Deathby Delilah Ashlyn Chase

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication

Death by Delilah

ISBN 9781419914706
Death by Delilah Copyright © 2008 Ashlyn Chase

Edited by Helen Woodall.
Cover art by Dan Skinner & Syneca.

Electronic book Publication April 2008

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in
part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing,
Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal
copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is
punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. (

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

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Ashlyn Chase

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Dedicated to my sister-in-law for making my brother a happy man.

This book is loosely based on their real-life love story.


My thanks go to Christine Butler for interpreting Navy websites, rules and

regulations and to Judith Arnold for encouraging me to delve soul deep.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the

following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Coyote Ugly: Love Picin Incorporated

Fantasy Island: Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.

Heineken: Heineken Brouwerijen

Hell’s Angels: Hells Angels Motorcycle Club

Honda Accord: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.

Muppet: Muppets Studio, LLC

Neiman Marcus: NM Nevada Trust

Tylenol: McNeil Consumer Brands, Inc.

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Death by Delilah


Chapter One

“If Delilah hears that song one more time, she’s going to strangle Tom Jones with

her thong!”

Joshua Sparks pried his sister’s hand off his mouth. “What’s gotten into you,

Gabby? It was subconscious and I was only humming. I’m sure Delilah didn’t hear it.”

“Well, hum something else,” Gabby whispered. “Anything but ‘Delilah’.”

Josh tousled his sister’s wispy brown hair. “Why? Are you afraid she won’t move in

with us if I hum? Or are you worried about Tom Jones’ neck?”

Gabby had just begun to squeeze his arm when she caught sight of her dear friend,

Delilah. She let go and finger-combed her hair back into place.

“So what do you think? Could you live here? With us?”

Delilah glanced toward the hall that led to the bedroom for rent. “I don’t know. The

room is kind of small.”

“That’s because the bed is so big,” Gabby said, with a cheery grin.

Delilah fished in her pocketbook and produced a calculator. “How much did you

want per month again?”

“Well, we were asking six hundred but we can knock it down a bit—I mean, since

you’re a friend of mine.” Gabby shifted her weight from foot to foot.

Josh added, “It comes with heat.” He smiled, wondering if the leggy brunette

would add a little heat of her own. Her mixed-race heritage had always fascinated him.

Her skin was like milk chocolate and her eyes were a stunning hazel-green. The

combination, plus her long wavy hair, could stop traffic.

“Heat’s a big deal, huh? Why? Is this the cold section of San Diego? Make it five-

fifty and you have a deal.”

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Josh grinned. Delilah Mills would make a delightful addition to the household but

there were complications.

“Great!” Gabby embraced her friend in an enthusiastic hug.

Josh crossed his arms. “Hey, Gab. I live here too. Don’t I get a say?”

“Oh.” Her face fell. “Yeah, I suppose you do. What do you say?”

She delivered a hard glare in his direction and it was a temptation to bait her.

Gabby was so easy. She wore her heart on her sleeve and Josh loved to dangle the carrot

for a while. He’d forgo the temptation this time. They needed a roommate and he’d love

to see Delilah’s riveting eyes and pouty lips across the breakfast table. He pictured her

in a short nightshirt or a clingy satin robe and his pulse pounded. “Sure, when can you

move in?”

“This weekend. I just have to pack a few things.”

Gabby jumped for joy.

* * * * *

Delilah tossed the last of her belongings into her footlocker and contemplated living

with Joshua Sparks. He could give a nun erotic dreams but she’d die if Josh knew he’d

starred in a few of hers. They had known each other since attending the American

school on the U.S. Naval Air Station in Keflavik, Iceland. She was Gabby’s age but

Delilah had harbored a secret crush on Josh since they were preteens.

Even so, that would have to remain a well-guarded secret. It was great to have a

friend already living in the area and it was a nice climate. Those reasons for requesting

San Diego as a duty station would be plenty. Wanting to be near her best friend’s

brother, a sexy officer, when one was enlisted wouldn’t cut it.

She wasn’t crazy about his cockiness with Gabby but she knew his sister adored

him and stood up for herself just fine. If you looked past the teasing, you could tell the

two of them were close. He had been looking out for his little sister since their parents

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and all their possessions went up in flames. She and Gabby had been away at college

when it happened.

What if he snored or drank out of the milk carton? She smiled and shook her head

as she visualized his possible imperfections. Still, it might be good to know more about

him before she fell hopelessly in love with his sky blue eyes and buff body. Of course,

being good friends with Gabby since they were kids had given her many chances to

observe Josh at a respectful distance. The guy had a good head on his shoulders, not

just a handsome one. But he wasn’t all brain and brawn. He seemed to have depth too—

for a guy.

Delilah wasn’t too worried about the sibling stuff. They explained that a third

person would be good to break ties when decisions had to be made. The household was

very democratic, despite Josh “outranking” his non-military sister by two years.

With all of her stuff packed, the footlocker weighed a ton. She’d either need help

carrying it or she’d have a hernia operation to look forward to.

* * * * *

Meanwhile, from the astral plane, two spirits followed the action below…

“Every time I turn around you’re spying on our granddaughter. Aren’t you

beginning to feel like a Muppet?”

“A Muppet? What are you talking about?”

“The two old geezers in the balcony.”

“Oh, hush, Martin. I’m just looking out for her.”

“What makes you think she can’t look out for herself, Delilah, my dear? Or are you

just overprotective because she’s named after you?”

“I’m sure she can take care of herself but she shouldn’t have to. She’s a beautiful

woman and she should be married by now.”

“Delilah, you’re killing me.”

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“I can’t kill you. You’re already dead. Wait a minute, Martin. Are you talking to me

or to our granddaughter?”

“I’m talking to you. Our granddaughter can’t hear me.”

“You don’t think so? I talk to her all the time. I’ve been yelling in her ear about

finding a nice man and settling down for months. Now here she is, about to move in

with him—I mean, one.”

“And I talk to you but do you listen? Stay out of the matchmaking business!”

“What good is having the inside information of a ghost if you can’t do a little

something to make your family happy? Maybe you haven’t noticed but Delilah isn’t

little anymore and she’s lonely.”

“But your matchmaking backfired when you were alive. What makes you so sure

these two are right for each other?”

“I just know. It’s always been my gift.”

“And someone else’s curse. I wish you had a body, so I could shake some sense into


“Why? My heart is in the right place.”

“Yeah, buried six feet underground.”

“Oh, you’re impossible. Always were, always will be.”

“And you’re a meddler. Always were, always will be.”

* * * * *

Josh was just about to leave the naval base for the weekend when a song came over

his car radio and caught his attention. It seemed odd for a rock-and-roll station to play

“Delilah”. A thought popped into his head. I wonder if Delilah could use some help moving?

On impulse, he made a U-turn and drove his truck over to the enlisted women’s


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As he approached, he saw a perfectly shaped ass and little else. The world faded

into the background. A beautifully proportioned woman was apparently bending over

and dragging a footlocker out to the sidewalk. He heard the woman grunt. It was a sexy

little grunt—if that were possible. As soon as he got a better look, there was no doubt

Delilah Mills possessed the beautiful backside and could use his help. He could see that

she was headed for a waiting cab.

She twisted to look at the car roaring up to the cab’s bumper. Smiling, Josh rolled

down his window. “Going my way?”

Delilah straightened and arched her back as if to get a crick out of it. “Yeah, as a

matter of fact, I am. I don’t suppose you’d be willing to help?”

Her ample chest in her crisp cotton shirt in that exaggerated position showed a hint

of hardened nipples pointing at the sky. Regardless of what she had said, what Josh

heard was, Yes, Im able to take care of this myself but if youll help me, Ill fuck you sooner,

with enthusiasm.

He jumped out of his Honda Accord and ran around to the back to open the trunk,

motioning to the cabbie to move on at the same time. The man frowned and drove off.

Delilah started to bend toward the footlocker but Josh stepped in.

“I’ve got it,” he said.

Delilah sighed. “I didn’t know how I was going to lift that thing and the cab driver

didn’t look like he was going to risk it.”

“I’m glad I came to your rescue, then.”

She sighed. “My hero.”

Josh glanced at her face. She was wearing a smirk. Damn, she was even sexy when

she was making fun of him.

He hoisted her footlocker and hoped his biceps were still as impressive as they

were in high school when he was working out every day. Sometimes she’d walk by the

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gym and smile when she caught a glimpse of him in the mirror. He had thought, then,

that she kind of dug him and almost asked her out.

His dad was an officer and hers was enlisted. He was white and she was mixed.

Mulatto, they called her. He let what their parents might say stop him. Now he felt like

an idiot. She was a teenage girl and he was a teenage boy. Rank and race had nothing to

do with it. Unfortunately, now that they were officer and enlisted, they had a problem.

He settled the footlocker into his trunk and slammed it shut. Then he almost

rounded the car to open the door for her. Thankfully, she opened it and got in before he

could. What was getting into him anyway? She was just Gabby’s old friend and his new

tenant. Would I have opened the door for Gabby or any other renter? Nope. Not in a million


Josh thought he’d better define their relationship, at least in his own mind, right

away. He jumped in and released the emergency brake. She’s a tenant, he told himself.

Just a tenant. The car lurched and stalled. He had forgotten to push in the clutch.

Delilah looked over at him and smiled.

* * * * *

“Now who could have put the bug in his ear, telling him to turn around and go

back to help our little Delilah? Hmmm?”

“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about, Martin.”


“What makes you think he didn’t just decide to help on his own? Why do you

sound like you’re accusing me?”

“Because I know you. You did something to influence him, didn’t you?”

“What could I have done?”

“I’m not sure but I know you, my dear Delilah. You mean well. But you know what

can happen when you get pushy.”

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“I’m afraid I can’t figure out what you’re accusing me of doing. You should know

I’m not a poltergeist, able to push his car around and across the street.”

“Are you sure?”

“Martin! How dare you imply that I could be one of those angry jerks?”

His laughter echoed all around her.

“What’s so funny?”

“You’re so damn cute when you call those fiendish, evil, freaks of nature ‘jerks’. I

could kiss you—if I had lips.”

“I love you too, honey, for all eternity.”

“Lucky me.”

* * * * *

Josh glanced over at her and noticed she was staring straight ahead at the road. “So,

you think you might stay for a week or two?”

“Huh? I thought I was moving in?” She reacted quickly, like Gabby would have but

took him seriously. His sister would never have fallen for that. Gabby would have

zinged him right away with some sort of snappy comeback.

“You are moving in and I’m glad.” He chuckled. “You might have to get used to my

sense of humor. Generally, if I say anything stupid or inappropriate, I’m joking.”

“Oh, all right. Good to know.”

Josh felt like an idiot. Teasing her as if she were another sister was probably not the

way to go. He sure didn’t feel brotherly toward her. He glanced at her face and noticed

the satiny glow of her skin, ever so slightly moisturized by her physical effort with the

footlocker. He wished he could just reach over and brush her cheeks with his fingers.

They looked as soft as brown velvet.

“So what do you do for the Navy, Josh?”

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“I work in public relations. I have to write a lot of what goes into recruiters’

brochures and on the website, that kind of thing. I also book career day speakers for the

high schools and answer questions when someone calls for more information.”

“Sounds interesting.”

“Well, there’s enough variety to keep me from getting bored and it’s plenty

challenging to keep people informed in a tactful way without upsetting either the Navy

or the public.”

“I’ll bet you’re good at it.”

He smiled and reminded himself not to sing that Tom Jones song just to get to

Gabby. He wouldn’t want to drive Delilah away. Not now, when she was finally close

again. Close? She’d be living with them. If he admitted to his nervousness about the

whole arrangement, he’d be opening up his chops for busting by Gabby and his heart

for breaking by Delilah. Gabby, who earned her nickname, wouldn’t let that kind of

opportunity for a ribbing pass by.

He loved his little sister dearly but she sure knew how to drive him nuts. Training

himself not to react to her taunts had been the best form of self-defense against them.

But would Delilah understand if he ignored an accusation involving an attraction to

her? Would she be insulted? Confused? Unaffected? He had no idea.

She was quiet for the remainder of the ride. When they arrived at the house, Josh

hopped out and glanced up the walk. His and Gabby’s ranch home stood solid and

proud. He loved the Spanish influences and small but well-landscaped yard. He

couldn’t help feeling pride of ownership and more importantly, what he and his sister

had accomplished in a short time. They shared the expenses of their new home and

even managed to pick out paint without picking fights with one another.

He hadn’t been sure that this housing situation was going to work when she came

to live with him after college but he was pleasantly surprised when it did.

