Raquel Mulgrew A Summer Rain

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


Amira Press


Copyright ©

First published in 2010

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew



Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
About the Author

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


A Summer Rain

Copyright (C) November 2010, Raquel Mulgrew
Cover art by Anastasia Rabiyah (C) November 2010
Amira Press
Charlotte, NC 28227
ISBN: 978-1-936279-56-2
No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared by

any electronic or mechanical means, including but not limited
to printing, file sharing, and e-mail, without prior written
permission from Amira Press.

* * * *

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


Chapter One

Not long after the rain had started, Shana pulled in the

window handles and locked the latch. It was pouring outside.
When she'd left the house that morning, it had been quite a
promising Chicago day. The sun was high in the sky, and the
weather was temperate enough for her to wear her favorite
yellow-and-red floral sundress. But the scattered clouds
clustered together, blackening the skies, and water spilled to
the ground without warning. Even the weather forecasters
hadn't seen this one coming—not that she thought they were
particularly adept at accurate prediction, anyway.

Shana stepped into the house just in time to miss the

brunt of the rain, but too late to save the seat cushions on
her bay window from a drenching. She cursed the weather
and gathered up the cushions to dry them.

The dryer was just starting its cycle when the doorbell

chimed. But it didn't just ring. It let off three rapid-fire bursts
then one long ring before repeating the pattern. Shana's
heart fluttered, and she froze where she stood.

Only one person ever rang her doorbell like that...
Shana rushed to the door, pausing only to check her

appearance in the hall mirror. Her straight, black hair,
dampened by the rain, rested heavily on her shoulders. Her
dress hugged her comfortably at the waist, emphasizing her
slender figure. She loved this dress. Whenever she wore it,
she was the center of male attention making her feel sexy
and confident. She liked the way it contrasted with her dark

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


brown skin. The ruffled front accented her modest bosom and
the bottom swung loosely over her shapely legs.

Shana brushed the stray strands of hair from her face and

smoothed her fingers along the length of her dress.

Satisfied, she turned toward the door. Grasping the cool

metal, her fingers trembled. She steadied herself, closed her
eyes and took a deep breath.

She opened the door, and there was Robert. He stood

there drenched in the sudden downpour of the summer
storm. He had no umbrella, raincoat, or any other form of
protection. It seemed he'd been just as unprepared as she
was for the torrential surprise, and he was soaked to the

Shana stood with the door wide open, dumbfounded at

what she saw before her. She hadn't spoken to, nor seen
Robert in a year, and yet here he was, looking like a sad and
wet puppy at her doorstep. They lived only a few miles from
each other, but neither had ever had the occasion to stop by.
Not after what happened between the two of them.

Shana's mind suddenly flashed back to the last time she'd

seen him...

* * * *

"Why are you standing out there, silly?" Shana asked,

holding the door open for Robert in the entryway. "Come on
in. I made your favorite, chicken Marsala and mashed

He smiled.

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


"I can't stay," Robert said in an almost inaudible tone. "I

just—I wanted to see you."

"You just got here. Where do you have to go?"
"Shana, I... I can't really talk about it."
Shana eyed him curiously. It was obvious there was

something amiss.

"What's wrong, Robert?"
"Nothing. Just trust me, okay? I'll be back soon."
"Shana!" Robert exclaimed with mild impatience. He ran

his fingers through his hair and sighed. Shana noticed the
bruised knuckles on his right hand. She thought to inquire
about their origin, but pushed the thought from her mind

"Trust me. I need you to do that for me. Can you?"
Shana backed up and viewed the figure in front of her with

confusion. What was he doing?

"Yes?" Robert asked.
"Yes," Shana said shyly. "But what...?"
Robert cut off her inquiry with a kiss. He wrapped his arms

around her waist and squeezed her tight, lingering there as if
it would be their last. He rested his forehead on hers and
kissed her nose. He finally broke their embrace and turned to

"I love you," Shana said with an abruptness that made

Robert freeze in his tracks.

It was the first time either of them had uttered the words

to each other. They spilled forth from Shana and hung in the
air like a billowy cloud. She held her breath and waited for his
response. After seconds of nothing but silence, the three

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


words that had patiently hung above them seemed to
evaporate into a distant memory.

Shana felt chilled at Robert's lack of response. How could

he not say anything? She stood there, vulnerable, wishing he
would reciprocate her words. But silence was her answer.
She'd wanted to tell him this so many times in the past, but
never had the courage. They'd been together for over six
months, and tonight, she had decided she was going to say
what she had wanted to for so long. But even if he didn't feel
the same, she still deserved a response.

From behind, Shana watched his shoulders hunch. He still

hadn't turned around to face her. The fact that he couldn't
return her glance spoke volumes.

