose slowly into the air. â€Ĺ›One of these ever fallen off?” She cried out.â€Ĺ›Not that I ever heard of. Not afraid of heights are you?” She smiled a little smile and put her arms around herself. Zack realized she just wore a short sleeved shirt while he wore his suit jacket. The breeze was cooler the higher they went. It whistled through the car. He pulled off his jacket which she resisted very little as he draped it on her shoulders. He settled beside her as he did so. They looked at the view of downtown, the skyline sparkling in the darkness. Mo stared and hugged the jacket around more tightly. â€Ĺ›It’s beautiful, very beautiful.” Mo said quietly. They sat in silence as the car rose. He leaned looking out at the city. He was inches from her ear which he focused on, then stared at with her entirely unaware. You’re beautiful, he thought. Very beautiful. If he could have spent the evening tracing the curves and turns of that ear with his fingertip he felt that all the tension of the past few weeks might have been lifted. To just gently trace the form of it, his fingers barely touching. Could he touch it so lightly she, perhaps, wouldn’t know? He shook his head at his own silliness and that caught her attention. She looked at him now, aware he had been looking at her. She smiled another quick, small smile and turned to look at the view feeling guilty at the sensation spreading through her. A heat that vibrated along her skin. She had goose bumps from the chilly air but a flush of that heat rose up her neck and to her face. Her voice wavered a little. â€Ĺ›Up here one would be hard pressed to think of that grimy side. But I guess there’s always that, and we delude ourselves the best we can. Until it hits home. I guess you see it every day. Is it hard to see the beauty here, seeing what you see every day?”Zack slumped internally, just thinking about his job made him weary these days. He’d told himself many times it was just the pressure of the last few months. â€Ĺ›Sometimes.” He tried to recover himself. â€Ĺ›I do a necessary job. I try not to let it permeate everything else. I work a lot of hours but it’s not all I do.” They watched the city lights for a silent moment. Mo turned to look at the lake. It was black except for the lights of a few optimistic boaters and the tour boats chugging a ways from the lakefront. The lights on the Ferris wheel cast shadows as they blinked on and off. She turned her attention again to the city lights as they reached the highest point. Zack found he didn’t know what to say and Mo seemed content to watch in silence. He leaned back into the shadows and studied her profile. He heard her sniffle and watched her raise a hand to her eyes.  He pressed a hand on her arm. Mo turned and looked at him. When the lights blinked on he could see her eyes were swollen with tears. She turned her face away and gently drew her arm away as well. Zack let his hand drop. He felt a tightening in his stomach. He wanted to put his arms around her so badly. It wasn’t lust he felt he told himself. He was drawn to her. Wanted to comfort her. Weren’t we all like children when we grieved? Didn’t we all need to be held? Was he kidding himself?He jumped off and held her arm as if she wasn’t one of the world’s greatest trapeze artists. She landed so they were toe to toe. â€Ĺ›So, what else do you do Mr., Detectiveâ€Ĺš?”â€Ĺ›Zack, remember, Ms. Whitman?”â€Ĺ›Mo, Remember, Zack?” She turned and walked on. She let out her breath. She felt like she had been holding it for minutes. â€Ĺ›So, Zack. What else do you do besides catch bad guys?”â€Ĺ›Get up, get dressed, eat.” He felt his heart slow up and realized how fast it had been beating. So much for his powers of observation. â€Ĺ›You look cold; wanna head back to the car? She pulled the jacket closer around her and nodded. â€Ĺ›Now you’re being evasive.” She stopped and turned to him at the bottom of the ramp. People still strolled on the pier. A tour boat was emptying out a small crowd, laughing, talking. She tilted her head, â€Ĺ›You run, and?”â€Ĺ›You know, that, different stuff. I go camping sometimes, when I can. I read a bit. Take in a game sometimes.”â€Ĺ›Date? You’re a single man. You must date.” She tried to brush a blowing wisp of hair but her hands were full of jacket so he brushed it behind her ear for her as if it were spun glass which might break at the least pressure. She hitched her shoulder at the tickle of it.â€Ĺ›Not so much.” They walked back toward the parking lot, strolling leisurely. â€Ĺ›I’ve been divorced about five months. Between moving, all that, work, then Ray. I haven’t had a lot of time. Tell you the truth, haven’t been that interested. I guess that’s what divorce does for you. And my job. I tend to work long hours. It’s not always the most convenient schedule. Women tend not to like it when you have to break dates. You been married?”â€Ĺ›No.” She didn’t elaborate. â€Ĺ›Serious relationship?” She had started the questions yet he couldn’t help but feel like he was intruding. â€Ĺ›No.”â€Ĺ›Well, what do you do when you’re not flying through the air and catching fire?”â€Ĺ›There are other things to do?” She laughed but it was nothing like the first night he’d met her. It was a hollow laugh. The pleasure of true laughter would be suspended for a while. He held her elbow as he unlocked the car door. An unnecessary but comforting courtesy in her mind.â€Ĺ›This is a quiet neighborhood, not much going on, though a little further south there’s some blues clubs. They’re mostly for tourist these days. Crammed on the weekends. Sometimes I stop in one during the week if there’s someone I like. Quieter then. Fewer drunks. You a blues fan? Willie Dixon, Muddy Waters?” He hit the button, the elevator started rising to the twelfth floor. â€Ĺ›I’ve heard of it.” She looked at the elevator ceiling. â€Ĺ›Rue Goldstein plays it on his guitar.”â€Ĺ›There’s some good places up on the north side. Lots of tourists there too. I keep talking about something I think you don’t have any interest in. Just making conversation.” â€Ĺ›I’m sorry, it’s just... I like music. I’m not very familiar with blues. The blues. I’m a classical fan. But I listen to pop sometimes. A little rock. Can’t be helped with the people I work with.Zack fit the key into his door. â€Ĺ›This is it. My bachelor pad.” He held the door and let her pass. â€Ĺ›I’ll just be a minute,” he said flipping a light switch. Mo waited looking around the living room of his condo. The building was an interesting renovation of an old factory building, but his condo lacked most of the features like large beams and brick walls she had noticed in the hall. It was sparely furnished, bland and largely unlived in looking. The Georgia O’Keefe caught her attention. Nodding her approval of it she walked to the sliding glass door. She noticed it was unlocked so she slid it open and stepped out. The pungent smell of marijuana wafted over. She heard people shout as if at a ballgame from above. A baby cried in the distance. â€Ĺ›Look, there’s a woman on the cop’s terrace.” She heard the low voice coming from her right and realized at the sight of the glow of a hard puff, that was where the reefer smell came from. A couple terraces over. â€Ĺ›Halleluiah for him, it’s about time.” She heard a woman’s voice say. â€Ĺ›So which one are you?” Zach stepped out onto the tiny terrace behind her. â€Ĺ›Piano or violin? You’ve got good hands, long fingers. I thought you might play.â€Ĺ›I played one and then the other. I play piano occasionally, but mostly, being on the road so much, I’ve given it up.” She turned to step inside but he took up too much space. They looked at each other for a moment. Zach shook his head as if just coming to and stepped inside so she could do the same. â€Ĺ›You left your door unlocked, you know. I would think a cop would know better.” He had been so frustrated not being able to see her. He had recovered from his brief fit of jealousy and now realized his beloved had not been involved with the tall black man. He was sorry for his mistake and could only hope they pinned the murder on Linc Harris. Who no doubt deserved it. The cops seemed to buy his story. The big guy had kind of frightened him but he stuck to his story and must have seemed convincing. The security camera never saw him leave his room because someone wasn’t paying attention to their job. Lucky him. Poor maintenance just wasn’t acceptable. What if someone broke into his room? The big cop, Simpson, was focused on Linc the dreadlocked Rastaman anyway. He certainly couldn’t afford to go to jail when he just realized his true love was innocent. He took a stairwell down to the basement. This time of night there wasn’t anyone around. He’d guessed as much. He looked around and pressed the button to call the elevator that went to the presidential suite. Too bad he hadn’t had the opportunity to lift the key from the housekeeper who handled that suite. They had questioned him endlessly. Rude assholes. He had not known what was going on with her the whole time. She had been tucked away in the presidential suite with her own personal bodyguard. What was that all about? How could he step in as the hero if she had some cop around all the time? And Roddy. Was she doing him? Roddy was a small man. Why Roddy and not him? He sniffed around her constantly despite being married to the biggest whore around. Just ask anybody. He chuckled to himself. The elevator arrived with a gentle thud and the usual ping. Now to hold it for just a minute. If he stopped it for too long it would set off an alarm. He had to be careful about the prints again. Couldn’t be too careful about that.  He pulled out a rod that he had hidden in his sleeve. To it he had attached a long red silk strip of fabric. The metal rod telescoped. A handy feature that could be used for all kinds of nifty things. He knocked the trap door at the top of the elevator open by extending the rod completely and locking it. He hit the open button just in time. He jammed the rod quickly into the open door and almost in the same move crouched with the silken ribbon of fabric looped around his gloved middle finger. He blasted himself toward the trap door and grabbed the edges of the opening. He was up and in and yanking on the red fabric just as the door was starting to bounce squeezing the rod then jerking back a little. In a few seconds it would have set off the alarm. With a yank the rod was released, the door closed, and the trap door in place before the door opened on the first floor. All he had to do was wait to see her and try to find out what was the deal with the cop. He could wait all night if he had to. He rode up and down as if on a particularly tiresome carnival ride. He carried a small flashlight and looked around when no one was on the elevator. He heard the voices of different people getting on and off the various floors. There was a small gap he could see through. He had to be careful. It was dark on top of the elevator, but damn it was amazing how often people killed time looking up when there was nothing to see. After about forty five minutes he hit the jackpot. It was her. She was talking to the cop. Laughing even. With a cop? Where could they have gone? Maybe back to the police station. He’d been told she’d gone out with her escort. That’s what that idiot behind the desk had said. Her escort. Were they still questioning her? Maybe she’d gone to see Linc. Maybe they’ll fry him he thought with a smirk. What was she wearing? It looked like a man’s jacket. That wasn’t her style. It was huge on her. Had to be his. Nice. Now the cop was moving in on her. Playing the gentleman, giving her his jacket. He watched them stand there. He was talking about some guy named Willie Dixon. Who was he? A suspect? He didn’t care who got hung. He just hoped this cop wasn’t going to try to put the moves on her. It would be the cop’s tough luck if he did. The elevator stopped. The doors opened to the presidential suite. He watched her go in with the cop. He could have pounded his fist with frustration. He turned on the flashlight to look around. This was the top floor. Luckily there was a raised structure over the elevator shaft. Was there a way to watch from there? He saw the ladder of steel bars that went up to a steel door. The roof over the elevator was assembled from riveted steel plates that formed a sort of geodesic dome. The steel door was locked with an electronic lock. An alarm would go off if he touched it. Well, there were other ways onto that roof. There had to be a way to watch.Zack had Mo wait in the elevator while he cleared the rooms. He gave her the all clear and put his gun on the coffee table. He tossed his bag on the bed in his room while she went to the bar and entered the code for vodka. She was windblown and pink faced from the drive back up Lake Shore Drive. She had loved the drive along the city’s edge and despite the cool night had insisted on having her window down. Zack had pointed out some features and knew quite a bit about the various building. The crown on top of one in the design of the architect’s wife’s engagement ring. Why the lights of the same primary color were featured on a number of the buildings. â€Ĺ›It’s not all gangsters and serial killers,” he had pointed out. â€Ĺ›Want a drink or are you still officially on duty?” Mo pulled a seven up out of the dispenser.â€Ĺ›I wouldn’t mind a beer.” He walked over to the bar, she punched the code in. She handed him the beer with a small smile. She was tired now. Ready to relax and go to bed. Roddy had called while they were still at Zack’s condo and informed them that the coliseum had been cleared by the police. She was anxious to see him and everybody. Still no news about Linc. No there was no word on when Ling’s body would be released for a service. That would be a while, Zack had gently explained. Just rest, Roddy urged, take care of her body, take care of her mind.â€Ĺ›It was nice to get out of here,” Mo said as she curled up on the sofa. â€Ĺ›I’m glad I got to see a little more of the city than the hotel and arena. I don’t often get to see too much of the cities where we perform. I should try to make a point of it.”â€Ĺ›I guess most cities have their beautiful parts, as well as the grimy ones. What about Montreal?” He was sitting in the chair opposite her place on the oversize white sofa. He was making conversation while admiring the color brought on by the drive. He gazed at the mussed hair she didn’t seem concerned about in the least. Would it have mattered if they had met under different circumstances? If they were on a date? She still had his jacket about her shoulders. He liked seeing her in it, nearly swallowed by it. She for some reason felt safe draped in his jacket. His presence was a salve on her fear. â€Ĺ›Montreal is so incredibly beautiful you can take a postcard picture from almost anywhere you are. There are three hills in the middle of the city with spectacular views. They say it’s the Paris of North America and it’s true. I’ve been to Paris and there’s plenty of grime to be found, however beautiful. It’s harder to find in Montreal. Maybe because it’s a much smaller population but I guess it’s there. It’s cold as hell. I guess that’s a sorry descriptionâ€Ĺšâ€ť She watched the smile, the little laugh. His teeth were even. His smile seemed a little shy. Yes, he’s shy. Some might say his nose was a little heavy, his jaw line too square. His features were just the handsome side of ordinary. But his deep set eyes were striking. Intelligent with that penetrating gaze as if he could see past any faĂĹĽade someone might erect to conceal their true selves. They looked black in the low light with his reddish brown brow prominent. He had a strong, tough looking face. But his smile tempered the tough, wary visage and she could see him as not just the cop with a gun. A bleak world view had not fixed itself completely on his face. It wasn’t just tough and cynical about human nature. She had seen a gentle side. The compassionate side. She could see him on a hockey field as a kid, kissing his mother, playing with kids, and a flash of his leaning close, his lips near her ear while he pressed his jacket on her for just a little too long as if he needed to make sure it would stick. Mo finished her drink quickly and turned in.Fiveâ€Ĺ›My baby, my princess, my star!” Roddy in his leotards, his comb over bouncing as he gesticulated wildly and threw his arms around Mo. Others gathered around hugging and asking each other questions in a flurry of curiosity, concern, horror expressed. To Mo it seemed like she hadn’t seen them in weeks. Zack stood back and listened unobtrusively, heard the occasional insults about the police. â€Ĺ›Now all of you to listen.” Roddy repeated himself until he had everyone’s attention. â€Ĺ›We are all in the shock about our poor Ling. You know she want you to do your best to overcome this terrible time. Linc has been released by the police and in seclusion at undisâ€Ĺšclosed? location with his cousin. We will do best we can without him until he come back. He send his love to all of you and ask you go on with show. We all know it what Ling would want. The company, and I agree, believe we not resume show for couple more days. We will dedicate show to Ling at the beginning of Thursday night’s performance. We have two days to work hard and make Ling proud. Any question I address now.”â€Ĺ›What about a funeral, is there going to be a funeral?” someone piped up. Roddy put his hands on his hips and looked sadly at the performers. â€Ĺ›The police have Ling’sâ€Ĺšer, herâ€Ĺšpolice have Ling indefinite amount of time. The Company will announce arrangements as they know more. We have send Mrs. Wong flowers and the condolence. The Company will do everything to help Ling poor Mama. As you all know her poor papa passed away last January. Company will make sure Mrs. Wong have all she need then Ling’s insurance will be settled.”â€Ĺ›Do the police know anything? How did they break in?” This was Misha in his mild Ukrainian accent.â€Ĺ›They think he stole the pass key from housekeeper. That is why you all issued new keys. All codes have been changed. They do not have official suspect but they have cleared all members of company.” There were sighs of relief and comments of approval. â€Ĺ›The police still have questions. No one will be allowed to leave state. But we here for two weeks! Where we go, uh?”â€Ĺ›Will we do extra shows to make up for the ones we lost?” Deb, an aerialist.â€Ĺ›Si. Yes. Two on Sunday. Monday night for sure. Company and Greendale in negotiation with next act to push back schedule. Some musical. They will let us know.”â€Ĺ›Where is Claude? Has anyone seen Claude?” This was from Nanette, a new stagehand. This was her first show and she was known to have a crush on Claude. She was nineteen, a tiny, blond thing.â€Ĺ›You know Claude, always late, there he is now.” Roddy waved with annoyance in Claude’s direction. â€Ĺ›Bonjour, bonjour! Hello everybodeee!” Claude’s perfect body was incased in his leotard. He shook the hands of everyone and kissed the women on each cheek. Mo watched with no emotion as Claude made his greetings. What had she been thinking? He turned to her. â€Ĺ›Belle! What you go through!” He took her hand and kissed it, slowly, caressing it. She drew it away. Zack, standing near, tightened his lips in annoyance.â€Ĺ›You’ve missed some announcements Roddy had for us.” She turned to Roddy. If that’s all I’m going to start warming up.” She walked away stopping to exchange hugs and comments with other performers. â€Ĺ›Yes, yes, let’s all get to work. Claude I fill you in in my office. Oh. Detective Burnham, Zack. I like to speak to you, if I may. In a few minutes?” â€Ĺ›Sure, any time.” Zack had kept a distance, not wanting to become the focus of questions. â€Ĺ›Ah, the policeman! Momo have her own body guard! How are you Mr. Policeman? You be certain to keep my girl safe!” Roddy steered the Frenchman away to Zack’s relief. He had lost sight of Mo for a moment and spied her talking to the tall Russian sounding guy. He walked over. â€Ĺ›Sorry to interrupt.”â€Ĺ›No problem, this is Misha, Misha Severinsky. Meesh, this is Detective Burnham. Detective Burnham is going to be keeping an eye on us for a few days.”The men shook hands. As was his habit, Zack sized the young man up. Russian or something near to it. Six foot. One seventy five. He was slender but solid muscle but with the slightest indication of a beginning paunch. Drinker. Early twenties, Blonde, ice blue eyes, slightly pocked face, scar on forehead from corner of eye running sideways to hairline. Gap between front teeth that need some work. Not an unpleasant face, not a handsome one. He seemed a little shy. He’d seem boyish if it weren’t for the glint of hardness in his eyes. He wore a sleeveless leotard that exposed elaborate tattoos on his muscular upper arms. Zack eyed the tattoos. â€Ĺ›Those are interesting tattoos, where are you from?”â€Ĺ›My father from Kiev, my mother from Boyestiev, little village not far from Kiev.” Misha said dropping his head like a shy child. â€Ĺ›You speak English very well, how long have you been here?” Zack asked in a friendly tone. Did he detect the guy was a little uptight talking to him? A maid had alibied him. â€Ĺ›Since I was eight. Fourteen years.” He looked at Mo who smiled warmly at him. He nodded and realized he needed to make an effort at being friendly. â€Ĺ›This one say allegiance to Kiev. My heart is there with my father’s ancestors. This one support Chechnya, I support all those who rebel against Russia.”â€Ĺ›Those are very profound tattoos.” Zack actually found any tattoos silly. Like bumper stickers on humans. Couldn’t people just wear a pin if they had to advertise their personal views everywhere they went? But he thought pins silly too. â€Ĺ›I won’t keep you from work. I need to meet with Roddy and make some calls. But I’ll be in the coliseum and if you don’t see me and need me just remember to hit one on speed dial.” This he addressed to Mo, who had had her cell phone returned. â€Ĺ›Nice to meet you Mr. Severinsky,” he said with a nod. â€Ĺ›Misha, Detectiveâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Zack.” He turned away to find Roddy’s office. He stopped a short distance away and watched Mo in her leotard, climbing to the platform. Misha watched her intently. For some reason this got Zack’s hackles up. Hero worship? Crush? He was young, but he wasn’t a kid. In any case it was natural enough he might be starry eyed over Monica Whitman. He watched her take a swing and swoop into the air.â€Ĺ›Zack, pay no attention to Claude, he is great artist, but how you say? Idiot!” Roddy put his arm around Zack’s shoulder as Zack thought of more anatomical descriptions of Claude. Claude had been insulting, referring to Zack as a fascist puppet in a teasing way. Claude just joking! â€Ĺ›You do me, us, great service. I talk to the Mayor Tyler and he agree with me you stay for duration of show.”â€Ĺ›I don’t know if it’s legal for me to be appointed to be Ms. Whitman’s personal bodyguard on City time. Especially since this isn’t my jurisdiction. I’ve been trying to get an answer to that myself with no luck. I thought I’d take leave.”â€Ĺ›We geniuses we think alike!” Roddy waved Zack into a chair. â€Ĺ›Mayor Tyler inform me his lawyers say one day a courtesy, more another scandal. He suggest a security company. La Cirque du Celestial will look into. But Zack, we want you to be Mo’s security while we are here. We trust you, Mo trust you. You take leave we pay you. On condition you continue to reside with Mo. And be with her all times. I know, almost to be married, right!” Zack shifted in his seat. â€Ĺ›I don’t know if that’s legal either. I have to check. I don’t mind taking some vacation time.”â€Ĺ›Zach, you check, take leave, we pay whatever you say. But Mo trusts you now; we can’t bring in stranger and disrupt her confidence. She is our star. She is worth millions to the company. More important, we love her. I consider it very large personal favor you stay with us for the time.” Roddy smiled his charming smile. He was a very likable man. Zack felt warmer toward him all the time.â€Ĺ›I wouldn’t know what to charge you, you decide. One way or the other, I’ll be here.” Zack for some reason felt as if he had just stepped over a threshold. â€Ĺ›Excellent, my friend, excellent! I have confidence that while you are with us Mo will be safe. And she will feel secure! Her mind free to focus on her work. Thank you, thank you.” Roddy looked up, â€Ĺ›Ah! Luciana! Come meet Detective Burnham!”Zack stood up and turned toward the door. â€Ĺ›Hello, Mrs. D’Mario. I hope you’re feeling better.” â€Ĺ›Thank you, Detective, I am much better. Except for this horrible tragedy. Are you going to be with us a while? My husband said he was going to ask you and he’s a very determined man.”â€Ĺ›Zack. I’ll be arranging it, if nothing else I’ve got some vacation coming.” Zack made his assessment. Fortyish and not happy about it. Five seven, one thirty five. Once a knock out, still very attractive. He’d heard she was very unhappy to no longer be the star but she had been in bed on migraine drugs at the time of the murder. A maid had accidentally gone into the room which had a â€ĹšDo not disturb’ sign out and had not only seen her in bed but had been treated to a torrent of curses. Not well liked, he had already been able to ascertain. Bleached hair, eyes pulled too tight from a lift. Perfect teeth. He was aware that she was physically assessing him as well but in a different way. Roddy, clearly madly in love, took no notice. â€Ĺ›Well, Detective, we’ll be one big happy family, won’t we?” She looked up at him from beneath lowered lids.â€Ĺ›Si, yes. Zack part of our family now! Keep Momo safe.” Roddy looked adoringly at Luciana. â€Ĺ›Momo being the most important thing. Nice meeting youâ€ĹšZack. Honey I’m going into the city to shop. A car will be here in half an hour. I’m looking forward to seeing Michigan Avenue again, Zack. Too bad about Marshall Fields but I can’t wait to see how Bloomies fits into that gorgeous Medina Temple.”â€Ĺ›Are you well enough, my love?” Roddy took her hand and kissed it. Foreigners, Zack thought to himself but the ladies sure seemed to like it. He thought about Claude kissing Monica’s hand and how she had tolerated it for just a moment before pulling it away. Tolerated was the word. â€Ĺ›I think getting out of here will do me good. It’s not like I have anything to do here.” Luciana D’Mario looked impatient as her husband kissed her cheek. â€Ĺ›I’ll see you for dinner.”â€Ĺ›Si, Luciana. Go spend money. You always feel better with new handbag!” Roddy’s wife shot Zack a glance with a little pout to her enhanced lips. He had a sudden need to count the panels in the dropped ceiling.â€Ĺ›You have a lovely wife, Roddy. She used to perform, didn’t she?” Luciana’s heels could be heard clacking down the corridor.â€Ĺ›Si, yes. She was good but not great. I know she resent not being hired to coach but she do not inspire confidence. She no handle people so well. She could open school and charge lots of money to train, but she have no head for business. She no want to have head for business.” He waved Zack to sit back down. He sat behind his desk. â€Ĺ›You’re one of the owners, aren’t you? A partner?” He took a seat.â€Ĺ›We cannot make decisions based on love. The business, even lives depend on trusting each other. Claude, he’s foolish, but in the air, you can trust him with your life. I thought Luciana would hate me. I let her go. She want Mo’s place. She had Mo’s place. She got lazy, spoiled. I know, what can I say? I love her but must do what best for show. Now she happy to travel, shop and meet important people. You mind?” Zack was surprised as Roddy clipped a cigar. â€Ĺ›I smoke a little, drink a little. Things I did not do for many years. But you get old, you want what you have missed. In the moderation, of course.” He laughed. â€Ĺ›I thought we have children, but Luciana say no all the while we travel so much. And it is better, no? We travel always. Hard on children, hard on marriage.” â€Ĺ›Are many of the others married? It’s a young group.” Zach accepted a cup of coffee from a young woman who entered with it then left with a smile from Roddy.â€Ĺ›A few. We have two married couples who work together. We have a divorce couple who work together. It’s a small family. Incestuous sometimes I think!”â€Ĺ›I would think that dating each other and marrying each other would put strains on the company. On performers.” Zack noticed that Roddy had not only had a full office set up but had pictures and awards on the walls. He looked at a poster of Mo on a trapeze in full regalia and flames coming up all around her. He wouldn’t have known it was the same person. But she was something either way. â€Ĺ›Momo is beautiful woman, yes?” Roddy’s eyes had followed Zacks. He caught a quickly concealed embarrassment. Zack just nodded slightly. â€Ĺ›Yes! Indeed we try to make rules. But these are artists. You can’t force them ever. You teach to be professional, you teach discipline, but you can’t force it. If personal relationships interfere with show we give them time off. After thatâ€Ĺšâ€ť He inhaled, â€Ĺ›Momo never have problem like that. Always professional.”â€Ĺ›What about Claude, I’m sensing some tension there?” Zack looked evenly at Roddy. â€Ĺ›Mo date him. Once, twice. You get close and trust someone then you think it translate toâ€Ĺšyou know. Mo is okay, not love Claude. Claude is Claude. Next woman around the corner. Man like Claude, move on fast.” Roddy leaned back with his cigar. â€Ĺ›You don’t warn me that smoking in building is illegal, Zack. You lax on job!”â€Ĺ›Not my jurisdiction.” They shared a laugh. â€Ĺ›Has Ms. Whitman had relationships with anyone no longer with the company? Problems with anyone outside the show presently or in the past? â€Ĺ›No. Momo is loved by almost everyone. Sometimes there are jealousies, how you say, rivalries. But that is only natural. They all know they must work hard. Most feel lucky to have paying job.” â€Ĺ›Roddy, I need you to come right now and see what the designer has done to the color scheme. It doesn’t work at all with the costumes. You can’t just change everything and expect us to alter everyone’s costume to match, look at this!”â€Ĺ›This is Sally. Sally, this is Zack.” Sally eyed Zack. So he’s protecting Mo. Looker.â€Ĺ›Yes, the cop. Look at this, Roddy; he wants to work in this blue into the Hades setting. It’s HELL! HELL, Roddy! What is blue in hell?” She waved a hand at the poster of Persephone in flames. â€Ĺ›It cannot wait to production meeting?” Sally’s glare was the answer. She turned on her heel and huffed out of the office. Roddy stubbed out his cigar and gave Zack an apologetic shrug before going out after Sally. Maybe Hell’s kitchen has gas ovens, Zack thought.Mo had been feeling a little stiff. Amazing how just a couple days off could make you feel out of sorts. Maybe the bed was too soft. She leaped toward Claude. They grasped each other’s wrists and swung. â€Ĺ›Give me another chance, my beautiful.” She somersaulted to the other swing. She was now the catcher and caught him without a snag. â€Ĺ›I have missed you, beautiful Momo. I worried about you. I could not sleep knowing those fascists had been torturing you!” She was tempted to let him go but his grip on her was strong. â€Ĺ›They were hardly torturing me, Claude. Although I did think they were going to annoy me to death. Zack said they’re just doing their job.”â€Ĺ›Zack, Zack! All I hear is Zack. You have him already? And you say no to Claude?”â€Ĺ›Don’t be an idiot. Claude. Claude? You need toâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Claude, what you do up there? You just hanging around?” Roddy yelled up. â€Ĺ›It time to just hang out?” They began their movement again. Claude leaped onto the other trapeze and stood on it. â€Ĺ›Claude buy you dinner. Claude buy you flowers, but you say no to Claude. Claude not good enough for the star! I was star before you. Well, at the Big Top Circus. Now you want to be the center of attention and put Claude in the shadows.” He did a triple with ease. She matched him as they crossed to opposite swings.â€Ĺ›Mo didn’t trust you and Mo was right.” She felt petty mocking him but she couldn’t help herself. â€Ĺ›Can we get to work now?”â€Ĺ›You want to be the only star. I know they give you more money than me! I don’t care but you lead me on as well. You are so vain you don’t care whose heart you break.” She thrust herself off the trapeze, landed on the platform. â€Ĺ›I have no idea if they pay me more than you. How would you know, anyway? And as for breaking heartsâ€Ĺšâ€ť She snorted disgust. â€Ĺ›What are you doing up there?” Roddy had both arms raised, his hands in fists. â€Ĺ›Jesus Christo! What going on?”Mo glared at Claude. He raised a suddenly contrite brow. â€Ĺ›Nothing, my wrist hit wrong. Gimme a minute,” she yelled down. â€Ĺ›You okay, you okay?” Roddy made for the ladder.â€Ĺ›Don’t come up, Roddy, I’m okay. Look, Claude, let’s just call a truce. You had nothing to offer me, I know that. And really, I have nothing to offer you. I’m sorry you think I’m trying to outshine you. I’m just trying to do my job. Let’s do our jobs and everything will be fine. If I feel I can’t trust you, I’ll have to talk to Roddy.”â€Ĺ›Perhaps, I cannot trust you. You break my heart.” At least he had dropped the first person.â€Ĺ›We better start trusting now or we’ll both be out of a job.” Mo sucked up her annoyance and smiled. â€Ĺ›We’re the stars, Claude. We can’t do this without each other. We’re setting a poor example, what’s it gonna be?” Claude didn’t answer, swinging out in a huff. Mo stretched as Zack watched her. â€Ĺ›How’s the wrist?” â€Ĺ›What? Oh, fine, fine.” She rubbed it a second. She was aware of him assessing her body. But she was not self conscious or offended. She realized he made visual and mental assessments of everyone. Part of the job, she guessed. â€Ĺ›I hope it hasn’t been too boring lurking around here all day.”â€Ĺ›Not a bit. Pretty interesting actually. I guess when we see any kind of performance we’re seeing what you want us to see. You all make it seem so easy. Kind of cool seeing what really goes into it. All the work. You all really are athletes. As well as artists.” He rubbed his chin. â€Ĺ›I’ve never seen so many perfectionists in one room. Does it get boring for you to do things over and over?”â€Ĺ›That’s part of it. Challenging yourself toward a perfection that can never be truly achieved. Even if you get it perfectly one time, you won’t the next. But we have to give the appearance of perfection each time we perform. That’s what we strive for. It’s an illusion after all. Just like when I hold the flames in the palms of my hands.” She draped a towel around her neck and held up her unburned palms. â€Ĺ›I’ve got to meet Sally for a few minutes. You want to wait here?”â€Ĺ›I’d rather stick close.” Zack said with a professional air. He’d found out he was given leave. He had no intention of letting her out of his sight. He didn’t want her to guess how happy he found himself to be about that. â€Ĺ›What are your meal plans?” he asked as they walked toward Sally’s domain. â€Ĺ›In the room?” He noticed she actually not eaten much at all for the two, going on three days he’d been with her. A bite of bagel, a fork of salad. Was this her norm? Grief, stress, he guessed. Surely an athlete like herself wasn’t in a position to starve herself to be thin. She was strong. All muscle. Slender but not waiflike in the least. He didn’t figure her for a self starving idiot. â€Ĺ›I guess the room. I can’t face being in the restaurant. All the guests looking. I wouldn’t mind except forâ€Ĺš everything.” Mo turned and touched his arm. â€Ĺ›Too bad you’re not armed with some of that Chicago pizza I keep hearing about. I wonder if one of the hotel restaurants serves it. I guess we could get delivery.”â€Ĺ›You eat pizza?” â€Ĺ›So Cal Martino says, â€ĹšYou gonna stand there, Burnham, or you gonna get this kid’s gun outta my ass?’” Mo watched him as she chewed the delicious pizza. It was a little hard to hear in the crowded pizzeria so they leaned toward each other across the table. â€Ĺ›The kid was so embarrassed that he actually yanked his gun hand out from under Cal so he could toss the gun. I was so relieved, I threw up immediately. I did not want to shoot that kid. I threw up on the back of his jacket while I cuffed him. You know what he said? â€ĹšNot on my Bulls jacket, motherfucker!’ Excuse me.” He looked sheepishly at Mo.â€Ĺ›My god, what a job. I can’t imagine doing what you do.”â€Ĺ›Ditto. How’s the pizza?”â€Ĺ›Best pizza backa the Yards!” They laughed. She looked around the old factory building with approval, her eyes landing on this and that of the collection of vintage White Sox memorabilia, lots of signed old black and whites of ball players and celebrities. She had noticed a photo of Mayor Tyler with Zack’s friend Dino, the owner, at the entrance. She liked all the old Chicago advertizing signs and small odd implements. The building was all bricks and huge riveted pipes. On a platform in one corner was an enormous resin cow wearing a chef’s hat. Unfortunately for the cow it had been marked according to cuts of meat. Zack had explained it had come from a street art exhibition honoring Chicago’s stockyard beginnings. Mo ate like a champ and downed a beer. He was glad to see it. Couldn’t get enough of seeing her smiling a little, feeling more relaxed. She watched his face while he told his story, talked to his buddy, Dino Salvatiere, and ate his pizza. When he smiled his watchful green eyes relaxed. She looked at his full sensual lips. His ears were a little big. Maybe it was just the cop cut. Not that she minded since their relationship was strictly business. In a friendly way.  â€Ĺ›So pretty lady, you must be something to get this one out for the night.” Dino slid into the booth and elbowed Zack in the ribs. â€Ĺ›We went to high school together. Who woulda thought a puss like Burnham would become a cop. But look at â€Ĺšim now. Tough guy! Eh, Zack? You like the pizza? Thanks. So pretty lady, what do you do?”â€Ĺ›Iâ€ĹšUhâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman is a performer for the show out at Greendale.”â€Ĺ›No, shit! The murder and everything! Holy Shit!”â€Ĺ›Dee, there’s a lady present.”â€Ĺ›A beautiful lady! You one of them acrobats” Mo nodded with a smile. â€Ĺ›I tried to get tickets. My kids begged. My wife works at the tourism bureau and thought she might come up with some, no dice. Shit, I mean tickets sell out so fast these days. My kids act as if I’m just out to torture them. They don’t understand. Oh, well, so what’s going on, Zachary? I saw Chelsey the other day. I was at Fulton, checking out a new distributor. She got out of a cab and saw me. I waved. You know what she did, Zack? She ignored me. Just looked away. What d’ya think about dat?”Zack looked uncomfortable. Mo guessed Chelsey was the ex-wife. Dino kept talking about her. Not malicious, just unconscious of his friend’s discomfort. Mo wondered if he was still carrying a torch. Not that it mattered. He was her security, they were just on friendly terms was all. But she couldn’t help but wonder what this Chelsey, the name annoyed her for some reason, was like?  Dino went on. â€Ĺ›Well, she never took to us south sidersâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Dino? Dino, how would you like to bring your family to the show as my guests?” She stopped him in mid sentence. â€Ĺ›What? No shit, I mean really, ya kiddin’ me?”â€Ĺ›No. What day would be good for you?” Mo smiled with her brows raised in question. â€Ĺ›Did you all hear this? Nicky?” Dino yelled at his brother in law serving beer at a nearby table. â€Ĺ›Did you hear this? I’m off on Mondays. I have five kids. Right, Zack? Five. My wife is devout but she likes to make babies as much as she likes to pray. Five kids.” He nodded his head in affirmation. It was a number that astonished him and he expected it astonished others. â€Ĺ›Mondays a good time. We don’t usually do shows on Mondays but we are this next one. Sold out but they’ll be some no shows. I always get some tickets for guests. You call Zack’s phone while you’re parking. Show’s at eight. You call him and he’ll meet you by the ticket booth. Is that okay Zack, do you mind?” Zack nodded his head looking very well pleased. â€Ĺ›Let’s say ten seats. Is that enough? You can bring a few friends.” â€Ĺ›Jesus Christ! Sorry. Ten seats! Nicky! Wanna go see a show. Call Angela. Tell yer sister we’re all going to see Circus du! Monday! No, I ain’t kiddin’! Have another beer, Ms. Whitman, how â€Ĺšbout dessert? Dinner’s on me!”They walked down Jackson across the bridge that spanned the Chicago River. She leaned over and looked at the tour boats on the dark water. â€Ĺ›Is this where that toilet thing happened?” She referred to a rock band emptying their tour bus toilet over a tour boat. An incident that had caused local, and national, outrage some years back.  â€Ĺ›No that was a few blocks away. Jerks.” The sound of her laughter made him smile. The night was warm enough and they were far enough from the lake that she didn’t need the denim jacket she’d brought with her. She had had to stop making him thank her for the tickets for his friend. It wasn’t that big a deal. Now she was feeling like he was a little too in awe of her. They’d lost the even footing they’d attained and he acted a little nervous. She was a star again and she didn’t want him to look at her that way. For reasons she had not yet ascertained. She looked up at the Sears tower. It was unbelievably tall. The night was clear and she could see the top of it. The bars of light around the observation deck were red. He had explained about the city’s penchant for having a theme with lights on buildings in the same color on their first drive into the city. Holidays, sports victories, commemorations. People strolled, biked and rollerbladed. There were lots of people out enjoying the warm, pleasant night. She thought of how she enjoyed going for walks in Montreal when she was home. So many people going places, doing things. She enjoyed seeing it, though she herself hardly ever went anywhere. Save those walks. â€Ĺ›You want to go up?”â€Ĺ›Up?” â€Ĺ›Yeah, up in the Tower.” â€Ĺ›Why not?” Up they went with other people in the elevator. The observation deck was low lit so the view could be seen more easily. And what a view it was. The entire city stretched out in its blinking glory. The people below were like ants. The Navy Pier Ferris wheel was minute. The tour boats on the lake were like tiny little toys that seemed to be barely moving in the night. It was breath taking. They were a mile in the sky. Zack popped four quarters into a telescope fixed on a stand. â€Ĺ›Look at this.” She leaned and looked through. â€Ĺ›Wow.” She turned the telescope this way and that. Then angled it toward the moon. â€Ĺ›This is amazing! Aw!” It had stopped. Zack leaned close and popped in four more quarters. She looked through it aiming it at the lake, the other buildings, Navy Pier, until it stopped again. She walked around the perimeter of the observation deck. There were alcoves of glass that hung off the sides of what was called the sky deck. People were in each one looking straight down through the glass at the streets below. Kids lay down and looked up at the sky or faced down to the street. Mo smiled noting that they made snow angel like motions as they lay on the glass. Flapping their wings. One emptied and Zack went into it. He turned and held out his hand. She took it and could not suppress her delight at the sensation of just being in the air hanging out over the beautiful city with its brilliant lights. â€Ĺ›We can actually lay down in it! I wonder how thick this glass is. She lay face down in her jeans. He checked out the back of those jeans. Long legs and round curves. He noticed she had a very round bottom for such an athletic person. She looked up at him over her shoulder. He’d been caught and embarrassed he looked out toward the city lights. Down on the street she seemed more at ease than he had seen her since the murder.  She smiled easily but he knew the grief that was under the surface. She chatted and asked questions about the city, its history and politics. He told her bits of history that he knew. She said she remembered the name Burnham from â€ĹšDevil in the White City’. No relation. â€Ĺ›I know from Dino that you went to high school here. Are you from here originally?” she asked. â€Ĺ›Yep. Born and raised. So you’re from Monteal? Originally?”â€Ĺ›North of Toronto, but we moved around. I was raised by my grandmother. My parents were killed, in an accident. I don’t remember. My grandmother was Mohawk and grew up in a traveling circus. Virtually a slave. Story was she ran away with my Scottish grandfather whose family had settled in Ontario. Gram had gone to New York hoping to break into one of the bigger circuses. They didn’t have much use for a short Indian woman back then despite her skill. Grandpa was an iron worker. You may have heard there are many Mohawk iron workers and Gram was related to some who were friendly with Grandpa. He married Gram and whisked her back to Ontario and was a carpenter there. Gram taught kids tumbling and stuff. Things were good for them â€Ĺštil my parents died. They were missionaries. They had me and went to Africa. Before they could get me they died in an accident. Car accident. Grandpa died a couple years later. Gram always said his heart broke when he lost his only child. Then Gram and I were on our own. It was tough. But we had each other. I’m sorry I don’t know why I’m telling you this.”â€Ĺ›It’s okay. It’s interesting. One of the things I love about Chicago is there are so many people from so many other places. Makes for great food, great music, great stories. I’m sorry about your parents. So did you learn what you do from your grandmother?” Zack guided her around a corner towards his car.Mo breathed a deep breath and swept a stray hair behind her ear. The wind picked it up again immediately. â€Ĺ›Yeah. I grew up learning and performing. She was strict about everything. I think she was always afraid about my future. Her parents died when she was young. She wound up with relatives in the circus. They were not kind. She didn’t want me left unable to fend for myself. Gram could seem hard but she loved me. She wanted me to be disciplined. She wanted me to me successful and able to take care of myself. Same with school, she home schooled me and was very strict. She basically learned with me since she wasn’t very educated. I guess the way she’d grown up, being beaten if she made a mistake, working all day, practicing all the time, influenced her view of child rearing.”Zack stopped and looked at her. â€Ĺ›She beat you?”â€Ĺ›No. Never. But she scared the shit out of me with the sheer force of her personality. I lived in terror of not living up to her standards. Well, she did have a way of twisting my ear occasionally. She was very loving too. It was just the two of us. Both families had disowned my grandparents. I guess at the time their marriage was frowned on.” Mo reached over as if to twist Zack’s ear. He winced as if wounded and laughed. â€Ĺ›But you knew she loved you,” He touched her shoulder then let his hand drop.â€Ĺ›My favorite memory is how at night, after all the work and all the discipline she would hold me on her lap and tell me stories about when she was in the circus as a kid. Sometimes about Grandpa or my father growing up. Then she would brush my hair and stroke my neck and tell me some day I would be famous. I would be beautiful and happy and have everything she’d never had. Well, at least I’m making a living.”â€Ĺ›I think she was right.” Zack wanted to tell her she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. She was becoming famous. He couldn’t speak to happy. He’d landed in her life during a difficult time. â€Ĺ›Hey, so is it true that Mohawks have no fear of heights, Ms. Whitman?” â€Ĺ›My Scottish grandfather was the ironworker, Mr. Burnham. I do believe I’m being stereotyped. Is it true the Irish run Chicago?” They both laughed lightly.â€Ĺ›I’m only part Irish, on my mother’s side.” He knew she was a person in grief and fear. He respectfully tried not to think of the sparkle in her eyes, her small, full mouth and her long, lustrous hair in its windblown braid. He opened the car door and assisted her in with a shy smile. They were just a few minutes into their journey north on Lakeshore Drive when Zack took a sudden turn and found a parking spot by putting a police sign on the window of his car. Buckingham fountain spewed its pastel streams to the amusement of tourists and lovers alike. Lights from beneath the fountain shone up and shimmered through the cascades of water. Kids ran in the overspray laughing and squealing. Some older kids sat on the edge and played as if to push each other or dive in themselves. They were averted by the rough bark of a cop on a horse. They walked the perimeter enjoying the changing lights of the fountain. People were everywhere taking in the mild evening.â€Ĺ›What about you, Zack? You have family here. What about your folks? Your Mom’s family was Irish and your Dadâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›My parents are dead.” Zack stated this fact without emotion. â€Ĺ›Oh. Sorry.” Mo felt a bit of a wall go up. But walls could be climbed. â€Ĺ›Got any brothers or sisters? Any other family?” Mo’s back teeth clenched a little as she noticed his wary visage return. She felt guilty but decided to try to draw him out anyway. â€Ĺ›Come on Zack, you know all about me now.”Zack stared toward the top of the fountain for a moment. â€Ĺ›I became a cop like Dad. I have a sister in Toledo. She’s sort ofâ€ĹšWe don’t keep in touch. I’ve got a few relatives around. Guess we’re not a close family. Cops tend to let cops be family. But there always disillusion, just like in real families I guess. You wanna get a drink?” He was shutting down the topic. She didn’t push.  â€Ĺ›Not tonight, but thanks so much for showing me some of your city. A lot of notions have been dispelled.”â€Ĺ›I noticed you were reading â€ĹšDevil in the White City’. Another book about the city’s lurid side.”â€Ĺ›About it’s amazing history too. I think you’ll understand why I can’t finish it right now. Though I do like the history of how the world’s fair transformed Chicago. I guess when I’ve thought of Chicago I’ve always thought of gangsters. And gun molls. â€ĹšYou dirty rat!’” She pretended to aim a gun deepening her voice. â€Ĺ›Edward G. Robinson type stuff. I never even thought about coming downtown the last time I was here.”â€Ĺ›That’s odd if only because I’d assume most women wouldn’t be able to wait to hit Michigan.” He feared that sounded sexist and regretted it. She didn’t seem to notice. â€Ĺ›I’ve never been a big shopper. Not that I don’t like to occasionally, but it’s not something I have a lot of time for.”â€Ĺ›Well, you should try to hit Michigan while you’re here.”â€Ĺ›I’ll ask my bodyguard if he can arrange it. It’s an early morning, Zack. Mind if we go?” They walked to the car, Zack concealing his regret their evening was coming to an end.It was seven thirty in the morning and Mo was running on the treadmill watching the early morning news. She had almost snuck out until she was faced with him gun in hand coming out of his room. Light sleeper. He was in shorts and a tee shirt in two minutes. He lifted weights on the other side of the gym, glancing at his charge every now and again in the mirror. She sipped coffee from a water bottle. She didn’t like drinking out of plastic but one had to make compromises. This was her routine, she told him, and she had been off of it. Up at six thirty. Make coffee. Gym for at least an hour. Pilates in room, one hour. More coffee and a light breakfast. At the coliseum at nine thirty to ten. Practice, fitting, production meeting, late lunch. A quick nap if time allowed. Rehearsal. She explained that practice and rehearsal was not the same thing. He compared her schedule to basic training. She figured that was about right. She let up a little on weekends. There was often some social thing she felt obligated to attend. So she might sleep in. A little. Mondays were normally off, but the schedule had been thrown off. Roddy encouraged the performers to rest their muscles. Some did, some didn’t. Mo usually put in a few hours of practice. What could Roddy say? He worked every day himself.She worked on her core muscles while Zack showered. She handed him another cup of coffee when he came into the living room in sweatpants. There were beads of moisture in his hair. She glanced over him and away. He sucked in his stomach a little feeling he wasn’t as firm as he used to be though most people would have thought him exceedingly fit. Now next to this almost super human, he felt a little flabby and scolded himself to do more not to become the donut eating lard ass so many cops somehow let themselves become. Even the fittest, the toughest, could become obese if they didn’t watch it. Years of riding around, desk work, stake outs and poor diets took their toll. Compared to Claude or even Misha, he saw his body as far from perfect. He decided to work on that as he watched Mo stretch.There had been no progress in the investigation and a small band of press was still camped out on the periphery of the hotel parking lot. There had been lots of speculation that it had to have been a hotel staffer. An Ecuadorian janitor had been questioned when it was found he could not account for his whereabouts at the time of the murder. The married woman he was having a liaison with denied having been with him until video tape busted the adulterers. Mo thought it was ridiculous that they should lose their jobs. Zack countered it was a matter of honesty and safety of the guests. Would she like to think the staff was using her bed every time she walked out the door? Mo would snort with disgust as she watched the news. Yet she seemed to hope that they would suddenly reveal that the killer had been caught or some other relieving detail. Since Ling had not been robbed, nothing taken from Mo’s or Ling’s room, there had been nothing to leave a trail a comfortable several hundred miles away. No credit cards used in Florida or Texas. No pocketbooks found in Minnesota. Was the killer a long gone guest? A random opportunity taken advantage of. A stalker who had admired Ling and found a way to get to her? An admirer of Mo’s. There were no sudden epiphanies in the Greendale Police Department. Or none they’d informed her of. Zack’s contentious relationship with the burly Al whose chip widened with each conversation yielded nothing. Al would insinuate that Mo was still a person of interest. He even posited that Linc and Mo had been in on it together. Zack kept in touch with Harve who didn’t seem to be coming unhinged. He spoke often with Vince Smith the hotel security chief. He wanted all bases covered in the matter of Mo’s safety.SixZack reported to the Mayor’s office daily even though he was now officially on leave. The union had urged him to take leave and not use his vacation. After all, he had it coming with Ray and all. He did his best to keep up with that investigation. The internal investigations department had frozen him out. There had been news reports stating suspicions that Ray had been dirty. These would send Zack’s fist onto the bar. A stream of curses from his mouth for which he would apologize. Mo would give him a beer or a cup of coffee and silently put her hand on his arm. They fell into a routine of common cause. Between work and grief they formed a companionship with an edge of anxiety.  When it got too claustrophobic, one of them found a way it lighten things up. â€Ĺ›I want to walk down Michigan Avenue.” It was Monday morning. â€Ĺ›What?” â€Ĺ›I’ve taken the day off. I want to walk down Michigan Avenue. Maybe shop.” â€Ĺ›The entire day?” â€Ĺ›I have to be back for rehearsal. Don’t worry I’m not bailing on your friends. But we did two shows yesterday to make up for lost time. I told Roddy and he agreed we are in fine form and can afford not to work all day.”â€Ĺ›Roddy would agree with anything you requested” Zack said with a laugh. â€Ĺ›I hope you didn’t wait for me to go to the gym, it was nice to sleep in.” She pulled the drapes open and breathed in as if the sash had been flung open allowing fresh air into the hotel room. â€Ĺ›So?”â€Ĺ›So? Oh. Well sure. Whatever you want to do.”â€Ĺ›The always accommodating Detective Burnham. I hope they’re paying you what you’re worth.”â€Ĺ›Roddy has made it the most profitable busman’s holiday ever.” He thought how that sounded and looked at her. â€Ĺ›That’s not why I’m here.” He said quickly. â€Ĺ›Why then, Detective?” She walked over to the coffee maker and poured a cup. â€Ĺ›What an odd set of circumstances brought you here. But you didn’t have to stay.”â€Ĺ›Roddy’s a hard man to say no to.” He didn’t mention it was probably best if he stayed well away from the investigation into Ray’s murder.â€Ĺ›Yes, he is.” Her gaze seemed a little hard, her tone a little sharp. He wondered if she had become sick of his constant presence. Or was he seeing a little of the diva come out. It shouldn’t surprise him if it did, but she had so far had given no hint of it.Mo looked at him and wondered what it was that had been bugging her. He had been such a perfect gentleman. And she felt they had become friends. But when she lay in bed the night before she had touched herself and thought of him. Then she felt guilty. Not about the orgasm but about Ling and allowing herself to be overcome by lust while her murderer ran loose. While she knew it was unreasonable she was just a little angry at him for it and looked for a way to blame him and maybe punish him a little.  She wanted to see him want her a little. The furtive glances were no longer enough. His professionalism is what had started to bug her. She looked at his blameless face and mentally slapped herself for her pettiness. She thought of the cloying Claude, the sheepish Misha. She thought of the men who had tried to bed her because of her beauty, because of who she was. She thought of the couple men she had bedded for lust and thought little more of. There had not been relationships. Her work was too hard on relationships. The couple times she had dated a guy more than a few times, the complaints started. And she was nothing if not dedicated to her work. She studied his ruggedly handsome, but somehow gentle face. He had turned and looked out the window. His brow a little hardened. A little hurt at her sharp tone. â€Ĺ›Let’s get out of here today. You must be sick of this. You can drop me off and do some stuff you need to do. Go get some fresh clothes. I’m sure I’ll be perfectly safe on Michigan Avenue.”She probably needs some time by herself. He made his translation.Besides the occasional male, visual probe, Mo felt anonymous and able to breathe as she walked the â€ĹšMagnificent’ mile. They had snuck out of the hotel informing only Roddy so far as Mo knew. What she didn’t know is he had arranged for a discreet tail on her in the form of Janet Ben-Ghury, on loan from Vince Smith’s team. Mo had noticed that Zack seemed to be making sure they weren’t followed. She felt a little like she was in a movie. Two hours, speed dial, cop on every corner, and meet at one. Zack’s law, she chuckled to herself. The day was incredible and she was relieved to have some time by herself. Nothing more had happened and the murderer more than likely a long ways away. But the unknown had a palpably stifling quality that had made even breathing feel strained. She looked in windows and watched people. She admired a dress or raised her eyebrows at a hat. The styles on Michigan Avenue were a little too rich for her taste. A lot of it had a Ladies Who Lunch quality about it. Brooks brothers shouted board room. She found a happy note when she discovered Filene’s Basement and felt a little more at home. Going out of business. What a shame. But the deals were great.Back on the street her phone rang. Zack. â€Ĺ›I’m still here. I have a new scarf. Where are you?”â€Ĺ›I just left my place. I’ve got to drop stuff at the cleaner and stop by Tyler’s office. One still good?” I’ll call for your location. See that cop?”â€Ĺ›I see a cop.” She turned and looked around. â€Ĺ›And one on a bike.”â€Ĺ›One on every corner. Be good.”â€Ĺ›Now that you have this show biz gig going how â€Ĺšbout some tickets? Think you can fix it for your chums to see a show?” Merle Gleason stood by Zack’s desk with his hands in his pockets and coffee stains on his shirt. His unkempt, hangdog looks belied a sharp Holmesian mind with a bit of Freud thrown in. He was also as socially inept as they came. Particularly with women.â€Ĺ›I don’t have that kind of pull, Merle. I’m just security, for a couple weeks. Mayor’s idea. I kind of do the same thing I’ve been doing in Tyler’s office except the people are much nicer and I don’t worry about a knife in my back.”â€Ĺ›Their weapon of choice is an undetermined blunt object from what I hear. I saw your client in the paper. If I pulled that tour, I wouldn’t be wasting time here.” Merle slouched with what he evidently thought was a â€Ĺšjust one of the boys’ leer.Zack looked at him and saw the envy. â€Ĺ›Merle, she’s a nice lady. She’s had something really bad happen. Her best friend’s been murdered and they may have been after her. I wouldn’t have ever thought I’d wind up in this job, even temporarily. But since I did, I’m gonna do the job. You guys have a laugh if you want to, but I hope while you’re at it you find that punk who managed to get Ray’s gun away from him.”â€Ĺ›Look, Burham, no offense.” Merle leaned in more closely. â€Ĺ›I talked to Bull Shaughnessy about a Curtis Lyons. He’s on that. Lyons had once been his stoolie. We collared a Jamal Smith on a B and E. He said he had info on this Lyons. And Ray. He said Ray had been boosting dealers with Lyon’s help. Lyons set up small timers to sell the stuff that Ray had pinched. Had a couple runners who owed â€Ĺšim. He made a statement and we turned it over to Bull at Internal. Presumably Bull will have a chat with the DA’s office. Zack’s face reddened, he glared angrily at Merle. He turned from his desk toward the other detective, towering over him. Merle shrunk back a little as Zack said, â€Ĺ›Go on.” â€Ĺ›Hey, I’m just givin’ ya the heads up on where this thing’s going. You didn’t hear it from me.” He looked around and laughed out loud as if Zack had just told him a real zinger. â€Ĺ›That’s good, Burnham!” He lowered his voice again.  â€Ĺ›Look man, this Jamal Smith said one time Ray got real impatient about some dough a kid owed him. Said Ray told you he was going to run to the florist for his wife’s birthday and left you sitting at the Ashland Veiw Coffeeshop. He gave Lyons his gun and him told to go scare the kid and get the dough. Smith said Ray was laughing about getting flowers for his wife while having Lyons collect money to give his girlfriend.”â€Ĺ›That’s bullshit, Ray didn’t have a girlfriend. Ray wasn’t dirty, what kind of a setup is this?” He could have smashed his desk to pieces. He contained himself and eyed Merle. Where does this Jamal Smith fit in?”â€Ĺ›He’s Lyon’s cousin and a small time thief. He said Lyon’s tried to recruit him but he didn’t like Ray. Didn’t trust â€Ĺšim. Said a dirty cop was more likely to kill ya than a hopped up armed robber. Zack, he said Ray worked a kid over so bad Lyons threatened to quit. But he was afraid of Ray. Said Ray was desperate enough for money to kill.” Merle shoved his hands in his pockets, leaned in real close. â€Ĺ›Rosalie Villareal, 1783 Paulina, third floor. Yeah, take it easy Burnham!” Merle shuffled off whistling.It occurred to Zack that he didn’t usually notice the smell of sweat, urine and vomit with a fixative of pine based cleaner that permeated his precinct house. Suddenly it overwhelmed him. He dropped down in his chair and felt his stomach roil. Rayâ€ĹšNo, it can’t be true. This is a fucking set up. Someone’s dirty and their trying to dump their laundry pile at Ray’s feet. Could Bull Shaughnessy have something he needs to hide up someone else’s skirt? Who’s this Jamal? This Lyon’s had had a cozy relationship with Bull in the past. Bull was sure dragging out the investigation into Ray’s murder. He remembered the day a few months before that he and Ray had stopped at one of their usual spots for coffee. Ray was saying, â€Ĺ›Shit, forgot Marge’s birthday. I’m dead meat. Look, I’m gonna run down to Ashland florist and cop some rose’s. Marge’s favorite. Be back in twenty.” Ray didn’t return with roses. â€Ĺ›Oh. Had â€Ĺšem delivered. She’ll be real surprised that way. She’ll even think I remembered before today!”Zack glanced at his watch after pulling a couple hundred from the ATM machine. He put it in an envelope and sealed it using his tongue to wet the glue. Had to make it quick. He’d called Tyler’s office and found the Mayor out with a sigh of relief. He left an update into the Greendale investigation with one of Tyler’s obsequious cronies. 