Vocab Exercises Body Appearance

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Appearance - Age 1 ........................................................................................ 2

Appearance - Age 2 ........................................................................................ 2

Appearance - Attractiveness 1 ........................................................................ 2

Appearance - Attractiveness & Body Shape ................................................... 2

Appearance - Attractiveness 2 ........................................................................ 3

Appearance - Body Shape .............................................................................. 3

Appearance - Expressions 1 ........................................................................... 3

Appearance - Expressions 2 ........................................................................... 3

Appearance - Female Attractiveness .............................................................. 4

Appearance - Male Attractiveness ................................................................... 4

Appearance - Position & Movement ................................................................ 4

Appearance - Position, Posture & Movement .................................................. 5

Body - Eyes ..................................................................................................... 5

Body - Skin ...................................................................................................... 5

Body - Mouth & Teeth ..................................................................................... 6

Body - Hands & Nails ...................................................................................... 6

Body - Hands & Nails, Mouth & Teeth ............................................................. 6

Body - Face ..................................................................................................... 7

Body - Face & Eyes ......................................................................................... 7

Body - Body Parts ........................................................................................... 7

Body - Organs & Body Parts ........................................................................... 7

Body - Organs ................................................................................................. 8

Body - Skeleton ............................................................................................... 8

Body - Skeleton & Skin .................................................................................... 8

Clothing - Describing Clothes 1 ....................................................................... 9

Clothing - Describing Clothes 2 ....................................................................... 9

Clothing - Clothes & Shoes ............................................................................. 9

Clothing - Wearing Clothes ............................................................................. 9

Clothing - Accessories ................................................................................... 10

Clothing - Accessories & Jewellery ............................................................... 10

Clothing - Jewellery ....................................................................................... 10

Hair - Hairstyles and Describing Hair 1 ......................................................... 11

Hair - Hairstyles and Describing Hair 2 ......................................................... 11

Hair - Hair Products & Pieces of Hair ............................................................ 11

Hair - Hair Color and Hair Products ............................................................... 11

Hair - Cutting and Doing Hair ........................................................................ 12

Hair - Facial Hair and Hair Color ................................................................... 12

Hair - Facial Hair and Pieces of Hair ............................................................. 12


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Age 1



: generation, elderly, child, kid, teenager, toddler and minor

A child or young person

- .......................

A person who is between 13 and 19 years old

- .......................

All the people who were born at the same time

- .......................

A child who has only recently learnt to walk

- .......................

A person who is under the age at which you legally become an adult - .......................
A young man who is not yet an adult - .......................
Used as a polite word for 'old'

- .......................


Age 2



: youngest, minors, elderly, youth, infants, generation and juvenile

It is an offence to sell cigarettes to ....................... .
Last week we visited some ....................... relatives in their retirement home.
The younger ....................... generally don't want advice from older people.
In her ....................... she had been a famous model.
He is the ....................... of six children.
She has experience of caring for ....................... but will not look after any child over the
age of two.
She was embarrassed by his ....................... behavior.


Attractiveness 1



: beauty, graceful, slim, repulsive, handsome, gorgeous and good-looking.

Moving in a controlled, attractive way - .......................
Thin, in a way that is attractive - .......................
(of men) attractive - .......................
Very beautiful and attractive - .......................
A person or thing that is beautiful - .......................
Physically attractive - .......................
Causing a feeling of strong dislike; very unpleasant - .......................


Attractiveness & Body Shape



: chubby, photogenic, tall, bony, handsome, fancies and slimmer.

Your brother is the most ....................... man I've ever met.
She has difficulty finding clothes to fit her because she is so ....................... .
He is such a cheery, ....................... little baby.
My grandmother is not just thin, she's ....................... .
Looking through these albums, I'd say her daughter is very ....................... .
He's looking over here and I think he ....................... you!
She is eating less because she wants to be ....................... .

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Attractiveness 2



: statuesque, eligible, glamorous, macho, voluptuous, rugged and dainty.

She dresses in tight clothes which emphasize her .................................... body.
It's fun to go to film premiers and watch the ..................... stars in their designer clothes.
He is wealthy and good-looking, which makes him a very .............................. bachelor.
His aunt had a very strong character, matched by her ................................. figure.
This actor's ...................... features have made him a popular choice for action hero roles.
She is like a little doll with her big eyes and ................................ little feet.
I prefer intelligent men to .................................. types like him.


Body Shape



: plump, short, petite, thin, skinny, fat and tall.

Having a greater than average height - .......................
Small in height - .......................
Having a soft, round body; slightly fat - .......................
not covered with much flesh - .......................
Very thin, especially in a way that you find unpleasant or ugly - .......................
Having too much flesh and weighing too much - .......................
(of a girl, woman or her figure) small and thin - .......................