* * * * *

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“Look at that, Martin. He has a nice home, a good job and imagine the gorgeous


“I wish you wouldn’t. She’s just renting a room, not putting her name on the deed.”

“But you have to admit, she could do a lot worse. Thank goodness she’s not getting

mixed up with some bum.”

“Our Delilah wouldn’t do that. She’s a smart girl and she has high ambitions.”

“I know. It’s a shame she has to finish her education by getting Uncle Sam to pay

for it, though. What on earth made her parents think she could get the job she wanted at

a two-year college? I can’t believe that’s all he agreed to pay for.”

“Her parents? You mean our daughter and her husband?”

“It was his fault. He’s always been cheap.”

“Oh, stop that, Delilah. It’ll be good for her. I’m sure that’s what he was thinking.

Too many kids get everything handed to them and they don’t appreciate it.”

“I suppose. But it’ll take her several years to go all the way to a PhD on a part-time


“She can work her way up through the ranks and the experience will be helpful.

Who knows? Maybe she’ll be content with her associate’s degree in psychology and her

job as a dental assistant. That would be fine too.”

“But she doesn’t want that, Martin. She wants to be a psychologist and she’d be a

great one. She’s a good listener, sensitive, caring—”

“Of course she would. But I worry about the pressure on women these days.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, in our day if you were working or going to school, that was terrific. Then, if

you had children and still managed to keep the job, or finish the degree, it was

considered heroic. Now women have to be doctors. If they get married and have kids

they’re expected to return to work right after a short maternity leave and be perfect

mothers too. Superwomen.”

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“Yes.” She sighed. “You’re right.”

“What was that? I didn’t hear you.”

“I said, you’re right.”

“Once more? I still didn’t quite…”

“Oh, stop it, Martin. You heard me the first time.”

* * * * *

“Welcome home,” Gabby called out the front door. She ran down the walk, grabbed

Delilah and gave her a hug.

Josh passed them and stopped at the base of the steps with the trunk on his

shoulder. “Hey, Gab, can you get the door?”

“Oh, sure.” She held open the screen door for him while he lugged the footlocker

into the house and down the hall to Delilah’s room.

“Why did you guys buy a three-bedroom house, anyway?” Delilah asked, as she

followed him.

“Resale value. Our parents’ insurance helped us buy a bigger place than we needed

and we decided to use it as an investment.” He set the trunk at the foot of the king-size

bed and tried not to huff and puff afterward.

Delilah raised her eyebrows. “Are you thinking of selling it already?”

“No, not until we can make and split a good profit. Hopefully, it’ll appreciate fast

and then we’ll wait until it’s a sellers’ market. By then, we’ll probably want to live in

separate places.”

Gabby leaned against the doorframe, holding something behind her back. “Guess

what? That day may be sooner than you think.”

Josh and Delilah looked over at her and waited, silently.

She jumped up and down as she made her announcement. “I got the job I really

wanted. Buyer for Neiman Marcus! Here’s the offer letter.”

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“Oh my God!” Delilah jumped up and down with her friend and the two of them


Surprised, Josh snatched the letter and scanned it. The salary was certainly a step

up from her job managing a clothing store at the mall. “That’s great, Gabby. It says you

can start in a week. Where is it? Downtown?”

“Uh, no.” She stopped jumping. “It’s in San Francisco.”

Delilah gasped. “San Francisco? You mean I just got here and you’ll be moving


“Probably. I’ll leave my stuff here, rent a room and see if I can do the job, first.”

“Of course you can do the job,” Josh said. “You’ve been buying the latest styles for

years. Your credit card bills can attest to that.”

“What do you care? You don’t pay them.”

Delilah looked a little lost.

“Are you okay with this, Delilah?” he asked, hopefully. “I mean, if Gabby’s not

here, do you want to stay?”

She looked from her friend over her shoulder to an anxious Josh. “Yeah. It’s okay

with me if it’s okay with you.”

Okay? Its perfect. “Sure.” He shrugged. “It’s fine with me. I can still afford the place

with your rent. You’d be helping me out.”

She smiled and seemed to relax. “Tell you what, I’ll kick in the whole six hundred.

No friend discount if my friend isn’t here.”

“Josh is your friend too,” Gabby said. “Isn’t that right, Josh?”

After a slight hesitation he stammered, “Yeah, sh—sure.” Damn it, Gabby. Dont put

me in the friend zone.

* * * * *

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“I wouldn’t be surprised if he wants to be more than a friend,” Martin mumbled.

“Check out the way he looks at her.”

“Oh? I thought you weren’t interested in our granddaughter’s love life.”

“I never said I wasn’t interested. I just don’t want you pulling any supernatural

strings. Of course, I hope our granddaughter finds a good man and lives happily ever

after someday.”

“So why is it such a crime if I give them a little push in the right direction?”

“Delilah! You’re killing me.”

“And I keep telling you, Martin. You’re already dead.”

“You don’t have to rush things. If it’s meant to be, it’ll be. Leave them alone.”

“When did you become so philosophical and what if I can’t?”

“Can’t? Are you telling me you have some sick compulsion to meddle that you

can’t control?”


“Oh, for a minute there I thought you were about to come out of your denial and

admit it.”

“What’s all this psychobabble? Where are you getting this stuff?”

“Continuing education classes.”

“Are you kidding me? You were actually going to those foolish things?”

“I had to do something over here while you were busy running around with all the

guys at the retirement home.”

“Martin, you’re impossible! Don’t make me sorry I decided to spend eternity with

you instead of Tom Jones… Are you sniggering?”

“No. I was stifling an outright laugh.”

“You never did believe he wrote that song for me.”

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“Oh, I believe it. Didn’t he say in it somewhere, ‘Forgive me. I just couldn’t take any


“That’s it! I’m off to visit my mother.”

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Chapter Two

“We have to celebrate this,” Gabby said. “How about if we all go out tomorrow


Delilah didn’t have any plans but she didn’t want to look like she had no prospects

either. “I’ll check my planner.” She was looking at Josh the whole time and didn’t

realize how riveted she was to his captivating blue eyes. He was gazing back at her

without blinking.

“Oh, that’s right…” She slapped her head. “I cleared my calendar for the weekend,

so I could get settled. All I have to do is pick up my piece of junk car that wouldn’t start,

from the garage. So yes. I’m free tomorrow night and I’d love to go out and celebrate

with you, Gabby.”

“Great, we’ll all go somewhere tomorrow night, then,” she exclaimed.

Josh cleared his throat. “Maybe you should wait for me to check my datebook,


“I didn’t know you had a datebo…”

Delilah thought she sensed a nonverbal exchange between them.

“Oh, yeah,” Gabby said. “You probably should.”

Josh left the room for a moment.

Delilah smiled and put an arm around her friend. “Where do you want to go to


Gabby didn’t even take time to think. “The Officer’s Club.”

Josh returned just in time to hear what Gabby had said and Delilah saw his jaw

drop. She hurried to answer before Josh had to. “Uh, Gabby, I’d like to but I’m enlisted


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“Oh! I’m sorry. I forgot about that stupid non-fraternization rule. Is that antiquated,

or what?”

“It’s ‘or what’, Gab,” Josh said. “Those are the rules, stupid or not.” He shrugged. “I

don’t want to be around my coworkers on my own time, anyway. Let’s go to a nice

restaurant or anywhere you want to go.”

* * * * *

“See? He’s thoughtful of her feelings. That’s a good sign, Martin.”

“Yes, yes. He’s very nice but don’t take that to mean they’re right for each other.

He’s an officer and she’s enlisted.”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake. You’re an enlightened ghost. You should know that’s a big

pile of man-made shi—”

“I know but it’s the way it is on the other side right now and they have to deal with


“What a lot of foolishness. He could marry a crack-addicted prostitute but God

forbid he associate with an enlisted woman!”

“Yes, it seems like nonsense. But stay out of it.”

“I can’t help worrying about her. A lot of enlisted men are perfect gentlemen just to

get a woman into the sack.”

“Not all men are like me, Delilah.”

“What? You weren’t like that.”

“How do you know?”

“Quit baiting me. Why don’t you go hang out with the boys at the VFW if you don’t

like my company?”

“Because I want to be sure you don’t go putting ideas in the kids’ heads. Things

that you want. Not necessarily things they want or need.”

“So you’re just going to follow me around and be my watchdog?”

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“Why not? I don’t have any other plans.”

* * * * *

Driving to the pool hall, Josh wished they’d agreed on some pretentious restaurant,

more to impress Delilah than honor his sister but realized that impressing her was a

waste of effort. They weren’t dating and they wouldn’t be dating in the future either.

He was even taking a chance having her as a tenant but that was a business

arrangement. If anyone asked and he prayed no one would, he could truthfully say he

needed the rent and knew he could trust her in his home.

Josh had to park his car along the fence, far from the pool hall’s entrance.

Delilah leaned forward. “The parking lot’s practically full. I hope we don’t have to

leave and go somewhere else.”

“Me neither,” Gabby said. “I like this place.”

“What is it you like about it?” Josh asked.

“Well, the music’s loud, the drinks are strong and the dance floor’s big enough.”

“Sounds good.” She may have been looking for a reaction but he was determined

not to fall into the role of a father. Besides, strong drinks, loud music and dancing with

Delilah sounded damn good. He turned toward the backseat. “Do you like to dance,


“I love to dance. Didn’t do much of it during basic or my job training, though.”

Delilah looked good enough to eat. She wore a shoulder-revealing purple dress

with skinny straps that crisscrossed in the back and the skirt swished in a flirty way

above her knees. The way the dress hugged her curves avowed a voluptuous body


Gabby’s bright pink skirt was a full eight inches above the knee and she wore a

screaming bold orange tank top. Hard to miss but he was sure that’s exactly what she

had intended. Josh hung back a moment and glanced at Delilah’s bottom. Oh, yeah. The

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clingy material certainly did more justice to her taut, round ass than her uniform

trousers did. She was as pretty as a picture all around.

“Woo hoo! That’s what I’m talking about,” yelled Gabby as she led them into the

casual hangout. Josh hadn’t been to this particular place and had been dreading what

he’d find. Maybe Hell’s Angels at the bar, smoke so thick you couldn’t see and a brawl

over the music on the jukebox. It was nothing like that, thank God.

The place was set up so that a half wall separated the poolroom from the dance

floor and a bar stood at either end. The place was bigger than it looked from the

outside, so people weren’t falling all over each other as he had thought they must be.

The crowd wore mostly jeans but some were in business casual. Having left his

jacket and tie in the car, he felt he fitted in fine. Delilah seemed to like it too. She smiled

from the moment she set foot in the place.

“Nice choice, Gabby.” Delilah had to raise her voice to be heard over the music but

it wasn’t as loud as he had feared it would be. The three of them would be able to carry

on a conversation. Or better still, he could talk to Delilah while his little sister was off

being a party animal.

“Why don’t we find a table first and I’ll buy us all a round of beers.”

Delilah wrinkled her slightly upturned nose. “Um, I’m not a beer drinker, Josh.”

“I don’t want beer either,” Gabby said. “Not tonight anyway. Delilah and I will

probably have the female favorite. I haven’t had one for months.”

“What’s that?”

The two young women grinned at each other and yelled, “Cosmopolitans!”

Josh chuckled to himself. If the drinks were strong, and Cosmopolitans were

already one of the strongest cocktails he could think of, it could be one helluva night.

* * * * *

“You see, Martin? They’re having a wonderful time and I haven’t done a thing.”

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“Fine. Why don’t we let them have their good time in private and visit someone

else for a change?”

“Why? This is just getting good.”

“They’re not a movie, dear.”

“Okay, fine. We can go eavesdrop on your brother’s family. I think his kids are

having marital problems.”

“Why are you only interested in solving affairs of the heart, Delilah?”

“Because it’s what I do.”

“You need another hobby. Let’s go see what’s on the calendar for astral activities at

the new dimension recreation center.”

“That’s so boring. Can you honestly see me practicing meditation or trying to

improve my spirit quality?”

“I hear they have a seminar on communicating with the living.”

“Really? I’d love to go to that!”

“I thought you might.”

“Well, what are we waiting for?”

* * * * *

Josh knew his sister well. She headed off to dance with every guy in the place while

he and Delilah watched and smiled like a pair of cats who shared a canary dinner. Josh

didn’t recognize anyone and hoped he wouldn’t. He hadn’t asked Delilah to dance yet

but wanted to. He was still drinking his first mug of liquid courage.

Uh-oh. Out of his peripheral vision, he spotted someone heading their way. It

wasn’t anyone he had seen before but he knew that stride. Before the young man could

reach Delilah, Josh took her hand and said, “Dance with me.”

