Diana Palmer Leather and Silk

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Palmer Morning call


When Erin left to Ty Wade, it swore that never it would return.

Because of him it had ruined its life, his carrera... and there was lost the
son who hoped. The one that once was a famous one model envuelta in
silk embroiders, as soon as it could make the task of reuniting the pieces
that were of their life.

And now Ty it wanted that it returned. How enfrentarse to the man

would obtain she to whom more it hated in the world, to a man with ice

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The casualty department of the hospital she was full, but the man who finished entering

did not see nor the children who they gimoteaban nor to the innumerable adults who jammed the
waiting room. It took the shirt to means to button, and it had not had time to shave itself nor
of to peinar itself.

One stopped before the writing-desk to a side of the entrance, and its expression was

enough so that nurse paid attention immediately to him.

-- Yes? him it asked with courtesy.

--Me it called police to warn me that they brought my brother here. Its name is Brushes

Wade -- he with voice sharp answered, incapable to control his impatience.

--Lo took to surgery -- the --, doctor answered the nurse after consulting the compu-

tadora Lawson made the admission. A little while, please.

The nurse he raised the earpiece of the telephone, pressed a button and he murmured

something, while Tyson Wade crossed the corridor from top to bottom. The chaqueta of skin
did to seem high still more of which it was, and the hat of wide wing of clear color it offered an
alive resistance with his face that seemed carved in leather and stone. Everything had been so
normal that day... It was working with accounting books, shuffling the possibility of selling
several of his pure blood Santa Gertrudis, when the telephone sounded. Brush had to be well, it
thought. It had waited for too much time to make the peace with its brother minor, but surely
that still would be time. It must have it.

A man dress of green entered the room, taking off the mask and the cap to to approach


-- Mr. Wade? it asked to him.

Ty took a step towards him.

-- How it is my brother?

The doctor went to begin to speak but he interrupted himself to lead Ty to a small one

empty room.

--Lo I feel -- it said then with smoothness --. There were too many internal damages. We

lost it.

Ty did not move nor a single muscle. It had years of practice in hiding and pain,

maintaining his feelings always under control. A man with an aspect like his no the luxury could
be allowed to show them, so it was of foot, immovable, studying the round face of the doctor
while in it touched to assimilate the fact from which never it would return to see his brother
whom as of that moment it was single, completely single.

-- He was fast? -- it asked the aim.

The doctor he agreed.

-- It was already unconscious when they brought it and at no moment it returned to

recover conscience.

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--Me they said that there was another car involved in the same accident. There are more


--No. The other vehicle was one of those enormous trucks and as soon as it had some

dents. His brother lead a convertible one, and when giving one vuelta, did not have any

Ty had tried to speak to him to It brushes of the danger that that car involved, but

without success. Any advice who came from his brother greater era inmediatamente rejected.
That was one of the consequences of the divorce of its parents. Brush he had been bred by its
mother and Ty by its father, and the diferencias in his education was overwhelming, even
before the eyes of extraño.

The doctor him he gave a stock market with the personal effects of Brushes: the

destroyed clothes, handful of currencies, some keys and I wrap with hundreds of dollars. Ty it
watched without seeing them before returning to put them in stock-market.

-- it only had twenty-eight years -- it said with calm voice.

-- Siento that we have not been able to save it -- doctor Lawson repeated sincerely.

Ty agreed, lost in its own memories.

--Ni he himself it could have been saved. Quick cars, easy women, alcohol... They said to

me that he was not ebrio -- added, fixing its gray eyes to the doctor.

The doctor Lawson moved the head.

-- Soli'a to drink too much -- Ty continued, watching stock-market --. I tried to quitar

the idea to him of that convertible car. I said thousand times to it.

--Si you are a religious man, Mr. Wade, I can say to him that I believe in the acts of God,

and this he was one of them.

Ty looked for eyes of the doctor, and after a minute, agreed.

It followed raining when it left. It did too much cold for the month of noviembre in

Texas, but Ty not even noticed it. All that haste, why? In order to arrive too much late. All its
life, with respect to Brushes, had arrived late.

It could not to let itself to the idea think about its brother and know it dead. Both they

looked like rather physically. Both had the dark hair and the clear eyes, but those of their
brother were bluer than gray. It was six years younger than he, of smaller stature, more
adventurous and more mimado. For It brushes everything had been easy and always it had
counted with excess of attention on the part of its mother. Ty it had been educated by his
father, a ranchero cold and practitioner; a man who he considered to the women like a simple
weakness and that inculcó in him that same idea. It was ironic that had been indeed Erin that
was moved away to It brushes of the farm and him.

Erin. Ty it closed the eyes momentarily, imagining it smiling, corriendo towards him with

its black and straight hair falling to him by the back, its face flooded of green and shining joy,
its eyes, and could not avoid moaning. One leaned against the car to ignite a cigarette. The
flame of the lighter accentuated its pómulos already too much marked, their nose aquilina and
the prominencia of his chin. There was nothing in its face that could attract a woman, and no he

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it it knew, and perhaps the reason that was that in primer moment it had attacked as much to
Erin. It was model. Brush conoció near San Antonio and it took to the farm to spend a weekend.
Ty remained in the recibidor watching it, immovable, until the joy of the expresión of the girl
was becoming uncertainty and finally, desilusión.

She was so beautiful... A turned illusion in fact. All the most secret dreams of Ty they

found in that perfect body and face exquisitamente carved. Then Brush surrounded it by
shoulders, watching it encantado, and Ty remained cold in his interior. Erin had belonged to
Brushes from the first moment, and the Lucia like a prize that had won and that it wanted to
restregar to him in the nose to his older brother.

Ty aspired deeply. ¡How long it seemed to have happened from all that! first encounter,

the long week ends in which Erin went to the farm and slept in the room of guests for "keeping
apariencias --. Conchita, her master of keys, had taken him affection inmediatamente and
mimaba in excess, doing uproar to his around corno a broody hen, and to Erin that it enchanted
to him. His father had died and her mother was in a constant going and to come between Europe
and America. About many things, Ty, the life of the girl thought it had been so empty of love as
the hers own one.

It returned a to take the cigarette to the mouth and soon let save one thick smoke cloud

while before its eyes, nailed in the empty parking, they followed marching past the memories.
One had been against Erin from the beginning, annoying it, making feel it most uncomfortable
possible, and it had itself let deceive by that appearance until one night cold and dark Brushes
she had that to leave to solve an urgent subject. Erin and Ty remained single in house, and it
returned to annoy it.

It remembered with clearness the expression of the green eyes when after it slapped it,

it took it with abruptness between his arms and he kissed until leaving it it without breathing.
But the greater surprise was the one of Ty when it passed the hands to him by the nape of the
neck and it was hung of his body as if outside hiedra, looking for again its lips.

Everything had be as a dream. Its mouth as a mature and carnosa strawberry, its firm

body against his, the cushions in front of the chimney, their deep respiración and quiet when
undressing it and caressing its sines... It not even had tried to stop it. Ty remembered the
timbre of its voice susurrando to him words candies while their hands caressed the back to him.

It tightened teeth. It did not know, could not have imagined that it was virgen. Never it

would forget the tormented shade its voice, the fear that found in its eyes to to watch
surprised it. It tried to stop, although the disagreement prevented him to think, but it
prevented it. "Not", it had whispered to him. It was already too much late to stop. Badly already
he was done, and it continued poniendo in it all its care not to do more damage to him, but was
not able to give him to please. Before being able to try it again, before there was podido to
show to him their tenderness, heard the car of Brushes approaching the house. And then, with
reality, arrived all the doubts, all the escondidos fears and it lay down to laugh, tormenting it by
the form in which rendido was had before him. "Márchate", ordered to him, "if you do not want
that it goes to him with story a Brush ". And it gathered her clothes, altered and trembly. Ty

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saw it leave room with the tears rolling to him by the cheeks and, like in one pesadilla, the pain
seemed to open the chest to him, but he was too proud to give march back and to apologize, to
explain what it had felt and the reason to him of having to him lain on its intentions. To the
following morning, very temprano, Erin it marched.

Never brush was pardoned it. The happened thing in its absence had imagined and

followed Erin it stops to remove the truth to him. On the following day, also it left rancho and
one went away to live with a friend to San Antonio. Erin left to New York to continue with his
race, and the image of its face harassed to Ty from brilliants carried of the magazines.

The memory of that night also it had persecuted it from entonces. To have it between his

arms had been the paradise, but at the same time, it would have given opportunity him to Erin to
realize the vulnerable thing that was él before her. It was so beautiful... too beautiful to pay
attention to a as robust man as he and so inexpert in the love. The advice of their father sona-
ban time and time again in his head like a revenge. That woman was of Brushes, not hers. Never
it could to have it, so he would be better to let march it.

But before to leave the farm, Brushes got even saying to him that Erin hated it reason

why it had done to him, and that its "clumsy manoseos when doing to him the love" him they had
made sick. Ty felt so humiliated that one drank botella finds out of tequila that sank it in a deep
lethargy during two days.

Erin returned to the farm two months later with the intention to speak with him, with It

does not brush. In that moment, it was removing a mare from the establos when he saw it to
appear in a small sport car, very similar to which would lead to Brushes a the death six months

I have to speak with you -- the young person with his smooth and clear voice said. -- What

we could speak you and I?

--Si you wanted to listen to me... -- she continued she, watching it with a strange request

in its green ones eyes.

Against its will, Ty felt irremediably attracted towards Erin, that watched it of foot,

dressed in a suit green color that was fitted tempting to all its curves while the wind caressed
the hombros to him with its own hair.

--No you are one vision, right? -- he with mocking tone asked the time that their eyes

slipped by the feminine body -- How many men you have had since you left here?

-- None... -- she with trembly voice answered, as if she had not waited for the attack --

she does not have there are none, except you.

Ty loosen one outburst of laughter, but their eyes followed as cold as the metal.

-- Good lover you looked for. Limítate to clear the eyes to him of above to Brushes. It can

be that my plan has exploded to me in the hands, but still I can avoid that it marries with you. I
do not want to have to anybody like you in my family. Any woman of the street it would seem a
virgin, compared with your mother, and your father was not more than timador that died in the
jail. Me enfermaría to have presentarte in ours circle of friendships.

Erin it waned, and their eyes lost the smoothness.

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--No I can to change to my parents, but you must listen to me. Aquella night...

-- What happened? -- he asked, pretending boredom --. It had planned seducirte for later

to say it to it to Brushes, but you were yourself and no longer he was necesario, so, subject
concluded -- espetó, while it ignited a cigarette not to watch it --. You were not more than heat
of one night, affection. And he was suficiente.

The eyes of the young person filled of tears, and he felt as if they clavaran a knife to

him in the entrails. After all, it was this whole to Brushes, no?

-- What sacrifice had of being for you -- she in voice low and angustiada --. commented I

suppose that I was a great disappointment.

-- I am of agreement. It was a total defeat. Why you have come here, entonces? Brush no

longer it comes, and you do not make me think that you did not know it.

--No I am looking for It brushes -- it exploded --Oh, Ty! I have not seen it since I left

here. It is to you whom I have come to see. I have decirte something...

-- Tengo to occupy to me of the animals interrupted he to him --. Márchate.

The eyes green they lost the light completely, and Erin watched it during a moment, but

to the aim it gave average return and one left.

—¡A little while! -- he shouted.

She it returned with hope.

-- Yes?

Ty smiled mocking, delivering an attack not to be debilitated.

--Si you have come to see because you want another tumble to me in the hay, the mare

could hope a little more. It can that you have improved from última time.

Erin closed the eyes.

-- How you can to speak to me, Tyson thus? -- it whispered, and when opening the eyes it

let again glimpse one it distresses so deep that Ty had to separate my road --. How you are
able? Oh, God, you do not know that I much...!

Ty was a point to forget its mancillado pride and to run towards her. Their feet initiated

the movement, but suddenly Erin gave average return and left fleeing towards his car, started
up it and advanced way down at full speed. It followed car with the eyes until it was lost of
Vista. Later, only it was left the emptiness, the cold and the solitude.

That was the last time that Ty saw Erin Scott. And now It brushes was dead. They would

have continued seeing they two? Brush had not commented it. Good, the truth is that as soon as
they had been spoken during those months. That also hurt to him. Lately, it seemed to hurt
everything almost to him.

It extinguished cigarette with the foot. It had to prepare the funeral. The companion did

not know if of apartment of He brushes had found out the happened thing, so one put in the car
and went towards there. It would make speak him well of its brother with somebody that was
well-known, somebody that could say to him if It brushes was it pardoned to move away to Erin
of its side. It was almost one necesidad of acquittal, but Tyson Wade never would have
admitted it. Not even before itself.

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The companion of apartment of He brushes, Sam Harris, she was a timid economist, a man

so pleasant as always it he had been He brushes. A glass when Ty was being taken it entered the

--Lo I feel much -- it said --. sincerely I finish finding out by the television. God, how I

feel it. Brush was a wonderful type.

-- Yes -- it answered Ty, and after hiding to the hands in the pockets of his pantalón,

threw a look to the small apartment. There was nothing no special that indicase that It brushes
had lived there, except a small photography of Erin in suit of bath on one small table.

-- Poor man -- Sam commented, seating in the sofa with the glass between hands --. It

adored to that girl, but she never let it approach --y señalando with the head towards bed,
added --: There is a full letter box that it gave back to him.

To Ty him the heart paralyzed.

-- Letters?

-- Yes -- it answered Sam, removing the box. There were dozens, all of Brushes dirigidas

to Erin. All without opening. There was also a letter of her to him. He was very recent, and it
had been opened.

--Se returned crazy person when receiving it -- Sam explained -- I do not have myself

bold to read it. After to find out its content, changed. It did not do more than maldecirte. Until
it modified its testament... I was on the verge of llamarte, but in the end I thought that it was
not subject mine. And you already know how it was put Brushes cuando thought that somebody
it betrayed. He was my friend, after all.

Ty watched letters and the stomach rose to him the throat.

-- Also it has some things in that drawer -- Sam indicated, and it became to seat --. I

cannot do to me to the idea that he is dead -- it murmured, ausente -- Tengo the sensation of
which in any moment is going to open the door.

-- When have time, would be thankful to you that empacaras its things -- Ty with serenity

--. requested I will send to look for them.

--Me I will occupy about that, you do not worry. I would like to attend the funeral.

Ty agreed.

-- You can to help to take féretro us if you wish it. It will be in the presbiteriana church

the day after tomorrow. There is no other alive relative, except I.

-- Good, I feel -- Sam repeated.

Ty doubted moment, and later shrank of shoulders.

--Yo also. Good night.

It left house with letters in the hand, more scared of which never it had been in his life.

It gave fear him which could find in them.

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Two hours more late one was in Staghorn, seated in his study, with average bottle of

empty whiskey in a hand and a glass in the other. Its glance was cold and bitter, and the pain
the discovery him had entumecido muscles.

The letters that It brushes had sent to him to Erin were full of love noncorresponded,

exultantes of passion and plans that included them to both. Each one of them it was more
ardent than the previous one, and in all of them there was at least one phrase on that Brushes it
hated him much. But the letter that Erin sent to him, was what it destroyed the heart to him.

"Wanted Brush ", you said, in a delicate and elegant handwriting. "I give back all to You

your letters, and I hope that they help darte tells that I cannot darte what you want of me. You
are a wonderful man, and the woman who marries with you will be very lucky, but I cannot
quererte, Brushes. I have never done it, and never I will be able to do it. Even if the things were
distintas between us two, would be impossible that we maintained any relación because of your
brother ". heart froze to him to Ty when continuing reading. "Although the fault was partly
mine, I cannot pardon to him what it has ocurrido to me. I underwent two operations, one in
order to put a nail to me in pelvis, that I broke myself in the accident and another one stops to
clear it to me. I must walk with muletas and I am full of scars. But perhaps the emotional scars
are even worse, because also I lost the boy in accident...”

¡The boy! Ty it closed the eyes and its body shook of anguish. The letter could not ter-

minar. Erin it had left sudden flight Staghorn, and had had an accident with the car, losing in
him to its son and his race. Everything by its fault. And now It brushes was dead and Erin was
invalid and bitter, hating it, blaming it to him, just as he it blamed to itself. All that hurt to him
like anything in all its life.

Now it knew that Erin had been going to the farm to see it him. It took to a son his in its

entrails and he was going to say it to it, but he did not allow it, but that forced it to leave,
humiliating it. And by her fault, it was lost everything.

That it would persecute during all its life. It had never had nothing was really his, nothing

that to love or that protecting, except Brushes, and his brother had been too independent for
that class of cares. Ty had wished to have somebody to that to mimar, to give things him and to
take care of. It was evidente that Erin had thought to have the boy, his son. Now it
remembered, and it was already too much late, esperanzada expression of its eyes, the dulzura
of its face when announcing: "I have something decirte...”

It left it letter fell to the ground, used another glass as whiskey and it worried it of a

drink, It felt a pressure in the chest that the alcohol would be incapable to smooth.

It followed watching the bottle during a little while, one rose slowly without leaving of to

watch it, and with the pain and the wrath disfiguring its face, starred it in chimney, where the
flames crepitaron.

-- Erin -- it whispered with difficult voice --Oh, God, Erin, perdóname!

The door he opened suddenly, but it did not become.

-- Yes? -- it asked with coldness.

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-- Sir, are you well? Conchita with smoothness asked to him. She was a Spanish of medium

age that had been many years working in the house.

Ty shrank of shoulders.

-- Yes -- it answered.

-- Quiere that it brings something to him to eat?

-- Dile to Jose that I will need five people whom they love to take féretro -- it

responded, after to deny with head --. The companion of apartment of Brushes will be one.

-- Yes Sir. It already spoke with the priest?

--Lo I did to to return to house.

-- It is surely of which it does not want anything? -- the woman insisted.

--El pardon -- it answered with tormented voice -- Only that.

They passed three days before Ty could begin to recover of that torment. The funeral it

was presided over in a cold rain, and they only attended the companion of Brushes and the
workers of rancho. Ty had thought about the possibility of inviting a Erin, but if it finished
leaving the hospital, would not be in conditions of to travel until there. It had deseado to call it,
to speak with her, but it did not want to do more damage to him. Its voice would evoke in her --
too many memories, would open too many wounds. Seguramente not even would want to listen to
it, so, stops what to bother it?

After funeral went to the city to see Ed Johnson, the lawyer of the family. So and since

they had been the relations with its brother, it was of esperar that It brushes not him it left in
inheritance its half of Staghorn... a suposición that was certain.

Ed was man who went up to around the fifty, bald, of personality cálida and word easy. It

was put still on when Ty entered its office and tendió the hand.

--Te I saw in funeral -- --, commented but I did not want to speak there of anything. I

supposed that you would come a to see me.

Ty took off the hat and seated, crossing itself of legs. He was very elegant with its suit

blue with fine rays.

-- Bruce changed its testament three times in this last year -- lawyer --. informed Once

it tried to request a loan to mount one of those negocios to become rich in just a short time,
but the last week I got to think that one was becoming crazy person.

The week happened. Just after to have received the letter of Erin. Ty missed the eyes

and it sighed.

-- Evidently, it must of to me have excluded from its testament -- it said.

-- Diste in nail -- Ed --. answered It left everything him to a woman who lives in New York.

I believe that it is that model with which it was leaving months ago -- it murmured, without
occurring it counts of the surprised expression of and --. Yes, it is here. Erin Scott. It leaves
him everything, with the condition of which one is going away to live to the farm. If it does not
fulfill that condition, until the last penny wrath to stop Ward Jessup.

¡Ward Jessup! Ty remained without breathing. Wards Jessup and he were enemigos much

ago time. The farm of Jessup, that was contiguous with Staghorn, was crowded of perforations

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in search of petroleum, and his neighbor did not hide his desire of to extend its dominions to
part of Staghorn. Ty had been inflexible in his decision of not selling, and Jessup had tried to
convince to Brushes of which him it sold his part. Now, if Erin refused to go to the farm, it
would obtain his intentions, that is to say, half of Staghorn. "What so perfect revenge", Ty
thought. Brush knew much that Erin hated to Ty and that it would prefer to die before to live
under the same ceiling that he, so one had made sure that his older brother could not never

-- Supongo that that is everything -- Ty commented.

--No I include/understand -- Ed answered fixedly, watching it through its glasses.

-- It brushes it received a letter of her the last week explained Ty to him, manteniendo

calm in its voice --. It had an accident a time ago, of which to been left average disabled person.
She was pregnant and it lost the baby. I am the person in charge.

-- Era the son of It brushes?

Ty watched it directly to the eyes.

--No. He was mine.

Ed cleared one's throat with nervousness.

--Oh... I feel.

-- Never as much as I -- Ty, putting itself of foot responded -- Thanks to dedicate your

time to me, Ed.

-- Espera moment. You will not be thinking about losing half of your rancho after having

worked all your life to remove it advanced it, right?

-- Erin hates to me -- Ty --. answered It is to request an impossible one that it has the

sufficient caridad like stops to want to help me, after the form in which I treated it. It is more
right that It brushes to take revenge itself of me, and I not I feel with the sufficient anger
stops to fight, not even by Staghorn. This semana has been a hell for me -- its hat --. returned
to put itself If Erin wants to cut the neck to me, I am going to leave that it does it. It is less
than I can do by her.

Ed frunció frown while it saw it move away. Those words do not parecían own of Tyson

Wade that he knew. Perhaps the loss of his hermano had changed it. The Ty of always would
have fought until losing the breath to save its home.

-- Jenny him it requested by telephone to his secretary --, comunícame with Erin Scott to

New York.

Shortly after, a feminine and pleasant voice sounded in the earpiece.

-- Yes?

-- Young lady Scott?

-- I am Erin Scott.

--Mi it names is Edward Johnson. I am the drowned one of the Wade family.

--Yo I do not have order no indemnification...

--La I call by a completely different subject, Scott young lady --la interrumpió he --. It

knows you to my client, It brushes Wade?

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-- one Had long break.

-- It brushes... Him it happened something?

-- Hace three days that an accident in its automobile underwent. Moan to have to say to

him that it was fatal for him.

--Oh... I feel very many, Sir...

-- Johnson. Ed Johnson. I call to him stops to inform to him that it named to you its


-- Beneficiary?

-- Young lady Scott, has inherited you a substantial amount of money in cash, thus like

part of the Staghorn farm.

--No I can to think that it has done a thing thus -- it murmured --I cannot believe it! And

what happens with its brother?

-- Tengo to admit that I do not understand very well the situation either, but its

testament is unalterable. You are your universal heiress. That is to say, if it fulfills a small one

-- What clause?

-- That goes away you to live to the farm.


So Ty it was right...

-- Esperaba that reaction of its part -- he commented --. But it will be better than it

explains the totality to him of conditions --. Scott young lady?

-- Yes... I follow here -- she with trembly voice answered.

--Si you no fulfills that condition, his half of the farm it will stop at hands of Ward


There was a length silence.

--Es the neighbor of Ty... of Mr. Wade.

-- Certain. And if it allows to add it me, also is its adversary. The only thing that it wants

is rights to make perforations in Staghorn, and the farm could not survive thus. There are many
families whose income dependen exclusively of Staghorn... a blacksmith, several cattle tenders,
veterinario, a mechanic...

-- I know... great that is the farm -- a little but calm said to Erin with the voice --. Some

of those families they take three generations working for the Wade.

-- Indeed -- Ed, surprised of much affirmed that she knew of Staghorn.

-- I need time to think -- the young person indicated after a pause --. I finish leaving

hospital, Mr. Johnson. Hardly I can walk, and a trip of that class would be very difficult for me.

--El Sir Wade has a particular airplane remembered he to him.

--No I know if...

-- the terms of the testament they are very clear, and they require of an immediate

action. I feel it Scott young lady, but I need to have its today same answer.

There was another one long silence.

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-- Dígale to Mr. Wade... that I will go.

Ed had to repress a smile.

-- Only there is one thing more -- it added -- How long I must have left?

