(eBook) The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER

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The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER...


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The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER








February 2, 2008

How To Turn $1000 Into $25,220

...In Just 4 Months!

When we launched

“The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER”

in 2004 saying ...

“Read on and see how one man turned $1000 into nearly $14000 - without picking up a
phone, writing a letter or going out his front door”,

... we knew that we were offering the very best and after two full years of day-after-day usage
by clients we can now say that thousands of real users now know that to be true as well; Forex-

“The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER”

continues to consistently out-

perform every other system bar none.

In celebration of this we have upgraded our package at


additional cost to include the day-

by-day trading diary of the most recent period from Sept 25th to our last day of trading in 2006,
Dec 22nd.

Each day is presented as a detailed video run-thru, each of which can be fully back-checked
using the historical display available in most charting software. See the proof first hand, confirm

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The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER

the validity of our results and mirror our success - just look at these results:-



Winning Trades Losing Trades Win % Largest Win Largest Loss

Sept 25th >





+ $1070


Oct 2006





+ $1200

- $600

Nov 2006





+ $1500

- $500

> Dec 22nd





+ $1380

- $300






These results are all from trading just a single lot on the GBPUSD currency pair - equivalent to
a trading bank of just $1000
using the standard 100x leverage with level stakes. This is
aggressive trading at it’s maximum but when you appreciate the consistency of the mechanical
entries and exits detailed in our system you will have the confidence to push trading to it’s limits.

If you work from home, or would like to start, then you need to be trading to achieve maximum
return on the dollar. There is absolutely nothing to compare with real time trading the foreign
exchange markets using “The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER” to turbo charge your
monthly income and all starting with as little as $1000 in trading capital.

"Finally - A Simple, Downloadable, Video Based Tutorial Training System That

Teaches You Step-By-Step How To Make Massive Profits Trading The Largest

Market In The World"

"Imagine a market where you can can buy a dollar for just one
cent down

Sounds mad doesn't it, but dealers will actually let you buy dollars
for as little as a penny a time, and the supply is almost limitless at
that price.

What you'll be reading over the next few minutes will change your
ideas completely over what it takes to make very substantial profits
in today's world. This is real, genuine, happening every day of the
week and there has never, ever been a better time to start."

Read on to find out how one man turned $1000 into nearly $14000 - without picking up a
phone, writing a letter or going out his front door.

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The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER

Why a very small percentage of a very big market can make

you a very large profit

The global forex market is the sum of all the money that travels between
all of the countries of the world every day - around $2 TRILLION of it.
"Hard cash" is required at the close of every deal.

Just like any other product, the price of money can go up and down
according to demand. Since 1997 the market has been opened up and
leveraged so that now everyone can get involved - with as little as $200
- $300 down. Even that $200 now has massive buying power – up to
$20,000 or even more. In fact, the leverage (trading multiple) allowed in
forex is bigger than in any other market - up to 200:1, compared with 8
to 10:1 for futures and a miserly 2:1 for equities.

How to buy dollars for a penny a pop

100:1 leverage means pretty well what you think it means – your buying and selling power is
multiplied by a hundred times. It’s like buying a Merc for a 100 dollar bill. For traders it means
having the trading muscle of $20,000 for just $200 down.

This massive trading advantage is where the power of leverage really starts to show its
fantastic potential to increase your earnings.

How to double your money in just a few hours

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The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER

Let’s say that you buy $20,000 worth of Euros with your Dollars.

It doesn’t actually matter much what the exchange rate was when you
bought the Euros - it's the movement after that counts. Let’s say you
bought at a EURUSD rate of 1 – that means there was one Dollar
exactly to the Euro. Now let’s say the rate ends the day at 1.01, or one
Dollar and one Cent to the Euro.

Not a massive change you’d have thought. However, that one Cent
increase in the value of the Euro means that your $20,000 holding of
Euros is now worth $20,200 ($20,000 x 1.01). That’s an increase in
value of $200. If you sell your Euros right away you’ll receive that $200
as straight profit.

However, you only had to lay down a real $200 to make that $200 profit,
so you’ve made 100% profit in a day!

If that thought has started to peak your interest let’s start to look at the actual process involved
in making that kind of profit on a regular basis.

It really is that easy but…

Having read all that you’re almost certainly thinking, “Well, if it’s that easy why isn’t
everyone doing it?”.

It’s a good question and the short and snappy answer is that the number of ordinary people like
you or I trading the forex market is rising very rapidly each year, and it’s not hard to see why.
Let’s look at just some of the reasons:-

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The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER

You can make just as much profit on a currency going down as going up in
value. Try that trick on your equity portfolio

There are no extra commission costs involved such as those with futures. It’s just
one narrow spread paid automatically on one side of each trade

Because of the immense market size you are virtually guaranteed to get a virtually
instantaneous fill on your trades
– no more waiting for someone to take that
stock or option off your hands

Trading is carried out over the internet - however and wherever you like - so…

no more ringing up harassed brokers to place your business (unless you want
to, of course).