"Robert? You have nothing you want to say?" Her lips

trembled at the words. "At all?"

Robert turned and stole a quick glimpse toward her, then

looked down to the ground. He was quiet—too quiet. Shana
knew he always got that way when he was thinking.

He walked back up to her, as if he had finally figured out

what he wanted to say. His eyes widened, and his face looked
sad. He leaned in and kissed her on the forehead.

"I have to go. I'm sorry."
Shana's eyes welled with tears as she stood aghast at the

man in front of her. She wanted to yell and scream, but she
couldn't think of anything to say. No words could convey the
anger and hurt welling inside her, so she stood in the
doorway, dazed. Soon, all she heard was the thunderous
beating of her heart. It was rapid and out of rhythm. Her
vision dimmed in slow increments, and soon, everything had

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


gone dark. It wasn't until his voice broke the silence that she
realized her eyes were closed and she felt the sting of hot
tears stream down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry," he said again. She opened her eyes only to

see him standing in the doorway looking lost and confused.
"I'll be back, I promise." He gave her a pained smile and
turned out the door

* * * *

That was the last Shana Sanders had seen Robert Wilcox

...until today. The last place she had seen him was in the very
spot he stood right now.

* * * *

[Back to Table of Contents]

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


Chapter Two

"What are you doing here?" Shana asked, finding herself

back in the present, staring up at the man who had been, up
until now, MIA.

Robert looked at her, his green eyes piercing through her

as they had easily done so many times before. His dark
brown hair clung to his forehead as beads of water dripped
over his nose and down his cheeks. His black buttoned shirt
clung to his chiseled chest while his drenched blue jeans
weighted the leather belt around his waist.

He looked miserable, but he said nothing.
Shana gave him a once-over and shook her head. "Well,

come on in before you die of pneumonia out there."

She stepped back, and Robert came in through the

archway of her house and stood in the foyer while Shana
closed and locked the front door behind him. She walked
toward the kitchen and he followed her, his shoes squeaking
on the freshly waxed floor, leaving small puddles of water as
he went.

She eyed his wet clothes and, for a moment, thought

about offering to throw them in the dryer, but then decided
against it as she wasn't planning to let him stay long enough
for them to dry.

"I about figured you for dead," Shana said as she stood on

her tiptoes to reach the cocoa on the top shelf in the kitchen.
"Something wrong with your cell phone?" she asked, setting

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


down the container and flipping off the lid. "Because I'm quite
sure I've sent a few messages your way with no response."

Robert remained silent with his eyes locked on her. He

looked down at himself, perhaps to assess how ridiculous he
must look in his sopping wet clothes. Shana watched as he
seemed to absentmindedly pull his shirt from his pants and
begin to wring its tails onto the floor. A quick glance at the
wide-eyed look on Shana's face gave him pause. She knew he
was very familiar with her "I wish you would!" look, and
relenting, let his wrinkled, wet shirt fall over the top of his

"Cat got your tongue, or am I getting the silent

treatment?" Shana asked as she stepped closer to him and
narrowed her eyes.

Still nothing. His silence was almost deafening. She

stepped back a bit to take him all in. His drenched hair, his
pale skin from the cold downpour he didn't seem to care he'd
gotten caught in, and the intense look in his eyes made her
think something was seriously wrong.

"Robert, what are you doing her—?"
Her words were cut off by the weight of his body pressing

hers against the refrigerator door, his lips claiming hers in a
way so foreign, and yet so familiar at the same time. His wet
clothes pressed against her body felt hot at first, then cold as
the dampness permeated her dress.

His kiss was powerful. His tongue felt divine as it paved

the way through its old stomping grounds, teasing at her lips
in one moment, then quietly consuming her mouth in the

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


Shana's knees weakened beneath her, and she was certain

she would have hit the ground if not for the luck of being
sandwiched between the fridge and the sexiest man she'd
ever known.

Robert's mouth released hers, and Shana's knees

strengthened just in time to prevent her toppling to the floor.
Her eyes fluttered open, and all she could see were his
emerald green eyes staring back at her.

"I've missed you," Robert said at last, interrupting Shana's

erotic trance. Those were the first words he had uttered since
he stepped through her front door almost ten minutes ago.
Hell, those were the first words she had heard from him in
over a year. She felt his cold, damp hand glide over her skin,
brushing at the dress strap that now hung just off the soft
curve of her shoulder.

Shana shuddered and licked her lips, still tasting him on

her flesh. She did have words for him, and all she had to do
was clear her mind and enunciate, but that was all a lot easier
said than done. She hated how easy it was for him to throw
her off kilter.