--No is had specified -- he answered -- That it is left to the interpretation of the implied

ones, but, créame, Mr. Jessup will say that it must remain all its life there.

-- Escuche' that he is a man without scruples... but already I will cross that bridge when

it arrives moment. I will be prepared tomorrow in the evening, Mr. Johnson.

It seemed tired and sore, and Ed felt like culprit to have to presionar it, but to wait for

impossible era.

Of agreement. Meanwhile, I will prepare necessary documents. Now you are a young

person quite rich, Scott young lady.

-- Enough rich -- it with absent voice repeated, and hung the earpiece.

It was sitting in a sofa that sank almost until the ground, in a apartamento in Queens. Not

very often it had hot water, and the heating funcionaba only of when in when. One had become
involved in a shelter to proteger itself of the cold; nobody that had known it six months before

Why it had accepted to return? Still it had many pains, and everything what he had been

able to do that day it was to go bathroom. The leg was killing it. They had to him taught a series
of exercises, and the doctor had done hincapié in which he had to make them to the day twice if
he did not want to continue cojeando all his life. "the cojera is not indeed one of the apreciadas
qualities more in one model ", remembered. Although in fact, already everything was useless.
There was it lost everything. It did not have any future, nothing thus to live. Nothing, except
revenge, and that even produced bad flavor to him of mouth. It could not think about leaving to
all that people without work. At least, not in winter.

It stretched laboriously the leg. ¡Exercises! To walk already was the enough difícil like in

order to think about raising to weights and all those things. It let vagar the glance to traverse
of crystals. It was raining. It would be also raining in Ravine, Texas? What would be making
Tyson Wade then? Estaría sending curses like a privateer. Much had been taken trabajo to
make sure that it did not return to put a foot in Staghorn. Nothing had to know of accident, and
much less of the boy. ¡If at least pudiera to hurt it as much as he it had hurt her!

Still it had possibility of remaining in New York. It could change of opinion and reject

conditions of the inheritance. , yes clear... and also it could fly. How a went to leave to all those
families in the street?

Recostó in the sofa and closed the eyes. It would already have all along of the world to

worry for that reason. Now, everything what wanted to make era sleep and forget.

Ty... She it was running towards him with the extended arms, and sonreía, waiting for it.

It narrowed it between its arms and it kissed it with wonderful tenderness. It was pregnant
woman, had the enormous belly already, and he caressed it with hands possessive and
embelesados eyes...

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Erin woke up with the eyes plenty of tears. It was the same dream of always, with the

same end invariable. And it always woke up crying. One rose to wash the face and watched the
clock. It was already hour to go away to the bed, so the nightgown was put and it was taken a pill
to sleep. Perhaps that night was able not to dream.

To the following morning, it prepared early its luggage and waited for the quienquiera

arrival that was that Tyson had envoy to gather it. One had gotten dressed in a suit of beige
point that him it had perfectly been left six months before, but that now seemed to hang of its
bones. The hair in moño had been recogido, and it was not had made up.

To two o'clock they called to the door. She felt a vague curiosity to know to whom she

would have Ty errand from Texas to look for it.

-- Ahead -- it responded from the sofa, and it could not give credit to its eyes when it

appeared in the door the own Tyson Wade.

One stopped, watching it, while it rose apoyándose in her muleta heavy. impact of which

he himself had caused was estremecedor.

A remembered a smiling young person and cheers, but what saw before himself she was to

a woman aged and tired whose eyes did not have the minimum light, but a species of painful
resignation. She was very thin, with the pale and ojeroso face, and it watched it as if outside a
stranger. Perhaps it was it, or better, always there was it be, because he never had allowed him
who approached the sufficient thing like in order to know it.

-- Hello, Erin -- it saluted with calm tone.

-- Hello, Tyson.

Ty threw silver-plated look to his around and its eyes could not hide their misfortune.

-- Llevo several months without working it informed to him --. There am been cobrando a

pension by incapacity and I have eaten thanks to the kindness of the State.

-- Now no you will have to return to do it -- he answered and his glance pareció


-- That I create, according to the lawyer of your family has said to me -- she replaced,

outlining one smile --. I suppose that already you will have tried to find the form to undo

-- You are prepared, Erin? -- he asked, watching it with thoroughness.

-- You first. You will have to go slowly. Not yet I can move with agility.

Ty saw it to approach with slow and careful movements. Obvious, the leg hurt to him


--Oh, God mine... -- it murmured.

--No me feel sorry -- she protested --You do not dare!

Ty aspired deeply.

-- You are very badly?

Erin it in front of stopped him.

--Ya me I will fix -- it answered coldly.

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Ty was limited to agree and it opened the door to him. When it happened to her side, she

perceived his delicious aroma to roses, and had to deliver an attack to separate from its mind
memories that were to him unbearable.

-- Erin... -- it whispered.

But she no it answered. Not even it watched it, but that continued its painful one to walk

towards lobby and until the street door. And Ty, after observing it seconds in silence, gathered
its suitcases, closed the door and it followed it.


Only that Ty could make era keep silence while it and Erin went way of airport. It had so

many things that to say to him, that to explain to him, that to discuss... It wanted to apologize,
but it was to him impossible. He was strange to think about suffering that the pride had cau-
sado to him throughout the years. It never had learned to fold. His father had taught to him
who the man could not to make it and later continue being a man.

It ignited cigarette and smoked in silence, feeling the escrutadora glance of Erin on him

while it lead in the frenetic transit of the city.

-- Nothing you it bothers, right? -- she asked.

--No you create it -- he answered, becoming to watch it, meanwhile esperaba that the

traffic light he put himself in green.

-- Six months -- Erin murmured, with the lacking voice of emotion like its eyes --. They

can happen many things in six months.

-- Yes -- it answered, fixing the glance to the traffic light. He was incapable to soportar

that empty expression of its face when there was once it saw it run towards him, smiling...

Erin gave returns to the muleta between its hands. Ty seemed changed: less arrogant,

less insensible. Perhaps the death of its brother had caused that change, it thought, although
It brushes and it never had been very united, and he was asked if Ty it would blame it of his
spacing of Brushes, if it is that his knew jealous that brother was of him without cause some.

-- How much time you will have to use that? he asked to him, watching the muleta.

--No I know it.

But that it knew it. They had said it. If It did not practice the exercises religiosamente,

it would have to use it during the rest of its life. Perhaps but that mattered already? Nunca
could return to work like model, and there was no other thing in its life by which the effort was
worth the trouble.

--No hoped that you accepted the clause of the testament of it Brushes -- Comentó


--No, I suppose that no. But what you hoped? That I had left with my pride while all your

workers lost their use by my fault?

So that it was the reason. It was not left any feeling towards him. One only was to help

to less lucky. He must it have imagined.

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-- You seem surprised.

--No you create it -- it answered while it stopped the car in estacionamiento --. You have

always been generous... in all the senses.

Erin ruborizó and had to separate the glance. He was not able still to recordar... that.

--No was insult -- it added quickly --. You do not take it like something personal.

It lay down to laugh although the tears they shone to him in the eyes. It seemed

animalillo cornered watching it from its seat.

-- That not it take like something personal? ¡Mírame, damn is! it shouted to him.

Ty stretched one hand to touch it, but stopped immediately and the lines of their face

returned to being so you cold like icebergs. It remained watching the cigarette fijamente that
it had between the hands, and later it extinguished it in the cenicero.

--Ya I did it -- it said, maintaining the voice calm -- I have not let do it since you I

gathered, and you want to know what I have seen?

-- What so consumed skeleton? I believe that it is a quite good definition -- she answered

with challenging tone.

--Te you rendered, truth? You let fight, work and of preocuparte by anything.

—¡I have everything the right to do it!

Certain --Es, you have all the right. I would be first in being in favor of acuerdo, but of

love of God, woman, watches what you are becoming. You want to finish being one tullida?

—¡I am one tullida!

-- Only in your head. You are convinced that your life has finished; of which you can irte a

Staghorn and limitarte to live there in a species of cage while all world to your around prospers.
But you are mistaken, because that is something that no you will never do. I am going to cause
that you return to live. You are going to gather pieces and a to begin again. I will be in charge of

—¡By if yes, Almighty Mr. Wade!

--Si you return with me, they ten by insurance that will be thus -- he affirmed,

supporting an arm on endorsement of the seat of challenging her and watching it --. Vamos, Erin.
It tell me that me go to hell. It tell me that it gives to Ward Jessup half him of my farm and
that it leaves to all that people in the street.

It had wanted to do it. ¡Oh, God, how it had wished to do it! But its conscience no it could

support it.

—¡I hate to you, Tyson Wade! it shouted to him, with the eyes now ignited by the wrath.

--Lo I know... -- --, answered he and I do not blame to you for that reason. You have right.

I never had to you order that you returned.

--No, you no. But if I had not done it, I am sure that here you had come stops to take me

to the force.

-- Now no. After which it has happened, not -- it assured, letting slip the glance by its


-- Supongo that Mr. Johnson will have spoken to you of the accident.

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-- Lei' last letter that you wrote to him to Brushes -- Ty informed, fixing the eyes to

muleta and with a tormented gesture.

Erin felt that a sob tied down the throat to him. It could support it everything of him,

except the tenderness. The fault, hers, the one of her, the one of Brushes...

-- Hopefully decirte could how I felt when I knew it -- it murmured, dudoso --. What you

I said that day...

Erin swallowed saliva, trying to maintain the control of itself.

-- It was... it was what you felt and you thought, and to revivir it now does not go to we

make no good. You separated to Brushes of me. That was everything what it mattered to you.

—¡No! That no --Ty is certain made gesture touch it, but it separated quickly until she

felt the door in his back.

—¡Not me I touch! -- espetó with drowned voice --. You do not dare to return to touch to

me. If beams, I will leave by the door and you and your people will go away to hell.

The expression of him it changed. It was the first time that tried to approach her, and

its rejection it hurt to him, but it delivered an attack to forget its wounded pride and to deal
with to see the things from another point of view. It was lastimado brutally, and he would spend
long time before she returned to trust him. Good, it had time very well. Then, the time and the
hope of which it left of to hate it someday was everything what it had.

-- It is well -- it decided, almost tenderly in the voice -- Quieres to take something

before approaching airplane?

Erin it removed uncomfortable in his seat.

--Yo... I do not have eaten.

-- Then we are going to eat emparedado -- Ty indicated. It left the car and it opened the

door to him, but it did not offer the hand to help it --. him How long does that they cleared to
you the nail?

Erin watched it surprised. It had not been happened to him that knew as much on its


-- A few weeks.

-- you have done some class of therapy later?

-- a cup of coffee would not fall to me bad -- she said, avoiding her glance.

--La therapy -- --, insisted is the unique thing that can cause that you return to caminar

without that muleta. He is that the doctors you have not said it?

-- How you know your as much and therapies?

-- When it had twenty-four years, I broke the hip in a roundup. It cost months to me of

therapy to free to me of the cojera. I will never forget the exercises, nor how they become,
nor during how long it is necessary to do them every day, so I will help you with them.

--Y I you I will help to arrive at the hospital if you try --lo threatened she.

-- Very brave -- he commented, with a smile --. It you have always been. From the

beginning that was the quality that I more liked of you.

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--A you not you it pleased nothing of me remembered --. to him You hated from primer

moment to me to end.

-- You are safe of that? I thought that the women knew to include/understand the

reactions of men by instinct.

--Ya you found out that I knew very little on the men... then.

Ty did not separate the Vista of her.

--Y already you found out who I knew very little on the women.

Erin watched it the eyes and it was asked that it would hide after that silver-plated fog.

What he it finished saying seemed a species of confession, but not cuadraba with picture that
Brushes had painted him of him... mujeriego.

-- You must of to have forgotten more about the women of which I will know in all my life

-- it responded to aim --. Brush me said it.

Ty tightened teeth.

-- Bruce you it counted too many things, right? Then I also found out of which you said of

my "I handle".

-- What? -- overwhelmed Erin asked.

--Me it commented that you spoke to him of "my clumsy manoseos" and that habías

counted detail to him to reir itself yet together...

It remained agape and as pale as a sheet.

-- That Brushes it said to you... it said that to you?

—¡Erin! -- Ty exclaimed, sending itself towards her just on time to avoid that it fell to

ground. To maintain it between its arms made it feel alive by primera time from for months. It
retained it thus, supporting the cheek in his cabello and weighing on the bittersweet anguish to
embrace it while to its alrededor the transit he ran routine and the tourists journeyed
indifferent by sidewalks --. Affection -- it whispered, while one seated in the seat of the car
taking it between its arms --. Erin...

It returned in himself a little while later, and for a moment, by escasos second, his eyes

seemed to shine full of memories, but it was as if a heavy drop curtain she fell on them as soon
as she recognized it.

--Te desmayaste -- he said.

Erin watched it disturbed, feeling its heat and the force of its arms.

--Ty... -- it whispered.

The heart of it stopped and its body made echo immediate do its necesidad.

-- You are well? it asked to him, incorporating it quickly so that it could not discover his


--Me I feel little trembly, that is everything.

Ty left to slip the hand by its hair so close, burning all he when feeling it, enjoying the

aroma roses that emanated of its body.

-- Bruce no that could decirte... ¡It is not possible! it exclaimed, with the full eyes of


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--No I had habértelo counted -- it murmured --. It was without wanting. You feel better?

Erin sighed deeply. It was lie. A horrible lie. She never had said such to him thing to

Brushes, and was going to explain it to it, but it was in in the electricity that of soon she was
created among them.

-- Your eyes the green velvet has always remembered me -- he whispered, with voice

absents --. Smooth and deep to the light, plenty of hidden dulzura heat.

To breathe it seemed to have returned difficult for Erin, while it let vagar its glance by

the face of factions marked, discovering small and new wrinkles.

--No you will find nothing pretty although you make an effort -- he warned, in a tone that

he tried to be self-assured.

-- you always have be so different from It brushes -- it whispered she --. Distant, soli-

tario, invulnerable...

-- Except in one night -- it responded, and the color returned to the cheeks of Erin --.

You will believe to me at least if I say to you that moan which I did to you and that if it could
would give march back and it would erase everything?

-- To lament itself by the past it will not change anything -- it answered she and it closed

the eyes.

--Lo I feel... I feel the one of the boy -- it murmured with loaded voice of emoción.

Erin watched it surprised.

-- You had wanted to have it...

--Si it had known, would not have let to you march.

There was something in its form to say these words that made it think that it was truth.

Perhaps Ty it wished to have his own family, or perhaps there had been some woman... It is not
that outside a handsome man, of course, but could have been able to love, of to be tender and
warm. Possibly it did a million years of all that, to judge by the wall that it had erected to his

Erin did effort to rise and it loosen, helping it immediately it with hands incredibly

amiable. It had of being the culpability. It seemed able at least of to feel that, although not
outside what it wanted of him.

--Ya I am well -- it assured. The proximity of its body had affected it terribly.

It was had given to him that night with such abandonment, so much alegría... because it

wanted it, and for a moment she believed to be corresponded, but she had only been a trick, a
lie. It could forget it sometimes?

-- I am tired -- it whispered --. So tired...

Its fatigue it jumped at sight, and to think about everything what it had had to happen

did to him to experience to Ty a strange feeling of protection towards her.

--Te you will put well -- it responded caressing the hair to him -- Voy to ocupar to me of

you. I will take care of everything. We go. Vámonos to house.

Staghorn no it was house of her, but too much it was exhausted to discutir. Only that it

wanted was to have a place to rest and a little peace. So many things him they had happened

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that now felt the after-effects of the blow. Not yet it could to support to the memories nor
the idea of the future. Only deseaba to close the eyes and to forget everything.

Ty took it of the arm to lead it towards the track and she it was let guide with a gesture

that it affected it.

Erin had be a fighter, and he admired always that spirit, even though once he tried to

defeat it. And now, to thus see it, knowledge that had surrendered, it disturbed. She was
almost invalid, there was lost the baby and never it could to pardon it for that reason. Not even
he himself could pardon it to it. Only that it could make era make sure that Erin left recovered
Staghorn, it cost what cost. It was arranged to instill desires to him to live again, although this
finished separating it from him.

The airplane was a twin-engine Cessna, a precious comfortable and rápido model. There

was sufficient place so that Erin recostara in the seat of passengers, but it wanted to see a
where they went. I can seat there with you ahead?

He was the first one enthusiasm spying that showed since él gathered it in its apartment.

-- Of course -- it agreed.

Erin it observed fascinated while Ty prepared the airplane for the flight and requested

permission to the tower to take off. It was the first time that it flew in his particular airplane,
because although It brushes had invited it to do it in another one occasion, Ty was against.

The flight until the farm it passed almost in silence, since it went concentrado in board of


Staghorn was as she remembered it: great and distributed well like a small city. house

was covered with Spanish stucco with color amarillo, the tile roof was red, and to his around
there was a runner with beautiful arcs adorned with the pluses varied species of cacti. To a side
they were left ultramoder to us stables and corrals, and a center of embryonic transplant what
did not have anything to envy to him to anyone of those of the zone. The will of Ty to use last
technologies and methods of production had transformado the small one business of its father
in a great empire. He was a man born for the businesses, in order to generate money, and to it it
had dedicated all its life to him. It enjoyed to respond to the challenge that these raised to
him, like did not do it with any other thing, including the personal relations.

Erin it felt fascinated by little that it had changed the farm from his last one it visits. In

her world, people appeared and disappeared like a torbellino, but in the farm of Ty there was
stability. All the personnel continued being the same one. Conchita and Jose, their husband,
continued taking care to take care of the owner, maintaining everything in exquisite order as
much inside as outside the house. Both were of medium age, and their parents had worked for
Norman, the father of Ty.

Conchita was a high and elegant, very thin woman, of energetic glance and crossbeam, to

weighing of the grey hairs that skipped their beautiful bush of black hair. Jose was of his same
stature and had the same elegance, but it had all the gray hair, according to they said the
rumors, due to the temperament of Mr. Norman. It was of character cheers and had so good

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hand for the caballos that Ty was accustomed to to allow to help him the cattle tenders who
reunited the herd.

The house had two floors, but were in first where it was the room of Erin, two doors

beyond the Ty. That circumstance was somewhat disquieting, but it was sure that he had
decided to give that habitación him due to its state.

--Si you need something, is a timbre next to the bed explained he to him --. Conchita will

hear to you by day or at night. And if no, I will listen to you.

Erin was left to fall in a armchair next to the window and closed the eyes with a sigh.

But Ty did not leave, but that blanca seated on immaculate colcha and it watched it in


--No you are well -- it said to the aim.

-- Pasa two times by the operating room in six months and already you will see how you

sientes -- it talked back without being on the awares.

-- Quiero that it reviews the doctor to you of the family. It will be able recomendarte al-

gunos exercises for that hip.

-- Óyeme well, Ty -- the young person indicated, opening the eyes -- It is my hip and it is

My life, <así that I I will decide.

--No. While be in Staghorn, no. You do not have good color, and I want that it takes care

of to you.

--Yo I am not responsibility yours...

To discuss no it was going to serve as anything, so he would be better to ignore what said.

--Te I will do one it mentions with the doctor -- it announced he --. Perhaps recetarte can

vitamins. You are too thin.


-- Acuéstate and it rests during awhile. I will say to him to Conchita that you prepare an

affluent chocolate it warms up. It will confortará to you and it will help you to sleep. The
thermostat is here in case you feel cold -- it indicated, indicating the clock next to the door.

-- You want to let issue orders to me? -- she shouted, exasperated.

-- Thus it is better -- Ty said when seeing how the color returned to its cheeks --. Now

you return a to seem average human.

—¡I do not know by what I accepted to come here!

-- Surely that yes you know it. You came to save my people of unemployment -- it

observed, opening door --. Llama if you want something.

-- I want... Me it would please to go to see the tomb of Brushes.

The expression of Ty she did not change, but their factions seemed to smooth

themselves. If there were feelings after their facade, well were hidden.

--Te I will take later, when you have had time to rest.

-- you throw It of less?

--Le I will say a Jose who brings the suitcase later to you -- announced he, closing the

door behind yes.

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Yes, it thought with bitterness while it crossed the lobby. It felt the lack of its brother,

but there was another thing that threw still more of less, and was the life that could have had
with Erin. It lacked a month for Christmas and the images atormentaban of how it could it have
celebrated if It brushes not had ruined it everything. It seemed that it had happened so just a
short time since Erin ran towards him laughing, with his black hair to the wind, and it melted
only with seeing it; it had remained without breathing as an adolescent in his first appointment,
and still continued feeling thus, in spite of the scars and the cojera of her. In its heart it took
indelible picture of the young person, who would resist the passage of the years and that it
would maintain beautiful and intact during all his life. Erin. Wonderful what would have been
able to be the life if...

It cleared one's throat with force and left quickly to the porch.

Brush had buried in a local cemetery to only ten minutos of Staghorn. Erin it stopped his

tomb in front of while Ty observed it from its seat of the car, smoking a cigarette.

"It is very sad ", Erin thought," the form in which Brushes finished its life ". It had never

seemed him an imprudent man, at least during the time that they left together, until it arrived
a little while in which it realized which he it waited for more than what could give and decided
to move away him of him. At that moment, the competitive thing did not know that It brushes
was with Ty, nor that had estado it using corno a weapon of revenge against the brother who
dominaba. "Sight", had said to him without words, "watches what beauty I brought a house. And
she is all mine ".

Erin smiled with sadness. In that then it did not know the fact that the parents of Ty

there were separated years back and each one of them had been quedado with a boy. Norman
Wade had educated to Ty without the notion of the love to do of him invulnerable man. Her
wife, nevertheless, educated to Brushes protecting it even of the same life. The result in both
cases was foreseeable... but no for the parents.

The young person gave a look to the tablets next to the one of Brushes. Their parents

estaban there. Norman and Stretcher Harding Wade. Side to side in the death, since they had
been incapable of to be in life. In spite of all its differences, they shared a deep love and
lasting. Neither it left with anybody after its separation, and both had requested to be buried
juntos Erin felt the irritation of tears in the eyes when watching that tablet. The love had very
of being a thing rare.

Ty, having a feeling his questions, it left the car and one approached her. It dressed

again its customary leather cattle tenders, their boots and their old sombrero color cream.

-- Why no they could live together? she asked to him.

Ty shrank of shoulders.

--El was very cold man and she a very ardent woman limited itself to say -- That she

explains everything.

When it included/understood the double meaning of those words, Erin enrojeció.

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-- What you it happens? -- it murmured, outlining a smile -- I only meant that he never

she showed his feelings and it took the his prendidos ones in the lapel. No I know how they were
in the bed. I never asked it.

Erin it blushed still more.

-- You want to forget it? -- it murmured.

—¡And I thought that the old fashioned one was I! -- he exclaimed, taking cigarrillo to

the lips and watching grieved the three tablets -- Now I am the last one. I always thought that
I brush would live at least twenty years more than. It was the one who loved living.

-- and you no?

-- Trabajas very hard tried ganarte the life, and later you die. The rest of the time, you

pass preocupándote through the floods, the droughts, the taxes and gains. And that is

-- I never knew a man more cynical than you. Not even in New York.

-- I am realistic --la corrected he --. I do not wait for miracles.

-- Perhaps it is that the reason that never you sugirió has happened no -- she, watching

tablet of Brushes --. Your brother was a soñador. The surprises gustaban to him and
unexpected. Most of the time was hombre happy, except when it decided that always it was
going to be the second. You are difficult to equal, and he one was never believed able to be
moderate with you. She said that even your mother spoke more of you who of him.

--No knew it -- Ty expressed, being nauseated eyebrows --. It seemed despreciarme. We

were never understood well.

-- Creo that there will never be nobody includes/understands to you -- it thought she

with smooth voice --. NoncDas nothing of same you.

Ty tightened silver-plated teeth and their eyes watched it through the smoke cloud that

left of its lips.

--Me it seems very interesting commentary, coming from you.

