Polska Lista Sędziowska
WFB Balancing Patch v 1.5
Balancing patch został zaprojektowany tak, by można go było stosować bez
względu na rozmiar punktowy bitew czy zasady specjalne turnieju (turnieje par, etc.).
Obecna wersja balancing patcha jest przeznaczona do stosowania w połączeniu z formatem
Następne wersje: Balancing Patch jest z założenia systemem ewoluującym, podobnie jak
tego rodzaju aktualizacje do gier komputerowych. Jednak wszelkie zmiany w Balancing
Patchu będą wprowadzane bardzo ostrożnie i wyłącznie na podstawie tego, co
zaobserwujemy na turniejach.
Lista sędziowska będzie interweniować, jeśli z jakąkolwiek
armią powtórzy się to, co miało ostatnio miejsce w wypadku Daemons of Chaos oraz
Vampire Counts.
Zmiany w stosunku do poprzedniej wersji:
Orki i Gobliny -
dużo nowości, czytać uważnie i Wesołego Nowego Roku!
Chaos Dwarfs - Indy GT Army Book dopuszczony -
patrz też sekcja ograniczenia
Drakenhoff/Hełm nie zajmują slotów hero, Master of the Black Arts i Summon
Creatures of the Night nie zabierają dodatkowych kości powera (to jest MBA liczy się
jako dwie, nie trzy kości, a przyzywanie nietoperzy wcale), wraithy: 0-1, max 6 modeli
w oddziale, nie ma ograniczenia 0-
2 na oddziały Ghuli
Dark Elves:
Hydra przestaje być 0-1, Shades unit size 5-15, Hotek zajmuje 3DD z
Warriors of Chaos: Puppet zabiera 1 DD zamiast 2 DD
Daemons of Chaos:
Flamery max 6 modeli w armii, mogą być 2 oddziały po 3.
Wprowadzenie: Niniejszy dokument modyfikuje zasady wydane przez Games Workshop
do gry Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Celem tych zmian nie jest zrównanie armii pod
względem siły (co, przy tak dużym zróżnicowaniu jednostek i zasad jest po prostu
niemożliwe), ale ograniczenie największych nierówności i zadbanie o to, by zwycięstwo na
turnieju zależało bardziej od umiejętności gracza, a w mniejszym stopniu od tego, czy
kupił sobie najbardziej przegiętą armię wydaną przez GW.
Polska Lista Sędziowska
Flying units
Flying units are 0-3 per army. Characters who fly or are mounted on flying
creatures do not count towards this limit, so you can have, for example, three
units of furies and a bloodthirster in one army.
Helm of
The Helm of Commandment can never be taken in an army if it includes the
Drakenhoff Banner.
Vanhal’s Danse
Vanhal’s Danse Macabre cannot be recast.
Fell Bats
Fell Bats only gain D3 wounds from Invocation of Nehek.
Cairn Wraiths
Cairn Wraiths are 0-1. Cairn Wraiths unit size is 3 - 6.
Greater Daemon
Taking a greater daemon counts as using a hero and a lord choice.
Siren Song
Siren Song 0-1. Siren Song uses a rare slot
Immortal Fury
Immortal Fury uses a rare slot
Daemonic Battle
Standard Bearer
A daemonic battle standard bearer can have daemonic gifts or a daemonic icon,
but not both (just like a regular battle standard bearer can have either magic
items or a magic banner).
Horrors of
Horrors are 0-2 in armies of 2000 or more points and 0-1 in armies of below 2000
Flamers of
Maximum 6 flamers can be taken in an army
Flesh Hounds of
Flesh Hounds are 0-2
Master of
0-1: Can only be taken once in an army.
Steam Tank
Half victory points are awarded for taking the steam tank down to half wounds or
Shades are 0-2. Shade unit size is 5-15.
A Slaughtermaster does not require a Tyrant or Bruiser to be fielded. A
Slaughtermaster can be the army General.
Units of gnoblars do not require units of bulls to be fielded.
Leadbelchers do not need to spend a turn reloading
– they can fire every turn.
Bull charge
Ogres may always do impact hits on the charge - regardless of the charge
distance or unit size.
Polska Lista Sędziowska
...when charging or charged, if the unit would normally form up less than five
models wide, then it lines up five models wide (space permitting)...
A Doombull may take chaos or common magic items, not just weapons.
Hordes of
Chaos magic
Beasts of Chaos can use the 6
edition Hordes of Chaos magic items.
All beasts characters can have up to one mutation from the mutations list...
...for the points cost listed. This cost comes out of their magic items allowance. A
single mutation can only be taken once in an army. The hellshriek mutation is
not allowed.