Expressions 1



: blush, smile, grin, scowl, wink, grimace and frown.

The expression that you have on your face when you are happy, amused, etc. - ...............
To become red in the face because you are embarrassed or ashamed - .............................
To make an ugly expression with your face to show pain, disgust, etc. - ..........................
To make a serious (angry/worried) expression, bringing your eyebrows together - ............
To smile widely - .......................
To look at sb/sth in an angry or annoyed way - .......................
To close one eye and open it again quickly, especially as a private signal to sb - .............


Expressions 2



: scowled, winked, glazed, beaming, blushed, winced and sneered.

I realized he was only joking when he ................................... at me.
She was positively ................................. with pleasure.
When his parents refused to let him stay up late, he ............................. furiously at them.
The lecture was so boring that her eyes ..................................... over.
She ................................. at his small car and pointed towards her own Mercedes.
She ................................ in pain when the nurse gave her the injection.
She was so embarrassed, she .................................. bright red.

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Female Attractiveness



: dowdy, statuesque, glamorous, beautiful, pretty, bimbo and curvaceous.

Especially attractive, exciting, and different from

ordinary things or peoples -




To describe a woman whose body has attractive curves -

Pleasing to the senses or to the mind -

Attractive without being very beautiful -

Not attractive or fashionable -

A young person, usually a woman, who is sexually

attractive but not very intelligent -

Tall and beautiful in an impressive way -


Male Attractiveness



: hunk, charmer, eligible, suave, macho, boyish and heart-throb.

Looking or behaving like a boy, in a way that is attractive -


Confident, elegant and polite, sometimes in a way that does not

seem sincere -


A man who is big, strong and sexually attractive -


A person who acts in a way that makes them attractive to

others, sometimes influence others -


Thought to be a good choice as a husband, usually because he

is rich or attractive -


A famous man, usually an actor or a singer, that a lot of

women find attractive -


Male in an aggressive way -



Position & Movement



: lazy, nimble, elegant, relaxed, graceful, awkward and limp.

Attractive and showing a good sense of style - .......................
Able to move quickly and easily - .......................
Not mobbing in an easy way; not comfortable - .......................
To walk slowly or with difficulty because one leg is injured - .......................
Moving in a controlled, attractive way or having a smooth, attractive form - ..................
Not involving much energy or activity - .......................
Calm and not anxious or worried - .......................

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Position, Posture & Movement



: saunter, slumped, elegant, skipped, nimble, erect and twitches.

When he's nervous you can tell because his eyebrow ................................... .
Her .................................... fingers make her an excellent pianist.
His mum found him .................................... over his homework, fast asleep.
My mother is a well-dressed and .................................... woman.
Stand with your arms by your side and your head ................................... .
We've got some time, so let's .............. down to the bookshop and look at the best-sellers.
She ................................. happily along beside me.





: bloodshot, glazed, eyelash, pupil, eyebrow, puffy and eyeball.

Looking swollen - .......................
With the part that is usually white full of red lines because of lack of sleep, etc. - ............
One of the hairs growing on the edge of the eyelids - .......................
The small round black area at the centre of the eye - .......................
The line of hair above the eye - .......................
Showing no feeling or emotion; dull - .......................
The whole of the eye, including the part inside the head that cannot be seen - .................





: freckle, bruise, complexion, birthmark, wrinkle, scar and tan.

A red or brown mark on a person's skin that has been there

since they were born -


The natural color and condition of the skin on a person's face -


A small, pale brown spot on a person's skin, especially on their

face, caused by the sun -


A mark that is left on the skin after a wound has healed -


A blue, brown or purple mark that appears on the skin after sb

has fallen, been hit, etc. -


The brown color that sb with pale skin goes when they have

been in the sun -


A line or small fold in your skin, especially on your face, that

forms as you get older -


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Mouth & Teeth



: gum, false teeth, wisdom tooth, filling, jaw, cavity and milk tooth.

A set of artificial teeth used by sb who has lost their natural teeth - .......................

Any of the four large teeth at the back of the mouth that do not grow

until you are an adult - .......................

Either of the firm areas of flesh in the mouth to which the teeth are

attached - .......................

Any of the first set of teeth in young children that drop out and are

replaced by others - .......................

A hole in a tooth - .......................

A small amount of metal or other material used to fill a hole in a tooth -


Either of the two bones at the bottom of the face that contain the teeth

and move when you talk or eat - .......................


Hands & Nails



: fist, thumb, fingernail, palm, knuckle, index finger and little finger.