Erin intuited what meant with those words and remembered to itself in its arms next to

the chimney, moaning when it caressed the sines to him.

--No me it referred that class of... communication -- it said, uncomfortable.

Ty returned a to take the cigarette to the lips.

-- Hace time you assured to me that never you had nothing to do with Brushes. It is


-- Yes -- she without roundups --. answered Moan that had problems between you by my it

blames. I did not tell anything at first him, but he did many questions to me and I very was
gotten upset. I did not say anything to him of... what it happened. It imagined it everything. I
had to seem to him a lost one -- it added, with esbozo bitter of smile.

-- You are not a lost one. I was who assaulted you by the rear, that is everything. When

no you resisted, I must have given account to me of which eras demasiado innocent stop to know
what it was happening. You thought that I on time detendría.

Certain --Es that I trusted you, but you did not violate to me. He was not that.

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Ty sighed deeply and it was ventured to separate from the neck of Erin a hair tuft, that

it in the open left a scar of the cheek.

-- It was very painful? it asked to him tenderly.

-- Yes -- it whispered it with trembly voice and occurred the return to avoid that it could

see feelings that threatened overflowing it one segunda time. Lately only it seemed to be able
to cry.

Ty was removed anxious. He was not customary to see cry to a woman. The truth was that

no he was customary to the women in himself, and it did not know how to handle that situation.

--Te I am putting in a jam -- the young person murmured.

It had forgotten the sincere thing that it was. The language never bit. Exactamente just

as he.

--No I am customary to the women.

-- and then why it said to me Brushes that eras mujeriego? him preguntó she, watching it

a the eyes.

-- Not it you know?

--No it eras, truth? -- Erin insisted.

Ty removed another one cigarette and ignited it.

-- It goes it asks...

--No matters, you do not answer to me. He is something that is not incumbent -- espetó

to me she, throwing to walk --. It would have to return to New York and to leave Jessup went
away to live with you!

--No we would take well -- it talked back, reaching it --. It does not smoke.

Erin could not to give credit to its ears. Black humor... of Tyson Wade?

-- Bruce it had changed, right?

-- Bruce is died --la it stopped he, stopping to watch it --. What made or let do, it said or

it hid no longer has nothing to do with us.

-- Siento that one has gone away.

--Yo also, but no matter how much we lament ourselves, we will not be able to resucitar it

--y after watching briefly the tablet, returned its eyes towards her -- At this moment, you are
my priority. I am going to obtain that you return still on to ponerte.

—¡I do not think to allow that you take the control from my life! -- espetó she, striking

the ground with the muleta.

-- Clear that you are going to allow it. Now you are not more than small nubarrón. You do

not have anger sufficient to discuss with me.

-- You want to bet?

--No, I no game. Well-taken care of Ten or you will break the muleta.

-- Then you would have to take to me to hills until the house, right? How long I will have

that to have left here I?

-- Until fulfill sixty and the five, in opinion of Jessup. You do apoyarte please little more

in that leg, affection. It needs but exercise.

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—¡Escúchame, cattle tender...!

--No I am no cattle tender.

-- You want to listen to me?

-- By assumption, but when you say something that I want to hear. We go to the car; I

have things that to do. The winter so is not been busy as the rest of the year, but even so I
must occupy to me of the farm. I hope that you like to read. You will die of boredom if you do
not have something in which entretenerte.

-- I can see television -- it murmured while it helped him to acomodar itself in the car.

--No I have television -- it informed and Erin watched agape --. I do not like.

-- and what you do before sleeping?

-- I read.

It left to fall the head against the seat. ¡Wonderful life goes the one that hoped to him!

Besides to take tranquilizers the pain and to see itself forced to make exercises with the leg,
could seat and see read to Ty. "Oh, Brushes", thought. "Why you had to die and to leave me in
this horrible mess?"

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Erin had jury not to go to the doctor, but Ty almost violently put it in the car and it took

until there; and to make matters worse, he was empeñado in entering with her doctor's office.

cuchicheos are going to grow as the foam -- it protested while they seguían to nurse by

runner --. Why you do this to me?

-- All control knows that already you are living in the farm -- he answered.

It was right, but that did not make it feel better. She hated to be object of habladurías.

Surely that already would have found out that half of Staghorn belonged to him, and God would
know which people would imagine that it had had to do for to obtain it.

-- You want to leave of torturarte? -- masculló he when they entered the room of

consultations -- What demons matter that people speak?

—¡Clear! As it is not going to be your reputation the one that leaves spoiled!

-- Young lady Scott? I am doctor Brodie -- the doctor said who finished entering the

room. First it later narrowed the hand of Erin and the one of Ty, before seating a to examine
the information that had taken on the operation. Ty had of to him to have previously facilitated
the name of the doctor who had taken care of it, because it seemed to know all the details the

-- It has been making the exercises that they recommended to him? -- it asked.

Erin ruborizó slightly and avoided its glance.

--No seemed to have much sense...

-- Young lady Scott, I can be frank with you? --la interrupted he, and without giving

opportunity him to answer, he continued --: The surgery can help only until certain point. It
could return to walk, but if it does not make the exercises so and as there are it indicated, that
leg will remain rigid for the rest of its life, and the same it will happen with the cojera. I have
understood that you were professional modelo. His profession causes that still it is more
important that executes the exercises; that is to say, if it is that it wants to return to exert it
in a future.

She no it separated the eyes from its own hands. How could Ty do that to him?

-- We can take it daily to hospital, if it prefers it, and that terapeuta works with you.
--Oh, no, by favor -- she denied -- could not support that...

-- and if I it worked with her in the farm? -- Ty --. suggested A long time ago I broke the

hip, you remember?

The doctor he cleared one's throat.

—¡Clear that the memory! First it resigned one of my better enfermeras, and later, two


Ty smiled and Erin watched it agape. Very not very often it had seen it smile of that it


-- I can give him a list of exercises, but will have to do them to the day twice during

thirty minutes.

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-- it will do Them -- Ty promised before the young person could take off the labios.

-- Now me it would please to examine that hip -- it added galen, calling to the nurse.

--A nonbeing who also he wants to emit a diagnosis, doctor Wade, would matter to him to

leave room? -- Erin asked.

-- Pareces little null and voidable this morning, no? -- Ty commented while it went to door

--. Taken care of -- it added, going to doctor --. It bites.

--Yo in your place, would vaccinate to me against the rage of to once whispered she just

him before he left.

He was peculiar that they were able to be spoken with that cordiality, when before nor at

least they went the word. In spite of everything what it had happened between they, Erin
continued feeling attracted by Ty. He was the man more hard than there was well-known, and
although only outside by the way time, necesitaba to lean in somebody, and the who best one
than the man than had been partially responsible of its present situation?

The doctor him he examined the scars, he took a x-ray him from the hip and he gave a

series him of instructions, besides to prescribe tablets to him to tomar them in case of that
the pain was very strong.

Erin happened all the way of return to Staghorn thinking about experiencia so laborious

that it waited it.

--No I want to begin this yet -- it murmured --. So many pains and calambres, why? I am

always going to cojear!

--Si beams exercises, not -- Ty, impassible --. talked back But you are the one that must

want to do the effort. I will help you, but I cannot do it by you.

-- and why you would have to want to help me? -- she asked, turning itself in the seat

stops to watch it with coldness.

Ty was smoking and it aspired deeply before answering.

-- Because I I am responsible for which it has happened to you. It is as if i myself it had

to you forced to hit.

-- Really think that you were who caused the accident? she without

including/understanding asked to him.

-- and it was not thus? You were average histérica when you were yourself of the farm.

-- Yes, that is certain, but awhile I was seated in the car to tranquilizar to me. I am not

one forces suicide on, Ty. It had never lead in those condiciones. When it happened the
accident, I already had recovered serenity. Incluso the police said that he had been inevitable.
The other car was lead by a drunkard who left of the curve and it took to me ahead. It died in
the act.

Ty waned and their hands clung to the steering wheel.

--Un man lucky person -- masculló, and Erin included/understood what meant.

-- So no you have why sentirte guilty. The only thing that you wanted was to separate to

your brother of me, and you obtained it.

--Y that is had turned one of my worse nightmares -- él --. confessed I ruined its lives.

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Erin hardly it could think what it was oyendo. Ty seemed distressed, incluso bitter.

-- and what could have made you to change the things? I never would have married with

your brother. He did not love it, and he knew it.

-- Perhaps if I it had not attacked to you of that form, he -- had had an opportunity.

--No I create it -- Erin with firmness talked back.

Ty watched it during a moment before returning its attention to the highway.

-- Never you wished?

-- Physically no. Brush was an amused man very, a very pleasant company. I did not want to

have sporadic relations, and the fact that it had money not did more attractive for me. I like to
make the things to my way -- she supported the head in endorsement and watched it with
attention --. , never you suspected that outside one at least cazafortunas.

Ty smiled weakly.

--Al principle I tried comprarte, if you remember, but you gave the check him to Brushes

in front of me. That clarified the things to me.

--Y you it surprised, I suppose.

It agreed.

-- Crei' that it had solved the problem, but never I arrived at conocerte -- the car turned

to right to take the way that entered Staghorn already, flanked from sweet and trees without
leaves --. It was convinced that you had lain down with a pile of men. That night I took the
surprise of my life.

Erin felt that their cheeks ignited. To be enemy, they had memories too many intimate

ones in common.

-- Erin, by what you surrendered before me? -- he asked suddenly --. You must have

imagined that it was going to happen.

She watched it, admired of how the muscles of their arms tightened when moving the

steering wheel by the way.

-- Yes -- it answered to aim --. It suspected it.

-- and then, why you surrendered? Truely so you were trusted that you did not realize

what wanted of you?

-- It was too much outside me to give account me -- she answered, evitando to watch it --.

It had never felt to me thus with a man. It did not want that you stopped. When finally I
realized of which it was happening, it was too much late stops to back down.

--Me it would have stopped if me you had requested it.

--No you would have been able to do it.

Ty stopped car in front of the stairs of the entrance and became to watch it.

-- Yes it had been able. I was not so outside me but until the last segundos.

Erin it remembered those last seconds with incredible precision, and volvió a to blush.

-- You me you tightened against you -- he continued he with hoarse and deep voice --. I

realized by what your body seemed to reject to me and I had the intention to separate to me,
but you me you took by the hips, nailing to me the nails, and I lost myself.

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Erin tried to speak, but could not, and it caressed the lips to him with the yolks of the


--No I knew darte to please -- it continued -- I took You, I used to you, and you had to

haber to me hated by it, but was not thus. Your eyes were like velvet, so smooth that I lost
myself in its depths. I wanted to try new, hacerlo well, but I began to think in It brushes and
some things that had said... and I was scared to trust you, so I decided amenazarte with
decírselo to him and I separated you from me.

-- You... me you really wished, no? -- she with a voice thread asked.

-- Eras for me almost one obsession. ¡Eras so beautiful, Erin! Any man had given it

everything by tenerte.

Then, perhaps if, she thought. But no longer. Not with those scars, the cojera and lack of

confidence in itself.

-- Those days they have happened already -- it said without watching it --. No longer I am

the same one.

-- Truely? You could be it if you wanted.

-- With all my scars? -- she asked, separating from him -- you wished Me when she was

beautiful, and because It also brushes it wished me. But now I am tullida and sore, and you feel
pity -- by me. ¡That is the only reason, Ty! You were enemy from the first day that we saw
ourselves, and entonces you even watched to me as if me you hated.

It was right. It had wished it, had needed it with as much force that its hatred had been

a defense to avoid to be hurt. It had fought against her because it wished it too much, and at
heart of its heart it knew that it never would want to somebody like him. But it could not say all
that to him. It could not allow to know him vulnerable that had been.

Certain --Es that you are tullida -- brutally decided --, and gives the impression that you

like to be it, because make no effort not to change that situation. I suppose that you prefer to
live under my ceiling and to eat of my breadcrumbs for the rest of your life, no?

One was risking much... their words could cause a irreparable damage to him to Erin, but

it had the hunch of which they would have the opposite effect indeed.

And thus it was. The green eyes began to shine, the delicate face palideció of fury and Ty

took by the right wrist before it slapped it, tirando from her stops to take it between its arms.


Erin revolvió furious to loosen, until one of those abrupt movimientos him it caused a

tremendous pain in the hip and it could not repress a complaint.

-- Ves which you obtained? --la reprimanded Ty, while it held it with a hand and the other

it gave a smooth massage him in the hip over its velveteen trousers --. it is happening to you?

-- Déjalo -- it murmured --. ¡You are odioso, Tyson Radley Wade!

--No knew that you knew my second names -- he commented.

--Vi your act of birth with It brushes one night that we were seeing the album of photos

of family.

The hand of him it had stopped being therapeutic and now it caressed it suavemente.

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Rare --Es that remember that, considering much that you hate to me -- it murmured.


-- Thus it is like you pronounced my name the first time that I touched -- susurró he to

you --. You said it in moaning, just as now, and all the blood rose to me at the top of blow.

--Yo I did not moan -- the young person denied. The mouth of Ty was almost clearing

hers, and their eyes were had been pledged with her like hypnotized. It did not want that it
kissed it. It was too much soon. There was too much pain...

But already it was doing. It moaned, approaching him. Through the clothes it could feel

the firm muscles of the masculine and low chest its fingers, the powerful beat of the heart.
She did not give the option to respond him, although it had been able. It was taking it, only
taking it.

Finally his lack of answer seemed to worry it and a moment separated.

-- What I am doing badly? -- it asked with voice snores --. Enséñame to do it.

Incapable of to think, Erin caressed the cheek to him and it attracted it towards himself

to mordisquear to him smoothly the lips without hardly clearing them, caressing them to be able
to feel his texture.

-- Thus? -- it murmured, imitating it.

The rubbing delicate of his lips it made it shake, and Erin moved the chest against the

one of him so that it could feel it. Ty shook, embracing it with the force of bear.

—¡Ty! -- she exclaimed --. ¡Not so hard, please!

It left it to separate, breathing with difficulty.

-- Your sines they are very delicate -- it whispered --. It did not know it. I have made you

damage? -- it asked, caressing it with gentleness, as if the body of a woman was an object new
and mysterious.

-- I am well -- it, anxious responded.

Ty slid palm of the hand until reaching the sines and Erin saw how its pupils they

expanded to the time that it retained moaning to please mordiendo the lip.

—¡God, how you excite to me!-- masculló he -- Verte therefore returns to me crazy -- it

expressed while it drew it forms of the sines with as much gentleness as if it had never touched
of that way to a woman.

Erin hardly it breathed. The memories and the pain had erased. That only existed

moment, the silence of the closed car, the entrecortada breathing of Ty, beat of its heart.

It kissed it throughout with passion, with urgency, while their hands unbuttoned clumsily

the blouse and murmured something on how undoing that condemned you maintain, until with
irrefrenable moaning it was able to feel the smoothness of the sines in its humid palms.


Its voice sounded strange, defenseless, and Erin hid the face against its chest. It looked

for its mouth and it kissed it hungry, with a somewhat rough tenderness, and was thus kissing it
and caressing it a good short while before separating the head and watching it. Its skin it was

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very dark next to the one from her, and to see his hand there, touching it so intimately, it made
it blush.

-- You have been with somebody after me? he asked to him.

--No -- it denied she.

--Yo either. Oh God, Erin, you are precious!

But what she was she letting do it? Where it was its pride? Ty had not caused accident,

but if it had listened to it, everything could have avoided.

One separated of it and with a fast movement closed the blouse.

-- Supongo that I must not have done that -- he with doubtful voice said.

--Yo I did not have habértelo allowed -- she admitted.

-- It will be better that we enter -- suggested Ty, drying itself the sweat of the

forehead and realizing by first time from where they were. Thank heavens which he was
afternoon free of Jose and Conchita and that all the others were occupied in the barn. It
stretched his muscles and felt them sore. Hardly it could think that Erin had to him allowed to
do that after which it had happened. Perhaps still it had some hope.

-- You are well? she asked to him.

--Me it hurts little -- he answered sincerely, and with a new emoción shining to him in

eyes --. But it does not matter. How it is your hip?

--Yo... eh... I have not realized. And I do not like to be a disabled person -- añadió,

remembering origin of that discussion --. In addition, I will be enchanted to make the exercises
if with it you are convinced that I do not want to live to coast yours.

-- Well -- it responded, outlining a smile --. I either do not want to live to yours. What it

seems to you if we began this same night? I believe that I can learn to enjoy dándote massages
in that hip.

--No you have to me state giving massages, Ty.

-- Ah, no? And then what I was doing?

Erin left of the car as quickly as possible. It had so many desire to move away of that

odioso man who one leaned with firmness on its ill leg by primera time from operation.

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That was the first night that Ty was not locked in to work in books when finishing of to

have supper. Estudio had well equipped his, including a computer where it stored all the in-
formación of the farm. According to Erin knew later, treated of a terminal connected to a
central computer, on which others depended two terminales: one in the office of the farm, and
other located in an office that compartía with several criadores of cattle with which it had
created one sociedad. He walked put in many things, which guaranteed good ingresos to him.

-- Tengo to work many hours if I want to maintain everything to the day explained to him

to Erin while they went to the hall to take the coffee after having supper --. I have some
accountants, but I do not like to trust my books to anybody completely. I have seen fall many
businesses by the simple fact that his proprietor does not have wanted that they bother it with
papers, or because his -- people have had to imagine what she really wanted that did.

--No you trust in nobody, right? she asked to him while acomodaba in a armchair in front

to the sofa, avoiding to watch towards the chimney. That was the place where Ty was it
seduced, and the memories were disquieting.

-- Good, no I know... I believe that I am learning to trust a little you.

--No is that have more options, considering the testament of Brushes. I imagine that you

would be enough annoying when you found out.

--Lo of Ward Jessup and I have much history already -- Of course, I did not give jumps

of joy to to imagine oil wells blooming between my pure blood.

-- Supongo that no, but, how you knew that I would not decide to remain in the city with

so of that that happened?

--No I knew it -- he confessed. It ignited a cigarette and recostó in the sofa, and the

firm ones muscles of their torso were drawn below the shirt. Estaba perfectly hairdo and just
shaved. Its appearance was always pulcra, even working with the animals, and in spite of not
being handsome, he was hombre more masculine that Erin had known.

--La truth is that at first it did not think to come -- confessed she to a timid smile -- But

later I realized of which much people would remain without work by my stupid one pride.

-- a liberal one of soft heart -- he joked --. Think that it had not been worth the trouble

to see me of knees after which I did to you?

Erin watched it to the eyes and it felt the electricity that never had been extinguido

completely among them.

Of the only thing that truely culparte could is to pay attention to the lies of Brushes and

of not listening to me me.

-- That you create? -- he asked, while a brandy used. Erin noticed that it did not have to

him offered to her. Ty remembered that she did not drink. He was a man who forgot few things.

Of all forms, that already is passed.

-- and you think that it is so easy for me? -- it inquired, becoming to watch it fixedly.

--No I include/understand...

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-- Llevabas a my son in your interior remembered he to him, in a voice tone that arrived

to him at soul --. You cannot imaginarte how I felt when I read that letter and I found out of
which it had caused.

Erin remained without breathing. It was as if a strange force that arose from the bottom

of his gray eyes attracted it towards their depths; perhaps it was the force of that rare
vulnerability. Ty had always seemed him an incapable man of to be touched nevertheless and,
during a little while, an almost eternal moment, his expression had contained as much pain, as
much loss, that now it felt incapable of -- moving, speaking, to even think.

Ty left of to watch its brandy glass and directed its Vista towards the chimney. In front

of him it had a picture with a scene of Texas that somebody of his familia had painted towards
almost a century. It was the picture of an old farm of cattle, during a storm, with a wind mill to
the bottom.

-- Erin... I I did not glide what that night happened. I know that I said the opposite to

you, but no it was the truth.

She jugueteaba nervous with the fabric of its skirt when it raised the eyes towards him.

It had spoken to him of that form, and never it hoped in silence that continued.

-- Pense' that if it pricked, it would obtain sacarte to you of quicio and that you termina-

rías to want to give me a slap, and thus, when you did it, I found excusa that it needed stops
tocarte. That was what wanted. It was obsessed with you. Your image me it persecuted in
dreams, and it imagined how he would be tocarte shrank of shoulders and it continued -- When
you kissed to me, I lost the head, and almost nonmemory, how it happened. Not even I thought
about taking precautions. I supposed that you already would be doing it, since one assumed that
eras a woman with experience.

That confession had it fascinated. Piernas could not let remember his muscular, its

narrow hips...

-- Crei' that that you tried was to separate to me from the life of Brushes.

--Te I lay. Brush was the last person about whom I thought about that momento.

The young person he began to feel like a catched animal. It was volviendo to try to

dominate it, to have it.

-- Nevertheless, you let to me march remembered she to him in low voice.

—¡I had to make it, damn is! -- he shouted --. Eras hers, and I it traicioné. It could not to

live with that load, so I had echarte of here before...

-- Before what, ice man? Before you returned to lose the head? So difficult it is to admit

that you are human and that you can feel desire?

—¡Yes! -- it roared he, sending to the time its glass against the chimney.

Erin jumped in its seat, but it nor perturbed, but who limited itself to encender a

cigarette while it observed it with certain nervousness.

--La idea that my father had of the marriage was completely distorsionada. It saw it like

a simple commercial interchange. It always said to me that sex was a weakness that any man
with nutgalls had to be able to surpass --Ty he had been taking a walk anxious by the room, and

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at that moment a stopped in front she -- Erin, the first time which I was with a woman, was
veintiún years old and I took weeks in superposing me to the sentido one of culpability. It had
rendered to me before a desire that could not hide, and it cursed to me for that reason.
Perhaps also it cursed my father to impose its own principles to me. Not even my mother she
had been able to live with him. It was normal; a warm and affectionate woman. To end, my
father not even could touch it.

Ty returned a to nail the eyes in the chimney and Erin remained immovable and quiet,

trying to assimilate those so intimate confessions that he acababa to do to him and that had
surely not shared with any other person.

-- Every day me I seem more to him -- it continued Ty with absent voice and without

separating the eyes from flames --. I cannot change. The walls work of two ways: they avoid
that people between... but also they avoid that it leaves.

Erin felt how their own problems seemed to lose importance when

including/understanding what Ty it finished saying.

-- You are single -- it commented in low voice.

One occurred return to watch it, and for the first time its expression not escondía

nothing. It seemed suddenly older and tired, and there was pain in each one the lines of his

-- Affection, I have single state all my life -- it answered with deep and serena voice --.

My education and my aspect has been from always an obstacle for my relation with women.

-- Your aspect?

--No disguise. I know that I am not a wonder.

--Si really you think that the aspect is so important, which is not no wonder is your head.

I have never known somebody so man as you. Ty was on to much the awares as if that surprised

--Te I did damage... -- it said, forgetting the cigarette for the first time.

-- virgin Era she remembered to him smoothly --. Sometimes it is difficult for the women

first time. You could not have avoided it.

--No is flattery. I do not like the sufficient thing like for adularte.

Ty lay down a to laugh.

-- Urging to the enemy, then?

She it shrank of shoulders.

--Da chance of which the enemy has given back to the life, so I believe that I must to you

a pair of praises or three.

--No you go a to think the same when we begin to work with your hip. Compared with me,

the instruction sergeants will seem mere soldaditos of lead.

-- You were marine in the army, right? Then you are not made illusions, querido. You do

not go a to be able with me.

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To Ty him it pleased that attitude of fight. It had always liked, but the woman who it

found in that apartment of New York lacked her completely. Finally it had been able to free it
of that autocompasión and apathy.

-- You are precious thus -- it commented, repairing in the color of its cheeks, the depth

of its eyes color emerald and the provocative disorder of its hair --. With scars and everything.
Soon, you will not know nor where they were.

--Mi hip no he will return to be the same one if she does not do a graft to me -- murmuró,

of return to painful reality --. And the truth is that I do not want to think about more

-- When man has undressed to you, the scars of your hip will be the latest that him

happen to watch.