The market trades 24 hours a day through the week, Monday to Friday. Tokyo to
London to New York – the sun never sets on the forex market. You can trade in
the morning, afternoon or evening, whatever suits you.
And you can trade full
or part time
– forex can fit in with you rather than you having to work around
particular exchange opening hours

The market moves in forex tend to be strong and long lasting, unlike many in the
index futures markets which can often be hesitant and short lived

The main forex brokers offer guaranteed entries and exits on stops and limits.
That means the numbers you feed into the system will be the numbers actually
traded, without the ‘slippage’ so often seen in futures trading

The markets themselves are very simple. There are just four main traded currency
pairs – the ‘majors’ – making up the bulk of the market so it’s nothing like the
mammoth task involved in studying the 40,000 or so stocks on the New York Stock
Exchange, for example. Forex might be very big, but it’s also very simple. Think of it
as being the supertanker of traded markets

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The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER

Grant Andrews says:

"Wow, this is dynamite stuff and people are really going to benefit in a big
way. I sure wish I had this easy-to-follow training material a year ago when
I first gave Forex trading a go...

It would have saved me a small fortune, not to mention a few less gray

Needless to say I am Very Happy to have access to this material."



Are there any disadvantages?

Only one comes readily to mind and that’s to do with the leverage already mentioned. In fact,
the 100:1, and even 200:1, leverage that’s offered is the extreme that traders are allowed to
work with - it’s useful to have it there but a much more realistic limit to work to is 20:1 or 30:1.
Excellent profits can still be made but without the downside risks if sudden reversals occur.

To those of you used to holding stocks for weeks and months at a time, with all the additional
risk that entails, day trading forex will come as a refreshing change. Most times you will be in
and out of trades in the same day, happy to go to bed at night knowing you’re not carrying
forward any risk.

It’s the ultimate very quick profit market.

Why is it then that around 90% of all the people who ever start trading forex lose money and
end up leaving the business? Answer – they make the wrong trading decisions.

“So”, I hear you say, “it’s just a buy or sell decision each time and still 90% of people get it
Yep, that’s about it. The majority of people entering this very simple business get it
completely wrong and end up flat on their faces.

Which is a terrible shame because it’s really straightforward to get it so right. All it takes is

How to join the successful 10%

To be successful in anything you need to be coached by someone who:-

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The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER

Knows what they’re talking about AND

Is a real winner at it

Someone who walks the walk as well as talking the talk.

Excellence in trading forex has one very simple measure of success – profitability. Take a look
at these numbers:-


Net Profit

US$ Profit

Bank $1000

















































Yes, that is a profit of more than $12000 on an opening bank of $1000 in just one year and,
even more amazingly, it came from trading just one currency pair.

They're the results for just one of the trading methods used by the
author of our brand new five part, all-in-one, no-holds-barred, guts-and-
all video series on “How To Make Massive Profits in the Largest Market
in the World!”.

He’s the real deal – a big money, professional forex day trader who
trades both his own and client accounts. He’s been involved in the
business for years and has seen the market in all its forms and he’s
convinced that the current forex market is about as tradable as it’s ever
been, with big profits being made daily.

Volatility is the lifeblood of intraday trading – if there’s no moves, there’s
no money – so the current increase in speculative trading is most
definitely a good thing.

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The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER

Take a look at the figures for last year and you’ll see how the spring was
a particularly worthwhile period for trading and this year is developing a
similar pattern. If you’ve got any interest at all in starting to trade forex
then right now is about as good a time as you’re going to get.

The market’s right, the timing’s right; all that’s needed now is the right
training to get you going in the right direction – to join the 10% of traders
who make serious money in this business.

Showing you everything – the real deal

The best wouldn't actually want to show you how - until now...

There’s a flourishing business in providing training seminars for trading the forex markets. It’s a
very profitable business to be in – admission fees are usually anywhere between $1000 and
$5000 – but the simple truth is that if you’re that successful a trader, you won’t want to be
taking days out of the week training others. It costs a good trader money rather than making it!

That’s the big problem we had with our author – he trades the forex markets very actively for
five days of the week and then spends the weekend away from everything. He certainly didn’t
want to get involved in flying around the world pressing the flesh when each session
would probably mean a whole week away from the markets

So, we took a long hard look at exactly what individuals would really need to make a successful
start and to keep them going at that same level of success for months and years after.
Seminars are great but nearly everyone suffers the same kind of after effect – enormous
enthusiasm for the first week after and then a rapid rundown in effectiveness after that. Doesn’t
matter what kind of meeting you go to the falloff afterwards always tends to be the same.

