Charlie Richards Accepting Caladon's Scales

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Into the Paranormal World: Sometimes going against family
leads to better rewards than sticking with them.

After seventeen years in captivity, Caladon O’Hara is freed
from his cage by gargoyles. His rescuers take him to their
manor, give him a safe place to recuperate, and set him up
with a new identity, Caladon Wykert. They also aid Caladon
in tracking down information about his son, Taolma. Upon
seeing a picture of his son’s face after so long, Caladon goes
into mild shock, overwhelmed at seeing him as an adult for
the first time.

Nurse Leroy Wilde works part time at the gargoyle’s

mansion. He handles daytime shifts since Perseus, the
clutch’s head doctor, has not yet mated and turns into stone
during daylight hours. When he spots Caladon through a
doorway, he’s quickly smitten by the tall, handsome shifter.
Still, Leroy keeps his distance. He’d tried dating an African
American once before, and due to his family’s bigotry, it
hadn’t turned out so well.

When Caladon suffers a shock, Leroy is called to help. His

mere presence yanks Caladon out of his stupor, only for the
shifter to declare they are mates. Leroy is unable to resist the
siren call of the mate-pull, and he agrees to a date. He
quickly discovers that his family isn’t the only
complication…because at the time of Caladon’s kidnapping,
he was still married. Mates or not, Leroy refuses to get
involved with a married man.

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Accepting Caladon’s Scales

Copyright © 2014 Charlie Richards

ISBN: 978-1-4874-0013-2

Cover art by Scott Carpenter

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Accepting Caladon’s Scales

A Paranormal’s Love: Book Nine


Charlie Richards

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To my patient readers…may the muse always keep up with your


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Chapter One

aladon Wykert reveled in the warmth of the sun soaking
into his scales. After spending nearly seventeen years

caged in one cell or another, nearly all of them either dimly
lit or lighted by fake, ambient heat lamps, this felt amazing.
The massive arboretum, with its three story windows and
curved glass, caught the sunlight just right. That made for a
fantastic retreat for a shifter like him, who shared his spirit
with a boa constrictor.

Add in the fact that the space was near the back of a

massive gargoyle mansion, and Caladon couldn’t be safer.
Still, that didn’t explain the odd buzz in the back of his
mind, as if he should be somewhere else…or maybe he did
understand that, too. His captors had held him as an
attraction in one curiosity show after another for almost two
decades. Then, after all that time, a clutch of gargoyles had
rescued him, stumbling across him when looking for another
missing shifter.

Where the fuck is my family?
Caladon thought about his human wife and young

son…well, Taolma had been young at the time of his
kidnapping. His little boy had been just two years old when
strangers had captured Caladon and shipped him to the
United States. For the first couple of years, Caladon had
searched for escape, all the while harboring the hope that
someone from his pod would rescue him.

Snakes didn’t have packs like other shifters. They formed

a loose circle of friends and family, a pod, which watched


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each other’s backs and helped in times of need. So, what did
that say about his friends and family? Had something
happened to them?

While Caladon had never loved Gloria, he knew she

wouldn’t have purposefully turned her back on him. He had
found an uncanny friendship with the human female. She’d
stumbled across him in snake form when she’d been fifteen.
With his size, she’d freaked the fuck out, and had run off
screaming. Caladon had had to move fast to shift, catch her,
and calm her down.

Once Gloria had accepted that Caladon wasn’t going to

hurt her—or eat her—she’d thought him fascinating. He’d
spent hours answering her questions, and they’d been
friends ever since. Over the years, Gloria had had a slew of
lousy boyfriends, and when her biological clock had started
ticking loud and long at the age of thirty-eight, she’d asked
for his help. Caladon had been alone for a long time, and the
idea of a child had appealed to him. He’d warned her that
the child would be a shifter, and that she wasn’t his true
mate, but she didn’t mind either of those things.

They’d married and created Taolma. Seeing his son born

into the world had been the happiest day of his life.
Caladon’s memories of his days with Gloria, their time as
just friends as well as the short couple of years they’d had as
a couple, combined with those of his son, had been the only
things to keep him sane most days.

The not knowing was the toughest. While he’d accepted

Maelgwn’s offer to use the gargoyle clutch’s computers, he’d
been unsuccessful in locating his family. Instead, he’d
discovered one death certificate for Dewain Qadri, his long-
time best friend. He knew it was possible the man hadn’t
actually died, but had reached a point where he needed to
form a new identity, but either way, it left Caladon with the
problem of not knowing where to look next.

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Mild vibrations danced across Caladon’s sensitive skin.

Lifting his head, Caladon flicked his tongue out a couple of
times, scenting the air. He recognized the mild musk floating
upon the slight currents of air. Doubling back over himself
on the thick limb, he made his way toward the tree’s trunk.
Once he reached it, he slithered down to the next nearest
limb, curled around it, then the next.

Soon, Caladon reached a thick limb about ten feet above

the ground. He moved along it and came to a stop
overhanging a small glen-like area, complete with a two-
tiered fountain and a couple of stone benches.

The gargoyle Sapian stood in the clearing. He spun slowly

and peered up at him, his smile widening. The grinning
male showed off long canines in his mottled golden hide. As
a mated gargoyle, the clutch enforcer had a choice of what
form he wanted to take, natural or human-skin, during the
daytime. Gargoyles that weren’t yet lucky enough to have
found their mate turned to stone during the day. It made the
massive mansion a quiet place during daylight hours.

“Good afternoon, Caladon,” Sapian greeted. “Up enjoying

the sun, I see.”

If Caladon had been able to smile in snake form, he would

have. The gargoyle’s happiness seemed almost contagious.
However, since he couldn’t communicate as a serpent,
Caladon initiated his shift. His long form shortened and
thickened. Arms and legs grew and his head reshaped.

Caladon’s skin scraped along the rough bark of the tree,

no longer protected by his scales. In a move he’d perfected
decades before, he turned on the branch, gripped it with his
hands, and swung forward. Caladon flipped over and off the
limb, landing lightly on the balls of his feet on the dirt
ground at the edge of the clearing.

Slowly, Caladon straightened to his nearly seven-foot

height. His kind was often tall and slender, due to sharing a

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spirit with something so long and skinny. He wasn’t any
different. Over the past couple of weeks of living with the
gargoyles, Caladon had used the trees as his own personal
jungle gym, rebuilding the muscle tone he’d lost while being
stagnant in captivity.

Caladon’s muscles now appeared well defined in his arms

and legs, and his pecs and abs felt hard as stone to the touch.
He ought to know. After being stuck in snake form for so
long, he’d taken himself in hand many times. It helped that
few cared if he actually left the arboretum very often. He
could do whatever the hell he wanted, and working out
reduced stress as he struggled to decide what he wanted to
do with his life.

“What can I do for you, Sapian?” Caladon asked slowly,

making certain his English words came out clear and
concise. He’d known the basics of the language from trading
with vacationers visiting his island. Listening to those
around him speak while he’d been in captivity had allowed
him to greatly expand his vocabulary. Speaking it, though,
that took a bit more concentration.

Sapian held up his hands, revealing sweats in one hand

and a loincloth in the other. “Raymond had a hit on your old
name last night. It took him a while, but he discovered
someone in the Florida Keys has access to your accounts.”
He raised and lowered each hand, obviously indicating
Caladon should choose. “Take your pick and I’ll show you
to his office.”

Trailing his gaze slowly down Caladon’s form, Sapian

gave him a cheeky smile. “Not that there aren’t plenty of
gargoyles that wouldn’t enjoy the view,” he added,

Snorting at the gargoyle’s antics, Caladon rubbed his

hand over his bare chest. “Not bad after seventeen years of
living on rats and frogs, hmm?”

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Tossing his head back, Sapian guffawed. “Damn, that’s

terrible, man.”

His laughter sounded through the arboretum, booming

and pleasant, echoing in the large space. Caladon couldn’t
have stopped his grin if he’d tried, and he waved at Sapian
as he turned away. “Not how I had planned to spend my
time, that is for certain,” he admitted. “Put those away,” he
added. “I have my own.”

Caladon strode between trees and amongst the foliage.

Once he located the tree he wanted, he reached into the
hollowed hole. He flapped his hand around a bit, then
located the fabric and pulled out his sweats. After shaking
them out, Caladon pulled them on and up, leaving them to
hang low on his slim hips.

Returning to the clearing, Caladon found Sapian leaning

against a tree. Sapian had crossed his arms over his mottled
hided chest, his white wings draped over his shoulders like
a cloak, and he wore a contemplative expression. He’d
tossed the sweats over the shoulder not against the tree and
the extra loincloth was clutched in the clawed hand closest
to his chest.

Eyeing Caladon speculatively, Sapian’s brow ridges

creased. Caladon lifted his own brow, curious what was on
the gargoyle’s mind. Sapian didn’t leave him wondering
long. “You’re a bit of a mystery to us, Caladon,” Sapian
admitted. “Staying in here all day.” He frowned, then waved
toward his lean form. “With what you’ve been fed over the
years, I’d think you’d practically live in the dining hall. You
are getting your fill, right?” he asked, his concern evident.

Caladon shrugged, suddenly self-conscious. “I do not

hide out in here all day.” Hiding his unease, he winked as he
turned away and called over his shoulder, “Just most of the
day. Let us go see what Raymond found.”

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Sapian fell into step beside him and glanced his way. He

swiped his tongue over his lips, then stated, “I apologize for
making you uneasy, Caladon.” He looked his way and
added, “We gargoyles are a curious lot. You wouldn’t
believe the trouble a few of our members got into during the
Dark Ages.”

Appreciating the gargoyle enforcer’s ability to apologize

and lighten the mood at the same time, Caladon grinned. “I
can only imagine. We snakes prefer to hide. It is why you
only hear rumors of massive snakes leaking from the
Amazon and proof is so hard to come by.” His words
brought back his own predicament. “Well, mostly.”

Clamping him on the shoulder, Sapian shook him once

before releasing him and saying, “We’ll figure this out,
Caladon. Have no fear. We have some great hackers here.
Between Raymond and Vane, we’ll find your—” He paused
and frowned. “What do you call a group of snakes?” Just as
quickly, his expression spread into a wide smile. “A mating

Caladon grimaced. “That was terrible,” he muttered,

shaking his head. In the wild, when female snakes were
ready to mate, they released pheromones that attracted male
snakes. The males would writhe around the female, forming
one big ball of coils, as they struggled to be the male that
mated with the female. “And no,” he added, probably a bit
too emphatically based on the snicker that escaped his

“Awe, couldn’t help it,” Sapian responded, clearly

amused. “So, what do you call your group, then?”

“A pod,” Caladon revealed. “And we do not actually

have packs or clutches like you are thinking.”

Caladon shrugged. “Our snakes make us somewhat

territorial,” he admitted. Only the fact that no other snake

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shifters occupied the arboretum with him kept his snake
happy in the large space.

Hell, what snake wouldn’t be happy in a three-story

jungle with, essentially, an unlimited food supply. All
Caladon had to do was enjoy the squirrels that nested in the
trees. He’d found where they entered and exited through a
cracked window at the base of the south wall. Caladon had
even enjoyed one of the tasty buggers, but mostly he shifted
to human form and made his way to the dining hall. The
gargoyle’s extensive menu of ribs, steaks, potato casseroles,
and pasta dishes were hard to pass up, especially
considering what he’d dined on in the past.

Shaking his head at his musings as if that alone could

clear away his thoughts, Caladon explained, “We share
activities with our immediate family and a few good
friends.” He walked through the arboretum doorway after
Sapian and began following him down one hallway after
another as he spoke. “There are normally a couple of
dominant shifters in the area that get together and act as
kind of a mini council. They discuss issues when friends
cannot solve the problem between themselves. They also
come together and host meetings when a situation runs the
risk of exposing the secret of shifters.”

Sapian paused in the hallway, his hand reaching out and

resting on a doorknob. His brows ridges were drawn and
when he spoke, his tone sounded concerned. “I’d have
thought the news that poachers were in the jungle catching
big snakes would have been something the council guys
passed on to everyone.”

“You would have thought,” Caladon grumbled. That very

idea had popped into his head more than once. They’d had a
pair of brothers move into their area, seeking asylum for
something, but Caladon hadn’t heard what. After they’d met
with Azacca and Talin, they’d been given a small section of

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jungle to live in, and Caladon—wrapped up in caring for his
young son—hadn’t given them a second thought. That had
been six months before his capture.

Could they have had something to do with it?
“Come on,” Sapian urged.
Pulled back from his thoughts, Caladon followed him into

a small office. He figured he ought to get used to interacting
again, having spent far too long stuck in his head. Caladon
focused on the slender black man behind the desk.

Raymond smiled up at him. “Hey, Caladon. Good to see

you again. Hope Sapian and I weren’t interrupting

Returning the gargoyle’s smile, Caladon settled into the

chair Sapian indicated. “Not at all, Raymond,” he
responded. “I had planned to find out if you had time to see
me today anyway, so this works out well.”

Having met Raymond once before when the gargoyle

taught him the basics of their computer systems, which had
changed drastically in seventeen years, Caladon knew this
was the gargoyle in human form. This mated gargoyle was
small in stature and had a black mottled hide in his true

Instead of wings out of his back, joining with a gargoyle’s

shoulder blades like the larger creatures, Raymond had
them attached from the bottom of his arms to his sides.
Raymond had explained that he could control the bones—
what he called wing spurs—that jutted out from his sides
and stretched his wingskins away from his body when he
wished to fly.

As a ground-bound shifter, Caladon found it fascinating.

Of course, getting out of his cage, Caladon found any
opportunity to learn something new after so long

“You were?” Raymond seemed pleased. “What can I help

you with?”

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Caladon smiled. That seemed to be the gargoyle’s

purpose in life, to please others. He opened his mouth to
answer, but Sapian held up his hand and stated, “Let’s get
the problem of someone checking on Caladon’s accounts out
of the way, first, okay?” He gave Caladon a smile. “Sorry, I
need to report this to Maelgwn once we’re done.”

Raymond nodded. “Right, sorry.” He gripped one thin

monitor and spun it around on its stand. Then, using his
mouse, he began pointing at things. “This is your account.
While you were captive, someone deposited one hundred
dollars every month to keep it active. Then, in December of
last year, someone started pulling money back out. I’ve
accessed the video surveillance of an ATM and have a
visual. Take a look.”

Turning his attention to the scene playing out on the

screen, Caladon watched a dark-skinned male wearing a
gray t-shirt and a ball cap appear. The man reached out and
inserted a card into the machine. The guy looked up, as if
reading something on the screen, giving Caladon a clear
view of the man’s face.

Caladon’s jaw sagged open. He felt the blood drain from

his face. “N-No! It is not possible,” he whispered.

“You know this person?” Raymond asked, pausing the


Reaching out, Caladon traced the young man’s sharp

cheekbones and fine brows. “I-I know him,” he admitted, his
voice catching in his throat. “He is Taolma, my son.”

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Chapter Two

eroy Wilde heard the phone ring. Looking up from his
reading, he noted the line to Raymond’s office showed

on the ID. He remained seated on his rolling office chair and
pushed away from the filing cabinet, sending himself
careening wildly in the phone’s direction. Thumping against
the wall, Leroy snickered and grabbed for the phone.

“Hey, Ray,” he greeted. “What’s shakin’?”
“I need you to come to my office right away!”
From how his friend’s voice sounded half an octave

higher than it should, Leroy realized this wasn’t a social call.
With the phone pressed to his ear, he hustled to the storage
closet and pulled open the doors. “What’s wrong? Is it
Marty? Do you think you knocked him up?” he asked,
referring to Raymond’s human mate, Martin Beakman.

As odd as Leroy found it, he’d had to accept the fact that

gargoyles could make their male mates pregnant. He’d been
introduced to the fact that gargoyles and other paranormals
existed—rather rudely, really, in his opinion—when they’d
kidnapped him from the hospital along with his patient,
who’d happened to be Marty. Since the clutch’s head doctor,
Perseus, remained unmated and therefore stone during the
day, Leroy had started working in the gargoyle’s infirmary
for a few hours on his days off, giving the mated gargoyle,
Cosmo, some relief.

“No, it’s Caladon. I think he’s having a panic attack or



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Raymond’s words, spoken in a clearly freaked out tone,

yanked Leroy back from his musings as his gaze roved over
supplies. His heart felt as if it skipped a beat in his chest.
“Caladon O’Hara?”

Leroy’s throat closed up for several seconds. Swallowing

hard, he forced out, “I’m on my way.”

He hit the off button on the handset and left it off the

wall, which would automatically send any incoming calls to
the intercom after two rings and a notice to the caller that he
was about to be on speaker. Everyone knew that if they
heard the intercom beep, then nothing, whatever doctor was
on duty was expected to star-six-nine the line.

Grabbing a bag filled with a variety of first aid supplies,

Leroy slung it over his shoulder and headed out of the
infirmary wing. As he strode down one corridor and up
another, he tried to get his thudding heart under control.

A couple of weeks before, Leroy had helped the gargoyles

free some imprisoned shifters. Caladon had been one of
them. He was a boa constrictor shifter, massive in animal
form, and Leroy had appreciated the fact that he hadn’t had
to do an examination of the male. He’d never thought he’d
had a problem with snakes—hell, he’d been to the zoo
plenty of times and even seen a few out hiking—but, damn,
the guy’s animal form intimidated him.

To make matters worse, days later, Leroy had spotted

Caladon in human form. Kort, a marbled red gargoyle that
could only be classified as a flirt, had been coming out of the
dining hall. As he held the door open for Raymond and
Marty, Leroy had spotted a tall, slender black-skinned male
sitting at a table next to Sapian.

He’d ended up gaping for several seconds before numbly

whispering, “Oh, sweet Jesus.”

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Leroy had felt his blood flood his groin and he’d started

to sweat. Every fiber of his being wanted to go over and rub
against the slender male’s smooth body like a cat in heat.
He’d wanted to pet the guy’s bald head and see if it was
prickly or smooth. He’d wanted to crawl onto the guy’s lap
and grind them both to completion.

When the door closed, cutting off his view, Leroy had

snapped out of his lust-induced stupor. He’d glanced
around and had found himself the recipient of several
amused smirks. Leroy had felt his face flush as a blush stole
up his neck and over his cheeks.

Kort had grinned widely, showing off his sharp, white

teeth. “See someone you like?” he’d asked, winking.

“Uh.” Leroy hadn’t even been able to get his scrambled

thoughts in order enough to come up with a snarky

“You know, if you want to meet Caladon, all you have to

do is ask,” Marty had told him, smirking.

Caladon? That was Caladon? The snake? Oh, shit!
The fellow human must have misinterpreted what Leroy

figured was a stricken look on his face, for Marty explained,
“He’s the only new face in there. He’s a boa shifter who
originated from the Caribbean.”

Leroy had always had a thing for African Americans, the

darker the skin the better. Something about the way his pale
skin contrasted with a darker male’s turned Leroy on like
nothing else. Unfortunately, his family barely managed to
tolerate his condition, as they put his being gay, and
considered anyone who wasn’t clearly Caucasian to be
beneath them.

Sometimes, Leroy suspected his parents, Colin and

Whitney Wilde, were Nazis in a previous life. Still, they were
his parents, and his two older sisters never disagreed with
their views and always behaved as if they felt the same way.

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Arriving at Raymond’s office, Leroy found the door open

and Raymond standing beside it, glancing between Leroy
and whatever was going on inside. His friend instantly
grabbed his arm. “Thank the Gods. I should have warned
him, I guess, but how was I supposed to know he had a

Leroy missed a step before righting himself.

A son? Damn am I glad I didn’t do something stupid like throw

myself at him. I’d probably end up either decked by the shifter or

humiliated in front of the gargoyles.

“Okay, let’s see what’s going on,” Leroy stated, pulling

his professionalism around him like a cloak.

Leroy gently pushed Raymond aside and stepped into the

room. He saw Sapian squatting beside Caladon, who sat in a
chair. The gargoyle’s clawed left hand rested on the shifter’s
knee. “Are you okay, Cal?” Sapian asked softly. “Talk to me,

Caladon barely spared Sapian a glance before returning

his focus to the computer screen in front of him. “Isn’t he
beautiful?” Caladon mumbled. “So handsome.”

Not able to help himself, Leroy glanced toward the

screen. His heart stopped in his chest at what he saw. A
young male—very young even, maybe late teens or early
twenties—African American stared into the camera. It
appeared to be a candid shot, because the guy wasn’t
smiling into the camera. Still, that didn’t stop the viewer
from seeing the young man’s obvious beauty. In fact, Leroy
thought he looked kind of familiar.

So, Caladon is gay, or at least bisexual, and that’s the kind of

guy he goes for.

While disappointment zinged through Leroy, he also felt

grateful he hadn’t approached the man. While he’d
experienced his fair share of rejection, getting shot down by
a handsome man never became less embarrassing.