1783 Paulina was in a part of the southwest side that had gotten into the rehab boom and had managed to sell itself as an up and coming family neighborhood. A lot of the buildings had gone condo and sat renovated in move in condition. With the economy taking a dive, the pool of easy credit buyers had dried up. During the real estate salad days the endemic gang element had darted clandestinely out from under the edges of the carpet it had been furiously swept under. Now they practically owned the streets again. Zack looked at the young men in muscle shirts sitting on the steps of the building. The street was busy. Kids played while their mothers or big sisters watched. An old man selling food from a wagon (unlicensed, Zack thought) was hawking his wares in Spanish. A Spanish music radio station blared from a jacked up seventies Chevy Camaro parked across the street. The building was a three story forties brick job that had been converted. A huge sign advertised the first floor at a reduced price. Zack glanced down the For Sale sign lined street. Not the rehab heyday it once was, Zack thought. He got out of the car and walked toward the building. One of the young men stood up in the middle of the first step making him eye level with the detective. â€Ĺ›You looking to buy?” he asked with a Northern Mexican accent. Zack flashed his badge. â€Ĺ›I mean you interested in the condo. It’s my brother’s building. We were cleaning up the unit. Some punks broke in, you here about that? My brother called the cops and said he got the brush off. You gonna take a report?” â€Ĺ›Sorry, kid, it’s not my call. Rosalie Villareal, she still on the third floor?” Zack nodded upward. â€Ĺ›Yeah, she still up there. Hopefully not for long.” One of the other young men reacted to the name and started pulling his wife beater out at the nipples making feminine pouty faces. Jesting in Spanish ensued amongst them. â€Ĺ›She doesn’t own the condo?” Zack thought the kid seemed pretty straight up. â€Ĺ›Hard times, man. My brother owner financed it to some boyfriend of hers. A cop. Married I heard. Cop got killed in the line. Now Rosalie can’t make the payments. But she told Herman, my bro, she got something in the works. Some money coming in soon. We figure new friend, know what I mean. She’s got a lot of friends, but no one that’s got the dinero to make the mortgage. Now you know. I haven’t seen her come out today.”â€Ĺ›Thanks kid. I’ll put a call in for your brother, as soon as I’m done talking to Ms. Villareal. Don’t touch anything else for Chrissake.” Zack headed up the stairs and pushed the bell for three. It buzzed without question, she’s expecting someone, or she had seen him and was curious maybe. He took two stairs at a time to find the door open several inches. He knocked. The door opened slowly to reveal a beautiful woman with large, dark brown eyes and shoulder length raspberry tinged black hair. She had a wide full mouth and wide cheekbones. She was small, five two, one fifteen with a curvy stripper’s body. Large breasts barely suppressed by a bright orange halter top with no bra. A tiny waist gave way to hips a little large in very low riding shorts. Legs men dreamed would be the last legs they ever had to see were shown off by platform espadrilles. Her skin was golden brown and flawless except for a tiny dark mole half an inch south east of her right eye. She gave him the once over. â€Ĺ›You are here about the break in?” She had a husky voice and a heavy accent. Not Mexican, El Salvador, maybe.â€Ĺ›I’m Zack Burnham.” She would have heard the name. Her face remained impassive, but he saw her swallow too hard. â€Ĺ›Ray’s partner.”â€Ĺ›Senor, me no, uh, habla de Englais.” She gave an â€Ĺšoh dumb me’ shrug and smiled. â€Ĺ›No can help you, I see no thing. Break in down the stairs.” She started to push the door closed. â€Ĺ›I have something for you. From Ray.” The door stopped moving. She froze and he could see her calculating. She opened the door again. â€Ĺ›Come in Zack, I feel like I know you. Ray always say you are a stand up?...stand up guy. He teach me English. Ray say the Spanish muy bien, very good.” She led him into the living room which was painted bright yellow. It opened into a small kitchen with stainless steel appliances and a granite countertop with flowers on the wall that looked like they’d been cut from magazines and pasted on. She stopped and turned toward him. â€Ĺ›What you have for me?” Her eyes went right to the envelope Zack pulled out of his pocket. Her hand moved toward it. Then she drew it back when she saw his look. â€Ĺ›What do you want?” She pouted her lips and looked at him through half closed eyes. â€Ĺ›Ray tell you all about me?” The emphasis was on the all. â€Ĺ›He told me about you. And the condo. He put down a down payment and made the mortgage payments. What I understand is that’s two mortgages on a detective’s salary. You knew about the other mortgage, on the house his wife and kids live in? But that’s not really why I’m here. You know about what Ray was into. My guess is expensive girlfriend got all the details. Do you know where I can find Curtis Lyons?”â€Ĺ›I don’t know no Lyon. I don’t know anything about Ray’s business. He don’t talk about his cases. He love me, he going to marry me. Then he die. That’s all I know.” â€Ĺ›He may have loved you but his wife is gonna get about half a million in insurance. And you’re looking for the mortgage. Guess owner financing isn’t the most secure way to go. Long term. Then again, how else was he gonna set you up? Shoulda just rented. Better yet, shoulda just paid as he went.” She snorted and glared into his eyes. Then looked at the envelope as if she might salivate. He could see the wheels turning and wasn’t surprised when she took a different tack. She closed the distance between them and put her thumb and forefinger on his lapel, looking up into his eyes. She gave him a little smile that he knew was one she had relied on many times to get her way. Was it the moist lipped smile and half closed bedroom eyes that had sucked Ray in? If Ray had needed sucking in.â€Ĺ›I cry myself to sleep.” Now she took on a deeply saddened expression. â€Ĺ›If I could only find another man as good as Ray. Ray talk about you always. He say you good cop. He never say how good looking you are. You younger than Ray. He tell me about your divorce. Say you need a woman. We both are sad for Ray. He is gone for two of us. Why don’t I give you drink. Let’s talk about Ray. How we love Ray. He would be glad to know we comfort each other.” â€Ĺ›Curtis Lyons, Senorita Villareal.” He slapped the envelope against his palm. â€Ĺ›This is two hundred but there could be more coming in if you hook me up with Lyons. Or has someone else already stepped into Ray’s shoes.”â€Ĺ›I see. Business first.” She shrugged and told him all about Ray. He knew it wasn’t the whole story, but it was a start. Mo made faces at herself in the huge bean shaped sculpture called â€ĹšCloud Gate’.  She laughed at some kids who were posturing and posing in the reflection of the big weird mirror polished chrome sculpture. It was strange to see at first, but if you stood back and saw how it reflected the city skyline and lake front you started to appreciate the intention of the artist. She sat on a bench and watched the kids while waiting for Zack. He was late and she tried not to be irritated that he hadn’t arrived when he said on their last check in. Being kept waiting was not something she had a lot of patience with. Her cell phone rang. â€Ĺ›Where are you? I was starting to worry. Zack? Zack?” She looked at the phone. â€ĹšUnavailable.’ Probably someone realized they had a wrong number. Or the call was dropped. It rang again. â€Ĺ›Hi, I’m two minutes away, sorry, saw a fender bender and had to stop a fight.” I guess that’s a pretty good excuse, Mo thought. After all they weren’t meeting for a date. â€Ĺ›You have lunch or are you hungry?”â€Ĺ›I’m starved. I thought I’d wait so maybe we could have some lunch together.” She smiled at a little girl who was making faces at â€ĹšThe Bean’ as she heard people refer to it.  Everyone one seemed to make faces or study themselves. â€Ĺ›Is there a good place around here?” â€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman, there’s nothing but good restaurants in Chicago. We’re on the far side of the lunch hour so getting a table shouldn’t take too long. I’m pulling up, look toward the street. I can see you.” Mo turned on the bench and saw Zack’s SUV pull to the curb. She grabbed her bag and threw her scarf over her shoulder. Even on a late August day the wind off the lake had a cool edge to it. She jogged down the cut stone steps to Zack’s car. He hopped out and opened the door for her. Something he invariably did. He turned and waved at someone with a little nod. She looked past him. â€Ĺ›Someone you know?”â€Ĺ›Just someone from work.” He got in the driver’s seat. Ben Ghury had stayed right on her.She had gotten some sun on her face. Her long braid was disheveled by the wind. But she had bought a Chicago White Sox ball cap to tame the elements. â€Ĺ›Like my new hat?”â€Ĺ›Lemme guess? Macy’s.” â€Ĺ›Well, close. Chicago souvenir stand. I like to buy something from city’s I go to. At least this is practical. It’s usually a coffee cup. I have a lot of coffee cups. Don’t use them much.”â€Ĺ›Afraid you might break one?” Zack pulled out into traffic. They headed north on Michigan then he took a left and headed away from the park. â€Ĺ›Not home that much. It doesn’t seem to matter that much where I live. We travel all the time. Montreal’s beautiful, but I don’t see much of it. Just moved there when I began with the show. Gotta live somewhere.  Zack found a spot near a place call Boston Blackie’s. He opened the door for her before she had a chance to smooth her hair and collect her bag. Mo thought she detected unease about her new friend. He took her arm as they walked to the Restaurant. â€Ĺ›My first lunch in Chicago and you take me to Boston Blackie’s?”â€Ĺ›The foods great, thought you might like it. You want to go somewhere else?” He was serious. â€Ĺ›I was just kidding, Burnham. Mayor give you a wedgie?” She gave him a sidelong and saw the frown. â€Ĺ›Didn’t see Tyler, left a report. Two please.” The hostess took them to a booth in the back. They slid in opposite each other. â€Ĺ›They’ve got good sandwiches but what they’re known for are their steaks.”â€Ĺ›I think a sandwich will do me, bad morning Detective?”â€Ĺ›Nothing, no big deal.” He avoided looking in her eyes.â€Ĺ›If it’s anything that’s come up about Ling’s murder, I’d appreciate it if you’d clue me in. Just water please; have any bottled water?” The waiter took Zack’s coffee order and left them looking at each other. â€Ĺ›Nothing new on that. Look, I don’t want to bend your ear. Everything’s cool.” He tapped his finger on the menu. â€Ĺ›They have a good Reuban. I guess you have to be careful what you eat when you’re doing a show. Except for pizza maybe.”â€Ĺ›Sometimes. I’m suddenly feeling like I’m in the way of something you’d rather be doing. We don’t really have to have lunch. You are working. We don’t have to socialize after all. If you have things on your mind. Let’s just get going and you can sort them out while I rehearse. Any second thoughts about this arrangement you just let me know.” Her wind pinked cheeks burned red. Her dark eyes showed irritation. Her small mouth had puckered as if she had just sucked a lemon.â€Ĺ›Chill out, Ms. Whitman. Yeah, I have some things on my mind. Something came up about Ray. I didn’t want to ruin lunch hashing out something I’m still trying to get my mind around. You inviting me to quit â€Ĺšcause I’m a little distracted? Believe me I can tell you what everyone in this restaurant is wearing. He slapped the menu shut. â€Ĺ›You’re not happy with me? I’ll be on my way. But I might as well eat first.”Mo was startled. She’d not seen him in this kind of a mood before. At least not directed at her. â€Ĺ›I’m sorry, Zack. I get so wrapped up in this whole thing with Ling and I forget sometimes that you’re grieving for a close friend too. I’m willing to listen. Here she comes. Let’s order.” She put her hand on his. â€Ĺ›Hash it out with a friend.”Zack waited until he had stirred the cream into his coffee. Mo sat and patiently sipped her water. â€Ĺ›Ray was having an affair. Not just a fling. Pretty serious. Serious enough to buy a condo with owner financing for her. He had set her up, paid the mortgage, everything. I have it from her he was dealing drugs stolen from dealers to pay for it. Fucking partners for two years. Known â€Ĺšim all my life. Never had an inkling. Some detective I am. You might want to reconsider after all. Now I know why they’re looking at me too. Convinced I was in on it. I went to see her.”â€Ĺ›You went to see the girlfriend? This morning?” Mo was wide eyed. â€Ĺ›What happened?”â€Ĺ›Waved a little money in her face and she told me everything. About her and Ray. How he boosted the dealers then turned around and sold the stuff through kids on the street. About the dude who may have been the shooter and why he had Ray’s gun. Ray was shot when he chased this guy down an alley. I was in the car. Ray had gotten out to check him out. Ray said stay put just taking a look-see. The guy took off. Ray stood there a minute and then went after him. I’d never seen the guy before and thought it was strange that Ray thought he ought to check him out, he wasn’t doing anything. I went into the alley but couldn’t see them. Then I heard shots. They came from behind the old amphitheater. I ran back and there was Ray, sitting on a trash can as if he was just hanging out, shootin’ the shit. Except he was dead.” There was a waiver to his voice. Mo put her hand on his again with a squeeze. â€Ĺ›He gave the guy his gun and had him threaten kids who owed, or weren’t selling enough. Fast enough. He was apparently desperate to make money to support this bimâ€Ĺšwoman. I convinced her I was interested. In getting in on the action. And her. I mean what are the dealers going to do? Call the police and report a cop stole their drugs? What a set up. It’s my guess that the guy that shot Ray with his own gun is a small timer, this Lyons. I couldn’t pick him out of arrest photos. He’s managed not to have an arrest record and he had sunglasses on. He’s dropped off the map. Maybe he wanted to take over the action. Maybe he was hired by the dealers. An informer said he was scared shitless of Ray. Maybe he solved that problem. But now he’s a cop killer. The fact that he’s gone underground would seem to confirm it. But it doesn’t jibe somehow for me.â€Ĺ›What are you going to do?” Mo waited while Zack looked thoughtful unconsciously rubbing her thumb on his hand. â€Ĺ›I’m not even supposed to be touching this. I’m not supposed to be anywhere near it. A cop called Bull, best not give you his whole name, is the chief investigator on Ray’s shooting. I hear from the lady he’s looking to fill Ray’s shoes, in more ways than one. All I can do is turn what info I have into internal affairs, but this Bull is internal affairs and there’s no proof. Of course IA talked to the lady. Assholes know I’m clean but are taking their sweet time to clear me and they seem to have their reasons. Everything right under my nose. What a fool Ray must have thought I was.”Their sandwiches came, the waiter topped off Zack’s coffee. â€Ĺ›Enjoy your sandwiches,” she said with a tired smile. â€Ĺ›You can’t blame yourself for his dishonesty. He used your trust. Used his position. Lied to his wife. Oh, gosh, his poor wife.” Neither of them touched their sandwiches. â€Ĺ›I don’t think I could ever tell Marge about that woman.” Zack kept stirring his coffee lost in thought until Mo cleared her throat. â€Ĺ›It’s going to come out isn’t it? I mean, you have to be cleared. The scam has to be stopped. Cops dealing drugs?” She caught herself and lowered her voice. â€Ĺ›What kind of drugs?”â€Ĺ›Smack, coke, you name it. She told me I could make some really big money if I partnered up with Lyons. She doesn’t know where he is. She’s waiting for him to contact her. Cop killing never blows over but she seemed confident he’d be in touch. She said Ray told her if anything ever went wrong; wait for Lyons to contact her. He seemed to trust Lyons and she doesn’t think Lyon’s did it.  Meantime Bull Shaunâ€Ĺšthe other cop says he’s gonna take care of everything, including her. She’s afraid of him and desperate for protection. The dealers have gotten word she was Ray’s girlfriend. But she doesn’t want to lose her place. She hoping they won’t blame her for Ray, but she’ll take Bull’s protection if she has to.”â€Ĺ›How very practical. Look, it’s almost two. Let’s take these and head back. I can rehearse and you can figure things out. Zack, I’ll understand if you need to quitâ€Ĺšthis. Just don’t do anything dangerous. Please.”â€Ĺ›I gave you and Roddy my word. I don’t feel I need to quit and I don’t want to, but I don’t trust internal affairs and Bull. But I know someone who goes way back with Bull, oh fuck it, Shaughnessy. He’s the last man I want to deal with, but I’m sure he’s clean, and he hates drug dealers. I’ve told you nothing, got it? Strictly professional conversation with us. Ms. Whitman.” They had the sandwiches boxed.â€Ĺ›So, this gig with the showgirl mean they’re finally cutting you loose, Burnham?” Al Simpson gripped his coffee cup with his large paw of a hand. His chin seemed to chronically jut forth with distain. Or was it anger? He had taken off his tie and thrown it over his computer screen. Aside from that his office was neat and orderly. Paperwork in neat stacks, files cabinets closed, in and out boxes organized with tabs and color folders. There was a picture of his wife and son and daughter on the desk, turned outward. The frame was engraved â€Ĺ›World’s Greatest Dad”. It was difficult for Zack to reconcile the sentiment that inspired such a gift being applied to the tough, cynical detective. But the gift was apparently from when his son Russell was still alive.â€Ĺ›She’s an aerial artist, Al. Not a showgirl.” Zack blew it off as the offensive move he knew it to be. Put someone on the defensive right off and you’ve won half the battle. Al was an expert marksman at character assassination. â€Ĺ›You keep in touch with Bull Shaughnessy these days?”Al frowned, â€Ĺ›You wanting to get social, now you’re here in Greendale on your temp job?” Then he smiled, his white teeth gleaming against his dark skin. He almost looked friendly. â€Ĺ›Good ole Bull. Now that’s a cop’s cop. Not one of the new sensitive male types the CPD seems to be recruiting these days. With college degrees now. A bunch of know nothings. You went to De Paul didn’t you, Burnham. Learn much police work at De Paul?”â€Ĺ›I studied criminal justice, Al. Took some law. It’s comes in handy. We educated cops like to sound smart when we’re having our tea parties.” He saw Al frown when he helped himself to coffee. The big man grimaced as Zack sat down across from him. â€Ĺ›You’re the most decorated cop I know, Al. Miss the action? Pencil pushing in Greendale’s gotta be a far cry from being Chicago’s superhero. Isn’t that what The Tribune called you? Best record of solves in CPD history. Now all of a sudden you’re working this murder case. You haven’t done a murder in a while but harassing innocent people was never you’re style, Al. Your Dad would’ve reigned that shit in a long time ago. Guess you’re your own man now.”â€Ĺ›Dad woulda tossed a pussy like you off the force a long time ago if he was still chief. And I’m not bringin’ up your Dad. Got some respect for the dead. I’m hearin’ rumors that Ray mighta been dirty. Sorry to hear that’s going around â€Ĺšcause at least Ray had himself a pair. You dirty too, Burnham?”â€Ĺ›More than rumors, Al. And I guess if I’m dirty it’ll come out in the wash. I got word Bull Shaughnessy’s already got his foot in the door of Ray’s action. Funny how he hasn’t collared his main suspect yet. Ray’s alleged business partner, Curtis Lyons. You ever know Lyon’s? From the hood? My source tells me he was a stoolie for Bull back in Bull’s narco daysâ€Ĺ›Curtis Lyons is a nobody. Yeah, he was friends with Russell but they went their separate ways when Russ went into the army. If I thought he’d sold dirty heroin to Russ, he wouldn’t have lasted long enough to be our topic of conversation. Russ got it from one of his Iraq buddies. That’s what the youngâ€Ĺšwoman he was with whenâ€Ĺšthat’s what she said. You been sniffing â€Ĺšround that investigation, got your nose where it don’t belong?”â€Ĺ›Just curious seeing as how so many are insinuating I was involved with Ray’s sideline. When you have some spare time, check out Senorita Villareal. Rosalie. Here’s the address. Got it from an anonymous source. Just thought you might want to check out for yourself how Bull’s handling things without you to back him up. See if he really can think all on his own without you pulling the strings.â€Ĺ›I have confidence in Bull. He’s not riding a bike in boy’s town. He’s a real cop.” Al snorted dismissively furrowing his brows while tossing is head toward his office door. â€Ĺ›That he is, but in his spare time he’s driving a sixty thousand dollar car and losing big out on the boat. Real man activities. Just so you know he’s the man you always thought him to be.” Zack got up and walked to the door. He looked at Al and saw a confusion of emotions on the detective’s face. Anger, bewilderment, and grief. â€Ĺ›How many cops can drop ten thousand in a night, Al?”Mo rolled her eyes as Claude held her a little too tightly as they balanced side by side on the tandem. They were working on integrating the marriage ceremony of Hades and Persephone into the show. Mo wasn’t feeling the concept that had come down from Montreal. Claude was loving it. It gave him more visibility in the act. He was also loving the abundance of physical contact with Mo it also provided. â€Ĺ›I missed you, Momo. Let’s have dinner after the show. Can you get rid of the fascist pig for a night? Look at him. That suit!”â€Ĺ›Not all men wait with bated breath for the latest edition of â€ĹšVogue Male’, Claude. I already have plans for dinner.”â€Ĺ›With, with that cop?” He spit out the last word as if an insect had flown in his mouth. They both dropped and swung by their knees.â€Ĺ›With Roddy and Luciana, actually. After the show. They’re entertaining the Whitneys. I couldn’t get out of it.” â€Ĺ›Roddy did not invite Claude,” he sniffed. â€Ĺ›You spend all your time with that capitalist watchdog. No time for me anymore.”â€Ĺ›I’m sure Roddy will invite Claude. You should check you’re messages.” She hung by one leg. â€Ĺ›He is my bodyguard after all.”He twirled up onto the bar and ran his hand down her leg, his hand massaging her foot. â€Ĺ›Such pretty feet. Let’s meet and go together.”â€Ĺ›Sorry, I’ve already told you we’re done.” She swung up into a sitting position and looked down at Zack with a little smile. He leaned back in a chair talking to Lourdes Garcia, one of the coliseum security guards. He had loosened his tie and gotten comfortable. Her workdays were long and he had gotten to know all the performers and workers. The crowd of people gathered in the arena to put on the nightly show numbered nearly two hundred and fifty. Mo watched as he talked, looked around, chatted with performers or riggers, then got up with a stretch, and started to make one of his rounds, checking rooms, cameras, and exits.”â€Ĺ›You date a glorified security guard? How gauchely American. He goes to a barber. I don’t need to carry a gun to be a man.” They landed on the platform. Misha handed them towels. â€Ĺ›I thought you were one of the few Americans with taste. Now you prove me wrong. Misha, this towel smells sour, get rid of it.” He tossed the towel at Misha’s face with anger. She saw a look of anger flash momentarily in the younger man’s eyes. Mo put her hand on his arm rolling her eyes in Claude’s direction. This got a little smile from the shy Ukrainian.â€Ĺ›No need to be rude. Misha doesn’t do the laundry. And if I’m so gauchely American then you shouldn’t have a problem with me dating another loutish American will you? Not that I have a date with Detective Burnham. We’re just friends. Misha, please have the riggers check out the tandem, it’s not level. Oh my god, there’s Linc!” She slid down the pole leaving Claude and Misha looking after her. â€Ĺ›Girl! You are looking good up there.” Mo and Linc hugged as everyone gathered around. Everyone hugged and patted the tumbler. Mo thought the already slender man looked as if he’d lost a lot of weight in a short time. His eyes looked sunken but he tried hard to put on a good front. Mo wasn’t fooled in the least. â€Ĺ›Linc we’ve all been so worried about you. I wish you’d gotten in touch.”â€Ĺ›Aw, I had to be by myself for a while. But Will has been staying with me. I wanted to call you, Mo, but I just didn’t think I could even talk.” His voice broke a bit and he quickly gave her a hug, his giant lanky frame hunched over as he pressed his face in her hair. He collected himself. â€Ĺ›I sure have missed all a y’all.” He sniffed and looked a little sheepish.â€Ĺ›So you back or what?” Trollie asked. â€Ĺ›I wanted to see you all before I go to Cleveland. The police cleared me to leave town. I signed up for the year at Cleveland College. Gonna catch you for Europe next summer.”â€Ĺ›Say it ain’t so, Linc!” Deb shouted breaking through the crowd. â€Ĺ›We can’t do the show without you. You’re our spirit!” She wrapped her arms around him. Shouts of agreement took a moment to die down.â€Ĺ›You all don’t need me. You’re the best in the business. I need a break with everythingâ€Ĺšgotta get my degree. I’m not getting any younger.”â€Ĺ›He’s all of twenty two!” Mo had her arm around his waist. He squeezed her shoulder. â€Ĺ›We’re all so sorry to see you go Linc. But you’ll look great in a suit. Have you seen Roddy?”â€Ĺ›He see Roddy now!” Roddy broke through the crowd. â€Ĺ›We all wish you good luck with the school. Don’t let me down on next summer. Paris! Roma! Oh, Si! Stockholm.”â€Ĺ›Can’t wait for Stockholm, home.” Linc and Roddy embraced.â€Ĺ›Stockholm is a beautiful city.” No one looked at Trollie. â€Ĺ›Well, it is.”â€Ĺ›Look, Will’s waiting out front and I need to fill out something for Roddy here. Hey Boss, got my check? I’m a full time student now. I need all the money I can get.” â€Ĺ›Linc, please stay in touch. Come on up to Montreal, when we’re on hiatus. We’d all love to see you.” Mo gave him a hug and tugged at a dreadlock. â€Ĺ›You better not bale on next summer or we’ll all go down to Cleveland and kick some accounting ass!”â€Ĺ›You all been like family to me. I’m sorry I didn’tâ€Ĺšcouldn’t. I gotta go. Roddy?” Everyone’s eyes watered with Linc’s. Hugs and kisses were given. Eyes wiped. Even Claude came down and shook his hand. Mo looked up and noticed Misha checking out the tandem. She gave Linc a last hug.â€Ĺ›Everybody back to work! Come with me my boy.” Roddy guided Linc away. The crowd dispersed. Mo watched Linc go with tears in her eyes. She had a feeling Linc might not be back. She could see the pain in his eyes. His tone. Even his posture seemed somehow wilted. But maybe if he kept his mind busyâ€Ĺšâ€ť She sniffled. The tears rolled down her cheeks. She felt a hand on her shoulder and knew it was Zack before she even turned around. He pulled out a handkerchief and gently dabbed at her tears.â€Ĺ›He’s a really good guy.” Her voice quivered. â€Ĺ›He didn’t deserve such pain.”â€Ĺ›No one does,” Zack said simply. He handed her the handkerchief. â€Ĺ›He’s young. He’ll survive it. Seems like he’s got the right idea about school. Think he’ll follow through?”â€Ĺ›Oh, he will. He’s a busy bee kind of guy. Always has to be doing. It might be just going through the motions at first, but I bet he’ll find himself into it before long. He’s got that kind of energy. Can’t keep him down. Thanks for the hanky. I guess I better get back to work.” She gave him a half hearted smile. Zack watched her wind her way up a red silk to the platform. Her superb athletic body making the climb seem so easy. He clutched the handkerchief in his hand and thought about how pretty her unmade up face was as she looked up at him with tears in her eyes. A flash of guilt reminded him of the reason for those tears. He watched her swing out and grasp Claude’s strong wrists. How he wished he could catch her high in the air. How he wished they could fly together. He was certain they could soar. Later in the day, after rehearsals, most of the performers went to relax or eat before getting ready for the show. Riggers were checking equipment one last time. The set designers argued about reworking the stage levels. Things tended to change a bit as the bugs were worked out. Zack looked up. Mo was talking to Misha. Claude had sauntered off ignoring him several minutes before. He looked around at the amazing setting. He watched the pyrotechnicians place their wares, checking wires and fuses. The lighting crew tested and retested the different colored spotlights. He was really enjoying the work. Just being there and watching everything that went into producing the amazing show. It helped him take his mind off the situation with Ray. Zack had been deeply saddened by the realization that his close friend, a man he’d trusted with his life, was corrupt. Perhaps viciously so. But Zack was a realist who adapted to the news and could only hope that he himself would be cleared in time. In his heart he grieved for the man he knew Ray had once been. He wasn’t sure Al Simpson would look into the information he’d given him, but he thought there was a pretty good chance he would. Al had connections. Though retired from the CPD, he had a vast network of friends, stoolies, people who owed favors and others he could utilize if he wanted to look into Bull Shaughnessy’s dealings with Ray. And Al was smart. Smart enough keep Bull in the dark. Al had proven his entire career he was the smartest guy in Chicago law enforcement. Personality notwithstanding, it was Zack’s opinion that Al was the only one who could bring Bull down. Funny that the disagreeable cop seemed to be the only one Zack felt he could trust with this.His head jerked up. Mo stood on the platform looking down at him. Misha was flipping off the net. â€Ĺ›Hey, Detective, you look like your daydreaming down there.”â€Ĺ›Just wondering if you’re just going to stay up there â€Ĺštil the show starts. Me, I’m hungry. I’m not getting paid to starve so you can play footsie with your devil of a husband.”â€Ĺ›Just trying to make you jealous,” she teased. â€Ĺ›You must be bored out of your mind, Zack. Come up here and check things out from a different perspective. I promise you’ll be wanting in on the act.”â€Ĺ›I tend to like my feet on the ground,” Zack shouted up at her. â€Ĺ›I’ll leave the flying to you.” â€Ĺ›I didn’t know you were so soft. I would think a tough guy like you wouldn’t be afraid of anything.” Mo grabbed a trapeze, swung out and flipped herself into a sitting position. â€Ĺ›I could stay up here all night. Come on Zack. Just up on the platform.”â€Ĺ›Only if you promise to come down in time to relax a while before the show.” He headed to the ladder not waiting for the promise. She’d be too revved up to relax and would barely eat. The narrow ladder was a little awkward being rope and hard on the hands. It didn’t bother Mo’s hands for she generally climbed up the silk for the added workout, as if she needed it. It was startling how casually these people could just do something like that.  Plus she wore thin leather gloves for practice and rehearsal. They covered only half her fingers and wore out within days. It was a look Zack tried not to think of for fear of distraction. She had landed back onto the lower platform with a light thud to meet him. He stepped onto the platform and looked all around. He was forty feet in the air. He wasn’t afraid of heights but the platform did suddenly seem less stable than it appeared from the floor of the coliseum. He took in the view. â€Ĺ›It is a different perspective. Your right, thanks a lot, now about dinnerâ€Ĺšâ€ťMo took a tandem trapeze from its berth. â€Ĺ›Now, Detective, just a little swing.”â€Ĺ›Oh, no! No way. If you think I’m getting on thatâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Come on, Detective Burnham, just a little swing. You played on swings as a kid; this is almost the same thing.” She pulled her lips into a coaxing grin, raising her eyebrows. He felt that clutch in his chest. The same one that had become so frequent he should have been used to it by now.â€Ĺ›I never played on a swing forty feet up. I did fall on my head from ten feet up off of monkey bars when I was eight. I’ve spent my life since then trying to avoid another concussion.”â€Ĺ›So that explains a few things.” She laughed. â€Ĺ›Take off your jacket. Here,” she reached up and loosened his tie,” get rid of this.”â€Ĺ›If I’d known you were going to undress me I would’a tried this sooner.” Zack teased as she pointed at his shoes.â€Ĺ›Take those off. Glad to see you’ve gotten your sense of humor back. Socks off. If you fall just kick your legs out so your ass hits the net. You’re a big, strong guy. All you have to do is hang on.” She positioned herself in front of one half of the tandem. Offering him the other, she took his hand and placed it on the bar. Zack swallowed at the touch of her hand. He looked down at the net to avoid her eyes. His heart beat a little too fast. She placed her other hand on the bar.â€Ĺ›We’re just going to swing back and forth and land on the other platform. Don’t try to make the platform until I say. Give yourself a little thrust off with me. It doesn’t have to be hard. When we get to the platform, grab the rail if you start to lose your balance. If you can’t make the platform I’ll pull you in.”â€Ĺ›This is crazy, I can’t do this.” Zack had both hands on the bar. His face was flushed with the excitement of the risk and being so close to Mo in her territory. He looked down and wondered at her ability to spend so much time hurling herself through the air. He looked at her. Her small full lips were formed in a daring little smile. Her eyes teased him. â€Ĺ›You can do it. I bet you can do anything you set your mind to. Hold on. Now.” He held tight and pushed off swinging beside her. He felt the tension on his strong arms. They swung forward toward the other platform. Zack feared he couldn’t make the platform but with some awkwardness managed to land. â€Ĺ›See, simple. I knew you could do it. Now that you’ve shown you can land, once more.” They pushed off again. Zack copied her movements with his quick eye and they swung smoothly back and forth a few times. Then Mo thrust up a leg and caught it on the bar. Before he knew it he had done the same. â€Ĺ›Glad I got into a stretching routine,” he chuckled nervously.â€Ĺ›Now the other leg.” Before the words were out of her mouth her other knee was over the bar and she hung suspended, her long braid hanging down.Zack had a little trouble with the other leg due to his trousers. And it had been a long time since those monkey bars. But he managed and hung upside down beside Mo. They looked at each other and laughed. â€Ĺ›I’ve always wondered what you think about up here. Now I know. Surviving!”Mo laughed. â€Ĺ›I think about the show. I think about my laundry. I think about pizza. Same kind of stuff everyone else thinks about. Just think about it up in the air. It’s a job. I love it, it’s a wonderful job, but I’m not up here solving the riddle of the universe. Mostly I focus on what I’m doing. What my by body is capable of and how to make it better.” Zack finally let go with his hands and hung entirely by his knees. â€Ĺ›Good. Relax. It doesn’t really take that much strength to move yourself. Just a littleâ€Ĺšâ€ť she gave a subtle jerk of her body. He waited until they reversed and timed his thrust with hers. â€Ĺ›Just hang, Zack. It’s relaxing.” She ran a hand down his arm as if to calm him. Her touched seemed to seep into his skin and fill his bloodstream. He suddenly needed but could not find a deep breath. He looked at her. She was studying him. He felt as vulnerable as he ever had been. Not to the height, but to the sensation that seized him at her touch. â€Ĺ›. I don’t think I could just hang up here and wax philosophical myself.” He observed her perfectly toned body. Hard and soft. Her skin so smooth as it clung tightly to the carved muscles beneath. Her skin was as luminous as her dark eyes were deep pools of emotion. They looked at each other and smiled a little shyly. Zack cleared his throat. Mo fixated on the bar.â€Ĺ›How are your knees?” she asked. â€Ĺ›Okay. But the bloods rushing to my head. I don’t know how you can concentrate like this.”â€Ĺ›You get used to it like anything else. Hands on the bar. Good.” In one smooth move he’d followed her motion and hung by his arms again. â€Ĺ›Now a little more thrust to land and â€Ĺšâ€ť They were on the platform. Zack caught the rail. For a moment he felt the wind had gone out of him. But he straightened when he felt her hand on his shoulder. He laughed and looked into her eyes. Her eyes smiled back into his as they stood a moment. â€Ĺ›Different perspective, huh?” Zack’s heart beat hard. He didn’t mention that he hadn’t noticed anything but her. Or that he could have flown with her all night.SevenMo wished she could soak in a tub for a long time. It saved time to get ready in the dressing room but there were no bath tubs. Her shoulder was a little tight and the massage from Crystal McCleary had given some relief but she still felt like laying in a warm bath for hours. The show had gone well. Now she had to get herself moving for the late night fete Roddy and Luciana were throwing for the Whitneys. She turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. The dressing room was almost deserted. She sat at her dressing table and slathered cream on her face. She had been offered her own private dressing room upon becoming the star of La Cirque du Celestial but it had seemed too prima donna for her taste. Besides she liked the busy bustle before a show. She liked the camaraderie with the women even with the occasional spats and fits of jealousy. She knew most of the women envied her situation, but generally it was a friendly environment. She herself had envied Luciana at one time. She hoped she wouldn’t try to hang on as long as Luciana had. To the detriment of the show. She hoped she would be able to accept and get on with her life when the time came. She was twenty six. She might have ten years, with luck. Without major injuries. She looked around at all the flowers she’d been sent. And the usual bouquet Misha had given her, picked up from the arena floor. She wondered for a moment that he didn’t come down to see Linc. They hadn’t been close but seemed to like each other. She looked at the clock and shrugged. She reached for her mineral foundation. Best stop dawdling she thought as the last of the other performers went out the door.Zack waited outside the dressing room and figured everyone was out but Mo. He leaned against the wall across from her dressing room door and glanced at his watch. He knew she might be longer than usual because she had asked for Crystal McCleary complaining her shoulder felt tight. The masseuse had come and gone giving Zack a come hither look and touching his hand ever so lightly as she said good night. Fortunately Mo was generally pretty quick about putting herself together. Not so much a drugstore lady he thought. He liked her basic, unfussy look. Especially when contrasted with the extreme make up of the show. Not that that wasn’t cause for intrigue! Especially the way the costumes fit. He was lost in his thoughts on that topic when he heard a clang down the hall. He knew the prop crews were making adjustments and getting set up for tomorrow’s practice and rehearsal. He heard the whirr of vacuum cleaners and waxers. But the clang had come from the opposite direction. Down the corridor that led to the rear exit. He had already cleared the area and Lourdes Garcia had also done a sweep. He straightened at another clang and moved toward the corridor. His hair bristled on his neck. He turned into the low lit corridor and looked around. Suddenly he saw a shadow dashing up on a catwalk that serviced electrical closets. â€Ĺ›Hey! Who’s up there?” He thought he heard a quick intake of breathe from the catwalk. â€Ĺ›Stop screwing around and come down here right now.” He pulled out his gun and moved toward the ladder to the catwalk looking up into the dark shadows. Mo gave herself one last glance. Shit, the time! Good enough in the dark blue dress and the scarf she’d bought at Filene’s Basement. Okay, earrings. It was the Whitneys after all. She looked through the top drawer of her dressing table swearing she’d thrown some pearl drops in there at some point. Coming up empty she looked over at the table Deb and Ling had shared. She hoped Deb had left something she could borrow. They were all pretty free with borrowing each other’s stuff. She rifled around in the drawer with no luck. Oh well. She hoped the Whitneys weren’t counting on being impressed. She stopped and thought about the times she and Ling had chatted and laughed as they prepared for a show or undressed and unpainted after one. She thought about the last night and the hair dryer. Ling organizing hair dryer use making the star of the show wait her turn. Wild, exuberant Ling. Thoughtful, studious Ling. She placed her hand on the dressing table and thought of her friend. All Ling’s belongings were gone now. Deb had managed to clutter it up on her own. She realized she may have not reached out to Deb as she might have. They weren’t unfriendly but had never become friends like she and Ling had. She told herself she’d try to get to know Deb a little better. She was a fellow aerialist after all. But she was often peevish and Mo suspected a little jealous of her. Maybe she should try to break through that instead of being put off. She remembered how she’d been with Linc earlier that day. Was it possible she’d had a little bit of a crush on the tumbler? Maybe she had been hurting in his absence in a way Mo never suspected. Well, maybe she was wrong. I guess I better get going. She grabbed her bag and opened the door. Zack heard the shriek as he ascended the ladder to the catwalk. His guts did a flip and he leaped cursing as his knee jammed into the concrete floor. He ran toward the dressing rooms gun drawn. He flipped off the safety. The hall was empty but he heard yelling in the women’s dressing room. â€Ĺ›Mo!”â€Ĺ›Zack!” He heard her as he put his hand on the knob twisting as if to snap it off when it proved locked. He pounded his fist against the door, then rammed his shoulder to it when he heard her cry his name again. He took a step back and with a sharp blow with his foot knocked the door open. He jumped on the back of the demon that had Mo pinned against Deb’s dressing table, taking it down to the floor where it cursed in French. â€Ĺ›I’m pressing charges, Roddy. How can I possibly work with that idiot?” Mo glanced toward the door, â€Ĺ›He assaulted me Roddy, practically rapeâ€Ĺšâ€ť Their heads turned toward the drunken yell from the hall. â€Ĺ›I would never hurt you. I show you how much I care, that’s all. You turn me away. Now you find a way to get rid of me. Once and for all!” Two officers tried to keep Claude calm and get him to answer questions. Zack stood and looked at Mo and Roddy. Then turned his eyes to the Hades mask one of the cops held in the hallway. Son of a bitch, he thought and rubbed the scraped knuckles that had hit the floor beneath the Frenchman. â€Ĺ›The guy’s really drunk.” He stopped at the glare Mo turned on him. â€Ĺ›How’d he get that drunk that fast? He’s on something. Hey officer, what he’d say he was drinking?” Zack addressed one of the cops who were almost holding Claude up.” â€Ĺ›He said champagne.” Zack looked at Mo. â€Ĺ›It’s only been an hour since the show. Did he seem like he’d been drinking then?” â€Ĺ›I drank champagne you sent me,” Claude was being held up by both officers now. He mumbled and Zack noticed was actually drooling. â€Ĺ›Theâ€Ĺšnote. You send the note.”She crossed her arms as Roddy tried to soothe her. She was not soothe receptive. â€Ĺ›Do you think I’d fly through the air and rely on someone I thought was drinking to catch me? For crying out loud, Roddy, I’m okay. He goes or I go. Soleil de Regine is offering more money. Where was he when Ling was killed? Did he break into my room? Did you kill Ling, Claude? Did you?” Her voice broke and she sobbed into Roddy’s neck. â€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman, Claude was cleared early on. He had a solid alibi. Ms. McCleary vouchedâ€Ĺšâ€ť Zack thought her eyes would burn holes when she turned toward him. She opened her mouth and he thought she’d spit fire. â€Ĺ›I don’t care what he’s had to drink or what he’s on. Get him out of here!” She shrieked the last part to Zack and Roddy’s dismay. Zack nodded at the police and they hauled Claude away. â€Ĺ›I guess we should at least make an appearance at the dinner party. Roddy, you’re the host, I shouldn’t have called you.” Mo grabbed her bag and made for the door. â€Ĺ›Si, yes, you should have. You no want to go we go back to your room. Whitney’s will understand.” â€Ĺ›I’m okay, Roddy. Let’s not stand the Whitney’s up.” Mo stood at the door and watched the police practically dragging Claude. She turned and nearly bumped into Roddy who was right behind her. She put her free hand on his shoulder as if to steady herself. â€Ĺ›I didn’t send Claude champagne.” She turned and looked at Zack who stood holding the scarf she’d dropped during her struggle with Claude. â€Ĺ›He said he drank the champagne I sent him. I didn’t. And I sure as hell didn’t send him a note.”â€Ĺ›Let’s check out his room.” Zack took her by the arm and headed to Claude’s private dressing room. The door was locked and Roddy hurriedly got a maintenance man to open it. A champagne bottle lay broken on the carpeted floor. The carpet around it was saturated. Zack looked around and grabbing a tissue from Claude’s dressing table picked up the bottom half of the bottle to which was taped a note. Zack read the note aloud, â€Ĺ›â€ĹšClaude, the devil’s gotten into me. Meet me in the dressing room. I need you now! Momo.’  Someone has a sick sense of humor.” Mo shook her head in disgust then stood back in surprise when Zack pulled out his pocket knife and crouched and jabbed it into the carpet. â€Ĺ›Not enough on the bottle for testing,” He cut a large chunk of carpet and grabbing a plastic waste basket, set the piece of carpet upright in it so it started dripping immediately. â€Ĺ›You think the champagne was drugged?” Mo grasped Roddy’s arm. She looked around the room and noticed Claude had knocked several things over as well as breaking the champagne bottle. â€Ĺ›I have to say it’s not like Claude to allow himself to get smashed. He’s very health conscious.” â€Ĺ›He was way too stoned for booze. In an hour?” Zack looked around. Rifled through a drawer looking for pill bottles. Then he searched for the cork. It was plastic but he could tell that someone had jabbed a long thin object alongside the plastic and into the bottle. â€Ĺ›Look, right on the side of the cork.” Mo and Roddy looked, it was difficult to tell but they were both able to get the idea of how someone had managed to spike the champagne with drugs. â€Ĺ›Shit, Claude.” Mo looked at Roddy. â€Ĺ›Oh! I go catch the police.” Roddy started out the door.â€Ĺ›Might as well let them take him. I’ll call and divert them to the hospital. He’ll need to be tested and monitored.” Zack placed the call while Mo and Roddy left the room and stood in the hall. Zack came out locking the door behind him. â€Ĺ›Why don’t you go meet the Whitneys and I’ll get this to the police lab? Someone tried to set Claude up. And screw with you.” He looked at Mo. Mo and Roddy looked at each other and started to leave. â€Ĺ›Wait Roddy. Do you know of any medications Claude is taking?”â€Ĺ›No. No. Claude do not take anything but the vitamins.” Roddy rubbed his chin looking up at Zack. â€Ĺ›You think someone try to hurt Claude?”â€Ĺ›I’m not sure if this was to hurt Claude but it was certainly aimed at Mo. If he was on anything at all the lab could eliminate it.” Zack followed them out, waste basket in hand.â€Ĺ›It’s late. The Whitney’s have probably given up on us.” Mo let herself be led by Roddy. â€Ĺ›I don’t feel like this. I just want to go to my room.”â€Ĺ›You are right.” Roddy looked at his watch. â€Ĺ›I told them we are running late. I call and tell them you can’t make it. Don’t worry, I tell them you are just a little ill.” â€Ĺ›Roddy, stay with her â€Ĺštil I get there, will ya?” Zack followed until they were at Roddy’s car. The driver opened the door. â€Ĺ›Of course I stay with her.” He looked at Mo. She climbed into the back of the car. â€Ĺ›Claude will be all right, won’t he?” Mo searched Zack’s face. â€Ĺ›He’s on his way to the hospital. He was still conscious. That’s a good sign.” He held the wastebasket with the dripping carpet. â€Ĺ›I’ll drop this off and be there as soon as I can.”He laughed hysterically at the fool Claude had made of himself. How easy it was to manipulate people. If you had access and a little privacy what jokes you could play. He was disturbed that Claude may have taken things too far in his altered state, but if his guess was any good Claude had one foot out the door. Trust had been undermined. Even if it was discovered that the champagne had been drugged Mo was going to have an intolerable sense of mistrust when it came to that preening Frenchman. And who would take his place? Would it be the end of the act, or perhaps even the company itself? Probably not, but delays due to the murder had already dampened global ticket sales. Though sales had bounced back, if one of the two star performers were ousted, that would leave a huge hole in the star power of the company. Arrogant jerk that he is, Claude was a talented performer. For all the wanna bes out there, he would be difficult to replace. Unless. He sat back and thought about Mo. He had let his temper get the better of him when he thought she was dallying with that two bit Casanova. Now it was the cop he was worried about. His supposed protection of her had gotten a little too comfortable. They were always together. He wondered if there had been anythingâ€Ĺš Oh they tried to keep the appearance of a strictly professional relationship but there were signs. She would touch his arm. They’d put their heads together and laugh. They went out for drives. Where did they go? Did he really just take her shopping? If only he could find a way into the presidential suite. Now maybe trust in the cop had been undermined as well.Was she deliberately trying to drive him crazy? He thought about smashing Ling’s head in and the sense of satisfaction it gave him. Of course it wasn’t Ling who’d had him so worked up. He was relieved later it had not been Mo. Letting that tumbler in her room. What did she expect when she just let men in and out her revolving door? But not him. Not him. She just played games with him. And if that was the case, she’d get what she deserved. When the time came. It was timing after all. Everything in life really came down to timing. Right place at the right time. Wrong place at the wrong time. Right or wrong, still timing. One day she would see him. Up close and personal. At exactly the right time. Meanwhile, I better work on my skill set. Remaining the invisible man for one. Lots of fun and games to be had yet. Before the time came. Mo was curled on the white suede sofa. She furtively looked at Zack. It was odd, she thought, that she was so attracted to this cop who seemed to have dropped out of the sky. She had never been attracted to a cop and just assumed she would not be. She had harbored a number of assumptions about cops. And not all good. Here he was diligently reading the Chicago Sun Times in search of any mention of Ray. That cop’s killing and the news surrounding it was fading from media notice. The papers had been dominated by the continuous corruption investigations into the Chicago mayor, nearby mayors, county president, and governor. Zack read it all. On his own time of course, which was always spent with her. Mo looked at the clock. It was twelve thirty and after such a long day she would normally be asleep unless at some late night function Roddy had roped her into. The incident with Claude had upset her. Roddy had stayed until Zack returned spending a good deal of that time on his phone trying to calm his outraged wife. At least the Whitney’s had been understanding. Now she was wide awake pretending to be absorbed in a complementary magazine. She got up and dropped the magazine on the end table. It slapped against the wood. Zack looked up and saw her stretching. She had changed out of the dress she had worn earlier and replaced it with sweats and a T-shirt. Her hair was braided to one side as usual. She looked out the window and idly unbraided it and ran her fingers through it until it was a fountain of waves flowing nearly to her waist. She sighed and watched the traffic in the distance. She followed the lights of a plane as it descended soundlessly toward O’Hare airport. Then she saw him. She gave no hint as she eyed Zack’s reflection. He held the paper, but he watched her, his eyes barely peeping over the top edge of the tabloid style newspaper. She casually ran her fingers up to the back of her neck and lifted her hair letting it fall slowly as she pushed one hip out and stretched her arms up. She knew her figure was enticing. She knew the combination of strength and softness, long lines and curves were enough to draw any man’s attention. She subtly watched the reflection and was annoyed to find his attention in the paper again. Now she felt foolish and a little angry. But she’d seen him looking. It was time things were out in the open. She was tired of being the center of his attention and feeling completely ignored. She turned as he turned the page. He folded it back and gave it a whip to straighten it. â€Ĺ›You don’t need this lamp do you?” Mo leaned toward the lamp near the end of the sofa. She looked at him and saw him glance over the edge of the paper. â€Ĺ›No. No thanks, I’m good. You turning in?” Zack felt her restlessness. Understandable after the night’s events. They’d talked it out and came to the end of it, but both had been enervated. Now he was feeling the urge to laze on into sleep. If she was going to bed he’d do the same. He was just about to get up and take the paper into his room. His intention was diverted as he noticed her walk not to her room but directly to him. She stood in front of him. For a moment, he pretended to continue reading. Mo stood a moment and watched his eyes follow whatever article he was on. Then she took hold of the paper with both hands and gave it a gentle tug. He looked up. Their eyes engaged. She had nothing to say. She wanted to show what she was feeling. Words struggled to come to him but as she climbed on him and placed her knees on either side of him, no utterance could find its way to his lips. She lowered her small full mouth to his and he acquiesced as its softness lured his own mouth harder against hers. He took in the subtle citrus scent of her hair as her hands pressed on his shoulders. He could feel the heat of her on his lap and his own heat rose as she pressed harder into him. Her breasts pressed through the T-shirt. His hands slid up her sides. The fountain of black hair caressed his hands as he drew her harder against him, placing his hands on her slender neck. Her hands moved down the front of his shirt to the first button. The heat simmered in him as he felt her undo it and move to the next. Tongue met tongue tasting and circling. They explored mouth to mouth while pure heat radiated between them. Zack ran his hands down Mo’s arms. He brought his hands to hers as she went for the third button. He clasped her hands and gave her a gentle push. She laughed a little into his mouth as she resisted and pushed her hands through his and unclasped the third one. He was wearing a white cotton T-shirt under his light gray work shirt. She undid the fourth button and kept her mouth hard against his. He pulled her tongue in with a gentle suck. She pushed herself down onto him and felt the hot swell strain against her own warmth. Mo’s hands were on his buckle. Their lips were locked almost as in battle as she undid the buckle and pulled at his shirt. His hands glided lightly over the sides of her breasts, down her side and hips and back up again over the T-shirt. She pulled her mouth away from his and threw her head back offering her breasts to him. He grabbed the bottom of the T-shirt and pulled upward. She raised her hands and anticipated the intake of breath. His at the lovely vision he would encounter. Hers at the first touch of his hands and lips on her yearning rosettes. He saw. He closed his eyes. She waited. And waited.Mo looked down and saw he had dropped his head. For a moment she thought he had actually fallen asleep. She realized he had his eyes shut very tightly like a small boy counting hide and seek. â€Ĺ›Zack?” she barely breathed the word. â€Ĺ›This is notâ€Ĺšwe shouldn’tâ€Ĺšâ€ť he sighed and clasped her hands. Without looking at her he pulled her hands to his mouth the kissed each one lightly. â€Ĺ›We can’t do this. It’s notâ€Ĺšnot a good idea, given the situationâ€Ĺšour professionalâ€Ĺšâ€ťShe yanked her hands away and climbed off his lap. â€Ĺ›You weren’t thinking too professionally a moment ago. Don’t like what you see? That can be remedied.” She picked up the T-shirt and held it in front of her.â€Ĺ›Look I got carried away. I knew it wasn’t a good idea but when youâ€Ĺš and I feltâ€Ĺšyou kissedâ€Ĺšâ€ť Zack stood up stammering and adjusted himself, buckling his belt. â€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman, Mo, you know it would change everything. I’ve got to keep a clear head. I can’t protect you if I’m preoccupied byâ€Ĺšother things. We let attraction interfere then whoever killed Ling has one up on us, if they’re still around and after tonight I’d bet on it.”Mo pursed her lips and snorted. No man she had set her mind to had ever resisted her before. Now he had to get a dose of common sense and will power just in time to make her feel like a fool. Her eyes bore angry holes through him so he and tried to take her hand in his. She jerked it away. â€Ĺ›Why didn’t you say anything right away? Now I’m in the position of feeling like I’ve sexually harassed an employee. And I feel like an idiot. I thoughtâ€Ĺšmaybe youâ€ĹšI guess that was presumptuous of me. Thank you very much for the lesson.” She turned and headed for her room feeling every bit the idiot but also baffled. He had been watching. He had kissed her back. He had responded with heat equal to that which had permeated every cell of her being. She felt his response. In his kiss, from his hands. And the response she’d felt while pressing on his lap had been unmistakable. Zack wanted to go after her and wrap his arms around her and make her understand. If she only knew how painful, literally painful in body and mind it had been for him when he came to his senses. He had been caught off guard. Her advance had been the last thing he had expected. There had been what some might take as mild flirtation. Nothing he would have taken seriously. There had been none of the signals he might have expected. He thought they had become friends in a way but there was no indication that this was in the works. He felt blindsided by her sudden amorous behavior. How could he have gotten a grip on himself any more quickly? He, and she, were lucky he had come to grips at all. â€Ĺ›Mo. I wasn’t expecting this. You took me by surprise. It’s not that I don’tâ€Ĺš not that you’re notâ€Ĺš I’m sorry, I don’t mean to hurt your feelings but it’s just not right. Right now.”â€Ĺ›I’m sure you’re a very old fashion kind of guy who likes to make the first move.” Mo still held the T-shirt in front of her chest. She took his breath away with her hair flowing over her shoulders. â€Ĺ›My mistake, Detective Burnham. Your right, let’s keep it professional.” She turned and slammed the door behind her. A part of her knew she was acting like a spoiled child but the feeling of rejection overwhelmed her sense of fairness. The frustrated desire blinded her to her own part in bringing on the humiliation she felt. Zack stood feeling confused and guilty. Had he done the wrong thing? Should he have gone through with something he felt, no matter how desirable, would interfere with his ability to protect Mo? Indignation suddenly made him grimace with anger. She had sucker punched him and there he was feeling like a cad. He walked to her door and turned the knob. She spun as he opened it just as she shrugged into her bathrobe. Despite his anger he felt a pulse of desire. He promptly looked away. She clutched the robe around her and tied the belt. Her eyes struck his like bolts of lightning. â€Ĺ›This is unfair. I didn’t set out to hurt you so why am I the one feeling like shit? I’m doing the best I can to keep you safe. Sex wasn’t part of the deal and as tempting as it might be, I have to think about your safety first. What a cad I am, but tough luck. Of course I responded. Who wouldn’t? As I’m sure you very well know. I’m sorry if my thinking about your safety first upset some kind of notch on your belt thing, but that’s the way it is. I refuse to feel like shit for one minute longer. Besides which, you said you were my friend. Tell a friend, remember that. I don’t have anything against the idea of friends with benefits but you have no right to be angry if a friend says no.”â€Ĺ›Notch on my belt? You think I’m just trying to see how many scalps I can collect?” She paced a moment and turned with fury darting from her eyes. That look had crushed men as surely as any grinding stiletto. â€Ĺ›I see you’ve already come to some sort of judgment about me and that I’ve merely confirmed your assumptions. Yes, Detective, you are just another notch waiting to happen. I killed my best friend just so I could seduce the first cop to turn up. It’s all a scheme to feed my implacable lust for notches on my bedpost.” She harrumphed and turned toward her bathroom. â€Ĺ›It’s late, goodnight.”He was too angry to contain it. He caught her before she went through the door. His hand was on her arm as she turned angrily on him. The look on his face stopped her. She had never seen such anger toward her from a man whose face was inches from her own. A hard prick of fear spiked into her chest. Then the fog of her own anger cleared and she saw the pain in his face.The anger was mixed with confusion and hurt. He glared at her with his hand on her arm. She saw his sense of right and wrong. Fair and unfair. His sense of justice and she knew she had attacked the most basic part of him. Beyond all things he was a man who had dedicated his life to justice. His sense of it was essential to who he was. Her ego had caused her to insult everything that was good in him. The very thing that made his life worth living. She saw all this in an instant and knew he would not hurt her. They stood and looked at each other until she gently peeled his hand from her arm. â€Ĺ›I’m sorry, you’re right. It’s my fault. It was foolish of me and I compromised you. But I want you to know I don’t just go around seducing whatever man is available. I’m not trying to beat a record. It’s unfair for you to think so.”His eyes softened. â€Ĺ›I don’t think that. I know you a little, anyway. I’m not a guy who judges women on those terms. I don’t think woman, or men, should be too frivolous aboutâ€Ĺšattraction. We were both pissed. I’m sorry I said the notch thing.” He saw a flash of hurt in her eyes and wished he could just hold her. â€Ĺ›It’s been an upsetting night. Let’s get some sleep. Maybe tomorrow we’ll know what the hell we’re doing.” He touched her cheek lightly without thinking. â€Ĺ›Good night.”Mo watched him turn and clasped her arms tight around herself. â€Ĺ›Zack.” He turned wearily towards her. Her voice was strained. â€Ĺ›Just so there’s no mistake. I knew exactly what I was doing.” She turned into the bathroom and left Zack standing there. She had slept late and was still tired. Foregoing her workout had made her feel grumpy and the excess caffeine she had consumed had only served to make her jittery. Roddy watched impatiently as Misha, with what he thought of as his big, clunky body, substituted for Claude who had returned to his room from the hospital with a blinding headache. It was another busy day in the life of La Cirque du Celestial. And the general mood was as grim as Claude’s hangover. â€Ĺ›Why can’t I move from that position? I’ve gotten it down. I’m not going to get in her way.” Deb glanced up resentfully at Mo. â€Ĺ›I don’t want to go through the ring of fire like that, Roddy. It doesn’t work from the down view.” Luca, a tumbler, complained. â€Ĺ›What am I supposed to do about these tears? I don’t have time to wait for more fabric.” Sally clacked away indignantly in her heels.