"If I remember correctly, you're the one who left me,

Robert," she said as she pulled the spaghetti strap of her
dress back over her shoulder. "So you don't get to show up at
my doorstep like some lovesick schoolboy and pretend like
everything's okay." She looked up at him and folded her arms
in front of her.

"I know," he said. His eyes seemed to plead with hers.

"Forgive me, Shana. I had some things that needed to be
taken care of. The last thing in the world I ever wanted to do

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


was hurt you." His hand quickly snaked up the front of her
dress. His cool fingers pressed at the stiffening bulb between
her thighs. Shana squealed and pushed him away.

"Robert!" she cried as she backed away from him in shock.
The look of embarrassment on his face told her he was just

as surprised by his actions as she was. It appeared
instinctive. When they had been together, Shana was used to
him touching her in this way, but now it seemed inappropriate
and she was very well aware he knew it too.

"Fuck, I'm sorry, Shana. I didn't mean to... You have to

know that."

She tried to brush past him and get back over to the

counter, but he caught her arm with his hand and leaned in.
His wet hair was still releasing droplets of water that seemed
to sizzle as it pelted her skin.

"Please don't walk away from me, Shana," he whispered.

"I just want to talk."

She froze, feeling his hot breath on her neck. Dammit, he

was fine. It had been a long and painful journey, but she
believed she had gotten over him and was happy living her
life without the constant reminder of not waking up next to
his warm body, feeling his expert hands over her flesh, and
his kisses that sparked a thousand-and-one wet dreams. Eros
was toying with her, and Shana felt she was now this close to
succumbing to Robert's whims all over again.

It didn't help that he knew her as well as he did. It was

nothing but an advantage to him to be able to reduce her to
putty in his hands in an instant. He was good at it, and they

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


both knew it. There was no contest. Robert won this battle
every time.

She gave him the benefit of the doubt and hiked herself up

onto the kitchen counter, figuring it was smart to keep a safe
distance from his mounting advances. She folded her arms in
front of her again and waited for him to speak.

Robert turned to face her. He walked toward the counter

and rested his hand on her thigh. "I wanted to call you,
Shana. Believe me. You have no idea how much I've thought
about you over the past year. The hardest thing I've ever
done was walk away from you that night."

"So you just decided to show up at my doorstep and

pretend like nothing happened?"

Robert looked down at his shoes and rubbed his hand

along her outer thigh. He didn't seem to have an answer for

"How do you even know I'm not seeing someone, Robert?"
The thought apparently hadn't occurred to him. His gaze

met hers again with wide, expectant eyes. "Are you?"

Shana looked away and pursed her lips. "That's none of

your business, is it?" They both knew that was a "no," and
Robert looked relieved. He smiled, and his hand slowly
navigated north to her hip and rested there.

"I know you're angry with me. You have every right to be.

I just needed to tell you, in person, that I'm sorry. It couldn't
be helped."

She could feel his fingers pinching into her flesh as his

eyes darkened. Shana recognized this look. He wanted her.
The desire in his eyes was unmistakable, and his hand

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


seemed to tremble on her hip as though it was taking all the
strength he had not to ravish her where she sat. He leaned in
closer until their lips were just a breath apart.

"I know I have no right to expect your forgiveness, Shana.

Just tell me what to do, and I'll do it." His face was sincere,
and his eyes pleaded for mercy.

The feeling of his hot breath on her skin was captivating.

When he leaned in even closer and let his lips brush along the
side of her neck, Shana shuddered. His lips moved to capture
her earlobe, and all at once, she was lost. That was the one
thing she couldn't resist and they both knew it. She always
went weak when he nibbled her ear, and apparently, he
hadn't forgotten it.

Almost as if by instinct, Shana's hand reached between his

thighs. The fondly remembered rigidness beneath her fingers
aroused her almost to the point of insanity. She wondered
how long he'd been hard. Was it just now, since the first kiss,
or from the moment he'd walked through the door? The feel
of his hands sliding up her dress once again—this time
unabated—brought her back into the moment. His fingers
slipped past the soft material of her panties and caressed her
clit as wetness wept from her folds. His fingers teased at her
opening as her hand freed its plaything from the confines of
his wet jeans. The hot, silky feel of him in her hands again
sent goose pimples all over her body.

All at once, Shana felt consumed. Robert's breath came

out in hard, audible gasps, and his hands maniacally
assaulted her body, pulling and rubbing at cloth and skin,
seeming desperate to cover every inch of her at once. His

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


sense of urgency was frightening and exhilarating at the same

The next thing she felt was the thin fabric of her panties

being snatched from her body and discarded to the floor.
Robert pulled Shana forward on the counter and positioned
himself at her opening. He lifted her leg up and rested it in
the crease of his arm. Their eyes met as he pushed inside
her, taking her breath away with his entry.