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“Yeah, Cal,” Sapian murmured, obviously trying to

placate the shifter. “He’s a good looking boy. What’s his
name again?”

“Taolma,” Caladon whispered, once again petting the

screen. “Gods, I never expected to see him again.”

Huh. That’s odd. Surely, the guy in the picture wasn’t that old.

Wait, maybe the picture is old.

Leroy put the thought out of his mind and stepped

forward. “Hey, Caladon. I’m Nurse Leroy Wilde,” he stated,
quietly introducing himself. “I’m here just to check that
you’re okay.” Gathering his courage, Leroy reached out and
gently touched Caladon on the neck. “Your friends are a
little worried about you, Cal.”

Leroy’s goal had been to slide his fingertips over the

man’s pulse point, wanting to gauge his blood pressure.
Unfortunately, as soon as Leroy touched Caladon, the shifter
seemed to be yanked out of whatever reverie he’d been

Caladon rose from his chair, spun around to face him, and

grabbed Leroy’s hand in his right one, all in one smooth
motion. Leroy found himself frozen, trapped in the other
man’s assessing gaze. Caladon’s nostrils flared, his tongue
slipped out and swept over his bottom lip. Then, a wide
smile curved his thin lips.

“I have been truly blessed this day,” Caladon murmured

in a hushed, almost reverent tone. He reached out his free
hand and gently traced the forefingers of one dark, slender-
fingered hand down Leroy’s cheekbone. “Nurse Leroy
Wilde,” he whispered. “My mate.”

Then, Caladon released Leroy’s hand and reached out to

cradle Leroy’s hip. For all the world, Leroy wanted to sink
into this man’s embrace, melt against him, and feel the tall—
oh, holy hell, is this man tall—male’s muscles pressed against
his own. Leroy knew it’d feel so good, better than he’d ever
felt before.

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Except, when Caladon flexed the strong fingers wrapped

nearly halfway around his hip, Leroy resisted. This shifter
had called him his mate. What about the man on the screen?
He’d been so enamored with him just a second ago.

“W-Wait,” Leroy managed to whisper around a horribly

dry throat. “What about—”

Caladon didn’t wait, not even for him to finish speaking.

He tightened his hold and tugged harder.

Leroy fell heavily upon the much taller man and a gasp

escaped him.

Peering down at him, Caladon smiled, his dark eyes a-

light with some inner glow. The shifter roved his gaze over
Leroy’s face. He cupped Leroy’s jaw and smoothed his
thumb back and forth over Leroy’s upper lip. His fingertips
massaged across the sensitive patch behind Leroy’s ear,
sending shivers across his skin.

His mind shutting down at the gentle stimulation, Leroy

fought the urge to just sink into Caladon’s embrace. He
should be doing something, pushing away, pulling back,
something…but this man’s touch felt so wonderful.
Especially when Caladon leaned down and nuzzled his
temple against Leroy’s own…marking him like the shifter he

Right. He’s a shifter…and he said we’re mates. Damn!
Even while, deep down, Leroy could admit that he liked

that idea very, very much, he knew he couldn’t. His family
would never accept it, and he couldn’t put any lover
through the ridicule his parents would heap upon him. No
man deserved that. Besides, his father’s antics could get
down-right dangerous for a shifter.

Leroy slid his hands between them and placed his palms

on Caladon’s chest. The desire to rub over the hard pec
muscles he felt was strong. Instead, he controlled his urge
and pushed against the firm chest beneath his fingertips.
“Release me,” he whispered.

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“Oh, of course,” Caladon rumbled. Still smiling, the man

eased away from Leroy, although he didn’t release him
completely. “Please, forgive me. I have just had a number of
shocks today.” Caladon moved his hands to Leroy’s
shoulders and gripped the strap of the medical bag that
rested on his right shoulder. “We will put this down and get
settled, so we can talk,” he urged. “I should introduce
myself properly.”

Caladon seemed so pleased with the idea that Leroy

couldn’t find it in himself to protest. The shifter pulled the
bag from Leroy’s shoulder and set it aside, then he urged
Leroy into the chair Caladon had vacated. The shifter
glanced around and spotted another chair covered in folders
next to the wall. Without hesitation, he moved the files to the
floor, then dragged the chair across the room until it faced
Leroy’s position.

Finally, Caladon sat before him and reached out to Leroy,

taking his right hand. He cradled his hand with both of his
own. “Leroy Wilde, I am Caladon O’Hara, uh, Wykert,
now,” he amended. Smiling depreciatively, he added, “It
will take a while to get used to that.” Lifting Leroy’s hand to
his lips, Caladon kissed his knuckles softly. “It is very good
to meet you.”

Listening, Leroy watched in stunned silence. He’d heard

that Caladon had taken on a new last name, that Raymond
had supplied all the rescued shifters with new identities, he
just hadn’t heard what Caladon’s was. It seemed Caladon
was still getting used to it, too.

As Caladon smiled at him, Leroy felt his heart clench in

his chest. He could so easily become addicted to the look
directed at him. Gaping, he couldn’t find words to respond.

“I have overwhelmed you,” Caladon murmured, leaning

closer toward him. “I apologize. I, too, have had a number of
shocks today.” His brows drew together as he started gently

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kneading Leroy’s hand. “You are a human allowed in the
gargoyle manor, so you know about our kind. Does that also
mean you are aware of what being mates means?”

“Yes,” Leroy immediately responded to the question.

Damn, I need to get away from this sexy fucker.
Grimacing, he tried to tug his hand free, but Caladon

refused to release him. Instead, the shifter tightened his grip
rhythmically, which sent shivers down Leroy’s spine to
settle in his balls. Leroy couldn’t remember the last time he’d
been turned on just from a touch.

Yep, I definitely need to get out of here.
“I do understand,” Leroy admitted, meeting Caladon’s

clearly affectionate dark eyes. “I just think I’m a bad bet for
you. I, uh, a relationship with me would be, um—”

Crap, how can I explain without sounding like an asshole?
“No, Fate would not make a mistake, little one,” Caladon

murmured, drawing Leroy’s hand to his mouth and pressing
a light kiss to his knuckles.

Leroy narrowed his eyes as he stiffened, knowing he was

visibly bristling. Damn, though, he hated having someone
tell him point blank that he was wrong…as if what he said
didn’t matter. His anger managed to push aside his lust, and
he snapped, “What would you know about it, Stretch?”

Caladon straightened, his brows shooting up. His mouth

sagged open a bit and something told Leroy that, if he’d
been slapped, the shifter would probably wear that exact
same look. After a second, Caladon nodded quickly. “Of
course, you are right. We should date. Humans date to get to
know each other. While nothing would please me more than
to bend you over the desk and have my way with you, I—”

“Not to mention I wouldn’t be too pleased by that,”

Raymond commented dryly.

Leroy turned his head, gaping at his friend. Damn, he’d

completely forgotten they weren’t alone. The intrusion gave
Leroy enough time to drag some thoughts into his brain.

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When he refocused on Caladon, he blurted, “Look, I find
you sexy as fuck, but I’m white and you’re not and my
family are assholes and they have a hard enough time with
the fact that I’m gay.” At Caladon’s confused look, Leroy
hurried to add, “If they find out I’m dating a black
man…hell, even if you were a black woman, they’d have a

Caladon’s jaw snapped closed and his brows drew into a

scowl. “You refuse to accept me as your mate because of
your family?”

“No. Yes.” Leroy growled. “Damn it.” Taking advantage

of the fact that Caladon still held Leroy’s hand, he squeezed,
hard, trying to convey the seriousness of the situation. “It’s
for your own safety. Hell, for all shifters, really. If my
parents find out, first, they’ll try to run you off with snide
comments and disparaging words. If that doesn’t work,
they’ll attempt to buy you off. Then, if that fails, they’ll
resort to blackmail. They’ll find something in your past to
wield against you, and with you being a shifter, we can’t let
them do that.”

Leroy felt a great wave of sadness wash over him the

more he spoke. No longer able to meet Caladon’s rejected
expression, Leroy turned and looked at Sapian, beseeching
the gargoyle for understanding. “I can’t let them expose
shifters or paranormals because of me.”

Sapian sighed. He lifted a clawed hand to a brow ridge

and rubbed. “Your parents are truly that bigoted?”

Nodding, Leroy managed to squeak, “Yeah.”
“Why do you think they would do that?” Caladon

whispered the question,

Returning his focus to Caladon, Leroy spotted the

disbelief in his eyes. Leroy smiled, full of sadness, and
admitted, “Because they’ve done it before.”

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Chapter Three

aladon’s first urge was to tug Leroy closer and tell him
that everything would be okay. Except, considering his

mate was trying to pull away from him, Caladon didn’t
think he’d welcome him.

Oh, hell, no! After all I have been through, finding my mate is a

damn reward from Fate. No way am I passing that up, fucking
bigoted family or not.

“No,” Caladon growled. “That is not acceptable.”
Leroy’s attention snapped to him, soothing the snake

inside Caladon. He should be his mate’s focus, not the
gargoyles who watched them with obvious concern. While
Caladon had forgotten their presence for a moment—he’d be
the first to admit that finding his son had access to his
accounts coupled with finding his mate had completely
thrown him—now Caladon had regained his wits.

“No?” Leroy sounded confused. “No what? No my

parents wouldn’t do that?” His irritation grew, betrayed by
his scent and the twitching of the hand Caladon still refused
to release. “I can assure you,” he pressed. “My parents will
do those things. They spent years throwing every blue eyed,
blonde haired woman they could find at me. It took me five
years to convince them that the right woman wasn’t going to
fix me.”

The snarled words told Caladon of the depth of his mate’s

pain. Yet, still, Leroy tried to please them…at least in part.
Then, he remembered Leroy’s words. His human wanted to


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protect shifters and other paranormals from his obviously
obsessively controlling parents.

Taking a chance, he released Leroy’s hand with his own

right one and leaned toward his mate. Leroy just stared at
him, his frustration and desolation shining so clearly in the
human’s pretty brown eyes that it nearly took Caladon’s
breath away. He wrapped his long fingers around the much
smaller male’s nape, managing to cup half of his jaw in the

Relief beyond imagining flooded Caladon when his mate

didn’t pull away.

Hot damn, I sure like touching this cute human.
“What I mean is,” Caladon stated slowly. “Just like your

parents do not choose for you, you do not get to choose for
me. You are my mate. I want to be with you,” Caladon told
him bluntly. “If you choose to reject me, that is on you, but it
will not stop me from trying to woo you. Your parents be
damned, Leroy,” he finished on a whisper. “We have friends
here who will help us. They have already proven that.”

“You’re borrowing trouble, Leroy,” Sapian said, joining

the conversation. He crossed his arms over his chest. “We
have some pretty decent hackers that will warn us if your
parents poke into Caladon’s life, and if they start trying to
cause trouble with the law, we can get help from Detective
DeSoto,” he pointed out. Smirking, he lifted a brow ridge
and stated dryly, “If we can put a stop to Bud Wallice, what
makes you think we can’t do the same to your family?”

Leroy flushed at Sapian’s claim, his skin heating beneath

Caladon’s palm. Grimacing, the human mumbled, “But this
is my family, Sapian. I may not agree with their views, but I
don’t want anything to happen to them.”

“Admirable, your loyalty,” Caladon murmured. He

brushed his thumb across the corner of Leroy’s upper lip,
enjoying the feel of the soft flesh. “I hope you will one day
feel that way for me.” Smiling, Caladon knew his own desire

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shown in his eyes. “In the meantime, will you allow me to
kiss you, then take you on a date? I would like to get to
know you.”

Staring, his light brown eyes wide, Leroy gaped at him.

His mouth closed, then opened again. He slid his tongue
out, sweeping the tip over his bottom lip. The human clearly
struggled with how to respond.

Caladon decided to take advantage. He scooted to the

edge of his chair, his long legs causing his knees to bump
against Leroy’s before he moved them to bracket the
human’s thighs. Closing the gap between them as he used
his hold to tug Leroy forward, Caladon brushed his lips over
his mate’s once, twice, before settling them firmly together.

Leroy’s lips were soft and a little bit moist from when

he’d licked them. Caladon sipped at them lightly for a few
seconds before slipping his tongue out and licking along
Leroy’s lower lip, tracing the path the human’s own tongue
had so recently taken. Leroy opened instantly, and Caladon
tilted his head, fitting their mouths together more firmly.

Thrusting his tongue in deep, Caladon brushed against

Leroy’s appendage, touching and tasting. His mate’s flavor
burst across his taste-buds, making his senses tingle and
sing. Caladon thrust deeper, wanting more. He slid one
hand down Leroy’s shoulder to cup his waist, pulling the
man’s chest flush against his own. Upon feeling Leroy’s
arms wrap around him and cup his shoulder blades,
coupled with the heat given off by his mate, a full body
shudder worked through him.

Suddenly, Caladon felt light headed, and the need for air

surfaced. He brought the kiss to an end and stared into
brown eyes that appeared as dazed as he felt.

Leroy licked his lips, then the corners of his mouth

twitched as if he fought a smile. “Normally the kiss happens
after the date.”

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Caladon grinned, a happy chuckle bubbling up inside

him. “We will try it after, too, and see how they compare.
What do you say?”

After just a brief second of hesitation, Leroy nodded once.

“I think I like the sound of that.”

Fighting every instinct he had, Caladon eased his hold

and released Leroy. “How about I go find some real clothes
and meet you in the front hall?” he offered, even though
letting his newly found mate out of his sight was the last
thing he wanted to do. With how skittish Leroy was proving
to be, Caladon wondered how difficult it’d truly be to break
down the cute human’s resistance.

Leroy began to nod, then paused. His brows creased and

he grimaced. “I’m sorry. I’m on duty for another couple of
hours. I’m done at four so how about, um.” He suddenly
lifted his hand to his mouth and yawned, then peered at his
watch on his wrist. “Four thirty at the front? That way I can
wash the hospital chemical stink off me?”

Caladon found that, even with the lingering scents of

antiseptic and other chemicals he couldn’t hope to name, he
thought his mate smelled fantastic. “Did you come here
straight from work?” he asked curiously, just then noting the
slight shadows under his mate’s eyes.

Leroy nodded. “Yeah.” He shrugged. “I had an overnight

shift. Not a big deal.”

Scowling, Caladon cocked his head. “Is that normal? Do

you do that often?” He didn’t like the idea of his mate tired
all the time.

“It’s the way things are in the medical community,” Leroy

claimed. “Long hours and shitty shifts to those just out of
college. It’s only my second year at Gerard Memorial

“How old are you?” Caladon asked, the question out of

his mouth before he could think better of it.

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Leroy rose to his feet, grabbing the medical bag as he did

so, and stepped away from him. As he headed toward the
door, he called over his shoulder, “Younger than you, but
old enough to handle whatever you can throw at me.”

Caladon had no idea how to respond to that, but that was

fine. As soon as Leroy turned away, Caladon’s gaze lowered
to the human’s sexy bubble butt and his mouth went dry. He
wanted to reach out and cup those bouncing globes as Leroy
sashayed out of the room.

Only when Leroy disappeared from sight did Caladon

snap out of it. He blinked a couple of times, regaining his
senses as he closed his jaw, uncertain when he’d even
opened it. He lowered one hand and pressed the heel against
the base of his dick. Hissing, he just managed to suppress his
sudden need to come.

“Holy shit,” Caladon mumbled. “The sexy fucker is going

to be the death of me.”

“Ah, but what a way to go,” Sapian stated, clapping him

on the shoulder with one clawed hand. “Right?”

Caladon nodded absently, struggling to regain his

composure. Damn, if one kiss and watching the sway of his
mate’s sexy ass had him this primed, what would actually
touching the man do to him. Looking around the room, he
searched for something to focus on other than the throbbing
of his dick. Caladon’s gaze landed on the computer screen,
which still showed a frozen snapshot of Taolma.

Shit, I forgot about my son!
That realization got Caladon’s erection under control

really fast. Just as quickly, he realized that just because he’d
momentarily forgotten about his son using his bank account,
it didn’t mean he wouldn’t have remembered as soon as his
lust passed. Hell, he’d just discovered his mate.

I’ve been celibate for over seventeen years. What the hell do I


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Now, with the distraction—and Caladon would never be

sorry about being distracted by his mate—of Leroy out of
the room, he returned his focus to Raymond. “Is there an
address attached to the account?” He’d hate to have to head
out of state right now. He wasn’t even sure if his snake
would allow it. Just the thought had his boa coiling around
itself and hissing with displeasure.

Still, Caladon had to find some way to contact his son.
Raymond slid back behind his computer and, seconds

later, his fingers skipped across the keys. He nodded.
“There’s an address in the Caribbean and one in Florida,” he
told him.

Taolma’s picture disappeared to be replaced by names

and numbers. While he wanted the picture of his son back,
the information was much more useful. “This Florida
address was a vacation home of my wife’s family.”

“Your wife?”
Caladon looked away from the screen. Meeting

Raymond’s gaze, surprise filled him upon seeing the
gargoyle’s narrowed eyes and scowling expression. He
opened his mouth, then snapped it closed just as quickly,
biting back his knee-jerk reaction to ask what?

“Yes,” Caladon replied carefully. “Gloria. She is Taolma’s


Raymond’s expression didn’t soften. “Taolma?”
“His son,” Sapian rumbled. Even the enforcer stared at

him with concern, his arms crossed over his broad chest. The
corner of Sapian’s lip curved up as he dryly told him, “You
murmured it a number of times while telling me how great
he looks.”

Caladon jerked a nod. “That is right.” He struggled to

figure out just what was going on here. Why were the
gargoyles suddenly upset with him? His snake coiled in his
mind, uneasy and watchful. “Gloria is a human. I met her

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long before being kidnapped,” he told them. “She wanted a
child and, since she was a good friend of over twenty plus
years, I agreed to father it.”

“And the wife part? You married her?”
At Raymond’s confused, incredulous tone, Caladon

shrugged. “I had not met my mate. She knew about shifters
and knew she was not mine, but her family was more
traditional. I married her and together we had Taolma.” He
smiled, memories taking him. “Gods, the day my son was
born,” he whispered. “Best day of my life…until now,” he

Sighing, Sapian patted him on the shoulder as he strode

past his chair. “Under normal circumstances I’d tell you that
past relationships shouldn’t be discussed on a first date.” He
paused and smiled at Caladon. “This time, though, would be
the exception.” Then, Sapian headed out the door.
“Raymond!” he called. “Keep me in the loop!”

“Sure, leave everything to me,” Raymond grumbled.
Returning his focus to the smaller gargoyle, Caladon

frowned. “What did he mean?”

Raymond rolled his eyes, but at least he answered.

“You’re married,” he hissed. “No one, man or woman,
wants to find out the person they’re dating is married to
someone else.”

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Chapter Four

eroy stood in the foyer, shifting nervously from foot to
foot. This is a bad idea. He feared dating Caladon, as

wonderful as it sounded to be mated to the sexy male,
would turn out badly. Still, anytime he was near the man,
what his friends claimed to be the mate-pull hit him hard
and flooded him with urges.

Listening to Caladon’s words earlier, Leroy had felt guilty

at taking the man’s choice away from him. His parents were
attempting to do the same to him, and he sure didn’t like it.
It wasn’t fair that he take that decision away from Caladon.

Except, what if I get attached and Caladon decides it’s too much

effort or not worth the risk?

A throat clearing caught Leroy’s attention, and he turned

toward the sound. His heart felt as if it skipped a beat upon
seeing Caladon standing there. The man wore a navy green
t-shirt that fitted to his lean chest and abs like a second skin.
The black jeans he wore were just as painted on, showing
muscle definition that Leroy would love to lick and kiss.

Blood flowed south so swiftly, Leroy suddenly felt light

headed. “Oh,” he gasped as he lifted his right hand to his
chest while placing his left on the end table to steady

Caladon’s brows lifted, then a pleased grin curved his

thin lips. He prowled closer sensuously, appearing almost
feline. “I am glad you approve of the clothes,” the shifter
rumbled softly.


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Stopping before Leroy, Caladon reached out and touched

his jaw lightly before lowering his hand back to his side.
“You look at me like that and it is difficult to control my
desire to touch you and hold you close,” he admitted. He
leaned down the nearly foot and a half difference in their
heights and kissed Leroy on the cheek.

Leroy snapped out of his lust-induced stupor upon

feeling the soft press of Caladon’s lips. He cleared his throat
and stepped backward. “Right, um, date,” Leroy mumbled,
fighting down a blush and knowing he lost.

Caladon watched him, his dark eyes intense, as he

nodded. He reached around Leroy and gripped the
doorknob, half boxing him in. He smiled as he swept his
gaze over Leroy’s comfortable blue jeans and faded purple t-
shirt. Leroy would have felt embarrassed, since he really was
underdressed compared to Caladon, but the appreciative
light in his date’s eyes settled his nerves even more than the
shifter’s comment of, “You look fantastic.”