Erin had forgotten that it had seen it undresses that chimney in front of, and him they

ignited the cheeks.

-- Yes, already I see that you also remember -- continued he and its voice sounded

sensual --. terriblemente I was here, and was mirándote until me embriagué with your vision.
Later you left tumbarte me in the ground.

-- new Era for me -- it responded to the defensive, separating mirada.

-- It was authentic paradise, or more close than I hoped to be of there in all my life. If it

had not been by Brushes... ¡Oh, God, never perdonaré!

They were words bitter, but simultaneously full of anguish by the lost one, and without

thinking it, Erin it was put of foot and one approached him. He was so high that she had to raise
head to see the face him, and the heat and the force of their body attracted it towards him
like a magnet. She had been so wonderful that late between his arms...

--Ya no it matters -- it said she --. He is dead; déjalo to rest peacefully, Had so little

peace in its life, Ty...

-- and how much think that I have had? ¡He is something that corrodes to me on the


It grasped it by the arms and she shook vigorously it.

--El car it came towards me when leaving a curve -- it insisted --. ¡Nobody which could hu-

biera to avoid it!

It watched it in silence during moments.

-- It is certain that?

-- Clear that yes, in addition it happened to minutes of my house, Ty. I could have been of

way to the work, to an appointment or any thing. You were not the culprit.

-- Truely? --Ty took air and seemed to realize its hand for the first time -- You would

have had the boy?

-- Of course -- she without vacillating answered.

-- Somebody it had finished saying it to me -- it whispered he, caressing the scar of his

cheek -- it would have gone to buscarte to marry to me with you.

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-- and what class of life she had been that? You had not never accepted my work, and

perhaps either my form to be. You have never loved a butterfly --, you yourself you said it. And
to work like model was all my life. I liked the lights, people, to shine pretty clothes... --la smile
that had animated its face vanished to to remember the accident -- I lost everything. I cannot
return to it. I can learn another job class, but nothing will be able to reemplazar it.

"Except you ", it thought, but one did not dare to say it. It could not reduce its pride

until that point and to say that to be loved by him it would be one to him it compensates more
than sufficient by the race that was lost.

One became towards the sofa and a little staggered.

—¡Damn it is this leg!

-- Yes not you it pleases, you could arreglártela. You do the exercises corno indicated the

doctor to you. If you want to return to have your race, gánatela.

Erin could not knowledge that their words had made him much damage to Ty, because

they meant that it did not matter to him in minimum. It knew that was deserved it, but even so
the pain was very intense.

-- It is well -- she, challenging answered -- I will do It.

-- Well -- it, smiling agreed --. Now it sees ponerte something with which puedas to make

exercises and I will help you. We will take the coffee later.

First session was more painful of which she imagined. It made the ejercicios so and as

they were described in the schemes that the médico had given him, and under threats of Ty,
that requested to him more than what she was believed able.

—¡We go, Erin! You do not say to me that you cannot push with more force.

—¡I cannot! I am not a man!

Ty watched fixedly the sines that were drawn under the gymnastics clothes and smiled.

-- We will offer for that reason.

-- You want to make please let watch to me thus?

-- Because next time ponte you maintain -- it talked back while it continued haciendo

exercises fallen down in the carpet -- I cannot avoid that nipples therefore me distract.

—¡Tyson! -- she exclaimed, getting up itself of blow.

-- Why you you put so red, affection? -- he with innocent air --. asked Or it is that you do

not remember that you made the love with me in this same alfombra?

—¡You are odioso! him espetó she, with the eyes throwing tipsy. The sport suit it

emphasized his thinness, but also it was fitted to a so exquisito body that the manufacturers of
lencería had disputed to obtain it their services like model.

--No you hate to me to me, which you hate is sex, and that it is fault mine. But one of

these days, perhaps it makes change you of opinion.

-- Inténtalo if you dare --lo defied.

-- you are to Me causing, Erin? -- iluminó asked he and a silver-plated brightness its eyes.

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She began to shake of feet to head. It hurt the hip to him, and one felt simultaneously

average stuned. It wanted to erase that so arrogant smile of the varonil face. It wanted to do it
vulnerable and to see fall its walls before her.

-- that Can yes -- it answered, bending slightly the back and elevating sines --. And what

think to do you, cowboy?

Ty was smoking a cigarette, that at that moment extinguished with deliberada slowness in

the ash tray.

-- Espero that your hip has supported a little additional exercise... in opening and closing

of eyes, were seated on their thighs -- Very well, affection, what it seems to you that let us do
now? He was this what you had thought? -- Preguntó, sliding a hand until covering with her one
with its sines.

Erin felt that the air was congealed in its lungs. There was a pile of things that was

beginning to include/understand. The form in which it had behaved in the car, hungry but
without experience, and the way in which it caressed it now, openly and without preliminaries, it
confirmed to him that it less still knew on women of which it had confessed. Very well, because
that game was going it to play both. Good, it is not that she knew much, but had heard speak to
those of its sort.

-- Thus no -- it whispered, raising the hand to him -- Thus...

Erin him it taught how it had to caress it until its body shook of necesidad.

-- You like thus? -- he asked.

-- Yes... -- it whispered anxiously --. It excites to me.

Ty hardly it could think that she wanted to teach to him what it liked, that it did not

complain its lack of fineness or that was not ed ***reflx mng of him. At the same time it was
asked if Brush would have to him slight. It did not seem the woman class who es ***reflx mng
itself of inexperience, at least then.

-- What plus you want that it does?

It was like to be drinking wine. Erin felt ebria of him. Olvidado of his was had hip and of

all the others. She was a woman seducing a man, a siren hunting to a fisherman with the vertigo
of its own one to be able.

One took hands to the braces and, watching it to the eyes, left their torso the naked one.

--Oh, God, beautiful what you are... -- it whispered --. What you want that it does? it

asked to him when she smoothly approached it towards her body.

-- Quiero that put your lips... here -- it indicated being close the nipples.

Ty remained without breathing.

-- In your chests? I will not do damage to you?

--Oh, no... it assured she to him --. You will not do damage to me.

Ty happened hands by their back undress and when it cleared it with his mouth, Erin

began a to shake like a leaf during a storm. That reaction instilled spirit in Ty, that explored
the sines with the labios, accompanied by moaned of her. Knowledge that was making it sentir as

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much pleasure pleased it enormously, and it let vagar his hands by the delicate back, by the
waist, while its mouth followed pledged with the unexpected dulzura of the sines.

When to the aim it raised the head, the expression of Erin astonished it. It had the eyes

half-closed, the half-opened lips, the cheeks reds cloud...

-- You want quitarte the shirt? she with difficult voice asked to him.

The truth was that it almost could not. The hands shook to him incontrolablemente. It

never had state so excited as then, nor siquiera when they made the love. When to the aim one
undressed of the shirt, it felt a jab of pride when seeing it to cross its body with open
admiration in the eyes. It took the hands until the bronzed chest, and the heart of him barked

Erin I incorporate to kneel down him in front of, and nailing slightly the nails in ample

back, leaned against him, leaving its chests rozaran wonderful masculine torso.

-- Erin... -- it moaned.

--Oh, Ty...

It took it with force between its arms and it kissed it with overflowed passion. To Erin it

liked to feel the hair of the masculine chest against his, and the rate of its hearts it seemed
the same one... until a noise in the fore door gave back them violently to the reality.

Ty sent one curse before helping it to fix the suit and was still buttoning shirt when

steps sounded by the runner. Erin watched towards the door... and account occurred of which
they had forgotten to close it.

-- Before you you came, I I used to be a very judicious man -- I murmured Ty --. ¡God

mine, with open door wide! Erin, was wonderful...

-- Good, like you are helping me to return to walk, I thought that less than she could do

era entretenerte a little.

--No disguise, that this has had little of entertainment -- he answered, while he helped to

put itself of foot, but instead of letting leave it, he stopped it in front to him --. Erin, we must
do something -- solemne --. said with air When I am with you I lose the control, and now more
than ever, I do not want... I do not want dejarte embarrassed by accident.

That thought seemed to torture it.

--Lo I feel -- Erin responded -- I will not return to do it. I do not know what it happened

to me, Ty. ..

--No --la it interrupted he, clearing its lips with a finger -- Not you disculpes. You

obtained that it returned to feel to me like a man, like a complete man. .. --Ty seemed to doubt
a moment --. I wish you -- a terrible secret whispered outside, as if.

--Lo I know -- it with a sigh responded. It could have said to him the same, but it was

scared to confer that class to him of being able on her. When Jose entered room, Ty held it
with force of the arms.

-- Sir, is overseer. A wild dog killed a bull calf. It says that it is the same dog of others

times; that of Mr. Jessup.

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-- Damn it is -- Ty murmured, and as by magic art I transform myself again into the

owner of farm: cold, implacable, indómito... and extraño --. It takes my rifle and tráeme an
ammunition box -- it ordered Jose --. And dile to Grandy that hopes to me. Later it calls to Ed
Johnson and explícale what it is happening. Perhaps it must face to me to a denunciation.

-- Yes, Sir -- Jose, leaving the room answered.

-- It is the dog of Ward Jessup? -- Erin asked, while and removes to its closet the jacket

from leather and the old Stetson was put that always llevaba to work.

-- Yes. It is dog half shepherd half wolf. I have already warned to its owner several times

to him on the animal, and has said to me that it does not think to lock up it, but this he is the
last one bull calf that I lose by its cause.

-- and if you it denounces?

-- That does it. I like the good fights --y while the jacket was fastened, added --: It

rests well tonight. Tomorrow you and I must speak --y approaching a it stops to caress the face
to him, announced --: Perhaps it returns late. You do not hope to me it wakes up.

One inclined towards her and it kissed it on the mouth with a new tenderness. Erin sonrió

and bit to him smoothly a lip. Ty retired frunciendo the frown.

-- How you know as much of the art to kiss?

-- Because even that you appeared, that was everything what did with the chicos. Taken

care of Ten, eh?

-- Perhaps you are worried about the enemy? -- he, mocking asked.

-- With whom it would discuss if it happened something to you?

-- Erin.. . -- it began to say he, caressing the lips to him with gentility --. No. I cannot to

speak now. Good night.

It gave average return and without watching backwards, took rifle and the ammunition.

When hearing to close itself the door, Erin felt a chill. What was what it had estado on the
verge of to say to him?

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The memories they tormented that night to Erin. It could not let think about Brushes and

Ty and in everything what it had happened. Specially the one memory went to its mind tomorrow
fry in that It brushes and she had decided to give a stroll to horse.

Ty was working with one of his colts and one stopped only for indicarle to brother what

horse had to saddle for Erin.

Brush watched it challenging.

-- I know perfectly how to choose a horse -- espetó -- I am not going to leave becomes

damage. After all, Erin is my girl, not it yours.

Ty was had been dumb, but their eyes when watching at Erin shone hambrientos,

possessive. Even with the veil of the memory, the intensity of that glance still did to shake.
Until that moment, Ty had been openly hostile towards she, bothering it whenever it could,
making fun of of her. But that cold morning, their eyes revealed something exciting and
attractive. They remained thus, watching itself, until Erin thought that its heart was not going
to be able to resist it. If It brushes no it had chosen that moment to reappear with its mount,
could to happen any thing.

During stroll, she could not forget those moments, and when they regresaron to the farm,

one of the boys demanded the attention of Brushes.

It had descried to Ty to the distant spot, of foot next to the surrounded one, and by one

extraña reason that still now it did not reach to include/understand, ran towards him.

Even now it could clearly see the expression of hard and impenetrable the manly face,

siempre: the surprise mixing itself with the pleasure to see it correr towards him, with the hair
waving in the back and the shining eyes to him. Both they seated in the part more loss of near
the corral and she spoke to him with delight of the stroll, of farm and of much that was
enjoying that visit.

And for his surprise, he was not sarcastic nor rough, but who limitó to ignite a cigarette

and to answer all its peculiar questions; incluso seemed to enjoy that, although it showed certain
avidity in its glance. Between that morning and the night next to the chimney did not pass too
much time. Still it could feel the cosquilleo of the palm of its hand when slapping it, surprise of
him and the pull that it had given of her to take it in his arms. contact with its body, muscular
and signs, evaporated all the arguments and passion among them untied with a devastating force.

--Al aim -- it with hoarse voice had whispered -- Oh God, finally...

All the others it was forgotten when the magic of its lips made effect. During long time,

she had prohibited herself to itself to remember that night, but now she wished to do it. Cuan-
do returned to savor the sigh of Ty she, instead of to reject it, embraced it against himself. It
lacked experience with the women, but even so, each movement had been spontaneous. Sentir
its skin, its heat, its force... it had wished to feel it everything, without realizing of which that
she meant for a man. Its experience was still smaller than the one of him, so the following thing
was inevitable, as inevitable as... like the accident.

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Erin took the hands to the belly while the tears dampened the Cheeks to him. The worse

thing of everything it had been to lose the boy. The world was had to him exhausted between
hands when Ty refused to listen to it. The accident, the abortion, operations... a nightmare.

And now, a cause indeed of a new horror, was again there, near Ty, beginning a relation

that scared it. Would feel he pity?

Which were its own thoughts? At first it wished to take revenge itself of him, for later

to fall in a bitter apathy, Now was beginning to live again... and everything a cause of
Ty. revolvió is worried in the bed. Whenever he it touched it, all its determinación
vanished. It must of have given it counts already, but also it seemed to doubt.

The influence of his father she had been decisive in the formation of his personalidad.

Its ideas on the marriage and the privacy they were distorted, and hid in his interior one part
that it had not discovered. Perhaps him it had done it, and perhaps nobody would never do it.

Erin it incorporated in the bed. If él only wished it because culpable felt or person in

charge of the happened thing, she would have to try to reject it, since one time that recovered,
the fault of Ty would vanish and with her desire. When it was model, it did not seem to feel
attraction some, but all opposite, and now that was full of scars and average tullida, parecía to
attract it much more. Why?, it was asked. Also there was something more, and it was desire to
maintain Ward Jessup remote. The best thing would be not to approach too much to him in any
sense. the sound of a door of car to to close itself broke silence, and the young
person contained the breathing to listen. It wore to position a short nightgown opened by the
side of the scars, and no it could support that Ty saw it although did not think that it was
happened to him to enter.

Just in that moment, steps suddenly approached towards their room and the door it

opened wide.

-- God mine -- Ty murmured while took off the gloves and it approached bed --. And I who

it thought that only mirages in the desert could be seen.

--Es plus one nightmare that a mirage -- she answered, covering itself with sheets -- scar

bothers to me once in a while, and for that reason I must use the nightgown opened. Not long
ago that cleared the puntadas ones, and in addition, to my hip no it seems to like the exercise.

-- and you like to be dressed in transparent nightgowns? -- --, joked he If I were in your

place, would have one long one to char it with her, since you are going to seguir doing exercises
every day, and would be better than you convinced it so that it leaves of to protest.

That no it seemed the Ty that she knew months back. Its humor was divertido, and no

mocking or sarcastic, and it even seemed to be delivering an attack to approach to her.

-- You could to catch the dog? -- Erin asked.

--No. That the condemned animal hid in the forest, but I am going to cause that Jessup

pays to me that bull calf.

Ty approached more to the bed. One had undone the leather jacket, and the hat tipped it

gave an arrogant air him.

-- Something you it walks making the rounds by the head? --lo defied Erin.

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-- Yes, and you you know perfectly what is, right? -- he answered, golpeándose the palm

of hand with the gloves while it slid the eyes with deliberate slowness by upon sheets --. Why
you did that?

-- Hacer what?

-- Esconderte under sheets as soon as I entered. There is nothing I I have not seen


Erin separated the glance.

-- Perhaps, but you have not seen such it and as it is now, and I am not going to allow that

you do it.

-- That is in favor of to see itself -- he said, and in opening and closing of eyes he threw

of the sheet.

—¡No! -- it shouted she, but it on the brink of madness held with firmness, seating the

bed to it stops to in the open raise to him to the nightgown until the waist, leaving the cicatriz.

She was not one pleasant vision. The operations left to scars profundas him that only

they could be disguised with a graft, but that to him not him molestaba. What him it annoyed
was the attitude of her towards those scars.

Erin closed eyes. It did not want to see the expression of Ty.

-- you already are contentment?

-- Still no -- he answered, inclining to kiss the cicatriz delicately.

—¡Ty, not it do! -- she protested, pushing it.

It raised head and smiled; but it was a mocking smile that not suavizó in minimum its


-- You are scared or what? I have already seen you and it make sick to me, to neither you

are me repulsive, nor nothing of the sort. Some question more?

Erin leaned in the pillows and it watched it.

Horrible --Es -- he whispered -- I cannot watch it.

-- Then you have less value of which I thought, affection. I have lived in a farm all my life

and I have seen things that would put the end hairs to you. A few scars are not much.

—¡But no for me!

--A to judge by the state in which I found you in New York, already I see that not -- it

agreed, passing the fingers through the most recent scar. Erin saw it remain pale and to tighten
the teeth, as if it was remembering things that it did not want to remember -- You were long
time in the hospital? -- Ty investigated.

-- After accident, yes -- it confessed --. Ty...

-- It had of being very painful -- cicatrices --. said él between teeth, watching And

without that it took care of to you or one took care of you. ¡God mine!

One rose furious of the bed, it sank the hands in the pockets and volvió. Erin was

beginning to include/understand it. It was not that it did not have sentimientos, but that it had
hidden during long time. She remembered what she had said to him on their difficulties with the
women, and supposed that they alguien had of having itself deceived of him by its robust aspect.

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Almost without to realize, Erin rose of the bed and it approached him. To speak did not

go a to serve as anything, so it was put opposite and, opening the jacket to him, was tightened
against its body. Ty held it by shoulders as if it wanted to apartar it, but to have it there so
close, embriagando itself of the aroma of its body was too much and no it could do it, but that
let it approach and embrace it, apoyando the cheek against its head with a depth sigh.

-- So after all you are human -- it whispered -- What happens is that you the guards

everything and you do not leave anybody sees it, but the things hurt so much to you as to me.
Already I know that you feel bad reason why it happened, Ty, and I already have left of odiarte
by it. I do not know if that can aliviarte.

-- Your eyes they arrive too much far -- he said, caressing the hair to him.

--Es like to watch to me in a mirror. During all my life I also have hidden my feelings so

that nobody could see the wounds. My father died and my mother he began to leave with a man
behind another one, and the other children tormented to me with that. What happened was that
their own parents surrendered before her. It had relations at least with two of them.

-- It had of being very it last for you -- 7dedujo he, embracing it with more force.

--Un hell. You do not forget that I grew near Scythes, and was not more than a town girl

when I began to work like model. The people of the small cities are Earth salt, but has old
fashioned ideas on the morality and condemns a who ignore their rules. I suppose that that is
the reason that never it wanted to know nothing of the men.

--Al less, until I appeared I -- Ty --. stressed I suppose that you had many remorses of

conscience later.

-- Thus it is.

--Yo also I had problem with mine one or two. The women who I had... with that I had

been before they were not virgin.

-- Not you it seems very strange that it has been embarrassed the first time?

--Se says that that is what it happens to them to the good girls, I feel muchísimo

affection -- it added --. Moan not haberte listened, and not to have gone behind you. I tried,
but then It brushes appeared telling that pile me of lies...

Erin raised the head to watch it to the eyes.

-- Never him I spoke of us -- it denied --. And I never accused to you of... to handle to


--Y I had it to have imagined, right? At least after today.

-- After today? -- it talked back, without including/understanding.

--Si you were woman class who es ***reflx mng itself of a man, you would have done it

today, but it was not thus. Instead of reírte of me, you took me from the hand and you showed
to me how acariciarte.

Erin blushed and it returned to hide the face in his chest.

-- the men we are not born knowing how to excite a woman -- he confessed smiling --

Tenemos to learn. It enchanted to me that you taught to me what you like. That never had to
me happened before.

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-- Never?

-- Never. Brush also it told you a good pack of lies you. Or it is that you have not

occurred it still counts?

-- you talk about to your squalid reputation and the harem that you have hidden in the


-- More or less. I am not virgin, but I have not been a vividor either. To the men like I not

them it is so easy to obtain girl.

-- To what you refer with that of the men like you? What you have of bad?

Ty tipped slightly, the head to answer.

-- That I am gross.

-- Also you are sexy.

-- I? -- he asked bending the eyebrows.

--Y arrogant, impatient, gruñón...

—¡You could it to have left in sexy!

-- Impossible. You would become being conceited.

-- it hurts to You hip? -- it investigated when seeing that she moved troubles.

Annoying --Me a little --y smiling with malicia, added --: I will be you better friend if you

do not force to me to make those exercises.

--No has treatment. You are going to return to walk without muleta, although it must turn

to me your worse enemy. We go -- it said, and without previous warning it raised it in the arms
stops to take it until the bed.

Erin was left to take, surrounding it by the neck with the arms.

-- You are very hard -- it murmured.

--No I am of those that feel behind a table to count their money. I sweated much stops

to obtain what I have -- answered he, and when leaving it on the master, its eyes they slipped
codiciosos by all the body of her, acariciándolo with the glance.

Erin no it tried to cover itself, but that let it watch, enjoying the pleasure that saw to

shine in its eyes.

-- Sometimes you allowed that a man watched to you thus? it asked él to him with hoarse



-- Bruce wanted to make it, right? Mirarte and many things more.

-- Never it obtained -- it answered Erin, without separating the eyes from the his --. He

was my friend until it began to want more than what I could give him. It did not have idea that
it was obsessed with marrying with me until the day that I left here. Brush did not do more
than to complain as a crazy person on the form in which you me you watched. I tried to say to
him that not even you liked, but he did not listen to me. I feel it, Ty. It had not created all
those problems between you two by nothing of the world.

-- Bruce and I we were never united. They educated to us separately and it was six years

younger than I. It always tried to compete with me; it longed for to have the fastest car, more

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expensive clothes and the best house shrank of shoulders -- I never have worried by those
things. It is certain that I have money, but me would fix them perfectly if it did not have it. I
prefer to be a good horse and of work ahead instead of aparecerme in some of the restaurants
of fashion to represent the rich paper of hacendado.

-- Creo that that it is what I liked more of you, even in the beginning. You are not snob,

like Brush was it.

--Lo -- it said he in low voice.

-- Why it pawned Brushes in arming all that mess? If it knew that you did not like I, why

to invent that pack of lies?

-- Because he it had a feeling that there was something under all that appearance of

indiferencia. It knew that it wished you.

The heart of Erin rose to him the throat.

--Yo not it I knew until that night -- he confessed, turning aside glance --. I feel haberte

disappointed. It did not know how to do it.

--No me you disappointed -- he, sharp denied -- Was everything because of the lies of


-- Really? -- she asked, surprised by that reaction so vehemente.

-- you Were it that in fact one disappointed. The only thing that you removed was pain

and a boy who you lost by my badly character.

--Lo of the boy it was an accident -- it argued the young person, but it felt it of verdad.

The feeling of fault of Ty had erased all its bitterness --. You cannot follow culpándote
everything the life.

-- You create? -- Someday you will marry and have other children.

Ty removed cigarette of the package and ignited it.

--, Yes clear; it could always put an announcement: Rich and ugly man looks for of

marriageable age woman.

--Ty, why you say...

--Ya I have to you said that I am realistic. A woman is never going to fall in love with me,

but for my money, so, why not to put letters on the table from the beginning?

-- Very well. Already that you are determined to revolcarte in autocompasión, I am going

to be united to you -- she said, angry -- No longer I am virgin, I am full of scars and disabled, so
now that my economy has improved could put an announcement just as yours.

The cigarette of Ty it remained halfway towards his lips.

-- Those scars will not concern any man to him whom truely it loves to you.

-- and my happened? And my cojera? -- she asked. The nightgown had resbalado of one of

his shoulders, but too much were gotten upset corno to realize.

But Ty if it noticed.

-- and those precious sines are yours? -- it murmured.

