The Unexpected by Saturn

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The Unexpected

This story starts off two years after Brian told Justin to get lost at Daphne's car. Justin listened that night and Brian hasn't Justin

Brian's POV:

God I fucking hate this office, all these morons working here, if you could call it work, it's more like shit on a board but hey, Vance thinks
it's fucking brilliant. Stupid fuck! I swear sometimes I wonder why I stay here. I've thought of starting my own business, It's just never been
the right time.....yeah right, I'm just to chicken shit to do it. I know it's hard to believe but I am; there is just so much that could go wrong. I'm
not even sure if my clients would go with me I mean when Vance took over the office about a year ago he said that all my clients had agreed
to stay with him. Fuckers! Why the fuck would they want to stay with that stupid fuck he's such an asshole.

Fuck this, it's five to six and I need to get out of here. So I grab my jacket, throw it on, pick up my briefcase and head out. I stop at Cynthia's

"Hey Cyn I'm taking off, we don't have anything pressing so why don't you head out with me." she's looking at me like I've lost my mind.
What the fuck, I know we've been killing ourselves here just as much as her. "Well...would you rather stick around here?" she
shakes her head and starts getting her things together. When she's all set, we head to the elevator. I push the button and it finally gets to our
floor, we step in but as the doors are closing we see Vance heading our way.....close, close, close....

"Brian....Brian?!" yeah if he thinks I'm stopping this elevator he's seriously fucked. So I just shrug my shoulders as the door comes fully

Cyn and I look at each other and she gives a little chuckle. We get down to the garage and go our separate ways.

"See ya Monday boss!" Cynthia says.

"Yeah Monday." With that I get into my jeep and head home....

I finally get into the loft, it took forever..... I swear nobody in this fucking town knows how to drive anymore. As I'm heading up to the
bedroom my cell rings and I look at the display...of course. Mikey.

"Mikey. What's up?" I just want to take a nice hot shower.

"Brian I was wondering if you were still going to come to Woody's and Babylon tonight? You remember Ben's friend came from London
today, and he wants us all to meet him." Ah yes, Ben's little friend, how could I possibly forget? It's all Ben has talked about for a week
straight, since he found out his friend was coming.

"Of course Mikey, I told you I'd go." He's been freaking out all week over this, although I don't know why, because Ben loves him, he ain't
going anywhere. From the way it sounds, Ben thinks of this guy as a little brother.

"I know I just wanted to make sure. So did you want to meet at the diner and get some food first?" since Mikey's been with Ben he's been a
lot better at the whole clingy whiney gotta see me every single day thing. It's been nice at times. But I must say it's nice to know that I still
have a best friend who wants to hang out.

"Sure Mikey. But I just walked in the door so at least let me get a shower in." I really want that shower. It sounds perfect right about now.

"Sure. I still have some inventory I gotta do at the shop so I need some time too."

"Alright why don't we meet up at about 8:30? Will that give you enough time to finish up?"

"Yep sounds perfect. See you then. Bye."

"Bye." We hang up and I head straight for the shower, of course, first stopping to fold my suit nicely and put it to the side. Why ruin a
perfectly good Prada suit? I turn on the shower and take a piss while I wait for the water to heat up. When I'm done I adjust the temperature
to get it perfect....nice and hot. I jump in and...."Ah. God that feels good." I let the water run over me for a good ten minutes before I get
myself all washed up and get out. I grab a towel and dry off a bit, then wrap it around my waist, shave real quick and then move into the
bedroom. It's only 7pm so I've still got an hour and a half. I go over and grab a beer from the fridge and sit on the couch and relax for a


Michael's POV:

I'm so glad that Brian is going to be there tonight. I'm really very nervous. I can't believe it. I think the hardest part of all this that Ben
and his friend have slept together. Ben says it was only once and that they both regretted it. They decided to stay friends though because
that's what they were before the little indiscretion. But with Ben constantly talking about him all this week it's got me kinda freaked! I mean,
Ben told me himself that he loves him, just not in 'that' way. He says that I have nothing to worry about. I'm not going to be entirely certain

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of that until I meet him though. But he told me; I guess that's something. He said he didn't want there to be any secrets between us. I hope
this all turns out ok, I mean he has been absolutely great about the way I feel about Brian. Although honestly, he doesn't have to worry about
that spot in my life anymore. Sure I love Brian but not in that way. Not anymore. Ben is my whole world now, as it should be. Uh oh it's
almost 8 I better finish this shit up and get moving cause I've already called Ben and he's meeting Brian and I there.


Ben's POV:

I'm so excited for everyone to meet each other. I mean I love hanging out with Michael and his friends, they're great, well most of the time
anyways. But it's just not the same as having friends of your own. I'm so happy he's back. I've missed him so much. We've talked on the
phone a few times but not all that much. He's been extremely busy with his business and everything else he's up to. I still have no idea how
he keeps everything straight. We get along so well and we know each other like the back of our hands. I'm just thankful that after we had our
little detour, we could remain friends. We both freaked for about a week and avoided each other like the plague. But we eventually ran into
each other and he said it was such a big mistake, that he thinks of me as an older brother. I told him I felt the same.... "Which kinda makes
the whole situation ever more weird." those were his exact words, only we ended up laughing our ass' off after he said it. And that was the
end of the weirdness, yes we have a little bit of a strange relationship but it works for us. I look over at the clock and .....

"Oh shit." it's already 8:30 I'm late. So with that I run out of the apartment. We don't live that far from the diner, so it doesn't take me very
long to get there. When I walk in, Michael, Brian, Ted and Em are already sitting in our usual booth. I go over, lean down and give Michael a
kiss on his temple and tell him.....

"I'm sorry I'm late. I lost track of time." I pull up a chair and sit down at the end of the table. He looks at me with his little smile that just
makes him look so adorable.

"That's alright. You're only a couple minutes late. We were just about to order."

"Good." I say with a smile and lean in to give him another kiss.

"Hey professor, where's your little friend?" Brian asks with a smirk.

I give him a smile and say, "He called me earlier when he got home and said that he was going to take a nap and meet us at Babylon."

"Alright then. Let's order I wanna get over to Woody's and get a real drink." with that he signals for Deb. "Deb! Some service please?"

"Hey boys, what'll it be?" we give her our orders and she takes them to the kitchen to be started. We fill the time with mindless chatter and
stupid sexual jokes. After a while, we finally get our food. We quickly eat and pretty much right after we're done we head out for


Brian's POV:

We get to Woody's and the first thing I do is go over to the bar and grab a drink. "Double beam!!" I yell at the bartender. He turns and nods
towards me and hands it over.

"Here ya go Kinney."

"Thanks." I say right before I toss the shot down my throat. Ah very nice just what I

needed. Tad or was it Dan, is staring at me trying for what I'm assuming is a sexy grin,

which he fails miserably at... "another" I say. He pours and I down the next shot.

"Hey Kinney, how bout me and you get together after my shift?" Did he just wink at me? Oh my god please. I start to laugh I can't believe
this guy! First of all, I already fucked him. Secondly, he wasn't that good and thirdly he fucking gave me a wink which he couldn't even get
right! The other eye closed half way through! Oh god. I'm full on laughing now. jesus.

"God no!.... Another drink please." Oh poor baby I think I hurt his feelings. He's got the half sad half angry look. "Another." he says, he fills
me back up and walks away. You know you'd think that people would learn by now. One fuck per person. But no. of course not. I mean we
are not just talking about one or two tricks, we are talking about the majority of my tricks they all try to get another shot. I'm seriously
considering putting a sign on my door. Maybe that would help. There was only ever one person that I broke that rule for and probably
would've broken a lot more for if he would've stuck around. But obviously I couldn't let that happen. It took every mean, harsh word that I
could come up with but I got him to leave. I still remember his face when he started to cry, that was so hard but I stood my ground and he
turned and left my life forever. Ok, ok , ok don't start thinking about that again, it always spoils your mood. I order a round of beers and go
over to where the boys have gotten us a pool table. Everybody grabs a beer and we get started on our game.

We play three games and naturally, I win every time, well actually, Emmett and me that is. He's almost as good as I am. Then right as we are
about to take off for Babylon, Ben's cell rings....


Ben's POV:

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I look at the display and of course it's him.

"Hey we were just about to head out to Babylon. Are you up?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm up I was just heading out the door. I should be there in about 20 minutes." "That sounds good should I wait outside for you?"

"No I'm sure I can get in all by myself." he says with a laugh.

"Alright if you're sure. But if you have any problems getting in give me a call."

I don't want him to get stuck outside.

"I'll be fine, I've always managed to get into anywhere I want without any problems. It'll be fine."

"Alright I'll see you in about 20 minutes then?"

"Yep I'll be there. Bye"


I hang up and everyone is looking at me. "He's heading out the door now he should be at Babylon in about 20 minutes." I explain. I look over
to Michael and he's got a small smile. I hope they like each other. They are both very important in my life.

"Well then, shall we?" Brian asks, while motioning to the door. "We wouldn't want to keep him waiting now would we?" Brian can be hard
to take sometimes. But we head out. We get into Babylon and go over to the bar. It is packed tonight. I keep my eye on the door. He should
be here any minute now. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around.

"Hey and Brian are gonna go dance." Michael says.

"Alright, I'm going to wait for him and then when he gets here we'll join you."

"Sounds good." he says with that damn adorable smile again and I have to lean in for a kiss.

"Alright, alright can we dance now?" Brian interrupts, rolling his eyes. I look at him and nod my head. I let Michael's hand go at the very last
moment, then watch them go into the crowd and start dancing. I watch that for a minute or two until I feel someone jump on my back.

"What the fuck?!!"

"Hey Benny boy!....miss me?" I feel him let go and I turn around. I open my arms and he jumps into them. I wrap my arms around his waist
as his arms snake around my neck. I squeeze him and spin him around. He's giggling for goodness sakes and that always makes me laugh. I
put him down and take a good look at him, all limbs in place ten fingers.yep, he looks great! His hair is longer but it looks good. I've still got
the huge smile on my face, and he's got one to match.

"Yes! Of course I missed you. I'm so happy your home."

"You and me both. I love what I do but I hate having to go so far away." I nod my head and he takes a good look around with an even bigger
smile he says, "Now this place is amazing!"

"Yeah it's pretty nice...."

"So where is the boyfriend? I can't wait to meet him, he sounds like a really great guy." At this moment I feel yet another tap on my shoulder
and I turn around. I give Michael a huge smile. I look up and there's Brian. Good they can meet him together.

"Is he here yet?" he asks. I nod my head.

Turn half way "I'd like you both to meet my good friend" turn around and face him to them..."Justin Taylor!!!!"


Justin's POV:

I have this huge smile on my lips when Ben turns me to face his boyfriend. But what I find standing in front me, wipes that smile clean off
my face. You have got to be kidding me. I shake my head and look from Brian to Michael. I can't believe this is his Michael. I know we
hadn't talked much lately but how did I miss this? I think this is the shock of Michael's life, and when I look over at Brian his eyes are wide
and then he shakes his head and it's back to nonchalant. I still think that's amazing.

"Justin....I'd like you to meet Michael Novonty my boyfriend of course, and Brian Kinney his best friend." I extend my hand to Michael there
is no reason to be rude. It was ages ago since everything happened. He takes my hand still wide eyed.

"It's nice to meet you again Michael. I've heard a lot about you. You've made Ben extremely happy." I say with a smile.

"Wait a minute" Ben says and I look over my shoulder at him. He looks down at me "You two have already met?" then he turns to look at
Michael. Michael in turn looks over his shoulder at Brian and then they both look back to me. Oh real nice leave it to me. Fine whatever.

I turn half way so I can see Ben and I say, "Brian is the one who took my virginity," he goes a little wide-eyed. I never told him specifically

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who or which Brian it was that took my virginity.

"You mean..... jesus I know we haven't talked much lately but how the fuck did I miss this?" he says while he shakes his head.

"I was just thinking the same thing." I say with a laugh. Ben looks at me, and starts to laugh right along with me. It's nice to be back I missed
this. I look over at Brian and Michael and they are looking at each other with the 'what the fuck' expression all over both of their faces. Then
they look over at us and I straighten up and slap Ben against the chest, and he straightens up.

"Um... humh. Sorry about that." I say with a smile.

"Yeah we have a tendency to do that every so often." I look at him and he smiles at me. I smile back and look back at Brian and Michael.

"Um yeah that's ok." Michael says "so this is your friend. this is him" ok kinda stating the obvious here, I guess this news shook him up more
than I thought.

"Yes.... this is Justin. The one I've been talking about." Michael furrows his brow and looks at the floor.

"I thought you said that your friend was a businessman and an artist? I don't understand. Justin is only what, 19 now?" he says and looks at
me for the answer.

"Yep I'm 19. As for my business, it's fine and my art is more than fine. So he didn't lie at all, I am a businessman and artist." I say in a very
calm controlled voice even though I hate it when people assume that because of my age I couldn't possibly own my own very successful
business. "And I'm not too shabby an artist either" I say looking straight into Brian's eyes. He just nods his head and looks away.

I look at Michael now and he's looking a little bit better, less green at least. That's a good sign I want us to get along, to be friends. However I
don't know how likely that is considering the last time we met; although, he was pretty nice that night in the diner. Hey yeah he's the one
with the crazy mom, I really liked her. "So Michael how's your mom doing? She was nice when I met her. "I swear every one gets whiplash
from what I said. Why?

"Um yeah she's good. Still working at the diner....."

"When the fuck did he meet Deb?" Brian asks. He's not looking so good, he must hate that I'm here. He worked very hard to get me out of his
life and now here I am once again right smack dab in the middle. Well guess what. this time I don't want to be here.

"That night he showed up at Woody's and you said he wasn't your responsibility. Remember?" he's looking at Brian and Brian is just so
confused. Well fuck I don't know why he wants to know it doesn't matter. "Well anyways, you left so I took him to the diner and Ma was
working that night and he met her." Michael turned to me, "she liked you, she asked about you a couple times after you disappeared, you
should stop by and see her I think she'd like that." I smile at him. I think he's trying maybe this won't be so bad after all.

"Thanks I think I will. I just bought a house here so I think I'll be spending a lot of time around liberty."

"You bought a house?" I hear Ben yell. Oh that's right I hadn't told him yet. Woops!

I turn to look at him, and with a small smile I say. "Yeah I bought a house it's really great and it's perfect for an artist, big windows, lots of
light and lots of room, maybe too much room. It's got a pool and a jacuzzi. I'm telling you it's perfect for me." Now my smile is huge I know
it is, it's hurting my cheeks but I'm too excited. He finally smiles, and.

"God that's great Jus, have you already moved in or what?"

"I had the movers move me in when I knew I was coming back and all the furniture was shipped from all over Europe. The house isn't all put
together yet but I wanted to do that on my own. I want it to be perfect".... Ben nods his head. "But that's enough of that, we can discuss all
these types of things another time; for now Benny why don't you buy me a drink?" He turns to the bar and orders me a double Absolute
Vodka, and a double beam to chase it. A little strange I know but it works for me. He hands me my Vodka and I toss it down. Ah the first is
always the hardest. Then he hands over the Beam. Toss that back and oh yeah that's much better. Well now I wanna dance. Ben may be my
friend but Michael is his boyfriend, so I turn to Michael and ask... "Hey Michael do you mind if I borrow your boyfriend for a dance or two?"

"Sure Justin you two have fun.....but not too much fun and hands above the waist at all times" he says with a little smile so I know he doesn't
really think I want Ben in that way. I give him a mock salute and march my way to the dance floor dragging Ben with me. I do however stop
so they can get a kiss and an I love you in beforehand.

God I missed dancing, I love it, the beat, the rhythm and all the gorgeous men. Oh boy I'm going to have some fun tonight I'm really glad I
got that nap in earlier. I look around and I spot the first one for tonight. Tall, dark and handsome, they're always tall, dark and handsome. Ok
we are definitely not going to do this, especially now with everything. I shake my head and give Ben a big grin and nod my head over to the
trick I picked. He gives a small smile and a nod and I turn to go get him. I'm going to fuck him so hard I need it fast and hard, especially after
all of this excitement. So I stand a few feet from him, give him a sly, sexy, mischievous grin and he comes the rest of the way to me. Wraps
his arms around me and pulls me in close. I wrap my arms around his neck, and pull his lips to mine. I'm in no mood to wait. I push my
tongue past his lips and kiss him deeply.god I need this! I tangle my fingers in his hair and pull him in closer crushing his lips to mine. I hear
him moan and feel him pull me, and squeeze me to him. He rubs our cocks together and I get even harder, I pull him away from me by his
hair and I hear him groan, damn this is going to be so good. I know he thought he was in control. He's going to quickly find out that he's not.
I lick from his chin to his ear running my tongue up and then down his outer ear I hear him moan again. I blow lightly against his ear and I
feel him shiver. I ask "where's the backroom" in a voice just loud enough to barely be heard over the pounding music. I feel him breathe
against my ear it's a little ragged, and hard. I like that. He points to the walk way under the staircase. I grab the front of his pants and pull him
in behind me. The first catch of the night is always the best.......


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Brian's POV:

Am I going insane here? This cannot be happening! Fuck! I can't believe this. Justin is Ben's best friend, how that worked out I have no idea,
the age difference alone is amazing enough. He's here in Babylon. He just bought a house in Pittsburgh. Fuck! He said he's going to be
around liberty a lot now, and he calls Ben Benny. Can you believe it? But the kicker is the show he's putting on in front of all of
Babylon.....God I got hard just from watching. But oh wait he's saying something to the guy.....the trick seems to really like what he hears. I
get this uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach, from watching this. Huh? What's that all about? What the fuck is this? The trick motions to
the backroom and now Justin is leading him back there by the front of his pants. What the fuck? Oh I don't think so. I make my way over to
the backroom and I start looking for them. I walk through and I'm almost all the way to the back when I see them. He's got the trick against
the wall kissing him and undoing his pants, then he pushes them down over his ass. He whispers into the tricks ear again while undoing his
own pants and I see the tricks eyes go wide. Humph, I wonder what that's all about? I move a little closer and I hear the trick say "No I'm a
top." Justin pulls back and with a slight grin says" Not tonight" and with that he spins the guy around and starts preparing him. When did he
even do the lube and condom? Before I know it Justin is sliding into the trick nice and slow. He stops when he's all the way inside, he
whispers into the man's ear, but this I can't hear. He starts pounding into the tricks ass slow but hard. He's still whispering when all the
sudden I hear the trick practically scream "Oh god yes..... please fuck me..... harder.!!!" Justin picks up his pace and slams into him twisting
his hips. The trick throws his head back and "oh god yes please....please!" All the sudden Justin turns and looks directly into my eyes. I stare
back right into his eyes and then the tricks cuming with a deep throaty scream. Just then it hits Justin I can see the moment it does cause his
eyes droop and his head lolls back and he shoves himself as far up the guys ass as possible. Never breaking the lock of our eyes. The trick
slumps against the wall when Justin lets go of his waist. Then in no time Justin is standing in front of me, a breath away. I can smell him, he
smells so sweet. He comes up to whisper in my ear, oh god I wanna wrap my arms around him...

"I liked seeing you when I came." he kisses the lobe of my ear and then the side of my neck. And my eyes close and I feel myself shiver from
the kiss. So, so soft. Nobody ever kisses me like this. It feels amazing. Better than those wild frenzied kisses that I get at a constant pace, or
maybe I'm just not getting it from the right place.....with that thought Justin gives me a quick kiss on the lips and he walks calmly back out to
the main floor. Oh my god, that kiss was way too fast, but I can still feel how soft his lips were. God they're perfect. So get this, I've thought
about this moment too many times to count since I sent him away that night. Only I thought that he'd be the one chasing me, not the other
way around.... I see I may have to rethink some things may have to rethink some things.

Justin's POV:

"Whoa" I can't believe this! Why did I do that? Why did I say that? I wasn't thinking, that's the problem. I felt his eyes on me the moment he
was there and I just couldn't help the impulse to look into his eyes when I came. "Damn it!" I rub my hands over my face. Uhgh, I need
another drink. I walk over to the bar and order a couple shots of vodka. It's the quickest way for me to get wasted. I throw them back. I barely
even register the burn. I see Ben and Michael over at the other end of the bar. Michael sees me and waves me over with a little smile. I'm
beginning to feel a little more at ease with this whole situation.....or at least the part about Michael anyways. I walk over to them with a nice
big smile, which is returned by both Ben and Michael. This is going to be good.

"Hey feeling better?" Ben asks with a sly smile. I give a sly smile of my own.

"Much!" I do feel better in some way and you know what, I'm just not going to let what happened with Brian ruin this night for me. I'm home
with my best friend. Michael seems to be ok with all of this. I'm just going to let myself be happy and forget about the whole little thing in
the backroom.

As a matter of fact I ask, "hey Michael you wanna dance?........ I promise to keep my hands above the waist at all times" I say with an evil
grin. Ben and Michael both laugh. Michael nods his head and says...

"Sure I'd love too." I take his hand and lead him to the dance floor and we start dancing. He's not half bad. All the sudden this tall lanky cute
man with an obvious 'flair' for fashion starts to dance with us.

"Hey Michael......who's the gorgeous young thing you got here.?" I have to laugh it's just too much, Michaels laughing as well. Finally
Michael says..

"This is Justin Taylor. Bens best friend." the other man gets these big eyes, and mouths an “Oh.” "Justin I'd like you to meet my good friend,
Emmett Honeycutt." Emmett holds his hand out, and I take it.

"It is a pleasure to meet you gorgeous." he's says in such a sweet voice. I'm going to like him. With my hugest smile I say,

"The pleasure is all mine, Emmett." When he finally lets go of my hand, I start to dance again.

"Call me Em sweetie, everyone does. I think you and I are going to get along wonderfully!" he says with a big ol' smile.
"I think your right, Em." I say with a laugh. He is fun! Ah I love dancing. I throw my head back and let the music take over my mind, until
there is nothing left but the beat, and the rhythm. I let my body move to the pulse and everything else fades away.