Then, Caladon opened the door and held it open for him.

Moving through, Leroy smiled at not only the compliment,
but the gentlemanly move. “Thanks,” he replied. “I’m, uh,
glad it’ll do. I didn’t have much else to wear.” He shrugged
and peered at Caladon through his lashes. “I wasn’t exactly
planning on going on a date after the four hours I’d planned
to work here.”

“Like I said,” Caladon stated, striding slowly beside

Leroy as he made his way across the deck and down the
stairs. With his long legs, he easily took the stairs two at a
time. “I think you look fantastic,” Caladon repeated. Pausing
at the bottom of the stairs, he smirked at Leroy. “Besides,
you should know that, as a shifter, it is more about a
person’s scent than how they look.”

Leroy nodded and Caladon started moving again. He

figured the shifter shortened his stride quite a bit to stay at

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Leroy’s side, and he found that incredibly thoughtful of
Caladon. He didn’t enjoy running to keep up with taller
men, no matter how much he found their height sexy.

Opening his mouth to respond to Caladon’s comment,

Leroy suddenly remembered the look of adoration on the
shifter’s face. He’d been peering at a candid picture, no smell
involved. How had he forgotten that?

When Caladon stopped next to the passenger side of an

SUV and opened the door, Leroy paused instead of getting
into the vehicle. “You were staring at a picture of a guy in
the office,” Leroy mumbled, struggling to find the words to
ask what he needed to know. “Were you, uh, involved with

Caladon’s eyes widened for just a second, then his mouth

curved into a broad grin. He shook his head. “No. That was
a picture of Taolma. He is my son. I had not seen him since
he was two, but I am certain that is him.” He lifted his right
hand and touched his chest. “I just knew here.”

“Oh.” Oh! “Your son? So, you were involved with


Nodding, Caladon motioned toward the vehicle. “Please,

get in. There is much we need to discuss.”

Leroy obeyed, the onslaught of nerves diminishing his

arousal. That was good, he decided, sort of. At least, he
should be able to think clearly now. Settling into the seat, he
automatically tracked Caladon’s movement as he rounded
the front of the vehicle and climbed in behind the wheel.

“Do you remember how to drive?” Leroy blurted the

question. Maybe he should have offered, although it’d been
years since he’d driven anything this large. His own vehicle
was a compact and Leroy didn’t think Caladon would be
comfortable, but maybe he should offer. “Um, I could—”

“It is fine,” Caladon assured. Winking, he added, “I had

Sapian take me out for a refresher course.”

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“Ah,” Leroy responded, uncertain if he needed to ask

what he really wanted to know again.

Fortunately, instead of starting the vehicle after sliding

the key into the ignition, Caladon turned in his seat and
faced Leroy. He leaned toward him, settling his forearms on
the center console. “Leroy, I am a shifter. You know this. I
am one hundred thirty seven years old. To answer your
question, yes, I have had relationships before, but none were
what I hope to have with you. You are my mate.”

“So, you left someone behind? Taolma’s mother?” Leroy

asked, tentatively pressing for more information, even while
not knowing if he really wanted to hear the answers. Would
it just cement what he already thought? That they shouldn’t
try to make a go of this mate thing between them?

“I did not think this an appropriate conversation to have

on a first date, but Raymond assured me that I needed to tell
you upfront,” Caladon stated softly. “I was married. Still am,
I suppose. Gloria was a very good friend for decades and
when she wanted a child, she asked me to be the father.”
Caladon smiled. “We married. We had a son together. When
Taolma was two, I was kidnapped and caged.” He
shrugged. “You know the rest.”

Swallowing hard, Leroy tried to decide what to respond

to first. He hated the stress lines etched across the man’s face
and wanted to soothe him. Yet, this man wasn’t his to
soothe. Caladon was married to another.

Leroy wrapped his arms around his torso and sighed.

“So, I’m your mate, but you’re married. How will that work?
You think, um, you think I’m just supposed to be a piece on
the side or something?” he asked, knowing irritation filled
his voice as he spoke, because that idea just pissed him the
hell off.

“No, absolutely not,” Caladon immediately replied, no

hesitation in his tone.

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While slightly mollified, Leroy had to ask, “How can you

be sure? Your wife, Gloria,” just saying the woman’s name
caused bile to fill his throat, “may have a different opinion.
You’re married. Don’t you think she’ll be thrilled to have
you back? Want to pick up where you left off?”

Caladon slowly reached out and gripped Leroy’s hand.

He couldn’t find it in himself to pull away, enjoying the
calloused slide of the shifter’s touch too much. Lightly
squeezing Leroy’s hand, Caladon smiled, perhaps in thanks.

“Gloria knew she was not my mate. She knew the day

may come when, if I did meet my mate, I would leave her,”
Caladon told him. “I was upfront that I did not love her, not
like that, but I am grateful to have Taolma and wish to have
him in my life.” He shrugged one slim shoulder. “I know
Gloria is grateful, too.”

Leroy nodded slowly. “Okay, that’s, um, reassuring,” he

murmured uncertainly. Caladon squeezed his hand and
brought it to his lips. Shivering upon the sight and feel of
Caladon sliding his warm, dry lips over his knuckles, Leroy
wanted to feel that on his skin. Except, there was one
problem. “We need to find her, so you can, um, get a
divorce. I won’t be the man you’re cheating on her with.”

Cocking his head, Caladon’s brows drew together. “Will

you still spend time with me?”

Leroy smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I want to spend time

with you.” As he spoke the words, he realized how true they
were. Besides, if this man was willing to brave the problems
his own family would undoubtedly cause, shouldn’t he be
willing to do the same? “How about I tell you how to get to
the best diner in Durango?”

Caladon smiled. “That sounds fantastic.”
After squeezing Leroy’s hand once more, Caladon

released him and straightened in his seat. He started the
vehicle and soon they were on their way. Leroy gave

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Caladon directions, and within twenty minutes, he pointed
to a sign for Goldy’s Burgers and Bites.

Once Caladon had parked the SUV, Leroy opened the

door, but before he could get out, Caladon rested his hand
on Leroy’s shoulder. Turning back to look at the other man,
Leroy lifted a brow in question.

Smiling, Caladon rubbed his thumb over his collarbone

for a few seconds, then asked, “I am guessing you are out in

It wasn’t a question, but Leroy nodded anyway. He

grinned and motioned toward the faint liner around his eyes
and vibrant green colored polish on his nails. “Kinda hard to
miss, huh?” It occurred to Leroy that Caladon might not like
it and he nibbled his lower lip. “Um, that okay? Do you not
want people to know about—” He didn’t bother finishing,
instead, waving a hand between them.

Caladon chuckled and shook his head. “Not a concern. I

just wanted to know if I am allowed to touch you while out
in public. That is all.”

Leroy grinned. “I’d like it if you felt free to touch me.”

Then, he flushed lightly. “Well, within reason, anyway.” He
winked. “I’m not much on hanky-panky in public.”

“Fair enough,” Caladon replied, a chuckle rumbling

through him. He returned Leroy’s wink and said, “No

Laughing, Leroy slipped from the vehicle and shut the

door. When he rounded to the front, he found Caladon
waiting for him, and he really liked how the tall, slender
male reached out and took his hand. It’d been a long time
since he’d held hands, let alone done it in public. For some
reason, it felt more intimate than the kiss they’d shared in
Raymond’s office.

Of course, remembering the kiss from earlier had a

predictable reaction, and his cock thickened in his jeans.

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Caladon opened the restaurant’s door and held it open for

him. When Leroy walked past him, Caladon leaned close
and whispered, “Whatever you are thinking about, you had
best knock it off or we will be running the risk of doing some
of that exhibitionism you do not want.”

Leroy shivered upon feeling Caladon’s warm breath on

his neck. “Um.” Leroy peered over his shoulder at the
shifter. Seeing the heat lighting Caladon’s dark eyes did little
to help him gain control of his erection. In fact, it had the
opposite effect. “You’re not helping,” he whispered, his cock
thickening further.

Chuckling, Caladon nipped his ear lightly before he

straightened. “Then we both better behave,” he growled
softly, then settled a hand on Leroy’s lower back to get him
moving forward.

Swallowing hard, Leroy returned his focus forward and

moved the rest of the way into the restaurant. He couldn’t
decide if his cheeks felt hot because of the arousal burning
through his body or if he sported a blush from

At least the hostess waiting behind the greeter’s stand

appeared amused and not disgusted. That was one of the
reasons he liked this diner so much. The place was owned
and operated by an openly gay man. A big, brawny
specimen of maleness, Wren Cleaver didn’t take any shit in
his restaurant and Leroy had seen him toss out several
customers for harassing waiters, male and female.

“Your regular table is available, sweet nurse, if you want

it,” the hostess stated.

Leroy smiled at his longtime friend, Penelope Grath.

“Perfect. Thanks.”

Penelope grinned and held up a pair of menus. Leroy

would probably get his usual, but he took both anyway.

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“Enjoy,” she called softly, waggling her brows before cutting
a glance at Leroy’s date meaningfully.

Chuckling, Leroy shook his head at her antics. Ever the

optimist, the slightly plump blonde always pointed out cute
guys and gave him her rating. Leroy wasn’t certain he
wanted to hear what Penelope thought of Caladon. An odd
surge of jealousy coursed through him at the idea of others
checking his man out.

At least his thoughts caused his erection to deflate,

allowing him to move a bit easier in his jeans. Besides,
Caladon wasn’t his man…at least, not yet. Hell, maybe the
shifter would ditch him the second he ran into someone
from Leroy’s family.

Leroy eased down onto one of the bench seats, trying not

to think about it.

Caladon settled in the booth across from him. Resting his

elbows on the table, his eyes narrowed as he leaned toward
Leroy. “What exactly just popped into your head, cute man,”
he asked curiously. Grimacing, he cocked his head and
narrowed his eyes as he whispered, “Your scent changed.”

Leroy scoffed as he settled the menus on the table, his

hands folded on top of them. Trying to alleviate the
seriousness Caladon portrayed, he teased, “I’m not going to
be able to keep much from you, am I?”

Shrugging, Caladon straightened. “Why would you need


“What if I’m hiding an anniversary present?” he quipped,

saying the first thing that popped into his mind.

While Leroy had hoped his words would take Caladon’s

attention away from his scent and from having to share his
ridiculous thoughts, he hadn’t anticipated the instant heat
that lit Caladon’s eyes or the soft growl he emitted.

Seeing the man’s obvious, unbridled desire, Leroy’s

brows shot up as his blood flowed southward, again. He

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shifted as he tried to figure out how to respond to that.
Except, what he wanted to do and what he could do were two
completely different things. Leroy wanted to drag Caladon
to the bathroom to take a few minutes to relieve the
pressure. Unfortunately, that was bad for several reasons,
possibly getting them kicked out of the restaurant only being
one of them.

Leroy suddenly regretted his insistence in waiting until

Gloria was located and Caladon was once again proved
single. Still, it didn’t change the fact that he knew it was the
right thing to do. He’d watched his oldest sister accept her
husband’s lies about how sorry he was for cheating and how
he’d never do it again…over and over.

“I like that you are already thinking of us and anniversary

presents,” Caladon softly rumbled, settling his right hand
over Leroy’s. “I look forward to many years together,

Sighing, Leroy uncurled his hands and clamped

Caladon’s between his own. Rubbing his fingertips over the
shifter’s knuckles, he stared at the differences in their dark
and light skin. After a few seconds, he looked up at Caladon
and smiled.

“Let’s get through the beginning before we start thinking

about the middle,” Leroy murmured.

A shadow fell across the table, and Leroy looked over to

find Tim grinning down at him. “Hey, Leroy,” the waiter
greeted. “You and your friend want coffee? Or something

Leroy straightened and released Caladon’s hand. “Hi,

Tim. No coffee for me. How about some raspberry
lemonade.” He’d had a long day at work, then at the manor.
If the idea of spending a meal with Caladon hadn’t been so
appealing, he’d be home and going to bed right about now.

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Staying up much later, since the promise of sex was off the
table, just wasn’t going to happen.

“Is the coffee good here?”
Since Caladon looked at him, Leroy knew the man wasn’t

asking the waiter. Besides, what was Tim going to say? That
their coffee sucked? Leroy smiled. “Their regular is good,
but decaf sucks,” he warned.

Caladon chuckled. “Got it.” He looked up at Tim.

“Regular coffee, then.”

Tim nodded. “Have you had a chance to decide on your

meal or do you need more time?” he asked with a smile,
glancing toward the unopened menus meaningfully.

Leroy grinned. “Sorry, Tim. We were a bit distracted.”
“Sure you were,” Tim teased, smirking.
“Just give us a minute,” Leroy responded with a roll of

his eyes. He slid a menu toward Caladon.

Tim chuckled. “I’ll be right back with your drinks.”
True to his word, Tim was only gone a minute before he

returned with their beverages.

After Tim again moved off, Caladon picked up his menu.

Leroy was about to do the same when movement over
Caladon’s shoulder caught his attention. His eyes widened a
bit as he realized who strode toward him. It was Sarina
Wilde, his sister and the middle sibling. Having two older
sisters really sucked sometimes, but never in his wildest
dreams did he think he’d see one on his first date with

“Are you all right?” Caladon asked. “You just went a bit


Licking his lips, Leroy pulled his attention away from

Sarina. He forced a nod. “Yeah, uh, I—”

“Hey, Leroy,” Sarina greeted, stopping beside his table.

“Candice told me she spotted you here. How come you
weren’t at Sunday supper?”

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Chapter Five

aladon just managed to keep from narrowing his eyes. He
didn’t like how all the joy left Leroy’s face when the

woman walked up to the table.

Who the hell is this human that she causes such a reaction in

my mate?

“Sorry, Sarina,” Leroy replied to her question. “I had to


The woman, Sarina, crossed her arms over her chest. “Not

according to Paul.”

Leroy shook his head. “I wasn’t working at the hospital,”

Leroy explained. “I volunteer at a, uh, local clinic. They
needed me there.”

“Well, you better not miss this week or mom’s gonna

send dad after you,” Sarina warned.

Well, that answered that question. It seemed this was one

of Leroy’s siblings.

Frowning, Leroy stated dryly, “By the way, Sarina, this is

Caladon Wykert.” Leroy waved vacantly at the woman.
“Cal, this is one of my sisters, Sarina Wilde.”

Caladon opened his mouth to say the acceptable greeting

platitudes. Except, Sarina barely spared him a glance before
returning her focus to Leroy and asking, “Why would you
volunteer? Don’t you get enough hours as a nurse?”

Leroy’s face flushed and he frowned. “I enjoy helping

people,” he stated. Then, his eyes narrowed and his jaw
clenched. He held up his hand, obviously stalling any


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response from the woman. “Look. I’m working Sunday, so I
won’t be there again. I will, however, give mom a call and let
her know in advance. Now, if you’re done being rude to my
date,” he finished, waving toward Caladon again, “I’d like
you to leave.”

“Your date?” This time, Sarina actually took a moment to

eye Caladon.

Caladon just managed to keep his body relaxed as he met

her gaze squarely. He lifted one eyebrow in silent challenge.
Sarina’s eyes narrowed and a corner of her lip curled just a
bit. She returned her focus to Leroy.

“You’ve got to be kidding.”
“Who I date is not your concern, Sarina, but I will ask you

to keep a civil tongue in your head,” Leroy snapped. “Feel
free to leave anytime now.”

Sarina’s eyes widened as her jaw gaped like a fish for

several seconds. Finally, her mouth snapped closed and she
glared first at Caladon then at Leroy. She stepped closer to
Leroy and leaned over him. “What the hell are you doing,
Roy?” she hissed. “He’s a negro. Is this some kind of
rebellion or something? Being a fag isn’t enough now?”

If Caladon hadn’t been a shifter, he figured he wouldn’t

have heard Sarina’s words, which was probably her
intention. Damn, no wonder Leroy had warned him about
his family.

Leroy’s jaw clenched, a muscle ticking along the tense

flesh, and his face flushed. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he
swallowed hard. Caladon debated the best way to help his
mate. Should he call attention to Sarina’s bigotedness, prove
he’d heard her? Or should he allow Leroy to call the shots?

While Caladon struggled to decide, Leroy found his

tongue. He glared at his sister. “No, I am not rebelling,” he
growled, his tone low but not at all hushed. “I’m trying to

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enjoy a meal with a kind, handsome, thoughtful man whom
I like very much, and you’re ruining it. Now, go away.”

Sarina gasped and jerked backward as if slapped. “Wha!


Ignoring her, Leroy returned his attention to Caladon.

Offering him a forced smile, Leroy rested his elbows on the
table and leaned toward him. “So, that was my sister, Sarina.
She’s the younger of the two. I’m sorry about the racial slurs,
but I did warn you.” He grimaced and shrugged. “I am
sorry, though. I thought we’d have a little peace here.”

Caladon followed Leroy’s lead and ignored the still

gaping woman. He reached across the table and cupped
both of Leroy’s hands in his own. “I care only about what
you think, and I am flattered you would consider me
handsome and kind.” He winked. “Thoughtful is good, too,

Leroy chuckled, still sounding a bit uneasy, but at least he

was holding his gaze. “Yeah, I think so.”

Out of the corner of his vision, Caladon noticed that

Sarina left, huffing loudly as she went. He decided
addressing the elephant in the room would be best. Lifting
Leroy’s hands, he brought them to his lips and kissed the
knuckles of each hand. “It is so very easy to see that you do
not share their views. Do not think I hold their opinions or
words against you,” he assured.

Flushing again, obviously still embarrassed, Leroy

nodded. “Thanks,” he whispered.

Caladon smiled, kissed his mate’s fingers once more, then

released him. “So,” he said, picking up his menu. “What is
good here?”

Just like that, the tension seemed to flow off of Leroy’s

shoulders. His smile became more relaxed and genuine. The
lines around Leroy’s mouth and brows eased and he reached
over to point at a couple of items.

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Caladon reveled in his mate’s mostly relaxed voice as he

listened to and nodded over Leroy’s recommendations.
After a few minutes, Tim reappeared, looking somewhat
nervous. “Is everything okay here?” He glanced toward the
front where Sarina had disappeared. “Have you decided?”

Leroy sighed. “Yeah, I’ve decided I need a family that

isn’t full of bigoted assholes,” he muttered. Grimacing as he
glanced from Caladon to Tim, he amended, “The turkey
club, Tim. With the garlic mashed potatoes.”

Looking relieved, Tim nodded emphatically. “You got it.”

He turned and grinned at Caladon. “And you, sir?”

While the waiter smiled, the wary concern in Tim’s eyes

was easily discernible. Not wanting the human to think he
judged him by the people they allowed to walk through the
door, Caladon glanced down and read one of the choices
Leroy had recommended. “I will try your meatloaf sandwich
with green beans and the mashed potatoes and gravy.”

Tim grinned, the look no longer forced. “Good choice, sir.

Love the mashed and gravy myself. There’s no gravy
better,” he boasted. He took a step toward the kitchens. “I’ll
get those orders placed and be back in a jiffy with some
refills,” he said, looking at their nearly empty glasses.

Caladon nodded, noting Leroy’s grateful smile. He

couldn’t remember drinking his coffee, but it must have
been a knee-jerk reaction to holding his tongue. Put

something else in my mouth so I do not say what I want to about
the bitch at the table.

True to his word, Tim returned swiftly with their drinks.

When he moved off to another table, Caladon smiled at his
mate. “So, will you please tell me about yourself? Why did
you decide to become a nurse?”

Obviously appreciating the subject change, Leroy

returned his smile. “Because of Saul.”

Caladon tried not to feel jealous as he responded, “I

suppose there is a story there?”

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“There definitely is,” Leroy replied. His smile softened,

revealing laugh lines around his warm chocolate eyes.
“When I was thirteen, I was riding with Don McCartney and
his parents, carpooling home from a soccer game. A drunk
driver ran a stop sign and sideswiped the car.”

Leroy picked up his lemonade and took a deep gulp.

After setting it back down, he continued. “I hit my head
pretty good and blacked out,” he admitted. “When I came
to, a young man had the door open and was talking to me.
He said his name was Saul and he kept me stable until the
paramedics came. As it happened, there was a number of
glass shards from the shattered window embedded in me.
He distracted me from the pain in my leg and back.

“I found out later that he was a nurse who’d been driving

home from work. He saw the accident and stopped to help,”
Leroy explained. “He visited me in the hospital and we
became friends. He inspired me to go into medicine.” The
smile turned sad as he wrapped his hands around his glass
and stared at it. “If it weren’t for him, I’m sure I would have
died in that accident.”