—¡Ty! -- she exclaimed, disturbed before the expression of her face.

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-- They are exquisite, Erin, and you cannot imagine the effort that I must do for to

follow here of foot smoking this cigarette, so hazme please subirte that nightgown before it
rushes to me and...

Erin obeyed while their cheeks seemed to dismiss fire by tenth time.

-- Truely you want abalanzarte on me, in spite of the aspect that I have?

-- Specially for that reason -- he answered, outlining a smile --. Still it annoys to me to

have had dejarte when Grandy came to look for me by the one of the dog. It chose the moment
more propitious to come. -- Ah, yes?

-- By supposed. Considering that you do not return the pill and I did not have anything to

put to me, was providencial.

-- Crei' that men always were prepared.

Ty loosen one outburst of laughter.

-- Perhaps I was prepared again? But, Erin, is that you have not realized small that is

Ravine? In the only site where they sell preservatives are in store of ultrasailors of Mrs. Blake,
who knows me since she had ten years. You imagine its expression if tienda went to his to buy
knowing them as it knows that I am unmarried and that you are living here with me?


—¡Oh...! --la it imitated he -- Now you will include/understand why there are so many

unexpected embarazos by here, but as you and I are not two adolescents and know very well

--Yo it did not have glided... to do it with you -- it stuttered.

--Yo either. But both we were desired and we been single. I had haberte protected, and I

tried, but it was too difficult. It had waited for too much time and you you had turned an
obsession for me.

That confession was surprising. And very interesting.

-- Much time?

A smiled grumblings.

-- About two years, if it interests to know it to you. I already said to you that it had


Erin it felt pleased and it could not avoid to smile.

-- Because I never...

--Ya I realized.

-- You have... from then

--Ya I said to you that in the car no. And I have not wished --Ty either finished the

cigarette it and it extinguished --. I have not wished anybody more. It preferred to maintain
the memory of that night that to have any other woman.

Erin could not to avoid it and the tears they rolled by its cheeks while it watched it,

incapable of to speak.

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-- Anda, walks, it lets cry -- it requested he, wiping the eyes to him torpemente --. In

addition, the only one form that is happened to me of consolarte would not be very judicious,
teniéndote with that transparent nightgown.

-- You can to bet what you want; at least in that sense --Ty, gave the handkerchief to him

and it took its gloves --. Erin, which you said in the doctor's office of the doctor... in serious
they bother the murmuraciones to you that can have on us?

Erin watched it surprised.

-- It is that of truth you are speaking of us?

-- That I fear. One of the workers mentioned something that had heard.

What not him it said was that the man, who had drunk some glass of more, had said it to

he himself, and that Ty, after offering puñetazo to him, dismissed it immediately.

-- Good, no to be able to us to do nothing -- she answered, after a small pause --. So and

as they are the things, I am proprietor of half of the farm. I cannot leave without my decision
affects much people.

-- Hay a thing that yes we can do -- said él watching dull dust floods.

-- What?

--Ya we have ourselves agreement position in which I can make me buscando old a woman

who accepts to me with the ugly thing that I am, and you do not seem to have confianza in
finding a man. In addition, neither it has slept with anybody more from that night --Ty it
decided to the aim to watch it to eyes --. Perhaps we could learn to take to us well if we made
an effort. Testamento does not leave much election us. You will have quedarte here for always.

Erin knew that he was going to say. It could reject its proposal, would be the decision

more judicious, but a part of her felt deeply attracted by him. Never it had wished another
man, and although él did not love it, would take care at least of she. Perhaps with time the
things began to funcionar among them. They could have children...

-- You would want to have children? it asked to him seriously.

--Si you you refer to that it gives a son you to replace to that you lost, yes, I can to do it,

although still no. You cannot to be embarazada. But we can have children if it is that you wish it.

It did not seem very excited with the idea. It would really wish to have a family? Or

perhaps it wished to have it, but it was scared once again to show its feelings by to be hurt

-- You are catched here, thanks to your innocence --. remembered he to him So you can

take my name just as half of my farm.

—¡Many thanks! -- she in sharp tone answered --What wonderful proposal of marriage!

—¡Then tómala or déjala! -- it talked back --. I am not enchanted either, but it is the only

solution that I see.

—¡I do not think to sleep with you!

—¡By me, you sleep in the damn barn! -- espetó he with centelleantes eyes.

The lips of Erin shook and threw still more of sheets.. How they habían so arrived from

sudden movement to that situation?

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--Si you marry to you with me, it will have to be by the church -- it noticed she --. I am

not arranged a to do it by the civilian.

-- Perhaps you I have requested? -- it asked, bending the eyebrows.

--Y either I want a great celebration. I want a small wedding. And I do not want that my

comes mother. It would turn everything a circus.

Ty seemed to relax a little.

Of agreement.

--Y I do not want to arrive at the altar being had to drag this leg.

-- After a few weeks of exercises, no longer you will have to drag it. You will improve, but

you are going to need time and effort.

-- Tyrannous... -- it murmured --. It is well, I will do it, although it dies to me of pain.

When? -- he with a voice asked that sounded deep.

-- When love you?

--La week that it comes.

Erin remained agape and then it added:

-- Good, no there is more remedy than it is thus, unless you want that it appears in

newspapers. In spite of being ugly, I am enough well-known.

-- You want to make please leave of desacreditarte? she requested to him exasperated.

--Lo I will do if you let speak of your leg.

-- Trato done.

-- Quieres brilliant?

--No. Only one gold alliance.

Of agreement -- it agreed and gave average return towards the door.

-- and it already is? -- she, overwhelmed exclaimed -- That is everything?

-- What plus you want? If I put myself of knees with the so cold ground perhaps I have

left envarado until the spring. And besarte to seal the commitment would not be either very
judicious, being naked you.

—¡I am not it undresses!

If you were, so I am doing the best thing, like your prometido that I am. Not you be

wakes up until very late --. We must empezar with the exercises tomorrow morning. That you
sleep well -- left the room.

Erin remained pasmada watching the door. ¡Proposal of matrimonio goes! ¡Fiancè goes

ardent! It had wished to have some vase at the hand to throw it against door, but like was not
thus, put in the bed, covering itself the head with the sheets.

Ty walked by the running length towards its room whistling alegremente, with one strange

light illuminating to him the eyes, and suddenly broke to laugh. They had by ahead a long way,
but finished taking the first step. It was going to compensate a Erin of all its suffering. It was
going to cure it of all its evils. It opened the door of its room and it entered. It knew that it
would take much in falling asleep, but not him it mattered in minimum.

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ERIN had hoped that the fact to be jeopardizes cambiara to Ty, but it was not thus. It

continued being exactly just as before, including the so dominant form in that him ordenaba to
make the exercises, without clearing the Vista to him of above nor second.

-- Why no the beams you also? -- a morning suggested she.

--M hip he is perfectly well -- it talked back -- A little more stop, affection. You are not

stretching it the sufficient thing.

Never before it used affectionate words, but now it called "affection", whenever it could.

Perhaps good, it had changed a little. It seemed more relaxed, more accessible. It studied it
while she made his ejercicios on the bicycle. Of course, it did not find it far from it ugly. He
was a man with a body impressive, and it had Precious hands, of long fingers, thin and elegant,
slightly bronzed like all he.

-- You can to take a photography me -- he said when account occurred of which it

observed --. You would frighten to the crows with her.

--No was criticándote; your physicist admired.

-- You either you are bad -- it murmured, smiling when inspecting his body with eyes --.

That that you dress you have left very well.

-- Thanks -- she answered, surprised by the fulfilled one.

-- What you go away to put for the wedding? -- he between sorbos of coffee asked.

Erin was dried a little the sweat of the face before answering.

-- Good... I have a long dress beige color...

--Al demon --la interrupted he.

-- What happens? -- she without including/understanding asked.

-- White. That it is what happens -- answered Ty, leaving the cup and acercándose to her

--. Target. Nor neither green nor gray beige. You will marry with a white dress.

--No I have right to take it -- the young person objected.

-- It was with me -- it indicated, trying to maintain the calm in the voice, although their

eyes threw sparks --. Memory exactly how it was for you. When it happened, it was mirándote to
the eyes. Even memory as I felt: target.

-- White -- it repeated, shaken by the passion of her voice.

-- No other man has had one more a virgin or EC than you. No man has enjoyed one

initiation as much as I enjoyed that. There has never been another man who I for you, and to
the eyes of God that married to us better than any priest can to do it, and nobody goes to
avergonzarte because you wear a white dress. Not even your puritana conscience.

Erin did effort to smile.

--A times you are charmer.

--No I have much practice in that -- he confessed caressing hombro to him --. I grew

single, and thus it is since there am been most of my life. Still I have some difficulties in order
to relate to me to people.

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It was so different at those rare moments... Erin took the hand tenderly him and it

caressed the surface of the palm.

-- Manchas of nicotine -- it observed repairing in the yellowish spot that had the

forefinger and means --. Why you smoke so much?

-- Only I do it when I am altered or nervous. Thus it is like you, you make me feel to me.

--No I can to imagine to anybody poniéndote nervous, and much less to me.

-- That you create? Sight -- he said and extended the hand in the air so that it could see

that he shook almost imperceptibly.

Erin watched it the eyes surprised and it saw in them flames consumiendo itself with

slowness. Suddenly it included/understood everything.

--Oh, Ty...

-- That is reason for which you do not have to ramble by the house with those

transparent nightgowns -- it murmured --. When I have to you so close, I lose the control.

It was not either easy for him. Its conscience did not pardon to him what it had

happened: the loss of the boy, the death of Brushes... And in spite of everything, it had been
commited to go a to look for it to take it to Staghorn, was esforzando to obtain that she
returned to feel, that returned to worry about its health, and it did not have fact more than to
put difficulties. The origin of that situation was in the mistaken love and the jealousy without
reason for Brush, but it had arrived moment for forgetting the past and in how would have been
the things if It brushes it had not interfered.

-- When us let us marry... -- it said, carefully choosing the words and without separating

watched of him --... I will be your woman in all the sentidos.

Ty felt tremor in all the body.

--No you know that you are saying.

-- Until now, you have been the one that has put more in all this. You have perdido to It

brushes and it leaves from your inheritance, besides to have to support me. You have obtained
that it recovers the desire to live and I believe that the moment has arrived from which I am
the one who begin to give.

Ty tightened teeth and were put of foot.

-- That is something that we will have to treat in another occasion.

--Ya you you bothered again -- Erin --. sighed Oh, Ty, are that you are never going to

learn to no to explode whenever I mention something personal?

-- Clear. When you let offer alms to me. I do not want your body like payment to have

ceiling on your head.

—¡He is not that what I meant!

--No I am arranged to accept it. Not as if outside a sacrifice.

--Me you go a to return crazy, Ty. When I believe that I begin comprender. It is well. You

have what want. I will sleep in the barn with the rats.

--No are rats in the barn -- it with absent voice informed.

-- In serious?

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-- Because my boa lives there and it eats them.

Erin swallowed saliva.

-- Then retirement my supply to sleep in the barn.

--Es one very old serpent. It will not do damage to you.

In my family all we are scared to them to the serpents. To my bisabuelo ate it one.

Correspondent was military and disappeared in Sudamérica. Years later they said that they had
found his skeleton within monstrous pitón.

--Un final horrifying, but the boas do not eat people.

-- That is that you say -- talked back she, making a face to moverse. The hip followed

hurting to him --The condemned exercises! Every day they cost more work to me.

In one week more or less, already you will see what improvements. Créeme.

-- and why I must follow? -- she protested -- Never I will be able to return to work like

model, mainly if I marry.

Ty watched it without including/understanding.

-- Ah, no? Why?

-- you would leave Me to work? -- she asked, surprised.

-- You are a being human, not a slave -- it indicated -- I do not believe in that to chain

woman a the leg of the bed and to have it always embarazada. You are free to do what want,
except acostarte with other men.

--No I want to lay down to me with other men.

Ty loosen one outburst of laughter.

--No, I suppose that no. With me already you had more sufficient desilusión -- it said, and

giving average return, ignited a cigarette and left the habitación.

Erin took seconds in reacting, but when it did it, it raised one of the boots of he and sent

it against Ty. It did not hit upon to him, but it was able to call its attention.

Ty remained watching the boot as if it finished finding a fish on the carpet, and soon to

take it with two fingers, one became towards Erin.

-- you have to Me thrown one it hurls?

-- Clear that you I have thrown a boot.

-- and you wanted to give the wall?

--No, wanted darte in the head.

-- Then you would have to practice your aim.

--No I create it. With the size of foot which you have, could aim at the wall and even so

darte to you if it attempt.

--Yo I do not have the great feet.

-- the ducks either.

With the boot in the hand, Ty approached her with an expression very little friendly.

Erin was put of foot quickly, trying to interpose a barrier among them

—¡Veto! -- it shouted --I am invalid!

-- Still no -- it murmured --. But it is a possibility.

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—¡Ty! ¡Not you dare to strike to me!

-- Ah, no? --la it threatened, holding it by the waist and levantándola --. You think to give

me it battles?

-- Bájame and you will see.

-- Deja of retorcerte or I will loosen to you of blow. You have always had the so green

eyes? -- it inquired, watching it close by.

-- That I create.

-- Tienen color of the leaves in spring... -- it murmured --... just after the dew it dampens


-- yours they are silverplated when you become infuriated.

Low Ty slowly the glance until its mouth.

-- Even so thin like espárrago, you are precious.

--No I am it, but thanks in any case -- Erin felt its breathing in the cheeks and reaction

of its body I was immediate, likes your mouth when you kiss to me -- she murmured -- I feel it
signs and a little...

It moaned to to feel the masculine mouth on hers. It bent the body against him and it

held it with force by the neck.

It returned it crazy person to have that muscular body next to his and to let themselves

embriagar by its aroma so manly. Ty began to shake and Erin felt a jab of culpability by to urge
it, but the truth was that it turned out exciting to know what had that power on him.

--Lo I feel -- it whispered, while it caressed the cheeks and cabello to him --. I cannot

avoid it. When you touch to me, I lose the head.

--Me it seems that it happens to us the same to both. When we make the love, you

become one savage. I never dreamed that so you were disinhibited with me.

--Yo either -- she confessed, clearing the cheek of him with labios --. I want... to do

things -- more scandalous with you.

-- I am wishing it -- he said, mordisqueando a lip to him.

--Yo also -- it responded, tightening itself against her chest.

-- Erin, if no we separated at this moment, no longer we will be able to do it. Not even to

night that we made the love so was excited as now.

--Ni I -- she confessed to trembly voice --. And that that only we have kissed ourselves.

-- That you create. It returns to move your sines since you did it awhile ago.

Erin it obeyed, and in return it felt the rigid masculinidad of Ty against his belly.

--Te desire -- he whispered, closing the eyes when he tightened it against his hips.

--Yo also, but we cannot we satisfy. Thus no. He is too dangerous.

Erin sighed.

-- Supongo that you are right.

--No is my body that that says. Only my head.

Erin began a to laugh and the tension smoothed a little.

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-- Us we will marry Tuesday, so I suppose that we will be able to survive until then -- it


-- Supongo that yes -- Erin remained watching one of the bellboys of its shirt that

seemed loose. When they married, it could take care better of him. To sew the bellboys to him,
to iron its shirts and to wash its clothes... those so intimate things seemed to him in that
moment very important. It could sleep in its arms...

-- You will be able to sleep with me yes you want, after we marry -- susurró he, as if him

it had read the thought.

A big wave of heat crossed it.

-- Truely? -- it asked, with an almost inaudible voice.

-- Always. I will be able to see how you undress and you will be able to see me me. Po-

dremos to caress to us and to make the love.

-- With the light ignited? -- she, trembly asked.

-- With the light ignited -- it whispered --. You have spoken with the doctor on


-- Yes. I... -- Erin cleared one's throat. It caused timidity to speak to him of so intimate

things --. It has to begin to take them in a while certain, and I... I began two days ago.

Ty smiled.

-- I am cattle dealer it whispered to him to the ear -- I know everything on cycles, ovula-

ciones and "those days to It of the month ".

--Oh... -- masculló she, blushing until the root of the hair.

-- Erin, that is something natural -- it indicated, forcing it to watch it --. It must not have

taboos in marriage. Nothing of which it is not possible to be spoken. What I hope more of you is
sincerity. I never will lie to you, and hope that you either do not do it. I do not want that you
are scared to tell any thing me that worries to you.

-- I never had a nobody with that could speak of sex -- whispered she as if it was dark

secret --. My mother did all along, but she felt suffocated when speaking of it with me.
Everything what I learned was through other girls and of magazines.

--Y with me -- it added, caressing the hair to him.

--Y with you. He was so intimate...

-- Háblame of it urged he to him --. You you do not keep it.

It did to seem everything so easy. She played with the loose button of his camisa. She

was one it pledges pretty, brown color.

-- Siento that that night has tried apartarte in the last moment.

--No you hoped that it hurt so much to you.

--No. Nobody me it said it. I thought that only he would be annoying.

--Y surely thus it would have been if I did not have so been hambriento of you. women

need to be excited long before, but my education in that subjet she leaves enough that to wish.
To know which is the mechanism is a thing, but to take it to the practical one she is very

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different other. Let us say that I know to have sexual relations, but I do not know how to make
the love -- it confessed, mirando it to eyes --. They are two things completely different.

-- Never you felt... you never wished to do it with other women?

Ty smiled and it answered to him denying with the head.

--Me I cheer -- she said, smiling timidly.

-- and you never you wished that a man did the love to you?

-- Yes -- it affirmed she --. I wished you to you from the moment at which I saw you, but

never I dared a decírtelo because not even you liked.

—¡To the devil! -- he exclaimed abruptly -- he wished You desesperadamente.

—¡But if eras unbearable with me!

Certain --Es, but I did not think that you stopped to watch a face like mine.

So there was be that... It had been put to the defensive, so and as his father had to him

taught, and a good attack was the best defense.

-- Bruce me it said that you hated to me -- expressed she, watching it to the eyes.

--Lo I know. I read the letters, but --y was not truth taking the hand, added --: him You

said to me that you had laughed of me, of the form in which it had tolerated to me with you.

-- That was greater lie of all -- it indicated.

-- Moan much haberte made damage. In spite of the appearances, he was the latest that

it wanted to do.

--No was badly -- Erin responded. One felt like an adolescent, all timidity and excitation -

-. I liked much acariciarte.

Ty remembered how their hands had explored all their body lentamente, without

inhibitions, and it felt a chill.


-- Ven here -- he ordered, embracing it with all his forces --. Acércate. They say that it

helps if you embrace yourself until desire disappears.

Erin closed the eyes and little by little the anxiety was diminishing. Then, it remembered

book in which she had read that if a woman no, had been satisfied, anxiety would happen if they
embraced it with force. Ty must of it have guessed.

-- you have read books on sex? -- it asked.

-- Clear. You no?

--No many. I learned more listening some of my friends.

-- Slight sexual lives must take.

—¡Nor you you imagine!

-- you feel better?

-- Mmm... -- it murmured --. And you?

-- I will survive -- it assured, loosen it almost grudgingly --. Change goes -- it added,

watching his eyes shining and full of life -- of fantasma that I was in that apartment of New

--La life it had few incentives for me at that moment.

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--Yo I go a compensarte by all that -- it whispered, taking rostro him between the hands.


-- Now what you must do is darte an affluent water bath caliente. I must do some things

in the farm, and later to Ravine we will buy the wedding ring.

Of agreement.

¡Fast what it was changing everything!, Erin was said while it saw it move away. What

there was begun being one test lasts, was being transformed into the greater joy of its life.

If at least it could think that Ty felt really something by her, something more than pity,

desire and necessity to compensate it reason why had done him. It was so difficult to read the
thought to him... She wished it, that was indudable, but it wanted something more. It wanted
that it needed it because... porque she needed him. There was another deeper feeling, but. not
yet one dared at least to think in that. If the things followed by the good way, perhaps it would
do it later.

By first time, was put to make its exercises without nobody had to say it to it. It had

that to return to walk, to feel it finds out. It had to demonstrate him that it could to be worth
by itself, and if then Ty continued becoming towards her, when pity and the culpability had
desaparecido, would fit the hope of which something deeper grew between both.

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Ty and Erin they contracted marriage in a small presbiteriana church where two

generations of the Wade family had gone regularly to the service monk.

Erin took a white and long dress. It had trusted not having to use the muleta, but it was

to him very difficult to walk without her.

Ty was had dress with an impeccable suit of three pieces that conferred a worldly air to

him and elegant. The altitude difference between él and Erin was notable, although it had put
her shoes of higher heels, but even so s and felt small and vulnerable to its side.

The ceremony it was been present at by a handful of people, including a the overseer of

Ty, Stuart Grandy, Conchita, Jose and a few neighbors, and lasted only minutes. When Ty slid
the thin gold hoop in its finger and it quickly kissed it on lips, Erin had to bite the lip not to llo-
rar, but él had of to realize its agitation of emotions, because it tended a handkerchief to him
while the congratulations proliferated around to his.

-- Good, somebody had to cry in my wedding apologized she, enjugándose the eyes --, and

the who best one than I?

--Yo also one of the assistants would cry if it had married to me with him -- Network

commented Davis, of Ty.

--Te you finish of to be left without Christmas present --lo threatened Ty.

Network smiled. She was a young person of veintitantos years with a great sense of


-- Ah, if? Then delay to see what happens tonight, head.

--Si I see one single of your feet to show in the porch, position the Winchester.

—¡Reverendo Bill! It has heard what finishes saying to me? -- Network exclaimed, calling

the attention of orondo minister --. ¡It says that it is going to give a shot me!

—¡I do not have said that! -- Ty protested.

Reverendo it was united to them between laughter.

Listened to --He the conversation from the beginning, Network, and if you put a foot in

its porch, I will be i myself who with much taste I will send bullets to him for his rifle.

Network moved grieved head.

-- it does not give him shame?

-- and to you? No it gives shame you?

Ty took hand of its wife while they received the congratulaciones of all assistants. It did

not feel very comfortable with él in public, with all scars and the confidence in itself by
grounds, but leaned in Ty in place of in its muleta and was commited to smile.

Shortly after, they returned to Staghorn for the reception. Conchita had taken care of

all details, and had even contracted the services of a restaurant specialized for the banquet. To
Erin it was seeming him a ceremony interminable, and to make matters worse, Ty had been
involved in a conversación with several neighbors on the increasing number of petroleras
perforations in zone.

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It is not that it was well getting upset, but long before that finished the last piece of

cake she was already rabid, so it decided to disappear in the kitchen and to help to Conchita to
mop plates.

-- This is not well -- employee --. protested To wash plates is not what would have to do in

the day of its wedding.

-- Tiene reason -- Erin --, so between in that room decided and dígase the a my husband.

--Yo no -- Conchita --. answered To me I like my work.

-- You and I we go to make a wonderful comedy on the routine wash plates. We would

become rich.

-- Creo that it has fever -- it said the greater woman, watching it fixedly.

—¡What I go a to have fever!

-- No? -- Conchita repeated smiling.

Erin ruborizó and took a rag.

Dry --Yo plates.

-- As it wants, lady.

Ty it found almost one hour there later.

—¡Form goes so amused to spend the day of your wedding! -- it exclaimed from the door.

-- Because yes -- Erin talked back, with a sibylline smile --, is wonderful. Conchita and I

go a to represent this comedy in the theater. That surely ganaremos some prize.

-- Then no she would be I who I bought an entrance.

--Lo that happens it is that you have envies because what would not sell nor entrada is

conversation of Mr. Hawes, Mr. Danson and you on petróleo and cattle.

-- So it is that -- it murmured.

--Es first sample of how the feminine nature works informed Conchita to him, leaving to a

side its rag --. Now they will be able to fight tranquilamente. Jose goes a to take me to the city
to make the purchases of Navidad, so they will have everything the house for single you.

Erin and Ty they waited in silence that Conchita left the kitchen.

--No I am arranged to make the peace with you -- espetó Erin, furious.