Brian's POV:

After I watched Justin walk out of the backroom, I couldn't move I was just so stunned. But I guess the other patrons of the backroom
thought I was waiting for something because before I knew it there was a trick in front of me undoing my jeans. He tried to kiss me but
without even thinking I turn my face away......'what the fuck did I do that for? Oh yeah I don't want to lose the feeling of Justin's lips on
mine.' The trick doesn't seem to mind though and just pushes me against the wall and gets on his knees. My cock has been rock hard from the
moment Justin started dancing with Ben, and well everything else after that didn't help. The trick has taken my dick in his mouth and the only
thing that I can think about is the soft kisses from Justin "oh god" I moan. I feel the trick 'um humh' around my dick, he must think that's for
him. Well it's's for those soft kisses, and those whispered words, and especially for that gorgeous man that gave them. He was a
beautiful boy when I first met him and I have dreamed countless dreams of he and I together. I know, I know Brian Kinney dreaming of
being with a blonde twink? And when I say “being with” I mean being with, all the little things that go along with being with a person. Well

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guess what… ‘The Stud Of Liberty Avenue’ wants to be with one person, and one person only. I wonder how to go about this? I mean I've
never done anything like this before. I don't even know how any of this shit works. I guess I'm going to have to learn, and learn quick, cause
now that he's back I don't think I can stay away. That's wrong....I don't want to stay away.

I feel someone touching my chest....I open my eyes, and oh shit that's right I'm getting my dick sucked. I shake my head and look down, fuck
this is not even what I want. I want a blonde man with the softest lips I've ever felt, with the sweetest smell, the most gorgeous blue eyes I
have ever seen, and that beautiful smile, and those soft kisses.......uh "Get the fuck off me...."I say to the trick and he looks up at me with
questioning eyes. I don't give a fuck I don't want this from him or from anyone else but Justin. I just give him my best 'fuck off' look, and he
gets up and storms off like a five year old. Oh fucking well. I lean my head against the wall as what I've just started hits me full force....."oh
god, this is it, the start of the rest of my life." This feels good, humh... I thought I'd be scared but I'm not, I'm actually excited, really excited
for the first time in I don't even remember. I know I'm smiling like a fool right now and I don't even care. I'm Brian Fucking Kinney for fucks
sake and I can do anything I want! Even go after a man, which is exactly what I plan to do. I pull up my jeans and button them up. I leave the
backroom and make my way to the bar. I see Ben so I move to where he is and order myself a double beam. Ben looks over at me, I throw
back the shot and look back at him. I think I can still
feel the small smile playing on my lips. I feel good. Ben is looking a little uneasy right now and I wonder what Justin has told him of those
times with us.

"Brian, I know that you have a thing with never seeing your tricks again and well I know how cruel you can be to cruel you
were to Justin." Obviously he's told him a great deal. "But he is my best friend so I would expect that you show him if not the respect I know
he deserves, than at least some common courtesy. He's a really great guy who deserves a little happiness in his life, it hasn't been easy for
him since the last time you saw him and well, I don't want to see him hurt anymore. So please, let’s just leave the past in the past, with this
case." I wonder what has happened to him since our last meeting? Well if I have anything to say about this, he's going to be happy. I plan on
making him happy. My smile just got a mile wide with that thought. Jeeze I feel like a little kid. "What are you smiling about? Please tell me
you'll at least be considerate, Brian, please."

"I plan on being extremely considerate, sweet, kind, and even better than all that...... I plan on sweeping him off his feet!" Ben looks

"Brian stop fucking around. I mean it don't fuck with him. He doesn't deserve it over something that happened two years ago between you
two. You know, you can't help who you fall in love with......" he stops abruptly from his little lecture. He's got big eyes and he's covering his
mouth up. " know what..... just..... oh fuck, "

"Are you saying that he's still in love with me?" I'm praying that this is the truth. He just stares at me. "Tell me...."

"Look Brian regardless of anything he wont bother you, he got your point a long time ago. That's why he left and never came back, but this is
not his fault. Neither of us had any idea. So please just leave it alone."

"I don't want to leave it alone...."I tell him.

"Look goddammit I have put up with everything from Michael being in love with you to all your snarky remarks to your late night calls,
everything without a word! Well now it's time you showed me a little consideration in return. Justin is MY best friend and I wont have him
treated like a piece of trash, it won’t happen do you understand me?" Wow I'm a little taken aback, and he's a little angry. I shake my head
and tell him,

"Ben I don't want to let it go because.....because making him leave is probably the worst mistake of my life.” I’ve lost my smile thinking of
that day. And Ben looks more than a little surprised himself. It's to be expected.

"Are you kidding me? " he asks.

"Does this sound like something I would kid about?" I ask him with absolute seriousness in my voice and expression. I want him to know
just how serious I am.
"You are serious aren't you? I can't believe it after all this time. After everything he has been through, and you, you......"

"I was scared. I knew that if he stayed around I would change my world for him, and well I just couldn't do it then. I didn't know how. I still
don't know how. But this time I'm ready to do whatever it takes to have him in my life. I just hope I don't fuck it up."

"Wow. I never thought I would see the day. Although I have no idea how receptive he will be to all this. See he has been through a lot the
past two years and it has taken a lot away from him, too much away from him. He's kept a few things for himself but he has hidden them
away, cause they caused him too much pain to think of them. Do you understand what I'm saying Brian? Cause I can't break his confidence

I think I get what he's saying. "He still loves me but he buried it, because of what I did?" It's more of a question cause to tell you the truth I'm
not sure if I got this right.

"So you see, you have your work cut out for you." I nod my head and look out to the dance floor, I find him immediately. God he's gorgeous.
The way his body moves is amazing. I feel Ben put his hand on my shoulder...." He's more than worth the fight though." I just nod my head
in understanding, cause I already know he is. Because even though we only had that one night together; from the moment I saw him, I knew
he was the one, I knew he was special. That he was perfect for me. That's why I pushed so hard. "I'll make sure you don't fuck it up...." Ben
says in a very reassuring voice. I turn to look at him.

"Thanks I'd appreciate it. You do know that it's going to be one hell of job for you right?" I say tongue firmly in my cheek. He laughs at that.

"I'm sure I'll live, and as long as you do what's right by Justin you'll live too." he says. I laugh at that and when I straighten up I see that he is
nowhere near kidding. "Oh yeah I'm serious." ok.

"Fair enough." I turn from him and I see that Emmett and Mikey are heading
over towards us, but Justin is still on the dance floor. Mikey heads

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straight for Ben’s arms and Em stands at the bar and leans so he can still
watch Justin dance, I don't like that.

"He's gorgeous isn't he?" Em asks me. I look over at him and give him a small nod. "Just look at those hips shake.....umm..umm...yummy." I
whip my head around and give him an evil glare. I don't want to hear him talk about him like that. "What I'd say?" He doesn't even know
what he's doing, he has no idea about what's going on.

"Just ......just don't talk about him like that." I say and turn my back to him.

"Are you kidding me?" he asks incredulously. I turn and look at him.

"No I'm not kidding you , and I suggest you take my advice very seriously." I turn my back on Emmett’s shocked expression although it’s
really pretty funny. However, what I see next isn't so funny.

I see an averaged sized guy, a little taller than Justin, brown hair, nicely tanned, kinda cute, and maybe 25 head over to Justin and start
dancing with him. Humh? Maybe it's time I show my hand. I don't want to see him in the backroom again with some trick. I make my way
over to him, but they are so into the dance neither one even notices me. I stand behind Justin and slip my arm around his waist, pulling him
back into my chest. The trick is still holding onto him, I guess he thinks this is going to be a threesome, 'I don't think so.' I feel Justin relax
into me so, I put my hand on the tricks shoulder and tell him in a very menacing voice, if I do say so myself. "Fuck Off!!!!"

He looks a little startled, but fuck him. He looks into my eyes and I don't look all too happy right now. So he tucks tail and practically runs
off the dance floor. Justin's still dancing and now he's grinding his ass against my cock, I let out a low growl.... it feels so good. I start to
sway to the music, pushing my cock into his ass. He lays his head back against my shoulder, and I softly kiss his temple, but his skin feels so
good under my lips I just stay there, giving light kisses over, and over again. I hear a small gasp, and a low moan. He turns his head to look at
me and I give him a small smile. He reaches a hand up and with a feather touch, caresses my cheek. His touch feels so good, I just can't help
myself, I lean down, and place a small tender kiss on his lips.

We stay like that for a long while; I don't think either of us wants to lose this feeling. When I finally pull away and look into his eyes he
looks stunned. I slowly turn him around so we're face to face, chest to chest. He hasn't stopped staring into my eyes. Finally I pull him all the
way against me, and tuck his head under my chin and hold him that way while we barely sway to the music.

When I finally notice my surroundings and how all of Babylon has practically stopped dancing and are instead staring at me like I've lost my
mind, I chuckle at them, give one of my best smirks and continue to dance with the man in my arms. He however looks up at me with
questioning eyes, so I motion for him to take a look at the rest of the people on the dance floor, to see the looks on their faces. He takes a
look around and chuckles as well. Then I grab the back of his neck and bring his head back down to my chest. I feel him take a deep breath
and let it out slowly. I keep my hand at the nap of his neck gently rubbing there and running my fingers through his soft blonde hair. I have
my other hand on the small of his back holding him tightly to me while rubbing my thumb up and down. Justin moves his hands from my
chest to my back and presses my body even closer to his. I give him a small peck on the top of his head, he looks up at me and I kiss his
forehead, then I lean down and press my lips to his again, slowly slip my tongue out and lightly run it between his lips.

He invites me in by slightly opening his lips and I slip my tongue in. The kiss is slow and sensual, exploring what was lost so long ago. I'm
not sure how long we've been standing there having the best kiss of my life when suddenly he pulls away.....

Justin's POV:

When I finally got a half coherent thought, and I realized what I was doing, I pulled away, from what was the most incredibly perfect kiss of
my life. I won’t do this again. He won’t use me again; I couldn't survive the morning after when he would just throw me away again. Once
was enough for me. I look up into his eyes and I find a strange look there, one that I can't read, and to tell you the truth I don't know if I want
to. I extract myself from his hold which is no easy task since if I had my way I'd stay in these arms forever.

"What are you doing.......stay with me." he says. Ugh.... I would love to I wanna say.....but he's only going to break my heart so I can't.

"Why Brian, have you forgotten we've already done this, and that you told me countless times in just two days that you don't do repeats. So I
think it's best that I just go find my next trick for the night....... I'm sure you can understand this." He looks kinda stunned; I guess he doesn't
see how someone could just walk away from him. Which is what I'm going to force myself to do. When I finally get out of his grasp, I take a
couple of steps back and say, "thanks Brian, that dance was fun." I say it with as much bravado I can come up with. I see something in his
eyes flicker. Humh? He must be upset that he's going to have to find another trick for the night...oh well it won’t be me...... I look around the
floor and I see a pretty nice looking man. Not too bad, golden light brown hair and he's built, at least six feet tall. Well, he'll do. I need to get
out of this mess I've managed to get myself into....and that man is going to help me. I give Brian my best evil grin and......

"Well, well I think I just found the next pick of the night," as I nod my head over to the trick. Brian looks over and before he can look back to
me I start to make my way over to the guy. I can't be this close to Brian anymore. I stand in front of the trick and as usual he makes up the
distance, and wraps his arms around my waist. I start dancing against him, but all that's going through my mind is 'why can't I get a break?
Why did Brian have to go and play with my feelings the way he did right now? Why did I have to kiss him in the backroom? Why didn't I
keep my distance? I fucking know better by now. But I still couldn't stop myself. Why? Why? Why? ‘I lean my forehead against this guys
chest. I need to get out of here. But I don't want to show my weakness to Brian......


Ben's POV:
I've been watching this whole exchange between Brian and Justin and for a moment I thought Justin was going to see the difference in the
way Brian was treating him. But unfortunately I knew better. I knew he'd pull back. He always does. The problem is, I really believe Brian. I
know him well enough to know that he would never say anything like that if he didn't truly mean it. I mean it goes against everything that he
supposedly stands for. So this is no joke. See, a while ago when Justin finally opened up to me about
Brian and what happened, he told me he fell in love at first sight. He knew from the moment that he saw him that he was the one. But after

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the little speech Brian gave him in the street that night, he said he had walked away cause he realized that Brian didn't feel the same and it
hurt too much. But the problem is, he never stopped loving him. He's drawn countless sketches and countless paintings of Brian. He had two
boyfriends and he compared both to him and of course they always fell short. He told me one time that he believed that everyone has their
soul mate, their perfect match, their one chance at true love. If you find that one perfect person, and the chance passes you up or the other
person doesn't see it or feel it, 'you’re fucking screwed' his words not mine. So he said when he realized he was screwed and he couldn't stop
comparing other men to Brian and the fact that the men he did choose were far from good people, he realized he would never have what most
people look for their entire lives. He had found it his first time out and lost it two days later. So he gave up and has been just going through
the motions ever since.

So now he's dancing with some guy, but wait he's not looking so good, he's leaning his head against the guys chest and it doesn't look like
he's enjoying himself at all. He fakes it really well but if you know him, you can see it. He doesn't want to be there. It's time for me to step in.
I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn to see Michael. He's watched the entire exchange as well, and he knows what has happened between

"I think you should go get Justin he doesn't look so hot." he says with a somewhat sad look on his face.

"I was about to do just that.....thanks." I say and kiss him on the lips. I turn and head off to get Justin... I'm almost to him when I see Brian
coming in fast from the spot he and Justin had been dancing. I put my hand up to stop him. He sees it and stops, I shake my head and with
my hand on my chest I tell him without words I'll take care of it. He nods his head, but doesn't budge from his spot a few feet away from
where they are dancing. Unfortunately Brian is going to have to be a little patient, Justin just isn't ready for this. Right now I know he's just
all mixed up, and he's probably tearing himself up inside. Kicking himself for letting this happen, right now Brian just doesn't know how to
handle him. So until he does I'll take care of this part. I finally get to Justin and I tap his shoulder. He turns his head and sees me. He gives
me that huge smile that is half real and half fake. Like I said, he knows how to hide his feelings well, anyone else wouldn't be able to see that
it's only half real. The trick looks over at me with an evil glint in his eyes. I smile though and ask in a sweet voice.

"May I cut in?" oh he didn't like that.
"No. Fuck off can't you see we're busy here?" I look at Justin and we both start busting up, this guy hasn’t got a clue. He's still got a tight
hold on Justin and he's starting to get a little upset that the guy won’t let him go.

"Look buddy it's time to go find someone else to play with....cause you can't play with him anymore." I say as I talk hold of Justin's arm,
Justin tries to walk away but the guy wont let him go. I'm getting ready to push the guy off when Justin turns back to the guy......

"Look mother fucker if you don't let me go now we are going to have a serious problem, and trust me when I say you don't want to have to
deal with me." He says in an extremely calm dangerous voice. I hope the guy heard the danger in it.

"Ohhh I caught a frisky twink tonight!" he says with a chuckle, and he still hasn't let Justin go. Uh oh. I see Brian starting to make his way
over here again but then he stops in his tracks with big eyes. I look back over to Justin and he's grabbed the guy by his hand has it bent back
to where it looks like it's going to break. The guy falls to his knees.....

"You didn't catch shit you stupid fuck! What did I tell you? I told you that you didn't want to fuck with me. Did you think that just because I
was, how did you put it….a twink.. I couldn't take your ass? Well my little bitch, look who's on his knees now." With that he turns, takes my
hand and leads me off the dance floor. The guy is sitting on the floor cradling his arm. It looks like he's crying. I wonder if Justin broke his
hand? I look over at Brian before we reach the bar and he's got a huge grin and he's chuckling. I had to laugh. When we get to the bar
Michael and Emmett both have open mouths and wide eyes. Yeah I know it's hard to believe that a little guy like Justin can take down a guy
who's got a couple inches and at least 60 pounds on him, down. Unfortunately it was a necessity for him to learn. I was hoping that with me
going over there, that it wouldn't come to that, but the guy just wouldn't listen. So in the end he got what was coming to him.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Michael asked.

"I took some classes." I find myself rolling my eyes at that. Just some classes my ass! He's a black belt in Tai Kwon Do, and Karate, but

"Double Vodka, double Beam!!" Justin yells at the bartender. When he gets the drinks he pounds them one right after the other. He doesn't
even wince. I'm starting to wonder how he's really been doing after being in London all that time. I know that when he went out there he
didn't know anybody, but I did hear him talk about a girl her name was.........oh yeah Dianne. He said she was one of the funniest people he's
ever met, so I know he had at least one friend over there. But Justin only really has two real friends and that's Daphne and myself. So I tend
to worry about him isolating himself, which I know he does.

"Another......of both!!" oh boy he plans on getting wasted tonight. I can tell by his rapid succession. He can hold his liquor better than anyone
I know. He and Brian would probably end up killing each other if they ever decided to make a contest out of it. Now that's a scary thought.
Humh. Tonight is not turning out like I had hoped. I go over to Michael and I give him a big kiss, and he smiles after we break apart.

"So sweetie did you enjoy London?" Em asks. I guess he's trying to break the tension I can feel coming off of Justin. Before he answers he
throws back the next two shots.

"Yeah it was really good the museums are amazing and all the different touristy sites are great. I got a lot of inspiration being there, so I
painted a lot. All the shows I did were pretty good so I'm happy about that and I signed two more clients to my company. Overall, it was a
very productive trip." Again the man understates his success. In every show he did he practically sold every piece that was there. As for his
clients, well let’s just say that they aren't just ordinary clients; they are the big fish of clients. Justin does web designs, and he loves doing it.
He just landed the largest luxury cruise company in London and Virgin Records. See what I mean, very big companies. His company isn't all
that big yet, but in a couple of years it's going to be huge. For the better part of two years now he's been racking up the clients, he really is
amazing. He hasn't even been to college yet. He will go though, or so he says. But I can see the problems that might create. He's got a very
successful business and with that comes employees that count on him. Plus there is his art.....he's got bookings for the next two years planned
out. So I guess if he ever gets the time he'll go to college. I'm just wondering, when he finally gets to college are they going to be able to
teach him anything he doesn't already know?

"Well that's wonderful sweetie. I would love to go one day. When I was a boy in Hazlehurst I dreamed of going all over Europe. Paris, Rome

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and London of course, just everywhere! I almost got to go too, with the man of my dreams at that! My poor George, I still miss him." uh oh,
Em is going to cry". "No I am not going to cry." He is getting better at that.

"Well I'm sure one day you'll get there Em, and when you do, I'll help you plan your trip. I’ll tell you where all the good clubs are, all the
really good museums, places to eat, shows to see."

"Yeah?" Em asks

"Sure. Why not?"

"Well that would be great. So when one day comes along you’ll be the first person I come to." Em states with a laugh.

"Bartender, a round of beers…. Budweiser." Justin orders for us. We get our beers and I'm starting to wonder where Brian is so I take a look
around and I don't see him............


Michael's POV:
This is turning out to be one of the weirdest nights I have ever had. First off it's Justin.......Ben's best friend is Brian's trick from two years
ago. So it's more than a little strange especially since I always knew that Justin was different. I mean Brian brought him to his son’s birth,
hell he even let him name Gus. If I didn't know it before that moment, I definitely knew it then. Plus he let him stay the night, he took his
virginity, and when I walked in on them the morning after, it was like they had been together for years the way they were acting, all sweet
and gentle. Brian was dressing him for goodness sakes. Then when Justin stopped coming around I noticed a change in Brian, when we
would be at Woody's he would tend to watch the door, he never did anything like that before, and I knew he was watching for Justin.

I remember how much it had hurt at the time, because I knew Brian wanted to be with him in ways he'd never want to be with me, with
anyone really. But he wanted this seventeen year old kid and from what I saw on the dance floor just a little while ago, he's never lost those
feelings. If anything they've grown. Brian has never, ever in his life treated anyone so tenderly before. He's never showed that much emotion
and caring for someone, and in the middle of Babylon no less!! This is pretty amazing, and a true testament to the fact that I am really over
Brian in those ways. Because when I saw them dancing and holding each other like that, the only thoughts that were coming were 'maybe
Brian has finally found someone that can make him happy that he can spend the rest of his life with.' See what I'm saying? I know Justin is
the one too, just as much as Brian does. But I think that Justin may need a lot more reassuring on that point. Not to mention I think I'm going
to have to keep a close eye on Brian to make sure he doesn't fuck it up. I want Brian to finally be happy, and I know Justin is the one who can
make that happen but Brian has never done anything like this before so I'm thinking a little guidance will do a world of good. Plus I know a
little bit about Justin's past relationships so I know that it's going to be extremely hard on him as well. Maybe if Ben and I team up we can
make sure they get what I know they both want......each other. I wonder where Brian is, I haven't seen him since the whole thing with Justin
breaking the guys hand, by the way, can I just say how funny that was? I need to learn how to do that. But anyway I take a look around but I
can't see Brian anywhere.........


Justin's POV

Well let see here, I was supposed to come see my best friend, meet his boyfriend and his friends and have a good time talking, dancing and
fucking. Let's just say that even though I have done all these things, not much of it has been very fun. I think I'm ready to call this night a
bust and head home. Ben and I can catch up later and hopefully I can get to know Michael better. He really is turning out to be a good guy.
I'd like to get to know Emmett better too; he seems like a fun person. But for now, I just want to get out of here and regroup. Seeing Brian
was almost too much, I thought I could just move past it, but when I felt his eyes on me in the backroom with that trick I knew I was in
trouble. Then…oh god…then the dance. Him pulling me away from the trick and holding me so close and kissing me so softly, I haven't had
those feelings in such a long time, with him holding me so close and slowly rubbing my neck and, "mmmm" that kiss........

"Did you say something Justin?" Em asks me. Oops I did that out loud. Yeah I think it's time for me to head home, plus if I have to feel
Brian's eyes on me anymore I think I'm going to go insane. He's been watching me from the catwalk almost as long as we have been standing
at the bar. Don't ask me how it happens but from that very first night, the first time he ever looked at me I felt him watching me. I can tell
when he walks into a room. I can always tell where he is in a room. Soul mates. That's the only way to explain it. But Brian won’t give into
it, won’t allow it to happen. We missed our chance, we're screwed...well I'm screwed, he doesn't want all that lovey dovey stuff so he'll be
happy to lead his life the way it is. I'm ready to go now. So I walk over to Ben.....