Robert moved in and out of her with excruciating slowness,

his mouth devouring her neck with every entry. Shana could
do little more than throw her head back and close her eyes
amidst the mind-numbing sensations running through her.
She had honestly forgotten how good it felt to be with him, to
have him inside of her like this, and she hated him like hell
for reminding her.

She hated herself for just letting him walk into her house

after more than a year and take her this way. Who the fuck
did he think he was? And why did he think he had some sort
of endless and unspoken claim on her body? That she would
just be here, legs spread and ready, whenever he felt the
need to have her? These thoughts raced in and out of her
mind, continually being pushed aside by the exquisite feel of
his cock inside her body. He knew how to push her buttons,
and above all, he knew how to make her body come alive,
how to make her beg for him. The bastard, she thought. She
just wished she had the strength to reject him.

No words were spoken while their bodies united again and

again. Pants, grunts, and sighs escaped them as they
struggled in vain to become one. Robert dug his fingers deep

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


into her hips, holding her steady as he plunged into her, his
body rocking hers back and forth on the counter as he did.
The container of cocoa had been knocked aside and spilled
onto the floor long ago, much to the relative indifference to
them both.

Shana wrapped her arms tight around Robert's neck,

pushing her clothed bosom to his waiting and hungry mouth.
She ran her fingers through his wet hair, and her legs locked
themselves like a vise around his lower back.

Robert settled his arms beneath both her legs and lifted

her up off the counter. She squealed in response, but their
bodies remained connected. She held on tight as he continued
to fill her, his shaft sliding in and out of her with incredible
strength as he held her up against his waist. Shana pumped
her hips, feeling him impossibly deep inside her. As she felt
her climax begin to rip through her, she quivered at first, then
spasmed and gripped Robert even tighter around the neck.
She stiffened and came hard. What little breath hadn't yet
escaped her was used to scream her cries of pleasure as she
rocketed to the stars.

Shana's orgasm sparked his, and he came with her. He

backed up against the refrigerator for support. She felt his
knees weakening beneath them, but this only made him hold
her tighter, giving no indication he would ever let her go. His
arms wrapped around her so tightly he nearly squeezed the
last breath from her as his seed flooded her inner walls. She
felt him shudder with each spurt until he had emptied himself
inside her and had no more left to give.

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


The sighs and moans subsided, and Robert slipped himself

from between her folds. He set her down to the floor. The tips
of her toes reached first before she settled back to the heels
of her feet. She stumbled, her legs still too weak to hold her
up on their own. She leaned against him for support, but also
for warmth. The removal of his body from hers made her feel
cold and empty inside. Robert pulled her close and planted a
soft kiss on her damp forehead.

Once she had a chance to compose herself, she readjusted

her dress and brushed her hair back from her face. She
focused her attention on Robert for a moment, still feeling his
wetness seeping from between her thighs.

"Is that what you came here for?" she asked, all of a

sudden finding herself biting back anger. She was angry at
him and herself. She was angry at him for being there, and
she was angry at herself for allowing him to be. She realized
she had enough fury welling inside of her for the both of

"No," he said simply. He adjusted his clothing and tucked

himself back inside his pants.

"Then why are you here?" she asked again, this time

through clenched teeth.

Confronted once again with silence, Shana was sure he

was toying with her. She turned to walk away, but was
startled when he captured her firmly by the arm and drew her
into his chest. She tried to pull away, but he wouldn't allow it.
He held her there until her struggles quieted. He held her
tight for a moment, maybe two, until her resolve finally
weakened, and she wept in his arms.

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


* * * *

[Back to Table of Contents]

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


Chapter Three

A half-hour had passed, maybe more. Shana couldn't be

sure. All she knew was that the two of them had not spoken
another word the whole time. They stood in silence in the
kitchen. She was still wrapped in Robert's arms as he rocked
them both into a quiet trance. Hypnotized by the rhythmic
beating of his heart, she felt she could drift off to sleep in the
peaceful bliss they inhabited.

The sudden cry of the dryer ending its cycle brought them

back into the moment. Both Shana and Robert jumped,
startled. She pushed herself from his arms and headed
toward the source of the noise. She was dizzy from the
sudden movement, yet somehow relaxed, more so than she
had been in quite a while.