Caladon’s heart tightened in his throat upon the idea of

nearly losing his mate before he had even met him. Needing
to touch the man, he reached out and cupped his own hands
around Leroy’s where he still clutched his glass. He slid his
thumbs over Leroy’s smooth skin, taking comfort in the
knowledge that Leroy was there with him, alive and well.

“Where is Saul now?” Caladon asked quietly. “I feel the

urge to thank him for saving your life.”

Leroy met his gaze and shook his head. “He died of a

brain tumor three years ago,” he explained softly. “When I
heard he was sick, I flew out to see him one last time,” Leroy
told him.

“I am sorry,” Caladon immediately murmured, able to see

how much the man meant to Leroy.

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“It took him quick,” Leroy said, his smile sad. “Small


Caladon gently pulled Leroy’s hands from the drink and

folded them between his own. “I am still sorry you hurt
from the loss of your friend,” he stated. He squeezed Leroy’s
hands, then shifted his grip so his thumbs rubbed over the
inside of Leroy’s wrists, feeling the human’s pulse. “I also
feel very blessed that you had a chance to know him. You
make an excellent nurse.”

Leroy met his gaze and the sadness slipped from his

expression. “You don’t really know that. I’ve never actually
treated you.” He cleared his throat, looking suddenly
uncomfortable. “I’ve, uh, actually been avoiding you,” he
admitted, blushing.

His brows shooting up, Caladon straightened. “You

have?” That admission hurt a bit, but after meeting the
sister, and figuring she wasn’t even as bad as the parents, he
tried to understand.

Nodding, Leroy bowed his head and peered at him

through his lashes. “I spotted you in the cafeteria once and
nearly swallowed my tongue,” he whispered. “God, I
became so hard it hurt.” His face flushed, his cheeks
pinking. “I didn’t know we were mates, and since my family
is—” He paused and shrugged. “Well, you met Sarina.”

“Well, now you know,” Caladon said. “And there is

nothing that will drive me away from you.” He smiled. “I
hope you will come to accept that soon,” he added, winking.

The return of Tim with their meals interrupted their

conversation and both men focused on eating. They chatted
intermittently about Leroy growing up in Charlotte, North
Carolina, and how long it took him to recover from his

Caladon told how impressed he was, since Leroy didn’t

even seem to limp.

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Leroy chuckled softly. “I do, occasionally,” he admitted.

“When I’ve been on my feet for twenty-four hours, it gets
hard to hide.”

When Caladon watched Leroy yawn for the fifth time in

under two minutes, he waved away his mate’s apology and
smiled. “Time to take you home, sweet man. How about I
drop you off, since you are so tired. I hate to think of you
driving while drowsy.”

Nodding, Leroy rubbed a hand over his face. “Yeah,

thanks. That, uh—” He yawned again. “Geez, sorry.”

Shaking his head, Caladon smiled at his obviously

exhausted mate. “It is fine. Let me get you home, Leroy.” He
reached across the table and squeezed Leroy’s hand for an
instant. “I will pay, and we will go.”

Before Leroy could respond, Caladon released his mate’s

hand and grabbed his cup of coffee. He downed the last
couple of gulps, then stood, grabbed the ticket Tim had
dropped off at their table a few minutes before, and headed
to the front. The woman Leroy had said was Penelope—
they’d talked about Leroy’s love of the café and several of
the employees he considered friends—took his ticket and
rang him up.

Penelope smiled widely at him and stated, “You better be

taking good care of him, handsome man. Leroy deserves a
bit of happiness.”

Caladon lifted a brow and cocked his head. He smirked.

“Oh, I do intend to.”

Leroy appeared at his elbow. “Enough giving Caladon a

hard time, Pen,” he mumbled.

Turning to look at Leroy, Caladon took in his mate’s

sleepy smile and blood-shot eyes. “Gods, you are practically
dead on your feet,” he murmured. He wrapped an arm
around Leroy’s waist and pulled him against him. “Come
on, Leroy. Let us get you home.”

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“Good idea,” Leroy mumbled.

Twenty minutes later, Caladon pulled up in front of an

average-sized home that appeared to have gone through a
renovation that had turned it into a duplex. He followed
Leroy’s instruction and parked in the left driveway.

Before getting out, Caladon’s borrowed cell phone rang.

He pulled it from his pocket and stared at the screen,
reading Raymond’s name and number. Glancing over the
options, he tried to remember how to answer it.

Leroy chuckled and leaned over. “Just swipe the screen

with your finger,” he instructed.

“Right, thanks,” Caladon replied. He did as instructed,

put the phone to his ear, and answered the call. “Caladon

“Cal, uh, hey. It’s Raymond,” the gargoyle greeted,

sounding tentative.

“Hello, Raymond. What can I do for you? Does Sapian

need his car or something?”

“N-No, um—”
Caladon felt nerves skitter through him. “Is it my son?

Has something happened?”

“Well, no, not with your son, no,” Raymond replied. “Uh,

I’m not sure I should tell you over the phone.”

Shaking his head, Caladon glanced at Leroy. The human

had his head against the back of the seat and his eyes were
closed. He appeared ready to doze off right there. Wanting
to get his sweet human into his home and resting, Caladon
ordered, “Just spit it out, Raymond. What is wrong?”

“It’s about your wife,” Raymond said softly. “She’s, um,

well, she passed away.”

Caladon swallowed hard. “Gloria is…is…?” He felt the

blood drain from his face as his blood turned to ice in his
veins. “H-How?”

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Chapter Six

eroy had just about dozed off when Caladon’s brokenly
whispered words yanked him back to wakefulness.

Blinking, he focused on the shifter, noting his stricken look
and dilated eyes. He screamed traumatized.

While unable to hear Raymond’s words, whatever it was,

it couldn’t have been good. Caladon let out an unmanly
whimper. His eyelids slid closed and he panted a couple of
breaths before murmuring, “Oh, Gloria.” Raymond must
have said something else, for Caladon muttered, “And
Taolma? Did you find anything on him, yet?” Another
pause. “Look into Dewain Qadri.” He spelled the name, then
said, “Yes, he was my best friend growing up. Another
shifter. I found record of his death, but perhaps he just
remade his identity. Maybe you could use the visual
recognition stuff you told me about when first teaching me
your computers?”

After another moment of listening, Caladon muttered,

“Yes. Thank you. I—” He paused and glanced at Leroy. “No,
I am at Leroy’s…dropping him off. I will be back—”

Leroy’s heart went out to Caladon, and unable to see the

stricken sadness in the big man’s expression, he offered, “If
you don’t have to be anywhere, you can come in and rest.”

Caladon’s expression transformed to one of abject relief

and even a bit of gratitude. Into the phone, he stated, “I will
be with him for a while. Call me if you find anything more.”
After lowering the phone, Caladon smiled at him—although


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there was no mistaking how it didn’t reach his eyes. “Thank

“Come inside,” Leroy urged. He gently took the phone

from Caladon and hit the end call button. “I think we both
could use some time to rest and relax.”

“Thank you,” Caladon said again. He smiled wanly as he

took the phone back and shoved open the vehicle door.

Leroy nodded as he did the same. After sliding from the

SUV, he hip-bumped the door closed and headed up the
walk, pulling his keys free of his pocket as he walked. He
nearly stumbled with fatigue as he climbed up the stairs.

Caladon’s long fingers wrapped around his upper arm,

steadying him.

Peering over his shoulder, Leroy smiled at his date.

“Thanks,” he whispered.

Caladon just nodded.
Leroy unlocked his door and led the way into his home.

He could feel the heat of Caladon’s presence behind him
and, turning, he closed the door behind them. “Do you want
anything to drink?” he asked after turning the locks.
Furrowing his brows, he took in Caladon’s lost expression as
he glanced around the small home.

“No,” Caladon whispered. “I do not need anything.”
Sweeping his gaze over Caladon again, Leroy nodded

slowly. The man looked to be at the end of his rope as well,
but his fatigue seemed to be mental and perhaps emotional
as opposed to physical. Heart-sick, Leroy realized. While
Caladon had spoken of Gloria, saying they were not mates,
he still cared deeply for her…that much was apparent.

Leroy took Caladon’s hand. “Come with me, Cal. Let’s

rest.” He tugged lightly and headed toward the far hallway.

Caladon didn’t resist, following willingly behind him.
Heading down the hallway, Leroy pointed at the open

door on his left. “I need to make a pit stop in the bathroom,”

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he told Caladon. Then, he pointed toward the second door
on the right. “That’s my bedroom. Feel free to head in there
and make yourself comfortable.”

Before Caladon released his hand, he squeezed Leroy’s

fingers lightly. “Thank you,” he whispered again.

Leroy nodded. “Of course.”
As he released the shifter’s hand and watched Caladon

disappear into his bedroom, Leroy wondered if the man
realized how many times the shifter said it. His prick gave a
twitch at the knowledge that the sexy man waited for him in
his bedroom, distracting him from that thought. Shaking his
head at himself, Leroy turned away and stepped into the
bathroom. Even with the man waiting in his room, Leroy
didn’t have any illusions about what would happen.

Caladon didn’t need sex. He needed comfort,

companionship. Leroy could do that for him. No matter
what his stupid cock wanted.

Leroy ignored his libido and willed away his untimely

erection. Focusing on getting ready for sleep, he took a few
minutes to get his cock soft enough to relieve his aching
bladder. After washing up and brushing his teeth, he left the

Walking into his bedroom, Leroy saw Caladon sitting on

the side of the bed. The shifter had his hands clasped
between his thighs and his head bowed. Caladon stared
vacantly at the floor. Leroy stopped next to him and settled
his hand lightly on the man’s shoulder.

Without a word, Caladon opened his arms and wrapped

them around Leroy’s waist. He slid his hands under the hem
of his shirt and pushed it up. Leroy didn’t fight him, even
helping and tugging the shirt over his head. As he tossed it
aside, Caladon’s long arms crossed at the small of his back
and his palms slid up his spine. The shifter spread his knees
and tugged Leroy between them.

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Leroy let out a long breath as Caladon pressed his face

against the base of his chest where his ribs met his abs.
Feeling the other man’s warm breath across the fine hairs of
his skin caused his body to shudder. He wrapped his own
arms around the man and held him, rubbing his shoulders
and upper back.

They stayed that way for many long minutes, until Leroy

felt himself sway. He opened his eyes, uncertain when he’d
closed them. Sliding his hands up, he gently rubbed over
Caladon’s bald head, finding it smooth and surprisingly soft.
He cupped the man’s skull and urged him to tilt his head
back so he could meet the shifter’s half-mast gaze.

Leroy smiled. “Come on, Stretch,” he murmured. “Let’s

lie down.”

Caladon’s dark eyes blinked once, then he nodded. When

Caladon’s arms slipped from around him, Leroy instantly
felt their loss. With gentle prodding, he urged the man to
slide farther onto the bed and swing his legs onto it. Next, he
tugged Caladon’s loafers from his feet, followed by his

After dropping them to the floor, Leroy peered up at the

shifter. “Jeans on or off?”

In response, Caladon crunched up and tugged his shirt

over his head. Then, he unfastened the button on his jeans
and laid back down. He held out a hand. “Come here.”

Then, Leroy remembered. Shifters normally went

commando. Jerking a nod, he kicked off his own shoes, then
stripped his jeans and socks, leaving himself in his

Caladon groaned. “Fuck, Leroy.”
Leroy met his gaze as he straightened and spotted

Caladon’s heated look before the shifter focused on Leroy’s
face once more. “Come here,” he demanded, wiggling his
fingers. “So fucking sexy.”

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Glancing down, Leroy flushed. He’d completely forgotten

he’d donned the form-fitting, ass-hugging, silk boy shorts.
He loved how the sexy underwear felt against his cock, balls,
and skin, but he’d had more than one lover sneer at the
rather feminine undies. From the look of hunger that
Caladon had on his face, it seemed that wouldn’t be a

Easing onto the bed, Leroy allowed Caladon to maneuver

him. The shifter tugged him up and forward, causing him to
sprawl half on top of him, their chests pressed together.
Leroy found his legs splayed, his left against the mattress
and his right draped across Caladon’s waist with his ankle
settled against his far hip. Caladon’s torso was just long
enough so Leroy could settle his head fairly comfortably on
the shifter’s shoulder.

Caladon’s arms wrapped around him and held him close.

His fingertips stroked gently over his back and he exhaled a
long sigh, ruffling Leroy’s hair. “I know I keep saying it, but
thank you.”

Leroy smiled against Caladon’s collar bone. Good. The

man wasn’t completely out of it. “And I’ll keep saying
you’re welcome,” he whispered.

Humming, the sound more a rumbling sensation that

vibrated through Leroy’s body, Caladon whispered, “I know
you are tired. Let me hold you while you sleep.”

“I’d like that,” Leroy admitted. It had been ages since he’d

slept with a lover, and even though technically he and
Caladon weren’t lovers yet, he knew they would be.

Leroy felt Caladon press a kiss to his hair. “Sleep.”
He followed the order.

The first thing Leroy became aware of was the warmth all

along his back. Next, he felt the soft breeze that fluttered his
hair and the steel bands of a man’s arms around him.

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Peeling his eyes open, Leroy saw the black-skinned arms
surrounding him.

The knowledge that the shifter still held him filled Leroy

with far more pleasure than he thought he should feel. Hell,
he’d only met him that day. Definitely the mate-pull, he

Maybe I should have talked with Marty or Matthew before my


“How did you sleep?”
Leroy’s brows shot up. “Fine,” he replied. “More than

fine.” Pressing back against the lean body behind him, he let
out a sigh and allowed his eyelids to slide back closed.
“How’d you know I was awake?” he mumbled.

Caladon chuckled, the warm sound going straight to

Leroy’s balls. “Your heart rate changed,” he whispered. He
adjusted his head and Leroy felt the press of firm lips against
the sensitive skin behind his ear.

While tempted to turn around and claim Caladon’s firm

lips, Leroy needed to know how the shifter was doing even
more. He settled his hand on Caladon’s forearm, kneading
the tendons lightly.

“How are you doing?”
Caladon’s entire body tensed behind him.
Leroy turned his head a bit and peered over his shoulder

at him. The man had his jaw clenched, his eyes were closed,
and the tendons in his neck stood out. Evidently, not so
good. He wondered if the shifter had gotten any sleep at all.

Moving his hand lightly over the soft skin of Caladon’s

arm, Leroy whispered, “I’d be happy to listen, if you want to
talk. Sometimes, sometimes sharing, um—” While Leroy had
no desire to hear about Caladon’s relationship with his wife,
he’d do what he could to help the shifter. “Not my best
quality,” he admitted. “But for you, I’ll listen.” He offered a
cheeky smile.

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Caladon held his gaze for a few seconds, then broke their

stare and pressed his forehead against the back of his neck.
He sighed. “No one wants to hear about their lover’s past
conquests,” he whispered.

“She wasn’t a conquest,” Leroy reminded him gently,

rubbing his arm. “She’s your son’s mother.”

“Was,” Caladon corrected.
Leroy hummed, then whispered, “She will always be

Taolma’s mother.”

Caladon’s arms tightened. Leroy felt a bit of wetness on

his neck, then the man softly asked, “Does it make me a
horrible person that my first thought upon hearing that
Gloria died of leukemia was not of the pain and discomfort
of her passing, but of the fact that she left my son alone in
the world?”

His heart clenching in his chest, Leroy hated the self-

disgust he heard in Caladon’s whispered words. Once again
rubbing Caladon’s arm, he murmured, “You said yourself,
you weren’t in love with Gloria. I think it’s natural to think
of those we love before those that we don’t, no matter how
good a friend.”

Releasing a huff, Caladon muttered, “I suppose.” After a

few seconds of silence, he continued, “I just wish I could
find Toalma. Reconnect with him. Hell,” he added.
“Reconnect with anyone from my pod. My parents passed
away a century ago and I found a death certificate for
Dewain, but I cannot find anything for Azacca or Talin.” A
sound of anguish escaped Caladon’s lips and he tightened
his hold nearly to the point of cutting off Leroy’s ability to
breathe. “I feel so alone.”

“You’re not alone,” Leroy immediately responded. “I’m

here. You have Raymond and Sapian and the other
gargoyles. You’re not alone,” he repeated. Realizing he
needed to reiterate the most important thing, he again said,

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“You have me, Caladon. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”
Then, remembering the issues with his family, he told him,
“I’ll be here however long you want me, Caladon.”

“You are my mate,” Caladon instantly murmured into his

ear. “I will always want you.”

Leroy smiled. “Okay.” He lifted his hand from Caladon’s

arm and reached back to grip the shifter’s jean-clad hip and
rubbed that softly. “Will you let me know if there’s anything
I can do for you?”

Caladon’s breathing hitched and his hips bucked. “You,”

he growled. “I just need you.” That was when Leroy felt it,
the shifter’s erection filling the crotch of his jeans. “Can I
have you?” As he spoke, he rubbed his fingertips along the
top of Leroy’s boy shorts, caressing the sensitive skin along
his hip bone.

Shivering at the teasing touch, Leroy’s blood flowed to his

cock, causing his shaft, which never seemed to be less than
half mast around the shifter, to thicken and press against the
silky satin.

“I, mmm—” Leroy found it difficult to form a coherent


“If you wish,” Caladon murmured, pressing his mouth to

Leroy’s ear. “I will beg.” As he spoke, he lowered his hand
even further and slid his fingers across the satiny fabric. He
unerringly located Leroy’s erection and traced his shaft
through the thin material, from balls to head, before
massaging his cap.

Fluid oozed from Leroy, soaking the fabric surrounding

his glans, super-sensitizing him. His balls tightened and he
groaned at the pleasureable ache. Even as Leroy knew he
shouldn’t allow his body’s reactions to call the shots, he
couldn’t help himself. He wanted this man, to hold him and
comfort him. Plus, more than anything, he longed to feel
Caladon’s body moving inside him.

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“Yes,” Leroy gasped out. “Oh, God, yes!”
Caladon growled right before he mouthed the sensitive

skin behind Leroy’s ear, sucking lightly. He cupped Leroy’s
cock and stroked slowly.

Leroy’s body flooded with tingling heat, the sensation

radiating out from those points. Now that he’d made up his
mind, he couldn’t stand any delays. He’d spent the last six
months focusing on the gargoyles and it’d been far too long
since he’d sought out a lover, even for just a night.

Groaning, Caladon wriggled the arm under Leroy’s head

down his body until it was under his torso. With his long
reach, the shifter easily palmed his stomach, using his pinky
to toy just under the edges of his underwear. “Gods, I can
smell your arousal.” He rubbed his thumb over Leroy’s
leaking cap. “The scent of your pre-cum drives my snake

Shuddering, both in arousal and trepidation, Leroy

bucked into his soon-to-be lover’s hold before rocking
backward and grinding his ass against Caladon’s jean-
trapped erection. “Please, Cal,” he hissed. “I don’t wanna
wait anymore.”

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Chapter Seven

aladon caught a whiff of tension scenting his mate, which
gave him pause, but then Leroy’s begging words and

pleading tone caused him to dismiss his fears. At least, he
relegated the knowledge to the back of his mind.

I will figure that out later. Right now…
“Where is your lube?” Caladon asked as he tightened his

hold on Leroy’s cock, stroking his mate’s slender rod more

“Th-the drawer,” Leroy stuttered breathily, lifting his

hand from Caladon’s hip and waving behind him. “Top

Glancing over his shoulder, Caladon spotted the

nightstand. He knew he needed to release Leroy, so he could
grab it, but he couldn’t seem to stop feeling up his mate. His
human’s long, slender prick felt perfect against his palm,
and his huffing breaths and high pitched mewls were like a
balm to his soul. He needed to please his mate.

Caladon’s decision made, he started working Leroy’s silk-

covered erection in earnest, rubbing and massaging him
through the sexy boy shorts. Never in a million years would
he have thought the cute human would wear something so
sexy. “Do you have other underwear similar to these?” he
asked, whispering the words throatily into Leroy’s ear. “Are
there others in these drawers that I will one day be able to


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His own dick throbbed at the idea. When he’d seen the

pale green silk fabric hugging the curves of his mate’s ass,
he’d wanted to lower himself to his knees behind the man
and explore every inch, discover exactly how the sexy briefs
hugged the man. Instead, he’d remembered his mate’s
fatigue, combined with his own shocky state, and he’d
accepted just holding the sexy human.

Now, he wanted more, so much more.
“I-I like how silk feels on my skin and, um—”
Nuzzling the base of Leroy’s neck, Caladon licked his

way to the skin behind his mate’s left ear. He reveled in the
full body shiver that enveloped the sweet-tasting human for
a few seconds. Then, Caladon ceased his sucking and
mumbled against his mate’s skin, “And what?”