â€Ĺ›Funny? What’s funny about hell?” Trollie had shorts and a tee on. But his face was made up as usual. â€Ĺ›The front office wants more comic relief? I’m IRONIC relief. This isn’t Ringling.” He swung his carrot topped head in a huff and rode off on his tiny bicycle. Roddy dropped into a chair next to Zack who was looking over the just delivered report. He rolled his eyes when Zack looked at him. â€Ĺ›I tell you Zack, some days I am like kindergardening teacher. Just keeping the order and hoping something gets learned.”Zack smiled at kindergardening.  â€Ĺ›I hate to make your day any more special, but Harve over at Greendale police just sent these results over. Claude.”â€Ĺ›That is quick. What it say?” Roddy brushed a hand through his comb over and leaned toward Zack.â€Ĺ›Someone used a syringe to spike the champagne with Phenobarbitol. Do you know what that is? A powerfulâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›I know what it is, my wife used to take it for the headache. Is someone trying to kill Claude? Well, maybe not so surprising. How you get results so fast? Maybe they rush. Maybe they are wrong.” Roddy seemed nervous. It was unusual and gained Zack’s attention. â€Ĺ›Roddy, are you all right? Lot’s of people have taken this drug. Your wife has been eliminated as a suspect. So have you. Do you know something you’re not telling me?” Zack eyed the Italian. â€Ĺ›Does someone else you know of take, or have access to Phenobarbitol?” He tapped the report with his forefinger.â€Ĺ›I don’t want to say but Linc brother come to visit last stop, New Orleans. He have the seizure he take that drug for. He stay in room with Linc. Last day of visit he say drug is missing. Had to get new prescripâ€Ĺšhow to say, oh, call his doctor to get more. He say it must be stolen, but Linc say his brother lost. Say his brother forget a lot of things. I don’t know why somebody do these things! Zack, maybe someone is trying to sabotage the show.” His Chihuahua eyes looked questioningly at the detective. â€Ĺ›We have made a name with great speed. We struggle for attention and suddenly, boom! We sell out the tickets where ever we go. You see how it is. We may be the first of this kind of show, but there are others. Plenty of imitators. There are companies who do anything to bring us down. But murder? No. I cannot believe it. The incidents not related maybe.”â€Ĺ›But this latest incident was still an attack on Mo. Yes, perhaps it would benefit another company or even just an individual performer to seed mistrust between your two stars. Divide and conquer. Who would benefit from creating friction between your stars? Another company’s meddling would guarantee nothing. After the murder ticket sales flagged globally for about five minutes, then bounced right back. I don’t think this is about competition between companies or performers. I think it’s about Mo. And I think it’s very personal.”â€Ĺ›I don’t want to think someone perhaps want to attack Mo. What you call that Misha? Do again. Oh, for Christo’s sake!” Roddy turned back to Zack. â€Ĺ›He’s a sweet boy, but he will never be principle. I need understudy for both Mo and Claude. They cannot work the six days always. Bodies need to rest. Deb is coming along, but she not ready. She is getting better, but her poor training get in her way. Too many circus people think they can do what we do. I have hundreds of applications. But to be perfect? Like Mo? Even Claude, very rare, Zack, I tell you. I am worried about my Momo. She in bad mood today.”â€Ĺ›I worry about Mo, too, Roddy. She keeps a pace that would kill me.” Zack looked up and watched Mo being caught by Misha. She seemed stiff. He wobbly. There was certainly not the same ease and trust there was with Claude. Could the show make it without one of them? Could someone be betting it would at least cause major delays if one of them had to be replaced? Yet, surely there were many talented performers longing for a shot. He started thinking about the night before. The excitement of the kiss. How she felt pressing on his lap. How he couldn’t get her proffered breasts out of his mind. He felt like his head had been spinning ever since. He felt that he was now compromised in his ability to protect her. He’d lost his balance as if he himself were standing on a moving swing. Flying with fire. â€Ĺ›Look Roddy, we can speculate all we want; the main thing is to protect your performers. The cops have dick, and we have less to go on than they do. It’s time to bring in a firm. More manpower, plus investigators. Someone who does this professionally. I screwed up last night Roddy. Mo made light of it, but Claude got by me because I went to check out some noise I heard near the rear exits on that end of the building. I heard her scream, but if it had been a real attacker, I might have been too late.” He looked at Roddy’s arched brows. â€Ĺ›Zack, you hard on yourself, of course you go to see to noise.” Roddy shrugged. â€Ĺ›You cannot be every place.”â€Ĺ›That’s the point, Roddy, I can’t. This needs more people. I don’t think I can protect her by myself. I’ve looked into some local, Chicago firms. I made a list of those with the best repsâ€Ĺšreputations. If I can’t keep one drunk away from her I doubt my ability to protect her at all.”â€Ĺ›Absurd! Zack! You need more people we get more people, but you stay on job. I talk to mayor. He say he trust you with his life. Futoma, you do good job! Good form! Hold straighter Juan! What wrong with you? Jesus! Jesus, you and Juan look hung over. Get you heads together. They are terrible twins. Great performers but never know when to stop the party!” Roddy blew a kiss at Sal who was breezing back through with an armload. Her frustration was apparently defused by the air kiss since she stuck out her tongue at Roddy and threw Zack a wink.Zack was still thinking of the comment about the mayor. A mild exaggeration to say the least. Zack found it hard to believe Tyler would say anything positive about him. â€Ĺ›I’ve got to go into the city today. Vince Smith is sending Janet Ben-Ghury over for a few hours to fill in if that meets your approval. I can contact these firms and get the ball rolling if you like. Someone wants to get to Mo Whitman. I’ve lost confidence I can handle this myself.” Zack snapped the file shut with a last glance up at Mo.  â€Ĺ›Went into the city? He didn’t tell me he was taking the day off. No offence Ms. Ben-Ghury, but this comes as surprise.”â€Ĺ›It’s just a few hours, Momo. Zack got things to take care of. He got a life on hold. He arrange for more security to help starting tomorrow. He will be back for the show tonight. Ms. Ben-Ghury, I thank you, you help us on the short notice.” Roddy turned to soothe the fuming Mo. â€Ĺ›Zack, will be back for the show. He make sure you have protection. He work seven days a week, twenty four hours all day. He need a break. To take care of some things.”â€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman, I will stay with you every moment.” Mo eyed Ben-Ghury. Mo had heard from Zack she was former FBI who had switched jobs to settle down. After two kids the husband had run off with a grad student and she took every bit of extra work she could to make ends meet. But it was on hotel security’s watch Ling had been murdered. What a comfort.â€Ĺ›Thank you, Ms. Ben-Ghury. I appreciate you helping us out on your day off.” Her anger burned beneath the surface. But she maintained her polite demeanor. â€Ĺ›I’ve got to get back to practice.” How dare he? Was this to teach her some sort of a lesson or did he really think so much less of her? Had she frightened him? Had she created a situation too awkward for him to deal with? What if he quit? Would he be so petty? Had she so misjudged his looks and the way he’d been with her? Had he gotten called back to work? He would have said so. Zack wouldn’t just bale on her without a word. She was certain of it. Wasn’t she? Oh, what a fool she was. She’d completely thrown him with her impulsive behavior. Not only ruined their professional relationship, but also a growing friendship. He must think she jumps into bed with every man she’s just met. How could she be so stupid? Wait. Who was he to judge her?Well if he was such a judgmental fool, such an old fashioned guy who was scared off so easily, to hell with him. In just a few days they’d be on their way. Washington D. C. was the next stop with a brief respite while everything was moved. She’d fly up to Montreal for a few days and just enjoy quiet in her condo. Get to know her chosen home a little better. Zack Burnham would be history. She IS stupid. What was she thinking trying to jump the bones of a man she’d known such a short time? He had his own problems after all and what was this but a gig to fill in until his real life got sorted out. He was grieving for a friend as well, wasn’t he? The fact that his partner was corrupt didn’t relieve him of that grief. It had surely deepened it. And what was he to think after all? She’d be gone soon and this whole thing would be all over. Let’s fuck, see you around. Would suit most men. Not Detective Burnham apparently. What was it about him? He wasn’t even her type. At least not until lately. How could he spring this on her? Oh, what did she care? When would he be back? He would be back.â€Ĺ›Got your mind somewhere else?” Deb was warming up. She’d been working hard on perfecting her skills. She had been practicing rigorously. She even announced she had quit smoking. Her performance was getting better and better. But she was in the background. Mo noticed and admired Deb’s efforts. Deb had a well proportioned body. She had an attractive face that was really be striking with the stage makeup. Her balance was excellent. Attitude was her primary problem as far as Mo could see. Mo had lost her understudy to a contraception failure. Deb thought she was ready to understudy but Roddy said no, not yet. She frowned. She sure could use the billing on the Sunday double now that a matinee was going to be on the schedule permanently. The money. â€Ĺ›Just wondering how Claude is.” Mo looked at Deb. She and Deb had never really warmed to each other for the reasons Mo had considered the night before. Mo wondered briefly if she herself felt threatened. She dismissed that idea.  She was secure in her abilities. It was too early in her career for that. She thought of Luciana’s reaction when Mo became her understudy. How Mo had tried to please her. Luciana had been the classic diva. She enslaved Mo and made her pay and pay for being the winding sheet of her own career. Only because of Roddy had life been tolerable. Only because of him had she had the shot. Then she’d been triumphant, and the company decided enough was enough. She had been triumphant and Roddy had made the call. Luciana was out and would never forgive her. She may have forgiven the man who had retired her. She even married him. But she never forgave Mo for being the new star. â€Ĺ›Misha has been working out. He knows he needs to try harder. He told me it affects his confidence when Claude treats him an idiot. He doesn’t even hang out with us anymore. I think he’s depressed. Maybe if you said something, you know, positive like.” Deb gave her an uncertain half smile. A little defensive. A little ingratiating. Mo realized Deb tiptoed around her. Resentfully. Could she blame her? If she hadn’t made it more difficult, she probably had been too wrapped up in her own career to help make it any easier. Who’s the diva now? Is that what they all think? Her cute little egalitarian gestures. Oh no private dressing room for me. I’m just one of you. Except I’m making a million a year. How they must laugh at her. â€Ĺ›Deb, we can encourage Misha, but he’s not going to understudy Claude. This has been explained to him. Misha has a good paying job he’s lucky to have. He is very high on the billing as Zeus but he’s not good enough if Claude can’t perform. He shouldn’t pay attention to Claude but it doesn’t matter. Roddy has interviews set up with some top people.” Deb nodded, but her look said she also took it that she would not understudy either. There was a mixture of unspoken disappointment and anxiety in her face. â€Ĺ›Deb, I want you to make an effort to think more positively. Try to relax behind the moves. I feel like you’re stressed. Tell me what I can do to help you with that. Once we achieve that confidence we’ll work on the fire exercises. I know you can do this, Deb. I’ll do everything I can to help you. Hey, I want those Sundays off!” Mo focused on the young woman whose expression became upbeat immediately. She only thought of Zack every few minutes.Luciana waved the cigar smoke with a look of disgust. â€Ĺ›Extending the run? Here? Three more weeks? Put that thing out for God’s sake, Roddy.”The financing for â€Ĺ›Music on a Summer Night” had fallen through. Greendale Coliseum’s next big draw had fallen off the map while the current show had people pounding down the doors for tickets. The D.C. arena had been damaged by a small earthquake. It would be weeks before it would be ready and all other venues were booked. Greendale Coliseum had leapt on the capitol’s misfortune. The money from the constantly sold out shows was like a river the owners wanted to keep flowing. It was an impossibly long run for the show. But he knew his people could handle it. Now he had an understudy for Claude. Suddenly Deb was really coming along. His stars might get Sundays off. That could only help with morale. â€Ĺ›Two more at least, maybe three. But we will have few days off, before second run. Sunday through Thursday. What difference we here or the Washington D.C.? We will be together my love.”Luciana paced the room. â€Ĺ›I’m sick of hotel rooms, Roddy. I want to go to New York awhile. Come up on the break. I have nothing to do I might as well go home for a visit. I haven’t seen Ma and Pa in six months.” â€Ĺ›But you shop. You go to lunch with Mrs. Whitney. Mayor Tyler’s wife has invited you.” Roddy dashed the cigar out absently. â€Ĺ›I’m sick of those pretentious snots. They invite me because their husbands told them to, but I know what they think of me.” She pursed her lips and glared. I can’t perform and you work fourteen hours a day babysitting Monica Whitman.”â€Ĺ›Luciana, she is star!” Roddy shrugged with impatience then softened his tone. â€Ĺ›This has been terrible time for her. You should have more sympathetic.”â€Ĺ›Sympathy. What about me? Do you ever think about what I need? You only think about her. And the show. What am I here for?” She started to tear up. Roddy flew from behind his desk. â€Ĺ›Mi amore! You know what I try to build here. The best show ever. I cannot do it without you. You need break?  Si. We take break. As soon as extended run over we go to Padua for a few days.” This seemed entirely logical to Roddy. â€Ĺ›Visiting your mother is not what I had in mind, Rodrigo.” She only called him that when she was really upset. â€Ĺ›I’m going to New York to spend some time with my friends. You can have your precious show but you remember that you’re the one who fired me. Now I have nothing to do and I have to look at that woman every day. The one you chose to replace me.” She slammed out the door as Zack was about to enter. She saw him and readjusted her demeanor giving him a flirtatious look. â€Ĺ›Detective Burnham. It looks like your job is going to be extended. Why don’t we have lunch some time? You seem to have become a permanent fixture. I’d like to get to know you better.” She put a hand on his forearm. â€Ĺ›He’s inside.” She looked over her shoulder as she strode off. â€Ĺ›Women!” Roddy cried out as Zack entered. He lit a cigar and puffed with desperation. He held up his cigar case with a questioning arch of his brows. Zack shook his head. â€Ĺ›A brandy, Zack?” Roddy waved at his bar which was always set up with excellent wines and liquors. â€Ĺ›No, thanks, Roddy. We’ve got everyone in place. This firm is top. Someone on Moâ€ĹšMs. Whitman twenty four seven. In the room and watching the elevator. An investigator will be doing backgrounds on everyone to make sure the cops didn’t miss anything. That includes everyone. You, your wife, even me.”â€Ĺ›I am understanding. Whatever you think necessary, Zack. I am behind you.” Roddy studied his cigar thoughtfully. â€Ĺ›Do Monica say anything to you to indicate she is no satisfied? With the company? With me? Sorry, it not fair to ask. I know you cannot tell me what she say to you. It just she is different this couple days. Is maybe too much stress with the murder and thing with Claude. We have been offered to continue run a few weeks. Here at Chicago.”Zack’s surprise was evident. â€Ĺ›I thought the show was tying up after Saturday. Not that I wouldn’t be sorry to see you go.”â€Ĺ›I would be sorry to lose you Zack. If you did not already have job, I would offer you a permanent position as security.” Zack noticed that Roddy studied his reaction. â€Ĺ›Will you stay on for the time being? For extended run? To be honest I talk to Senor Tyler. He say it up to you.”Zack looked thoughtful. The manager had noticed the difference in his and Mo’s rapport. He felt certain something had happened between them. â€Ĺ›Actually, I was thinking that we should give this firm a couple days to settle in and then I should take some time to sort some stuff out. It might be awhile before I’m back on the job, but I need to be more active with...things.  I have to say no, Roddy. With thanks. Iâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Don’t be a hasty, Zack.” He blew out some smoke. â€Ĺ›Firm I sure is good, because you say so. But Mo trusts you, and I trust you. I don’t turn her over to strangers!”â€Ĺ›I was a stranger when you hired me. I think Mo needs the space. She needs less obtrusive protection. The team will work better if they don’t perceive me as sticking my nose in. This is what you need. This is what she needs.”â€Ĺ›So. You know what I need do you?” Mo leaned against the open door’s frame. Her black eyes held his. The tone was resentful. She felt foolish but couldn’t help herself.â€Ĺ›This security team is top. You won’t even know they’re there. They can offer better protection than I can by myself.” It was difficult to keep his voice steady when his heart had jumped into his throat and was beating double time. Get a grip, he told himself and cleared his throat. â€Ĺ›I’m sorry I can’t stay for the extension. It’s best to let the new team settle in and do their jobs. It’s been a pleasure Ms. Whitman and I have complete confidence you’ll be happier, happy with the new arrangements.” â€Ĺ›Well, I’m sure your right, Detective Burnham. How long before youâ€Ĺšbefore you will be leaving?” Mo pasted a bland expression on her face trying to keep her tone disinterested.â€Ĺ›A couple days should do it. They just need time to get the lay of the land.” Zack explained working hard at a professional tone. â€Ĺ›Then I can rely on you for at least two more days. Thank you so much for arranging everything for the least inconvenience. When we’re in Chicago again, I hope you’ll get in touch.” Mo tried to swallow away the tightness in her throat.â€Ĺ›Thank you, I appreciate that. Roddy, Ms. Whitman wanted to see you and I guess that’s all. I’ll go check on things.” Zack made his departure with a polite nod to Mo.â€Ĺ›I just wanted to clarify the schedule. And I want Deb to perform Sunday Matinees when we get back from our holiday. Let’s get her out there, I need the break.” Mo had her arms braced and fists clenched in preparation for battle.â€Ĺ›She has no rehearsed with Haaken yet.” Roddy referred to the new aerial talent just hired. And he no have it down. D.C. When we are in D.C.”â€Ĺ›Then let her do it with Claude. She can do it. She’s nervous but she can do it.” She pressed her lips tight in irritation. Roddy started to give her one of his more withering looks then wondered what the irritation was really about.â€Ĺ›Claude will be angry.”â€Ĺ›Screw Claude.” She felt a little guilty taking that attitude. But not too guilty.â€Ĺ›Okay, screw Claude.” Roddy shrugged with an amused look. â€Ĺ›Now about Zackâ€Ĺšâ€ť he started.â€Ĺ›All the arrangements are fine. I’m going up to Montreal for the break. How about you and Luciana? Deb said she wants to stay and rehearse. Is Haaken going to be able to work with her?  I need the break with, with everything. Will Claude stay and coach them? Oh, look at the time. I’ve got to get to Sally. Later, Roddy.” He watched her turn on her slippered heel and slip out the door. He settled back and relit his cigar thinking. Momo is in love with Zack. He smiled and sucked his cigar.EightMo turned toward her room as the elevator doors closed on Zack. He had escorted her politely to her room so she could relax before the show. Then he excused himself saying he needed to coordinate some things with hotel security and the private firm he had brought in. She ran a bath and sank into the tub letting the jets whirl around her. The last two days had been tense and disappointing. She had no choice but to conclude that not only had she been mistaken about Zack’s interest in her, he had been downright offended at what he obviously considered a cheap come on. In this day and age, she thought. Well, if he was so easily offended and judgmental then he could go back to Tyler’s office with her blessing. How she’d thought he was a likable, gentle and fair man. Fair her ass. She frowned. She’d known him only two, not quite three weeks. Sure, maybe she had acted on impulse, but what difference did it make? She was really attracted to him and thoughtâ€Ĺš Not the first time anyone ever acted rashly while under the influence of a really hot guy. But to suddenly be so distant? He evidently assumed she hit on men she barely knew all the time. Now he would be gone. Well, so much the better. He’d turned into a distraction and that was something she did not need. She laid back and lowered herself into the tub until all but her nose and eyes were submerged. How could he just suddenly decide he was going to leave? He was running out like a scared rabbit because she had made it clear she wanted him? She groaned mentally. He would have to do it sometime. It would be best to ask him to pack his things tonight and have him stay in another room. After all she was perfectly safe in the presidential suite. No one could access the room from the elevator without the special key card and it was the only way in since the emergency door was triply bolted. There was the small terrace but it was so high with no exterior access, no one could get to it. At least not without acrobatic skill. Now she’d have someone else in the next room. Rather than give her comfort she found herself feeling like she had a hollow place in her gut. It would be best to cut things short and move on. It had been a novelty to play body guard for a while but his interest in it had waned. He had his own stuff to deal with and she couldn’t blame him for that. He had lost a close friend. Even worse had found out his friend had been the poster boy for corrupt cops. Circumstances had thrown them together temporarily and now that time was at an end. Now he seemed anxious to make his exit from her life. She thought of the kiss they’d shared and the hardness of him beneath her own aching body. Her thigh muscles tightened at the thought of them completing what had only just been started. He’d backed out of what his body seemed to so clearly desire. Maybe he still loved his ex. From the few things he had said it didn’t look like he had regrets about being out of his marriage. Still, denial and all. Maybe he feared he couldn’t perform although arousal had not seemed the problem. He was a young, healthy man, but stress, and he’d had some stress, could do strange things. Speaking of stress, why was she analyzing this to death instead of relaxing and stilling her mind for tonight’s performance? If the guy didn’t want to have sex with her for whatever reason he was entitled to be uptight, narrow minded and impotent! Who was she to judge? She was the injured party! The spurned woman! Well, hell hath no furyâ€Ĺšand he could pack bags. Why didn’t he just call her a whore? She bet the word had come to mind. Didn’t that whole Madonna/Whore thing go out with the advent of women’s lib?She had wasted enough time thinking about him and his hang ups. She barely knew the man and had judged wrongly. Okay, he had been kind and helpful and concerned and she had allowed herself to be attracted to him. Was that such a sin? He wasn’t the first attractive man she had ever wanted to have sex with. He was the first to ever say no. And that wasn’t a crime either even if it had been a bit of a shock. So why had she been repeatedly rehashing the scene in her mind? Now, relax, breathe, clear your mind. Don’t think about Zack. Don’t think about kissing Zack. Don’t think about Zack’s â€ĹšDammit!She heard the elevator. She stood up and wringed her hair. She had finally managed to bath while reiterating every thought about Zack she’d ever had since she’d known him. Towel around her head, she grabbed the complimentary robe and donned it with a quick cinch of the belt. No time like the present. She’d tell him he could go ahead and get another room. Why waste his time. Or hers. They were adults and they could end their brief relationship, business relationship, like adults. She would even call Tyler and give him a glowing review of Zack’s performance. She toweled her hair and went to the bedroom door. Taking a breath as if she were about to hurl herself through the air she opened the door.She saw a tall, broad black man with his back to her as he looked out the window. He turned as she gasped and looked across the room where Zack was coming out of his room, carrying some papers. Then it registered. Al Simpson. Hard core bastard who also happened to be head Greendale Police detective. She looked at Zack in anger. â€Ĺ›What’s he doing here?”â€Ĺ›We’re coordinating information with the new security team, the hotel and the police. Al came by to look at the new emergency plan.” He barely gave her a glance.â€Ĺ›Hello, Ms. Whitman.” Al didn’t seem the least awkward or embarrassed to be in the room of the woman he’d accused of murder, being a whore and having an affair with the mayor of Chicago.â€Ĺ›The least you could have done was inform me ahead of time that you were going to invite Detective Simpson into my room.” Mo emphasized the â€Ĺ›my”. â€Ĺ›I wanted Detective Simpson to check out the layout of the suite. So there is the second room. You see which is Ms. Whitman’s room. Both rooms have bathrooms and there’s this Juliet here but it’s not easily accessible from outside. I’ll make sure the police get a map of the layout from Vince Smith.” Zack handed Al some papers. They gave each other a long look. â€Ĺ›We don’t believe the murder and the champagne incident are necessarily connected but as a professional courtesy, Greendale Police Department is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure you and your company are safe. My bet is the killer is long gone. And our theory is it was the work of a mentally disturbed fan. We’re hoping for a break to help us identify your friend’s killer but in the meantime, the mayor of Greendale wants to make sure you feel safe while you’re here.” Al made an effort at a friendly grin. It didn’t seem to come naturally to him.â€Ĺ›Nice little speech, Detective Simpson. If you gentlemen are finished I need to get to the coliseum. Detective Burnham, I should be ready in fifteen minutes. If you’ll excuse me.” She eyed Simpson coldly and shot a glare at Zack before slamming the door to her room.â€Ĺ›Mo, Ms. Whitman, the car is here.” Zack had seen Simpson off giving him all the information he’d been able to gather about Ray, Senorita Villareal and Bull Shaughnessy. It wasn’t complete bullshit he thought. They were coordinating emergency steps with the local police but it was also a good cover for meeting Al without drawing attention. The big detective had finally come around after making a few of his own inquiries. Now he was ready to meet La Senorita, and find out just how deep Bull was into the whole scam. Zack wanted to go with him but he knew his job was on the line. With Al’s connection to Bull and his friendship with the local US attorney, he could take it further than Zack could, without anyone questioning him. Al was a very sly investigator despite the fact that Ling Wong’s murder remained unsolved.Mo came out of the room with dry hair and a summer weight red shift that brushed mid thigh. Her hair was in the long side braid she wore almost every day. No makeup; just redness in her cheeks from the hair dryer or from his own cheek in letting Simpson into her room. Made no difference. Their brief friendship was upended when he found out how she handled a man who said no. He felt confused and guilty. She had fed his guilt by being distant and making it clear she wanted him no where around. How cold she’d been to him in Roddy’s office. He thought he was doing the right thing. He’d hoped they had things straightened out between them but apparently she had taken things very personally. Did she not understand how he would be compromised in his ability to protect her if they had gone any further? He already was compromised by the feelings he come to feel in a very short time. He was having a hard time separating emotion and desire. He’d battled with himself over it from almost the very beginning. He had watched her furtively and thought about her constantly. Even while trying to work out the real circumstances surrounding Ray’s murder. Now she just wanted him out, it was clear enough. Maybe it would be best if he cleared out of the room without delay. She didn’t really need him there with the new security all around the hotel and coliseum. There was someone watching the elevator at all times. And maybe Al was right. The killer was probably half way across the country. He waited while she collected her bag. They stepped into the elevator and silently rode to the lobby. He put his hand to her elbow as they exited the elevator but she shifted her bag to that arm pulling it out of his grasp. The driver opened the door of the car. He gave the driver a nod and looked around while she adjusted her long legs into the car. Zack closed the door and went around to the other side. He jumped in for the short ride to the coliseum.â€Ĺ›Detective Burnham,” she had donned sunglasses that were unnecessary in the limo. Mo pulled them off and glanced at the driver. She turned to Zack. â€Ĺ›It seems you have made all the arrangements. I’m sorry you’ll be leaving us but since you are perhaps it would be better if you moved out of the hotel room tonight. I would feel more comfortable and I think you would too. Of course you can get another room at the company’s expense.”â€Ĺ›I think that’s best. But I’m checking out after the show. You have all the security you need. I’m going to go back to my place.” He looked straight ahead as he spoke. A knot tightened in his chest. Mo felt a clutch in her chest as well. â€Ĺ›That’s settled then. Thank you so much for everything. I hope you feel you’ve been compensated adequately. I’m sure you’re anxious to get back to your life. I hope everything works out for you, with the investigation and everything.” The car pulled up to the coliseum. Zack looked at Mo and suddenly the polite departing words he had formed in his mind left him. â€Ĺ›You take care,” was all he could come up with. He went around to open the door but she had jumped out and was dashing toward the coliseum before he had a chance. He followed her as she sped toward the dressing room where she entered and closed the door leaving him standing in the corridor as performers and stagehands dashed around in preparation. â€Ĺ›So Detective, your gig’s up?” Sally stood with costumes draped over her arm. â€Ĺ›Word travels fast. Sorry you won’t be with us for the extended run. Good luck with everything, your job and all. We all felt safer with you around. Guess you gotta do what you gotta do. Thanks for everything.”â€Ĺ›Yeah, it’s been great. You’re all very special people.” Zack gave Sally a little smile. She could see the sadness in it. â€Ĺ›Our star attraction is a stubborn thing, but she has a good heart.” Everyone had noticed their friendship developing and everyone had noticed the change. There had been constant speculation about its cause. â€Ĺ›I know Mo thinks the world of you. We all do.” Sally stood on her toes stretching to give Zack a kiss on the cheek.â€Ĺ›Always the lady.” Zack smiled and watched as Sally clacked away.Al Simpson moved down the steps in Rosalie Villareal’s condo building. His large frame moved with the grace of an athlete. He was quick and light on his feet for a very large man. He shot through the door barely breathing. The anger in him was so volcanic he was afraid he would blow up right in the street taking everything out in his path. He had shown Ms. Villareal, he snorted, the woman, pictures of various suspects. He had shown her photos of Jamal Smith and various other small time criminals and drug dealers. He had no picture of Curtis Lyons. At a picture of a young black man in an army uniform her voice had gotten panicky. â€Ĺ›No. No. I never see this one. He never came here. Ray did not use him.” â€Ĺ›He is a known associate of Curtis Lyons.” Al’s heart pounded. He kept his voice calm. â€Ĺ›Ms. Villareal, we have reason to think this man, Russell...this man might have been a client. Do you remember ever hearing anything about a Russell Simpson?”She looked up at him fearfully. â€Ĺ›Simpson is your name.” She pushed at the photos splayed on the coffee table, â€Ĺ›I never heard of him.” She got up and lit a cigarette. Her hands shook. He knew. He knew! Russell had died overdosing on smack that had been sold to him by one of Ray’s lackies. Maybe Lyons himself. Rosalie Villareal looked at him with animosity born of terror. She’d known right away that he would not be susceptible to her wiles. The big man looked like he could snap her in two. She needed to talk to Bull. She wasn’t going to do time. She’d had nothing to do with the Simpson guy’s death. Ray had shrugged it off. Russell Simpson’s dad was no longer CPD and he was just another dead junkie, he’d laughed. He didn’t OD the guy. Russell should’ve been more careful. â€Ĺ›Look, I loved Ray. His business not nothing to do with me.” She inhaled resentfully.â€Ĺ›What about Bull? Did he move in after Ray or was he in it all along?” Al kept his calm but he knew he would kill whoever had been the cause of Russell’s death. Since he couldn’t kill Russell. â€Ĺ›I know nothing about Senor Bull.” She squashed out the cigarette in a ceramic frog ashtray. â€Ĺ›Ray tell me nothing. Some of the time Curtis he come here with some people. I never saw this Bull.” She looked at the stack of magazines she had been cutting pictures out of then focused on the scissors. â€Ĺ›That’s not what you told Burnham. You’re afraid of Shaughnessy. So is Lyons and everybody else involved. Who killed Ray? Did Lyons do it? Did he do it for Bull? Bull got an eye full of you and an itch to gamble and wanted Ray out of the way?”â€Ĺ›Who tell you Bull gamble?” She caught herself with a quick intake of breath. â€Ĺ›I mean you know a lot about this Bull, why you ask me?” â€Ĺ›Bull Shaughnessy’s spending a lot of money out on the boat. Ten thousand in one night, senorita. That’s a lot of dinero de mortgage. He being stingy with you? He believes in keepin’ a woman in her place. Always said so. Did he tell you he loves you? Bet he did. But let me tell you something. Bull Shaughnessy could make you disappear. Who’s gonna try to find you Ms. Villareal? Unless you tell me everything you know, that’s what’s gonna happen when he’s hears you told me he was a partner with Ray all along. That’s what I think. Your gonna wish you were deported. I don’t care about you. I’m not interested in your immigration issues. And Ray, the bastard, is dead. I want to know what Bull knew. And how deeply he was involved. Then you’re gonna help me set him up, â€Ĺšcause if you don’t, it’s back to Honduras, senorita. If Bull doesn’t deport you first.”â€Ĺ›Curtis Lyons know everything. He hide from police. He scared he get blame for Ray. All I know is Ray and Bull have fight. Ray said he was going to have Curtis kill Bull. He said Bull too dangerous. Want more money. He fix arrest records and get theeâ€Ĺšthee informacionâ€Ĺš and drug dealers to steal. He want it all. All the money. He came to me and say how I like it Ray went away. I say No! I love Ray! He laugh and say its joke. Then Ray dead. I do no think Curtis kill Ray. He did no like Ray. But he no kill him.” She seemed scared and exhausted. Good. Now to get Bull, Al thought as he strapped on his seatbelt in his Crown Victoria. But he’d have to find Lyons. Like it or not there weren’t that many people in the CPD he felt he could trust on this. He’d need Zack Burnham’s help and it was just a little galling.Zack dropped his duffle and looked around with a sense of unfinished business as he thought about the last few days. He kept telling himself things were working out for the best. Life was back to normal now. Well, not quite. But he was back in his  own place. His own pace. He could spend more time proving that the very cop who was supposed to be clearing his name had been involved with Ray’s dirty business from the get go. Al had given him some possible leads to finding Lyons. Tyler was pissed he had left his position with the show. But he couldn’t tell Zack what to do with his leave. Zack could try to resolve his situation so he could get back to work and get on with his life. Just because some raven haired superhuman had walked into his life didn’t mean he couldn’t get a grip on things. After all, what would have happened? What could have happened? The show would be over sometime and she’d be literally flying off to some other city and some otherâ€Ĺš He didn’t want to think about her. Maybe he should’ve been with her while he could. If she could be so cavalier about it all then so could he. Then they would have both moved on. Yeah, it’s been swell; see ya â€Ĺšround. He wasn’t going to think about her another minute. He was going to go for a run and let it all out. He needed the day. Run, do laundry, sort some stuff out. Then first thing in the morning check out the leads from Al. They could barely stand each other but they had a goal in common. Not that Al gave a shit about Zack’s job or reputation. If it had just been that, he’d be waiting till the Chicago River changed direction again. Al had his own motives and that was fine with Zack. But they could help each other. And they would have to trust each other. Like he’d trusted Ray? Who could he really trust? Al? Tyler?  He headed for Grant Park. It was a warm, breezy afternoon. Nice day for a run on the lake. He picked up the pace.She’s probably on that plane to Montreal. She was just fine with the arrangements. He’d moved out of the room and left everything in the hands of the professionals. He was a cop, not a bodyguard. She would forget about him by the time her plane landed in Montreal. She thought of little else besides her career anyway. Maybe that’s what it took to be the best at something like that. Think about it, it wasn’t exactly normal people who did jobs like that. Always on the road. He’d always been rooted to one place. He’d always liked traveling when he could. He loved Chicago in a way only Chicagoans loved their city, but he had thought about doing something to let him get around more. See more of the world. He once considered a job as security for a cruise line. But he made detective and followed the family tradition. He loved the work, at first. Zack realized he wasn’t actually looking forward to going back to his job. Even as he astonished himself with that revelation he wondered what she would be doing in Montreal. Another world. Another life. Enough. He would clear his name and get back to work. The job would be perfect if it weren’t for the politics, the corruption and the constant immersion in the dark side of humanity. The performers of La Cirque du Celestial made their living selling the fantastic. Fantasy. Escapism. They moved from city to city barely drawing in a breath of real life in between. He would have been just a diversion. It would have been a nice diversion. He felt a pang at the thought of her. He would have served a short term purpose then she would have forgotten him as quickly as she would forget her room number. He passed by the Field Museum and noticed the long lines of people waiting to get in the Tutankhamen exhibit. He wouldn’t mind checking that out. If he could find the time. She had mentioned wanting to see it. As soon as she could get a few hours free. She had done some reading about the exhibit and had come up with an idea for a show involving an Egyptian theme. She wanted to sell it to the company. He imagined her with lined eyes in a tightly fitting Egyptian gown. Was there someone in Montreal who would give her what he did not? Had he been too fastidious? He’d wanted to be objective to be able to protect her. Now he wasn’t protecting her at all. Al was probably right and Ling’s killer long gone. She didn’t need him. And he didn’t need to think about her any more than he already had, which had been way too much. He wondered if she was thinking about him.â€Ĺ›Hey! Hey copper! Hey big guy! Zack!” Zack didn’t know if he was breaking harder physically or mentally. He did a quick sidestep off the lakeside trail and nearly ran into a kid with a kite. Marilyn blond in Lolita sunglasses was his thought as Cherisse bladed to a smooth stop. She wore low riding exercise shorts with â€Ĺ›Hello Kitty” all over them. Her bikini top left little to the imagination. Her even teeth sparkled as brightly as the gold ring in her navel. â€Ĺ›Lost in your thoughts, Detective?” Zack’s shaded eyes ran down the curve of her lingerie model form. â€Ĺ›Just trying to get the juices flowing. How ya doing?”â€Ĺ›Not something I have a problem with when I come down here to watch the runners. Some of them really get me going.” She tilted the glasses down and winked. â€Ĺ›Your tough luck then that us old farts come out here and take up a lot of the veiw. Hope we don’t spoil it too much. How’d your play go?” He pulled a bandana out of his cut off’s and wiped sweat off of his neck and face. He noticed Cherisse run her tongue around the inside of her heavy upper lip. â€Ĺ›The one you didn’t come to?” She pinched his upper arm playfully. Her hand ran along his arm. â€Ĺ›Sorry, work.” He stared at the dewy moistness over that lip. Okay, here it was, on a platter. â€Ĺ›Let me make it up to you. Why don’t you come on by later? I’ll fix us a little dinner and you can tell me all about the play. Then maybe we can hit a club or something?” â€Ĺ›Or something?” Her lips pursed in a half smile half pout. She acted as if she had to think about it a minute. â€Ĺ›Okay. You decide on dinner and I’ll think of â€Ĺšor something’” She skated backward. â€Ĺ›Seven?”â€Ĺ›Sounds good.” Zack slipped across to the southbound running lane. He’d have time to wash the sheets and shove some boxes in the closet. He could run by the Jewel on his way back. Some steaks, salad, a bottle of wine. He could haul that on the run. He’d get that exotic beauty out from under his skin once and for all.Mo waited in line to get on flight 3746 to Montreal. She was looking forward to spending a few quiet days at her place. She’d take some nice long walks and play with her new but little used camera. Some of the other performers who lived in Montreal were in line as well. Others went to the various cities or towns they were from, a few even braving traveling overseas for the brief respite they’d been given. They’d been lucky to get tickets at such short notice. The company, under pressure from Roddy, had sprung for them to the joy of the performers. Now they waited to board and looked forward to a few days off from their grueling schedules. â€Ĺ›So Trollie, what are you going to do with your time?” Mo asked the diminutive clown as she shifted her White Sox ball cap. â€Ĺ›Ah, I don’t know. Maybe we can get together and do something.” Trollie’s made up face smiled a gap toothed smile up at her. His eyes were always rimmed with red. It always left her with an eerie feeling. She had never seen his face. He had always been friendly enough and funny with a biting irony that worked in the show but could leave some people ill at ease. The rumor was he had been a psychiatrist who had some kind of legal problem. No one asked. No one knew for sure. No one even knew his name except presumably the company, who wrote the checks. â€Ĺ›I see enough of you guys, day in day out. I need time to myself. No offense.” She kept this in a light tone despite feeling uncomfortable at his almost leering red gaze. â€Ĺ›I’m going to sleep for days.”â€Ĺ›Who are you sleeping with now? One of the new security guys or all of them? Finished up with that badge I guess. Sent him packing and now you’ve got two on you to make sure the pretty star of the show has all her needs met. And the company pays for it no less. You’ve got a whole team to keep you happy.” He maintained the same smile on his face but somehow the red around his eyes seemed to glow with malevolence. He didn’t bat an eye as she shook herself out of a paralyzing astonishment. â€Ĺ›Trollie, I can’t believe you just saidâ€Ĺšwhat an awful thingâ€Ĺšnothing between me and Zackâ€ĹšI don’t know how you couldâ€Ĺšâ€ť she stumbled back. One of her body guards rose from the seat where he waited with a paper. â€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman, you okay?” â€Ĺ›Oh, fine. Iâ€ĹšI’m fine, Mr. Hagman. Excuse me, the ladiesâ€Ĺšâ€ť Mo turned and hurried off.â€Ĺ›Maybe she’s going to be sick,” offered Trollie. â€Ĺ›Maybe she’s afraid of flying.”Mo splashed water on her face in the airport bathroom then looked at herself as she yanked a paper towel from the dispenser. Was this the common talk in the company? Had this just been Trollie lashing out because he felt she had rejected him? To bring Zack into it! She had not been able to get him off of her mind since she’d stared emptily at the door after he had packed his bag and left with a very professional and remote goodbye. Thank you for everything. Have a nice life. This was pretty much what she’d given him right back. She’d never see him again and she felt sicker about it as the day progressed. She’d thought about calling him just to smooth things over so they didn’t part on such bad terms. What was the point? He’d chosen to leave. She hadn’t asked him to. Well, she hadn’t wanted him to leave before he’d made the decision first. He didn’t want to hear from her. He was apparently relieved to be getting back to his life. She’d wished him luck but had not even shaken his hand. And now Trollie saying such horrible things. Little toad! He had no idea what she was feeling about Zack. How dare he? She should have slapped his face instead of slinking off to stick her head in the toilet. She blew her nose. He’s not the problem though he’ll be dealt with at the end of their hiatus if not sooner. Mo threw her backpack on her shoulder and pulled the ball cap down low. She looked toward the gate and saw her bodyguards chatting. The line had started moving onto the plane and they’d begin looking for her in moments. She’d call them on her way. She walked quickly and jumped on the moving walkway and kept her stride long as she brushed past people and waited sporadically for slowpokes to move aside. She made her way past the security station. As she jogged down an escalator an announcement came over the loud speaker calling for Monica Whitman to board her flight.  She found her way to the taxi queue. It took a few minutes for her turn and luckily she only had the small backpack so she hopped in the cab and called out to the driver. â€Ĺ›You go downtown?”â€Ĺ›Ms. Lady, you pay I go where you want to go.” He smiled and reached for the meter. His white turban almost touched the roof of the car. He spoke some sort of Asian language into his radio. â€Ĺ›It eighty dollars for downtown.” He turned slightly and took a quick measure of the woman in a sweatshirt and ball cap. â€Ĺ›Fine. 1493 South Indiana. I’ll make it worth your while. Can I roll the window down?”Curtis was fed up with hiding out. He was thinking he needed to make a plan. The cops had been on Rosalie’s like flies on shit and his girlfriend Shatika had blown him off. She didn’t want a cop killer at her door. What about the babies? What if the cops came in with bullets flying? He knew Jamal had done some talking but had not been able to get to him. How much did they know if anything about Bull? The mother had taken over everything and now he’d found himself on the run. The attic of the abandoned warehouse where he was hiding out was hot. Bull had rented the warehouse short term for his business expansion. Guess Bull figured comfort wasn’t an issue. Damn why hadn’t the cop come and helped him get out of town! He curled his lip in disgust. Even the damned rats waddled like it was too hot to move. He couldn’t wait for dark. He’d pull his hood up and get outside. He should have saved some money instead of blowing it all on Shatika. Not that he minded her spending lots of money for the babies.He had to get some money. He had to go to a part of town where they wouldn’t blow him away as soon as he glanced at the register. He had to stay away from Rosalie’s neighborhood that was for sure. Too many people knew him around south MLK drive, Shatika’s hood. The stores all had bulletproof glass in high class Hyde Park. He needed to head north where there were more people to blend into. Oh Hell, why wait for dark? He eyed his sunglasses. He was too hungry to wait for dark. Maybe he could lift a wallet from one of the museum goers and be on a Lake Shore Drive express bus headed south before they ever noticed it was gone. His hair had grown out since he’d last shaved his head. He had a few weeks growth on his face. He eyed the sacks piled in a corner that seemed to have deteriorated and had spilled out a whitish powder. He thought it was cement or something similar. He went over and dipped his hand in it and gave it a sniff. It had a moldy smell to it but it was worth trying. He rubbed some in his short curly hair and picked up a jagged piece of glass and wiped it with an old shirt he’d found. Was he really doing this? Why hadn’t he just gotten out of Chicago? Shatika. He tried to get a look at himself in the glass standing by the broken window. It was hard to tell but his hair seemed to reflect more gray than black. He wiped his hands off onto his beard. He donned his sunglasses and stealthily made his way down to the back of the warehouse where he’d propped the plywood over the window he’d kicked out. He’d managed to get in and out a few times unseen. Several days before there had been a close call when some potential buyers had shown up. Fortunately the broken elevator and the missing steps had kept them from taking their tour to the top floor. A scraggly looking cat grabbed a rat and bit down gazing dangerously at Curtis. â€Ĺ›Hisss, cat. I don’t want your stinking rat.” The alley stank of trash. He turned up Cottage Grove and fingering the last change in his pocket stopped at the corner to wait for a bus. He sat down next to a lady who smelled like his grandmother. Cheap perfume over cleaning product. She held a paper grocery bag on her lap that was filled to almost overflowing. You had to load up when you had to travel miles on a bus to get groceries. Supermarkets were few and far between on the southeast side. Bet she’d be cookin’ up a good Sunday dinner when she got home. He imagined himself at his grandma’s table when he was a kid and big Sunday dinners around her kitchen table were taken for granted. His stomach growled as he thought of her pork roast with candied sweet potatoes. All he ever wanted to do was provide the kind of home she had provided for him. Like Russell’s dad had provided for Russell. When grandma died his mother put the proceeds from the sale of her house into a crack pipe. Then she was peddling it on MLK and he spent his time trying to find a place to stay warm. He discovered a talent for survival. Agile fingers filled his stomach. Soon he was running drugs. Home delivery from your local drug store. He was a small timer and the money was small time. Sometimes Russell let him in the basement at night in the wintertime. Straight arrow Russell. Thought he just pushed weed. Then the take got bigger when he got collared by Ray, a cop dissatisfied with the life a cop’s salary provided. Ray had ideas. Curtis fit right into those ideas. Pretty soon the money was rolling in. Ray simply didn’t show up in court and their partnership had begun. Ray had somehow gotten Curtis’ arrest record to go away. The cop sure had them all fooled. Even his partner. Hell, a whole neighborhood idealized him. But when he met Rosalie Ray got desperate. More drugs, bigger money, giving Bull Shaughnessy a bigger bite of the action. Ray had known Bull had serious gambling debts. And Ray wanted to keep Rosalie in style. Shoulda known they’d each start thinking about who was getting the biggest slice of the pie.Meanwhile Russell, the pride of rigid old Al Simpson, â€Ĺ›Chicago’s most decorated cop” had joined the army sighting patriotism and an interest in engineering. Russell had gotten the bait and switch from the army. He wound up in a firefight in Faluja and had half his face burned off. It was his sense of gratitude to Russell that led Curtis to give him that first shot. Just to comfort him. He never thought of Russell as someone who would get strung out. Old Al slapped Russ in rehab a few times before he got too careless with his dosage and was found in Jackson Park against a tree. They found him sitting there with his head leaned back as if he were listening to the waves break against the concrete barrier. Lucky for Curtis, Russell’s father had no suspicions about him. He had barely even seen him before. Curtis operated mostly outside of Simpson’s precinct. The big cop was retiring and going for the big money in Greendale. Takin’ Russell the hell out of the city. He was a little too late.A lot of people were glad to see Simpson go. Especially after Russ’s last picnic in the park. Curtis knew one thing for certain: he’d be a dead man if Al Simpson ever knew he’d hooked Russ up with the smack that killed him. He felt a stab of guilt which he shook off. Russ wouldn’t wait for him that day and had given himself the shot. It wasn’t his fault and he told Russ’ bitch what to say.Curtis hopped off the bus and meandered around in the fading evening light looking for a mark. The crowds were thinning since the History Museum had closed. Maybe he could panhandle some change. Stores in nicer neighborhoods were a bit more lax than in his neighborhood. South Loop had been gentrified years ago by moneyed singles making loads in finance and real estate. From the looks of things, hard times had hardly touched the area. Younger men and women jogged by in designer workout clothes. Riders on titanium bikes weaved in and out of traffic. Young mothers pushed their kids in designer strollers. He thought maybe he’d jump the gate and get onto el platform. He could grab a bag from a north bounder and jump on a southbound just in time for the doors to close. But the timing was too difficult. He didn’t want to wait around for two trains to stop at once.  He put his hand on the twenty two in the band of his sweatpants. Piece of shit might not even fire. Not that it would come to that. It would sure scare the hell out of someone. He needed to get some money and get the hell out of town. He could find a place to knock off and disappear into the dark. He hesitated for just a moment when he saw the gas station on the corner of Prairie and Roosevelt. Cherisse sipped her wine and looked at the disappearing sliver of lake. â€Ĺ›They tell you about that before you bought the condo?” â€Ĺ›No, and the building association is considering a lawsuit. No builders are allowed to block the lake view for other buildings with existing views but some builders are friendlier with the mayor’s office than others. They already tried to stop it but up it goes. Unfortunately a few of the tenants think I can just go arrest someone.”Cherisse leaned on the steel rail with a giggle. She smelled a whiff of reefer. â€Ĺ›Guess you get that sometimes. People think I ought to be able to get them autographs of big stars that come to town. Go figure.” She watched him turn the steaks and admired his muscular arms. â€Ĺ›So you like bein’ a cop?”â€Ĺ›Loved it once, now I’m not so sure. Just a phase probably.” She was beautiful in a pin up girl kind of way and clearly ready for a night of playing not so hard to get. He glanced at the fishnet top that exposed everything except what little her black bra covered. She leaned on the rail and eyed him over her shoulder with a sultry pose while pushing her exquisite ass out until the short tight skirt pulled up to the tops of her thighs. She raised a stilettoed foot and posed it toe out. Her edges of her fishnet stockings were held by garters. She looked like lunch down on Racine. Cheap and yummy and be sure to bring your Tums. He liked a good, cheap lunch every now and again, but he was steadily losing his appetite. The steaks may have well been plastic for all the appeal they had. His wine, a good brand for Jewel, had no taste. Even bitter would have been better than the flatness he felt on his tongue. Worst of all he had a feeling dessert wouldn’t be going down well at all. Not when Mo flashed into his mind nine out of every ten seconds. So he’d feed and take her out. Maybe if he danced he’d loosen up and get in the mood. This was supposed to be taking his mind off of that woman who flew like a bird as much as any human was able. For all Cherisse’s blatant sexuality, all he could do was make comparisons with Mo. Nothing against the actress. In his mind any woman would pale in comparison with Monica Whitman. Maybe he could just feed Cherisse and beg out of clubbing or whatever she had in mind. Struggling actress might just be happy with a meal.â€Ĺ›So Vikram said I would be great for the role but they got some beanpole who the director said had character. I can do character.” She turned and raised a perfectly styled eyebrow. Her cherry red lips pouted. â€Ĺ›Where did you go?”â€Ĺ›So you liked this Vikram but he pulled the rug out from under you.” The steaks were on the platter. â€Ĺ›Hungry?”â€Ĺ›Thought you’d zoned out for a minute.” She looked at him from beneath lowered lids. The sparkles on her fake lashes caught the light. â€Ĺ›Hungry? I’m ravenous. That’s a word from the play!”The more anxious Zack got to take the actress out on the town for a while then drop her off at home the more certain he became that she had an evening in on her mind. She rubbed her stilettoed foot against his leg and made verbal compliments on the cuisine along the lines of â€Ĺ›Mmmm, nothing like a hot piece of meat.” Zack toyed with his food and wondered how to get out of this without hurting the girl’s feelings.  Another not so subtle hint and he would start not to care. What would Mo think if she walked in on this? And why could he not turn off the part of his brain that had become the Monica Whitman Theater of impossible possibilities. Somehow he had to break the loop playing and replaying in his mind. Mo doing this, would Mo do that? Mo in her leotard, in her costumes, in her bathrobe, in her sweats. Mo windblown in a White Sox cap putting her hand on his saying, â€Ĺ›Hash it out with a friend.” Mo’s dark eyes like pools of passion and compassion. The souls of all women seemed to peer out of those eyes. Her eyes seemed to hold the history of their misery and triumph through the ages like a mournful dirge one moment and a joyful song the next. Her eyes were a direct contradiction to the control she held over her body. Her long, slim, strong body. Surprisingly soft. Surprisingly curved. Her lovely breasts not large but full and firm. Their wonderful peaks a man would climb Everest for. He toyed with his salad feeling lost.â€Ĺ›Not too hungry tonight, Detective Burnham? Maybe he was hungrier for something else. She liked going out but she didn’t mind an evening in. Yet he seemed distracted. Distracted from her was not something she was used to. She’d get his attention.â€Ĺ›I guess lunch is still with me. Not as hungry as I thought. You know, Cherisseâ€Ĺšâ€ť Zack pushed his plate and started to stand but she was up and had her hands on his shoulders pushing him back down. Her teeth were on his ear as her hands slid down his chest. He felt an involuntary throb as he imagined Mo climbing onto his lap. If only they hadn’t parted on such bad terms. He should have talked to her. When he got rid of Cherisse he was going to call her. Enough was enough. Unwrapping Cherisse was like wrestling a determined python. She took it to mean he was ready to take the party into the bedroom. She let him rise but raised a knee up to his hip as she put her hands around his neck. She raised her lips to his and pulled down. He let her kiss him as his mind wandered to the terrace. The sun had gone down and the shadows of evening had been cast over Chicago. The wind blew in the open terrace door bringing in the first cool of evening. He looked in the direction of the terrace and wondered how long it would take to drop to the ground. Keeping public safety in mind, he decided on another course. â€Ĺ›Cherisse.” He tried to pull her hands from his neck. Her large breasts pressed against him. He managed to push her back and hold her by the wrists. â€Ĺ›This is not a good idea.” His brows crinkled with the sensation of dĂ©jĂ vu. His voice echoed back to him from a few nights before. He had been in this same situation. He had said almost the exact same words. The difference was he was feeling not the least sensation from the woman in front of him and had felt everything, all desire possible, for the apparition that was Mo. For now she seemed like a figure in a dream. Yet what he’d felt had been as real as anything he’d known before. She had flown away and taken some part of him with her. He stood before the puzzled Cherisse, the shell Monica Whitman had left behind. â€Ĺ›Why don’t we go have a drink, it’s early. Maybe we can find someplace to dance.” Zack slowly let go of her wrists. â€Ĺ›I’ll change my clothes.” It was the least he could do. â€Ĺ›Well, a little delayed gratification never hurt, I guess.” She furrowed her brow and pulled her pout to the side. â€Ĺ›You got something on your mind?”â€Ĺ›Ah, work stuff. You know how it is. Have some more wine. It’ll only take a minute.” Zack went into his room and shut the door. He clicked the lock in case she decided to follow him. He felt so tired. How could he cut the night short and not have to hear Mrs. Powecki scold him for dumping her dog walker. Sudden headache? Sick stomach? Police emergency? He just wanted to get rid of her and call Mo. Surely she was in Montreal by now. She said she had an afternoon flight, though he wasn’t clear on the time. He just didn’t want his memory of her sullied by the manner of their parting. He thought of his foolishness and the insult that must have cleaved her to the core. It was a situation with no remedy. He wouldn’t see her again but maybe he could live with it if he made amends and genuinely wished her well. If he could hear her voice saying goodbye to him as a friend he’d feel better. Maybe it would be another torture but he’d have to risk it.Zack went into his room and grabbed a black short sleeved shirt out of his closet and a grabbed some gray slacks out of a drawer and laid them on his bed. He chuckled to himself that he had changed the sheets in anticipation of some sort of sexual purge of his longing for Mo. He stepped into his bathroom and brushed his teeth quickly. He just wanted to get her out the door and then figure out how to disentangle himself from her. â€Ĺ›Brought this on yourself, buddy,” he said to his reflection. He combed his hair in the mirror then went into the bedroom to don his slacks. He slid into his shoes and was just about to throw on his shirt when he heard a knock. He heard Cherisse talking to someone and stepped out of his room as he started to button his shirt. The traffic into the city was ridiculous. The backup into the city had the cars crawling bumper to bumper. â€Ĺ›What’s all this traffic from?” Mo inquired of the driver. It was worse than some of the rush hour traffic she had seen there. â€Ĺ›Sunday night all the people come back from Wisconsin,” he put the emphasis on â€Ĺ›Wis”. â€Ĺ›There two ballgame tonight. Wrigley and Soldier. Many peoples go in for game. There is tech show at McCormick. Many peoples go there.”