We needed something that users could refer to whenever they wanted, but which still had all
the immediacy and involvement of a real meeting. It had to offer all the detail required but not
just be a mass of words – after all, trading is a very visual experience and words and still
pictures alone just can’t do it justice. Finally, it had to inspire and direct right where and when
you were actually trading.

The answer was to bring together all of the latest presentational technologies into a Simple,
Downloadable, Video-Based Tutorial Training System that Teaches You Step-By-Step How To
Make Massive Profits in the Largest Market in the World!”

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The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER

Darrin certainly agrees!

"I have been trading for 1 1/2 years now, and made ALL the mistakes that
can be made in the learning curve process.

I have had success and complete devastating failure.

The Forex Uncovered videos in my opinion are excellent for both the novice
and the more advanced trader.

I have learned new techniques from watching the videos and can
recommend them to anybody.

The bottom line always is to make a profit and keep the profit.

With the tools laid out in the videos it makes tipping the odds of a 50/50
chance to have a successful trade turned into your favor and for this I am
more than happy to use the information given that has been born of the
Forex Uncovered creator's experience making money in the forex market.

Learning from a winner in the market is more profitable and desirable than
learning from lost trades!"

Darrin M.

How to Start making profits from Day One

Working alongside our Head Trader we’ve put together a truly awesome set of videos showing
you EXACTLY how to make profits from your very first day of trading.

And remember, this is the real deal, put together by a true professional at his business who’s
seen it all, done most of it, and come out of the other side with a profitable grin on his face!

The videos have been prepared using a variety of the latest technologies to maximize your
rapid uptake and understanding of the detail and techniques involved. We start the series with
all the usual stuff about choosing your broker and getting your account set up but even here we
offer you the guidance that you really do need to make a successful start:-

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The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER

Video #1

Your 24 Hour Start


Where and how to look for the best brokers (this can take just seconds)


What makes a good broker and a not-so-good one (at the extreme this can
make the difference between profit and loss)


Once you’ve made an initial selection why you should always make at least
one phone call and the answers you must receive


The usual on-line paperwork you’ll have to go through when opening an
account (it’s mercifully short and can be completed in minutes)


The best kind of account to open to start your trading (get this right and you
can be profitable in your first week
, get it wrong and you could be waiting

Then we look at THE two most important contributors to really successful trading:–


Money Management And Psychology


The First Week, the First Month, the First Quarter – the Three Stages To
you MUST go through to ensure lifelong trading profits


How big an account to start with


How to split your trading bank up for maximum success


How money management can affect your profitability far more than
getting the trade right
(yes, it is actually more important!)


Making two dollars from one – how the right money management method
can super boost your profits even further


The 5 most successful money management techniques


Full worked examples of each of the 5 methods


Which method to use for which type of trade

In the third video we cover the markets themselves. There are dozens of currencies and
hundreds of currency pairs so which should you trade?:-

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The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER

Video #3

What And How To Trade


The single most successful currency pair to trade (hint: it’s not the biggest


A typical trading day and month


The 3 most important times in the trading day (you can major on these if
you only want to spend minutes a day on your trading)


The News Trade – it’s the most successful type of trade there is and the
brokers hate it but we show you a method which is every bit as successful and
which causes the brokers no problems at all


How the changing character of the market can affect your trading and how to
maximize your advantage – knowing this alone will put you ahead of at
least 90% of the other traders!


What it means when Greenspan gets up to speak – and the other market
moving events to watch out for

Then we get your trading platform in order:-

Video #4

The Ideal Set Up


The ideal set up


The Big 5 indicators and the exact settings to use (this info alone is worth
many thousands – even the most expensive seminars won’t teach you this)


How to get everything working exactly right before you risk a penny

Finally, and our Head Trader hated us calling it this but we’ve never seen a more profitable

Video #5

The One Secret He Really Didn't Want To Give Away


The Most Successful Intraday Forex Trading Method Ever

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The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER

A very, very special offer

Having decided to do this it was only towards the end that we actually thought about how much
it should cost. Before you laugh that’s actually true and no, that’s not our usual approach!

In fact, it’s almost impossible to put a price to this series because it represents not just one
person’s years of real, practical profit-making experience but a content which is just light years
ahead of anything else
we’ve seen.

If seminars with much less real, usable content are well attended at $5000 a time should that
be the cost? If we were being very greedy then yes, but we’re not. To be honest we really
hadn’t got a clue so we decided to go with a number that all serious people could afford, but
which wouldn’t be a stop sign to those who still needed to be convinced.

We’ve therefore decided to offer an early bird bonus for a limited period and have priced this
whole set of latest technology videos at an irresistible $197.00

All purchases come with FREE access to our Trading Help Centre - Which is packed full of
trading example and additional profit generation gems.