Leroy opened his mouth, but only a moan escaped him,

as just then, Caladon massaged the wrinkled skin under his
human’s cap. While a hot spot for most men, this one
seemed to turn Leroy into a writhing mess, howling down
the walls of the bedroom as he bucked and came.

The scent of hot semen flooded the room and Caladon

grunted, just managing to keep from emptying his own
balls. “Fuck,” he rumbled, his hand twitching spastically on
Leroy’s silk-covered cock. “Need you.” With those words, he
used both hands to pull the now soaked fabric away from
his mate’s still twitching cock and shoved the silk halfway
down Leroy’s thighs.

While continuing to push down his mate’s cum-filled

briefs, Caladon swung his left hand behind him and, turning
his head, he struggled to open the nightstand. “Need,” he
whined, finally getting a hold on the drawer’s handle and
yanking it open. He nearly sent it toppling to the floor, but
fortunately it had one of those catches to keep it from
coming out.

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Caladon took a deep breath to center himself, regaining

some control. After pressing a quick kiss to his panting mate,
he slid his arm out from under him and gave his full
attention to the drawer and its contents. He nearly
swallowed his tongue when he spotted the dildo and knew
he’d need to fuck his mate with that eventually. First,
though…Caladon grabbed the tube of slick and slammed the
drawer shut.

When Caladon turned back around, he moaned at the

sight before him. Leroy had shoved off his underwear, rolled
to his knees, and had two fingers pressed inside his ass. The
human’s body remained flushed with arousal, as was his
dick, bobbing beneath him.

Focusing on Leroy’s fingers, Caladon licked his lips, then

whispered roughly, “Wh-what for lube?”

Leroy peered over at him with heavy lidded, dilated eyes.

“My cum,” he replied, grinning cheekily.

Caladon groaned. He pressed the heel of his hand to the

base of his erection. His cock ached, throbbing, pressing so
hard against the fly of his jeans he worried he’d end up with
a permanent impression on his dick. Needing to be as naked
as his mate, Caladon lowered his fly and gave a sigh of relief
as he shoved off his pants.

Rolling to his knees, Caladon shuffled behind his mate.

He settled his hands on Leroy’s sides, using his big hands to
grip him, and he realized he could practically circle his
mate’s lean waist. He used his fingers to massage the soft
skin at the top of his groin, tugging the light smattering of
hair, then released it to tease the top of Leroy’s crease.

Leroy moaned and arched, pushing into Caladon’s touch.
“Gods, you are so sexy, mate,” Caladon rumbled. “Look

at you. Your fingers buried in your channel, eagerly opening
yourself for me.” He couldn’t take his eyes away from the
sight of his mate stretching himself. He released Leroy’s

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right hip and reached blindly for the lube. “Keep doing
that,” he ordered, finally getting his hand on the tube.

“Hurry,” Leroy urged, gasping and panting. “Wanna.”

He paused and gulped. “Wanna feel you.”

“You will,” Caladon assured, rubbing his left hand over

Leroy’s flank and ass cheek as he popped the cap with the
thumb of the other. “Soon.”

Caladon finally managed to release Leroy’s ass cheek and

poured a healthy dollop onto his fingers. While it had been
decades since he’d been with a man, he remembered what
was needed and gently rubbed the liquid between his
fingers to warm it. After a few seconds, Caladon settled one
finger beside Leroy’s and pressed.

Reveling in the gasp that escaped his mate, Caladon slid

his finger in alongside Leroy’s. His heart thudded in his
chest at the sight of his black finger working his mate’s pale
flesh. So different, so exciting, Caladon’s long prick twitched
and bobbed between his legs at the thought of sliding inside
Leroy’s white ass.

Groaning, Caladon rolled his hips, making his dark

erection rub against Leroy’s creamy pale thigh. Leroy’s
shoulders lowered, his back arched, his head bowed.
Caladon dropped the lube on the comforter and he gripped
Leroy’s wrist. Using the hold, he gently pulled his mate’s
fingers free.

Leroy whined, but didn’t resist him. “Please.”
“I got you, my mate,” Caladon crooned. “Going to make

you feel so good.”

As Caladon spoke, he inserted a second finger into Leroy.

Finding him well stretched, he added a third. The flesh
rippled around him, tightening and flexing. Caladon curved
his fingers and pressed against Leroy’s prostate, gently
stroking the bundle of nerves.

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Leroy screamed. Digging his toes into the comforter, he

came up off his knees in what seemed a desperate attempt to
feel that stimulation again.

Caladon gripped Leroy’s hip and pulled him close to him.

His cock bumped against his mate’s balls, smearing pre-cum
over the orb-filled sack. Adjusting his hips, he moved his
cock head to Leroy’s finger-filled hole. He pulled his digits
free and immediately pushed, easily popping his crown
inside, once again stretching Leroy’s striated muscles.

Hissing, Leroy muttered, “Shit. Condom?”
Stilling, Caladon struggled to form words when every

instinct in him screamed to finish sinking his cock into his
mate, to take and claim, to prove to this sexy human who he
belonged to for all time.

“I-I am a shifter,” Caladon finally managed to growl out.

“No condom needed.”

Leroy’s head seemed to sag on his neck, and Caladon

realized he rested his forehead on the bed.

Caladon rubbed Leroy’s ass and side. “Is that okay?” It

just about killed him to ask, but if his mate insisted, he’d pull
out, find a condom, and use it.

When Caladon didn’t receive an immediate response, he

tightened his hold on Leroy’s hip, gritted his teeth, and
began to withdraw.

“No!” Leroy cried. Reaching back, he grabbed Caladon’s

wrist, rocking backward and forcing Caladon’s dick deeper.
“Don’t go.”

Hissing between clenched teeth, Caladon curved over

Leroy’s back. He settled his second hand on the mattress
near his mate’s shoulder and ground out, “I need you to
decide. Condom or no condom?”

Leroy turned his head and met his gaze. “No condom

starts the bonding process, doesn’t it?”

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Unwilling to lie to his mate, Caladon nodded once. “If I

spill in you.”

“And biting completes it?”
“Yes,” Caladon responded.
“What if you claim me and later resent me?”
Caladon shook his head. “Impossible. You are my mate, a

gift from the Gods. I will do everything in my power to
prove that to you,” he told him. Cupping Leroy’s jaw,
Caladon captured his mate’s mouth. As he swept his tongue
into his lover’s mouth, he began to rock his hips, sliding his
dick out a bit before thrusting deeper, sinking further into
Leroy with each movement.

Leroy moaned into his mouth, his body trembling

beneath Caladon’s own. Sweat slicked their heated flesh,
making it easy to move and slide against each other. When
he finally bottomed out, his balls flush to Leroy’s own,
Caladon forced his body to still. He brought the kiss to an
end, sucking gently on Leroy’s tongue as he did so before
releasing him.

Breathing heavily, Caladon settled over Leroy fully, his

chest curved around his mate’s back. He pressed his
forehead against the nape of Leroy’s neck. Sticking out his
tongue, he licked the sweat from between his mate’s
shoulder blades, then lifted his head and swiped up his nape
and along his neck.

“My mate,” he crooned. “My beautiful human.” His body

shuddered as he felt Leroy’s channel relax, the muscles
rippling around his length. “Can I make you mine forever,
my sweet Leroy?” he asked as he slowly pulled his cock
nearly free of Leroy’s chute before reversing direction and
sliding back into him.

Leroy moaned. “You’re so fucking long,” he whined,

writhing under him. “Never been stretched like this. Feels so
damn good.”

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While grateful he pleased his lover, Caladon hadn’t

received an answer to his question. That didn’t stop him
from adjusting his angle and driving into his lover faster. He
kept one hand next to Leroy’s head and gripped his mate’s
hip with the other.

Stilling Leroy’s movements, Caladon controlled their

pace, knowing he rubbed over his mate’s prostate with each
stroke by the way his mate’s channel rippled and the
whining nonsense escaping Leroy’s throat. He loved
affecting his mate so much, driving him out of his mind.

“My mate,” Caladon purred. He opened his mouth and

licked a line across Leroy’s collar bone, enjoying the
combined flavors of sweat and skin. “Taste so damn good,”
he growled. On instinct, he scraped his teeth along the line
he’d just licked.

Leroy whined. “Oh!” He pressed up into Caladon.
Caladon just managed to pull his mouth up before he

inadvertently broke skin. “Leroy,” he growled in warning.
“Is that permission, mate?”

“Yes, oh, God, yes,” Leroy responded. “Want to be yours.

Love seeing your hands on me. Love feeling you touch me,
feeling you in me. Want it forever.”

His snake hissed in his mind and Caladon knew he

couldn’t hold back anymore. Releasing his hold on Leroy’s
hip, he pressed in and settled his weight on Leroy’s body,
forcing him flush with the mattress. He rested his torso’s
weight on his elbows as he blanketed his mate, careful not to
crush his small human lover.

“Mine,” he hissed throatily as he sank his canines into

Leroy’s shoulder. Blood flowed up from the wound and he
sucked it down, moaning at the metallic taste of his mate’s
life essence. As he gulped down several swallows, he
continued to rut into the body beneath him, nailing his
mate’s prostate with each thrust.

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Leroy howled and shuddered, his body nearly vibrating

as his channel’s muscles contracted with his release. “Cal!”

The moaning of Caladon’s name thrilled him, knowing he

gave his mate so much pleasure. Pulling his canines free, he
roared with his own release, filling his mate’s rectum with
his seed. For the first time in so long, Caladon felt
contentment flood his system. Finally, finally, he felt as if he
were home.

“My Leroy,” he murmured. He licked the claiming mark,

sealing the wound. Then, he nuzzled Leroy’s temple before
he kissed behind his ear. Still holding his weight off of
Leroy’s torso, he rested his groin on Leroy’s ass as he felt
himself begin to soften in his mate’s hot, wet chute.

Turning his head, Leroy peered at him drowsily. “Wow,

that was—” His smile appeared almost loopy. “Wow.”

Caladon chuckled softly. He tilted his head and pecked a

kiss to Leroy’s lips. Then, carefully, he eased his cock from
his mate’s channel. “Love pleasing you, Leroy,” he said.
Easing off the bed, Caladon bent over and pecked another
kiss to his mate’s lips. “I will get a cloth to clean you. Be
right back.”

After getting a grunt of acknowledgement from Leroy,

Caladon strode to the bathroom. He wiped himself down,
then returned to the bedroom. Pausing in the doorway, he
smiled at his now snoring mate. Caladon had known his
human was exhausted, and the three hours he’d napped in
Caladon’s arms hadn’t been nearly enough to recharge the

He crossed to Leroy and eased him onto his back. Smiling

at the man’s incoherent mumbling, he cupped his mate’s
thigh and opened his legs. When he saw his cum dribbling
from Leroy’s red-flushed hole, he felt blood flow south
again, his cock thickening to half-mast.

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Caladon shook his head at himself and grinned. It’d been

over seventeen years since he’d had sex, so the fact that he
was ready to go again wasn’t at all surprising. Just when
he’d finished cleaning his mate, Caladon heard a quiet trill
that he recognized as his loaner phone.

Crossing to his discarded jeans, Caladon tugged the

phone free of them. After a second, he remembered how to
answer and swiped his thumb across the face of the device.
“Caladon here.”

“Hi, Cal. It’s Sapian,” the gargoyle greeted. “Raymond

said he spoke with you. How are you faring?”

A smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, Caladon

admitted, “Okay. I, uh…I just claimed Leroy.”

Sapian chuckled. “Congratulations.” Then, he cleared his

throat and stated, “Raymond found some information on
your friend, Dewain. He also found something on your son.
I talked to Maelgwn, and we need you to come in.”

Sighing, Caladon tucked the phone between his ear and

shoulder, then picked up a blanket that rested at the foot of
the bed. “Okay. I need to write Leroy a note. Then I will be
in,” he promised as he spread it over his softly snoring

“Sorry to pull you away,” Sapian told him, sounding


“He will understand.”
Sapian grunted. “Leroy is a good guy. I’m certain you’re


After hanging up, Caladon yanked on his jeans and shirt

before thrusting his feet into his loafers. Leaning over his
mate, he kissed Leroy on the cheek. He straightened, smiling
at his mate’s sweet features. Caladon sighed, then managed
to turn away and head from the room.

Caladon searched the kitchen for paper and pen. After

he’d written the note and left it on the nightstand, he headed

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out to the SUV. As he drove through town, he spotted a
flower shop and couldn’t resist stopping. While he knew
Leroy wasn’t a girl, he wanted a gift to reinforce his sorrow
at having to leave his lover.

Making quick work in choosing both a bouquet of

Peruvian lilies, which the lady behind the counter assured
him meant friendship and devotion, he also couldn’t resist
picking up a small stuffed snake. At that, the lady lifted one
brow, but didn’t comment. Caladon paid and headed back
to the SUV with his purchases. He opened the door, but
before climbing in, he heard someone from almost directly
behind him call, “You there!”

Caladon paused and turned, finding a middle aged man

with receding blond hair and hard brown eyes. From the
features and carriage, he immediately recognized the man as
a relative of Leroy’s, probably his father, considering the
human’s advancing age. Setting the bouquet and snake on
the seat, Caladon gave the man his full attention.

“Can I help you?”
“I hope so,” the man said. He held up his phone, showing

a picture of Caladon and Leroy seated in a booth. Caladon
instantly realized it’d been taken earlier that day, when he
and his mate had shared a meal. “You know my son, Leroy.”

Caladon nodded once. “I do.”
“Stay away from him.”
At the cold demand, Caladon’s eyes narrowed. “Why?”

he asked, even though he could guess.

“My son doesn’t need to associate with people like you,”

Leroy’s father said, tucking the phone into his pocket.

Caladon crossed his arms over his chest and frowned

down at the man. He hated that Leroy had been right, and it
sure hadn’t taken long for him to be approached. Still,
nothing was going to drive him away from his mate.

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“Leroy is an adult. Who he dates is up to him,” Caladon

stated. “He will have to ask me to leave him alone. Not
you.” Caladon had every intention of never allowing that to
happen. He’d make his mate far too happy for that.

Leroy’s father frowned. “How much will it take?” he

asked, pulling out his wallet. “A thousand? Five thousand?”

“Excuse me?” Caladon couldn’t believe the audacity of

the man. Offense on behalf of his mate flooded him. He’d
heard Leroy say his father put a price on his head, but for it
to actually happen?

“Don’t be ignorant,” the human snarled. “You know what

I’m talking about. How much to make you go away?”

Well, put like that, it sounded…well, worse. “Fuck you,”

Caladon snapped.

Ignoring the man’s sputtering, he turned away. As he

climbed into his SUV he heard the man yell, “You’ll be sorry
you didn’t take the money!”

Caladon responded by flipping the guy off before driving


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Chapter Eight

eroy groaned and rolled over. Sighing and stretching, he
smiled at the pleasant ache in his ass. He reached across

the bed. When he didn’t feel the warmth of skin against his
palm, and nothing heated his back, he peeled open a heavy

Frowning, Leroy opened his other eye and peered around

the room. He didn’t see Caladon. Then, he heard the rattle of
dishes and the soft scuff of footsteps. Easing to a sitting
position, Leroy realized he didn’t lie under his comforter.
Instead, the blanket that he kept at the end of the bed, for
decoration, was spread across him. Smiling, he rubbed his
hand over the blue and green quilt.

“How are you feeling?”
Leroy pulled his gaze from the quilt and focused on the

man standing in the doorframe. He greedily drank in the
sight of the tall, slender African American. Caladon wore
only a pair of cutoff sweat shorts, showing off his eight pack
abs and leanly muscled limbs.

“Hey,” Leroy murmured. He spotted the tray Caladon

held. “That for me?”

“It is,” he responded, moving into the room. “I did not

know how you take your coffee, so brought milk and sugar.
I could not find creamer.”

Leroy grinned, touched by the shifter’s thoughtfulness. “I

actually take it black,” he admitted.


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Caladon grinned. “I thought doctors and nurses drowned

their coffee in sugar and cream.” He shrugged. “You know,
because hospital drinks are so horrible.”

Laughing, Leroy shook his head. “Not all of us,” he

responded as Caladon placed the tray over his lap. That was
when he spotted the water glass full of pale purple lilies.
Next to that rested a small stuffed snake. “Oh,” he
murmured. Reaching out, he touched the vibrant petals of
one flower, feeling its softness, before lifting a questioning
gaze to Cadalon, confused at the sweet gesture.

Settling next to him on the bed, Caladon offered him a

smile and a shrug.

“I’m your mate,” Leroy mumbled. “I didn’t think wooing

was required.”

“You deserve to be wooed,” Caladon replied without

hesitation. He leaned toward him and pressed a soft kiss to
Leroy’s lips. When he pulled away, Leroy almost chased his
lover’s lips, but Caladon’s light touch to his jaw stayed the
action. “I will woo you as you deserve, sweet mate,” he

Leroy felt his heart constrict in his chest. First breakfast in

bed, even if it was just toast and eggs, along with gifts and
sweet words—he tried to figure out if any past lovers had
ever been so kind. He came up blank.

I’ll have to figure out a way to accept his animal, just as I accept

him as a man.

Returning Caladon’s smile, Leroy offered, “Thank you so


Caladon nodded. “Eat. I have news,” he urged as he

repositioned himself to rest his back against the headboard.
Crossing his legs at the ankle, Caladon folded his hands on
his lap.

Cocking his head, Leroy lifted the coffee mug from the

tray and brought it under his nose. He inhaled, enjoying the
scent of the bitter brew. “Yeah?”

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“Sapian called earlier and I had to leave, so I originally

left a note,” Caladon admitted.

Leroy’s rumbling stomach couldn’t be denied. He’d

always needed food with his morning coffee for it to settle
properly…and for him to really feel awake. It’d been tough
to always meet that demand of his body and he’d had more
than a number of queasy, dragging days while in medical
school. He’d learned to always properly regulate his time.

After taking a sip of coffee, Leroy nodded and set his cup

down. He picked up the fork and toast and scooped the
scrambled eggs onto the buttered bread. “Was it something
else about Gloria? Or your son?” After asking, he took a big
bite, humming his appreciation. As he chewed the food and
watched Caladon formulate an answer, Leroy found, to his
surprise, he no longer felt jealousy over the woman.

Who knew bonding would settle my turbulent emotions.
“Sapian had Raymond show me divorce documents. My

signatures were forged, but they were made so Gloria could
marry Dewain.” He smiled sadly. “My wife, uh, ex-wife,
married a good man. I know he raised my son as his own.”

Leroy chewed and swallowed. He reached out and

touched his lover’s hand. “At least you know he was well
taken care of.”

Caladon nodded. “I suppose Dewain raising Taolma was

the next best thing, since I was not there to do it,” he told
him. Then, he grimaced. “Too bad he did not plan ahead as
he should have. When Gloria died, the state did not
recognize his claim as Taolma’s guardian because he had
never actually adopted him. He ended up faking his own
death and reinventing himself as a person looking to adopt.”
Caladon rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Not so original, I am
afraid, but it worked. His name is now Golren Rabenau.
Raymond was able to piece it together.” He met Leroy’s gaze
and told him, “I had him send Golren a message from me,

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telling him what happened to me and asking if Taolma
would be willing to meet me.”

After another gulp of coffee to wash down the last of the

toast and eggs, Leroy set the mug down. He wiped his
hands on a napkin, then reached for Caladon’s hand. “Did
you want to go to him?” He frowned as he tried to
remember what they’d talked about the prior day. “Are they
still in the Caribbean?”

“Florida,” Caladon replied. He squeezed and smiled at

Leroy. “And thank you for being so understanding, but no. I
will be patient. I will wait until I hear back from them.”
Then, he smirked. “At least, for a little while. I have waited
seventeen years. What is another week or two?”

Leroy downed the last of his coffee, set it on the tray, then

set the whole ensemble aside. Offering a shy smile, he
murmured, “If you don’t mind coffee breath, I’m sure I can
come up with something to take your mind off the waiting.”

Caladon’s eyes narrowed and his grin appeared feral.

“Oh, I do want to take you up on that,” he growled. He
stretched out on the bed and reached for Leroy, pulling him
on top of Caladon in one smooth move. “But I need to warn
you that your father found me at the flower shop.”

His blood instantly cooling, Leroy propped himself up on

his elbow and peered down at Caladon. “What?”

“What happened?”
Reaching up, Caladon threaded his hands through

Leroy’s hair. He massaged his scalp gently as he offered a
concerned smile. “I am sorry, sweet mate. I should have
approached this differently.” He leaned up and pecked a
kiss to Leroy’s lips. “Just relax. He did as you said. Told me
to stay away from you, and when I refused, he offered to
buy me off. I told him to fuck off and gave him the finger.”

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Leroy felt his brows shoot up as he barked a laugh. “You

actually did that? You told my dad to fuck off and gave him
the finger?”