Walking away from him and feeling a sudden flush of

goose pimples, Shana shuddered. She looked down and
realized the front of her dress had been dampened by his wet
clothes. She had forgotten that Robert had been drenched
when he walked in the door. She tugged momentarily at the
front of her dress, then abandoned the thought as she walked

* * * *

Robert's mind raced with what he thought Shana might be

thinking. He had no ill intentions when he'd walked through
that door. He did miss her, he knew that, but he'd had no
idea how much until he saw her again. The thought that he

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


would be standing in her kitchen buried deep inside her had
never even occurred to him. He had no legitimate reason to
believe she would let him back in her life. It was just that
seeing her once more, being in her presence and inhaling her
scent, stirred a hunger in him he hadn't felt in a very long
time. It wasn't manipulation. It was pure desire in its rawest
form. She always had this effect on him and, somehow, he
had forgotten that.

The irony was that now that his mind was unburdened—

now that he wasn't as consumed with lust as he had been
when he'd first walked into her house—he found he had little
to say. He'd had everything rehearsed when he left his house.
He'd practiced it on the walk to Shana's. Even in the pouring
rain, he'd been certain how things were going to go down. He
would talk with her, tell her how much he missed her, and he
wasn't above begging. He'd calculated it as an inevitability.

He wanted the words to burst forth like water from a

crumbling dam when he saw her and he hadn't planned to let
her get a word in edgewise. But, things hadn't worked out
quite like he planned. Robert had no idea how much his body
had missed her, needed her. He'd forgotten that in her
presence, he had no self-control. All of his emotions came out
in deeds instead of words and, now, his mind was blank. He
couldn't remember what it was he wanted to say.

All he could think about was the sight of those tears that

had welled in her eyes. The last thing he wanted to do was
hurt her. He just wanted to be close to her—have her need
him as much as he needed her. Now that her warmth was
gone again, he found himself missing it more than ever.

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


* * * *

She was pulling the hot pillows from the dryer when she

felt one of them being tugged from her arms, then the other.
Robert walked over and placed them on the nook beneath the
bay window where they belonged. She was amazed that he
remembered where they went. Shana always left her bay
windows open, and it was far from the first time those pillows
had seen the inside of the dryer—especially during the spring
months. Robert was familiar with the routine, and she
gathered he did it automatically. She smiled to herself before
brushing the thought from her mind and closing the dryer

Shana joined him in the den, where they both stood

staring out the window at the continued downpour flooding
the outdoors.

"How have you been?" Robert finally asked. Shana cut her

eyes sharply in his direction, but was too angry to look him in
the face. Robert looked down at his feet and groaned. "I
mean—" He rubbed the back of his neck before continuing.
"You know what I mean. How are you, Shana?"

Her gaze returned to the window, and she let out a pained

sigh before answering. "I thought I was doing just fine until
now." She plopped herself down on the pillow on the nook's
far right, feeling the heat permeate her dress and reach her
skin with a stinging sensation. It passed as soon as it came.

Robert shifted on his feet, making the hardwood floor

beneath him creak with the sudden movement. He stepped

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


closer to her, then sat down opposite her in the nook. Shana
never took her eyes from the window.

"I'm sorry."
She looked at him this time. Her expression was stern, but

less so than just a second ago. She was glad to hear the
words, but she wasn't sure for which infraction he was
apologizing—his sudden abandonment a year ago after she
had proclaimed her love for him, for showing up at her house
with no warning, or for blatantly seducing her on the kitchen
counter. She thought about asking, but realized it didn't really
matter. She wasn't prepared to forgive him for any of it. At
least that's what she told herself. Again, her gaze stole to the
window beside her. "You still never answered my question."

"I'm here for you, Shana. Isn't that obvious by now?" He

chuckled at this, but her expression didn't change. "Shana,
honestly, you have to believe me when I say that you're all
I've thought about for the past year." He reached out to grab
her hand, but she wouldn't give it to him. "I came here
hoping we could pick up where we left off." He reached for
her hand again and, this time, ignored her protests. He ran
his fingers across the back of her hand and continued. "I
meant what I said earlier. I do miss you, more than you can
imagine. I came here hoping that the feeling was mutual." He
kissed her hand. "And now I know it is."

Shana abruptly turned toward him again. How dare he

make such an assumption? But she knew he was right just as
much as he did. It would be stupid to protest the statement
after what had just transpired between the two of them. She
had spent so many nights wishing he was lying beside her.

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


She thought she had gotten over him, but as soon as she'd
heard his signature ring, she knew it was all a lie.

"Why did you leave?" she asked suddenly.
"Does it matter now?"
"Of course it matters, Robert!" Her voice trembled behind

her words. "How could you just walk away like that?"

"Would it sound too cliche if I said it was partly because I

was scared?"

Shana's hurt expression turned cold, and she peered out

the window once more. Robert turned her chin toward him

"It's the truth." His eyes bored into hers as he scooted

even closer. "That night...I had the same thought going
through my mind as you did. You were just brave enough to
say it first."