The smallest finger of the hand - .......................
The short thick finger at the side of the hand, slightly apart from the other four - ..............
A hand when it is tightly closed with the fingers bent into the palm - .......................
The inner surface of the hand between the wrist and the fingers - .......................
The thin hard layer that covers the outer tip of each finger - .......................
Any of the joints in the fingers, especially those connecting the fingers to the rest of the
hand - .......................
The finger next to the thumb - .......................


Hands & Nails, Mouth & Teeth



: tongue, finger, fist, mouth, thumb, nails and brace.

At the beauty salon, she chose pink varnish for her ....................... .
I was so surprised to see her sucking her ....................... like a baby!
He opened his ....................... to start singing but there was a problem with the music.
She will have to wear her ....................... for a year until her teeth are straight.
Hold the pen between your ....................... and thumb.
He was so angry, he punched the door with his ....................... .
That naughty little girl keeps poking her ....................... out at people.

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: chin, lip, cheek, nostril, forehead, expression and hairline.

Either side of the face below the eyes - .......................
The edge of a person's hair, especially at the front - .......................
Either of the two openings at the end of the nose that you breathe through - ...................
The part of the face above the eyes and below the hair - .......................
Either of the two soft edges at the opening to the mouth - .......................
A look on a person's face that shows their thoughts or feelings - .......................
The part of the face below the mouth and above the neck - .......................


Face & Eyes



: cheeks, chin, expression, piercing, eyelashes, bloodshot and eyebrow.

I could tell from her .................................... that she was worried.
She looked at me with her .................................. blue eyes.
Use mascara to make your ..................................... look longer.
In this country it is usual to kiss your friends on both ..................... when you greet them.
Now put your helmet on and fasten the strap beneath your .............................. .
He raised one .................................... and looked at me in surprise.
His eyes were totally .................................. from lack of sleep.


Body Parts



: ear, chest, bottom, wrist, mouth, ankle and hand.

The top part of the front of the body, between the neck and the stomach - .......................
The opening in the face used for speaking, eating, etc. - .......................
The part of the body at the end of the arm, including the fingers and thumb - ..................
The part of the body that you sit on - .......................
Either of the organs on the sides of the head that you hear with - .......................
The joint between the hand and the arm - .......................
The joint connecting the foot to the leg - .......................


Organs & Body Parts



: arteries, mouth, heart, heads, muscle, shoulder and uterus.

These images clearly show the baby developing inside the ....................... .
He looked back over his ............................... .
Blocked ...................................... can lead to a heart attack.
I could feel my ..................................... pounding in my chest.
They all nodded their ..................................... in agreement.
She opened her ................................... wide so the dentist could check her teeth.
He's in a lot of pain after pulling his thigh ...................... during the hundred meters race.

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: pancreas, uterus, kidney, heart, lung, ovary and brain.

The organ in women and female animals in which babies develop

before they are born -


Humans have two of these organs to remove waste products from

the blood and produce urine -


Either of the two organs in a woman's body that produce eggs -


The organ inside the head that controls movement, thought,

memory and feeling -


The organ in the chest that sends blood around the body -


Either of the two organs in the chest that you use for breathing -


The organ near the stomach that produces insulin and a liquid

that helps to digest food -


Body Skeleton



: spine, pelvis, vertebra, rib, collarbone, shoulder blade and kneecap.

Any of the small bones that are connected together to form the spine - .......................
Either of the two large flat bones at the top of the back - .......................
The row of small bones that are connected together down the middle of the back - ............
The small bone that covers the front of the knee - .......................
The wide curved set of bones at the bottom of the body that the legs and spine are
connected to - .......................
Either of the two bones that go from the base of the neck to the shoulders - ...................
Any of the curved bones that are connected to the spine and surround the chest - ..............


Skeleton & Skin



: jawbone, blister, pale, rib, wrinkles, skull and freckles.

He broke many bones in the accident, including one ...................................... which
punctured his lung.
The scientists were pleased to find the ................................... of the animal, which still
had some teeth in it.
My new shoes have rubbed and given me a ..................................... on my heel.
If she spends time in the sun, she gets ................................ across her nose and cheeks.
She looks so ...................................... , I think she might faint.
At the age of ninety-nine, it's not surprising she ahs .................................... !
He fell out of the tree onto his head and cracked his ................................... but there was
no brain damage.

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Describing Clothes 1



: flattering, loose, low-cut, smart, formal, casual and comfortable.

Very correct and suitable for official or important occasions - .......................
Clean, neat and looking new and attractive - .......................
With the top very low so that you can see the neck and the top of the chest - ................
Making you feel physically relaxed; pleasant to wear - .......................
Not fitting closely - .......................
Not formal - .......................
Making sb look more attractive - .......................


Describing Clothes 2



: sporty, flared, unflattering, tailor-made, formal, smart and skintight.