"Hey Benny boy..... I think I'm going to head out. I'm still feeling the whole jet lag thing." he looks a little disappointed. "It's alright I'm
sticking around so if you want call me tomorrow we can get lunch or something. How's that sound?"

"That sounds great. I'll give you a call tomorrow then."

"Do you need a ride?" Michael asks.

"No I'm good. I brought my car. But thank you for the offer." Ben gives me a big hug, and in my ear whispers..

"I'm so glad your home and that you're sticking around."

"Me too." Or at least I was until a certain hazel eyed man showed up. Now I'm just getting scared for my sanity.

"And I'm sorry about all the drama tonight, I really had no idea...." I pull back enough to see his eyes.

"Ben I know you didn't. How could you? It's alright, things will be fine I just need to regroup, I was just caught off guard it wont happen
again." I say while I look into his eyes. He's got the worried look. Ummmm. I don't wanna get into this now.

"Look Jus....." but I cut him off.

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"Benny boy....not tonight. Ok. Just.....not tonight." hoping he listens to me.

"Alright but if you need anything, anything at'll call me right?"

"That I can do," but I wont. We finally let go of each other and I turn to Michael, "It was really great to see you again Michael. Maybe we
can get together and have a lunch of our own. I have all kinds of embarrassing little secrets about him." I say with a chuckle. Oh I see Benny
boy wince a little at that one, and then I'm laughing.
"Well since you put it that way, we should definitely have lunch.," he says with a cute little grin and a little bit of a chuckle.

"Ah come on this is just not fair," Ben whines. I giggle at that and then he's laughing, my giggle always does that to him.

"Well Benny boy.......with all do respect, I think your boyfriend has the right to know what a weirdo he’s dating." I say in all seriousness.

"Hey I am NOT a weirdo." he tries for the seriousness but he knows deep down he's a little bit of a weirdo.

"Uh humh. Right Benny what ever you say." I tell him in my best mock voice. "Alright, I'm outta here guys. Thanks for a wonderful evening.
I'll see you both later."

"Bye Jus." Ben says.

"Bye Justin." Michael says and I nod my head. I turn to leave and out of nowhere, I’m enveloped in a huge hug.

"Well sweet thing, were you gonna leave with out saying good bye?" ah Em.

"Sorry about that but I didn't know where you scurried off too."

"Well see that fine man with that beautiful bulge standing by the bar?" Yeah I see him, not half bad. Black hair with what looks like brown
eyes, not as tall as I would think, for a man as tall as Em but hey. I nod my head in approval.

"Well then you go play dirty with your new friend, I’m taking off. But I'm sure I'll see you soon, as a matter of fact..." I pull out my wallet
and hand him one of my cards," this has all my numbers on it except my home but I don't have a pen, so when you call I'll give it to you

"Oh yeah." he says with a big ol' smile. He so cute. "Well I will definitely be giving you a call."

"Sounds good. I'll talk to you later then. Now go and have some fun." I say pushing him towards his playmate for the night. I'm heading out
but right as I get to the chains at the entrance my body stops and of it's own accord 'I swear' I turn a little and look directly at Brian. He's
looking directly into my eyes and I can't tear my self away. I wish I wasn't so pulled to him. I wish he didn't make me weak in the knees
when he looks at me, I wish I didn't want him with every fiber of my being. What am I going to do? He smiles at me, and I give the tiniest
smile in return. Then I force myself to turn and walk away. It's what has to be done.........

Brian's POV:

I'm watching Justin walk away and I hate every second of it. But in my heart I know it's not the time to push for more. This is going to take
time, and finesse, which I'm more than willing to give. When we were dancing and I had him wrapped in my arms, his arms wrapped around
me, it just proved to me that I was right. He's the one. But the kiss is what sealed it. I swear if that kiss could've lasted for the rest of my life I
would be the happiest man alive. It was perfect. I can still feel his lips against mine. I never want to lose that feeling. But when he pulled
away I felt a pain shoot through my heart. I wanted to hold onto him, but when he threw my words back at me, I knew that he needed to walk
away from me for now. He needed the space. I don't blame him, I'm sure I wouldn't trust me either after what I've said to him. It's going to
take time to prove that this time is different. That I'm ready now, that I want this. I want there to be an US. I'm also going to have to remind
him that we are meant to be together.

Well I have a lot of planning to do; I think I better get started. I head downstairs and move around the opposite side of where the gang is
towards the exit. I wanna figure out a game plan before I discuss this, cause I know that's what's going to happen once they get a hold of me.
That ought to be fun. But for now I'm gonna go home have a very hot shower and of course let my hand have a little work out, while my
mind indulges on tonight’s wonderful surprises. Then I'm gonna figure out how I'm going to get Justin back in my life, as quickly as

Brian’s POV:

“Mmm” I moan into the kiss he feels so good under me. I can’t believe he’s here! He just showed up. Banging on my door. I was right in the
middle of trying to figure out how to get him back into my life and he just shows up. When I pulled open the door it was like a whirlwind, he
just flew into my arms and kissed me with raw need and passion. I didn’t even have time to realize what was happening before he started
ripping off my clothes. Buttons went flying everywhere as he tore open my shirt and with one yank he had all the buttons on my jeans
undone. My hands are on his face holding him there so he can’t break the kiss. We both lean down so he can push down my pants. I step out
of them and feel his hands all over my body. Such soft hands yet with a strong caress and there’re everywhere. I turn around and start
moving for the bedroom, I need to be with him, to feel him underneath me, all around me. He puts his arms around my neck and jumps up
wrapping his legs around my waist. I have to stop to get my balance really quick. I put my hands under his ass and pull him into me feeling
his rock hard cock under his soft worn out jeans... he swivels his hips so our cocks get even more friction and then rolls them. I swallow
every moan and when he tries to draw away from our kiss I suck his tongue back into my mouth....can’t lose this kiss. When we reach the
bed I kneel down with him still clinging to me. I lay him back against the pillows. I can’t wait any longer to feel his skin so I take my hands
from his ass and pull away from our kiss. He tries to pull me back to him but I look into his eyes and... “I have to feel you, not your
clothes....” he nods his head and as quickly as I can, I remove his clothes. When he’s naked I stop and just stare at him.... “god you’re even

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more beautiful than I remember.” When I see that sunshine smile I realize I said that out loud, but I don’t care and I give him a slight smile in
return. He reaches his hands up and with both hands on my face softly caresses me and pulls me down to him for a softer slower kiss. He
moves so that our cocks once again rub together and this time we both moan our pleasure into the kiss. After that, the kissing became more
passionate and frantic again. I’ve waited too long, we can go slow next time.... I move away from the kiss once more to get the supplies and I
see him pout and groan at the loss. When I move back he grabs the condom from me, rips it open with his teeth and starts rolling it down my
cock. “Ah!” I moan and throw my head back. His soft, strong hands moving up and down my dick is too much. I put my hands over his to
stop him....I look at him he asks me, “too much?” with a slight grin. I nod my head and flip the top of the lube. While I lube up my fingers....

“I want..” I slip one finger in and he arches into my touch with a groan. I start to finger him.

“What do you want?” he moans out.

“Mmmm I want to be.” I slip another finger in and continue.

“Where?” he whispers. I slip a third finger in. He starts to fuck himself on my fingers, I let him for a minute while I watch him panting and
moaning and I get my dick well lubed. His hands start to grip the sheets and that’s when I take my fingers away. His head comes flying up
and eyes wide open, in question.

“Too much.” I ask. He gives an evil grin, and shakes his head.

“ where do you want to be?” he asks seductively, with the sexiest smile. I lay myself on top of him, one hand under his head
and one around my cock. I place my cock at his hole and slowly start to enter him....”sssssss” he moans and I see his eyes roll shut and his
head lolls back into my hand.

“I want....mmmm..... to be....un.... right here.” I manage to get out while I push as far into him as possible. “God ....ah so tight.” I put
my forehead against his mouth, I feel him kiss me there.

“I rarely let any one fuck me.” he whispers. With that he pushes himself down on my dick. I growl and pump myself into him. “Mmmm....
there you go” he says. I watch his eyes as I start to pull out, almost all the way and then I slam into him “yes” he breathes as his eyes start to
roll closed again.

“Look at me.” He does as he’s told and we start to find our rhythm. With my free hand I grab his hand and squeeze, his other hand grabs my

“Kiss me Brian.” he says as he guides my mouth to his. This kiss is heart stopping. It’s not fast but it’s got something, something I’ve never
felt before....all my movement has stopped, there is nothing but this kiss. “Mmm” I moan into the kiss. When we finally have to breathe we
pull away, I look into his eyes, I need to see if he felt it too.....I see it. He did. There are no walls right now. Just him with.....with love in his
eyes. I start to move again slowly and watch his eyes, so beautiful. I swivel my hips so I can slide across his prostate. I hear his breath catch,

I break eye contact and move my mouth to the side of his throat I bite down almost to the point of drawing blood, “ahhhh!” he yelps...I suck
and lick until the spot is bright red and quite big, big enough to show that he belongs to ME. I don’t ever want to see him in the back room or
anywhere else for that matter with another man again. It’s plain and simple. He’s mine now, and I will NOT ever let him go again. “Bri
please....” that’s when I notice I’m barely moving.

“Do you wanna cum baby?” I whisper into his ear. Licking his lobe.

“Mmmm. Yes please......make me cum.” I speed up my thrusting and make sure I hit his prostate with every stroke. He’s so tight I can feel
him squeezing me every time I withdraw.

“Oh god.....Justin” I can’t take much more of this. “Cum for me Baby.” I feel him start to shake underneath me and then I feel the vice grip
around my dick and I’m sent over the edge with him.

“Brian!” he screams and I feel myself growl trying to pump my cock in him for as long as I can. But it quickly becomes too much and I bury
myself as far as I can into him while our orgasms finish us off.

When I feel my orgasm subside I lean in and kiss him, softly and sweetly. I wanna show him how much this meant to me. How much him
being here means to me. Finally I roll to the side of him, remove the condom and throw it in the trash by the bed. We are both still panting a
bit. I look over to him and caress his cheek. When he looks at me I smile at him before I get up to go get something to wipe us up. I walk to
the bathroom and get a warm cloth. I wipe myself off and go back to the bedroom, kneeling on the bed over him. I gently wipe him up with
the cloth while I run circles with the other hand over the now clean spots. I feel him shiver and I hear a giggle, so I look up and see he has a
gorgeous grin and those sparkling blue eyes are staring right into my eyes. I feel the cloth slip from my hand and hear it hit the floor, he puts
his hands around mine and pulls me down to meet his lips. We kiss, that slow sweet kiss that I just can’t get enough of and now never know
if I will. I know I don’t want to. I roll us over to the side, his chest to mine. I wrap my arms and legs around him tightly. I don’t want him
getting away from me. When I pull away from the kiss, he wraps his arms around me and tucks his head under my chin. I kiss the top of his
head, and sigh with relief..........


Justin’s POV:

I love this feeling. Being wrapped up in Brian so tightly. When I decided to come here it was because I just couldn’t help myself. It was like
my body was on autopilot. I had to be with him. I knew it was a bad idea and I will get up and leave him to his life once again. I just wanna
feel this way a little longer. I put everything I had into him tonight. I’ve wanted to feel him in me, beside me, around me for so long. Seeing
him tonight, kissing him, touching him, dancing with him, it was all too much, I couldn’t deny myself any longer. I know what’s next
though. I’m out the door and once again out of his life. I hear his breathing even out and I know he’s asleep now. Good I get to leave on my
own this time without him throwing me away. There is however this slight problem, I don’t want to leave, I never wanted to leave. But I

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know that leaving now is the only way to keep some of my heart intact, instead of him ripping it out of my chest to make sure I leave. So I
carefully disentangle myself from him. But before I do I kiss him over his heart and then on his forehead and then on his lips where I linger
for a minute before I move away. I smile a sad smile and move off the bed. I start grabbing up my clothes and get dressed. When I’m done I
look over one more time. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I finally steel myself and walk out the door.

When I get home I head straight for my studio. I never sleep much, not since my father found out I was gay and my whole life started falling
apart....see after Brian dropped me off that morning at school, everyone at St. James made sure that they made my life a living hell. My mom
somehow figured out that I was gay and she tried for a while to understand or tolerate it, but then she just couldn’t handle it. She had taken
me to a shrink to try and convince me that I was too young to know who I was....what a bunch of bullshit...but anyway, I got over it. But first
I did tell the shrink just how much I loved cock. I loved the look on my mom’s face, not to mention the big eyes the shrink got. Well at least
we never went back there. But then one day she decided to take me to the museum we used to go to when I was a kid, I guess she was trying
to recreate part of my childhood. I’m not really sure but well, I kinda got distracted by this guy with blonde and brown hair, a goatee, nice
brown eyes and not too bad of a body. He motioned for me to follow him into the bathroom so I did, we got into the bathroom and attacked
each other...mmm it was so exciting, to be in such a place where anyone could walk in and see you or hear you it had me rock hard in
seconds. He had me up against the wall and I closed the stall door, he got down on his knees and started to suck me off. But before I could
cum he stood up, spun me around and fucked me. We were grunting and moaning. It was great until I got back out to my mom; she had a
scowl across her face and told me we were leaving. She didn’t talk to me for two days and when she did it was her and my father. Everything
just started slipping away from me at that moment. My mom showed her true colors; yeah she did throw in a Craig here and a Craig there.
But in the end my father got what he wanted and that was me, being the perfect little straight son. I played his game, gave him what he
wanted for about two months, but then after all his hateful words and the fact that he never even acknowledged any of my feelings, I just
couldn’t bear to keep playing. My mother never talked to me anymore either, it was like all the sudden I wasn’t there. So I figured if they
didn’t even notice me or care what I was feeling I might as well not care what they think or feel.

After that I started going out anywhere I could just to get away from them. That’s when I met Mark, oh he was gorgeous, blonde hair, light
blue eyes, at least 6'4 and nicely built. Good muscles but not overly done by any means. He was twenty-five and he was perfect, well, I
thought he was. He always made me feel like I could tell him anything. So I told him everything. I told him my whole life story, my hopes,
my dreams, everything. Except for Brian, I kept that for myself. I mean how are you supposed to tell someone you think you could start a
relationship with that you love another man? See, it wouldn’t work. So we dated for a couple of months and the sex was pretty good. He was
always there for me when my dad was being an ass or when my mom refused to see anything or when the fuckers at school were relentless. I
would go to him and he’d take care of me. Finally one day, he asked me to move in with him. He said it would be great and I wouldn’t have
to worry about my parents anymore and I could just be. Well after everything I had been through and was still going through I jumped at the
chance, plus I really liked the guy. So one day when everyone was at work, he and I went to the house and packed up everything I owned. I
left a note for my mom telling her I was fine and that I would still be going to school but I just couldn’t take living there anymore. Plus I
pointed out the fact that she and dad didn’t want me there anyway. She accepted that I guess cause no one ever came to find me; they didn’t
come to the school to get me. It broke my heart. But I moved on, kept going to school and kept studying hard so I could get into college.
Everything seemed to be going good with Mark and me, we were happy. We worked out a routine that worked for both of us. It was

Then one day the rug got ripped out from under me when we got into a fight. I don’t remember what it was about though, but I do remember
that I called him stupid. I’m not even sure why I did; I guess it really doesn’t matter. Well it seemed that Mark didn’t like that so much and
the next thing I knew I was up against the wall with his hand around my throat and my toes just barely touching the ground. I’ll never forget
the look in his eyes. I was so scared that he was really going to hurt me cause I couldn’t see anything there except for pure anger. “Don’t you
ever fucking call me stupid again!” he said to me. I couldn’t believe that it was happening, it was so surreal. He let me go after that and just
walked away. I remember I stood on my feet; I wouldn’t let myself fall to the floor. I wouldn’t let myself cry. I just went into the bedroom
and sat on the bed for the rest of the day wondering what I had gotten myself into. When darkness took over the room I climbed into his bed.
I was too busy trying to figure out what I was going to do to sleep, so I just laid awake for hours. When he finally came into the room my
heart sped up and a cold sweat came over me, I just tried to relax and pretend to be asleep. He undressed and climbed into bed with me. He
slid in right next to me and I felt myself stiffen up. I tried not to but I couldn’t help it. He started to kiss my neck and shoulders; I couldn’t
stand the contact though so I asked him to stop....

“Don’t be like that I’m horny and I wanna fuck you,” he whispered into my ear. He started pushing his cock in between my ass cheeks and I
freaked and rolled onto my back. When I looked into his eyes it was like the man I knew wasn’t there anymore, I didn’t know who was lying
next to me and that scared me even more. He tried to kiss me but I scooted away from him. His face changed into the look of anger again as
he grabbed me squeezing my cheeks into my teeth. It hurt so bad it brought tears to my eyes instantly. I fought them back though; I didn’t
want him to see what he was doing to me. He kissed me then, forcing his tongue into my mouth. I put my hands against his chest and tried to
push him off but he was just too strong. When he finally pulled away, he had this evil gleam in his eye; it made my blood run cold. I knew
what he was going to do whether I wanted it or not. He didn’t care. When I realized he wasn’t going to stop I pushed and pleaded for him not
to do this but he wouldn’t listen. Instead, to shut me up he punched me as hard as he could in the face, I felt something crack in my cheek. I
could feel the blood start to trickle down my cheek and I felt so dizzy. My eyes were getting heavy but I wouldn’t let myself fall asleep, I
was scared he might do something really bad if I fell asleep. So I lay waiting to get my mind back under control and for the pain to subside a
little. He was busy kissing and licking down my body telling me how much I was going to love this and how much he knew I wanted it. I felt
the tears streaming down my face and the fear going through my body. When I was finally able to move he was right over my dick so I lifted
up my knee to his face and he yelled out in pain and rolled to his side. I got myself off the bed and scrambled off the floor. I ran for the door
but before I could open it he was against my back and slammed me into the door holding it shut. I tried to scream but just a whimper came
out and it hurt just to do that. I was crying and pleading with him in my mind to stop. That’s when I felt my ribs being punch one, two, three
times, I screamed out in pain. I lost my footing so the only thing keeping me up was him holding me against the door.

“If you scream one more time I will make sure you pay dearly for it.” he says with a clenched jaw, then moves back from me and I fall to the
floor. I try and curl myself into a tight ball. It hurts so much. He grabs my arm and pulls me up off the floor and throws me onto the bed.
Before he can reach me, I scramble up and over to the other side, I stare at him and he laughs at me.

“Do you really think you can get away from me? Do you really think I’d let you go? Besides where would you go? Nobody wants you but
me. I pay for everything around here and so when I want to fuck you, you will not deny me. From now on you will give me whatever I want
from you.” He’s starting to move around the bed to where I’m at. I start to climb up over the bed again when I feel him slam me into the

“Please! Please don’t do this, Mark.” I scream.

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“I fucking told you not to scream any more!” he yells. And he sits up off me and I feel punch after punch rain down upon my back. I’m
screaming and crying out in pain and I swear that just makes him hit harder. By the time he’s done, by the time the punches stop, I’ve
stopped yelling. It’s too hard to breathe and there’s too much pain to move or do anything else for that matter. I feel him shove his dick into
my ass without lube, but thank god with a condom. I can feel the difference. I couldn’t get away he’s gotten what he wanted. Every move
from him makes my body scream out in pain but nothing more comes out of my mouth. I try but still nothing comes out. He’s slamming into
me with everything he’s got. Before long he’s screaming out my name when he cums and afterwards he falls against my back with an

I yelp a little at the shear pain running through my body, but that’s it.

“Good night, that was fantastic,” he says through a yawn. But doesn’t bother to roll off my back. I feel his breath even out as he slips into
sleep. I can barely breathe; I think he may have broken a couple of ribs. Every part of me is just throbbing and screaming against the pain.
Finally in his sleep he rolls off me and I try my damndest to get up off the bed but the pain is just too much and I feel myself slip into

The next morning I woke up to him hitting me in the back of my head. Telling me to get my lazy ass out of bed and get my ass to school.

“But I will see you when I get home and I expect you to be in a better, more cooperative mood when I get here. Understand?” I just nod my
head slightly in agreement. He gives me a smile and kisses my forehead. “Good then. Now you have a good day and I’ll see you later.” he
says leaning in to give me a kiss on the mouth. I make myself relax for the kiss. I don’t think I could take another hit. With his kiss he gets up
and leaves for work. I lay there steeling myself for the pain I know is going to go through my body and when I’m ready I get up and move to
the bathroom. I look into the full-length mirror he has to see the damage. I have bruises along both my sides and around my neck. The right
side of my face is black and so swollen I can’t even tell where my eye is supposed to be. My arms have finger gripped bruises all along them
and scratches and about five big bruises from his fists. I can’t see my back and I’m not even going to try, it’s too painful to move that way. I
have blood smeared all over my face and down the right side of my body. God I look absolutely horrible. I have to get out of here so I call a
cab and they say they’ll be here in about twenty-five minutes. So as quickly as I can, I get dressed and get my things together and drag them
down the hall to the front door. I wait for the cab by the window so I can see him when he pulls up. He gets there and I open the door, when
he gets up to the door his face goes pail and asks if I’m ok. I didn’t have a chance to clean myself up I wanted out as soon as possible. I nod
my head and motion to my bags hoping he’ll get them for me; they’re just too heavy right now. He grabs them and gets them into the cab. He
opens the door for me, I get in and mumble for him to take me to the hospital.

He drops me and my stuff off at the hospital emergency room. They pretty much take me right back cause well, if you saw me you’d
understand. I had blood everywhere, the whole right side of my face was swollen and black, and there were children in the waiting room. Get
the picture? When we get back there they give me the usual paperwork to fill out and I give her my medical cards, and blah ....finally she
heads out and tells me the doctor will be in, in a minute. When the doctor finally gets there he asks all the questions and such which I don’t
answer. I don’t want to deal with it all I just want to move on. I don’t want to remember this night ever again. They run a couple of X-rays
and I find out I have two broken ribs on the right side and one on the left. My cheekbone is broken in two places, I also have some cuts and
lots of bruises. Finally after about 4 hours of being in this fucking hospital, they’ve patched me up and given me a pain prescription, then
they tell me that my mom has signed the papers for me to be released.......