Shana's eyes widened, and her brows furrowed. "Well, why

did you—"

"I couldn't handle it," he said, cutting her off. "I felt the

same way. I just didn't want to. And then there was
Stephen..." Robert paused and cleared his throat.

Although she didn't know why, Shana knew Stephen had

more than a minor problem with his little brother dating, let
alone getting serious about "the black girl," as he called her.
She knew the term he used to describe her was meant to
demean her. She'd brushed it off, though, and had always
assumed Robert had too. She was surprised to hear that
Stephen had gotten to him with his vile contempt. A soft gasp
escaped her lips as Robert continued.

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A Summer Rain

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"...So when you finally said it, it made it more real. It was

as if somehow it didn't exist until it was said. As long as it
was just a thought in my mind, it could be ignored. It wasn't
palpable before then. I just don't know how long it would
have taken me to say it."

"But you were leaving before I said I lo—what I said. Why

would you do that with no explanation?"

Robert sighed. "It's a long and complicated story. We'll

save it for another day, all right?"

No. It wasn't all right. All Shana could think about now was

his older brother. It suddenly bothered her that Stephen was
able to get to Robert like that. What could he have possibly
said to make him second-guess himself? He had always
seemed so confident and in control of his life. To let someone
influence him in such a way felt foreign to her.

"Robert, what did Stephen say that—?"
"I don't want to talk about Stephen," he said, cutting her

off again. The muscles in his jaw clenched, and his eyes grew
darker. Something had happened between the two of them.
Shana was sure of it now. As his grip on her hand tightened,
she wondered whether or not the brothers were even still on
speaking terms. Whatever it was, it intrigued her more than

"I don't want to talk at all anymore." That was the last

thing Shana heard him whisper before she felt his lips on hers
again. His strong hands grasped her waist and slid her and
her pillow toward him while his tongue teased at her lips.

She leaned into his kiss, letting the exotic sensations take

over her senses. Everything was heightened now. She could

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


feel every bud on his tongue as it touched her skin. His
fingers felt like fire as they raked her arms and shoulders.

Robert stood up and dropped his pillow to the floor. He

took Shana by the hand and laid her down there, making sure
her head rested on the warm, soft surface.

In an instant, his hands roamed over her breasts, molding

them beneath his palms like dough, as though he were trying
to create some exotic new cuisine. He pulled at the front of
her dress so that the straps peeled down her shoulders and
exposed the black strapless bra underneath. He pushed her
dress down to her hips and ran his lips along the outline of
her bosom. Shana gasped and dragged her fingers through
his still-damp hair as she pulled him closer to her breasts.

"Robert?" she asked, briefly breaking her glorious erotic


"Hmm?" he groaned as he nibbled on her neck.
"What did Stephen say to you?"
Robert went weak beneath her arms and let out a pained


"Let's not do this right now, Shana. What does it matter?"
"It matters to me." She pulled him from her neck and

looked him in the eyes. He was clearly uninterested. "I want
to know. Please, Robert. Just tell me."

* * * *

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


Chapter Four

Robert sighed again and sat up on his knees in front of

her. He struggled with the idea of telling her the whole sordid
story or just giving her the Cliff's Notes version. Neither
option was ideal, but he knew if he didn't tell her, she'd never
let it go. He thought for a moment about what had happened
and how he wanted to explain it to her...

"Do it, Robert!" Stephen yelled at him from across their

parents' living room

Robert's hand balled into a fist, and he clenched it tight.

He and his brother were always at odds, but this was too
much. He had no right to ask what he was asking. "I am not
breaking up with Shana! Who the hell do you think you are?"

"I'm the law, Robert. It would be ill-advised to tangle with


Robert looked at Stephen in his uniform and struggled to

control his laughter.

"Something funny, little bro?"
Robert regarded the seriousness on his older brother's face

and a twinge of discomfort shot through his body. The
realization that he wasn't kidding was chilling.

"Do whatever the hell you want to me, Stephen. You can't

threaten me, and you certainly can't tell me who I can and
can't date."

"You shouldn't be worried about you, but more about the

black girl." The words jolted Robert, and he looked at his
brother in amazement.

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by Raquel Mulgrew


"Oh, that got your attention, didn't it?" Stephen said,

standing up straighter and smiling

"What are you talking about?"
"Chicago P.D.," Stephen said, pointing to the metal badge

pinned to his blue uniform. Robert understood what his
brother was referring to. The anger on Robert's face made
Stephen chuckle. "That's right, little bro. I can make her life a
living hell. And you
know I'll do it."

Robert's blood boiled in an instant. He rushed his brother

up against the wall, pinning his forearm underneath his chin.
Stephen's face went bright red and an ominous smile formed
across his lips again. While he choked for air, a twenty-year-
old portrait of the two of them fell from the wall and crashed
to the floor.