â€Ĺ›They go there at night?” Mo leaned her head into what little breeze she could get. â€Ĺ›Big laser show there tonight.” The driver’s turban bobbed as he spoke. â€Ĺ›You sure know what’s going on in Chicago.” Mo gave him a little smile in the mirror. â€Ĺ›People ask me where to go, what is to do? I let them know some stuff to see in Chicago. Like show at Greendale. Big show, sell out all the tickets but now stay longer. Everybody want to see fire girl. There was murder. Big news. Not fire girl but other girl in show was killed in hotel. You don’t be scared, go see show. I take family but it too much money.”â€Ĺ›I guess it cost a lot to put on a show like that.”  Mo was happy to see them finally making the turn off the interstate that would take them toward Lakeshore Drive. â€Ĺ›Yes, it first class. Everybody say it best show ever. It very famous; you heard of it? You not from Chicago? But maybe you heard of it. It go to other city, here and there. Around the world. Big show!”â€Ĺ›What’s the show called?”â€Ĺ›Oh, it called â€ĹšThe Fire Girl’, something like that. Lady is on fire. High on rope. People do tricks, like circus. I love to take kids but not for us. We get to Drive, traffic open a little. Go on Lakeshore. Make better time.”And better time they did make with the amiable driver chatting and giving Mo a little guided tour. She couldn’t help but think of her first drive with Zack down â€Ĺ›The Drive” as many called it. Once again the sun had sunk below the horizon. The last shafts of it had disappeared as they sat in traffic. The street lights were coming on like a summons to the night. She half listened to the turbaned driver and watched the runners in well lit Lincoln Park. She recognized the John Hancock building. She remembered Zack explaining about the colored lights at the top of the buildings. They took the hard curve along the lake that brought Navy Pier into view, the Ferris wheel lights blazing and blinking as she recalled the night she and Zack had gone up and viewed the city from the top of it. His jacket on her shoulders. His breath on his ear. That guilty flash of attraction. She had thought about crawling into bed with him that night. Had lain in bed and castigated herself for thinking of sex when Ling had just been murdered. Had she really wanted sex? Or had she just needed to be held by someone? The driver wove in and out as they cruised past downtown. She knew they were getting close when the History Museum came into view, the Tutankhamen banners waving in the evening breeze. Lots of people milled about. She looked to her right and saw the lights on Buckingham fountain as they flashed on. The driver turned onto Roosevelt and shortly onto Indiana Ave. A few blocks down she realized they passed the building. â€Ĺ›Sir? I thinkâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›We turn â€Ĺšround. Pull up on right side of street.” Indiana had far less traffic. With ease the driver made an illegal U turn and pulled up in the no parking zone in front of Zack’s building. â€Ĺ›There you go Ms. Lady,” the driver said as Mo hesitated. â€Ĺ›Think you can wait for me? I’ll need to go back to the airport. Maybe Greendale Hotel. Can you wait a few minutes?” She looked at him pleadingly in the mirror and suddenly hoped he’d say no. Then she’d have to stay. What if Zack wasn’t home? What if he slammed the door in her face? What had she been thinking? Maybe she should just go right back to the airport and leave well enough alone.â€Ĺ›I sorry Lady, you must pay eighty dollar. You skip, I pay company eighty dollar. And maybe lose cab.” He twisted and looked at her, unsure. â€Ĺ›You pay eighty dollar, I wait.”â€Ĺ›Of course. I’m sorry. Of course I’ll pay you now. Here take two hundred off this card. That’ll cover the round trip. I won’t be long. Please wait until I come out. Don’t leave me.” She jumped out of the cab leaving her backpack and credit card in the driver’s keeping. He watched her approach the door â€Ĺ›Must have man problem,” he thought as he reached for his cell phone. Mo scrolled the names on the call box for Zack’s building. She went through again thinking she’d missed it. â€Ĺ›Burnham. Burnham.” It wasn’t there. He had been in the building for a few months. Wouldn’t his name be in the call box by now? Maybe she should call his cell phone. She looked at the cab realizing she had turned off her phone and put it into her backpack after calling her security detail. She had said simply that she’d made other plans and would get in touch later. She hung up as the man started to argue. She’d thought, Roddy’s going to be pissed.She took a step toward the cab then heard muffled laughter from the lobby. Mo turned and saw a dressed up couple about to push through the door. She grabbed the handle as it opened and held it and slipped in exchanging a nod with the couple. She breathed a sigh of relief and wondered if she should be relieved as she pushed the elevator button. It was twelve wasn’t it? Or was it eleven? She stepped out on twelve. Doors lined the corridor, each one indistinguishable from the next. She couldn’t remember the number. She wasn’t sure about the floor. She walked down the corridor hoping the number would come to her. â€Ĺ›Twelve ohâ€Ĺš twelveâ€Ĺšoh nineâ€Ĺšâ€ť Just as a cacophony of shrill barks made her jump a little she noticed a crucifix on the door of twelve seventeen. Mrs. Pow something. Lots of dogs. His unit was across and down one she recalled somehow.Mo stood in front of twelve twenty and steadied herself with a deep breath. She breathed out slowly and knocked on the door. If he doesn’t answer I’m getting on a plane, she told herself. She just wanted to talk to him. What was the worst that could happen? Her mouth, already dry, felt like it was full of sand. Just turn and go, just turn and go. The door opened.Mo’s eyes widened in astonishment at the sight of the platinum blond who gauged her from beneath glitter strewn eyelashes. She took in the fishnet top and short skirt. â€Ĺ›Oh, I sorry I’m looking for Zack Burnham, maybe I have the wrongâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›He lives here. You a friend of his?” Cherisse sized up the tall, lean woman in the White Sox cap. â€Ĺ›I was lookingâ€ĹšUmâ€Ĺš I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Someone at the door?” Mo’s heart lurched at the sound of his voice. Cherisse shrugged and walked into the low lit living room. Mo smelled the steak and the sexy perfume from Cherisse.  Her eyes were following the black lines up the actress’ fishnets in dismay when Zack appeared, buttoning his shirt.His eyes widened and they stared at each other frozen for a moment before Zack recovered and said softly, â€Ĺ›Hi, Mo.”â€Ĺ›I’m sorry, I interruptedâ€Ĺšyour eveningâ€ĹšI didn’t thinkâ€ĹšOh, my God I’m sorry! You have companyâ€Ĺšâ€ť She took a step back and turned. She could not have flown down the corridor any faster without running.â€Ĺ›Mo, waitâ€Ĺšâ€ť He stepped out and shouted after her. Luckily for Mo the elevator had not been called to another floor. She saw Zack in her peripheral vision coming toward her, buttoning his shirt. The doors opened and she almost jumped inside pressing the lobby button immediately.  She saw him in the fraction of a second before the doors completely closed. She plastered herself for the ride down against the back of the elevator leaning her head back against the mirror as if bracing for an impact. â€Ĺ›Stupid. Stupid! What did I think? That he had no life before me? Oh, my God!” The doors opened and she flew outside just as a police cruiser was pulling alongside the waiting cab. â€Ĺ›We’re going now, officer, right now!” The cruiser moved on. She jumped in. â€Ĺ›Airport!” The driver twisted to hand her the credit card with curiosity on his face. But she didn’t see it or the card. She was bowed over with her face in her hands. A stream of self loathing thoughts raced through her mind. The driver tapped her with the card. Embarrassed he pulled into the street as she threw the card into her backpack. â€Ĺ›What an idiot. Who did I think I was? He has a date. I was the last thing on his mind. Her mouth was so dry she felt like her throat was swelling shut. The cab turned on Roosevelt. â€Ĺ›Hey, would you pull into that gas station?”Zack stood outside the elevator with his heart racing. â€Ĺ›What the Hell?” He wanted to go after her. His keys, everything, were in his condo. What was she doing? How did she get here?” He made his way glumly but quickly down the hall. Cherisse waited in the living room, hand on her hip. Zack closed the door and faced her. â€Ĺ›Look, Cherisseâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›You keep your dance card full, don’t ya?” Cherisse placed her hands on her hips and pulled her lips tight as if she’d just caught him with his hand in the cookie jar. â€Ĺ›I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say, but right now I gotta go. Pleaseâ€ĹšI have toâ€Ĺšwe have to talk. Me and the woman whoâ€Ĺšwe have to talk. Zack floundered with embarrassment and waited for the cat’s claws. â€Ĺ›Did you know you had it this bad before our date? Or did you realize it just now?” Cherisse slid her finger down his cheek. What now? She gazed at him placidly. He would have felt safer with bared teeth. She hadn’t somehow concealed a knife in that skimpy outfit had she? He mumbled apologies. She turned and picked up her bag where she had tossed it on the sofa. â€Ĺ›I think this dates over. Thanks for dinner. I’m gonna stop in and say â€ĹšHi’ to Mrs. Powecki. If I were you, Detective, I wouldn’t waste any more time.” She sauntered to the door. â€Ĺ›You’re a great guy, Zack. Hope it works out for you. If it doesn’t, you owe me a night out. She opened the door and began to exit with a wink. â€Ĺ›Cherisse.” Zack stepped over to her. â€Ĺ›Yeah?” â€Ĺ›You do do character.” She flashed a perfect smile, â€Ĺ›You betcha, big guy.”NineZack was down to his car, keys in hand, before he realized he had no idea where she was going. The airport? Was there a flight to Montreal this late? The hotel? He’d try her cell phone. He pulled out onto Indiana with his cell phone out, remembering it was illegal in Chicago to talk on a cell phone and drive. Call a cop, he thought. He dialed several times. Her voice came on inviting him to leave a message. He didn’t know what to say and hung up. He made the right onto Roosevelt heading toward the Drive. He glanced at the gas station and saw it. O’Hare Express Cab. It was parked in the space nearest Roosevelt, several spaces down from the entrance to the store. He pulled in and saw the driver leaning against the back of his cab tapping the truck to Indian sounding music while staring at his smart phone. A man without legs sat in a wheelchair outside the entrance to the store. It was his usual spot. Zack dropped a buck on him as he passed by eyes open for Mo. He didn’t see her and wandered around. Ladies. He knew the gas station had bathrooms. He decided to wait outside knowing she’d have to come back to the cab. He brushed by a gray haired black man wearing sunglasses and went to his car. He leaned against it watching for Mo. â€Ĺ›Hey, pal, you heading to the airport?” The driver nodded with a friendly smile. â€Ĺ›Bring lady down, take lady back up. All the way down here for five minutes. You Americans! But she nice lady.” He bobbed his head in agreement with himself as well as with the music. Mo had gotten sick again in the rest room heaving on an empty stomach. She realized she had not eaten the entire day. She’d grab a bottle of water and head to the hotel. She could get a flight in the morning. Her stomach ached from the heaving. She felt clammy and wondered if she were coming down with something. Reality. â€Ĺ›I’m coming down with a good dose of my own medicine,” she said under her breath. She got a bottle of water out of the cooler and stopped for a moment at a display of cookies and crackers in personal serving size cellophane bags. Crackers might be helpful. Gram had always given her crackers when she was sick. And ginger ale. But she rarely drank soda now. She turned out of the aisle and noticed one person in line in front of her. She stared at magazine covers while hearing him ask for a pack of Kools. Then she heard â€Ĺ›Gimme all the cash,” so calmly it took a second to register. She looked up and saw that the man two feet from her held a gun in both hands aiming it directly at one of the two clerks. She turned to stone, time stopping as the gun loomed in her vision. â€Ĺ›Be cool, be cool,” the clerk said. The other one held his hands up, eyes on the gun. â€Ĺ›I’m getting the money, be cool,” the first clerk assured the robber. Mo stood still and watched the man flick the gun a couple times to hurry the clerk up. The clerk was dumping money on the counter. â€Ĺ›I need a bag, mother, put it in a bag.” Now his voice became agitated. He let go of the gun with one hand and pounded the counter once before grabbing a wad of bills and stuffing it into his pocket. Some kind of dust seemed to fly off him as he moved. Mo inhaled some and coughed. The man swung around and almost hit the side of her face with the gun. â€Ĺ›Fuck, bitch, get on the floor. Hurry up with that money.” He aimed the gun at her while she did as he ordered. â€Ĺ›Don’t move. You gotta car here? Answer me, you gotta car?”Mo struggled to answer, croaking out the words, â€Ĺ›I’m in a cab.” She spoke toward the floor. A pang in her stomach made her gorge rise. She forced it back.â€Ĺ›Get up, you walk out in front. Don’t touch nothin’; I’ll kill â€Ĺšer.” He grabbed the sleeve of her sweatshirt yanking upward. He held a plastic bag of money in the same hand. It was then she realized there were a number of people in the store. They stood still as statues watching her being pushed out the door with a sense of relief on their faces. She felt the gun in her back. It dug into her lower spine. She looked straight ahead. The robber hesitated. There were lots of cars in the parking lot but no people. He saw the cab on the right end of the parking lot with no driver in it. It registered with him that there was no one in the lot despite all the cars.  The wheelchair was gone. Suddenly, there was no one on the street. He heard sirens that seemed to be getting closer from just a few blocks away. Lots of cops in this neighborhood, he thought. The mayor lived right down the street. Shit. He pushed her toward the cab then changed his mind and pulled her backward toward the car wash belonging to the gas station. He could cut through the lot and maybe outrun the cops who were on their way for sure. Mo was pulled backward toward the carwash then turned and pushed forward with a sharp jab of steel in her back. Through a window she saw a car inside covered with colored foam. Another car sat waiting, running with no driver, the driver side door open. â€Ĺ›Look, why not let me go and take this car before it’s too late.” She was hoarse, her voice cracking like a riverbed in a drought. He gave her a push toward the car. â€Ĺ›Get in, you drive.” He held the gun toward her as she went around. He reached down and found the passenger door locked. â€Ĺ›Fuck, open the door, unlock the goddamnâ€Ĺšâ€ť A wrecking ball hit him from behind. His face flew toward the pavement. The gun in his hand went off, the shot striking the fifty cent air machine which gave off air with a whoosh. The running car lurched forward and ran into the automated cash intake machine which started repeating â€Ĺ›Please select from the following menu. Ten dollars for the ultimate wash. Nine dollars forâ€Ĺšâ€ť Zack grabbed the man’s wrist so hard it almost snapped. He beat the fist holding the gun from his position on his back. He dug a knee into the robber’s spine, all his weight on the lumber section. The gun flew as the man shrieked with pain. Zack yanked both arms behind the man’s back and cuffed him. He was just in time to hold up his badge as police cars screeched in from all directions. Mo felt a hand on her shoulder. She gripped the wheel of the strange car. It all happened so fast she wasn’t sure what was happening except that a shot was fired as she reached to unlock the passenger door. She thought he had shot at her. She had sprung back and grabbed the wheel ready to take off and crashed the car into the machine. The car stalled and she froze waiting for the next shot. She didn’t even know Zack had tackled the robber. Zack? His voice. â€Ĺ›Mo. Monica!” She looked up with incoherent disbelief. Zack. â€Ĺ›Mo. Are you okay? Are you hurt?”â€Ĺ›Zack? Iâ€ĹšIâ€Ĺšâ€ť She was pulled out of the car. His arms were around her. Lights were flashing but it was as though her hearing had suddenly been turned on and the sirens were deafening. She put a hand on her ear and pressed the other against Zack’s chest and shook. He kissed her head and stroked her hair. He slowly prodded her to a police car and asked the officers to cut the sirens. She looked up and saw the dusty robber having his head pushed down as he was being put into the back a cruiser. â€Ĺ›How did youâ€Ĺš?”â€Ĺ›It’s okay. It’s over. Sit in here.” he helped her into the back of a cruiser. â€Ĺ›I have to talk to them a minute.” He lowered himself over her leaning into the car. â€Ĺ›Your okay, baby, you’re okay.”â€Ĺ›I was waiting in the parking lot for a friend to come out. A cabbie I was talking to suddenly pointed at the store yelling â€ĹšRobber!’ I told him I’m a cop and told him to wave people away coming by foot off Roosevelt. I pulled my gun and flashed, cleared the parking lot. I called it in and watched the robbery in progress while securing the area. The perp took Mo, Monica, my friend, as a hostage and exited the store. I was to the side of the door. I didn’t want to get him excited and endanger Mo so I backed around the corner toward the carwash. At first I thought he was going for the cab or another car but he changed his mind. I think he got suspicious that everyone had disappeared. He pushed Mo toward the wash and spotted that car there. Will somebody shut that machine up?” A couple officers were trying to figure out what to do about the talkative cash intake machine.â€Ĺ›I yanked the guy out of the car just before the perp with his hostage came around the corner. Luckily I had an opportunity to apprehend him without further incident. Although the gun he was holding went off. I think I heard it hit metal. That’s the guy there; that was in the car. You’ll have to ask him what he saw. I told him to stay down. I think he hid on the other side of the carwash. Ah, the Pakistani guy, the cab driver, he saw the perp pull his gun. Other witnesses inside. I’m sure your guys are on them. Look, the woman’s name is Monica Whitman. Can she give her statement in the morning? She’s been through enough. I’ll take responsibility.”â€Ĺ›We’ve got enough to press. And here comes the press! Bring her to the precinct in the morning. Good work. We’ll get this guy tucked in.” The officer leaned into the car. â€Ĺ›You’ll have to come in the morning Ms.â€ĹšMsâ€Ĺš Well, your friend here is going to take you home, is that okay? Do you understand what I’m sayin’?” Mo nodded her head. She heard Zack’s side of the story as if listening through a tunnel. It was as if what she heard had no connection with her. â€Ĺ›Come on, Mo.” He gently pulled her out of the car. She put her arms around him and clung to him. â€Ĺ›My car’s around the front.” She managed to straighten herself and leaned on him a little. She felt as if she’d been awakened from a bad dream.  â€Ĺ›Where’s my cab? Did the driver go? I guess he left. Of course he left. My backpack.” She saw the cab driver talking animatedly with two officers. His turban had become unwound. He tried to straighten it as he gave his statement. Mo saw people all around. Some were giving statements. Those who had seen her taken hostage stared. The crowd of onlookers was growing. Zack steered her toward his car. â€Ĺ›Ms. Lady! Ms. Lady! Oh, Allah be praised! Ms. Lady, policeman save you!” He interrupted his conversation with a police officer to put his hands together and raised them in prayer, â€Ĺ›Allah be praised!”â€Ĺ›I’m sorry I got you into this,” Mo shook off the stupor that had descended on her. â€Ĺ›The meter’s running. I’m so sorry.”â€Ĺ›No, Ms. Lady, don’t you worry. Man say you no go back to airport tonight. No worry, no worry I take extra money off from card. Allah look out for you. You lucky policeman come. You very brave!” He tried to arrange his turban but his hands were shaking nervously.â€Ĺ›Thanks for the help. What’s your name?” Zack had his arm around Mo. He kissed her head unconsciously, looking at the cab driver.â€Ĺ›Yosef. Yosef is my name. So happy to help.” â€Ĺ›Where are you from?” Mo asked. â€Ĺ›Pakistan. I am so grateful to Allah for your safety. I will get your bag.” He made for his cab. â€Ĺ›Yosef!” Mo pushed away from Zack. â€Ĺ›Look,” the driver handed her the bag. As she put her hands on her wallet she was relieved to recall that she had grabbed a five and left her wallet in the backpack. She pulled out her card. â€Ĺ›You call me and I’ll arrange for you and your family to see the show out at Greendale. Firegirl! Next weekend. We’re on a break right now.”â€Ĺ›You work there? At the Greendale? Wait I tell my wife! You are so kind. You must be big wig at coliseum. Thank you, thank you!”â€Ĺ›Any night you want. And Yosef, don’t worry about the money.” He thanked her again and again and finally got in his car. As she turned she heard him on his phone, excitedly speaking to someone, probably his wife. Zack opened the passenger side of his car and helped her in. He pulled the seatbelt across her and buckled it pressing his lips to the side of her forehead. â€Ĺ›Gave me a scare,” he whispered. He went around and as he climbed in to the driver side he looked at her. She gazed at him with eyes like dark planets. He felt himself caught in their gravitational pull. A tide of emotion swept over him. What ifâ€Ĺš ” There’s Abbi Dorfman, ten o’clock news. We’re outta here just in time.”â€Ĺ›You shouldn’t have to drive me all the way back after all this.” Mo said as they pulled onto Prairie. â€Ĺ›Thank you, for what you did. You saved my life, Zack. Oh, my God. You saved my life.” Her hoarse voice cracked. Her hands were on her face. She squeezed her hands against her eyes as if it would blot out the memory.â€Ĺ›I’m a cop Mo. I did had I had to do. You have to give your statement in the morning. No sense goin’ back tonight. You can stay at my place.” He glanced her way. â€Ĺ›I’ll sleep on the couch.”â€Ĺ›You don’t have toâ€Ĺšokay, I’m too exhausted to argue. What about yourâ€Ĺšâ€ť She curled her knuckles into nervous fists on her lap as if preparing to punch some unwelcome truth away. â€Ĺ›She’s just a friend. Lives in the neighborhood. Actress. Just a friend.” Zack pulled into the lot grateful the press hadn’t followed. He opened her door and helped her out for which she was grateful, her knees feeling as if they might give. He took her backpack slinging it over his shoulder and taking her hand headed for the side door to the building. â€Ĺ›You always seem to be extricating me from the law. I must seem like a jabbering mess every time something happens.” The elevator started moving. â€Ĺ›Having someone hold a gun on you is not just something. Nor is having a friend murdered. You’ve been pretty brave through it all. Most people would’ve pissed themselves, Mo. I’m not kidding.” He guided her off the freight elevator. His door was just steps from it. â€Ĺ›Let me get you something to drink,” he offered as they stepped into his condo.â€Ĺ›Thank you, yes, I’m parched. I went into the gas station for water. That poor cab driver got more than he bargained for when he picked me up.” She accepted the glass of water and drank the entire contents down forgetting about the sick stomach she’d had earlier. It rushed up on her and not knowing where the bathroom was she made a desperate lunge for the kitchen sink. Zack grabbed her braid and offered paper towels.â€Ĺ›Have you eaten anything today?” He pulled her out of the kitchen area and to the sofa where he sat her down. He got wet paper towels and sat beside her. Mo took the towels and gratefully wiped her face. â€Ĺ›I forgot to eat. I was at the airport. Zack, I felt so badly about how things were with us. You’ve been so kind. I just couldn’t leave without talking to you. I’m sorry I just showed up. Interrupted yourâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›I wish you hadn’t taken off. Cherisse is just a friend.” No sense trying to explain his idiocy at the moment. â€Ĺ›I felt badly too. I was going to call you. I’m sorry how it’s been the last few days. Look, let’s talk about it later. I’m going to make you a sandwich, no, don’t argue, you’re going to eat.”He gave her one of his tee shirts and a new toothbrush he had just bought but hadn’t opened. He cleared the dishes from dinner that were still on the table while she showered. He was not sure what her appearance at his door meant but he had felt close to losing her and he was still too rattled to question anything.In the shower Mo pressed her head against the bland beige tile with her eyes closed. She tried to clear her mind while the warm water beat down on her. Her entire body shook. Then she thought of Zack pulling her out of the car, holding her close with little kisses along her hairline. She reached up and touched there. Everything had happened so quickly and she had been so frightened. The image of the gun pointing at her flashed in her mind. She was okay. She was okay. She thought of Zack talking to the police with the blinding lights flashing. How did heâ€Ĺš? He had followed her. She came out with a towel on her head in his big terry cloth robe. She was still thirsty and took another glass of water. The sandwich seemed to have done wonders for her stomach. Zach bit back the urge to lecture her on forgetting to eat. He was used to the sight of her in towel and bathrobe. What he wasn’t used to was her in his apartment in towel and bathrobe. What he’d never get used to was his reaction to how she looked in them. How could someone be so beautiful with a towel around her head? The kneejerk reaction was sexual. Then a layer of tenderness veiled the sexual impulse she aroused as he observed the vulnerability in her eyes. She had a young sweet face not everyone would call beautiful. Not in the traditional sense. Her small full lipped mouth mesmerized him. Her long black lashes framed her large black, slightly slanted eyes. With no makeup at all she seemed so young and fresh and innocent. Who would guess her body was hard and strong and she could do things most people wouldn’t be able to do with a lifetime of training. Outside of her profession there was no artifice to her. She could dress up when appropriate but her appearance was not something she seemed to think much about. For some reason he found that incredibly alluring. He had never really gone for the Cherisses except for the odd one nighter. He’d never been much of a one night stand kind of guy but he was human. Mo was different from any woman he’d ever known. â€Ĺ›Why don’t you try to get some sleep?” He took the water glass afraid she’d get sick if she kept drinking. â€Ĺ›I don’t think I can sleep. Not yet. Mind if I step out on the terrace?” She glanced toward the blowing curtains. â€Ĺ›You forgot to lock your door again, Detective.” She stepped out into the warm night. She smelled the pot and heard voices. â€Ĺ›Two in one night, way to go, Zacko.” â€Ĺ›Shut up, jerk.”Zack stepped out behind her onto the tiny terrace. There was not much more room than for the two of them and his grill. Mo looked out over the parking lot with her hands on the rail. â€Ĺ›I was so scared, Zack. I’ve never been so scared.”He wrapped his arms around her from behind. â€Ĺ›It’s okay. It’s okay to be scared. Something like that. You’re okay. You’ll be okay. He brushed small kisses against the side of her head pressing his lips into her hair and taking in her scent. â€Ĺ›I can’t begin to tell you how scared I was too. I’d thought I’d lose it, Mo, when I saw him aim his gun at you. I wanted to crash through the door and kill him. The only thing that stopped me was fear for you.” Now his voice shook. She turned to him. â€Ĺ›Let’s not talk about it anymore tonight. We’ve both been through it. Why do I forget that? Maybe it’s because you seem so strong.” She put her hands on his chest looking up at him in the dim light. â€Ĺ›You saved my life, Zack.” She took his hand and stepped around him pulling him around and into the living room. There was no music save the sounds of the city. The vibration between them seemed to have altered the air like heat waves from a hot road. She pulled the towel off her head. Her long damp hair came streaming down over her shoulders. His mouth went dry. â€Ĺ›Mo,” was all he could say as she dropped his bathrobe on the floor. She wore his plain white Tee shirt. It reached the top of her thighs. He’d never seen anything so sexy. He gasped a little gasp and wet his lower lip. He took her hand and led her into the bedroom. Just inside the door he pulled her to him and kissed her with gentle tentative kisses. She ran her hands through his hair and searched his face in the lamplight. His pulse galloped as she ran a finger over his lips. â€Ĺ›I don’t want you to do this out of gratitude,” he managed. â€Ĺ›I don’t want you to do this because you feel sorry for me. I’ll show you my gratitude another time. This is not about that.” She started unbuttoning the black shirt that had gotten covered with some kind of dust during his rescue of her.”â€Ĺ›I don’t feel sorry for you. But I want you to need me. I need you toâ€Ĺšâ€ťÂ He let the shirt fall and prodded her to the queen size bed that took up most of the room. She sat sideways on the edge of it and reached up to unbuckle him. She met his obvious arousal with a little smile. She couldn’t help but feel a little triumphant. He slipped out of the slacks and her hands grasped the edges of his boxers. He sprang forth with a little triumph of his own. Mo pulled Zack down toward her. â€Ĺ›I do need you now, Zack. Hold me. Make love to me.” Her whispered words aroused him as much as the feel of her in his arms. He leaned her back on the bedspread with his hand behind her head and felt her body beneath his. He pressed his lips on hers and felt the small mouth open to take in his tongue. He teased her with it, darted it lightly and then gently nipped her bottom lip before pressing full and hard. His hands were on her, touching her through the tee shirt. His hand felt the swell of her small perfect breasts while he caressed her hair and kissed with small soft kisses all over her face. Her eyes, her nose, her sharp cheekbones felt his tender kisses. Again his lips pressed hard on hers as she pulled him close against her. Mo’s felt the strength of his body with her hands and wanted to explore every nuance of it. She pushed her tongue into his mouth, her head almost spinning with the sensation of his mouth tasting hers, his hands on her, his arousal insistent against her flesh. She pushed at him and he backed up with a questioning look, fearful she had changed her mind. â€Ĺ›Your tee shirt’s very comfortable, Zack, but I think it’s time to give it back.” She reached for the edge of it and as she pulled it up Zack realized she wore nothing beneath it. He drew in a quick breath then helped relieve her of the shirt. Like a river breaking through a dam he flooded with emotion that went beyond desire. He was on her, hands and lips and manhood. Mo reached for him and felt the pulse of his longing. He moaned as she lightly stroked. He took her hand away and raised both her hands above her head and kissed her hard. His tongue seemed to be gently probing for the path to her very soul. Then keeping his hands locked on her wrists he caressed her with his lips. Her face. Her neck. He ran his tongue lightly on her collarbone then kissed the top of her breasts, one and then the other. When he took in a nipple with the lightest grasp of his teeth she arched into him. He played teasingly at hardened tips. Mo struggled to free her hands and wrapped a leg around him begging with her body for all. â€Ĺ›Zack!” she whispered throatily. She could feel him throb against her thigh. The torture of not touching him took her to the edge of desperation. Zack let her hands go and used his to caress while he ran his tongue down her hard stomach then detoured to an exploratory journey of a hip. He caressed her thighs as Mo, feeling as if she would combust, soothed the hair of the beast that had claimed her. Her head reared back as Zack parted her thighs. His tongue was the key that opened her. His fingers prodded her further. He tasted the moist center of her desire. His nose brushed soft jet hair. She screamed in little bursts with each touch of his tongue and cried out a long cry when he pulled her hard into his mouth. She rose and reared and shrilled. His finger was enclosed in the soft wetness of her. He felt the pressure of her pulsating each time he encased her with his lips. Mo grabbed at him with surprising strength. Her hands clawed his hair and arms and back. She raised her upper body up and trapped him between her thighs then dropped back with a scream as he brought her to the height of sensation. She breathed hard and moaned a fluttering moan. She could not take any more sensation. She could not take anotherâ€Ĺš He reared over her, his mouth wet. Through that undulating haze she saw something like insanity in his eyes. A passion had overtaken him and reduced him to the animal. His looming animal passion surged with new unfettered urges. He wrapped himself around her and pressed himself against her. Her hand found him and he sank in slowly. He built his movements to a rhythm that let her push into his thrusts while his lips found her breasts. As if a raging fever had taken his senses, he moaned and nipped and sucked. He was so mad with the lust he felt for her, the weeks of repressed, concealed desire, he want to consume her. She longed to be consumed by him. Each thrust made her shriek and grab and buck against him. His gentle nips drove her to a fury of need for him to breach every vestige of the self discipline she’d lived by. Her heart pounded when he pulled her to him, his hands holding her by the firm soft mounds of her bottom. His lips found her mouth again and he pounded them both toward blinding ecstasy. Zack knew he was close. Mo screamed as torrents of sensation rippled out from the locus of her passion. With a will that matched his lust for her he pulled away and she shrieked at the loss of him, clawing out as if trying to grip a crumbling ledge. â€Ĺ›Is it okay? I almostâ€Ĺšsafeâ€ĹšIs itâ€Ĺšâ€ť He could hardly whisper the words through his panting.â€Ĺ›It’s okay, it’s okay!” Mo grabbed at him with desperate greed. Zack pulled her up and turned her so they knelt spooned together, her back to his stomach. He rubbed against her ass and thighs with rigid heat. He kissed the side of her face and she twisted to meet his mouth. Her hair flowed down her back and he released her mouth to press his face into it. Mo rolled her head back onto his shoulder with a moan when she felt his hand squeeze her inflamed labia together. She begged for him as he teased and rolled the center of her desire between them. She breathed harder and harder as he vibrated her faster. When he realized she was close he found her and was engulfed in her. A howling keen raked his ears as he plunged into her. His hand never lost its rhythm as she stiffened. Mo lurched back to meet his thrusts trilling madly, her head swinging wildly. His hands on her drove her to mindlessness. Zack pulled her and bent her and wrapped her and filled her until she felt as if every thread of muscle in her body would explode with sensation.â€Ĺ›Zack! Zack!” She cried his name as her body drew taut like a bow and quivered with release. â€Ĺ›Mo, you’re soâ€Ĺšâ€ť he panted as his whole body went rigid. He half growled half cried her name again, driving deep as he held her hard. His face was buried in the silken hair against the back of her neck. Her body shuddered against his as they fell forward swimming in waves of ecstasy. He plowed into her grunting as her body pooled like liquid onto the bed. He collapsed on her. Their quick breaths subsided slowly as the last thrills of passion rolled through them.They lay quiet for a while until they could almost breathe normally. Zack rolled off of Mo and pulled her close. He thought he should think of something, something to say, but nothing came to him. He could only feel her still trembling body next to his. Mo slid her arm limply around him. Her brain was not to be found at all. Only her heart spoke to her and it said â€Ĺ›Zack”.The light of day began to nudge against Zack’s consciousness. His eyes battled to remain firmly shut as the awareness of breathing next to him formed a question in his mind. An answer flooded his memory with images and sounds, sensations and feelings. He managed an eye and turned his head toward the breathing. The lamp was still on. Light shone in around the edges of the blinds. Her long, slender body curved away from him. Her arm was slung over her eyes. Her hair sprawled on and around her in thick strands. Zack opened the other eye and focused them both on the mild rise and fall of her breathing. He studied her back and noticed a small birthmark right below her right shoulder blade. He could see the ridges of her spine. He frowned in ire at the purple bruise near the base of it. Her hip curved down to her long thigh. On the back of her knee there was a small Y shaped scar. Her legs were crossed at the ankle as if even in sleep she would keep her sense of propriety. He turned on his side reaching out a hand to touch, and then pulled it back to let her sleep.Mo dreamed she was in the backyard of a ramshackle house her grandmother had rented for a while in Toronto. She walked a wire in slippers holding her hands straight out from her sides. She was seven and an already accomplished gymnast and acrobat. Gram held up the violin and bade her play as she walked the thin line. The strings screeched as she pulled the bow across them. She felt unbalanced holding the instrument between her chin and neck. So many places to focus at once. Discipline upon discipline. â€Ĺ›Free your mind to find your center. Let go of fear to achieve balance.” The awkward position of her body and the discordant sound made her step unsteady. Mo felt the wire wobble and saw that it was not secured to a platform but held by Trollie the clown. He smiled his strange smile with his red rimmed eyes looking into hers. She felt something poke into her back. Gram was on the wire behind her. She pushed her along with an umbrella tip as Mo tried to control the bow. The violin strings began to pull as if glued to the bow. They stretched as she drew and hung loose when she slid it back, still sticking to the bow. She held the bow out and the strings remained stuck. Trollie whipped the wire he held but she managed to ride it like a wave and suddenly the violin was wrested from her in a violent gust of wind. She turned to find Gram’s umbrella hooked to the wire. Gram had disappeared. She managed to grab the umbrella and was suddenly on the ground by herself, in the back yard. But she was grown up now and rain poured down on her. She looked down at her little girl’s leotard and slippers. A chill went through her. She held the umbrella away from her. â€Ĺ›Find your center,” Gram’s voice was a distant echo. She pointed the tip of the umbrella toward her chest and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and pressed it between her breasts. She flew through the air, the sensation of the wind all around her. Her eyes closed, she could only feel the movement. When she opened them she soared over the Ferris wheel at Navy Pier. The lights blinked as she soared and passed the lights on top of the buildings. Higher and higher she went until she felt a shard of fear enter her. She closed her eyes and touched the place the umbrella had left a bruise. She was suddenly on a trapeze and saw Zack waiting on the platform. He held out his hand and the fear was gone. Mo slowly opened her eyes and felt an ache over her entire body. She could see the daylight around the edges of the blinds. She closed her eyes and hoped for a return to sleep but the memory of the strange dream intruded. How much of what she remembered was a dream. How much had been real. She turned and looked at the empty place beside her. The indentation on the pillow next to hers was still warm when she put her hand on it. She touched the mattress and felt his warmth there too. Her mind separated the fragments of memory into clear images. The images she pieced together into coherent recollection. Zack. She smelled coffee. Its aroma seemed to soothe even the tormented muscles. She couldn’t remember when she’d last had sore muscles like this but the sensation of them was suddenly delicious. They had loved again in the night. A tender exchange of each other’s caresses. A gentle release yet no less intense than their first coupling. She yawned and smiled as she stretched her body thinking of all the ways they’d touched each other. Mo went into the bathroom to freshen up. She felt a sharp ache and stood with her back to the mirror and twisted to see the bruise at the base of her spine. She recalled the jab of the gun. â€Ĺ›Oh shit.” She ran her large tooth comb through her hair. She thought she looked a little pale but figured it could be the poor lighting. She remembered her sick stomach and felt a ravenous pang. â€Ĺ›What’s for breakfast?” she asked as she walked out of the bedroom.â€Ĺ›I hope you’re hungry. Just so happens I picked up some bagels and lox at the store yesterday. I must be clairvoyant.” It was her favorite breakfast. Zack set a cup of coffee in front of Mo. He slid a quart of milk next to it and kissed her forehead. Then he turned her barstool and pressed deeply against her lips. â€Ĺ›You need to start off with some food today.” He went back around the island.â€Ĺ›There you go, telling me what I need again.” Mo smiled and poured some milk into her coffee. She wondered if he had gotten the lox with other company in mind.Zack pulled the bagels out of the toaster. â€Ĺ›You didn’t seem to disagree with me about what you needed last night.”â€Ĺ›Was that last night? I feel like I’ve been asleep for days.” She took a sip. He made good coffee and she didn’t know why that surprised her. â€Ĺ›Just last night.” He looked at her with a knowing little smile. â€Ĺ›Now you think you know all about what I need?” Her shy smile belied the confident tone. She did feel shy. She’d never responded sexually to someone like she had him. She even felt a little embarrassment thinking of the complete abandonment he’d inspired. He pushed a whole grain bagel at her. â€Ĺ›Food. For one thing. I know you can eat so don’t be shy about it now.” The lox and cream cheese looked yummy and she took a big bite. Zack ate his mentally smiling at her childlike enjoyment. He hated to infuse a bleak reality in to their first morning as lovers. â€Ĺ›We have to go over to the precinct this morning. You’ll have to make your statement. There were plenty of witnesses to corroborate. It shouldn’t take long. Are you feeling up to it?” Zack set down his coffee. He looked at her as if unsure he could trust her protestations of being perfectly able to make her statement. â€Ĺ›Funny just some random guy. Needed a fix? What drives people to do something like that? I want to get it over with and forget about it.” She spun on the chair looking around his apartment. â€Ĺ›Mo, it may not be so easy to forget. On top ofâ€Ĺšwell, everything else. There’s no shame in seeing someone. Someone who can help.”â€Ĺ›Help? Help with what? I’m fine. I’ll be fine as soon as this statement thing is over.” She seemed to pull into herself a little and Zack hoped her resistance to the idea of some counseling didn’t mean she’d try to push him away and deal with everything alone. He figured that had been her mode of coping for a long time. Clamp down and put everything into work. In that moment he saw how close that was to his own coping mechanism. He decided to lighten up. â€Ĺ›So are you heading up to Montreal? I can take you to the airport after the statement. You probably want to stop at the hotel.” Zack watched her brow furrow ever so slightly. Her face seemed to go blank.â€Ĺ›I think I’ll just stick around and practice. I’m afraid I pissed the security people off yesterday by walking out of the airport. Roddy’s going to ream me out too.” But that’s not what was really on her mind. They had had their fun and back on earth none of her options felt very enticing. Greendale. Montreal. Her hotel room.  Yeah, being the good guy he was he’d see she got to where she needed to go. But the fact was he had quit and wasn’t going back with her. â€Ĺ›I wish you hadn’t run out on those guys. They can’t do their job if you don’t cooperate.” He cleared her plate and put the dishes in the sink. â€Ĺ›And look at what happened. I’m not saying it’s your fault, about the robbery. I called Roddy. You know he’d gone to meet his wife in New York. I was able to catch him before he got on a plane back to Chicago. He was almost hysterical not knowing where you were. The security people got your bag off the plane. It’s in your room. You shouldn’t just blow them off like that. They have a job to do. No one knew where you were.”And she wouldn’t be here. â€Ĺ›I called them. I owe them an apology,” she said with contrition. There would have been no them last night, she thought. Mo felt her defenses tighten. â€Ĺ›Please don’t lecture me. Not right now.” Her voice was still hoarse. She sounded a little cranky. She’d let herself go with a man for the first time in her life. Really let herself go. Now here she was circling the wagons because she knew it was just a night. She suddenly felt so unhappy and didn’t understand why. Couldn’t she just be grateful for the phenomenal sex and move on? What did she need from him? Nothing he could give her. Nothing she could return. They might as well be from different planets. Like that book said.He sensed the tension and knew he’d made a mistake in lecturing her. He watched her fidget with her coffee cup and sensed her anxiety. Was she nervous about the statement? Uncomfortable with him after last night? Was she looking for an out? Zack thought of what she’d been through. He took a chance, expressing what had been on his mind since awakening. â€Ĺ›I’m sorry, it’s done now. Everything’s okay. Know what I think, if you’re still willing to listen to me?” His heart speeded up a bit as she eyed him warily. â€Ĺ›Mo, you deserve a break. I’m still on leave and you don’t have to be at work until Friday. I know it’s not the Paris of North America, but we could have a lot of fun. Why don’t we both take a break? Stay here. With me. I’ll show you more of the city. I’ll see if I can get tickets to the Tutankhamen but I can’t guarantee it. I’ll have you back on Friday. We can knock around the city or we can just relax on the beach. What do you say?”â€Ĺ›I’d say you Chicagoans know how to make a girl an offer she can’t refuse.” Mo smiled brightly and held out her cup. â€Ĺ›The guys not talking, tight as a fucking clam but we’re running his prints. Labs backed up but hopefully we’ll have him ID’ed by this afternoon. â€Ĺ›Skank’s lucky to be behind bars. Merle just let me know the essentials. I’m going to be busy all week, but I’ll be around.” Zack eyed Mo who waited across the room.â€Ĺ›She did real well. Something to look at. How’d you come to be at the gas station? You told the uniforms you were waiting for her outside. She told them she was in a cab.” Merle Gleason raised a brow and glanced over to Mo who waited patiently looking at wanted posters. â€Ĺ›Keep your eyes off.”â€Ĺ›Better eyes than hands.”â€Ĺ›Those too.” Zack chuckled. â€Ĺ›Uh, we had a little misunderstanding. She left in a cab. I followed; saw the cab at the gas station. Balls knocking that off. Mayor’s house right down the street. Crowded area. Maybe a hard luck night with the pockets and got desperate.” Zack steeled himself against the recollection.â€Ĺ›She’s lucky. Lucky you followed. So what’s the deal? You and her? She was at your condo? ” Merle avoided the glance at her. His urge to really check her out suppressed by Zack’s warning look. â€Ĺ›I don’t know, Merle, and I’m not asking questions.” Zack reached out to shake Merle’s hand. â€Ĺ›Let me know anything I or she needs to know but other than thatâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Buddy, I’m not bothering you even if Larson himself orders it. Seen the paper?” Merle held up the Sun Times.â€Ĺ›Shit.” Zack saw the picture of Mo and himself getting into his car at the gas station. It was front page news. â€Ĺ›Thought we got away in time.”â€Ĺ›More publicity for the show. With her around who needs a publicist?” Merle held out the paper. Zack pushed it back with a furtive glance at Mo. â€Ĺ›I think we’ll try to avoid the newsstands today. Later.”â€Ĺ›I told you to keep an eye on that girl! What the hell was she doing at that gas station? You trying to make a name for yourself, Burnham? You know how many calls we’ve gotten on this?” The mayor’s voice was so loud in the phone Zack had to hold it away from his ear.â€Ĺ›Sir, I’m on the job. She’s safe. No I’m not trying to make a name for myself. I don’t want a desk job, I’m on leave. She’s right here. In my car. She just gave her statement. No, she doesn’t want to go back to Greendale. She wants to see the Tutankhamen but it’s sold outâ€Ĺš Today, tomorrowâ€Ĺš How? Okay. I’ll check the ticket office in an hour.”â€Ĺ›Since you’ve got fans in high places, we’re getting in.” Zack smiled as he clamped his phone onto its charger.â€Ĺ›Must be because he knows you.” Mo looked at Zack with a sidelong glance. She seemed more at ease now that the statement was over. â€Ĺ›If it was up to Tyler I’d wind up in the tomb.” Zack decided to park at his condo. It was a short walk to the museum and they could always catch a cab.â€Ĺ›I get the feeling there’s more than meets the eye with you and Tyler.” She didn’t push it, just gazed at him with a questioning look. â€Ĺ›Sorry, maybe it’s about Rayâ€ĹšI didn’t mean toâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›I was engaged to his daughter. He didn’t approve. We broke up and we’ve, Tyler and me, have had a contentious relationship since. I didn’t really have to see him much until the investigation. Chicago’s like a small town in a lot of ways. We’re from the same neighborhood and each neighborhood is like a small town. I don’t know why he pulled me in to the head office but there I was. I don’t know why he was mad when I broke up with Patricia when I knew he was against it from the start. He didn’t want his daughter to marry a cop. Sometimes people’s motives don’t make sense to anyone but them. You learn that being a cop, along with a lot of other things. You need to stop in the apartment?”Mo shook her head and they started headed toward the street. She was silently amazed that he had revealed so much considering his usual reticence. She decided not to push it. Maybe he gave more information about himself spontaneously if he wasn’t questioned. George Travers stood in the doorway of the Veteran’s Museum holding up the Sun Times. He peeked over the edge and did a double take. He lowered the paper and opened his mouth to say something. Zack stopped him with a shake of his head. George nodded assent with a wink. He went back to his paper but lowered it to watch the couple as they turned the corner.The cool breeze mitigated what would have been a hot early September day. It wouldn’t be long before the days got a cooler, Zack thought. â€Ĺ›You comfortable?” Mo nodded. She wore the Sox cap and sunglasses. He walked them a block south of Roosevelt so they wouldn’t directly pass the gas station. The line at the Field Museum of Natural History flowed down the stairs and down its wide sidewalks. Mo looked around and enjoyed the view of the lake and what must have been Adler Planetarium. â€Ĺ›Can we go there?”â€Ĺ›Sure. Another day. This’ll take all afternoon.” Some people gave them resentful looks as they moved up the stairs to the front of the line. Mo felt guilty and hesitated. Zack grabbed her hand and pulled her along. â€Ĺ›We have tickets waiting. Guest passes from the mayor’s office. The clerk looked at them wearily. Someone shouted an objection to the line breakers and was shushed. â€Ĺ›Yeah, Whitman?” the clerk huffed and handed Zack two clip on guest passes. They said â€ĹšVIP guest’. He waved them through. They stopped to clip on the passes.â€Ĺ›This is kind of embarrassing,” observed Mo looking sheepishly at the crowd outside.â€Ĺ›The price of fame. They’ll get over it.” Zack shoved his sunglasses in his pocket. Mo shrugged and did the same though she was hoping she wouldn’t be recognized. Posters of her in costume had been plastered all over the city for weeks. Fortunately not that many people recognized her without the extreme makeup. Lucky she hadn’t seen the paper, Zack thought, observing that she was a little ill at ease.It didn’t take long to forget everything else once they entered the exhibit. The docent gave a cursory nod at their passes and directed them to the desk to get earphones and pamphlets. Zack brushed his lips against Mo’s nose as he adjusted hers. It was the first romantic gesture since their kiss that morning. She didn’t know what she should expect. Didn’t know what she wanted. Only that she thrilled at the light touch of his lips. A memory of the night before glimmered in her mind as Zack took her hand and they looked up at a huge painting. It depicted a scene from the palace of Tutankhamen in ancient Egypt. He squeezed her hand and she realized he was genuinely excited to see the exhibit. She didn’t know why it hadn’t occurred to her that he actually wanted to see it. She kept her hand in his as they wandered along listening to the tour. Sometimes they’d separate as she moved closer to read a plaque or he tried to get a better look a jeweled knife. They’d nudge each other to look. They pointed their fingers and nodded.  They meandered and once lost each other. When they found each other Zack held her hand firmly until he relaxed and she pulled away to wave at him, â€Ĺ›Look at this!” She mouthed at gleaming golden statuary.Mo studied the costumes that were so beautiful and elaborate they took her breath away. Cleopatra, she thought. The story of Cleopatra and Marc Anthony. They had to let her do it for the tour in two year’s time. It took time to create a theme for the show. It would be dazzling. A hit all over the world. Millions would throng to see it. A sold out show wherever it went. Just like this amazing exhibit. She would produce it. The thrill of that idea was as exciting as the idea of starring in such a spectacle. They had to let her produce it. She had already done some drawings inspired by articles in the paper and what she’d looked up online. Crude as they were. Irvâ€ĹšSally would go insane with the costumes. It would cost a fortune! She pulled that piece of pie out of the sky when someone impatiently tapped her shoulder. She excused herself with embarrassment and realized she’d lost track of where she was in the taped tour. Zack leaned against a wall watching her with laughter in his expression. She looked at his tall strong body, his wide shoulders, and his lightly tanned muscular legs. His lips pulled into an even bigger smile as she approached him. He brushed his lips on her brow and took her hand once more and entered the final room of the exhibit.Mo thrilled at the sight of it. The sarcophagus was bigger than she imagined. The mummy preserved in stunning burial garb was breath taking. She gripped Zack’s hand with excitement. Thousands of years had passed since the life of the boy king. They circled the sarcophagus. Oh, how she would have loved to reach out and touch it. The velvet ropes kept the crowd from doing exactly that. That and the eagle eyed docents. Mo stared at the mummy as if unable to take in enough. From behind Zack put his arms around her and they both gazed in astonishment at the boy who had come back to be adored by the whole world after centuries hidden beneath a pyramid. Mo tucked her new coffee cup into her backpack. â€Ĺ›Don’t weigh that thing down,” Zack had warned. She shoved her giant bag with two huge exhibit books into his arms. Then she looked at her new Egyptian earrings. They were golden cats with emerald eyes. The goddess Bastet. She wasn’t a big jewelry wearer but these had been irresistible. And expensive. Zack enjoyed watching her enjoy herself but something had kind of pinched inside when she bought six hundred dollar earrings. He tried to shove down the sensation, the knowledge, that he couldn’t buy her six hundred dollar earrings. He felt like a sexist. Knew it was sexist, but it felt as if a line had been drawn between them. Different worlds, he thought. He tried to let the feeling go. â€Ĺ›Come on.”They walked along the sidewalk of Grant Park. It was crowded but not so much that it was uncomfortable. Monday was a lighter day after the weekend crowds and they agreed they were lucky to have time off during the week. They took a turn toward the lake strolling along the concrete shoreline. Ten miles of shoreline, mostly sand, he explained to her. No buildings but one east of Lakeshore drive. And that one very exclusive, naturally. Bikers and runners ran along the seawall. Zack pointed out a lone swimmer in a wetsuit about thirty yards out battling the waves. â€Ĺ›That guy out there swims for miles every day. It has to get pretty rough or cold to keep him out. I don’t know why, I’ve never had a chance to ask. I’ve never caught him out of the water.” The wind seemed to pick up and at the next opportunity he led her through an underpass coming up on the other side of Lakeshore drive. They meandered while Zack talked about the city. They wound up on Michigan Avenue and he explained they were not far from where she’d had her shopping trip that netted the White Sox cap. Crowds flowed out of the Museum of the Art Institute while Mo swore she would visit the Impressionist exhibit before she left town. To her surprise Zack said he’d already seen it. â€Ĺ›You’re a man with many hidden facets, Detective Burnham. This city is so beautiful. I think I need to come here more. The Tutankhamen exhibit was so inspiring. I mean interesting but it inspired so many ideas for a show I’ve been thinking about since I first read about the exhibit in the paper. Look at these Lions.” She gazed in admiration up at the life size statues. â€Ĺ›I wish I’d brought my camera. Do you come here often?” This she said in a flirtatious tone with a raised brow and a purse of her full lips.â€Ĺ›Not often enough.” He ran a finger down her cheek. He backed her against the plinth beneath one of the verdigris lions. He held the package with her books in one arm and cupped her chin, tilting it up to lightly caress her lips with his. Mo put her arms around his neck and pulled his lips harder to hers. She was ready to commit to a full lip lock after the few brief teasing kisses throughout the day. If they were going to be loversâ€ĹšZack didn’t waste time trying to interpret signals. He held her close and did justice to the mouth he’d wanted to really kiss all afternoon. Some people were squeamish about public displays of affection and he had always been one of those people. He would have bet money she was also but there she was, pulling him hard to her body, pressing provocatively against him. Were they breaking through their inhibitions? Or just making the most of the short time they had? He wanted to catch a cab home and he sensed she’d be willing. Mo wrapped her arms around Zack’s waist and pressed her face against his throat. She felt him swallow and thought about her strange dream. She fantasized the two of them flying through the air and felt a strange pressure in her sternum. She remembered the umbrella and how she plunged it into her chest; piercing her center, freeing herself from fear. She felt physically safe with him but an undercurrent of another kind of fear lent a bitter taste to the back of her tongue. She didn’t understand it and wanted to block it out. Only so much time. With him. He was kissing his light kisses into her hair and suddenly she could have sworn she heard music. Was that music? â€Ĺ›What is that?”â€Ĺ›That is street dance, Senorita! Come on.” He pulled her until they had gotten north and east of the museum. On the grassy area south of the â€Ĺ›Bean” was a band set up playing Latin music. A voluptuous woman in Brazilian carnival garb led about a two hundred people as they danced to the upbeat tempo. Many danced by themselves. Dozens had partners. Quite a few were lost in exaltation as they stepped and twirled to a Salsa beat. Some lined up and followed the leader in a sultry line dance. Many people were gathered around the dancers clapping and tapping and wriggling their bodies to the music. The wind blew hair and hats and no one seemed to notice or care. Zack led Mo over to where a cop had lost all sense of authority and was jiggling in his blues. â€Ĺ›Hey, Leon.”Leon was riveted to attention. â€Ĺ›Dude. What you doingâ€Ĺšoh, yeah sorry.” Zack and Ray were a hot topic of speculation in the ranks.â€Ĺ›This is Mo, Mo this is Leon.” Leon relaxed and held out his hand. â€Ĺ›Lee, if you’re hanging around a few minutes let me leave these books here.” Zack leaned the books against a bike rack. With a brief objection from Mo he dropped her backpack with them. â€Ĺ›It’ll be safe with Leon. â€Ĺ›Unless I see a pickpocketâ€Ĺšdamn you’re gonna dance! If I wasn’t on the job.” He watched them with envy as they joined the party. Mo smiled nervously as Zack led her into the crowd. â€Ĺ›Wait, Zack, I’m not tooâ€Ĺšâ€ť She had never danced to Latin music. He whirled her and settled into a simple step. He turned her and held her by the waist nuzzling her ear from behind. He spun her with a laugh as she tried to keep up. He pulled her close and their bodies moved together as she tried to let go of the sudden shyness she felt. He swept her in a circle. Mo ran her hands down his sides her eyes on his. She was caught up now, following his lead. He amazed her with another hidden facet and she spun with the joy of it in his arms. She felt as if they were soaring. He laughed at the light in her eyes and brought her in for a teasing kiss before swinging her around. His hands grabbed her hips his body undulating at close quarters while his eyes seared into hers. The little gold flecks in his green eyes seemed to brighten. â€Ĺ›What if I picked you up andâ€Ĺš?” When he lifted and spun her she shrieked with surprise and laughed a whole and free laugh. He reveled in the sound of it. He set her down and caught her close as the rhythm changed to something slow and sultry. â€Ĺ›A Brazilian carnival act. Wouldn’t that be fun?” Mo slid her finger along his collar gazing into his face. â€Ĺ›Still got work on the brain, Ms. Whitman?” He dipped her deeply. She laughed a little breathlessly.â€Ĺ›Not work, inspiration. Admit it, works rarely far from your thoughts.” She shimmied around him. He’d never seen anything sexier than the wisps of hair that came loose from her braid. And wearing a White Sox ball cap. She was an angel! â€Ĺ›Guess what I’m thinking about right now. Hint. It’s not work.” He pulled her close and swayed. He had forgotten everything. Ray, Al, the robbery suspect. He could just see her. It feltâ€Ĺšright. If only. He sucked up the brief spasm of doubt and pulled her in and kissed her like his life depended on it. As if she was the source of the air he breathed.Mo felt a surge of panic at the intensity of his kiss. She didn’t give a damn about the crowd. It was that jab of fear again. The sensation of being on that whipping wire. Not in control. She was working without a net so she clung more tightly and told herself not to think beyond the moment. His lips left hers. He seemed to be trying to imprint her scent into his memory. His face was in her hair. A place he seemed to not get enough of. She put her slender fingers on either side of his face and stroked lightly at his temples. She looked into his eyes and thought of him as a kind of warrior and poet mentally chuckling at herself. Yet he had surprised her in so many ways. His gentleness. His ferocity in bed as he took her past anything she’d ever known. The variety of his interests. He could see the Impressionists show again he had said. Who knew? They had a few days. She didn’t want to think about the future. At that moment she wanted to be frozen in time with him. She had almost stopped hearing the music due to the pounding of her heart in her ears. He thought he’d lost her attention. He pulled her close. Her large eyes gazed thoughtfully at him. Then she did an exaggerated little hip swivel when the beat picked up and yelped when his hips swiveled tight to hers. They danced and laughed and kissed. â€Ĺ›Hey?” His hand stroked her chin. â€Ĺ›Hungry?’She nodded. Taking her hand he led her back to Leon. He was immersed in conversation with a cop on a horse. â€Ĺ›Burnham.” The cop gave him a nod and eyed Mo without concealing the type of interest his look contained. Zack picked up the books and handed Mo her backpack. â€Ĺ›Castle.” He gave the other cop a curt nod. â€Ĺ›Thanks Leon, see you at the gym. He bussed Mo toward the street. â€Ĺ›Friendly.” Mo looked at Zack and saw a smidgeon of irritation on his face. â€Ĺ›Ex’s cousin.” He seemed to be somewhere else for a moment. Mo walked in silence. Suddenly he put his arm around her. â€Ĺ›Sorry.”