Caladon nodded. “I did. He disrespects you, telling

someone he does not know to stay away from you. If I were
a drug dealer or had a record of abuse or violence, then I
could understand the protectiveness, but Raymond would
have told me if your father had looked into my past.” He
shook his head and scowled. “The man is not a gentleman.”

Snorting, Leroy shook his head. “Don’t let him hear you

say that,” he warned. “He thinks he’s the epitome of
southern gentility.”

“I am not certain I know what that means,” Caladon

murmured, his brows furrowing. Then, he offered Leroy a
crooked smile. “Did I tell you that English is not my first

“Oh, no? What is?”
“French…well, a dialect of it. I learned some English to

trade with tourists.” Caladon rolled his eyes and offered a
wry smile. “Being trapped in a cage for years did have its
advantages. I understand almost everything, but must work
harder to speak.”

Leroy nodded. “Now your accent makes sense.”
A look of uncertainty crossed Caladon’s face. “Is my

accent too much?”

“Not at all,” Leroy assured. “I find it quite sexy.”
Caladon’s grin could have rivaled the brightest sun.


He leaned up and, right as he claimed Leroy’s lips and

thrust his tongue into Leroy’s mouth, Leroy’s alarm
sounded. Groaning, Leroy pulled back. He leaned over and
slapped the machine, silencing the annoying noise.

“Shit, I’m sorry, Cal. I gotta work.”

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Nodding, Caladon leaned up and pecked a kiss to his lips

before urging him sideways. “I noted the time your alarm
was set for. I am pleased you woke with enough time to eat
a bite of breakfast.”

“And I’m very grateful for that,” Leroy told him. He

couldn’t remember the last time someone had made him
breakfast in bed. “And the flowers are gorgeous and super
sweet and the stuffed animal—” At that, he paused and
rolled off the bed to pick up the stuffed green and brown
snake. “It really does look like you. I saw you once, you
know. From a distance,” he admitted, his unease surfacing
just at the memory of the massive snake through the glass of
the arboretum wall.

Leroy had been on his way back from checking up on

Tristan, the albino alligator that currently lived in the
gargoyle’s pond, and had seen the snake through the glass
wall. Caladon’s long, heavy body had been draped over a
branch, sun shining on his green and brown scales.

“My animal form makes you nervous,” Caladon

commented, his voice gentle.

Seeing no reason to lie, Leroy nodded. “Yeah, sorry. A

bit.” He watched Caladon round the bed, seeing
understanding in his eyes. “Sorry,” he repeated. “You’re, uh,
kinda big.”

“I am.”
“Are you really over twenty feet?” Leroy asked curiously,

moving to his dresser. After pulling out a clean pair of
scrubs, he turned to look at his lover. He found Caladon’s
gaze riveted to his ass, his eyes narrowed and his hands
twitching at his sides. Flushing, Leroy yanked on
underwear—a regular pair this time—then his scrub pants.
“Sorry,” he muttered.

Once his lower half disappeared from view, Caladon

blinked and shook his head. He rolled off of the bed and met

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Leroy’s gaze, giving him a lopsided smile. “Sorry. It has
been many years since I have—” He paused again and
cleared his throat. “Well, I am a little over seventeen feet.
Not too many men will measure a boa my size.”

Leroy cleared his own throat, trying to avoid popping

wood, and shrugged. “Once you hit the fifteen foot mark, it
probably doesn’t really matter, huh?”

“Most guards would not have anything to do with me.

Correct.” Caladon smirked, appearing not in the least upset
by that. “Especially after five guards were brought in to
straighten me out so the carnival owner could measure me.
It did not go so well for a couple of the guards,” he finished,

His eyes widening, his mind working overtime, Leroy

asked, “Did you crush them or something?”

Caladon’s brows lowered and he cocked his head. “Of

course not.” Then, his eyes twinkled as he grinned
crookedly. “I just discouraged future attempts by squeezing
a couple of them, and the carnival owner, a little tighter than
they may have liked.”

“Geez, that was a stupid thing to ask. I’m sorry,” Leroy

stated, snorting at himself. “I didn’t think.” He offered an
apologetic smile. “I’m still getting used to shifters and all.
Forgot for a second that you guys are, uh—” He searched for
the word used by the shifters at the manor. “That you all are
cognizant in your animal form.”

Caladon’s eyes narrowed as he peered at him, something

obviously on his mind.

Leroy shifted uncertainly from foot to foot, nibbling his


“How long have you known about shifters and

gargoyles?” Caladon finally asked quietly.

“Uh, less than six months,” Leroy admitted.

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Caladon nodded. “You are still adjusting. I understand.”

He grinned. “When you have questions or concerns, we will
deal with them together.”

Liking the sound of that, Leroy nodded. “Yeah. Yeah,


Grinning widely, showing off his pearly whites in his

dark-skinned face, Caladon stated, “And in the meantime,
Sapian drove your car here before Missy picked him up for a
breakfast date. When does your shift end?”

Remembering that he was supposed to be getting ready

for his shift, Leroy got his rear in gear. “Ends at seven-
thirty,” he told him.

Fifteen minutes later, Leroy walked out the door with

Caladon. He quickly locked up, Caladon waiting patiently.
Then, the shifter escorted him to his car and opened the door
for him. He slid into the vehicle behind the wheel.

“I will see you tonight, then?”
Leroy looked up at his lover after inserting the key into

the ignition. Caladon rested his forearm across the top of the
vehicle and leaned down toward him. Smiling, Leroy
nodded. “Yeah. I should get to the manor around eight-
thirty. I’ll be all yours.”

Caladon grinned, pleasure lighting his dark eyes. “I do

like the sound of that. I will be waiting impatiently.”

Grinning, Leroy reached out and placed his palm on the

front of Caladon’s thigh. He stroked his thumb along the
shifter’s inner thigh, just nudging his balls. “It’ll be worth
the wait,” he assured.

Caladon’s eyes narrowed and he growled softly. He

gripped Leroy’s wrist and pulled his hand away and up,
leaning down even more so he could kiss Leroy’s fingertips.
“I know,” he whispered huskily. “Have a good day at
work,” he added, punctuating his words with another kiss.

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Then, Caladon straightened and shut the door. Leroy

waved, then started up his vehicle. As he drove to work, he
knew a stupid grin stretched his features. Leroy didn’t care,
though, because the domesticity of the morning had left him
nearly giddy and he couldn’t wait to get through his hospital

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Chapter Nine

aladon followed Raymond and his human mate, Marty,
down the aisle of the grocery store, straight to the back

freezer. He knew, somewhere else in the store, the rhino
shifter, Gustav—Gus to his friends—along with his gargoyle
mate, Tible, were collecting the goods to make a vat of
potato salad. Evidently, Maelgwn loved Tible’s potato
salad—something about a secret family recipe—and insisted
he make a lot of it.

“What’s your favorite cut of meat?” Marty asked, tapping

Caladon on the upper arm to get his attention.

“Uh,” Caladon stalled, looking over the selections in the

freezer case. “I do not recognize the cuts,” he admitted,
trying to figure out the labels. While he could understand
and speak English, reading it was proving much more
difficult for him.

Marty started pointing. “Well, let’s start with cow, pig,

chicken, turkey, some other animal or hen?”

Grinning, Caladon replied, “I suppose iguana is out?”
The other two men exchanged looks, glanced at the cases

of meat, then Marty responded slowly, “I don’t, well—”

Caladon chuckled. “I am joking,” he told them, smirking.

“Do they offer liver or veal?” He turned and looked toward
the section with bins of fruits and vegetables. “How about
some guava or dragon fruit? It has been so long.”

Marty patted his shoulder. “I’ll find both veal and liver,

even if I have to ask the butcher. Why don’t you head over


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to the produce? I don’t know what those are, but maybe
you’ll recognize them on sight.”

Nodding, Caladon gave the man his thanks, then left the

mated couple to pick out meat. He’d allowed himself to be
roped into this excursion to the grocery store, since it beat
the hell out of pacing around and around the manor as he
waited for Leroy to finish his shift…as well as a response to
Raymond’s query to Golren.

For some reason, Maelgwn had decided he wanted a

massive barbeque on the newly finished deck. Caladon had
learned that Marty owned a construction company.
Originally, it’d been run by him and his buddy, Logan
McIntire, but then Logan had gone to Oregon for a vacation
and had found his mate in a wolf shifter named Jimmy.
Logan had sold his half of the company to Marty’s brother,
Matthew, who’d been working independently as an
electrician. Now that the deck was finished, the brothers
planned to wrap up a few projects and head to Oregon to
help their friend build a workshop. This barbeque was kind
of a send-off for them and their mates, since they weren’t
certain how long they’d be gone.

Caladon noticed a section that seemed to have more

exotic fruits and headed that way. Spotting a small carton of
dragon fruit, he grinned with pleasure and picked one up.
After finding several he wanted, he tore off a plastic bag
from the spool and placed them inside. He looked forward
to sharing the sweet fruit with his mate and hoped Leroy
liked them.

“Excuse me. Caladon, right?”
Turning to face the speaker, Caladon’s brows shot up.

Standing to his left was Sarina, Leroy’s sister. Behind her
stood another woman, this one a bit older, also with blond
hair and brown eyes. While Sarina glared, the second
woman had her arms crossed over her ample bosom.

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Both women looked like they were spoiling for a fight.
Biting back an irritated sigh, he narrowed his eyes and

responded, “Yes. I am Caladon. But you knew that already,

Sarina curled her lip. “I didn’t give you permission to use

my name, nigger,” she hissed, lifting her hand and pointing
at him.

“Such ugly language,” Caladon rumbled, setting his bag

of fruit aside to protect it. He crossed his arms over his chest
and frowned. “Are you here to tell me to stay away from
your brother, too?” he asked, deciding to go on the offensive
so he could get this confrontation over with. “Because that
will not happen.”

“Yes, it will,” the second woman claimed. “We know

you’re new in town. If you don’t leave him alone, we’ll make
certain no one will hire you. You’ll never get a job.” She
smiled cruelly. “Then, you’ll have to leave. We still win.”

Not liking the woman’s cocky attitude, Caladon focused

on her. He forced a low chuckle. “Oh, little girl,” he
rumbled. “What makes you think I would not just take
Leroy with me?” Smirking, he lowered his voice to a husky
rumble and added, “Sexual pleasure can be a hell of a

“Bastard!” the sister screeched. She stepped close, lifting

her hand. “Don’t you lay your filthy hands on my brother!”

Caladon recognized her intention to strike him, especially

with the way she curled her fingers, probably intending to
rake her nails across his face. As a shifter, he knew the attack
from the human wouldn’t truly cause long-term damage.
Still, it wasn’t like Caladon enjoyed allowing another to hit

To Caladon’s shock, someone stepped up at his shoulder

and caught the woman’s swinging arm in one dark-skinned

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hand. “Didn’t your parents teach you that hitting isn’t nice?”
the guy snapped.

Gaping at the young man next to him, Caladon’s mind

shut down. He watched in shock as the lithe African
American shoved the woman’s hand back toward her,
making her stumble back a couple of paces. Caladon could
scent the man’s anger as he glared in disgust at the women.

Sarina growled, actually growled, as she said, “How dare

you lay a hand on my sister. You’ll be sorry,” she vowed.
“You’ll both be sorry!”

With that declaration, Sarina turned, placed a hand on her

sister’s back, and stormed away. The other man watched
them, but Caladon only had eyes for the interloper.

“Taolma?” Caladon finally whispered.
The young man turned and met his eyes. The disgust bled

from his expression, giving way to uncertainty. He lowered
his gaze and shuffled his feet. Glancing at him a couple of
times from beneath his lashes, Taolma cleared his throat
before awkwardly mumbling, “Uh, hi. Uh, Dad? Hope you
don’t mind I came.”

Taolma’s greeting managed to yank Caladon out of his

shock. Grinning widely, he grabbed his son’s upper arms
and laughed. “Taolma. My son! Look at you!” Caladon
cried. He ran his hands over his arms for a second, unable to
stop grinning. “I am so very happy to see you,” he stated,
joyfully. “All grown up!”

Smiling shyly at him, Taolma glanced around then met

his gaze and said, “Pops showed me the email from you
explaining everything. He never believed you left of your
own free will.”

“Pops?” Caladon cocked his head. “Who is that?”
“Golren,” Taolma told him, glancing over Caladon’s

shoulder. “He and momma told me stories about you.”

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Caladon lowered one hand from Taolma so he could turn.

He spotted his long-time friend standing fifteen feet away, a
smile toying at the corner of his thin, dark lips. His mouth
going dry, Caladon looked from Taolma to Golren. He held
out his free hand, and the other shifter quickly crossed to his
side. Unable to help himself, right there in the middle of the
store, Caladon pulled both men to him.

Gasping, Caladon fought back tears. “Thank you,” he

whispered, burying his face between the two men’s
shoulders. “Thank you.” He felt the arms of the other men
circle him and, when one of the men rubbed up and down
his back, a few of the tears leaked out.

“You’re welcome, my friend,” Golren murmured. “I’m

sorry we weren’t able to find you.”

“Does not matter,” Caladon replied, lifting his head. He

smiled at Golren. “You did the important thing.” He turned
his attention to Taolma, moving the hand he’d had around
his shoulders upward so he could cup his jaw. “You cared
for my son.”

Caladon’s heart thudded in his chest at the way Taolma

smiled shyly at him. Hot damn, his son was right in front of
him! He couldn’t wait to introduce him to Leroy.

“Uh, Cal? Is everything okay?” Raymond’s tentatively

voiced question interrupted Caladon’s musings.

As Caladon yanked his focus away from the other two

boa shifters, he lowered his hand from Taolma’s jaw to his
shoulder, unable to release his son just yet. He did, however,
manage to release Golren so he could face Raymond. “This is
my friend, Golren Rabenau and my son, Taolma,” Caladon
explained. “This is Raymond and his partner Marty.
Raymond helped me locate you,” he stated pointedly.

Raymond’s dark face split into a wide grin. “Wow! Very

nice to meet you!” He reached out and shook Golren’s hand.

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Caladon finally managed to release Taolma, so his son could
shake both men’s hands.

“Will you follow us to the manor?” Caladon asked. “It is

where I am staying right now.” He looked toward Raymond.
“Is that allowed?”

Nodding, Raymond smiled. “We need to introduce them

to the chief anyway.”

“Right.” Caladon agreed, knowing it was proper etiquette

for paranormals to introduce themselves to the local leader
when entering new territory. In this case, they needed to
notify Chieftain Maelgwn. He turned and grabbed the
dragon fruit he’d set aside when the women had confronted
him. Caladon needed to remember to tell Leroy about the
altercation. He certainly didn’t want his mate to find out
from his sisters. “Let us go, then.” As the group started
moving, he couldn’t keep his gaze away from Taolma for
more than a few seconds.

Marty patted Caladon on the shoulder and gently took

the bag of produce from him. After placing it in their cart, he
focused on Golren. “You guys get a rental car? How’d you
find us at the store?”

“We did,” Golren replied. “We were driving by the store,

trying to figure out the GPS so we could find the manor,
when Taolma spotted you.” He offered a crooked smile, then
added, “We weren’t sure if it was you. It’d been so long, ya
know? We figured it couldn’t hurt to stop and check.”

“I am glad you did,” Caladon told them.
“Why don’t we take care of this,” Marty offered,

indicating their cart of groceries. “You can head to the
manor with Taolma and Golren and show them around.”

Gus and Tible strolled up to them, pushing a cart

overflowing with every kind of snack food imaginable, from
chips and dip to veggies and hummus. Caladon even
spotted chocolate drizzled popcorn.

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Marty snorted at their overflowing cart. “Find everything

you wanted, guys?” he teased good-naturedly.

Gus flushed a bit, but Tible grinned widely. “There are so

many things to try!” the slender, white-haired gargoyle
responded. In human skin, he stood about five foot ten,
making him just reach his big mate’s shoulders, and had
pretty androgynous features. “Did you know popcorn
comes in ranch flavor? Crazy!”

Caladon just held in his chuckle when Tible pointed at the

half dozen flavors of Kettle Corn in the cart. He’d heard the
tale of how the gargoyle had been raised by reclusive
shifters and hadn’t known too much about other
paranormals, including his own kind. Once an adult, he’d
begun his search to learn more and had stumbled upon Gus,
who’d been staying with wolf shifters, recuperating from a
mad scientist’s painful experiments.

The alpha of the wolves had been friends with a few

vampires that traveled for the Vampire Council. Through
them, they’d located Maelgwn and his clutch. Imagine their
surprise when they’d learned that Tible had gotten Gus
pregnant. Now, they had a bouncing baby gargoyle named
Vaclar at home waiting for them and Tible loved exploring
new things, sharing them with the couple’s bundle of joy.

It was something he wished he could have done with his

own son.

If wishes were horses…
Caladon didn’t know how the rest of that went. Instead,

he looked at his friend and his son. “Is that okay with you

Golren nodded. “Yes. That sounds like a great idea.” He

winked at Taolma. “Flying always sucks.”

Nodding, Caladon mentally seconded that. “Let us go

then,” he urged, spreading his hand palm up toward the
sliding glass doors. As they turned and headed outside, he

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waved and thanked the other men, then led the way outside.
He paused, looking around the parking lot. “Your car?”

“The silver SUV over there,” Golren answered, pointing.
Caladon followed Golren, both he and Taolma falling into

step behind him. He couldn’t keep from glancing at his son,
again and again. It felt so surreal to finally have the boy—
who was no longer really a boy—at his side, and for the life
of him, he couldn’t figure out what to say.

When they reached the SUV, Taolma touched Caladon’s

arm and smiled at him. “Dad, I-I’m glad to finally meet
you,” he murmured. “I know it’s kinda awkward and, um,
neither of us really know what to say, but—” He paused and
rubbed the back of his neck with one dark hand. He
shrugged. “I guess I just want you to know that I never
blamed you. Mom and Pops told me about you all the time
and—” Touching his shoulder again, Taolma smiled and
said again, “I’m glad to finally meet you.”

Sighing, Caladon pulled Taolma into a hug, relieved and

pleased that the young man didn’t fight. Over his son’s
shoulder, he rested his gaze on Golren’s smiling visage as
the other shifter watched them.

Thank you, he mouthed, knowing there was no way in this

world he could ever repay his friend.

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Chapter Ten

winging from his car, Leroy stretched his arms over his
head, then twisted this way and that. He grunted when

his back popped twice, letting out a relieved sigh as some of
the tension eased from his spine. As he reached back into his
vehicle and grabbed an overnight bag, he wondered if
Caladon knew how to give massages.

Leroy smiled nervously as he thought about his lover.

When he’d listened to Caladon’s message about running into
not only Leroy’s sisters but his own son at the grocery store,
he didn’t know which concerned him more. Why couldn’t
his family just allow him to see who he wanted to see?

Hell, the least they could do is get to know a guy before

condemning him.

His phone chirped, so Leroy slid the strap of his bag over

his shoulder, shut his car’s door, and leaned against it before
pulling the device from his pocket. He grimaced, seeing that
his mother called. Knowing he shouldn’t put this off, he hit

“Hey, Mom,” Leroy greeted.
“Hi, sweetie,” Whitney Wilde replied. “What’s this I hear

about you dating someone your father says is beneath you?
Even your sisters say he’s not very nice,” she accused,
wasting no time to start in on her accusations. “It’s bad
enough you want to date men, but couldn’t you at least find
a nice young man?”


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Leroy rolled his eyes as he listened to his mother’s

condescending ramble. When she finally stopped for a
breath, he struggled to keep the irritation from his voice as
he stated, “Mom, Caladon is a very nice man. He’s sweet
and funny and kind. He listens to me and we share the same
interests.” That might be a stretch, but loving to have sex
with each other was sharing an interest, right? “Not to
mention he’s sexy as hell and a great kisser,” he decided to
throw out there…just because.

“Leroy,” his mother chastised with just his name and her

tone, just as Leroy knew she would. “If he’s so wonderful,
why would your father and sisters not approve?”

Gritting his teeth, Leroy snapped, “Because they can’t get

past the color of his skin. Why do you and dad hate anyone
different than you?” It was a long-standing argument, but he
couldn’t seem to help himself. “There are so many
wonderful people that you refuse to associate with just
because they don’t conform to your version of acceptable.”

“Now, Leroy,” Whitney murmured. “That’s not true. We

just want what’s best for our children and being associated
with certain kinds of people will do nothing to increase your
standing. Don’t you want to rise through the ranks in your
job?” she asked her tone calm and reasonable in a way that
Leroy hated. “You can’t do that if you associate with people
that will put you in a bad light.”

Frowning, Leroy snapped, “So, because Colin Powell is

African American, I shouldn’t have lunch with him if ever
given the chance, even though he became the US Secretary
of State? Or how about our dear president?”