“My mom?” I ask in a small voice.

“Yes your mother. We called her after we got your cards. She’s here and ready to take you home,” she says with a slight smile.

“Why did you call my mom? I was doing just fine here on my own.” I can’t believe this.

“Well because you are still two days away from your eighteenth birthday that’s why. You’re a minor which meant we had to.” Oh right, two
fucking days. Well fuck. “She’s out in the waiting room. When your ready.” she says and leaves the room. Finally after I get my emotions
under control, I stand up and with all the strength I have, I drag myself and my bags out to the waiting room and my mom. When I get out
there and she sees me, she just shakes her head and looks at the floor. She stands up and moves to me but she doesn’t hug me or say
anything, she just grabs my bag and we leave the hospital. Later that night after my dad got home from work, they had time to talk and I was
called downstairs to face them.

“Look at what your disgusting lifestyle has gotten let some man beat the shit out of you. See I told you this would happen.” he
says with total disgust in his voice. He’s pacing the floor in front of me, and I just stair at the floor. “And you’re back here well,
you can’t stay here.” I look up at him in surprise, I don’t know why, I should’ve known better. “In two days you turn eighteen and then you
get your trust funds from both your grandfather and your mother and I. So you will take that and do whatever the fuck you want with it but
you wont stay here and you will stay away from my family. I will not have you embarrassing your mother and I or your poor sister. We don’t
deserve this kind of treatment and I won’t allow it. Do you understand?” I feel the tears behind my eyes but I hold onto them and nod my
head. I won’t let him have the satisfaction of seeing me cry. “Good, then you can stay here for the next two days. The money should be in
your account by Friday morning and as soon as it is I expect you to be out of my house.” With that he leaves the room and heads up stairs. I
look at the floor until I hear my mother speaking.

“You know Justin, your father and I gave you a chance to fix this, to realize you weren’t really gay that it was just a phase...but you refused
to take our offers of help and decided to turn your back on your family. And now look, now you won’t even have us. I don’t understand how
you could do this. My son would’ve done anything to make it right with his family, he would’ve never been as selfish as you are.” I feel my
heart breaking into a million pieces at my mothers’ words. I can’t believe they would want me to be someone I’m not just to make them
happy. Why can’t they love me for who I really am? She gets up to go upstairs but before she’s gone she gets one more in....” and Justin
while you’re here, you will stay in your room. I will bring you food and you have that little fridge I will bring you some water and sodas for
your stay. I doubt you will be going to school for the next couple of days so you have no reason to come down here.” I feel a couple of tears
stream down my face, I let them go. There’s nobody left to see them fall.

I stayed there for the next two days in my room I never left it. I only opened my door when my mother would knock to tell me my food was
waiting by the door. I slept a lot and my mom even put a paper on the floor one morning so I could look for an apartment. When Friday came
around I packed up my stuff early that morning and headed out to the bank. Confirmed that the money was in my account, signed the
documents that needed to be signed then went to the apartments that I had seen in the paper. It wasn’t until I got to the third building that I

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found the right place. It was perfect for me. Two rooms with one pretty big bathroom, a nice sized living room and an average kitchen. It
even had a little dining room nook. It was nice and had a lot of windows. Perfect. I signed the lease that day and paid up. Thankfully it was
ready for me to move into right then. I only did a couple more things that day, I went out and got myself a nice big four posted bed. I had to
pay extra to have it delivered the same day but I couldn’t of cared less at that time. After everything I had been through I was not about to
spend the first night in my new apartment on my birthday no less, sleeping on the floor. So I went and got my self a birthday present. I also
went to Linens n Things and got myself some really nice Egyptian cotton sheets and a nice light blue duvet. I picked up some towels and a
couple things for the kitchen, some pots pans silverware stuff like that and a phone. I caught a cab back to the apartment and just sat
everything in the living room. I plugged in my new phone and had all the utilities and phone transferred into my name and then my bed
came. I had a really nice weekend just sitting around doing nothing but sketching and reading and resting in that huge bed. When Monday
rolled around my life got flipped upside down again....... with the ’ring ....ring’ of my phone I’m pulled back to the present.


“Hey Jus, it’s Ben.”

“Hey Benny boy.” I spent way too much time on the past for now.

“I was wondering if you’d care to join me for lunch today?”

“I would be delighted to join you for lunch today.” I say with a giggle and as if on cue he laughs.

“Well then I’ll meet you at the diner at one o’clock is that alright?”

“Sure, but what time is it?”

“It’s 11:30 right now.”

Oh my goodness I’ve been sitting here for hours, thinking about all this old shit, I have painted one hell of a canvas though, it’s painful to
look at. It’s blue with streaks of black and blots of red. I can see all my pain from that time in there. “Justin? Are you there?”

“Hum? Oh yeah I’m here. I’ll be there. 1 o’clock.” I say. Trying to bring myself out of those painful memories.

“Good I can’t wait to get caught up and for you tell me everything that’s been going on with you. I’ve missed so much.”

“I know but I’m here now and I won’t be going away like that for a long time so we have plenty of time to catch up.”

“Sounds good. I’ll see you at 1 then.”



We hang up, and I start to clean up the mess I have created. I have a shower and get dressed and get some coffee while I sit and let my mind
wander back to last night with Brian.... I wonder what he’s up to today. “Damn it Justin! Don’t do this to yourself.”..........


Ben’s POV:

Justin and Me are meeting for lunch this afternoon at the diner. I knew he had something on his mind, not sure what it was. Last night after
watching him leave I couldn’t help but think of the first time we met. He came running into the building literally running me over and
knocking me to the floor with him on top of me. He was just so adorable with his big blue eyes, but then I noticed he looked scared and his
face was swollen and bruised. Before I knew it he was scrambling to get off of me. He held out his hand to help me up. I took it and asked
him with a smile….

“What’s got you in such a big hurry?”

“I’m so sorry about that I just looked back for a second, I didn’t mean to run you over.”

He looked so embarrassed, and fidgety. And he kept on looking back at the door to our building.

“That’s all’s good to get knocked on your ass every once in awhile.” He looked back up at me and gave me a huge grin and my very
first giggle. I laughed it was just so cute and caught me totally off guard. “So did you just move in? I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you here

“I just moved in this last Friday,” he says with a smile.

“Do you like it so far? “

“Oh yeah, it’s quiet and cozy. I still have a lot I need to get for the place though so it’s not complete. I don’t even have a television yet so it’s
also been a little boring.”

When someone walks out the door and it slams shut Justin jumps and looks back at the door. He’s running from someone, probably the
person who did this to him. “Well I think I should let you get back to your day,” he says with fear in his eyes. I could see it.

“Um ok listen here’s my phone number and that’s my apartment number. If you need anything, just come on by. Maybe we could even get
some coffee sometime.” I see some of the fear subside and small smile return to his lips, as I hand him my card.

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“Ben Bruckner, and you are?” I say holding out my hand.

“Justin Taylor. It’s nice to meet you,” and shakes my hand.

“Well Mr. Taylor if you need to just talk I’m a good listener, ok?” I know obviously something is wrong. He’s so young and he looks so
innocent. I’d hate to see him hurt, anymore than he already has been.

“Um ok I guess,” he says with his brows furrowed and questions in his eyes.

“You just look like you could use a friend that’s all. I’d hate to see you hurt again. So if you need anything. Help with anything, call me.” I
say with all sincerity.

“Well thank you. Ben I may just take you up on that offer. But for now I really need to go upstairs and just relax. It’s been a really long day.”
I can see in his eyes that it has, I can also see for the first time the blazer and back pack. How old is this kid?

“Yeah sure, no problem. I hope we talk again soon though.”

“I’m sure we will. I could use a friend right about now.”

“Well then why don’t you give me a call later on tonight after you get some rest. We could maybe order in some food and get to know each

“Sounds good Ben. I’ll call you later. Bye.” he says as he moves over to the elevators.

“Bye Justin.”

He did call me that night and we talked and laughed and learned so much about each other. I found out that even though he was eighteen, he
was incredibly smart. I learned that he went to school and wanted to be an artist and that he was starting a business. I also learned that he was
having a hell of a time with the kids in school. Favorite foods, movies, music, what he doesn’t like, everything along those lines. During that
week we got really close and we became good friends, he was like a little brother to me from the beginning. When he finally confided in me
about Mark and his parents we made steps to keep him safe. He started karate and tae kwon doe classes which he excelled in. We learned
everything there was to know about each other. So that’s the short version of how we met.

But anyways let’s get back to the present. I have a couple of errands to run and then there’s lunch with Justin I can’t wait to have a real
conversation with him. I’ve missed just talking and laughing with him.........


Michael’s POV:

I knew that Ben was going to ask Justin out to lunch this afternoon and that he was taking him to the diner. Now I know the way he was last
night but I still think that keeping Brian in his face so to speak is the best way to go. So that’s why I’m going to see if Brian wants to have
lunch with me and of course we’ll go to the diner. We always do. So I decide to give Brian a call.....’ring...... ring.....ring.

“Yeah?” he says tersely.

“Hey Brian.....”

“What do you want Michael?” humph the whole name, wonder what crawled up his ass. Maybe he’s pissed because Justin pulled away from
him last night. Well we got to get him out of that frame of mind if this is going to work.

“Well I thought maybe you would like to go and have lunch with your best friend at the diner at say 1 o’clock?” I say in one long breath.

“I’m pretty busy today Mikey.....” but I cut him off, he has to go with me.

“Well I guess then it’s just me, Ben and Justin.....” now he’s cutting me off.

“Well there is always time for food and my best friend of course. What time did you say again?” he says really quickly.

“1 o’clock.”

“Sounds good I’ll meet you there. Bye....” and he hangs up on me. Well fine then.

That wasn’t hard at all. I thought I’d have to put up a fight, at least a little one. But he was jumping at the chance when he found out Justin
would be there. He sounded so excited. This is just so great, Brian is finally going to have someone to Love him, and someone he can Love
back. I never thought I’d see the day and the fact that I’m happy and excited for him is even more surprising. I never ever thought I’d see the
day I was over him. But I am and that gives me the power to be happy and loved in my life by a man who is the best thing that ever happened
to me. It also gives me the chance to make sure Brian gets the same from the man who is the best thing that ever happened to him. I know I
have a smile on my face and it’s great. It’s almost one o’clock so I start getting ready to go.......


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Brian’s POV:

When I hang up with Mikey I notice that it’s already after twelve. I get into the shower and wash up really quick, probably the quickest
shower I’ve had in years. In the shower though my mind started to wander to the night before, but more importantly to this morning when I
woke up. I woke up wrapped around a pillow instead of a gorgeous blonde. I couldn’t believe it. He just left in the middle of the night. I
couldn’t understand it until it finally hit me that he probably figured he’d be thrown out first thing in the morning. I thought I had gotten
through to him, that I wanted him here. But I guess I wasn’t clear enough. I hated waking up with him not here. Especially since I was
expecting him to be here. Hoping......that I could wake up with him wrapped in my arms. It felt so damn good to have him in my arms again,
to feel him from the inside, to hear him call out my name. I had the whole day planned out for us too. I figured we could wake up together,
do a little fooling around in bed and take a shower together; oh I really wanted that. There hasn’t been a time in that shower that I haven’t
thought about him at least once. I really wanted to have him in there again. Then I thought we could go out and have breakfast at the diner or
wherever. Then I was going to take him to see Gus. I really wanted him to see how much he’s grown. I know I’m a little silly but these are
the things I wanted to do with him today. Most of all I wanted to really spend the time to get to know him. The real him not just what I think
I know. I wanted to know what his life has been like for the past two years. I wanted to know what he does for his business, I wanted to know
anything and everything about him.

Well you know what? I knew this wasn’t going to be easy, I knew it was going to be tough, so I am not even close to giving up. I am so
happy he came to me last night though, I really needed to be with him after all this time. I’m just sorry he didn’t see what I was trying to
show him. I just need to make my feelings known, to show him exactly what I want. So I’m going to go to lunch and,......and then well who
knows what. I guess I’ll just have to play it by ear. But I do know he’s not getting away from me. I'm not going to push him away. Not this
time. Not ever again.

Justin's POV:

When I walk into the diner at one o'clock on the dot, Ben is already sitting at a booth near the back, so I make my way over and he stands up
with a big smile and open arms.

"You're already here.” I say as I give him my sunshine smile and he hugs me. "You weren't waiting long were you?"

"No I only got here about ten minutes ago,” he says as he leans back and lets me go. As we’re sitting down I ask, "So how was the rest of the
night at Babylon?"

"Oh it was good........oh my god!" he says as his eyes get huge. What the fuck? I furrow my brow.

"What...what's wrong?" I ask in confusion.

"Have you seen your neck?" Oh my god. My eyes get big now.

"Fuck." I whisper as I put my hand across where I know the mark is. "Damn it." I can't believe I forgot about this. Why would he do this? At
that moment the bell over the door rings and Ben gets a silly grin on his face. I look over and see Michael walking to our booth with the same
silly grin. I can't help that it brings a grin to my face as well. They look so in love, so happy together. I'm happy Ben has found that. "Hey
Michael.” I say.

"Hi Justin, how are ya doin today?" Michael asks me.

"Good thanks. How about yourself?"

"I'm doing...." he leans down to give Ben a quick kiss on the lips. "Great." he sits down next to Ben.

"Hey baby. What brings you down here?" Ben asks, smiling at his lover.

"Well lunch of course......and you." he replies with that silly little grin. Ben leans in and gives him another kiss. So cute.
"You too are so cute." They both turn and smile at me.

"Well why don't we order and then I can start interrogating you on everything you've done since you've been gone." Ben says with an evil
grin. I laugh at his attempt to intimidate me.

"Oh I'm so scared."

"Fucker!" He replies so sweetly. Michael and I both laugh at his little pout. I open up my menu to see what I want.


"Oh god Jus, please don't do this." Ben says. I give him my best innocent look. "Oh don't you dare try that innocent look with me. You know
what I'm talking about."

"I have no clue what you're talking about.” I look over to Michael and he's got such a confused look on his face. I just shrug my shoulders
and bury my face in the menu.

"Yes you do! You will sit there mulling over the menu for at least twenty minutes trying to decide on something, and in the end you are just
going to end up choosing a cheeseburger, french fries and a coke. So let’s skip the twenty-minute ritual just for today. Okay?"

"Well you are just no fun, Benny Boy." I say with a pout. He knows me way too well.

"What can I say, I know you way too well."


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Just then Debbie comes over to our table.

"Hey baby.” she says as she leans over to give Michael a big kiss on the cheek. "Ben how you doin honey?"

"Hey Deb I'm doing good. I'd like you to meet my friend Justin Taylor.” Ben says while gesturing towards me. We look over to each other. I
give her one of my most dazzling

"Hi Debbie. It's nice to meet you again." I say. She considers me for a moment.

"Stand up Sunshine." she demands.

"Um .....okay." I say as I stand. I have no idea what this is all about.

"Now turn around." I give her a ‘huh’ look but she motions to just do it. So I do. "Hey, your that kid from a couple of years ago. I was
wondering what happened to you," she says with amusement in her voice. I turn to look at her. She's got a big grin on her face and a hand on
her hip.

"She never forgets an ass." Michael says. I look over to him and then Ben and I start to laugh. Michael looks a little embarrassed. Poor thing
I bet he gets that a lot.

"I never forget an ass. It's good to see you too Justin, so how do you know Ben here?"

"We've been really good friends for about two years now." Ben answers as I sit back down.

"Ah you're the one who Bens been raving about. He's so proud of you.” I look over to Ben. He looks a little sheepish.

"Ah Benny Boy, you've been bragging about me again. That's so sweet." I say in a sickly sweet voice that I know drives him crazy.

"Cut it out blondie, there's no need to be a brat."

"Who's being a brat? I think it's sweet that's all."

"Un hunh. Right. Let's just order."

"Sure thing......what can I get for you boys?" Deb asks getting her pad and pencil out.

"Cheeseburger, fries and a coke please." I say.

"Chef salad and water please." God how he can eat all that healthy shit all the time? Yuck!

"Chicken sandwich, fries, and a coke. Also let me get a turkey sandwich, whole wheat,......"

"No mayo yeah, yeah I got it." she say's while writing everything down. "So where's his majesty this fine afternoon?" The bell over the door
rings again and I cringe. Like I said, I always know when he's in a room. "Well there he is," she says. I don't even look.

"Hey Brian I already ordered for you." Michael says.

"Thanks Mikey. Hey ya Deb."

"Brian," she says as she walks off to place our orders.

"Hey Ben."

"Hey Brian.” Ben says with a smile.

Brian is standing at the end of our table. I can feel his eyes on me. Mmmm. He leans down and kisses my cheek; my breath hitches in my
throat, whoops. I was not expecting that. He whispers in my ear.

"Is this seat taken?" I turn my head so I can see his face. He's got a small smile on his lips and I can see it in his eyes as well. I shake my
head. Then he kisses me on the lips, he lingers there for a couple of seconds. So soft. He pulls me out of the booth then and quickly before I
can ask why, sits in my spot while pulling me in behind him. He scoots all the way to the wall sitting sideways and pulls me to sit right next
to him. His
crotch is against my hip and his leg is behind my back. He puts his arm around my shoulder and starts to play with the hairs at the back of my
neck. It takes everything in me not to moan from the contact, to try and keep my eyes open. When I look over at him he just gives me a sweet
smile that I return. I can't help myself. I look over to Michael and Ben and they quickly close their mouths and avert their eyes from staring at
us. I giggle. This is all so weird. Ben starts to laugh, my giggle always does that to him.

"Oh my god." Michael says. We all look over at him. "Have you seen your neck?" ah fuck I put my hand over it again. "Jesus that fucker is
huge." Ah man. I feel Brian turn my head towards him. I look at him and he leans his head down to see his handy work. I look at the ceiling.

"Damn I'm good,” he says. I look at him,

"WHAT?" Both Michael and Ben say in unison. I just look at Brian and shake my head. He gives me a big goofy grin.

"What do you mean?" Ben asks. Oh boy what am I going to do about all this?

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"Um....well..." I stutter.

"What Justin is trying to say is he just happened to be in my neck of the woods last night and decided to make a quick stop to catch up with
me. Isn't that right Justin?" I'm stunned I don't know what the hell is going on here. Is the world trying to play a very cruel joke on me?

"Yeah. I guess you could put it that way." I say with complete bravado. I won’t let him throw me off, or at least I won’t let him see how
badly he unsettles me. I look over to Ben and Michael and just grin and shrug my shoulders. "What?" I say, with complete innocence. Brian
snickers and I slap him in the chest, he coughs a little bit then straightens up.

"Alright then...." Ben says.

But I don't want any more of the conversation about me and Brian, so I move it along to Michael.” So Michael, Ben tells me that you own
your own comic book store." That gets Michaels attention. Score!
"Yes I do"......Well I did score but man, I didn't think someone could know so much and talk about comics for so long. It's quite amazing
how much he knows. Our food arrived and we ate while he continued to talk about Captain Astro, X-MEN and a bunch of others. He talked
about how much he hated it when they killed off Captain Astro and how he thinks they should start a comic with an out and proud gay hero.
That's interesting, so we talked about him starting one of his own. He says he's thought about it but he doesn't draw and he doesn't know the
first thing about how to get it all done.

"Well maybe I could do a little research on it and we could sit down and see what we come up with."

"Really? Wow that would be great!" he's got big eyes and he looks so excited. I smile at him.

"Yeah I'll look into it and give you a call when I know what it all entails."

"That sounds great!” He’s all bubbly now smiling at the world, it's cute.

"Ok...ok let’s talk a little about your trip. I want to know everything." Ben says.

"Well ‘everything’ may take a little longer than just lunch don't you think?"

"Don't be a smart ass. Just tell me what you did and who all you met. You mentioned a Dianne one time"..... oh god Dianne, that puts a smile
on my face.

"Yeah I swear she and I got along so well. We had almost everything in common and we think way too much alike. We had a ball together.
She always made me laugh so hard, we became really good friends really quickly."

"She sounds like a nice person." Michael says.

"She was the best." I say with a smile. "She took me to all the hangouts and showed me all the little spots that are great to sketch and you
know, things and places no tourist would ever find unless you had your own personal tour guide. I miss her already." I say with a sad smile. I
do miss her. Staying up late telling each other all our deep dark secrets. Some that even Ben doesn't know I'm sad to say. It was weird how I
met her. I was in this bar, it was a straight bar cause well, I didn't know where to find any gay ones. But anyway, I was just sitting there
having a beer missing home and the next thing I knew she was sitting in front of me snatching my beer. I looked up at her…

"What the fuck?"

"Now, now no need to get jumpy.” she says as she takes a big swig off of MY beer. "So love, what's a gorgeous gay boy doing looking so
sad and lonely in such a dump of a straight bar as this?" she asks with big green eyes.This is just too weird.

"Well I'm here cause I don't know where any gay bars are, and may I ask how you knew I was in fact gay?"

"Oh I don't know.... I just seem to have a talent for these things,” she says with a shrug.

"Um.... I see. So your American?” she doesn't have that English accent.

"Yep. But I've been living here for about four years."

"Where are you from?"

"Ah I am from beautiful Florida.....the sunshine state." she says with a laugh.

"I've never been to Florida."

"Well you aren't missing much. Hot sticky weather......where are you from?"

"Pittsburgh." And that's where we started our friendship. We spent the entire night getting to know each other and I walked her home. We
spent pretty much all our nights together after that. She's one of the best people you would ever know.

"Well I'm glad you had a friend over there." Ben says, bringing me out of my little memory.

"Yeah it was good."

"So what was your favorite part?" Ben asks. So I go on to tell them about all my favorite museums, my shows, the sites and the bars. We sat
there for another hour when things started to wind down........

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"Well I'm glad you had such a great trip. It sounds wonderful. I'll have to take Michael sometime." Ben says looking over to Michael to get
his big grin and a kiss.

"You'd love it."


Ben's POV:

He really sounds like he had a great trip. He got to visit all the museums that he always said he wanted to see. He even had his own personal
tour guide, which I'm grateful for. I hated the thought of him spending all his time alone.

"I would love for us to go to London." Michael says bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Well we'll just have to start making plans to go then won’t we?" I ask and in return, Michael lunges at me giving me kisses all over my face.
"Do you mean it?"