“Sure.” She jumped up and moved onto the dance floor behind him, holding his


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What could possibly be making his nerves jittery? Could it be that he hadn’t danced

anything but ballroom since he went to officer candidate school and in Iceland they

were still doing disco?

Fortunately, before he even turned around, Delilah launched into an easy little

boogie to the beat. Whew. Something he could imitate.

Dancing with Delilah was as much fun as he thought it would be. She smiled freely

and made frequent eye contact. Glancing around, he saw women who looked like they

were dancing at their partners, not with them. Not so, Delilah. She was right there and

involved with him. Was that so bad, even if somebody from the base saw them

together? In civvies, they might not even know she was stationed at the naval base.

After all, she hadn’t been there very long.

Who was he kidding? One glimpse of Delilah and a man would remember

everything, especially her gorgeous green eyes. He might repeat what he saw to his

buddies on the base, including where he saw her and who she was with. Josh couldn’t

help staring, drinking in the sight of her graceful body moving with the utterly sexual


Now and again, she’d glance down shyly or turn and dance a few steps away from

him. Then she’d turn back, give him a big smile and dance her way over to him again. If

only there could be more to their relationship than casual friendship. Joshua had to

admit her flirtatiousness on the dance floor was turning his brain into Fantasy Island.

After a couple of heated dances he could feel perspiration forming on his forehead

so he led her back to their table. He scanned the bar, searching for Gabby and finally

spotted her.

“I’ll get us another round. Same thing?”

Delilah nodded. She was so damn sexy with her skin glowing like that. He hoped

she’d still be there when he got back and gave her a wink before he sauntered to the


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“A Heineken and a Cosmopolitan, please,” he called out to the bartender, then

made his way over to where his sister was standing. Four young men surrounded her.

They may have been from the base but Josh hadn’t seen any of them before. They

seemed like clean-cut guys but he worried about her anyway. She was so carefree and

could easily be giving off the wrong vibes.

“Hey, Gabby. Having a good time?”

“Yeah, I am. You and Delilah looked like you were having fun.” She elbowed him.

Josh smiled and glanced over to where Delilah was sitting, alone. At least, she had

been alone when he left her a few moments ago. The sound of his bubble bursting must

have been audible.

“Hey, Josh. Some guy’s moving in on Delilah. Get your ass over there.”

He watched but didn’t move. “I can’t, Gabby. I don’t own her. If she wants to talk

to other guys, she can. In fact…”

Gabby pushed him. “Go. She’s looking for you.”

Josh was about to tell her to mind her own business when he noticed Delilah’s eyes

searching. When they landed on him, he thought he noticed something like relief in the

expression on her face. Relief and supplication. Thankfully, the bartender came over

with his drinks at that moment. He paid for them and said, “Relax, Gabby. We’re all

going home together so let’s not get bent out of shape over nothing.”

“Okay, fine. But keep an eye on her.” She turned to the guys she’d been talking to

and said with a grin, “Men are animals.”

The guys laughed. Josh could see that his sister didn’t need his help. But did

Delilah? She seemed to be shaking her head and saying “No” to the guy but something

about his stance had Josh concerned.

The guy looked like he wasn’t taking “No” for an answer and he wasn’t walking

away. Suddenly Josh recognized him. He was one of the enlisted men who stood at the

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guard shack and saluted when Josh drove onto the base in the mornings. The Navy’s

version of a cop.

Josh made his way to the table but he had to go slowly with her martini glass so

full. She looked at him with distress in her eyes.

“Here you are, beautiful.” He set the drink in front of her.

The guy backed off but slowly, so Josh sat next to Delilah and put an arm around


She smiled, said “Thank you,” and he thought he could hear her exhale.

Josh stroked her arm and whispered, “Are you okay?”

She glanced over her shoulder, then seemed to relax. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for the

drink.” She took a large sip.

“Do you know that guy?”

“Not really and I don’t want to. I didn’t want to dance and he seemed to take it

personally. I said my friend was buying me a drink and would be right back but he kept

insisting. I thought he was going to haul me out of this chair.” She took another long

swallow and coughed.

“I’m glad I chased him off, then. But if there’s a time when you do want to dance

with someone…”

“Oh, yeah, thanks. You too, of course.”

Josh leaned back in his chair and stretched out. “Naw, I’m good.” He took a long

swig of his beer and watched as Gabby held court at the bar. She was finishing off her

drink quickly and someone was right there to buy her another.

Delilah wriggled in her chair. “I was never as good in social situations as Gabby,”

she said.

“Really? I thought you seemed perfectly comfortable until that guy bothered you.”

“I was. I mean, I am. I’m comfortable around you and Gabby. People I know.”

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Josh sat up and scrutinized her. What did she have to be self-conscious about? Then

he glanced at his sister being hoisted up onto the bar and shook his head. “I don’t think

many of us are as ‘social’ as my sister is.”

Delilah laughed. “There’s an understatement.”

Gabby did her best to put on a show that rivaled the Coyote Uglies. The patrons as

well as the bartender encouraged her, so she plucked her drink off the bar and

continued to dance. When she emptied her glass in one gulp, the bartender handed her

the vodka bottle. There was only an inch or so left at the bottom but Josh was becoming


“I’m going to get her down before she falls down.”

“Good idea.”

He stood and sauntered over to the bar.

Gabby pointed straight at him. “I see you coming, Joshua, but I’m not getting down.

I’m having a good time and I’m not leaving.”

Josh held his hands up and backed away. “Suit yourself, little sister. I just don’t

want to see you break your neck before you start your new job.”

She stopped dancing, rolled her eyes but slowly climbed down assisted by two of

the guys buying her drinks. As he could have predicted, they bought her another one.

Josh returned to Delilah and asked her to dance. He was surprised when the music

turned to a slow song almost as soon as they reached the dance floor. He decided to

quit fighting it, slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. She put up no

resistance. In fact she seemed to meld to his body. Her heat filled him and ignited his

inner fire. If he held her as close as he wanted to his swelling arousal would be up

against her belly and he’d let her know what she did to him.

It must have been the beers. A voice inside was warning him to be careful but that

voice was getting weaker and the demands of his body were getting louder.

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He nuzzled her neck and inhaled her perfume. She smelled like fresh flowers in the

rain. He preferred her light scent to some of the overpowering fragrances women wore.

She snuggled closer and her breasts rose against his chest. Damn. Im either going to have

to sit down or give up the fight. I want too much from her. He wanted it now and he wanted

it badly.

The war in his head raged a few seconds before his instinct won. His fingers

caressed her back in light strokes and he heard her sigh. He wished he could cup the

curve of her luscious ass but this wasn’t the time or place. He’d just have to be content

holding her in his arms and touching her in safe zones, for now. Maybe someday he’d

know the feel of all her erogenous places and taste her salty skin. His erection hardened

like concrete as he pictured it.

Josh wished the dance could last all night but as soon as they pulled their bodies

apart, he got the next best thing. Another slow one. She smiled as if she knew what he

was thinking and he hauled her back into his warm embrace.

* * * * *

Hours later, Delilah guided Josh as he carried his passed-out sister over his

shoulder to the car. With both of them tipsy too, it was a long, slow trip. He sometimes

stopped to regain his balance and joked about how he ought to drop Gabby, splat, on

the pavement. Then he’d hoist her up a little higher and chuckle. Delilah knew he was

kidding, of course, and laughed.

They had forgotten all about Gabby in their enjoyment of one another’s company.

Enjoyment was a weak word to describe their connection. They had graduated to

touching both on and off the dance floor. Delilah was falling for him all over again and

with her lowered inhibitions and all of their flirting, she was afraid she might let it slip.

The place seemed to be emptying out. There were only a few cars left in the parking


“Where are your keys? I’ll get the back door so you can slide her in.”

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Josh chuckled. “They’re in my front, left-hand pants pocket but don’t let that stop

you.” His eyes, now dark blue in the dimly lit parking lot, seemed to sparkle.

Delilah saw an opportunity to continue the fun. Harmless, flirty, horny fun. “Okay,

I’m goin’ in.” She dived into his pocket. He let out a low moan as if she had found more

than his keys.

Yanking her hand back, she stammered, “Oh, did I…um?”

He laughed. “No. No, you didn’t. I was just teasing. Darn it.”

“Oh, you…” She spanked his ass and then gasped at her own impulsiveness. It

must be the three Cosmopolitans. Or was it four?

He simply raised his eyebrows. His twinkling eyes and unwavering smile let her

know that he was quite all right with it.

“Better unlock the door. Gabby’s dead weight here. We can continue this later.”

Mmm Continue this later? Yes, lets. She hit the unlock button and opened the back

door. Josh tried to maneuver his passed-out sister onto the bench seat feet first but her

head lolled to one side and bumped into the door. She groaned but didn’t come to. He

backed out and tried again, headfirst. He got her in and couldn’t sit her up to fasten her

seat belt. She kept falling over.

“Maybe she’d be better off in the front bucket seat? You could lean it back,” Delilah


“Good idea. I like a girl with a brain on her head.”

Delilah smacked her hand over her mouth and tried to not to laugh. She shook all

over and finally burst out in giggles, then snorted as she inhaled.

Josh grinned. “What’s so funny?”

“You said brain on her head. I was picturing it.”

Josh joined her in some overly loud, drunken laughter. Eventually, when they

settled down, he shook his head at his sister and pulled her up by one arm. She was as

limp as a rag doll. He dragged her feet out first. Then he bent her forward so she didn’t

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hit her head and balanced in a squat in front of her. Finally he threw her over his

shoulder. As soon as he stood up, he staggered backward but Delilah grabbed his waist

and helped to steady him. She couldn’t help noticing how trim his waist was compared

to his broad shoulders.

“Thank you, gorgeous. Now if I can just manage to get her into the front seat

without cracking her head on something else… Ah, hell, what am I worried about?

She’ll have a massive headache tomorrow anyway.”

Delilah chewed her lower lip. “I have another idea.”

“Let’s hear it.”

“Well, I don’t think either one of us is ready to drive, so we could just lay her down

in the trunk for a while and let her sleep some of it off while the two of us sober up.”

“Again, another excellent idea!” Josh swayed with Gabby over his back while

Delilah unlocked and opened the trunk. He lay her down with her knees bent, falling to

the side but other than that she looked pretty comfortable.

“Perfect,” he said.

“That’s a nice roomy trunk. You should see the tiny space I have in my hatchback.

It’s really pathetic.”

“I saw it this morning when I put jumper cables in there, remember?”

“Oh yeah. I forgot. Thanks for taking me to pick up my piece of crap car.”

He chuckled. “Anytime. So, what do you say we get some coffee?”

Some rowdy men had just exited the place and lit up cigarettes. They didn’t look

like they were planning on going anywhere very soon. They spoke in loud voices about

the ugly women they had seen at the beginning of the night and how they’d looked

better by the end of it.

Josh groaned. “I don’t want to leave her here alone.”

“I can stay with her,” Delilah offered.

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“I don’t want to leave you, either. These guys look like they’re just waiting to give

some woman a hard time.”

“Then what do we do?”

“I guess we can close the trunk most of the way and sit in the car. When they move

on, we can go back in for coffee.”

Delilah shrugged. “Okay, I guess that’s what we’ll have to do, then.”

* * * * *

“I thought I’d find you back here.”

“Martin, you didn’t honestly think I was going to stay at that seminar, did you?”

“Sure I did. It was very enlightening, I thought.”

“You misrepresented it completely. You said it was about how to communicate

with the living. I thought I was going to get some insight into whispering thoughts or

moving objects or something.”

“No, I didn’t. I just said it was about communicating with the living and it was.”

“But you didn’t say it was all about why not to!”

“How did I know what they were going to say?”

“Oh, pooh. You wouldn’t have suggested it if you thought it would help me talk

my namesake into anything.”

“Oh, for crissakes, I’m not the enemy, Delilah. I’m trying to help.”

“I know. You’re my ever-lovin’ man.”

“Speaking of which, do you want to have sex?”

“You’re kidding, right?”

“Nope. I looked at the schedule. There’s a seminar about mind-blowing out-of-body

sex. In fact, it’s about to start.”

“Martin, if this is another one of your tricks…”

“It isn’t. I swear. Frankly, I miss having sex, don’t you?”

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“Well, of course I do. Mind-blowing, huh?”


“Let’s go.”

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Chapter Three

Josh stepped into the backseat, scooted across and patted the empty spot beside

him. Delilah slid in next to him and shut the door. He faced her squarely and looked her

in the eyes.