She looked very .............................................. in her new tracksuit and trainers.
The invitation stated that guests should wear ...................................... evening dress.
I advise you to wear ........................................... clothes to the interview tomorrow.
Rather than buy from a shop, he prefers to have his suits ...................................... .
Big, wide ............................................. trousers are coming back into fashion.
She was wearing ......................................... leggings with a loose top.
She was wearing an ....................................... dress which made her look overweight.


Clothes & Shoes



: cardigan, platform, pajamas, T-shirt, trainers, boots and scarves.

I guessed that she had just got up because she was still wearing her ........................... .
Construction workers wear special ........................... with steel caps to protect their feet.
My little daughter gets dressed by herself but she can't do up the buttons on her …..... yet.
It was so cold, we were glad of our hats and ..................................... .
We couldn't play tennis because John forgot to bring his .................................. .
I don't know how those models walk in such high .................................... shoes.
He loves summer because his favorite clothes are shorts and a ..................................... .


Wearing Clothes



: hem, lace, buttons, dressed, collar, zip and sleeves.

This skirt is too long but my mum will take up the ...................... for me so I can wear it.
Her dress has a high neck and long ....................... so it will be warm for winter.
He was doing up his shirt when one of the ....................... came off.
It was an old-fashioned design with lots of ....................... .
He was ....................... very formally in a dark blue suit.
Of course you can't wear a tie if your shirt has no ....................... .
I love these jeans but I can't wear them anymore because the ....................... is broken.

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: belt, wallet, glove, tie, watch, sunglasses and scarf.

A long narrow piece of cloth worn around the neck, especially by men, with a knot in
front - .......................
A type of small clock that you wear on your wrist, or (in the past) carried in your pocket
- .......................
A pair of glasses with dark glass in them that you wear to protect your eyes from bright
light from the sun

- .......................

A small flat folding case made of leather or plastic used for keeping paper money and
credit cards in

- ………………..

A piece of cloth that is worn around the neck, for example for warmth or decoration
- .......................
A covering for the hand, made of wool, leather, etc. with separate parts for each finger
and the thumb - ………………….
A long narrow piece of leather, cloth, etc. that you wear around the waist - ....................


Accessories & Jewellery



: locket, badge, belt, beads, diamond, scarf and wallet.

He went to the police to report his ........................... , with $ 500 inside, had been stolen.
Her brother gave her a necklace made out of wooden .................................... .
She was wearing a sparkly ....................................... around her waist.
He bought her a shiny ....................................... ring for their anniversary.
My grandmother wore her ............................... all her life and she told me it contained a
picture of grandpa.
You might want to put a ............................... round your neck because it's chilly tonight.
She has to wear a name ..................................... as part of her uniform.





: bracelet, piercing, bead, necklace, diamond, earring and brooch.

A piece of jewellery with a pin on the back of it, that can be fastened to your clothes -
A small piece of glass, wood, etc. with a hole through it, that can be put on a string with
others of the same type and worn as jewellery - .......................
The hole that is made in your ear, nose or some other part of your body so that you can
wear jewellery there - .......................
A piece of jewellery consisting of a chain, string of beads, etc. worn around the neck -
A piece of jewellery worn around the wrist or arm - .......................
A clear precious stone of pure carbon, the hardest substance known - .......................
A piece of jewellery that you fasten in or on your ear - .......................

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Hairstyles and Describing Hair 1



: parting, sleek, crew out, hairline, bald, fringe and curly.

The front part of sb's hair that is cut so that it hangs over their forehead - .......................
The edge of a person's hair, especially at the front - .......................
A line on a person's head where the hair is divided with a comb - .......................
Smooth and shiny - .......................
A hairstyle for men in which the hair is cut very short - .......................
Having little or no hair on the head - .......................
Having a lot of curls or a curved shape - .......................


Hairstyles and Describing Hair 2



: hairdo, bunches, bun, close-cropped, balding, greasy and shoulder-length.

If you don't wash your hair, it will get very ....................... and difficult to style.
All the ballerinas wore their hair up in a ....................... .
Most of the schoolgirls had their hair in two ....................... .
She hasn't had her hair cut for some time and now it's nearly ....................... .
My brother is only in his thirties but he is already ....................... .
He has very ....................... hair so doesn't even need to brush it.
She was bored with her old style so she decided to try a new .................... for a change.


Hair Products & Pieces of Hair



: dye, hairspray, hairpiece, hairslide, shampoo, hairband and conditioner.