Whitney stuttered for a second, then mumbled, “Well,

that’s different.”

Feeling on a role, Leroy pressed, “Is it? Is it because

they’re in politics that it makes it okay? What about George
Washington Carver? The inventor of peanut butter?”

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“Well, he’s dead, so—”
“Also not the point,” Leroy cut her off. “The point is, my

family takes one look at the man I’m dating and decides he’s
not good enough. Hell, he could be a billionaire genius who
donates half his money to breast cancer research and spends
time as a volunteer at an orphanage, and you’d never know
because you won’t give him a chance.”

After several seconds of silence from the other end of the

phone, where Leroy struggled to get his heart rate under
control, Whitney finally spoke. Her tone cold, she asked,
“Are you done being ridiculous?”

Snorting, Leroy rolled his eyes. “Yeah,” he stated,

realizing what he should have years ago. His parents would
never change…which meant he had to. “I’m done,” he
continued. “I’m done allowing you to control who I spend
my time with. Tell dad to fuck off.” Even as he flushed and
disconnected the call, Leroy grimaced.

I really shouldn’t have done that.
Cussing out his father was one thing, but his

mother…yeah, bad form, Leroy. Something inside him had just
flipped. Of course, he had no intention of apologizing unless
his mom would accept his lover, which meant it wouldn’t be
happening anytime soon.

Leroy shook his head, put his phone on vibrate, and

shoved it back into his pocket.

“Gonna stand out here all night?”
Turning in surprise, Leroy spotted Matthew leaning

against the other side of his car. He swept his gaze around
the parking lot and spotted the electrician’s truck parked
fifteen feet away. The dodge was a diesel and Leroy had no
idea how he’d missed the man’s arrival.

Wait, sure I do. My family is still fucking with my head.
Returning his focus to Vane’s mate, Leroy noted that

Matthew’s smile had slipped to be replaced by a look of
concern. He gave the man he’d become pretty good friends

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with a wry smile. “My family is, well—” He sighed and

“Damn, wanna talk about it?” Matthew asked, falling into

step beside him as Leroy started toward the front door of the
manor. “You never gave me the impression your family had
a problem with you being gay,” he commented, bumping his
shoulder into Leroy’s.

Shaking his head, Leroy admitted bluntly, “It’s not that

I’m dating a guy. It’s that I’m dating someone who isn’t

“Isn’t white,” Matthew repeated incredulously. He

glanced toward Leroy, scowling. Almost instantly, the
expression cleared and he grinned. “You finally got together
with Caladon, didn’t you?”

Leroy couldn’t believe he flushed as he nodded, but

couldn’t seem to control his fair skin. “He’s my mate.”

Matthew wrapped his arm around Leroy’s shoulders and

gave him a one arm hug as they walked. “Well, fuck, man!
Congratulations! I’ve heard he’s a really good guy.”

“He is,” Leroy confirmed.
“Well, we’re having a barbeque this evening on the patio

we just finished,” Matthew told him. “Marty and I are
headed to Oregon to visit Logan, so it’s kind of a going away
party. We’re gonna help him build a workshop, so he can
build furniture up there,” he explained with a grin. “You
bonded with Cal, yet?”

Leroy nodded. “Yeah.”
“Sweet,” Matthew crowed. “Now we have something else

to celebrate tonight. Come on. I’m hungry.”

Instead of walking into the house, Matthew led him along

the wraparound porch toward the back. He noticed the
smell of grilling meat almost immediately and his stomach
rumbled in response.

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Matthew laughed and grinned at him, obviously having

heard it. “My sentiments exactly. Beer and steak, in that
order. Let’s go.”

As his friend led him around the last corner and Leroy

took in the dozens of people gathered under the spotlights,
Leroy realized he still had his family…just not his birth one.

Leroy accepted the glass of white wine from Kort,

appreciating that the red gargoyle remembered his
preference. Next, he loaded his plate with a six ounce steak
and a couple of pork ribs, unable to resist the hot, saucy
meat. Pausing in front of the next table, he felt his brows
shoot up at the massive assortment of available sides.

“We got a little carried away,” Gus admitted, stopping

next to him.

Looking over at his friend, Leroy grinned at the big man.

He put his glass of wine down and held out a finger to the
gargoyle hatchling Gus held. “Hey, cutie. Tell daddy you
can never have enough chips and dip.”

The babe laughed and grabbed his finger.
Ignoring the pinch of the tiny infant’s claws, Leroy

laughed right along with Vaclar. When Tible stepped up
next to Gus, Leroy gently disengaged and grinned at his
friends. “I haven’t had French onion dip in ages,” he said,
turning his focus to helping himself to a huge dollop of the
creamy, fatty goodness along with a big handful of ruffled
chips. “Thanks.”

Gus grinned. “Enjoy.”
“Oh, I will,” Leroy assured. He picked his wine back up

before sweeping his gaze over the milling crowd, trying to
spot his lover.

“I think I saw Caladon on the south side with his guests,”

Tible told him, pointing toward the gardens. “Congrats on
your mating.”

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Still unused to the paranormals’ openness about sex,

Leroy felt his face heat. “Thank,” he mumbled.

Chuckling, Gus patted him on the back as Leroy moved in

the direction of the gardens.

Caladon found Leroy first, appearing at his side a minute

later. “Leroy, I scented you when you arrived, so I thought I
would seek you out,” he told him, touching his elbow. “We
have seats over this way.”

Leroy flushed with pleasure at his mate’s thoughtfulness.

“Thanks, Stretch,” he responded, bumping his hip into his
mate. “Tible said you were over this way somewhere.”

Cupping Leroy’s jaw in one hand, Caladon gripped his

shoulder with the other. “First,” he rumbled, right before he
leaned down and sealed his lips over Leroy’s own.

Leroy groaned as he instantly opened for Caladon. His

lover pushed his tongue in deep, and Leroy hummed,
sucking on it lightly. Never far from half-mast around this
shifter, his cock swiftly thickened in his low-rise jeans. He
wrapped his arms around his mate awkwardly, considering
he had a plate in one hand and a glass of wine in the other.
That didn’t stop him from pressing up into the kiss and
twining his tongue with his mate’s though.

Wolf whistles sounded around them, along with some

chuckles. Caladon sucked Leroy’s tongue lightly, which
seemed to transfer straight to his cock and left him weak-
kneed. Once Caladon released him, the boa shifter grinned
down at him. “Missed you.”

Leroy grinned back. “You, too.”
“Come,” Caladon urged, releasing Leroy’s jaw and

sliding the hand on Leroy’s shoulder around his torso.
“Meet my son and old friend.”

As he followed his lover’s urging, Leroy couldn’t help but

ask, “You sure they’re gonna be okay with you mating a
man? I mean, you were married to a woman and all.”

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Caladon chuckled, his eyes twinkling. “I have told them

about you already. There will be no problem,” he stated

Leroy prayed Caladon was right, but his mate’s assurance

did ease his nerves a bit. Of course, that could also be
because he’d drunk half his glass of wine on an empty
stomach, too. Still, he went where Caladon urged and
prayed his mate was right.

When they finally reached the table, Leroy swept his gaze

over the pair of men who were gaining their feet. Both were
tall, nearly seven feet, like Caladon. The younger—who
clearly had Caladon’s dark eyes and square jaw—appeared
nervous, glancing between Caladon and Leroy. The older
shifter sported an open, welcoming smile as he held out his
hand for Leroy.

After introductions were made, everyone sat. Leroy’s

stomach grumbled and he tried to decide if he could actually
eat or if he were expected to answer questions.

Fortunately, Golren put him out of his misery. Chuckling,

the man leaned back in his chair, beer bottle in hand and
balanced on his thigh, and waved toward his plate. “Eat. We
were going to wait, but Taolma’s stomach waits for no
man,” he teased, using that same free hand to grip Taolma’s
nape and shake the young male a bit.

“Pops,” Taolma whined, pulling away after a few


That broke the ice. Leroy ate, drank, and found the two

men’s stories of living in the Caribbean absolutely

An hour and a half later, Leroy and Caladon headed away

from the party. Taolma and Golren had already said their
good nights, claiming they were going to turn in since they’d

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had a long day of traveling. Caladon squeezed Leroy’s hand,
then brought it to his lips as he gazed contentedly at him.

Leroy smiled. “Happiness looks good on you.”
“Thanks,” Caladon replied softly. “It feels good.”

Scoffing, he stated, “Just a month ago, I never would have
guessed how my life would change.”

Nodding, Leroy grinned up at him. “I’m so happy for


“Us,” Caladon corrected. “I am happy for us.”
“Yeah.” As they entered the arboretum, Leroy peered

around at the trees, bushes, and walkways. “So, um, you
probably figured out by now that your boa makes me

Caladon gave him an understanding smile. “My boa

makes most people nervous.”

“Can I see you again?”
Cocking his head, Caladon smirked. “You are seeing me


Snickering at Caladon’s teasing, Leroy stepped into his

path, pivoted, and rested his palms on the shifter’s chest.
Caladon immediately stopped and wrapped his arms
around Leroy’s shoulders, rubbing his shoulder blades with
his fingertips. His expression sobered.

“Are you certain that you wish to see my boa again?”

Caladon asked quietly. He slid his right hand up to his collar
bone and traced the mark he’d left on Leroy’s neck. “I do not
wish to upset you.”

Leroy smiled and rubbed his hands over Caladon’s chest,

using his thumbs to gently tweak the hardened nubs
through the fabric of his shirt. “Your snake is part of you,”
Leroy whispered. “I-I don’t want to be uncomfortable a-
around you or any part of you.” He met his gaze, unease
filling him. Fighting it, he gave Caladon a saucy wink.

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“Besides, what better way to get you naked so we can use
this lube in my pocket, than ask you to shift?”

Groaning, Caladon leaned down and kissed his neck. “All

you ever need to do is ask,” he rumbled gruffly, his voice

Leroy shivered, loving how Caladon’s kisses felt. Still, he

knew he needed to come to grips with his lover’s snake first.
Easing back a step, Leroy met Caladon’s gaze when he lifted
his head. “Please.”

“You are certain?”
Nodding, Leroy had to add, “I can’t promise I won’t freak

out, but I’ll do my best to overcome it.”

Caladon nodded slowly. “Very well.” He lowered his

head and pecked a kiss to his lips. “If you freak out, I will
curl up in a tree until you are ready for me to come back
down. Fair enough?”

After swallowing hard, barely able to contemplate that he

was doing this, Leroy nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, okay.”

Cupping Leroy’s jaw, Caladon lowered his head and

captured Leroy’s mouth in a punishing kiss. He thrust his
tongue in deep, swirling it around, allowing Leroy to taste a
mixture of beer, meat, and man. Caladon tilted his head,
using his hold on Leroy’s hair to position his head so he
could seal their mouths more fully.

When Leroy felt his lungs were about to burst and his

mind grew light-headed, Caladon eased the kiss to an end.
Caladon smiled grimly, his dark eyes dilated with lust.
Reaching between them, Caladon rubbed Leroy’s erection as
he whispered, “Remember, even as a snake, I am still me.”

Leroy moaned, bucking into his hold. “Damn. What a

thing to talk about while stroking my dick.”

Caladon winked and massaged Leroy through his jeans.

“You mean while I am stroking your snake?” he asked with
a grin.

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Snorting, Leroy rocked away from him and stepped

backward. “You’re so bad.”

“As long as I am yours, I can live with being bad,”

Caladon stated, gripping the hem of his shirt and yanking it
over his head. He folded it and laid it on a nearby stone
bench, before kicking his loafers off of his bare feet and
positioning them under the same. He paused with his
fingers on the fly of his jeans. “You are certain?”

“Yes,” Leroy encouraged. He smiled. “And you are mine.”
After jerking a nod, barely more than a sharp jut of chin,

Caladon shoved his jeans down and off. He folded the
fabric, laid them on the bench, then met Leroy’s gaze. After
several seconds staring deeply into Leroy’s eyes, Caladon
began to change. His arms seemed to sink into his body, his
legs melded together, and his torso and neck stretched. His
head changed last, his mouth opening in a silent cry as his
skull twisted and contorted.

Leroy couldn’t help but back up a couple of steps as he

watched the process, something that probably only took
around fifteen seconds. Finally, a large green and brown boa
lay coiled on the pathway.

Just as the snake started to move, Leroy’s heart pounding

in his chest as he watched, the soft click and hiss of one of
the arboretum’s doors caught his attention. He heard Sapian
shout his name. Scowling, Leroy glanced from Caladon’s
snake to the direction of the gargoyle’s call.

“I’m at the center fountain,” Leroy called, wondering if

someone was injured.

Caladon moved, lifting his head and flicking out his


Is that how snakes scent the air or something?
Instead of heading toward Leroy, Caladon just focused on

him for an instant before slithering quickly into the

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Just in time, too, because—to Leroy’s horror—Sapian

rounded the bend, and Leroy’s father followed him.
Scowling, Leroy completely ignored the gargoyle in human
skin. He planted his hips shoulder width apart, crossed his
arms over his chest and glared at the man who’d sired him,
Colin Wilde.

“If you’re here for any other reason than to apologize, get

lost,” Leroy snarled.

Colin’s eyes narrowed as his chin came up. He took in

Leroy’s combative stance and shoved his hands into the
pockets of his perfectly pressed dress slacks. “Now is that
any way to address your father,” he replied, sounding
bored. With only the barest flick of his gaze in Sapian’s
direction, he stated, “That will be all. Thank you.”

Sapian’s left brow rose and his lips thinned. Instead of

responding to Colin, he looked at Leroy and asked, “You all
right there, Leroy?”

Leroy dismissed his father for the moment and smiled

warmly at Sapian. “I’m all right,” he assured, then added, “If
you don’t mind waiting a few minutes, I’m certain my father
will need to be escorted out shortly.”

That did get Leroy’s father’s attention. Colin scowled as

he snapped, “Now see here, Leroy. I—”

“Of course, Leroy,” Sapian replied, cutting off Colin and

completely ignoring his outraged expression. “I’ll be waiting
just outside the door. Holler if you need anything else,” he
told him, spinning on his heel and heading back down the
trail. Before he disappeared between the bushes, he tilted his
head, flicked out his tongue, and gave a nod. Leroy guessed
it was directed toward Caladon.

“Well?” Leroy drew out the word drolly.

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Chapter Eleven

fter returning Sapian’s nod, Caladon focused on his
mate, taking in Leroy’s combative stance. His little mate

had never struck him as the confrontational sort, but he
could see the lines of tension vibrating through his sweet
human’s body. Leroy did not want to face off against his
father, but he would…for Caladon.

Heart swelling with an emotion he couldn’t name,

Caladon tried to figure out the best way to help his mate.

“You were rude to your mother,” Colin accused.
Leroy jerked a nod, not even trying to defend himself. “I


“That’s inexcusable, boy. You will apologize to her in


His eyes narrowing, Leroy remained quiet for a moment.

Finally, he shook his head. “Tit for tat, Dad,” he stated, his
hands clenching, nearly hidden by his elbows where he’d
tucked them. “Are you going to apologize for trying to break
up me and my partner?”

While Caladon’s heart thudded at that proclamation,

Leroy’s father sputtered. “Partner,” the man sneered. “You
wish to take some unknown negro as your partner. I’ve
looked into his past,” he claimed.

Leroy didn’t respond, just lifted an eyebrow.
Caladon tried to remember what Raymond had kept in

his available past. He didn’t have long to wait, because Colin
only too happily told all about it.


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“He’s divorced with a son, who lives in another state with

a foster parent. His wife died, and he was such a horrible
person that the state wouldn’t even give him custody,” Colin
snapped. “It doesn’t take a genius to know why his own son
hasn’t spoken to him in years. I can hazard a few guesses
about why that’d be.”

“And you’d be wrong,” Leroy replied, his tone quiet,


Colin scoffed. “Why? Because your partner said so? He

hasn’t been to college. He has no income. He’s using you!”
With each word, Leroy’s father’s voice rose in volume until
he practically screamed the last accusation.

Leroy snorted. He uncrossed his arms and rested his

hands on his hips. He curled his lip as he looked his father
up and down. Then, his beautiful brown eyes glittering
under the greenhouse lights, Leroy stated, “You wanna
know why he hasn’t spoken to his family in so long? Why he
missed his wife’s funeral? His son growing up? Because he’s
a fucking POW. Almost two decades as a captive in some
godforsaken land the rest of us aren’t even allowed to know
our country is fighting in. As for his son—” He paused and
smirked. “His son and the foster father are right here in this
mansion, come to resume ties.” Finally, he stalked forward
and poked his father in the chest. “My partner is a fucking
hero.” He lowered his voice and growled his last few words.
“Are you ready to apologize now?”

Shock and pleasure at his mate’s imagination filled

Caladon. He watched with interest as he waited to see how
Leroy’s father would respond.

For several seconds, Colin gaped, looking uncertain and

confused. Then, he snapped his mouth closed with an
audible click. His jaw tensed and he threatened, “If you
don’t discontinue on this destructive path, I will make

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certain you lose your job. Then who will be the

That got to Leroy. Caladon knew it by the change in his

scent, and while he couldn’t see much color in his current
form, he could scent Colin’s smug satisfaction, telling him
that his mate’s father knew that he’d upset Leroy, too.
Caladon really wanted to shift and go to his mate, stand
beside him, but his clothes were on the bench right next to

Caladon decided to do the next best thing…all the while

praying their mating bond was strong enough not to send
Leroy running right along with his father. Yes, he knew he
was a fucking scary looking snake.

Uncoiling from the low-hanging branch he’d been curled

around, Caladon headed down the trunk and between the
shrubs. As he moved, he listened to Leroy gasp out, “You’d
cost me my job because of who I’m involved with?”

“No,” Colin replied coolly. “You would cost yourself your

job because of who you’re involved with. I warned you. I
warned him!”

“Fine,” Leroy snapped. “I won’t work at the hospital

anymore. Caladon won’t work in town. Are you done here?”

“That’s it?” Colin roared. “You’d throw everything away

for some negro!”

“No,” Leroy replied.
The harsh retort stopped Caladon in his tracks.
“Not some negro,” Leroy continued. “But I would throw

everything away for Caladon.”

Once again, that warmth Caladon hadn’t recognized

crashed through him. This time, though…he knew what it
was. Love. Caladon loved Leroy, loved his human, his mate.
He’d do anything for him, and he’d make losing his job
worth it to him.

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Caladon started forward once more, moving into view as

he slithered along the pathway.

“Leroy, see reason,” Colin began, only to have his words

end in a screech.

Seconds later, Leroy gasped.
Yep, Caladon knew he’d been spotted.
“What the hell is that?” Colin screamed.
Leroy chuckled roughly, and Caladon actually found

himself impressed with his mate’s acting abilities. “It always
surprises me when I spot him, but he really is quite

“Spot him? What the fuck is that?”
Caladon could hear Leroy’s derision as he replied,

“Please, Dad. It’s a boa constrictor. Didn’t you see the sign
before you walked inside the arboretum? This is where he

Pleased that Leroy said he instead of it, Caladon changed

directions and moved between the two men. He lifted his
head and flicked out his tongue in Colin’s direction,
perversely pleased by the scent of fear encompassing the

“Shit. I’m out of here,” Leroy’s father muttered, backing

slowly. “When you get your head on straight, you call me.”

Leroy snorted. “That’s never gonna happen,” he replied.

Caladon took in both men and just knew that Leroy was
more focused on him than on his father.

Still, Caladon couldn’t help but watch with satisfaction as

Colin raced down the pathway and out of sight. Feeling the
vibrations, Caladon knew the second the human male
shoved open the arboretum door and walked outside. Then,
he turned and took in Leroy, seeing that his human
managed to keep his arms and hands loose, while tension
strained the tendons of his neck.

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Caladon moved very slowly toward Leroy, hoping the

movements would get him to relax. Instead, they were
interrupted by Sapian, who came jogging toward them.
“Geez, are you okay, Leroy? I heard what your father said
and he just hauled ass outta here!”

Sapian skidded to a stop, took in the scene, and then

snickered. “Right. That explains the hauling ass,” he said,
grinning. After a few seconds of amusement, Sapian crossed
to Leroy and rested a hand on his shoulder. “Like I said, I
heard your dad. If you lose your job, you should know you
have a full time position right here. Perseus respects you. He
trusts your judgment, and with Maelgwn’s clutch growing,
I’m certain he’d more than appreciate the help.”

Leroy smiled at the gargoyle. He nodded. “Thanks. I’ll

keep you posted.”

Nodding, Sapian released Leroy. He stepped over

Caladon’s snake for a second time, this time patting him on
the head as he went. Unable to help himself, Caladon hissed
at the gargoyle and snapped at him, but the male just
smirked. Caladon contracted the muscles of his back end
and flicked his tail, smacking the gargoyle on the ass just
hard enough to sting.