Rune of the true
Also affects monsters that are characters.
haos Dwarf Army Book Dopuszczony (link poniżej)
Polska Lista Sędziowska
Collar of Zorga
Also affects monsters that are characters
Goblin chariots
You can buy two for one special slot
Quell Animostity
Black Orc Quell Animosity rule changed to: “A unit which fails its animosity test
when led by a black orc character or within 6” of a black orc character or unit, will
ignore the roll and must immediately roll again. The second result stands. If the
Black Orcs are fleeing, they cannot Quell Animosity.
New Army Special Rule: Da Green Horde!
All Orc &Goblin armies gain +1 Rare slot and +1 Special slot for each full 1000 points. Those extra
slots cannot be used for war machines, Dogs of War units or chariots.
New Magic Items:
Shinguards of Sneaky Shino (30 points, Magic Armour)
The wearer of these Shinguards radiates with sneakiness which allows him and his ladz to bash 'em
where it 'urtz.
Bearer has 1+ armour save which cannot be improved in any way. Enemy models wholly or partially within
6" of the bearer have to re-roll successful ward and regeneration saves. When resolving ranged attacks
against a entire unit(not specific models) which is partially within 6" of the bearer, it has to re-roll all
ward/regeneration saves if the majority of its models are affected by the Shinguards' special rule.
Beard of Barbus (10 points, Enchanted Item)
This totemic beard instills a deep sense of confidence and purpose in all greenskin warriors
The bearer and any unit he joins are immune to panic, fear & terror, and do not have to take animosity
tests (but may do so if the owner of the unit wishes).
Yellow Kidney Stone of Xet (10 points, Enchanted Item)
After many defeats at the hands of undeads and demonz despite using the best green tack-ticks, the
greatest greenskin Shamans gathered together and poured all their anger, resentment and hatred into this
small yellow stone.
Friendly Orc&Goblin units within 12" of the bearer do not have to take fear/terror tests when declaring a
charge against fear/terror causing enemies. In addition, friendly Orc&Goblin units within 12"of the bearer at
the beginning of a round of close combat hate all models with the daemonic or undead special rules during
that round and may re-roll failed to-hit rolls against such models. Note that units receive fresh hatred and
re-rolls from the stone in each round of close combat.
Yan Khel Mushroom (15 points, Arcane Item)
The incredibly rare Yan Khel mushrooms are infused with magical energy. When eaten, they cause a
shaman to go into a deep trance that makes the winds of magic clearly visible and easy to manipulate.
One mushroom per army. As long as the bearer has the Mushroom at the beginning of an enemy magic
phase, he adds +1 extra Dispel Dice to his side's pool. The bearer can eat the Mushroom at any moment
during an enemy magic phase - he gains +3 Dispel Dice immediately (and can still use the one dice
granted by the Mushroom at the beginning of that phase), but afterwards the Mushroom is removed from
Banner of Gholan (25 points, Magic Banner)
This magnificent banner was captured in a fierce battle against Bretonnian Knights by the Orc Ugebalz
Tribe. Though it has changed hands numerous times since then, it is always proudly carried into combat
by its current owners.
The regiment has magic attacks. In addition, when charging, all models in the unit can make their attacks
against the enemy unit they have charged, regardless of whether they are in base contact. Those extra
attacks can only be allocated against a unit as a whole (or characters on their own), but not against
characters who are inside a charged unit. Distribute those attacks just like shooting hits.
Polska Lista Sędziowska
The Dogs of War Army does not have to field a paymaster.
New „spoils of
war” special
One dogs of war hero in the army can take one magic item (weapon, armour,
enchanted, talisman or arcane) from any other army book -
for that item’s price
and within the normal restrictions, just as if it were a common magic item.
Please remember that all of the item’s rules remain unchanged, so no DoW
character can have an item that is „tomb king only” or ”bray shaman only”. Also,
an item that affects „friendly undead models” would only work on undead dogs of
war models and so on. Daemonic icons, gifts, bloodline powers, dwarf runic
items, magic items from special characters etc. cannot be taken - only items from
the magic items (weapons, armour, enchanted, arcane, talismans) sections of
army books allowed
under the “limited” or “restricted” standards.
Campaign Items
Magic Items from the Italian DoW campaign are allowed (see below)
Brace of Pistols of Sartosa, 25 points (Magic Weapon)
Counts as a Brace of Pistols. The bearer may re-roll to-wound rolls. His ranged and close combat
attacks count as magic.
Pike of Remas, 25 points (Magic Weapon)
Counts as a Tilean pike. Bearer has +1 Strength.
Mounted enemies (horse, chariot or monster) cannot voluntarily charge if they would contact in Base
to Base the bearer of the Pike.
Great Armour of Miragliano, 25 points (Magic Armour)
Only characters on foot. Gives the wearer a 4+ armour save and a 5+ ward save. The Great Armour
is so heavy that the wearer has -1 Movement and -3 Initiative, and may not use weapons that require
two hands.