A strip of cloth or curved plastic worn by women in their hair, that fits closely over the
top of the head and behind the ears - .......................
A piece of false hair worn to make your own hair look longer or thicker - .......................
A substance sprayed onto the hair to hold it in a particular style - .......................
A substance that is used to change the color of things such as cloth or hair - .................
A liquid soap that is used for washing your hair - .......................
A small decorative piece of metal or plastic used by women for holding their hair in
place - .......................
A liquid that makes hair soft and shiny after washing - .......................


Hair Color and Hair Products



: darker, grey-haired, auburn, depilatory, hairspray, wig and conditioner.

He was born with blonde hair but it gradually went ....................... .
The stylist used lots of ....................... to hold the style in place.
She used to shave her legs but now she uses a ....................... cream instead.
If you use ....................... after your shampoo, your hair will be much shinier.
She has deep ....................... hair and it seems to match her fiery character.
My aunt dyes her hair because she doesn't like being ....................... .
Since she lost all her hair, she has started to wear a ....................... .

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Cutting and Doing Hair



: comb, shave, barber, dye, tongs, set and beauty salon.

To change the color of sth, especially by using a special liquid or substance - .................
To arrange sb's hair while it is wet so that it dries in a particular style - .......................
To cut hair from the skin, especially the face, using a razor - .......................
A tool that is heated and used for curling hairs - .......................
A place where you can pay for treatment to your face, hair, nails, etc., which is intended
to make you more beautiful - .......................
A person whose job is to cut men's hair and sometimes to shave them - .......................
A flat piece of plastic or metal with a row of thin teeth along one side, used for making
your hair neat – ………………..

Hair - Facial Hair and Hair Color



: eyebrow, dark, ginger, stubble, fair, moustache and beard.

The line of hair above the eye - .......................
A line of hair that a man allows to grow on his upper lip - .......................
Light brownish-orange in color - .......................
The short stiff hairs that grow on a man's face when he has not shaved recently - ..............
Pale in color - .......................
Hair that grows on the chin and cheeks of a man's face - .......................
Brown or black in color - .......................

Hair - Facial Hair and Pieces of Hair



: fringe, pigtails, strand, eyelashes, clean-shaven, sideburns and beard.

She has such beautiful long ................... that she never needs to wear eye make-up at all.
He looks very theatrical with those long .................. which go half way down his cheeks.
I have a long ......................... which sometimes gets in my eyes and makes it hard to see.
He decided to grow a .......................... but unfortunately the hair on his chin just doesn't
seem to grow.
Her mother plaited her hair into two ................................ and tied them with ribbon.
She has a nervous habit of twisting one ..................... of hair round and round her finger.
He must shave every day because he is always ................................. .

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Appearance - Age 1


A child or young person - kid
A person who is between 13 and 19 years old - teenager
All the people who were born at the same time - generation
A child who has only recently learnt to walk - toddler
A person who is under the age at which you legally become an adult - minor
A young man who is not yet an adult - child
Used as a polite word for 'old' - elderly

Appearance - Age 2


It is an offence to sell cigarettes to minors.
Last week we visited some elderly relatives in their retirement home.
The younger generation generally don't want advice from older people.
In her youth she had been a famous model. He is the youngest of six children.
She has experience of caring for infants but will not look after any child over the age of 2.
She was embarrassed by his juvenile behavior.

Appearance - Attractiveness 1


Moving in a controlled, attractive way - graceful
Thin, in a way that is attractive - slim
(of men) attractive - handsome
Very beautiful and attractive - gorgeous
A person or thing that is beautiful - beauty
Physically attractive - good-looking
Causing a feeling of strong dislike; very unpleasant - repulsive

Appearance - Attractiveness & Body Shape


Your brother is the most handsome man I've ever met.
She has difficulty finding clothes to fit her because she is so tall.
He is such a cheery, chubby little baby.
My grandmother is not just thin, she's bony.
Looking through these albums, I'd say her daughter is very photogenic.
He's looking over here and I think he fancies you!
She is eating less because she wants to be slimmer.

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Appearance - Attractiveness 2


She dresses in tight clothes which emphasize her voluptuous body.
It's fun to go to film premiers and watch the glamorous stars in their designer clothes.
He is wealthy and good-looking, which makes him a very eligible bachelor.
His aunt had a very strong character, matched by her statuesque figure.
This actor's rugged features have made him a popular choice for action hero roles.
She is like a little doll with her big eyes and dainty little feet.
I prefer intelligent men to macho types like him.