These added is vitally important as these tutorials will become your trading mentor, plus if there
are major shifts in market characteristics that you need to know about we will update you
accordingly via our weekly updates.

However, that really is silly cheap so the super reduced price will be available for a limited
period only! Do not miss this multiple income opportunity.

Charles is over the moon!

"The Forex video-tutorials on offer are unique, simple, practical and very
easy to understand.

I learned how to trade Forex in just 5 days, 20 minutes a day. I have
never experience that before. Thanks for creating this opportunity."

Charles Nojodikromo - CEO BungaDwaja


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The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER

This really is as good as it gets

Entry to the largest traded market in the world

Full and detailed guidance on getting your account opened

Very full and easy to understand instructions on money management using truly
innovative techniques to boost your earnings

Learning the will to win – sometimes the profits you make will cause you to step back,
“Surely it can’t be this easy?”. We’ll show you how to overcome your own limits

Understanding the market in all its forms – learn a professional’s insight in just
minutes rather than years

Exactly which currencies to trade and EXACTLY how to trade them for maximum

Quite literally everything you’ll ever need to be a life long success trading forex, and YES the
results are consistent, here are the latest for 2006...



Winning Trades Losing Trades Win % Largest Win Largest Loss

Sept 25th >





+ $1070


Oct 2006





+ $1200

- $600

Nov 2006





+ $1500

- $500

> Dec 22nd





+ $1380

- $300






These results are all from trading just a single lot on the GBPUSD currency pair - equivalent to
a trading bank of just $1000
using the standard 100x leverage with level stakes. This is
aggressive trading at it’s maximum but when you appreciate the consistency of the mechanical
entries and exits detailed in our system you will have the confidence to push trading to it’s

If you work from home, or would like to start, then you need to be trading to achieve maximum
return on the dollar. There is absolutely nothing to compare with real time trading the foreign
exchange markets using “The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER” to turbo charge your
monthly income and all starting with as little as $1000 in trading capital.

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The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER

What's More,

This system has performed consistently for many years and remains as successful today
February 2, 2008 January 22, 2008 as the day it was first traded. Don't take our word for it,
our Members are more than happy to offer their opinions for your review:

I would like to thank you for this system you have out there which teaches the best
system I have come across as it has really changed the way I trade and look at

I am currently experiencing an average 70% success rate overall each month and I
have only been trading for 6months. There are a lot of different systems out there and
most cost in the thousands to learn by taking the courses but your system is
awesome, easy to learn and comes at a ridiculously cheap cost.

Thanks again

Simon Jabbour
Sydney, Australia.

The Forex-Uncovered Intraday Trading System has its weaknesses... but they are
small and relate to choppy market conditions. The strengths are what make you
money, lots of money, if you are disciplined and obey the rules. It takes time to learn
them, but the rules are the key to winning often and winning big. I don't know how
many times I have emotionally given up on a trade, thinking it had reversed, only to
have the system keep me in for another run. Some of these runs can be 150+ pips
on good trending days. But you only get them when you use the system and stake

One of the beauties of this system is that you can start small with a few hundred
dollars and trade micro lots. This builds your confidence without risking the farm while
proving the reality of the system, seeing the dollars consistently build on your small

This is by far the most consistent and best money making FOREX system I have tried
to date. The support is even better than the system : ) Prompt replies to email, helpful
tips and lots of encouragement.

The greatest hindrance to this system is me. I can only use it part time at present as a
very busy husband, father, bi-vocational pastor, HVAC technician.

Hannibal Mo. USA

If you wish to read more customer


click here

, otherwise take advantage

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The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER

of a very special offer.





So Here's The

'Take it Or Leave it' Deal:

Order The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER today and start placing

Plus... A very Special Deal - that same $197 includes LIFETIME FREE
access to The Download and Help Centre, private members area...

Order this blueprint to trading success today and receive LIFETIME FREE
access to The Trading Help Center, private members area packed full of
examples and profit generation gems - invaluable to the novice and of
additional benefit to the experienced trader who wants to add new techniques
and fine tune existing strategies.



Order Today For Only $197

Plus FREE access to The Trading Help Centre


Click For


Part of the course is a downloadable PDF document - If you do not have the
PDF viewer you can download this free viewer from our download page after

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The Best Intraday Forex Trading System EVER

your purchase


U.S. Government Required Disclaimer - Commodity Futures Trading Commission Futures and
Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of
the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets.
Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/
Sell futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to
achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site. The past performance of
any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.


*Depending upon state and country laws - always seek professional advice.










Internet Unlimited Corp Trolley Square, Suite 26c, Wilmington, DE 19806

© 2006 Internet Unlimited Corp

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Document Outline


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