-- Then quédate here to lloriquear if you want -- it responded --. I always can unload my

malhumor with my employees.

—¡I am glad! Why you do not begin already the fight? ¡For that yes entrances could be


Furious, Ty it gave average return, put the hat and with portazo, it left the house.

Erin took first that saw the hand, a plate, and sent it against the door. Unfortunately he

was unbreakable and it did not do the noise wished, so it crouched itself stops to gather it and
to mop it again, with the tears rolling to him by the cheeks.

Ty was it was the rest of the day. When Jose and Conchita returned, they encontraron it

outside with the men and to locked up her in its room.

For when it grew dark, Erin had occurred a good bath and it had been metido in the bed

with two novels. Eight and the average one, Conchita entered the room with one tray with soup

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and a good bowl of hot coffee; Erin ignored well-meaning recommendations that the employee
did to him, but forgot to close the door with key when it remained single. The soup was taken,
the coffee drank, and when it finished reading the first novel, it had headache and the hip him
it gave terrible pinchazos. One felt fatal. It must not have known Ty , She was never sure that
that so odioso man could not support it. Between sobs, it remained slept.

It entered the house to midnight, dirty, messed up hair and of the bad humor, and found

it slept. It contemplated minutes to it, before closing the door and going again to his own room
to spend one night in blanco almost.

To the morning following, Erin rose before breakfast time to do his exercises in the hall.

¡It was going to teach to that cretino who was she! It would return to its work like model, would
gain a fortune and it would have piles of men revoloteando to his around! This thought instilled
energía to him, and when Ty entered the room smoking a cigarette, she was sweating by the

-- Good morning -- he said.

-- Good morning -- she answered sweetly --. I hope that you have spent one night infernal.

-- Thus it was, thanks. And you?

-- Almost no I slept.

-- Because you were like a trunk when I returned.

—¡Oh! Thus that in the end you deigned to return? ¡Considered what!

-- you Were who began.

--No you were who he ignored to me during hours in front of everybody, leaving he put to

me to wash to the plates the day of my wedding.

Ty aspired deeply.

-- Mira, Erin, I spent thirty and four years unmarried, and in addition I remember to you

that this is not classic discussion of enamored. We have married to acallar murmuraciones, no?
Or it is that there is some other cause that I desconozco?

It was certain. Its relation did not have anything to do with the idyllic fantasy that she

had created in its mind.

--Lo I feel -- it said finally separating glance --. It did not have right to thus enfadar to

me. To the aim and to the end, we have married only according to the murmuraciones.

Ty it regreted his words when seeing how the eyes of their wife are quedaban without

life. All the brightness and the excitation that had given to the anterior day so much them
beauty, disappeared. It had not considered the things from the point of Vista of her, and was
happened him that perhaps Erin hoped that it behaved like... good, like its husband. Been so it
had pawned on not scaring it, that one went of the ray, and now she thought that she did not
matter to him in minimum.

-- you wished Me last night? -- he in low voice asked.


Ty it made kneel next to her and it raised the chin to him with gentleness.

-- Yes... -- she whispered.

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-- and why you did not say it?

-- and what you wanted that it did? That it planted to me in the middle of a discusión on

artificial insemination for decirte that it wanted to make the love? I am safe of that to your
neighbors it had seemed them a situation of most interesting.

Ty almost it smiled.

-- Supongo that yes. What it happens is that I do not know how to be a good husband. You

will have to support to me until it learns.

-- Perhaps I hope more than what you are arranged to give me -- commented she,

watching it to eyes -- the things never have been what normales between us two is said. I I have
felt always so confused...

--Y so hurt. It gives the impression that I am incapable to avoid it, and hacerte damage is

last that desire, Erin.

--Y pity is last that desire I. What also happens is that this hip bothers much to me and I

am a little null and voidable -- it was certain. It hurt --. almost constantly to him I feel ponerte
the so difficult things. I promise to you that I will not cause more problems to you it moved
away of its side, without realizing surprised expression of Ty --. What Conchita said yesterday
remembered to me that I either have not made the purchases of Christmas. It is not that it
attracts much to me to walk, but I need to buy a few things. You can say to him to some of the
boys who take San Antonio?

The expression of Ty one became hardened.

-- I can llevarte i myself -- it answered with dryness --. When you want to go?

--El Saturday it would be well.

Of agreement -- it agreed and left the room without saying nothing else. Erin tried not to

look for the reason. It was not arranged to request its attention to him. If it did not matter to
him the sufficient thing, would learn to live thus. It did not know how, but it would learn.

She was one very long week, during which they were only in the table. She looked for

things in which to stay occupied like he, and was only spoken necessary. Conchita was limited to
move the head and to murmurar between teeth, but one did not dare to say nothing. Ty was of a
humor of the thousand demons. oía to give shouts him in the corral, recriminating to everybody
by any thing. Erin felt like person in charge, and tried mantenerse separated from him whatever
it could.

Finally it arrived Saturday and Ty he was ready, so and as there was fiance', to take his

wife to San Antonio. It seemed a rich and important man with its clear jacket and its hat, and
Erin felt a little outside place with its wool dress gray. It had little clothes, and it was not
arranged to spend money in buying itself new articles. Not yet one felt with right to its half of
the farm, in spite of testament and of everything what it had happened to him because of the
Wade. Never it could forget what Ty had said to him in the car about that it wanted to live to
its coast, although in fact not outside that what he meant.

-- You would like to go -- to some site in individual? -- Ty asked very educadamente when

they were already near the city.

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--Me it gives equal -- it murmured, with the Vista put in the landscape.

In spite of that San Antonio counted on little less than the million inhabitants, the houses

very they were scattered by the environs.

--Es one big city -- Ty commented -- Would be easier if class of things knew what you

want to buy. You go to comprarte new clothes?

-- Why? It is that it seems to you that I need it?

-- Always you wear the same dress when we left -- he commented --. I am beginning to

tire to me of him.

-- Then I will have to buy another one to me -- it with coldness responded.

—¡Very well! Now tómatelo as something personal -- he said, without separating the glance

from highway --. No, better still, why you do not throw yourself to the ground and you begin to
cry? With. that you would obtain that it felt to me worse of which already I feel.

Erin it bit the lip while by the sidewalks the pedestrians marched past before their eyes.

--No I have had money to spend in clothes.

-- Tienes devises of the value that has Staghorn in the market? -- he, bad-tempered


--No I think to spend your money in clothes. I will use what I have left of cuando worked.

—¡By love of God, Erin!, but what demons... ?

it interrupted when descrying a parking, moved the volante abruptly and it stopped the

car in the first free site.

-- Mírame, Erin -- it ordered, colérico. But when it forced it to become towards him, it

saw the brightness of the tears in the green eyes and their fury disappeared like by magic art.
It decided then to take the hand with which Erin had imprisoned with force purse. She was very
cold, and its pulse barked aceleradamente in the wrist.

-- We could to go to us of purchases of once, please? -- she requested, separating the

hand from pull.

-- Yes, I believe that it is already hour of which we do it -- it murmured -- In addition, I

know the site perfect.

It took it by the arm down the street to lead it to an elegant hotel of facade antigua.

Erin watched it agape while it signed in the record book and spoke in a section with the
manager. A minute later, took a key and lead to his wife to the elevator.

The room he was old but elegant, painted in a smooth green tone.

-- What we are doing here? -- she asked.

Ty took his time to close the door with key, to later leave this one on the small table and

to become towards her with so deep and misteriosos eyes as a day of winter.

-- Voy to darte a track -- it said, approaching her.

Erin remained without breathing. He could not move, and it cleared the purse to him of

between the hands and he began to undress it.

-- You and I to need privacy to us -- it indicated, leaving the clothes to a side --. In the

farm not it we have had, but we will have it here.

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It swallowed saliva.

-- Vamos a... a...?

-- Yes -- it answered he, kissing it on lips --. You do not have to be scared, Erin. This time

I do not go a hacerte damage.

-- But... but it is that it is by day.

-- Tenemos beginning we were used to the one to the other -- he reasoned --. In addition,

the curtains are bullfights, so there is no too much light -- it argued, while it tried to undo the
sujetador to him. When it obtained it, it left to a side and its eyes it they slipped slowly by all
the feminine body before being decided to clear to him the last article.

Erin it felt a little uncertain by the scars, but to him they did not seem to matter to him,

so she tried to relax and allowed that it took it to the bed.

-- low Métete the sheets -- it indicated tenderly, as if the difícil knew that was stops she

--. You do not have to watch to me if you do not want. We have all along of world for we
accustomed the one to the other. Now -- it whispered when it was under sheets next to her --,
now and here are where comienza our marriage.

It separated sheets to watch the sines to him and to caress them. Erin saw the long

fingers crossing its skin, discovering its cuidado texture with exquisite. Now Ty he was his
husband, and all the old taboos were desaparecido.

-- We are married -- he said like reading the thought to him, Tries not to forget that

this that we are doing is well.

--Lo I will try... -- Erin felt suddenly attracted by its ample chest and bronzed --. You

work without shirt in the farm?

-- Yes.

--Es that I am so white compared with you.

Ty was placed upon her without letting watch it nor a second.

-- Now it separates the sheets -- it indicated --, and mírame.

With tremor that crossed all its body, Erin obeyed without thinking, catched in eddy of

increasing eroticism.

--Oh, Ty...

-- Rodéame with your arms by the hips -- it whispered --, and apriétame against you.

It moaned when he returned to kiss it, while he felt all the weight and the heat of his

body. Its language broke through with decision and both they were estremecieron.

-- You are my woman, Erin -- Ty murmured, to the time that urged it to move the hips

against he --. You are my woman.

It moaned by the exquisite sensations that shook it.

-- Sweet -- Ty whispered, separating the thighs of Erin --. Oh, God, you are so sweet, so


It heard it moan, it felt it to twist, and the head seemed to explode to him with the

uncontrollable one urgency of its own body. It began to move febrile against her, feeling how it
received with a minimum espasmo of protest.

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Erin was hung of his neck, but before it could begin to feel something, everything it had

finished, and Ty was cursed by its damn impatience; Erin had not felt nothing.

--No you do that -- he requested when, when watching it to the face, she tried to sonreír

--. You do not pretend. It is that you think that I have not realized of which you could not feel
nothing? I did not give you sufficient time.

--No happens nothing, Ty...

-- How that no it passes nothing? Affection, I feel it very many -- it whispered, besando

it in the lips with tenderness --. I feel it, Erin, I do not know how... ¡How not to become it! -- it
exclaimed and it hid the face in its hair.

A little while later, a cigarette rose and took, it ignited and, approaching window,

remained of foot in silence watching among the curtains.


--He been with very few women, Erin -- he confessed --. It was only sex, nothing else.

Only one necessity that it wanted to satisfy, so I never learned to provoke that same one to
please in my pair. I thought that it would learn with time, but is not thus.

Erin it saddened by him. With the proud thing that was, that confession had of having to

him flank much; so it put itself of foot and she approached to him.

--No I know how to explain it -- it began, without daring to watch it to eyes --, but I

believe that experience is not so important, if two people feel... they feel necessity to be
pleased mutually. I am glad about which you did not worry about other women, because she is as
if I was the first woman for you.

-- You are first... in all the important senses.

-- Then, perhaps...

-- You can to teach to me? I will do everything what you want, everything what is necesa-

rio so that you can to feel to please -- he promised, caressing it --. I not disfruto if I know that
you no you are enjoying me.

--No I can to be mirándote and enseñarte -- she with timidity said.

--No you will have that to do it -- it responded, extinguishing the cigarette and levan-

tando it without difficulty in its arms --. This time I will control myself. What you want that it

Erin was nauseated the back, feeling the magic that woke up its ardent mirada one.

-- You already it you know.

-- Yes, I believe that yes -- it agreed, inclining on his turgid nipple.

It moaned, tightening muscles, while Ty savored it. It indicated to him where to caress it,

how to give him to please with hands and mouth. When their fingers reached the region more
sensible, Erin shook like a leaf to the wind.

Moaned his they drove crazy to Ty, but it was concentrated in controlling the fever of its

own body while it continued kissing it, caressing it. When to the aim it returned to arrive at his
mouth, Erin cried.

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It was placed again on her, slowly in this occasion, and it felt it to bend under his weight

while it embraced it by the hips.

-- Sweet... -- Ty, lost whispered in that image.

Erin had the half-closed eyes and the half-opened lips, until suddenly it opened eyes wide.

-- Ssh... affection, you are not scared -- he said, caressing it also with the voice -- Vamos,

affection, déjame to do it. Thus, thus... You do not move now. Déjame to enter. Déjame tenerte.

She shouted and she was on the awares extremely, clinging to the bars of the bed,

twisting under its body, moaning, until the pleasure comenzó to grow within her.

Suddenly, it felt the necessity to join its hips to those of him with all its forces, while all

their muscles shook uncontrollably and the cheeks him they soaked of tears.

—¡It opens eyes, Erin! -- it moaned, and Erin obeyed, but it only could see its factions

moment, because one felt sent to a different universe, shining, colorful...

Later, the calm arrived.

They happened centuries before Ty recovered the conscience of its own cuerpo, of the

sweat, of the tremor of its arms and legs and of the sobs of Erin.

—¡Oh, God mine! I have made you damage? Erin, I have made you damage?

--No -- it denied it with almost inaudible voice and embraced to him --. ¡Oh, Ty, never had

dreamed... I... he has been frightening!

-- What?

-- It was as if she returned to me crazy. It did not know nor what did nor what said. I

began to shake and it could not control to me, and then... then it was as an explosion and I felt
as if it go to die to me of pleasing.

--La small death. Thus it is as the French call. I also have felt it, and has be the first

time in my life.

--Es a good one name. One could really die. They see, returns to tumbarte on me. I want

to feel your weight.

-- Thus? -- he, trembly asked --. And if I squash to you?

--No me it would matter -- it responded she caressing the back to him. When it arrived at

his hips, had to narrow it against her and to begin to move underneath him --. Ty, I feel it. I
cannot avoid it.

--Yo I am so ardent as you -- he confessed -- Ven -- it said and it separated the thighs to

him to return a to have it --. I do not close the eyes. This time, I want verte.

-- Already? So soon?

--A this step we will leave in the book of the records... ¡Oh, God! -- it returned to moan.

--Yo also I want verte -- it moaned.

-- Yes...

His breathing became more difficult while their bodies moved to unisonous, in a fast rate,

strong and devastating.

—¡Ty... Ty!

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—¡Siéntelo! -- he shouted --. ¡Siéntelo! ¡I want verte! I want to see how you undo

underneath me...

Erin began to violently shake and its pupils expanded by desire they covered almost by

complete the green one of its rainbow, until it sent a shout that it imitated tightening later the
teeth and tightening until the last muscle of its body. Erin it hung of him with all his forces,
while the world staggered like ebrio to his around.

--Un day of these we go to we killed with this rate -- it whispered when finally he was

able of to articulate word.

--No me it matters -- it said she, jugueteando with the hair of the masculino chest, You

are soaked.

-- You also. God mine, I cannot think what I have gotten to feel.

--Yo either -- Erin responded, getting up itself in the bed to watch it finally with


Ty opened eyes and smiled when seeing their expression.

-- Some commentary?

Erin denied with the head without letting smile.

-- Creo that me there am broken the back -- he commented --. ¡Erin! -- it exclaimed, in-

corporando --. ¡Your hip!

-- It is well. To only a little burns me. In addition, the doctor recommended to me to

make exercise.

--No I know if this is the exercise class to which it talked about. Think that -- we would

have to ask to him?

With cheeks reds cloud, Erin gave a blow him in the center of the chest, which it

triggered a tremendous battle, that of course she lost, deleitada by that new privacy.

--Lo I will remember all the next time -- he promised, crossing his eyebrows with the yolk

of fingers --. You will not have to return to teach to me.

-- You are incredible -- she, still more ruborizada commented.

-- You also. What seems to you if now we go away of purchases?

-- Whenever can support to me in my muleta... I am too weak to walk -- it added, smiling.

-- Then, we go -- he said, raising it of the bed in arms.

-- Dime Ty, to come to the hotel, it was an impulse or you had it glided?

--Un impulse. It could not support more nights like the last ones. Ducharse with cold

water in the heat of winter is not very healthful. In addition, it had the impression that you
were so it troubles like I. We have had demasiados problems and very little privacy, thus that I
thought that would be a good idea to try it.

Erin it approached and it smoothly kissed it on the lips.

-- I can to sleep from now on with you?

-- Creo that he will be the best thing -- it answered he, laughing --. Long ago cold at night

like it stops to walk from a room to another one. And now we are going to get dressed. I have
work -- task with books in the farm when we finish the purchases.

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—¡You are kill-joy!

-- As soon as possible finish with those books, before we will be able to go us to the bed -

- it indicated he while it put the cattle tenders.

-- and it can to know itself then why you walk wasting the time? ¡Date haste!

Ty lay down a to laugh, watching it. The future it seemed prometedor for the first time.


Erin went walking like in a cloud of cotton taken from the arm of Ty while they crossed

the stores. It held it posesivamente, as if it was scared to lose it, and she apretaba against him,
immersed in the newness of knowing itself had.

Ty needed a new clock, so they stopped in front of the showcase of a jewelry shop. One

time that chose it, the employee convinced it that a precious one was proven ring with a
diamond, and although Ty did not seem to be excited too much, to Erin a great idea was
happened to him. It did not know what to buy to him like Christmas present, and she was not
sure that it liked or accepted to use a wedding ring. It had saved hundreds of dólares, and since
it knew its measurement, it would flatter to him an alliance with brilliants that had seen it
watch with the tip of the eye. When the jeweler called to Ty to fit the bracelet to him of the
clock, Erin approached to the employee and it indicated to him what wanted. The young person,
after watching Ty, responded with a slight affirmative movimiento of head and a smile of
approval. Erin it filled up a check quickly and it asked to him the employee who put the ring in a
boat of cleaning jewel liquid.

-- What you are doing? -- Ty --. asked I already am I list.

-- It needed limpiametales -- she said -- Already are. Thanks -- it said, going to employee.

--Ha be to please, lady.

-- What jewels you need to clean? The only thing that you take is the wedding ring.

—¡And that when not it deviation! This morning I thought that there was perdido. I left it

on washbasin and when I went to gather it, had disappeared. Nevertheless, when I returned to
watch, it was there. I must be volviéndome crazy.

--No I believe that be for as much. Perhaps you did not look for well.

Erin it shrank of shoulders.

-- It must be.

After jewelry shop, continued with the purchases. While they went of one boutique to

another one, Ty it smiled because Erin before watched the prices, that the article in himself.

-- By love of God, Erin, already you know that it is not necessary that you do that

indicated --. to him You do not have why to watch the prices. Half of Staghorn is yours, and in
addition, in this store in particular, I have a line of credit. You can llevarte what you want.

She smiled. It knew that it was not going to bother itself because it bought a dress or

two, even three if the case arrived, but it were importante to maintain his independence. In
addition, not yet one felt with right to use its inheritance. She was sure that It brushes had

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left its half him of Staghorn simply by to hurt to Ty, and was to him impossible to use that
money without his conscience was worried. On the other hand, Ty did not know that when buying
the ring for him, it had remained without céntimo.

--La truth is that I have not seen anything that I like. In any case, it enchants to me to

watch showcases.

-- Erin, no you have too much clothes -- it with smoothness indicated.

-- But if I do not leave of the farm, Ty. I do not need it; in addition, the clothes are

something that no longer matters to me.

It seemed to have intention to say something, but in the end shrank of shoulders and

kept silence.

The last one shutdown that Erin wanted to do was in a navideños article store.

-- Tenemos to buy a tree, Ty. Without tree there is no Christmas.

It studied it a little while before answering.

-- Conchita usually it puts a birth...

--Yo I want tree... -- she insisted.

-- Vas a to finish destroyed -- it murmured, seeing lean it in muleta --. It does not have to

be today, or yes?

-- Quiero tree, Ty.

It parked the car as opposed to a tiendecita outdoors.

-- Women... -- masculló when it lowered of the car.

-- Men... -- it, smiling talked back.

The tree that it chose was a precious affluent pine with roots encaladas to be able to

plant it later.

—¡No annoy, Erin! I am going to have to put it in a tiesto and to plant after Christmas?

--No I can to kill a tree to cold blood.

-- That no you can what?

--No I can to only kill a tree to cold blood so that it decorates the house a few days. No

it is just.

-- This either it is it -- it talked back he, watching the man who took smiling the money


--Si not me you allow to put the tree, I will put one of your pure blood in the hall and I

will adorn with balls of colors --lo threatened she.

Ty watched first a the tree, soon to her and later to the salesman.

-- Anda, vámonos -- it said, raising the tree.

-- In addition, no you will have to help me to decorate it -- Erin informed, a time that was

accommodated in the car and with the tree in the portaequipajes.

-- good What.

--Te you will accustom.

Ty watched it and it smiled, and Erin supported the head in its shoulder.

-- Thus it is better -- he said, singing to sleep it.

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Erin enjoyed during the trip as it had not done it in all his life.

They stopped as opposed to the house, but before it lowers of the car, Ty it kissed it on

the lips of a form completely different from since it had done it before. It was more tender;
perhaps more than a kiss, caricia was one.

-- Creo that you we will put to you in the highest part of the tree -- it whispered --. You

are prettier than any angel.

Erin smiled and it gave back the kiss to him.

-- Voy to look for a tiesto for the tree -- it said when leaving.

-- That does it Network. You must let rest that leg before you you break it. You already

have walked much for today.

-- Yes, Sir -- it murmured.

-- and with what you are going it to decorate?

—¡It is certain! One has forgotten to me. It can that to Conchita happens something to


While Erin it entered the house, Ty it was in search of Network, it indicated to him what

wanted that did with the tree and it put a bill to him of twenty dollars in the pocket so that
outside to buy adornments.

Network watched it overwhelmed.

-- That it buys what?

-- Adornments. For the Christmas tree.

-- Tree of Christmas?

-- Perhaps you you swallowed a parrot? It loves a tree and wishes to decorate it, I have

bought the tree, but I do not have adornments, so it sees and it brings something that to put to

Network sent whistle and lowered the hat to the height of the eyes.

--Y soon they speak of earthquakes... -- it murmured.

-- You yes who you are going to know what is an earthquake if you do not release to you

right now.

-- Yes, Sir.

-- That Sir is going to put a tree? Within the house?

--Un tree of Christmas --l explained Erin to Conchita --. In order to adorn it.

-- This is incredible -- Conchita --. murmured It had never loved a tree, neither

adornments nor nothing. It said that Christmas was for the rest of people, and now it goes and
it buys tree. I say to him that this he is not the same man for whom I have been many years
working. Now it is ed ***reflx mng, praises my breakfasts... ¡A miracle! -- it exclaimed, raising
the hands. Soon desapareció to tell the news to its husband and Erin remained of foot,
surprised inmóvil and, in the middle of the lobby.

-- Crei' that you it had said that you seated -- Ty commented from the door.

--Es that...

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Ty raised it in arms like that a pen raises and it took until the hall, where the fire

crepitaba in the chimney.

--No I can to allow that you become damage in the hip. I have others planes for her.

-- Ah, yes?

One complied in a armchair next to the chimney, surrounding to Erin with its arms.

-- Conchita me she told that you did not use to put Christmas tree -- she commented.

-- Since my father died we have not returned to put it. It got depressed to me.

-- It liked Christmas to your father?

Ty leaned in the endorsement of the sofa and Erin hombro supported the head in his.

-- Much -- it answered, smiling when remembering -- Era like a boy grande. A year before

it died, I gave an electric train to him, and one spent hours playing with him. Once it told me
that when it was small, her family was so poor that the gift of Christmas consisted of fruits and
nueces; it never had a bought toy.

-- Poor man -- it whispered --. I suppose that at least he was a boy wanted by its parents.

--No I create it. They had to marry because my grandmother had been embarrassed.

Never him they pardoned that they had had to marry because of him.