Appearance - Body Shape


Having a greater than average height - tall Small in height - short
Having a soft, round body; slightly fat - plump not covered with much flesh - thin
Very thin, especially in a way that you find unpleasant or ugly - skinny
Having too much flesh and weighing too much - fat
(of a girl, woman or her figure) small and thin - petite

Appearance - Expressions 1


The expression that you have on your face when you are happy, amused, etc. - smile
To become red in the face because you are embarrassed or ashamed - blush
To make an ugly expression with your face to show pain, disgust, etc. - grimace
To make a serious, angry, worried expression, bringing your eyebrows together - frown
To smile widely - grin
To look at sb/sth in an angry or annoyed way - scowl
To close one eye and open it again quickly, especially as a private signal to sb - wink

Appearance - Expressions 2


I realized he was only joking when he winked at me.
She was positively beaming with pleasure.
When his parents refused to let him stay up late, he scowled furiously at them.
The lecture was so boring that her eyes glazed over.
She sneered at his small car and pointed towards her own Mercedes.
She winced in pain when the nurse gave her the injection.
She was so embarrassed, she blushed bright red.

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Appearance - Female Attractiveness


Especially attractive and exciting, and different from ordinary things or peoples -
glamorous To describe a woman whose body has attractive curves - curvaceous
Pleasing to the senses or to the mind - beautiful
Attractive without being very beautiful - pretty
Not attractive or fashionable - dowdy
A young person, usually a woman, who is sexually attractive but not very intelligent -
Tall and beautiful in an impressive way - statuesque

Appearance - Male Attractiveness


Looking or behaving like a boy, in a way that is attractive - boyish
Confident, elegant and polite, sometimes in a way that does not seem sincere - suave
A man who is big, strong and sexually attractive - hunk
A person who acts in a way that makes them attractive to others, sometimes influence
others - charmer
Thought to be a good choice as a husband, usually because he is rich or attractive -
A famous man, usually an actor or a singer, that a lot of women find attractive –
Male in an aggressive way – macho

Appearance - Position & Movement


Attractive and showing a good sense of style - elegant
Able to move quickly and easily - nimble
Not mobbing in an easy way; not comfortable - awkward
To walk slowly or with difficulty because one leg is injured - limp
Moving in a controlled, attractive way or having a smooth, attractive form - graceful
Not involving much energy or activity - lazy
Calm and not anxious or worried - relaxed

Appearance - Position, Posture & Movement


When he's nervous you can tell because his eyebrow twitches.
Her nimble fingers make her an excellent pianist.
His mum found him slumped over his homework, fast asleep.
My mother is a well-dressed and elegant woman.
Stand with your arms by your side and your head erect.
We've got some time, so let's saunter down to the bookshop and look at the best-sellers.
She skipped happily along beside me.

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Body - Eyes


Looking swollen - puffy
With the part that is usually white full of red lines because of lack of sleep, etc. - bloodshot
One of the hairs growing on the edge of the eyelids - eyelash
The small round black area at the centre of the eye - pupil
The line of hair above the eye - eyebrow Showing no feeling or emotion; dull - glazed
The whole of the eye, including the part inside the head that cannot be seen - eyeball

Body - Skin


A red or brown mark on a person's skin that has been there since they were born -
The natural color and condition of the skin on a person's face - complexion
A small, pale brown spot on a person's skin, especially on their face, caused by the sun -
A mark that is left on the skin after a wound has healed - scar
A blue, brown or purple mark that appears on the skin after sb has fallen, been hit, etc. -
The brown color that sb with pale skin goes when they have been in the sun - tan
A line or small fold in your skin, especially on your face, that forms as you get older –

Body - Mouth & Teeth


A set of artificial teeth used by sb who has lost their natural teeth - false teeth
Any of the four large teeth at the back of the mouth that do not grow until you are an adult
wisdom tooth
Either of the firm areas of flesh in the mouth to which the teeth are attached - gum
Any of the first set of teeth in young children that drop out and are replaced by others -
milk tooth
A hole in a tooth - cavity
A small amount of metal or other material used to fill a hole in a tooth - filling
Either of the two bones at the bottom of the face that contain the teeth and move when you
talk or eat – jaw

Body - Hands & Nails -


The smallest finger of the hand - little finger
The short thick finger at the side of the hand, slightly apart from the other four - thumb A
hand when it is tightly closed with the fingers bent into the palm - fist
The inner surface of the hand between the wrist and the fingers - palm
The thin hard layer that covers the outer tip of each finger - fingernail
Any of the joints in the fingers, especially those connecting the fingers to the rest of the
hand - knuckle
The finger next to the thumb - index finger

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Body - Hands & Nails, Mouth & Teeth


At the beauty salon, she chose pink varnish for her nails.
I was so surprised to see her sucking her thumb like a baby!
He opened his mouth to start singing but there was a problem with the music.
She will have to wear her brace for a year until her teeth are straight.
Hold the pen between your finger and thumb.
He was so angry, he punched the door with his fist.
That naughty little girl keeps poking her tongue out at people.