â€Ĺ›It hasn’t been that long.” She liked his arm around her, casual and familiar. She raised her arm across his back. â€Ĺ›So what are you feeding me? Pizza? Oh, I know, hotdogs. You make a good sandwich but who wants to cook.” She laughed looking up at him. He leaned in for a quick kiss.The air around Mo’s face was suddenly warmer.  Zack felt the same warmth and squeezed her against him. â€Ĺ›I know making coffee is cooking to you, but making a sandwich is not technically cooking. This, senorita, is food city. There’s a cab now.”â€Ĺ›Is it rude to stare at people out in public?” Mo sipped a gin and tonic. Zack held an Amstel light.â€Ĺ›Not if you’re not too obvious. Twisting in your seat is obvious.” Zack took an amused sip. Mo turned and postured demureness but it didn’t last long. â€Ĺ›Look at her. How’d she get her hair that big? She looks kind of like your ahâ€Ĺšfriend.” Mo raised her eyebrows and sucked on the little straw. â€Ĺ›That was good, Zack. I thought the wait would be longer but they move fast.” They sat in The Hot Woc on the near North side. The walls on the front and side were doors that could be opened onto the street in nice weather. Throngs of people strolled and walked their dogs. This was the Gold Coast. Most people were casually dressed in their designer slacks and blouses. A limo was parked along the street. The beggar on the corner wore a tie. â€Ĺ›I thought maybe you’d like a change from salad. And pizza.” Zack downed the last of the beer and threw a tip on the table. â€Ĺ›Wanna walk, or have you had enough?”â€Ĺ›Good thing I wore my walking shoes yesterday. They’re what to wear if you’re caught in the middle of a robbery. Let’s walk. I want to see stuff. Oh, look at that!” Mo pointed to a magnificent red sequined dress in a Valentino boutique. â€Ĺ›Sorry, just looking.” She put her arm in Zack’s. He still carried the books with the other hand. â€Ĺ›I haven’t eaten Chinese in a long time. â€Ĺ›Oh, well you should have saidâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›No, no, it was great.” She squeezed his arm. â€Ĺ›Just stuck in a food rut, I think.”â€Ĺ›I like cooking myself, just don’t have time to really develop it. I took lessons once. Chicago Chef’s Institute had lessons for non-professionals as they called it. Lot a fun, but I missed a lot of classes because of work.” Zack steered Mo onto Oak Street heading for the lake. It was twilight but the nice weather had people out in droves. They walked as Mo checked out the windows of expensive boutiques. They meandered for an hour with Mo stopping to admire this or that. â€Ĺ›We can come when the stores are open if you want.”â€Ĺ›No. I blew my shopping budget on earrings I couldn’t live without.” She gave her head a little shake; she had put them on in the cab before dinner. â€Ĺ›I’m suddenly feeling tired. Maybe the gin. Do you mind? Can we get a cab?”â€Ĺ›No problem.” He walked out into the street and waved down a Yellow. â€Ĺ›1500 South Indiana,” he said as Mo slid in. He got in and noticed she hadn’t moved all the way over. She put her head against his shoulder and watched the city on the trip down the Drive. She toyed with a button on his shirt so he put an arm around her. Mo felt his heart beating and the rise of his chest as he breathed. Refuge. Being close to someone should be a refuge. Not pain, toil, work, conflict. Refuge. If people couldn’t find refuge in each other, where could they find it? What was the point of love if it wasn’t refuge from all the hardship in life? She snuggled against him. It was an odd sensation for her. He didn’t seem to mind and his hand stoked her hair lightly as they rode in silence. Life was hard. Had been hard. She felt so safe and comfortable. Why couldn’t people always feel this way? Maybe they wanted too much of things that didn’t matter. Maybe she should just stop thinking. She promised herself that was exactly what she would do.TenUp in Zack’s condo Mo showered and put on a pair of his boxer shorts and one of his tee-shirts. â€Ĺ›I’ll take you to get some clothes if you want,” he had offered. â€Ĺ›And there’s a Target down Roosevelt.”â€Ĺ›Maybe tomorrow. After the Art Institute. But you’ve already seen it. You don’t have to go again.” She found she had an aversion to going to Greendale at present.â€Ĺ›No, I enjoyed it. You think a cop wouldn’t enjoy art? Tomorrow’s free day so plan on being up early.”â€Ĺ›What are you going to do arrest me?” She put a finger on his straight nose. He took her wrists. â€Ĺ›Something like that. I’m going to jump in the shower.” He gave her a friendly peck on the forehead. She’d said she was tired. It had been a long day. A great day like he hadn’t had in a long time. He didn’t want to push. Unless sheâ€ĹšGod she was so cute in his boxers. He stood under the water and thought about her. His mind vacillated between desire and an odd guilt. He didn’t want to hurt her. He didn’t want to hurt. He took a deep breath and tried to clear his mind of everything but the here and now. But his thoughts veered toward harsh reality. Different worlds. They lived in entirely different worlds. Heâ€Ĺš Her hands came around his waist and slid up his soapy stomach to his chest. His mind went numb but his body came alive. â€Ĺ›Nice ass, Detective.” She ran her hands down his sides and smoothed them over the ass in question. He turned to her wet, soapy and half hard already. One slick of her hand took care of the other half. He gazed at her dark eyes. Her damp hair had been twisted up into a large knot on the back of her head. Loose strands fell on her shoulders and breasts. Droplets of water beaded on her face. His head shot back with a moan as she ran her hand on him. She put her forehead on his chest to watch her hand. He gripped her shoulders. â€Ĺ›Wait.”â€Ĺ›What for?” She squeezed. She was fascinated at his reaction. She experimented with touch. What happensâ€ĹšOh! How aboutâ€Ĺšhis gasps were sure answers. He put his arms around her. He wanted to kiss her. Touch her. â€Ĺ›No.” She cupped him. He lurched with full force. Both hands on him now she stroked and tickled. She giggled at his swaying, bouncing member and had an urge to flick it and watch it spring. Spring it did and he was insane. He grabbed hard. He held her with one powerful arm and slid a hand over her mound and deeper. She brought a knee up to his hip. He lifted her and brought her down on him slowly intruding against the initial resistance. Her back was against the shower wall. The water flowed and splashed as he lifted her again. His face was in her chest. He kissed the soft curves. Warm water splashed on her face and shoulder. Mo reached around him and squeezed the buns she had praised biting his shoulder as he drew her almost off then onto him again bracing her with powerful arms. â€Ĺ›Mo.” He thrust pulling her down again and again on him, craving the depth of her. Then he held her at the very tip of fulfillment enjoying the panicked plea of her whimpers. She struggled to have all of him. She moved on him begging with her body. He teased by holding her aloft until she gave a frustrated little scream and bucked hard against him. It sent them almost tumbling over. He held her against the shower wall and stuck his tongue into the miniature waterfall streaming from her nipple. Then he circled the perfect hardness of it causing her to flail at him with something near to crazed desperation. â€Ĺ›Just kidding,” he managed huskily. He sank into her. She tried to grab the shower door frame to get a better purchase but her hands slipped. They landed on his shoulders and gripped mindlessly. Her hair came loose like a whip in his face as she lost control. Zack let her ride out her storm. He held her safe and planted his feet as best her could. Somehow he managed to control his body’s need to crest and focused on her wild ride. He gave her all the head she needed as she screamed into his shoulder and swam against him as if fighting a rip tide. â€Ĺ›Take all you want, Baby.” He whispered into her ear. Her body shuddered with the taking. His heart shuddered because she was taking so much more than she knew.He patted her with the towel while she kissed droplets off the hairs on his chest. She shivered not from cold but from having thrown off so much heat. She seemed a little tipsy yet it had been a while since she had the gin. Must be really tired, Zack thought. â€Ĺ›Let’s chill on the sofa, watch some TV. Okay?” He thought it would help her sleep.Mo pressed her face in his chest. â€Ĺ›Yes, Officer Burnham.” She giggled. She felt like a girl. She had never been permitted to be just a girl. She had always worked. School. Practice. Perform. She had never just played and now she felt like she could play. And she liked her playmate more than she cared to admit. She slipped the boxers and T-shirt back on with a little help from her friend. He wrapped the towel around her head so ineffectually it unraveled immediately. She snapped it at him, Zack dodging with a laugh, and wrapped it herself.               He looked at her girlish face. Zack felt his heart caught on an anvil. He counted the years between them; six, almost seven. Not so bad, he rationalized. He threw on some sweats and a T-shirt. Not bad for what? This was a dream and wakeup call was a few days away. Zip it up Zack. Take it for what it is. Don’t screw up what time you have.â€Ĺ›We don’t have to watch this. Turn on a ballgame. I know you don’t want to watch this.” Mo curled up next to Zack who stroked her damp hair. He was watching her and couldn’t care less about what was on TV. He studied the thin line of her brow and the sharp sickle of her cheekbone. He gazed at the slight curve of her nose. The stung little puffs of her lips had always caused his heart to lurch. Her small chin was just a little pointed. His eyes followed the line of her long neck.â€Ĺ›I love Jane Austen.” He assured her. Well I can tolerate it. She nestled closer and he thought he could tolerate anything. â€Ĺ›She grabbed the remote and they struggled for it. She won by standing on the sofa and holding it high while he tried to pull her down by the boxers. She laughed and clicked. â€Ĺ›Look! Look! Chicago White Sox at Toronto Blue Jays! She plopped down and handed him the remote. â€Ĺ›I dare ya.”â€Ĺ›Game’s almost over. Watch what you want.” He didn’t want to take his eyes off her anyway. No one had made her feel so free. It was as if a spigot had been turned on and her sexuality had poured forth unstoppably. He had opened something in her, yet she didn’t understand how she had she had been able to let herself go with him when gnawing little fears kept nipping at the edges of her delight in him. She wanted to give and give and take and take. But could she let go when the time came? They would go back to their own worlds. When she thought about it she felt as if she’d never fly free again. Suddenly the Dashwood girls are arguing in their subtle fashion. Zack hid the remote on the other side of him alongside the cushion.She started to protest when he put his arms around her and caressed her breasts through the T-shirt while Kate Winslet’s Marianne runs through the field with her little sister, slipping and falling. Mo makes for the remote but he stops her with a chuckle. His hand gently touches the band of the boxers while Willoughby’s horse rears in fright. He slides his fingers under the waistband while the handsome horseman lifts Marianne into his arms. Mo slides her hand onto his and presses it firmly. She watches Mrs. Dashwood fret as a dripping Willoughby carries Marianne to the sofa. Mo feels his finger on the spot that makes her warm and wet. Zack plays there while lovely Marianne flubs â€ĹšThe Tempest’ and Willoughby takes up the quote and presents her with the sonnets. Eleanor Dashwood has sage advice, but Mo isn’t listening because she’s on Zack’s lap and he’s got other things besides being sensible in mind. She forgets the movie and the ballgame and is caught up in the sensations he’s causing. Her breath comes in quick puffs as he rewards her responses with devilish manipulations that have her murmuring encouragement. He’s learned quickly what makes her pant and thrash and he’s adding his own embellishments with great concentration. Marianne, unwatched now, races headlong toward heartbreak.She stands up breathing hard so he can pull the boxers off and she turns and climbs on to his lap. Had he really turned this down? What had he been thinking? He momentarily forgot the reason. Mo takes him in hand and since he’s bursting against his boxers, frees him. She looks at him feverishly. His eyes burn with a fever of their own. She pushes her full lips down on his and loses all sensibility. She slides off of him and drags his shorts off. She has the look of a hungry animal. In his eyes she turns from some luminescent otherworldly being into a hauntingly visceral creature. Her hunger feeds his as they look into each other’s delirious eyes. He pulls the T-shirt up and off and wants her on his lap again. His mouth craves hers. He craves all of her. She grabs his wrists as he reaches for her and puts his hands on her shoulders. Then she leans in to kiss the line of hair that runs down from his naval. She massages his thighs. Zack is consumed with the jolts of pleasure she gives him. He is reduced to insanity at the things she does with her tongue. He watches and caresses while she experiments. His breathe becomes more labored and he knows she’s going to drive him beyond the point of no return if he doesn’tâ€Ĺš Just in time she climbs back onto him and takes him in. Their mouths crush each others as their bodies melt together.Tuesday morning the Impressionist lovers lined up in a light rain with umbrellas in front of the Museum. Mo had art books in her apartment but she was not well schooled in the genre. Zack was no connoisseur but he’d seen the exhibit and knew what he liked. While he enjoyed the impressionists, the early moderns were more his style. He’d always wanted a good framed print of Hopper’s â€Ĺ›Nighthawks. He liked Pollack. When they left the main exhibit he steered her toward that section of the museum. She liked the Hopper but told him clearly he could have the rest. She was all about Monet now that she’d seen the real deal. And Cassatt. Yeah, she definitely had to have a Cassatt. A print anyway. When they left the museum the rain had passed leaving behind a brilliantly clear day. They decided to have lunch on the beach and found themselves at Oat Street beach at the little outdoor cafĂ©. It adjoined a souvenir stand selling hats, towels, bikinis and Chicago memorabilia. â€Ĺ›In Chicago there’s a lawâ€Ĺšâ€ť Zack held up the plastic mustard bottle. â€Ĺ›No ketchup allowed on your hot dog. Not for a true Chicagoan.”â€Ĺ›That’s ridiculous. Everyone loves ketchup.” She’d had to ask for it specifically as there was none on the table. What do they do, lock you up or does the vendor carry a baseball bat?” She laughed. Her dog was packed. Like a true Chicagoan his had mustard, relish and onion. â€Ĺ›What a beautiful day. You know the winds not bad today. I didn’t even bring a bathing suit to Chicago. I never thought I’d be on the beach.”â€Ĺ›Don’t you ever swim in the hotel pools?”â€Ĺ›I don’t usually. Either too many people to really swim or I get bothered too much.” She took a big bite. â€Ĺ›You want to hang out on the beach?” He pointed at the stand.He’d tried to pay for the bikini but she wouldn’t let him. He’d been paying for food and cabs. She’d had slapped her card down while he was still trying to get his wallet out. Now she came out of the bathroom in a blue and white bikini and made his jaw drop. She wore the flip flops she’d bought. They were green as the stand had been out of blue. The Sox cap was black, grey and white. â€Ĺ›I’m a real style buster, I know.” He laughed as she reached for the beach towel. It was graced with the Chicago skyline and said â€Ĺ›Home Sweet Home.” Zack was glad he’d worn shorts and sandals. They walked to the water’s edge and dropped the towel, kicking off their shoes. Mo put a toe in the water while watching Zack’s muscled torso as he pulled off his pullover shirt. He waded in. He turned and reached for her. â€Ĺ›Maybe just lay in the sun,” she decided.By God she had him so hot with her wisps of hair blowing if he had to cool off she was going to cool off with him. In a few steps he swept her into his arms and carried her laughing and struggling into the surf. He dropped into the water with her as she shrieked. She broke away and splashed hard in revenge. He finally got her wrists and pulled her close. Her mouth opened as the warmth of his body soothed her shiver. His tongue warmed her all the way to her curling toes. Zack ran his hands down to her hips and pulled her close. â€Ĺ›Uh.” Her body jerked a little. He’d hit the bruise.â€Ĺ›Sorry.” Mo accepted his apology with a press of her own tongue. She lured him deeper until he was totally lost in the kiss. He hadn’t cut his hair since he’d gone on leave to guard her. She ran her fingers through it, closing her eyes, losing herself as well. They lay close on the beach towel. Maybe they should have gotten another but then it wouldn’t be as cozy, she thought. Zack had worried about her white, delicate looking skin. She assured him she wasn’t the burner he thought she might be. Her Native American blood seemed to help in that area. Which was a good thing, he thought, when he woke up red chested with stinging skin. He tended to burn even his already somewhat tanned skin. â€Ĺ›There, there,” Mo soothed as she rubbed lotion on him and looked at him in the bathroom mirror. â€Ĺ›Must be the Irish.” They had just washed the sand completely off each other making sure to be as thorough as hands and lips and tongues could be. Zack had been sure she had some in deep places he explored rigorously and repeatedly using everything in his arsenal before he was satisfied she was sand free. He looked at her strong lovely body; well, one could never be too thorough. He’d better check one last time.They lolled on the sofa listening to Morphine. Mo thought the sultry sounds just right as she breathed in and let go a deep exhalation; her body like putty in his hands. Zack held her head against his stomach. His fingers never got enough of the feel of her silky hair. He was breathless and sated as he had never been. â€Ĺ›Zack, you’re Dad was a cop too? Right?” She nestled.â€Ĺ›Mmmhmm.” He didn’t elaborate.â€Ĺ›Well, you never talk about your family. Your Dad. Or Mom for that matter. I know they passed away. You just neverâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Not much to say. How â€Ĺšbout I order in. You like Greek? You want to go out later?”Mo knew the topic was closed. But her curiosity lingered. Let him put it out there on his own. â€Ĺ›Greek’s good. I wouldn’t mind staying in and relaxing if that suits you. So you still want to go on that tour? I want to see everything. I want to go down in that coal shaft at theâ€Ĺš theâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Museum of Science and Industry. Of course I want to go. We haven’t gotten to the Planetarium yet either. He swept a hand along her long, defined stomach then nudged her up a bit to reach for the phone. â€Ĺ›Tomorrow, I’m cooking dinner. You can take that as a threat or a promise.”â€Ĺ›So Gram clocked the guy right between the eyes. That ended that job but I was so proud of her. She protected me. Stood up for me. We wound up living in her VW bus for six months until she got work with a carnival. I did my school work by lantern light. But I didn’t care. She was hard on me but I knew she loved me. This is good. You seem to know where to get all the good food.”â€Ĺ›I like to eat.” Zack forked in a mouthful.â€Ĺ›Don’t I know it,” Mo looked up at him with a mischievous smile.â€Ĺ›You have a dirty mind, Ms. Whitman. How’d I get so lucky? Your grandmother sounds like hell of a woman. Dirty bastard should have been arrested. I’m glad he didn’t have a chance toâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›He didn’t.” Mo toed his ankle with a sly look. â€Ĺ›She was hell of a woman. What’s for dessert?”Curtis Lyons was pissed. He had absolutely refused to say a word. He had held out for more than three days and still he sat. Bull should have gotten him out by now to his way of thinking. He couldn’t co-operate with that namby pamby public defender. What’s a hold up compared to cop killing. They find out who he is and he’ll be lucky to make it till morning. Why didn’t Bull send in a real lawyer? He’s the one with the most to lose and by god if he doesn’t get him out they’re all going to need earplugs when Brother C gets to singing. He might be the only inmate in the City of Chicago without his prints on file. They think they’ll ID him from prints the jokes on them. At least Bull had taken care of his file.He’d never gone in for the armed robberies or other notoriously high apprehension crimes. He’d never taken money for a drug deal. He had been extremely careful, and lucky. Bull had taken care of his petty theft record back when Ray was just getting started. He could hold out a little longer. Until Bull got him the kind of lawyer who could get him the hell out of here! It didn’t occur to him that Bull would have to identify him to get him out. Or that Bull might be just fine with him taking the rap for Ray.What had he been thinking? Shit, he wasn’t gonna shoot that girl. He was just trying to make sure he didn’t get shot. Mother that knocked him to the ground was a cop. Go figure, cop right outside the door. He still hurt like hell. Son bitch yanked his shoulder out. His back was killing him. All he’d wanted was some food and to get the hell outta town. The beach in Indiana, that’s where he should be. Not locked up because that mother Bull was too busy moving in on Rosalie to take care of business. Ray was a nasty mother, but he always took care of business. Curtis heard a racket and from the loud oaths and clanging figured another stoned or drunk ass was gonna be tossed in a cell. Not with him he hoped. â€Ĺ›Shut up, Jamal.” He heard the guard say. â€Ĺ›Shit.” Couldn’t be but Curtis sat on the bunk with his head low. He recognized Jamal Smith’s voice. Drunk again. Probably had some smoke on â€Ĺšem. He dipped his head lower. â€Ĺ›Hey! Hey Curtis! Curtis. What the fuck, man! Yo, bro? What you doing? It’s me. Jamal. You high?” Jamal went on and on as the cop steered him to a cell. â€Ĺ›What you doing, man? That’s my cousin. Curtis. What?”â€Ĺ›You know that man?” the guard stopped in front of Curtis’ cell. â€Ĺ›That’s Curtis. Yo, Curtis! Put me in with Curtis, man.” â€Ĺ›Sure. Curtis got a last name?” The guard Iooked at the man who was just about folded in on himself. â€Ĺ›He gotta last name? Hear that Curtis? He asks you gotta last name. Lyons. Rooaarr! Lyons. Ain’t that some shit? What chu doin’ in here, cuz?”The phone was ringing and groggy, Zack reached out with some confusion. The ring of the phone was like an unwelcomed alarm clock. His mind raced out of dreams as he disentangled himself from Mo. Somehow they’d made it to the bed after a round on the living room carpet. Zack’s home cooked meal of grilled chicken and vegetables had been topped off with epic calorie burning sex. Half asleep they’d been and yet had found the energy to make mayhem of the sheets once they’d made it to bed. He rubbed his face and took the call. His eyes widened as he looked at Mo who didn’t stir.â€Ĺ›Wake up Burnham; they got Lyons down at Central. Al’s voice was deep and businesslike. â€Ĺ›Lyon’s won’t talk but I’ve got intel says Bull’s meeting a plane in Joliet. Moving into the big time. I’ll be downstairs in thirty five. Leave the girl. She’s safest there.” Zack looked at the portable phone as if it were a statue come to life. With a look at Mo’s sprawled body, he climbed carefully out of bed.â€Ĺ›Yep, boosting losers just ain’t enough anymore.” Al steered the Crown Victoria a few cars behind a white Sprinter in the early morning rush. Interstate 55 got busier as they neared Chicago. It was almost at a standstill by the time they got off at a hundred and twenty seventh street; cutting east toward the industrial complexes on the lake. The stacks came into view as they got closer, spewing smoke into the air. Not one of the tourist attractions, Zack thought. They had managed to keep an eye on Bull as he met the plane with the van and a driver neither of them knew. Watching from a distance with binoculars, they saw crates unloaded from the small plane into the van. Al reached into his car and handed Zack a video camera. â€Ĺ›You probably know how to operate that thing. They mustâ€Ĺšve flashed badges at the bohunks,” grunted Al with derision.â€Ĺ›We’re gonna need back up,” Zack went to dial his phone. â€Ĺ›I’m not in the mood for friendly fire, Burnham; you know he’s got people on the payroll. Who can we trust? This is too big.”â€Ĺ›We can’t go in alone. I’m not supposed to be anywhere near this.” Just the same Zack snapped his phone shut.â€Ĺ›Who’s going to investigate who’s investigating you? How do we know Larson himself isn’t involved? Real handy you get shot receiving vast amounts of heroin. Handier still we both just disappear. Unhinged father, suspected crooked cop. Who’s gonna look too hard?”â€Ĺ›Look, I’m on suspension and you’re out of your jurisdiction. Any bust we’re able to make won’t stick. We’ve got to get someone else on this.” Zack looked at Al’s profile watching the big man drive with a bland expression on his face. â€Ĺ›I figured you’d be squeamish. Being a â€Ĺšby the book’ kinda guy. Just to ease your bleeding heart I’ve made some arrangements. Bet your one of those liberals who thinks drugs should be legalized. That we should just keep junkies in the hospital and feed â€Ĺšem whatever they want.”â€Ĺ›Yeah, I am one of those liberals. But you’re twisting it around to suit your biases. You don’t like big government but you sure always pressed for more money for law enforcement. Think about how much money is spent on drug interdiction when what we really need to do is treat addiction. That’s why I didn’t go into narcotics when I was asked. I was more interested in finding killers than arresting people for their weaknesses. Besides Al, look around. How many people here don’t want to escape? One way or another.” They were heading through some of the most drug and crime infested areas on Chicago’s southeast side.â€Ĺ›There are better ways to escape. I not interested in the user. I’m interested in the people who use them and keep them trapped in addiction for profit. Users get caught in the net. I worked Narco. Before Homicide. But those users were as likely as not trying to bring more business in for their supplier. You know drug dealing is a pyramid business. Sure we want the tip but we have to destroy the foundation. We came from opposite sides of the tracks in the same blue collar hood. We didn’t resort to drugs â€Ĺšcause we didn’t live uptown.” Al still had his cop driving down. He made a quick turn, but hung back, with the Sprinter just in view.â€Ĺ›We never knew the kind of grinding poverty that breeds junkies like shit breeds flies. I say put the money into that. I haven’t seen where billions of dollars in drug interdiction has done much to destroy that foundation. Besides which, as you well know, there are two separate sets of rules for white and black users. So what are these arrangements?” Zack scrubbed his morning bristles with a yawn.â€Ĺ›I know a cop, someone we can trust. He’s retiring but it’s not official yet. He’s not far from the warehouse Ms. Villareal told me about. We’ll stop there and grab â€Ĺšim. It so happens he’s friendly with the DA. Married to the DA’s aunt. So he went over Larson’s head. Though my feeling is if we bust Bull, no one’s going to quibble about your suspension.”â€Ĺ›Maybe, but the courts may have a different idea about it.” Zack adjusted his seat. â€Ĺ›If Lyons starts talking after this, we might just find out who killed Ray.”â€Ĺ›Yeah, college boy, you’re probably right. Gotta make it stick. Duke got a warrant for the warehouse based on Ms. Villareal’s information. First priority is making sure she or no one else gets hurt. She’s meeting Bull at the warehouse. I thought no but she suggested he might spook if she didn’t. So what’s with you and the girl?”â€Ĺ›How’d you know?” He looked at Al, puzzled. â€Ĺ›You been spying?”â€Ĺ›Got to know who I can trust. Besides you made the papers.” Al snorted into a laugh. â€Ĺ›Now you’re a hero. Suspended cop. Will that stick?” â€Ĺ›It’ll stick and cop killers don’t exactly have an edge with juries. But he’ll cop a plea. He has to talk sometime.” Zack felt a serious need for a cup of coffee. Early calls to duty after making love half the night sure took a bite out if you didn’t have your usual dose of caffeine. He looked at his ringing phone and felt like shit. Gotta do what I gotta do. He ignored the phone. Better a lot of annoyance than a lot of worry.Al glanced at Zack and made some kind of assessment Zack was aware of. He didn’t know what the conclusion was but he couldn’t waste energy worrying about it. Al had never liked the â€Ĺ›new breed” of cop and thus had never had a liking for him. Al could like him or not. His concern was finding out who killed Ray and clearing his name.  Duke Washington hobbled down the steps with his cane. The man was probably in his sixties and held the rail of his brownstone porch, working his way slowly to the street. Zack let out a sigh. â€Ĺ›You’re kidding me right?”â€Ĺ›He’s still got a badge. Wash is a good cop. Got shot a couple years ago taking down that Rangers’ drug lord. He’s been on disability and will retire in a coupla weeks. Got pinned. One of your own, don’t remember?” â€Ĺ›Yeah, I remember, decorated for valor. Saved a kid’s life, got shot five times. Yeah, I was working on the Patchett murder, then. Didn’t make the ceremony.”â€Ĺ›Too busy with high society murders to honor one of your own?” Al got out of the car and opened the door for Duke Washington while Zack sighed in annoyance. The guy did not let up. Why should he explain why he’d been borrowed from his precinct for a Gold Coast murder? Corruption and politics. Naturally.â€Ĺ›We got twenty four hours to make this good or my nephew’s calling in the Feds.” Duke flapped the warrant. â€Ĺ›So you’re the young man Al said got Curtis Lyons in that robbery.  Didn’t know who he was. I don’t know if Lyons is smart or lucky but he’s managed to stay off the radar. His name came up during the Rangers investigation. Just in passing. I passed it on to City but never got any intel back on it. The bureau had nothing on him, nothing.” Washington put his cane on the seat beside him. â€Ĺ›I know I’m here just for the record but let me tell you. Big time drugs is a nasty business. They got bigger weapons and more of â€Ĺšem. And a bad cop is a desperate cop if he thinks he’s gonna get busted. I appreciate you two are afraid to trust anyone but I wish we had more back up on this. Believe meâ€Ĺšâ€ť he tapped a wooden leg with his cane, â€Ĺ›I know.”Zack turned at the tap of wood on wood. He saw a wizened but tough looking man who had probably resisted retirement for the past decade. He seemed eager for a last bit of action before settling on his porch to watch the world go by. â€Ĺ›We watched them pull into the ware house. Its five blocks away. We videotaped Shaughnessy and another man unloading what looked like wooden crates from a small plane at Joliet airport. What we were told is they’ll cut it there. Bull Shaughnessy rented it on a short term lease. He’ll find out that was good thinking shortly. It looks like it should be condemned but it’s for sale. Shaughnessy will have guards on the goods. Mostly to keep other dealers from trying to get their hands on it. His people will do the packaging and distribute it to local small timers all over the south side. This is according to Al’s information.” Zack swung a nod at Al.â€Ĺ›Oh yeah, the beautiful Honduran with financial problems. She could corrupt the whole force given half a chance.” Duke chuckled. â€Ĺ›If I was younger she’d get the whole chance.”  Al ignored the statement. His sense of humor was non-existent as far as Zack could tell. â€Ĺ›We don’t know if this stops with Shaughnessy or even goes up as high as the chief. If it goes that high what’s to say the mayor’s not involved. Shut up, Burnham, he your hero? What I’m saying is this is not Ray shake’n down small timers. Bull knows how to grow a business, I’ll give â€Ĺšim that. We got something in common after all, Burnham. We trusted partners who made fools of us. I know how you must feel. Even though it’s been a few years since Bull and Iâ€Ĺš and I was so damned proud of him. Whether or not Bull had anything to do with Russell’s death, he’s still his murderer in my eyes. They all are. Duke, we got to do this. We can’t call in the troops. We won’t know who’s gunning for who.” Zack looked at Al and realized he’d go down to get Bull even if he wasn’t directly responsible for his son’s death. He could understand the sense of betrayal. Not only was Bull a cop, he was the cop who investigated other cops to weed out corruption. Zack’s job had been on the line pending Bull’s investigation of Ray’s death and he sure had been dragging his feet. But was it Lyons or Bull who killed Ray? Or both? He hoped to have the answer soon.Zack blew out as if steam had been building in his chest for months. He thought of Mo again feeling a little guilty. He’d left a note saying he’d be back in a few hours. He didn’t want to worry her. He hoped he hadn’t lied. More than his job was on the line now and with the possibility of death came a sense of not having really lived. He felt as if he’d just come alive when he met Mo. She was just another woman really, why was life more precious now than a few short weeks ago?He knew there was always a risk of being killed on the job. Being a detective might have lessened that risk but it was still a fact of the job. It was something every cop knew and lived with. He wasn’t afraid to do what he had to do. He just hoped when it was over, he’d be able to figure out what he really wanted. How would Mo fit in? Maybe she’d just want to go her own way. Could he let her? Did he have a choice? He had a flash of them kissing two miles underground in the lightless coal shaft of the Museum of Science and Industry, his favorite museum. He had been delighted at her enthusiasm for its many and varied exhibits. She had seemed to be realizing there was a whole life outside of her work. She’d limited herself so long to the pursuit of perfection in her field that she had missed many opportunities to explore the cities and countries she had been to. If he had been with herâ€Ĺšâ€Ĺ›Mind somewhere else, Burnham?” Al turned into an alley a block over from the warehouse. â€Ĺ›We’ll get out here, Duke. Let’s hope they haven’t decided to move. Burnham, she said they’d get busy breaking it down and cutting it right there.” But would she turn on them? Al didn’t think so but he had to accept it was possible. â€Ĺ›She said there was a broken window with plywood on it but the plywood was loose. She said the window’s hidden by steel waste containers so if we can get in it’s just a few steps to the main area. She’s going to put some music on and distract Bull. Duke, I’ll radio as soon as I have him neutralized. You come in when you get the all clear. This is your bust. We just happened to be in the area. Prosecutors will feel fortunate to have the tape from the airport you managed to get. One last hurrah, Washington. Burnham, you better know your job.”â€Ĺ›I’m following your orders, Al. Let’s get this done.” Zack kept his gun holstered until they made it into the alley. A large dirty brick building loomed over them. Al found the window and let out a puff of air. It would take time to cut and bag the crates they had seen unloaded. He wasn’t worried about being too late. They just had no way of knowing how many. Rosalie said maybe five but she also thought Bull was trying to get more. He had his own trust issues and Zack could understand why. But Bull Shaughnessy sure wasn’t going to be bagging heroine himself. He just hoped they didn’t find themselves faced with a small army. They climbed inside and heard Latin music playing. She’d kept her word on that.Al took the lead and Zack remarked to himself how quiet and agile the big man was as he watched him squeeze through the opening while avoiding the dirty shards of glass. Zack followed cursing a small cut on his thumb. Little daylight came through the low window making them adjust their eyes as they went. There were a few steps and a set of steel doors they’d have to get through. Hopefully, the doors would not creak but looking at them Zack knew they would. He felt a rat crawl onto his shoe as Al spied through a hole where a deadbolt lock had once been. Zack shook his shoe. He could barely see the rat scamper off. Al turned. â€Ĺ›Bull’s counting out bricks from the crates in the back of the van. Rosalie’s at a table with two boys getting ready to start cutting. The driver is smoking a cigarette leaning against the van. He’s holding an AK but seems more interested in watching Rosalie. I gotta give it to her, she’s come through. Van’s on the left, thirty feet. The table is about ten feet from the van, off the back. We’ve got to make sure the girl does not get in the line of fire. I can’t tell if the boys are carrying but let’s bet on it. We know Bull is. I’m going to take out the AK and neutralize Bull before he can draw. You’re on the boys, Rosalie is going to drop. Look sharp, there’s plenty of places more guns could be hiding.”Could they be going in anymore blind? â€Ĺ›Is this how you did it in Nam, Al?” Zack braced himself.â€Ĺ›Oh, no. We had much better intel compared to this. Move.” Al pushed the door and said â€Ĺ›Freeze!” The AK was raised halfway when Al put a bullet clean in the center of the man’s skull. The gun went sideways spraying bullets toward the wall as the man dropped. But Al already had his gun aimed toward the back of the van where Bull had apparently secured himself between the two open back doors. Rosalie had dropped to the concrete floor. One of the boys put his hands up but one ran a few feet before putting his up as well. Zack kept his gun on the boys. They were fifteen feet apart from each other. If one drew and he had to fire, it would give the other a chance to fire. He looked at the boys and realized how young they were. Teens. Barely.Al approached the van. â€Ĺ›Give it up, Bull. Cops all over the outside. Drop it and kick it. A gun was kicked away from the van along the floor. â€Ĺ›Rosalie, come over here.” She got up and glancing toward the back of the van made her way around the table. As she edged around the corner of it a shot rang out. Rosalie was pitched sideways from the force of it as a bullet entered her neck. The boy who had run had a gun in his hand before Zack and Al could recover from the shock. Al went one way and Zack the other.  Zack fired as he dove shooting the boy in his gun shoulder. The gun flew as the boy was knocked back a couple feet them slumped in agony. The other kid had hit the deck arms spread. Bull raced around to the other side of the van where there was a door to the side street. Al went around the front of the van and just missed Bull as he flung open the door and ran out. Zack kicked the gun away from the wounded kid and went to Rosalie. She lay bleeding from her neck. â€Ĺ›I can feel nothing,” she said struggling to speak. She looked at Zack through unfocused eyes. Zack looked up as Duke came in. He moved rapidly despite the cane, gun drawn.â€Ĺ›Al chased him up the alley. I got back up coming. My precinct.” Duke looked at the woman lying on the floor. â€Ĺ›I’ll get an ambulance. You punks stay down!”  He aimed a nine millimeter at them. He called for an ambulance and kept watch for more possible gunmen.â€Ĺ›It’ll be all right, Ms.â€ĹšRosalie. Why did you do this?” He knelt beside her. â€Ĺ›He kill Ray. He told me. He kill him. Curtis noâ€Ĺš Ray?” Her eyes froze into an empty lifeless stare. The pool of blood had spread around her. He pressed her eyes shut and went after Al. Again Zack found himself in an alley, chasing a partner who was chasing an armed criminal. He saw Al wave him back, signaling he go around to try to get behind Bull who had barricaded himself behind a row of dumpsters. He went back into the building and out the window he and Al had originally used to get into the warehouse. He got through the window as quietly as he could and came up behind Bull’s position. He couldn’t see Al on the other side of the dumpsters but he heard Bull’s heavy breathing behind the dumpster nearest his own position. He heard sirens. â€Ĺ›What you gonna do, Bull. Shoot it out? You wanna live? You need to put the gun down.” Al spoke matter of factly.â€Ĺ›That bitch was the one who set the whole thing up.” Bull shouted. â€Ĺ›I got close to her so I could bust her. I was gonna bring in back up and bust the lot of them. You guys need to calm down and let me explain.”â€Ĺ›Just put the gun down so you have a chance to explain.” Al said reasonably.â€Ĺ›Burnham’s out for me Al, â€Ĺšcause I know he killed Ray so he could take over Ray’s scam. He’ll kill me to shut me up. Who you gonna believe Al? Me or that punk. I got the evidence that Burnham killed Ray.”â€Ĺ›No good, Bull. Maybe Lyons set Ray up. But who pulled the trigger? Now you’ve killed the girl. Hasty decision, Bull. Give it up.” Al turned to see a cruiser turn into the alley sirens blaring. Another was right behind it. He flashed his badge and waved them back. â€Ĺ›The warehouse!” he yelled. â€Ĺ›Duke Washington’s got the other suspects inside.” He turned his attention back to the heavy breathing Bull. â€Ĺ›Don’t turn this into a shooting gallery, Bull. Not if you want to make it out alive.” More sirens screamed into the other end of the alley. Zack climbed onto a trash can and caught a service ladder going up the side of the building moving as quietly as possible. It was maybe ten inches wide but enough to get into a position to see Bull. Bull was cornered and eyeing a low window. Zack thought maybe he could get a shot, a shoulder shot to make him drop the gun but he’d be out in the open. If Bull shot first... He climbed slowly as quietly as possible. Bull was focused in Al’s direction. Cops had gotten out of their cars at the other end of the alley and were running up on foot. Zack was holding the rung with his left hand, twisted almost all the way around with his gun in his right hand. Zack tried to signal them back. â€Ĺ›Police!” He mouthed as one raised a gun. He couldn’t reach for his badge. â€Ĺ›Drop your gun and come down off the ladder!” one called through a bullhorn. Fuck, Zack barely had time to think as he looked down at Bull. A shot rang out, the sound and burning in Zack’s right shoulder simultaneous. He lost his gun as the impact of a second bullet made him lose his footing. His side felt as if a hot poker had ripped the length of his torso. He was sure a rib was shattered as he managed a crash landing on a dumpster lid. Bull shot again. The bullet bounced off the dumpster. Zack lay still on top the dumpster grateful it was the tall narrow kind. Too high for Bull to see him. The pain took his breath away. â€Ĺ›You all right Burnham?” No answer. â€Ĺ›Bull, this is it. You’re surrounded. You wanna die today? You just shot a cop,” Al stated with more of an edge to his voice. â€Ĺ›Today’s just as good as a needle tomorrow. You wanna see me get the needle, Al?” Bull panted. â€Ĺ›It doesn’t have to come to that.” Al made his decision. He walked toward the dumpsters. The cops on his end of the alley tried to wave him back. â€Ĺ›I’m putting down my gun and coming in, Bull. Let’s talk this out before somebody else gets killed.”Zack sucked in his breath. â€Ĺ›Al, no!” he cried out in his mind. He tried to rise. He found he could barely move his right arm. He lay in a pool of blood that ran down the slanted lid.Al stepped between the dumpsters. â€Ĺ›Come on, Bull. We’ve been friends a long time. I don’t wanna see you die. I’ll be there for you, Bull. Remember when we were partners? Always had each other’s back. You were like a son to me. I got your back now, Bull. Let’s work this out. You’re not a fool. Did you shoot Ray in self defense? Could anybody prove you didn’t? We’ve just got to stay calm.” Al came face to face with Bull. â€Ĺ›Ray knew I was onto him. He tried to kill me. He was chasing Lyons into the alley but it was a set up. He knew I was going to take him down. It was Lyons that shot him. I tried to stop it but I couldn’t blow my cover. Lyons was going to kill us both. I got away and Burnham found Ray. It was Lyons, Al. And that bitch!”â€Ĺ›Take it easy, the truth will come out. Put the gun down and we’ll take it downtown and sort it out. Lyons is in a cell. We’ll get the truth out of him.” Al took another step toward Bull, his tone was gentle, soothing. Zack edged up to see, looking for an opportunity, hoping he’d be able to make a move. He could feel the wet warm blood saturating his clothes. Al stood unarmed. Bull held the gun but didn’t aim. Bull looked up at the sky as if he might find an answer there. He held out the gun. Al reached out. He almost had his hand on it â€Ĺ›That’s good, Bull. It’ll be all right.”â€Ĺ›You called her Rosalie. That’s how I knew she set me up.” Bull thrust Al’s hand away and moved closer aiming right at his temple. â€Ĺ›Get down on your knees, Al.” He tried to push him down.â€Ĺ›I’m not gonna do it, Bull” Al answered in a low, even tone.â€Ĺ›Now! I’ll kill you. I’m gonna kill him if you don’t let me outta here!” He shouted out to the cops in the alley.â€Ĺ›Then kill me on my own two feet.” Al’s face was an angry grimace but he spoke calmly. â€Ĺ›Put your weapon down and come out with your hands up.” A loud voice ordered through a bull horn. Bull pushed Al against the wall. â€Ĺ›Get in that window.”â€Ĺ›No.” Al stated simply. There was no defiant tone. He was simply refusing to comply as if he were refusing a shoe shine.â€Ĺ›I’ll kill you, Al. He was gonna shoot me, Al. If he’s dead it’s because he’s been trying to set me up all along. Burnham’s dead. That’s the story, Al. It was Burnham.” Bull was desperate, talking fast and sweating bullets.â€Ĺ›It’s no good, Bull.” Al stood still, the veins in his face and the rise of his chest the only movement â€Ĺ›I’ll kill you. Make â€Ĺšim back off. Get in the fucking window Al!” Bull’s tone was turning to rage. He kicked the low window out and jabbed the gun to Al’s head. â€Ĺ›Goddammit!” He tried to force Al down but the big man wouldn’t budge. He smacked him in the head with the gun. He punched a kidney. Bull gritted his teeth and was about to kick him in the back of the knees when with one quick move Al rammed his elbow back into Bull’s gut. Bull reeled backwards his arms thrown back. Zack saw his chance and leapt. He landed on Bull and they crashed against the brick wall before hitting the ground. Zack had Bull’s gun arm but he was weak. Bull, solid muscle and with the strength that had earned him his name hoisted Zack off but he couldn’t shake him off the arm holding the gun. Zack’s head spun, he saw the gun turning toward him and used all the strength he had left to turn it away; from him and from Al. With the stomp of a giant foot, Bull’s arm was pinned to the ground. A shot fired hitting the building scattering sharp bits of brick and dust. He tried to grab Al’s leg yanking at his pants. Zack managed a swing that landed square in Bull’s nose. He grabbed the gun from the loosened grip and rolled away with it before dropping his face against the concrete, panting. He looked toward Al who was pushing Bull over onto his stomach with a massive foot. As he began to lose consciousness he thought of Mo.ElevenMo had awakened and found the note. It seemed strange that Zack would have left her for hours and not called. They had made plans to bike on the lakefront. It was their last day. If he had gone for a run he would have been back. The strangeness of the whole situation gripped her making the layers of suppressed fear and doubt rise to the surface. Something must have come up. He was definite about their plans. Maybe there’d been some news about the robbery suspect. Maybe news about Ling’s murder. Surely he would have awakened her. She poured the last of the coffee and sat with a magazine. She found she could not interest herself in â€ĹšLaw Enforcement Weapons and Supplies’. For the fourth time she dialed his cell phone number and got his voice mail. She knew he didn’t do text. Something she had already berated him about. Mo didn’t bother leaving another message. His not answering or calling back gnawed at her. Family emergency? He never spoke of his family. She didn’t know who any of his family might be in Chicago. She knew nothing about his family though she’d been curious. She remembered how he’d changed the subject when she’d brought it up. She bit her lip with worry. Maybe she could call Dino. She had no number for him and the restaurant wouldn’t be open yet. Was she being ridiculous? Had he mentioned something he had to do?She found a book on the bottom shelf of the end table. She started reading â€ĹšSherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Reigate Squire’. Mo started to become engrossed as she sipped her coffee but laughter coming through the open terrace door distracted her and she looked at her phone to check the time. Where had he gone? Why hadn’t he called? Something uncomfortable stirred in her that she was unfamiliar with. She started to worry. Worse, she started to feel something was horribly wrong. No, she knew something was horribly wrong. Her cell phone rang and she breathed a sigh of relief and answered without looking. â€Ĺ›Zackâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman? Gerald Tyler. Mayor of Chicago. Where have you been keeping yourself? Don’t tell me I already know you’re shacked up with Burnham.”â€Ĺ›Good of you to get in touch, Mayor. Now if you’ll just excuse meâ€Ĺšâ€ť Mo drew her lips into an angry sneer. â€Ĺ›Don’t burn the town down, sweetie. Heard about the robbery. Saw your picture in the paper. You’re determined to bring my town bad publicity aren’t you? Well you can make it up to me. Party tonight at my house. Too bad Roddy went to New York to meet his wife but some of your other friends are coming, the few left in town. You can bring Burnham if you insist. I should take his badge for moving into my territory. But word is he might be off the hook soon. Back working cases where he belongs.” The last sentence was like a punch in the gut, she couldn’t help but wonder if he’d meant it to be. â€Ĺ›Look here, Mayor, let me tell you what I think of the way Zack’s been treated by you.” Mo had had enough. She was ready to start in.â€Ĺ›Hold on.” She heard his voice talking loudly. Another voice shouting excitedly. She’d had enough of this conversation and couldn’t care less if she ever saw the Mayor again. She snorted at the phone ready to just hang up. Ultimately, he was Zack’s boss. She rolled her eyes.â€Ĺ›Be ready for my car in ten minutes. We’ll be downstairs,” The mayor ordered in a demanding tone.â€Ĺ›Just a minute, Tyler. You can’t order me around. Who do you think you are? I don’t have time for this, and you can shove your party upâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Zack Burnham’s been wounded in a shoot out. They’re taking him to Oak Lawn Hospital. It doesn’t look good, Ms. Whitman. Be downstairs.”Mo froze in place as the phone went dead. She stared at the blank apartment walls as her cell phone slid off her lap and onto the floor. She tried to swallow but was only vaguely aware that the muscles in her throat didn’t seem to work properly. From her peripheral vision she noticed the curtains blowing with the breeze. It felt cool, cold. She shivered. Gulping a sob, she rose to her feet and ran out the door in Zack’s boxers and Tee-shirt.â€Ĺ›We don’t have all the details, but apparently Burnhamâ€ĹšZack, and Al Simpson were together with a friend of Al’s, Duke Washington. Washington’s a local police hero, wounded in the line. About to retire.”â€Ĺ›It’s my understanding Al Simpson’s a local hero too. I’m not so impressed. Did Simpson do this? He’s crazy. Get to the point, what happened?” Mo sat in the back of the mayor’s Limo. She glared at him as if he’d just confessed to shooting Zack himself.â€Ĺ›I know your upset, Ms. Whitman. Like I said we don’t have all the details but somehow Zack and Al came to Duke Washington’s assistance with a drug bust. Bull Shaughnessy, a police internal investigator, was involved, arrested. A woman was killed. And Zack was wounded.”Mo realized then that Zack must have gotten a call and gone with Simpson to try to catch Bull Shaughnessy doing something involving drugs. And nowâ€ĹšÂ She tried to remain calm. Images of Zack being shot, maybe dying, played themselves over and over again in her mind. The mayor’s car sped through traffic with a police escort. Tyler tried to reassure her. Zack was still alive, Zack was strong. He knew the risks involved with police work and was a brave man. â€Ĺ›You know, he was once engaged to my daughter.”â€Ĺ›Yes, I think he mentioned it.” She really didn’t know much at all about Zack’s history. â€Ĺ›Patricia loved him. But she didn’t want him to be a cop. He wanted to be a cop like his old man. He never wanted to be anything else. Gotta give â€Ĺšim credit for going to college first. Worked his way through.” Mo’s eyes were riveted toward the mayor. Tyler sensed Mo was in the dark when it came to Zack’s past. Couldn’t blame him for not wanting to talk about it but she deserved to know something about the man she was evidently so involved with. â€Ĺ›Yeah, his old man was a detective. A good one. Until he lost his badge for being on the take. He was already a drinker but then he really took to it. Didn’t take long to drink himself to death. Then his mother killed herself. His sister took off years ago. Wanted nothing to do with the family. Didn’t even come for the funerals.” The car turned and sped south down Cicero Avenue. â€Ĺ›His father was the meanest bastard in the neighborhood. The Yards. Never cut Zack a brake. Even my old man, who was mayor at the time, and a son of a bitch, was a nice guy compared to Zachary’s pop. Zack lived for one glimmer of approval from the guy. Never got it. He managed to make everyone around him feel like shit even after he lost his job. Zack’s been trying to live up to one image and to live down the other. I’m sure he told you all this.” He eyed her carefully.â€Ĺ›Some,” Mo knew so little. â€Ĺ›He said you were opposed to the engagement.” â€Ĺ›I was very angry about it though it wasn’t unexpected.” Tyler contemplated his manicure. â€Ĺ›You didn’t like Zack?” Mo asked absently looking out the window hoping for the hospital to come into view. She didn’t care what the Mayor thought.â€Ĺ›Actually, I liked Zack just fine. But I didn’t want my daughter to marry a cop. I didn’t want her to ever have to deal withâ€Ĺšthe possibilities. I told him to think about what it would mean for Patricia. They were young. She had just graduated high school. Zachary was in his second year of college. He’d wanted to wait â€Ĺštil he was out of college. That on top of the rest of it. He broke off the engagement. I know he thought it was for her own good. And it was.”â€Ĺ›Did he decide for your daughter? Don’t you think she had a right to decide for herself?” Mo asked heatedly.â€Ĺ›At the time all I could think of was my daughter’s happiness. Zack wouldn’t budge on becoming a cop. He was twenty. He was persuaded that it was the right thing. She wanted to get married right away. She didn’t even want to wait for him to graduate. He knew they were too young. He had to make a decision for himself. It took Patty a couple a years to get over it. She hated Zack.” Tyler pulled at the knot of his tie. â€Ĺ›Of course I had to take her side.”â€Ĺ›Why did you have him put in your office during the investigation?” Mo had always been curious about the steps that had led him into her life. Hearing the mayor say he had actually liked Zack took the edge off her derision.â€Ĺ›Because I assured him if they did get married, though I was opposed, doors would open. I was DA, running for mayor. I knew I was pretty much stepping into the job being the first Mayor Tyler’s son. He’d be on easy street. Sounds counter intuitive, I know. I assured him that he would go through the ranks no problem. Just make Patty happy.”Mo gave him a quizzical look brows raised. â€Ĺ›And that was supposed to stop him?”â€Ĺ›I watched Zack grow up. Known him a long time. I saw the look on his face when I told him that and knew I’d won. No way was he going to pick the free ride. It tipped the scale. When he was put on suspension, I knew he wasn’t guilty of anything. So I intervened and had him put on my detail where I could keep an eye on him. I was afraid he’d take to drink like his old man if he wasn’t busy. Or meddle where he didn’t belong. I was probably wrong about the drinking but the meddlingâ€Ĺšâ€ť Tyler held up his hand with a so/so wobble. I just wanted to keep a friendly eye out though he would never believe that. I also wanted to show faith in the force. Funny how things turn out.”â€Ĺ›I’d laugh but I don’t have it in me right now. He doesn’t say so but I think he wasn’t exactly happy working for you.” Mo looked anxiously out the window. How much further?â€Ĺ›Almost there. Of course he wasn’t. He’s a cop. It’s his life. He’s come a long way as a detective. He made detective young by the way. He’ll be a great one someday. And he will have worked for it. I think he’d shrivel up and die if he couldn’t be a cop. â€Ĺ›He annoyed the shit out of me because though he was professional, I could tell he hated being on my detail. Too bad â€Ĺšcause I’d trust him with my life. I’d love to have him stick. Pull up to the door, Mickey. Hurry along; I gotta deal with the fucking press.”Mo evaded the press with Tyler’s help and ran to the front desk of the emergency room and enquired about Zack. The clerk had seen Mo and Tyler get out of the limo. He braced for demands. â€Ĺ›They took him up to surgery, I have no other information.”â€Ĺ›Where’s surgery?” Then she saw Al Simpson. The hair stood up on the back of her neck at the sight of him. She curled her fists, digging her nails into the palm of her hands. He’d gotten Zack into this. Crazy motherâ€Ĺš â€Ĺ›Detective Simpson, can you tell me about Zack?”â€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman. I don’t know anything. He was shot. Twice. One in the shoulder and one in the side. There working on him. Lost a lot of blood. Don’t worry, he’s tough. Let’s get coffee and go on up.Mo stared vacantly at the blood all over his shirt and pants as he got two coffees out of a machine. She felt as if she were in a dream. She couldn’t fly away in this one.â€Ĺ›He whined about coffee all morning. Okay maybe just once. Follow me.” He held out a cup of coffee which she just looked at. He set it down and led her to an elevator. They went up several stories and exited the elevator just in time to see a surgeon coming down the corridor pulling off a mask.â€Ĺ›How is he? What’s happening? When can I see him?” She rushed the surgeon. â€Ĺ›He? I’m sorry I just did Mrs. Canaria’s cataracts. Oh, you must mean the cop. Sorry, you family?”Al flashed his badge. â€Ĺ›She’s family.”â€Ĺ›I don’t know much but they had to give him a lot of blood. I heard them calling for more. I’m sorry I can’t tell you anything else. Look, I gotta get lunch before my next surgery. Go down the hall to the waiting room. I’ll tell the desk on my way that you’re here. Holy shit its Mayor Tyler!” â€Ĺ›Well, someone needs to tell us something, for crying out loud.” Tyler was berating the nurse yet again in his â€ĹšDon’t you know who I am?’ tone of voice.â€Ĺ›I’m sorry but I don’t have any information to give you. They’re working on him.”Mo sat with her knees pulled up to her chest and rocked in her chair. The nurse had gotten her a blanket since she was obviously freezing in the air conditioning. They had also gotten her some surgical booties since it was illegal for her to be in the hospital without shoes. The mayor and Al had a tacit agreement to forego discussing what had led them all there. Mo saw them exchange meaningful looks. It induced a horrible dread in her. Man speak for what do we do with her ifâ€Ĺš was in their eyes. Finally Tyler shuffled off to find the hospital administrator to make demands of.â€Ĺ›So Chicago’s superhero, retired. I hope you got what you wanted out of all this. Did you catch some bad guys? Was it worth Zack’s life? He told me he thought you had a screw loose when it came to drug dealers. How did you wind up in Greendale if you want to catch dealers in Chicago? If Zack dies because of some fanatical obsession of yoursâ€Ĺš It’s not even your jurisdiction is it? What gives you the right to drag him off to something that’s not even in your jurisdiction? Can you just waltz into this city and get into shootouts? What if he dies Simpson? It’ll be all your fault because you had to be a hero. You should be trying to catch Ling’s murderer instead of chasing drug dealers someplace you don’t even belong.” Mo finally had to stop and catch a breath. She needed to lash out at someone and this dislikable man seemed to be the one to blame. â€Ĺ›You don’t like Zack, and he made no secret of the fact that he doesn’t like you. How do I know you didn’t set him up?”Al Simpson stared at the nondescript shade of green on the wall behind Mo’s head. He seemed to have a range of emotions rapidly display on his wide dark face. First disbelief, then anger followed by a laugh that was partially a snort of disgust. He stared pensively for a moment into his coffee cup. His voice was even. â€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman, I know you feel I was hard on you. I’m not gonna bullshit you, I thought, for a while, you were the most logical. Yeah, Burnham and I never cared for each other. But then we never had to work together. Let me tell you somethingâ€Ĺšâ€ť he crushed the cup and zinged it into a trashcan across the room. â€Ĺ›I didn’t drag him anywhere. We had a common mission and we took action. We caught a killer. He’s more than likely the one who killed Burnham’s partner. We took a lot of smack off the street. Maybe we didn’t go entirely by the book, but even your boyfriend could see we had to do what we did. Maybe you can’t understand that. I think you have to be a cop to understand a cop. No, we don’t like each other. But after today I think we respect each other. Can you respect who he is? He’ll be putting his life on the line everyday once he’s back to work. Where will you be? Nothing wrong with enjoying your selves but don’t even begin to think you can understand who he is. What he is. When you’re off being a star again, Burnham will be here. He’ll still be a cop.”Mo stood and paced angrily. Her emotions went from fear to anger and back again. She glared at Al every so often as he sat expressionless. He sat still for her glares and questions and insults each time they were renewed. He gave a resigned sigh and leaned back in his chair. His sigh seemed to say, â€Ĺ›Well, I’ve been reasonable.” She turned toward him and was about to lay into him yet again when the mayor came into the waiting room with a doctor in surgical scrubs. â€Ĺ›How is he? Can I see him?” Mo rushed to the doctor who looked at her with tired eyes.â€Ĺ›Mr. Burnham lost a lot of blood.” His hand scratched bristles that looked a couple of days in the making. â€Ĺ›We removed a part of his clavicle where a bullet hit it after entering from the outer back portion of his shoulder. Shattered that part. Just missed an artery. He’s a very lucky man. Dr. Guiterrez, an orthopedic surgeon was just about to leave. He put a plate and some screws in to support the clavicle but Mr. Burnham may need more surgery when he’s recovered from the blood loss. We’ll just have to see how it goes. This is going to take a while. The blood loss was primarily from a deep flesh wound that ran up his side with the bullet apparently ricocheting from his highest rib. The rib is fractured but not shattered. The bullet was not foundâ€Ĺš Ms.â€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Whitman,” Al put in. He had come up behind Mo to listen.