"You lay one fucking finger on Shana and I swear to God,


"What? What are you going to do to me, huh?" Stephen

rested his hand on the police-issued firearm still in the holster
strapped around his waist. Robert looked down at it and
backed off.

Through it all, Stephen was still smiling. He knew he had

the upper hand, and it was understood that things were to go
his way. He let go of the gun in its holster and let down his

The sudden blow to his jaw seemed to startle him at first,

then he doubled over in pain as blood trickled from his lips.
Stephen spit it out a pink, bubbly wad on the floor. "Oh, good
one, Bobby. Just like I taught you. You've got to have the
element of surprise."

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by Raquel Mulgrew


"How the hell did you get like this, Stephen?" Robert

asked, nursing the knuckles on his right hand.

Stephen just laughed and spit on the floor again.
"Thank good ol' Dad, Bobby. I'm just looking out for you,

is all."

"Well, I can take care of myself."
Stephen was finally able to stand up straight against the

wall again. He rubbed at his aching jaw and stared back at
Robert. The look in his eyes suggested there was no debate
here. "The choice is yours, my friend. You do whatever you
feel is best—and I'll do the same. If that's the way Dad wants
it, that's the way it will be. Besides, how do you think it looks
for the family with you going around town with that black girl,
huh? We're the fucking laughingstock of the neighborhood!"

"What are you talking about? What era do you live in? You

and Dad are the only ones who have a problem with it, and I
suggest you get over it. You're not going to touch her, and
neither will anyone else," he said, walking toward the front

"You sure about that?"
Robert turned to face him. Their eyes met with all the

determination of gunslingers at a standoff. Robert wasn't sure
about his brother anymore. Over the past two years, he had
turned into someone he didn't recognize. Something had
happened to Stephen since he'd joined the force, and Robert
was suddenly afraid for Shana.

But even with all the hate and ignorance spewing from

Stephen, Robert understood his dilemma and, in all honesty,
it wasn't fair of Robert to ask of Stephen what he was asking.

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by Raquel Mulgrew


Both of their requests were unreasonable, and there seemed
to be no middle ground. It was a slippery slope, and the fact
that the two of them never got along in the first place just
made things messier than they needed to be.

Robert finally turned away and walked out the door. He

didn't know what, if anything, Stephen was capable of, but he
couldn't take any chances with Shana's life. He would see her
tonight, and it might be the last time he would for a while.

* * * *

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


Chapter Five

Shana lay there with her hand covering her mouth. She

knew Stephen had had it in for her, but she'd never known
how far he was willing to go.

"That's why I didn't want to tell you. You didn't need to

know that."

She knew that Robert could see the fear in her eyes as he

reached for her hand and grasped it tightly. His soft,
reassuring kiss on her cheek did little to comfort her.

"Let's just say we won't have to worry about Stephen


"But it doesn't make sense. What did Stephen have against

me so much that he was willing to hurt his own brother?"

"What is it that makes everyone do crazy things?"
Shana looked up at him and furrowed her brow.
"Money," Robert said between planting soft kisses on her

neck. "That's what it's always about, isn't it?"

Shana shook her head in confusion. "What money?"
"Dad's inheritance. Stephen wasn't the only one who had a

problem with my seeing you. Stephen didn't approve, but he
wouldn't have given a shit had our dad not changed his will to
stipulate that unless I found a more 'suitable' mate, neither I
nor Stephen would see a dime of his money."

Of course that changed the stakes for Stephen, Shana

thought. He probably wouldn't have cared if Robert was cut
out of the will, but him too? Now everything started to make

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Robert finished unbuttoning his shirt, slid the damp cloth

off his shoulders and threw it onto the floor next to them. He
kissed her lips, then paused.

"What kind of man would pit his only two sons against

each other just to get what he wanted?"

Shana knew the question was rhetorical, but answered

anyway. "An asshole."

Robert laughed.
"Don't be," he consoled. "He was."
"Shhh," Robert said as he claimed her lips again and then

slowly migrated toward her ear. Shana knew this gesture was
intended to end the conversation, but for the first time ever,
it didn't work.

"Your father...?"
"Yes," he murmured between nibbles on her lobe.
"I'm so sorry, Robert."
"I'm not, and neither should you be. Like you said, he was

an asshole. I don't think anyone would argue with that. He
was a rich, eccentric, crazy old man, and the only one in the
world who'll miss him is Uncle Sam." The words came out soft
and feathery in her ear. It tickled, and she winced in

"But how can you be sure Stephen won't come back?"
"You know, I don't remember you doing this much talking

during lovemaking before. Is this something I'm going to
have to look forward to? Because it really kind of sucks ass."