“There’s something I want to say.”

She smiled and shrugged. “Say it.”

Josh gently placed his hand behind her head. The other one he wrapped around her

waist. Leaning in and drawing her to him at the same time, he kissed her. She tipped

her head and pressed against his mouth harder, opening to him.

Their tongues met and swirled together slowly, as if dancing. She tasted the slight

tang of beer and salt but also something sweeter. Something that must have been pure

Joshua Sparks.

Delilah knew they shouldn’t be doing this but a big part of her didn’t care.

Josh stopped suddenly. “I’m sorry.”

She tried to cover her crushing disappointment. “Why? Are you afraid that an

officer kissing an enlisted might be construed as ‘fraternizing’?”

Josh laughed. “I’m sure it is but no. I was operating under the assumption that it’s

better to do what you want and beg forgiveness than to ask permission and be told


“Ah, I see.” Delilah traced the shape of his lips with her finger. “And what if I said

that I wouldn’t forgive you?”


She put a finger over his lips and whispered, “Shhh. I wasn’t finished.”

“Oh. What were you going to say?”

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“What if I said I wouldn’t forgive you—if you stopped what you were doing?”

Josh pulled her into his strong grasp and kissed her soundly. Delilah felt the heat

building between them and answered his passion by meshing her body to his. Their

mouths stayed fused together as he lowered her and pulled her bottom toward him

until she was supine. His hand found her breast and moved over the slinky material of

her dress. She moaned around his mouth as his finger circled her erect nipple. Damn, Ill

kill him if he stops now.

Without wasting any time, he slipped his hand inside the low-cut bodice and

kneaded her aching breast. She arched into his hand to give him reassurance. It must

have been the Cosmopolitans. At last, he pulled the top aside and fastened his mouth to

her nipple. Her pussy clenched as he sucked and she moaned in heartfelt joy.

“Oh God, that feels good. Please don’t stop.”

He sucked each of her breasts progressively harder and deeper as she moaned her

encouragement. At last, he slipped his hand under the hem of her dress and into her

panties. The frantic heat building between them was driving her crazy with lust.

“Take them off, Josh. I want them off. Take yours off too.”

He looked up from her breast and smiled. “If I do that, I might wind up inside


The light from the building lot turned off at that moment and all became dark. With

nothing but a stupid rule to discourage her, she spoke the truth. “I want you to.”

Josh cleared his throat. “I’m pretty sure fucking could be construed as fraternizing


“Dear God. Don’t go all rules and regulations on me now. You’re making me so hot

I’m about to lose my mind. I want your cock in my hand, in my mouth. Please.”

“No need to beg, hon. Your wish is my command!” She wriggled out of her panties

and heard the sound of his zipper in the dark.

* * * * *

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“What are they doing, Martin?”

“They’re doing what we should be doing, Delilah. I thought you wanted them to

get together.”

“Well, yes but I didn’t think they’d get together horizontally so fast!”

“They’ve been lusting after each other since they were teenagers in Iceland. It’s not

that fast. It’s about damn time.”

“That’s right, you were dead long before I was so you saw them back then. They

were hot for each other? How did you know?”

“They both kept journals. I read over their shoulders.”

“Ah ha! It sounds like you were interested their love lives, then. You’ve been

holding out on me.”

“I haven’t been holding anything back except your unquenchable desire to meddle.

You see how this is all happening without you? I knew it would, eventually.”

“Oh, Martin, look. She’s sliding down his body. I think she’s going to give him a


“Good for her! Now let’s go.”

“Well, at least she looks happy to do it.”

“She needs to get laid and so do I. C’mon, Delilah. I want to practice what we



“So let’s get busy and give them their privacy.”

* * * * *

Delilah took his swollen erection into her mouth and went down on him with no

hesitation. He couldn’t have been more thrilled. His cock throbbed and the building

need for release grew along with his length and girth. He wanted to hold off no matter

how much self-control it took and bring her to completion first.

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Damn, shes good. Delilah had several delicious moves and she seemed willing to

show him all she could do. He didn’t even try to suppress his deep moans. She licked

and flicked his cock, then his balls. She sucked his balls into her mouth individually and

gave each one some tender licking. Josh writhed and moaned. Then she returned her

attentions to his aching cock. She took him with her lips, sliding all the way down but

really turned on the suction near the base and pulled back, slowly. Powerful, all-

encompassing sensations rippled through his body and he wanted desperately to

come—but not yet.

“Careful, elskaminn. I’m getting close.” He used the Icelandic endearment, hoping

to remind her of their history together and let her know they’d have plenty of time

together in the future for this. The beautiful word meant “my love”.

She wrapped her fist around the base of his shaft and sucked fast while she

mimicked the action of jerking him off. Apparently the declaration backfired.

“Christ, Delilah. I can’t take much more.”

She paused. “I’ll stop if you’ll promise to fuck me.”

He couldn’t see her face but he imagined her wearing a wicked grin. “Geez, girl.

You don’t mince words.”

“Should I?”

He propped himself up on his elbows. “Hell no. Now lie on your back so I can eat

your pussy. That’s an order. After that, I’ll fuck you senseless and that’s a promise.”

She chuckled. “Sir, yes sir!”

* * * * *

“Oh, Martin! I think it’s working. I feel all shivery.”

“Of course you do. I was paying attention to the instructions.”

“Ooooo… You certainly were. I hope he’s going down on her too.”

“I’m over here, Delilah. Can you leave the kids alone and concentrate on me now?”

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“Of course. I’m sorry, Martin. It’s just that picturing them squirm and moan and

arch into each other…”

“I know. They could melt Iceland but I really need you to concentrate on us, hon.

Do you want to try this?”

“Yes! I want to come as much as she does.”

“Did you peek?”

“Not yet.”

“Then how do you know she wants to come?”

“Tell me you’re not serious.”

* * * * *

Josh listened to Delilah’s moans increasing in pitch and frequency. Before he knew

it, she was right on top of her orgasm and came with a long scream and violent

shudder. He hoped beyond hope that she hadn’t awakened Gabby only a couple of feet

away in the trunk. He continued to lap at her clit, regardless, wanting her to enjoy every

aftershock and quiver.

“Oh God,” she whimpered. “Stop. Can’t take any more, Josh. Oh God.”

Delilah’s panting breaths and weak voice gave Josh a certain inner pride and

gratification. He pulled his body up and leaned on his hands, bending over her. “I’m

glad we did this, Delilah, but we’ll have to figure out a way to be quieter. I thought you

were going to wake up Gabby.”

She giggled. “I know, I’m sorry. I’ll be quieter, I swear. Now it’s time to keep your


“Are you sure? I can wait until we’re someplace else where you’d be more


“I don’t think I could be more comfortable and I want to give you your pleasure

too—right now. Fuck me, Josh.”

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Sweeter words he had never heard but he had to be responsible too. “I don’t have a


“I’m on birth control pills and I’ve never had unprotected sex before.”

“Neither have I.”

“It’s settled, then.”

Josh positioned his aching erection right in front of her cunt dripping with cream

and she opened her legs. She rested one foot on the rear dash. The other on the headrest

of the front seat. Josh leaned on his elbows and captured her mouth in a searing kiss.

When he lifted his lips from hers, he said, “Last chance to back out, sweetheart.”

“Don’t want out.” She panted and then in a husky voice, she said, “Want you in.”

Josh guided his thick cock into her opening and pushed in slowly. She sighed with

what sounded like the long-awaited, sexual pleasure that coursed through him too. He

withdrew slightly and then sank into her. He took her mewl as a definite go and began

with slow thrusts. She met him and found his rhythm, lifting her hips as he pumped.

Glorious suction tugged his cock when they pulled and plunged.

Her impassioned moans rose as her hips lifted off the seat to engulf his shaft

completely. Her tight pussy tugged his cock firmly with every stroke.

God, shes incredible. Josh was looking forward to coming inside her. She had said it

was all right. He trusted her to tell the truth about being on birth control and having no

diseases and just as importantly, she trusted him to be safe too. He hadn’t come inside a

woman without a condom but he had heard the pleasure was much more intense.

Looking forward to the rush and already feeling the increased sensitivity, he let himself

enjoy the high and fucked fervently.

The car rocked with his thrusts. An overpowering feeling engulfed him and sent

him spiraling to the pleasure peak where orgasm was imminent. Wanting to take her

over the edge with him, he rode the crest for as long as he could. At last she quivered

and moaned louder and louder. There was nothing he could do to restrain the

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onslaught any longer. Just as his climax overwhelmed him, Delilah’s pussy muscles

clenched and shook him to his core. They both bucked and shuddered, gripping each

other tightly. His balls contracted and his cum rushed into her.

Josh hadn’t felt an orgasm this powerful since some of his early experimentation

when his sexuality was at its peak. With Delilah, he reached a whole new level. Several

deep breaths later, when he could move again, he kissed her all over her face. He wasn’t

sure if some of the salty wetness he tasted might be tears. “Are you all right?”

“Dear, God, Josh. I never expected it to be like that.”

“Like what? Tell me you’re okay!”

She laughed and sighed. “I’m so much more than ‘okay’.”

The two of them lay satiated and spent when they heard mumbling and movement

behind them. Gabby, still in the trunk, was waking up.

Josh pulled out of Delilah and grabbed his pants. “Damn, I almost forgot about


He struggled into them while Delilah found her dress over the front seat where she

had tossed it. As she was wriggling into the formfitting knit, Gabby began screaming

and banging on the lid and sides of the trunk. It must have latched while they were

energetically fucking and rocking the car.

“Shit,” Josh muttered.

He shot out of the backseat, fumbling in his pocket for the keys.

“Hold on, Gabby. I’m right here!”

Delilah had one arm in but the perspiration on her skin didn’t make it easy. She

heard the click of the trunk and felt the force of it flying open as Gabby peppered her

shirtless brother with curses.

Delilah jumped out as soon as she was covered and came to Josh’s defense. “I’m

sorry, Gabby. It was my idea to let you lay down in there. Honest. Josh was afraid he’d

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hit your head on something if he tried to get you into a seat. We were just going to let

you sleep for a while and we didn’t—”

Gabby whirled around and stared at her. Her eyes opened wide. She covered her

mouth with both of her hands and shrieked in laughter right through them.

Delilah looked down. She had put her arms through the straps that were meant to

crisscross in the back. Now they crisscrossed in front creating an accordion fold of fabric

bunched over her chest.

“I thought it felt funny,” she said.

Gabby’s unrelenting laughter roared on. Hands stuffed in his pockets, Josh smirked

and tipped his head slightly as if trying to figure out what was wrong with this picture.

Tears rolled down Gabby’s cheeks and she waved a hand in front of her face as if

trying to brush away the persistent giggles. When she could form a few coherent words

she said, “You look different. Did you change your hairstyle?”

Delilah let her shoulders slump and returned to the backseat. Josh and Gabby got

into the front seats as Delilah was fixing her dress.

“Well, I feel completely sober now,” Josh said. “Let’s go home.”

* * * * *

“I hope the kids got more out of their good time than we did.”

“Oh, Martin. Don’t be so grumpy. I’ll concentrate harder next time.”

“Now I know why they have those workshops on getting in touch with your astral

body and how to feel things with your mind.”

“If you think those boring classes will help, I’ll go.”

“What might help more is if you could concentrate on me instead of your

grandchild, who, by the way, would be mortified if she knew you were watching her as

she and her man got frisky.”

“Yes but I have to know that they’re compatible in bed. That’s very important.”

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“Delilah, if they’re compatible in the back of a Honda, they’re compatible in bed.”

“Isn’t that wonderful? There’s no reason they can’t pursue this relationship and

enjoy it to the fullest.”

“Yes, there is.”

“What? You’re not going to talk about those stupid, outdated military rules again,

are you? Honestly, it’s insulting! Our granddaughter is just as good a person as any


“It has nothing to do with being a good person, Delilah, and you know it.”

“Well, what the hell is the sense of it? Sure, I understand education meriting a

higher rank and starting wage but to keep a couple apart when they’re in love? That’s


“I told you there are reasons for that. And, you can’t be sure they’re in love yet.”

“Yes I can. Mark my words, as soon as the little sister is out of the house, they’ll be

making love like bunnies.”

“Delilah? You didn’t do anything to get that young woman her job in San Francisco,

did you?”

“I’m not dignifying any more of your insinuations with an answer, Martin.”

“That’s what I thought you’d say.”

* * * * *

Delilah helped Gabby change into a nightshirt and crawl into bed as soon as they

arrived home.