â€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman. It was a nasty bleeder and needed a lot of stitches but he’s going to be fine. He’ll need some physical therapy for that shoulder. Sorry to say there’s a good chance of permanent nerve damage. A specialist is coming in later to take a look at him but it’s hard to tell when his arm has been immobilized. â€Ĺ›Can I see him? Please let me see him.” Mo was frantically looking over his shoulder as if Zack might materialize there.â€Ĺ›He’s in recovery. Just a few minutes. He’s not awake yet. He won’t be entirely lucid when he is. He needs rest.”â€Ĺ›Thank you,” was all Mo could manage before she zipped around him.â€Ĺ›Are you available to make a statement to the press?” Tyler asked the doctor. Al rolled his eyes and watched Mo hurry toward recovery. â€Ĺ›I’ll be talking to you, Simpson. There’s some things we have to sort out.” Tyler called over his shoulder as he went in the opposite direction.Zack lay on the hospital bed in recovery hooked up to various monitors. A sheet was pulled up to his waist. Mo could see his entire torso was wrapped in bandages. His right arm, shoulder and neck were elaborately bandaged together. Most of his upper body looked like he was being costumed for a bad mummy movie. He lay still with his eyes closed. His chest rose and fell. The monitors beeped. She approached his bed and looked down at him while a nurse checked connections. He looked at her and said, â€Ĺ›He’s doing great. Lost a lot of blood but he talked and knows what’s going on. He’s was asking for Mo.”â€Ĺ›I’m Mo. Is he unconscious now?” Her eyes were large with fright.â€Ĺ›No, just sleeping. He’ll do a lot of that until the drugs wear off. No vomiting. That’s good. It would hurt like hell.” He finished his business and brought Mo a chair. He put the rail down on her side of the bed. â€Ĺ›Let me know when you’re going so I can put the rail up.” â€Ĺ›Thanks.” She sat and took Zack’s left hand. She wished she could lay with him or hold him or something. Water filled her eyes as she looked at him. His skin was pale, almost gray. He had a large bruise on his cheek and a large bandage on his temple. She looked down at the hand she held. His knuckles were scraped. A bandage was wrapped around the upper part of his thumb. â€Ĺ›Jesusâ€ĹšWhat the hell happened to you.” She leaned over and lightly kissed the top of his hand being careful of the scrapes. â€Ĺ›I think I love you, Zack,” she whispered. Tears rolled down her cheeks but she forced herself to cry in silence.Al Simpson watched Mo through the glass doors. He could see Zack was indeed breathing. Tough son of a bitch’ll be okay. I got work to do. He took a last look. This is the least of Burnham’s troubles he thought looking at Mo, with what for him was a smile.Mo sat quietly and since she bothered no one and Zack was sleeping, no one bothered her. After some time her eyes got heavy. Emotional exhaustion was taking its toll. Her head dropped. She dreamed she walked high over a rushing river. She walked the thin edge of a red silk banner that disappeared into the distance. She breathed in a deep cool breathe that bolstered her self assurance. She could see sharp rocks in the river far below. The sky was gray and drops began to fall on her face and shoulders. Soon the rain fell hard and the wind blew. The banner swayed with the wind. The banner became saturated and started to sag. It became harder to keep her balance. She felt panic start to set in. She noticed the red dye running from the banner. It ran as if bleeding and she realized it was bleeding. It was turning to red liquid faster as it rained harder. Somehow she was still managing to stay astride the banner holding with her feet. Now the banner sagged so low she could not go forward or go back. She knew she could hold on only so long before she smashed onto the rocks. Her body would be swept down the river, broken. She saw a spot that seemed clear of rocks. It seemed like a pretty and calm spot where no red drops fell. She had no way of knowing how deep it was. Would she die? Would it save her? She looked one way then the other. She threw out her arms and sailed through the air.Mo lurched up with a gasp at the sensation on her hand. She still had the blanket around her shoulders the nurse had given her. She felt as if she were rising up out of water gulping for air. It took her a few seconds to register her present circumstances. She looked at her hand and saw his finger rubbing lightly over the top of it. His eyes were closed. His color looked better and he had a calm contented little smile on his face. Mo pressed her lips to the finger stroking hers lightly and put her cheek to it. Her dark braid fell onto the bed as she absorbed the sensation of Zack’s minute movement. â€Ĺ›I dreamed that you and I were trapped in The Bean,” he whispered softly. â€Ĺ›It was bean jailâ€Ĺšjail bean, I don’t... It was so stupid. God, I love you.” Mo raised her head and looked at him. â€Ĺ›You look like hell, Mo. I’m gonna have to try not to get shot too often.” He grunted a little with a grimace of pain. â€Ĺ›Go home, baby. You look tired.”â€Ĺ›I’m locked out, I don’t have a key. So I guess I’ll have to stay right here. Do you need anything? Are you thirsty?” She stood up and looked for a call button.â€Ĺ›Jesus, Mo, you’re wearing my boxers.” Zack whispered weakly. He almost laughed but his face twisted with pain. He took a deep breath which created more discomfort. â€Ĺ›Thanks for going all out to welcome me back to the world.” Another pained grunt. â€Ĺ›Nothing but the best for a hero. Twice in a week. You’re going to knock Al off his pedestal. â€Ĺ›Shhh, be quiet now. Your hurt baby, but you’re going to be okay.” Mo stroked his head. â€Ĺ›I buzzed the nurse. You rest. You’re going to be all right.”â€Ĺ›Mo?”â€Ĺ›Shhh.”â€Ĺ›Are you here alone?” Mayor Tyler brought me here. He ran out of people to boss around and left. He said to call him and he’d get me home or whatever. He’s been very kind. Concerned about you.”â€Ĺ›Tyler?”â€Ĺ›Mmhmm, Shhh.”â€Ĺ›Now I know he’s got the hots for you.” Zack coughed and tried to breathe through a spasm of pain. The nurse came in and took a look at him, gave him some water and told him he needed to rest. He pursed his lips at Mo raising his eyebrows in a â€Ĺšnaughty girl’ scold. â€Ĺ›They told me just a few minutes and I’ve been here for hours. You really need to rest and not worry about my hot date with Tyler.” She bent over and kissed his head. â€Ĺ›We did it Mo. We got â€Ĺšim. Al was with me in the ambulance. He said to stop being a wimp. That it was nothing compared to what he got in Viet Nam. He said, â€ĹšStop whining, you’ll live’. And I thought, yeah, he wouldn’t talk to me like that if I was dying. Right? I knew I was going to be okay. But when I thought I was going to die, Mo, all I could think of was you.”â€Ĺ›I’m right here.” She stroked his face. He sighed as contentedly as if they were laying under a tree somewhere, caressing on a blanket. â€Ĺ›Al was here. He had to go get his car. He’s fine. It’s just like him to sound like an ass trying to comfort you. They really want you to rest.” Mo kissed his lips lightly and smoothed his hair until he closed his eyes and his breathing calmed into the even breaths of sleep.With Tyler vouching for Mo she was able to get Zack’s keys. Noticing that Mo didn’t seem to have much in the way of clothes he offered to have his driver run her out to Greendale but she declined figuring she gone this long. Greendale coliseum and the show seemed far away. Yet the show would be opening for its extended run the next night. She thought about it and made plans to spend as much of the day as possible with Zack, do the show then return to Chicago. There was no way she could take the time off. Debbie was not ready and though she herself had not rehearsed in days she would have to do the show.Relieved as she was that Zack was going to live, a gnawing fear welled up in her. What if there were other drug dealers involved who would want revenge on Zack. What if Bull Shaughnessy got out on bail? But the deeper fear came from knowing she had gotten an early taste of the harsh possibilities of Zack’s job. She knew his job must mean as much to him and hers did to her. Not that he was the kind of guy who talked about being a cop all the time. He had not really talked about it much at all. He talked less about his job than anyone she knew. He’d told a couple humorous stories and of course about the situation with his partner’s death but he never mentioned his feelings about the job. He never talked about it in the day to day sense. Maybe he thought it was just too connected to murder and would be an unpleasant topic for her.He certainly didn’t seem like the archetypal image of cops she had always imagined. Callous and tough. He was compassionate and kind. He had a gentleness dealing with people and had not developed a cynical world view one might expect, considering what he’d seen. There was a sensibility about him that she would never have expected from a cop. He had taken her completely by surprise with his open minded eroticism blended with tenderness and respectfulness. There was a fire in him that had threatened to burn her alive with the force of its passion. Yet he was a soothing balm who had appeared in her life at just the time she needed it. If she could keep the fears at bay and accept the present without thinking of the future maybe she’d be able to keep the memory of their time together unsullied by regret. For the time to return to their own worlds was going to close in on them. They couldn’t hold it back. They couldn’t deny who they were or the paths that had been set for them years before. They had a few weeks while the show did the extended run. Zack would need time to recuperate. She’d spend all the time she could with him. But in the end, they both knew, time was running out. Mo took a shower and read the paper she found in front of Zack’s condo door. There was nothing about Zack or Al or anything pertaining to events that day. She figured it would be headline news the next day. She couldn’t bear to turn on the television. She’d seen enough. How did women or men for that matter live with someone who did what police do? Facing potential danger everyday might be something that a cop took for granted, but what about those waiting for them to return home?It was a question Mo had had in the back of her mind during her days with Zack. To be a cop’s lover? The possibility of marriage had not entered her mind knowing how far removed their worlds were from each others. She had wondered what it would be like to be with Zack, live with Zack. But marriage as an option was impossible. How could they even live together? A long distance relationship? She’d seen the toll that had taken on other performers. She almost chuckled at the idiocy she was entertaining. Yet like a tic quivering in the corner of her eye the question of how one could cope living with a man who could walk out the door and never return had bugged her insistently. Now she thought she was in love. But she also knew she had been living a fantasy. They both had had a respite from traumatic events in their lives. Once again reality had come back with a burning vengeance. The hardest thing of all, the most painful had been the words most people would find the ultimate joy to hear. â€Ĺ›God, I love you.” Said in dazed reaction. The words had sounded so wholly authentic, without expectation that she would respond in kind or try to comfort him with words she’d said herself but could not have spoken aloud. Could her words have entered his sub conscience as he slept? Had he known what he was saying?Throwing back the unruly bedclothes Mo realized that the idea of real sleep was a fantasy as well. She drifted in and out of a doze never truly falling asleep as a torrent of thoughts seemed to tap at her as persistently as the drip of a leaking faucet. A shout. Angry, righteous and vehement broke into her dreams. â€Ĺ›Hey! I’m gonna call the police! Hey, Lady!”Then loud knocks. Did somebodyâ€ĹšIs Zackâ€ĹšMo staggered to the door. â€Ĺ›Whatâ€ĹšWhat is it? Who are you?”â€Ĺ›Hey, Lady. We live two doors down. There was someone on the terrace. On Zack’s terrace. You okay?” A goateed man and a disheveled woman peered into the dark opening.She cracked the door wider and realized she had not secured the chain. â€Ĺ›I’m sorryâ€Ĺšwhat?”â€Ĺ›We saw on the news. We didn’t want to bother you when you came back.”Mo looked at the two young people and recognized the odor she noticed from the terrace. â€Ĺ›Look, there was someone out there. I wasâ€Ĺš out on my terrace and I heard something. I looked over and there was a man. A man standing on the terrace and looking in the door!” The woman put her hand on his shoulder. He was obviously shaken. â€Ĺ›Come in.” She hit a switch and turned and looked at the terrace door. How could someone climb up that high? The breeze had soothed her somewhat and she’d left the door open just like Zack always seemed to. The couple came in and looked around. â€Ĺ›I heard Steve shout. I didn’t see anything.” The woman said.â€Ĺ›He went over the rail, over the rail when I shouted, I swear to god!” â€Ĺ›You must have been dreaming. I think he fell asleep on the terrace and dreamed it. Steve, come on, you can’t be waking people up in the middle of the night with your crazy dreams. He has some of the craziest dreams. You should hear how he talks in his sleep.” She yanked at the sleeve of his T-shirt.â€Ĺ›Wait. Please wait. Detectiveâ€ĹšZack is in the hospital.” She went to the open sliding glass door and flipped the switch. The single bulb dimly lit the small terrace. The couple went over to the door and watched her as she looked around. â€Ĺ›What did you see?” she asked looking over the rail. â€Ĺ›I heard a noise and looked over. I knew Zack was in the hospital from the news. We heard you, figured it was you, come in. Saw the light was on earlier. It was someone all in black I think. Hard to see. Tall, I think, or maybe just seemed like it. It was so quick! Couldn’t see a face. But I could tell it was a man. I shouted and he went over the rail. Just like that! Right there where it meets the wall.” He pointed to the rail furthest away from his own terrace. Mo looked down. The Rosemary plant Zack had picked out at the grocery store had been knocked over. Could have been the wind. When she looked more closely she could barely make out a pattern in the dirt. A partial footprint.Mo sat in the dark gazing at the sliding glass door to Zack’s terrace. She had called Tyler in the middle of the night and he’d sent a cruiser over with two uniformed to keep a watch on the terrace. Her next call had been to Les Moore, head of her security team. The dormant security crew was called back into action and on their way. A detective was on his way to investigate the footprint. Steve had gotten a Styrofoam cooler to cover the spilled dirt to prevent the wind blowing the clue away. The young couple, Steve and Marlene, had finally succumbed to exhaustion and Mo’s insistence she’d be fine. Just don’t smoke on your terrace she had joked, since the place was crawling with cops. â€Ĺ›You go to hotel now!” Roddy had shouted into the phone. Moore had called him. â€Ĺ›Security take you. I leave New York two hours!â€Ĺ›Not until I see Zack. I’ll be there for rehearsal this afternoon.” She looked at the clock. Six twenty.â€Ĺ›You must practice. You must rehearse. Zack not want you to miss job.” Roddy felt deeply for Mo and Zack. He had learned of Zack’s shooting very late the night before. His first impulse had been to call Mo. But he figured she’d need the rest. With irritation she realized he was right. But she wasn’t going anywhere until she had to. And when would she sleep?”The security guys had arrived at Zack’s condo and sized up the situation. She’d been shacked up with the very cop who had referred them to Mr. D’Mario. She had ditched them at the airport and inconvenienced them to no end in order to chase the guy down who had taken a walk on his job protecting her. Go figure. They checked out the condo which should have been easy to secure. They looked down over the terrace rail and shook their heads. Few people could make that climb. Fewer could do it at night. They had watched the detective photograph the footprint and make a plastic mold of it.  They’d accepted coffee and settled in to await Mo’s next move. She locked the door to the bedroom when she finally thought she could sleep for a couple hours. It was a fitful sleep. She felt very alone without Zack there. It was an entirely new sensation for her to miss someone the way she was missing him. After just a few nights she had become so used to his presence in bed she didn’t think she could sleep without him. No one had ever become so important to her or to her sense of well being. She had drifted into that broken slumber with bits and pieces of Zack and rivers and fire drifting disturbingly in her mind.Morning news was all about the shooting. All about Zack and Al and the bust. Speculation was rife. Bull Shaughnessy, who many had bet would be the next chief of police, busted for drugs and charged with murder. Now Zack’s former partner was in the headlines once again as well. Lyons and Shaughnessy were each pointing their finger at the other. Who had murdered Ray Pollack? Was Zack finally vindicated? Questions about the prior day’s big drug bust had arisen with Duke Washington putting on a great performance about how it all had gone down.The tape from Joliet Airport was put in evidence and had immediately been leaked to the press. The cooperative young man who had dropped to the floor inside the warehouse verified that Bull had shot Rosalie Villareal. Bull had tried to claim Rosalie had been shot by Zack Burnham. He had apparently forgotten years of ballistic science and several witnesses.Mo rubbed her eyes and swallowed more coffee. She had already been on the phone with Tyler, the man who could get answers from the hospital. Zack was in stable condition, had spent a restful night and might be released in a few days. It was thrilling for Mo to hear. The security guys had had a time convincing her that going to the hospital at eight in the morning would be a waste of time. She decided on a run to clear her head and donned the clothes she had arrived at Zack’s in several days before. There was a chilly early September snap that was invigorating to Mo and should have taken some of the fog out of her mind. But her mind was a confusion of worried and conflicting thoughts. She felt a little ridiculous with the car trailing her as she ran toward the lake. She sucked in a breath and held it, as she did automatically when she passed the gas station. She had told Zack her performance during the robbery hadn’t been exactly her best. He had assured her she had done better than most. How could they have that guy in a cell for days and not be able to identify him? Had the robbery really been his first stupid move as a career criminal? Thank God now all would be resolved. And when Zack got out of the hospitalâ€ĹšShe knew the thought she had in mind would be resisted. How she would do it was what she didn’t know.    Mo wanted to spend as much time with Zack as possible. There was no question of getting any time off. How could she possibly leave Zack in his condition? In two to three weeks, it still wasn’t settled, the show would be moving on to Washington D.C. Quitting wasn’t an option. She had a contract. Lots of money on the line. More than that, she would be letting down everyone connected with the show. While many would understand her feelings, it would create enormous difficulties if she left the show. Roddy would go ballistic then be fine. Luciana could do the show; she’d have to get in shape. No, Mo realized there was no way Luciana could do the show. No one did what she did and Deb wouldn’t be ready to take completely over for a while. If ever. And Claude, she had been told, said he refused to work with what he considered an inferior performer. She couldn’t let them close the show because of her. The other option, that Zack go to D.C. with her, and leave Chicago, seemed too far removed from the realm of possibility to contemplate. She couldn’t help but contemplate it. She couldn’t stop herself.Somehow she’d have to finish the extended show. She could only hope something would work out because she couldn’t leave Zack. Not in his condition. Of all the questions that had arisen, the ones foremost in her mind were left unanswered. Would she and Zack be together? Should they be? How could they possibly work that out? What did they want, for themselves and for each other? She wanted to be with him. Yet they’d known each other for such a short time. They’d been lovers in suspension of their normal lives for a few short days. Every time reality had reared its head it had been ugly and demoralizing. Could they function together outside the dream world they had created? Could their love be real having only been expressed in flashes of heat and passion? Had the cold eye of reality blinked their dream world away?She wanted to run along the lakefront but bearing in mind the car following her she turned at the drive and headed north for a while then made west for State Street. She slowed her pace when she realized the security team was having trouble in the morning traffic. Roosevelt was its usual wind tunnel when she hit it to go to Indiana with another wary glance at the gas station. The boys, as she thought of them, were able to keep up on Indiana so she sprinted toward the condo. Since all the action had been much further south and at the hospital it never occurred to Mo that the press would show up at Zack’s condo. She hadn’t seen their picture in the paper earlier that week after the robbery. She didn’t know there was already speculation about their relationship. She pulled the hood up on her sweatshirt and hoped to look like just another resident of the condo. Then it occurred to her to go to the side of the building and take the freight elevator. It would give the boys a chance to park. She rounded the corner of the building and found even more press waiting. She pulled her lips tight in a grimace of annoyance. â€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman, Ms. Whitman.” They called out to her. â€Ĺ›Abby Dorfman, CINC. Is it true you’re involved with suspended police detective, Zachary Burnham?” Other reporters shouted questions at the same time. â€Ĺ›Are you living here with Zachary Burnham? Do you have information on yesterday’s bust? Is there any truth to what Bryan Lawrence Shaughnessy says that Zachary Burnham was involved in drug dealing with Raymond Pollack?” She was about to key the door as the boys came up when she heard the last question. They had started to block the photographers snapping away and reporters yelling questions. But Mo put her hand up as they tried to whisk her into the door. She turned to the reporters. Wisps of hair blew from her braid. Her cheeks were flushed with the run and the cool air. Her eyes flashed with anger. She peeled the hood off her head.â€Ĺ›Zack Burnham is a decent, caring man who almost paid with his life to help bring down a corrupt cop and solve the murder of his partner. He and I are close friends. I know you’re just doing your job but the least you could do is gather the facts and not report wild speculation based on the words of a murderer. I can’t tell you the full story. I wasn’t there. I’m sure Mr. Burnham will make a statement when he’s able to though I guess this is still all an ongoing investigation. Please leave him, and me, in peace.” She turned to go in. â€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman, is it true you’re still a suspect in Ling Wong’s murder?”â€Ĺ›You’ll have to ask Al Simpson, Greendale police, about that. After the way I talked to him yesterday I’m probably going to be charged with every unsolved murder in Greendale history. All, well there can’t be that many.” They all laughed. â€Ĺ›Look, there’s George Travers, Zack’s friend over at the Veteran’s Museum. He knows everything that goes on around here. Go inside with your cameras and ask him. Bet he knows something.”â€Ĺ›I’ve never seen George look so happy. Look there’s that painting I’d want to buy, remember? That guy in West Virginia. George better make the most of his fifteen.” Zach sat up in bed with a pinched look of pain but a smile in his eyes. â€Ĺ›I’m sorry they dragged you into this. But George isn’t. It’s the most free publicity he’s gotten for the museum in years!” He brushed his fingers over Mo’s. â€Ĺ›You didn’t get enough sleep. Did you worry about me all night long or did you just miss having me to use any way you want?” He squeezed her hand giving her a sultry narrowing of his eyes. â€Ĺ›I see all that fresh blood went right to your head.” She pressed her lips against his temple. With his left hand he raised her hand to his lips. â€Ĺ›So to speak.” He pressed her palm against his cheek. â€Ĺ›Funny what you can think of when you wake up in the middle of the night. Around here they set the clock so they can come in and interrupt your sleep every five minutes. And with everything going on, Mo, all I could do was hope you’d come today.”â€Ĺ›I told you I would. Didn’t you believe me?” she stroked his head.â€Ĺ›Yeah, but you have a show tonightâ€Ĺšâ€ť He blew out a blast of air and looked at the television. â€Ĺ›You’ll be glad to see the last of Chicago I bet.”â€Ĺ›I love this city. It has the most interesting characters. And great looking police. Some of whom are one and the same.” She cupped his chin and brushed his lips.â€Ĺ›I knew you just liked me for my looks. What time do you have to go out to Greendale?” He said between light kisses.â€Ĺ›About three. We need to rehearse since it’s been days. I wish you could be there.” She felt a little rockslide internally as if she could feel their make believe world crumbling. â€Ĺ›Me too.” He looked at her. Then past her to the security guy peeking in the window. I’m glad you got them to come down. I wouldn’t want you to be alone.” â€Ĺ›Les Moore’s on the job again. Roddy sends his best and is going to come down tomorrow. He’d come today but first day back and all.” Mo seemed nervous. His last report had been great. He’d be out Sunday. Monday at the latest. Of course he wouldn’t be able to go back to work for weeks if not months. Zack eyed Mo’s face. She looked tired and ill at ease. What else? What there something she wasn’t telling him? â€Ĺ›I’m going to be fine Mo. I know you’ve been through a lot. I wish you would get more rest. You’ve got to stop pining for my hard, insatiable body and try to sleep.”â€Ĺ›I’ll try. Especially since your hard, insatiable body isn’t much use to me right now.”He pulled her hand under the sheet. â€Ĺ›Wanna bet? You just climb up here andâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Time to change your bandage, Mr. Burnham!” A short, dark skinned nurse interrupted with a cheerful tone. â€Ĺ›Would you mind waiting outside?” she said to Mo with a knowing look. Zack lay thinking while the TV provided company he didn’t pay attention to. He was already sick of the brouhaha and just wanted to be left alone. With Mo. He had asked Mo to spend her brief respite with him and now that time was at an end. The pain in his body was forgotten as a nascent discomfort grew in his chest. It had been planted as that niggling seed of doubt he’d kept shoving deep inside. Now choices would have to be made. He wasn’t exactly in the best condition to be making them. He had sensed something wrong despite her displays of affection. Of course all this was yet another trauma. Many people would have buckled by now. She was an incredibly strong woman.But there was not only the matter of their entirely different lives to consider. Even if she wanted to stay, which she couldn’t, she’d now seen firsthand what could happen in his line of work. He thought about Patricia Tyler and how he’d taken things out of her hands. It had been right, but it had been wrong. He had taken the course he believed in at the time. He had wanted to be a cop more than anything. Patricia said she could live with it but she’d figured on her Daddy pulling his career strings. No. He hadn’t just decided for her. Being young and stupid he’d framed his decision in the words he thought might ease both their hurts but there were no right words and Patricia had hated him for the decision he had made. He had offered to marry her once he was through with college. Nothing but immediate marriage was adequate for her and he had been relieved that she wasn’t willing to wait. The truth was he realized that while they were too young to be contemplating a lifelong commitment, he had not been too young to realize he’d have been swallowed by the force of her father’s ambitions. He thought about Chelsea. He had been attracted to her ice queen beauty and her uptown manners. They’d met through her cousin, the equestrian officer he and Mo had run into who worked out at the same gym. She was attracted to his looks and the fact that her parents would certainly not approve of a backa the Yards street cop. But he had gone to college. He had also been interested in the rapidly booming security business. He’d taken some law courses. Perhaps she could talk him out of being a cop and into Daddy’s firm. It had had its appeal. But Zack’s father had blustered about the family tradition, and college wusses. When the old man had been arrested, Chelsea distanced herself as far as she could from the scandal and Dad had died soon after. So Zack had taken the Detective exam as a compromise and lived a lie in a marriage to a woman who fled from revulsion whenever he went anywhere near her. He worked more and more, she spent more time at her father’s firm as a patent attorney. When his mother blew her brains out from disgrace and depression, Chelsea made a last stand at his side at the funeral and informed him she was filing for divorce. Less than a year later Ray had been killed. The big dark ball of his life kept rolling downhill. No wonder he didn’t talk about it much. Who wants to hear all that? He and so many people he came into contact with in his job seemed to live their lives in a sort of twilit dystopia. What could he give Mo? He’d even met her through murder. Well, that wasn’t quite true but it was murder that had brought them together.A few days of loving her had turned a light on in his grim world. He had been able to see the beauty of living and loving once again without the oppression of his bleak job. He’d hung onto to work as the only ground that didn’t move beneath his feet until Ray had been killed. But now he realized he may have only had something to prove. First to his father. Then to the police community at large. Mo had poked a hole into the shield insolating him from his growing suspicion that he’d gotten caught up in somebody else’s plan for him after all. He didn’t hate police work. He just didn’t love it anymore. He now doubted he ever had.Mo had to leave for rehearsal and despite his pain all he could think of was her. This was her moment. She had achieved the highest level in her field. She made the kind of money that would allow her to live comfortably for life. In maybe ten years or so she’d be paid well to train others reaching for the top rung. She’d talked about ideas for producing shows with great enthusiasm. All the doors to her future were wide open. How could he fit in? They lived in different countries. They led different lives. She wouldn’t give up the future she’d worked for since childhood to stay in Chicago with a man who’d just proven what an inherently dangerous job he had. He could never ask her to.Then there was the money. He’d never thought of himself as the kind of man who would be threatened by a woman who made more money and he wasn’t. Chelsea had made tons more as a lawyer. She’d come from money. Mo might well make millions in the course of her career. He’d overheard some gossip that she was the top paid aerialist in the business. Though he had no idea of her actual income. Her needs seemed to be pretty basic. But she could buy six hundred dollar earrings on a whim. A sense of hopelessness made him feel hollowed out. The joy of the past few days ebbed away. She would be back. But he didn’t want her to come back out of a sense of obligation. They both knew what had to happen. They’d had their time. â€Ĺ›Dammit.” He felt helpless laying there in the hospital room listening to the beeps of monitors. They said he’d be okay. There was a lot of pain but he actually didn’t feel too badly. He had been damn lucky the way the bullet passed through even though it had shattered a small section of his clavicle. The other bullet had traveled a lucky, if bloody path as well. Like many stories he’d heard the doctor had said â€Ĺ›Just another centimeter” and he would probably have bled to death on the dumpster. He might have died in an alley like Ray. Wouldn’t that possibility be a nice thing for any woman to have to live with?He had talked to Dino who was bringing pizza over later and he was looking forward to the visit and the food. Al had come by which was really a surprise. â€Ĺ›Just in the neighborhood. Had to suck up a grilling from Tyler. How long you planning on lying around here?” If Al had any feelings about the death of Rosalie Villareal, he wasn’t letting Zack know. Somehow Zack thought there was more than met the eye to Al Simpson’s emotions. He’d gotten an update from Al. Shaughnessy and Lyons accused each other of being the shooter in Ray’s death. But no one had seen Shaughnessy in the alley except for Lyons. And vice versa. Zack had given his statement knowing Rosalie Villareal’s accusation against Bull probably wouldn’t be admissable, or at least would be considered strongly biased. Duke Washington had been by. He had been instrumental in making sure the bust had been clean. Zack was a little queasy about the way that had gone down. A woman had died. It had been a shock that Bull had murdered her like that. If they couldn’t get him on Ray, one witness actually saw him shoot Rosalie. The kid on the ground said he didn’t see anything. Who could blame him? Of course, a whole movement in support of Bull Shaughnessy had already sprung up.The papers were having a field day and more than one reporter had tried to barge into his room. As he saw on the news, they’d been trailing Mo as well. Luckily she would be well guarded at the coliseum. Roddy would make sure, with the help of the security team that no one got to her. That brought his reveries back to Mo. They couldn’t be together. But how could he live without her?TwelveThe lights seemed hotter than usual and Mo’s nerves were frazzled by poor sleep and anxiety. Claude had asked his share of rude questions and had made snide comments about Zack and fascist Americans in general. The other performers had been discreet enough to not say much. Misha was his shy, quiet self. Trollie had avoided her altogether. She didn’t have the energy to deal with the clown yet.She had been read the riot act by the security team. She had promised her full cooperation with Roddy nearby to twist her arm just in case. She told him of the man on the terrace at Zack’s. With renewed interest, the security team and the Greendale police theorized that Ling’s killer was not only still around, but might be a current or past performer. If all the current performers had been accounted for, what had been missed? No one knew who might have that kind of grudge against Ling or Mo.Al Simpson was the last person Mo wanted to see. Yet there he was looking up from the coliseum floor. She did a triple then swung to the platform, Claude catching her arm. â€Ĺ›You always got the police on your trail!” He evidently thought it was funny. Mo was starting to wonder if she could continue working with him much longer. He still had his hand on her arm giving her a mocking look. She jerked it away and slid down the pole.â€Ĺ›Back to business, Ms. Whitman?” Al loomed but somehow his countenance seemed different. It was no longer the fixed visage of resentment and malice she’d come to expect. â€Ĺ›The show must go on.” Mo stretched eyeing him, waiting for some off the wall accusation. â€Ĺ›What can I do for you, Detective Simpson?”â€Ĺ›I just got wind of the incident that occurred last night at Burnham’s condo. I would have appreciated hearing about it sooner.” He looked down businesslike but not angrily as she would have expected. â€Ĺ›I had other things on my mind, Detective. I did report it and since you’re here it seems you did â€Ĺšget wind of it’. Is there something I should know? Do you have some questions? Or are you just here to try to rattle a confession out of me?” Mo’s eyes met his with a defiant spark. â€Ĺ›Maybe I climbed twelve stories up the side of Zack’s building to throw off the police.”Unbelievably Al Simpson laughed. â€Ĺ›Stranger things have happened, Ms. Whitman. A mold was made of a standard acrobat type shoe; a man’s size sixteen. A rope was found tied to the terrace below. Your intruder climbed a rope to the eleventh floor then managed to climb up to Burnham’s terrace from there. He jumped back down to the eleventh when he was seen by the neighbor. He repelled to the ground. That’s why he got away so quickly.”Why didn’t the police find the rope?” Mo tightened her braid then twisted it nervously.â€Ĺ›The neighbor found it and pulled it up. She’d heard the commotion and didn’t want to be involved. Only when the police were canvassing the building did she show what she had found.”â€Ĺ›She must have been frightened.” Mo couldn’t blame the woman. â€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman is there anyone, anyone, you have any idea would want to hurt you or Ling Wong?” â€Ĺ›Again, I have no idea who would want to hurt either of us.” Mo sighed. â€Ĺ›I hope you aren’t still considering Linc Harris a suspect.”â€Ĺ›He hasn’t been eliminated. Officially, no one has. Look, aside from fearing outright danger from someone has anyone seemed odd? Strange? Made you feel uncomfortable in any way? A word, a look even?”She thought about Trollie. His not so subtle come ons. What he’d said at the airport. Claude seemed to be in a permanent snit. But he had been a victim himself. A flush of guilt about that ran over her. They both had been eliminated. Yet they both had the skill to climb a building. She shook her head doubtfully. â€Ĺ›What?” Al Simpson put his hands on his hips. His giant frame leaned toward her. She looked around and blew out the air that felt like it had been expanding in her chest for hours. Then she told him about what Trollie had said at the airport. â€Ĺ›I don’t know if it means anything but I wish you’d told us sooner.” Al frowned, his face lined where jowls were just beginning. â€Ĺ›Please don’t tell Zack about this. I’d rather he not know until he’s feeling better. Please don’t drag him back into this as well.” Mo eyes widened at his snort. â€Ĺ›Don’t you think he’s done enough cop hero stuff for one week? He’s not even on duty. I’d rather you stuck to your own heroics and left him out of it.” She sucked in a hard breath, suppressing a sob. â€Ĺ›I’ve got to get back to work.”â€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman, are you sure you should be going up there?” Al jerked his head at the trapeze.â€Ĺ›Detective Simpson, unless you’re going to arrest me for performing while worried about aâ€Ĺša”â€Ĺ›No law against it.” This he said gently. â€Ĺ›Be careful.”â€Ĺ›Now what?” Mo sat at the table in her private dressing room. She had finally given in to the insistence of the security team and taken the privilege she had been offered long ago. She was ready for the first show after the break and just wanted to collect her thoughts for a few moments. She had been doing deep breathing exercises to center herself when there was a knock on the door. â€Ĺ›Yes?”Hagman, who was stationed outside her door, poked his head in. â€Ĺ›Mr. Mojonnier has asked to see you.” She heaved a deep sigh. One more thingâ€Ĺš â€Ĺ›Momo, I need to speak with you.” Claude, sheathed in his costume sauntered in. Despite his Gallic good looks and perfect body Mo felt no attraction at all. â€Ĺ›What is it, Claude? We only have a couple minutes.” Mo checked her headdress and veil. It had been a miracle that she’d had any time at all to get her head together. â€Ĺ›I, I want to apologize to you.” Claude said softly.â€Ĺ›Claude if this is another ployâ€Ĺšâ€ť she rose from her seat and glared through the veil. Claude put his hands up defensively. â€Ĺ›No, Momo, I am serious. I think about what you said. We must work together. We must trust each other implicitly. I know I am an ass sometimes. But it is an honor to work with you. I will try to be friends. I don’t hold a grudge.”â€Ĺ›Did Roddy put you up to this?” Mo stepped closer to see his face. â€Ĺ›Well, he only suggest what I had been meaning to say all along.” He put a pleading look on his face. â€Ĺ›It’s true. I am sorry. You know how it is. A man don’t want to say, â€ĹšLook at me, I’m an ass.’” He pitched his voice high and did a stupid little jig waggling his fingers on either side of his head. Mo couldn’t help but laugh. â€Ĺ›I’m sorry that you got in the way of this whole thing. It’s my fault what happened with the champagne. Thank you for this Claude, it really helps.”â€Ĺ›You’re welcome. But it’s not your fault. Hopefully we’ll know soon whose fault it is. How is Zack? I guess you twoâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›He’ll be fineâ€Ĺšâ€ť Both heads twisted rapidly at the sound of the music. The show went well and everyone was pleased and congratulating one another. As soon as she was out of costume Mo rushed to the hotel and packed a bag. She visited Zack that morning and had hoped to see him again that night. The two bodyguards assigned to her for the night shook their heads at each other. â€Ĺ›What I’ll do for a seventy five thou a year,” said Meese. She was driven down the drive to the hospital where she was refused entry into Zack’s room. She thought of trying to sneak in but she felt the weight of not one but two albatrosses around her neck. Resigned to not seeing Zack that night, she settled into Zack’s condo. After showing the boys, as she called them, the TV remote and where they could hook up their laptops. Mo slept a hard dreamless sleep and woke up feeling like a run. Once again they went through the routine of following her while she ran. Fortunately it was Saturday morning and the early morning traffic was sparse compared to weekdays. â€Ĺ›You guys ought to get some running shoes. Might as well get some exercise.” The boys looked at each other with raised eyebrows. The ride to the hospital had Mo’s mind going in circles. The run hadn’t cleared her mind of the anxieties she had been feeling. Though it had braced her for what she had to say to Zack. She knew he would never leave his world for hers. She was realizing what she worked for her entire life for. What was possible for them? Could they still be lovers? How would that fit into their lives? She traveled ten months out of the year. While she had an apartment in Montreal, the time spent there was spent planning, practicing, rehearsing. Her job consumed her. If she wasn’t performing she was preparing to perform. And she had ideas for shows. The Egyptian theme had been festering in the back of her mind when she could take it off of Zack. She wanted to design and produce shows. That would be her fallback when she could no longer perform. Sure, she could coach, but the creative outlet designing shows offered was much more appealing. In the meantime she knew that while still in Chicago, she couldn’t stay away. Could they have a little longer? Would it just make it that much harder when the time came? She had never ached for a man before. Part of her hoped she’d suddenly realize it was a momentary flame that she’d gotten caught up in. After all, they really didn’t know each other. The spark of passion between them might be easily extinguished by a cooling draft of mundanity. The difficulties of maintaining a relationship between their two worlds might quickly wear down the sharp edge of sexual thrill. Could a new and tenuous relationship survive that even under the best of circumstances?Mo wished she wasn’t finding it so difficult to separate her sexual longing for Zack from this other new and even more intense need. The need to talk to him, laugh with him, sleep with him. Where’d that come from? It wasn’t the stuff of mere arousal. She was beside herself to see him and that was something that was totally outside of her experience. In a whirling vortex of heat she had wanted him. This was more than that. This wasn’t just an extreme of emotion let loose like steam from a safety valve. It was a volcanic release of every desire she had ever stuffed deep inside in order to focus on goals that she had never questioned. She loved her work. Lived for it. She wasn’t quite sure when her grandmother’s goals had become hers. But those goals had become innate. Yet her feelings for Zack had her rethinking her entire life. Was this love? Did it make you reevaluate everything? Challenge every assumption you had about your future and how to get there? Her experience in that area was non-existent. Was love really such a whirlwind of confusion and anxiety? Mo found it thrilling and frightening. But she was unsure she knew enough to separate love from infatuation. She would have told anyone else they were crazy to think they were in love on such a short acquaintance. She couldn’t help but question her own judgment. If it wasn’t love, what was it then? Really, how the heck did she know what love was? â€Ĺ›God, I love you!” he had said. She couldn’t afford to take that at face value. For one thing he had been coming out from under anesthesia. She was on her way to the hospital to see a man she thought she might be in love with who had been shot twice and had come close to dying. Another what if. If everything were to somehow fall into place. If they found a way to be together. If they loved beyond the moment’s heady excess. How could she cope with his job?Now she felt she was back to square one. Sure, she could sustain an injury in the course of her job. A serious one. But she was so highly skilled and conscious of safety; her death was an unlikely event. The company went all out for safety. Every possibly scenario had been thought of and accounted for. The worse that happened in the company was the occasional broken arm or leg. She herself had never had a severe injury. There was no foolhardy flying without a net business with La Cirque du Celestial. Typically people weren’t murdering each other in her line of work. Bullets flying weren’t routine. Zack’s job was filled with unknowns. He wasn’t as exposed as a uniformed officer but there were certainly dangers. Why did he have to be a cop? Of course if he hadn’t been she would never have met him.She remembered what Mayor Tyler had told her about Zack and the mayor’s daughter. He had given her up for the job. Might not have been the only reason but when it came right down to it the message had been clear. He was a cop. Practically born and bred. He’d even turned down having the path paved for him in yellow bricks. He’d worked, risen on his own and given up two major relationships to be a cop. He was in his early thirties. He had only been a cop for eleven years. What if he asked her to give up what she had worked for so long? On the basis of a few weeks acquaintance and a few nights of near insane lovemaking. She wished it wasn’t a sunny day. It somehow felt even more bleak. Yet when she saw the hospital her heart raced and the car hadn’t fully stopped before she had the door open and was racing into the lobby.Trollie was not happy and he fumed as he rolled his unicycle across the cable. Bitch. That bitch has them all over me. I can’t make a move without someone breathing down my neck. They’ve searched my hotel room and all my stuff here in the dressing room. How am I supposed to concentrate when I know they all have their eyes on me? They wanted me to remove my makeup. Screw them. Now they’re going to look even harder and find out about those whores who made all that noise over nothing in B.C. Ruined my practice. It’s not an easy thing to change your identity. Luckily they can’t force me to give them squat. No prints, nothing. Of course they frown on someone they deem uncooperative. I showed them what true righteous indignation is. And surely they can tell she’s hysterical. â€Ĺ›She thought I was serious? It was a joke! She misunderstood. How dare anyone think that I would hurt anyone? She has been under a lot of pressure lately.” But now Roddy’s going to be watching. I won’t be able to go anywhere near his precious darling without him coming after me. She costs me this job I’llâ€Ĺš Fuck it. She’ll get what’s coming to her.Zack held Mo against him as if a tsunami might sweep them both away. Alone during the night he had been restless with nothing to do but mull over his desires, doubts and fears. He had worried them all like a missing tooth. As soon as he saw her he could barely remember having done anything but wait to see her. He bathed his face in the scent of her hair. Her skin under his fingers soothed all remembrance of doubt away. The feel of her was a mind altering stir of bright possibility.â€Ĺ›I made the boys stop so I could bring you this.” She handed him a Starbucks. â€Ĺ›It’s decaf. Didn’t think you needed to get revved up to lie in bed.” â€Ĺ›You’re all the revving I need. But they’ve stopped pampering me. Had me up walking around at seven this morning. Helped me bathe. I smell like hospital soap now. Enticing, huh?”â€Ĺ›You’ve never smelt better.” She took the cup and leaned in for a kiss. With him she forgot the turmoil that had her twisting her hair on the ride to the hospital. She just needed to see him, touch him and talk to him. Everything else could wait. They had taken him off the monitors. â€Ĺ›That’s a good sign,” she said pointing to where they had removed the IV. â€Ĺ›Well the good news isâ€Ĺš they’re cutting me loose tomorrow.” He gave her a serious look.â€Ĺ›And the bad?” Her heart clutched.â€Ĺ›The bad news is no sex for six months.” He gave her a sly grin then ran his good hand beneath her blouse.â€Ĺ›Oh! You!” she climbed on the bed laughing. He pulled her against him with a grunt of pain. â€Ĺ›Sorry, let me down!” She tried to push herself off the bed but he held her. He looked into her eyes. He felt himself pulled into those dark pools. How could he ever let her walk out of his life? She had made him realize what life could be. Mo was hypnotized by the gold flecked emeralds she looked into. â€Ĺ›Didn’t they let you shave?” She ran her hand down his cheek. He was in a hospital bed with two bullet wounds and she was getting moist over two day’s growth.â€Ĺ›I thought I’d leave it. For experimental purposes. Where are those guys? If you just comeâ€Ĺšmmmâ€Ĺšup here and let me pull these downâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›You are out of your mind!” She jerked away with a shocked laugh. â€Ĺ›That will have to wait. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for a relapse.” But she pressed herself against him and felt his response.â€Ĺ›I don’t think you can relapse from being shot.” His lips tasted her face. Her forehead, her eyes, her cheeks and chin; every place his lips touched was the sweetest thing he had ever tasted. He gloried in the feel of her small lovely breasts against him. He could visualize each detail of them. â€Ĺ›I want to touch you so badly. Let me touch you.” He begged in an urgent whisper.â€Ĺ›Zack. Stop. You need to conserve your energy.” But she couldn’t pull herself away from the hand that slid beneath her blouse and ran along the edge of her bra. She pressed her lips on his as his hand unclasped her bra beneath her blouse. Tenderness was lost in the urgency of desire.She looked guiltily toward the window in the hospital room door. Then she pulled away and straddling him, opened her blouse. She felt the jolt of energy she been warning him to conserve beneath her. She did her best to trap it with her body lest it go to waste. It was time to go back to Greendale. She laid her head against Zack’s chest careful of the bandages. â€Ĺ›What are your plans Zack? I mean for when you get out of here tomorrow, I thought maybe I could come down.”â€Ĺ›Come down? No need to come here. You don’t need to deal with this. Dino offered to drive me home.” He held her hand and looked at her. â€Ĺ›You need to conserve your energy too.”â€Ĺ›Coming from you I don’t think I have to take that under advisement at all.” She climbed off the bed. â€Ĺ›You’re not going to be able to work for a while. My room has all the amenities of your condo and more. I want to be able to keep an eye on you. Let me pick you up and take you back with me.”â€Ĺ›Did you have this all planned out when you came here. Make me vulnerable then roll over me with this scheme. I don’t need to be taken care of.” He sat up in irritation but not without a grimace as pain shot through him. â€Ĺ›Of all the gall! You knew I’d be here. Did you SCHEEEEME to get what you want then shove me out the door? â€ĹšThanks a lot lady see you â€Ĺšround?’”â€Ĺ›Don’t be ridiculous Mo and call off the dogs.” Mo turned to see the boys rushing in. Had they been shouting? â€Ĺ›It’s okay.” She stood glaring. â€Ĺ›I’m just trying to have a conversation WITH THIS LUNKHEAD!” There. That was shouting. She gave herself a proud nod as she crossed her arms. The boys sheepishly closed the door.Zack burst out laughing. â€Ĺ›How could I resist such charm?” He reached out grabbing her hand. She tried to pull it away but he had it and pulled her against him. Their mouths melded; lips warring and succoring in the same instant. â€Ĺ›But you stay put. Rest tonight. I’m making that a condition. Non negotiable.” He stroked her hair. â€Ĺ›Promise me you’ll take care of you tonight. You can take care of me tomorrow. A little. A little more than today. Okay, maybe a lot more than today.  I’ll have Dino drive me up. If I’m going to be a burden, I might as well make the best of it.”Zack was so glad to be out of the hospital. The ride up Lake Shore Drive was invigorating if uncomfortable. Dino steered his Caddy like a pro taking little note of speeding laws or the cop beside him. â€Ĺ›I can get ya for your appointment Thursday. Jeeze Zack, I shouldn’t na watched â€Ĺšem change yer bandages. I thought, â€Ĺšhe just got shot in the shoulder’. In the movies ya know the guys gonna live â€Ĺšcause hey, he got shot in the shoulder. I didn’t know they put some kinda plate in there. But I think they shoulda just put a zipper up yer side. Jeeze, dude, that’s ugly. But if you had a zipper it would be pretty convenient. Insteada getting’ in the bathtub you just unzip, step outta yer skin and slosh it around. You wouldn’t have to get wet.”â€Ĺ›Dino, I, would be wet. You’re talking about my skin. Guess I could throw it in the dryer. I’d be one ugly mother â€Ĺštil the buzzer went off. That ugly, huh?”â€Ĺ›Yeah, but now it matches yer face.” Dino veered toward the interstate. Traffic was moving in the middle of the day. â€Ĺ›So. This a serious thing with this girl, Zee?”â€Ĺ›I don’t know what it is, Dino. I wish I did. There’s a lot ofâ€Ĺšcomplications. We’ve only known each other a few weeks.” Zack watched the cars as they took the ramp onto 94. Dino glanced at him and noted the pensive expression. â€Ĺ›Are ya? You know?” He waited while Zack hesitated.â€Ĺ›You know.” Zack nodded. â€Ĺ›I love her, Dino. I know it sounds crazy but I can barely breathe when I’m around her and I can’t breathe at all when I’m not. This is not like anything, sounds trite I know, but it’s not like anything I’ve experienced before.”â€Ĺ›You loved Patty. You loved Chelsea. You and Patty always knew each other. It was like, assumed, since we were little that you and Patty would wind up married. I think even her old man thought so. Chelsea. I don’t think you loved Chelsea. I think you were hot for some ideal. She was a wall you just had to breach. I still can’t figure out what the two a ya thought you had in common. I don’t think you loved either one like, you know, the way they write songs and poetry and shit about. This flying lady like that?”â€Ĺ›She different than anyone I know. I thought she was reserved at first but she’s really very warm and friendly. It’s just that she’s so focused on her work.  He adjusted the belt. The pressure on his shoulder was painful. â€Ĺ›We didn’t exactly meet under the best of circumstances.”â€Ĺ›So not like Chelsea?”  Dino gave the middle finger salute to someone who cut in front of him.â€Ĺ›No, no. There was no warmth beneath Chelsea’s cool exterior. Only an illusion I created myself. Mo is truly warm and kind. She’s worked all her life and what she does is all she’s ever known. She loves the people she works with. Loves her work. She’s at the top of her game, Dean. These next few years will set her for life. She would be crazy; I would be crazy to ask her, to walk away from it. But I don’t think I can walk away from her.”â€Ĺ›Okay, this is crazy talk. I’m taking you back to the hospital. Let’s have this conversation the sixth minute you’ve known her.”â€Ĺ›Ya think?” The emotion strumming in Zack’s chest was even more uncomfortable than the seatbelt.â€Ĺ›What are ya thinkin’ bro? You thinking about stoppin’ for a ring on the way? â€ĹšCause I ain’t doing it. Ask me again when the docs don’t have ya juiced up.”â€Ĺ›I can’t ask her. Look at me. They say I’ll be better, but this has screwed up my arm. The truth is I’m done anyway.” Zack rubbed the growth on his face. The ride was tiring him out. â€Ĺ›What’ya mean done?” Dino took his eyes off the road, brows furrowed.â€Ĺ›With being a cop.” Zack looked out the window knowing there would be an explosion.â€Ĺ›Shit! What?” Dino almost veered into another lane. â€Ĺ›Zee. Now I know they got your head messed up. Being a cop was all you ever wanted. You were always the cop. Always the sheriff. This ain’t about the old man is it?”Zack sighed, â€Ĺ›Actually, Dino, I think for once it’s not.”Mo waited for Zack’s arrival. She had skipped practice and gotten things ready. Everything had been arranged for Zack’s comfort and convenience. She’d taken advantage of her acquaintance with the Whitney’s to get speedy delivery of an adjustable table for Zack’s side of the bed. She’d had a wide screen television mounted on the bedroom wall. She’d stocked the small refrigerator with grab snacks for when she was working. She made sure he would have everything he needed. Most importantly she’d informed the security team that the suite was off limits. After much grousing she had her way. After all a cop would be with her at all times she was in the suite. She did allow that after calling they could come up the elevator and check things out occasionally. Just to make them feel better. She wasn’t able to allow herself to think about the future. All she knew was Zack was okay and he’d be there soon. She’d almost lost him. She just wanted what time they had. She knew she’d be moving on and he would be chomping at the bit to get back to work once he was better. They’d have a couple weeks and could think about the rest then. She breathed a sigh of relief when Hagman called and said Zack was on his way up. The elevator doors popped open and Mo stood for a moment with her mouth twisted, eyes glaring. Zack made for the sofa. Was she angry Dino had come up? What had he said about Chelsea?â€Ĺ›Dino! I’m sorry but he had a wheelchair waiting for him. I’m so glad to see you, I’m just sorry that you’re going to have to witness your friend’s murder. Zack, I told you there’d be a chair! Meeseâ€Ĺšâ€ť she addressed the security man coming out of the bedroom, â€Ĺ›would you mind?” Meese didn’t bother to suppress his annoyance as he headed for the elevator.â€Ĺ›He wouldn’t get in the chair, Ms. Whitman. I told â€Ĺšim, didn’t I Zack? I told ya.” Dino looked around the suite with a whistle setting down Zack’s bag.â€Ĺ›I know who the stubborn one is, Dino. How’s Angela? I wish you’d brought her. Three of us should be able to dispose of the body. You didn’t happen to bring some of Chicago’s best pizza, did you?” Mo asked with a smile. Dino hitched his shoulders spreading his empty hands with an apologetic look.Zack leaned back on the plush sofa, puffing with exhaustion and pain. Mo went over to him leaning down and kissing him softly. â€Ĺ›Hi, Baby,” he panted. She pulled his legs up onto the coffee table. With a pat on his leg she turned.â€Ĺ›How about a beer, Dino?” She gave Zack a sharp look. â€Ĺ›No beer for you.”â€Ĺ›Nah, I gotta go Ms. Whitman.” Was he intimidated by the surroundings? She wondered at his apparent nervousness. â€Ĺ›But thanks.”â€Ĺ›Call me Mo, Dino. Please.” She walked him to the elevator doors. â€Ĺ›How do you think he looks, I think he looks tired. Maybe the ride was too much. I should have gone downâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Mo, he’s fine. Take a nap, buster, you got the lady worried. Thanks again for gettin’ us in to see the show. We had a great time. Theresa said when she grows up she wants to be just like you, except she doesn’t want her swing set to be that big and she won’t marry the devil.”â€Ĺ›Smart kid. Bye Dino. I hope to see you again soon.” She turned to see Zack sound asleep. Another smash show had the audience on their feet. It was flowing wonderfully. She and Claude were on good terms and Deb and the new talent Haaken were feeling more and more confident. There was a bit of a sour note about Trollie being looked at again by the police. Roddy had wanted to fire him. Mo didn’t think he’d hurt anyone and just wanted him to learn a lesson. She convinced the manager to give him one more chance.Mo was so happy things had lightened up with Claude. Apparently he’d thrown over Crystal McCleary but she seemed to be taking it in stride. Rumor was he had become infatuated with a coliseum security guard. And she was spurning him! Lourdes Garcia had the great Claude spitting fire! Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy was Mo’s thought. The company still grieved for Ling. The police had finally released her body and after a moving service it had been cremated and sent to California. The sense of loss wouldn’t stop as everyone moved on with their lives. But, all and all, things seemed to be back to normal. Even Misha was in a cheery mood. He had confided in Deb that he was in love and all his dreams were about to come true. Deb felt it showed in his work.Saying goodnight to everyone, Mo hurried to the car. Hagman was driving tonight and Moore held the door open. Les Moore, head of the security team, closed her door and climbed in front. She enjoyed teasing Les about his name and asked him if his middle name was â€Ĺ›Half, Middling, or Somewhere In Between?” Ted Hagman laughed and shut up quickly with a look from Les. But Les smiled to himself. In good humor she rushed into the suite. Zack looked up from his book. He tossed it aside and she ran to him. Careful of his injuries she crawled onto the sofa and kissed him until they were both breathless. He held her with his good arm while she slid her hand in his sweats. â€Ĺ›Get enough rest or do I have to give you a sleeping pill? She squeezed him. â€Ĺ›Good show?” He nibbled her neck then threw his head back as her hand tickled him.â€Ĺ›Wonderful, perfect!” Her teeth grazed his neck as he sucked air between his teeth. â€Ĺ›And the show was good, too!â€Ĺ›Slow down, baby. You know I have no control whenâ€Ĺš  You. Do. That.” Gently he pushed her hand away. â€Ĺ›I was hoping we could have dessert.”â€Ĺ›You did eat dinner didn’t you?” She tormented him through the sweats. â€Ĺ›Mm hmm,” He slid his hand along her bottom as she straddled him. â€Ĺ›My sweet tooth is acting up. I have a hankering for something I haven’t tasted in days. Okay one day.”They lay in bed feeling their own hearts pounding through the soothing white noise of their breathing. A long nap had done Zack a world of good. But Mo had been careful not to let him overdo it. Too much. The man liked dessert. And she just couldn’t say no!She lay on the good arm feeling the warmth of him against her skin. She was in a fog of passion. The reprieve they had been given pushed all doubt over the edge into some other place that didn’t exist for them. Time stopped as they lay transfixed by the nirvana they’d attained. Mo’s mind had literally gone blank as if she had lost consciousness at the moment she’d peaked with Zack inside her. She looked at him. He lay with his eyes closed. No man had ever given her so much. Or had taken so much and in the taking made it an exquisite theft of her very soul. Loving him was soft and hard, gentle and rough. Together they exposed the depths of themselves and the heights they could achieve together. Mo basked in the sensation of his chest rising and falling as Zack dozed. Quivering little fingers of sensation teased out the last ebbing throbs of pleasure. Zack had found many delicacies to feast upon and she in turn had offered him a banquet of delights. She honestly didn’t know where some of her ideas had come from. New to this kind of passion, passion centered on a man who consumed her heart as well as her body, inspiration seemed to flow. There was an invisible arc of energy that sizzled between them. Her body felt lit from within. Neat trick, she smiled to herself. If we could just make that work for the show.