Erin remembered suddenly the boy who was lost, and part of its joy disappeared.

--No you watch back -- the neck said to Ty, caressing to him, as if it guessed the thought

to him -- We cannot change the past.

-- Supongo that not -- it agreed sighing.

-- Mande' to Network to the city so that it buys adornments for the tree.

—¡Oh, Ty! What good!

--Me it seemed that it would be a shame to put a naked tree in the middle of the house.

People she would watch without including/understanding.

Certain --Es --y curling up itself more against him, it asked --: Think that we could forget

to us my exercises for today?

--No -- he denied and he kissed it.

-- But, Tyson, if there am been walking all the day.

-- That is very , but it is not well what it indicated the doctor to you, and you quieres to

return to walk as it must, right?

-- Yes -- it admitted she with a face --. It is well. I already go.

—¡That yes that she is my girl!

And the peculiar thing of the case it is that it really felt like her girl. The simplest things

now they were impregnated of a new tenderness. That same night, during it has supper, it
retired the chair to him so that sentara, he added sugar to him to his coffee, and soon it
observed with attention and a really peculiar expression. It felt prote'ge'e as one had never
felt in his life.

-- Viene your mother sometimes to verte? -- he asked while they tomaban the second cup

of coffee.

-- we never have state united, already you know -- she answered.

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-- Why no it spoke to me Brushes of the accident?

Erin doubted moment. The answer was going to do damage to him, knew it.

-- Why? -- he insisted.

--Ty, is not that She brushes -- outside deliberately cruel -- it explained eligiendo

carefully the words and caressing the hand -- Era to him very possessive... it was obsessed with
me. Hopefully there was I given account to me before, but it was not thus. Perhaps it had fear
of decírtelo, or simply thought that it would not matter to you.

-- Sabi'a that me it mattered. When it said to me what you thought of me like lover, me

embriagué during two days, and Jose counted it.

--Oh, Ty...

--No me it happened nothing -- it said he, with expression harder than ever --. But I was

odiándote several days. If it had spoken to me of the accident, ~ then I... it was had left
watching, its face, its eyes color emerald y its black hair like jet, and the wrath disappeared --.
¡Demons! To whom I believe that I am going to deceive? It would have arrived at the so fast
hospital, as a bullet. It would have crossed the same hell if it had known that you were ill and
you needed to somebody.

And thus it would have be, Erin thought, but what it did not have added Ty it was that it

would have done the same by any other person. She knew the generous thing that she was.
Conchita had to him counted of the good works that he did disinterestedly.

--Me they said that when I entered the hospital, it called to you in dreams. It was too

much late stops to save the boy, but felt to me so empty, so single and so scared...

Ty tightened fists and rose of the table.

-- It will be better that it puts to me to work with the papers -- said in a rough tone of

voice and sore.

¡It could be had bitten the language!, Erin thought. The only thing that had obtained was

to erect more barriers among them.


--Y will be better that you begin to adorn the damn tree -- indicated he, without watching

it --. You can to make the exercises later.

Erin sent napkin on the table and was put of foot.

--No was trying herirte -- it said -- Tomas everything what I say exactly.

-- Ah, yes? And think that I do it without reason? You have not pardoned to me reason

why it happened. In your interior you blame by your lost state and having the boy, and perhaps i
myself also it blames to me. Brush made bad, but I believed to him, and you also. Perhaps
neither it wants to take the step of confiar in the other. I do not have more practice that you
in trusting people, ace that is perhaps better to back down and to calmly analyze all this before
jeopardizing to us more.

The head him it gave returns to Erin. It had never heard send it discurso so long and no it

was able to include/understand its meaning. He was diciéndole that did not want any

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commitment with her? It only tried to hope to that it was put well and to facilitate the things
to him so that it could leave and leave it without feeling remorses?

It wanted to interrogate it, but Ty moved away igniting another one of its damn

cigarettes, and it remained watching it without speaking. Later it returned to rise and one went
to hall. All the optimism and the magic of the day acababan to vanish.

Erin was tired, and much effort cost to stay to him of foot to decorate the tree.

Conchita was helping, speaking him animatedly on other Christmases when the father of Ty
lived, and relating yet he details the celebrations to him that were dice in the house.

--Ya we do not have returned to have celebrations since then -- it sighed --. To Mr. Ty it

does not like people.

-- Specially the one of feminine sex -- Erin murmured, watching distraída what had in


-- Yes, that is certain. I believe that it is by its physicist. It seems to me that no woman

thinks that it could feel attracted by him because it is not what a model is said advertising --.
Conchita moved the head and smiled --. It is a pity, because it is not the aspect of a man which
attracts a woman, but what is. Mr. Ty he is very man... it already knows, like my Jose. He will be
always the man of the house, and thus it is as it must be.

Erin could to have said something on the matter, but preferred to keep silence. It

already had enough problems.

Ty did not say nor a word on the tree when it entered the hall awhile later. Erin he was

making his exercises, and it seated next to her minutes stops to help it, but was not
concentrated in it.

-- Voy to be able to sleep tonight with you, or I follow prisoner in the caseta of the dog?

-- it asked she to the aim.

Ty was limited to watch it as if it could not give credit to his ears. And the truth is that

thus it was. Erin had sworn which it was not going to want to know nothing of him, and now him it
made proposals. It was reflecting until it reached the conclusion from that the women felt the
same necessities that the men, mainly after knowing the satisfaction, so it could physically wish
it without to feel nothing by him, which supposed a hard blow, because it had occurred it tells
that the physical part was not indeed what needed. In some moment other yearnings had waked
up in him, emotional necessities.

-- You want to sleep with me? Now that you have proven it, you cannot live without it, no?

It is that?

It was like one in the heat of expensive slap. Erin could not guess to the inseguridad or

disappointment of he.

-- Creo that better I will connect the electrical blanket -- it said after a minute --. I can

live without sex, thanks.

Ty went a to say something, but changed of opinion and, two strides, it left the room,

leaving it with the full eyes of tears. It could not support that change because she had only
tried to say to him that she wanted it. And it really wanted it, perhaps from always. In the

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beginning, it had been tried to only attract its attention, but later, at some moment, something
was surgido more fort. During all those months of physical torment and it distresses mental, its
memory was it maintained it lives. Often it wanted to call, to tell it it everything to him. But It
brushes he fixed for convencerla of which his brother despised it, of which did not want to
know nothing of her, specially being invalid, and it locked in itself in his shell and insisted on
hating to Ty reason why it had happened to him. But it was hatred ficticio, because it was
enough with seeing it once to feel desires to open his to him corazón and to be with him, near
him. But now, when trying to say to him that quería, had only been able to move away it, and the
possibility that the old ones heridas healed seemed more distant than ever.

According to they happened the days, the things went of badly in worse. Ty ignored it

completely, but his men did not have that same luck; he was of a devilish humor and until Jose
and Conchita was beginning to undergo their consequences: that if the food no it knew well, that
if the coffee were not enough the strong thing, that if the car were not or clean or the stairs
were dust floods. And when not it complained, locked in in his estudio with books. It had not
returned to touch a its wife since they went to San Antonio, and it felt left.

Days before Christmas, Erin began to repair in the great change that was experimented

from its arrival to Staghorn. It had continued haciendo exercises religiously, although Ty no
longer took care of her, and it had begun to walk without leaning in the muleta. Its face had
recovered his brightness and had raised a little weight. Every time it was looked more like the
model than It brushes it had taken to the farm once, and whichever better it was, huraño
became his more husband.

It was returning to see it so and as it was: a princess who could have the man who she

wanted at any time. As soon as he was recovered absolutely, he would march Staghorn, he
would return to his old life and it would remain single. Damn it is! He was something that knew
from the beginning, no? He was he who had itself proposed to obtain that it returned to walk to
compensate it by the pain that him it had caused. But no longer it could soportar to be near her.
Its heart was too vulnerable. If it were not walked with care, it would lose it when Erin it
marched to New York. It delivered enormous attacks not to worry about her, but he was llegan-
do to the limit of its resistance. That day in San Antonio, when it gave rienda loose to his
emotions, it was not more than a faldero small dog in place of a man, dancing to his around. That
one weakness was to him insoportable, and the voice of its father resonated in its subconscious
mind preaching it, saying to him that no woman had to be able to put it in that situación.

Finally, one tomorrow it decided that the moment had arrived for attacking, to face Erin

and to itself. When it arrived at the hall, where it knew that she would be making her exercises,
one stopped in the door for mirarla.

Erin it raised almost without difficulty and the hair lay down backwards.

-- You wanted something? -- it asked like going to a stranger.

Ty took the cigarette to the lips and watched it like in the first days: with a smile

contemptuous that put the end hairs to him.

--No is bad -- it said --. You are recovering your figure.

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--No you make fun of of me -- it responded, trying to maintain voice serena --. I cannot

improve my aspect.

In that we are equal.

Erin leaned in the armchair and it watched it with fixedness. He was a little thinner and it

had several wrinkles more in the face.

-- It happens something? -- it asked, surprising it --. And I do not talk about to between

us two.

-- Why? It is that it seems it? -- he inquired, surrounded in a cloud of, smoke.

-- You seem worried.

-- I have some financial problems -- it revealed after a brief pause --. Or it would have to

say we must, Mrs. Wade?

-- He is serious?

--Lo sufficient. I invested a strong amount of money in grain purchase stops to feed the

animals during the winter. The silo was of a corporation that it has broken. The grain was
confiscated and that forced to me to sell part of the cattle when the price of the market was
enough low. In the businesses, like in it dominated, a loss causes another one. Perhaps we leave,
perhaps no. It is going to be necessary to give many returns to the subject. We can get to lose
half of what we have.

-- Good, half is not so terrible, considering the size d Staghorn, no?

-- you Could to live with average body?

-- he is not that what there am been doing?

And as if those words had been a species of spell, Ty gave average return and it

disappeared. ¡If a single time were at least able to remain and to discuss things!

Erin did not believe to have never had one Christmas so sad. The size of his had disimu-

lado gift surrounding it in a pile of boxes to put it under the tree, but no it could let worry
about which would be the reaction of Ty when opening it. His marriage almost was destroyed,
and it had bought him a wedding ring very expensive. It had thought about giving back, but its
heart prevented it. While there was the minimum opportunity of than a day it got to worry
about it, could not surrender.

The day of Christmas rose early. When it arrived at the dining room, Ty already was

seated to the table, very elegant with its trousers new and a shirt to rays. It was perfectly
hairdo and just shaved and Erin knew that it had done it by it, but could not thank to him. The
tension among them continued being very hard, and only with being in his presencia one felt very

-- Happy Christmas -- it said very educadamente.

-- Happy Christmas -- he answered, rising of his chair and indicating to him that he

seated in front of him. Account occurred of which it walked already without the muleta and
almost without cojear. The dress that had been put was of the same color that its eyes. It took
loose hair, that smoothly framed its made up face.

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-- Precious -- it murmured, and when she I watch it. surprised, it added --. Me I refer to

decoration of the tree.

Erin it returned to watch the tree and it saw the foot of this one a new package next to

which it already knew that they were of Jose and Conchita.

-- You bought something for me? -- it asked, watching it.

-- Good, yes...

--Yo also I bought something for you.

The two boxes they were very great and Erin was asked if he would have done just like

she. Too much coincidence, thought.

One used cup of coffee of the precious service of silver that Conchita had arranged in it

pulls, it took a roll and one complied in a armchair.

--Ya you walk far better -- his husband commented, leaning in the endorsement of his

chair with one cup of coffee in the hand.

--He been working hard.

--Un great change, compared with your first days in the farm.

-- Yes. A good one change.

-- You want to open the gifts? -- he asked, after taking I suck of his cup.

-- Very well -- Erin approached the tree, staggering a little when arrodillar itself, while

Ty it called to Jose and Conchita.

The marriage it entered very smiling the room, they took his regalos and they gave his.

Erin found in its box a precious chal that Conchita had woven a hand, and Ty a necktie. The
master of keys descubrió handkerchiefs embroidered of Ty and a small small box of silver of
Erin, and Jose a necktie and a portfolio.

-- Many thanks -- Conchita, smiling --. said It matters to them now that vayamos to house

of my sister until lunch time?

-- Clear that no -- Ty answered.

-- We will return soon. Thanks for all this -- they said, and they closed the door when


Erin and Ty they returned to remain by primera time single, completely single from the

day that they bought the tree.

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Erin its cup of coffee with certain nervousness finished. Hopefully pudiera to return to

first days of its stay in Staghorn and to recover that magic, it wished. Now it seemed to have
an insurmountable barrier among them who maintained to Ty always to the defensive, perhaps
by its own feeling of culpability. One barrier that it was incapaz to draw for.

Ty smoked constantly, so also it had to be nervous.

-- It will be better that we finish with this -- said, approaching the tree to gather the


Erin, sitting in the sofa with his alongside, incómoda really felt. What would think he when

it saw the ring? One would get upset? Sorprendería?

Ty was opening the successive boxes until it removed the last one and it opened it. Erin

wished that the Earth swallowed when saw its expression.

--Lo I feel one hurried to apologize, approaching him -- it has been a stupidity. It did not

want that...

-- Toma --la it interrupted he, taking it by the wrist -- Pónmelo -- requested with a

strange tone of voice.

Erin removed jewel of the small box with temblorosas hands and put it to its husband in

the finger. so large he was perfect. Then Ty watched it at the eyes without blinking.

-- Not you it matters? -- it stammered.

It took him face between the hands and kissed it on the lips with a wonderful ternura.

The tears they shone in the eyes to Erin when feeling that rubbing to him. As much time

ago he it did not touch it nor it kissed it, that felt desires to surround it with its arms and no to
let separate it, but was too much soon. There were numerous ambiguities between they and a
great pain. She was not safe of him, that it was not trying to find a new form of atormentarla,
so one separated with smoothness.

Ty had a feeling its doubts. Now she was she who parapetaba after a wall, and because of

his own badly genius, was going to him to be very difficult to evitar it.

-- Thanks -- it said. It had wanted to add that that ring would go with him until the day

of its death, but one did not dare.

Of nothing. I bought the day that we went to San Antonio.

Ty remembered that day too much well; it had not been able to clear it to it of the head.

-- and with what you bought it? -- it asked --. suddenly Me you have not permitido darte

any money.

Erin moved it troubles.

--Yo... it had a little saved money.

Ty returned a to watch the ring. Engastados genuine gold diamonds, diamonds.

-- It had of to cost much -- it murmured.

Erin seemed more and more uncomfortable.

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It sighed while it opened her gift. He was enough less expensive than the one of her. Not

it had bold to give a ring to him, so it gave back it and in its place it chose an emerald; it was a
very small stone surrounded by several brilliants that it hung of a gold chain. The jewel had
recordado to him to its wife: brilliant, delicate and precious.

-- It had wanted comprarte another thing apologized.

--Me it will please.

It had used the same camouflage that she, so when finally it arrived at the last one box,

Erin remained almost out of breath.

—¡Oh, Ty! ¡It is precious! -- it exclaimed --. ¡It is a wonder!

It removed it from taken care of case with and caressed it smoothly, with the eyes

shining to him of joy, and Ty felt alleviated by to him not to have bought something more
expensive. It seemed really pleased.

-- Thanks -- she said, putting to the neck the delicate chain. His rostro was so beautiful

when it smiled, that it was on the verge of taking it in his arms to roll with she by the carpet.

Erin caught desire in its eyes and, timidly, approached him to besar it in the lips.

-- Many thanks -- it whispered.

Ty tried to disguise the vulnerable thing that was before her. Before it had rejected it

and that she hurt to him, so one second time did not want to risk. Erin was precious, but under
his eyes there were dark shades, a sadness of which he it felt person in charge, aside from
many things more. Perhaps she pardoned some day, but it could not never acquit itself. The
damage that it had caused to him was product of its pain, but could not decírselo. He was too

--Me I cheer of that you like -- said finally rising to walk by the room.

-- it has improved the financial situation? -- Erin asked after a brief pause.

Ty shrank of shoulders while it ignited a cigarette.

-- Almost nothing.

Erin it bit the pensativa lip. It was making many progresses with the leg, and soon it would

walk without difficulty. The scars of the face also they were toning down, and had the talent
and the contacts to return to work like model. Perhaps it could make the sufficient dinero to
help him.

--He been thinking... that every day improves my hip. In little tiempo I can be enough

good to return to New York and to put to me to work with my agency.

Ty remained paralyzed. The feared moment finally had arrived. Erin began to throw of

except his last life and it wanted to leave. Necesitaba... how it had said it she?... the light and
the movement, and perhaps a man not as wild as he. Ty it laughed bitterly for himself. It had
not been at least made illusions of feelings of her towards him. The one that deseara physically
did not mean nothing.

--Si that is that you want, ahead -- it said with neutral voice --. After all, it can that is a

good idea.

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Erin had waited for that answer, but even so, it could not avoid the sensation of which

everything sank to bottom.

-- Not yet I can to march to me. I will need more time.

-- Espera even the spring if you want -- suggested he trying to seem indifferent, but his

eyes betrayed it.

--No I will need so much. Only weeks more.

-- Like want.

Ty took again the cigarette to the lips and contemplated the ring of its finger. Him it

enchanted the sensation that produced to him, its symbolism. At least at the moment to buy it
she it must of have felt certain ternura towards him, and that memory would have to last all the
life to him, every year that it had left without she and without its love. Erin had said to him
that it had felt single and empty when it lost the boy. To him it hurt to imagine it to him in the
hospital without which it occupied of her and it was asked...

-- You wanted to die, right? -- it spoke with voice is, watching it with an intensity almost


-- What? -- she asked blinking several times.

-- After accident. You wanted to die.

How it had known? She did not want to speak of that. Whenever they tocaban that

subject things got worse and Ty became more distant, more inaccessible.

-- Crei' that my life had finished, and I suppose that there was a little while in that it did

not matter to me to live nor to die.

Ty it examined with care. It had gained weight, its hair had recuperado his magnificent

brightness and its eyes had returned to the life.

-- Supongo that whenever you remembered me, you revolvía estómago.

--La truth is that I wanted llamarte -- confessed she to the sonrosadas cheeks.

It remained agape, incapable to move.

-- That you wanted what?

-- I wanted llamarte. I was on the verge of doing it -- it revealed, watching it with

serenity --. But It brushes convinced to me that it would not serve to me as anything and that
you not even you would want to speak with me.

-- Nevertheless, you know that she would have gone.

Erin tried to smile.

--Me I gave account of that later, but in any case I am glad of saber it. He was terrible

haberte hated by the falsifications that Brush told me, but already you see, I believed to him.

-- Supongo that you were sufficient right not to question what Brushes told you -- it

observed he --. I acted with a ruthless cruelty contigo.

Erin looked for his watched. It had a so poor opinion of itself... how it could to explain to

him that sexy seemed to him the man more on the Earth face, and that corno one felt so timid
chiquilla of school whenever it was close of him?

-- Why? it asked --. to him Only because you wished me?

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-- What another one reason could have had? -- it talked back, separating from her.

Once, one single time had been she able to remove it from its armor, to stun it, and it

asked what it would happen if the dress undid before him.

Ty approached to the door, but before leaving one stopped.

-- Hay potrillo been born in the stable -- it announced without becoming --. You want to

come to see it?

That unexpected invitation enchanted to him.

--, Yes clear that I would like.

-- Ponte shelter. Long ago cold today.

Erin it followed by the corridor trying not to cojear. One felt proud of his progresses and

wanted to show to him what it had advanced. When Ty him tendió shelter, she lay down to laugh.
He was enormous; it had of being his.

--Me I go a to lose there inside -- it protested.

--Me it seems that you do not have winter shelter -- commented he --. Not encontré none

in your closet for days.

Erin smiled.

-- Before it had a mink coat almost until the feet, but I sold después of... later of which

I... ¡NonTy, please! You do not go away. The other day you said to me that happened it was the
past and that we could not change it, and thus it must be.

-- Hopefully we could. It would give any thing to be able to change it.

-- Toma -- it said she, giving back shelter to him --. Ayúdame to put it to me. I will try not

to encounter over he.

The laughter of Ty it was almost forced.

Of agreement. It puts the arms.

It was cold outside, there was a little fog and the sky was as gray as the eyes of Ty.

All personnel had the free day, and most of them they had left farm a to visit the family

to celebrate Christmas. Erin followed its husband inside of the enormous and modern stable,
and it hoped to that it closed the door. Later, they advanced by an ample runner crossed to
both sides by squares with ground covered with straw, of which only a few were occupied.

-- you do not have many horses? -- she, peculiar asked.

We have

-- he corrected -- few. But only we bring the pregnant mares here.

-- By cold?

-- Yes. Here it is -- he said, stopping as opposed to one of casillas --. It was born last


It was Arab, completely black horse, with the small head of the pure blood. Still the

patitas shook to him, that seemed too delgadas to maintain it while her mother, proud, licked it
and olisqueaba.

--La majority of the mares is very good mothers -- Ty commented, smiling to small the --.

Within a month not it you will know, when it can leave to the surrounded one to galopar.

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--Te they enchant the animals, right? her wife asked to him, apoyada in the wall of


Easy --Es to want them -- he answered --. Damage, except for physically, and that cannot

hacerte only it happens if you abuse them.

opposite --Al of people.

-- That I learned when he was small. The children attack which is diferente to them.

-- So different eras?

-- Feet great, great ears, a face that only one mother could want and badly genius. You

have already realized.

Of which yes I have noticed myself is of badly the genius.

-- When? -- he asked, outlining a smile --. Lately nor you approach me.

-- and how you want that it does it if you avoid to me? Only you have needed to pedir to

me that she marches to me.

--No I can to do it. You are proprietor of half of Staghorn, and my woman.

-- Only of name.

-- From the day of San Antonio, not -- it talked back, and the memory burned to him in

the eyes.

Certain --Es -- she answered, interpreting it badly deliberately --. Since then no. Nor one

single time -- it added, while it let slip by its arms the shelter before overwhelmed glance of

-- What demons beams? -- Ty asked when Erin began to desabrochar the dress.

Gained --He something of weight, and I thought that you would like to verify it by same


Without occurring time to think, it loosened the last button and the dress slipped

smoothly downwards. Like the weave he was heavy, she had not been molestado in putting itself
you maintain, so their sines were naked and firm for mostrárselos to Ty without repairs, while
its heart seemed a colt rampant within the chest.

-- Erin...

To her him it pleased the snatched expression of him, its expanded pupils and

accelerated his breathing, so one approached to him to clear the shelter to him before his
glance surprised. Slowly, it was unbuttoning the shirt until the manly chest it was in the open so
that it could caress it.

--Oh, Ty... -- it moaned, embracing it by the waist.

-- God... -- he whispered, surrounding it by shoulders to feel the nipples excited against

its chest --. The skin burns to you, Erin.

--A you also -- it responded, bending the back to be able to mirar it. Its face was ignition

of sensuality --. I wish you.

-- Yes, I know it -- he with a voice answered that was almost unrecognizable by rough the

--. I you desire as much as you to me.

-- We can... here?

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-- Creo that we will have to be able -- it responded, taking it in arms and kissing it.

-- Please, now -- it whispered --. Please, Ty...

-- Ssh... Only a minute. Only a minute more.

One separated little of her to take off the rest of the clothes. It had a good body at

least, and it liked how the girl with hambrientos and sluggish eyes watched.

When it returned next to her, Erin embraced it to tighten itself against him.

-- Still no -- he said, caressing it while it moaned --. Still no. I want that this time me you

request it. I want verte to cry.

-- Please...

Its mouths they returned to be united and Ty looked for new forms to caress it,

extending minutes of delicious tenderness. Erin felt lost in that insuffrable one to please.

Finally Ty it tended on the clothes and it was placed upon her, acariciando the firm sines

and the turgid nipples. Erin shook without control, clavando to him the nails in hips.