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by Raquel Mulgrew


Shana's expression was stern and worried. Robert sighed

and continued.

"He has nothing to come back for. He not only got his half

of Dad's inheritance, but he got mine too."

"How did he get your half?" Shana asked incredulously.
"I gave it to him," he said matter-of-factly.
"Robert!" Shana sat up, upset and startled. Her wide-eyed

amazement made him chuckle.

"Don't look so surprised. It was the best investment I ever

made, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

"Robert, how much money did you—?"
"Don't ask. It doesn't matter, and you don't want to know.

All that's important is that we'll never see him again. Last I
heard, he was on his way to Rio de Janeiro or someplace
similar. Good riddance—and no more talking."

Shana lay down again and was quiet for a moment as she

stared up at the ceiling. Things were much more complicated
for Robert than she'd originally thought, and she was struck
with a sudden flood of guilt for despising him all this time. It
hadn't occurred to her that his reasons for walking away that
night may have been justified. Now, to learn that he had
walked away from an obscene inheritance just to be with her
again humbled her. His feelings for her ran deeper than she
had ever imagined. It was almost unbelievable.

Just then, her mind flicked to the incredible sensation of

Robert's lips sliding up her thighs. Her legs quivered beneath
him as he planted wet kisses on the sensitive skin. Shana
drew in a ragged breath, reveling in the feeling of his hands
and mouth on her body once again.

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by Raquel Mulgrew


She felt her legs being pushed open wider as his mouth

devoured her pussy. Shana gasped, and her body nearly lifted
off the floor. All thoughts of Robert's predicament
disappeared from her mind in an instant. Her thighs squeezed
together as her hands pushed his hungry mouth farther into
her heat, her torso twisting beneath his expert tongue.

"Robert ...please!" She gasped as she felt her soul

abandon her and float up to the stars with her release.

Shana lay panting and dazed beneath Robert as he slung

off his pants and mounted himself between her thighs. He
nestled his cock at her opening and claimed her mouth with
his. She could taste her juices on his lips, slick and pungent.
It had been a long time since she had experienced the taste
of her arousal on his tongue. The sensation was sweet and
sexy, and she couldn't get enough.

* * * *

Robert was ready to be inside her once more. With one

swift and deliberate thrust, he was home again. Even though
he had just taken her not more than an hour ago, it seemed
like it had been forever since he had last been united with
her. One minute without her seemed like an eternity. His hips
pushed forcefully into hers, and he held himself poised there,
pinning her wrists above her head. She gasped and writhed
beneath him, beautiful and waiting for his first withdrawal. He
leaned forward and consumed her mouth, impaling her to the
floor. It all felt like heaven, and he didn't want to leave.

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by Raquel Mulgrew


He started his first painstaking withdrawal from her

furnace. His intense and deliberate movement heightened
their arousal and shook them both to their core.

Each time his cock sunk into her, it felt like it was bringing

his whole body with it. Her walls clutched at his manhood as if
holding on to the only life it knew. He could feel his soul
sinking into her depths along with his body, and he didn't
want it to end.

Robert lifted her legs onto his shoulders and leaned

forward, pushing her knees up against her chest. His hips
surged into her, sending them both into a delirious world of

The rain pelting the window seemed louder somehow in

the quiet of the den. Soft sighs and uncontrollable grunts
briefly preceded the sounds of their mutual climax, hijacking
their bodies over and over again. Day gave way to night as
they lay together for hours, reconnecting their physical and
emotional selves. The time they'd spent apart had seemed far
too long, and they had an eternity of catching up to do.

Deep into the wee hours of the night, Shana and Robert

lay together on the floor beside the bay window. Unable to
move and in a complete state of carnal bliss, Robert sighed.
They had long since lost track of the number of times they'd
made love. But right now, their bodies were still connected as
he lay in bliss, relishing the thought of being with Shana
again. He had his woman back, and that was the most
important thing in the world to him.

* * * *

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"I love you," Robert whispered in her ear. Shana's heart

fluttered, and she smiled as they lay entwined in each other's
bodies. The rain still tap danced on the bay window beside
them, but all they heard was the beating of their hearts.

* * * *

The End

* * * *

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A Summer Rain

by Raquel Mulgrew


About the Author

Also known as StolenTurtle of Literotica fame, Raquel

Mulgrew was born in Michigan but now lives in San Diego,
California. She's been an avid reader and writer since a very
young age and has written numerous short stories and
screenplays and is currently working on two novels. She loves
to read, write, travel, and fix computers. She has an
insatiable affinity for the detail and sensuality of erotic fiction.

You can contact Raquel at her website,

www.raquelmulgrew.com, or e-mail her at


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