"Of course."

"Well, looks like you two have got plans to make then huh?" Brian says. I almost forgot he was there, he hasn't said a word since the whole
hickey discussion, which I am going to have to have a talk with Jus about later on. Cause that was really unexpected I didn't think he would
go to him. It's a good sign. Maybe this won’t be as hard as I thought it would be. Plus I think Brian is trying to get rid of us....

"Why yes I do believe we do......why don't we go home and look some prices up on the computer?" I say to Michael. With a knowing look he
nods his head.

"That sounds good."

"Ok Jus.....we're gonna get going. You wanna meet at Woody's later on?" I ask as me and Michael get out of the booth.

"Sure that sounds like fun." I put some money on the table.

"Ok say around....ten o'clock?" I ask.

"Sure. I'll be there."

"See ya guys.” Michael says.

"Oh wait, you know I think I'll head out with you guys.” Justin says as he practically jumps out of the booth. Brian looks a little stunned but
recovers quickly and stands up as


Brian's POV:

I guess he doesn't want to be alone with me.....well too bad.

"Good I'm glad you feel like going." I say as I grab him and throw him over my shoulder.

"Hey what.....what are you doing?" Justin asks with complete and utter surprise.

"Well since you seem to be the type that likes to run off every time I turn around, I figured it would be best if I just kept a tight hold on you."
I say as I slap his ass a few
"Brian put me down" he says with a little bit of annoyance in his voice but not even close to enough to get me to put his ass down. I
ignore his request and start for the

"We’ll see you guys later at Woody's." I say as a parting thought. I make it over to the Jeep with him only squirming a little so I know he
wants to go with me. I mean he could most likely get out of this situation, I know especially after what I saw last night at Babylon. I open up
the Jeep's passenger door and sit him down. He gives me a little pouty look, it's so cute. So I give him a kiss which he doesn't return in the
least. I laugh and do up his seat belt. "Now don't even think about bolting, we have things to do today." I tell him and lock the door as I close
it. I make my way to the driver’s side and jump in. He just looks over at me with shock but then straightens up and looks out his window. I
start up the Jeep and get going.

"So .....where are we going?" he asks. I take a quick glance over at him and smile a little.

"It's a surprise." I say and keep on driving. Finally we get to our destination. I park the car and get out then go to his side and open the door
for him. "Now do I need to throw you over my shoulder again or are you going to be good and stay by my side?" I ask, completely serious of

"Fucker.....I think I can manage to stay put for a while. Now why are we here?" he asks as I step aside and he gets out.

"Still a surprise. Now come on." I take his hand and close the door and we make our way up. I knock and before too long….

"Hey Bri what brings you here?" She says with a big smile.

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"I came to see my son."

"Oh were here to see GUS?" Justin says. I look over to him and he's got the biggest smile all over his face. I smile back and nod my head.

"Yep I thought maybe you'd like to see how big he's gotten."

"You were right." he says, all giddy.

"Who's this Brian?" I look over to see Lindsay furrowing her brow and shaking her head. "Have we met?" she asks looking over to Justin.

"Once, the night Gus was born. I'm the one who named him.... or at least decided." he says a little less excited. Uh oh, I don't want him to
feel uncomfortable.

"Yep. So I thought I'd let him see how well he's grown up and see how much he looks like his daddy." Lindsay steps aside with a sly grin on
her face, I just shrug, she knows something’s different she can always tell.

"Well come on in boys, I was just about to get Gus up from his nap." she says and moves up the stairs. I lead him in and shut the door. We go
into the living room and sit on the couch, I still haven't let go of his hand and I don't plan to either.

"Dadda....dadda....dadda!!! Gus screams as Lindsay brings him down the stairs. She puts him down at the bottom of the steps and he runs
straight for my arms. I grab him with one arm and squeeze as tightly as I can on an almost three year old as he squeals. I hear Justin giggle
and squeeze my hand. I put Gus down and I look over to Justin, he's smiling.

"Gus I'd like you to meet a very special friend of mine...."I look over to my son and he's looking at Justin a little wearily. "This is Justin. He
met you when you were first born and he's the one who made sure your name wasn't Abraham." Gus looks at me with a scrunched up nose.
"Yeah I know how you feel. Justin made a good choice huh?" I ask him he nods his head.

"Hey Gus you have gotten so big and so handsome. You look just like your daddy." Gus gives a big ol' smile for that compliment.

"Tank you Jussin. I happy you pickdid Gus.......I don't reawy like the oder name." my son says with a funny look all over his face. We all
laugh at that he's just so cute.

"I think we are all grateful for his good taste in names." Lindsay says. I give her a smile and so does Justin, I notice he seems to be relaxing.

"So Bri how did you and Justin come across each other again?" Ah twenty questions already and in front of him even.

"Well funny you should ask that see..... Justin just happened to be in my neighborhood last ni......"

"Oh no you don't. You are not telling that story again. I'm Ben's friend and well, I went to Babylon last night to meet his friends and it just so
happened that Brian was one of them."

"Ah" Lindsay says.

"It was the best surprise I've had since he showed up the first time." Lindsay and Justin both break their necks to stare open mouthed at me. I
just look at my son. "Look at how silly mommy and Justin look." I point to them and Justin closes his mouth quickly and looks away but it
takes Lynds a little longer. "What?"

"Oh nothing.....nothing at all. Would you like a drink Justin?"

"Sure....double Beam if you got it." Woah.. Already? I must have him a little flustered, he does after all look a little flushed. I hope he doesn't
pass out on me.
"Yeah sure I got it.....Bri what about you?"

"Just some water.” she gives me a funny look. Usually I'm the one asking for the Beam but today I want all my wits about me. She leaves to
the kitchen to get us our drinks.

"He's really adorable Brian." Justin whispers in my ear. I look over to him and smile. He smiles back and leans in to give me a soft kiss. I feel
him touch my cheek lightly and pull away. He gets down on the floor and looks to Gus. "Hey big guy, you got any blocks around here?" Gus
gets a big smile and runs off to get his blocks out of the toy box. Lindsay gets back with our drinks a few seconds after that.

"Here you go Justin." she says with a smile handing Justin his drink. "And Brian.” she says as she hands me mine. Just then Gus comes
darting back into the room with a huge bag of blocks.

"See I got lots boks!" he says looking so proud of himself.

"I can see what do you say we build a huge castle using every single one of these blocks?" Justin says while he hands me his
drink. I take it and smile. He's definitely feeling more comfortable. So Gus and Justin go about making a castle that does indeed use up every
single one of Gus' blocks. Lindsay and I make idle chitchat but I mostly just watch as Justin and Gus play together. They look totally
comfortable with each other. Which is great since I plan on us all spending a lot of time with each other. When they finally finish making the
castle, Gus goes to get his little toy men to play with, pretending that they are nights and kings, while Justin gets up and sits on the couch
with me. He's pretty close but in my book, since we are not touching, well it's just not close enough. I put my hand on his thigh and rub up
and down a couple times before I offer him his drink which he takes.

"Thanks." he says. Giving me a smile and turning back to Lindsay as she starts talking.

"So Justin, what exactly do you do? Are you in college now?"

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Justin's POV:

I swear how many times do I have to answer this question. Probably a couple hundred more times. Oh well just put on your happy face and
tell the tale.

"No actually......I own my own graphics company and I do a little art on the side. I really haven't had the time to go to college." I say. I feel
Brian squeeze my thigh and rub it a little more. Dear god, it just feels too good to have him so close and to feel him touching me. Now if
only we were in bed and naked. Now that would be the only thing that could make it better.

"You wouldn't by any chance be....... 'the’ Justin Taylor?" she looks a little weirded out.

"Um yes, I am Justin Taylor."

"No.....I mean are you ‘the’ Justin Taylor?"

"I think I'm going to say yes to that......I think" I say with confusion.

"Oh wow I just love your work I'm a big fan. I think your techniques are just amazing," she says with a smile.

"Oh well thank you. I'm glad you like my stuff."

"Oh I love your stuff. Are you going to be doing a show out Pittsburgh?

"Well I hadn't thought about it actually."

"Geeze Lynds, he just got back into town yesterday." Brian says. I look over to him, give him a small smile and place my hand over his
giving it a squeeze. Then he intertwines our fingers folding them under and holding them tightly. Too good. What is up with him?

"I'm sorry, it's just that well, maybe you'd like to have a showing at the gallery that I help

"Well I'm not sure what kind of time I have, I know that I have two years of shows booked......but let me give you the number to my agent
and I'm sure she can find the time she's really great at working these things out." I say. I wouldn't mind doing a show out here. So I give her a
card out of my pocket.

"Wow that would be great.” she says getting all bubbly.

"Well since you have managed to solicit his talents already, I think we'll get going.....I still have some more surprises for him." Brian says as
he stands up pulling me along with him. We say our goodbyes and just as we are at the door, Gus comes running out to us.

"Jussin wait, will you come back and pay bloks wif me again?" I look over to Brian with a questioning look, I have no idea what's going on
so I'm not even going to assume I do.

"Justin is going to be around a lot from now on sonny boy.” My mouth is hanging open I just know it is. What the fuck is going on? "Now go
on inside we’ll see you soon. Okay?"

"K daddy, see you lader Jussin." and then he slams the door.

I just look up at Brian. I open and close my mouth a couple of times cause I wanna ask him what the fuck is going on here. But for some
reason my voice isn't working so.... he smirks and chuckles and leans down to kiss me. When he goes to pull away I just can't let him go, I
grab his face with both of my hands and pull him back towards my mouth. I immediately feel his tongue parting my lips, "mmm" I moan as I
open my mouth to let him in. We kiss slow and deep letting our tongues explore, taste and feel each other. I feel him grab me around the
waist and wrap his arms around me; he roughly pulls me to him until there is no space between us. "Unnn." I feel him and hear him moan
into my mouth. I rub the pads of my thumbs along his cheek and I feel his hand rub up my back and into my hair, gently pressing my head to
deepen the kiss. We stay like that until we have to breathe, if not we'll pass out on Lindsay’s front porch! Or end up fucking, whichever
comes first. We lean our foreheads against each other and both of us are breathing heavily. This is just way too much for me to even
comprehend; I mean this is just so not what I expected today to be like. Who would've thought I'd be here seeing Gus again and Lindsay, and
then Brian saying that I'll be around a lot from now on? Do I even dare contemplate that one? Oh and how could I forget Brian actually
throwing me over his shoulder in the middle of Liberty diner! Everyone was shocked at that one including me. That was funny. I find myself
giggling. I feel Brian pull away and his hand under my chin lifting it. I look into his eyes and he's staring into my eyes. I just keep on smiling.

"Ok giggles, we should get going, I still have some more surprises for you remember?" he says as he starts to lead me to the Jeep, grabbing
me by the hand intertwining our fingers. I pull him back, I just had a better thought. He stops and turns to look at me.

"You know, why don't I give you a surprise?

"He furrows his brow and replies,

"Well now I had the whole day planed out for us."

"Oh well, best laid plans." I say as an explanation of why I get to change his plans. "Now hand over your keys." I say with an outstretched
hand. He laughs…he laughs loud head going back and all.

"Right" he says. I think he thinks I'm kidding.

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"Come on hand them over." He looks extremely surprised, like he doesn't know what I'm talking about. "Well I would drive my car, but you
decided to throw me over your shoulder, buckle me into your jeep and drive away with me. So you see I don't really have that option right
now. Which means you have to let me drive your car. Now hand them over." I say in a really sweet playful voice. He stares for a minute
before he puts his tongue in his cheek and puts his keys in my hand. I smile my sunshine smile and he chuckles. I lean up to kiss him but
before he can go for more I pull away. I start to walk over to the drivers’ side but I feel him tug me back towards him and I fall into his arms
once again, I can't help myself. I start giggling. He smiles down on me and I just lose myself. He's so gorgeous and there’s something in his
eyes that is just making him glow right now.

Brian's POV:

"God your beautiful." It's amazing how beautiful he is and just look at that smile. He's talented, smart, funny, he's also got wit that will kick
your ass, he’s good with my kid and he's great in bed.......wait did that just come out last? Oh yeah he's the one. There is just no other
explanation for everything that's going on in my mind. I can't believe it, I found him. Now I just have to hold onto him. I rub my hands along
his face and give him a quick peck on the mouth. "Now what's my surprise?" I ask him. He giggles again, I love that sound.

"Oh no you don't, a surprise is a surprise, now let’s go." he says pulling away from me and walking towards the drivers side. But I don't
release his hand until the last moment. He turns back as I let go and gives me a beautiful smile....sunshine. When we get in the Jeep and start
going I notice that he's staying in the suburby parts. I wonder where he's taking me? About fifteen minutes later we start getting into the
fancier houses, you know the type, each one different with there own personality. About five minutes later we pull up to a gate, he punches a
few numbers into a keypad and the gate opens. We go through the gate and there are a few weeping willows covering the lawn and blocking
the house from view. When we pull around the driveway the house is suddenly visible. It's white, very nice and very large. It looks like it
could be in Architectural Digest. It's got clean sleek lines, not too many windows but enough. In front of the house there’s a bed of rocks
with water coming up just slightly over the top. Before the bed of rocks I just noticed there is like a tiny moat, it looks like it goes all the way
around as far as I can tell. We pull up so the car is in line with the walkway leading to the door and I see he's got a bridge that goes over the
water. On each side of the bridge is a dragon’s head with water streaming from its mouth. After he puts the Jeep into park, he turns to me and
starts taking off his seat belt.

"We're here," he says, unbuckling me as well. We both get out and he's already moving to the door when I get to his side. I catch up to him
quickly with the long legs and all. We get to the door and he unlocks it and walks in. He stops to enter his code into the alarm system. When
I walk into the house and close the door I hear a 'beep, beep, beep, beep, click' I jolt a little bit, hey I wasn't expecting it alright.

"Did that scare you?" he asks with a smirk on his face.

"Not at all." I say with ease. He just snickers and walks through the hallway. I move with him and I see two rooms, they both look pretty
cluttered with boxes. He turns to the left and I notice a big wall-to-wall deep brown suede sofa. It's fucking huge and it's gorgeous. You could
probably lay three of me on it comfortably. Along with the sofa I see a matching love seat and recliner chairs. Wow, there is also a Mies Van
Der Rohe coffee table! Oh it's beautiful I've been wanting the exact same one.
"Are you coming?" Justin says from a doorway to my right.

"Of course I'm coming......I always do." I say tongue in cheek. I go over to him but before I reach him he turns around and moves to the
counter in the kitchen. The far wall is just one big window from top to bottom; and the kitchen is just one big open space. The kitchen is
somewhat like mine only a longer island and the fridge and oven are bigger. It's kind of sideways though and then you got this huge dining
table, it's a very dark wood almost black in color with huge high back chairs of matching color.

"Well come on .....your surprise is right out this door." he says, opening the backyard door for me to go through. When I do I see more
weeping willows and I notice that the moat rock garden does indeed go all the way around the house, only here the rocks go out further. I
walk over the bridge with Justin right behind me. When I stop suddenly, he runs right into my back. "Oomph " he says and then I turn…

"Care to lead the way?" I ask cause I have no idea where we are going.

"Sure follow me." Anytime Sunshine I think as I see his fine ass moving off to the little forest of weeping willows. We make our way
through those and then it opens up to this beautiful Chinese garden. Just beyond the garden is a gated off section with huge rocks, almost like
a mini mountain. It's very beautiful.

"I like it."

He looks back at me with that fucking smile again. I love that smile. When we get to the gate he pulls out his keys and unlocks it; we go
through and he closes it behind us. He moves around to the right side of the mini mountain, stopping at one part he pushes on a small rock
sticking out. The door opens and we walk inside. The door closes as we go in and it’s pitch black. Finally he flips a switch and the places
starts lighting up dimly. This is fucking amazing, it's a pool! A fucking huge pool! It looks like an underwater cave. It beautiful. It’s got a
slide that is built into the inside of the mountain. I can see steam coming out of a side wall, that must be where the spa is.

"So what do you think of your surprise?" Justin asks giving me a sly smile. I smile down on him and nod my head.

"It's fucking amazing I have never seen anything like this before." And it's true; I have never seen a pool like this before. It is completely
enclosed in a mountain and it looks like it is right out of some mysterious water cave. He turns towards me and steps closer, tugging at the
hem of my shirt. Looking into my eyes.

"So you wanna take a swim with me?" he asks seductively.

"Uh hmm." I say with a sly grin. I grab the bottom of his shirt and lift it over his head. He does the same for me. We continue taking each
others clothes off, trying our best not to take our eyes off each other for more than a couple of seconds. By the time we are finished
undressing each other, we are both turned on and completely hard. I take Justin in my arms. I kiss his forehead.

" I love my surprise." I tell him. Kissing him on his lips softly.

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"Thank you Brian for letting me see Gus, you didn't have to," he says in a low voice.

"No I didn't........ but I wanted to.”

Justin’s POV:

“Oh god........Bri please!” It’s too much I have to cum. “Mmmmm...... please.”

“No...... don’t want it..... to end... never end.” oh god he’s stopping again.

“Uhnnn” he’s attacking my lips now and I think I could cum from just that but he won’t let me move, not even a little. He feels so good,
better than anything I have ever felt in my life. We’re holding onto each other like if we let go it will all just go away. I pull away and look
into his eyes. He looks so gorgeous and so incredibly consumed with... is that lust? I’m not sure. He starts to move again and my head falls
back into the water while he starts to kiss along my neck and nibble across my

“Mine!” he growls as he swoops in to suck hard on my neck, then on the other side of my neck.

“Oh god,...... so good. “ I whimper.

“You taste so sweet. Ummm please......” he says as he starts sucking on my collarbone and it is just getting to be too much. My
cock sliding along his stomach, his cock inside my ass going slowly and hitting and dragging against my prostate every time he moves in and
out. His arms wrapped around me so tightly pulling me against him and him sucking on me.

“Bri.. I’m gonna cum.....please..... don’t stop.” I whisper. He sucks harder and pulls

“Cum for me Baby...... I want us to cum together....... make me cum....” he half groans and half whispers.

“Oh yes “ I whimper. I feel it almost there......”huuuu, huuuuu” I feel myself fall and shutter and tremble. I feel my walls closing in around
Brian while he tries his best to hold on just a little while longer still pumping into me but then he goes with me.

“Oh baby please!” he buries his face into my chest and shoves me as hard as he can onto his dick holding me there while we let our orgasms
run through us. Finally I put my forehead against his hair and kiss the top of his head. When our breathing becomes just a little better he
looks up at me and brings me down to him and kisses me so softly. I open my mouth to let him in; we kiss for a while before I pull
away...”unnnn.” he groans. He puts his head back against the side of the pool but I put my hands behind his neck and pull his head up.....

“You said mine.” I whisper. He opens his eyes and looks deeply into mine.

“You said mine.” I say again. I need to know what he meant.

“I want you to be mine, all mine.” He says in a small voice looking down. But I pull his face back up towards me and look into his eyes........
and there it is. He really means it. I can’t believe it. We are going to get our chance, now after all this time. After I thought our time had
passed. But I wonder......

“Why? Why now? When you just threw me away the first time? What makes this time different?” I have to know.

“When I first saw you, I knew you were different. That you were the one. Deep down I knew. I was scared and I just did what came to me
naturally; I pushed you away with everything I had. At the same time hoping and wishing you would never leave.” I look down but he lifts
my chin and I sniff trying to hold back the tears. “I’ve thought about you everyday since we met. When I go to bed and when I wake up
reaching for you.” He shakes his head and chuckles. “Every time I take a shower you’re there with me. When I am with someone I see you
and wish it was you. I’ve been waiting for you to come back hoping that I would see you in the crowd at Babylon, watching the door at
Woody’s hoping you’ll walk in. Seeing you last night was like having all my dreams for the past two years come true. Being able to have
you in my arms, kiss you, touch you, make love to you, it’s everything to me and I don’t want to lose you again.” he says the last part as a
whisper while brushing my tears away.

“This is everything I have ever wanted......just you here with me. No matter where I was, who I was with or how far away I was. Always you
were there with me in my thoughts, wondering what you were doing and if you were happy. If you ever thought about me.”

“Always.” he says.” Always. We can do this. I want to do this with you. I want to love you and be with you. I want to wake up with you
every morning and go to bed with you every night. I want us to make a life together.”

“I would love that....I really would.” I say with my trademark sunshine smile. His smile is huge as well and he grabs me by the face and
kisses me with such enthusiasm. He seems so excited. I am too I can’t believe this is happening. This is where I belong I always knew it and
now I know that he knew it to. Now we can do this right, start from the beginning and get it right. He pulls away.

“So me and you, we’re together now?....Just us, no one else?” He says, or asks may be more to the point.

“Yes, just you and me, I wouldn’t want it any other way. I don’t want to nor will I share you with anyone.” I say cupping his chin. He smiles
at me.

“I don’t share well either so I think we’ll be alright.” he says with a smirk. “Now,” he says grabbing my hips and pulling away from the wall
holding me in place while walking towards the end of the pool. “We need to get out of here before we shrivel up. We have already been in
here for over two hours.” He says stepping out of the pool while holding me, wow he’s amazing.

“We spent most of that time making love so I think it is time well spent.”

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“I’d say so. But still we should go get showered and then I’m thinking of spending some time in your bed to see how it fits.” he says, letting
me slide down his body.
“I’m certain you will find the bed to your satisfaction.”

“Are you now?” he says as I throw him a towel then grab one for myself. They are huge black towels you could wrap around yourself twice.

“Yep.....just wait and see.” We make our way to the house we keep our arms around each other while we walk. When I get him upstairs and
in front of my bedroom door I get excited. I open the door and right away you see the big huge windows and the view of the backyard with
the willow trees. Off to the side is my bed, which I’m hoping will soon be ours. It’s a huge bed that stands tall. You have to use a little step
stool to get into it, well at least I do. It has a black satin duvet with tons of black, navy and light blue pillows. I love pillows. Before I know
what’s going on he sweeps me off my feet and kisses me while he walks to the side of the bed. He pulls away from the kiss and steps up the
step to the bed and lays me down.........