Body - Face


Either side of the face below the eyes - cheek
The edge of a person's hair, especially at the front - hairline
Either of the two openings at the end of the nose that you breathe through - nostril
The part of the face above the eyes and below the hair - forehead
Either of the two soft edges at the opening to the mouth - lip
A look on a person's face that shows their thoughts or feelings - expression
The part of the face below the mouth and above the neck - chin

Body - Face & Eyes


I could tell from her expression that she was worried.
She looked at me with her piercing blue eyes.
Use mascara to make your eyelashes look longer.
In this country it is usual to kiss your friends on both cheeks when you greet them.
Now put your helmet on and fasten the strap beneath your chin.
He raised one eyebrow and looked at me in surprise.
His eyes were totally bloodshot from lack of sleep.

Body - Body Parts


The top part of the front of the body, between the neck and the stomach - chest
The opening in the face used for speaking, eating, etc. - mouth
The part of the body at the end of the arm, including the fingers and thumb - hand
The part of the body that you sit on - bottom
Either of the organs on the sides of the head that you hear with - ear
The joint between the hand and the arm - wrist
The joint connecting the foot to the leg - ankle

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Body - Organs & Body Parts


These images clearly show the baby developing inside the uterus.
He looked back over his shoulder.
Blocked arteries can lead to a heart attack.
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.
They all nodded their heads in agreement.
She opened her mouth wide so the dentist could check her teeth.
He's in a lot of pain after pulling his thigh muscle during the hundred meters race.

Body - Organs


The organ in women and female animals in which babies develop before they are born -
Humans have two of these organs to remove waste products from the blood and produce
urine - kidney
Either of the two organs in a woman's body that produce eggs - ovary
The organ inside the head that controls movement, thought, memory and feeling - brain
The organ in the chest that sends blood around the body - heart
Either of the two organs in the chest that you use for breathing - lung
An organ near the stomach that produces insulin and a liquid that helps to digest food –

Body - Skeleton


Any of the small bones that are connected together to form the spine - vertebra
Either of the two large flat bones at the top of the back - shoulder blade
The row of small bones that are connected together down the middle of the back – spine
The small bone that covers the front of the knee - kneecap
The wide curved set of bones at the bottom of the body that the legs and spine are
connected to - pelvis
Either of the two bones that go from the base of the neck to the shoulders - collarbone
Any of the curved bones that are connected to the spine and surround the chest - rib

Body - Skeleton & Skin


He broke many bones in the accident, including one rib which punctured his lung.
The scientists were pleased to find the jawbone of the animal, which still had some teeth
in it.
My new shoes have rubbed and given me a blister on my heel.
If she spends time in the sun, she gets freckles across her nose and cheeks.
She looks so pale, I think she might faint.
At the age of ninety-nine, it's not surprising she ahs wrinkles!
He fell out of the tree onto his head and cracked his skull but there was no brain damage.

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Clothing - Describing Clothes 1


Very correct and suitable for official or important occasions - formal
Clean, neat and looking new and attractive - smart
With the top very low so that you can see the neck and the top of the chest - low-cut
Making you feel physically relaxed; pleasant to wear - comfortable
Not fitting closely - loose Not formal - casual
Making sb look more attractive – flattering

Clothing - Describing Clothes 2


She looked very sporty in her new tracksuit and trainers.
The invitation stated that guests should wear formal evening dress.
I advise you to wear smart clothes to the interview tomorrow.
Rather than buy from a shop, he prefers to have his suits tailor-made.
Big, wide flared trousers are coming back into fashion.
She was wearing skintight leggings with a loose top.
She was wearing an unflattering dress which made her look overweight.

Clothing - Clothes & Shoes


I guessed that she had just got up because she was still wearing her pajamas.
Construction workers wear special boots with steel caps to protect their feet.
My little daughter gets dressed by herself but she can't do up the buttons on her cardigan yet.
It was so cold, we were glad of our hats and scarves.
We couldn't play tennis because John forgot to bring his trainers.
I don't know how those models walk in such high platform shoes.
He loves summer because his favorite clothes are shorts and a T-shirt.

Clothing - Wearing Clothes


This skirt is too long but my mum will take up the hem for me so I can wear it.
Her dress has a high neck and long sleeves so it will be warm for winter.
He was doing up his shirt when one of the buttons came off.
It was an old-fashioned design with lots of lace.
He was dressed very formally in a dark blue suit.
Of course you can't wear a tie if your shirt has no collar.
I love these jeans but I can't wear them anymore because the zip is broken.