“If you’ll tell me where you keep the aspirin, I’ll get you a couple before you fall

asleep. It might help you feel less horrible in the morning.”

“I don’t think two will do the job. How about five or six?”

Delilah shook her head. “No. The most you should take is three.”

“Okay then, bring me three. It’s in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom.”

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When she reached the bathroom, Josh was exiting with a bottle of Tylenol stuck in

the waistband of his jeans, holding two glasses of water in his hands.

“Nightcap?” he asked.

She chuckled and reached for one of the glasses. “Thanks, I think I will but I want to

take care of Gabby first.”

“I’ll go with you.”

The two of them entered Gabby’s room to find her slumped against the headboard,

eyes barely open. “Hi, guys. Thanks for taking care of me. Someday I might forgive you

for locking me in the trunk.”

“We didn’t lock you in, Gab,” Josh said. He handed her the glass of water and

opened the bottle of Tylenol. “We left it open about an inch. I don’t know how it

managed to latch on its own. That really wasn’t intentional. I promise.”

Gabby waved away his explanation, swallowed the Tylenol and guzzled the glass

of water. She handed him the empty glass and let out an evil laugh. “It’s okay. I know

you two were doin’ it in the backseat. It would have been worse to wake up and see you

screwing your brains out.”

Delilah’s mouth fell open. She started to stammer something she hoped would

sound like a plausible and coherent explanation. She didn’t get past “Uh, uh, n-no”

when Gabby erupted in laughter.

“C’mon, you guys. Don’t you dare lie to me. I know what I heard.”

Heat rushed to Delilah’s face. She wanted to slink away in red-hot embarrassment.

Why had she thrown caution to the winds like that? She should have been quieter, not

climaxing like a symphony orchestra.

“It’s okay, Delilah. You don’t have to pretend it didn’t happen. I’m glad you two

got together. You didn’t think I could tell you had the major hots for each other? I’ve

known that since we lived in Keflavik.”

Josh gawked at her. “You mean it was always mutual? And you didn’t tell me?”

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“I didn’t think I wanted my brother and my best friend dating then. Now I do. You

need a woman, Josh. I hope you two will make me an auntie someday.”

“I’m outta here.” Delilah rushed out of the room before Gabby could embarrass all

three of them completely.

Josh was behind her in a second. She stumbled into her room and tried to close the

door on him. Josh forced his way in behind her and shut the door. He pulled her into

his arms. “Don’t let her ruin this for us.”

She couldn’t speak before Josh kissed her. Her resolve weakened as he held her and

nibbled her lips after thoroughly kissing them.

“I made love to you. So what? I want to make love to you again and again and

again, as much and as often as possible.”

She struggled to look up at him through tear-filled eyes. “You what?”

“I love you. Is that so hard to believe? I love you, Delilah Mills. I want you in my

bed and in my life and I don’t care who knows it.”


“No buts.” Josh crushed her to his lips and devoured her. His tongue demanded

entrance and she granted it. He kissed her deeper and harder than before. At last, she

wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back with the same feverish intensity. If

he didn’t care about rank or race, than neither would she. When he finally released her

they were both panting.

“I’m going to make you mine, Delilah. Whatever it takes.”

He pushed her to the mattress and lay on top of her. “You’re not going anywhere.”

“Dear God,” she murmured.

Their lips met as his hands swept over her body. He cupped her breast and eased

some of his weight off while nipping and kissing her neck. “I love kissing your

exquisite lips,” he said. “And I love licking and kissing your neck.” She shuddered as

his hot breath covered her ear and he sucked her earlobe.

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He slid farther down her yearning body and fastened onto one sensitive nipple as

she moaned. After sucking her thoroughly, he looked up into her heavy-lidded eyes.

“And I love sucking your beautiful breasts.”

Their bodies met and rolled, mussing the bed. Limbs entwined, they gripped each

other and kissed hungrily. Their sighs and moans turned to gasps as they fondled each

other’s genitals.

Josh nuzzled her neck and whispered, “I want you, Delilah.”

“I want you too.”

“Please mean that the way I do.”

She stroked his back, feeling the nicely delineated muscles under her fingers, then

her hands traveled over his taut buttocks and she tightened her fingers. Pushing her

pelvis into his hard erection, she said, “Is this what you meant?”

He groaned. “Yes. I want… I need to make love to you again.”

Delilah scrambled out of her dress and Josh shed his pants. She lay on the bed, her

legs up in the air and spread wide. “Give it to me.”

“Not on your back. I want to touch your clit while I’m inside you. Roll onto your

knees for me, honey. You deserve to feel every hot point of pleasure I can give you.”

She grinned and felt like the luckiest woman in the world. Raising herself up onto

her knees, she spread them and waited for Josh to position himself behind her hips.

He tested her core. “You’re so fuckin’ wet. So hot and tight.”

She answered with a giggle and rocked her ass, tempting him.

He impaled her with one sure stroke. She reared back and inhaled deeply, hardly

believing how completely he filled her. With the memory of her recent orgasm fresh in

her mind, she stuffed a pillow under her chin in case she needed to scream into it. God

forbid she wake Gabby again. The girl wouldn’t let her live it down.

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Before she could dwell on it, Josh spread her folds with his fingers and stroked.

Delilah felt her eyes slide shut as sudden throbbing need filled her clit. She tried to

maneuver her hips to reach the taunting fingertip but each time she slid back, so did he.

“Damn it, Josh. Touch it.”

He leaned over her ear and growled. “Someone’s impatient.”

“Damn right! You’ve got me all hot now and I can’t stand it. Put me out of my


“Oh, I’m making you miserable?” Josh stopped mid-thrust.

“Gaaarrr! Don’t tease me. I need this too.” She hadn’t intended to grind that out

between clenched teeth but her craving for sweet release dominated everything else.

Josh chuckled behind her ear and picked up his zealous rhythm, this time with his

finger on her clit. Electric energy surged through it immediately.

She moaned her relief, the building sensations heating her button to white hot. Her

release, suddenly upon her, broke so forcefully she shook in hard spasms and had to

plunge her face into the pillow to scream…and scream…and scream.

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Chapter Four

The next morning they awoke in each other’s arms. Josh, completely sober, knew

his feelings for her hadn’t changed since the night before. He just hoped Delilah felt the

same way. His cock already ached for another round of uninhibited fucking with the

woman he loved.

They smiled into each other’s eyes and Josh brushed the hair out of her face. “I’m

going to wash up a bit, then I’d like to repeat last night with you.”

She chuckled. “I’d like the same thing.”

He kissed her and bounded out of bed. “Don’t go away.”

He cleaned up quickly, then jogged back to her room and dived into bed with her.

“I’ll just be a minute. I want to wash up too.”

He watched her struggle to pull the sheet around herself as she slid out of bed.



“I’ve already seen you naked and Gabby will sleep ‘til noon. You don’t have to

wrap yourself up in a sheet.”

She flashed a smile and gave the sheet a final yank. “You haven’t seen me naked in

daylight. Dark cars and bedrooms do wonders for cellulite.”

He shook his head. “I refuse to let you be self-conscious around me, or to believe

you have much in the way of cellulite. But if you’d feel better being modest in the early

part of our relationship, that’s fine. You realize, of course, that you just stole the only

thing covering my body and I’m completely on display for your pleasure, right?”

She smiled and raised her eyebrows in rapid succession.

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When she’d left the room Josh lay on his back with his hands clasped behind his

head. They did have to talk. They needed to figure out a way to resolve the whole non-

fraternization thing. She had a lot of time left on her contract and he was probably a

lifer. He got along well with the Navy, loved serving his country and didn’t want to

leave. But one of them would have to if they stayed together.

She returned from the bathroom still wearing her sheet and sat on the edge of the

bed. “Josh, I have to tell you something.”

“What’s that?” he asked, reaching for her.

She slid into his arms and cuddled. “I can’t do this if it’s going to get us into

trouble. One of us could be transferred if they find out.”

He took her hand and kissed her fingers. “I know, elskaminn, but we’ve got

something good here. I meant what I said last night. I love you and I want to keep what

we have—maybe even get married someday. Provided you can stand living with me.”

Delilah sighed. “I love you too, Josh. I want this as much as you do.”

“Then one of us needs to leave the Navy. It’s a shame they have to lose good

personnel but they set it up this way.”

“How? Which one of us?”

Josh leaned back enough to look in her eyes. “I’ll do it if you won’t but I’d like to

stay in. It’s a good career for me.”

“I wasn’t planning on staying in it as a career. I had hoped to get my schooling paid

for and work in the private sector as a psychologist.”

She seemed to be talking about this calmly, so, as crazy as it was, he’d bring up the

one solution he had thought of. “Delilah, I know it’s soon but if we took a couple of

months to decide…” He inhaled a deep breath. “Well, if we agree, we could get you

pregnant. That would get you out of your obligation to the Navy.”

Her eyes flew open and she gasped. She must have sucked saliva into her lungs

because she coughed violently.

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“Are you all right?”

When she stopped coughing, she cleared her throat. “That’s a terrible idea, Josh.

Once children come, the honeymoon is over. I want the kind of phenomenal

lovemaking we’ve had to continue for a couple of years. When our blood stops boiling

and reaches a simmer, then we can have kids.”

He had to admire her pragmatism. She was a realist. So opposite of Gabby. So like

himself. “Okay, so what can we do? I can’t think of anything else but a medical

discharge. Do you happen to have flat feet?”

“No but if it means we can be together you can drop a safe on my foot. It shouldn’t

hurt for long.”

Josh laughed and pulled her into a tight hug. “I could never hurt you but thanks for

thinking we’re worth the sacrifice.”

“We are worth it. Maybe I could contract a chronic disease. Is there something I

could catch that would prevent me from doing my job?”

“What if I’m not immune?”

“Oh, forget it, then.”

Josh knew there was no way he could keep his hands off her. His cock was

throbbing and begging for her electrically charged channel. “Delilah, we don’t have to

think of something this minute but I have to make love to you—now.”

“Have to?”

“Want to…need to…and have to.”

* * * * *

“Martin, you can’t tell me they’re not in love. Did you hear what they’re saying to

each other?”

“Yes, I did. Wait. Delilah, is that you sniffling?”

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“Yes, Martin. Isn’t it beautiful? Have you ever seen two people yearning to make

love like that?”

“No, hon, and I don’t think we ought to be watching it now. Turn around.”

“All right. But we absolutely must do something to help them make their dreams a

reality and I have a plan.”


“Now listen, Martin, you have to trust me. All Hallow’s Eve is almost upon us.

That’s when the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest. I think I can appear to our

granddaughter and tell her what they need to do to stay together.”

“So far this sounds terrible and like it might frighten her right into a psychiatrist’s


“Yes! That’s it exactly!”

“What? Delilah, you must be the crazy one. You can’t do that to our darling girl!”

“It’s the perfect solution. She’ll be unfit for duty if she runs screaming from her

office and says she’s seeing ghosts. One of the base admirals has a dentist appointment

on Halloween. He’ll witness her reaction but he won’t see a thing. Then they’ll have to

discharge her.”

He groaned.

“Martin? Why aren’t you saying anything?”

“Because it’s the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard. But it might be the only thing we

can do to help them get what they want.”

“So you agree it’s what they want.”

“Want, need and have to pursue, apparently.”

“At last! Well, then, we’ve got to help them.”

“Wait a minute. ‘We’?”

“Unless you want me to do this without your wise advice.”

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He groaned. “All right, Delilah. You’ve got me sucked into this now. As long as it’s

the best thing for all concerned, I’ll help. If not, I’ll try to talk you out of it.


“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

* * * * *

Delilah moaned when Josh cupped her breast and ran his thumb over her nipple.

Still kissing him, her muted moan sounded strange to her ears, almost like a ghost


She clasped his penis and tugged and he growled into her mouth. Then he shifted

his lips to her breast and sucked her. Familiar warm, moisture settled between her legs.

The intense sensation of his suction made her pussy clench with pleasure and she

groaned. “Josh, that feels so good.”

When she encouraged any of his attentions, he intensified whatever he had been

doing. A man who pays attention to cues and signals. Thank God. He sucked both of her

breasts thoroughly while she arched into his mouth and moaned for more. Oh God. I

could come right now.

He ran his hand over her pussy, found and fingered her clit and that was it. She

grabbed the pillow next to her, stuffed it into her mouth and shrieked. Jolts of electric

energy exploded in her center and rippled out to every part of her body. Her thighs

trembled and her back jerked up off the mattress. The deeply satisfying undulation

continued to float through her. She rode her climax to the last fulfilling aftershock and

lay limp. Josh pulled the pillow off her face.