Brian’s POV:

I can’t believe he said yes. He wants me. He wants to make a life with me, spend the nights and mornings and days with me. Me, the asshole
that threw him away. How lucky can one guy get? He’s so beautiful. I run my hand down his pale chest and rub his stomach. I climb up on
the bed and lay next to him pulling him into my arms. We just stare at each other for a minute while I run my hands through his wet blonde

“I’m gonna make you happy,” I tell him. I want him to know that this is going to work, that I want to make him happy that I will make him
happy that this is not the wrong decision.

“I know,.... you already have.” he says, and I know just by looking in his eyes that he is telling me the truth. I smile at him but he looks
away.” I just hope I can do the same for you.” he says. I could barely hear him but that isn’t something that I want him to think.

“Look at me baby.” He does and I stroke his cheek. “You being here in my arms, letting me have another chance to make things right, to love
you and to be with you. That makes me happier than I ever thought I could did that. No one else ever could. Only you.” We lean
in and our lips come together. We make love slowly and softly taking our time, showing each other everything we feel while whispering the
words as well. God I have never felt anything that could compare to the way I feel with him. My heart actually beats for him and longs for
him. My breath catches when he walks into a room. Every part of me wants to be with him and never let him go. I don’t know how I did it
the first time, but I never want to do it again. I want to spend my life with this gorgeous man. Build a life with him.

After we make love we fall asleep in each other’s arms. I finally wake around 9:00pm with a beautiful blonde wrapped tightly around me.
This is what I have wanted since that first morning, to have him here in my arms when I wake up. This is what I wanted to wake up to this
morning. This is perfect. I start to kiss his forehead, then his eyes, down his cheek across his nose, over his other cheek, down to his chin
then up to his mouth. He kisses me back with a giggle.”mmmm....” I moan as I pull away.

“What a nice way to wake up......I love waking up wrapped around you, with you kissing me awake.” he says snuggling into my chest.

“Nowhere else I’d rather be, this is just the way I want it.” I tell him.

“Brian we may want to shower because it’s already 9:20 and we told the guys we’d meet them tonight, remember?” He says still snuggled
into my chest.

“Let’s skip the bars and just stay here tonight.” I tell him rubbing my nose into his hair.

“Mmmm.....but I wanna celebrate. I wanna dance with my man.” he says.

“Ahhh well then I guess we have to go out.” I say with a laugh. He just giggles. “Come on giggles, let’s take a shower and get ready to show
Babylon what a gorgeous couple we make.” I say with my patented tongue in cheek smirk. I give him a quick peck before I roll over and
throw my legs off the side of the bed. This fucking bed is high; my feet don’t even touch the floor. So I slide to the floor and right as I turn
around I have my arms full of a giggling blonde. He wraps his legs around me as he dives into kiss me spreading my lips with his tongue.
“Mmmm.” Oh he tastes so fucking good! When he pulls away all I wanna do is pull him back to me. “You know you keep on doing that we
are never going to get out of here.”

“I know I know. But what can I say I just can’t help myself, you taste so good.” he says. Ah my thoughts exactly. “But I do wanna go
dancing, so to the shower big guy.” He pushes me away and slides off the bed. He grabs my hand and takes me to the bathroom which, may I
just say is fucking fantastic! Black marble tiling with black carpet over by the sinks and toilet. The shower looks like mine only about two
and half times bigger, with four shower heads instead of just my one measly one. There is a huge jacuzzi tub off to the side against the wall. I
can’t wait to try that out. So we jump in the shower with every intention of just washing up and getting out........well maybe he did. I of
course convinced him otherwise. So anyway, after I fucked him senseless in the shower we got out and he got me a razor and a toothbrush,
which he had a supply of, gee wonder where he got that idea from? Well as of today he no longer needs these types of supplies. We finish up
and put our things side by side. I like that, it feels right. Now I get back into my clothes but he pulls out some black jeans and a light blue
short-sleeved shirt. I get up on the bed and watch as he puts his clothes on. Dear god the pants just mold to his body. Then comes the top; it
matches his eyes and is just as tight as his jeans are. “Come here.” I tell him and he turns to me with a sexy grin and comes to stand between
my legs, rubbing his hands along the outside of my thighs. I grab them and put them on my chest over my heart so he can feel what he does
to me. Feel the way my heart quickens from his touch. I hold his hands there and run one of my hands through his hair to the back of his
neck. He looks back into my eyes and I pull him in, just so I can kiss him. Just feel his lips against mine. After a minute or two of soft kisses
I pull away.


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Justin’s POV:
“We better get going if you ever want to make it out of this house.” he says sliding off the bed and off of me, it sends a chill through me, I
feel my eyes glaze over and I look up to him and he just shakes his head and chuckles.

“No we can do that after we go out and celebrate......cause your right, we should and I wouldn’t mind taking you for a dance or two. Showing
you off.” he says while taking my hand and guiding me to the door.

“Alright but just remember when you are all hot and horny that I gave you an out.” I tell him in a pouty voice.

“Don’t worry, we won’t be out long......” he says. We head over to his loft so he can change with me waiting in the car to prevent any more
delays. I giggle at that thought......jesus what that man can do to me. We are both in so much trouble here. This aught to be fun. When he gets
back down and into the Jeep we head off to Woody’s. When we arrive I feel Brian’s arm go around my waist tugging me to him tightly as we
walk in the door. I place my arm through his around his waist too. It seems like every eye in the place turns to us as we walk to the bar. I like
the way this feels and Brian seems to be doing okay with the attention and the knowledge that people are getting hard from us right now.
“What did I tell you?” he whispers into my ear. I look up and into his eyes.....”the hottest couple on Liberty Ave.” he says with a smirk. I just
giggle. When we make it to the bar and the guys, I try to extract myself from Brian but he holds on tightly until I look up and he leans down
to kiss me, letting me lose when he is done.

“Well, well things sure have changed since last night.” I hear Emmett say. I look over to him giving him a shy smile. I can feel myself start
to blush. Christ I’m blushing now. I just walk over and give Ben a hug, while Brian decides to inform everyone of the good news.

“Don’t start teasing my boyfriend.” I swear I could hear a collective gasp
from the entire bar....then whispers following. Ben gives me a strong
squeeze before letting me go,

“Oh my god. Brian Kinney has a boyfriend.” Emmett says and actually starts to clap, motherfucker. I sink into Brian’s side trying to hide
myself cause the whole bar is clapping now, what the fuck!

“Alright you little fuckers knock it off already.” Brian replies to the crowd and moves us over to the bar....waving down the bartender who
automatically brings us a round of Jim Beam and beer, Budweiser to be exact.

“On the house Kinney.” he says with a wink. Alright then, whatever. We all pound back the shot taking swigs of our beers to chase it down.

“So I guess you two had a good afternoon.” Michael says.

“We had a very productive afternoon, yes.” Brian says nuzzling his nose into the side of my neck and rubbing the small of my back. I close
my eyes and lean my head against his. “Mmmm.” I hear him moan and I smile.

“We can definitely see that.” I hear and open my eyes to see a hand extended to me. I reach over and shake it. “I’m Ted.”
“Nice to meet you Ted.” I have to literally take my hand away from him. Humph? Ok so I just smile and lean back into Brian.

“Well you two are running a bit behind and we were just on our way to Babylon so shall we?” Ben says gesturing towards the door.

“Uh huh, I do believe Brian here owes me a dance or two?” I say with an innocent grin.

“Don’t worry, I have no intention of backing out of having you tightly pressed up against me grinding to the beat. ” He all but breaths the last
part into my ear. Making a shiver run all the way down to my toes.

“I can’t wait..... let’s go.” I say turning and heading for the door Brian’s hand in mine.


Michael’s POV:

“Oh my god.....can you believe it?” I say to Ben as we head out to Babylon. They look so incredibly happy together. God Brian is practically
glowing and Justin is floating on air. I’m so happy for them.

“No I was expecting it to be much harder for Brian to get in.” he says. I look up to his eyes, he looks down...” Oh don’t get me wrong, I am
more than thrilled that Justin let himself have this....that he’s letting himself be happy. I don’t think I have ever seen him happier.” he says
with a bright smile. Oh good he had me worried for a minute there.

“I know I was worried that Brian was going to run away from him again or at the very least push him away....but he didn’t, he actually went
after what was going to make him happy and didn’t stop until he got him.....that’s something I would’ve never thought Brian would do, no
matter what was at stake.” I tell him.

“I know so let’s just be thankful that they have done this for themselves. We are going to have to make sure they don’t sabotage things,
Justin just as much as Brian.”

“I know, Brian is the king of sabotage. We’ll have to watch them closely.” I say, realizing that they probably have a bumpy road ahead of
them.....well I’ll do whatever it takes to keep them together, I mean I don’t think there is anyone else out there for Brian....I really believe that
Justin’s the one.

We get into Babylon and walk in behind Brian and Justin. The crowd just seems to part for them like nothing I have ever seen.......not even
when Brian is in his most fuckable outfit have I ever seen this happen. It’s really quite amazing. Everyone is looking and whispering at this
sight.....I mean who would’ve ever thought we would see the day that Brian Kinney is wrapped around a very bubbly gorgeous man
whispering and laughing to each other, kissing and rubbing. It’s just not something anyone would’ve ever thought to see, not even I would’ve

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thought it would happen. But there they are, cuddling and nuzzling against the bar. Brian has his arms around Justin’s waist with Justin’s
arms are resting on Brian’s chest. It’s perfect.
We all order up our drinks and watch the crowd around us. But we mostly can’t help but watch as Brian and Justin get lost in each other.
Their kisses are so sensual and passionate yet soft and dare I say loving? They can’t keep their hands off each other. I watch as Brian
whispers into Justin’s ear and they both smile. Brian takes Justin’s hand intertwining their fingers kissing the back of Justin’s hands and
leading him to the middle of the dance floor. They wrap themselves around each other closing themselves off to everything but each other
and just sway and grind against each other to the you look up to the big screens around the room all you can see is the most
beautiful couple ever to grace Babylon. I smile thinking of the fact that finally Brian is going to have something in his life that will make him
truly happy.


Ben’s POV:

Well I must say that I am pleasantly surprised about the newest turn of events. I never would’ve thought that Brian could get past Justin’s
defenses so easily. But I guess I really didn’t grasp just how much Justin fell for him. I never thought that it could happen that way. I mean
fall in love on the first and only night you were with someone. But there is no mistaking the looks in their eyes,’s unmistakably love. I
wrap my arm around Michael’s shoulder and pull him to my chest kissing the top of his head. I am so happy to have this man in my life, he
means the world to me......and now his best friend and my best friend are lucky enough to have found each other again and have the kind of
happiness that Michael and I have. As I start to turn my attention back to the dance floor to check out Brian and Justin, I could swear I see
someone that makes my heart clench, my blood boil and whole body


Brian’s POV:

God the way he feels moving against me so slowly is amazing. He’s touching me so softly along my chest, nuzzling his head against my
neck placing soft kisses along the length of it. I do the same and take a deep breath, breathing him in and grinding our cocks together just
enough to make both of us feel like we are going this rate we will only make it through one more song before I drag his ass back
to the

I feel some one slam into me and it breaks me out of the trance that it’s just me and Justin out here. I pull back and look to see that the quite
gorgeous man that has slammed into me is now on the floor. So I look at Jus and release him so I can turn and help the guy up.........


Ben’s POV:
I watch as someone slams into Brian and falls to the floor. Brian turns to help the guy up and a slight movement turns my attention to Justin
being grabbed from behind. I look to see who is fucking with him.........and oh my god it is that mother fucker! My arm comes flying off the
bar dropping my beer to the floor shattering it as I make my way into the crazy crowd....

“BEN.....WHAT’S THE MATTER?.......BEN?” I hear Michael but I just can’t waste any time with explanations.


Justin’s POV:

As soon as Brian turns to help up the guy who has fallen, I feel arms wrapping around mine holding them down and before I have a chance to
say anything, a hand goes around my mouth......I’d know that feeling and the smell of that cologne’s Mark! Fuck, fuck,
FUCK!!!!!! I struggle trying to get away but his grip is too tight. I see the crowd swallowing us up as he takes me into a dark corner away
from everyone else, away from Brian. He slams me face first into the wall and I feel my head start to pound and I hear myself groan from the
impact. Mother fucker! That’s going to leave a mark. Suddenly he turns me around to face him slamming me into the wall twice more and I
feel my head start to swim and I can’t keep anything straight anymore. He places his hand around my neck cutting off my air almost
completely, I try to get him off but I am barely able to claw at his hands. He has his knee in between my legs against my crotch lifting me
slightly off the ground and jesus that fucking hurts. He leans into me and cruelly whispers right into my ear.......

“You really think he wants a fucking slut like you? He’s only going to fuck you and then turn you away like he does with everyone will never be anything to him, shit you’ll never be anything to anyone but me! Did you really think you could get away from
me?” He says as he reaches down starting to undo my pants.......fuck not again please not again! I stop clawing at his hands and reach down
trying to get him away from my pants. We fumble against each other and finally he removes his hand but I feel him slam his fist into my ribs
one, two and then three times. I close my eyes tightly to the pain and to the look in his eyes. I bring my hands up to my ribs, I can barely
breathe and the fact that I think he broke a rib isn’t helping. He goes for my pants again but I just can’t let this happen so I fight his hand
again. He doesn’t move away this time though, he just slams my head into the wall until suddenly everything goes black and I am out.


Brian’s POV

I help the guy up giving him the once over....I’m sorry I’m still new to this monogamy stuff, but I caught myself and turn around to find
Justin is gone......oh shit maybe he saw....”fuck.” I say to myself. I start looking around but I don’t see him and then I see Ben looking
frantically around the floor....I make my way to him tapping his shoulder.

“Justin. We need to find Justin.” he yells over the crowd the look in his eyes scares the shit out of me.

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“Did you see which way he went?”

“No they got swallowed up by the crowd.....”

“Wait a minute.....they? Who the fuck did he go off with?” God damn it he left with some one! Ben abruptly turns to me.

“I don’t fucking have time to explain but......Justin is in real shit trouble and we need to find him now! So you go that way and I’ll go this
way.” Then he turns and continues to look through the crowd. Jesus this does not sound good at all. I start to get this sick feeling in the pit of
my stomach and I start searching for Justin, I know he’s still here, I can still feel him.....


Ben’s POV:

I turn and head in the direction that I think Mark took Justin.....Jesus I can’t believe that this is happening. After all this time! God Brian
doesn’t even know what’s going on.....I see movement coming from a dark corner and I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach as I
struggle through the crowd. I can see the back of Mark......fuck! I storm over there.........

“You mother fucker!” I yell as I shove him off of Justin. Mark goes falling to the floor as well as Justin and as I am about to turn my
attention to beating the living shit out of Mark I notice that Justin isn’t moving.....holy shit! Mark is struggling to his feet as I grab Justin up
and cradle him in my arms. Standing up with him in my arms I make a hasty retreat to the exit. I have to get him out of here..... Fuck I can’t
believe I wasn’t fast enough. When we get to the car I settle him into the passenger side and check his pulse, I still feel it so I buckle him up
quickly running to the other side and speeding off to the hospital......

“It’s going to be ok Jus, I promise.....I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to stop this. God I swear I will never let this happen again. Never again.” I
say, smoothing his hair away from his forehead as we pull up to the ER entrance....... I hurry as I get him out and into the ER. The nurse gets
up and opens the door ushering us back and straight into a room.....I lay him down on the table and then it begins.....doctors all over him and
nurses asking all kinds of questions that I can’t answer cause I wasn’t fucking there to save him from this.

“Look! I don’t know what happened I wasn’t......when I finally got to him he was unconscious....I don’t know what the guy did.”

“Well can you tell us the name of the guy that did this?”

“Yeah. Mark Turner.”

“Ok well we’ll get this information to the police when they arrive, but I am sure that they will want to speak with you as well.” I just nod my
head and continue to watch through the window as they work on Justin.....he’s not waking up. What the fuck am I gonna do if he doesn’t
wake up?...................


Brian’s POV:

I’m looking and I am just not seeing anything, I don’t know where he’s at. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around.....

“Brian, Jake told me to tell you that the guy you came in with just got carried out of here by that guy Ben......”

“What the fuck do you mean carried out of here?” I’m starting to panic now… fuck!

“He was totally knocked out and Ben carried him to a car and took off with him.” Jesus Christ! I push the guy out of my way and make my
way over to the bar where I see Mikey. I grab him by the arm dragging him towards the exit; I know he wants to know what happened but I
can barely think.......I stop at the door.....

“Jake, what the fuck happened?”

“Sorry Kinney, I’m not exactly sure. Just that Ben came practically running out of the club carrying your boy and got into his car driving off
like a bat out of hell....” he says looking a little helpless.

“Thanks Jake.” I say, he nods and continues to check ID’s. I grab Mikey again and make our way back to Woody’s to grab the Jeep. I try
calling Ben’s phone and when we get into the Jeep Mikey continues to try but we aren’t getting any kind of answer...”Fuck!!!! I can’t believe
this shit, what the fuck is going on?”

“Calm down Brian. Ben’s with him he will make sure he is ok.” Mikey says rubbing my shoulder.

“I should be with him damn it! Why hasn’t he called? I need to know if he’s ok.......god......start calling every single hospital in this damn

“Brian why don’t we just go to the nearest hospital it’s only a couple of blocks

“Right why didn’t I think of that? Fuck.” Mikey just keeps rubbing circles as I make my way to the hospital. My head is going a million
miles a minute but nothing is even really registering except the thought of ‘what if he’s not ok?’ I couldn’t live with it. I just turned away for
a minute, who the fuck did this? We pull up to the ER parking area and I spot Ben’s car. I pull into the first spot I see and jump out not even
waiting for Mikey, but I’m sure he’s right behind me. When I get to the desk......

“Ma’’am?” I say as the nurse finally gives me her attention.....

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“May I help you sir?” she says barely looking over her glasses.

“Yes I believe that a young man by the name of Justin Taylor was brought in here just a little while ago?” I say

“Yes he was....are you family?” she asks. Fuck I knew this was coming....

“No I’m his partner....”

“I’m sorry sir but his partner is already back there with him now.”

“What?” Mikey and I say in unison.


Justin’s dream POV: (It’s pretty much a flash back folks.)

It’s been a month since I moved into this apartment and everything is starting to get better for me, well in certain is for shit
and I am constantly getting shoved around by Hobb’s and his goons but hey, I’ve been taking the classes that Ben had told me about and I
am excelling in them. They told me I was an amazing student of the arts. It’s been great and I feel a lot more confident that I know somewhat
how to take care of myself..... Mark has still been stalking me but I think that is dying down. Thank you God.

Ben and I have been getting along great. We have become really great friends and I just think that that is the best thing I could ask for right
about now. He’s a wonderful guy who has really been trying to help me in any way he can. He is quite protective over me ever since he
found out about Mark and everything that went along with that. But to tell you the truth, it’s kinda nice to have someone who will watch your
back. It’s comforting. ‘Knock......Knock’ ah that must be Ben, he’s supposed to come over and we are going to have dinner. We’ve been
doing this about 3 to 4 times a week ever since the first night I met him. It’s been great.

“Coming!” I say as I make my way to the door and unlock it. I open it saying....“hey your early.....fuck!” I say as I realize who’s at my door.
“Mark you can’t be here.” I say as I try to close the door with everything I have. I push against it as he pushes in.....but he’s so much stronger
than me still.

“Oh Jus....sweetheart you know you don’t mean that now do you?” he says as he shoves through pushing me into the wall with the door.

“Fuck! Please.” I gasp out.

“Please what? Stick my nice thick cock up your nice tight ass? Oh, well I plan to.....over and over again.” He takes the door and slams it shut
as I drop to the floor. I hear the click of the lock and before I can recover he’s got me by the hair. “What the fuck were you thinking leaving
me? And what the fuck are you doing whoring your ass out to that son of a bitch I keep seeing you with?”

“Mark......” I say but he interrupts me with a yank of my hair and an abrupt stop, pulling me up to face him.... his eyes are ice cold blue,
there’s nothing there but

“You do not have the right to talk to me do you understand? It’s time for you to have a real lesson in the way you get treated when you do
not obey the only person that will ever care for you......” then comes his knee to my chest as he shoves me down. “ I gave you a chance to do
the right thing and come back to me on your own but you didn’t. Now you’re going to have to pay for that mistake.” he says slamming me
onto the floor. He grabs my shoulder and shoves me onto my back. I can taste the blood in my mouth and feel some trickling down my
cheek.......before he can climb back on top of me I kick in the side of his knee knocking him to the floor. “Ah you fucking little shit.” he says.
As I am almost up he grabs foot, yanking me back face first into the floor. Fuck I know I broke my nose and I spit out a mouthful of
blood.....I lift up on my arms..... “I see you are learning quite a bit in those karate classes.....but guess what you stupid fuck, I already know
karate.” he says, grabbing my legs and pulling me towards the bedroom. I lose my arms from under me and try my best not have my face
slammed back into the floor but with the force of his yank I am unsuccessful and my face gets slammed onto the floor once more.

“Ahhhh.” comes out before I can stop it.....

“Watch yourself. You yell like that again and I will make sure you can’t make another sound.” he says dragging me to the bedroom. I grab
onto the doorway hoping to get him to stop or to slow, whatever I can. “Let go!” he growls out as he yanks on my feet again.

“No, I am not going to let you do this again.” I get out. He drops my feet and I scramble as fast as I can but not nearly fast enough. I am
barely to my knees when he grabs my arm, twisting it behind my back. “God.” I gasp as I hear the bone in my arm break. He yanks it up
again and I begin to cry. “ I can break every bone in your body if you don’t cooperate.” he says bringing me to my feet. ‘Ring....Ring......’ I
feel him freeze and loosen his grip so I take my chance I use my free arm and elbow him in the ribs, he lets me go and I turn around, back
handing him with my fist across the face. I start to run towards the phone, but right before I get there he has my good arm around my back
and his other arm around my throat.......

“You have the nerve to hit me?” he asks as he pulls on my arm slowly so I can feel the breaking slowly this time.

“Aaahh.....” I start to scream before he covers my mouth with his hand. God I have never felt that kind of pain before and he’s still going!
My legs finally give out and we both fall to the floor.