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Clothing - Accessories


A long narrow piece of cloth worn around the neck, especially by men, with a knot in front
- tie
A type of small clock that you wear on your wrist, or (in the past) carried in your pocket -
A pair of glasses with dark glass in them that you wear to protect your eyes from bright
light from the sun - sunglasses
A small flat folding case made of leather or plastic used for keeping paper money and
credit cards in -wallet
A piece of cloth that is worn around the neck, for example for warmth or decoration - scarf
A covering for the hand, made of wool, leather, etc. with separate parts for each finger and
the thumb - glove
A long narrow piece of leather, cloth, etc. that you wear around the waist - belt

Clothing - Accessories & Jewellery


He went to the police to report his wallet, with 500 dollars inside, had been stolen.
Her brother gave her a necklace made out of wooden beads.
She was wearing a sparkly belt around her waist.
He bought her a shiny diamond ring for their anniversary.
My grandmother wore her locket all her life and she told me it contained a picture of
grandpa. You might want to put a scarf round your neck because it's chilly tonight.
She has to wear a name badge as part of her uniform.

Clothing - Jewellery


A piece of jewellery with a pin on the back of it, that can be fastened to your clothes -
A small piece of glass, wood, etc. with a hole through it, that can be put on a string with
others of the same type and worn as jewellery - bead
The hole that is made in your ear, nose or some other part of your body so that you can
wear jewellery there - piercing
A piece of jewellery consisting of a chain, string of beads, etc. worn around the neck -
A piece of jewellery worn around the wrist or arm - bracelet
A clear precious stone of pure carbon, the hardest substance known - diamond
A piece of jewellery that you fasten in or on your ear - earring

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Hair - Hairstyles and Describing Hair 1


The front part of sb's hair that is cut so that it hangs over their forehead - fringe
The edge of a person's hair, especially at the front - hairline
A line on a person's head where the hair is divided with a comb - parting
Smooth and shiny - sleek
A hairstyle for men in which the hair is cut very short - crew cut
Having little or no hair on the head - bald
Having a lot of curls or a curved shape - curly

Hair - Hairstyles and Describing Hair 2


If you don't wash your hair, it will get very greasy and difficult to style.
All the ballerinas wore their hair up in a bun.
Most of the schoolgirls had their hair in two bunches.
She hasn't had her hair cut for some time and now it's nearly shoulder-length.
My brother is only in his thirties but he is already balding.
He has very close-cropped hair so doesn't even need to brush it.
She was bored with her old style so she decided to try a new hairdo for a change.

Hair - Hair Products & Pieces of Hair


A strip of cloth or curved plastic worn by women in their hair, that fits closely over the top
of the head and behind the ears - hairband
A piece of false hair worn to make your own hair look longer or thicker - hairpiece
A substance sprayed onto the hair to hold it in a particular style - hairspray
A substance that is used to change the color of things such as cloth or hair - dye
A liquid soap that is used for washing your hair - shampoo
A small decorative piece of metal or plastic used by women for holding their hair in place -
A liquid that makes hair soft and shiny after washing - conditioner

Hair - Hair Color and Hair Products


He was born with blonde hair but it gradually went darker.
The stylist used lots of hairspray to hold the style in place.
She used to shave her legs but now she uses a depilatory cream instead.
If you use conditioner after your shampoo, your hair will be much shinier.
She has deep auburn hair and it seems to match her fiery character.
My aunt dyes her hair because she doesn't like being grey-haired.
Since she lost all her hair, she has started to wear a wig.

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Hair - Cutting and Doing Hair


To change the color of sth, especially by using a special liquid or substance - dye
To arrange sb's hair while it is wet so that it dries in a particular style - set
To cut hair from the skin, especially the face, using a razor - shave
A tool that is heated and used for curling hairs - tongs
A place where you can pay for treatment to your face, hair, nails, etc., which is intended to
make you more beautiful - beauty salon
A person whose job is to cut men's hair and sometimes to shave them - barber
A flat piece of plastic or metal with a row of thin teeth along one side, used for making
your hair neat – comb

Hair - Facial Hair and Hair Color


The line of hair above the eye - eyebrow
A line of hair that a man allows to grow on his upper lip - moustache
Light brownish-orange in color - ginger
The short stiff hairs that grow on a man's face when he has not shaved recently - stubble
Pale in color - fair
Hair that grows on the chin and cheeks of a man's face - beard
Brown or black in color - dark

Hair - Facial Hair and Pieces of Hair


She has such beautiful long eyelashes that she never needs to wear eye make-up at all.
He looks very theatrical with those long sideburns which go half way down his cheeks.
I have a long fringe which sometimes gets in my eyes and makes it hard to see.
He decided to grow a beard but unfortunately the hair on his chin just doesn't seem to
Her mother plaited her hair into two pigtails and tied them with ribbon.
She has a nervous habit of twisting one strand of hair round and round her finger.
He must shave every day because he is always clean-shaven.

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