-- Slowly -- it with trembly voice whispered, and when he began to entrar in her, Erin he

shook --. Slowly... -- it repeated, observing how the pupils of her dilated and how its body
acquired a smooth and demolishing rate --. I do not close the eyes him it ordered, taking it by
nape of the neck --. I do not close the eyes, affection, that I want verte. Thus, hard, it pushes,
it pushes... siéntelo. Siéntelo with me... we go... Oh, God, Erin, me... you make me sentir... you are
so... candyErin! ¡Erin!

Erin was nauseated the back under its weight, shaking themselves of pleasing, sintiéndolo,

leaving themselves to drag by a species of terrible and intense yearning that parecía to consume
it everything in its storm of sensations.

Ty him something to the ear whispered while it shook under her body with tears

dampening to him the cheeks.

-- You are so candy, Erin -- it murmured, licking the tears to him with ternura --. She was

as if me it sent to the infinite.

--No knew that it could thus be -- gimoteó, embracing it with force and biting it in

shoulder and in the neck, a delicate and posesiva form.

-- It can return to being thus -- it gave --. It can be... within momento.

It returned a to have it and Erin was let take again towards that maravilloso universe of

fireworks, more slowly this time, until one felt to vibrate like cord of an arc after shooting the

--Si no you had taken precautions -- --, this time whispered he last minutos we would have

generated a son.

--Lo I know -- it agreed, embracing it with force --. ¡Oh, Ty, never habíamos fact the love

this way!

--Ha be to make the love, right? It has not been sex. Erin, you return to me crazy.

--Y you to me, Ty. Why we continued punishing to us reason why it happened? Why I

cannot to sleep with you? Why we cannot have matrimonio authentic?

Ty supported cheek on its shoulder.

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-- He is that that you really want? I thought that you tried to return to your carrera.

Erin it bit the lip. That seemed a good moment to say to him what felt: that no it wanted

to leave it, and that more than nothing in the world deseaba to be mother of its children and to
age to its side.

--Ty... it could to let take the pill -- temblorosa --. said with voice We could generate

another one son.

It almost left to breathe. He would be that what it really loved she? It would be

culpability or pity by him, or simply was being become fond of to make the love? It could to be
satisfied to him when it had its race again within reach? it wished to accept its supply. It
wished to accept it with desperation almost, but it had that to give the opportunity him to
return to its previous life. It had had terrible accident and its memories were amargos. He
would be he taking advantage of a momentary weakness if it accepted, a weakness that Erin
would be sorry when she was completely recuperada?

-- Still no -- it said finally watching it to eyes --. Not yet it is the momento. We will sleep

together if it is what you want. God knows well that that is what I also wish, but nothing of
children nor of commitments. First you must return to New York a few weeks to your old world,
and later, when you have savored it well and I have solved my problemas financiers, we will make
our decisions.

He would be that a supply or a retirement?, Erin was asked. Perhaps it looked for he to

recover his freedom, or would be single pity? ¡If she could read her thoughts!

Of agreement -- it responded to the aim. Perhaps what they had was sufficient at the

moment. Ty wished it, and that desire with time could be convertir in lasting.

It would go to New York and later would return to the farm to demonstrate to him that

to its aspect not him it mattered in minimum, than by many sophisticated and attractive men
that it saw would continue preferring it him.

-- Mírate -- it said Ty, examining its body --. In the heat of winter, with the cold that


-- and you what, granuja?

--Es blames yours. You seduced --la to me accused he, smiling --. If you clear the dress

and you to you the air has left with those wonderful sines, I cannot do another thing, although
my life depends on it.

-- Because yes that you have been able to wait for the sufficient thing to make me suffer

reproached she to him, ruborizando itself slightly when remembering how it had had to request
to him.

--No you can to imagine how I felt to oírte to suplicar -- it responded, biting to him

smoothly the lips.

—¡My poor man pride! What will have been of him?

--No you are mentirosa. To you also it enchanted to you -- it murmured he, kissing it of an

intimate form, hungry candy and --. ¡Oh, God! -- it exclaimed, dejando to fall the head on his
shoulder --. I would like to continue, but I cannot. So I am tired...

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Erin smiled.

--Yo also -- he said, and with a satisfaction sigh, he closed eyes --. I can sleep with you


—¡Clear that you can!

--No me it would raise of here by anything of the world.

--Yo either, perhaps but he appears somebody, and then yes that would be the shame the

one that no he would let to us move to us -- he noticed he and one rose to admire his naked body
--. It could be mirándote thus during all the eternity and not to tire to me.

Erin smiled.

-- You either you are nothing bad.

-- Thus it is like I feel right now -- he confessed, smiling --. It will be better than seen

you before that...

—¡Flatterer! -- she said while she got dressed.

Ty finished of to put the clothes before she, and between kiss and kiss, helped it to get


-- Why you tended our clothes? -- it asked with curiosity.

Ty was crouched in order to take a handful from hay and to show the brambles to him

mezcladas between the straw.

--El hay it is never only hay. Usually there are mixed brambles and wild roses. Imagínate

how you had had left the back with this and my weight on you.

Erin it blushed, and Ty smiled before approaching and kissing it on the forehead.

--Me it enchants verte sonrojada, and enchants knowledge to me that has been no

another man more than I.

--Y to me it pleases to know that you have not gone away to the bed with half of the

women of the zone. I was on the verge of desmayar to me when in San Antonio you told me that
you did not have fact before the love really.

-- Then to others women there would not be so wonderful similarity to them.

--Es that I I am your woman remembered she to him watching it to the eyes.

-- Yes -- he said, swelling itself of pride, You are my wife, my woman.

Erin it embraced him, savoring his force and the new affection that arose between both.

If at least outside lasting!

"¡Oh, Gentleman!", it said in silence. "Please, permíteme to retain it to my side this time.

If you leave me to love to him, and that it loves to me, I will not need any other thing this

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To it was an inner corner in Ty to which Erin was incapable to arrive. They made the love

wonderfully and all the nights she slept between her arms, but that proximity lasted only in the
bed; the rest of the time he continued being cold and taciturn man who she had known at first;
in addition, he was accustomed to to watch it with the gathered frown, as if he was worried. It
followed making his exercises and she recovered --, his forces, until the day arrived to return
to New York; she was not that it, wanted to go, but Ty insisted on which had to prove itself to
itself that it could return to work, although Erin did not dare a to ask itself if it were that
simplemente or was tired of her or if culpability feeling had terminado being superior to all the

The same one she took to the airport, and she had to make enormous esfuerzo retain

tears throughout the way. Ty took the suitcase to him until the terminal and it hoped to that it
registered it. When it finished, she became towards him; its eyes green they had been
darkened, but Ty did not dare to read nothing in that watched. She had to feel pain by him,
thought. It was going to return to the life that it wanted and she felt been thankful because it
were masses in removing it from apathy in which it had fallen after the accident. But not that
its mercy or his gratitude, not even the magic of its body burning grease his in the dark. It
wanted love. Only that.

Erin it approached him, and vaguely account of which from that morning occurred in barn,

she had had to all initiate the movements All those nights, it had eased up in the bed next to
her, but he had not touched unless it demonstrated to him that she wished it. It was a very
strange relation. Ty gave him everything what it wanted, from dresses to sex but only if she
requested it.

-- Vas a to throw to me of less? -- Erin with an outline asked of are in the lips.

--La bed goes a to be very cold.

--Te I will send a hot water stock market -- she joked.

Ty him it caressed the cheek smoothly.

--Si some time you need to me, llámame. I will be there in the first airplane.

Erin smiled. It liked the possessive note of its voice.

--Lo I will remember -- it promised. Then they called for the last time to the passengers

of its flight and she it watched it scared.

-- Everything will leave well -- it assured --. Now you are strong. You will do it well.

-- You create? -- she asked, trying not to cry --. Dame a kiss, Ty -- it whispered.

It held it by shoulders and it quickly kissed it on the lips.

-- I know a good one girl.

-- What another one thing I can be if I do not have to you close? ¡Oh, Ty...

It was hung of its neck and kissed it with all its forces, other people's to the other

passengers, and it retained until he. one retired suddenly, with desire shining to him in the eyes.
Erin had to breathe deeply not to lose and balance.

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-- Llámame when you arrive at the hotel -- it indicated.

--Lo I will do -- she answered. feeling already single --. Cuídate, Ty.

-- You also.

It could not to say good bye to him, so one made an effort to smile and one moved away

without watching back.

The greater one part of the time that lasted the flight passed it crying. Pierna already

almost no he bothered to him when walking, but it heart was another thing. It wanted to be with
Ty, and nevertheless, it seemed not to want to have it to his side already.

When it arrived to the suite of the hotel that él had insisted on reserving to him, it

called it by telephone, but the conversation was very brief, because it seemed to be in a big
hurry. It lasted right the sufficient thing to remember to him that if needed something it
called it and to find an excuse to hang.

Erin remained watching the earpiece when he took leave. One felt rechazada, leaving, and

it was crying until the dream overcame it. To the following morning, one felt furious with him
because rápidamente had not been going to look for it to take it a house, but at the moment
occurred to account of his propia stupidity. Ty never would do one thing thus. It did not need to
anybody, was said.

That same one tomorrow it visited its old agency and it spoke with his representante,

that was astonished at the good that had recovered, and to the week following already him it
had found a job.

The days happened with boring regularity. The life that to once was exciting similarity

him, now it was not for her more than a laborious work. It could not let think about the farm
and in Ty. It missed the sound of the cattle in the grass, La Paz and the tranquillity of the field,
the glad parloteo of Conchita and the fresh flowers whereupon it adorned the tables every day.
But mainly it missed body of Ty in the dark, its heat and its arms surrounding it, their firm
chest and smooth under its cheek. It longed for to caminar by the farm, to hear its deep voice
and of smooth accent, the sound of its boots when entering house to have supper. It surprised
his little smiles and the tone hambriento of its voice when they made the love. Even it missed its
unequal and marked facciones. And if it wrote to him saying to him that he was hombre more
attractive of the world? Surely it would think that it was pure sarcasm.

She it forced to work without rest to arrive exhausted at the night and power to sleep.

Every two or three days it called to the farm, but Ty always parecía to have haste. It never told
nothing him, except nimiedades on the time or the work. It did not ask to him either when it was
going to return, not even if were going to return some day. It seemed not to matter to him.

Then it was when Erin began to worry. Perhaps it had decided that the life him it was

easier being single than with a woman to whom in fact no it wanted. Perhaps it had reached the
conclusion that the mercy and culpability is not sufficient to maintain a marriage still on. It got
to give him so many returns to that thought, that in the middle of a photographic session no it
could avoid that the tears escaped to him. The photographer detuvo the work and he sent to

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somebody to look for a coffee and something to him sweet to eat thinking that he had hunger.
And in effect it had it... but not of food.

Erin was supporting to that situation a few week until the spring began to melt the snow

and to make shine the blue one of the sky; until indifference of Ty put it really furious.

A day, it approached the first airplane that found as soon as a photographic session

finished. It already was well. It had already supported sufficient indifference If Ty wanted
divorce, would grant it, but it was going to have to request it to it to the face and with words.
It was not arranged to allow that it followed it ignore do.

Among them everything had begun of the mistaken form and for mistaken reasons, but to

a certain extent no longer it blamed it by all the problems that were had. She was she who must
not have listened Brushes. It had to go directly to Ty and to clarify it everything from the
beginning. And the day in which it returned to the farm it must it have forced to that it
listened to it, instead of accepting badly his character immediately. If he had obtained his
attention, perhaps it was it taken between its arms to request to him that one married with him,
they would have had to boy...

It shook head. All that comprised of the past and cambiarlo could not. Now it had that to

follow ahead, with or without him, although it knew that without him, the life would leave of to
have sense. It could never have another man... it loved too much.

Nobody knew that it was going to arrive, so did not find to anybody waiting for it in the

airport. It rented a car and it took the freeway from Ravine without stopping until arriving a
Staghorn, where one parked in front of the house. Lincoln de Ty was there. She could be in
some of the spring roundups, but it had impression that that way she walked.

It lowered of car and watched towards the surrounded one. There were several men

raised in the logs sending spirit shouts to which it tamed a horse.

Without thinking it twice one approached, knowing to whom was going to see upon the

horse. When it arrived at the surrounded one, saw its husband mounting the animal. Llevaba put
cattle tenders, covered by zahones of leather and the old Stetson with always. His face was
exultante of masculine pride mientras the animal continued giving brincos and kicks, coreado by
the voices of the men of the farm who animated to the rider. Finally, the obstinate animal rindió
and began itself to trotar docilely, jadeando and covered with sweat.

Ty lowered with agility of the chair and it caressed to the animal before giving it to one

of men so that he gave him to eat and cleaned up it. Erin observed with the hands put in the
pockets of the skirt. As much time ago it did not see it, that their eyes devoured it with

Suddenly Ty the return occurred and when seeing it, it remained paralyzed.

-- and well? -- she asked, before it could open mouth --. At least you could to say to me

"hello", although is not welcome. Ah, and before anything, I want darte thanks for all your postal
and your calls telefónicas. Me it enchanted to receive them.

Ty jumped close and one approached her, while behind him the men watched an a others

and occurred codazos... a good fight was always a good fight.

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-- Welcome a house, Mrs. Wade -- Ty in mocking tone said, although their eyes crossed it

with extreme tenderness. For as much time... She was precious, but also somewhat different,
very attractive with that red set and blanco. The white jersey him it partially covered the skirt
with vaporous weave that was crowded around around of its legs when walking, and had been
fitted it with a belt of macramé. hair had grown and took a very smooth maquillaje to him that
embellished more its face.

How many men would have watched it as he and would have wished it?, Ty was asked. And

she? It would have wished to some of those men? It was going to perder it, so... what demons,
could help it at least to leave, convenciendo it of which no longer he had why to feel pain by him.
The culpability had disappeared almost by complete.

-- Hello -- Erin, sharp answered. Of course, Ty did not seem anybody that did not have

been able to sleep by the nights of as much throwing it of less.

-- you have returned in order to gather your things? -- he asked, after igniting a


-- It can be. I already see the welcome that I am.

-- What you hoped? A band? I have lived all my single life in the house, which it is quite

rewarding, the truth is said.

-- Then in New York has not gone to me either badly. ¡I have passed it of maravilla! I have

worked every day, and they have invited to me to numerous celebrations.

-- You have found to somebody, right? -- he with apparent indiferencia --. asked I hope

that he is rich. You must of being very expensive to maintain.

—¡As if a you a single penny had cost you, Tyson Radley Wade! -- espetó she. ,

-- Radley? -- Network repeated Davis from the surrounded one.

Ty occurred average return with the eyes throwing tipsy.

—¡Davis, to your work! -- it ordered.

Network did gesture, but did not move of its site.

—¡That is! -- profirió Erin --. ¡Now grítale to him! Here nobody can give its opinion, except


-- and it can to know itself why have you who to shout our secrets?

—¡Oh! Perhaps your second names was a secret? -- she with innocent air asked, watching a

the men of the fence, Good, because no longer he is it.

-- Why no beams of once your damn luggage?

--No you can to hope to deshacerte of me, right? Then, why you bothered yourself in to

marry you with me?

-- Because no he wanted that Ward Jessup filled my farm of holes -- he with coldness --.

answered That was the only reason. That, and certain pity. ¡You were made a disgust when you I

--Y now, thanks to you, I have before me a wonderful future -- it, ironic talked back --.

¡Me she returns crazy to live single! ¡It enchants to me to use my life in going of footbridge in
footbridge while women as large as hipopótamo intentan to imagine to himself same with dresses

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that they would not have left nor in a single leg! ¡Me he enchants that the designers eat to me
with the eyes, that always somebody are pressing to me and that the photographers bother to
me constantly while directors of the announcements torment to me with their perfeccionismo!
¡He is fantastic to arrive at an empty apartment and to pass to me the ends week seeing
championships of skating and it fights frees!

spectators were trying not to reir themselves and Ty did not leave its astonishment.

Never it had seen thus.

Erin tightened the fists and their eyes sent authentic blazes.

—¡You are odioso! it shouted --. to him ¡I am fed up to hope that it sounds teléfono and to

watch twenty times the mailbox to see if there are letters that never arrive! ¡They have
offered to me one week in Saint -- Tropez to make an announcement of trajes of bath and I go
a to accept it! ¡The director is French, high, handsome and sexy, and him taste, and I go away!

-- What you have yourself believed you? -- it exploded, throwing the cigarette to the

ground with ' rage --. ¡You do not go to largarte to the south of France with any damn French!

-- Why no? You do not want to me! ¡I am not more than a load for you, a disabled person

that you take hung of the conscience!

-- It goes disabled person -- it murmured, studying it.

—¡Hopefully a good kick had a wood leg for darte!

Ty was outlining a smile slowly.

-- You are little excited, no?

-- Excited? Excited! I go to enseñarte.

Erin volume next object, an empty bucket, and threw it. Ty was crouched, so she it took a

bridle that hung of the fence and was sent it, seguida after wood piece.

The men they drowned the laughter at heart, and Ty threw furious, a cautious one to

them after avoiding the log.

—¡To command to me like fardo wing city! -- Erin mumbled while buscaba another

projectile that to send --. to him To leave me thus, at the mercy of anyone. Form goes of
treated your woman!

-- You never you wanted to be my woman --la accused -- you married with me to do

damage to me.

—¡Clear that yes! -- she shouted, taking a bridle --. For hacerte to pay to ignore to me, by

to torment to me constantly, by your indifference. But it is that you do not understand nothing,
piece of animal? ¡I want to you! -- it shouted, sending bridle to him --. ¡I have to you wanted
from the day that I knew you and you have not done more than to do the life to me impossible!

That time, Ty did not move to avoid the blow. The object struck half of the chest, but he

not even moved. It had the very abiertos eyes and the glance without to blink. It would have
heard well?

—¡It was not a Brush to who I wanted! she shouted to him --. ¡It was to you! ¡To you! It

worried to me as much by you, and I to you not even you liked. ¡You hated to me!

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It had heard well, and something within him seemed to explode. Erin continued despotri-

cando, shouting something because it hated it because he was more idiot than cacto, but he to
him no longer it listened to it, but that began to walk almost towards her like in critical moment.

¡Erin it wanted! Yes, it was in its eyes, their face, all its body. And now it went to leave it,

wounded and tired, to be a famous model...

Ty embraced it with force to kiss it on the lips. It was not a rough kiss, although they

had be so many days of absence that required a concerted effort to control itself.

Erin murmured still something before surrendering before its mouth and hanging

themselves of its neck, before jokes and the laughter of the men, who they did not get to hear.
Ty raised it in arms and it walked with her towards the house without letting besar it.

—¡Lady! -- the door of study --. exclaimed Conchita when opening Bienvenida to house.

-- Mmm... -- Erin murmured languidly, greeting it with a hand while Ty entered and it

closed the door with the foot. It seemed that it was going to seguir walking, but it gave the
return and it closed with key.

Erin felt the sofa under its back and later the weight of the body of him on her.


-- You are it blinds, crazy person and deaf person? -- he with anxious voice --. asked

Sight -- it said, raising hand in which it took the ring that it him had regalado --. It is that this
no it says something to you, or you prefer the words? I can decírtelas all, but when begin I am
not going to be able to stop to me.

Erin touched to him the lips with the yolk of the fingers.

--No me it would matter -- it whispered, watching it to the eyes.

--Te I want, Erin -- it declared I gave, taking the face him between hands --. I have

wanted to you from day that you left here for the first time, and hurt so much to me that I
believed to die. I did not realize... and I listened to my ego instead of a my heart. Oh, God, Erin,
I have wanted so much to you that I did not think that you could love me to me. I have been
cruel with you because it was as much scared of perderte...

-- To lose to me? How if you could do it! I adore to you, Ty. I adore all the corners and

each one of the cracks of this face -- it whispered, caressing the cheeks to him while Ty it
closed the eyes, being thankful to him to God that the love was blind --. I want to you with all
my soul, and is no man on the more attractive Earth face, more sexy or more tender than you. I
will want all my life to you, and still more.

It tightened it against its body with the closed eyes, shaking.

--Ty -- it whispered she, looking for its eyes --. I have let take the pill.

-- Truely? -- he asked, while he undid the belt to him of macramé, for later to unbutton

the jersey to him.

-- You could to leave me pregnant if...

-- Dilo him he requested, watching it to the eyes.

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Erin separated the lips shaking, because it knew what it wanted that dijera. It was the

moment adapted to the aim to cure all its wounds, for última expression of love that felt the
one by the other.

-- Tengamos boy, Ty -- it whispered with all his tenderness --. This time, we leave


One inclined again on her and it kissed it with a dulzura able to cure all the wounds and to

open new doors to the future, and what they shared later it was so deep, so exquisitely sweet
and complete, that Erin could not avoid to cry of pure éxtasis in the arms of the man whom it

Ty separated to him the tufts of humid hair of the face with temblorosas hands.

--Te I want -- it whispered.

--Si not me you had said before, would know it now. We had never made the love like this

time. Not even that day in the stable.

-- Then no he was safe of you, and I tried that you said to me what you felt by me, but

not it I obtained.

--No you could to read the thought to me, but in my interior you was shouting it.

--A me it happened the same. It returns to house, Erin. I feel single.

--Yo also -- she confessed, smiling --. But never I will not return to be it, you either.

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ED Johnson a look threw for the last time to the content of its portfolio before calling to

door of Staghorn. Conchita opened and it made it happen with a smile of ear a ear.

You seem cat that had left with the canary he single --. What happens?

-- Sir Johnson, will have to do it to believe it. ¡Tantísimos changes have happened in this

house! ¡Come, I will be it!

The lady it lead to the door of the study and Ed stopped there. Wade was knocked down

mouth it arrives on the carpet with plump a smiling baby and in the abdomen, and it smiled just
as Conchita.

-- Good morning -- it saluted without rising of the carpet.

A second baby appeared behind him taking itself from his hair to get up itself.

-- You are working of kangaroo? -- Ed asked.

-- Erin is it arrives -- it answered Ty --, but I am insurmountable changing diapers. You

bring papers?

-- Here I have __ said the drowned one, giving taps to its portafolios --. You have

yourself recovered of wonder. The last year now you were on the brink of madness bankruptcy.

Had --He hard incentive. An pregnant woman and gemelos. It seems to you little?

-- That age they have now? -- Ed asked, kneeling down next to Ty to tighten the manecita

rolliza of one of the small ones.

-- Five months. Sometimes we seated in front of them to watch them to convince to us

that they are of truth.

Ed remembered baby who Erin had lost and smiled.

-- Two children, double blessing -- he murmured.

-- Thanks a God. If you maintain the document, I will try firmártelo.

--No is necessary -- it said to Erin, that finished entering the habitación, smiling --. I I

will take care of the boys while you make the honores.

-- Only one thing more -- Ty added while Erin took care of Jason and Matthew --. If to

Ward Jessup is happened to him to perforate under a single one of my cows...

--No will do it, and in addition, it has promised to perforate only the necessary thing. He

is peculiar how they have arrived to file its differences. The fight began cuando you you cause
sorrow you were an adolescent.

--No so peculiar -- Ty, watching at Erin talked back, that maintained to the babies in its

arms and she was so precious that it left it without breathing --. He is not so peculiar, Ed.

The drowned one it followed the direction of its glance and smiled, asking itself if Erin

would be conscious of the great change that only with its presence had built in once taciturn
mess orderly.

In that moment it raised the Vista and she smiled to him. Yes, yes that knew it.

Ed gathered the contracts, and took leave of them, when it became to watch from door,

saw Erin giving to him one of the children to his esposo with as much love that it felt like an

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intruder almost. Outside the air was impregnated of fragrance of the summer, and Ed aspired
deeply. Perhaps the one of the marriage no he was so bad. Perhaps the moment had arrived from
which it also began to look for. To have children was wonderful, and it no longer was no
youngster. While it approached its car, it heard the sound of the laughter that came from the
house. When it arrived when coming out, it saw the flourishing cacti. Sometimes, it thought,
uglier plants give the hermosas flowers.


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