Bright Helm of Myrmidia, 20 points (Magic Armour)
The Helm gives a 6+ armour save, and may be worn in addition to normal armour. Enemies in base
to base contact suffer -2 WS. Wearer hates all models in a Tomb King army.
Crown of Luccini, 25 points (Enchanted Item)
Mercenary General only, +1 Leadership. If the wearer is the general, troops within 12" can use his
modified leadership. If the wearer is killed, enemy gets +100 VP.
Estalian Cloak, 20 points (Talisman)
Bearer and his unit gets Magic Resistance (1).
Staff of Lightnings, 25 points (Arcane Item)
Bound Spell, Power Level 5. Contains a spell that, if not dispelled, generates a magic missile with a
24" range, that causes D3+1 Strength 6 hits, and a single Strength 4 hit to the bearer. After every use
roll a die. With a result of 1, the staff loses temporarily his powers, and may not be used for the rest of
the battle.
Book of the Mage, 20 points (Arcane Item)
The mage knows another spell, randomly generated from one of the remaining 7 lores. The lore is
chosen by the bearer.
Banner of Steel, 10 pts (Magic Banner)
Declare that you are using the powers of the banner at the start of any turn, yours or enemy's. The
unit gets +1 Armour Save until the end of turn. One use only
Polska Lista Sędziowska
Ograniczeniu podlega
liczba kości generowanych przez armię. Limit kości obowiązuje
wyłącznie przy tworzeniu rozpiski. Oznacza to, że limit ten można dowolnie przekraczać w
trakcie gry dzięki zastosowaniu niektórych czarów, przedmiotów itp.
Rozpiska na 2000+ punktów może mieć:
maksimum 12 kostek Power i 12 kostek dispel
Rozpiska na poniżej 2000 punktów może mieć:
maksimum 8 kostek power i 8 kostek dispel
Do limitu wlicza się każda generowana przez maga kość, kości bazowe, kości pochodzące
ze wszystkich przedmiotów, jednostek i zdolności dających stałą liczbę kości co turę (także
tych kradnących kości przeciwnikowi i przekazujących je naszym magom).
ażdy pochodzący z magicznego przedmiotu lub demonicznego giftu/ikony bound
spell (za
wyjątkiem bound spelli jednorazowego użytku) liczy się jako dodatkowa
kość. Limitu nie obniżają bound spelle pochodzące z jednostek (np. treeman, corpse
Każdy power stone w rozpisce liczy się jako jedna kość.
Pierwszy Dispel Scroll
(tj. każdy przedmiot automatycznie dispelujący czar, np.
Spell Breaker/Rune of Spellbreaking itp) liczony
jest za jedną kość, każdy następny
za dwie.
Wszystkie przedmioty dające +1 i więcej do dispela liczą się jako jedna kość.
Dodatkowo przedmioty/zdolności/jednostki wymienione na następnej stronie w
rozpisce zmniejszają limit o podaną liczbę kości Power (PD) lub Dispel (DD)
Polska Lista Sędziowska
Daemons of Chaos
Master of Sorcery - 1 PD
Tzeentch will - 1 PD
Twin Heads - 1 PD
Great Standard of Sundering - 2 DD
Dark Elves
Dwóch lub więcej magów DE w armii - 1 PD (w
sumie, bez względu na liczbę magów)
Sacrifical Dagger - 1 PD
Ring of Hotek - 3 DD
Dogs of War
Przedmiot wzięty z innej armii na zasadzie Spoils of War kosztuje odpowiednią dla tej armii ilość
ArchLector na War Altarze - 3 PD
Rod of Power - 1 PD
High Elves
Book of Hoeth - 2 PD
Banner of Sorcery - 2 PD
Jeden lub więcej magów HE w armii - 1 DD
(w sumie, bez względu na liczbę magów)
Focus of mystery - 1 PD
Focused Rumination - 2 PD
Cupped Hands of the Old Ones - 1 DD
Diadem of Power - 1 DD
Becalming Cogitation - 2DD
Tomb Kings
Do limitu nie wlicza się dwóch bazowych PD
High Liche Priest - 5 PD Liche Priest - 2 PD Tomb King - 2 PD
Tomb Prince - 1 PD Hieratic Jar - 1 PD Casket of Souls - 2 PD
Vampire Counts
Vampire lord z Forbidden Lore - 1 PD
Skull Staff -
1 PD (i odpowiedni minus do DD według zasad ogólnych)
Każdy wampir z mocą Summon Ghouls - 1 PD
Warriors of Chaos
Skull of Katam - 1 PD
Infernal Puppet - 1 DD
Wood Elves
Wand of Wych Elm - 1 DD
INDY GT Dwarfs of Chaos
W przypadku, gdy w armii nie ma Maga Lorda
, do limitu nie wlicza się dwóch bazowych PD
Pierwszy Daemonsmith w armii - 1 PD
Każdy kolejny Daemonsmith - 2 PD
Hexacon - 1 DD