“Are you okay? You didn’t suffocate under there, did you?”

A weak chuckle escaped her lips as she lay there requiring every deep breath she

sucked into her lungs. “No, darling. I survived.”

“Oh good. I’m ready to enter your magic vagina but I’m not a necrophiliac.”

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His blue eyes darkened to slate gray and she needed completion as much as he did.

“I know we usually like lots of foreplay but if you want it, I’ll just spread my legs and

welcome you inside.”

“Mmm… I do.”

Hearing him say “I do” made her think of the long-range plans they were already

talking about. How exciting and what an honor it would be to marry the man of her

dreams. She spread her legs wide and appreciated the view she had of his erect, hard

cock as he moved into the V between her thighs.

“I love you, Delilah Mills. And I want to see your face as I’m making love to your

body.” He reached for the pillow, folded it in half and said, “Bend your knees. Let me

slide this under your bottom.”

She did as he asked while he remained on his knees in front of her raised pelvis. He

placed his engorged penis at her opening and they both watched as he sank his cock

into her channel. Then they fell into a slow rhythm as they fucked. She reared back her

head and moaned. The sensation of him entering her at this angle made every stroke

deeper and more thoroughly experienced. She held her knees apart and watched with

joy while he thrust and dragged his cock through her wet, clenching center.

“Does that feel good, elskaminn?”

“Oh, so good.”

“Wouldn’t you like to do this forever?” Josh applied his talented fingers to her clit

and she immediately quivered. Deep sensations built and spread, rolling though her

until, at last, she erupted in sweet ecstasy rasping the word, “Yes,” as quietly as she


Josh didn’t let up until she’d experienced three orgasms in quick succession and

begged him to stop.

He grasped her hips and pummeled into her until his climax was imminent. Then

he stopped, bent over her and jerked several times. As he grunted, she watched his face

shift from acute tension to relief. Reveling in her womanly power, Delilah knew she had

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to forget about Gabby’s teasing and sleep with Josh from now on—even if that left two

bedrooms empty and she screamed into her pillow every morning and night.

* * * * *

On Halloween, Delilah’s car refused to start. Josh took a look at it and couldn’t

diagnose the problem. It didn’t seem to be the battery. Even with his jumper cables, it

revved but wouldn’t turn over. She wasn’t out of gas. Not one to be thwarted by a

mechanical object, Josh handed her his keys and told her to take his truck. He didn’t

have to be in for another couple of hours. If he couldn’t get it working, he’d call a tow


Delilah, grateful to have a way to get to the base and someone to look at the

problem without charging her a fortune, took his keys and kissed him on the cheek. His

hands were covered with grease or she’d have given him more than a chaste kiss.

As she drove onto the base, a guard walked out of the shack, glanced at her bumper

and saluted. Then his eyes narrowed and he lowered his hand. Uh-oh. He saw the

sticker identifying the car as an officer’s but it was the guy from the bar that night. The

one who wouldn’t walk away and leave her alone when she asked him to. He had eyed

her plenty of times as she drove onto the base but had never saluted her.

Although still a bit nervous about the incident, she arrived at work and, as usual,

greeted her coworkers. When she checked the appointments she noticed a very familiar

name. Terrific. An admiral first thing in the morning. She glanced around the partition. He

already sat in the waiting room, reading a magazine.

She gathered the instruments of torture and arranged them on the tray for Dr.

Gomez. Then she checked her white uniform and was relieved to see it was still spotless

and unwrinkled.

Dr. Gomez entered the room, said good morning and told her to usher the admiral

in while he washed up.

Delilah poked her head into the waiting room. “Admiral? Right this way, Sir.”

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The beefy man wearing four stars on his square shoulders walked in behind her.

After he settled into the chair, she attached a paper shield to a chain and clipped it

around his neck, then she proceeded to scrub her hands.

Dr. Gomez greeted the admiral and made small talk until Delilah turned around.

She shrieked. “Jesus! Oh my God!”

Floating a few feet above the floor was a misty figure of an old woman.

“Hello, dear,” the spectral image said.

Delilah back up a step and shook her head, muttering, “Oh, God! Oh my God.”

“Don’t you recognize your own grandmother?”

She tried to steady her voice. “Grandma Delilah?”

Dr Gomez came around to her side of the dentist’s chair with his brow furrowed.

He frowned at her face, then turned in the direction she was facing. “Uh, Delilah? Who

are you talking to?”

“The… The woman. She’s right there, don’t you see her?”

The admiral sat forward as much as his girth would allow and searched the air in

the same area as the other two. “What woman are you talking about, Seaman? There’s

nobody over there. All I see is a white wall and a picture of the USS Constitution.”

Delilah watched her grandmother’s image move a few feet to the left. “She’s

moving. Sort of floating over there…” When Delilah realized the image was getting

larger and coming right at her, she threw the sharp tools she had been holding up in the

air, screamed and ran out of the room.

* * * * *

Josh had just finished washing his hands when the phone rang. Grease remained

under his fingernails but he could take care of that later.


A shaky voice he recognized as his lover’s pleaded, “Josh?”

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“Hi, sweetheart. What’s up?”

“I… I think I’m losing my mind.”

“What?” He chuckled, unable to imagine any possibility more remote than his

levelheaded Delilah losing her faculties.

“It’s true. I’m seeing things. Things that can’t be there.”

The tone of her voice worried him and suddenly he grew more concerned. “Relax

and take a deep breath, elskaminn. Then tell me what you saw.”

“My… Oh, you’re going to think I’m nuts.”

“Well, I’m nuts about you, so go ahead. Tell me whatever it is. I won’t judge.”

“I saw my dead grandmother—floating toward me. I screamed and tossed some

pretty sharp implements into the air. I don’t even know where they landed. I ran out of

the office and down to the base exchange.”

“Stay calm, honey. You’re not nuts. I don’t know what you saw but I’m sure there’s

a logical explanation for it.”

“Easy for you to say. You didn’t see her.”

“Maybe I would have if I’d been standing in the same spot at the same time.”

“Well, Dr. Gomez and Admiral Davis didn’t see anything and they were in the


Josh took a deep breath. “Admiral Davis, huh?”

* * * * *

“See what your meddling has done? Now she’s gone and told him everything and

he’s apt to run for the hills.”

“Don’t be so sure.”

“Why wouldn’t he? I would.”

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“Oh, stop it, Martin. You had plenty of opportunities to run and you never did. You

were crazy about me. If I called you with any kind of problem you were right there,

helping with whatever I needed.”

“Yeah. I guess I was. So yes, I was crazy but I don’t think he is. He’s gonna run.”

“Well, if he does, he isn’t the man I think he is and she’ll be well rid of him.”

“So you’re saying that you considered this possibility? That this is some kind of a


“Well, no. I mean, yes. It’s… Well, I didn’t expect it to happen but now that it has,

it’s a good test of his commitment to her.”

“The only one that needs to be committed is you and it’s too late for that.”

“Quit acting like this is all my fault. You said it was a good plan.”

“I said it might be the only way but I never said the plan was any good.”

“Oh, stop being so negative.”

“Delilah. I’m not negative. I’m realistic. I shudder to think of the havoc you’d have

caused if I hadn’t been your husband.”

“Are you saying you had some kind of power to control me simply because I

married you?”

“Are you saying you behaved yourself because you wanted to?”


“My point exactly.”

“This is just the beginning. It’s going to work.”

“Oh no. You mean you have more plans?”

“If I need to come up with something else, I will. These two are meant for each

other. I can feel it in my bones.”

“You mean the bones that are under our headstone? You can still feel things in

those bones?”

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“It’s an expression.”

“I’ve got an expression for you. Butt out!”

* * * * *

“It’s okay, elskaminn. Take some more deep breaths. We’ll get through this.”

As soon as he’d heard about what happened and realized how frightened she was,

Josh told her not to move and he’d come retrieve her in her newly repaired car.

He called in sick so he could help Delilah with whatever had her scared stiff and

drove to the base in his civvies. He hoped no one would recognize him, not only

because he had just called in sick but also because he was an officer, driving a car with

an enlisted person’s insignia. That smacked of fraternization enough to raise suspicion,

at the very least.

The guard at the gate shack ambled out as if in no hurry. Then he folded his arms

and frowned at Josh as he drove Delilah’s car over the speed bump, slowing to the

required ten miles per hour. Great. The jackass from the nightclub. Josh ducked down in

his seat, hoping the kid wouldn’t see him, or if he did, wouldn’t recognize him.

He drove to the spot where Delilah said she’d wait for him and saw her peeking

around the corner. A look of relief washed over her and she ran to meet him. He leaned

over and pushed open the passenger’s side door from inside the small car. She jumped

in and immediately ducked under the dashboard.

“Didn’t you tell your commanding officer you were going home?”

“Not exactly.”

“Why not?”

“I’m afraid they’ll lock me up in the loony bin. Please, Josh. Just take me home. I’ll

call after I get there.”

Josh rolled his eyes. “They won’t put you in the loony bin.”

Delilah shot him a look of determination. “How do you know?”

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“I don’t but I can’t imagine—”

“Just drive. Please!”

As he pulled away from the curb, he muttered, “Oh boy,” under his breath.

* * * * *

As soon as the two of them walked into the house, the phone rang. Delilah just

knew there was bad news on the other end. Josh picked up the receiver and said hello.

“Good morning, Sir.”

Uh-oh. Delilah sat at the kitchen table so she could eavesdrop. At least she could

hear Josh’s half of the conversation.

“No, Sir… Yes, Sir… No, Sir… I—” After a long pause, he looked at her with raised


Double uh-oh. Whoever was on the other end was talking Josh’s ear off and he

looked worried.

“Yes, Sir… Yes, Sir… I will, Sir. I’ll see to it personally.” He hung up, sat at the table

opposite her and dropped his head into his hands. “We’re in trouble.”


“You were seen driving on base with my car. Later, I was spotted driving yours.

Between that and my calling in sick plus your mysterious disappearance, they’re

putting two and two together.”


“My thoughts exactly.”

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Chapter Five

Josh stood at attention in front of his commanding officer. The wiry, gray-haired

captain hadn’t said “at ease” so he knew whatever was coming wouldn’t be good. At

this point, he just hoped he didn’t get transferred to the Middle East.

“I’m disappointed, Lieutenant Sparks. I thought you had better sense.”

The captain, hands clasped behind his back, strolled around the room. Josh, eyes

fixed forward, hoped the man would give up some kind of hint as to which infraction

he was referring to. No such luck.

“I’m sorry, Sir.”

“Sorry for what?”

Damn. Now what? “I’m sorry for disappointing you, Sir.”


Apparently the captain had hoped Josh would do the same thing. Why did this

conversation feel like a chess game?

“Do you know why I’m disappointed?”

Josh knew the jig was up. Everything would come out eventually and he didn’t

want Delilah going through this.

“May I speak candidly, Sir?”

“I wish you would. At ease, Lieutenant.”

Finally. Josh relaxed as he assumed the other posture. “I may have made an error in

judgment by renting a room to an enlisted woman but she’s an old friend of the


“So you felt obligated?”

“No. Not exactly.”

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“Go on…”

“Delilah Mills has always been a close friend of my sister’s so I knew her very well.

When we needed a renter to help with the mortgage on our house, it seemed a good

idea at the time to rent to someone we both knew and trusted.”

“Hmm…” The captain stopped pacing and looked Josh in the eye. “Probably not

the best idea but is that all there is to it? You borrow each other’s cars. You call in sick

the same day she has a crisis. It seems like there’s more.”

Crap. If the captain had been satisfied with that much, Josh wouldn’t have had to

continue. If he did he’d either have to lie, in which case they’d probably question

Delilah and he’d be in more trouble later, or he could come clean and hope they’d tell

them to be discreet. He heaved a sigh.

“Say what’s on your mind, Lieutenant.”

“I hadn’t planned on getting involved—you know, romantically. I honestly thought

we’d be roommates and nothing more. But…”

“Do you love her, Josh?” The captain’s voice seemed to soften.

Maybe he’d be sympathetic. Maybe not. Either way, it didn’t change the answer.

“Yes, Sir. Very much.”

The captain hung his head and dismissed him. Josh left the office just as nervous

and uncomfortable as when he walked in.

* * * * *

“See, Martin? He didn’t run and he didn’t hide. He told the truth, unashamed of

loving our granddaughter.”

“Yeah, he really screwed things up.”

“How can you say that? He did the most romantic thing anyone’s ever done for her.

He put his career on the line for love.”

“And how are they going to support each other if they wind up with dishonorable


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Delilah gasped. “They wouldn’t do that, would they?”