â€Ĺ›You thinking about your Cleopatra show?” Zack asked sleepily.Mo twisted her head up and met his lazy gaze. â€Ĺ›You really do think I’m all work don’t you? I think about other things. Go back to sleep.â€Ĺ›What do you think about when Iâ€Ĺšâ€ť He grazed his forefinger on her nipple. â€Ĺ›I’m pretty sure that’s where I cease thinking.” She turned toward him and ran a hand along his thigh. â€Ĺ›I know where all your thinking takes place.”â€Ĺ›I talked to him but once he saw you, he stopped listening.” Zack held her against him, enfolding her with his good arm. A large portion of his upper body was wrapped in bandages but life had never seemed so perfect. If he could spend the rest of his life holding her close at night, it would be enough. It would be everything. He pushed everything else from his mind. Mo closed her eyes; focused on the beating of his heart. All else lost in a silky tide of contentment.â€Ĺ›What the hell?” Zack bolted upright. He heard the elevator doors shut. â€Ĺ›Mo?” he called reaching across the bed for her. He rose searching in the crack of light from the door for his revolver. He slowly opened the bedroom door and saw a shadow move in the low light. â€Ĺ›Stop. Don’t move.”â€Ĺ›Honey, if I’m going to risk getting shot every time I need a drink of water I’m going to have to hide your gun at night.” Mo turned toward him glass in hand. She wore her work out clothes. She noticed his eyes on her gear. â€Ĺ›I was wide awake, I thought I’d sneak to the gym and work out while you slept.”Zack set his gun on the coffee table â€Ĺ›It’s not light yet. You couldn’t have had more than four or five hours.” he yawned and scratched at his bandaged side.She wasn’t going to mention another dream had awakened her and forced the doubts back into her mind â€Ĺ›I figured we could have breakfast when you woke up. Why don’t you go back to sleep. I’ll be back in an hour. Maybe get a little nap.”â€Ĺ›I heard the elevator.” Zack glanced at the doors.â€Ĺ›My other lover made a quick exit. I told him you were armed but only on one side.” Mo walked over to him and held the glass out. â€Ĺ›You smell like me.” She whispered. He gave her a sleepy smile. His hair was akimbo and his face was bristly. Her heart thumped.He took a hard gulp and set the glass down. â€Ĺ›Why don’t we work out together, then we can both take a nap. He put his arm around her. â€Ĺ›Who was on the elevator?”â€Ĺ›Careful, Baby. Just Meese. He came up to escort me to the gym. But I wasn’t quite ready. He’s waiting down stairs.”â€Ĺ›Where would he be otherwise?” He rubbed his lips lightly on her ear.â€Ĺ›Downstairs.” Mo stroked a hand along his good arm.â€Ĺ›Then no harm done.” He pulled her into the bedroom. Roddy watched Zack watch Mo. Zack was gazing in wonder while she somersaulted once, twice, three times and was caught by Claude hanging by his knees. â€Ĺ›Hep!” She gave a little shout as she was thrown off again. This time spinning a mid air pirouette and catching the other trapeze. Her body was a fluid kind of strength. Disciplined yet loose and free. Zack thought he could watch her forever as she soared and spun and swung. He closed his eyes a moment remembering the agility of her body as they made love in the hours before dawn. He had almost forgotten his condition she made it so easy for him with her imaginative postures and cooing encouragements. He was lost in a reverie of sighs when he heard Roddy’s voice.  â€Ĺ›Zack! So you couldn’t stay away you love us so much!” Roddy leaned down to Zack in a wheelchair and shook his hand landing a kiss on each of his cheeks. It had seemed strange at first to Zack, but with so many performers from so many parts of the world he’d gotten used to a variety of greetings.Thanks for your concern, Roddy. It was really nice for you all to send flowers and cards. How are you?”â€Ĺ›I do much better than you. You shot in the leg too?” Roddy surveyed Zack’s lower limbs. â€Ĺ›No, but I will be if I get out of this chair. Doctor’sâ€Ĺšâ€ť Zack jerked his head upward â€Ĺ›â€Ĺšorders.” He winced his regret at the movement.â€Ĺ›I would not defy her if I were you. I am glad to see you Zack. What they tell you. You going to be okay?” Roddy smoothed his comb over with a look of sympathetic curiosity.â€Ĺ›I’m thinking about going into show business, Roddy. I’ve developed a new talent. You can get someone to throw magnets at me and I catch them without using my hands. But they better have good aim. I’ve got a plate holding my clavicle together. Kinda close to my head, so aim’s important.Roddy’s eyes bulged even more than usual. Zack laughed. â€Ĺ›Okay, I guess it’s just not classy enough for your outfit.” Roddy broke out into laughter into which he incorporated a couple Italian epitaphs. â€Ĺ›Serious as a heartbeat, Zack, I want to talk to you.” He looked up at Mo and yelled. â€Ĺ›I take your patient, Momo, he safe with me.” He turned Zack in his chair and rolled him towards the corridor, greeting and encouraging, or berating, performers along the way. He gave Meese a look that said, â€Ĺ›Keep your eyes peeled.” In the office he settled in with a brandy. Zack figured why the hell not, and had one of his own. â€Ĺ›I have the proposal for you. You are young. Oh, no doubt about you get well. You strong man. Have you never considered a different job? I get the feeling you not so happy being the policeman.”â€Ĺ›What are you getting at, Roddy?” Zack gave him a searching look. â€Ĺ›It’s not like you to beat around the bushâ€Ĺšbe indirect.”â€Ĺ›We, the company, meet about show and whole situation. The company decide to form own security team. Not unhappy with guys you hire but the expense! Mo and whole company worth it, of course. But we travel months and months, city to city. All the world. We say it more practical to haveâ€Ĺš how you say?... in house, security. Security that travel with us to save expense, true. But we don’t have to find best people each city. Saves time. And the loyalty. Relationship with company very important.  Most time I don’t handle the business. Focus on performers. Make sure everybody in top form. But I am in charge what happen on tour. I say I choose. I work show with the hands on.”â€Ĺ›So you want to create an in house security team? To travel with the show?” Zack sipped his brandy. Roddy had mentioned hiring him but he had not taken it seriously. He had been waiting to get back to the homicide department and sloughed it off as a joke. Now look at him. â€Ĺ›If you need a list of people I can help you with that. I know some good guys. Lots of experience in police work, but looking for something more. But I guess you want people based in Montreal.”â€Ĺ›Are you looking for something more, Zack?” Roddy sniffed a cigar with his eyes closed with the pleasure of it. Then he looked seriously at Zack.â€Ĺ›You mean me? I might think about it if things were different. But look at me, Roddy. Kind of useless right now.”â€Ĺ›You would consider to leave the police?” Roddy’s brows furrowed quizzically then his face broadened into a smile. â€Ĺ›I want you, Zack. You head security team, you manage, you hire, you take charge of all security business. You pick your team. You travel the world with us.”â€Ĺ›I don’t have experience with security. Not really. I took some coursesâ€Ĺšworked some stuff part time at the McCormick, downtown andâ€Ĺšâ€ť Zack sputtered doubtfully.â€Ĺ›What to know? You keep my performers safe. Zack, when Ling killer is caught, and that job of Greendale police, it will be routine security. We can’t expect arena security guards to protect big show. We need professional. Somebody smart; you hire top people and figure it out. I have the confidence. Most important you have trust of everybody. Most important thing is trust.”â€Ĺ›I wish it were that easy. Not that I’m ungrateful, but there’s other issues to think about.” Zack was getting tired and the offer set his mind awhirl.â€Ĺ›You don’t want to stop being police? Roddy clipped the cigar, saw Zack’s distressed look and set it aside. It was clear he’d had enough for one day.â€Ĺ›Roddy. You know that Mo and I areâ€Ĺš well, involved.” He set his glass aside. The brandy was making him sleepy. He’d not taken pain medication and was feeling it.â€Ĺ›I see you are happy together. Mo happy. Happy than ever.” Roddy smoothed a mustache. â€Ĺ›I see no problem.”â€Ĺ›We haven’t known each other very long. She might find it presumptuous if I said yes. I wouldn’t blame her. She might feel uncomfortable if I was around all the time. I’m interested but Mo and me, we need more time. I can’t say yes now. Plus I have this arm to deal with. Al Simpson’s doing his best on the murder. I’ll be staying with Mo while your show is still here. She’ll be safe. The boys do fine when she cooperates. I can’t say what’s going to happen in two weeks and by God, Roddy; I don’t think I can stand to think about it.” Zack grunted and blew out a breath. The healing clavicle was starting to feel like being run through with a steel shank. â€Ĺ›I’m sorry; I’m going to have to go back to the room. Look, Roddy, can you hold off mentioning this to Mo?”â€Ĺ›We let performers know when new arrangements areâ€Ĺšsettled. She do not need to know now. Let me take you. You think later. When you ready to consider proposal you let me know. No need to hurry, we wait for you. ” Roddy rolled Zack out of the office thinking of the glow in Mo’s face and the sparkle in her eyes when she’d arrived at the coliseum early that afternoon. He looked forward to the new security arrangement very much indeed. â€Ĺ›Oh no you don’t.” Mo dodged Zack’s hand. â€Ĺ›A few hours of sleep might make you think you feel better but I think we’d better take a break. She had rushed back to her room without taking off her makeup. She held a washcloth in her hand. â€Ĺ›It’ll take half an hour to get this crap of my face, anyway. I didn’t shower. I thought I’d take a bath. You are going to rest tonight or I’ll hurt your other arm.”â€Ĺ›I kinda like the devil in you, come here.” He tried to slide his good arm around her waist.â€Ĺ›Back off, I mean it.” She pushed him away laughing. He settled on the bed giving her a â€Ĺšpoor me’ look. She snorted a laugh and went into the bathroom. He was tired. Desire struggled with exhaustion and pain. He didn’t want to miss any time he could have with her. With Roddy’s proposal he’d had to begin to think about the future, which was what he’d been trying to avoid. What he really wanted to do what get in that huge tub with Mo and not think about anything but her delicious responses. He looked at his bandages with derision. Then turned his head toward the bathroom as he heard her singing. A contented grin eased as thoughts came crashing in. He would have to heal and have physical therapy for weeks. Roddy had sent a packet over explaining the proposal in writing. The salary was something he’d never even dreamed of. Even more than they’d paid him for the time he’d been Mo’s impromptu bodyguard. They were even offering to cover the time staying with her now. Roddy had thought of every enticement. The benefits were marvelous. Better than CPD. And they offered to hire a physical therapist for the duration of his recuperation. He’d never heard of such a thing. He would be an executive. A traveling hands on security executive with a salary that blew his mind. Did they want him that badly, or was this all about keeping Mo happy. Was Roddy trying to buy him for Mo? No, he was being ridiculous. Trust was a big deal for them. As with cops, lives depended on it. Roddy sized people up the same way he did. He had to be ruthless in making judgments about who he brought into the show. The company took applications and did interviews but no one worked the show without Roddy’s approval. He’d stashed the packet in his bag. He needed more time. What if at the end of the run Mo didn’t want him around on a permanent basis? He wasn’t going to create an awkward situation for her. Their brief time had been mild friendship turned to fiery passion punctuated by extreme trauma. So much had happened in such a short time. Was her need for him a reaction to all that had happened? Hard to believe a woman of such strength and confidence would need to cling to him out of fear. Yet anyone would be grasping at comfort and security under the circumstances. He closed his eyes and listened to her hum and sing. The sound of her splashing washed a vibrant joy over him that transcended arousal. The tension in his chest told him he could never live without her. That’s stupid he told himself. What, if ultimately, she didn’t want him. He would have to live with it. He wouldn’t take the job he told himself. That would put too much pressure on her. Better to deal with things at the end of the run. But the possibilities the offer had opened up were just too much. Roddy had presented a way he could be with Mo. He knew Mo giving up her career was not an option. He didn’t want it to be. It was who she was as much as he had thought being a cop was who he was. But he had long felt being a homicide detective had been pulling him down into the abyss of a grim world view. Now he realized it had been the case even before Ray or the death of his parents. Even before he’d become a detective. It colored everything no matter how hard he tried to find the good. It was a necessary job and there were a thousand men and women who’d love to have his job and many of them were deserving. He knew he wasn’t going back even if he didn’t accept Roddy’s offer. But wasn’t it worth a shot? If it didn’t work out he could be replaced much more easily than Mo. If Roddy understood from the beginning that he wouldn’t stay if it compromised Mo in any way, why not take the job? Why not bet on himself and Mo instead of against them. He would take the job if she wanted him to at the end of the run. He would risk anything to be with her. The next few days Zack’s outlook on life hummed with the joy of loving Mo and contemplating the future in a way he never had before.Mo hummed in a good mood feeling invigorated by her continued triumph with the show and the sense of completeness Zack brought to her life. There was something about him these last few days. A new exuberance. While still recovering he had certainly translated that exuberance into their lovemaking. He had taken her in and out of her costume after the show. Now she relaxed in the bath once more while Zack ordered them a late dinner. Maybe Monday, when she had the day off, she’d take Zack out to dinner if he was up to it. He must be a little bored with the hotel and coliseum. Even if they just went over to Mr. Whitney’s restaurant at least it would be a change of scene. If he felt really good he might want to check out his condo, get some more clothes. Dino had gone by the condo and run a few things over, which had been a great help to Zack. They owed Dino a few favors. She looked forward to when Deb would be able to do Sundays now that she had another interest in her life. Now she had to consider Zack’s needs as well as her own.She had shoved angst about the future deep down once more repeating to herself: we’ll find a way, we’ll find a way. She had never been one to throw caution to the wind. But now she managed to compartmentalize the doubt into a little box hidden deep inside where only in her dreams it swelled and threatened to burst apart. She squeezed water from her hair then wrapped it in a towel. No more hanky panky tonight, I’ve got to be more strict! She smiled to herself. He needs to rest. They were a bad influence on each other. Well, maybe just a little nightcap. Even wounded he never got enough. Tsk, tsk! I’ll do all the work. Then they’d rest, she promised herself. She rolled her tongue along her upper lip and grinned at herself in the mirror. She massaged fragrant lotion on her skin and stepped into her bathrobe smiling at the remembrance of her and Zack in his shower and the things he did with soap. She recalled them washing sand off each other and how he’d found what he called her pearl and proceeded to dive for that pearl with his tongue. He has given me a dirty mind. Since when do I think about sex all the time? Since I met the dirtiest minded sweetheart of a man I’ve ever known. With him she had been able to express herself sexually, sensually, in ways she didn’t know she had in her. He was a sensual demanding lover but playful and giving. So giving. She could be serious or silly with him. She had found a playful side of sex she didn’t know existed. She had found a passion she didn’t think she could ever live without again. Pulling the towel from her head she casually glanced through the window toward the lights of the city. Then she saw it. A dark figure in a dark mask. Watching her.ThirteenZack’s gun pointed toward the window as he looked up and all around. The windows didn’t open in the bathroom and there was no terrace. There was a small ledge with decorative ironwork rails that left just a few inches between the rail and the glass. An arrangement commonly known as a â€ĹšJuliet’. Zack looked for ropes attached to it while he barked into his phone at the security people. He had whisked Mo out and cleared the room upon hearing her scream. â€Ĺ›Dammit,” he swore under his breath. If there had been any doubt that someone was still after Mo, it had evaporated.Les Moore burst from the elevator accompanied by a man Zack and Mo had not seen before. There tended to be some rotation with â€Ĺšthe boys’ on duty. Les had brought in a few more to ease the stress of 24/7 security. Even he had begun to doubt its necessity. Until now. He wasn’t particularly crazy about the job. But at least he liked the people. â€Ĺ›Hagman and Alonzo are on their way to the roof. Vince Smith has locked down the building. His people are all over. Security monitors have seen nothing. Greendale police are on their way.” Les looked through the bathroom window. â€Ĺ›Had to come from the roof. You didn’t see anything?”â€Ĺ›Mo screamed and I was in here in seconds. He was gone, just like that.”â€Ĺ›Just like at your condo.” Les kept looking up out the window. â€Ĺ›My condo?” Zack still held his gun with his good hand. He had put the safety back on but he squeezed the handle tightly. â€Ĺ›You’ll have to enlighten me.” He said seriously. Les told Zack what happened at the condo. His breath came fast as his anger mounted. She didn’t tell him. â€Ĺ›Smith found nothing on the roof. No sign of anything off the sixteenth floor. I’m going down to the basement and up the stairs to the roof. Gary will stay here. I need to know how someone was able to get onto that Juliet. Had to be from the roof. And they had to use the stairwell and get through a steel door electronically locked.” Les ran a hand through high and tight curly black hair. â€Ĺ›Chicago law says any building over three stories must not have automatically locking doors accessing the stairwell. Any doors accessing the roof must be an emergency exit. It must open from the inside and outside.” Zack said as they walked out of the bedroom. He was tired but enervated by this newest shock. â€Ĺ›Greendale too. But this hotel has a feature that bypasses the rule about the roof doors. They are emergency exits. But they’re bolted on both sides unless the alarm system is activated. Then they unlock automatically. So this peep didn’t get on the roof from that exit unless he somehow got the code. But security would have been alerted if that were the case. Guy’s found a way onto that roof. Your elevator has a bypass as well. Your key card is the only way to access this room. The keycard system can be over ridden by punching a code into that box in the elevator. The emergency exit into the hall works the same, and once opened automatically stays unlocked until it’s recoded.” Zack nodded taking in the information. â€Ĺ›I’m going with you, don’t argue.” They were the sitting room. Gary Lao stood arms crossed near the elevator. He had the severe look of a Foo dog standing guard. Mo was curled on the sofa in her bathrobe, eyes large with shock. Zack’s heart pounded at the sight of her. She reached out her hand to his wrist. He yanked it away. â€Ĺ›I’m going downstairs with Les,” he said, casting Mo an angry look.Mo shrunk back from the harsh tone looking hurt. Zack stepped onto the elevator and pushed the button for the basement. His eyes were drawn in an angry bead on hers. She opened her small mouth in puzzlement and tilted her head watching him as the doors closed. Down in the basement Zack and Les checked the elevator shafts and headed up the stairwell of the west wing of the hotel. Zack hated that he was already winded by the fifth floor but he refused to grab an elevator when Les suggested it. He shook his head at how much his injuries had taken out of him. They ran into Vince’s people on the sixteenth floor. Janet Ben-Ghury introduced Ward McGovern. They had cleared the floor. The rooms on the sixteenth floor were accessible by the lobby elevators but only one of the elevators went to the presidential suite. It wasn’t accessible from the rest of the floor. The roof. They went back into the stairwell and after Ben-Ghury punched in the code, out onto the roof. It was after midnight. The sound of a plane coming in for a landing was deafening. You couldn’t hear them at all inside the hotel. They searched the roof and looked down to the sixteenth at Mo’s bathroom window. Nothing. No ropes, grappling hooks, nothing. Since Les had filled Zack in on the details surrounding the incident at his condo he was aware of the similarity to that incident. He also knew no prints or other evidence had been gleaned from the rope found at his down stairs neighbor’s.â€Ĺ›What’s this, oh, elevator.” Zack gathered from its position on to the roof on the edge of the presidential suite. It was a small geodesic dome of steel plates riveted with large steel bolts. No entry. Not without a pneumatic wrench. There were two other domes as well. The three west wing elevators, but only the one he gazed at serviced Mo’s suite. â€Ĺ›Someone was up on this roof and they’re a slippery mother,” McGovern stated what was obvious to the rest of them. Al Simpson and Harve Graver stepped out onto the roof. â€Ĺ›Can’t sleep Burnham, gotta keep everybody up at night?” Al asked with a crabby tone. Harve looked over the edge of the roof. â€Ĺ›We’re going room to room. I swear to God I’m gonna get this jerk. We got some uniforms coming from Shaumberg to assist. Every inch of this hotel is going to be searched by morning.” Al stood and glared at Zack, surveying the bandages Zack’s open shirt did not conceal. â€Ĺ›You need to go back to your sweetie and get the hell outta the way. Harve get a doctor here before Burnham bleeds to death on us.”Zack looked down and saw blood saturating his shirt.He listened to them with glee. Idiots! It was a good thing he had been able to seal off his entry to the elevator shaft while leaving the plate he had gotten loose looking untouched. This was like clandestine war. He against them all. What fools! They could check out the hatch in the elevator if it occurred to them and find everything in the shaft normal. He had been busy over his break. The bolts holding the steel plates on the dome over the elevator had taken time and strength to remove. The time spent more than worthwhile. He had done it while everyone was off on their little vacation. He had made a mistake getting caught up in watching her. Witch. He had been spellbound at the sight of her rising from her bath. Didn’t she know he hated to be teased like that? Okay, maybe it hadn’t been the smartest thing he’d ever done going to Burnham’s apartment. But he had to know where things stood. He had hoped to settle things in Montreal. But Mo hadn’t gotten on the plane. She could be derailed with a few choice words, evidently. He had flown up to Montreal and using one of his fake identities, boarded another plane and flown to the town where he had a car stashed. It had been a pleasant ride back occupied with making plans. He thought about Mo and Claude and Roddy. They weren’t the only ones who could put on a production as they would soon find out. He’d had such plans with Mo in Montreal. But she’d run to him, that abysmally goodie two shoes cop. The joy he’d felt when he heard about Burnham’s injuries. The disappointment when he’d lived. He’d kept an eye on them the whole time. He’d even seen Zack being picked up by that big cop the day he was shot. He just couldn’t get into the building. Especially once the press had shown up.And Simpson, what a joke. He thought he’d had him on the run. We’ll see about that. While they’re all going bananas at the hotel he was already well into planning his grand finally at the coliseum. His schuloss as they say in the world of clowns. This time the show ended the way he wanted it to. If he couldn’t have Moâ€ĹšBack in the room Zack paced in fury. Mo eyed him afraid to say a word. He’d heard. Gary had left with Les. Al had questioned her and she told him what little she could about the person she’d seen. Now it was just she and Zack and she could feel the livid freeze. He was having a hard time even looking at her for fear of what he might say or do. He held a towel against his side. He’d blown off a paramedic who wanted to put him in an ambulance and was waiting on the doctor who had seen Mo. Whitney’s doctor who the man himself had insisted on calling. Exhausting himself, he sat down on a chair across from her. â€Ĺ›All about trust. Gotta trust Claude. Gotta trust Misha. Gotta trust everybody in the whole damn world except the man who’s inside you at night.”â€Ĺ›Zack, let, me explain, you were in theâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Shut up! When were you going to tell me? Didn’t have time? Everyone knew but me! What did you think I was going to do? Yank out my IV and start kicking in doors?”His sharp command startled, then angered her. She tried to level her tone and be reasonable. â€Ĺ›That’s exactly what I thought you’d do.” Mo jumped up and paced. She thought she’d made the right decision. There was nothing he could have done. â€Ĺ›Look at you now. Standing there bleeding when there was a paramedic right here! What do you think you would have done?” She got more worked up as she spoke. She couldn’t help it.The question hung in the air as the elevator doors opened and the doctor stepped in. â€Ĺ›My but La Cirque du Celestial is the gift that keeps on giving.” Zack and Mo both looked at him in astonishment. â€Ĺ›Give me some more light,” he ordered Mo, getting down to business. Mo snapped on more lamps and turned up the overhead. She wanted to snap something more. The angry snapping of light switches didn’t help. The doctor unwound the blood soaked bandage until a long track of metal staples were revealed. Starting just above the waist on the side traveling upward toward the front where it bloomed out into a wider wound with several short lines of stitching like a stick drawing of a flower. The skin was still black and blue turning to yellow around the edges of the long path the bullet had traveled. Miraculously the bullet had ricocheted off his highest rib. It had traveled along his flesh burning the line deeply enough to require stitching. Mo saw how close he’d come and had to sit down. A wave of nausea rolled over her.Luckily, only a few staples had been pulled enough to create the bloody mess. â€Ĺ›Looks worse than it is, but we’ll need to go to the hospital.”â€Ĺ›You got some catgut? I’m not going anywhere.” Zack’s lips pressed tight and narrowed his eyes in a way the doctor understood as implacable determination.â€Ĺ›I’ll do what I can, but you need to get this checked out as soon as possible.” The doctor went to work. Zack gritted his teeth but when Mo tried to take his hand he pushed it away. â€Ĺ›How’s the shoulder?”â€Ĺ›Hurts. It’s not bleeding. I don’t think.” Zack winced as the doctor inspected the bandaged shoulder.â€Ĺ›Call me tomorrow. And rest. Don’t miss the antibiotics. Didn’t anyone tell you you’ve been severely injured? I think you would have figured it out on your own by now. Keep him down, Ms. Whitman. For God’s sake!” The doctor briskly snapped his bag shut.Zack lay back nestled into the back of the sofa dazed with pain. He felt the stupidity of climbing sixteen stories worth of steps. He was weak, without even the energy to sustain his anger. â€Ĺ›Zack?”Mo leaned over him, terrified of and for him. But look at what he’d done. Didn’t that in itself justify the decision she had made?” She didn’t care about being right. Not after what she’d just seen. â€Ĺ›Drink this water. He said you needed to drink some water. You’re dehydrated.”Zack heaved a sigh and groaned as the pain shot up his side as if he was on that ladder all over again. He reached up for the water but his arm fell limply. Mo carefully held the glass to his lips. He vaguely remembered the doctor plunging the hypodermic needle into him. What was in that? Did he give him something? It felt so nice to lean back with his eyes closed. The pain lessened and Zack didn’t even notice when he stopped feeling his body.He had refused to go into the bedroom. Mo put the throw on him and lifted his legs onto the coffee table. She had seen what she hadn’t seen before. He had a temper bolstered by a savage stubbornness. It made her realize how little she knew him. Was that suppressed part of him what made him such a stunningly animalistic lover? Had that been running beneath the surface the whole time? Was it the drugs? She breathed a shuddered breath at the fury that had been directed towards her. If the doctor hadn’t come inâ€Ĺšâ€ťZack slept hard and Mo slipped out to go for a run. Meese signaled Hagman and they settled into their Lincoln Town Car and cruised slowly along. Her sleep had not gone well. She’d been afraid to sleep in the bedroom alone and had settled in a chair. Not surprisingly it had been a wakeful night of discomfort and worry about Zack. Moore had spent the night discreetly in the second bedroom and Smith had people all over the hotel, including the roof. On top of that, Al and the police had conducted a room to room search. Yet she’d felt vulnerable at the same time her mind raced with the fight with Zack. She’d felt the need to keep checking him. She feared he might waken and need her. She feared for them both when he came out of his stupor and they picked up where they’d left off. She ran toward the coliseum recalling seeing a brief glimpse of that anger the night she crawled onto his lap in her hotel room and he’d accused her of needing another notch on her bedpost. People usually put their best sides forward with other people. It could take a long time to really know someone. Al Simpson was one of the few people she’d ever met that didn’t bother. But then his disposition had been formed by years of homicide work and an inherent lack of interest in what people thought of him. But Zack hadn’t tried to manipulate her with a Mr. Niceguy approach. He wouldn’t even have been here if she had not gone to him. Could he have manipulated that and she just hadn’t seen it? He seemed like a â€Ĺšwhat you see is what you get’ kind of guy. Except in bed where he had completely demolished any expectations she might have had and supplanted them with the keen knowledge of a tender sensuality combined with primal rawness. Had she fallen in love with a man because he had challenged her? In every way? Because he had taken her body to extremes of pleasure she had never guessed existed. She had felt a wall of anger slam into her the night before. She knew he wouldn’t have hit her but she felt as if the strength of his fury could have pounded her without him ever raising a hand. Now indignation gleaned the sharp stalks of fear. How dare he make her feel guilty? How dare he be so presumptuous to second guess a decision she had made under duress. Especially when there was nothing he could have done. As if he had any room to talk after running up sixteen flights of stairs until he almost bled to death. Did he think he was going to take control of her decisions? Did he believe she would surrender her judgment to him? She was going to see exactly what Zack Burnham did when things didn’t go his way. That was the best way to see what a person was really made of.To the frustration of the boys she did an abrupt turn. They had to turn around avoiding service trucks that had blocked the way. She was ahead by the time they got turned around. Meese twisted his mouth with annoyance and hit the pedal. He showed the other guy some fancy maneuvers driving as if land mines were planted in the massive coliseum parking lot. Mo was braced for battle. She practically jumped into the room. It was empty. She looked in all the rooms but he was nowhere to be found. She saw his packed bag sitting to the side of the elevator and she felt her heart do a triple. Scanning the room again she dashed onto the elevator. â€Ĺ›Have you seen Zack?” She asked Meese who she had asked to wait in the lobby. Then she saw Marvin Bedlow, Vince Smith’s assistant director of security. She ran into Janet Ben-Ghury who was apparently pulling a double armed with coffee and an annoyed countenance. Who did that remind her of she said to herself thinking of Al Simpson. Ben-Ghury hadn’t seen Zack. Mr. Coleman the desk manager gave her a strained smile. He’d had a lot of angry people complaining about being rousted in the middle of the night and questioned yet again about events connected to their most important and troublesome guest. Mo sucked it up and was about to dial Al Simpson when he came through the door. â€Ĺ›Have you heard from Zack? I can’t find him anywhere.” â€Ĺ›The roof.” He pressed the elevator button. â€Ĺ›Go back to your room. You’ve caused enough trouble for one day. Meese! You just letting her run around the hotel for Chrissake? She’s going to the room. Clear the elevator and stay on her. â€Ĺ›I’ll put you into protective custody if you leave your room until I say.” The doors closed on him. Mo angrily pressed the button on the next elevator and stepped inside without waiting for Meese to follow orders. He just made the elevator in time scanning the small compartment as if it had numerous nooks and crannies where the enemy might conceal themselves. â€Ĺ›Of all the gall!” She huffed under her breath, eyes blazing at Meese. He crossed his arms, an arrogant little grin fixed on his face as he stared at the service trap in the ceiling of the elevator. Men. Were they all jerks? Even the best one she’d ever met was acting like a lunatic. What was he doing on the roof? Idiot. What did she care? Oh, she was just really getting to know him and she wasn’t sure he was all that after all. And Al Simpson! Enough said. And look at this guy looking as if he just swallowed the canary. They were all asses. Every one. Except Roddy who was like a father. But all the rest. â€Ĺ›All of you!” she screeched at Meese before stepping off the elevator. She slammed the door to her room as Meese shrugged with a chuckle. Women.She fumed in her room for a few minutes. Then she heard a door close. She peeked out then slipped out closing the bedroom door. Not seeing Meese but seeing the other bedroom door closed, she tiptoed over to confirm he was in the other bathroom. She heard him singing â€ĹšSomewhere Out There’ and raised her brows in wonder. She went to the elevator hoping it was still on her floor. The door opened. She stepped onto it with a sigh and pushed the button. She went down to the fifteenth floor and after a second’s scan saw the stairwell. Quietly she went up the steps. She was still fuming with indignation at Zack with the added sting of her usual animosity towards Al. She pushed the bar on the fire exit door. She’d half expected it to hold firm but it opened and she peeked around the edge of it. No one was in sight. She thought she heard a muffled voice as she approached three geodesic domes. She rounded the domes with a hand up to block the sun. The strong breeze blew wisps from her braid. Mo stopped as she noticed a triangle of steel missing from the last dome. That’s an odd shaped door she thought. Blinded by the light she tried to look inside. Spots floated in front of her eyes as they tried to adjust to the dark. She leaned in putting her hands on the edge of the opening. She squeezed her eyes shut then opened them. A hand fell on hers and she nearly jumped out of her skin. A big black hand grabbed the edge and up came Al. â€Ĺ›Do I have to handcuff you?” He squeezed his large body through the triangle then threw up his hands and walked to the edge of the roof.Suddenly Zack appeared from around the dome. â€Ĺ›The elevator was being blocked from use so we could check this out. You were supposed to stay put. But for your information, your admirer was using this to access the roof and hide quickly. I found these dummy bolts on this plate. Evidently the stairs were too high exposure. Our guy’s been riding this elevator up and down for who knows how long spying on you. Us. Guess he got frustrated with its limitations and repelled down to the window for a better look. Lucky for us there’s a service ladder running inside the shaft. Al, you find anything?” Al was barking at someone on his phone. â€Ĺ›Satisfy your curiosity or would you like a better look?” He stepped aside and waved as if she were on a game show. He was puffing with pain but she was too angry to have much sympathy. Actually, she was bursting with curiosity. â€Ĺ›No.” Ass. She turned on her heel as Al came toward them. â€Ĺ›Not one word.” She went around the dome as Zack followed. Al punched briskly at his phone with large fingers. â€Ĺ›Ben-Ghury!” he snapped into it.â€Ĺ›You going to put me under house arrest too?” She jerked at the door. She was almost flung back by its solid resistance. Zack caught her arm. She jerked it away. His fingers darted on the keypad like little bullets of irritation and pulled the door open. â€Ĺ›While you’re at it you might as well make sure you bleed to death.” She jerked a nod at his shirt. A small red spot threatened. She took the stairs two at a time and went through the door into the hallway. Let him get the door for himself. Anything to prove himself the macho police detective!Mo smacked her hand onto the elevator button. She didn’t look at him while they waited wordlessly. In silence they rode up the one floor to the suite. They looked at each other before stepping off. Her eyes flared but his were twin detonators. She bit her lip. He swung out his good arm in a â€Ĺšyou first’ motion. Meese looked up in shock. He’d turned a ball game on low, never knowing she was gone. â€Ĺ›Out.” Zack thrust a thumb. Meese looked at Mo. He was on her company’s dime. She gave him a nod and went into her bedroom.â€Ĺ›All packed and ready to fly out the door? Good. After what I saw last night I can’t think of anything I want more. You go back on down to your condo and pick up where you left off, because all I want is my life back.”â€Ĺ›Nothing would please me more. I don’t like being lied to Mo. Withholding is the same as lying in my book. You think this is all a game? You don’t have to be honest or go by rules set up for your own protection? You may not like cops or having bodyguards but no one applied for the job of being your babysitter. The least you can do is respect what we’re trying to do enough not to flaunt your snobbery.” Zack put his hand on his side. His face was white with pain. â€Ĺ›If you don’t like what you saw last night, fine by me. I’ve never been perfect, and I’m even less perfect now. Way less. You talk about trust like it’s a candle on the altar, but you blow it out whenever it’s convenient for you.” He leaned against the doorway. â€Ĺ›You want your life back? You got it.” He turned and struggled across the sitting room. â€Ĺ›Zack, stop, you’re hurt.” He picked up his bag. His fist could not have knocked her back harder than the look he gave her. Her fury regained its head of steam. â€Ĺ›I was just a pit stop on your way back to your precious job. If I hadn’t shown up at your door you’d have been just as satisfied with Cherry, Cherie, whatever the hell. Just thought you’d take a walk on other side of the street. Something a little different from your big haired bimbos?”Zack snorted wearily, his head was pounding from an opiate hangover. â€Ĺ›Yeah. I hope you enjoyed slumming. Glad to be of service. You got yourself another notch, congratulations.” He realized he couldn’t press the elevator button with his bag in his hand. He was too weak to use the elbow now. The plate holding his clavicle together felt like it was going to burst through his skin. He dropped the bag and hit the button. Mo watched him with a fist in her gut. The pain and insult fused into blind rage. She grasped the handiest weapon. â€Ĺ›You don’t know anything about slums compared to what I know. But I do know that you’ve got to prove to the world that Zack Burnham is not his father. Even if it kills you.”Her eyes grew large as Zack half stumbled toward her. She stepped back as she gauged the pyrotechnics in his eyes. Then Zack stopped, the fire guttering out to a cold ashy defeat. He turned as the doors opened and pushed the bag in with his foot. The last Mo saw of him his body was supported by the back of the elevator. His head reared back in pain as the doors closed.â€Ĺ›Fuck, Burnham, did you not hear me say not to use the elevator?” Al Simpson looked down into the car. He swung his feet into the opening and jumped down, amazingly agile. He watched Zack pant against the wall. â€Ĺ›Where you going? You need to go back andâ€Ĺšoh, that bad.” He spied the bag and pressed a code into the service box. â€Ĺ›I had them lock it down this time. Where do you want to go?”â€Ĺ›Iâ€Ĺš I can’t. Just get me in a room. Please.”Mo knew she had struck an irrevocable blow. The victory was beyond hollow. It bored a hole into her out which the angry energy poured. The swish of the doors shutting brought a rising flood of regret. She tried to cling to the rage but it was pulled away like the umbrella in her dream, lost on a cold wind of despair. Zack had punched through her control with the remark about a notch. Just a stupid, very stupid, offensive parry. But she had pulled out the heavy artillery. He didn’t know Tyler had told her about his father. Not only had she dragged out the very thing that had motivated his life and ground his face into it. She’d exposed another lie. The sin of omission. At least according to the book of Zack.She looked at the clock. The last thing she wanted to do was work. That did not happen often. She worked no matter what. Even when she had the flu. Mo wanted to crawl into bed and cover her head with a blanket. She wanted to go after Zack. Hell. She didn’t know what she wanted. Let them both cool off. Let him go back to his condo and stew. Maybe he’d actually get some rest if he were away from her. She was so glad to have a few minutes alone. She would get ready and go practice, why waste the day. Just a few minutes of alone time. Then she’d go to work. She wouldn’t think about him. She’d clear her mind and head for the coliseum. She plopped on the sofa and leaned her head back. Just as she tried to attain her center the elevator doors popped open. The look on Simpson’s face almost had her holding out her wrists to be cuffed. Okay she gave up. Guilty. Guilty of anything, everything, he wanted to charge her with. He plopped on the other end of the sofa with a weighty thud. They sat there a few moments without speaking. Finally she looked over at him. A weary man.â€Ĺ›Any news? Find anything helpful in the elevator?” she sighed sadly.â€Ĺ›Found Burnham. Wasn’t helpful at all.” He scratched behind his ear. â€Ĺ›Where’s Meese, I thoughtâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Zack sent him packing,” she found great interest in the ceiling light.â€Ĺ›He’s in that kind of mood today.” He flipped open his phone and pressed a button. â€Ĺ›Get Meese back up here.” He listened a moment then clicked it shut. â€Ĺ›You snuck out on Meese. You embarrassed him.”Mo did a double take. â€Ĺ›What is up with you guys? Do you all do a secret handshake and swear to be moody, judgmental and tight assed to become cops. Are you so rigid in your fear of being perceived as weak that it causes you suck yourselves into a black hole from which not even common sense can escape?”â€Ĺ›Huh?” Al looked at her. He’d seen a lot of pain and the pain of her face was emphasized by the shaky anger. He couldn’t bear to look into her eyes. Her eyes embodied every scalded emotion that had ever bubbled up through the morass of human suffering. What could he say? He looked down and mumbled, â€Ĺ›Guess it’s a cop thing.”Mo bolted straight up and flew into her room slamming the door.Al heaved a sigh and waited for Meese.Riggers, pyrotechnicians, lighting, sound and atmospheric technicians; acrobatic performers, singers, musicians, magicians, makeup and costume experts. All these professions and more darted, lifted, pushed, shoved, wired, plugged, tested and retested, hurried, scurried and rushed in the last few minutes before the opening music began. The lights went down to the lowest level at which the human eye could comfortably see. A beam of light hit the floor. The music queued Trollie to come out and warm up the audience with his combination of humor and irony. The audience anticipated. The spot of light remained stationary while the music requeued. People started to stir. The stirring became a murmur.Where the hell was Trollie? Roddy looked around. Trollie was not at his queue. What the? The audience was growing impatient. â€Ĺ›Les.” He called the security guy over. â€Ĺ›Trollie’s not at his queue. Check it out.”â€Ĺ›What are you going to do?” Haaken asked; his Swedish accent thick. He didn’t get an answer. Roddy jumped on Trollie’s little bicycle and pedaled toward the spot of light. â€Ĺ›What is he doing?” Haaken asked Juan. â€Ĺ›Roddy knows everybody’s role. He’s filling in.” Juan stretched indifferent to Haaken’s look of wonder. Mo sat in her dressing room alone trying to focus. The boys were outside the door. She could hear the music queue Trollie then restart. Then another start. She went to the door see what was going on. As she opened the door a large square box was arriving. The boys seemed anxious to check the contents. The music had started to flow properly and the audience could be heard laughing. Mo reached out for the card putting up a hand to stop the men from opening the box. The card said simply, â€Ĺ›I’m sorry.” She breathed fast breaths of anxious excitement. True hell had been realized that day. She wasn’t even sure she’d get through the show. Now her glittered heart raced with shining hope. â€Ĺ›Zack.” She grabbed the box and locked the door before they could object. Everything was in place. While the buffoons spent the night and day at the hotel on a wild goose chase, he had finalized his plans. Mo was in for a surprise. All of them. All those who he had seen cast their eyes on him and found him wanting. Not as good as them. Not good enough. Especially that whore. She’d teased him endlessly. She knew he wanted her and she’d made it a point with every move to lead him on. Her smiles. Her dark eyed looks whenever they were near each other. The way she moved her body.She had betrayed him with that stupid cop. He wasn’t the first. Rasta and who knew how many others. Now he would have his revenge. Of course it was the end of the line for him too. But so what? He’d been the company joke for long enough. It was time to bring everything to a head and be done with it. He wasn’t afraid. Life changed, as he knew more than anything. It was just a new phase of existence. But how they’d howl before he made his exit. They’d be the ones burned in the end. And best of all, Mo would be getting what she deserved very soon.Zack turned toward the window and saw night. He’d been asleep for hours. Pain hammered his shoulder like a woodpecker gone berserk. His side throbbed as if he’d been caught in a vise. Al had given him a pain pill and called the doctor. â€Ĺ›Seepage. Stay still for God’s sake. What’s wrong with you? Call your own doctor next time if you’re not going to listen.” Mr. Whitney’s doctor had indignantly snapped his bag shut. He squeezed his eyes and shook his head trying to clear it. It repaid him with a pounding that seemed to go through the top of his head and slice out his eyes. He lay hopeless and immobile. But he could think. And his thoughts made him wish his skull would crack open and he’d be done. In the distance he heard sirens. They seemed to get closer. From the window the coliseum could be seen across the huge parking lot. He edged up slowly. Lights, oh god, painful lights. A blast of pain like shrapnel blasting into his head seized him. The room spun as he stood. No more pills he managed to think when his brain turned on again. His synaptic outage left his memory fragmented. He floundered mentally. Oh. The lights at the coliseum.He could see the flash of blue and red. He struggled to remember why that should mean something. Then memory flooded back. Mo. Is it Mo? He forced himself to drink some water. He was dehydrated and the doctor had said to drink water. He hadn’t been listening. He still had on his clothes. He took it as encouragement and searched for his wallet and gun. A shoulder holster was out of the question. He wasn’t wearing a belt. Too hard to manage. In the back of his pants? Forget about it. He shoved his revolver into his waistband. He filled a glass with water. He was standing. On two feet. He drank and filled again. Yeah, that was better. He struggled to the door. â€Ĺ›Burnham, if you don’t mind my saying so, you look like hell.” Vince Smith laughed a nervous laugh. The shit had just kept getting deeper for him. Zack stumbled but caught himself on Vince’s arm. â€Ĺ›Get me to the coliseum.” Mo opened the box. Her heart raced. Zack was sorry. They’d talk, make love, and all would be well. She furrowed her brow. Inside sat another box. Again she opened it. She laughed a puzzled laugh as she lifted the lid. He did have a strange sense of humor sometimes. Another box sat with an envelope taped to the top. She turned to listen to the music for her queue. She opened the envelope. A picture of Trollie covered the card. She automatically dropped it on the box then picked it up again. She opened it. â€Ĺ›Just so you know what you’re missing.” She flung it down in anger and yanked the lid off the box. A framed eight by ten of a man on a wire made her jerk her head back. Her virgin veil shifted with the movement. She lifted it and looked more closely. The man was nude and sporting a colossal erection. It was signed, â€Ĺ›It is the shoes. Remember me always, Love Trollie.” Member was underlined. There was no makeup. She had never seen Trolley’s face but the man in the picture seemed familiar. The clown was doing his routine right now she thought furiously. His last routine! The music had restarted several times. Then Mo had a sudden recollection. No it couldn’t be. With a snort of anger she grabbed the photograph and went to the door. With a hiss of fury she yanked it open. She waved the picture at the body guards. â€Ĺ›It’s him! It’s him! He was right here! Where’s Roddy?”â€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman?” They blinked at the picture she held out. One started to laugh. â€Ĺ›Don’t you understand? It’s him! It’s Trollie the clown. The delivery man!”Persephone rose from the fires of Hell to the verdant sweetness of paradise. The colors of spring bloomed again as Hades descended to leave her her promised six months on the coolness of the green earth. A bargain had been struck to bring two different worlds together. She reigned as queen of Hell for half the year. She was allowed to enjoy the delights of light and living things the other half. And thus the seasons had begun, coinciding with the equinox and bringing each spring renewed life born from the decay of winter. The music rose to a vibrant crescendo. The audience, transfixed, took a moment then thundered out their applause. Again and again. Yells and calls. The house stood in deafening ovation. The triumph repeated once more. Mo felt the thrill of triumph. She had performed to perfection. Claude kissed her hand. They swung their arms to encompass all the performers. Again they bowed while hands clapped and flowers pelted the arena floor. But in the back of her mind loomed thoughts that left her feeling exhausted. She felt the sense of triumph fading as worry about Zack invaded her thoughts. The weird thing with Trollie had spooked her.  Did they find him? Where had Zack gone?Roddy took her into his arms on seeing her distressed face. â€Ĺ›Do not you worry my beautiful one. They find the clown and then we know. He had alibi for Ling. They look at that again. It must be him. A crazy man! I should let him go before. I am so sorry, my darling girl.”Mo nodded. â€Ĺ›I’m the one who insisted you give him another chance.” As pissed as she was about Trollie’s little joke he’d had an alibi the day of Ling’s murder. Threat or prank the timing was really bad. Back in her dressing room she applied cream to remove the makeup from her face. The security people were searching for Trollie. The police were ripping apart the hotel. When would it ever end? And where the hell was Zack?Gone to sulk in his condo? Why was he being so unreasonable? Was he looking for an out? They both knew the time would have to come. Was he just cutting to the chase? She had security people all around and felt so alone and vulnerable without Zack. Why was he so angry with her? She shouldn’t have brought up his father. It had been a stupid thing to do in response to his own stupid reaction. Their brief acquaintance notwithstanding, she knew she couldn’t live without him. She found his anger irrational but she had to attribute it at least in part to the circumstances, and the pain and drugs. She felt a flash of guilt. She’d not taken care of him as she should have. He’d not gotten the rest he needed and had been in pain. She felt selfish having wanted him so and stupid giving in to his, and her, desires when he wasn’t up to it. Even wounded he had loved her as if she was the center of his world. If he was dumping her on such a flimsy pretext, well, he was just being ridiculous. â€Ĺ›God, I love you!” Meaningless. She had talked him into coming back to Greendale. Now, looking back, she realized it hadn’t been his plan. Now he had grasped an out.She heard voices outside her room and recognized Lourdes Garcia’s voice. She liked the pretty Mexican security guard who had put Claude in his place. She heard Meese’s voice. She’d have to apologize to him. The thought galled when she thought of his arrogant demeanor. Then she thought of him singing in the bathroom. Human. Trollie had not turned up. But he had not checked out of his room. No one had seen him in the hotel that day. But even if she never saw him again she’d never forget his face. He was an odd man, but was he Ling’s killer? It seemed impossible. But while he had been seen at the coliseum around the time of Ling’s murder, there were a couple hours where no one had seen him. The time he claimed to be asleep in the men’s dressing room. However there was no proof against him.She was so tired. She dreaded going back to the room without Zack. She’d never been one to feel lonely. She had considered relationships something to be avoided. Now she felt so lonely knowing Zack wouldn’t be there. She’d get over it. It had just been sex after all. He used his moralizing indignation to back off knowing the inevitable loomed. How she had searched for a way for them to be together. Now she’d seen how unreasonable he could be. It was an excuse. He’d latched on to an excuse. She would be better off. How? When? She’d never felt this way before. Was it really love? If not, why did she hurt so?There was a quiet knock at the door. Roddy poked his head in. â€Ĺ›The car wait for you, lovely. Why Momo you cry!” He closed the door. He crouched beside her as the tears ran. â€Ĺ›We get Trollie, we get Ling’s killer. Don’t worry Momo, we see you are safe.” Roddy stroked her hair. Mo turned and pressed her face against his shoulder. Her shoulders shook. â€Ĺ›I love him, Roddy. He’s left me.” Mo sniffed. â€Ĺ›I know it’s crazy. I love that stubborn, unreasonable man. I thought we meant something to each other. I know we haven’t known each other long but I’ve never felt this way before. It hurts. He doesn’t love me and it hurts so badly.” She cried against him. After a few moments of Roddy purring words of comfort and holding her she tried to collect herself. â€Ĺ›Well, there’s no way it would have worked out. His life is here. He wants to go back to his job, his life. He’s made that clear enough now.”â€Ĺ›My sweet girl, don’t cry. Maybe Zack don’t go back to be policeman.” Roddy wanted to tell Mo about the job he’d offered Zack. Best if they got their personal situation worked out. Mo looked at him with wide wet eyes. â€Ĺ›He need to recuperate. Don’t need pressure. He got to think. Zack got his judgment how to say, clouded by everything. He on medicine, you give him a few days. Leave him be for now. Let him get better. Mr. Whitney say his doctor told him Zack crazy to be running around; he broke stitches. Leave him be to heal and to think. You must focus on work. Let Zack decide what he want to do.” Roddy twisted his mustache nervously.â€Ĺ›Roddy, what aren’t you telling me?” Now she was suspecting she had been kept in the dark about something. â€Ĺ›You focus on work. Zack will come around. I see how he look at you. He will come around. The car wait for you.” â€Ĺ›Is there something you’re keeping from me? Roddy? If it concerns me then you need to tell me. How can I focus if I’m worrying about Zack? I can’t concentrate on work with all this. Tell me.” She stood and faced him. She was inches taller. With her hand on her hips and makeup only half cleaned off she gave him a look that told him she meant business.â€Ĺ›You focus just fine tonight. Keep it up. I just guess about Zack. Don’t you see he want something else. He live with being cop. For his own reason. But he need to be in the world. He want more. I just guess of course. That my feeling only.” Roddy dragged his hand over his disheveled comb over. He was tired. Everything had been a lot on him too. There was trouble in his marriage, at least Mo had guessed.â€Ĺ›You look exhausted. Why don’t you go back and send the car back over. Lu’s waiting for you. The boys are right outside. I’ll be a few minutes.” Mo hugged Roddy and kissed him on the cheek. She watched him turn reluctantly and go. Her mind turned as she cleansed the rest of the makeup off her face.She looked at Lourdes Garcia with a smile. The woman was not a fool but she had no reason to mistrust Mo. â€Ĺ›I left my check in Roddy’s office,” Mo said with a touch of contrition. â€Ĺ›Do you mind?” Meese rolled his eyes. He was ready for his day to be done. â€Ĺ›I’ve got to get it in the mail, rent’s due, ya know?”â€Ĺ›Know the feeling.” Garcia fished out her keys and led the way. The coliseum was deserted. She heard Meese give a huff of impatience. Zack had said these were crack people so he must have something going for him. The security guard unlocked the door and flipped on a switch. The florescent light buzzed. Mo went around Roddy’s desk. It was just a hunch but didn’t cops work off of hunches all the time. She smiled at Garcia.â€Ĺ›Must be here somewhere.” She rifled through some stacks and wished she could think of an excuse to get on Roddy’s computer. Just as she felt that it had been too long she saw it. â€Ĺ›Oh, that’s right. Roddy said he left it in with my new insurance policy.” She pressed a large thick envelope to her breast. It simply said â€ĹšBurnham’ in red marker.Lourdes Garcia locked the office just as the driver came in looking for Mo. She was ready to be off her shift too. â€Ĺ›Goodnight, Ms. Whitman.”â€Ĺ›Goodnight Ms. Garcia, thank you.” Meese and the driver escorted her to the car. The excitement over the photograph had caused a minor delay in plans. The coliseum was crawling with cops and security. He had not been able to make the final arrangements. He had to admit that he had been regretting the way things had to be. She had been so beautiful, so triumphant. But, he soothed himself; his plan would make her as immortal as Persephone herself. He watched her leave with Meese and the driver. The only time she wasn’t protected was in the air. Her final flight would be soon. She would have to thank him for the eternal fame he was going to give her. She would beg for it before he was through. So the clown had left a nude picture of himself. Zack shook his head in disgust. He had created quite a hubbub but Mo was okay. Vince Smith had taken him back to the hotel after he’d made sure she was alright, though he hadn’t seen her. He thought about his last encounter with Mo as he lay in pain. Refusing to take more pain killers, his wounds hurt like hell but his headache had subsided. What an idiot. He had been unreasonable, he could see it now. She probably never wanted to see him again and he didn’t blame her. He had overreacted to her keeping the incident at his condo from him. He’d realized it as soon as his head cleared a little. But he knew the score from the look in her eyes. She had been filled with revulsion and fear at the sight of him. She had enjoyed a body that had been unblemished. Now he looked like a road map. He’d seen her reaction and could tell that she had almost thrown up at the sight of him. Now he was scarred and might never be able to use his arm normally again. He had heard good news but it seemed almost entirely meaningless now. Smith had said it was in the paper he was supposed to not only be completely exonerated in Ray’s death but was also going to receive a commendation for the bust of Bull Shaughnessy. Along with Duke Washington. Though he was glad Shaughnessy was off the force and the street, a woman had been killed. He drew in a sad breath and felt his life rolling hopelessly down its glum path. It had shone for a short time. Mo had breathed the desire for another kind of life into him. She didn’t want him now. She’d only felt sorry for him after he’d been hurt. He didn’t want her pity though now thinking of her he felt a hundred times worse. What a fool he’d made of himself. But regret did nothing to alter the facts. She had been repulsed by seeing the extent of his wounds. She could find herself a pretty boy with a snap of her fingers. He had never questioned her attraction for him having been so caught up in his for her. It had just been the circumstances. Extreme circumstances for each of them. They’d been thrown together and found comfort with each other for a brief time. He would have liked to think they might have found a way to be together. The more he’d thought about Roddy’s offer, the better he’d liked it. A whole new life. Travel. Money that, while nowhere near equal to Mo’s would be a much better balance. He wouldn’t feel like a hobo next to her. Not that she had judged him that way. Or had she? Was it just sex all along? Maybe she got herself a lover in every city. No. There was too much of the discoverer in her. She’d had some experience but she hadn’t known true passion. Or he was a bigger fool than he thought. Could she have fooled him completely? He’d known her for so short a time. Yet he had discovered things about himself as well because of her. Had he ever known true passion? Had he ever felt like his life would be nothing if he never saw a woman again? Had his head ever been so completely filled with every look or laugh or sigh? What was the difference between love and lust? He’d lusted plenty of times. It usually lost its appeal pretty quickly upon fulfillment. But he had been no lothario. He had been looking for the one. Even as he walked her down the aisle he knew Chelsey wasn’t the one. But he’d gone through the motions for a woman who could not be made happy. Her persistent dissatisfaction had already taken its toll. Their divorce began as soon as he slid the ring on her finger.Patricia. She had been more like a sister. Their shy and inexperienced loving had been bereft of passion. Their kisses familial. He may as well have patted her on the head when they were done. Mo had brought him something that altered his view of life. They had come together out of those strange, sad circumstances and he had found the passion he had searched for. Perhaps love was, after all, self delusion. Maybe he had deluded himself about her. Maybe he’d just had gotten starry eyed over an amazing and beautiful woman. Maybe he was just star struck like some stupid kid.Well, he’d find out. She was through with him and he’d been an ass and handed her a convenient excuse. He was better off. And he’d know it as soon as he stopped hurting so damned bad. The physical pain was nothing to the blade run through his heart. He’d never known this kind of pain. Maybe he’d be laughing about it in a month when he realized he could not be in love with a woman he’d known for weeks. Like in the romance novels his mom had always read. Not that he blamed her for reading them. It was a miracle she hadn’t killed herself a lot sooner, living with the old man. And she’d known him for years before they got married. Married. Been there done that. Mo married. To him. Now that’s a ridiculous thought. She sure wasn’t the type for the domestic scene. But he wasn’t interested in June Cleaver. She was a star. More importantly to her, an artist. Her focus was on her work as it should be. Everything else was a distraction. And distractions could be fatal.Zack wondered if Mo was in her room yet. Claude wouldn’t be wasting any time once he was out of the picture. Perfect looking Claude with his perfect body. He’d heard he was trying to get a date with Lourdes Garcia but he knew the French trapeze artist still wanted Mo. Why on earth would she want someone who might not be able to use his arm right again. He had been an interlude. He was forever blemished. Claude would be in hot pursuit in no time. The thought angered Zack. It filled him with heated jealousy. He wanted to hit something. He couldn’t even reach a pillow to throw it. He lay with his thoughts swirling in his head. He wanted to see her. Apologize. He’d beg for her forgiveness if he hadn’t seen the look on her face. Too late. She didn’t want him. She didn’t love him. She had used information about his father to anger him and drive him away. She couldn’t have hurt him any more if she’d been a hot bullet piercing his flesh. And she had been right on target.Mo curled up against the fat white pillows with the envelope. Thank god Meese was off duty. Les Moore was in the other bedroom. He was stiffly polite but at least lacked the smug demeanor of Meese. He had the air of a college grad destined for great things who had gone for good money in a field far beneath him. But he was smart, and he knew his job. Zack had told her he’d been Secret Service but schedule and travel had almost wrecked his marriage so he’d come home to Chicago. He kept a picture of three beautiful little mocha skinned girls taped to his laptop. He wore a Mickey Mouse watch. Zack had also told her he had been a Navy Seal. She felt like she was in good hands but she was wondering if she wouldn’t feel more comfortable with a woman in the other room. She knew she really wanted Zack. She turned her attention to the envelope. Mo opened it and slid out the contents. It looked like company business which she didn’t usually pay attention to. It was a proposal. She looked more closely. A plan for creating an in-house security department unfolded itself. It all seemed reasonable as she read on. A very good plan. She set the first page aside. â€Ĺ›â€™Security department to be headed by Zachary Burnhamâ€Ĺš if he accepts the positionâ€Ĺš as per Rodrigo D’Mario’s request. Compensation and Insurance benefitsâ€Ĺš will make all security personnel decisionsâ€Ĺšstart date as soon as possible pending recovery from present illness.’ And he accused me of keeping him in the dark. A solution to everything. A chance to be together, work together; and he didn’t tell me. She threw down the papers jumping up and pacing. Son of a bitch!” She wrapped her arms around herself.â€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman?” Moore’s quiet voice asked as he lightly knocked. â€Ĺ›I’mâ€Ĺš I’m okay. Stubbed my toe,” she lied. Oh so he wanted out. Fine! He could take his double standard and shove it up hisâ€Ĺš Could it have all been a show? Could a man make love to a woman the way he had then just cut himself off cold? Had men wondered the same thing about her? She excelled at the cutting it off part. Her job had always enabled her when it came to having to deal it the hurt party. Hadn’t she always made it clear in her few brief encounters that it was short term? The job came first. Dedication to the show paramount. She’d never said, â€Ĺ›God, I love you!” Liar. He lied to me too. Oh, that self righteous... She struggled for a word. Hurt blinded her to the reality of their short acquaintance. She didn’t wonder how he could need to consider the long term before committing her to having to deal with him beyond the present circumstances. She just felt betrayed by a hypocrite whose double standards were a glaring red flag. Now she knew. It was just as well. In another week they’d be gone and she’d get over him. How did one do that? Cling to the anger. That was the only way. Mo turned off the light and stared at the ceiling. Instead of clinging to her anger she put her hand out to the empty space beside her and imagined Zack breathing there until she fell asleep.The next day she had to keep reminding herself that she was angry as she looked for Zack to appear. Why would he? He was finished and had only been cajoled to return to Greendale to begin with. Misha grasped her ankles, his strong hands holding her securely. â€Ĺ›I don’t see Detective Burnham around, he okay?”â€Ĺ›He’s finished with this job. Guess he’s back where he belongs.” She did a triple to Claude. â€Ĺ›Where is your policeman, eh?” Claude threw her off to meet the empty trapeze thrown out by Deb. â€Ĺ›How’s Zack? I hope he’s feeling better.” Deb inquired with a sympathetic tone.Mo’s eyes flared. â€Ĺ›Can we concentrate on work?” Deb shrunk back. Uh oh. Mo raised her eyes to the ceiling of the coliseum for some support. Support from that quarter evaded her. â€Ĺ›What you do up there, Momo? Time for a break? Need a nap? Want me to read you a bedtime story?” Mo gritted her teeth in tightly sealed lips. She was off the platform in a second and on her way down the silk rope. â€Ĺ›Why didn’t you tell me about the new security plan, Roddy?” His Chihuahua eyes popped wide. He nervously smoothed a mustache. â€Ĺ›Company business. You no have need to know until implement.” He started to shout a direction at Goldstein and was cut off. â€Ĺ›You didn’t think I should know you offered Zack a job? Didn’t think that affected me?” Mo’s eyes shot flames of anger at the diminutive manager.â€Ĺ›How you know? Zack say he think about it. Why tell you unless he accept? He no accept. He call today and say no. We find someone else. Clear all up? Back to work.” Roddy shoved his nose up toward Mo’s face having regained a sense of authority. It wasn’t good to coddle the star in front of the company. Or let her get away with having a tantrum.â€Ĺ›He called. He said â€ĹšNo’”? Mo stood as if paralyzed but her lip quivered. â€Ĺ›Good. What about Les Moore?  He’s no halfwit, and he’s probably more qualified. Her tone was sharp but her large eyes watered. â€Ĺ›Zack Burnham is a hypocrite and a liar and you’re a liar and all men are liars! And idiots!” She stomped off toward her dressing room as Roddy sadly watched.Damn him. Damn him. Why did she feel this way? Angry. Yes she was angry at Zack and Roddy and the whole lot of their nasty, lying, double standarded, sex. If she didn’t see Zack soon she was going to go insane. Well, he was long gone. Maybe Cherrie Something was nursing his wounds for him. Oh, Zack. How was he? Why had he become so angry with her? Well she’d seen enough of that temper hadn’t she. And the notch comment? Who was really carving the notch on their bedpost? He’d seemed so sincere. Mo took a deep breath. Well that’s it. She’d never see him again. Their little dream world had been crushed under reality’s brutal heel. She knew it would be so why the surprise. She had suspended her innate realism for a taste of unrestrained hope. If she could spit her heart out on the floor she’d squash it underfoot if it would just stop the pain of no longer having that hope. Hell with it. Work is all there is. How many people did she know of that were truly happy, anyway?  Refuge? What a joke. Enough of the pity party. She turned toward the door. She would work and she would triumph and she would produce her Egyptian show and he could read about it in the papers. She braced herself for the future and went back to work.FourteenZack woke up before dawn with a pillow clutched to his chest with his good arm. He’d fallen asleep with the lamp on. In the dim light the blank ceiling was like a mirror of the blankness he felt inside. Suddenly everything rushed in and the blank ceiling was a screen on which he projected every minute he’d had with Mo. He felt pinned to the bed by a weight on his chest. His breath came in gasps as he tried to swallow the lump in his throat. He had let go emotionally and found himself in the worst pain of his life. It made no sense. He could reason himself out of this. He was stronger than this. When he went to move the pain in his clavicle shot through him. It was a welcome distraction. His side ached like a choir of sons a bitches. Nothing, nothing like the ache in his chest. He tossed the pillow away. He had gotten himself into this and he would have to deal with it. He could deal with it. He managed to rise and looked around the small single room. Gingerly he made coffee. All the exercise he had given his wounds was making him pay. But he wasn’t bleeding. That was something. His head was getting clearer as he thought about the next steps to take. The clearer his head got the more his chest ached. He poured a cup with a shaky hand.First things first. Call Dino to come get his ass. Call Roddy and turn down the job. Cut it off cold. It’s what she would want. Being the â€Ĺšwork comes first’ type. Being the perfection of the body type. Sure, physical perfection was part of her business. The biggest part. They were athletes first. Their artistry was built on that foundation. If she couldn’t handle a man who’d been sewn together like a Frankenstein monster, who could blame her. If she didn’t want a man who may have lost perfect function of his body, came with the territory. He just didn’t want to believe it, that was all. â€Ĺ›After what I saw last nightâ€Ĺšâ€ť Well you saw it and it’s today’s reality and tomorrow’s and forever’s. She was done with him. He’d been such a jerk anyway. Didn’t he deserve it for the way he’d talked to her? Yeah, she’s gonna jump right on the cranky freak who insults her. If only he could apologize. Not that it would change anything. But could she at least forgive him for being a jerk when he’d been doped up and in pain? Would she understand that he had been angry out of fear for her? He had been lucky to have any chance at all with her. Lucky him. He knew things couldn’t last but he had told himself, â€Ĺ›somehow, somehow.” Then the offer from the company. Well, she didn’t know about that. At least he hadn’t committed himself to something he’d have to backpedal on. Roddy should offer the job to someone more experienced anyway. Not someone his star was personally involved with. She was probably at the coliseum striving for the perfection that consumed her. The old lady had certainly pounded that into her head. Perfection. No less. He had deluded himself that there was room for him in her life. He had been a distraction from the get go. From grief and fear and pain. Then he’d been on a little holiday. He’d cut that short himself the day he went with Al to bust Bull Shaughnessy. He couldn’t regret what he’d done. He could only regret the hope for something deeper and more permanent. He’d never allow himself that again. Even if she came begging, he’d never let go like that again. It hurt too damn much. Well that was easy to say, he told himself, when he knew damn well she wasn’t going to come begging.The performers in the show had all allowed their feet to be compared to the mold made of the partial footprint left on Zack Burnham’s terrace. Six men with the show could have been the person who left the print. Al Simpson looked at the plaster of Paris cast on his desk and drummed a pencil. They could all account for their whereabouts. Goldstein had been on Long Island. He had credit card receipts for the trip in his car. Haaken Bergkvist, was brand new. He’d stayed to rehearse with Deborah Morton so was here during the show’s brief hiatus. But he’d only joined the show after Ling Wong’s murder, coming fresh from Sweden. Fire eater â€ĹšAntoine’, his legal name, and a couple other big footers had solids.Misha Severinsky had flown up to Montreal. Records showed he had boarded and gotten off the plane. He said he stayed in his apartment and drank and slept for the duration of his break. There had been nothing to tie him to the Wong murder. A maid said she had seen him. He let her clean his room while he was in the shower at roughly the time of the murder. Damn, everyone else had been cleared. There was that sketchy two hours the clown said he’d been sleeping in the men’s dressing room. But no evidence there. Unfortunately sliminess was not evidence of guilt. Maybe Lincoln Harris had come back to town. The DA said he didn’t have enough to press charges and the guy was no sucker. He hadn’t even flinched when Al had threatened him with the death penalty. He hadn’t cared what happened to him. He had cried about the girl and Al had grudgingly believed him despite what anyone else had thought he’d been thinking at the time. Could the guy be that good? He even said he forgave Al for what Al had to do. It would have been so much simpler if he really thought the guy guilty. It bugged him the missing running outfit had not been found. Severinsky said he was in the gym. Saw Harris with a bath robe over his sweats. That was odd. Severinsky when to the gym after his shower? Hmmm. Harris was skinny but long all over. His shoe was probably custom. Eighteen at the very least. Too big. Al looked at the plaster of Paris shoe sole he had propped on his home office desk. He knew all about big feet.Now Trollie the clown made his living wearing shoes too big for his feet. Could the guy wear shoes several sizes too big and climb twelve stories. Seemed unlikely. The witness said the climber was tall. Middle of the night, sleepy, and possibly stoned. Not exactly reliable. But this was no coincidental human fly. The person had skills of the type utilized by the circus. He had clearly targeted Burnham’s condo. Too bad the little clown had skated. He had a history of assault accusations in B.C. Police in Vancouver informed him the little clown, Walter Jones to the company, real name Atlas Hollenbeck, had had several suits against him for inappropriate contact with several women who were patients at his psychiatric practice. A fucking psychiatrist of all things. No charges were filed for lack of evidence but his license had been yanked. He was a groper and freely admitted he frequented prostitutes. He’d said some very unpleasant things to Monica Whitman at the airport. But he had gotten on the plane. Could he, or Severinsky, for that matter, have come back to Chicago on the sly?Was the clown playing a sick joke on Ms. Whitman or did he have a twisted need to expose himself to her that indicated an even more deeply disturbed nature?  It was a nasty joke from a nasty man. Either way he was trying to prove something. The round heel from West Grand said he had wanted to tie her up. She said another fifty bucks, he said no deal. It was sleazy, but maybe not a compulsion. Gonna find that man and when he doesâ€Ĺšâ€ť But his gut said it wasn’t the clown. Al looked at the clock. He’d burned the midnight oil then woke early, lying beside his sleeping wife in the dim morning light, thinking. Burnham might be awake. Poor fuck was shot up and heartbroken. He groaned at the impulse to go over to the hotel and check on him. Now he knew he was getting soft in his old age. He climbed gently out of bed. â€Ĺ›You stare at that plaster shoe sole all night?” Dolores turned toward Al with a sleepy look, her short gray hair disheveled. â€Ĺ›Go back to sleep baby, Libby’s bringing the kid’s over ain’t she?” He slipped into his trousers. â€Ĺ›You’re gonna need the rest.”â€Ĺ›She wants to shop for new school clothes for the kids. She’s taking Chloe and leaving the babies here. Try to be back for dinner. They want to see their grandfather. I want to see their grandfather.” She reached out a hand.Al leaned over and took it, brushing his lips on the knuckles. â€Ĺ›You gonna sentence me to hard labor if I’m late, Judge?”Dolores chuckled. â€Ĺ›I’m retired. When are you gonna retire for real?”â€Ĺ›I’m thinkin’ real soon, baby. Real soon.” He watched his wife pull a pillow over her head. She mumbled, â€Ĺ›That’ll be the day.”Zack opened the door and stared into Al’s big dark face. â€Ĺ›What now?” He left the door open and sat cautiously on a chair.â€Ĺ›You’re in a crappy mood, Burnham.” Al strolled over to the coffee pot and helped himself. â€Ĺ›Pain any better?”â€Ĺ›Jesus, Simpson, do you really have room to talk? Its eight thirty o’clock on a Sunday morning. I’ve been around you too long, but my work is done here. I’m going home.” Zack’s bag was on the bed. â€Ĺ›I got comp coming. I’m going to lie around and heal. Okay, I’m going to lie around and drink. Hopefully healing will occur.”â€Ĺ›You got it bad, son. You think I don’t know about that? She kick you out the door or are you just stubborn?” Al thudded onto the other chair with the coffee.â€Ĺ›She didn’t exactly kick me, but she let me know in no uncertain terms that I was no longerâ€Ĺšahâ€Ĺšwhat she looked for in a man. Who could blame her? Yeah, I was an ass. No surprise to you, eh, Al? If we’re suddenly buddies I may as well confess it. I was a total ass.” Zack pulled the large envelope out of the bag, â€Ĺ›Wanna job?” He tossed it into the wastebasket.â€Ĺ›What’s that?” Al twisted in the chair. He slopped some coffee on his tie with a curse.â€Ĺ›Job offer. From La Cirque du Celestial. They want to form in house security. They, or I should say Rodrigo D’Mario, wants me to head it up.”â€Ĺ›How’s the money?” Al hid his near smile in a sip.â€Ĺ›You thinking about a career change.”â€Ĺ›My wife always made the better money. Now she’s retired, got a pension. I got my CPD pension and I do all right here. Just curious.”Zack snorted. â€Ĺ›Hard to see you as a family guy, Al. One eighty a year. Bennies out the wahzoo. And a percentage in company stock. They’ll be looking for someone.”â€Ĺ›I would say Les Moore’s a good choice but he’s been offered a partnership in his current firm. He doesn’t wanna travel. Maybe they were thinking of how much money they’d save if you shack up with the star.”â€Ĺ›Have your laugh, Al. I’m outta here today. But I do have something I wanna run by you. Could be nothingâ€Ĺšâ€ťAl interrupted him. â€Ĺ›You may have your own people in mind but let me give you a piece of advice. Hire Gary Lao if you can. Small, but former special forces. World contender black belt. Don’t look surprised, I checked up on all of â€Ĺšem. It would have to be top dollar but he’s top flight.” He paused while Zack snorted with disgust. Al could read his â€Ĺšain’t gonna happen’ look a mile away. He continued anyway. â€Ĺ›Talk to Lourdes Garcia. I offered her a job but she said no, she didn’t wanna be cop. Too limiting she said. Ha. She has a CJ degree and did some time at Loyola Law. Left to go to Iraq. Signed up. She was in a blast that killed everyone in the jeep she was in but her. She was a sharp shooter and an MP. Like you she can wear refrigerator magnets if they ever get fashionable, but she’s tough. She’s single so can travel. She deserves a better opportunity.”â€Ĺ›Why are you telling me this? Tell Roddy.” Zack zipped his bag. â€Ĺ›Look, my friend Dino is going to be here in a few minutes. So listen. I got up early and started thinking about what happened at my condo. There are only so many people it could be. Misha Severinsky is one of them. I’ve checked his return flight back from Montreal and he wasn’t on it. I checked all the other flights for the several days before that and no dice. He was seen back here morning of the day the new run started. That Friday. He didn’t fly back on his return ticket. He could’ve come back at any time. I checked everything, all the airlines. Nothing. But Al, the guy has always given me a strange feeling. He’s like a puppy dog with Mo but I’ve seen him look at her in what I thought was kind of a, well, calculating way.”â€Ĺ›We all know what we’re calculating when we’re around a beautiful woman, Burnham. He’s around your girl all the time, why wouldn’t he have done something if he wanted to. And the maidâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›Yeah, yeah the maid.” Zack rubbed his stubble. He’d forgotten his pain while his mind worked the problem.  â€Ĺ›I’m grasping. I’m gonna have to go. Al, keep an eye on Mo, would ya? I’ll see ya at Bull’s trial if he doesn’t cop.â€Ĺ›He won’t cop. By the way, I’m gonna take a closer look at Misha Severinsky. You in? I talked to the housekeeper again. She never laid eyes on him.”Zack froze for a moment. â€Ĺ›What the fuck?”â€Ĺ›She heard his voice. She was rattled by the murder and didn’t think about it. She cleans a lot of rooms. But later she contacted the department and said she’d thought it very strange. She’d keyed the door. No sign. She called out. Heard the shower and called asking if she could clean. He said â€ĹšSure, okay!’ and started singing. He shouted out some more. The way he talked sounded strange to her. We thought she must mean his accent; anyway it went in the file. It seemed clear he was in the room. She realized later she thought she’d seen him but had mixed him up with another man. Somehow that statement got lost in the shuffle. I just came across it this morning. You with me, or you going back under?” Zack was squeezing his eyes shut in pain or in thought, Al wasn’t sure.The camera on Misha’s floor had been broken at the time of the murder. Maintenance had gotten a work order to replace it but the work hadn’t been done. It was broken before the performers had even shown up for the run. Al rubbed his jowl. They’d been over this territory. The show had been in New Orleans before Chicago. With a ten day break in between. They’d all long since had had their room reservations. So maybe he showed up early and sapped the camera. Zack frowned as he sat with the maintenance records. The camera on 14 E had gone out around the time of Ling Wong’s murder. The security guard monitoring the screens said it has been flickering a lot for several days so he was not alarmed when it went out. The company had shown up four days before the first show. Enough time to screw with a camera if you had a plan. â€Ĺ›I haven’t found any flights to Chicago under Severinsky’s name. We need to get into his room.” Zack held his side.Al could see the pain in his eyes but the young idiot wouldn’t take so much as an aspirin. He wasn’t going to tell him how like his father that was. â€Ĺ›Every room has been turned upside down. You’re right. This guy’s pretty slippery and he may have learned a few tricks from his father who was involved in trying to boot the Russians out of the Ukraine. Wound up having to flee the country when the side he supported turned out to be just as corrupt as the Russians. If my information’s right he knows a thing or two about false papers and dodging nasty government thugs. Now that Ukraine is its own country, young Severinsky fancies himself a Chechnyan sympathizer.â€Ĺ›You have been busy. He’s got the tattoos to prove where his sympathies lie. Though I don’t see that being a connection to all this. Though it might indicate a tendency toward obsession, or fanaticism.” Zack looked at Al and took a deep breath. â€Ĺ›Vince Smith can get us in. I’ll get a pass key. He’s up to his neck in shit already and afraid Whitney’s gonna yank his plush rug out from under him.”â€Ĺ›My money’s on Ben-Ghury. Bedlow only has his job because of Smith and she’d do the yanking with zero remorse. Vince is already history. Heard it from the mayor.”â€Ĺ›Tyler?” â€Ĺ›My mayor. She is an actual mayor, you know.”â€Ĺ›Bet you don’t â€Ĺšlittle lady’ her. I’m gonna go find Smith.”Al slipped the key in the slot. The green light came on and in they went. There had been some argument from Smith but he wasn’t about to stand up to Al. Maybe he figured he’d need a job soon. They had made sure Misha was at the coliseum. Yet they felt it was a long shot. The guy would have to be very stupid to have any evidence in his room especially since it had been searched twice before. But arrogance has led to stupidity many times. They had Harve Graver questioning the maid yet again with a translator, since Al wasn’t sure that his Spanish was good enough at seven in the morning to not Ms. anything. They hoped they were on the right track.Zack looked at his watch. They had waited until the Sunday matinee show would be close to starting to guarantee Severinsky wouldn’t be coming back. They didn’t want the guy to panic and do something stupid. They looked in all the places the police would have looked in the aftermath of the murder and after the man had appeared in Mo’s bathroom window. One thing they knew, it was a performer with the show. No one had seen Misha in Montreal during the break. Apparently the man was more talented than anyone had guessed. Turns out he had been a mechanical genius in high school and had only gone into the circus as the outlet for a rebellious streak. Zack guessed it ran in the family. â€Ĺ›Let’s pull the registers. Bet your boys shined a light in and went for donuts.” Al gave Zack an annoyed look and pulled out a Swiss army knife. â€Ĺ›This is fruit of the poisoned tree, Burnham. You got the nerve?” He worked the Phillips head as Zack looked around. He tilted pictures and found the wall safe. He had it open in no time finding two thousand dollars in cash and three passports. â€Ĺ›Look.” He held the passports in a fan. â€Ĺ›Let’s see last time these were stamped. Bingo. Here’s a stamp from the night the plane landed in Monty. In the name of Ivan Goshinsky. Dude was making tracks. Crossed the border from Sault Saint Marie into Michigan by car at ten thirty four p.m. That’s hell of a distance from Monty.” â€Ĺ›Not if he flew there from Monty. Get on that fancy phone of yours and find out when planes fly from Montreal to Sault Ste. Marie. See what you can find for that Sunday. He coulda been here in what, seven, eight hours from the border driving? I don’t see him biding his time once Ms. Whitman baled on the flight.” Al pulled out the register. Nothing. He went to work on another one. Zack downloaded an app and got info on flights between the two cities. â€Ĺ›Monty to Sault Ste. Marie. Port Marie Express landed 8:46. Just over an hour flight. Maybe he had dinner before crossing the border. Maybe he rented a car.”â€Ĺ›Maybe not. Call Harve. Have â€Ĺšim call Monteal police and run registrations in all those names. Bet he had a car there already.” Al snorted in disgust at the second empty register. He looked around and eyed the wall safe. It had just had a few inconsequential papers in it during the search. Oddly to Zack, Al sniffed a loud sniff and took a closer look.While Zack talked to Harve he narrowed his eyes at Al as the big man reached into the safe. He held the money a moment then set it aside. He drew the papers out, keeping them carefully in order. He felt around the safe as Zack watched, eyebrows raised. He flipped out the blade of the Swiss army knife. He started prying at the bottom of the safe. It wasn’t steel or drywall but dark grey painted plywood. Severinsky had altered the safe. Zack’s phone rang. â€Ĺ›A hit! Car registered to one Ivan Goshinsky. Address matches Severinsky’s in Montreal. Our guy’s not as smart as he thinks.”    â€Ĺ›Dumb and dangerous; it’s worked before.” Bits of plywood scattered as Al worked at the bottom of the safe. After a couple minutes he pulled up the false bottom. It had an eyebolt attached to it. Zack saw Al pull at a long red ribbon which was attached to the eyebolt. Up came a plastic bag with what looked like a few curls from a long black wig hanging out. It was attached to the ribbon of cloth with a black tension clip. Up came a canvas bag. Last was an expansion rod with its own smaller red ribbon attached. â€Ĺ›I thought I smelled paint. Smells like the spray paint I used on my lawn chairs.” â€Ĺ›Son of a bitch,” Zack said as Al pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket. The canvas bag held a housekeeper’s uniform and a pass key. It also held a small but expensive looking tape recorder and some tools including a socket wrench. Al turned on the tape recorder. â€Ĺ›Sure!” The sound of a shower with singing. Then the flush of a toilet. â€Ĺ›Okay!” More singing and a shower door closing. â€Ĺ›Go ahead!” Operatic singing going to a hum. More singing while the shower ran.â€Ĺ›You want to convince a housekeeper you’re in the shower? Just leave the â€Ĺšdo not disturb’ sign off and hit play. Must have lifted the key in advance. Used the wig and uniform to go to Ms. Whitman’s room without being noticed.” Al put it all back into the wall. â€Ĺ›Harve and Simmons can search once they have the warrant. Between the maid’s statement and Severinsky not being on his return flight I’m sure we’ll get one. Your lucky day Burnham you won’t have to eat the poisoned fruit after all.”â€Ĺ›Never did have a taste for it. Hey, you ever notice housekeepers?” â€Ĺ›Maybe you’re getting your brain back, Burnham, who does?”Persephone flew through the air twirling the flaming batons. She offers fire to fire. Hades took the gifts and set them aside prepared to consummate their love. They descended into hell, the flames wavering to the haunting song. On the various stages the demons dance with joy. On the trapeze Demeter, mother of Persephone, mourns and calls out to her daughter. Zeus throws thunderbolts at Hades.But the happy queen arises inflamed by Hades dark kiss. She is a queen. The Bride of Hell. She does a dance of fire. Hades burns with his desire for her. Persephone cannot give up her love even for all the gods of Olympus. He has breathed fire into her. She has breathed life into him. Mo had done her best to focus but felt her performance was stilted. She could not get Zack off her mind. She was worried and had avoided answering questions about his condition all day. He’d not shown up. Had not come to the arena. Her sadness had sucked the energy out of her. She felt weighted every time she flew through the air. No one seemed to notice. She watched Roddy do Trollie’s bit while Sally and Betty changed her. He had donned a demon suit and stabbed at the flame shooting at his back end with the trident. He subdued one flame and started to make his way across the cable on a unicycle. Another would shoot up to torment him. He seemed to be enjoying himself but she was worried about him. Luciana gone back to New York in another huff and the Italian was concealing his feelings about it. She planned on trying to pump him after the show. It was about time to stop dwelling on her own dramas and get back in cinque with the people who had been her family for the past ten years. â€Ĺ›Hey, Deb, good job.” Mo encouraged Deb as Betty adjusted the circlet of fire. â€Ĺ›When we get to D.C., Sunday is all yours. You feel good with Haaken?”â€Ĺ›Yeah, Mo. Thanks. Whose with me?” Deb smiled as she watched Mo. Their relationship had warmed.â€Ĺ›Roddy has hired a woman named Terese Le Fevre. She’ll be your Demeter for the Sunday show. She’ll be here Tuesday to put in some rehearsal before D.C.” Mo pushed Betty’s hand away.”That’s good, thanks.” Roddy had finally tangled himself in the cable and brought down the house.â€Ĺ›I know you been through a lot, Mo. I just want ya to know how grateful I am for all your help. I hope Zack is okay. Oh. There’s the music.” â€Ĺ›Let’s get back out there.” Mo took her position with the devil himself. The trapeze rose from the flames as the hot lights captured the royal couple. They did their mating dance while the denizens of Hades celebrated with a banquet of fire. Persephone removes the fierce mask of Hades and finds he has taken the form of a man to mate with her. â€Ĺ›So you finish with the policeman?” Claude gave her a lurid grin.Mo snorted as her lips met his for the kiss that would seal the bargain. â€Ĺ›Don’t get any ideas.” Her head hurt. She wanted to go down to Zack’s place. But she wanted to give him time to think about things. Mo and Claude twined like snakes and did their dance. Flying in the red glittering costumes. The dazzling new move she had been working on was coming up. She would be swung from Misha in his Zeus costume to Claude. Then do a triple to Haaken and a do a quadruple back to Claude. She would be the first female aerialist to complete a quadruple somersault on the trapeze. She found her heart wasn’t in it. She wasn’t rested and focused as she should be. She could always just do the triple and eat crow. Advertising had created anticipation. It was her call though. She could issue an apology for the excited expectation of the audience. She would signal her intention before she made the move. No, I won’t wait. I can do it. I can do it.Misha waited on the stand to make his move. He looked over at the box where Mayor Tyler sat with the mayor of Greendale and a few other guests. How nice of him to come see the show again, Misha thought. He had almost changed his mind but after seeing Mo mope about the cop all day he was fed up. She had run to him before, it wasn’t going to happen again. He leapt and crossed with Deb landing on the other platform and watched Mo and Claude. Heat came up his neck and burned his ears while he watched them kiss. He did his moves as Zeus then grabbed another trapeze and did his turns landing back on the platform. It was almost time. He felt the bag concealed in his costume, which had a loose fitting tunic top. Through the fabric of it he felt the small rectangular box. He gave the arena a good long look as he hurled more lighting. Zack and Al rushed into the coliseum. Al had called for backup and arranged for security to assist when they arrested Misha Severinsky after the show. Zack’s head was much clearer and his concern for making sure Mo or anyone was in danger had pumped adrenalin into his system staving off pain and exhaustion. They had proof that Misha had crossed the border at Sault Ste. Marie into the States the same night he landed in Montreal. He had taken a plane to the border city using the name on one of his passports. Further checking into his background had found he’d been a person of interest in the disappearance of a former girlfriend when he’d worked at a small time circus in Saskatchewan. The big snag was the murder weapon. Zack wasn’t betting Misha would just give it up. Harve had gotten the DA away from his cook out to get a warrant for the search of Misha’s room. Graver and Simmons were probably having their bingo moment even as Al and Zack got Roddy’s attention. â€Ĺ›What you say? Misha?” Roddy’s eyes bulged. â€Ĺ›Mo! He want to hurt Mo?”â€Ĺ›Stay calm, Mr. D’Mario. No reason to believe she’s in imminent danger but he’s our guy. We need to let things proceed normally. After the show, tell him you need to see him in your office. We want him away from Ms. Whitman in case he panics before we’ve got him. But I don’t think he has a clue we’re on to him.”Zack put a hand on Roddy’s shoulder. â€Ĺ›Roddy, we need you to be cool and calm,” Zack affirmed. â€Ĺ›You just need to chat about his part.”â€Ĺ›No, no, he never buy that.” Roddy eyed Zack. â€Ĺ›You let me get him to office. Then you and me, we talk, Zack.” He crossed his arms with a huff. â€Ĺ›I’m going to talk to the mayors. We’ll want them and as many people out of the arena as possible before we bag Severinsky.” Al started to leave Zack to get the security people in place. He turned back with another order. â€Ĺ›Stay out of Severinsky’s sight. No sense in getting him riled. Here’s Harve now,” he answered his phone. â€Ĺ›It’s a go.” Zack and Les Moore got everyone in place to secure Mo and others while the Greendale police positioned themselves for the arrest. When Roddy got Misha in his office Lourdes Garcia would ask to see Roddy a moment and get him out of the way. It was hard to believe Misha was armed in his costume but anything was possible. Clearly he was unbalanced and dangerous. He was also clever and had gone to great lengths in pursuit of his sick agenda.With Les Moore’s team in position, Zack took an elevator up to the top tier of the coliseum. He wanted to keep an eye on Misha and Mo until the show was over. He watched Persephone do her dance with the devil obscured by a column.Misha looked with satisfaction at the full house he had for his last spectacular performance. He would be the star now with Mo. His name forever entwined with hers. They would be remembered for the blazing glory of their departure from the world. He would let Mo have her last triumph. The quadruple. His gift to her. Then it was he and Mo together forever.See if they laugh at him now the way that girl had laughed at him in Saskatchewan. She’d called him second rate. He had proved her wrong. Too bad she’d never know it. But Mo would know better. Mo would know that there was nothing he feared and he would do anything to have her forever. What more could a woman want?Mo brought all her focus into single pinpoint of will. Although she had practiced repeatedly, this now live quadruple in front of fifteen thousand people would be her defining moment as an aerialist. It would be the triumph that would carry her into the history of her field. She could not hesitate. Could not fail. Claude swung out, his leotard sparkling flames. In this she could trust. The skill of her partner. Her own ability. The continuity of the world she was a part of. It was all that mattered and she would not fail. â€Ĺ›Kisses Gram.” A flash of Zack in her mind was shoved deep down. Concentration. Now.She sailed through the air, her body light, fluid and free. One turn, two, three, and four, spinning so fast it was almost like a blur to those watching in awe. Her hands locked on Claude’s wrists, his on hers as they swung to the roar of the audience. Applause filled the air as they swung. Mo somersaulted to another bar. Mayor Gerald Tyler of Chicago sat with Mayor Lauren Brody of Greendale and watched transfixed from their premium suite with the best view in the house. Like the other members of the audience they were on their feet cheering the astounding feat that had been advertised all over their cities bringing them reflected glory. They shook hands and congratulated each other as if they themselves had been up on that trapeze.Al Simpson watched from outside the Mayor’s box. With a child’s wonder in his eyes he watched Mo perform her historic feat with his heart thumping. For a moment he forgot his purpose there as he watched her fantastic form spin unfettered. It took the deafening applause to rattle him back to the present. He set his mouth with determination and opened the door.Claude went back to the platform and let her stand alone on her trapeze and revel in her moment. He was proud of her. Bursting with pride in her. All eyes were on her. And he knew why she was the star. Now the last descent before Persephone’s rise into Earthly spring. Mo was almost lightheaded from her joy. She had done it! The crowd stood, cheering and clapping. It was as if thunder filled the huge arena. She took it in. â€Ĺ›Thanks Gram.” She looked at Claude and nodded, his pride was evident. She smiled and gave the trapeze the thrust to meet him for the final descent to Hell.Claude stood prepared to fly to Mo. The stage would darken while they descended. Red lights would focus on them as the other worldly keening welcomed them to the bowels of Hades. Then Persephone would arise alone into the sweet, cool spring of paradise. Zeus was in place on the platform; the concerned father who will threaten Hades a last time for the theft of his beloved daughter. He watched as Claude prepared to fly out for his last dance with Mo. Without hesitation he made his move.Zack had known that Mo had been working on perfecting her quadruple. It had worried him but he had never mentioned that worry. Like him, she had a job to do. Every precaution was taken but the inherent danger was always there. He watched her from his place on the top tier. There was a web of rigging for the aerial show above and in front of him. Cables, ropes, rings and zip lines. He had to look through them to see Mo. See her he did as she executed her spectacular quadruple as easily as a bird takes wing. His chest heaved out a long breath and he realized he’d been holding it. He watched the audience go insane as Mo swung standing on the trapeze. This was her world. This was where she belonged. This was the culmination of a lifetime of work. He swelled with pride for her. But that pride was checked by the gloomy realization that this was his goodbye. â€Ĺ›I love you, Mo,” he whispered. He needed to get back downstairs. He turned to do so but couldn’t help but take a last look. He was shocked by what he saw. Misha crashed into Claude so unexpectedly the Frenchman lost his balance and fell to the net. Most of the audience was unsure whether this was part of the show but repeaters gasped; certain something was wrong. By the time Claude was bouncing on the net below, Misha was reaching out to Mo, whose realization of the change came mid-air. â€Ĺ›Misha? Where’s Clauâ€Ĺšâ€ť Mo prepared for her next move automatically. It didn’t come. Misha kept her gripped and with amazing strength pulled her up to the bar.â€Ĺ›Hold the bar, there’s trouble, Mo. I will protect you. Hold on.” She grasped the bar. Misha turned himself and in one smooth move cuffed Mo’s right wrist to the bar with handcuffs. â€Ĺ›Misha what are you doing?” She panicked, reaching at the handcuffs with her other hand and found herself hanging, painfully by the handcuffs. Mo managed to grip with her cuffed hand again and swung the other up to the bar. With amazing agility, Misha had maneuvered into a standing position.â€Ĺ›A little change in the ending of the story. Great job by the way. You’ll always be remembered.” He looked around; the audience had been stunned to silence. He pulled a wireless mike out of his leotard and turned it on while Mo tried to struggle free of the cuff. â€Ĺ›Ladies and Gentlemen!” His voice boomed in the sound system. Now you have seen the great Monica Whitman perform her greatest feat you should know you also have the privilege of witnessing her last performance. Stay put!” he pulled the box from beneath his tunic. Nobody leaves or five bombs will go off beneath five sections. One could be yours!” The audience gasped, a few people screamed, nobody moved. Misha was satisfied he had their full attention. â€Ĺ›Little Momo. Is that what Claude called you? Roddy? What did Linc call you in bed? What did the cop call you?” He watched her struggle kicking her legs up to grab the bar with them. The handcuffs wouldn’t let her hand move. Misha swung a kick at her foot as she tried to put it over the bar. â€Ĺ›You’re with me now.  And I call you â€ĹšWHORE!’” He was prepared. Everything had come together just as planned. He crouched on the swing holding the cable with one hand. The black box was attached to a lanyard around his neck. â€Ĺ›You said your costume felt itchy, remember?” He looked in her eyes. Her apparent fear almost changed his mind. Almost. â€Ĺ›Mine too. A little thermite, sulfur, acid. Sorry about the discomfort. It won’t last long. You know it’s time you burned with me. You’ve burned with everyone else. The whole world. Everyone but me. I’m the one who loves you. Enough to make you a true immortal.” He suddenly had a lighter in his hand. â€Ĺ›Want to watch the Queen of Hell burn?” His voice echoed in the silent arena. You can watch her burn in Hell. She will burn with me! I am King of Hell now. I am a God!” He dropped down and held the bar facing Mo. â€Ĺ›I will purge you of all your sins. All it takes is a spark Mo and we will be together forever.” He hooked a cable from his waist to the bar with a carabiner. He wanted to make sure he would not fall if he needed both hands. And he needed both hands for the one, the only, fiery embrace he would know with Mo.With incredible speed Mo shot her legs around Misha’s waist and squeezed with all the strength she possessed. His eyes widened stunned with her movement and at her strength. He could only fight her with one hand without finding himself swinging by his short safety line. He held on tenuously and had to let the lighter fall. â€Ĺ›I’ll blow it up, Mo; it will be your fault.” Mo stopped struggling. She loosened her grip. She knew she had been defeated. Misha ripped the mike loose and let it drop. â€Ĺ›We’re all alone, Mo.”â€Ĺ›What do you want, Misha?” Mo tried not to scream the words. â€Ĺ›You call me a whore. Then why would you want me? What do you want?”â€Ĺ›Just you. An eternity with you. We can be happy now. All is forgiven, my love. I’ve waited to kiss you for so long. We should not leave this world without a kiss.” He put his strong hand around her neck. Her shoulders were throbbing with pain.â€Ĺ›You dropped your lighter. You can still stop this. You don’t need to hurt these people. I’m sorry I angered you. I always cared. I always cared about you, Misha. Get rid of thatâ€Ĺšâ€ť she looked at the detonator, â€Ĺ›I’ll do whatever you say. I always cared.”â€Ĺ›You love me?” He hesitated. But he was prepared. He flicked a lighter in her face. â€Ĺ›You can prove it now. Kiss me. We’ll show them all our love.”  He focused on the mouth he’d dreamed of. Yes, they would end it with a kiss. Body in pain, Mo shivered. Blood ran from the cuffed wrist. She stared into Misha’s eyes and knew he would not turn back. Suddenly she saw her triumph, Gram scolding and praising her to perfection, and a last flash of regret for what she might have had with Zack. Zack. She closed her eyes.Misha closed in for the kiss. He was ready. Her sweet mouth would be the last thing he’d ever know. He put his thumb on the roll switch of the lighter. The spark might set off the detonator but such was life. They would leave the world in flames.He shouted with shock at the burn that raked the back of his neck. In astonishment he glimpsed where the detonator had hung and saw it bounce just a little on the net. He growled in fury then pain as Mo kneed him in the scrotum. His fist was tight around the lighter but he was too stunned to flick on the flame. He swung that fist at Mo’s face but she kicked at him again. The fist glanced off her cheek. He reached a huge strong hand toward her. He dropped the lighter but his hand was on her throat. Mo knew she had gotten the detonator away but she would stop breathing soon. She struggled flailing and kicking as Misha tried to crush her wind pipe. Blood was dripping down her arm. The pain of her shoulders was obliterated by the one in her throat. Her eyes fluttered as her vision blurred. She was vaguely aware of people screaming but unaware of the panicked exodus below. The rush of blood pounding in her ears took over. She didn’t really feel anything now. Her mind had taken her somewhere else. She had surrendered to the end. But sound and pain rushed back as Misha’s crushing hand let go. Mo gasped in air startled at being yanked back into the world. She shook her head trying to clear it. She opened her eyes to an amazing sight. Zack stood on the trapeze above Mo and Misha. He stomped repeatedly into the Ukrainian’s face. Misha tried to pull Zack by the other leg but his hand missed the bar as Zack stomped again. Finally, Misha grabbed Zack’s ankle. He yanked at it but lost his grip. He reached for it again at the same time he tried to fend off the blows with his other hand. Mo did the only thing she could think of as she realized Zack’s danger. She reached out through the pain and fog. Her strength was almost gone as she reached for the carabiner. It took everything she had to unclip it from the bar. Zack watched Misha fall toward the net. He reached down toward Mo but almost lost his balance. His right side was covered in blood. He couldn’t stay on the bar any longer. It had taken everything in him to hold onto the zip line, then the trapeze and do what he could to stop Misha from choking her to death. He would have shot him except for fear for Mo and others. He had stood helplessly by. Then he had launched himself with a fury onto the zip line. The pain had been excruciating. He had stopped the madman. But Mo wasn’t safe yet. He couldn’t get to the handcuff. He wouldn’t be able to get it off. He couldn’t haul her up. He saw Mo’s strength ebbing. There was too much weight for the other aerialists to pull the trapeze in with the tow line. He looked in Mo’s eyes, then turned away from her and fell.He kicked his legs out and hit the net with a hard bounce. Pain burst with a blinding flash from his shoulder and side. He was vaguely aware of the police latching on to Misha, with Claude’s help, as he scrambled for the detonator. Zack’s last sight before darkness closed in was of Mo being pulled toward the platform.Mo had been in seclusion recovering from the injuries she had sustained. Deb had replaced her temporarily and was doing an adequate job if not a stellar one. Mo thought with experience she’d continue to improve. Roddy had wanted to call off the show. But Mo had insisted Deb could do it. Roddy had relented and Mo had spent a great deal of time in her room thinking and planning and dreaming.What if they had two or more troupes traveling to different cities performing different themes at the same time? Deb was getting better and better. Haaken was almost as good as Claude. She knew there had to be a few people that could do what she and Claude did as well as they did it. If they could train enough people, they could have shows touring Europe, America and even Asia, all at the same time. They needed well trained understudies as well. Recent events had cemented in her mind the urgent need for that. The cost of having several themes traveling at once would be stupendous. But the profits would be limitless. The demand only increased. What about a Las Vegas show? A fixed show with changing themes in the pleasure palace of the United States. She’d have to think more about that one. The soreness limited her drawing. She set her sketchpad down and gingerly pulled her laptop over. She winced with pain, her bandaged wrist throbbing. She lost enthusiasm for the diversion she had been using to keep her mind off Zack.Zack had been taken to the Greendale Hospital emergency room then transferred south to Oak Lawn Hospital. He’d had surgery to repair damage done to his clavicle and the plate that had been dislodged while he fought with Misha. His side had had to be restitched for several inches. She had insisted on going to see him when she had been released from the hospital. She held her hand up to her bruised throat and recalled with sadness not being able to see him. How she had wanted to. She’d gone almost mad with fear for him. She wasn’t on the visitor list, he had given express orders she not be allowed in. She had been devastated. Mo had not left her room for days afterward. She had avoided papers and TVs and anything that might remind her of what had happened. Mo had reminders enough. She didn’t need reminders to make her think of Zack. Mo tried hard to think about the future. Her many ideas would take her mind away for a few minutes but her mind would drift to Zack again and again. It was not meant to be she told herself. She’d have to live with it. She could live with it. If only he hadn’t pushed her away. He had saved her. Once again. He had saved her in so many ways. He had come into her life at an awful time and had shown her passion and compassion and love. He had helped her embrace the carefree child inside she had lost. He had saved her very life while risking his own and now he didn’t even want to see her. She was deep in these thoughts when the phone rang.When she put it down she sighed. She thought about Ling and how much she missed her vibrant presence. She would have talked all this over with Ling. She would have been the butt of some friendly ridicule and would have dished out some of her own. They would have cried then laughed at the vicissitudes of life. Ling was gone. Linc was gone. He had called her when everything that had happened was national news. He was okay, starting a new life while grieving the old. He’d made a decision. He would not be back. Zack had been in her life for a short time. If she had to go by her immediate sensation, he would affect her life for a very long time. She would certainly never forget him. Only time would tell if she’d stop longing for him. The elevator pinged then opened. Roddy stepped off with Al Simpson. She hoped Al brought the news she wanted to hear. Instead of speaking she waved for the men to sit down. Roddy bent to give her a kiss on the head and took a seat beside her. She reached out and took his hand waiting for Al to speak.â€Ĺ›Misha Severinsky has confessed to the murder of Ling Wong.” Al watched Mo squeeze her eyes shut for a moment and exhale the tension. â€Ĺ›It was not airtight so a confession is the best tool for a conviction.”â€Ĺ›I knew you’d get him to confess. Mo’s voice was very hoarse, her throat still very sore. â€Ĺ›You almost had me confessing.” She cut short a painful chuckle. â€Ĺ›Thank you Al. Thank you for coming to tell me.” She turned to her manager. â€Ĺ›Roddy, I’ll see you when you get back from New York.”â€Ĺ›If you need me I stay. No sweat the problem.” He clasped her hand. â€Ĺ›No, Roddy, go. You love her. Go fix things, do everything you can.” She kissed his cheek. â€Ĺ›I’d like to talk to Alâ€ĹšDetective Simpson, alone. Do you mind staying a minute?” She saw the trepidation in the big man’s eyes.â€Ĺ›I see you the moment we get back. You rest. You take care of yourself. We go to D.C. in just a few days!” Roddy gave her a wink and stepped onto the elevator.The doors whooshed shut. Mo smiled as best she could until Roddy disappeared from view. She saw the wariness in Al’s eyes. The same wariness she’d come to notice in all their eyes. It was a cop thing. â€Ĺ›How is he?” She searched Al’s eyes. â€Ĺ›You’ve seen him. How is he?”â€Ĺ›He’s good; recovering.” She might have been the only one who could make him break his stare. He looked down. â€Ĺ›Has he asked for me?” It was a strain to talk. â€Ĺ›No,” Al answered. Now it was hard to breathe as well. Mo felt her heart would sink to unrecoverable depths. â€Ĺ›He’ll be okay.” It was a question and a statement.â€Ĺ›Yes. He’ll be out of the hospital tomorrow.”â€Ĺ›Tomorrow.” She would be packing with Deb’s help. â€Ĺ›I’ll let you know any new information. Severinsky’s going to plea so they’ll be no trial. I wish you all the luck in the world Ms. Whitman. You deserve it.” Al rose to leave. â€Ĺ›Thanks again for everything. Thanks for coming by.” She started to rise but he signaled her to stay seated. â€Ĺ›Goodbye Ms. Whitman.” Al walked to the elevator and pressed the call button. He looked at Mo and swore he’d never seen such a forlorn woman. Enough was enough. â€Ĺ›Ms. Whitman!”â€Ĺ›Huh!” she started at his tone.â€Ĺ›I’m sick and tired of the two of you acting like idiots and since I think you’re probably just a little bit less of an idiot than Burnham, it’s up to you to put the kibosh on this bullshit. I don’t care what you have to do, but you make that college boy act like he’s got some sense. And do it now before he start’s to believe he wants to be a cop again â€Ĺšcause he sure as hell doesn’t.” Al’s hands were on his hips, his big chin jutting.â€Ĺ›What? Of course he wants to be a cop. He always wanted to be a cop!” Mo jumped up and rasped at Al.â€Ĺ›Okay. I take it back. You’re just as much an idiot as Burnham.” He stepped into the elevator leaving Mo completely astonished. A little later, when Mo called for the car and said she wanted to go to the hospital, all Meese could do was groan.Zack stared out the window at the Oak Lawn Tower Hotel. The late afternoon sun came in the window almost blinding him. The sun felt good but did nothing for his mood. He was a little groggy after having dozed in the wheelchair. The pain was there but had become tolerable with a minimum of medication. He was looking forward to Dino coming by with pizza. He was at his limit with hospital food and since he’d been given the go ahead he was going to take advantage of it. Not that he had much of an appetite.Dino had been in and out. Dino’s wife and her brother had stopped in. George Travers had been by. Mayor Tyler and Mayor Brody had been in for a visit and a photo opportunity with the hero everyone was talking about. Roddy had visited along with a number of people from the show. The Whitney’s had visited and sent gifts. He’d received flowers and letters from all over the country. He was a celebrity. The instant news media was in full swing. A number of secret filmers had posted the entire incident at the coliseum online. It was too much, it was insane. He’d had to make arrangements to stay at a hotel so he could avoid the media camped outside his condo and spend some time alone. Members of the press had even tried to sneak into his room. But since hospital staff had gotten hip to that possibility, security had tightened up. Let ’em try it now, Zack thought. God, he just wanted to be left alone. He needed time to think about what he would do with his life when he was recovered. He didn’t want to be a cop anymore. He couldn’t go back to it. Not even with Tyler’s offer of a position as head of his detail. Especially not with that offer.  He was entertaining law school without great enthusiasm. He’d been told he was going to get a settlement for his injuries. Sure. Would be helpful. Now what? He closed his eyes and thought about Mo. That last frightening time he’d seen her. Maybe if he had justâ€Ĺšno he didn’t want to burden her, be a burden to her. He was a survivor. He would go forward. Somehow. Without her. She needed to live her life. He knew he couldn’t be a part of it. She had tried to visit him. He couldn’t see her. Couldn’t handle seeing her. He didn’t want her gratitude or pity. He sat staring into a future without her in it. It felt like no future at all.â€Ĺ›Detective Burnham?” a nurse or aid with a husky female voice softly called his name as she came in quietly.â€Ĺ›My friend’s bringing pizza. No dinner, thanks.” Zack held his face up to the evening sun. Small comfort.â€Ĺ›No, Dino’s not bringing pizza.” Startled Zack clumsily moved to turn his chair. â€Ĺ›Whatâ€Ĺšâ€ťMo stood in a colorful top and green uniform pants. The giveaway would have been her sandals, if anyone had looked closely enough. She gazed at Zack embarrassed and sad. She surveyed the bandages that wrapped his shoulders and chest. He had rope burn on his cheek from the net.â€Ĺ›You shouldn’t be here.” His heart stopped. Did his heart stop?â€Ĺ›I know.” The tightness in her throat made talking more difficult than it already was.â€Ĺ›Roddy said you wanted to thank me. It’s not necessary. I was just doing my job.” He held up a hand his voice shaking. â€Ĺ›Please. Just go.”â€Ĺ›No.” She had his attention and she wasn’t going to lose it. And he could stop wallowing. â€Ĺ›You owe me an apology, Detective.”â€Ĺ›I’m not a detective anymoreâ€Ĺšwhat theâ€Ĺšâ€ťâ€Ĺ›You lied to me. You didn’t tell me about Roddy’s offer. For all your self-righteous bullshit about honesty and trust you kept from me the most important information of all.” Mo’s hoarse voice rose. She became animated. She had something to get off her chest. Plus it was her last chance. â€Ĺ›How dare you accuse me of withholding information when you didn’t tell me about the offer from Roddy? How dare you lie to me? Am I supposed to me so grateful to you that I overlook the fact that you kept that from me? Didn’t I mean anything to you? Were you so hung up with your notch on the bedpost mindset that you didn’t see how that would hurt me?”â€Ĺ›I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you, now if you would justâ€Ĺšyou know damn well I didn’t mean the notch thing! For Chrissake, will you ever let me live that down?” Zack actually backed up as far as he could into the wheelchair as Mo bent into his face. Tears ran down her cheeks. It took a moment to find her voice. â€Ĺ›You tell me you don’t love me and I’ll walk away. You tell me, Burnham, that you don’t want to be in my life, don’t want that job and don’t want to be with me. Don’t mumble. Say it, Mr. You Tube hero!” Oh shit, here it comes. Silence.She stared with her arms crossed. She’d cried enough. He looked at her. â€Ĺ›Mo, I’m not like I was. Things are differentâ€Ĺšmy bodyâ€Ĺšâ€ťShe refrained from poking him in the chest. â€Ĺ›Oh, please, Zack! Are you actually feeling sorry for yourself? You’re being pretty dramatic you know. Just apologize and I’ll call Dino and tell him you can have the pizza after all. But we’re leaving for D.C. in three days so let’s not waste anymore time. I suggest you keep the condo. I’d like to spend more time in Chicago. You’ll like Monteal a lot too. So what’ll be? Do I need to bring in the boys to twist your arms, maybe rearrange your kneecaps? And I thought I could get by with the pizza threat.”â€Ĺ›Have you been possessed by Al Simpson?”â€Ĺ›Let’s just say he and I understand each other a little better.” Mo crouched in front of Zack’s wheelchair and ran her hands up his thighs looking into his eyes. â€Ĺ›I love you, Zack. And you love me. So, what’s it gonna be?”The May run in Santa Fe had been a smash. A blessed hiatus was anticipated by the whole troupe. Mo was in top form though sometimes she still got hoarse. She hugged Deb, and Claude, who held Lourdes’ hand. She smiled at Roddy, and Luciana, who had a baby bump out to there. They had certainly worked out their problems. Luciana actually seemed happy. She had even asked Mo to be godmother.Al Simpson introduced his wife Delores to the members of the company. Gerald Tyler had sent his regrets; election coming up. But the Whitney’s had accepted and were dancing to big band music while Juan and Jesus watched Reuben balance a stack of full champagne glasses. â€Ĺ›Careful Reu. You get champagne on my wife’s pretty dress you’ll have to answer to me,” Zack threatened with mock seriousness.â€Ĺ›Tough guy now that the doctor’s given you the all clear, huh, Zack?” Mo held out her hand. Zack swung her out and gave her a spin. â€Ĺ›Tough enough for you, beautiful. At least it seemed like it last night.” He brought her close and brushed her lips with his. â€Ĺ›You don’t mind about the party at Dino’s do you? Just a few days in Chicago, then Phuket here we come!”â€Ĺ›Of course I don’t mind the party at Dino’s. After that, I’m going to have you all to myself. On a beach. We’ll being cleaning sand off each other for days.”â€Ĺ›Promise?” He gave her a whirl. â€Ĺ›I hear the pearl diving is great there this time of year.”â€Ĺ›Mmm! I’m sorry Lourdes has to work and can’t go to France with Claude.”â€Ĺ›The price of dedication. Someone has to cover for the boss while he’s on his honeymoon.” He pressed his lips on hers and held her close. The music slowed and they swayed together luxuriating in the sensation. Zack took in the scent of her. He had almost lost her. Twice. Not because of a madman but because of his own stupid pride. â€Ĺ›Baby?”â€Ĺ›Hmmm?” She loved the feel of him so close. She never got enough of it.â€Ĺ›At the hospital, when you gave me that ultimatum, what made you so sure I’d go for it?” He never got enough of her. Her scent, her feel, her responses.She laughed a little putting her arms around his neck. â€Ĺ›Al.”â€Ĺ›Al?” Zack laughed out loud. â€Ĺ›He said you didn’t want to be a cop anymore and that you, okay we, were being idiots and I’d better put a stop to it because I wasn’t as big an idiot as you. I’m paraphrasing but that’s the gist. I didn’t know you’d do anything but have me kicked out of the room. But I hoped like anything I wouldn’t have to twist your good arm behind your back. I love you so much, Zack. I didn’t want to hurt you.”â€Ĺ›Good to know Al thinks so well of us. I guess I’m in his debt despite is low opinion of our intelligence.” Zack wrapped both arms around his bride and felt a deep sense of contentment. â€Ĺ›I love you, Mo. See, you didn’t even have to twist my arm to get me into this monkey suit.”â€Ĺ›You might not be as big an idiot as Al thought.” They held each other as if their lives depended on it. â€Ĺ›Zack, you once said you wouldn’t know how to be anything but a cop. Do you have any regrets aboutâ€Ĺšleaving it behind?”â€Ĺ›How can I regret anything when I get to hold you in my arms every day? Besides that, this job makes me something only you can top.” He brushed her lips with his then swung her out. He turned her so her back was to him as they swayed to the music.â€Ĺ›What’s that?” Mo asked as she basked in the sensation of his lips on her neck.â€Ĺ›Happy.”The End                                                                                                                                                                                               Table of ContentsStart


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