‘This is Justin, leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible .......beep.” we stop as Ben’s voice fills the room.

“Hey Jus listen, I’m not going to be able to make it tonight, my car got towed and I am going to have to go get it out of impound before they
close. I have no idea how long that’s going to take, so how about I just call you tomorrow and we get together for coffee or
something....alright well, talk to you soon....bye.” fuck, fuck, fuck!

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“Fuck!!!!” I get out as loud as I can, which isn’t barely above a whisper.

“Oh yeah, did I fail to mention that I took care of your little friend for the evening? We have the whole night to ourselves. And then
tomorrow when you have learned your lesson, we will get you packed up and back home!” Jesus Christ. I am so fucked. “Now that you
know you have no escape, are you ready to be a good boy?” I spit out the blood that has gathered into my mouth and contemplate that
question for a minute....I have two broken arms and I’m pretty sure I just spit out a tooth but my vision is very blurry and everything is
covered in blood. Shit he pretty much cut out everything that I could fight back with. So I just put my head down in the blood that is on the
floor, what other choice do I have? “That’s my good boy.” He says, standing up and grabbing me by both arms roughly pulling me up.

“God!!!!” I yell, I couldn’t help it but I bite my lip to keep from another cry leaving as he pulls them around and wraps them around my
chest. Holding me like that with him flush against my back, pushing his hard on against my ass......god so disgusting.

“No more yelling Jus, I don’t want to have to hurt you anymore than what you deserve right now. Ok?” I just nod my head hoping that, that’s
enough. “Good, now let’s go to bed so I can finish up your punishment and then fuck you like never before, you are going to love it.” He
walks us to my bedroom and now he is going to taint my wonderful bed. I loved that bed and now I will never be able to sleep in it again. I
can feel the tears streaming down my face, I am so scared. He is going to hurt me even more than he already has and there is nothing I can do
about it. When we got to my room he threw me against the wall and I fell to the floor. Trying to get up grabbing at the wall, he starts kicking
my ribs first then the face. I try to cover myself curling into a ball as best I can. Finally he stops and I think that he’s finished but I was so
wrong. Next thing I know I am being punched in my back and head.......he grabs me up by my arms, I’m barely holding conciseness now
though and I am thankful that I will probably be passing out soon. He throws me onto the bed lengthwise and jumps on top of me strattling
my hips. He starts to stroke my cheek, I turn from him and I get a smack across my face for it. He turns my face back to him squeezing my
cheeks against my teeth god..... “never turn your face from me damn it.” he lets go smacking me again. I know that my lips are split open and
bleeding. “Now are you ready to get fucked like never before?” I can’t talk anymore, my lips are too swollen and my face is too swollen as
well. I get smacked again. Grabbing my face turning it towards him again. “Answer me!” he sneers. I just nod my head tears streaming down
my face for what’s to come next. He gets off of me and I am thankful cause he has bruised all over my sides and legs. Everywhere pretty
much. I hear him rummaging through something then he’s back, naked and I just close my eyes trying to ignore the fact that I am next......he
starts to undress me roughly pulling me up by my shirt and ripping it over my head letting me fall back to the bed, I feel him open up my
jeans and grab at the waist yanking them down and off. I open my eyes looking directly into Mark’s, the look they have sends a frightening
chill down my spine.......


Brian’s POV

“What do you mean his partner is already back there? I am his partner.....” I tell this bitch, god damn it if it isn’t one thing it’s another.

“I don’t think so sir....a Ben Bruckner is back there and has said that he is the man’s

“I tell you what, why don’t you go back there and bring Mr. Bruckner out here and we’ll ask him who’s who.” I tell her brooking no
argument. She just sighs and shakes her head, but she gets up and tells me she’ll be right back. I cannot believe this shit. I shake off Mikey’s
hand and start pacing the corridor trying to calm my temper. This night is just so fucked up!!!!

Finally after I don’t know how long I see Ben coming out of the side door, I stalk over to him.....

“What the fuck is going on Ben?” I ask trying really trying to hold my temper.

“It’s a long story......” Oh no he doesn’t.

“Where is he?” I ask. Fuck everything else I need to be with him right now!

“He’s being moved to a room right now, we can go up together.” He says, moving to the elevators and pressing the 5th floor.

“Why did you tell them you were his partner Ben?” I ask.

“So I could stay back there with him....I couldn’t leave him alone.” he says looking at his hands.

“Fine, but why didn’t you call me, I’m his partner and I still have no idea what’s fucking going on here.” I stop myself, I am starting to lose
my temper and I just want to be calm when I see Justin.

“He was unconscious when I found him and......”

“What happened?” Mikey asks, yeah I’d love to know that too.

“Mark grabbed him......”

“Oh my god no!” Mikey says!

“Who the fuck is Mark?” damn it.

“Mark is Justin’s ex. He is a sadistic mentally fucked up man who thought it was okay to beat the shit out of Justin. Stalk him and rape him.”
Ben says, and suddenly I feel the ground disappear and my heart clench and my anger flare like never before. I’m gonna kill this mother

“Did he....did he....”

“No he didn’t have the chance to rape Justin this time.” Ben says cutting off Mikey’s unfinished question. Michael and I both breathe a sigh

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of relief.

“But what did he do this he alright?” I ask, panic starting to set back in.

“He’s got one hell of a concussion and a broken rib.....bruises along his side and on the right side of his face there is a large one. He also has
them around his throat. That’s pretty much all of the physical damage.”

“But not the emotional damage.” I say. God. We get up to his room and I see him laying there, his face is swollen and bruised and that is
really all I can see for now but I know there is more and it’s breaking my heart. I go over and sit by his side on the bed taking his hand in
mine and leaning down to kiss his forehead......I stay there for a long while until I sit down in the chair and lay my head down on the bed
watching him sleep still holding is hand tightly in mine, caressing his arm. Ben and Mikey take up the chairs by the door and lean against
each other dosing off.....before I know it I am doing the same.........


Justin’s dream POV:

“Please.....Mark don’t do this.” I plead in vain. I know it won’t do any good, but I would do anything not to have this happen.

“Oh it’s ok sweetheart you are going to love every minute of this, I’m going to make you cum so hard you will never want anyone else.” He
says kissing along my face and to my neck and ear.......I start to block out everything that is happening and just try and think about anything
else but this man and what he’s doing to me. I am succeeding until I here the most disturbing sound in this situation.....the tear of the condom
wrapper which I am thankful for at the same time. I keep my eyes closed as tightly as possible and I feel him grab my legs at the knee......god
no please I bite my lip as he swings them up over his shoulders. Oh, the searing heated pain that is sent through my legs to the rest of my
body......then he slams into me before I know what’s happening, I feel my teeth break through the skin and the blood start to seep down my
chin. “Oh yes that’s it.” Oh god please don’t talk, please just let me go to another place. “See I told you you’d love it.” He keeps slamming
into me; I just keep my eyes closed and try not to hear anything but the blood pounding in my ears. I concentrate as hard as I can until I feel
his hand around my cock, fuck it’s absolutely soft......he stops himself and I can feel his eyes on me, he’s sliding his hand up and down my
cock but it’s not reacting..... “Open your eyes.” I reluctantly open my eyes and stare into the ice cold blue of Marks. It’s still sending ugly
chills down my spine. I see his eyes get harder... “Don’t worry, I won’t stop until you cum.” He says. I feel my body stiffen..... “ah yeah,
there you go.” Oh god no......he starts to slowly pump into me while slowly stroking my cock. So I just close my eyes and try to imagine
anyone else. My first thoughts of course are of Brian but I don’t want him to be anywhere near associated with this......I think of a hot model
I saw on a billboard a couple of weeks ago......I just try my best to lose myself in that fantasy. Before I know it I feel myself harden, thank
god......I have my fantasy and it’s working, I feel my fantasy man hit my prostate one two three times and I shoot. Having barely made a
move and not a moan or a sound for that matter.

“Oh god yes.....Justin!!!” I feel him cum and then he falls on top of me. Letting my legs fall to the side. Thank god, I am in so much pain and
he is just lying on top of me...... “see I told you that you would love it.” he says, snuggling up to me. God please let this be over.

The next morning, after a night of being woken up two more times for more of the same, I wake to see him passed out on the side of the bed,
so I gather myself up and grab the sheet around me I know now is the only chance I have to get away from him.......’knock.......knock’ I run
as fast as I can to the door before it wakes up Mark. I throw the door open and it’s……. thank god!
“Ben!” I throw myself in his arms.....

“Oh my god Justin.....god what happened?” he says pulling me back. I’m shaking and crying and I can barely stand. I just hold onto him......

“Justin.” I hear from my bedroom and I look over my shoulder to see Mark coming out of the bedroom naked and furious at the site in front
of him...... “what the fuck are you doing here?” I feel Ben stiffen and just push me as lightly as he can to the side stalking over to Mark....oh
god no he’s going to get hurt....”I am going to kick your ass! He belongs to.....”

“BEN!!!!!!” I say sitting straight up in bed looking frantically around until I feel his arms go around me. I grip him and hold on for dear life
oh god it was just a dream thank god......only it wasn’t a dream it really happened.......that’s when I start to cry.


Brian’s POV:

I felt him stirring and I woke immediately......he ripped his hand from me and I looked at him, he was sweating and starting to thrash around
his bed. I stood up and before I had a chance to do anything, Justin sat straight up and yelled out “BEN!” The next thing I know Ben is there
wrapping Justin in his arms. I can see Justin shaking and I can hear him crying. He’s clinging to’s breaking my heart that it’s not

“It’s okay Jus.... you’re okay, you’re safe I swear.” he says, trying to pull back.

“No don’t let me go please.” he says desperately. I can’t stand this. I sit on the other side of the bed, I touch the small of his back and I feel
him stiffen against my touch I quickly pull my hand away and get off the bed......

“Brian?” I hear Justin say, I look over and see him looking for me. Oh thank god......

“I’m right here Baby.” I say sitting back down on the bed, putting my hand back to the small of his back. “Come here baby.” I say so softly.
He turns and with his head down, he puts himself into my arms. “God baby....I’m so sorry.” I tell him. I want to cry, I can’t believe this
happened, I had no idea what he had gone through after I pushed him away. “We are going to make sure this never happens again....ok
Baby?” He just nods his head and squeezes me tighter, I do as well but just a little as to not hurt him anymore. I bring my hand up into his
hair and I close my eyes thanking whoever is up there that he is okay and that I have him in my arms, I breathe him

“I love you Baby.” I tell him and I feel him relax even more into me.

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“I love you too Bri.” I hear him say. I then lay him down but he hangs onto me tightly, so I lay down with him bringing him gently to me so
we are as close as you can get in a hospital bed. I hear him sigh and then I hear him breathing deeply and

“Brian...we are going to go home, but call if anything happens or if anything

“I will, I promise.......and thank you for taking care of him.” I say looking down at my beautiful partner brushing a couple of stray hairs from
his forehead.

“That’s what a best friend is for....just make sure he’s safe.” he says with a worried

“I have no intention of letting him out of my site, nor do I plan on letting anyone near him.”

“Good then we’ll see you in the morning.” he says. He closes the door and I look back to Justin, caressing his cheek with my finger tips.

“Looks like it’s just you and me gorgeous.” I whisper against his forehead and then kiss there. Moving down to his lips. I kiss him once more
lingering for a minute. I pull away just slightly settling there to hold him close and drift into a light sleep.....

Justin's Dream POV: (Flash Back)

It had been a month and a half after that fateful night that Mark had reappeared in Justin's life. Early in the day, Justin and Ben had attended
the sentencing of Mark.

"I can't believe they only gave him six months. This is such bullshit!" Justin exclaimed in a drunken slur.

"I know Jus, I really can't believe it myself..." Ben slurred. They had been drinking since they got home from the sentencing, and that was at
two it was now ten in the evening.

"It's because we're gay! They don't give a fuck about us! They would prefer it if we were all dead!" Justin was so drunk, and his emotions
were on over drive. Ben scooted closer to him and wrapped his arms around him holding him close to try to take some of the pain away.

"I know Jus, I know...” he heard Justin start to cry and held on a little tighter. "I'm sorry. It'll be ok." He just kept repeating for a minute.
Justin looked up into Ben's eyes and without thinking Justin leaned up and kissed Ben softly at first until suddenly they were both in such
passion and desperately grasping at each other. Ben bent down and began kissing along Justin's neck and shoulder, Justin gasped and moaned
from the contact. They were on the floor tearing each other’s clothes off, Ben produced a condom and lube out of his pocket and had it on his
dick in no time, barely being able to control just slamming into Justin, as he opened him up for his entrance. Finally having Justin's hole
relaxed around his fingers, he slowly withdrew them and replaced them with his cock. Then as gently as he could, he started to push forward,
watching Justin's face for any and all sign's of pain and as he pushed forward he would stop every time he thought Justin might be in pain.
When Ben was, finally all the way inside Justin he stopped and ran his hands through Justin's hair. When he looked into Justin's deep blue
eyes, he saw such trust and need in them. He leaned in and touched his lips to Justin's and as they kissed, he started to slowly and tenderly
make love to him...

I clung to Ben as if he was a lifeline I wrapped myself around him so tightly that I know he could barely move. He felt so good inside me and
it was so tender and loving that I lost myself in his touch. We didn't speak, the only sounds were soft moans, coming from both of us. Feeling
myself starting to fall over the edge, I try to hold it off; I just don't want it to end just yet. I want us to stay like this for a little longer but as
the tingling in my spine starts to move through out my body to my balls and I start to shake under him I know I wont be able to hold off any
long. He’s an excellent lover, and some how knows every one of my spot’s. Towards the end he hits my prostate and I fall into oblivion. God
it’s just so good that I whimper through it, barely being able to catch my breath. I feel him shutter as soon as my walls tighten around his
dick and we just hold each other through our orgasms. Still wanting to be close, not wanting our reality to hit just yet.

When Ben's dick starts to soften, he pulls back slightly to slide it the rest of the way out. I groan at the empty feeling it creates and suddenly
feel myself enveloped into Ben arms. We wrap ourselves around each other, and I am just trying to shut off my head when I hear him.

"I love you Justin. You know that right?" he asks in a whisper.

"I know. I love you too." then without another thought we both fall asleep.

I start to open my eyes; I’m still all wrapped up in Ben’s arms. I can feel the pain start to flow through my body at an alarming rate. It's been
too long since I've felt this much pain, and it's then that I realize that I'm not wrapped around Ben at all I'm wrapped around Brian. Oh my
god how is it that I managed to forget? I know it's because of that dream it has been so long since I have even thought of that night. I
remember when I woke up, I freaked out and quietly removed myself from his arms and his apartment, which I had been living in since Mark
had come into mine. I just couldn't stand to be there and he offered me his spare bedroom. We decided on being roommates and it was
working out fine but then that happened and I just couldn't be there any more either. I went to a motel and stayed there until we had finally
ran into each other and talked everything through and decided that it was a mistake, then I went back home with him. Although thinking
about it now I realize that it wasn't a mistake at all. It really was perfect and I can't think of anything better that he could have done to help
me through that night. We made love that night and it will always be one of my most cherished memories.

I can feel Brian starting to stir and tighten his grip around me and I feel this sudden white hot pain go across the area that he tightened his
grip and I gasp he jumps, and I yelp.


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Brian's POV:

"Justin, baby, are you ok? I'm so sorry, god." I was sleeping and dreaming of Justin being taken by some black mist and I was trying to grab
him but I just couldn't get a grip on him; I just seemed to slip right through him. Then I heard a gasp and I freaked, I jumped awake and heard
him yelp. I hurt him. I must have been holding him too tightly in my sleep. I feel so bad. I try to remove myself from the bed so I don't hurt
him anymore but he shakes his head...

"No Bri, don't leave. I want to feel you next to me," he says, I slowly move myself next to him as he snuggles into my chest, I hear him sigh.
"I hurt." I hear him say, and I freeze.

"Do you want me to move?" I don't know what to do I don't want to hurt him anymore.

"No, not at all. Could you just press the button for the nurse for me?" oh I should've thought of that.

"Sure baby.” I press the button, and about five minutes later a nurse comes in and smiles at us.

"Well, well. You two finally woke up. I must say you two are the talk of the floor.” She says as she checks his fluids and monitors.

"Is that right?" I ask with raised eyebrows.

"Well with two gorgeous men sleeping in the same bed curled around each other, I am sorry to say that it is the best thing to hit this hospital
ever. So you are on every nurse’s mind this morning,” she says standing in front of us with a twinkle in her eye.

"Can't blame you there I guess. But then again we like being the center of attention so I guess everyone wins,” I reply. Tongue firmly in my

"Yes I suppose you're right. Now Justin how are you doing this morning?" She ask getting down to business.

"Well I feel like shit. I was hoping to get something for the pain if you could." He ask. She nods her head and reaches into her pocket pulling
out a needle and a little bottle.

"I figured you would say that so I came prepared,” she says while fixing up the needle with the medicine.

"What is that? I have a ton of allergies,” he remarks a little panicked.

"Oh don't worry your partner gave us the list of all your allergies. We're ok." I realize that she wasn't referring to me but to Ben as his
partner. Fucker.

"That wasn't his partner that was his best friend that gave over the information. I am his partner." I set the record straight.

"Oh I'm sorry it said on his file that his partner,” yea, yea.

"I know, but it was a mistake. He isn't his partner; he just didn't want to leave him alone so he just said it." Jesus. Man this is too much. I feel
this overwhelming jealousy. I didn't really think about it before and I actually thought that Mikey was overreacting when he was freaking out
about the fact that Ben had slept with his best friend. But now that his best friend just happens to be Justin... well lets just say that I totally
understand his paranoia.

"I'm sorry about the misunderstanding," she says a little sheepishly.

"What are you talking about?" Justin asks in confusion.

"Nothing Baby we'll talk about it later." I can see his eyes starting to droop from the medication and I smooth my hand down his face and see
him smile to my touch. "I love to see you smile." I tell him and brush the hair out of his eyes.

"I love you." he says as he closes his eyes.

"I love you too."

"I'm sleepy now,." he murmurs.

"I know, go to sleep I'm not going anywhere." I tell him as he slips into sleep.

^^^^^^^^ Two months later ^^^^^^^^^

I open the door to Justin's house and see that every light in the house is off. He has been extremely closed off more and more lately and I just
don't know what to do to help him open up to me. He has been pushing me away, I can’t get him to stop and it is getting harder and harder to
fight him. I love him, that hasn't changed, but at the same time what can I do?

"Justin?" I call out as I make my way up stairs; I know where he is most likely. It's where he has been every day after I get off of work for the
past month and a half. I open the door to his studio and see him frantically painting on a huge canvas. I don't know a lot about art; however,
you don't need to be an art fanatic to know there is a lot of hatred in this piece. I watch as he paints, waiting till he finishes before I move a
little closer. I hear him take a deep breath, while he slumps his shoulders, and look’s at the floor. "Jus, are you ok?" I ask. Futile as it is.

"Yea I'm fine.” He lies as usual.

"Why do you lie to me?" I ask him and I see him tense up. "I know you too well Justin and I know when you're lying to me." I say as I stand

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right behind him. I can smell his shampoo mixed in with paint fumes and his natural scent. God I miss this, I miss him. He barely let’s me get
this close any more. I had just gotten him back and then Mark happened and it seems that I am losing him all over again. I don't understand it
though because we haven't seen or heard anything from Mark since that night so why is he still pulling away from me?

"You don't know me as well as you think," he says.

"Fine. Then help me out here, because I don't know what to do anymore Justin. I'm running out of ideas.” It's true I am.

"I think it's time for you to go," he says bringing up his head to look at the wall. He says this every night, when he wants me to leave but I'm
not leaving tonight.

"No Justin we need to talk." I practically beg.

"No," he says in a deathly calm cold voice, that sends a chill through my body, " no more talking. No more trying. I don't want to do this any
more.” He says to me. I yank him around to look at me.

"What the fuck do you mean no more? We're partners and I just want to work this out. Damn it Justin stop pushing me away!" I yell. I am
losing my patience with him and I don't like it. He's got his walls back up in full force and I don't see any emotion.

"I said no more and I meant it. Now I would appreciate it if you'd get your stuff out of my house today, so I don't have to deal with this any
longer.” Oh my god!

"You can't be serious...” he cuts me off.

"Oh I am dead serious I want you out of my house today and don't bother coming back,” he says and turns from me. I can't believe this is

"Why are you doing this? I know you love me. So why push me away?" I plead with him.

"Because Brian I have enough shit to deal with without adding your shit to the mix." he says.

"Fine. You want to keep playing games. Fine, but you are not getting rid of me that easily. We are partners, and I am not going to let you
fuck this up for us." I yell at him. I wont either. That is exactly what he is trying to do, I realized this a while ago, but until now, I wasn't sure
if I could hold on. Now with him trying to throw it all away I knew that I would do anything to keep him with me. I wont lose him again.

"Brian please," He pleads, and in that I heard all of his love and every emotion he has for me.

"I won't let you turn away from me and I won't lose you again no matter what it takes. I can't live my life without you Justin. Don't you see

"If you don't leave now you may get hurt or even worse, he could kill you." he says. I now know that he has been keeping things from me.

"What haven't you been telling me? Has he hurt you again, has he been here?" I ask getting seriously pissed off at the fact that now, I know
he's been hiding things from me and wanting to kill Mark before he can do any more damage to my baby.

"Look it's just best if you leave and then I know you'll be safe," he begs, turning to look at me and I see all the love in his eyes.

"No! I'm not leaving Justin. We're going to deal with this together. Now tell me everything." I say in a no nonsense tone, as I walk over and
pull him into my arms. He resist at first but then suddenly has me in a hug so tight I can barely breath, it’s amazing how strong he truly is.
"It's ok. We are going to get through this I promise." I kiss the top of his head and take in just how good it is to have him back in my arms
and not pulling away. I move my head into his neck and bury my face in his skin breathing in his scent. I don't want to let him go, if I do he
might try to run again.

"Bri, he's going to come after you if you stay with me. He's been warning me and today he sent a message that if I didn't get rid of you today
he was going to kill you,” he explains, with silent tears running down his face. I take my hands and wipe his tears away as they fall, while
running soothing circles on his lower back to keep him calm.