“Why not? They knew the policy and outright defied it. The least they can do now

is reprimand both of them and that’s only if they agree to stop seeing each other.”

“Oh no. Well, they can’t do that. They’re too much in love to let that happen.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.”

“Maybe we can hope for some kind of miracle, or maybe I can—”

“Forget it. You’ve done enough.”

“Sorry, Martin. I’m going to do whatever it takes and you can’t stop me.”

* * * * *

By the time Josh made it home, he’d come to a decision. He’d quit the Navy. He’d

serve out the remainder of his contract and then he wouldn’t re-up. He saw that

Delilah’s door was open and heard soft rustling in there, so he walked in to tell her. To

his surprise, she was packing clothes into her footlocker.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m sorry, Josh. I have to leave. You know I do.”

“I know no such thing.” He strode to where she stood, turned her to face him and

gripped her arms. “You’re not leaving me. I’m leaving the Navy.”

“No! You don’t want to do that and you shouldn’t have to.” Tears shimmered in

her eyes. “This is all my fault. Just let me pack my stuff and go.” Her voice broke on the

word go.

Josh held on to her firmly. “So you were just going to leave without saying

goodbye? Without even discussing this with me?”

“What’s to discuss?”

“This.” Josh pulled her to his chest. He wrapped one arm around her waist and

cupped the back of her head with his hand so she couldn’t pull away. Then he crushed

her lips to his.

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She didn’t struggle and when he slanted his head to the side and opened his mouth

to taste her, she let him deepen the kiss. The passion that always flowed between them

whenever they touched, flared. Josh backed her up toward the bed, kissing her all the


When he knew they’d reached the edge, he toppled over and pinned her to the

mattress beneath. “I love you, Delilah. I can’t let you go without one final…”

“I know,” she whispered. She wriggled beneath him. “You need to let me up so I

can get undressed.”

He nodded.

He rolled off her and she smiled sadly as she unbuttoned her shirt.

Josh stood and pulled his T-shirt over his head as she retrieved something from the

drawer. He unzipped his jeans and bent over to pull them off. Maybe shes getting a sex

toy we havent had the chance to use. That might— “Hey!”

Before he knew what was happening, she had him handcuffed to the bedpost.

“I’m sorry, Josh,” she said, holding her shirt against her chest. “I know if I don’t

leave now, I never will.”


“Don’t worry, I’ll leave Gabby the key.”

He yanked on the cuff and it held fast. “I don’t friggin’ believe this.”

Delilah didn’t answer. She simply tossed the rest of her things into her footlocker,

sat on it and latched it. Then without another word, she dragged it down the hall.

“Delilah?” he called out.

The only answer was the front door opening and the footlocker bumping down the

front steps. The door gently closed and she was gone.

* * * * *

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“So, Delilah…” The Navy psychiatrist reached into his pocket for his glasses and set

them on his nose. Then he glanced at the steno book in his hand and up at her. “Do you

know why your commanding officer wanted you to see me?” His smile would have

been comforting if he didn’t sound like he was talking to a child.

“Yes, Sir.”

“And why is that?”

“I guess he thinks I’ve been seeing things that weren’t there.”

“And have you?”

“Well, no, Sir.”

“No? You haven’t been seeing ghosts?”

“Um, yes. But just one.” She lowered her voice, focused on her feet and finished her

answer in a whisper. “It’s my late grandmother and she’s really there.”

“I see. You believe the ghost is real. Did you have your eyes checked?”

“Yes, Sir. I had to do that first. They’re twenty-twenty. What I see isn’t my eyes

playing tricks on me or a reflection or any of the other explanations I’ve tried to use to

explain it. It’s my grandmother’s ghost, Sir.”

“Your grandmother?”

“Yes, Sir. Delilah. I was named for her.”

“I see.”

The more he saw, the more Delilah knew he was seeing something else entirely.

This whole medical review board had her wigging out. She had been examined,

questioned, cross-examined and now here she was, talking to the base shrink.

“Would you say her death was traumatic for you?”

“No. It was a couple of years ago when I was in junior college. We had a nice

relationship. I was sad when she passed but there wasn’t much I could do about it.”

“How about stress? Anything bothering you lately?”

“No, Sir.”

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“Your job? Family? Friends?”

“Everything’s fine, Sir.”

He scribbled a few notes on the steno pad, then looked up with the same saccharine

smile as before. “Do you have any idea why your commanding officer might wonder

whether or not you’re fit for duty?”

“Well, I screamed, threw down whatever was in my hands at the time and ran out

of the office once. Well, no—I did that a couple of times. Another time, I dropped the

coffeepot and it smashed on the floor. But she surprises me.”

“So it’s happened twice. Is that all?”

“Once when I was carrying an armload of patient charts, I swear she tripped me

and I dropped them. I’m afraid papers went everywhere and it took the rest of the

afternoon to put the right papers back into the right charts in the right order.”

“Does she talk to you?”

Delilah nodded.

“What does she say?”

“Different things.”

“Does she ever tell you what to do?”


“How does she talk to you? Do you hear it inside your head or outside, through

your ears?”

She shrugged and began wringing her hands. How could she tell a Navy

psychiatrist that her grandmother had learned to communicate with her through

continuing education classes in Heaven? That was just plain weird.

“Hmm… Well, then, how are you sleeping?”

Delilah thought about when she was living with Josh and had been exhausted from

lovemaking. She had never slept so well, yet that’s when her grandmother first

appeared. “It’s not that, Sir.”

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He tapped the steno pad with his pen and watched her. She fidgeted and avoided

his gaze.

“I want you to take some medication.” He pulled a prescription pad out of his

pocket and began writing.

“But I don’t need any medication. I’m not crazy. I’m not seeing and hearing things

that aren’t there. My grandmother’s ghost is real. I’m being completely honest with


He looked up at her over the tops of his glasses. “Are you refusing treatment?”

“I… I don’t need it. I’m not crazy.” She bit her lip and began to cry.

“So you won’t take the medication, even if I think it will help you.”

She bit her lip and shook her head.

“Mills, I’m recommending that you be separated from military service. It’s clear

that you’re hallucinating and trying to deny the fact that you have a serious illness. It

should be treated but unless you agree, you’ll probably flush your medication down the

toilet. You’re not a good risk. I’ll send in my report and meanwhile, I suggest you start

thinking about life as a civilian.”

Delilah nodded quietly. She rose and walked out the door. As soon as it was closed,

she glanced around the empty hallway, then leaped into the air, fist raised, mouthing a

silent “Yay!”.

* * * * *

“Ha! You see, Martin, it worked. My plan worked!”

“It appears that it did. Congratulations aren’t in order just yet, though.”

“What are you talking about? She needed a medical discharge to leave the Navy

without dishonor and she got one.”

“Yes, that part’s taken care of but you’re forgetting something else.”

“Isn’t this just like you? You’re always trying to rain on my parade.”

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“I’m doing no such thing. I just want you to remember the kids have free will and

they might not decide to be together as you see to think they should be.”

“See? Rain on my parade. Well, I won’t let you. Of course they’ll choose to be

together. How can you possibly think they wouldn’t?”

“Well, I took a course on intimacy issues once. Some people only feel comfortable in

relationships in which long-term commitments can’t happen.”

“You’re not serious.”

“Yes, I am. It happens all the—”

“Stop it! Just stop it with all your psychobabble. That doesn’t apply to Delilah and

Josh. I have every confidence we’ll be attending their wedding one of these fine days.”

“What makes you think you’ll be invited?”

“Wait a minute… Are you actually telling me that loved ones from the beyond have

to be invited to these things? How would the living know that?”

“Know what?”

“How would they know that we can and would like to attend their celebrations?”

“They don’t.”

“So does that mean we can’t… Oh, Martin!”

“Delilah? Are you sniffling?”

“No. Yes. No. I’ll invite myself, because I’m going anyway. Who could stop me?”

“Nobody. Ha ha ha ha ha…”


“Yes, dear?”

“I hate you for that.”

“Sorry, hon. I couldn’t resist. Don’t worry. If they get married, we’ll be there.”

* * * * *

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Josh carried Delilah’s footlocker to his bedroom and set it at the end of the bed. “So

you’re sure you’re staying this time?”

“Absolutely. If you’ll have me.”

Josh waggled his eyebrows. “Oh, I’ll have you all right. I just want to be sure I don’t

wind up in handcuffs again. Now that Gabby’s moved to San Francisco there’s no one

to get me out.”

She chuckled, even if it was at his expense. “How did she react when she came

home and found you?”

Fortunately, he smiled at the memory. She guessed he must not be holding too

much of a grudge.

“She reacted pretty much as you’d expect her to. She burst out laughing—at first.

Then she noticed your stuff was gone and figured I must have done something to upset

you. That’s when she started yelling at me. I finally got her to shut up long enough to

explain everything and then she plopped down on the bed and cried.”

“Oh dear. Don’t tell me you were cuffed to the bed that whole time.”

“I certainly was. When she finally understood it wasn’t my fault and that I tried to

stop you, she unlocked me. Thanks for leaving the key in plain sight, by the way.”

“Thank you for forgiving me.”

“I never said I forgave you. I’m going to let you earn your forgiveness, though.”

“Oh? What do I need to do?”

He looked at her with a wolfish grin and said, “Oh, I think you know.”

* * * * *

“Time to go, Mrs. Meddler. He’s got googly eyes.”

“He has what?”

“You know… He wants to canoodle.”

“I don’t know what you’re saying, Martin.”

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“For heaven’s sake, Delilah. They’re about to grind their coffee.”

“I still don’t know what—”

“Roll in the hay, bury the bone, shake the sheets, ride the rocket, sink the soldier,

dance on the mattress, knock boots… You know damn well what I mean.”

“You mean they want to have sex now?”


“Well, why didn’t you just say so?”

“I did. About a dozen times.”

“Yeah, in some kind of World War II code. How the heck was I supposed to figure

that out?”

“Do I really have to keep telling you to give the kids their privacy?”

“I turned my back five minutes ago. I knew they wanted to have sex.”

“You what?”

“I knew they wanted to have sex, not doodle their canoodle or whatever the heck

you said.”

“You’re killin’ me, Delilah.”

“And I keep telling you—”

“I know, I know. I’m already dead but if I was alive again, you’d be killin’ me.”

“If we were both alive again, I’d be doodling your canoodle right now.”

“Now you’re talking! Let’s get to the second part of that continuing education class

on out-of-body sex.”

“Sure. What’s it called, ‘Knocking Boots When You Don’t Have Feet’? Or might it

be something like ‘Burying the Boneless Ham’?”

“It’s called ‘Making Love in the Astral Realm, Part Two’.”

“You’re joking, right?”

“No. Why? What’s wrong with that?”

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“We can learn to have sex but you leave my astral realm alone.”

* * * * *

“Are you feeling what I’m feeling?”

“If you’re horny, then, yes.” Delilah wrapped her arms around Josh’s neck and

pulled him down close enough to nip his earlobe.

They groped and wriggled to loosen and shed their clothes as fast as possible.

Delilah, caught in her pantyhose, toppled off the bed and onto the rug. “Oomph.”

“Are you all right, sweetheart?” Josh extended his hand, ready to help her up.

Instead she yanked him toward her and said in her sexiest voice, “Why don’t you

come and see?”

He grinned and kneeled beside her. “Let me take a good look.” He ran his hand

from her ankle, up one leg to her knee, kissing it and then caressed his way to her thigh.

“This leg seems all right. I’d better check the other one.”

She leaned back on her hands and stretched out both her legs. Josh rubbed teasingly

in circles from her other foot to her other thigh. He avoided the spot in between and

continued up her sides with both hands.

As he reached her breasts, he cupped them and rubbed her nipples with his

thumbs. She closed her eyes, arched and moaned.

“Ah, there seems to be a couple of sensitive spots here. I think I should kiss them

and make them better.”

“Oh, yes. I want to feel your mouth on my breasts, Josh. Please.” Delilah arched,

thrusting her breasts forward.

He dipped low, drew one nipple into his mouth and ran his hot tongue around the

sensitive pebble. Sucking gently, he massaged the other breast. When he released it, he

asked, “Better?”

“Ohhh… Yes, that’s beginning to feel better.”

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He grinned. “Just beginning, huh?”


“I’d better kiss it some more, then.” He laved and sucked that nipple thoroughly

while he massaged and squeezed her other breast.

She moaned and her breathing deepened.

Eventually, he asked, “Is the other one ready for the same treatment?”

“Mmm…yes, please.” His attention to her breast sent ripples to her core and she

could feel herself dampening.