Laughing, Sapian hopped forward. Half turning toward

them, he flipped Caladon off, then disappeared amidst the
foliage. Within seconds, the hiss and click of the door once
again sounded.

Caladon found himself alone with his mate…just how he

wanted it.

Returning his focus to Leroy, Caladon slithered toward

Leroy. His mate’s breathing accelerated and his Adam’s
apple bobbed. He lifted his hand, palm out. “Okay. Stop
there,” he whispered.

Caladon obeyed, waiting.

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Leroy fidgeted, his weight shifting from foot to foot. He

twisted his fingers together, wringing his hands, and nibbled
his bottom lip. Finally, Leroy huffed out a breath. “Okay, I
know it’s you, Stretch, just in a different form. You, uh—”
He swallowed and licked his lips. “You stay there and I’m
gonna, uh, I’m gonna come to you.”

The scent of Leroy’s nervous sweat permeated the air, but

his mate still managed to slide forward one step, then two.
Goose bumps had broken out on his arms and his eyes
dilated widely as his gaze skittered over Caladon’s form. He
lowered to one knee a couple of feet away and extended one
trembling hand toward him.

Caladon turned and tilted his head just a bit, offering

what would essentially have been his neck. He hoped that
would make it easier, and maybe it did. For in the next
instant, he felt Leroy’s sweaty, shaking fingers tap his skin
before settling firmly on him and sliding across his scales.

“Holy shit,” Leroy mumbled. “I’m touching you. You’re a

huge snake, Cal.”

If Caladon could have smiled in that form, he would

have. He liked the awe in his mate’s voice. He knew he was
a pretty impressive damn snake. It was why, as far as
treatment in the curiosity shows had been, his had been
pretty reasonable. They wanted to keep him healthy, for him
to continue growing as normal snakes did until they died.
He, on the other hand, had capped out at about seventeen
feet eight inches.

Not that the carnies ever figured that out.
Caladon stayed still for several long minutes as Leroy

petted him. He waited until he felt his mate had settled.
Leroy’s heart rate slowed and he seemed more enthralled
than nervous.

Moving slowly, Caladon bumped his head against the

knee Leroy rested on the ground. Leroy paused in petting

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him, resting his second hand on Caladon’s head and,
surprisingly, rubbing him between his eyes. Caladon took
that as a good sign and moved again, this time sliding up so
he draped over Leroy’s knees before circling around his side
and back off the other side.

“Wow, that—” Leroy actually snickered. “That feels


Deciding they’d bonded enough for now—and really

wanting to ease another ache, mainly the one in his balls—
Caladon slithered away from his mate and off the trail. Then,
he shifted, moving seamlessly from snake to man.

Caladon turned and smiled at Leroy. His mate’s mouth

hung open slightly, and his gaze raked over Caladon’s nude
form. Caladon liked the heat in the small human’s eyes.
Holding out his hand, palm up, Caladon beckoned to him.

Leroy stood and closed the gap between them, then slid

his hand into Caladon’s own. “I don’t know if I’ll ever get
used to how you shifters change,” he admitted. He lifted his
other hand to Caladon’s chest and rubbed over his pectoral.

Shivering under his mate’s touch, Caladon sighed. His

body responded instantly to the touch. His nipples beaded.
His blood heated, pounding through his veins like liquid
fire. His cock filled, tapping against his abs, smearing pre-

Smiling, Leroy’s focus lowered to his groin, as did his

hand, tracing lightly down Caladon’s body, massaging the
pre-cum on his abs into his skin, then even lower to cup
Caladon’s testicles. Caladon grunted, gritting his teeth as he
struggled to control himself while watching and feeling his
mate roll and massage his balls.

When Caladon felt his sack tighten, his orbs pressing

against his body, he reached down and gripped Leroy’s
wrist. “Not yet,” he murmured, pulling Leroy’s hand from
his body. “Come with me.”

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Caladon turned and started through the trees, urging his

mate to follow. When he reached the tree he wanted, on oak
with thick limbs spaced fairly evenly that could easily act as
stairs, he turned back to Leroy.

“Be careful and follow me.”
Barefoot and naked, Caladon climbed into the tree, then

helped Leroy up next to him. Next, he led the way higher
and higher, glancing back at Leroy often. When they were
about twenty feet up, Caladon found the section he’d been
looking for. He swept his gaze over the three branches
spaced close together. The middle was positioned two feet
higher than the two branches on either side, making a
perfect cradle for him to sit while having his feet braced on
either side.

“What are we doing?”
Leroy’s question drew his attention back to his lover.

Caladon grinned. “Do you trust me?”

“Yes, of course,” Leroy responded instantly. He smiled

crookedly at him and waved toward the ground. “You think
I’d climb a tree for just anybody?”

Inordinately pleased by his mate’s words, Caladon

snickered. “Then give me your shirt,” he ordered.

Leroy cocked his head, but after an instant, he obeyed.
Caladon took his mate’s shirt, then paused to trace his

fingertips across Leroy’s shoulder and the mating mark he’d
put there. He’d loved claiming his mate, and could hardly
wait to do it again.

First, he had to get them situated.
With that thought in mind, Caladon spread out Leroy’s

shirt on the branch, the hem edged up to the trunk. Then, he
straddled the branch and settled his ass onto it, one foot
braced on each of the outside branches below and his back
against the trunk. His cock jutted from his groin and

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Caladon wrapped one fist around it, jacking slowly, as he
returned his attention to Leroy.

He grinned at his mate’s gaping expression.
“Now the pants,” Caladon whispered, motioning with his

right hand that he wanted them next.

Leroy’s mouth opened and closed, obviously struggling

to put words to whatever thoughts danced through his
mind. Still, he did obey, pushing the jeans down to reveal his
own hard, weeping rod.

Caladon hummed. “No briefs. I like it.” Still, he wouldn’t

have minded seeing another pair of his mate’s sexy silk
drawers. Another time, he’d have to mention that.

Blushing, Leroy rolled a shoulder. With one hand

gripping a branch and the other holding the waist of his
jeans, now around his knees, Leroy looked confused on how
to proceed. Caladon reached out and gripped his mate’s
waist, steadying him.

“If you are worried about your feet, put your shoes back

on after removing your jeans,” he advised. “Take your time.
I got you.”

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Accepting Caladon’s Scales


Chapter Twelve

eroy couldn’t believe he was even considering this, let
alone doing it. Sex in a tree? Was he out of his mind?

Still, eyeing Caladon’s long, black cock, his mouth watered
and his ass clenched. He wanted that length filling him
again, badly.

Alternating between leaning on his right hand’s grip of a

nearby branch and trusting in Caladon’s hold on his waist,
Leroy toed off his right sneaker, shoved his pant leg off and
slid his foot back into his shoe. He did the same to his left leg
and foot. Finally, Leroy held out his jeans to Caladon.

“Thank you,” Caladon murmured. He released his prick

with his left hand and took the jeans, although his gaze
remained riveted on Leroy’s cock. His hands were big
enough so he only needed to slide his hand down a bit
where he gripped Leroy’s hip. Then, his thumb gently
massaged the sensitive skin where the base of his cock met
his balls. “So pretty.”

Leroy moaned. Tingles spread throughout his groin,

causing goose bumps to rise upon his sensitive flesh. “Oh,
damn,” he whimpered, bucking his hips and trying to get
more of Caladon’s touch.

“So fucking sexy,” Caladon growled. “Hold still.”
Caladon released his grip, then shook out Leroy’s jeans.

He searched Leroy’s pockets and found the single use packet
of lube Leroy had mentioned earlier. Holding the packet
with his teeth, Caladon winked at Leroy, then draped the


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jeans along the branch. He moved the packet to his left hand,
then once again held out his right.

“Okay, sexy Leroy. Come over here,” Caladon urged. “I

want to touch you.”

Leroy allowed Caladon to help him, position him. He

found himself seated facing the shifter, then urged to lie
backward, resting his back upon the branch. When Caladon
eased first one leg, then the second over his own thighs,
forcing him to straddle the shifter, Leroy tensed, feeling

“Easy, my mate,” Caladon crooned. “Grip my calves,” he

advised, nodding toward his legs, which were spread on
either side of him, a foot below Leroy’s shoulders.

Obeying, Leroy lowered his hands and grabbed

Caladon’s legs. While Leroy found it an awkward position,
as soon Caladon rubbed his hand up his thigh and gripped
his cock, just about all thought fled him.

“Oh,” Leroy whined, flexing his abs and thighs and

bucking up into the grip. The sensitive skin of his shaft felt
as though it ignited in Caladon’s tight hold. “Cal!”

Caladon hummed his pleasure, his dark eyes glittering.

“My hand looks good on your cock, sweet mate,” he
growled. “Your body responds so beautifully to me,” he
added as he slid his other hand up and pinched Leroy’s right
nipple. Sparks danced across Leroy’s skin and he arched,
bending his legs around Caladon’s thighs, locking him in
place as his body instinctively reacted to his mate’s touches.
“Will you come for me, Leroy?” Caladon asked, rolling and
tugging his nipple, then moving to give his left one the same
treatment. All the while, he continued to jack Leroy’s prick
in a tight hold.

Leroy’s balls tightened. The base of his spine tingled, and

he knew it wouldn’t be long. “Yes,” he whined. “Gonna

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Accepting Caladon’s Scales


Caladon’s grin appeared feral, his dark eyes glittering.

“Yes. Do it. Show me how much my touch turns you on. Let
me see you spray your chest. I want to smell your cum.”

Between Caladon’s throaty urgings and his pleasure-

inducing touch, Leroy didn’t even try to hold on. His cock
swelled and throbbed as his seed spewed from him, pulsing
bliss through his body with each shot. His body arched and
he trusted Caladon to keep him safe as he floated on the
heady endorphins of release.

“My sweet human,” Caladon rumbled. “Oh, Leroy. I do

love seeing what my touch does to you. My dick aches to
sink into your body, feel you grip me. I will fill you with my
seed and claim what is mine again.”

Leroy became aware of Caladon’s whispered words right

about the time he felt his mate’s fingers in his ass. He sighed
and cracked open his eyelids, uncertain when he’d even
closed them. Taking in the feral grin on Caladon’s face as he
focused on Leroy’s groin, evidently looking at where his
fingers disappeared inside him.

Smiling, Leroy eased his near death-grip on Caladon’s

thighs. He pulled his right hand away from his mate’s leg
and lifted it, ignoring the twinge in his shoulder from
maintaining the awkward position for so long. Swiping his
hand through his cooling cum, he scooped a dollop onto his

Caladon’s fingers froze, buried deep in Leroy’s ass, as the

shifter’s gaze riveted on Leroy’s hand. Opening his mouth,
Leroy slid his fingers between his lips and sucked his cum
from them, offering a soft moan in the process. Caladon’s
eyes narrowed and he groaned.

Swiping his fingers through his cum again, this time,

Leroy held out his hand and offered the fluid to Caladon.
Grunting, Caladon leaned forward and wrapped his lips
around Leroy’s fingers. He sucked them lightly, his tongue

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swirling around them, obviously seeking out every trace of

At the same time, Caladon started moving his own

fingers, once again stretching Leroy’s ass. Moaning, Leroy
pulled his hand away and gripped the branch underneath
him. Caladon rubbed his fingers over Leroy’s prostate,
causing him to writhe on his fingers.

“More,” he pleaded. “Please, I need more.”
“Anything for you, Leroy,” Caladon responded, thrusting

another finger into Leroy’s channel alongside the others.
“Love watching how your greedy hole sucks my fingers in,”
he mumbled, his gaze once again on Leroy’s ass.

Leroy panted, shivering and rocking, trying to get those

fingers deeper every time Caladon pulled them partway out.
He mewled helplessly, his dick once again hard and bobbing
in the air. Caladon swiped his thumb up the vein running
along the underside of Leroy’s prick before massaging the
wrinkled skin below his cap.

To Leroy’s shock, he felt his balls start to tighten again.
“Damn,” he mumbled. “I’m close again,” he warned.
Caladon chuckled roughly. “That is the idea, Leroy, my

sweet. Giving you pleasure. I love seeing that flush on your
cheeks and chest, knowing you enjoy my touch so much.”
As he spoke, Caladon swiped his fingertip over Leroy’s
leaking head, then dipped his fingernail into Leroy’s slit.

Sparks shot down Leroy’s stalk. His cock jerked and

twitched and his balls pulled flush to his body. Leroy
moaned. “No, no,” he muttered. “Want you in me,” he
pleaded. “Want to feel you in me. Please!”

Growling, Caladon gripped Leroy’s balls and squeezed.
The urge to come eased, leaving Leroy panting and

shivering. Sweat dripped from his body, dampening the
cloth underneath him and chilling his skin in the evening air.

“Ready for me?”

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Accepting Caladon’s Scales


Leroy rolled his eyes at Caladon’s dumb question. He

wanted to yell at the man, demand to be taken, but he
couldn’t seem to drum up the strength. Instead, he barely
managed to gasp out, “Yes. Please.”

Caladon growled again. “I do love it when you beg. Want

to hear that for the rest of my days.”

“If you fuck me, I might consider it,” Leroy snapped,

finally gaining some self-control. “Sink your big, black dick
into my white ass.”

Chuckling roughly, Caladon grinned. “I can do that.”
Caladon eased his fingers out of Leroy’s channel, which

made him moan, but he didn’t complain. Knowing what was
coming, his chute clenching eagerly for it, Leroy watched his
lover swipe his hand over his dick, lubing himself up.
Caladon’s other hand released Leroy’s cock and settled on
his hip.

Leroy gasped when Caladon used his hold to slide him a

bit up the tree branch. His brows shot up, surprised and
impressed by his lover’s strength. Next, Caladon pushed his
cock down, pressing his dick’s head against Leroy’s opening.
Leroy shivered in anticipation, then moaned as Caladon
pulled him close again, driving his cock into Leroy’s

Moaning, Leroy felt himself being stretched and filled, his

mate’s dick so long he imagined he could taste it in the back
of his throat. He reveled in the sounds Caladon made, his
grunts and growls, as Leroy’s body welcomed his cock
inside him.

Once Leroy’s ass lay flush to Caladon’s groin, the shifter

rested both hands on Leroy’s hips and held him steady.
Holding them still, Leroy impaled on Caladon’s dick,
Caladon sighed and rested the back of his head against the
tree trunk. His eyelids slid to half-mast as he peered down at
Leroy. He offered him a twisted, almost drunken smile.

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“Your ass feels like home,” Caladon muttered.
Leroy sighed, flexing his chute muscles, enjoying the feel

of Caladon’s length filling him. “You’re welcome to come
home anytime,” he quipped. When Caladon just lifted a
brow and remained quiet, Leroy cocked his head. Crunching
up, he struggled to a sitting position across Caladon’s thighs,
relieved that his lover helped once the shifter realized what
he was trying to do.

Settled across Caladon’s lap, the man’s cock buried deep,

Leroy wrapped his arms around his lover’s neck. Caladon
held him close, one palm cupping Leroy’s ass and the other
around his shoulders. Leroy peered into his mate’s eyes. He
massaged the tendons in Caladon’s neck.

“You’re my home, too, ya know?” Leroy whispered.

Licking his lips, he opened his heart to this man, who he
knew would always stand beside him. “You’ve given me
everything I could ever want.”

Caladon leaned forward and nuzzled his neck, mouthing

the mark he’d left on Leroy’s shoulder. “What is that?”

Sighing, Leroy tilted his head, enjoying the man’s

ministrations and the tingles the light touches sent dancing
down his spine. “Someone who will care for me, love me.
Someone I can trust with my body and heart,” he whispered.

Lifting his head, Caladon rested his forehead against

Leroy’s. “Your heart?”

Leroy nodded. “Oh, yes.” He pecked a kiss to Caladon’s

lips, then whispered, “I love you. You’re my family now. As
long as I have you, everything else will work out. I believe

Caladon sighed. His hold tightened as he settled his lips

over Leroy’s. He thrust his tongue between Leroy’s lips and
swept into him, claiming, exploring, tasting, and urging
Leroy to do the same. Leroy tilted his head, sealing their
mouths together more firmly, then their tongues tangled in a

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Accepting Caladon’s Scales


dance of heat and lust and dominance, which Leroy quickly
lost and nothing could have made him happier.

Moaning into his mouth, Caladon used his grip on

Leroy’s ass to lift him up just a bit, drawing his cock partway
out of his channel. Caladon rocked his hips up, driving his
dick into Leroy’s clenching chute over and over. With
unerring precision, he pegged Leroy’s gland, sending fire
rocketing through his veins.

Leroy moaned and whined against Caladon’s mouth, and

the shifter swallowed his noises down as he took command
of Leroy’s ass, drilling into him, driving his pleasure higher
and higher. Leroy’s inner walls felt on fire, his balls hung
swollen and heavy, and his dick ached and throbbed where
it rubbed against Caladon’s eight pack abs.

Finally, Caladon released Leroy’s lips. He peered into

Leroy’s eyes. His dark eyes glittered in the evening light.
“Come,” he ordered. “Paint us with your seed.”

As if his body were wired to obey, Leroy’s balls drew

flush into his body and his cock swelled, expelling his seed
in mind-numbing pulses.

“Yesss,” Caladon hissed, driving his cock into Leroy.

“Love your scent,” he snarled. He thrust once, twice more,
then yanked Leroy down as his cock swelled in his channel
and hot fluid bathed his insides.

Leroy whined at the sensation, hoping he never got used

to how amazing Caladon’s fluids felt filling him up. Caladon
growled, his teeth lengthening and sharpening as he
continued to spurt. Then Caladon lowered his head to
Leroy’s neck and he felt those wicked canines bite deep into
his shoulder.

The flash of pain passed almost instantly before liquid

bliss oozed through him, centering in his groin. His cock
swelled again and pulsed, as a dry orgasm swamped Leroy’s
senses, his balls having nothing more to give.

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Leroy screamed Caladon’s name as dark spots danced

across his vision.

Coming back to himself a few minutes later, Leroy

became aware of Caladon’s hand petting up and down his
spine. The man’s softening prick remained lodged in his ass.
Caladon licked at his shoulder, cleaning away the traces of
his bite, and Leroy knew his saliva sealed the wound.

Leroy sighed with contentment. He tilted his head and

nuzzled Caladon’s temple. Caladon practically purred in
response. Lifting his head, he smiled warmly down at Leroy.

“I love you, too, Leroy,” Caladon rumbled. He moved the

hand from Leroy’s ass so he could brush Leroy’s sweaty hair
from his eyes. “My home.”

The peaceful smile Caladon wore caused Leroy’s chest to

constrict. “I love you, too,” he replied, knowing his words
were inadequate to describe the emotion pulsing through

Caladon cupped his jaw and pecked a kiss to his lips.

“Thank you for giving us a chance.” His smile dimmed. “I
know it has not been easy for you.”

“Maybe not,” Leroy started slowly. “But you’re more than

worth it. Thank you for giving me a new family.”

His brows furrowing a bit, Caladon murmured, “You

consider my son your family?”

Leroy shrugged. “It’s probably too soon to say that, but I

consider those in the manor my family. Regardless of what
happens with my job, I know I have a place here and with

Caladon grinned. “And will that be enough?”
Feeling content and sleepy, Leroy cuddled into Caladon’s

arms. “Yes,” he stated. “Never doubt that.” He lowered his
arms to his mate’s chest and rubbed over his pecs a few
times before wrapping them around his torso. “From the

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Accepting Caladon’s Scales


things your son and Golren said, they’re sticking around,

“Yes. They have no pod and Maelgwn offered them a

place here since Taolma is my son,” Caladon replied.
Chuckling, he pressed a kiss to Leroy’s temple. “Is it normal
to discuss my son when I still have my dick in your ass?”

Snickering at the teasing, Leroy just managed to shrug,

too tired to do too much else. Too many long work shifts
were catching up to him, combined with the multiple
amazing orgasms, and the pull of sleep felt too strong. “Eh,”
he muttered.

Caladon chuckled again. He slouched down some on the

branch and clutched Leroy tightly to his chest. “Sleep, my
love. I will keep you safe,” he urged, kissing Leroy’s temple

Leroy did, content in the knowledge that his lover would

do just that.

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About the Author

Charlie started writing fantasy when she was eight, and after
stumbling onto her first erotic romance at age nineteen, she
realized her true calling. She now focuses on writing gay
erotic romance, normally of the paranormal variety, with
heroes of all kinds. With the help and support of her
husband, Charlie finally fulfilled one of her life-long
goals…move to acreage with her horses. You can often find
her curled up with her laptop and a cup of tea or glass of
wine, creating her next adventure. Charlie enjoys exploring
the mountains of her new Oregon home on horseback, 4-
wheeler, or motorcycle.

She can be reached at
Or visit her at

Document Outline


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