"How long has he been sending you messages, and how are they getting to you?” He has an amazing security system, I don't see him getting
past it. So how?

"He somehow got a hold of all my numbers and has been sending me text messages. He has also sent flowers twice, once when I had gotten
out of the hospital, and the other just a few days ago. I only accepted the first batch because I thought they were from you. I did; however, on
the second batch keep the card and had the flower’s thrown away.”

"Well what did the notes say?" I question.

"They said that, I had been a bad boy for being with you and that I would have to learn my lesson soon enough.” He shakes his head...

God damned son of a bitch I am going to hunt this man down and kill him for all of this.


Justin's POV:

I shake off the memories that, that threat brings into my mind. That was always his reasoning behind all of his cruelness but I have to finish
this before I can fall apart.

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"The second note was telling me that no one could ever love me as he does. And that soon I would see that." Brian hugs me to him, god how
I have missed this. His wonderful smell, his strong arms around me keeping me safe. Only I know all too well that he can't keep me safe and
Mark is all too aware of that fact as well. Brian can't fight like he can. Mark could break him in two no problem, and Brian would probably
never see it coming.

"What else is there Baby?"

"He has been sending me text messages and has threaten to kill you if I see you after tonight. He says that he is tired of playing games and
letting me have my ‘fun time’. That’s what he calls it.

"Fuck me.” He breathes out.

"Brian he's obviously seriously sick. I mean, he thinks I belong to him and that we have this relationship. That I have just taken a little time
away from him ‘to sort my oats’, as he put it. But he is also saying that as of tomorrow morning my time is up." Brian starts to shake his head
and before I can say anything else.

"I am going to kill that mother fucker," he says trying to pull himself from me, but I hold on tightly to him.

"Brian, you can't do that...”

"What the fuck do you mean I can't do that?” He yells at me, with a murderess look in his eyes.

"Baby, let's just have tonight and then tomorrow we can deal with all of this." I plead with him, I have to get him to stay because, if he goes
out there Mark could get to him, but in here he's safe no one can get in here. "Please Bri?"

"Justin...” he tries to say

"Make love to me, I have missed you so much baby." I say closing the gap between us and molding my self to him. I feel him weakening as I
nuzzle against the side of his neck and shoulder rubbing my hands across his chest.

"Ah Jus please...”

"Don't you miss me Bri?" I ask seductively. I feel him nod against my head...”


Brian's POV:

"Oh god yes, baby, I missed you so much." I breathe as I swoop down to catch his mouth with my own. We kiss hard, our tongues going as
far as they can go. Tasting and touching every area that has been neglected over the past two months.

"Oh god Brian, I need you," he pants out as we break our kiss, I reach into my pocket grabbing the lube and condom and tossing them right
next to our feet. We won't be going very far. As he starts taking off my suit jacket and tie, my mouth attacks his creamy skin. I manage to
literally rip off his shirt since I just couldn't break my lips away from his body, he tastes so good. I feel his lips burning against my skin as
my chest is exposed and it feels so good.,

"God Jus, so good baby...” I say and bite his neck leaving a bright red mark to reassert myself. God I love the way he tastes. I grab at his
waist and yank the buttons open, pulling his pants down as I go along. I lower us to floor as he gets my pants undone and down, when we are
finally on the floor with me lying between his legs I slow down for a minute and relish that feeling.

"I have missed you so much." I whisper looking into his eyes and rubbing the back of my hand against his cheek. He smiles that sweet loving
smile for me. It's not the sunshine smile, it's even better, it's the special one that's just for me.

"I missed you too...” I give him a sweet smile and lean down to recapture his sweet luscious lips. This kiss is passionate but it's a sweet soft
kiss that I had grown to love so much, it's the one I missed the most threw all this. While I'm kissing him I blindly reach for the lube and
when I find it, I reluctantly break the kiss. I rip open the packet and rub some between my fingers, god I can't wait. I slowly insert the first
finger and before long, I have Justin pushing back against them, and I don't waste any more time putting the next two fingers in as deep as I
can. When I can't hold off any longer, I remove my fingers, quickly sheath my cock, and with out much warning sink as deeply as I can into
his tight ass.

"Jesus Christ!" Justin and I yell in unison. I immediately stop moving, trying to let Justin adjust and let myself calm down a little. Since I got
him back in my life, I haven't been with anybody else. I meant all the things I said and he really is all that I want and need. So being with him
again, feeling myself deep inside him, and feeling his warmth all around me, well this may sound a little strange but it feels like home. As I
start to move, I look into his eyes...

"Oh Bri...” he breaths out, I lean down to place soft kisses on his eyes and down his cheek to his mouth. He takes over the kiss, softly sliding
his tongue into my mouth.


Justin's POV:

I'm not even sure how long we made love tonight but I do know that we didn't ever make it off of my studio floor. It was so amazing to have
him back in my arms. I ached everyday to have him there, but I was so scared, still am. I never want anything to ever happen to him and it is
becoming very clear that if I don't take care of Mark... then with out a doubt, he will hurt Brian. That's just not something that I am willing to
let happen. Brian made me promise that I wouldn't pull away from him anymore and looking into his eyes while he asked me...I just couldn't

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deny him that. So, I promised him what we both wanted but in return, I'll most likely die for it.

I have been working hard the last couple of years to get myself in shape for this. I knew the day would most likely come that he would come
after me again. I just wasn't prepared for how much I could lose. I mean losing my life is one thing but I couldn't bare it if anything happened
to Brian. I'll do anything to protect him. Even if it means giving up my life...

‘Beep..beep..beep..beep.’ My heart skips a beat as I realize that someone is in the house. I know it's Mark.

"Brian! Brian! Wake up!" I say shaking him until he starts to wake up, I jump up out of his arms and grab for my close, I start putting on my

"Justin...what are you doing? What's the matter?" he asks rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and getting up.

"Someone's in the house. You need to get dressed." I say throwing my shirt on.

"How do you know?" he asks as he grabs for his own clothes and struggles to put them on quickly.

"You hear that ‘beep...beep'?" he nods his head. "That's the secondary alarm. They must have figured out how to disarm the first one." I say
moving to the door and I quickly turn out the lights before I open the door a crack to see if I can see anything. "Shit!" I whisper harshly as I
see Mark quietly coming up the stairs and peeking around the corner that heads to my room.

"Jus..." I stop him from saying anything else with a wave of my hand and I feel him come up behind me to try to look out the crack. I move
him away and quietly close the door. "Who's out there?" he asks.

"It's Mark. I knew he would be coming. Damn it!" I say and move over to get my shoes on. He does the same.

"What are we going to do?"

"We are going to do nothing. I am going to go out there and take care of this." I say standing up. He grabs my arm and I look down at him.

"You are not going out there alone Justin. I won't let you." he says standing up.

"Brian you don't have a say in this." I tell him and yank my arm free. He grabs me again as I turn from him and yanks me to face him.

"The hell I don't Justin!" he almost yells.

"Damn it Brian keep your voice down." he puts his hands over his chest and furrows his brow. "You can't defend your self against him

"I know how to fight Justin,” he says exasperated.

"Not like him Bri.” I say calmly. "If you go out there it will be easier for him to get to you. I don't want you to get hurt." I say to him

"But Justin if you go out there he will hurt you." he says hugging me to him.

"Maybe, but Brian if he finds us, if I don't go, I can't be sure that he won't hurt you. Look there is a lock and an alarm on this door. He won't
be able to get past them."

"I thought I told you if you didn't get rid of him I was going to kill him." ah fuck. I whip around to face Mark. He is standing in the doorway,
twiddling his thumbs with blazing eyes.

"When have I ever followed your rules Mark?" I ask him sarcastically. Which just manages to piss him off even more. Which is good, anger
doesn't help your concentration. He is still bigger and stronger than I am, so I need to throw him off a little.

"You need to get the fuck out of here!" Brian yells from behind me. Damn it I don't want the focus on him.

"You know I am going to kill you, right?" Mark says and I feel myself shutter inside.

"You aren't going to any such thing Mark." I say in return. "I won't let you."

"When have you ever been able to stop me Justin,” he asks moving towards us, I start to move me and Brian away from him.

"All that matters is now." I tell him. Trying to reassure myself.

"So you don't ever think about the times I punished you and then made love to you all night?” He asks me and I shake my head to shake the
memories away. "I doubt you could ever forget those nights,” he says getting closer.

"Brian get back." I demand, not taking my eyes away from Mark's.

"No Jus we do this together,” he says from my side.

"Shit Brian would you fucking listen to me for once?" I say through clenched teeth.

"No I won't let him hurt you." god please.

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"You’re a fool Brian." Mark says with a smirk not looking away from me.

"Fuck you." Brian says and makes a go for Mark taking a swing and missing.

"Brain!” I shout but before I can get to him Mark takes a swing and hits him in the chin. Making a quick turn kicking him in the face,
effectively knocking him out. Right as I get to Mark, he turns and grabs me by the throat. Practically cutting off my air. Shit!

"Tell me Justin why would you want to spend any time with a pathetic little fuck like that?” He asks. I struggle mercilessly to get away from
him. I start topanic as it gets harder to breath. "I am going to kill him Justin..." I stop struggling, look at his cold hard eyes, and know that he
will if I don't stop him. "Yeah, you know I will. Huh. But I know you don't care...because if you did you would have let him go when I told
you to,” he says loosening his grip a little. I feel my resolve strengthen and make my move.

I punch him right in his kidneys and before he can move, head butt him as hard as I can. He recoils, but is still standing.

"I see you have learn some more over the past two years," he says, rubbing his head then cracking his neck. I get into my stance and just wait
for him to make the first move. "You really want to do this Justin?" I don't bother answering him. So he just shakes his head and gets into his
position. "Alright little boy let's see what you've learned."

"Stop talking already." I say and he makes a move towards me. He tries for a hit to the face, which I block with my arm; I hit him directly in
the chest. He backs down and I grab his hand twisting it around and throw him over my shoulder. He lands on his back and I let go of his
arm, he quickly jumps up and turns to face me again.

"Well you have learned quite a bit haven't you," he asks rubbing his chest for a second before going back into his stance.

"Is that a problem?" I taunt. I want him, to lose his patience lose his capability to think straight so he will make mistakes.

"You have no idea what you are getting your self into sweet heart.” He sneers.

"Oh, no? I thought I was about to kick your ass." I say in wonder, which just piss’s him off even more. He walks a little to stand right in front
of me; I don't move I just watch him and every move he makes. “Okay Justin show me what you got." he says taking his stance. I decide to
go ahead and go for a punch to the face that he blocks, then using my other fist to backhand him across the face. His head goes to the side
and I don't let up, I grab his arm and move to the side a bit and I bring up my leg and start to kick him in the mid section. After three kicks,
he grabs my leg and pushes me back, hard enough to get me on the floor. I fall but I get up quickly and get back into my stance, and wait for
him to make a move.

"Is that it? You don't have anything better?" he says shaking his head turning around. When he faces me, again he looks straight into my
eyes. "Why are you doing this Justin? There's no need. Just come with me now and we can forget all this ever happened," he says sweetly.

"What's the matter Mark? Are you scared?" I ask in a sickly sweet voice. He snickers to the ceiling.

"Are you really that stupid Justin? I am smarter than you are, bigger than you, stronger than you are! Did I not just knock you on your ass?”
he asks incredulously.

"You know you seem to have a problem remembering the score here. You may have knocked me on my ass but if you think back to just a
couple of minutes ago you'll remember that I to knocked you on your ass as well. Now are we going to continue with these barbs or are we
going to fight?" I ask calmly.

"If that's what you want, sure." he says coming at me again. He goes for a kick but I catch the bottom of his foot and throw him back, he falls
to the floor and as he gets up, he comes straight for me again. He takes a swing at me and as I block it, he comes at me with his other fist I
block the other punch, I push one arm away and quickly bring the other arm around his back and kick in his knee. He falls to the floor, and I
lean over just slightly and tell him.

"I can break every bone in your body,” as I slowly bring up his arm. Letting him feel what I felt, so long ago. He screams out in pain, and
after the bone is nicely broken, I push him to the floor. "You remember telling me that?" I ask him.

"Of course I do," he says as he slowly gets up off the floor. He gets to his feet, "I also remember how tight you were that night and how good
it felt to slip inside you," he says, licking his lips and making my insides turn at the unwanted memory. "You know you loved it," he says and
I feel the anger well up inside of me.

"No you sick fuck I hated every single minute of it." I yell at him.

"Funny I seem to remember you getting off on it every single time," he remarks huskily.

"The only reason I got off was because you said you wouldn't stop until I did. And the only way that I was able to get it up was to imagine a
fucking model I saw on a billboard." I yell at him again trying to get him to hear the truth.

"You keep telling your self that but we both know the truth, damn it!" He yells back at me.

"What? That you're a fucking psycho, who is so fucked in the head that you can't even see that I am so fucking repulsed by you that I would
rather die than to let you touch me in that way again. Is that the truth that you were talking about?" I ask angrily.

" just got a little confused, while you were away he confused you," he says pointing towards Brian.

"No I am NOT confused! I have always loved Brian. Since the first moment I saw him I loved him.” He looks shocked. "I never loved you,
never." I say and he comes at me full force and knocks me down. He puts his hands around my throat and starts squeezing as hard as he can.
I scratch at his face and his eye I have to get out of this, if I don't he will kill Brian after he is done with me. Suddenly I feel Mark being
yanked off of me. Brian. I cough as soon as I can breathe again and get up as quickly as I can. Brian is coming to me and I see Mark in the

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"Justin, are you okay?" he asks taking me in his arms. He pulls back, taking my face in his hands softly to look at my neck, and to check for
any other bruises. "Not too bad baby. Does it hurt anywhere else," he asks and I shake my head I pull him in my arms squeezing him to me.

"I'm so glad that you are ok." I say to him.

“Ahhhh!" I hear and without thinking I swing Brian around and hit Mark in a certain area on the sinus causing him to completely pass out.
He just fell right to the floor. I know what I have just done. I bite my lip and get to my knees. I move next to him and see if I hit him hard
enough. I feel his pulse it's weak but it's there.

"Justin?" Brian says coming up behind me. I turn to him as he gets down on the floor with me, and I just let him take me into his arms. I may
not have killed him now but I can almost guarantee that in a few days he will die from a heart attack. I know I hit him hard enough for that. I
know I shouldn't be thankful for that fact but I am. At least now, I know he will never hurt Brian or me again. I let myself completely relax
into him. I let him hold me and protect me now, and I have never felt anything so good.

Justin’s POV:

About fifteen minutes later the cops come running through my door with there guns drawn. I don’t even bother getting up I just stay in
Brian’s arms. I don’t ever want to leave his arms again. God I was so scared I was going to lose. That he would get past me to really hurt or
even worse kill Brian. I can’t imagine my life, without Brian in it anymore. He’s my world.

“Is this the guy?” I here an unfamiliar voice ask.

“Yea that’s the fucker.” Brian says.

“Sir we’re going to have to ask that stand back so we can check him out.” another unfamiliar voice says.

“Ok,...Jus baby we gotta move. Come on.” Brian says standing us both up and moving us over to my stool. He sits down pulling me into his
lap. He’s holding onto me just as tightly as I’m holding onto him.

“Hello my name is Detective Henderson, and I’m going to have to ask you a few questions.”

“Can’t this wait?” Brian asks. I feel totally content to let him deal with all this shit.

“I’m sorry sir but it’s better if we just get this all taken care of now.”

“Alright go ahead.” the detective starts to ask every question in the book it seems and I just want nothing more than to have all these people
out of my house and for me and Brian to go to bed and forget all this ever happened.

About twenty minutes into the questioning they wheeled Mark out of the room he was still pass out. I never thought I could feel so grateful to
have done something like that to someone. I hope I never have to see him again, and I know that that wish will actually come true. I feel a lot
of regret that I had to do what I did, but I didn’t see any other way to keep my family safe. I wish more than anything that Mark would have
just let this whole obsession go, maybe have gotten some help, but no it came down to this. What a way to end two years of suffering.

When the detective is done with his question and all the officers are done with there work they leave us, with the parting of we’ll be in touch.

“Come on baby lets get you to bed. Brian says and I stand up off his lap and he gets up, pulling me as close to him as I can get while still
being able to walk. When we get to the bed he helps me undress and get into bed and covers me up. I watch as he gets undressed and climbs
up onto the bed and over me to his side. He quickly gets under the covers and pulls me right into his arms and all I can do is wrap myself
around and suddenly I feel this wave on relief and complete vulnerability, and just break down and start to cry. I feel him shudder against me
and I am positive he is crying as well.

“I thought I was going to lose you.” I say in a low voice.

“I thought I was going to lose you.” he says just as low. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too.” I say and then the crying is over for both of us, as we fall into a very peaceful sleep.


Brian’s POV:

when I wake up it’s to the sight of my gorgeous partner in my arms. I feel myself smile. I have never been so scared in my life than I was
when I saw Mark with his hands around Justin’s throat. I don’t even remember getting him off, I just knew that I had to do something. I also
have no idea how Justin did what he did. The last hit Justin landed, had Mark just crumbling to the floor. It was amazing really and I don’t
think I have ever been so grateful in my life to see someone go down. I really thought I was going to lose him yesterday one way or the other
and now it seems that everything will be ok in our favor. Cause now I know that I will fight for him in any situation as well as he will fight
for me. I tell ya though I never want to let him out of my sight again. I want to be with him more than ever before. I feel him start to stir as I
brush a stray piece of hair from his forehead and I kiss at his temple and down his cheek until I reach his lips, I feel him kissing me back and
I just relish in the feeling he opens his mouth and I slowly dip my tongue in letting my sense’s take over. When I hear him moan into the
kiss, I pull away I want to look at him see his beautiful eyes on me, and when I open my eyes that’s exactly what I get him looking into my

“God I love you.” he gives me a sunshine smile something that I haven’t seen in so long and wondered if I’d ever see again. “I love to see
you smile.” I tell him. It’s the truth, if I could see nothing else I would be completely happy. It’s a smile that can light up a persons whole
world if he wants it to.

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“I love you too.” He says and snuggles up to my side resting his head on my chest. I pull him in tight, and kiss the top of his head. “Bri?”

“Yeah baby?”

“What do you think about moving in here with me?” he says looking up and into my eyes. “And making this our home?” I feel myself light

“There’s nothing else I would rather do.” I tell him. He gives me another and throws his arm around my waste and hugs me to him while
kissing me on the lips. He runs his tongue over my lips and I part them to let him enter, god I love the way he taste no matter when, that must
be a sign of true love. It doesn’t take long before the kiss turns to pure passion, hell we have a lot of catching up to do and we spend the rest
of the next two days doing so. We do in the mean time get a few calls from the family though. The press had a field day with the story and
when Mark up and died a few days later the press seemed to worsen. Justin hated every minute of it but eventually everything calmed down
and we start to live a normal, calm, peaceful life. I moved into the house about a week after he had asked due to the press that surrounded the
house day and night. We couldn’t leave without getting bombarded with questions and photographs. But we got thru it and we did it together
which is the most important part of it all. I never thought I could be this happy. I never thought I deserved it. But the more time I am with
Justin and the more he loves me and the more that I fall in love with him shows me that I do deserve every happiness that I can find and I
could never have known that had it not been for a blue eyed twink standing under a lamppost. I would never give up that day, never in a
million years. He has made me a better father, friend, son (to Deb that is.), brother(to Mikey), and most importantly he has made me a
person. The only thing that I would change would be pushing him away, that will always be a huge regret in my life. He went thru so much
and if I wouldn’t have pushed him away non of it would’ve happened, we could’ve been living a happy life together instead of the hell he
was living in. He has told mea million times that if that would’ve happened maybe we wouldn’t be here in this life we’ve made together, and
that he would go thru it all again if it meant being here with me now. The man is more than I could’ve ever dreamed of and he’s all mine.
Nothing will ever change that. I wouldn’t let it.


Justin’s POV:

It’s been a little over a year since, Mark died. He did end up dying from a heart attack a couple of days later. He had just been moved to the
jail house and in the middle of the night he just went. Nobody even noticed till the morning. I can’t say that I’m proud of what I’d done but I
won’t apologize for it either. He would’ve never stopped coming after us, he would’ve kept on coming until one of us was dead, and I didn’t
want to die, nor did I want Brian to die. So no I won’t apologize for protecting us, because I’d do it again in a heart beat.

So Brian and I have been living together and everything has gone so much better than even I had expected it to. I figured that we would have
to adjust to living together and we did but this house is so big that we had the luxury of staying out each others way and having our own
space when needed. Which still comes in handy. I love the man but sometimes he can be a real handful. Although I wouldn’t change it for
the world.

Brian and I decided about a six months ago to start an advertising business so what we did was take my web design company and intertwine
the two. It’s now called KJ Web Design and Advertising. We have already started to take the advertising world by storm. What we did was
take all his clients from before and bring them to our advertising comp. But we also got them to have there web sites designed thru us as
well. Then we went to all of my clients and get them to have their advertising thru us as well. It’s been an unbelievable ride already and I can
only see it getting better. We make an amazing team and I love working with him. I love the way his mind works. It’s amazing to watch him

Me and Mikey started a comic book together just as I promised. We call it Rage and it’s fanfuckingtastic. It brings out so many truths about
gay life and the struggles we deal with everyday and the prejudice that we have to endure, and fight against. It’s a very empowering book and
I really think that it will help whole lot of kids searching for something and someone to relate too. I know I would’ve loved to have had a
hero like Rage to look up to when I was growing up. But alas I didn’t and now all I can do is try and give it to the many kids out there that
need him now. Michael is happy having his dream come true and to get all his ideas out on the page for everyone to read. I happy I could
help him do that.

As for Ben well we’re still best friends and I can never see that changing. He’s always been there to help me thru whatever I was going
threw, I try to do the same for him. But him and Michael have a wonderful relationship they even went to Europe this last fall and they had a
wonderful time. I gave them Diane’s number in London and they got together and she showed them some of our favorite spots. I like the fact
that Ben got to see first hand what I did over there.

Let’s see... there really isn’t much else I can say for now. I’m living my dream, with the man I love and friends that I love, and a family that I
love and who loves me back. I can’t imagine life getting much better than that.


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