He leaned on the opposite hand and freed himself up to cup and play with the

breast he’d just sucked, then he nipped and licked around the other nipple. “I love your

beautiful breasts, Delilah. I could suck on them all day.”

“I could let you.” She smiled and watched as he lavished attention on the other

nipple just as conscientiously. Her pussy quivered and she reveled in the sensation.

“How are you feeling now, sweetheart?”

“I think I’m better there but there’s another spot that needs to be thoroughly

checked out.”

“Oh, of course. You fell on your tush, didn’t you? Roll over and let me take care of

that too.”

Delilah knew he was playing dumb on purpose but she wasn’t about to complain if

it resulted in a back massage. She rolled over and stretched out onto the carpet like a

cat. “Do you think you could check my whole back? I think I might have jiggled it as

badly as I jiggled my breasts.”

“My pleasure.” Josh pushed her long hair to one side and leaned over to kiss the

back and sides of her neck, trailing his hot tongue from one to the other. Meanwhile, his

hand rubbed slow, sensuous circles down her back to her bottom. When he cupped and

squeezed each globe, she shivered.

“I love your gorgeous ass too. Have I ever told you that?”

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“No. I don’t think so.”

“I’d like to tell you in a special way, sometime.”

“Oh? Are you going to make love to my ass?”

He rubbed her bottom in large, slow circles. “I will, if you’re okay with that.”

“It makes me a little nervous. I’ve never tried it. I hear it hurts.”

“Not if it’s done right. But we don’t have to, you know. I’d never hurt you,

elskaminn—my unconditional love is yours.”

She sighed. “I know. I trust you. I think I’d like to try it sometime as long as it’s

with you and only you.”

“I’m glad of that.” He straddled her but simply laid his erection against the crack of

her ass and slowly rubbed it up and down her valley. “We have plenty of time to

explore any of the options and possibilities we want.”

With that, he settled on his knees and rubbed her back. Delilah had never felt so

protected or cherished. This was the kind of love she wanted for the rest of her life and

beyond. She melted into the rug beneath her as he kneaded her shoulders and shoulder


She relaxed deeper as his strong fingers followed the length of her spine. When he

spread his hands across the small of her back and used part of his weight to lean into

the depression there, he released some kind of pent-up tension and excited her sex at

the same time.

“Oh, Josh. That was wonderful. Let me roll over.”

“You’ve had enough?” He moved his hands to her ass, massaging and squeezing

each globe.

She groaned as her heat rose with each alternate swipe of his hand over her cheeks.

“Please. I need…well, you know.”

“No, what?”

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Her cunt ached to be filled and the delay in his response frustrated her to the point

of distraction. “Oh, quit teasing. I want you inside me. Now.”

“I want to tell you what I’m going to do to you first.”

Dear God. “If you must.”

He chuckled. “I think you’ll like it. First, I’m going to pick you up and carry you to


“Umm-hmm…” So far, so good but this story better end with “and then I’ll fuck

your brains out for hours until you beg me to stop”.

“And then, I’m going to fuck you for hours until you beg me to stop.”

Whoa! She’d heard of being on the same wavelength but that was just plain weird.

Still, that’s exactly what she wanted and the sooner the damn well better!

“Please, Josh. Do it! Hurry.”

He raised his body off her, meanwhile asking, “What’s the rush?”

She flipped herself face up while he remained straddling her. Did she really have to

explain her urgent lust? He’d just stroked every inch of her and her body burned for


“I love you,” he was saying. “I want to make love to you. Tenderly. Slowly. I want

to show you how much I love you.”

Heat poured off her. Couldn’t he feel it? She was practically panting. “Not now.

Later. Right now I want you to ride me, cowboy. Hard!”

His eyes opened wider.

“Look, you got me all hot and bothered. Now please finish me off before I burst into


He grinned, grabbed her wrists and pinned them over her head. Then he growled

like a predator who’d irrevocably captured his prey.

So that was his intention all along! Josh’s highhandedness didn’t bother her a bit. In

fact, it kindled her blood even more. She giggled until he swooped in and crushed her

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lips in a bruising kiss. She lifted her face and responded, opening her mouth. He angled

his mouth over hers and speared its depths with his hot tongue. She wanted more of his

flesh to sink into her and arched, begging for what she really wanted as her tongue met

his in an erotic dance.

His erection lay against her stomach and she began undulating against his cock in a

sexual rhythm. He broke the kiss and moved to her breasts. He pulled in as much as he

could fit into his mouth and applied strong, hot suction. Sensation shot straight to her

core and made her moan her joy.

Devouring her breasts, sucking hard and fast sent quivers all through her body,

building the exquisite tension she knew led to release. His cock rubbed against her

thigh near her opening. This was torture. Fabulous, intense, exquisite torture.

“Josh, I want you to fuck me. Please.”

He let her breast drop from his mouth and looked up into her eyes. “Ready for rug


“If that’s what it takes.”

“Well, I’m not quite ready.”

Delilah stared down at his darkening, engorged cock, incredulous. “Are you

kidding me? You look like you’re about to burst!”

He chuckled. “I am. That’s why I want you to relax and let me taste you a little


She gave him her coy smile. “Can I get you to taste another part of me?”

“I’d planned on it.” He slipped a little lower kissing and teasing her abdomen with

his tongue as he made his way to her mons. He took a little tuft of hair between his lips

and tugged as his finger found her clit and rubbed.

She came apart. Spasming and thrashing, she cried out, barely aware that his

tongue had moved to her clit and his finger circled her back door. As his fingertip

invaded the tiny sphincter, she bucked and screamed but not in pain. Thoroughly

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overwhelmed with pleasure, she rode the climax to new heights. Her orgasm seemed to

go on and on forever.

When she was completely spent and as limp as a noodle, Josh lifted her off the floor

and laid her on the bed. “Now I can have my wicked way with you.”

“And I couldn’t stop you,” she said between panting breaths, “even if I wanted to—

which I don’t.”

Josh grabbed her ankles and rotated her body to face him as he stood beside the

bed. Then he took a pillow and stuffed it under her ass, which lay on the edge of the

mattress. As he slid his hands beneath her buttocks, raising her to him, she spread her

legs in the air in front of his shoulders. She could feel the hard swollen part of him

nudging her entrance. Not waiting for him to ask, she grabbed hold of his cock and

guided him in.

“Oh God…” The sensation of his hard, hot length filled her wholly. He completed

her. “Josh…” she whispered.

When he was seated within her as far as he could go, he retreated, then dived into

his rocking motion. No part of her moist cunt wasn’t embracing Josh except for the

slight vacuum he created with each outward stroke. Indulgence in all of her fantasies

couldn’t match the extraordinary joy of sexual intercourse with her beloved Joshua


Soon his rhythm took on a faster pace and more frenetic quality. He grabbed her

arms and she held on to his, their hands wrapped around each other’s wrists. Delilah’s

legs rested against his broad shoulders on either side of his neck and she pushed

against his collarbones with the backs of her knees, meeting his rhythm until they both

broke over the edge of climax and soared. Delilah cried out, shaking and spasming all


“Oh God,” Josh yelled. His body jerked violently and hot liquid leaked from

Delilah’s opening.

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He was right. There were thousands of different experiences they would discover

together throughout the years. It was hard for her to imagine how future encounters

could possibly get any better but somehow they always did.

Hours later, Delilah was nudged from a sound and dreamless sleep. “Huh? Josh, is

that you?”

He chuckled, “Who else would it be?”

She lay spooned in his arms and he kissed her ear and the side of her neck. “There’s

something I want to ask you, then I’ll let you go back to sleep if you want to.”

“Okay, what is it?”

“Will you marry me?”

Suddenly wide-awake, Delilah flipped over to face him. His sleepy expression

spoke of hope and happiness.

“I— Well, yes. Of course!”

“I thought you’d say that.”

“Is that why you woke me up to ask?”

He snuggled her face into the hollow of his neck and held her there, gently. “I was

just lying here and thinking. I thought you’d say yes but then again, there’s always the

possibility you’d say ‘No’. I couldn’t stand not knowing for sure. I’ll get down on my

knees and offer you my mother’s ring later. When the time is right.”

“You don’t have to do that, you know.”

He let go of the back of her head and pulled away enough to see her face. “But

wouldn’t that be more romantic for you?”

“I don’t know. I really can’t think of anything more romantic than lying here in

your arms like this.”

“I can’t either.”

“Then that’s it. You proposed and I accepted. We’re engaged.”

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“Yes, we are.” Josh cupped the back of her head and pulled her toward him until

his mouth almost met hers. “I love you, Delilah,” he whispered.

“I love you too,” she whispered back. Then they sealed their promise with a lengthy


* * * * *

“I think somebody’s going to eat his words pretty soon, Martin.”

“Huh? I thought things were going well. Who’s going to eat their words? Don’t tell

me they had a fight.”

“Not them, dummy. You!”

“What words am I going to eat?”

“The ones about free will and intimacy and all of that nonsense.”

“I didn’t say they were going to have problems. I said they could, as in maybe,

might, you never know…”

“Well, I know. Why do you always try to throw all sorts of foolish caution at me?”

“Because you always thrown caution to the winds, Delilah.”

“So what? So you feel it’s your job to try to make me pessimistic?”

“Not pessimistic, darling. Just realistic. Things like that happen sometimes.”

“Realistic, huh? How real was your bizarre supposition that our granddaughter

would be crying into her pillow because her soul mate had intimacy issues?”

“I never said she would… Or that he would. Sometimes it’s the women who want

what they can’t have to protect their hearts.”

“Now you’re just pissing me off, Martin.”

* * * * *

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Several weeks later, Josh held Delilah’s hand as they stood in line at the San Diego

city hall. She turned to him and whispered, “Are you sure you want to marry a woman

who’s been told she’s loony and was kicked out of the Navy?”

He laughed and tipped her chin up to look in her eyes. “I couldn’t be more sure of

anything in my life. Besides, we both know it was a misdiagnosis. Someday, after

you’re a famous psychologist, you’ll be able to show them a thing or two. As long as

our kids don’t drive you crazy, you can get the diagnosis changed.”

“Thank God you stuck with me through this, Josh. I don’t know what I would have

done if you hadn’t.”

“You probably would have figured it out eventually. Or your grandma would have

set you straight. She told me she would.”

Delilah gasped and stared at her fiancé, wide-eyed.

“Just kidding.”

“You’re killin’ me, Josh.”

He smiled and kissed her. “I’ll have to be careful, then. I want you to stick around

for a long, long time.”

* * * * *

“Oh dear, you’re crying.”

“I’ve never been so happy, Martin. Well, not since I’ve been dead. You made me

very happy too, my love. Happier than I’d been in my whole life.”

“I’m glad.”

She gasped. “Oh! What is that?”

“That’s my astral finger, Delilah.”

“Well, you’re poking me in my astral ass!”

“So my aim is a little off. I think we’ll need to practice.”

“Ohhh… Yes, that’s the spot. Oh, Martin!”

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“Now aren’t you glad you wound up with me instead of Tom Jones?”

“Yes. Oh, yes. Ohhh…yes. I think we can get really good at this. Let’s practice a


“Delilah, that’s music to my ears.” He hummed the melody to her song, “Delilah”.

She sighed. “I’m glad you never told me you just couldn’t take any more.”

“I can take whatever you dish out, darling. For eternity.”

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About the Author

Kidnapped by gypsies as an infant, Ashlyn Chase was left on the doorstep of the

Massachusetts home in which she grew up—at least that’s what her older siblings told

her. It seems that storytelling runs in the family.

Ashlyn worked as a psychiatric nurse for several years, holds a degree in behavioral

sciences and has been trained as a fine artist, registered nurse, hypnotherapist, and

interior designer. Writing is one career she wasn’t formally educated in, yet by sheer

determination she’s become a multi-published, award-winning author.

Most writers, whether they’re aware of it or not, have a “theme”, some sort of

thread that runs through all of their books, uniting the whole mishmash into an

identifiable signature. Ashlyn’s identified her theme as involving characters who

reinvent themselves. It’s no wonder, since she has reinvented herself numerous times.

Finally content with her life, she lives in beautiful New Hampshire with her true-life

hero husband and a spoiled brat cat.

Ashlyn welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her author bio page at

Tell Us What You Think

We appreciate hearing reader opinions about our books. You can email us at

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Also by Ashlyn Chase

Being Randy

Demolishing Mr. Perfect

Quivering Thighs

Vampire Vintage

Wonder Witch

If you are interested in other stories by Ashlyn Chase, check out her book at

Cerridwen Press (

Heaving Bosoms

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Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC

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